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Usability Report and Proposed Changes of the same style

This report is based on feedback from the usability test of the instructions “How to buy a
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meteorite from AeroLite.com.” instructions. It is designed to show the strengths and weaknesses
of the instructions and determine what should be improved upon and what should be or kept the

Test Objectives
The objective of the test was to determine if the instructions provided were sufficient to enable
users to be able to select and purchase a meteorite sample from AeroLite.org. This includes:

 Determining if the starting step is sufficient

 Identify if there are any confusing or misleading steps
 Provide feedback to improve readability of instructions

Areas of Strength
Users reported that the main area of strength was the straightforwardness of the instructions. It
was also reported that the layout was clean and did not need improvements.

Areas for Improvement

While the instructions were straightforward according to users there was still issues in the
wording of those instructions. Step three, four, five, and six were especially difficult for users.
There were also portions within the instructions that were incorrect, such as the title and the
options in step three.

Close Ended Question Responses
1. What was the most difficult step to complete?
Each user reported a different step that they struggled with. Steps 3, 5, and 6. However,
all users expressed verbal frustration at step 4.
2. Would visual aids improve this document?
Two out of the three users expressed that they would like to have pictures added to the
how to guide.
3. Was the introduction sufficient?
All users indicated that the instructions were sufficient enough to complete the task. I
observed that all users we able to complete the steps with minimal re-reading as well.

Open Ended Question Reponses

1. What could be done to improve the style?
All users indicated that the style was good and clear to them.
2. What can be done to make the wording clearer?
One user responded that steps three and six should be reworded. All other users
indicated that the wording was clear but would like the URL in step one to be a hyperlink.
3. Did this how to guide help you accomplish the task? Why or why not?
All users responded that the guide helped them accomplish the task in the instructions.

The first thing I would recommend is to change the title of the instructions to accurately reflect
the website. Currently the website name in the title is AeroLite.com, which is an unregistered
domain, this should be changed to AeroLite.org. The period should be removed from the end of
the first step so that when users attempt to copy and paste the link, the period does not throw
an exception. The link in step one should also be hyperlinked. Step three asks the user to pick
between three meteorite samples, but in the overview the user is given details about five
meteorite sample types. Step three should be modified to instruct the user to choose between
one of five meteorite samples outlined in the overview. Step four tells the user to scroll down to
the product listings. However, since there is no section explicitly titled “Product Listings” users
would continue to scroll and become confused. This should be changed to let the user know the
pictures are the product listings. Some users responded that they would like images of the steps
to be added, but after experimenting with adding images the instructions became cluttered and
much more difficult to navigate through.
Below are the instructions before proposed changes.

How to buy a meteorite from AeroLite.com

AeroLite.org is the leading website in meteorite acquisition. Below you will find a guide on how
to purchase your meteorite through our online interface. However, the first step in buying a
meteorite is deciding what type you’d like! See below for a short description of each type for
sale at AeroLite.com followed by the site instructions.

Stony Meteorite:
Stony meteorites are the most common type of meteorites and made up overwhelmingly of
silicates. These commonly have impact cracks throughout them giving a marbled appearance.

Iron Meteorite:
Iron meteorites are made up almost completely of an iron-nickel alloy. These meteorites come
from molten metal cores of meteorites that have impacted earth. They can be some of the most
visually striking meteorites and can be polished as much or as little as the user desires.

Stony-Iron Meteorite:
Stony Iron meteorites are rarer than both stony and iron. These meteorites are made of almost
equal parts Iron and Silicate.

Lunar Meteorite:
Lunar Meteorites come from the moon. This is possible by a large meteorite impacting the moon
and sending shards to Earth. These look much like Stony Meteorites but whiter in appearance.

Mars Meteorite:
Mars Meteorites are very similar to Lunar Meteorites in the way they get to Earth with the main
difference being their composition. Where lunar meteorites have a whiter complexion the Mars
meteorites will have a darker hue.

