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Microbes and Infection, 3, 2001, 1335−1344

© 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved


Animal models of Salmonella infections:

enteritis versus typhoid fever
Renato L. Santosa, Shuping Zhanga, Renée M. Tsolisa, Robert A. Kingsleyb,
L. Garry Adamsa, Andreas J. Bäumlerb*
Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-4467, USA
Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, College of Medicine, Texas A&M University System Health Science Center,
407 Reynolds Medical Building, College Station, TX 77843-1114, USA

ABSTRACT – The most common disease syndromes caused by Salmonella serotypes in humans,
typhoid fever and enteritis, can be modeled using Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium infections in
mice and calves, respectively. This article reviews murine typhoid and bovine enteritis and discusses
strengths, limitations and distinctive features of these animal models. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et
médicales Elsevier SAS
murine typhoid / bovine enteritis / Salmonella pathogenesis

1. Introduction travel. In human volunteers, fever is the first symptom and

manifests after a median incubation period of 5–9 days,
From the standpoint of human disease, Salmonella depending on the challenge dose [2]. Typhoid fever
serotypes can be divided into three groups that cause patients are often constipated during the early stages of
distinctive clinical syndromes, typhoid fever, bacteremia infection but about one third develop diarrhea subsequent
and enteritis. Animal models are frequently used to study to the onset of fever [3]. Biopsies taken from the upper
the virulence mechanisms of Salmonella serotypes that are small intestine as early as three days post experimental
important for two of these human disease syndromes, infection of volunteers with serotype Typhi reveal diffuse
typhoid fever and enteritis. This article will review the enteritis caused predominantly by a mononuclear leuko-
strengths and limitations of using different animal species cyte infiltrate [4]. Similarly, mucosal thickening of the
to model infections caused by Salmonella serotypes in ileum due to a polymorphonuclear-poor, mononuclear-
man. The symptoms in human patients or volunteers rich infiltrate is characteristic in typhoid fever patients [5].
closely resemble signs of disease observed in primate Tissue colonization of serotype Typhi may produce capil-
models. However, the high cost and scarcity of these lary thrombosis in Peyer’s patches of the terminal ileum
animals has prevented the widespread use of this model. which can result in hemorrhage, necrosis (usually observed
Emphasis will therefore be placed on two animal models in the second week of infection), ulceration and intestinal
that are used most successfully for elucidating virulence perforation (usually observed in the third week) [6].
mechanisms, the mouse and the calf. To give the reader Enlargement of mesenteric lymph nodes, liver and spleen
background information on how closely the animal model is accompanied by granulomatous lesions. The low-level
approximates the human disease the characteristic fea- bacteremia detected in most patients is important for the
tures of typhoid fever, bacteremia and enteritis are sum- systemic spread of bacteria but endotoxin appears not to
marized briefly in the following paragraphs. play a major role in the pathogenesis of typhoid fever [7,
Typhoid (enteric) fever is a systemic infection in man 8]. While rhesus monkeys are resistant to infection, typhoid
that is caused by Salmonella serotypes which are strictly fever can be induced by oral infection of chimpanzees
adapted to humans or higher primates, including Salmo- with serotype Typhi [9]. In this animal model, mucosal
nella enterica serotypes Typhi, Paratyphi A, Paratyphi B, thickening of the ileum and enlargement of Peyer’s patches
and Paratyphi C. The disease is currently rare in the United is due to a diffuse enteritis characterized by infiltration of
States [1] and Europe but endemic in Asia, Africa and predominantly mononuclear leukocytes [10]. Further-
South America from where it can be imported by foreign more, a reactive follicular hyperplasia of lymphoid fol-
licles of Peyer’s patches is noted [11].

*Correspondence and reprints. Enteritis is caused by any of more than 2 500 Salmo-
E-mail address: abaumler@tamu.edu (A.J. Bäumler). nella serotypes, however, S. enterica serotypes Typhimu

