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How to be

Sherlock Holmes
How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Introduction 3
Conceptual contents 4
Plot synopsis 5
Listening. All about Sherlock Holmes (for teachers) 6
Listening. All about Sherlock Holmes (for students) 9
Meet the characters 12
Dialogue 1 15
Dialogue 2 16
Dialogue 3 18
Volunteer Scene 21
Song. “Together again” 22

Pre-play activity 1 (for teachers). More about the characters 23

Pre-play activity 2 (for teachers). Questions about dialogue 1 24
Pre-play activity 3 (for teachers). Fill in the gaps dialogue 2 25
Pre-play activity 4 (for teachers). Verbs and expressions 27
Pre-play activity 5 (for teachers). True or false 30
Pre-play activity 6 (for teachers). 221B Baker Street of Sherlock Holmes -The House 31

Pre-play activity 1 (for students). More about the characters 33

Pre-play activity 2 (for students). Questions about dialogue 1 34
Pre-play activity 3 (for students). Fill in the gaps dialogue 2 35
Pre-play activity 4 (for students). Verbs and expressions 37
Pre-play activity 5 (for students). True or false 41
Pre-play activity 6 (for students). 221B Baker Street of Sherlock Holmes -The House 42

Post-play activity 1 (for teachers). True or false about the show 44

Post-play activity 2 (for teachers). Verbs 45
Post-play activity 3 (for teachers). Class debate and discussion 47
Post-play activity 4 (for teachers). Definitions 48
Post-play activity 5 (for teachers). Choose the correct option 49
Post-play activity 6 (for teachers). Public speaking 50

Post-play activity 1 (for students). True or false about the show 51

Post-play activity 2 (for students). Verbs 52
Post-play activity 3 (for students). Class debate and discussion 54
Post-play activity 4 (for students). Definitions 55
Post-play activity 5 (for students). Choose the correct option 56
Post-play activity 6 (for students). Public speaking 57

Extra-Activity 1. The Alphabet Game 58

Extra-Activity 2. The mysteries of Sherlock Holmes 60
Extra-Activity 3. Interesting facts about Sherlock Holmes 62
2 Vocabulary 63


How to be
Sherlock Holmes
The primary purpose of the teacher’s pack CD. AUDIO HOW TO BE SHERLOCK
is to help both teachers and students alike to get HOLMES (TRACK 10 TO 19)
as much as possible out of their participation in
Track 10· Listening. All about Sherlock Holmes
the interactive performance of “HOW TO BE
SHERLOCK HOLMES”. Track 11· Meet the Characters
Track 12· Dialogue 1
The pack has been designed as a tool to help
students understand the play, learn new vocabulary Track 13· Dialogue 2
and improve their listening and speaking skills. Track 14· Dialogue 3
Once they have done the activities, students will Track 15· Volunteer Scene
understand better both how the story develops Track 16· Song “Together again”
and the lines the actors deliver so they will get
Track 17· Pre-Play Activity 5. True or false?
more enjoyment out of the performance. This cd
contains some introductory material where you’ll Track 18· Post-Play Activity 5.Choose the
find texts corresponding to the plot synopsis and correct option
the characters, some dialogues from the play and Track 19· Extra-Activity 2. The Mysteries of
the original songs performed in the play. Also, you’ll Sherlock Holmes
find some suggested activities we recommend you
A new feature includes the possibility for teachers
to do before the play, pre play activities and some
to see the choreography of a song on our website
post-play activities which have been designed to
and therefore offers the opportunity of teaching it
check if students have understood the play correctly.
to the students prior to the show, thus allowing them
The activities also enable the student’s vocabulary,
to fully enjoy the dance on the day of the show.
expressions and grammatical structures to improve.
We sincerely hope that both teachers and students
Pre-play and post-play activities include
fully enjoy the play itself and the activities which
instructions for the teacher and the corresponding
make up this teacher’s pack.
student worksheets, as long as the activity requires
them. Some of the activities have an extension part We also hope this proves to be a useful aid in
(extension activity) which makes it possible to study enhancing enjoyment of this interactive theatre
the contents in depth, depending on the group’s experience.
ability. Both the introductory material and the
suggested activities may require the corresponding
audio material to make better use of them. In this
case, we provide you with the corresponding track
number from the audio cd.
In order to help the teacher find and select the
audio activities, we have listed the track numbers
below with their corresponding contents in the play

How to be
Sherlock Holmes
The educational interests of this activity will focus on helping students start developing the four basic
skills of any foreign language: listening, speaking, reading and writing. All this with an approach based on
communication, which aims to encourage students, involving them in dialogues, conversations, songs, etc,
and other forms of communication that are essential to the teaching and learning of a foreign language
process. At this stage students should develop a certain level of understanding and speaking to enable
them to deploy their first English communicative manifestations, and to consolidate the basic grammatical
categories of this language, and ensure their awareness and approach to the Anglo-Saxon cultural tradition.
The teaching materials of “HOW TO BE SHERLOCK HOLMES”, will allow you to study in depth
the following conceptual contents:

Listening Grammar
Various activities such as listening and repeating The teaching materials in “HOW TO BE
words as well as having to fill in the gaps to certain SHERLOCK HOLMES” will allow you to study
dialogues and songs, helping to sharpen the students the following conceptual contents in depth:
ear and encourage them to repeat all they hear in
· Present Simple tense. Auxiliary verbs in
negatives and questions. Third person singular.

Reading and Writing · Past Simple tense. Verb conjugation.

Affirmative and negative sentences. Used to.
There are numerous moments where students
· Personality Adjectives (nervous, impulsive,
have to read and understand the sentences and
dialogues within this dossier. It helps them to hone
in on their reading skills and then gives them the · Phrasal Verbs (to end up, to get on).
opportunity through writing to practice what
· Vocabulary: History, geography, travelling,
they already know as well as developing a greater
cultural knowledge and other useful vocabulary
knowledge of the language.
mentioned in the story.

Conversation · Irregular verbs, sentence formation.

The main focus when learning a language

should be on the ability to communicate. Here,
students are given the opportunity to develop this
important skill by involving them in dialogues,
conversations, songs, and pair-work set specifically
to encourage conversation in English. At this stage
students should have already developed a certain
level of understanding and speaking to enable
them to deploy their first English communicative
manifestations and to consolidate the basic
grammatical categories of this language and ensure
their awareness and approach to the Anglo-Saxon
cultural tradition.

How to be
Sherlock Holmes
In the quiet apartment known as 221B Baker system which is more straightforward: Steven
Street, London, the street is not actually as peaceful Smart is given situations he could face as Sherlock
as it seems at first glance. Mrs. Hudson, the owner Holmes and how he would relate to the other
of the apartment, is expecting someone’s visit; characters in Sherlock’s adventures, with Mrs.
she has arranged the house with great care and Hudson herself, playing some of the characters.
attention, cleaned and tidied all in a somewhat That’s how Steven Smart ends up playing the
accurate fashion. The visitor does not arrive, and famous detective Sherlock Holmes and how he
at the agreed upon time, five o’clock - she is about interacts in the different situations with Dr. Watson,
to have tea when Mr. Steven Smart arrives at 221B Miss Irene Adler, Inspector Lestrade and the evil
Baker Street and presents himself to Mrs. Hudson Professor Moriarty.
in a restless and somewhat clumsy manner. After
she is finished reading his letter of reference, it
corroborates that he is, in fact, an actor - as the job
she is offering requires - but, curiously, she finds
some details somewhat baffling: one of them is
how he cannot know who the famous playwright
William Shakespeare is, something incredible for
someone who is dedicated to the theatre.
Mrs. Hudson observes thoroughly and carefully
Steven Smart and subjects him to a thorough
questioning about his life; stressing the points,
if he has family in London or if anyone knows
of his whereabouts, and whether, in case of his
disappearance, someone would come forward to
claim his body. After many convincing answers given
by Steven Smart, Mrs. Hudson comes to the job she
is proposing and explains what his job will consist
of: ie. to interpret the famous detective Sherlock
Holmes in a stage version of his adventures. This is
because Dr. Watson has died, so they will not publish
any more novels about the eminent detective and
this implies a direct deterioration in Mrs. Hudson’s
economy, who happens to be the doctor’s widow,
Given Steven Smart’s curiosity for what
and also according to her, the real writer of the
happened to the other actors who assumed the role
adventures of Sherlock Holmes; but because she is
of Sherlock Holmes in the stage version before him,
a woman, it prevents her from publishing the books.
Mrs. Hudson confesses that all of them died in the
Steven Smart, eager for work, accepts the rehearsal period and their bodies were buried in the
position and is given a comprehensive dossier on basement of the apartment.
the character of Sherlock Holmes, whom he is to
Quite a violent argument between Steven Smart
play, and he goes to study it.
and Mrs. Hudson ensues, where Steven’s real
The next day, Mrs. Hudson asks him many personality, which is not what it really appeared to
questions about the character of Sherlock Holmes, be, is revealed... After that, both of them agree it
but Steven Smart barely knows anything. This would benefit both to preserve each other’s secret
prompts Mrs. Hudson to proceed with a learning and not to report each other to Scotland Yard.
All about Sherlock Holmes

How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Here we propose a text with interesting a sharp penetrating nose, with a very thin aquiline look,
facts about Sherlock Holmes. The students featuring an air of liveliness and resolution. Sometimes he
should listen carefully and determine what is somewhat abrupt, but polite to women even though he
the 15 mistakes that have been put on distrusts them”.
purpose are. Once detected, students should
Dr. Watson highlighted this in one of his cases,
write what the correct data are.
namely A Scandal in Bohemia, in the presence of a
There is no doubt that the detective Sherlock beautiful lady named Victoria Adler, who
Holmes is one of the most important figures in blackmails the king of Bohemia and is always
literature. Although its author, the Swedish regarded by Sherlock Holmes as “the woman”.
writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, never wrote the
Not very tidy in his daily routine, the reason
phrase “Elementary, my dear Watson”. Since he
for continuing discussion with Dr. Watson; he is
was born with an unusual interest to the public in
very skilful at disguising himself, smokes pure
1887, this magician of deduction has made the leap
Cuban cigars, likes cookies, plays the piano
from paper to theatre, from theatre to television,
masterfully (a Stradivarius, often at poorly suited
from television to film and from film to video game.
times), is an excellent beekeeper, an excellent boxer,
Sherlock Holmes is a character that was created and has great scientific knowledge, especially in
in 1887 by the Scottish writer Sir Arthur Conan chemistry. When bored for lack of intellectual
Doyle. Sherlock Holmes is an English detective challenges, he resorts to all kinds of opiates.
of the late seventeenth century noted for
He lives with Dr. Watson until the late nineteenth
his intelligence, his skilful use of observation and
century, at number 331C Baker Street London
deductive reasoning to resolve difficult cases. He
in an apartment owned by Mrs. Hudson, which she
stars in a series of four novels and fifty-six fictional
rents to Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.
stories that make up the “The Holmesian Canon”
mostly published by The Adventure Magazine. The first inspiration for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to
create Sherlock Holmes was his former professor of
Sherlock Holmes is the archetype of brain
medicine, Dr. Joseph Bell, an eminent podiatrist
researcher for excellence and influenced largely on
from Edinburgh, who resorted to unusual methods
the back of their appearances in detective fiction.
to deduce the ailments or habits of his patients
Although it is considered that Auguste Dupine,
before they even opened their mouths. As for the
created by Lewis Carroll, is a character very
choice of name, the name came from his professor
similar to his predecessor, but his eccentric genius
of anatomy and physiology at Harvard University,
did not reach the huge popularity of Holmes and
Oliver Wendell Holmes, whose name originally was
that the author reached during his lifetime.
going to be Sherrington, but Doyle finally changed
Sherlock Holmes, who was initially going to be to Sherlock, which is of Irish origin. Doyle did not
called Sherrinford Doyle, is a consulting detective, want the protagonist to speak of his own exploits,
short, fat, cold, ironic, witty and intellectually so he thought of a partner to exercise narrative and
restless. His companion, friend and chronicler Dr. play the narrator, something very characteristic in
Watson, who himself never gets named in physical the fiction of the time. The authors who precede
terms, describes him in the novel A Study in Scarlet, him used the third person, since they preferred texts
as follows: more realistic being spoken of by witnesses in their
fiction. Thus Watson was born, who at first was
“His height exceeded six feet and he is so extraordinarily
called Ormond Sacker, but Doyle finally decided to
thin, producing the impression of being even taller. He had