Using the website:

1. In the address bar of your browser type Https://www.AeroLite.org.
2. Once the website loads you will see a menu bar across the top, hover over shop.
3. A dropdown list will appear with multiple options. Since we’ve been talking about
meteorites choose either the iron, stony, or stony-iron meteorite option.
4. A brief description of the type of meteorite is shown at the top. Scroll until you see the
product listings.
5. Hovering over the product will give you the option of either details or add to cart. If the
meteorite is no longer available only the details option will be available.
6. If you choose to add to cart without looking at the details continue to step 8, otherwise
continue to the next step.
7. If you have decided to purchase this meteorite click the large blue “Add to Cart” option.
8. The page will refresh and your cart will change to blue in the upper right-hand corner
with the number of items in the cart. If you are ready to check out click the cart.
9. Once in the cart you will have the option to calculate shipping, apply coupons or check-
out. In the calculate shipping box change your state to the appropriate one, enter your
zip code, and click update total.
Note: If you have a coupon you can enter your code now or on the next screen
10. Your total cost has been updated and your shipping method has been defaulted to
priority shipping, you can update this to Priority Mail Express if you would life for an
additional fee. If the settings are correct click proceed to check-out
11. The next page enter all the necessary information for shipping as well as billing.
12. Carefully review your details and if they are correct check the “I have read and accept
the terms and conditions” box and click “Place Order” at the base of the screen. You will
receive a confirmation email shortly!
Below are the instruction after proposed changes.

How to Buy a Meteorite from AeroLite.Org

AeroLite.org is the leading website in meteorite acquisition. Below you will find a guide on how
to purchase your meteorite through our online interface. However, the first step in buying a
meteorite is deciding what type of sample you’d like! See below for a short description of each
type of sample for sale at AeroLite.org, followed by the site instructions.

Stone Meteorite:
Stony meteorites are the most common type of meteorites and made up overwhelmingly of
silicates. These commonly have impact cracks throughout them giving a marbled appearance.

Iron Meteorite:
Iron meteorites are made up almost completely of an iron-nickel alloy. These meteorites come
from molten metal cores of meteorites that have impacted earth. They can be some of the most
visually striking meteorites and can be polished as much or as little as the user desires.

Stony-Iron Meteorite:
Stony Iron meteorites are rarer than both stony and iron. These meteorites are made of almost
equal parts Iron and Silicate. They will normally be stony with shiny patches of alloy.

Lunar Meteorite:
Lunar Meteorites come from the moon. Lunar meteorites are possible by a large ateroids
impacting the moon and sending shards to Earth. These look much like Stony Meteorites but
whiter in appearance.

Mars Meteorite:
Mars Meteorites are very similar to Lunar Meteorites in the way they get to Earth with the main
difference being their composition. Where lunar meteorites have a whiter complexion the Mars
meteorites will have a darker hue.

Using the website:

1. Type In the address bar of your browser type https://www.AeroLite.org
2. HOnce the website loads you will see a menu bar across the top, hover over over shop
in the menu bar across the top.
3. Choose A dropdown list will appear with multiple options. Since we’ve been talking about
meteorites choose either the stone, iron, stony-iron, lunar, or Mars meteorite option from
the dropdown list.
4. A brief description of the type of meteorite is shown at the top. Looking down, theScroll
past the brief description to the images directly below which are the start of the product
5. Hovering over the product image will to seegive you the options, of either details andor
add to cart, click one of these options.
Note: If the meteorite is no longer in stock only the details option will be available.
6. If you choose to add to cart without looking at the details continue to step 8, otherwise
continue to the next step.
7.6. If you have decided to purchase this meteorite clickClick the large blue “Add to Formatted: Font: Bold
Cart” button if you have decided to purchase this meteorite.
8.7. The page will refresh, and your cart will change to blue in the upper right-hand
corner with the number of items in the cart. If you are ready to check-out click the
cartClick the blue cart after the page refreshes if you are ready to check out.
9.8. Once in the cart you will have the option to calculateCalculate shipping by
entering your zip code into the Calculate Shipping box., apply coupons or check-out. In
the calculate shipping box change your state to the appropriate one, enter your zip code,
and click update total.
Note: If you have a coupon you can enter your code now or on the next screen
9. Your total cost has been updated and your shipping method has been defaulted to
priority shipping, you can update this to Priority Mail Express if you would life for an
additional fee. If the settings are correct click proceed to check-ouLook closely at all your
information to ensure it is all correct.t
10. Click proceed to check-out.
11. At the next page enterEnter all the necessary information for shipping as well as billing
12. Carefully review your details and if they are correct check the “I have read and accept Formatted: Font: Bold
the terms and conditions.”
13. box then Cclick “Place Order” at the base of the screen. Thank you for your purchase! Formatted: Font: Bold
You will receive a confirmation email shortly!

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________Thank you for your purchase! You will receive a confirmation email shortly!________
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