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5E Lesson Plan Template

Name: Damian Liljegren Pima Course: EDC 277 Instructor: Cunningham

Subject: World History Topic: The Renaissance Period Grade Level: 10-11 Duration: 3 class periods
(55 minutes per class)

List of Materials, Handouts, Rubrics, and other Documents: PPT presentation with content of lesson (Scientific Revolution),
laptop computer, Chrome Books, mini whiteboards, dry-erase markers, erasures, and students with pencils and paper
who are present and eager to learn 

Purpose/Goal and/or Essential Question(s):

How did the ideals from the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution influence the ways we live today?

Components Description of Plan

Content Standards HS.2SS.C6.PO2 – The highly proficient student can explain how new scientific
Choose no more than TWO standards per ideas and discoveries changed the way people understand the world. 11.W.02
lesson. One standard MUST be an ELA
– The highly proficient student can write highly effective
informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts,
and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection,
organization, analysis, and formatting of content. From Beyond Textbook
(where we get our standards in the Vail School District).
Learning Objective Using class notes and other references students will create a 3-person group
 Choose ONE objective that leads slideshow presentation on 3 key figures and/or concepts from the
toward mastery of the focal standard
Renaissance/Scientific Revolution, accurately relating their contributions in
 Must be specific, measurable, and
realistic. science to modern-day society.
 Must have at least two parts: learning
and behavior
Est ENGAGEMENT Teacher will show students the following 4-minute video on the Scientific
# of  Describe how the teacher will
Mins Revolution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u84di7LHS_M Teacher will ask
capture students’ interest.
students to view video, think about what they viewed, then write down on their
 What kind of questions should
the students ask themselves individual whiteboards what they think the most important part of the video
Mins after the engagement? was. Then teacher will ask students to do a “Think-Pair-Share” with their
neighbors to compare responses with other students. Teacher will call on
random students to provide their responses. Teacher will then fill in any gaps
of information and clarify potential misconceptions. After engagement, students
should have a better understanding of some key names and concepts from the
Scientific Revolution.
Est EXPLORATION With a random partner (determined by desk numbers), students will read
# of  Describe the hands-on/minds-
Mins articles and handouts by teacher to complete a 3-circle Venn diagram to
on activities students will be
compare and contrast key concepts from the Scientific Revolution period and
20  List “big idea” conceptual their relevance to today’s society (heliocentrism, laws of motion, empiricism,
mins questions the teacher will use the scientific method, etc.). In their reading, students will answer these
to encourage and/or focus questions: Who are some key figures of this period and what are some of their
students’ exploration contributions to science? What is heliocentrism and how does it differ from
geocentrism? What are Newton’s laws of motion and their significances? What
are the steps in the scientific method and how are they relevant in today’s
Est EXPLANATION Teacher will facilitate a brief student-oriented discussion to present highlights
# of  Student explanations should
Mins of findings from the students in their readings. Students will be selected
precede introduction of terms
randomly to orally present findings (significances of concepts from the
or explanations by the
5E Lesson Plan Template

20- teacher. Scientific Revolution and today’s society) in their own words. Teacher will then
mins  What questions or techniques create groups and explain the slideshow presentation and its requirements. –
will the teacher use to help
students connect their
Groups of 3 will be determined by counting off numbers from desks, 1, 2, 3,
exploration to the concept etc. Groups will pull numbers out of a cup to determine draft order of pre-
under examination? determined key figures and concepts from the Renaissance/Scientific
 List higher order thinking Revolution. Groups will then Choose 3 key figures/concepts from the
questions that teachers will Renaissance/Scientific Revolution period and create a slideshow presentation
use to solicit student
explanations and help them to
that accurately details, describes, and relates the 3 contributions of the key
justify their explanations. figures or concepts to modern-day society.

Specific higher-order questions students must address in their slideshows:

