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Geological Characterization and Stability

Conditions of the Motorway Tunnels 38

of Arrangement Project of the NR43, Melbou
(W. Béjaïa)

Nassim Hallal and Rachid Bougdal

The oriental coastal region of Béjaïa city is situated in the mountainous chain of the Babors.
The relief is steep as well as slopes which are very abrupt. In the North, the Babors coastal
massif dominates the Mediterranean Sea forming the Cap of Aokas and Djebel Djamaa N’ sia
in the city of Melbou. The recent realized tunnels (T1, T2) cross the limestone massif of
Djebel Djamaa N’ sia dated of the Jurassic era, which shows an intensive deformation due to
the fracturing as well as to the karstification. Several instabilities have been observed at the
time of their realization. Both tunnels (T1, T2) are excavated by mining in two sections;
Skullcap and stross. Basing on the geologic survey, the geotechnical interpretation and the
geomechanical classification of Bieniawski are the basis for what the retaining type were
stopped (Flies, anchoring bolts or the special processes for particular cases).

Babors Tunnels Instability Support systems Geomechanic classification

road. A quoted pavement of 80 cm in Width on the both

38.1 Introduction
sides (sea and mountain) in every tunnel is also planned.
In the framework of the extension of NR43 (Béjaïa), two
tunnels (T1, T2) were executed for the aim of crossing the
limestone massif of Djebel Djemaa N’ sia. The total length
38.3 Geological Setting
of the both tunnels is about 1,497 m (Fig. 38.1).
The tunnels T1 and T2 on the NR43 which cross the massif
The thickness of the skullcap cover is approximately
of Djebel Djamaa N’ sia are situated in the Melbou
170 m for T2 and 135 m for T1. These two tunnels were
municipality. The geological formations observed in both
excavated by mining in two sections, skullcap and stross.
tunnels have the same nature of the Jurassic limestone
(Coutelle 1979).
38.2 Presentation of the Work

The arrangement project of the NR43 consists in the reali-

38.4 Geology of the Studied Area
zation of two tunnels, which are monotube with two ways,
The massif of Djebel Djemaa N’ sia is featured by hard
of a width of 11.10 m, to 7.23 m of height and a 2 × 4 m
limestone rocks (Figs. 38.5 and 38.6), grey color and brown
patina (Leikine 1971). Most of the outcrops show an intense
deformation due to the paroxysmal phase of the Miocene
N. Hallal (&)  R. Bougdal
Scientific University of Algiers USTHB, Algiers, Algeria (kirèche 1993), that is expressed by fractures more or less
e-mail: geoaokas@yahoo.fr closed papered with calcite and iron oxides deposits. The
R. Bougdal stratification plans are observed in several points on the
e-mail: bougdalr@yahoo.fr extreme of the massif; they are characterized by directions

G. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 6, 237
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09060-3_38, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
238 N. Hallal and R. Bougdal

Fig. 38.1 Situation map of both

tunnels (T1, T2)

Fig. 38.2 Karstic cavity in the tunnel T1

going from N040° to N070° and dips from 40° to 75° Fig. 38.3 Karstic cavity in the tunnel T2
A big vertical fault (N070°) is observed on the Djebel
Djemaa N’sia upstream side. Secondary faults, which break strengthened sand beds which are surmounted by a layer of
off in the contact of the major fault, are observed along the reddish clays.
NR43. From the tunnel T02 (PK 0+900) to the slope of the
Along the borders of this massif, limestone breaches few ravine, schist formations (crossed by the engineering work)
to well concreted and masses landslides with reddish clay appear, the first one is of marly nature and yellowish to
matrix are observed, they mask the limestone feet of cliffs at brunette color which is in unconformity on a gray to black
around depressions from the East tunnel portal T02 (PK 0 clay formation, crossed by calcite veins of very variable
+900) until the Melbou exit of (PK 1+700), where we find thicknesses (Obert 1981).
38 Geological Characterization and Stability Conditions 239

Fig. 38.4 a Stereographic

diagrams of the measures inside
tunnel T1. Lower hemisphere.
b Stereographic diagrams of the
measures inside tunnel T2. Lower

