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System Administration Printable Help

Pub. #8J3225
29 June 2010
Table Of Contents
Preface ........................................................................................................14
Trademark and Copyright Information.......................................................................................................... 14
FCC Compliance ........................................................................................................................................ 14

CARESTREAM PACS System..........................................................................15

CARESTREAM PACS Overview ..................................................................................................................... 15
System Components .................................................................................................................................. 15
CARESTREAM PACS Client Overview ............................................................................................................ 16
New Enhancements and Applications for Version 11....................................................................................... 16
New Viewer PowerViewer ....................................................................................................................... 16
Enhanced Reading Flow.......................................................................................................................... 16
SUPERPACS Architecture ........................................................................................................................ 17
Volume Matching................................................................................................................................... 17
PET/CT................................................................................................................................................. 17
Enhanced 3D ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Additional Capabilities Added After the Initial Release of Version 11................................................................. 18
Enhanced Transfer Syntax (TX) Support ................................................................................................... 18
PIX and Multiple Patient ID Support ......................................................................................................... 18
DICOM Tunneling .................................................................................................................................. 18
Global Priors ......................................................................................................................................... 18
CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager Overview .......................................................................................... 19
Workflow Manager Architecture Solutions ................................................................................................. 19
CARESTREAM PACS CD Direct Suite Overview ............................................................................................... 21
Components ......................................................................................................................................... 21
Features............................................................................................................................................... 21
Info Router ........................................................................................................................................... 22
Intended Users ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Info Router Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 22
Info Router Client .................................................................................................................................. 22
Info Router Server................................................................................................................................. 22
CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software Overview ............................................................................................. 23
IS Link Software Key Concepts................................................................................................................ 23
General System Requirements for Admin Tools ............................................................................................. 24
Browser Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 24
JAVA Plug-In............................................................................................................................................. 25
Downloading from MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER................................................................................. 25
Downloading from NETSCAPE Navigator ................................................................................................... 25
Support.................................................................................................................................................... 26
Regulatory Information (European Union)..................................................................................................... 27

Safety ..........................................................................................................28
Safety Guidelines ...................................................................................................................................... 28
Hazards.................................................................................................................................................... 29
IEC 60601-1 Classification .......................................................................................................................... 30
Owner Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................... 31
User Limitations ........................................................................................................................................ 32
Safety and Maintenance Rules..................................................................................................................... 33

User Management Admin Tool (Group) ........................................................34

Data Import Tool ....................................................................................................................................... 34
Installing the Data Import Tool ............................................................................................................... 34
Using the Data Import Tool..................................................................................................................... 35

Table Of Contents

Data Import Toolbar .............................................................................................................................. 35

Changing Data Import Tool Settings ........................................................................................................ 36
Importing Studies.................................................................................................................................. 39
User Management Admin Tool (Group)......................................................................................................... 41
LDAP........................................................................................................................................................ 41
Configuring Authentication.......................................................................................................................... 41
Logging in to the CARESTREAM PACS Admin Home Page ................................................................................ 42
From a UNIX System ............................................................................................................................. 42
From a WINDOWS OS ............................................................................................................................ 43

Performing User Management Configuration ...............................................44

User Management Admin Overview.............................................................................................................. 44
Opening the User Management Admin Tool (User) ......................................................................................... 45
Users Tab ............................................................................................................................................. 45
Managing the Display............................................................................................................................. 45
Filtering the Display ............................................................................................................................... 45
Sorting the Display ................................................................................................................................ 46
Refreshing the Users Display................................................................................................................... 46
Defining New Users ................................................................................................................................... 47
Adding New Users ..................................................................................................................................... 48
Defining Advanced Settings for Users........................................................................................................... 50
Defining External Applications for Users ....................................................................................................... 51
Viewing/Editing User Settings ..................................................................................................................... 52
Deleting a User ......................................................................................................................................... 53
User Management Admin Tool (Contacts) ..................................................................................................... 54
Importing a System User to the Contacts Tab ........................................................................................... 54
User Management Import Tool .................................................................................................................... 55
Script Location ...................................................................................................................................... 55
Usage .................................................................................................................................................. 55
Header Line in the Contacts CSV File........................................................................................................ 55
Access Control .......................................................................................................................................... 56
Restrictions to Users and Groups ............................................................................................................. 56
Adding Restrictions to Users and Groups .................................................................................................. 57
Updating a Restriction ............................................................................................................................ 59
Removing a Restriction .......................................................................................................................... 60

