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Shear strength in the new Eurocode 2. A step forward?

A. Cladera and A. R. Marı́

The shear strength of reinforced concrete beams with stirrups has been a highly controversial matter since Ritter
and Mörsh proposed the first truss models. Since then, different analytical models have been discussed, such
as truss models with concrete contribution, shear/compression theories, truss models with variable angle of
inclination, and compression field theories. However, some of these models were too complex to be implemented
in a code of practice and they had to be simplified. As Regan has pointed out, for simpler models the problem is
mostly that of the need to neglect some factors, considered secondaries. However, what is secondary in one case
may be primary in another. With the release of the new Eurocode 2 (prEN 1992-1-1:2003) the controversy has been
raised again. The EC-2 proposes a very simple formulation based on a truss model. However, the authors think that
it is a gross oversimplification of a complex problem as it neglects important key variables. In this paper the new EC-
2 shear procedure predictions are compared to empirical tests and to other simplified formulations. It is concluded
that the EC-2 procedure is very easy to use by practising engineers but it presents a great scatter of results. On the
one hand, it may be too conservative for slightly shear-reinforced beams or for prestressed beams. On the other, it
may be slightly unconservative for heavily reinforced members.
[doi: 10.1680/stco.2007.8.2.57]

Antoni Cladera as simple as the Ritter2 and Mörsch3 models the studied section. For this reason, these
University of Balearic formulated in the early 20th century. models predict a non-linear response based
Islands, Palma de However, it is the authors’ opinion that this on the amount of web reinforcement. The
Mallorca, Spain significant simplification may overlook some greater the number of stirrups the less effective
important parameters affecting shear strength, they are7 because the angle of inclination of
Antonio R. Marı́ as Regan already sentenced for some simplified diagonal compressive stresses with respect to
Technical University models.4 The EC-2 shear procedure is based on the longitudinal axis of the member increases.
of Catalonia, Barcelona, a truss model and it verifies the equilibrium con- The truss model of the new Eurocode 2 pro-
Spain dition, therefore the EC-2 model satisfies the poses a linear response (without concrete
lower bound theorem if the concrete and the contribution) until the failure is governed by
steel do not exceed the yield condition any- crushing of the compression struts. As it will
where, and consequently the method is safe. be discussed later, this leads to very conserva-
The latest models found in the technical litera- tive results when compared with experimental
Introduction ture, even the simplified models, try to satisfy tests on lightly shear-reinforced beams and
the equilibrium and the compatibility con- slightly unconservative results for highly
The new Eurocode 2 Design of Concrete Struc-
ditions. In fact, complex models such as the shear-reinforced members.
tures – Part 1-1: General Rules and Rules for
modified compression field theory (MCFT)5
Buildings is going to be launched in some
may be explained as a truss model in which
months.! This new Eurocode1 is adapted to Shear strength procedure for
the shear strength is the sum of the steel and
the challenges that practising engineers must beams with web reinforcement
concrete contribution. The main difference
confront in their everyday work, improving in the new Eurocode 2
from a classic truss model with concrete contri-
the previous code in many respects.
bution (i.e. the procedure in the EC-2 of 19916) For reinforced concrete members with vertical
The shear strength procedure has changed
is that the concrete contribution in the MCFT is shear reinforcement, the shear resistance,
considerably from the previous Eurocode. For
the vertical component of the shear stress trans- VRd,s, should be taken to be the lesser, either
beams with web reinforcement, the shear
ferred across the crack (Figure 1), y ci, and not
strength is based on a truss model, with a vari- Asw
the diagonal cracking strength. VRd;s ¼ zfywd cot u ð1Þ
able angle of inclination of the struts and s
Models based on compatibility and equili-
without any concrete contribution. This leads or
brium conditions predict that the angle of incli-
to a very simple procedure that allows practis-
nation of the struts at failure depends, among VRd;max ¼ ac bw znfcd =ðcot u þ tan uÞ ð2Þ
ing engineers to calculate the shear strength,
other factors, on the cross-sectional dimen-
for any case, very quickly. In fact, it is almost
sions, the amount of longitudinal and trans- where VRd,s is the design value of the shear force
This paper was first submitted to Structural verse reinforcement and the bending moment which can be sustained by the yielding shear
Concrete in October 2004. concomitant with the shear force acting at reinforcement; VRd,max is the design value of

