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Acacia International School www.acacia.co.

To APPLY send: 1) this APPLICATION form 2) your resume or C.V. 3) your academic transcripts
to admin@acacia.co.ug .

Position applied for: Date you are available:
Date of birth: Age: Email:
Phone 1: Phone 2:
Current address:
Permanent address:
Marital status: Single Engaged Married Separated Widowed Divorced Remarried
Name of spouse: Spouses age:
Spouses vocation: Date of marriage:
Grade (in year when teacher would
Child’s Name Age
start teaching)
Click here to enter text.

Dates Reason for
Employer (start with most recent): Position
mm/yy - mm/yy Leaving
Click here to
enter text.

Have you ever been fired from employment in the past ten years? Yes No If yes, explain:


I have a valid teaching/professional certificate? Yes No Pending
Area of Certification: Grade Levels:
Certifying Body: Expiry Date:
Institution Major - Area of Study Degree Awarded
mm/yy - mm/yy

I have read and agree with the Acacia Statement of Faith? (see below)
I agree with the Acacia Statement of Faith but with the following reservations:

Briefly describe your journey of faith. (1 paragraph)

How have you grown spiritually in the past year? (1 paragraph)

How have you been involved in your local church? (1 paragraph)


Acacia International School www.acacia.co.ug
To APPLY send: 1) this APPLICATION form 2) your resume or C.V. 3) your academic transcripts
to admin@acacia.co.ug .
How would you describe your style of teaching? What does your ideal lesson look like? (1 paragraph)

Why are you interested in teaching at Acacia? (1 paragraph)

What positive qualities would you bring to Acacia including co-curricular activities? (1 paragraph)

What are your personal and professional goals for the next five years? (1 paragraph)

Health Status Excellent Good Average Poor
Physical disabilities? (List here)
Have you been admitted to hospital or received medical prescriptions in the past year? Yes No
Have you been diagnosed with a degenerative disease? Yes No
Have you ever had an emotional illness or received psychiatric care? Yes No
If yes to any of the above, please explain.

Please provide four references. Your three professional references should have served as your immediate
supervisors and may include your academic advisor. The pastoral reference should be a pastor or a ministry leader.
Please, do not include relatives.
Professional/Academic Reference 1 Name:

Email Phone

How long have you known the reference and in what capacity?

Professional Reference 2 Name:

Email Phone

How long have you known the reference and in what capacity?

Professional Reference 3 Name:

Email Email

How long have you known the reference and in what capacity?

Pastoral Reference Name:

Email Phone

How long have you known the reference and in what capacity?


Acacia International School www.acacia.co.ug
To APPLY send: 1) this APPLICATION form 2) your resume or C.V. 3) your academic transcripts
to admin@acacia.co.ug .

As Christians we believe:
1. The revelation of God given in the Old and New Testaments and confess the historic
faith of the Gospel which it contains. These outline Christian faith and which should
result in mutual love and a practical compassion and concern for all.
2. The sovereignty and grace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit in
creation, providence, revelation and fi nal judgment.
3. The divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, its trustworthiness and authority in
everything related to faith and conduct.
4. The virgin birth of Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, begotten by His will through
the Holy Spirit.
5. The universal sinfulness and guilt of fallen humanity, making each individual subject
to God’s wrath and condemnation.
6. The sacrifi ce of the Incarnate Son of God, Jesus Christ on a cross, as the sole grounds
of redemption from guilt and freedom from the power of sin and from its eternal
7. The justifi cation of the sinner solely by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
8. The illumination, regeneration, indwelling and sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.
9. The priesthood of all believers, who together form the universal church, the Body of
which Jesus Christ is the Head and which is committed by His command to the
proclamation of the Gospel throughout the world.
10. The relevant expression of the Body of Christ in and through the local church.
11. The expectation of the personal, visible return of Jesus Christ in power and glory and
the ascension into glory with Christ of all believers.
12. The resurrection of the dead and eternal life granted to all that trust and believe in
Jesus Christ.

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