Teacher’s pack
All about Sherlock Holmes

How to be
Sherlock Holmes
use the name which in his own words was rather possible marriage to his beloved consulting detective
grey, Dr. Watson, a doctor with military experience, Irene Adler. But these are works that are out of The
who was shot in the second Spanish civil war. Holmesian Canon, so they are “unofficial”.
He was the perfect complement to the adventures
After a career of twenty years, of which Watson
of his neurotic protagonist.
shared seventeen with him, Holmes retired
According the guidelines of his texts, Doyle’s to the Bahamas, where he studied philosophy
Sherlock Holmes was born on January 6, 1854. and beekeeping. He even wrote a book entitled
He had two brothers: one, Mycroft, who worked The Beekeeper’s Apprentice, Or On the Segregation of the
as a general coordinator and international affairs Queen, and, almost casually, he resolved one of his
reporter for the British government and was an most complicated cases: The adventure of the lion’s
honorable member of the Reform Club. The mane (1907). After his retirement as a detective he
second was in fact called Sherrinford, and is the spent two years painstakingly preparing a major
oldest of the three, although he is rarely mentioned counterintelligence action shortly before the start
and there is very little known about him. of the First World War. Nothing about it has been
heard since 1914.
Sherlock Holmes was a student at the university,
probably Oxbridge, where he would attend some What is not doubt that Sherlock Holmes is a
subjects. Among them he excelled in chemistry. It character that has transcended so much that some
was also at the university where some of his work have come to say that he was a real person, and
began as a detective and where he began as an not a mere literary invention. That is the greatness
actor, joining the university theatre group. A fact of the detective who still remains present in all our
that would become very useful in interpreting the lives today.
roles he adopted by disguise in some of their cases.
After studying, he stayed at the British Museum to
study more which he thought would be necessary
for the development of his later career in the
sciences. He met Dr. Watson in 1991 in the Saint
Bartholome Hospital laboratory introduced by a
mutual acquaintance who asks if he may share the
floor at 221B Baker Street.
His great enemy, also of extraordinary intellectual
faculties, is Professor Moriarty, who apparently ended
with the eminent detective’s life at Reichenbach
Falls, Poland. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was forced
to resurrect the hero when thousands of readers
protested wearing black ribbons in mourning.
Sherlock Holmes reappears in the case of The
Empty House explaining the reasons for his absence.
This interlude of three years between the apparent
death of Sherlock Holmes and his reappearance is
known as The Great Hiatus. Literary time allows
some authors to unleash their imagination and they
are allowed certain poetic license such as Holmes’
detoxification from psychotropic substances or his

Teacher’s pack
All about Sherlock Holmes

How to be
Sherlock Holmes
1. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is not a Swedish writer; but of British origin, namely Scottish.
2. Sherlock Holmes is not an English detective of the late seventeenth century, but the nineteenth century.
3. The stories and novels were published mostly in the Strand Magazine, not the Adventure Magazine.
4. The character of Auguste Dupine was created by Edgar Allan Poe, not Lewis Carroll.
5. Sherlock Holmes is a thin detective and senior advisor.
6. The beautiful lady is called Irene Adler, not Victoria Adler.
7. Sherlock Holmes smokes a pipe, not pure Cuban cigars.
8. The instrument Sherlock Holmes plays is the violin, not the piano.
9. The apartment where Sherlock Holmes and Watson live is at 221B Baker Street, London, not 331C.
10. Dr. Joseph Bell was an eminent surgeon, not a podiatrist.
11. Dr. Watson was shot in the second war in Afghanistan, not in the Spanish Civil War.
12. Mycroft Holmes is an illustrious member of the Diogenes Club, not the Reform Club, where
Phileas Fogg belonged (the character from Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules
13. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson meet in 1881, not in 1991.
14. Reichenbach Fall is in Switzerland, not in Poland.
15. Holmes retired to Sussex in the south of England, not the Bahamas.

Teacher’s pack
All about Sherlock Holmes
Here we propose a text with interesting facts about
Sherlock Holmes. The students should listen carefully
How to be
and determine what the 15 mistakes that have been put on
purpose are. Once detected, students should write what the
correct data are.
Sherlock Holmes
There is no doubt that the detective Sherlock Dr. Watson highlighted this in one of his cases,
Holmes is one of the most important figures in namely A Scandal in Bohemia,in the presence of a
literature. Although its author, the Swedish writer beautiful lady named Victoria Adler, who blackmails
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, never wrote the phrase the king of Bohemia and is always regarded by
“Elementary, my dear Watson”. Since he was born Sherlock Holmes as “the woman”.
with an unusual interest to the public in 1887, this
He is not very tidy in his daily routine, the reason
magician of deduction has made the leap from
for continuing discussion with Dr. Watson; he is very
paper to theatre, from theatre to television, from
skilful at disguising himself, smokes pure Cuban
television to film and from film to video game.
cigars, likes cookies, plays the piano masterfully
Sherlock Holmes is a character that was created in (a Stradivarius, often at poorly suited times), is an
1887 by the Scottish writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. excellent beekeeper, an excellent boxer, and has
Sherlock Holmes is an English detective of the late great scientific knowledge, especially in chemistry.
seventeenth century noted for his intelligence, his When bored for lack of intellectual challenges, he
skilful use of observation and deductive reasoning resorts to all kinds of opiates.
to resolve difficult cases. He stars in a series of four
He lives with Dr. Watson until the late nineteenth
novels and fifty-six fictional stories that make up the
century, at number 331C Baker Street London in
“The Holmesian Canon” mostly published by The
an apartment owned by Mrs. Hudson, which she
Adventure Magazine.
rents to Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.
Sherlock Holmes is the archetype of brain
The first inspiration for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
researcher for excellence and influenced largely on
to create Sherlock Holmes was his former professor
the back of their appearances in detective fiction.
of medicine, Dr. Joseph Bell, an eminent podiatrist
Although it is considered that Auguste Dupine,
from Edinburgh, who resorted to unusual methods
created by Lewis Carroll, is a character very similar
to deduce the ailments or habits of his patients
to his predecessor, but his eccentric genius did not
before they even opened their mouths. As for the
reach the huge popularity of Holmes and that the
choice of name, the name came from his professor
author reached during his lifetime.
of anatomy and physiology at Harvard University,
Sherlock Holmes, who was initially was going to be Oliver Wendell Holmes, whose name originally was
called Sherrinford Doyle, is a consulting detective, going to be Sherrington, but Doyle finally changed
short, fat, cold, ironic, witty and intellectually to Sherlock, which is of Irish origin. Doyle did not
restless. His companion, friend and chronicler Dr. want the protagonist to speak of his own exploits,
Watson, who himself never gets named in physical so he thought of a partner to exercise narrative and
terms, describes him in the novel A Study in Scarlet, play the narrator, something very characteristic in
as follows: the fiction of the time. The authors who precede
him used the third person, since they preferred texts
“His height exceeded six feet and he is so extraordinarily
more realistic being spoken of by witnesses in their
thin, producing the impression of being even taller. He had
fiction. Thus Watson was born, who at first was
a sharp penetrating nose, with a very thin aquiline look,
called Ormond Sacker, but Doyle finally decided to
featuring an air of liveliness and resolution. Sometimes he
use the name which in his own words was rather
is somewhat abrupt, but polite to women even though he
grey, Dr. Watson, a doctor with military experience,
distrusts them”.
who was shot in the second Spanish civil war. He
was the perfect complement to the adventures of
his neurotic protagonist.
Student’s pack
All about Sherlock Holmes

How to be
Sherlock Holmes
According the guidelines of his texts, Doyle’s beekeeping and he even wrote a book entitled
Sherlock Holmes was born on January 6, 1854. The Beekeeper’s Apprentice, Or On the Segregation of the
He had two brothers: one, Mycroft, who worked Queen, and, almost casually, he resolved one of his
as a general coordinator and international affairs most complicated cases: The adventure of the lion’s
reporter for the British government and was an mane (1907). After his retirement as a detective he
honorable member of the Reform Club. The spent two years painstakingly preparing a major
second was in fact called Sherrinford, and is the counterintelligence action shortly before the start
oldest of the three, although he is rarely mentioned of the First World War. Nothing about it has been
and there is very little known about him. heard since 1914.
Sherlock Holmes was a student at the university, There is no doubt that Sherlock Holmes is a
probably Oxbridge, where he would attend some character that has transcended so much that some
subjects. Among them he excelled in chemistry. It have come to say that he was a real person, and not
was also at the university where some of his work a mere literary invention. That is the greatness of the
began as a detective and where he began as an detective who still remains present in all our lives today.
actor, joining the university theatre group. A fact
that would become very useful in interpreting the
roles he adopted by disguise in some of their cases.
After studying, he stayed at the British Museum to
study more which he thought would be necessary
for the development of his later career in the
sciences. He met Dr. Watson in 1991 in the Saint
Bartholome Hospital laboratory introduced by a
mutual acquaintance who asks if he may share the
floor at 221B Baker Street.
His great enemy, also of extraordinary intellectual
faculties, is Professor Moriarty, who apparently ended
with the eminent detective’s life at Reichenbach
Falls, Poland. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was forced
to resurrect the hero when thousands of readers
protested wearing black ribbons in mourning.
Sherlock Holmes reappears in the case of The
Empty House explaining the reasons for his absence.
This interlude of three years between the apparent
death of Sherlock Holmes and his reappearance is
known as The Great Hiatus. Literary time allows
some authors to unleash their imagination and they
are allowed certain poetic license such as Holmes’
detoxification from psychotropic substances or his
possible marriage to his beloved consulting detective
Irene Adler. But these are works that are out of The
Holmesian Canon, so they are “unofficial”.
After a career of twenty years, of which Watson
shared seventeen with him, Holmes retired to
the Bahamas, where he studied philosophy and
Student’s pack
All about Sherlock Holmes

How to be
Sherlock Holmes
1. Example: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is not a Swedish writer; but of British origin, namely Scottish.

2. Sherlock Holmes














Student’s pack
Meet the

How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Mrs. Hudson. Sherlock Holmes.
She is the housekeeper from 221B Baker Street, Whose full name was William Sherlock Scott
and her first name is never mentioned in the works Holmes, he never married and had no children.
of Conan Doyle. She is Scottish, likes cleanliness He studied at the Oxford University. He decided to
and order, and is a good cook. She is an old become a detective when he was still at university;
intelligent woman, who exhausts all her patience this is how he became the world’s first Private
with the messy and disorganized Sherlock Holmes. Investigator. He met Dr. John H. Watson at St.
In our own version of the story, she is the real Bartholomew’s Hospital in London, and later
author of the adventures of the famous detective, shared the famous 221B Baker Street flat with him
and also the widow of Dr. John Watson. She is until his retirement. He investigated around 500
committed to carrying forward the idea of putting cases, in particular those involving Professor James
on a play about the character of Sherlock Holmes Moriarty’s criminal organization. As an old man he
in the theatre, in order to exhaust the popularity of retired to a village on the Sussex Coast.
his books, since the author of all of them is actually
Watson, according to many. To carry out this desire,
she will stop at nothing and will use any and all
methods available, then she will die proudly.

Steven Smart. Doctor John Watson.

He is a method actor. Despite being English by He is Sherlock Holmes’ perfect companion, his
birth, he knows nothing about the world of the best friend, ally and confidant. Together they make
famous detective Sherlock Holmes. He is confused, up one of literature’s most famous pairs. Watson
anxious, superstitious and seems somewhat simple graduated in medicine from the University of
in terms of his arguments, but with a certain dark London and was in the army in the rifle regiment
side. He is said to have no friends, no family, no in Afghanistan, where he was badly wounded in
one at all in London, despite living in the city for the leg and had to be sent home to recover in St.
a few years. In his letter of reference, it is not clear Bartholomew’s Hospital. He is something of a
that he has ever studied at any drama school, and womanizer, and was married and widowed three
surprisingly, he has never read any of the work by times. He works with Holmes in his investigation. In
the prestigious playwright William Shakespeare. our version of the story, he is the widower of Mrs.
He doubts the methodology used by Mrs. Hudson Hudson and the real author of the chronicles of the
regarding rehearsals and setting up of the show for famous detective Sherlock Holmes, and is also his
which he has been hired. He has an elusive look, faithful biographer.
nervous gestures, and although it is not apparent,
always keeps an ace up his sleeve.

Meet the

How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Inspector Lestrade. Irene Adler.
He is an inspector from Scotland Yard, with over She is the less common character in The Adventures
twenty years in the police force when he meets of Sherlock Holmes; actually only appearing as a
Sherlock Holmes. He is a practical-minded man, direct protagonist in Scandal in Bohemia. All other
he has achieved his rank thanks to his tenacity information about her comes from occasional
and determination. Holmes and he are always references in different stories. However, this
embroiled in controversy; in fact, he is shown to character has been identified as one of the most
be extremely annoyed with the strange methods popular characters embodying of a woman
Holmes employs, but appreciates and recognizes detective. She is American, an opera singer who
the results. He is praised by the London press as one retires before the age of thirty, very attractive and
of the best detectives from Scotland Yard, and takes resides in London.
all the merit from some of the cases actually solved
by Sherlock Holmes. Over time he is a regular
visitor to Baker Street to discuss the cases in which
Scotland Yard deal.

Professor Moriarty.
Sherlock’s archenemy created by Doyle is
described by him as a man from a good family,
which has received a lofty education and has an
unusual gift for mathematics. At only 21 years of
age he wrote the treatise on the Binomial Theorem,
which was received with great success in Europe and
for which he won a professorship of mathematics
at a British University. But his criminal instincts,
coupled with his extraordinary intelligence led him
to situations that created dark rumours around him,
so he had to give up his professorship and return
to London, to tutor in the army; and it is there he
forms a criminal network. Holmes baptizes him
as the Napoleon of Crime, and tries to catch him
many times, although he maintains an admiration
for the criminal intellectual gifts of his rival.