1464–4177 (Print) 1751–7648 (Online) # 2007 Thomas Telford and fib

58 Cladera and Marı́

tested by the authors. Table 1 summarises

Avfy Avfy
the ranges of the different variables in the
It is important to highlight that the main
f1 uci objective of this research was not to develop
the most accurate database to justify the use
of one or another model, but to qualitatively
compare some shear procedures with different
tested beams. Great efforts were made in
q order to avoid inaccuracies in the database.
Nonetheless, if any errata existed in the final
database it would affect all the compared
All the beams in the database contain at
4 Figure 1 Concrete contribution in the MCFT least the minimum amount of shear reinforce-
ment proposed by the CSA-94 provision,11
the maximum shear force which can be fyk is the characteristic yield strength of shown by
sustained by the member, limited by crushing stirrups. To carry out this study, the final draft
Asw fy pffiffiffi
of the compression struts; Asw is the cross- of the Eurocode 2 prEN 1992-1-1, dated ' 0 ( 06 fc ð5Þ
sectional area of the shear reinforcement; s is December 2003, has been used.1 No major
the spacing of the stirrups; z is the lever arm, amendments are assumed to be carried out where fy is the yield strength of stirrups. The
that may be considered as z ¼ 0.9d; fywd is the to this draft. previous expression was chosen because it is
yield strength of the shear reinforcement; u is the minor minimum amount of shear reinforce-
the angle of the inclined struts; bw is the width ment of the different studied codes. Yoon
of the web; fcd is the design compressive cylin- et al. 12 justified that it offers an adequate
Comparison of the EC-2
der strength of concrete at 28 days; and ac is reserve of strength after the web cracking.
predictions with test results
a coefficient that takes into account the effect
of normal stresses on the shear strength. The Shear database
recommended value of ac follows from the fol-
In order to evaluate the EC-2 shear procedure for Comparison with the test results
lowing expressions: 1 for non-prestressed struc-
reinforced concrete members with web
tures; (1 þ scp/fcd) for 0 , scp & 0.25fcd; 1.25 Comparisons between the experimental results
reinforcement, a database with 202 beams
for 0.25fcd , scp & 0.50fcd; and 2.5(1 2 scp/ and those obtained by the code procedure are
was developed. It relied basically on the data-
fcd) for 0.50fcd , scp & 1.00fcd. scp is compres- given in Table 2 and in the Appendix. The value
bases developed by Bentz,8 Kuchma9 and of the ratio Vfail/Vpred (shear force causing
sive stress in concrete from axial load or
Zararis.10 Although all these 202 beams were failure in the empirical test/predicted shear
prestressing. n is a coefficient that takes into
reported to have failed in shear, some may actu- resistance by different compared formulations)
account the increase of fragility and the
ally have failed in flexure. For this reason, and in has been calculated for each beam specimen. If
reduction of shear transfer by aggregate inter-
order to obtain a fair comparison of shear code the shear strength calculated by the EC-2 pro-
lock with the increase of the compressive con-
crete strength. It may be taken to be 0.6 for predictions and experimentally observed failure cedure was higher than the concomitant shear
fck & 60 MPa, and 0.9 2 fck/200 . 0.5 for loads, a filter to eliminate those beams failing force at the flexural failure load, the latter has
high-strength concrete beams. in flexure was applied to the database. All been considered as the value of the EC-2
The recommended limiting values for cot u beam specimens whose calculated flexural shear strength.
are given by strength was lower than the actual value The average Vfail/Vpred ratio for the 122
reached during the test (with a 5% security beam specimens is 1.64 with a coefficient of
1 & cot u & 2:5 ð3Þ margin) were removed from the database. variation (CoV) of 32.24% for the new EC-2
Finally, the database was composed of 122 formulation.
The new EC-2 proposes, as the minimum beam specimens. All the beams were simply sup- It can be seen in Table 2 that the average of
amount of web reinforcement, ported and loaded with one or two point loads. the Vfail/Vpred ratio for the EC-2 shear pro-
pffiffiffiffiffi The longitudinal reinforcement was constant cedure varies significantly for different subsets
Asw fyk
' 0:08 fck ð4Þ along the beam. The shear span to depth ratio, of beams. For heavily shear-reinforced concrete
a/d, for all these beam specimens was greater beams (rwfy . 2 MPa where r w is the
where fck is the characteristic compressive than 2.49. Figure 2 shows the shear span of a reinforcement ratio for shear reinforcement)
cylinder strength of concrete at 28 days; and typical reinforced concrete beam specimen the EC-2 is slightly unconservative with a

