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Displacing the Distributive Paradigm - examples to prove point: how do you

• Distributive paradigm: justice is the distribution distribute the ff in a sense that one can have
of benefits and burdens among society’s more of it?
members a. rights w/c are not possessions but
- individuals are externally related to what they institutionally defined rules specifying what
possess, and their relation w/ one another is people can do in relation to another
the comparison of amount of goods they b. opportunity w/c is condition of enablement
possess (social atomism) c. self respect
- evaluation of social justice end-state oattern - Applyign paradigm to conceptualization of
of persons by comparing w/c is the most just power, power has become a thing that is
(pattern-oriented) possessed by individuals in lesser or greater
• Problems w/ DP: amount. Problems w/ this conceptualization:
1. ignores social structure and institutional a. power is relation bet. exerciser and others,
context, particularly decision making power not a thing
and procedures, division of labor, culture b. this focuses particularly on agent who has
- decision-making power: not just question who power and one over whom power is
but tules & procedures according to w/c exercised
decisions are made - power is not dyadic. one can have
- division of labor: institutionalized power over another only if
- as distributive issue, how jobs are allocated 3rd agents support the will of powerful
among people - power is a produced and reproduced thru
- as nondistributive issue, definition and many people and not just within the dyad;
value of jobs themselves, and their relation it exists in action (Foucault)
to conflict and authotiry among positions - General conception of justice endorsed by
- culture: symbols, meanings thru w/c people author: justice that shifts focus on distributive
express their experience patterns to procedural issues of participation
2. when extended to nonmaterial goods, it in deliberation and decision-making, that all
represents them as static, rather an a function be reable to express their needs
of social relations and processes - Justice is not the realization of individual
- DP presumes that all aspects of social life can values, but the degree to w/c society
be reified though they are better understood supports institutional conditions for realization
as functions of rules and relations rather than of these values w/c assume equal moral
things worth off all persons. These values are:
- problem w/ social atomism: identity of a. developing and exercising one’s capacities
individuals are not just made of goods but of and expressing one’s experience
social processes and relations, this obscures b. participation in determining one’s actions
importance of social group the conditions of one’s actions
- problem w/ DP being patter-oriented: it is - These general values correspond to two social
ahistorical and operates as though social conditions defining injustice:
goods magically appear, thereby ignoring the a. oppression: constraint on self-development
processes that creates the goods (learning, expansion of skills)
- author clarifies that end-state pattern is b. domination: constraint on self-
not irrelevant, but must not end in itself determination (participation in
determination of actions, and conditions - needs are constructed by welfare
thatt allow for it) agencies themselves
2. powerlessness
Five Faces of Oppression - little or no autonomy, exercises little
• Traditionally, oppression is exercise of tyranny by creativity or judgment
ruling group - essentially, lacks authority, status, and self-
• In its new usage, people suffer not bc. of respect that professionals have
tyrranical power but bc. everyday practices of a - privileges of of professionals:
well-intentioned society a. avenues for development of capacities
- unquestioned norms and habits w/c are b. considerable day-to-day autonomy
systematically reproduced in major economic, c. respectability beyond work
political, and cultural institutions 3. cultural imperialism
• Social groups are collective of persons - how dominant meanings of society render
differentiated by cultural forms and practices particular perspective one’s own group
- expression of social relations invisible w/c at the same time marks out
- identification arises when they encounter the Other”
social collectivities that experience differences - dominant groups project their own
- implications: attributes are essentialized experience as representative of humanity
resulting to problems of prejudice, - there is a paradoxical oppression: minority
stereotyping, discrimination is marked out by stereotypes and at the
- response: not to eliminate groups, but to same time rendered invisible
build institutions promoting respect for group 4. violence
differences. group must be thought of as - what makes it a face of oppression is not the
relational and fluid violence per se, but social context w/c makes
• Faces of oppression: them possible and acceptable
1. exploitation
- occurs thru steady process of the transfer Feminist Legal Methods by Bartlett
of the results of the labor of one social • Methods organizes the apprehension of truth,
group to benefit another determines what counts as evidence.