Security Manager .........................................................................................61

Applicable Permissions ............................................................................................................................... 62
Security Manager Permissions Settings .................................................................................................... 64
Security Manager Permissions Configuration ............................................................................................. 65

Performing Group Management Configuration .............................................66

Group Management Overview ..................................................................................................................... 66
Opening the User Management Admin Tool (Group)....................................................................................... 67
Users Tab ............................................................................................................................................. 67
Groups Tab........................................................................................................................................... 67
Profiles Tab........................................................................................................................................... 67
Managing the Display............................................................................................................................. 67
Filtering the Display ............................................................................................................................... 67
Sorting the Display ................................................................................................................................ 67
Refreshing the Groups Display ................................................................................................................ 67
Viewing/Editing System Settings (Group) ..................................................................................................... 68
Viewing/Editing System Settings (without LDAP) ....................................................................................... 68
Viewing/Editing System Settings (with LDAP)............................................................................................ 68
Selecting/Changing the User Management Repository (Group) ........................................................................ 69

CARESTREAM PACS, Version 11.1 System Administration Printable Help

Central Configuration Editor.................................................................................................................... 70

Selecting Central Configuration as the UM Repository ................................................................................ 71
Selecting LDAP as the UM Repository ....................................................................................................... 72
Testing the LDAP Configuration ............................................................................................................... 73
Configuring the Change/Set Forgotten Password URL ..................................................................................... 74
Defining New Groups ................................................................................................................................. 75
Adding New Groups ................................................................................................................................... 76
Viewing/Editing Group Settings ................................................................................................................... 78
Viewing/Editing Group Settings (without LDAP) ............................................................................................. 79
Viewing/Editing Group Settings (with LDAP).................................................................................................. 80
Deleting a Group ....................................................................................................................................... 81
Access Control Management Tool ................................................................................................................ 82
Examples ................................................................................................................................................. 82
Opening the Access Control Management Tool .......................................................................................... 83
Opening the Access Control Management Tool Users Tab............................................................................ 84
Opening the Access Control Management Tool Groups Tab ......................................................................... 85
Adding Restrictions to Users and Groups .................................................................................................. 86
Updating a Restriction ............................................................................................................................ 87
Removing a Restriction .......................................................................................................................... 88

CARESTREAM PACS Info Router ...................................................................89

Info Router ........................................................................................................................................... 89
Intended Users ..................................................................................................................................... 89
Info Router Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 89
Info Router Client .................................................................................................................................. 89
Info Router Server................................................................................................................................. 89
Using the Info Router................................................................................................................................. 90
Opening the CARESTREAM PACS Info Router ............................................................................................ 91
From a UNIX System ............................................................................................................................. 91
From a WINDOWS OS ............................................................................................................................ 91
CARESTREAM PACS Info Router Client Window.......................................................................................... 93
CARESTREAM PACS Info Router Configuration Toolbar ............................................................................... 94
CARESTREAM PACS Info Router Client Toolbar .......................................................................................... 95
CARESTREAM PACS Info Router Client Menu Bar ....................................................................................... 96
Monitoring Tab ...................................................................................................................................... 97
Command List Area ............................................................................................................................... 97
Command Log Information Area .............................................................................................................. 97
Filtering Commands ............................................................................................................................... 98
Stopping and Starting the CARESTREAM PACS Info Router ......................................................................... 99
UNIX System ........................................................................................................................................ 99
WINDOWS OS System ........................................................................................................................... 99

CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software .........................................................100

