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Assignment 1

How simulation technique is useful to solve the real life problem? List out the different
simulation languages and software available in the world. Give the name of three micro
simulation software that is more useful in the context of Nepal with reason. If you are
requested to prepare a model for the traffic analysis, briefly describe the process and data

Anyone can perform a simple analysis manually. However, as the complexity of the analysis
increases, so does the need to employ computer-based tools. Computer simulation is a powerful
methodology for design and analysis of complex systems. The overall approach in computer
simulation is to represent the dynamic characteristics of a real world system in a computer model.
The model is subjected to experiments to obtain predictive information useful in making informed
decision making about the characteristics of the real system. Simulations are suitable for problems
in which there are no closed-form analytical solutions. Since most dynamic problems in practice
cannot be represented and solved fully using mathematical equations, computer simulation is a
powerful and flexible methodology in complex systems analysis.

It is useful in solving real life problem due to following reasons:

 it can study models too complicated for analytical or numerical treatment, can be used for
experimental studies, can study detailed relations that might be lost in analytical or
numerical treatment and can produce attractive visual demonstrations of present and future
 the impacts of potential design and traffic control improvements along the roadway
corridor can be better evaluated
 for evaluating the effects of overlapping traffic congestion problems is traffic simulation
modeling such as effect of bottleneck
 these models have the capability of evaluating detailed traffic performance at
interchanges/intersections, along highway/arterials, or even large transportation networks
 provide the most detailed objective operational analysis technique available for evaluating
design and traffic control features
 helps to analyze many alternatives quickly and avoid the risk, expense and disruption
associated with extensive field experimentation
 existing and new traffic control device scan be integrated with the computer simulation
offering a controlled laboratory environment for testing and evaluating the equipment, or
developing new strategies that may use existing or new equipment effectively and

Simulation languages and software:

Simulation models are designed to mimic the behavior of real-world systems. Transportation
researchers have developed various types of traffic simulation models such as discrete
time/discrete event models, micro/mesoscopic/macro models, and deterministic/stochastic models.

INTRAS: INtegrated TRAffic Simulation
FRESIM: simulate complex freeway geometrics
SCOT: Simulation of COrridor Traffic
CORSIM: combination of two microscopic models, NETSIM and FRESIM
INTEGRATION: is a routing-oriented model of integrated freeway and surface street networks
WATSIM: Wide Area Traffic SIMulation

TRANSYT: TRAffic Network StudY Tool
NETFLO: NETwork traffic FLOw simulation model
CORFLO: combination of NETFLO I, NETFLO II, and FREFLO models
FREQ: FREQ is a deterministic simulation model for a directional freeway corridor
FREFLO: simulates traffic flow on freeways using a formulation
KRONOS: freeway simulation model which uses a simple continuum model to represent traffic
CORQ: CORridor Queuing

CONTRAM: CONtinuous TRaffic Assignment Model
SATURN: Simulation and Assignment of Traffic in Urban Road Netwoks

Some others are:


SIDRA Intersection CORSIM GoldSim
TransModeler MATSim LLamasoft

Among these software, mostly used in Nepal are:


VISSIM is a multi-modal simulation program first developed in Germany. Its first commercial
vehicle came out in 1992 as “Verkehr in Stadten – SIMulationsmodell” (German for ‘Traffic in
Cities – Simulation Model’). VISSIM is microscopic, time step and behavior – based multi-
purpose traffic simulation to analyze and optimize the traffic flow.

 Driver behavior parameters are adjustable to provide flexibility in calibration and
 Superior 3D graphics with viewing from any position and angle.
 Ability to “populate” non-transportation features such as buildings, trees and people for
high-quality graphic output.
 No limits on number of nodes, links and vehicles on any simulation (limited by the
hardware only).
 VISSIM can be used to model complicated facilities, such as major freeway interchanges
with ramp metering.
 VISSIM allows for adjustment of driver characteristics, gap-acceptance, yield locations
and decision points.
 VISSIM can be used to model vehicle and transit operations, such as at-grade rail crossings.
 Integrates freeways and surface streets seamlessly.
 Dynamic traffic assignment – Ability to use OD trip tables.
 Can use GIS layers and/or ortho photos to help define inputs and reference animation
 VISSIM presents clear simulations, which are very useful in presenting proposed
configurations or operations.
 Allows for timed and actuated signals and ramp meters.
 Incorporates HOV and Transit components of traffic.
 Integrates light rail and bus rapid transit systems with main traffic flow via signal
preemption and priority.
 The models used within VISSIM must be created with care, for minor inconsistencies
between the model and the facility’s design can result in major errors in the analysis.
 In-depth knowledge of traffic engineering techniques required.
 High learning curve due to depth of software features.
 High cost of software.
 VISSIM is complex and requires extensive knowledge of the program and its features.
 Due to the number of variables within the VISSIM software, there are many opportunities
for adjustment within the model (such as driver and vehicle characteristics, gap acceptance,
yield characteristics, and speed change characteristics).
 VISSIM analysis and simulation is based on gap-acceptance theories, and therefore the
results may vary from HCM-based traffic signal operational analysis.
Signalized and Unsignalised Intersection Design and Research Aid (SIDRA) is an
intersection-based program developed by ARRB Transport Research, Ltd., in Australia as
an aid for capacity, timing and performance analysis of isolated intersections. SIDRA is a
very powerful analytical program for signalized intersections; roundabouts; and yield, two-
way stop, or all-way stop-controlled intersections, with up to eight approaches. Besides
optimizing phase sequences, splits, and cycle lengths, SIDRA has a wealth of graphic
displays of intersection geometry, including the number of lanes, turning lanes, and