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rium and Enteritidis are encountered most frequently [12]. typhoid fever. Serotype Typhimurium is a natural pathogen
Salmonella enteritis represents the second most common for rodents as shown by its frequent association with
cause of bacterial food-borne disease of known etiology in disease in this animal reservoir [27]. The interaction of
the United States [1]. The most common vehicles of trans- serotype Typhimurium with one of its natural hosts is
mission are meat, meat products, dairy products, eggs or considered by many to be a better model for studying
egg products containing Salmonella serotypes either typhoid fever than more recently developed artificial sys-
because animals are infected or because fecal contamina- tems (e.g., serotype Typhi infection of mice treated with
tion occurs during processing [13]. The infection is local- iron) [28].
ized to the ileum, colon and mesenteric lymph nodes and Today, susceptible mouse lineages (e.g., Balb/c) are
commonly manifests within 12–72 h after ingestion of widely used to study the pathogenesis of serotype Typh-
contaminated food with diarrhea, vomiting and abdomi- imurium infections. These animals show signs of disease
nal pain. Rectal biopsies reveal an acute enteritis charac- (i.e. elevated temperature as indicated by ruffled fur)
terized by mucosal edema and acute inflammation with between 4–8 days post oral infection, however, diarrhea
polymorphonuclear leukocytes [14, 15]. Bacteremia is does not develop. Gross pathology of the intestine com-
uncommon and transient in this syndrome [16]. Enteritis monly reveals enlarged Peyer’s patches and a thickening
can be modeled by oral infection of rhesus monkeys with of the ileal mucosa. A diffuse enteritis is present in the
serotype Typhimurium [17, 18]. In this model, lesions due small intestine characterized by a predominantly mono-
to infiltration of the mucosa with polymorphonuclear leu- nuclear leukocyte infiltrate as well as edematous villi
kocytes are first observed in the colon and subsequently which become shortened in height (figure 1) [29]. Follicu-
involve the ileum. Blood cultures of rhesus monkeys are lar hyperplasia of the lymphoid tissue, capillary thrombo-
negative and no significant lesions are observed in liver, sis, hemorrhage, and ulcerations may be present in the
spleen or bone marrow. terminal ileum at areas of Peyer’s patches. The intestinal
Bacteremia (septicemia) is the least common clinical epithelium in other areas of the intestine remains largely
syndrome in man. It is caused by the porcine-adapted intact (figure 1). The intestinal pathology and inflamma-
S. enterica serotype Choleraesuis and the bovine-adapted tory reaction in mice is hence more similar to that of
S. enterica serotype Dublin which may enter the food typhoid fever patients [4–6] than it is to that caused by
chain through undercooked pork products or unpasteur- serotype Typhimurium in human intestines [14, 15].
ized milk, respectively [19–21]. The syndrome clinically Furthermore, unlike the localized infection serotype
differs from enteritis in that bacteria are frequently isolated Typhimurium causes in man, susceptible mice develop a
from blood while diarrhea is observed in only about one systemic disease characterized by rapid bacterial multipli-
third of the patients infected with serotypes Dublin or cation in the liver and spleen at a net growth rate of
Choleraesuis [19, 20, 22]. Bacteremia is often accompa- 0.5–1.5 log/day [30, 31] which results in hepatomegaly
nied by a high spiking fever that distinguishes the syn- and splenomegaly. Growth of bacteria in the mesenteric
drome from typhoid fever in which a more continuous lymph node, the liver and the spleen triggers the formation
fever is observed [19]. Furthermore, bacteremia caused by of acute abscesses containing predominantly polymor-
serotypes Dublin or Choleraesuis often occurs without phonuclear leukocytes. These microscopic lesions become
local manifestations (enteric pathology is encountered enlarged and are gradually transformed into granulomata
rarely), a clinical feature that distinguishes this syndrome with central necrosis and peripheral mononuclear leuko-
from both, typhoid fever and enteritis [19]. Finally, among cytes [32]. In these lesions, serotype Typhimurium resides
patients recovering from infection with serotype Choler- intracellularly inside macrophages [33]. The granulomata
aesuis, healthy carriers are encountered less frequently observed in mice are similar to those present in tissues of
than typically described for serotypes causing enteritis or chimpanzees infected with serotype Typhi [11]. Death of
typhoid fever. Thus a rapid clearance of the organism from animals likely results from the lesions in hepatic tissues
intestinal sites distinguishes the bacteremic syndrome from triggered by pro-inflammatory cytokine and/or inducible
both enteritis and typhoid fever [19]. nitric oxide synthase responses elicited by lipid A [34].
One obvious limitation of the mouse model of typhoid
fever is that serotype Typhimurium causes enteritis rather
2. The mouse model of typhoid fever than typhoid fever in humans. Thus, humans and mice
exhibit strikingly different host responses to serotype Typh-
In 1892 Loeffler described the causative agent of murine imurium infections. Furthermore, serotype Typhi genes
typhoid, an epidemic typhoid fever-like disease in mice. which are required for causing typhoid fever but which are
The lesions in internal organs of mice closely resembled absent from or functionally altered in serotype Typhimu-
those observed in typhoid fever victims. Since the mouse rium cannot be studied in the mouse model. In addition,
isolate displayed similar growth characteristics as bacteria not all information obtained using the mouse model can
isolated from typhoid fever patients (then known as Bacil- be directly applied to improving our understanding of
lus typhi) it was termed B. typhimurium (now S. enterica typhoid fever since some virulence factors of serotype
serotype Typhimurium) [23]. Initial studies revealed that Typhimurium are absent from the serovar Typhi genome.
the distribution of bacteria in tissue of mice infected with For instance, the Salmonella plasmid virulence (spv)
serotype Typhimurium [24, 25] is similar to that in typhoid operon is required for full mouse virulence of serotype
fever patients [26]. These early reports therefore estab- Typhimurium [35] but is not present in serotype Typhi
lished murine typhoid as an animal model for the study of [36]. Finally, some genes that are present in serotype Typhi
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attenuated typhoid fever vaccine candidates. That is muta-

