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Determine B0,(b) Find expressions for E and B.
SECTION 1(10 X 3 = 30 MARKS) 14. A radio can tune into any station of frequency band
1. Describe the experiment to study photoelectric effect 7.5 MHz to 10 MHz. Find the corresponding wave length
and explain the laws of photoelectric effect and the range.
significance of each. 15. The amplitude of the magnetic field vector of an
2. An electron and a proton are possessing same amount electromagnetic wave travelling in vacuum is
of K.E., which of the two have greater de-Broglie, 2.4mT. Frequency of the wave is 16 MHz. Find :
wavelength? Justify your answer. For what Kinetic (i)Amplitude of electric field vector and
energy of a neutron will the associated de Broglie (ii) Wavelength of the wave.
wavelength be 5.6 A0? 16. If kinetic energy of thermal neutron is 1.5kT then
3. How an amplitude modulated wave can be produced? find the de-Broglie wavelength of waves associated with
Derive the equation of an amplitude modulated wave a thermal neutron of mass m at temperature T kelvin
4. What does ‘LOS communciation¹ mean? Name the where k is boltzmann constant.
types of waves that are used for this communication. 17. X-rays of wave length α fall on a photo sensitive
Give typical examples, with the help of suitable figure, of surface emitting electrons. Assuming that the work
communication systems that use space mode function of the surface can be neglected, prove that the
propagation. de-Broglie wavelength of electrons emitted will be
5. A transmitting antenna at the top of a tower has a √(hα/mc).
height 32m and the hight of the receiving 18. A nucleus of mass M initially at rest splits into two
antenna is 50m. What is the maximum distance between fragments of masses 2M/3 & M/3 .Find the
them for satisfactory communication in ratio of de Broglie wavelength of the fragments.
LOS mode? Given radius of earth is 6400km
6. A message singnal of frequency 10 kHz and peak SECTION 3 (4 X 1 =4 MARKS)
voltage of 10 volts is used to modulate a carrier
of frequency 1 MHz and peak voltage of 20 volts. 19. Write two differences between point to point
Determine (a) modululation index, (b) the side communication and broadcast mode of communication.
bands produced. Give one example of each.
7. How would you experimentally show that EM waves 20. Plot amplitude v/s frequency for an amplitude
are transverse in nature? modulated signal.
8. State the principles of production of EM waves. An EM 21. Every EM wave has certain frequency. Name two
wave of wavelength goes from vacuum parameters of an em wave that oscillate with
to a medium of refractive index n. What will be the this frequency. What is the phase difference between
frequency of wave in the medium? electric and magnetic field vectors in an em wave?
9. Compare the properties of electromagnetic 22. Relative electric permittivity of a medium is 8 and
waves and mechanical waves. relative permeability is close to unity. What is
10. Ultraviolet light of wavelength 350 nm and intensity the speed of em waves in the medium.
1W/m2 is directed at a potassium surface
having work function 2.2eV.
(i) Find the maximum kinetic energy of the .
(ii) If 0.5 percent of the incident photons produce
photoelectric effect, how many photoelectrons
per second are emitted from the potassium surface that
has an area 1cm2
SECTION 2 (8 X 2 = 16 MARKS)
11. The refractive index of medium is 1.5. A beam of
light of wavelength 6000 A° enters in the medium from
air. Find wavelength and frequency of light in the
12. An EM wave is travelling in vaccum. Amplitude of
the electric field vector is 5 × 104 V/m. Calculate
amplitude of magnetic field vector.
13. Suppose the electric field amplitude of an em wave is
E0 = 120 NC–1 and that its frequency is 50.0 MHz.

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