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Leslie Bruce

University Hall room 435

800 N. State College Boulevard

Fullerton, CA 92831

Hello Dr. Bruce,

I am writing to you today to persuade you of my growth in, and subsequent mastery of the student
learning outcomes (SLO) that were put forth for English 363, Scientific Writing. This cover letter fulfills the
SLO of persuasive writing through the use of specific examples and in-depth analysis of my extended
definition and peer reviewed rubrics.
In my first assignment, I present an updated version of my extended definition. Overall, I believe
this document most exemplifies my mastery of rhetorical focus in that it is a definition of a scientific term
that is written for a non-scientific audience. However, in designing this piece to fit the needs of my
audience, I also demonstrate my skill in a number of other learning outcomes. In writing for a general
audience, I believe I showcase my skill in the use of language. I have explained all necessary concepts in
an accessible and clear manner, using analogies and everyday examples to keep readers engaged. My
variation in sentence structure also does this, making it seem more like a narrative than a laundry list.
Another way I keep the readers engaged showcases my skill in organization. I use parenthetical
definitions to explain biological terms such as transcriptome and genome and I also use subject headings
for each new topic. Both of these techniques ensure that readers can better understand the document. I
believe that the organization of topics is logical: giving a brief overview of what the term means, followed
by the history of its first use, what it is used for in the present, availability and significance, and future
implications. I am rather proud of my use of design in this piece. The figures I chose aid in understanding
the topics discussed, providing a schematic breakdown of DNA, as well as two diagrams of a how a
contig is pieced together from separate fragments. Lastly, this document demonstrates my skills in ethical
research in that I use outside sources in explaining my term and correctly cite these sources so that
interested readers may access these sources for more information.
My final pair of documents proves my mastery of the final SLO: collaboration. The first document
is the extended definition rubric in which I am peer editing another student’s work. In the rubric comments
section, I provide specific feedback on her strengths as well as her weaknesses. For the areas that need
work I also give suggestions on how to strengthen them. This shows that I put thought into how she could
improve her document and was aware of her abilities as a writer. The second document is the extended
definition rubric for my definition, that was written by one of my group members. I believe that I have
incorporated his comments on my document into my final version, illustrating my ability to take
constructive criticism and improve the quality of my work.
In conclusion, I believe that these works are an accurate representation of my abilities that I have
developed in this class. Through this course I am more cognizant of strengths and weaknesses and I
have also learned techniques that will allow me to continually better myself as a writer. Thank you very
much for the time and effort you have dedicated to us.


Ally Weir

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