tions in aroA [52], cya and crp [53], phoP [54] and htrA
[55] cause optimal attenuation of serotype Typhimurium
in mice while retaining immunogenicity of the vaccine
strain. The information generated in the mouse model was
used for the design of new live attenuated serotype Typhi
vaccine strains carrying deletions in aroC and aroD [56],
aroC, aroD and htrA [57], aroA, aroC and htrA [58], cya
and crp [59] or phoPQ [60]. These data illustrate the
usefulness of the mouse model for studying the pathogen-
esis of typhoid fever.

3. The bovine model of human enteritis

Since mice infected with serotype Typhimurium do not
develop diarrhea, murine typhoid is not suited to study the
pathogenesis of enteritis in humans. In contrast, natural or
experimental infection of calves with serotype Typhimu-
rium results in an enteric disease with clinical and patho-
logical features that parallel the disease in man. Recent
studies have thus focused on the calf as a model for
Salmonella-induced enteritis.
Although cattle may be infected with many Salmonella
serotypes [61, 62], the two serotypes most frequently
associated with disease are Dublin and Typhimurium
[63–65]. In humans these serotypes are associated with
different disease syndromes, namely bacteremia and
enteritis, respectively [20, 21]. Similarly, the disease caused
by serotype Dublin in cattle differs in several aspects from
Figure 1. Hematoxylin and eosin stained histological sections of that caused by serotype Typhimurium. Unlike serotype
the murine ileum (bar = 100 µm). Upper half: uninfected con- Typhimurium, serotype Dublin may cause abortion in
trol. Lower half: ileum of Balb/c mouse 5 days post infection with pregnant cows and heifers with no other clinical signs of
a lethal dose of serotype Typhimurium strain ATCC14028. Note infection [66, 67]. Infections with serotype Dublin may
a diffuse enteritis associated with edema which is caused by result in chronic carriage as opposed to only transient
infiltration of predominantly mononuclear leukocytes. carriage observed in cattle infected with serotype Typh-
imurium [68, 69]. Eventually these carriers may have
activation of the infection associated with clinical signs
and required for serotype Typhimurium infection in mice [63]. Like serotype Typhimurium infections, the most
are not essential for the pathogenesis of typhoid fever. For important clinical manifestation of serotype Dublin infec-
example, a mutation in galE renders serotype Typhimu- tion in young calves is diarrhea [70, 71]. However, sero-
rium avirulent for mice [37, 38] but a serotype Typhi galE type Typhimurium induces greater secretory and inflam-
mutant is not avirulent for human volunteers [39]. matory responses than serotype Dublin in bovine ligated
Although it is important to be aware of possible limita- ileal loops [72]. Furthermore, serotype Dublin causes a
tions when extrapolating results from murine typhoid to more invasive infection in calves which can manifest as
typhoid fever, it is clear that the strengths of the mouse meningoencephalitis, polyarthritis, osteomyelitis, and
model outweigh its shortcomings. The mouse model has pneumonia that eventually occurs in the absence of a
been extremely useful in identifying virulence mecha- diarrheal disease [67]. The spv operon, which is required
nisms of serotype Typhimurium. The type III secretion during the systemic phase of infection in mice, is essential
system encoded by Salmonella pathogenicity island (SPI) for full virulence of serotype Dublin in calves [73, 74] but
2 and the spv operon, two major virulence determinants of plays little role during the localized infection caused by
serotype Typhimurium, were identified during in vivo serotype Typhimurium calves [75]. Considering the inva-
screens performed in the mouse model [40, 41]. Further- sive character of serotype Dublin infections in both cattle
more, the mouse model was used to establish the role and humans, the enteric disease caused by serotype Typh-
during infection of major virulence factors identified in imurium in calves appears to be better suited to for mod-
tissue culture assays, such as the type III secretion system eling Salmonella-induced enteritis in man.
encoded on SPI1 [42] and many others. The use of knock- Upon oral infection with serotype Typhimurium calves
out mice has revealed new insights into host factors develop clinical signs within 12–48 h [75], which is simi-
required for innate resistance and acquired immunity to lar to the short incubation period observed in rhesus
Salmonella infections [43–51]. In addition, the mouse monkeys [17] or human volunteer studies [76]. Clinical
model has been used successfully for identifying live signs of disease during experimental infection include