 SIDRA can be used to perform lane-by-lane analysis, lane flow calculations, shared
lanes and lane blockage, right turn on red, capacities of short lanes, performance
measures, variable cycle lengths, variable flow scale, and modeling of unequal lane
 SIDRA has the capability to model upstream and downstream short lanes, slip
lanes, shared lanes, and opposed turns with multiple green periods.
 SIDRA is perhaps the richest MOE-based intersection program. It offers MOEs
such as total and average delay, v/c ratios, queues, stops, speeds, fuel consumption,
emissions, and operating costs
 SIDRA is designed for single time periods, random arrival patterns (but with
provision for platooned arrivals generated by coordinated signals), and pre-timed
or actuated signals
 For roundabout intersections, SIDRA can analyze intersections with up to eight
approaches and also has provisions to assume either random or platoon arrivals (bu
 nched vehicles) to analyze the effect of progression from nearby signalized


SYNCHRO is a macroscopic traffic signal timing tool that can be used to optimize signal
timing parameters for isolated intersections, generate coordinated traffic signal timing
plans for arteries and networks, and also develop time-space and platoon dispersion
diagrams for interactive fine-tuning. SYNCHRO runs under Windows 95/NT and OS/2.
Using a mouse, the user can draw either individual intersections or a network of
intersecting arteries, and also can import .DXF map files of individual intersections or city
maps. The program has no limitations on the number of links and nodes. It can analyze
multi-legged signalized intersections with up to six approaches per intersection.

 It allows for the modification of signal phasing, and the modification of ring and
barrier diagrams, in order to create specialized custom phasing.
 It also provides the ability to control multiple intersections from a single traffic
signal controller.
 It allows for full input of all parameters from the HCM.
 It also allows for extensive adjustment of signal timing parameters.
 It also allows for the analysis and design of coordinated signal systems, and has
optimization features to develop optimal signal cycle lengths and offsets.
 A single SYNCHRO file can only be used for one study scenario.
 The optimization of SYNCHRO is not always consistent.
 Some bugs in the SYNCHRO software; the identical input variables do not always
yield identical results.

Steps for model preparation for traffic analysis:

1. Problem Statement:
For simulation to be effective, it needs to solve the right problem. Take a look at the system and
its flaws to formulate the problem statement. It is very important factor for simulation process.
2. Select Input Variables and Entities:
The problem statement should be used to create entities and variables for the simulation. Entities
are the bodies the simulation tracks. For the ticket counter, the entities could be people. There are
two types of variables. Decision Variables are variables that can be controlled by the programmer.
Uncontrollable Variables are variables that are random and can be approximated, but not
controlled by the programmer.
3. Make Constraints on Decision Variables:
After selecting the input variables and entities, forming constraints on the decision variables should
begin. To customize the simulation to the real world system, values and constraints to the variables
that can be controlled should be assigned.
4. Determine Output Variables:
The variables we want the simulation to output is to be established. During this step, the problem
statement should be considered and find out what we are trying to solve. Program output variables
that are broad enough to help see the problem should be tried out. For example, if our only output
variable are passenger wait time, we would be unable to see the cashier and bagger idle time. We
cannot fix a bike with only a flashlight in a dark room. To fully see the problem, we need light
from every direction. Only then we can see the problem.
5. Collect Data from Real-Life System:
Information should be gathered from the system to input into the simulation. This can be done
using a combination of stopwatches, video surveillance, computer print-outs, and manual data
collection (i.e. individual tallies when passenger leaves within specific time interval).
6. Model Development:
It is an important part of simulation process. Logical diagram/flowchart must be prepared to
visually see the progression of the simulation. This will help us see and better model the system.
There are two approaches for developing our flowchart, and eventually our simulation. The model
approach we choose will inevitably dictate the outputs.
7. Select Simulation Software:
Simulation software must be chosen to run our model. We may need to assign different
capabilities, such as a random number generation, which would help model the randomness of
reality in the simulation. The software we choose affects our simulation, so the best type simulation
software should be selected for our needs.
8. Model Verification:
The simulation should be run and the results should be compared to the actual system. If the data
found is comparable to real data should be confirmed. Additionally, we should be sure the model
is consistent with our initial logic. Did we build the model correctly? Simulation must be reworked
until it resembles the real world data.
9. Model Experimentation & Optimization:
Altering some of the variables is preferred. All findings should be graphed to see all possible
solutions, as there may be more than one solution to the problem. As the programmer, we must
decide the best possible option based on our knowledge of the system. For example, if the
simulation output suggests that one solution is having 3 ticket counters and 10 cashiers working
per shift, as a programmer we should know that is not economically possible for the ticket counters.
We must find a better solution.
10. Implementation of Simulation Results:
The results should be applied to the real-world system after determining the best solution based on
the data input. We should be prepared to see changes in the system function.

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