Dialogue 1
Mrs. Hudson hires the actor Steven Smart

How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Onstage: Mrs. Hudson and the actor Steven Mrs. Hudson. But, I do not see anything
Smart. from the famous William
Mrs. Hudson. So, you are Steven Smart.
Steven. Who?
Steven. That’s right. Steven after my
Mrs. Hudson. Mr. Smart, surely you know
father and Smart... is… my
who William Shakespeare is?
surname. Why should it not
be? And yes I’m an actor. Steven. Well, I don’t think I have ever
dined with him, or at least
Mrs. Hudson holds out her hand waiting for that I think I would have
Steven to hand over his references. But he remembered.
does not understand and after several failed
Mrs. Hudson. I see! (Reading) “The humble
attempts eventually gets it.
girl who left the lake, climbed
Steven. Oh, sorry! (Giving her a to the roof, stepped over a black
paper) Here are my references. cat and began to sing like crazy
Ah! Also it includes my studies... after the bell struck three in the
at the end there, where it says... clock tower”?
studies. Of course, where else Steven. Oh yes, It was a wonderful
would it be? production. In fact, if you can
Mrs. Hudson. (Reading. After a pause) forgive my modesty, the title is
Interesting, but... mine and the text also. It is a
wholly owned and an exclusive
Steven. But…? creation of my own. You see,
Mrs. Hudson. Short when I get bored, I like to write.

Steven. Short? Mrs. Hudson. Where was it?

Mrs. Hudson. Concise. Steven. What?

Steven. Concise? Mrs. Hudson. The performance, where was

Mrs. Hudson. Sparce, insufficient, meager,
small, minute, tiny, limited... Steven. Well, it has not yet been
not a lot there. released, but I am sure and
completely convinced that they
Steven. I think. Well I understand... will soon see the light and it will
In my favour, I have to say, I’m be a success. Of that I have no
young and I still have years doubt.
ahead of me to... to do more,
of course. Mrs. Hudson. Ah, I understand. Well, I see
the rest of your work has been
Mrs. Hudson. Hmmmm, I see you’ve done somewhat... precarious.
some theatre.
Steven. Precarious?
Steven. Yes, I’ve been in several
productions. I am an actor. It’s Mrs. Hudson. Fleeting.
what you asked for in the ad, Steven. Fleeting?
14 right?
Dialogue 1
Mrs. Hudson hires the actor Steven Smart

How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Mrs. Hudson. Transient, ephemeral, Mrs. Hudson. Wonderful. You are ideal for
perishable, fragile, insecure, this job. So you are hired.
unstable, inconstant.
Steven. Right now?
Steven. Now that I come to think about
Mrs. Hudson. Right now.
it I understand. And yes, well,
the truth is that the five... three... Steven. Then, I accept.
ok, maybe I have not quite… Mrs. Hudson. Great, a wise decision.
done... any performances...
Steven. Wise?
Mrs. Hudson. Because?
Mrs. Hudson. Smart.
Steven. Well, the directors have not
always been happy with what I Steven. Smart?
do, and well... Mrs. Hudson. Erudite, enlightened, learned,
Mrs. Hudson. Do you have any family here in cultured.
London? Steven. Ahhh, I think I understand,
Steven. What? Mrs. Parson.
Mrs. Hudson. I was wondering if you had any Mrs. Hudson. Hudson, my name is Mrs.
family here in London. Hudson.
Steven. No… Steven. Delighted, I’m Steven, Steven
Smart, I’m an actor.
Mrs. Hudson. Are you married, fiancée?
Steven. Neither. I have not yet met
the mother of my children, I
Mrs. Hudson. Perfect! One more question, if
you disappeared would anyone
Steven. I don’t understand the question.
Mrs. Hudson. Well, suppose that the work
that I propose to you absorbs
so much of your time that you
are rehearsing day and night
and may have to leave for a
considerable period of time or
be in unusual places. Would
someone come looking for you?
Steven. Oh, no, I live alone... like a
rat... In fact none of my current
homes have ever seen my face.
I have no close friends, well, or
distant... in fact I think that very
15 few people, if any even, know
that I’m in London right now.
So, I have absolute availability.
Dialogue 2
Mrs. Hudson interrogates the actor Steven Smart

How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Onstage: Mrs. Hudson and the actor Steven Steven. Who?
Smart. He is visibly nervous.
Mrs. Hudson. Stop playing around. I see that
Mrs. Hudson. Have you studied the dossier I you have his sense of humour
gave you? down. This will come in very
handy later, because, aside
Steven. I have done nothing since
from what people read in the
yesterday. But I promise you.
Strand Magazine what they
I know it completely, Mrs.
don’t know, is that Sherlock
Holmes also has a great sense
Mrs. Hudson. Hudson. My name is Mrs. of humour, very British of
Hudson. course.
Steven. I’m Smart, Steven Smart, I’m Steven. Well the truth is I’m a serious
an actor. person, and...
Mrs. Hudson. Yes, I know who you are. Mrs. Hudson. Look, I need to know how
Steven. Of course, yes, I was here much you know about Holmes’
yesterday. character so that later you can
play him at a theatre level.
Mrs. Hudson. How do you not remember?
Never mind, I’ll now ask you a Steven. Ah, I understand, but still...
series of questions. Mrs. Hudson. How many brothers does
Steven. About? Sherlock Holmes have?

Mrs. Hudson. The dossier I gave you. Which Steven. (Opening the dossier) Can
you say you know completely. I look for the answer in the
Steven. Oh well, when I say completely,
I mean, I know certain things, Mrs. Hudson. No.
but I do not know if an Steven. Just for a second?
interrogation is really necessary.
Mrs. Hudson. (Taking the dossier out of
Mrs. Hudson. Who said anything about an his hands) No.
interrogation, I just have a few
Steven. One? (Mrs. Hudson shakes
her head) Three? Five? Seven?
Steven. Oh, of course but... if I do not Nine? Eleven?
know the answers or I mean
Mrs. Hudson. Stop, why only odd numbers?
if I fail, or if I do not answer
The answer is two, two
properly... will you then tear up
brothers: Mycroft and...
the contract you had me sign,
or...? Steven. Oh, yes, of course, two of
course. And it is a fact that I
Mrs. Hudson. Be reassured. I will not fire you.
have very clear in my mind,
There are simply a number of
you see why I didn’t say it is,
questions I want to ask you to find
well, what it was is that....
out how much you know about
the character of Sherlock Holmes. Mrs. Hudson. Who was Sherlock’s faithful
16 assistant?
Dialogue 2
Mrs. Hudson interrogates the actor Steven Smart

How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Steven. Can you give me a clue?
Mrs. Hudson. He was a doctor and was
wounded in the War in
Steven. Ah... I have the name right on
the tip of my tongue.
Mrs. Hudson. Then spit it out at once.
Steven. Another clue?
Mrs. Hudson. He was the one who chronicled
all of Sherlock’s adventures...
Well, at least it has been said he
Steven. He’s a doctor?
Mrs. Hudson. That’s right, I told you he was a
doctor and a very good doctor
indeed. Attentive, sensible,
educated, a responsible man...
Steven. Are you crying?
Mrs. Hudson. No, just some dust in my eye,
that’s all. Do you know the
Steven. Doctor Carson?
Mrs. Hudson. No
Steven. Doctor Marlon? Tagson?
Mrs. Hudson. Watson.
Steven. So close.
Mrs. Hudson. Doctor John Hamish Watson.
That was my husband’s full
Steven. Your husband, Mrs. Burton?
Mrs. Hudson. That’s right. I am Dr. Watson’s
widow... And my name is
Hudson, Mrs. Hudson.

Dialogue 3
Mrs. Mrs. Hudson begins reading the play.

How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Onstage: Mrs. Hudson and Steven Smart, the Steven. A what?
actor. He is drinking tea.
Mrs. Hudson. A direction... not to be read,
simply to be done.
Steven. Very good tea, Mrs. Claxon.
Steven. Ah, I understand, Mrs. Laxton.
Mrs. Hudson. Hudson, my name is Mrs.
Hudson. Mrs. Hudson. Hudson, my name is Mrs.
Steven. Delighted to meet you, I’m
Steven Smart, the actor. Steven. Delighted, I am...
Mrs. Hudson takes the cup of tea and gives Mrs. Hudson. I know who you are.
him a text.
Steven. Oh, charming!!! Shall I read
Mrs. Hudson. There in your hand, you hold
my greatest creation. Mrs. Hudson. Of course. Go straight to the
description of the character,
Steven. Greatest creation?
just before the start of the
Mrs. Hudson. My invention. dialogue.
Steven. Your invention? Steven. According to this... (reading
Mrs. Hudson. My universe, my cosmos, my again) Sherlock enters the
firmament. scene... (Mrs. Hudson gives
a gesture not to read the
Steven. This? annotation) Sorry, I could
Mrs. Hudson. How would you say it? not remember what to do with
the direction (reading again)
Steven. Eh! It’s... it’s... it’s... a pile of Sherlock Holmes is a detective
pages? consultant, tall, thin, cold,
Mrs. Hudson. It is the text of the play ironic, witty and intellectually
that we will represent. It is restless. (Leaving reading) I’m
a compendium of different supposed to be that?
adventures I’ve written about Mrs. Hudson. Not that I suppose, it is just
Sherlock Holmes. what he should be, what I’d like
Steven. But everyone says that the you to be.
doctor wrote... Steven. You believe in miracles, it is not
Mrs. Hudson. Be quiet and read. my thing (Reading) Sometimes
he is somewhat abrupt, but he
Steven. It will be my pleasure. is polite to women even though
(Reading) Sherlock Holmes he is distrustful of them. (to
appears on the scene... Mrs. Hudson) That does
Mrs. Hudson. You’re not supposed to read not sound like me, since I’m a
that. person who falls in love easily
and always...
Steven. But it is what it says right there.
Mrs. Hudson. I do not care what you do or do
Mrs. Hudson. It is simply a stage direction.
not do; the character is Holmes,
18 I created it, so...
Dialogue 3
Mrs. Mrs. Hudson begins reading the play.

How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Steven. Say no more, but could we Mrs. Hudson. Let’s just say they were not
not change it a bit so with the sufficiently prepared to perform
women I could be a little more... stunts.
more... willing, handsome,
Steven. Like what?
Mrs. Hudson. Jumping from a waterfall as
Mrs. Hudson. (Visibly angry) I will not
does the character in The Final
change one comma, not a full
Problem. Poor guy! I was so
stop, not a word of this text. Do
sorry to see him lying there so
you understand?
lifeless and wet.
Steven. Perfectly... (Reading) Sherlock
Steven. He drowned?
is not very tidy in his daily
routine, but is very skilful in Mrs. Hudson. Those are the risks. It is not
disguising himself. He smokes a proper to portray Sherlock
pipe, likes cookies, plays fiddle Holmes in any other way; the
with expertise, is an expert character is a great swimmer.
beekeeper, excellent boxer, By the way, you are vaccinated
has great scientific knowledge, against rabies right?
especially in chemistry and Steven. I’m not sure. Why?
gets bored when he has no
interesting cases that involve Mrs. Hudson. I do not want to repeat it again
intellectual challenges; but one of the actors died from
thus being a true master of contracting rabies
deductive reasoning… (To Steven. Was he bitten by a dog?
Mrs. Hudson) I think I’m
getting dizzy with this much Mrs. Hudson. The hound of the Baskervilles,
information. to be exact.

Mrs. Hudson. That’s because of the sublime Steven. How many actors have died
character you are to represent before me?
on the stage; which I might Mrs. Hudson. William, Harry, Niall, Danny,
add, will become an icon of Rody, Ryan, Arthur, Lewis,
literature. What a gift for any John, James, Ronald and...
self-respecting actor. What was the name of the
Steven. And why choose me? That is to redhead with the prominent
say, I understand that several nose? Ah yes, Edward... Twelve
actors had been seen before in all, if I’m not mistaken.
me... Steven. Oh my God! And all of them
Mrs. Hudson. There were some problems in died in rehearsals?
rehearsals. Mrs. Hudson. Yes. But I am convinced that
Steven. What kind of problems? you will portray the character
I’m looking for.

Dialogue 3
Mrs. Mrs. Hudson begins reading the play.

How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Steven. Hmmm... How did the others Mrs. Hudson. (Cutting him off) No, Steven
die? Smart, you’re not going
anywhere. We need to start
Mrs. Hudson. Well aside from drowning
rehearsing now.
and rabies, one was bitten by
the Sussex vampire; another Steven. I’m... I’m feeling a bit dizzy.
burned in the adventure of
Mrs. Hudson. It will pass. It is just a little
the wax gamblers; another was
substance I put it in your tea, to
lost in the Boscombe Valley
make sure you would not escape.
mystery... However, luckily I
found it and was able to recover Steven. I think I’ll... I’ll... swoon…
his body. Mrs. Hudson. Do not overdo it, it is not that
Steven. His body? And what did you do bad.
with it?
Steven Smart, the actor, faints.
Mrs. Hudson. The same thing I’ve done with
all the rest. I buried them right Mrs. Hudson. Whoops! Well, I see he is a man
here in the basement. of his word.
Steven. I think I should leave now. You
are completely crazy.


