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Part 1


It is effective. Post development (0.028) <Pre-development (0.059) even in worst case scenario.


Larger diameter pipe, larger pipe gradient, larger size of the pit.


Worst Case considered

Negative flow rate around 12min indicates the presence of back flow, followed by sudden increase. This crisp
indicates the time it takes for the water in upper stream to reach to the outflow pipe.


Outflow rate closely trace the inflow rate in the low flow rate range, and quickly reaches the maximum
outflow. Benefit of having HED is very limited in such situation, as the size of OSD is already small. HED is not
a viable option.
Part 2


Minor storm

Fails council detention specification, as Pre-development flows for the 5 year ARI (0.028) < post-
development flow ARI100 (0.039).

Major storm


It works. Post-development flows (0.023) < Pre-development flow (0.028)

2c) Worst Case considered

Without HED

with HED

With HED the o it has higher water level thus higher total head in the beginning, hence outflow rate in the begging is

OSD shaped is generally rectangular prism and this rectangular prism shape in particular benefits from HED.
Part 3


Name Type Family Size Ponding Pressure Surface Max Pond Base Blocking x y Bolt-downid Part Full Inflow Pit is
Volume Change Elev (m) Depth (m)Inflow Factor lid Shock LossHydrograph
(cu.m) Coeff. Ku (cu.m/s)
PreDevNoNode 29.2 0 249658.9 -19075.7 1.06E+08 No
N28356 Node 28 0 250175.3 -19410.1 1.06E+08 No
Roofnode Node 37.9 0 248389.4 -19154.4 1.07E+08 No
CouncilPitNode 28.76 0 250284.1 -19696.1 1.07E+08 No
RfeastnooNode 37.9 0 248639.9 -19028 1.07E+08 No
2BalcWstNNode 35.7 0 248296.3 -19314.3 1.07E+08 No
2BalcEnd Node 35.4 0 248303.5 -19674.7 1.07E+08 No
lvl1balcN Node 32.4 0 248303.5 -19965.8 1.07E+08 No
BldgGardNNode 29.8 0 248834.9 -20133.7 1.07E+08 No
N28426 Node 29.2 0 249711.7 -19391.4 1.07E+08 No
AwningNdNode 32.2 0 250508.4 -19603.1 1.07E+08 No
Gutter Node 28.76 0 251536.9 -19648.4 1.07E+08 No
RearDeckNNode 29 0 250508.4 -19794 1.07E+08 No
Basement Node 29 0 251510.7 -19805.9 1.07E+08 No
GardenBy OnGrade Std Grated600x600 1.5 30.5 0 0 250515.6 -19488.5 No 1.07E+08 1 x Ku No New
ConcilPit2Node 27.76 0 251515.4 -19548.2 1.07E+08 No
N56798 Node 104 0 250403.1 -18938.7 1.08E+08 No
N56806 Node 98.3 0 254105.4 -19040.9 1.08E+08 No
N56808 Node 99 0 253740.5 -18580.7 1.08E+08 No


Name Elev Surf. Area Not Used Outlet Typ K Dia(mm) Centre RL Pit Family Pit Type x y HED Crest RL Crest Lengid
OSD 28 1 Orifice 100 28.25 249538.9 -19638.3 No 1.07E+08
28.15 13.4
28.5 13.4
28.95 13.4
28.951 1
29.6 1
29.7 1
29.8 1
Basin3221 97.5 1 Orifice 100 97.95 252715.8 -18984 No 1.08E+08
97.99 1
98 25
99 25
99.5 25
99.6 1
99.7 1

