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140 (Continued)

Position 2 θ = 90°
1 1
T2 = I G ω 2 + mvG2
2 2
1 1
= (0.0104667)ω 2 + (2)(0.125ω )2
2 2
= 0.0208583ω 2

 L 
V2 = − mg  R + cos β 
 2 
= −(2)(9.81)(0.125 + 0.125cos30°)
= −4.5764 J

T1 + V1 = T2 + V2 : 0 − 2.4525 = 0.0208583ω 2 − 4.5764

ω 2 = 101.826 rad 2 /s 2
ω = 10.091 rad/s
v A = (0.21651)(10.091)
= 2.1848 m/s
vG = (0.125)(10.091)
= 1.2614 m/s
More kinematics: For Point A moving in the curved slot,

v A2
a A = ( aC ) x i + j
(2.1847) 2
= ( aC ) x i + j
= ( aC ) x i + 38.1833j

For the rod AB, α = α k , v B = vB j

rA/B = − L sin 30°i + L cos 30° j
= −0.125i + 0.21651j
rG/B = rA/B
= −0.0625i + 0.108253j
a A = a B + α + rA/B − ω 2 rA/B
= aB j + α k × (−0.125i + 0.21651j)
− (10.091) 2 ( −0.125i + 0.21651j)
= aB j − 0.125α j − 0.21651α i + 12.7285i − 22.0468 j

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PROBLEM 17.140 (Continued)

Matching vertical components of a A

38.1833 = aB − 0.125α − 22.0468

aB = 0.125α + 60.2301
aG = a B + aG/B
= a B + α k × rG/B − ω 2 rG/B
= (0.125α + 60.2324) j + α k × (−0.0625i + 0.108253j)
− (10.091) 2 (−0.0625i + 0.108253j)
= 0.125α j + 60.2301j − 0.0625α j − 0.108253α i
+ 6.3643i − 11.0232 j
aG = ( −0.108253α + 6.3643)i + (0.0625α + 49.2069) j

Kinetics: Use rod AB as a free body.

ΣM E = Σ(M E )eff :

− mg sin β k = I G α + rG /E × ( maG )
−(2)(9.81)(0.125)sin 30°k
= 0.0104667α + (0.0625i + 0.10825 j) × (maG )
−1.22625 = 0.0104667α + 0.03125α + 4.7730
0.0417167α = −5.99925
α = −143.808 rad/s 2
aG = ( −21.933 m/s 2 )i + (40.2189 m/s 2 ) j

ΣFx = Σ( Fx )eff = m(aG ) x : −B = (2)(−21.932) = 43.864 N B = 43.9 N 

ΣFy = Σ( Fy )eff = m(aG ) y : A − mg = (2)(40.4289) = 80.4378

A = (2)(9.81) + 80.4378 = 100.058 A = 100.1 N 

Check by considering
ΣM G = ΣM G eff : ΣM G = (0.0625) A − 0.108253B = 1.5052 N ⋅ m

Σ( M G )eff = I G (−α ) = (0.0104667)(143.808) = 1.5052 N ⋅ m

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PROBLEM 17.141

A 35-g bullet B is fired horizontally with a velocity of 400 m/s into

the side of a 3-kg square panel suspended from a pin at A. Knowing
that the panel is initially at rest, determine the components of the
reaction at A after the panel has rotated 45°.


Masses and moment of inertia. mB = 0.035 kg

mP = 3 kg
b = 500 mm = 0.5 m
1 1
I G = mP b 2 = (3)(0.5) 2 = 0.125 kg ⋅ m 2
6 6
Note: The mass of the bullet is neglected in comparison with that of the plate after impact.
Analysis of impact: Use principle of impulse and momentum.

Kinematics: After impact the plate rotates about the pin at A.

b 0.5
vG = ω= ω
2 2
 b b  b
Moments about A: mB v0  +  = I G ω + m p vG
 2 2 2 2
3 1
mP b 2 )ω
mG v0b = ( I G +
2 2 2
3  1 
(0.035)(400)(0.5) = 0.125 + (3)(0.5) 2  ω
2 2  2 
ω = 14.8492 rad/s
vG = (14.8492) = 5.25 m/s

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PROBLEM 17.141 (Continued)

1 1
Corresponding kinetic energy. T1 = I G ω 2 + mP vG2
2 2
1 1
T1 = (0.125)(14.8492)2 + (3)(5.25) 2
2 2
= 55.125 J

Plate rotates through 45°.

Position 1: θ = 0°
Use Point A as the datum for potential energy.
V1 = −mP g
= −(3)(9.81)
= −10.4051 J
Position 2: θ = 90°
V2 = 0 since G is at level A.

1 1
T2 = I G ω22 + mP (vG ) 22
2 2
1 1  0.5 
= (0.125)ω22 + (3)  ω2 
2 2  2 
= 0.25ω22

Principle of conservation of energy:

T1 + V1 = T2 + V2
55.125 J − 10.4051 J = 0.25ω22 + 0
ω22 = 178.879 (rad/s 2 )
ω2 = 13.3746 rad/s

Analysis at 90° rotation. α =α

b 0.5
Kinematics: (aG )t = α= α (aG )t = 0.35355α
2 2
(aG ) n = ω2
= (aG ) n = 63.2434 m/s 2

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PROBLEM 17.141 (Continued)

Kinematics: Use the free body diagram of the plate.

b b
ΣM A = Σ( M A )eff : mP g = I Gα + mP (aG )t
2 2

 1 
=  I G + mP b 2  α
 2 
(3)(9.81)(0.5)  1 
= 0.125 + (3)(0.5) 2  α
2  2 

α = 20.810 rad/s 2

(aG )t = 7.3574 m/s 2

ΣFx = Σ( Fx )eff : Ax = mP (aG ) n = (3)(63.2434) A x = 189.7 N 

ΣFy = Σ( Fy )eff : Ay − mP g = −mP ( aG ) y

Ay − (3)(9.81) = (3)(−7.3574) A y = 7.36 N 

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PROBLEM 17.142

Two panels A and B are attached with hinges to a rectangular

plate and held by a wire as shown. The plate and the panels
are made of the same material and have the same thickness.
The entire assembly is rotating with an angular velocity ω0
when the wire breaks. Determine the angular velocity of the
assembly after the panels have come to rest against the plate.