How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Onstage: Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Lestrade. What? I didn’t get the last thing you
Sherlock. Shhht! Don’t yell, Watson, here
Holmes. Do me a favour Mr. Lestrade, Chief
comes the man who is sure to solve
Police Inspector Lestrade, do not
this mystery.
bother me in my investigation.
Inspector Lestrade enters. Watson. Well, what Mr. Holmes actually
means is...
Lestrade. Good morning, Dr. Watson.
Holmes. It would just be best if you were to
Watson. Good morning, Inspector Lestrade. go home and let me work. Good
Lestrade. Mr. Holmes. Morning.
Holmes. Inspector. Lestrade. That will not happen, Mr. Holmes. I
can assure you. Good Morning.
Lestrade. Well, I won’t say it’s a pleasure to see
you, because certainly it is not.
Holmes. Please Inspector, the feeling is
Watson. Inspector, have you already solved
the case?
Lestrade. What case?
Watson. The theft, of course.
Lestrade. Ah yes, yes, of course. The theft, of
course. I thought it was a murder.
Holmes. From what I see you are very
Lestrade. They are all cases that can be solved
by Scotland Yard.
Watson. Right, and you being the most
famous Police Chief Inspector in all
of London.
Holmes. The only thing I would say; and
yes, it is true, London can rest easy
knowing they have an inspector who
is efficient, attentive, intelligent and
much... much... much more.

“Together again”

How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock: Another case to solve, another mystery.
Watson: Together again on our big adventure.
Sherlock: Another gripping tale, another murder.
Watson: So let’s get going on our big adventure.

Dialogue 1
Sherlock: Look here Watson, do you remember?
Watson: Yes, Holmes, of course, that was the case of…
Sherlock: Identity Watson.
Watson: And wasn’t that the case where you met that woman…

Dialogue 2
Sherlock: The greatest private eye, in all the world am I.
Watson: But you’ll still take me on our big adventure.
Sherlock: Master of Mystery, I’m making history.
Watson: But please, do take me on your big adventure.

Dialogue 3
Sherlock: Look here Watson, do you remember?
Watson: Yes, Holmes, of course, that was the case of the…
Sherlock: Blue Carbunkle, a very tricky case.
Watson: And wasn’t that the time, that you met that woman…

Sherlock & Watson: Another case to solve, another mystery.
Sherlock & Watson: Together again on our big adventure.
Sherlock & Watson: Another gripping tale, another murder.
Sherlock & Watson: So let’s get going on our big adventure.

activity 1
First person activity
How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Students must rewrite the text describing the character of Sherlock Holmes in the first person.

Sherlock Holmes.
My full name is William Sherlock Scott Holmes, I never married and I have no children. I studied at
Oxford University. I decided to become a detective when I was still at University; this is how I became
the world’s first Private Investigator. I met Dr. John H. Watson at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in London,
and later I shared the famous 221b Baker Street flat with him until his retirement. I investigated around
500 cases, in particular those involving Professor James Moriarty’s criminal organization. As an old man I
retired to a village on the Sussex Coast.

Teacher’s pack
activity 2
Questions about dialogue 1
CD. TRACK 12 How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Here we propose a series of questions about dialogue 1 - CD. Track 12.
Students can listen to the dialogue in class, and then answer different
questions, so they will have more information about the show, and they
can practice the language and go over the vocabulary.

1.What is the actor’s name who goes to Mrs. Hudson house?


2. What does Steven Smart give Mrs. Hudson to check when he arrives at her home?

3.What celebrated playwright does Mrs. Hudson refer to, and interestingly, the
actor claims not to know?

4. What is the full title of the play written by Steven Smart?


5.What production that Steven Smart wrote has been released?


6. Does Steven Smart’s family live in London?


7. How does Steven Smart describe how he lives in London?


8. How does Mrs. Hudson describe Steven Smart’s suitability

for the job? It is also possible that
IDEAL the students listen to
the dialogue in class,
9. When does Mrs. Hudson say Steven Smart can start the job?
and the questions can
be asked orally and not
10. What does Steven Smart call Mrs. Hudson? in the order they appear
MRS. PARSON on the work-sheet. This
should be determined by
the teacher in respect of
the level of the students
and the difficulty level
you want the activity to

Teacher’s pack
activity 3
Fill in the gaps dialogue 2
CD. TRACK 13 How to be
Listen to dialogue 2 – CD. TRACK 13- and fill in the gaps.
Sherlock Holmes
Mrs. Hudson interrogates the actor Steven Mrs. Hudson. Be reassured. I will not
Smart. fire you. There are simply a
number of questions I want to
Onstage: Mrs. Hudson and the actor Steven
ask you to find out how much
Smart. He is visibly nervous.
you know about the character
Mrs. Hudson. Have you studied the dossier of Sherlock Holmes.
I gave you?
Steven. Who?
Steven. I have done nothing since
Mrs. Hudson. Stop playing around. I see that
yesterday. But I promise you.
you have his sense of humour
I know it completely, Mrs.
down. This will come in very
handy later, because, aside
Mrs. Hudson. Hudson. My name is Mrs. from what people read in the
Hudson. Strand Magazine what they
Steven. I’m Smart, Steven Smart, I’m don’t know, is that Sherlock
an actor. Holmes also has a great sense
of humour, very British of
Mrs. Hudson. Yes, I know who you are. course.
Steven. Of course, yes, I was here Steven. Well the truth is I’m a serious
yesterday. person, and...
Mrs. Hudson. How do you not remember? Mrs. Hudson. Look, I need to know how
Never mind, I’ll now ask you a much you know about Holmes’
series of questions. character so that later you can
Steven. About? play him at a theatre level.

Mrs. Hudson. The dossier I gave you. Which Steven. Ah, I understand, but still...
you say you know completely. Mrs. Hudson. How many brothers does
Steven. Oh well, when I say completely, Sherlock Holmes have?
I mean, I know certain Steven. (Opening the dossier) Can
things, but I do not know I look for the answer in the
if an interrogation is really dossier?
Mrs. Hudson. No.
Mrs. Hudson. Who said anything about an
interrogation, I just have a few Steven. Just for a second?
questions. Mrs. Hudson. (Taking the dossier out of
Steven. Oh, of course but... if I do not his hands) No.
know the answers or I mean Steven. One? (Mrs. Hudson shakes
if I fail, or if I do not answer her head) Three? Five? Seven?
properly... will you then tear Nine? Eleven?
up the contract you had me
Mrs. Hudson. Stop, why only odd numbers?
sign, or...?
The answer is two, two
brothers: Mycroft and...
Teacher’s pack
activity 3
Fill in the gaps dialogue 2
CD. TRACK 13 How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Steven. Oh, yes, of course, two of Steven. Doctor Marlon? Tagson?
course. And it is a fact that I Warlon?
have very clear in my mind,
Mrs. Hudson. Watson.
you see why I didn’t say it is,
well, what it was is that.... Steven. So close.
Mrs. Hudson. Who was Sherlock’s faithful Mrs. Hudson. Doctor John Hamish Watson.
assistant? That was my husband’s full
Steven. Can you give me a clue?
Steven. Your husband, Mrs. Burton?
Mrs. Hudson. He was a doctor and was
wounded in the War in Mrs. Hudson. That’s right. I am Dr. Watson’s
Afghanistan. widow... And my name is
Hudson, Mrs. Hudson.
Steven. Ah... I have the name right on
the tip of my tongue.
Mrs. Hudson. Then spit it out at once.
Steven. Another clue?
Mrs. Hudson. He was the one who chronicled
all of Sherlock’s adventures...
Well, at least it has been said he
Steven. He’s a doctor?
Mrs. Hudson. That’s right, I told you he was a
doctor and a very good doctor
indeed. Attentive, sensible,
educated, a responsible
Steven. Are you crying?
Mrs. Hudson. No, just some dust in my eye,
that’s all. Do you know the
answer? Students must classify
Steven. Doctor Carson? the words to be
completed into three
Mrs. Hudson. No.
groups according to
whether they are nouns,
adjectives or verbs (in
the latter case, they
should be put into
the tenses infinitive,
present continuous,
simple past and future).
Teacher’s pack
activity 4
Verbs and expressions
CD. TRACK 14 How to be
Students should listen to Dialogue 3 – CD. Track 14 - and
complete the dialogue by filling in the underlined gaps.
Sherlock Holmes
Mrs. Hudson begins reading the play. Mrs. Hudson. It is simply a stage direction.
Steven. A what?
Onstage: Mrs. Hudson and Steven Smart, the
actor. He is drinking tea. Mrs. Hudson. A direction... not to be read,
simply to be done.
Steven. Very good tea, Mrs. Claxon.
Steven. Ah, I understand, Mrs. Laxton.
Mrs. Hudson. Hudson, my name is Mrs.
Mrs. Hudson. Hudson, my name is Mrs.
Steven. Delighted to meet you, I’m
Steven. Delighted, I am...
Steven Smart, the actor.
Mrs. Hudson. I know who you are.
Mrs. Hudson takes the cup of tea and gives
him a text. Steven. Oh, charming!!! Shall I read
Mrs. Hudson. There in your hand, you hold
Mrs. Hudson. Of course. Go straight to the
my greatest creation.
description of the character,
Steven. Greatest creation? just before the start of the
Mrs. Hudson. My invention. dialogue.

Steven. Your invention? Steven. According to this... (reading

again) Sherlock enters the
Mrs. Hudson. My universe, my cosmos, my scene... (Mrs. Hudson gives
firmament. a gesture not to read the
Steven. This? annotation) Sorry, I could
not remember what to do with
Mrs. Hudson. How would you say it? the direction (reading again)
Steven. Eh! It’s... it’s... it’s... a pile of Sherlock Holmes is a detective
pages? consultant, tall, thin, cold,
ironic, witty and intellectually
Mrs. Hudson. It is the text of the play that restless. (Stops reading) I’m
we will represent. It is a supposed to be that?
compendium of different
adventures I’ve written about Mrs. Hudson. Not that I suppose, it is just
Sherlock Holmes. what he should be, what I’d like
you to be.
Steven. But everyone says that the
doctor wrote... Steven. You believe in miracles, it
is not my thing (Reading)
Mrs. Hudson. Be quiet and read. Sometimes he is somewhat
Steven. It will be my pleasure. abrupt, but he is polite to
(Reading) Sherlock Holmes women even though he is
appears on the scene... distrustful of them. (to Mrs.
Hudson) That does not sound
Mrs. Hudson. You’re not supposed to read
like me, since I’m a person who
falls in love easily and always...
Steven. But it is what it says right there.
Teacher’s pack
activity 4
Verbs and expressions
CD. TRACK 14 How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Mrs. Hudson. (Visibly angry) I will not change Mrs. Hudson. Jumping from a waterfall as
one comma, not a full stop, does the character in The Final
not a word of this text. Do you Problem. Poor guy! I was so
understand? sorry to see him lying there so
lifeless and wet.
Steven. Perfectly... (Reading) Sherlock
is not very tidy in his daily Steven. He drowned?
routine, but is very skilful in
Mrs. Hudson. Those are the risks. It is not
disguising himself. He smokes
proper to portray Sherlock
a pipe, likes cookies, plays
Holmes in any other way; the
fiddle with expertise, is an
character is a great swimmer.
expert beekeeper, excellent
By the way, you are vaccinated
boxer, has great scientific
against rabies right?
knowledge, especially in
chemistry and gets bored when Steven. I’m not sure. Why?
he has no interesting cases that Mrs. Hudson. I do not want to repeat it again
involve intellectual challenges; but one of the actors died from
thus being a true master of contracting rabies
deductive reasoning… (To
Mrs. Hudson) I think I’m Steven. Was he bitten by a dog?
getting dizzy with this much Mrs. Hudson.
The hound of the
information. Baskervilles, to be exact.
Mrs. Hudson. That’s because of the sublime Steven. How many actors have died
character you are to represent before me?
on the stage; which I might
add, will become an icon of Mrs. Hudson. William, Harry, Niall, Danny,
literature. What a gift for any Rody, Ryan, Arthur, Lewis,
self-respecting actor. John, James, Ronald and...
What was the name of the
Steven. And why choose me? That is redhead with the prominent
to say, I understand that several nose? Ah yes, Edward... Twelve
actors had been seen before me... in all, if I’m not mistaken.
Mrs. Hudson. There were some problems in Steven. Oh my God! And all of them
rehearsals. died in rehearsals?
Steven. What kind of problems? Mrs. Hudson. Yes. But I am convinced that
Mrs. Hudson. Let’s just say they were not you will portray the character
sufficiently prepared to perform I’m looking for.
stunts. Steven. Hmmm... How did the others
Steven. Like what? die?

Teacher’s pack
activity 4
Verbs and expressions
CD. TRACK 14 How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Mrs. Hudson. Well aside from drowning
and rabies, one was bitten by
the Sussex vampire; another
burned in the adventure of
the wax gamblers; another was
lost in the Boscombe Valley
mystery... However, luckily I
found it and was able to recover Extra-Activity
his body.
Steven. His body? And what did you do Now classify the words
with it? that you have filled
in, according to the
Mrs. Hudson. The same thing I’ve done with following table. If it
all the rest. I buried them right
is a verb, put the verb
here in the basement.
into tenses infinitive,
Steven. I think I should leave now. You present continuous,
are completely crazy. simple past and future.
Mrs. Hudson. (Cutting him off) No, Steven
Smart, you’re not going
anywhere. We need to start
rehearsing now.
Steven. I’m... I’m feeling a bit dizzy.
Mrs. Hudson. It will pass. It is just a little
substance I put it in your tea,
to make sure you would not
Steven. I think I’ll... I’ll... swoon…
Mrs. Hudson. Do not overdo it, it is not that
Steven Smart, the actor, faints.