Name Pit or Total Paved Grass Supp Paved Grass Supp Paved Grass Supp Paved Grass Supp Paved Grass Supp Lag Time Gutter Gutter Gutter Rainfall
Node Area Area Area Area Time Time Time Length Length Length Slope(%) Slope Slope Rough Rough Rough or Factor Length Slope FlowFactoMultiplier
(ha) % % % (min) (min) (min) (m) (m) (m) % % % (m) %
CatpredevPreDevNo 0.0709 100 0 0 5 5 0 50 -1 50 2 -1 2 0.012 -1 0.012 2.64652e-314
RoofWest Roofnode 0.0239 100 0 0 0.5 0 0 21 -1 -1 3.4 -1 -1 0.01 -1 -1 2.64652e-314
Roof East Rfeastnoo 0.0181 100 0 0 0.5 0 0 21 -1 -1 3.4 -1 -1 0.01 -1 -1 2.64652e-314
2ndFlrBalc2BalcWstN 0.0027 100 0 0 1 1 1 26 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 0.01 -1 -1 2.64652e-314
2ndFlrBalc2BalcEnd 0.0068 100 0 0 1 1 1 0 -1 -1 0.1 -1 -1 0.01 -1 -1 2.64652e-314
lvl1balcN 0.004 100 0 0 1 1 1 4 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 0.01 -1 -1 2.64652e-314
BldgGardeBldgGardN 0.0049 0 100 0 5 1 1 -1 10 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 0.1 -1 2.64652e-314
AwningBy AwningNd 0.0032 100 0 0 1 0 0 5 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 0.01 -1 -1 2.64652e-314
RearDeck RearDeckN 0.0071 100 0 0 1 1 1 10 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 0.01 -1 -1 2.64652e-314
GardenBy GardenBy 0.0036 0 100 0 0 1 0 3 5 5 1 1 1 0.01 0.1 0.05 2.64652e-314
Student22N56798 0.1224 50 50 0 0 0 0 40 40 0 3 3 0 0.013 0.2 0 2.64652e-314

Name From To Length U/S IL D/S IL Slope Type Dia I.D. Rough Pipe Is No. Pipes Chg From At Chg Chg Rl Chg RL etc
(m) (m) (m) (%) (mm) (mm) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
PreDevPipPreDevNoN28356 7.2 28.8 27.76 14.44 uPVC, not 375 386 0.01 New 1 PreDevNo 0
RFpipeWeRoofnode OSD 10 37.7 28.8 89 uPVC, not 150 154 0.01 NewFixed 2 Roofnode 0
To Cncl PitOSD CouncilPit 24 28.4 27.76 2.67 FRC Class 4 225 231 0.011 NewFixed 1 OSD 0
RoofEastP RfeastnooOSD 10 37.7 28.8 89 uPVC, not 150 154 0.01 NewFixed 2 Rfeastnoo 0
Frmbalcs 22BalcWstNOSD 26 35.5 28.8 25.77 uPVC, not 100 105 0.01 NewFixed 2 2BalcWstN 0
Frmbalcs 22BalcEnd OSD 26 35.05 28.8 24.04 uPVC, not 100 105 0.01 NewFixed 2 2BalcEnd 0
Frm1stFlr lvl1balcN OSD 23 32.05 28.8 14.13 uPVC, not 100 105 0.01 NewFixed 2 lvl1balcN 0
AwningTo AwningNdGutter 6 32 28.76 54 uPVC, not 100 105 0.01 New 3 AwningNd 0
RearDeckPRearDeckNBasement 30 28.8 25.8 10 uPVC, not 100 105 0.01 New 2 RearDeckN 0
GardenBy GardenBy ConcilPit2 42 28.1 27.76 0.81 uPVC, not 100 105 0.01 New 2 GardenBy 0
Pipe35373N56798 Basin3221 100 103 98 5 Concrete, 375 375 0.013 NewFixed 1 N56798 0
Pipe35379Basin3221 N56806 5 97.85 97.8 1 uPVC, und 250 242 0.01 NewFixed 1 Basin3221 0


Pipe Chg Bottom Height of SChg Bottom Height of SChg Bottom Height of Setc
(m) Elev (m) (m) (m) Elev (m) (m) (m) Elev (m) (m) etc