Structural Concrete ( 2007 ( 8 ( No 2

Shear strength in the new Eurocode 2 59

Comparison of the test results

with other formulations

The empirical shear strength of the 122 beam

specimens of the database has been compared
with four other formulations: the truss model
with concrete contribution of the old EC-26
(ENV 1992-1-1:1991), the equation 11-3 of
the ACI 318-02 Code,13 the draft for public
comment of the CSA14 (CSA Committee
A23.3, 2003), and a semi-analytical method
proposed by Cladera and Marı́.7 All these
methods are summarised in Table 3.
The procedure proposed by Cladera and
Marı́7 is based on a truss model with a variable
angle of inclination of the struts plus a concrete
contribution. The angle is obtained by compat-
ibility, based on the MCFT. To adjust the con-
4 Figure 2 Cracking at shear failure for a typical reinforced concrete beam crete contribution, an artificial neural network
was developed to predict the shear strength
of reinforced beams failing on diagonal
the relationship between the EC-2 shear tension failure and, based on its results, a
Table 1 Range of parameters in the
database strength predictions and the amount of web parametric study was carried out. The concrete
reinforcement is presented. contribution takes into account the main
Parameter Minimum Maximum observations of this parametric study.
The conservative results for slightly
d: mm 95 1200 reinforced concrete beams are evident as the To calculate the shear strength predicted by
rl: % 0.76 5.80 concrete contribution is neglected, a very the methods that consider the influence of the
rwfy: MPa 0.31 3.28 bending moment on the shear strength (CSA
fc: MPa 21 125.2
important factor when the steel contribution
is low. The slightly unconservative results for 200314 and Cladera and Marı́7) a critical
a/d 2.49 5.00
Vfail: kN 15.6 1172.2 highly reinforced concrete beams are due to location must be selected. This has been
the assumption of the EC-2 procedure taken as a distance 0.9d from the edge of the
that the angle of the concrete struts can be as loading plate. As the dimensions of the
Vfail/Vpred ratio equal to 0.86. On the other low as cot u ¼ 2.5; meanwhile for highly loading plate were not always known, it has
hand, for lightly reinforced concrete beams (rw- reinforced beams cot u may only reach values been considered a 150 mm wide ()6 inch)
fy & 1 MPa) the EC-2 is excessively conservative around 1.10–1.30 according to models based loading plate.
with a Vfail/Vpred ratio equal to 1.80. In Figure 3 on equilibrium and compatibility. The results shown in Table 2 indicate that
for reinforced concrete members with web
reinforcement the average of the Vfail/Vpred
Table 2 Verification of different shear procedures for reinforced concrete beams with ratio is equal to 1.19 for the old EC-2 shear
stirrups procedure, 1.38 for the ACI 318-02 shear
Beam specimens # Average Vfail/Vpred CoV Vfail/Vpred
procedure, 1.13 for the CSA formulation and
1.06 for the proposed method by Cladera
EC-2 EC-2 ACI CSA Cladera EC-2 EC-2 ACI CSA Cladera and Marı́. The coefficients of variance (CoVs)
2003 1991 11-3 2003 2004 2003 1991 11-3 2003 2004 are 17.95, 22.25, 17.27 and 15.44% respect-
All 122 1.64 1.19 1.38 1.13 1.06 32.24 17.95 22.25 17.27 15.44 ively. It can be seen that even the very simple
d ' 750 mm 9 1.20 1.04 0.97 0.93 1.07 10.04 17.41 18.83 14.15 12.08 equation 11-3 of the ACI 318-02 correlates
rwfy & 1 MPa 92 1.80 1.20 1.41 1.15 1.09 27.01 18.48 23.04 17.94 15.37 better with the empirical tests than the new
rwfy . 1 MPa, 22 1.23 1.18 1.34 1.12 1.02 17.79 14.32 15.78 11.55 10.82
EC-2 does. The old EC-2 formulation of 1991
rwfy & 2 MPa
rwfy . 2 MPa 8 0.86 1.06 1.13 0.95 0.88 12.54 18.92 17.28 13.41 13.11 also offers a better correlation with the test
fc & 70 MPa 73 1.64 1.14 1.35 1.09 1.04 30.14 14.47 14.16 19.61 12.11 results than the new EC-2 shear procedure.
fc . 70 MPa 49 1.63 1.26 1.42 1.18 1.09 35.47 20.31 25.26 19.93 18.93 The relationship between the predictions by
rl & 2 % 25 1.50 1.03 1.12 1.01 1.09 30.17 13.80 20.23 12.74 11.94
different methods considered in this paper and
the amount of web reinforcement is presented

Structural Concrete ( 2007 ( 8 ( No 2

60 Cladera and Marı́

prEN 1992-1-1:2003 ACI 318-02 Eq.11-3


CSA 2003 Cladera and Mari (2004)


0·00 1·00 2·00 3·00 4·00 0·00 1·00 2·00 3·00 4·00
rwfy: MPa rwfy: MPa

4 Figure 3 Correlation of the EC-2, ACI 318-02, CSA 2003 and Cladera and Marı́ procedures with empirical tests. Influence of the
amount of web reinforcement

Table 3 Summary of different shear design procedures

Formulation Comments

EC-2 final draft prEN 1992-1-1:2003 VRd,s ¼ ðAsw =sÞzfywd cot u VRd,c ¼ 0 1 & cot u & 2(5
VRd, max ¼ ac bw znfcd ðcot u=ð1 þ cot2 uÞÞ
" #
EC-2 ENV 1992-1-1:1991 VRd,c ¼ tRd k(1(2 þ 40rl ) þ 0(15scp bw d fc , 50 MPa
VRd,s ¼ ðAsw =sÞ zfywd rl & 2.0
VRd, max ¼ 12 nfcd bw 0(9d tRd ¼ 0(25fctk0(05
k ¼ 1(6 * d ' 1 d(m)
Public review draft CSA Sept 2003 Vc ¼ b fc bw z b and u are given in simple design equations
Vs ¼ ðAv fy =sÞ z cot u Vmax = 0(25fc bw d as function of the longitudinal strain
$pffiffiffi % at mid-depth. fc & 64 MPa
ACI 318-02 (11-3) Vc ¼ fc =6 bw d fc , 70 MPa
Vs ¼ ðAsw =sÞ zfywd & 0(67 fc bw d Vd/M & 1
There are other expressions for prestressed beams or
for beams with axial forces
h i
Prop. Cladera and Marı́ (2004) Vc ¼ 0(17j(100rl )1=2 fc0(2 t1=3 þ 0(15scp bw d u is expressed as a equation which depends
on the longitudinal strain in the web and
Vs ¼ dv ðAw =sÞfywd cot u
the non-dimensional shear
j: size effect factor; j ¼ 1 þ (200/sx) & 2.75 (sx is the smallest of 0.9d or vertical distance between longitudinal distributed reinforcement, where
d is effective cross-section depth); t: t ¼ Vd/(bw 0.9d) & 3 MPa (Vd is designing (factored) shear strength)