Mrs. Hudson. Whoops! Well, I see he is a man

of his word.

Now students should make up their own sentences using each of

the words they filled in from the dialogue.

EXAMPLE: I am delighted to be on summer holidays.

Teacher’s pack
activity 5
True or false
CD. TRACK 17 How to be
Listen to these sentences, and after each one you will have to
say if you think it’s true or false:
Sherlock Holmes
1.Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character, created in 1887 by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
2.He lived in his famous apartment, the well-known 321-B Baker Street for his whole working life.
3.Sherlock Holmes received the honour of a private audience with the Queen of England, Queen
Victoria, for services to the Crown. However, he did not accept the privilege of being made a knight.
4.He played the violin. This, he used for distraction and to help think about an investigation in progress,
and he was also a talented composer. He was skilful with a walking stick, and a good boxer and fencer.
5.The pipe so often associated with Sherlock Holmes did not appear until it was used in a theatre
production of one of the stories in the 1940s.
6.It was between 1878 and 1889 that he tried almost exclusively to expose and eliminate the criminal
organization run by his best-known enemy, Professor Rodetty.
7.Dr. John H. Watson is a fictional character, friend, confidant and biographer of Sherlock Holmes,
and assistant in many of his adventures.
8.According to the adventures, Watson only wrote the stories, and it was a friend of Conan Doyle, who
published them.
9.According to A Study in Scarlet, Watson received a doctorate in law from the University of London
in 1878. He then decided to continue his studies to become a judge.
10.When Conan Doyle, the writer, died, his London residence was converted into 221B Baker Street.
The building belongs to a business, which very kindly keeps all the letters sent to Sherlock Holmes,
and has even published some of them.

Very good! I’m sure you got a lot of them right! See you soon!

Teacher’s pack
activity 6
221B Baker Street of Sherlock Holmes
-The House How to be
Here students can see a plan of the apartment 221B Baker
Street. Students should put the name of each of the objects on
Sherlock Holmes
it, referencing the drawing.

Seven steps Stacks of Stairs leading

paper Holmes’ up to Watson’s
leading from Sciencist desk Commonplace
Baker Street books room
charts on the Holmes’ Settee Watsons’ arm
wall stool chair

Mrs. Hudson
room at the Holmes’
end of the hall Holmes’ chair Chair in bow Bearskin bedroom Pictures of
window hearthrug celebrated
Baker Street Wax replica of criminals
window Holmes’ head

Teacher’s pack
activity 6
221B Baker Street of Sherlock Holmes
-The House How to be
Sherlock Holmes

Each student should take a part of the building that has
different objects, and put the names of each of them on the
corresponding object. The exercise will be more complete
with the more objects they are able to name. Once they
have completed it the best they can, they must pass it on to
another student and they will try to name more objects; and
the student who passed theirs on will receive a different one
from another student and try to complete that one. In short,
a rotation system. This can be repeated as many times as
you, the teacher, see it is necessary so that every time there
are more words added to the original.

Teacher’s pack
activity 1
First person activity
How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Rewrite the text describing the character of Sherlock Holmes in the first person.

Sherlock Holmes.
Whose full name was William Sherlock Scott Holmes, never married and he had no children. He studied
at the Oxford University. He decided to become a detective when he was still at University; this is how he
became the world’s first Private Investigator. He met Dr. John H. Watson at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in
London, and later shared the famous 221b Baker Street flat with him until his retirement. He investigated
around 500 cases, in particular those involving Professor James Moriarty’s criminal organization. As an old
man he retired to a village on the Sussex Coast.

Sherlock Holmes.

Student’s pack
activity 2
Questions about dialogue 1
CD. TRACK 12 How to be
Listen to dialogue 1 - CD. Track 12 - and answers the following
questions. If in doubt, listen to the dialogue as many times as
Sherlock Holmes

1. What is the actor’s name who goes to Mrs. Hudson house?

2. What does Steven Smart give Mrs. Hudson to check when he arrives at her home?

3. What celebrated playwright does Mrs. Hudson refer to, and interestingly, the actor claims
not to know?

4. What is the full title of the play written by Steven Smart?

5. What production that Steven Smart wrote has been released?

6. Does Steven Smart’s family live in London?

7. How does Steven Smart describe how he lives in London?

8. How does Mrs. Hudson describe Steven Smart’s suitability for the job?

9. When does Mrs. Hudson say Steven Smart can start the job?

10. What does Steven Smart call Mrs. Hudson?

Student’s pack
activity 3
Fill in the gaps dialogue 2
CD. TRACK 13 How to be
Listen to dialogue 2 – CD. TRACK 13- and fill in the gaps.
Sherlock Holmes
Mrs. Hudson interrogates the actor Steven Mrs. Hudson. Be . I will
Smart. not fire you. There are simply a
number of questions I want to
Onstage: Mrs. Hudson and the actor Steven
ask you to find out how much
Smart. He is visibly nervous.
you know about the
Mrs. Hudson. Have you studied the of Sherlock Holmes.
I gave you?
Steven. Who?
Steven. I have done nothing since
Mrs. Hudson. Stop playing around. I see that
yesterday. But I
you have his sense of humour
you. I know it completely, Mrs.
down. This will come in very
handy later, because, aside from
Mrs. Hudson. Hudson. My name is Mrs. what read in
Hudson. the Strand Magazine what they
Steven. I’m Smart, Steven Smart, I’m don’t know, is that Sherlock
an actor. Holmes also has a
sense of humour, very
Mrs. Hudson. Yes, I know who you . British of course.
Steven. Of course, yes, I was here Steven. Well the truth is I’m a
. person, and...
Mrs. Hudson. How do you not Mrs. Hudson. Look, I to
? Never mind, know how much you know
I’ll now ask you a series of about Holmes’ character so
questions. that later you can play him at a
Steven. About? theatre level.

Mrs. Hudson. The dossier I gave you. Which Steven. Ah, I , but still...
you say you Mrs. Hudson. How many brothers does
completely. Sherlock Holmes ?
Steven. Oh well, when I say completely, Steven. (Opening the dossier) Can I
I mean, I know certain things, look for the in the
but I do not know if an dossier?
interrogation is really
. Mrs. Hudson. No.

Mrs. Hudson. Who said anything about an Steven. Just for a ?

interrogation, I just have a Mrs. Hudson. (Taking the dossier out of
questions. his hands) No.
Steven. Oh, of course but... if I do not Steven. One? (Mrs. Hudson shakes
know the answers or I mean if I her head) Three? Five? Seven?
fail, or if I do not answer properly... Nine? Eleven?
will you then tear up the contract
you had me sign, or...?

Student’s pack
activity 3
Fill in the gaps dialogue 2
CD. TRACK 13 How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Mrs. Hudson. Stop, why only Mrs. Hudson. Doctor John Hamish Watson.
numbers? The answer is two, That was my husband’s full
two brothers: Mycroft and... .
Steven. Oh, yes, of course, two of Steven. Your
course. And it is a fact that I , Mrs. Burton?
have very clear in my mind,
Mrs. Hudson. That’s right. I am Dr. Watson’s
you see why I didn’t say it is,
widow... And my name is
well, what it was is that....
Hudson, Mrs. Hudson.
Mrs. Hudson. Who was Sherlock’s faithful
Steven. Can you give me a clue?
Mrs. Hudson. He was a doctor and was
wounded in the War in
Steven. Ah... I have the name right on
the tip of my tongue.
Mrs. Hudson. Then spit it out at once.
Steven. Another ?
Mrs. Hudson. He was the one who chronicled
all of Sherlock’s adventures...
Well, at least it has been said he
Steven. He’s a ?
Mrs. Hudson. That’s right, I told you he
was a doctor and a very
doctor indeed.
Attentive, sensible,
a responsible man...
Steven. Are you ?
Mrs. Hudson. No, just some
in my eye, that’s all. Do you
know the answer?
Steven. Doctor Carson?
Mrs. Hudson. No
Steven. Doctor Marlon? Tagson?
Mrs. Hudson. Watson.

36 Steven. So close.
Student’s pack
activity 4
Verbs and expressions
CD. TRACK 14 How to be
Students should listen to Dialogue 3 – CD. Track 14 - and
complete the dialogue by filling in the underlined gaps.
Sherlock Holmes
Mrs. Hudson begins reading the play. Mrs. Hudson. It is simply a stage .
Steven. A what?
Onstage: Mrs. Hudson and Steven Smart, the
actor. He is drinking tea. Mrs. Hudson. A direction... not to be read,
simply to be done.
Steven. Very good tea, Mrs. Claxon.
Steven. Ah, I understand, Mrs. Laxton.
Mrs. Hudson. Hudson, my name is Mrs.
Mrs. Hudson. Hudson, my name is Mrs.
Steven. to meet you,
Steven. Delighted, I am...
I’m Steven Smart, the actor.
Mrs. Hudson. I know who you are.
Mrs. Hudson takes the cup of tea and gives
him a text. Steven. Oh, !Shall I
read on?
Mrs. Hudson. There in your hand, you hold
Mrs. Hudson. Of course. Go straight to
my greatest creation.
the of the
Steven. Greatest creation? character, just before the start
Mrs. Hudson. My . of the dialogue.

Steven. Your invention? Steven. According to this... (reading

again) Sherlock enters the
Mrs. Hudson. My universe, my cosmos, my scene... (Mrs. Hudson gives
. a gesture not to read the
Steven. This? annotation) Sorry, I could
not remember what to do with
Mrs. Hudson. How would you say it? the direction (reading again)
Steven. Eh! It’s... it’s... it’s... a pile of Sherlock Holmes is a detective
pages? , tall, thin, cold, ironic,
witty and intellectually restless.
Mrs. Hudson. It is the text of the play that (Stops reading) I’m supposed
we will represent. It is a to be that?
of different adventures I’ve
written about Sherlock Holmes. Mrs. Hudson. Not that I suppose, it is just
what he should be, what I’d like
Steven. But everyone says that the you to be.
doctor wrote...
Steven. You believe in , it
Mrs. Hudson. Be quiet and read. is not my thing (Reading)
Steven. It will be my pleasure. Sometimes he is somewhat
(Reading) Sherlock Holmes abrupt, but he is polite to
appears on the scene... women even though he is
distrustful of them. (to Mrs.
Mrs. Hudson. You’re not supposed to read
Hudson) That does not sound
like me, since I’m a person who
Steven. But it is what it says right there. falls in love easily and always...

Student’s pack
activity 4
Verbs and expressions
CD. TRACK 14 How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Mrs. Hudson. I do not care what you do or do Mrs. Hudson. Let’s just say they were not
not do; the character is Holmes, sufficiently prepared to perform
I created it, so stunts.
Steven. Say no more, but could we not Steven. Like what?
change it a bit so with the women
Mrs. Hudson. Jumping from a waterfall as
I could be a little more... more...
does the character in The Final
willing, , direct?
Problem. Poor guy! I was so
Mrs. Hudson. (Visibly angry) I will not sorry to see him lying there so
change one comma, not a full lifeless and wet.
stop, not a word of this text. Do
Steven. He drowned?
you understand?
Mrs. Hudson. Those are the risks. It is not
Steven. Perfectly... (Reading) Sherlock
proper to portray Sherlock
is not very tidy in his daily
Holmes in any other way; the
routine, but is very skilful in
character is a great swimmer.
disguising himself. He smokes a
By the way, you are vaccinated
pipe, likes cookies, plays fiddle
against rabies right?
with expertise, is an expert
beekeeper, excellent boxer, has Steven. I’m not sure. Why?
great knowledge, Mrs. Hudson. I do not want to repeat it again
especially in chemistry and but one of the actors died from
gets bored when he has no contracting rabies
interesting cases that involve
intellectual challenges; Steven. Was he bitten by a dog?
thus being a true master of Mrs. Hudson. The hound of the ,
deductive reasoning… (To to be exact.
Mrs. Hudson) I think I’m
getting dizzy with this much Steven. How many actors have died
information. before me?

Mrs. Hudson. That’s because of the sublime Mrs. Hudson. William, Harry, Niall, Danny,
character you are to represent Rody, Ryan, Arthur, Lewis,
on the stage; which I might John, James, Ronald and...
add, will become an icon of What was the name of the
literature. What a gift for any redhead with the prominent
self-respecting actor. nose? Ah yes, Edward... Twelve
in all, if I’m not mistaken.
Steven. And why choose me? That is to
say, I understand that several Steven. Oh my God! And all of them
actors had been seen before died in rehearsals?
me... Mrs. Hudson. Yes. But I am convinced that
Mrs. Hudson. There were some problems in you will portray the character
I’m looking for.
Steven. Hmmm... How did the others die?
Steven. What kind of problems?