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diarrhea, anorexia, fever, dehydration and prostration [75,

77, 78]. Usually oral inoculations with 104–107 colony-
forming units (CFU) causes transient diarrhea which per-
sists for 2–8 days, whereas lethality may be caused at
doses between 108 and 1011 CFU [75, 77–79]. Morbidity
and mortality are inversely proportional to age [78] and
approximately 75% of natural serotype Typhimurium infec-
tions occur in calves less than 2 months of age, before the
animals are weaned [65]. Similarly, the incidence of
Salmonella-induced enteritis in the US is highest among
children aged less than 1 year with 111 cases per 100 000
population [80].
Calves infected with serotype Typhimurium tend to
have a more severe dehydration than in other neonatal
diarrheal diseases, resulting in an average weight loss of
18.7% [81]. The most marked hematological change in
infected calves is a transient leukopenia with neutropenia
at the early stages, reflecting the initial influx of polymor-
phonuclear leukocytes into the intestinal mucosa, while
neutrophilia develops at later stages of the infection [78,
82]. The levels of plasma sodium and calcium are
decreased possibly as a result of the electrolyte loss during
serotype Typhimurium-induced diarrhea [83]. Calves with
Salmonella-induced diarrhea frequently develop meta-
bolic acidosis with blood pH measurements of 7.0 or less
[67]. Fluid and electrolyte imbalances associated with
acidosis have also been reported for Salmonella-induced
enteritis in man [84].
The most severe pathological changes in calves infected
with serotype Typhimurium are restricted to the intestine Figure 2. Gross pathology of the bovine ileum. Upper half:
[75, 77]. Grossly, the mesenteric lymph nodes are often uninfected control. Lower half: 12 h post infection with a lethal
enlarged and the caudal portion of the small intestine dose of serotype Typhimurium strain ATCC14028. Note the
(caudal jejunum and ileum) is congested and distended severe acute fibrinopurulent necrotizing enteritis with
with fluid. A fibrino-purulent enteritis is commonly seen pseudomembrane formation.
although the aspect of the exudate may vary from mucoid
to fibrino-necrotic. A distinct fibrino-necrotic pseudomem- nuclear leukocytes are proposed to play a decisive role in
brane is sometimes attached to the surface of Peyer’s the pathogenesis of serotype Typhimurium-induced diar-
patches and, in severe cases, may cover the mucosa of the rhea.
terminal 5 m of the ileum and the cranial 1–2 m of the The ileal ligated loop model, adapted from other spe-
colon (figure 2) [75, 77]. Microscopically, marked lym- cies to calves [87] can be used for studying the early
phoid depletion is evident in the lymphoid nodules at the pathologic changes occurring during infection [88] and
Peyer’s patches [75]. However, lymphoid depletion is not for characterizing virulence factors [89]. A drawback of
restricted to the intestinal wall and may be observed in the ligated intestinal loop model is that it is only suited for
other lymphoid organs such as mesenteric lymph nodes, studying early steps during infection. As a result, data
thymus and spleen [85]. Furthermore, experimentally obtained using ileal loop experiments may not be predic-
infected animals develop a fibrino-purulent necrotizing tive of the degree of attenuation observed during an oral
enteritis characterized by a severe diffuse infiltration of infection. For instance, a sopB (sigD) mutant of serotype
polymorphonuclear leukocytes associated with necrosis Typhimurium causes significantly less fluid accumulation
of the upper mucosa [75, 77]. Similar lesions occur in and polymorphonuclear leukocyte influx in bovine ileal