Structural Concrete ( 2007 ( 8 ( No 2

Shear strength in the new Eurocode 2 61

in Figure 3. In the method proposed by Cladera

and Marı́,7 the Vfail/Vpred ratio is reduced by
1.24 as the amount of stirrups increases
(Vfail/Vpred ¼ 1.09 for beams with rwfy & 1
MPa and Vfail/Vpred ¼ 0.88 for beams with
rwfy . 2 MPa). However, this ratio was
reduced by 2.09 times for the EC-2 procedure
(Vfail/Vpred ¼ 1.80 for beams with rwfy & 1
MPa and Vfail/Vpred ¼ 0.86 for beams with
rwfy . 2 MPa). The reduction for the CSA
procedure is equal to 1.21.
As other formulations could have been used
for this comparison, the authors encourage the
researchers and engineers to correlate the test
results with their national code procedure or
any other shear formulation. The basic infor-
mation of the beam specimens is presented
in the Appendix.

4 Figure 4 Typical test configuration for a prestressed beam specimen

EC-2 predictions for prestressed

concrete beams compared with
other formulations Table 4 Verification of the EC-2 shear procedure and other formulations for prestressed
beams with stirrups
To study how well the EC-2 predicts the shear
Beam specimens # Average Vtest/Vpred CoV Vtest/Vpred
strength of prestress tested beams, 40 beam
specimens in the works reported by Bennett EC-2 EC-2 ACI CSA Cladera EC-2 EC-2 ACI CSA Cladera
and Balasooriya,15 Elzanaty et al.,16 Kaufman 2003 1991 11-3 2003 2004 2003 1991 11-3 2003 2004
and Ramı́rez,17 Lyngberg,18 Shahawy and
All 40 1.22 1.42 1.23 1.22 1.18 34.26 14.75 16.87 12.44 14.62
Batchelor19 and Rangan20 have been studied. Concrete crushing 22 0.98 1.37 1.34 1.20 1.18 12.87 14.21 14.17 11.84 17.15
The photograph in Figure 4 illustrates a Stirrups yielding 18 1.52 1.49 1.10 1.24 1.18 30.16 14.47 12.32 13.11 11.29
typical test configuration on a prestressed scp & 4.5 MPa 4 1.11 1.39 0.94 1.04 1.15 10.22 9.77 9.75 15.90 22.37
beam specimen. Table 4 compares the scp .4.5 MPa, 8 1.41 1.45 1.12 1.26 1.18 17.75 17.61 12.37 9.01 9.12
scp & 9 MPa
correlations of the different shear formulations scp . 9 MPa 6 1.96 1.60 1.16 1.36 1.20 24.80 10.94 6.26 5.74 4.65
with the empirical results.
If the results of all beams are studied
together, the new EC-2 shear procedure gives
a Vfail/Vpred ratio equal to 1.22 with a coefficient
of variation of 34.26%. However, it is possible This behaviour is not observed so clearly for the it neglects variables that may be primary
to divide the beam specimens into two sets other shear procedures. The proposed method for some beams, and it offers a great
(Table 4). The first set includes the beams that for prestressed beams with web reinforcement scatter of results when compared to
collapsed because of concrete crushing (22 by Cladera and Marı́ is an extension of the empirical tests. These results may be slightly
beam specimens). The second contains the method for reinforced concrete beams and it unconservative for highly shear-reinforced
beams that failed after yielding of stirrups (18 is presented elsewhere.21 members, and they are too conservative for
beams). For the second set the new EC-2 slightly reinforced beams, as no concrete con-
shear procedure is more conservative. tribution is considered. Moreover, the benefit
The new EC-2 procedure does not consider Conclusions of prestressing is not taken into account due
the influence of the prestressing force on the to the excessive simplicity of the model. Other
shear strength (Table 3). For this reason, the The new Eurocode 2 shear procedure for formulations studied in this paper offers much
average of the Vfail/Vpred ratio increases from members with web reinforcement is, indeed, better correlation to the empirical tests than
1.11 to 1.96 as the concrete compressive a very simple method to calculate the shear the new Eurocode 2, even the well known
stress at the centroidal axis due to prestressing strength for practising engineers and it verifies ACI Code formulation or the shear procedure
increases from scp & 4.5 MPa to scp . 9 MPa. the lower bound theory of plasticity. However, of the old Eurocode of 1991. Definitely, it is