Name From To Type Length U/S IL D/S IL Slope Base Widt L.B. Slope R.B. Slope Manning Depth Roofed
(m) (m) (m) (%) (m) (1:?) (1:?) n (m)


Name From To Travel Spill Crest Weir Cross Safe Dept SafeDepthSafe Bed D/S Area id U/S IL D/S IL Length (m)
Time Level Length Coeff. C Section Major StorMinor Sto DxV Slope Contributing
(min) (m) (m) (m) (m) (sq.m/sec)(%) %
OFOSD OSD N28426 2 28.9 0.8 1.45 Rect Slot W 0.1 0.1 0.6 1 0 1.07E+08
InOSD BldgGardNOSD 1 Norton St 0.3 0.3 0.6 1 0 1.07E+08
OF12175 Basin3221 N56808 5 99.22 2 1.45 Dummy us 0.2 0.05 0.6 1 0 1.08E+08


Name Type Dia (mm) Safe Cove Cover (m)
PreDevPipuPVC, not 386 0.6 -0.15 Unsafe
RFpipeWeuPVC, not 154 0.6 0.04 Unsafe
To Cncl PitFRC Class 4 231 0.6 0.74
RoofEastP uPVC, not 154 0.6 0.04 Unsafe
Frmbalcs 2uPVC, not 105 0.6 0.09 Unsafe
Frmbalcs 2uPVC, not 105 0.6 0.24 Unsafe
Frm1stFlr uPVC, not 105 0.6 0.24 Unsafe
AwningTo uPVC, not 105 0.6 -0.11 Unsafe
RearDeckPuPVC, not 105 0.6 0.09 Unsafe
GardenBy uPVC, not 105 0.6 -0.11 Unsafe
Pipe35373Concrete, 375 0.6 -0.91 Unsafe
Pipe35379uPVC, und 242 0.6 -0.6 Unsafe

This model has no pipes with non-return valves

3e) DRAINS results prepared from Version 2017.09


Name Max HGL Max Pond Max SurfacMax Pond Min Overflow Constraint
HGL Flow ArrivVolume Freeboard(cu.m/s)
(cu.m/s) (cu.m) (m)
PreDevNo 28.87 0.047
N28356 27.82 0
Roofnode 37.74 0.017
CouncilPit 27.82 0
Rfeastnoo 37.73 0.013
2BalcWstN 35.51 0.002
2BalcEnd 35.07 0.005
lvl1balcN 32.07 0.003
AwningNd 32.01 0.002
Gutter 28.77 0
RearDeckN 28.82 0.005
Basement 25.82 0
GardenByp 28.13 0.002 2.37 None
ConcilPit2 27.79 0
N56798 103.11 0.074
N56806 97.9 0

Name Max Paved Grassed Paved Grassed Supp. Due to Storm
Flow Q Max Q Max Q Tc Tc Tc
(cu.m/s) (cu.m/s) (cu.m/s) (min) (min) (min)
Catpredev 0.047 0.047 0 7.17 5 2.17 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
RoofWest 0.017 0.017 0 1.49 0 0 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
Roof East 0.013 0.013 0 1.49 0 0 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
2ndFlrBalc 0.002 0.002 0 2.62 1 1 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
2ndFlrBalc 0.005 0.005 0 1 1 1 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
1stFlrBalcW 0.003 0.003 0 1.53 1 1 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
BldgGarde 0.003 0 0.003 5 4.63 1 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
AwningBy 0.002 0.002 0 1.6 0 0 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
RearDeck 0.005 0.005 0 1.91 1 1 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
GardenByp 0.002 0 0.002 0.44 3.39 1.58 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
Student22 0.074 0.041 0.033 1.89 9.76 0 AR&R 100 year, 30 minutes storm, average 134 mm/h, Zone 1