Student’s pack
activity 4
Verbs and expressions
CD. TRACK 14 How to be
Sherlock Holmes
Mrs. Hudson. Well aside from drowning Mrs. Hudson. (Cutting him off) No, Steven
and rabies, one was bitten by Smart, you’re not going
the Sussex vampire; another anywhere. We need to start
burned in the adventure of rehearsing now.
the wax gamblers; another was
Steven. I’m... I’m feeling a bit dizzy.
lost in the Boscombe Valley
mystery... However, luckily I Mrs. Hudson. It will pass. It is just a little
found it and was able to recover substance I put it in your tea,
his body. to make sure you would not
Steven. His body? And what did you do
with it? Steven. I think I’ll... I’ll... swoon…
Mrs. Hudson. The same thing I’ve done with Mrs. Hudson. Do not it, it is
all the rest. I buried them right not that bad.
here in the basement. Steven Smart, the actor, faints.
Steven. I think I should leave now. You
are completely . Mrs. Hudson. Whoops! Well, I see he is a man
of his word.

Now, make up your own sentences using each of the words you filled in from the dialogue.
Use your dictionary if you get stuck on the words, but try your best to make full sentences first.

1. EXAMPLE: I am delighted to be on summer holidays.

Student’s pack
activity 4
Verbs and expressions
CD. TRACK 14 How to be
Sherlock Holmes

Now classify the words that you have
filled in, according to the following
table. If it is a verb, put the verb into
tenses infinitive, present continuous,
simple past and future.

Noun Adjective Verb Infinitive Present Simple Past Future


Student’s pack
activity 5
True or false
CD. TRACK 17 How to be
Listen to these sentences, and after each one you will have to
say if you think it’s true or false:
Sherlock Holmes
1.Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character, created in 1887 by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

2.He lived in his famous apartment, the well-known 321-B Baker Street for his whole working life.

3.Sherlock Holmes received the honour of a private audience with the Queen of England, Queen
Victoria, for services to the Crown. However, he did not accept the privilege of being made a knight.

4.He played the violin. This, he used for distraction and to help think about an investigation in progress,
and he was also a talented composer. He was skilful with a walking stick, and a good boxer and fencer.

5.The pipe so often associated with Sherlock Holmes did not appear until it was used in a theatre
production of one of the stories in the 1940s.

6.It was between 1878 and 1889 that he tried almost exclusively to expose and eliminate the criminal
organization run by his best-known enemy, Professor Rodetty.

7.Dr. John H. Watson is a fictional character, friend, confidant and biographer of Sherlock Holmes,
and assistant in many of his adventures.

8.According to the adventures, Watson only wrote the stories, and it was a friend of Conan Doyle, who
published them.

9.According to A Study in Scarlet, Watson received a doctorate in law from the University of London
in 1878. He then decided to continue his studies to become a judge.

10.When Conan Doyle, the writer, died, his London residence was converted into 221B Baker Street.
The building belongs to a business, which very kindly keeps all the letters sent to Sherlock Holmes,
and has even published some of them.

Very good! I’m sure you got a lot of them right! See you soon!

Student’s pack
activity 6
221B Baker Street of Sherlock Holmes
-The House How to be
Here is a plan of the apartment 221B Baker Street. We have removed
the names of some parts and the objects that there are inside. We
Sherlock Holmes
need you to put in the words of the things that are missing, paying
close attention to the layout.

Seven steps leading from Baker Street · Stacks of paper · Sciencist charts on the wall · Holmes’ stool
Holmes’ desk · Settee · Commonplace books · Stairs leading up to Watson’s room · Watsons’ arm chair
Mrs. Hudson room at the end of the hall · Sideboard · Holmes’ chair · Baker Street window · Chair in bow window
Bearskin hearthrug · Wax replica of Holmes’ head · Holmes’ bedroom · Pictures of celebrated criminals

Student’s pack
activity 6
221B Baker Street of Sherlock Holmes
-The House How to be
Sherlock Holmes

Choose a floor from the apartment with
different objects and write the name of each
object. Once you have completed it and added
as many words as you can, pass it to the next
person or your work partner if you are in
groups and try to fill in more words on theirs,
and they will do the same on yours... And so
on until the teacher decides it’s time to stop.
The more objects you can name the better.

Student’s pack
activity 1
True or false about the show
How to be
Mark the statements true with (T) or false with (F). If the
sentence is false, then write the correct sentence. Sherlock Holmes
F 1. Stephen Smart introduces himself to Mrs. Hudson and tells her he is a butcher.
Stephen Smart tells her he is an actor.

2. Stephen Smart is very familiar with William Shakespeare and has performed many of his
F greatest works in the theatre.
Stephen Smart has never heard of William Shakespeare.

T 3. When Stephen Smart gets bored he likes to write.

T 4. Mrs. Hudson asks Stephen Smart if he has family in London or if he is married.

F 5. Mrs. Hudson does not think Stephen Smart is suitable for the role.
Mrs. Hudson thinks Stephen Smart is ideal for the role.

T 6. Stephen Smart calls Mrs. Hudson and Mrs. Parson.

F 7. Stephen Smart does not accept the job as he is too busy with his other jobs.
Stephen Smart accepts the job as he has no job.

F 8. Mrs. Hudson loves when Stephen Smart calls her by a different name.
Mrs. Hudson gets angry when Stephen Smart calls her by a different name.

Teacher’s pack
activity 2
How to be
Choose the correct tense:
Sherlock Holmes
A. Students should complete the dialogues with Present Simple,
Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past perfect,
Future (going to).

1. Stephen Smart IS (is) SPOKEN TO (speak to) by Mrs. Hudson.

2. Mrs. Hudson IS GOING (be, go) to be playing some of the characters
in the play about Sherlock Holmes. (Future)
3. What WAS (is) Mrs. Hudson DOING (do) before Stephen Smart
came to her house? (Past continuous)
4. Mrs. Hudson WISHES (wish) Stephen Smart to read the dossier about
Sherlock Holmes. (Present simple)
5. Stephen Smart HAD BEEN (is, be) telling Mrs. Hudson about all the
work he has done as an actor. (Past Perfect)
6. Stephen Smart WAS (is) an Actor, who HOPED (hope) that one day
he would be ALLOWED (allow) to put on his own play entitled The
humble girl who left the lake, climbed to the roof, stepped over a black
cat and began to sing like crazy after the bell struck three in the clock
tower. (Past Simple)
7. Mrs. Hudson DEPICTS (depict) her ideas about her play about
Sherlock Holmes to Stephen Smart. (Present Simple)
8. Stephen Smart CAN’T (negative, can) remember any of the text. He
ASKS (to ask) Mrs. Hudson for a clue. (Present Simple)
9. Stephen Smart HAS BEEN (is, be) listening while Mrs. Hudson HAS
BEEN (is, be) speaking about the job. (Past Perfect)
10. Mrs. Hudson says she IS (is) the widow of Doctor John Watson.
(Present simple)

Teacher’s pack
activity 2
How to be
B. Students should put the sentences in correct order.
Sherlock Holmes
1. not see/ I do/ from the/ famous/ anything / 1. I do not see anything from the famous
William Shakespeare./ William Shakespeare.

2. I come/ Now that/ about it,/ to think /I 2. Now that I come to think about it, I
understand./ understand.

3. met/ I have /the mother/ of my/ children / 3. I have not yet met the mother of my children.
not yet/

4. of your work/... precarious./ I see/ Well,/ 4. Well, I see the rest of your work has been
has been/ the rest/ somewhat/ somewhat... precarious.

5. London?/ Do you/ here in/ family/ have/ 5. Do you have family here in London?

6. You are/ Wonderful./job./ ideal/ for this/ 6. Wonderful. You are ideal for this job. So you
are hired./ So you/ are hired.

7. I think/even know/ that very/ people,/ that/ 7. In fact I think that very few people, if any
In fact/ I’m in/ London/ right now./few/ if even, know that I’m in London right now.

8. if you/ anyone notice?/ One more question,/ 8. One more question, if you disappeared,
would /disappeared/ would anyone notice?

9. have not/ Well,/ always/ with/ what I do./ 9. Well, the directors have not always been
been happy/the directors/ happy with what I do.

10. and completely/ it has not/ yet/ been 10. Well, it has not yet been released, but I am
released,/ but I/ am sure/ convinced/ that sure and completely convinced that they will
they will/ soon see/ the light/ and it will/ be a soon see the light and it will be a success, of that
success,/ of that/ I have/ no doubt./Well,/ I have no doubt.

Teacher’s pack
activity 3
Class debate and discussion
How to be
The advantages and disadvantages of being a famous
character. Sherlock Holmes
This is a group activity for GROUPS OF 3 STUDENTS.
The idea of this activity is that the groups will work together having a
discussion about the advantages (good things) and the disadvantages
(bad things) about being a famous character (like Sherlock Holmes).
1. Split the students into groups of 3.

2. Tell each group to take out a sheet of paper and divide the paper
as follows:


3. The students should spend at least 10-15 minutes discussing the

topic and writing down the advantages.


a. Ask the whole class “WHO WOULD LIKE TO BE A FAMOUS

b. Split the class into two groups, those who would like to be a famous
character and those who wouldn’t.
c. Match the PAIRS, one student from each group, and get them to have a
DEBATE, each defending their position on whether or not it is a good idea
to be a famous character.

Teacher’s pack
activity 4
How to be
A) Students should choose the correct word from the box for
each definition: Sherlock Holmes
Concise Famous Several Modesty Exclusive
Precarious Considerable Available Erudite Cultured

1. More than two but not very many Several

2. Having or showing knowledge that is learned by studying Erudite
3. Known or recognized by many people: having fame Famous
4. Having or showing good education, taste and manners Cultured
5. The quality of not being too proud or confident about yourself or your abilities Modesty
6. Large in size, amount or quantity Considerable
7. Not safe, strong or steady Precarious
8. Giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive Concise
9. Present or ready for use Available
10. Not shared: available to only one person or group

B) From the box in activity A, students should complete the sentences:

1. Mrs. Hudson tells Stephen Smart that if he gets the job it may absorb so much of his time that
he might be rehearsing day and night and may have to leave for a considerable period of time.
2. William Shakespeare is extremely well known all over the world and his works are world
3. Mrs. Hudson tells Stephen Smart that accepting the job she has offered him is very cultured.
4. Stephen Smart asks Mrs. Hudson to forgive his modesty as his production was wonderful that,
in fact, the title is his and the text is also.
5. Stephen Smart says he has been in several productions.
6. Stephen Smarts references were very interesting but short and concise.
7. It is a wholly owned and an exclusive creation of my own, says Stephen Smart, telling Mrs.
Hudson about his play.
8. When Stephen Smart accepts the job, Mrs. Hudson describes his decision as smart, wise and
9. Stephen Smart describes himself as being totally available for work whenever and for as long
as she needs him.
10. Mrs. Hudson Says: “I see the rest of your work has been somewhat precarious”. Saying that
he has not done very much work at all, according to his references.
Teacher’s pack
activity 5
Choose the correct option
CD. TRACK 18 How to be
Here are a series of questions about the show “How about Sherlock
Holmes”. Students should listen to CD. Track 18 and answer the
questions, choosing which option they think is correct from a-c.
Sherlock Holmes
This, in turn, will help them to understand the play better as well
as learning more vocabulary.

1. The name of the actor who goes to 221B 8. Inspector Lestrade is an inspector of...
Baker Street is... a. The CIA
a. Samuel Smart b. British supreme forces
b. Maxwell Smart c. Scotland Yard
c. Steven Smart
9. For the character of Irene Adler, Steven
2. In the show the real writer of the adventures Smart the actor...
of Sherlock Holmes is... a. Uses one of Mrs. Hudson’s dresses, a robe
a. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle he finds at her house
b. Mrs. Hudson b. Turn’s Sherlock’s jacket inside out and
c. Dr. Watson adds some details
c. Goes to Oxford Street and buys a dress
3. In the show Inspector Lestrade is... from a lady in the sales department
a. Fat, simple and stupidly argumentative
b. Elegant, intelligent and has very caring 10. The bodies of the actors who preceded
manners Steven Smart...
c. Quiet, respectful and somewhat enigmatic a. They have been buried by Mrs. Hudson in
the basement of 221B Baker Street
4. In the show, Mrs. Hudson is... b. They have been thrown into the River
a. Dr. Watson’s mistress Thames by Mrs. Hudson on a full moon
b. Dr. Watson’s widow night
c. Dr. Watson’s mother c. They are hidden behind the main altar of
the Cathedral of St. Paul
5. In the show, Mrs. Hudson is determined to...
a. Put on a benefit concert on behalf of
Sherlock Holmes
b. Put on a circus show about Sherlock
c. Put on a play about Sherlock Holmes
6. When Mrs. Hudson wants to define a 1. c
concept or point out a word, she... 2. b
a. Says similar sounding antonyms
3. a
b. Says different synonyms
c. Says her own dictionary definitions 4. b
5. c
7. Professor James Moriarty died... 6. b
a. Along with Sherlock Holmes at 7. a
Reichenbach Falls 8. c
b. Drowned along with Sherlock Holmes in 9. b
the River Thames 10. a
c. Froze to death along with Sherlock Holmes
49 at St Pauls Cathedral
Teacher’s pack
activity 6
Public speaking
How to be
A topic from the english language.
Sherlock Holmes
This is an activity that will take more than one day in class and requires the students to do
research and preparation for homework.

Just as in the play Steven Smart –the actor- had to learn how to do public speaking, so the
students will each make a brief presentation (in pairs) on one topic of the English language.
The students will choose from the list below. Then they will develop a presentation, using
materials in class and also at home (using the internet, grammar books, etc.) and prepare to
present their topic for 5 – 10 minutes in front of the class as a pair.

