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The Altar Flowers today are given to the glory of God

and in honor of their mothers by the Helmstetter Family.

Write your prayer requests here
This Week at Aldersgate
If you would like your prayer request to
be included on the Caring For One Today, May 13
Another daily e-mail prayer chain, 9:00 am Worship (Sanctuary)
please check here.  10:00 am Sip ‘n Chat Refreshment and Fellowship (RR)
10:00 am Children’s Sunday School (106)
10:00 am Youth Sunday School (YR)
10:00 am Adult Sunday School
Friendship Class (208); Seekers (111); Agape (108)
Sermon Discussion Group (RR);
Adult Sunday School Class (FH)
11:00 am Worship (Sanctuary)
12:00 pm Sip ‘n Chat Refreshment and Fellowship (RR)
Monday, May 14
If you have a prayer concern, Rev. Robertson vacation day
6:30 pm Trustees (208)
there are several avenues for
7:00 pm Boy Scouts Troop 119 (FH,106,107)
sharing with the Aldersgate 7:00 pm Families Anonymous (108)
Tuesday, May 15
Rev. Robertson vacation day
You may submit your requests to
9:00 am Bulletin announcement submissions due
the Caring For One Another e- 10:00 am Quilters Guild (FH)
mail prayer chain. Contact Jeanne 11:00 am Camp YAH (208)
Hamlin (jeaham@comcast.net). 12:30 pm Friendship Luncheon at DoubleTree Hotel
1:30 pm Alzheimer’s Support Group (208)
The detachable portion of this 4:15 pm Cov. Discipleship (Parlor)
6:00 pm Aldersgate Ringers (S)
bulletin includes a space for 7:00 pm Disciple 1 (208)
written prayer concerns that you 7:00 pm “Unafraid” Study (CR)
may place in the offering plate.
Wednesday, May 16
Rev. Robertson vacation day
Also, please check out the “Prayer 11:00 am Fellowship of Friends (208)
Wall” at www.cvaumc.org. 6:00 pm Instrumental Ensemble (S)
7:30 pm Chancel Choir Practice (S)
Thursday, May 17
11:00 am Busy Hands Craft Group (RR)
6:30 pm Sweet Adelines (FH)
7:00 pm Praise Band rehearsal (S) “Make disciples of Jesus Christ for the
Friday, May 18 transformation of the world.” Matthew 28:19
6:00 pm Bishop Recital (S)
Saturday, May 19
8:00 am Men’s Group (208)
12:15 pm Day Recital (S,RR) 1500 East Rio Road • Charlottesville, VA 22901
Key: 434.973.5806 • info@cvaumc.org
CR = Choir Room
FH = Fellowship Hall www.cvaumc.org • www.facebook.com/cvaumc
HR = Hospitality Room
K = Kitchen
RR = Reed Room (Old Sanctuary)
UFH = Unfinished Fellowship Hall
May 13, 2018
WC = Welcome Center
YR - Youth Room
Sermon Notes Communication Card
Gathering Music Prelude “O Rest in the Lord” (from “Elijah”) F. Mendelssohn
________________ May 13, 2018

Welcome Ashley Oliver Welcome Ashley Oliver ________________ Please take a moment to fill out this
card, then tear at the perforation and
*Opening Songs
*Opening Hymn 312 “Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise” ________________ place it in the offering plate.
“Sing to the King”
*Call to Worship
Leader: Christ is alive. He is risen from the dead.
Bill George ________________ Name: ________________________

*Congregational Prayer Myron Ripley

People: The Holy One calls us to worship and praise. ________________ ______________________________
Leader: Baptized with the power of the Holy Spirit,
Blessed are you, Holy One, creator of all that is and all that ever will be. People: we live with Christ in our hearts. ________________ Email: ________________________
You sent your holy child, Jesus, to heal us and bless us, to show us your
love. After his suffering and death on the cross, he was still among us,
Clap your hands and shout to God
with loud songs of joy.
________________ ______________________________
proclaiming repentance and forgiveness of sins for all who call on his
name. Just as you sent the power of the Holy Spirit to those who first
Leader: Sing praises to God, who fills the world ________________ Phone: _______________________
People: with forgiveness and grace. ______________________________
believed, fill us now with your power and grace, that we may become the ________________
hands and feet, and heart and spirit of Christ. Amen. *Opening Prayer Bill George
Blessed are you, Holy One, creator of all that is and all that ever will be. ________________ I would like to:
Children’s Message Ashley Oliver You sent your holy child, Jesus, to heal us and bless us, to show us your
Children are invited to attend Children’s Church on the lower level. love. After his suffering and death on the cross, he was still among us, ________________  Name Tag needed for: _________
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer 895 Ashley Oliver
proclaiming repentance and forgiveness of sins for all who call on his ________________
name. Just as you sent the power of the Holy Spirit to those who first ______________________________
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come,
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily
believed, fill us now with your power and grace, that we may become the ________________
hands and feet, and heart and spirit of Christ. Amen.  Learn more about Aldersgate
bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass ________________
against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Come Now, Children
thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Children’s Message Ashley Oliver
 Be added to weekly e-Note
Offering Prayer Children are invited to attend Children’s Church on the lower level. ________________
Offering and Song of Response “Blessed Assurance”
Prayers of the People and Lord’s Prayer 895 ________________  Explore membership at
Anthem “Peace I Give to You” by Craig Courtney
Scripture Acts 1:1-11 NRSV Myron Ripley Chancel Choir ________________ Aldersgate Church

Sermon “You Will Be My Witnesses” Ashley Oliver Scripture Lesson Acts 1:1-11 NRSV Bill George ________________
 Be baptized
Holy Communion Sermon “You Will Be My Witnesses” Ashley Oliver ________________
All are welcome at the Lord’s Table. Gluten-free bread and cup available. *Hymn 302 “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” ________________
Offering Prayer  Receive a call from the pastor
Music During Communion “I Will Rise”
Prayer of Thanksgiving Offertory “Sunday Meditation” Gordon Young
*Doxology 95
________________  Learn more about giving my tithe
*Closing Song “Days of Elijah”
*Hymn of Commitment 308 “Thine Be the Glory” ________________ and/or offering online
*Benediction ________________
 Other:
*please stand as you are able Postlude ________________
Additional information is projected on the screens *please stand as you are able
Additional information is projected on the screens ________________

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