IMS Document Agent (XDS/XDS-I Document Source) .................................................................................. 100
IMS Document Agent in XDS Environment .............................................................................................. 100
Installing the IMS Document Agent........................................................................................................ 100
Activating the IMS Document Agent........................................................................................................... 101
Configuring the IMS Document Agent......................................................................................................... 102
IMS Document Agent Tool ........................................................................................................................ 102
Patient Details Fields............................................................................................................................ 102
Submission Details .............................................................................................................................. 102
IMS Document Repository (XDS Document Repository) ................................................................................ 103
Activating the IMS Document Repository ................................................................................................ 103
Configuring the IMS Document Repository .............................................................................................. 103
Properties........................................................................................................................................... 103
Mapping Between XDS Fields and DICOM Tags ........................................................................................ 103
Table Of Contents

CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software Overview ........................................................................................... 104

IS Link Software Key Concepts.............................................................................................................. 104
Using the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software ........................................................................................... 105
Logging in from a UNIX System................................................................................................................. 105
Logging in from a WINDOWS OS ............................................................................................................... 105
Verifying the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software Startup ....................................................................... 106
Shutting Down the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software Processes ........................................................... 107
Using the Kill Command ....................................................................................................................... 107
Verifying the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software Shutdown ................................................................... 107
Using the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Admin Tool........................................................................................ 108
Opening the IS Link Admin Tool ................................................................................................................ 108
IS Link Admin Tool Window Tabs ........................................................................................................... 108
IS Link Admin Tool Window Toolbar ....................................................................................................... 108
CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Admin Tool Patients Tab................................................................................ 109
CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Admin Tool Visits Tab ................................................................................... 110
CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Admin Tool Orders Tab ................................................................................. 110
CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Admin Tool Reports Tab ................................................................................ 110
IS Link Admin Tool Window Toolbar ....................................................................................................... 111
CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Configuration ................................................................................................... 112
Mapping Mechanism............................................................................................................................. 113
Mapping Mechanism User Interface........................................................................................................ 113
Filtering Cancelled Orders..................................................................................................................... 115
Report Display Filters ............................................................................................................................... 115
Manual RIS Sync ................................................................................................................................. 115
Handling Patient IDs ............................................................................................................................ 115
Handling Multiple Patient IDs in IS Link .................................................................................................. 115
New Site ID ........................................................................................................................................ 117
Saving Observation Data ...................................................................................................................... 117
Accession Number Automatic Update ..................................................................................................... 117
HL-7 to PACS Field Mapping Set ................................................................................................................ 117
To Configure the HL to PACS Field Mapping Set ....................................................................................... 117
Dictionary Mechanism .............................................................................................................................. 119
Configuring the Simple Mapping Tables .................................................................................................. 119
Configuring the Complex Mapping Tables ............................................................................................... 119
IS Link Maintenance ................................................................................................................................ 121
Pushing Scripts ....................................................................................................................................... 121
For UNIX Systems ................................................................................................................................... 121
For WINDOWS OS ................................................................................................................................... 121
Deleting Redundant Observations .............................................................................................................. 121

Auditing .....................................................................................................122
Pre-Filtering the Audit Viewer Tool Window ................................................................................................. 123
Audit Viewer Tool Window ........................................................................................................................ 124
Archiving an Audit ................................................................................................................................... 125
Managing the Display (Audit Viewer Tool)................................................................................................... 125
Field Chooser .......................................................................................................................................... 125
Changing the Fields Appearing in the Audit Trail Viewer ............................................................................... 125
Available Fields for Display ....................................................................................................................... 125
Filtering the Display ................................................................................................................................. 126
Applying Multiple Filters to the Audit Viewer............................................................................................ 126
Applying an Individual Filter to the Audit Viewer...................................................................................... 126
Sorting the Display .................................................................................................................................. 126
Refreshing the Display ............................................................................................................................. 126
Viewing Event Details............................................................................................................................... 127

CARESTREAM PACS, Version 11.1 System Administration Printable Help

Defining General Auditing Settings............................................................................................................. 127

Defining Audit Event Settings.................................................................................................................... 127
Updating Screen Settings ......................................................................................................................... 128
Viewing History ....................................................................................................................................... 128
Using the Audit Trail to Export Logs to MICROSOFT EXCEL ........................................................................... 128