Geometry and kinematics:

Panels in up position Panels in down position

v0 = bω0 v2 = b ω0
Let ρ = mass density, t = thickness

Plate: mplate = ρ t (2b)(4b) = 8 ρ tb 2

I plate = (8 ρ tb 2 )[(2b) 2 + (4b) 2 ]
= ρ tb 4
= ρ tb 4

Each panel: mpanel = ρ t (b)(2b) = 2 ρ tb 2

Panel in up position ( I panel )0 = (2 ρ t b 2 )(2b) 2
8 2
= ρ t b4 = ρ tb4
12 3

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PROBLEM 17.142 (Continued)

Panel in down position ( I panel )1 = (2 ρ tb2 )[b 2 + (2b)2 ]
= ρ tb 4
= ρ tb 4
Conservation of angular momentum about the vertical spindle.

Initial momenta Final momenta

Moments about C:

  3b  
I plateω0 + 2[( I panel )0 ω0 + mpanel v0 (b)] = I plateω1 + 2 ( I panel )1 ω1 + mpanel v1   
  2 
40 2  40 5 3  3  
ρ tb 4ω0 + 2  ρ tb 4ω0 + (2 ρ tb2 )(bω0 )b  = ρ tb 4ω0 + 2  ρ tb 4ω1 + 2 ρ tb2  bω0  b  
3  3  3  6  2  2  
 40 4   40 10 
 3 + 3 + 4  ρ tb ω0 =  3 + 6 + 9  ρ tb ω1
4 4

   
ω0 = 24ω1
56 7
ω1 = ω1 = ω 2 
(3)(24) 9

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PROBLEM 17.143
Disks A and B are made of the same material and are of the same
thickness; they can rotate freely about the vertical shaft. Disk B is at
rest when it is dropped onto disk A, which is rotating with an angular
velocity of 500 rpm. Knowing that disk A has a mass of 8 kg, determine
(a) the final angular velocity of the disks, (b) the change is kinetic
energy of the system.


Disk A: m A = 8 kg rA = 0.15 m

1 1
IA = mA rA2 = (8)(0.15)2 = 0.0900 kg ⋅ m 2
2 2
Disk B: rB = 0.100 m
r 
 0.10 
mB = mA  B  = (8)   = 3.5556 kg
 A
r  0.15 
1 1
I B = mB rB2 = (3.5556)(0.10)2 = 0.017778 kg ⋅ m 2
2 2
Principle of impulse and momentum.

Syst. Momenta1 + Syst. Ext. Imp. 1→2 = Syst. Momenta2

Moments about B: I Aω0 + 0 + 0 = I Aω2 + I Bω2

IA 0.09
ω2 = ω1 = ω1 = 0.83505ω1
IA + IB 0.10778

Initial angular velocity of disk A: ω1 = 500 rpm = 52.36 rad/s

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PROBLEM 17.143 (Continued)

(a) Final angular velocity of system: ω2 = (0.83505)(52.36)

ω2 = 43.723 rad/s ω2 = 418 rpm 
Initial kinetic energy: T1 = I Aω12
T1 = (0.09)(52.36)2 = 123.37 J
Final kinetic energy: T2 = ( I A + I B )ω22
T2 = (0.10778)(43.723) 2 = 103.02 J
(b) Change in energy: T2 − T1 = −20.35 J ΔT = −20.4 J 

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PROBLEM 17.144

A square block of mass m is falling with a velocity v1 when it strikes a small

obstruction at B. Knowing that the coefficient of restitution for the impact between
corner A and the obstruction B is e = 0.5, determine immediately after the impact
(a) the angular velocity of the block, (b) the velocity of its mass center G.


1 2
Moments of inertia. mbI =
Kinematics. Before impact, block is translating.
v1 = v1 ω1 = 0
After impact, vA = ev1
v 2 = vA + vG/ A

 b 
= [ev1 ] +  ω2 45° (1)
 2 
Principle of impulse and momentum.

Syst. Momenta1 + Syst. Ext. Imp. 1→2 = Syst. Momenta2

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PROBLEM 17.144 (Continued)

Moments about A:
b b b b
mv1 = Iω1 − mev1 + m ω2
2 2 2 2
I = mb 2
b 1 b  b 
mv1 = mb 2ω2 − mev1 + m   ω2
2 6 2  2
(1 + e)v1b 2 2
= b ω2
2 3
3 v1
(a) Angular velocity. ω2 = (1 + e)v1 ω 2 = 1.125 
4b b
(b) Velocity of the mass center.
 b 3 
From Eq. (1), v 2 = ev1 +  (1 + e)v1 45° 
 2 4b 

 3   3 
= ev1 +  (1 + e)v1 sin 45°  +  (1 + e)v1 cos 45° 
4 2  4 2 

3  3 
= ev1 +  (1 + e)v1  +  (1 + e)v1 
8  8 
 5 3   3 
=  ev1 − v1   +  (1 + e)v1 
 8 8   8 

 5 3  3 
=  (0.5) −  v1  + (1 + 0.5)v1 
 8 8  8 

= [−0.0625 ] + [0.5625 ]

v 2 = 0.566 m/s 6.34°

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