Structural Concrete ( 2007 ( 8 ( No 2



Author [Source] Beam b: d: fc: rl: rv: fy: a/d Vfail: VEC-2 Vfail/ VEC-2 Vfail/ VACI Vfail/ VCSA Vfail/ VClad Vfail/ Vf,max
name mm mm MPa % % MPa kN 2003 VEC2-03 1991 VEC2-91 11-3 VACI 2003 VCSA 2004 VClad
Cladera and Marı́

Bresler and A-1 307 466 24 1.8 0.1 330 3.92 233 106 2.20 179 1.30 164 1.42 192 1.22 181 1.29 256
Scordelis10 CRA-1 305 460 25 1.69 0.1 350 3.98 168 110 1.52 179 0.94 166 1.01 188 0.90 177 0.95 239
CRB-1 229 457 24 2.28 0.15 340 4.01 173 120 1.44 151 1.14 138 1.25 167 1.04 173 1.00 201
1WCRA-1 305 457 26 1.71 0.1 350 4.01 215 110 1.96 183 1.17 168 1.28 189 1.14 178 1.21 240
1WCA-1 305 462 25 1.76 0.1 350 3.95 220 111 1.98 182 1.21 167 1.31 192 1.15 181 1.21 249
1WCB-1 231 460 27 2.34 0.15 340 3.97 202 122 1.66 162 1.25 145 1.39 175 1.15 182 1.11 228
3WCA-1 305 460 26 1.77 0.1 350 3.97 208 110 1.88 186 1.12 169 1.23 193 1.08 182 1.14 251

Bahl10 B45 240 1200 25 1.26 0.15 440 3 468 428 1.09 394 1.19 432 1.08 461 1.02 406 1.15 517

Placas and R12 152 272 34 4.16 0.21 276 3.6 117 54 2.17 82 1.43 64 1.83 90 1.30 111 1.05 129
Regan10 R25 152 272 31 4.16 0.21 276 3.6 112 54 2.07 78 1.43 62 1.80 88 1.27 109 1.02 119

Swamy and C3 76 95 29 1.97 0.16 275 3 16 7 2.18 14 1.14 10 1.61 13 1.21 16 0.99 17
Andriopoulos O3 76 132 28 3.95 0.12 258 3 25 7 3.63 17 1.48 12 2.12 19 1.34 26 0.97 32
Z3 76 132 26 3.95 0.34 179 3 28 14 2.02 19 1.46 15 1.90 22 1.26 30 0.94 30
O4 76 132 28 3.95 0.12 258 4 20 7 2.86 17 1.17 12 1.67 18 1.14 24 0.83 24

Mphonde and B50-3-3 152 298 22 3.36 0.12 292 3.6 76 36 2.14 63 1.21 51 1.49 74 1.04 85 0.90 95
Frantz B100-3-3 152 298 28 3.36 0.26 269 3.6 95 71 1.34 85 1.12 72 1.33 95 1.00 113 0.84 116
B100-7-3 152 298 47 3.36 0.26 269 3.6 121 71 1.69 109 1.10 84 1.44 106 1.14 124 0.97 150
B100-11-3 152 298 69 3.36 0.26 269 3.6 151 71 2.12 113 1.34 94 1.60 114 1.33 130 1.16 161
B100-15-3 152 298 82 3.36 0.26 269 3.6 116 71 1.62 113 1.03 95 1.22 114 1.02 133 0.87 164
B150-7-3 152 298 47 3.36 0.38 271 3.6 133 105 1.27 122 1.09 98 1.36 121 1.11 139 0.96 150
B150-15-3 152 298 83 3.36 0.38 271 3.6 150 105 1.43 126 1.19 110 1.37 128 1.17 150 1.00 164

Johnson and 1 305 539 36 2.49 0.14 525 3.1 338 271 1.25 310 1.09 286 1.18 353 0.96 361 0.94 546
Ramirez 2 305 539 36 2.49 0.07 525 3.1 222 136 1.64 255 0.87 225 0.99 293 0.76 274 0.81 546
5 305 539 56 2.49 0.14 525 3.1 383 271 1.41 357 1.07 325 1.18 385 0.99 384 1.00 597

Anderson et al. 10 W1 406 345 29 2.31 0.39 549 2.65 460 494 0.93 445 1.03 426 1.08 489 0.94 489 0.94 494
Roller and Russell 7 457 871 72 1.88 0.16 445 3 788 638 1.24 809 0.97 838 0.94 880 0.90 791 1.00 1116
9 457 762 125 2.35 0.16 483 3 749 606 1.24 739 1.01 755 0.99 845 0.89 854 0.88 1248

Structural Concrete
10 457 762 125 2.89 0.23 464 3 1172 837 1.40 831 1.41 858 1.37 994 1.18 1044 1.12 1459

Sarsam and AL2-N 180 233 40 2.23 0.09 844 4 115 72 1.60 100 1.15 76 1.50 85 1.35 96 1.19 137
Al-Musawi10 AL2-H 180 233 75 2.23 0.09 844 4 123 72 1.71 110 1.11 90 1.36 93 1.32 105 1.17 168
BL2-H 180 233 76 2.81 0.09 844 4 138 72 1.93 110 1.25 90 1.53 99 1.39 118 1.17 203