Workflow Management ..............................................................................129

Workflow Grid ......................................................................................................................................... 129
SUPERPACS Building Blocks ...................................................................................................................... 130
Enhanced Metadata Synchronization Mechanism.......................................................................................... 130
Supporting Multiple Patient Ids (PIX) ......................................................................................................... 131
Tunneling Protocol ................................................................................................................................... 132
Working with a Global Worklist.................................................................................................................. 133
Loading a Study from a Global Worklist ...................................................................................................... 133
Priors Policy ........................................................................................................................................ 133
Patient Portfolio Information ................................................................................................................. 133
Export Operations................................................................................................................................ 133
CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager Overview ........................................................................................ 134
Workflow Manager Architecture Solutions ............................................................................................... 134
Encrypted Workflow Manager .................................................................................................................... 135
DICOM Image Encryption ......................................................................................................................... 135
Database Encryption ................................................................................................................................ 136
Online Storage Management ..................................................................................................................... 136
Online Storage Management Functionality .............................................................................................. 136
Database Admin Tool ........................................................................................................................... 137
Storage Management Admin Tool Window Toolbar ................................................................................... 138
Storage Management Admin Tool Window Menu Bar ................................................................................ 139
Storage Management Admin Tool Right-Click Menu.................................................................................. 140
Field Chooser and User Configurations ................................................................................................... 141
Viewing Study and Report Information ................................................................................................... 143
Updating Series Information ................................................................................................................. 143
Merging/Splitting at Image Level ........................................................................................................... 143
Protecting and Unprotecting Studies .......................................................................................................... 146
Multiple Patient ID Support (PIX) in Database Administrator Tool .................................................................. 147
Online Storage Management Tasks ........................................................................................................ 149
Online Storage Management Auto Delete................................................................................................ 150
Patient ID Uniqueness Validation ........................................................................................................... 151
Image Resend..................................................................................................................................... 152
Displaying SOP Instance UID Alerts ....................................................................................................... 153
Studies Removal ..................................................................................................................................... 154
Storage Management Admin Tool Overview ................................................................................................ 154
Opening the Storage Management Admin Tool ............................................................................................ 154
Using the Storage Management Admin Tool Window .................................................................................... 155
Managing the Display (Storage Management Admin Tool)............................................................................. 155
Filtering the Studies List (Storage Management Admin Tool)......................................................................... 156
Applying Multiple Filters to the Studies List ............................................................................................. 156
Applying an Individual Filter to the Studies List ....................................................................................... 156
Filter Types............................................................................................................................................. 156
Sorting the Studies List (Storage Management Admin Tool) .......................................................................... 157
Configuring Display Settings for the Storage Management Admin Tool ........................................................... 157
Refreshing the Studies List (Storage Management Admin Tool) ..................................................................... 157
Updating Patient Details (Storage Management Admin Tool) ......................................................................... 158
Updating Study Details (Storage Management Admin Tool)........................................................................... 159

Table Of Contents

Moving Studies to Another Patient (Storage Management Admin Tool) ........................................................... 159
Detaching Studies ............................................................................................................................... 161
Moving an Incorrectly Attached Study to a Newly Created Patient (Split) .................................................... 161
Split and Merge Series Pre-Fetched from External Archive(s) .................................................................... 162
Splitting a Series from One Study to Another .......................................................................................... 163
Merging a Series from One Study to Another .......................................................................................... 164
Relocating a Series from One Study to Another ....................................................................................... 165
Merging a Series from Multiple External Archives (E-SIRs)........................................................................ 166
Locating Studies (Storage Management Admin Tool)................................................................................ 167
Viewing Backup Media for Studies (Storage Management Admin Tool) ....................................................... 168
Exiting the Storage Management Admin Tool .......................................................................................... 168
Single Media Archive (SMA) .................................................................................................................. 168
Loading from Single Media Archive (SMA)............................................................................................... 169

System Configuration ................................................................................171