Note: Another option is to have the students choose

2 topics, one grammatical and one historical. The
teacher must feel free to add more topics that he/
she thinks of (for example: grammar topics that are
relevant to the class).

The list of topics is as follows:

Grammar: Other topics:

· The phonetic alphabet · Sherlock Holmes
· The conditionals (1st, 2nd, and 3rd) · Shakespeare
· Prepositions in English · The English Royal Family today
· Reported speech · Any other English language writer, playwright
· The perfect tenses (Present and Past Perfect) or poet of your choice

· Comparatives and Superlatives · Clothing and disguises (fashion)

· Phrasal verbs · King Henry VIII

· Victorian culture in England

Teacher’s pack
activity 1
True or false about the show
How to be
Mark the statements true with (T) or false with (F). If the
sentence is false, then write the correct sentence. Sherlock Holmes
1. Stephen Smart introduces himself to Mrs. Hudson and tells her he is a butcher.

2. Stephen Smart is very familiar with William Shakespeare and has performed many of his
greatest works in the theatre.

3. When Stephen Smart gets bored he likes to write.

4. Mrs. Hudson asks Stephen Smart if he has family in London or if he is married.

5. Mrs. Hudson does not think Stephen Smart is suitable for the role.

6. Stephen Smart calls Mrs. Hudson and Mrs. Parson.

7. Stephen Smart does not accept the job as he is too busy with his other jobs.

8. Mrs. Hudson loves when Stephen Smart calls her by a different name.

Now write down the correct sentences for the answers that were false, if there were any.


Student’s pack
activity 2
How to be
Choose the correct tense:
Sherlock Holmes
A. Complete the dialogues with Present Simple, Present
Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past perfect, Future
(going to).

1. Stephen Smart (is)

(speak to) by Mrs. Hudson. (Passive)

2. Mrs. Hudson (be, go) to be playing

some of the characters in the play about Sherlock Holmes. (Future)

3. What WAS (is) Mrs. Hudson (do) before Stephen

Smart came to her house? (Past continuous)

4. Mrs. Hudson (wish) Stephen Smart

to read the dossier about Sherlock Holmes. (Present simple)

5. Stephen Smart (is, be) telling Mrs. Hudson

about all the work he has done as an actor. (Past Perfect)

6. Stephen Smart (is) an Actor, who

(hope) that one day he would be (allow) to put
on his own play entitled The humble girl who left the lake, climbed to the
roof, stepped over a black cat and began to sing like crazy after the bell
struck three in the clock tower. (Past Simple)

7. Mrs. Hudson (depict) her ideas

about her play about Sherlock Holmes to Stephen Smart. (Present Simple)

8. Stephen Smart (negative, can) remember any

of the text. (to ask) Mrs. Hudson for a clue.
(Present Simple)

9. Stephen Smart (is, be) listening while Mrs.

Hudson (is, be) speaking about the job. (Past

10. Mrs. Hudson says she (is) the widow of

Doctor John Watson. (Present simple)

Student’s pack
activity 2
How to be
B. Now put these sentences in correct order.
Sherlock Holmes
1. not see/ I do/ from the/ famous/ anything /William Shakespeare./

2. I come/ Now that/ about it,/ to think /I understand./

3. met/ I have /the mother/ of my/ children /not yet/

4. of your work/... precarious./ I see/ Well,/ has been/ the rest/ somewhat/

5. London?/ Do you/ here in/ family/ have/

6. You are/ Wonderful./job./ ideal/ for this/ are hired./ So you/

7. I think/even know/ that very/ people,/ that/ In fact/ I’m in/ London/ right now./few/ if any/

8. if you/ anyone notice?/ One more question,/would /disappeared/

9. have not/ Well,/ always/ with/ what I do./been happy/the directors/

10. and completely/ it has not/ yet/ been released,/ but I/ am sure/ convinced/ that they will/ soon
see/ the light/ and It will/ be a success,/ of that/ I have/ no doubt./Well,/

Student’s pack
activity 3
Class debate and discussion
How to be
The advantages and disadvantages of being a famous character.

Have you ever thought about being famous, as famous as

Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes? If so, this is the activity for you... However,
if you decide that fame is not for you, you too can defend your
position below.

In groups of 3, on the following table, present the advantages and disadvantages of

being a celebrity. Hurry, because you only have 10-15 minutes.

Advantages Disadvantages

And now let’s start the debate. Depending on whether or not you would like
to be famous, go to a group with your colleagues and defend your position,
for or against... The choice is yours. Good luck and may the best team win!

Student’s pack
activity 4
How to be
A) Choose the correct word, from the box, for each definition:
Sherlock Holmes
Concise Famous Several Modesty Exclusive
Precarious Considerable Available Erudite Cultured

1. More than two but not very many

2. Having or showing knowledge that is learned by studying
3. Known or recognized by many people: having fame
4. Having or showing good education, taste and manners
5. The quality of not being too proud or confident about yourself or your abilities
6. Large in size, amount or quantity
7. Not safe, strong or steady
8. Giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive
9. Present or ready for use
10. Not shared: available to only one person or group

B) From the box in activity A, complete the sentences:

1. Mrs. Hudson tells Stephen Smart that if he gets the job it may absorb so much of his time that
he might be rehearsing day and night and may have to leave for a period of time.
2. William Shakespeare is extremely well known all over the world and his works are world .
3. Mrs. Hudson tells Stephen Smart that accepting the job she has offered him is very .
4. Stephen Smart asks Mrs. Hudson to forgive his as his production was
wonderful that, in fact, the title is his and the text is also.
5. Stephen Smart says he has been in productions.
6. Stephen Smarts references were very interesting but short and .
7. It is a wholly owned and an creation of my own, says Stephen Smart,
telling Mrs. Hudson about his play.
8. When Stephen Smart accepts the job, Mrs. Hudson describes his decision as smart, wise and
9. Stephen Smart describes himself as being totally for work whenever
and for as long as she needs him.
10. Mrs. Hudson Says: “I see the rest of your work has been somewhat ”.
Saying that he has not done very much work at all, according to his references.

Student’s pack
activity 5
Choose the correct option
CD. TRACK 18 How to be
Listen to the questions on CD. Track 18 and choose the answers
you think are correct. Good luck, DETECTIVES! Sherlock Holmes
1. The name of the actor who goes to 221B 8. Inspector Lestrade is an inspector of...
Baker Street is... a. The CIA
a. Samuel Smart b. British supreme forces
b. Maxwell Smart c. Scotland Yard
c. Steven Smart

2. In the show the real writer of the adventures 9. For the character of Irene Adler, Steven
of Sherlock Holmes is... Smart the actor...
a. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle a. Uses one of Mrs. Hudson’s dresses, a
b. Mrs. Hudson robe he finds at her house
c. Dr. Watson b. Turn’s Sherlock’s jacket inside out and
adds some details
3. In the show Inspector Lestrade is... c. Goes to Oxford Street and buys a dress
a. Fat, simple and stupidly argumentative from a lady in the sales department
b. Elegant, intelligent and has very caring
manners 10. The bodies of the actors who preceded
c. Quiet, respectful and somewhat Steven Smart...
enigmatic a. They have been buried by Mrs. Hudson
in the basement of 221B Baker Street
4. In the show, Mrs. Hudson is... b. They have been thrown into the River
a. Dr. Watson’s mistress Thames by Mrs. Hudson on a full moon
b. Dr. Watson’s widow night
c. Dr. Watson’s mother c. They are hidden behind the main altar
of the Cathedral of St. Paul
5. In the show, Mrs. Hudson is determined to...
a. Put on a benefit concert on behalf of
Sherlock Holmes
If you answered 0-3 correctly.
b. Put on a circus show about Sherlock
You must read more about the world of
Sherlock Holmes and his adventures, and
c. Put on a play about Sherlock Holmes
then you will get to know more about it. So
get to work!
6. When Mrs. Hudson wants to define a
concept or point out a word, she... If you answered 4-6 correctly. You
a. Says similar sounding antonyms know a lot about the world of Sherlock
b. Says different synonyms Holmes, but you still need to study a little
c. Says her own dictionary definitions bit more... Don’t be lazy about it, just look
up anything you can find on the subject of
7. Professor James Moriarty died... Sherlock and you will greatly enhance your
a. Along with Sherlock Holmes at knowledge. You are certain to love all his
Reichenbach Falls adventures!
b. Drowned along with Sherlock Holmes
If you answered 7-10 correctly.
in the River Thames
Congratulations! You’ve real understanding
c. Froze to death along with Sherlock
of the history of Sherlock Holmes. Now
Holmes at St Pauls Cathedral
you just need to polish your pipe, take out
your magnifying glass, put on the famous
56 coat and hat... and you’re ready to be the
Student’s pack new Sherlock Holmes. Get out there shake
up the world of crime!
activity 6
Public speaking
How to be
A topic from the english language.
Sherlock Holmes
Work with a partner. Choose a topic from the following list of topics:

Grammar: Other topics:

· The phonetic alphabet · Sherlock Holmes
· The conditionals (1st, 2nd, and 3rd) · Shakespeare
· Prepositions in English · The English Royal Family today
· Reported speech · Any other English language writer, playwright
· The perfect tenses (Present and Past Perfect) or poet of your choice
· Comparatives and Superlatives · Clothing and disguises (fashion)
· Phrasal verbs · King Henry VIII
· Victorian culture in England

Once you have chosen your topic, working with your partner, develop a 5-10 minute
PRESENTATION on that topic. If it is a grammar point, you need to explain it to all of your
classmates. (You need to research from a Grammar book). If it is a historical topic, you can
use the Internet, encyclopaedias, etc. to find more information on the topic.

Student’s pack
Extra-activity 1
The alphabet game
In this activity, students will learn some new vocabulary and
review what they have learnt so far.
Hand out photocopies of the Complementary Worksheet, one per
How to be
student. Give them a few minutes to complete the quiz.
Then, tell them the correct answers so they can count how many
Sherlock Holmes
they got right. Finally, students will read the results of their score.

A. It starts the name of the author of the I. It begins the name of the lady who was R. It starts the name of the waterfalls where
adventures of the famous detective Sherlock supposedly in love with Sherlock Holmes Professor Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes
Holmes and to which he refers to as “the woman” fell

B. It starts the name of the street where the J. It starts the name of the actor who plays S. It starts the name of the Magazine in
apartment was that Sherlock and Watson Watson in the movie with Robert Dowell Jr. which most of The Adventures of Sherlock
shared in the role of Sherlock Holmes Holmes were published
K. It starts the surname of the actor who T. It contains the name of the first novel in
C. It starts the name of Dr. Watson’s first directed and starred in the Modern Sherlock which Sherlock Holmes appears
wife, with whom he was married just a year Holmes in 1924, becoming a comedy classic STUDY IN SCARLET
before becoming a widower silent film
CONSTANCE ADAMS KEATON (BUSTER) U. It is contained in the name under which
Dr. Watson moved through enemy lines in
D. It starts the name of the club which belongs L. It starts the surname of the Scotland Yard the war in Afghanistan, which meant his
to Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock Holmes’s inspector mentioned in the adventures of salvation
brother Sherlock Holmes MURRAY
V. It starts the name of the instrument which
E. It is contained in the Teacher’s name Sir. M. It starts the last name of the archenemy of Sherlock Holmes played masterfully
Arthur Conan Doyle was inspired to create Sherlock Holmes VIOLIN
the character of Sherlock Holmes PROFESSOR JAMES MORIARTY
Dr. JOSEPH BELL W. It starts the name of the actor who played
N. It starts the nickname of the historic the character of Sherlock Holmes in the
F. It starts the name of the style of combat, character named by Sherlock Holmes, theatre version with the author of the text
apart from boxing, which Sherlock perfectly when referring admiringly to Professor being Sir Arthur Conan Doyle himself
controls the discipline in both stick and Moriarty WILLIAM GILLETTE
FENCING X. It is contained in the name of the place in
O. It begins the style of singing Irene Adler, southern England which Sherlock Holmes
G. It is contained in the name of the Country retired from is from
where Dr. Watson was wounded, receiving OPERA SUSSEX
an explosive bullet
AFGHANISTAN P. It begins the name of the smoking apparatus Y. It is contained in the name given to the
the famous Holmes used to smoke daily London Police
H. It starts the name of the lady who rents PIPE SCOTLAND YARD
the apartment on Baker Street to Holmes
and Watson Q. It is contained in the procedure with which Z. It is contained in the name of the country
MRS. HUDSON detectives like Sherlock Holmes make where the falls where Sherlock Holmes and
investigations and analysis of crimes Professor Moriarty fell
Extra-activity 1
The alphabet game
You will have a few minutes to answer the questions. Carefully How to be
read and answer them as fast as you can. When the time is over,
count how many of them you got right and read the results at
the end of the worksheet. Good luck!
Sherlock Holmes
A. It starts the name of the author of I. It begins the name of the lady who was It starts the name of the waterfalls where
the adventures of the famous detective supposedly in love with Sherlock Holmes Professor Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes and to which he refers to as “the woman” fell

B. It starts the name of the street where the J. It starts the name of the actor who plays S. It starts the name of the Magazine in
apartment was that Sherlock and Watson Watson in the movie with Robert Dowell Jr. which most of The Adventures of Sherlock
shared in the role of Sherlock Holmes Holmes were published