( 2007 ( 8 ( No 2
CL2-H 180 233 70 3.5 0.09 844 4 147 72 2.05 110 1.33 90 1.63 106 1.39 129 1.14 233
BS4-H 180 233 80 2.81 0.18 543 2.5 207 92 2.24 119 1.74 99 2.08 124 1.66 139 1.49 230
CS3-H 180 233 74 3.5 0.13 543 2.5 247 67 3.71 108 2.28 88 2.81 119 2.07 135 1.83 274
CS4-H 180 233 76 3.5 0.18 543 2.5 221 92 2.39 119 1.86 99 2.22 131 1.68 150 1.47 275

Structural Concrete
Xie et al. 10 NNW-3 127 203 41 3.2 0.49 322 3 87 92 0.95 81 1.07 68 1.28 85 1.03 95 0.91 95
NHW-3 127 198 98 4.54 0.51 324 3 102 93 1.10 88 1.17 77 1.34 98 1.04 119 0.86 146
NHW-3a 127 198 90 4.54 0.65 323 3 108 119 0.91 98 1.11 88 1.23 110 0.99 129 0.84 144
NHW-3b 127 198 103 4.54 0.78 324 3 123 143 0.86 107 1.14 99 1.24 121 1.01 141 0.87 147

( 2007 ( 8 ( No 2
McGormley BUIS-3 203 419 57 3.03 0.34 426 3.27 267 277 0.96 254 1.05 230 1.16 267 1.00 286 0.93 295
et al. EUIS-3 203 419 56 3.03 0.34 426 3.27 267 277 0.96 254 1.05 230 1.16 267 1.00 286 0.93 295
Yoon et al. N1-N 375 655 36 2.8 0.08 430 3.28 457 190 2.40 357 1.28 330 1.38 438 1.04 409 1.12 685
N2-S 375 655 36 2.8 0.08 430 3.28 363 190 1.91 357 1.02 330 1.10 438 0.83 409 0.89 685
N2-N 375 655 36 2.8 0.11 430 3.28 483 261 1.85 386 1.25 362 1.33 470 1.03 460 1.05 685
M2-S 375 655 67 2.8 0.11 430 3.28 552 261 2.11 455 1.21 451 1.22 542 1.02 505 1.09 756
M2-N 375 655 67 2.8 0.16 430 3.28 689 380 1.81 502 1.37 504 1.37 591 1.17 585 1.18 756
H2-S 375 655 87 2.8 0.14 430 3.28 598 333 1.80 483 1.24 490 1.22 571 1.05 574 1.04 775
H2-N 375 655 87 2.8 0.23 430 3.28 721 547 1.32 569 1.27 585 1.23 660 1.09 695 1.04 775

Kong and S1-1 250 292 64 2.8 0.157 569 2.5 228 147 1.56 195 1.17 162 1.41 208 1.10 221 1.03 326
Rangan S1-2 250 292 64 2.8 0.157 569 2.5 208 147 1.42 195 1.07 162 1.28 208 1.00 221 0.94 326
S1-3 250 292 64 2.8 0.157 569 2.5 206 147 1.40 195 1.06 162 1.27 208 0.99 221 0.93 326
S1-4 250 292 64 2.8 0.157 569 2.5 278 147 1.89 195 1.43 162 1.71 208 1.33 221 1.26 326
S1-5 250 292 64 2.8 0.157 569 2.5 253 147 1.73 195 1.30 162 1.56 208 1.22 221 1.15 326
S1-6 250 292 64 2.8 0.157 569 2.5 224 147 1.53 195 1.15 162 1.38 208 1.08 221 1.01 326
S2-1 250 292 73 2.8 0.105 569 2.5 260 98 2.65 175 1.48 145 1.79 187 1.40 197 1.32 332
S2-2 250 292 73 2.8 0.126 569 2.5 233 118 1.97 183 1.27 154 1.51 195 1.19 208 1.12 332
S2-3 250 292 73 2.8 0.157 569 2.5 253 147 1.73 195 1.30 167 1.52 208 1.22 224 1.13 332
S2-4 250 292 73 2.8 0.157 569 2.5 219 147 1.50 195 1.13 167 1.31 208 1.05 224 0.98 332
S2-5 250 292 73 2.8 0.209 569 2.5 282 195 1.44 214 1.32 189 1.50 230 1.23 249 1.13 332
S3-2 250 297 67 1.65 0.101 632 2.49 178 107 1.67 171 1.04 149 1.19 166 1.07 156 1.14 207
S3-3 250 293 67 2.79 0.101 632 2.49 229 105 2.17 179 1.28 147 1.56 190 1.20 199 1.15 330
S3-4 250 293 67 2.79 0.101 632 2.49 175 105 1.66 179 0.98 147 1.19 190 0.92 199 0.88 330
S4-4 250 292 87 2.8 0.157 569 2.5 258 147 1.76 195 1.33 167 1.55 208 1.24 229 1.13 338
S4-6 250 198 87 2.78 0.157 569 2.53 203 99 2.04 139 1.46 113 1.79 143 1.42 163 1.24 225
S5-1 250 292 89 2.8 0.157 569 3.01 242 147 1.65 195 1.24 167 1.45 197 1.22 222 1.09 281
S5-2 250 292 89 2.8 0.157 569 2.74 260 147 1.77 195 1.33 167 1.56 203 1.28 226 1.15 309
Shear strength in the new Eurocode 2