Workflow Configuration ........................................................................................................................ 171
Store Configuration Usability................................................................................................................. 171
Application Configuration...................................................................................................................... 171
System Configuration Window............................................................................................................... 171
System Configuration Toolbar Icons....................................................................................................... 171
Restarting Services and Processes ............................................................................................................. 172
DICOM Configuration ............................................................................................................................... 172
Standard Fields ....................................................................................................................................... 173
Transfer Syntax Policy.......................................................................................................................... 173
Repeated Fields Explanations ................................................................................................................ 173
Presentation State C-Move Policy .......................................................................................................... 173
Storage Commitment Policy .................................................................................................................. 174
Creating a New Printer Device................................................................................................................... 174
Creating a New Modality Device ................................................................................................................ 174
Creating a New Workstation Device ........................................................................................................... 174
Creating a New Archive Device.................................................................................................................. 175
Creating a New ProVision Device ............................................................................................................... 175
Verifying the DICOM Connection................................................................................................................ 175
Workflow Manager Configuration (DICOM) .................................................................................................. 176
Server Options Tab .................................................................................................................................. 176
Node Options Tab .................................................................................................................................... 176
Communication Configuration Tab ............................................................................................................. 176
Loader Configuration Tab ......................................................................................................................... 176
Enhanced Transfer Syntax Configuration .................................................................................................... 177
DICOM Tunneling .................................................................................................................................... 178
Use Cases .......................................................................................................................................... 178
Configuring DICOM Tunneling ............................................................................................................... 178
HL-7 to PACS Field Mapping Set ................................................................................................................ 182
To Configure the HL to PACS Field Mapping Set ....................................................................................... 182
Dictionary Mechanism .............................................................................................................................. 183
Configuring the Simple Mapping Tables .................................................................................................. 183
Configuring the Complex Mapping Tables ............................................................................................... 184
Workflow Manager Configuration ............................................................................................................... 184
Tag Morphing (DICOM Parsing) ............................................................................................................. 185
Configuring Database Objects Auto-Delete.............................................................................................. 188
Configuring Patient Matching ................................................................................................................ 189
Configuring Study Grouping .................................................................................................................. 190
Configuring Pre-Fetch .......................................................................................................................... 191
Configuring Icons Settings .................................................................................................................... 193
Icons Advanced Settings .......................................................................................................................... 193
CARESTREAM PACS, Version 11.1 System Administration Printable Help

Configuring Compression Settings ......................................................................................................... 194

Configuring Init Values ............................................................................................................................. 195
JAVA Configuration .................................................................................................................................. 196
IS Link Configuration ............................................................................................................................... 197
Configuring a Converter and Listeners.................................................................................................... 198
Converter ........................................................................................................................................... 198
Listeners ............................................................................................................................................ 198
Configuring IS Link Database Values ...................................................................................................... 199
Configuring Reports and Orders Values .................................................................................................. 200
Configuring Report Parser Values........................................................................................................... 201
Configuring Queues and Notifications ..................................................................................................... 202
RIS-PACS Sync Configuration.................................................................................................................... 203
RIS Patient Matching............................................................................................................................ 203
Email Suite Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 203
Configuring General Email Values .......................................................................................................... 204
Configuring Email Properties ................................................................................................................. 204
Configuring Email Message Body Options................................................................................................ 204
Configuring Email Error Message Body Options........................................................................................ 204
Configuring Email Report Properties ....................................................................................................... 205
Configuring the Referring Physicians Email List........................................................................................ 205
Info Router Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 206
Configuring Info Router Rules ............................................................................................................... 206
Rule List Area ..................................................................................................................................... 206
Rule Information Area .......................................................................................................................... 207
Rule Tab Right-Click Menu .................................................................................................................... 207
Configuring Info Router Aliases ............................................................................................................. 208
Defining/Modifying Aliases .................................................................................................................... 208
Creating Recurring Aliases .................................................................................................................... 209
Rules Configuration Window.................................................................................................................. 209
Custom Function ................................................................................................................................. 214
General Parameters ............................................................................................................................. 215
Defining New Info Router Rules ............................................................................................................. 216
Life Cycle Management Configuration......................................................................................................... 222
Life Cycle Configuration........................................................................................................................ 222
Archive Configuration........................................................................................................................... 223
Configuring Auto Delete ....................................................................................................................... 224
Configuring SIR Restore Settings........................................................................................................... 225
Multi-tier Archiving .............................................................................................................................. 225

