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Lesson Plan

Conductor: Christian Martinez Ensemble: University Band

Date Taught: 3/29/18
Approximate Time Length: 18 minutes

Lesson Objective With more understanding of the piece from the instructor, the students will
follow the instructor in tempo, style, and dynamics.
Assessment/Criteria  Solo parts will be assessed per part, and by blend with the rest of the
section and ensemble.
 Tone and cues given in the music.
Materials  Battle Pavane

Setting  201

Est. Lesson Activities



5-7 Go over what a pavane is (show a youtube video of what the dance looks like for a
visual aid of the style of the piece)
 Run C-D with cues prepared to demonstrate for class. Tenor drum quiet, more of a
distant feeling.
 Speak on what went well and what could be better.
5-7  Run through of whole piece by section this section will be emphasized on

percussion guidance due to them being gone last block.
 A- tenor drum pavane style rhythm consistent pulse. Snare drum roll loose. B. first
four measures tenor drum dynamic and bass drum entry. B1 open rough on drum.
 C1 Sticcato hits tambourine light. Quick comment on woodwinds and brass on how
they are doing with C compliment them on what they did well.
 D get the two-cymbal visual effect in place, Chris with lighter cymbals then Sarah.
D1 have percussion play a true ff, as we didn’t have a timpani player which was the
only fff instrument that we have to cover.

5-7  C-D have woodwind primaries from a mix of percussion and brass watch them play
and give feedback on what can help
 C-D have brass primaries from a mix of percussion and woodwinds watch them play
and give feedback on what can help
 Go over what we can work on for next time!
Woodwinds to get help from primaries/Brass

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