In the calcareous massif of Djebel Djamaa N’ sia, the

38.5 Main Causes of Instability karstic cavities were met throughout the drilling of both
tunnels T1 and T2. They are characterized of a simple clayey
38.5.1 The Fracturing filling of in the typical open karstic canal, passing by a
karstic levels or sealed cavities. The majority of these phe-
The limestone massif is crossed by a big vertical fault nomena develop on fracturing plans.
(N070°), Observed on the upstream side of Djebel Djemaa For the tunnel T1, several karstic spaces and caves were
N’ sia. The continuation of this fault toward the southeast met, The most important were met in PK 0+121 (Fig. 38.2)
controls the geomorphology of limestone massif bounds. and in PK 0+223 (Fig. 38.3), where the first one requires
Secondary fault systems, which break off in the contact of 49 m3 of the concrete for its filling and the second space
the major fault, are observed along the NR43. Three sets of presents a total volume of 2,199.92 m3 situated on highly-
faults were registered along these tunnels during the digging rated upstream of the tunnel axis. Besides, several karstic
works. The first one presents a direction of N025° to N040°, space were also been met, they are characterized by clayey
the second presents a direction of N050° to N075° and the fillings and intense fracturing associated with breaches.
third is characterized by a N090° direction. Between the Pk 0+760.90 and 0+780.80 a karstic system
A systematic measurement of the fracturing was effectu- developed. Indeed, this part of the tunnel is characterized by
ated during the progress in both tunnels (Fig. 38.4). As a fillings furniture established by pebbles and blocks of
consequence, data have been collected and statistically limestone wrapped in a brown and yellowish clayey matrix.
treated by a stereographic projection. These analyses confirm This training presents a very precarious stability. None of the
the existence of three fractures families. recut karstic space is really active from the point of view of
Fractures observed at both tunnels are the result of the in-rushes of water. For the tunnel T2, a karstic zone was met
fracturing engendered by the tectonic movements of com- during the digging between Pk 0+169 and Pk 0+114. It is
pression undergone by the rocks’ formations during geologic established by blocks centimeter in metrics wrapped in a
history (Kirèche 1993). Three families of discontinuities are reddish clayey matrix. The most important were met at the
observed. They present, generally, the same orientation as the level of Pk 0+100, Pk 0+157 and in Pk 0+177 underlined by
families observed in the Tunnel of Cap Aokas (Hallal and the presence of stalactites and stalagmites. The cave met at
Bensafia 2011; Bougdal 2009). The spacing and the thick- the level of Pk 0+177 presents a stream of low debit and an
ness of the discontinuities are very variable, they contain alluvial deposits testifying of a former strong flow.
mostly brunette to yellowish clays, with sometimes alterna-
tions of thin layers blackish. These zones are mostly the seat
of detachment of dihedral due to the bad holding of the rock. 38.7 Hydrogeology

38.7.1 General Framework

38.6 Karstification
The fracturing and the karstification confers to the calcare-
The limestone massifs of the Babors Lias are known by the ous massif of Djebel Djemaa N’ sia (massif of Babors) a
existence of numerous dissolution and subterranean canal sufficient permeability for the infiltration and the accumu-
cavities which can develop on several kilometers. lation of subterranean waters (Obert 1981). The
240 N. Hallal and R. Bougdal

hydrogeologic situation of both tunnels is identical; it is 38.8.1 Skullcap

represented in both cases by the Jurassic permeable lime-
stone formations. The flows of groundwater met are those of The unsticking of the dihedrals is inexistent in skullcap
karstic type through a discontinuity network and karstic during the progress of both tunnels, a little lesser in tunnel
channels. T2, situated in the faults zones.
The tunnel T2 is different from the tunnel T1 in this case The holding of the rock in skullcap has been proved
by the presence of a small ravine of an important debit globally good to very good, rarely bad or very bad in
during the rainy periods, So it emerges from this hydro- intensely broken or karstified zones.
geologic situation that more or less important water in-
rushes could arise during the drilling of the tunnel and
infiltrations of water can be expected in the tunnel T2 during 38.8.2 Facings
the drilling.
For both tunnels, the holding of the rock in facing has been
proved globally good to very good, with some noticed
38.7.2 In-Rushes of Water in Tunnels instabilities. A bad to very bad holding in intensely broken
zones, in the zones of weaknesses as well as in the karstic
38.7.2. Tunnel T1 spaces.
• No coming water occurred during the works of
• A water seepage resulting from fractures in direct contact 38.8.3 Attack Front
with karstic space;
• A water seepage is especially observed in skullcap, they Faces presented a good behavior, with some limited cases of
appeared near the karstic space and to the contact of the bad holding due to the fracturing and to the karstification of
faults; the rock and to the nature of filling.
• Numerous seepages are observed in tectonic zones, with
very low debit.
38.9 Geotechnics
38.7.2. Tunnel T2
• The temporary nature of the comings waters shows that it 38.9.1 Geomechanical Characteristics of Rocks
is mainly percolations waters till the surface of the rock
massif in rainy period; • According to the standard IN ISO 14689-1, the calcare-
• Seepage and coming of water were more frequent near ous massif of DJ Djemaa N’ sia presents a resistance to
the karstic cavity, they appeared skullcap to the right of compression with a rocky matrix estimated as high to
fractures. In the karstic space, met at the level of Pk 0 very high.
+177, a stream of weak debit was met and sediment • The results of mechanical tests made on the calcareous
trainings witness of a high debit of water. massif within the framework of the study of each con-
In both tunnels, during heavy rain, the coming of water straint met in the progress (fractured and karstic zones)
were systematically listed and gauged when their debit revealed low resistance in the compression with a rocky
allowed it. matrix globally less resistant.