C. It starts the name of Dr. Watson’s first K. It starts the surname of the actor who T. It contains the name of the first novel in
wife, with whom he was married just a year directed and starred in the Modern which Sherlock Holmes appears
before becoming a widower Sherlock Holmes in 1924, becoming a
comedy classic silent film
U. It is contained in the name under which
D. It starts the name of the club which Dr. Watson moved through enemy lines in
belongs to Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock L. It starts the surname of the Scotland Yard the war in Afghanistan, which meant his
Holmes’s brother inspector mentioned in the adventures of salvation
Sherlock Holmes

E. It is contained in the Teacher’s name Sir. V. It starts the name of the instrument which
Arthur Conan Doyle was inspired to create M. It starts the last name of the archenemy Sherlock Holmes played masterfully
the character of Sherlock Holmes of Sherlock Holmes

W. It starts the name of the actor who played
F. It starts the name of the style of combat, N. It starts the nickname of the historic the character of Sherlock Holmes in the
apart from boxing, which Sherlock perfectly character named by Sherlock Holmes, theatre version with the author of the text
controls the discipline in both stick and when referring admiringly to Professor being Sir Arthur Conan Doyle himself
sword form Moriarty

X. It is contained in the name of the place in
G. It is contained in the name of the Country O. It begins the style of singing Irene Adler, southern England which Sherlock Holmes
where Dr. Watson was wounded, receiving retired from is from
an explosive bullet

P. It begins the name of the smoking Y. It is contained in the name given to the
H. It starts the name of the lady who rents apparatus the famous Holmes used to London Police
the apartment on Baker Street to Holmes smoke daily
and Watson
Z. It is contained in the name of the country
Q. It is contained in the procedure with which where the falls where Sherlock Holmes and
detectives like Sherlock Holmes make Professor Moriarty fell
investigations and analysis of crimes

Extra-activity 2
The mysteries of Sherlock Holmes

Below we propose several cases that the famous detective

Sherlock Holmes solves in his novels. Students can try to solve
How to be
them... It is very important that they look at every detail before
approaching a solution.
Sherlock Holmes
Case 1. Difficult Age Case 4. The Day Of The Book
You suppose you know a person. Well, today is a It was April 23rd and I stood gazing idly out the window
unique occasion, because two days ago the person in of 221B, at an abundance of flags with the Cross of
question, was 25, but next year he will be 28. St. George that had appeared to commemorate our
patron Saint.
How is this possible?
“It was Palestine, you know?”, Holmes remarked,
Solution: His birthday is on New Year’s Eve. So, the day following my gaze.
in question is the 1st of January. Two days ago, on December
“Of course”, I said.
30th, he was 25 years old. The next day he turned 26. Then
begins a new year, therefore, in twelve months time he will be 27 “It is also very dear in Catalonia, where they
years old. But at the end of next year, he will be 28. traditionally give a book and a rose. It is an interesting
fact, since it is also the anniversary of the death of
Shakespeare and Cervantes. In fact, they died the
Case 2. Cheapside same year also, 1616. It would have been a very
One evening we were embroiled in a case in Cheapside dismal day for literature... if they had died more than
when Holmes turned to me. a week apart, of course”. Can you explain this strange
“Answer one thing for me, Watson”, he said. statement?
“Of course”, I said. Solution: During Shakespeare’s, England used the Julian
“There is a man, whose mother is the mother of my calendar. By contrast, Spain changed to the Gregorian in 1582.
mother, how then, are we related?”. The date of the death of Shakespeare is recognized according
I imagined that Holmes had been talking with Mrs. to the Julian calendar, according to which he lived, but if it
Hudson again. I mentioned it and he did not deny it, was adapted to the Gregorian then it would have actually fallen
but still he demanded an answer all the same. Can you on May 3rd. Cervantes died on April 23rd according to the
solve it, do you know? Gregorian calendar, 11 days before Shakespeare.

Solution: There are two possible answers to this question. The

man could have been the uncle or the father of Sherlock Holmes.
Case 5. The Dark Marriage
One morning, Holmes waved his newspaper toward
Case 3. The Fontaignes me.
“In today’s announcements, it is a curious mess, as my
“Do you know Mr. and Mrs. Fontaigne?”. friend appears”.
“Of course”, I answered. “Oh yeah?”, I asked.
“Today is their wedding anniversary”. “Here we have the announcement of a recently dead
“How nice for them”, I answered. man who, he says, was married to the sister of his
“Nineteen years ago, when they got married, Mrs. widow”.
Fontaigne was only a third of the age of her husband. “What the hell! How could he really have married the
Today, he is twice her age. How old was Mrs. Fontaigne sister of his widow?”, I asked.
on her wedding day? 19-57 “Why not”, said Holmes. “Well, it seems perfectly
Solution: Lord Fontaigne was three times the age of his wife when logical”.
they married. If now he is twice her age, then that means that his “How is it logical, since, it is not feasible for the dead
wife must have passed the age of three to four times this, making her to marry?”, I asked.
twice her original age. In other words, the age of the woman in years
is the same as the period of time until their age ratio has risen to three Solution: Holmes explained to me, that the man had married
times: 1 to 2: 1. Mrs. Fontaigne was 19 when she married and her a woman who had died. Then he married her sister. When he
also died, she was a widowed sister, turning his original wife into
husband, 57; Now, she is 38, and he is 76.
60 the sister of his widow.
Teacher’s pack
Extra-activity 2
The mysteries of Sherlock Holmes
Here we propose a number of cases solved by Sherlock Holmes
throughout his novels... Do you dare to solve them too? Look How to be
at all the details carefully below, and then, like the famous
detective, use deductive reasoning to find a solution to each.
Let’s do it!
Sherlock Holmes
Case 1. Difficult Age Case 4. The Day Of The Book
You suppose you know a person. Well, today is a
unique occasion, because two days ago the person in It was April 23rd and I stood gazing idly out the window
question, was 25, but next year he will be 28. of 221B, at an abundance of flags with the Cross of
St. George that had appeared to commemorate our
How is this possible? patron Saint.
“It was Palestine, you know?”, Holmes remarked,
Case 2. Cheapside following my gaze.
One evening we were embroiled in a case in Cheapside “Of course”, I said.
when Holmes turned to me. “It is also very dear in Catalonia, where they traditionally
“Answer one thing for me, Watson”, he said. give a book and a rose. It is an interesting fact, since it is
“Of course”, I said. also the anniversary of the death of Shakespeare and
Cervantes. In fact, they died the same year also, 1616.
“There is a man, whose mother is the mother of my
It would have been a very dismal day for literature... if
mother, how then, are we related?”.
they had died more than a week apart, of course”. Can
I imagined that Holmes had been talking with Mrs. you explain this strange statement?
Hudson again. I mentioned it and he did not deny it,
but still he demanded an answer all the same. Can you
solve it, do you know?
Case 5. The Dark Marriage
One morning, Holmes waved his newspaper toward me.
Case 3. The Fontaignes “In today’s announcements, it is a curious mess, as my
friend appears”.
“Do you know Mr. and Mrs. Fontaigne?”.
“Oh yeah?”, I asked.
“Of course”, I answered.
“Here we have the announcement of a recently dead
“Today is their wedding anniversary”.
man who, he says, was married to the sister of his widow”.
“How nice for them”, I answered.
“What the hell! How could he really have married the
“Nineteen years ago, when they got married, Mrs. sister of his widow?”, I asked.
Fontaigne was only a third of the age of her husband.
“Why not”, said Holmes. “Well, it seems perfectly
Today, he is twice her age. How old was Mrs. Fontaigne
on her wedding day? 19-57
“How is it logical, since, it is not feasible for the dead to
marry?”, I asked.

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:

Case 4:

Case 5:
Student’s pack
Extra-activity 3
Interesting facts about Sherlock Holmes
Listed below are a number of interesting facts about the character
Sherlock Holmes and his world; but they are not all there. Therefore
we need you to help us complete the list and find some more. You How to be
can refer to Sherlock and any of the other characters, or the author
himself. We ask you to send us an e-mail to sherlock@forumteatro.
com and we will post it on our website. Join in and help us learn more
Sherlock Holmes
about this fascinating character!

About the author.- It seems that Arthur Conan Doyle, The Famous Expression.- The famous expression of
the creator of the famous detective, took Dr. Joseph Bell as a “Elementary, my dear Watson” associated with the detective
reference for creating the fictional character. This professor is a myth because it was never actually said by the character
at the University of Edinburgh, became notorious for his himself. The first appearance of it, dates back to 1929, in a
involvement in complex cases of the time, the most popular commentary in the New York Times about the film The Return
of them the Chantrell marriage, in which he discovered a of Sherlock Holmes. The phrase became so popular that its use
murder when the police had determined that there had been became ubiquitous and is used in all mediums related to the
a gas poisoning. Dr. Joseph Bell chose Arthur Conan Doyle as detective, from theatre to insurance advertisements.
an assistant, and the impression he made on the writer with his
powers of observation, analysis and deduction was such that he
dedicated to him the first edition of the adventures of Sherlock
The First Adventure.- A Study in Scarlet, the first
Sherlock Holmes adventure, was rejected by three editorials,
Holmes which was published in June 1892. and finally was acquired after paying only 25 pounds with the
waiver by Doyle of any copyright. The play however, was a
About Watson - . Similarly, it seems that Watson’s success as it sold out in just two weeks, being reprinted several
character is based on a real person, although this is not so clear. times in the following years.
It is doubtful whether the creation of such a character was
based upon the real Dr. James Watson, who was a member
of the Portsmouth Society for Literature and Science, with
Honorary Member.- For his contributions to forensic
science, Sherlock Holmes was admitted as an honorary member
which the author had a friendship during his stay in Southsea, of the Royal Academy of Chemistry in 2002, becoming the
or Dr. Patrick Watson, Bell’s own assistant at Joseph’s Hospital first fictional character to receive this honour. At the ceremony
in Edinburgh. celebrating him, the secretary of the institution placed the
medal awarded around the detective’s statue, located opposite
The Character Outgrows the Author.- Like Don the tube station on Baker Street.
Quixote, James Bond or Mickey Mouse, Sherlock Holmes is
a clear example of a character that surpassed its creator. The
writer was so inhibited by it, he decided to kill off the character
The Sherlock Holmes Museum.- The Sherlock
Holmes Museum is located at 239 Baker Street, despite saying
in the 1893 book, The Final Problem. However, the public 221B on the door. According to Transport of London, this is
reaction to it was extraordinary: in the following days, men the second most visited address in the UK, behind Buckingham
used black armbands as a show of mourning for the death Palace, but ahead of No.10 Downing Street or Abbey Road.
of the character, more than 20,000 readers of the magazine In addition, the original address was fictitious, since the street
The Strand, (in which the adventures of the detective were where the house was located was actually much shorter and
published) cancelled their subscription, and Conan Doyle was had only 85 houses on it.
overwhelmed by a flood of hate letters and threats. Reluctantly,
Sherlock’s creator did miraculously rebirth the detective eight
years later in The Hound of the Baskervilles.
The Detective’s Pipe.- The meerschaum pipe (a pipe
made from the mineral sepiolite) was an icon of Sherlock
Holmes but it does not belong to the world devised by Doyle,
The Deerstalker.- The famous deerstalker is never because it did not really exist during the nineteenth century.
mentioned by Sherlock Holmes in Doyle’s work. The confusion The first time it was used regarding the character was in a play
arose in the story The Boscombe Valley Mystery, where Holmes in the theatre in 1899 by William Gillette.
used a cloth hat. The story illustrator, Sidney Paget, confused it
with a deerstalker when he illustrated him, attributing this new
image to the myth.
Holmes Clubs.- Sherlock Holmes clubs and societies
are governed by a code known among connoisseurs as “the
game”. It is a strange form of deception. Members believe that
Sherlock Holmes was a real person and that Arthur Conan
62 Doyle was not the creator but simply the literary agent and
Teacher’s pack biographer Dr. Watson.

How to be
Sherlock Holmes
A. N.
Apartment · Actor · Adventures · Novels
Answe · Ask (To) · Assistant
Author O.
Owner · Opera Singer
Biographer · Body · Book P.
Playwright · Professor · Performance
C. Play (To) · Pipe
Character · Companion · Chronicler
· Chief · Contract · Clue · Crazy Q.
Crime · Compendium · Cook · Call Questions
(To) · Cyring
D. References · Rehearsal · Remember
Detective · Dossier · Deductive (To) · Read (To) · Rat
Doctor · Die (To) · Dizzy
E. Surname · Solve (To) · Smoke (To)
Elementary Stage · Several · Scottish · Stage
Direction · Stage · Scene
Family · Faithful · Feeling · Fencer T.
Fencing (To) Theatre · Theft · Text · Tea
G. U.
Gap University · Understand (To)
H. V.
Hired · Husband · Hound Visitor · Violin
I. W.
Inspector · Investigation · Widow · Writer · Waterfall · Work
Interrogation Write (To) · War · World · Win (To)
J. X.
Job Xmas · X-Ray
K. Y.
Knowledge Year · Young
L. Z.
Letter · Looking For · Live (To) Zone · Zoom · Zealous

Mysteries · Murder · Make (To) ·
Mistake · Married

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