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Volume 9, Number 6 July 1996

Pleased to be included, I wish - for So why read about this kind of Andrews, Tucker, Spooner, et al.) with
my sake and for that of my unidenti- thing at all? Parfrey's answer comes at those outside the tradition. Sprading's
fied admirers - that A Reader's Guide to the conclusion to my favorite chapter, idea was an interesting one, but he
Twentieth-Century Writers were a "The Endangered Freak": "We must re- doesn't really convince. Everybody
stronger book. -Richard Kostelanetz learn to gawk without shame, to admit knows just how different these people
our fascination with deformity, the bio- were.
Learning to Gawk - Adam logic expression of the fin-de-siecle. If The biggest problem, for me at least,
Parfrey is the kind of journalist who we aren't allowed to know the 'other,' is all the nutball economics (the selec-
wouldn't just cover a serial killer - we sure as hell will never understand tions from William B. Greene are espe-
he'd hire the murderer as his crime cor- ourselves." -Jesse Walker cially embarrassing). Most of these
respondent. As an author and as a pub- writers fell prey to money-crankism,
lisher, Parfrey takes the voyeurism Libertarian Chrestomathy - odd land-reform schemes, and idiotic
beneath the surface of mainstream jour- "Libertarianism" originally meant a anti-capitalist blather. In the few pages
nalism, magnifies it, and thrusts it into belief in free will, with no political of his introduction to the new edition
the reader's face. So you're interested implications at all. The construction (Fox & Wilkes, 1995, xiv + 362 pp.,
in cultists, criminals, and crazies, he "civil libertarian" seems to date from $24.95 hc, $14.95 sc), Carl Watner tries
says. So you're curious about the the latter half of the nineteenth century; to set this into some perspective. But he
fringe. Well, here it is. Take a good look the word "libertarian," alone and needs more space, and a lot more will-
at it. Don't turn away! Are you satisfied? naked, was taken over by the anarchists ingness to criticize the American
His most recent book, Cult Rapture as a euphemism a little later. (The anar- individualists.
(Feral House, 1995, 371 pp., $14.95), chists needed a new label, as the bomb- But for all their errors, these think-
covers everything from the mail-order throwers and assassins in their midst ers also have their charms. Theodore
bride business (which "confirmed femi- had sullied the name even beyond its Hertzka, an Austrian economist
nist tracts pillorying the male's dehu- original meaning, "a supporter of social (though not of the"Austrian school"),
manizing regard of the female as
or political chaos" - which was pejora- makes sense occasionally, even as he
commodi ty") to James Shelby
tive enough.) advocates ideas I find dubious (he
Downard, the undisputed king of the
If Charles Sprading's Liberty and opposes land ownership). Any radical
conspiracy theorists. There are also sev-
the Great Libertarians, published in who demolishes the labor theory of
eral chapters on the militia movement,
1913, is any indication, the word was value can't be all bad.
with which Parfrey betrays some sym-
also used as an attempt to cast the net It is apparent that the term "libertar-
pathies. Then there's I CAN ("a cult of
outside the small world of die-hard ian" has evolved since Sprading's time.
sex-obsessed cripples"), a rather cruel
attack on Andrea Dworkin (whose the- anarchists. Sprading's book includes Mencken used it on occasion, and
ories he initially equates with the femi- aphorisms ("Laconics of Liberty") and Mencken was more a Sumnerian Social
nist mainstream, "a lazy, misogynist essays from a great diversity of individ- Darwinist than anything else. About
assumption for which I apologize"), uals. The anti-slavery, anti-Constitution mid-century, the Georgist radicals
and a report on a fan club devoted to constitutional lawyer Lysander Albert Jay Nock and Frank Chodorov,
one of Elvis Presley's girlfriends. This Spooner is preceded in these pages by along with thinkers and promoters
last item is prefaced by another apol- the American president Abraham such as Leonard Read and Robert
ogy: "The following article, which orig- Lincoln; the single-tax theoretician LeFevre, began using the term to
inally appeared in the San Diego Reader, Henry George is followed by the defend their pro-capitalist, anti-socialist
ostensibly contains insights on the soci- Christian anarchist Leo Tolstoy, the philosophies. This usage was solidified
ological bizarrarie of fandom. A little individualist-anarchist Benjamin as admirers of Ayn Rand's thought
hindsight has filled me with shame Tucker, and the communist-anarchist (and refugees from it) also adopted the
over the article's laconic sadism. Little Prince Peter Kropotkin. Oscar Wilde term to describe their thinking.
did I realize that the vicarious pleas- and George Bernard Shaw snuggle Anarchists of the old-fashioned,
ures of fandom exist so that its between the covers with
practitioners can face impossibly bleak Robert Ingersoll, John
lives. . . . Although I fully admit my Stuart Mill, Emma
culpability in the following article's Goldman, and Edmund
sneering condescension, I offer it here Burke. Max Stirner is
uncut as an object lesson to unfeeling excerpted, as are Herbert
sadists. Those who laugh with the arti- Spencer, Thomas Paine,
cle, who share in my joy at clubbing Auberon Herbert, and ...
easy targets, should consider them- Mr. Dooley!
selves implicated in the crime ... joy at The charm of this vol-
other people's expense is the necessary ume is the juxtaposition
first step in dehumanizing the 'other,' of the American individ-
the psychological precondition for ualist anarchists Gosiah "We shouldn't have left it running over the weekend -
genocide." Warren, Stephen Pearl it came up with a doctrine of free will."

Liberty 65

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