naturally infected calves [86]. The intestinal pathology loops, suggestive of a role in diarrheal disease (Santos, R.L.
and the pattern of inflammatory reaction (influx of pre- et al., Infect. Immun. 69 (2001) 4610–4617). However, a
dominantly polymorphonuclear leukocytes) observed in serotype Typhimurium sopB mutant causes diarrhea, intes-
calves is thus strikingly similar to that of serotype tinal lesions and lethal morbidity in calves infected orally
Typhimurium-induced enteritis in non-human primates [75]. These data suggest that the onset of fluid accumula-
[17, 18] and in humans [14, 15]. In sharp contrast, mice tion and polymorphonuclear leukocyte influx is merely
infected with serotype Typhimurium develop a diffuse delayed in a sopB mutant. Despite this shortcoming, the
enteritis in the small intestine characterized by localized bovine ligated ileal loop model clearly is a valuable tool to
erosion of intestinal epithelium and a predominantly study early steps of enteric disease in cattle.
mononuclear leukocyte infiltrate that is not associated Ultrastructural studies of infected ileal ligated loops
with diarrhea (figure 1) [29]. Therefore, polymorpho- demonstrate that serotype Typhimurium induces ruffling of
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the plasma membrane at the apical side of intestinal cedes fluid secretion (Santos, R.L. et al., Infect. Immun. 69
epithelial cells [88], invading either M cells or absorptive (2001) 4610–4617). Within 12 h post infection the intes-
enterocytes (figure 3) [90]. In ligated ileal loops, bacteria tinal epithelium is largely destroyed and a fibrinopurulent
can be detected inside epithelial cells as early as 20 min exudate forms in the intestinal lumen (figure 5). Since
post infection, and in macrophages in the lamina propria polymorphonuclear leukocyte influx and damage to the
containing bacteria were detected at 60 min after infec- intestinal epithelium precede fluid accumulation in intes-
tion [88]. A blunting of villi is observed soon after infection tinal loops it can be speculated that serotype Typhimurium
of loops with serotype Typhimurium (figure 4). Although causes a predominantly exudative diarrhea.
the mechanism of Salmonella-induced diarrhea is still not In summary, the calf is an excellent model for studying
clear, some previous reports indicate that it is distinct from Salmonella-induced enteritis since serotype Typhimurium
a secretory diarrhea such as that caused by cholera toxin is a natural pathogen of cattle in which it causes similar
[18, 84, 91]. As discussed in the following section, viru- signs of disease and pathology as observed in humans.
lence factors essential for serotype Typhimurium to cause
disease in calves are implicated in inducing influx of
polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Infiltration with polymor- 4. The relative importance of serotype
phonuclear leukocytes is evident within 1 h after infection Typhimurium virulence factors during
in ligated ileal loops and this inflammatory response pre-
infection of mice and calves
As outlined above, serotype Typhimurium is used both
in the mouse model of typhoid fever and the bovine model

Figure 3. Transmission electron micrographs of serotype Typh-

imurium strain ATCC14028 invading epithelial cells in bovine Figure 4. Scanning electron micrographs of bovine ligated ileal
ligated ileal loops (bar = 2 µm). Upper half: bacterial invasion of loops (bar = 50 µm). Upper half: uninfected control. Lower half:
enterocytes associated with ruffling of the membrane at the apical 3 h post infection with serotype Typhimurium strain
surface. Lower half: bacterial invasion of M cells. ATCC14028. Note the marked blunting of intestinal villi.

