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Hooe Primary School

M1. (a) Answer in the range 15% inclusive to 25% exclusive

Do not accept 25%

(b) Answer in the range 200g to 400g exclusive

Do not accept 200g OR 400g.

M2. (a) 20%

Do not accept equivalent fractions or decimals.

(b) An explanation which recognises that 25% chose Jack, eg:

• ‘A quarter of the children guessed Jack and that is 10 out of 40’

• ‘10 out of 40 ( ) were correct and the pie chart shows chose Jack’

• ‘Half guessed Amir which is 20 and Jack is half of that which is 10’

• ‘10 guessed right and the pie chart shows three times as many
chose the other runners’

• ‘25% chose Jack and 25% were correct’

No mark is awarded for ‘Jack’ alone.

Do not accept vague or incomplete explanations, eg:
• ‘There were 40 children altogether’
• ‘Less than half chose Jack’
• ‘Because Jack is the fastest’.
If the answer to ‘Who won the race?’ is incorrect, but a correct,
unambiguous explanation is given, then award the mark.

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Hooe Primary School

M3. Award TWO marks for boxes ticked and crossed as shown:

If the answer is incorrect, award ONE mark for any three boxes
correctly completed.
Accept alternative unambiguous indications such as Y or N.
For TWO marks, accept:

Up to 2

M4. (a) An answer in the range 21 to 26 inclusive.

No mark is awarded for an answer which is not a whole

(b) An explanation which recognises that Tony’s snails are a quarter of 80 and that
Gemma’s snails are half of 36, so that Tony found more, eg

• ‘Tony found 20 and Gemma found only 18’;

• ‘Quarter of 80 is more than half of 36’.

No mark is awarded for circling the correct answer of ‘Tony’.
Do not accept vague or arbitrary explanations, eg
• ‘Tony found loads more’;

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Hooe Primary School
• ‘Gemma found more but Tony’s amount is bigger’.
Accept a correct, unambiguous explanation even if the wrong
name is circled.

M5. 103


Shows a complete correct method with not more than one computational error, eg:

• 152 + 197 = 339 (error) 339 – 246 = 93

• 349 – 246 = 97 (error)

• 152 + 197 = 349 349 – 246


M6. Divides the pie chart into two correct sectors and shades/labels correctly, eg

Accept unambiguous indication of shading/labelling, eg

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Hooe Primary School
! Given key ignored
Condone incorrect shading provided their labelling is
eg, accept

! Additional sectors shown

Ignore provided the sector(s) for 11 year-old girls are clearly
eg, accept


M7. Indicates Nik and gives a correct explanationeg

• 1 sandwich, 2 apples and 1 banana is missing from the graph and that is what Nik had
in his lunch box

• The graph shows the correct number of fruit bars and Nik is the only one who does not
have a fruit bar in his lunch box so his must be the missing one

• The totals from the table are 7, 6, 5, 6, and from the graph 6, 4, 4, 6, and the difference
is Nik
Accept minimally acceptable explanation eg • 1 sandwich,
2 apples, 1 banana • Because the number of fruit bars is
correct • 1 banana missing • 7, 6, 5, 6 and 6, 4, 4, 6
Do not accept incorrect or incomplete explanation eg • 1
sandwich, 2 apples • There are 6 fruit bars • 2 apples
are missing

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Hooe Primary School

M8. Award TWO marks for the correct answer of 150°

If the answer is incorrect, award ONE mark for evidence of an appropriate

method, eg

360 ÷ 36 = 10
15 × 10
Calculation need not be completed for the award of the mark.
Up to 2

M9. Award TWO marks for the correct answer of 20

If the answer is incorrect, award ONE mark for evidence of an appropriate method, eg

28 = 35% of year 6
4 = 5%, so 25% is 4 × 5
Calculation need not be completed for the award of the mark.
Up to 2

M10. Award TWO marks for an integer answer in the range 44 to 51 inclusive.

Award ONE mark for a non-integer number in the range 44 to 51

up to 2

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Hooe Primary School

M11. Award TWO marks for the correct answer of 199.5

Accept 199 OR 200° OR unrounded values, eg 199.499

If the answer is incorrect award ONE mark for evidence of an appropriate method, eg

• 33 + 133 + 68 + 6 = 240 AND 360 ÷ 240 × 133.

The calculation need not be completed for the award of
the mark.
up to 2

M12. (a) Answer in the range of 10% to 15% inclusive.


(b) Award TWO marks for the correct answer of 194.4° OR 194° OR 194.5°
AND appropriate working, eg:

If the answer is incorrect, award ONE mark for evidence of appropriate

Calculation need not be performed for the award of ONE
mark, but the method shown must be capable of producing
the correct answer.
Up to 2

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