Outflow Volumes for Total Catchment (0.20 impervious + 0.07 pervious = 0.27 total ha)
Storm Total RainfTotal RunoImperviouPervious Runoff
cu.m cu.m (Run cu.m (Run cu.m (Runoff %)
AR&R 100 142.72 131.20 (91 103.57 (98 27.63 (74.3%)
AR&R 100 179.29 165.70 (92 130.61 (98 35.09 (75.1%)
AR&R 100 220.77 204.89 (92 161.29 (98 43.60 (75.8%)
AR&R 100 254.22 236.55 (93 186.03 (98 50.52 (76.3%)

Name Max Q Max V Max U/S Max D/S Due to Storm
(cu.m/s) (m/s) HGL (m) HGL (m)
PreDevPip 0.047 3.64 28.871 27.824 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
RFpipeWe 0.017 2.47 37.737 28.955 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
To Cncl Pit 0.015 1.63 28.463 27.823 AR&R 100 year, 1 hour storm, average 95 mm/h, Zone 1
RoofEastP 0.013 2.28 37.732 28.955 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
Frmbalcs 2 0.002 1.36 35.514 28.955 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
Frmbalcs 2 0.005 1.79 35.072 28.955 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
Frm1stFlr W 0.003 1.53 32.067 28.955 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
AwningTo 0.002 1.27 32.013 28.773 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
RearDeckP 0.005 1.81 28.823 25.823 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
GardenByp 0.002 1.16 28.118 27.789 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
Pipe35373 0.073 2.71 103.11 99.235 AR&R 100 year, 30 minutes storm, average 134 mm/h, Zone 1
Pipe35379 0.024 1.39 97.947 97.898 AR&R 100 year, 1 hour storm, average 95 mm/h, Zone 1

Name Max Q Max V Due to Storm
(cu.m/s) (m/s)


Name Max Q U/SMax Q D/SSafe Q Max D Max DxV Max WidthMax V Due to Storm
OFOSD 0.015 0.015 -5.8E+31 0.016 0.01 1.48 0.63 AR&R 100 year, 1 hour storm, average 95 mm/h, Zone 1
InOSD 0.003 0.003 0 0.007 0 3.99 0.12 AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
OF12175 0.005 0.005 0 0.012 0 4.04 0.22 AR&R 100 year, 1 hour storm, average 95 mm/h, Zone 1


Name Max WL MaxVol Max Q Max Q Max Q
Total Low Level High Level
OSD 28.95 11.6 0.03 0.015 0.015
Basin3221 99.24 31.5 0.03 0.024 0.005

CONTINUITY CHECK for AR&R 100 year, 20 minutes storm, average 160 mm/h, Zone 1
Node Inflow Outflow Storage ChDifference
(cu.m) (cu.m) (cu.m) %
PreDevNo 37.1 37.11 0 0
N28356 37.11 37.11 0 0
Roofnode 12.51 12.24 0 2.2
OSD 30.4 28.48 4.42 -8.2
CouncilPit 26.38 26.38 0 0
Rfeastnoo 9.47 9.26 0 2.2
2BalcWstN 1.41 1.39 0 1.9
2BalcEnd 3.56 3.48 0 2.1
lvl1balcN 2.09 2.07 0 1.1
BldgGardN 1.96 1.96 0 0
N28426 2.1 2.1 0 0
AwningNd 1.67 1.68 0 0
Gutter 1.68 1.68 0 0
RearDeckN 3.72 3.72 0 -0.1
Basement 3.72 3.72 0 0
GardenByp 1.45 1.46 0 -0.9
ConcilPit2 1.46 1.46 0 0
N56798 56.25 56.33 0 -0.2
Basin3221 56.33 48.26 6 3.7
N56806 48.26 48.26 0 0
N56808 0 0 0 0

Run Log for final.drn run at 20:53:44 on 2/6/2017No water upwelling from any pit. Freeboard was adequate at all pits.
Flows were safe in all overflow routes.

The following overflow routes carried water uphill (adding energy): OFOSD
These results may be invalid. You should check for water flowing round in circles at these locations. You may need to reformulate the model.

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