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臺北市私立復興小學雙語部 105 學年度第 2 學期 3 年級 Social Studies 第二次段考試題分析與檢討

Taipei Fuhsing Private School – Elementary Bilingual Division Spring Semester of 2017 the Second Section Test Analysis
※ 分析表請於 5/19(五)放學前交回,請打字或以藍/黑原子筆撰寫。 Return this form by 4 pm, May 19, please type or write down the content with black / blue pen.

題號 考題分析與檢討
No. of
Question Test Analysis and Reflection
Q: Why is voting both a right and a responsibility?
Sample Answer: Voting is a right because it lets citizens choose their leaders. It is a responsibility because citizens have the
duty to vote in elections and to know about the candidates they support.
 Some students couldn’t distinguish a right from a responsibility.
Q: How can a student show that he or she is a good citizen? What helpful character traits might this student have?
Sample Answer: A student can follow the rules and show respect for classmates and teachers. This student might have
qualities such as responsibility, trustworthiness, respect, fairness, patriotism, and caring.
 Students need to explain both actions and character traits to get full pints.
Use the map to answer the question.
Q: What are some local features on the map? Please list two.
V. Part A. Sample responses: Cleveland Municipal Stadium, Jacobs Field, Gund Arena, Cleveland State
 The students who didn’t know the term “local features” failed to answer the question.

命題老師 Test Maker:黃馨逵 雙語部主任 Bilingual Dean: 副校長 Vice Principal:

教學組長 Academic Coordinator: 校 長 Principal:

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