- rules on what work to be done, who does • Problems of using the label ‘feminist’:
what for whom, how work is compensated 1. creates expectation of feminist originality or
are appropriated to enact relations of invention that feminists do not intend and
power and inequality cannot fulfill
2. marginalization - preoccupation with individual achievement
- whole category of people is expelled from and ownership at odds w/ feminism’s
useful participation in social life collective and relational discovery
- also manifested in welfare services. how? 2. tendency to assume a definition of a woman or
- deprives dependents of rights and standard of women’s experiences
freedom other have as one is subject to - obscures differentiations (class, race, sexual
arbitrary and invasive authority of social orientation)
service • Techniques of the feminist method:
- blocks opportunity to exercise capacities 1. Asking the woman question
in socially recognized ways
- what are the gender implications of rules and - testing validity of accepted legal principles
practices which might otherwise appear to be thru lens of the personal experience of those
neutral or objective? difectly affected by those principles
- how law fails to take into account the - “individual experiences reveal collective
experiences that are more experienced by experience of oppression”
women than men - it’s a meta-method (provides substructure for
- critique: method is a loaded political activity, other methods by enabling feiinists to draw
far beyond the “neutral” interpretation of law; insights from their own experiences to
bias challenge dominant versions of social reality)
- response: what it requires is not to always
rule for the woman, but to look at underlying • Feminist viewpoints on what it means to be
gender bias that has historically “right” in law:
disadvantaged women 1. rational/empirical
- analysis of gender must occur within contexts - to challenge the inaccurate reality conveyed
of multiple identities (veer away from white by strereotypes about women
feminism and look at the intersectionality of - premised is that knowledge is accessible and
oppressive structures) when obtained can make law more rational
- (i) to identify bias against women implicit in - critique:
legal rules and practices that appear neutral a. reality may not be representational thereby
and objective; (ii) to expose how the law an inaccurate “reality”
excludes theexperiences and values of b. knowability is an issue itself
women; and (iii) to insist upon application of 2. standpoint espistemology
legal rules that do not perpetuate women’s - response to issue of knowability: women are
subordination oppressed and this gives them a perspective
that the oppressors cannot possible have
2. Feminist practical reasoning - critique:
- practical reasoning: no predetermined a. concentration on identity of women as
definition or prescription. rather, it victims tends to essentialize the
approaches problems based on a specific characteristics of a woman w/c further
factual context reinforces the oppression
- every situation is unique, rather than b. to say that being a victim is the only
generalizable privilege to truth is a narrow view of
- this does not reject rules, but it prefers less privilege. it doesn’t explain why women
specific standards that allow for an who are similarly situated don’t share same
individualized analysis interpretation of the situation
- analysis of new situation still hinges on the c. engenders an adversarial we/they politics
“accumulated past wisdom” to avoid (women as the “we” in contrast with the
arbitrariness and maintain stability. others “they”). gender is not the opposition
- in relation w/ feminist method, it rejects the but the social relation bet. male and
notion that one has the privilege to speak for female.
all 3. postmodernism
- questions the possibility of knowledge itself
3. Consciousness raising: - rejects the essentialist view as women have
no core identity but are rather constituted
thru multiple structures and discourses w/c place of the group in the entire social, political,
overlap, intersect, and contradict and legal fabric of the society.
- law is indeterminate and, despite claims of • Problem with categorical thinking w/ respect to
neutrality, masks particular hierarchies and discrimination:
distribution of power - is it is essentialized and it fails to
- criteria for legal validity and legitimacy are acknowledge that social identities are
social constructs rather than universal givens geographically and historically contingent
- critique: - personal characteristics are viewed as
a. lack of objectivity can make the claims of essential, neutral, and historically continuous,
feminism artificial and constructed, rather rather than historically specific and culturally
than a truth or reality experienced by changeable
women - no individual control over the meaning of a
4. positionality
- like SE, retains concept of knowledge based Separation of Church and Date:
on experience Destabilizing Traditional Religion-based
- like PM, rejects objectivity or perfectibility of Legal Norms on Sexuality by Macdougall
truth. rather, it emerges from particular • tention bet. sexual orientation equality and
involvements and relationships, w/c define religious views
individual’s perspective • there is no express description of equality, hence
- “my position gives me a source of special the lack of “real” legal equality
knowledge but this can be expanded by • for there to be real legal equality, State must
recognizing the truth of others” show:
- truth is an ongoing process of critical 1. compassion: bare principle that the members
reexamination of the group should not be discriminated
against just because they are part of the group
Essential and Contested Identities: 2. condonation: involvement or the engagement
Sexual Orientation and Equality Rights by the state w/ the members not just to
Jurisprudence in Canada by Stychin protect them but to offer them benefits, to
• sexual orientation as a human rights issue foster their activities w/out necessarily
• according to critical legal studies movement, approving of or blessing the members of the
rights reinforce substantive claims of groups group or their activities
• enactment of the Canadian Charter of Rights and 3. celebration: not just the tangible, but symbolic
Freedoms in 1982 benefits
• Andrews v. Law Society of British Columbia: - other will argue that this will result to
discrimination is distinction based on grounds excessive entanglement of the state.
relating to personal charactersitics of the however, this position ignores the fact that
individual or group, w/c in effect imposes burden the state is very much involved w/ the
on such individuals or group not imposed on celebration of heterosexual relationships. it’s
others so pervasive that it has become “natural”
• determination of whether a group qualifies as
analous to the enumerated grounds of
discrimination depends on the context of the

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