(Table continued)

Author [Source] Beam b: d: fc: rl: rv: fy: a/d Vfail: VEC-2 Vfail/ VEC-2 Vfail/ VACI Vfail/ VCSA Vfail/ VClad Vfail/ Vf,max
name mm mm MPa % % MPa kN 2003 VEC2-03 1991 VEC2-91 11-3 VACI 2003 VCSA 2004 VClad
Cladera and Marı́

S5-3 250 292 89 2.8 0.157 569 2.5 244 147 1.66 195 1.25 167 1.46 208 1.17 229 1.06 339
S7-2 250 294 75 4.46 0.126 569 3.3 205 119 1.73 184 1.11 155 1.32 205 1.00 237 0.87 365
S7-3 250 294 75 4.46 0.157 569 3.3 247 148 1.67 196 1.26 168 1.47 219 1.13 254 0.97 365
S7-4 250 294 75 4.46 0.196 569 3.3 274 184 1.48 211 1.30 184 1.48 236 1.16 273 1.00 365
S7-5 250 294 75 4.46 0.224 569 3.3 304 211 1.44 221 1.38 196 1.55 248 1.23 286 1.06 365
S7-6 250 294 75 4.46 0.262 569 3.3 311 247 1.26 235 1.32 212 1.46 264 1.18 303 1.02 365
S8-1 250 292 75 2.8 0.105 569 2.5 272 98 2.77 175 1.55 145 1.87 187 1.46 197 1.38 320
S8-2 250 292 75 2.8 0.126 569 2.5 251 118 2.13 183 1.37 154 1.63 195 1.28 209 1.20 320
S8-4 250 292 75 2.8 0.157 569 2.5 266 147 1.81 195 1.36 167 1.59 208 1.28 225 1.18 320
S8-5 250 292 75 2.8 0.196 569 2.5 289 183 1.58 209 1.38 183 1.58 225 1.29 244 1.19 320
S8-6 250 292 75 2.8 0.224 569 2.5 284 209 1.36 220 1.29 195 1.46 236 1.20 257 1.11 320

Karayiannis and A36 200 260 26 1.47 0.12 267 2.77 89 37 2.38 72 1.23 61 1.46 75 1.19 69 1.29 102
Chalioris10 A48 200 260 26 1.47 0.16 269 2.77 89 50 1.77 78 1.15 67 1.34 81 1.11 77 1.15 102
A72 200 260 26 1.47 0.25 256 2.77 93 75 1.24 87 1.06 77 1.20 91 1.02 91 1.02 102
B90 200 260 26 1.96 0.13 262 3.46 85 40 2.13 80 1.07 62 1.37 77 1.10 79 1.08 103

Collins and SE100B-M 295 920 75 1.36 0.16 500 2.5 583 489 1.19 533 1.09 596 0.98 594 0.98 510 1.14 764
Kuchma SE50A-M 169 459 74 1.03 0.13 500 2.72 139 113 1.23 147 0.95 154 0.90 143 0.97 122 1.14 154
SE50B-M 169 459 74 1.16 0.13 500 2.72 152 113 1.34 150 1.01 159 0.96 149 1.02 129 1.18 173
SE100A-M-69 295 920 71 1.03 0.16 500 2.5 516 489 1.06 507 1.02 586 0.88 543 0.95 447 1.15 586

Angelakos et al. 26 DB120M 300 925 21 1.01 0.791 508 2.92 282 250 1.13 278 1.01 323 0.87 345 0.82 282 1.00 446
DB140M 300 925 38 1.01 0.791 508 2.92 277 250 1.11 364 0.76 396 0.70 391 0.71 299 0.93 483
BM100 300 925 47 0.76 0.791 508 2.92 342 250 1.37 376 0.91 376 0.91 371 0.92 267 1.28 376

Adebar and ST4 290 278 49 1.95 0.11 430 2.88 158 86 1.84 183 0.86 132 1.19 159 1.00 155 1.02 256
Collins27 ST5 290 278 49 1.95 0.18 536 2.88 169 175 0.97 219 0.77 172 0.98 195 0.87 205 0.82 256
ST6 290 278 49 1.95 0.28 430 2.88 230 218 1.05 236 0.97 191 1.20 213 1.08 224 1.02 256
ST19 290 278 51 1.95 0.214 430 2.88 201 167 1.21 217 0.93 170 1.19 193 1.04 202 1.00 257

Tan et al. 28 2-2.58/0.25 110 443 55 2.58 0.48 499 2.82 155 223 0.70 185 0.84 177 0.88 193 0.80 193 0.80 223