“How are your key figures’ contributions to science or concepts specifically
relevant to modern society?” “In what ways did your key figures’ contributions
from the Renaissance/Scientific Revolution influence future societies?” “What
are the significances of your key figures’ contributions or concepts?”
Checks for Understanding 1. Asking questions to the students (individually and collectively throughout the
 Various strategies that are ongoing lesson) and checking their responses.
throughout the entire lesson. 2. Verifying to see that all students are properly writing down the essentials of
 Enables teacher to determine
whether ALL students have "gotten
the Venn diagram and collect them at the end of the lesson.
it." 3. Asking random students to briefly summarize their findings from the Venn
4. Circulate the room while students research and create their slideshows,
observe their work, and ask questions to ensure they understand the
Est ELABORATION Students will get Chrome Books and conduct research on the 3 key
# of  Describe how students will
Mins figures/concepts for their slideshow projects. Students will research the key
develop a more sophisticated
figures/concepts they’ve chosen for their project and their main contributions
understanding of the concept.
45-  What vocabulary will be made to science. In their research, students will understand the discoveries
50 introduced and how will it made during the Scientific Revolution and their relationship to the methodology
connect to students’ of science in modern society. These scientific discoveries, and the methods by
observations? which they are understood (i.e., the scientific method), that the students
 How is this knowledge applied
research are relevant in our daily lives because they help shape and define our
in our daily lives?
understanding of the world and universe in which we live.
Est EVALUATION While conducting their research, the students will create a group slideshow and
# of  How will students
Mins orally present their research/findings to the entire class to demonstrate an
demonstrate their
understanding of the concepts of this lesson. Teacher will know students have
understanding throughout and
45- after the lesson? achieved the lesson/unit objective by their ability to demonstrate mastery of the
50  How will the teacher know content through the quality of their written and verbal responses to the
that all students have numerous questions in lesson (Venn diagrams, discussions, slideshow
achieved the lesson presentations). Students will assess their progress by receiving a copy of their
graded rubric for the slideshow presentation.
 How will students assess their
own progress?
Key vocabulary and content will be included on the summative assessment
(unit test) for students to further demonstrate their understanding.
Est Closure: M.V.P.s (Most Valuable Points)
# of  Actions or statements made
Mins by teachers AND students
Throughout the group slideshow presentations, students will think about and
that summarize lesson
10 objectives. write down 3 key M.V.P.s, key points or ideas, (and their significances) they
mins  Essential for helping students got from this lesson and/or students’ presentations.
integrate ideas, make sense Students will write down their 3 M.V.P.s and verbally share responses with
5E Lesson Plan Template

out of what has just been their neighbor (student next to them) once all presentations are finished.
taught, and to improve their Teacher will then randomly call on a few students to orally share their top
chances of retention and
response with the entire class.
Assessment Options Summative Assessments: The slideshow presentations will have a rubric
 Formative and summative tools that (attached) to accurately assess how well each student has understood the
will be used as pre- and/or post-
concepts in this lesson. Even though the presentations are in groups, each
 Alternative options for diverse student will be given an individual grade for their portion of the work and
learners should also be provided presentation based on the rubric. Key vocabulary and concepts from this
lesson/unit will be on both the test review and test. Students will have the
chance to correct any incorrect responses they received on the test for 50% of
the point value. Many of these vocabulary words and concepts will show up in
future lessons for reiteration.

Alternative Assessment Options: Accommodations for diverse learners

would be more time to complete the slideshow presentation and/or test, and
reduced or increased guidelines on the Scientific Revolution slideshow
presentation, depending on the student.
Differentiation Options Content – Scaffold: I have multiple questions throughout my lesson for a
How you will reach diverse learners by reason. All students may not be able to answer them with master proficiency,
varying the:
but all students will be exposed to them and they will all be able to participate
 Content
 Process at a level that will enable them to properly learn the content standard.
 Product Content – Challenge: Some students will be able to answer the higher-level
learning questions in a manner that will challenge their critical-thinking skills.

Process – Scaffold: Extra time to complete the assignment will be provided

for those students who need it.
Process – Challenge: Students who finish the assignment early will have their
work checked by teacher and be asked to elaborate further on some details
(verbally to teacher or to help emphasize their points/perspectives to the

Product – Scaffold: Create a discussion with students to have them offer up

their perspectives on the evolution of scientific concepts in relation to modern
Product – Challenge: Ask gifted students to provide some specific examples
or analogies of how these discoveries from the Scientific Revolution apply to
our daily lives.
21st Century Learning Technology: Students will use Chrome Books to research the necessary
Includes technology as well as the 4 Cs: information they need to effectively complete their slideshow presentation.
 Critical Thinking
 Creativity
 Collaboration Critical Thinking: Students will be thinking of questions to ask, answering
 Communication questions based on their research and opinions, and evaluating online sources
for their slideshow presentations.

Creativity: Students will be expected to be cognitively creative with their verbal

and written responses, as well as visually creative with their slideshow

Collaboration: Students will be effectively collaborating with other students on

5E Lesson Plan Template

their Venn diagrams.

Communication: Students will effectively communicate with each other and

the teacher through various discussions, Venn diagrams, and slideshow
presentations (both researching and presenting their findings).

Additional Information:

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