38.8 Behavior of the Rock Massif 38.10 Application of the Method

in the Progress of BIENIAWSKI in the Crossed Massif

During the digging works, the observations made during the The method applied for the classification of the rock massif
progress to estimate the holding of the rock after mining and of DJ Djemaa N’ sia is the method of BIENIAWSKI (Bie-
to recover extra profiles in the unstable zones are proved true niawski 1968; Barton et al. 1974), in order to arrive at a
difficult because of the works of marinating and bleeding, global evaluation of its quality.
Which followed directly mine blasting, and fast pose of a The Figs. 38.5 and 38.6 summarize the evolution of the
protection coat of concrete thrown in skullcap and partially variation of the RMR and the retaining structure set up
in facings. according to the digging in both tunnels.
38 Geological Characterization and Stability Conditions 241

Fig. 38.5 Geological and geotechnical cup of the tunnel T2

Fig. 38.6 Geotechnical and geological cup of the tunnel T1

Fig. 38.7 Variation of RMR and type of retaining structure realized along T2

Fig. 38.8 Variation of RMR and type of retaining structure realized along T1

These figures show that the geotechnical characteristics of zones which coincide with the zones of faults. The variation
the met rock formations are variable. The bad characteristics of the RMR along tunnels T1 and T2 is given in the fol-
were met in the zones of strong fracturing and the karstic lowing Figs. 38.7 and 38.8.
242 N. Hallal and R. Bougdal

38.11 Conclusion • Bolts of anchorings of 4 m length with a stitch of

1 m × 1.5 m.
The study and the follow-up geologic works made along In the category IV (A)
both tunnels (T1, T2), allowed us to collect a significant • A coat of concrete thrown by thickness 150 mm;
number of data which found the following utilities: • A coat of welded fatigues dress;
From a geologic point of view, the massif crossed by • Arch reticule (H = 94 mm), spaced of 1 m;
tunnels is essentially represented by limestones dolomitic • A coat of welded fatigues dress;
massifs of the lower Jurassic. • Bolts of anchorings of 4 m length with a stitch of 1 m
From a hydrogeologic point of view, no ground-water × 1 m.
was revealed in the massif and no coming of water was In the category V
observed in the tunnel T1, except for the inside of the tunnel • Bend umbrella;
T2 in Pk 0+177, a stream of weak debit was met. • A coat of welded fatigues dress;
The analysis of the in situ tests results and those in lab- • Arch reticule (H = 162 mm), spaced of 1 m;
oratory, realized within the framework of the study of each • A coat of welded fatigues dress;
met constraint and according to the standard IN ISO 14689-1 • A coat of concrete thrown by thickness 200 mm;
used for the classification of calcareous massif of DJ. Dje- • Bolts of anchorings of 4 m length with a stitch of
maa N’ sia, the geomechanical characteristics of the crossed 1 m × 1 m.
massif are summarized as follows:
• A compression resistance with a rocky matrix estimated
as high to very high for the calcareous massif of Djebel References
Djemaa N’ sia.
• The geomechanical application of the classification of Barton N, Lien R, Lunde J (1974) Engineering classification of rock
Bieniawski shows that the geological and geotechnical masses for the design of tunnel support. Rock Mech 189–239
characteristics of the crossed massif vary along traces, It Bougdal R (2009) Doublement du tunnel de Cap Aokas, synthèse des
données géologiques et géotechniques. Rapport géologique (Doc-
shows a succession of zones classified in the categories II ument interne)
(good), III (average), IV (bad) and V (very bad). Coutelle A (1979) Géologie du Sud-Est de la grande Kabylie et des
By basing itself on the Bieniawski classification, the Babors d’Akbou. Thèse doctorat sciences, Paris
retaining structures adopted for every classification in every Hallal N, Bensafia W (2011) Dédoublement du tunnel d’Aokas:
Géologie et caractérisation géotechnique du massif traversé.
tunnel are the following ones: Stabilité de l’ouvrage. Mémoire MASTER. USTHB. Alger
In the category II (C) Kirèche O (1993) Evolution géodynamique de la marge tellienne des
• A coat of concrete thrown by thickness 50 mm; Maghrébides d’après l’étude du domaine parautochtone schistosé.
• Bolts of anchorings of 4 m length with a stitch of Thèse doctorat sciences, Université d’Alger (USTHB)
Leikine M (1971) Etude géologique des Babors occidentaux (Algérie).
1.5 m × 1.5 m. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Paris
In the category III (B10) Obert D (1981) Etude géologique des Babors orientaux (Domaine
• A coat of welded fatigues dress; tellien, Algérie). Thèse de Doctorat, Université Pierre et Marie
• A coat of concrete thrown by thickness 10 cm; Curie, France

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