Structural Concrete
4-5.80/2.50 110 398 74 5.8 0.48 538 3.14 265 254 1.04 177 1.50 174 1.52 219 1.21 234 1.13 335
G-2.70-5.38 110 463 43 1.23 0.333 555 2.7 105 125 0.84 125 0.84 125 0.84 125 0.84 125 0.84 125

Ozcebe et al. 29 TS36 150 310 75 2.59 0.23 255 3 156 61 2.54 110 1.42 92 1.69 109 1.42 116 1.35 164
TH39 150 310 73 3.08 0.2 255 3 143 53 2.68 107 1.34 89 1.61 111 1.28 120 1.19 181
ACI59 150 310 82 4.43 0.13 425 5 97 58 1.67 109 0.89 91 1.07 108 0.90 134 0.72 151

( 2007 ( 8 ( No 2
TH59 150 310 75 4.43 0.18 425 5 119 80 1.49 117 1.02 100 1.19 117 1.02 144 0.83 149
TS59 150 310 82 4.43 0.27 425 5 125 120 1.04 134 0.94 118 1.06 134 0.94 151 0.83 151

Cladera and H50/2 200 353 50 2.28 0.109 530 3.06 178 92 1.94 162 1.10 124 1.43 149 1.19 150 1.18 228

Structural Concrete
Marı́ H50/4 200 351 50 2.99 0.239 540 3.08 246 204 1.21 206 1.19 173 1.42 209 1.18 228 1.08 281
H60/2 200 353 61 2.28 0.141 530 3.06 180 119 1.51 173 1.04 145 1.24 167 1.08 171 1.05 234
H75/2 200 353 69 2.28 0.141 530 3.06 204 119 1.72 173 1.18 150 1.36 169 1.21 174 1.17 237
H75/4 200 351 69 2.99 0.239 530 3.08 255 200 1.28 205 1.25 186 1.37 216 1.18 236 1.08 297
H100/4 200 351 50 2.99 0.239 540 3.08 267 204 1.31 206 1.29 173 1.54 209 1.27 228 1.17 281

( 2007 ( 8 ( No 2
Ahmad et al. LNW-3 127 216 45 2.07 0.378 421 3 63 72 0.87 72 0.87 72 0.87 72 0.87 72 0.87 72
LHW-3a 127 198 88 4.54 0.65 421 3 107 144 0.75 112 0.95 104 1.03 126 0.85 144 0.75 144
LHW-3b 127 198 87 4.54 0.78 421 3 121 143 0.84 125 0.97 118 1.03 140 0.86 143 0.84 143
LHW-4 127 198 83 4.54 0.51 421 4 95 107 0.89 99 0.96 89 1.06 103 0.92 107 0.89 107

Etxeberria32 HN-V3 200 303 42 2.99 0.166 530 3.3 177 120 1.48 148 1.20 119 1.49 148 1.19 169 1.05 217
HN-V4 200 303 42 2.99 0.118 530 3.3 188 85 2.20 134 1.40 103 1.82 133 1.41 149 1.26 217

Gonzalez- V13HC 199 307 38 2.9 0.21 500 3.25 190 144 1.32 151 1.26 127 1.50 156 1.22 176 1.08 211
Fonteboa V17HC 199 306 39 2.92 0.16 500 3.27 151 110 1.38 139 1.08 112 1.34 142 1.06 161 0.94 212
V24HC 195 306 39 2.99 0.12 500 3.27 128 81 1.59 126 1.02 98 1.30 128 1.00 143 0.89 212
V17HCS 200 312 45 2.86 0.16 500 3.21 200 112 1.78 152 1.31 120 1.67 149 1.34 167 1.19 226
V24HCS 200 302 44 2.95 0.12 500 3.3 150 82 1.84 135 1.11 103 1.46 132 1.14 147 1.02 216
V17HR 200 306 42 2.91 0.16 500 3.27 177 110 1.61 144 1.23 115 1.54 144 1.23 163 1.09 216
V24HR 201 306 39 2.9 0.12 500 3.27 164 83 1.98 130 1.27 101 1.63 131 1.26 145 1.13 213
V13HRS 199 305 41 2.93 0.21 500 3.28 202 143 1.41 156 1.30 129 1.57 158 1.28 178 1.14 215
V17HRS 199 305 45 2.93 0.16 500 3.28 193 109 1.77 147 1.31 116 1.66 145 1.33 164 1.18 219
V24HRS 199 307 43 2.91 0.12 500 3.25 147 82 1.79 135 1.09 104 1.42 133 1.11 147 1.00 219

Average 1.64 1.19 1.38 1.13 1.06

Standard deviation 0.53 0.21 0.31 0.19 0.16
CoV: % 32.24 17.95 22.25 17.27 15.44
Minimum 0.70 0.76 0.70 0.71 0.72
Maximum 3.71 2.28 2.81 2.07 1.83
5th percentile of 0.87 0.87 0.88 0.84 0.83
data EC-2 EC-2 ACI CSA Clad
2003 1991 11-3 2003 2004
Shear strength in the new Eurocode 2
66 Cladera and Marı́

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Structural Concrete ( 2007 ( 8 ( No 2

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