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replicate in macrophages [96]. In calves, on the other

hand, inactivation of SPI2 results in a reduced severity of
intestinal lesions but only in a modest attenuation (< 15-
fold) of serotype typhimurium during an oral infection
While mutations in galE, spv and SPI2 lead to a greater
attenuation of serotype Typhimurium in the mouse than in
the calf model, the opposite is true for mutations in genes
required during the intestinal phase of infection. For
example, the invasion associated type III secretion system
encoded by SPI1 is required for serotype Typhimurium
colonization of murine Peyer’s patches [42] and the bovine
small intestine [83, 97]. Mutations that prevent type III
secretion (prgH) or translocation (sipB, sipC, sipD) of
effector proteins into the host cell cytosol result in aviru-
lence and the absence of diarrhea in the calf model [75,
83]. A mutation in hilA, encoding a positive regulator of
SPI1 [98], renders serotype Typhimurium avirulent during
oral infection of calves [75] and results in strongly reduced
fluid accumulation and inflammation in bovine ligated
ileal loops [99]. However, a mutation in hilA has little or
no effect on mouse virulence of this pathogen [99]. These
data demonstrate that attenuation in the mouse model
caused by mutations in serotype Typhimurium virulence
genes are not always predictive of the degree of attenua-
tion observed in the calf.

5. Conclusions
Virulence is a complex phenotype which fully mani-
fests only during host pathogen interactions in vivo. Study-
Figure 5. Hematoxylin and eosin stained histological sections of ing a natural infection in an animal which develops signs
bovine ligated ileal loops (bar = 100 µm). Upper half: uninfected of disease similar to those observed in humans is thus
control. Lower half: 12 h post infection with serotype Typhimu- essential for a complete understanding of Salmonella
rium strain ATCC14028. Note diffuse infiltration with predomi- pathogenesis. For instance, in vitro experiments using
nantly polymorphonuclear leukocytes, destruction of intestinal epithelial cell lines have shown that the SPI1 secreted
epithelium (with the exception of epithelial cells in the crypts), effector protein SipA (SspA) binds and stabilizes actin
and fibrinopurulent exudate in the intestinal lumen. filaments, modulates the actin-bundling activity of T-plastin
and contributes to transepithelial migration of polymor-
phonuclear leukocytes [100–102]. A mutation in sipA
of human enteritis. The analysis of serotype Typhimurium (sspA) of serotype Typhimurium results neither in attenua-
mutant phenotypes in mice and calves reveals that major tion in the mouse typhoid model nor in an obvious inva-
virulence determinants do not contribute equally to murine sion defect in tissue culture cells, although entry is delayed
typhoid and bovine enteritis. at early time points [102–104]. Furthermore, this mutation
A number of virulence determinants required for growth causes neither reduced invasion of the bovine intestinal
at systemic sites of infection in mice are less important mucosa nor does it reduce the severity of diarrhea or
during the localized infection caused by serotype Typh- intestinal lesions during an oral infection of calves [83].
imurium in calves. For instance, LPS core biosynthesis However, a sipA mutant is unable to cause mortality in
genes, the spv operon and SPI2 are required for growth of calves when administered orally at a dose of 1010 CFU/
serotype Typhimurium at systemic sites of infection in animal, a phenotype that is not predicted by experimental
mice [92–94]. A serotype Typhimurium galE mutant is infection of mice [83]. Furthermore, there is currently no
avirulent in the murine typhoid model [37, 38] but causes obvious connection between the role of SipA in modulat-
mortality when administered orally to calves at a dose of ing processes in epithelial cell lines in vitro and its involve-
1010 CFU/animal [95]. The spv operon is required for full ment in causing lethal morbidity in calves. This example
mouse virulence [35] but serotype Typhimurium spv illustrates the importance of using an animal model, which
mutants cause severe intestinal lesions and mortality at resembles the natural course of infection and the typical
wild-type level in calves infected orally at a dose of signs of disease to elucidate mechanisms important for the
1010 CFU/animal [75]. A mutation in SPI2 renders sero- pathogenesis of enteritis. Thus, an appropriate animal
type Typhimurium avirulent (> 10 000-fold attenuated) for model is still an invaluable tool for the study of human
mice [41] because bacteria have a reduced ability to disease syndromes caused by Salmonella serotypes.
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grant number 000089-0051-1999. Work in A. Bäumler’s 117–131.
laboratory is supported by Public Health Service grants
#AI40124 and #AI44170. [15] McGovern V.J., Slavutin L.J., Pathology of salmonella
colitis, Am. J. Surg. Pathol. 3 (1979) 483–490.

References [16] Mandal B.K., Brennand J., Bacteraemia in salmonellosis:

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