Long-Term Storage Manager (LTSM) .........................................................226

LTSM Overview ................................................................................................................................... 226
Long-Term Storage Manager Functionality .............................................................................................. 226
Info Router Backup Rule....................................................................................................................... 227
Backup to Long-Term Storage (PreStore) ............................................................................................... 228
Clone ................................................................................................................................................. 229
LTSM Auto Delete ................................................................................................................................ 229
Fetch from Offline................................................................................................................................ 229
Shelf Management............................................................................................................................... 229
VIParchive .......................................................................................................................................... 229
Long-Term Failover Agent .................................................................................................................... 230
UNIX.................................................................................................................................................. 230
MICROSOFT WINDOWS ........................................................................................................................ 230

Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool ...................................................231

Opening the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool .................................................................................. 232
From a UNIX System ........................................................................................................................... 232
From a WINDOWS OS .......................................................................................................................... 232

Table Of Contents

Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool Toolbar......................................................................................... 233

Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool Menu Bar ...................................................................................... 234
Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool Window ........................................................................................ 235
Recovered Studies List Area (LTSM)........................................................................................................... 236
Pending Requests Area (LTSM).................................................................................................................. 237
Event Log Area (LTSM)......................................................................................................................... 240
Media Management Options (LTSM) ....................................................................................................... 241
Using the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool ...................................................................................... 242
Managing the Display (LTSM Admin Tool) ............................................................................................... 243
Filtering the Data in the Recovered Studies List....................................................................................... 243
Sorting the Lists .................................................................................................................................. 243
Configuring Display Settings for the Recovered Studies List ...................................................................... 243
Refreshing the Recovered Studies List........................................................................................................ 244
Running NetBackup Synchronizer (LTSM Admin Tool)............................................................................... 245
Generating an Inventory Report (LTSM Admin Tool) ................................................................................ 246
Generating a Media List Report (LTSM Admin Tool) .................................................................................. 247
Generating a Drive State Report (LTSM Admin Tool) ................................................................................ 248
Importing Media into the Jukebox (LTSM Admin Tool) .............................................................................. 249
Exporting Media from the Jukebox (LTSM Admin Tool) ............................................................................. 250
Switching Media Cartridges (LTSM Admin Tool) ....................................................................................... 251
Clearing the Results Area of the Media Management Window (LTSM) ......................................................... 252
Exiting the Media Management Window (LTSM Admin Tool) ...................................................................... 253
Clearing the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool Event Log ............................................................... 253
Exiting the Storage Management Admin Tool .......................................................................................... 253

Email Suite.................................................................................................254
CARESTREAM PACS Email Suite Overview................................................................................................... 254
Email Suite Lifecycle ............................................................................................................................ 254
Email Suite System Components ........................................................................................................... 254
Features and Benefits .......................................................................................................................... 254
Email Suite Lifecycle ............................................................................................................................ 254
MHTML Report Generator ......................................................................................................................... 255
Mail Component ...................................................................................................................................... 255

Configuring Email Suite Properties ............................................................255

Opening the Email Suite Configuration Tool ............................................................................................ 256
Email Suite Configuration General Tab ................................................................................................... 257
Email Suite Configuration Message Body Tab .......................................................................................... 258
Email Suite Configuration E-mail Properties Tab ...................................................................................... 258
Email Suite Configuration Error Message Body Tab .................................................................................. 258
Email Suite Configuration Report Properties Tab ...................................................................................... 259
Email Suite Configuration Referring Physicians List Tab ............................................................................ 259
Adding a New Referring Physician .......................................................................................................... 259
Removing a Referring Physician from the List.......................................................................................... 259
Updating a Referring Physician Details ................................................................................................... 259
Searching for a Referring Physician........................................................................................................ 259
Restarting the Server........................................................................................................................... 260

CD Direct ...................................................................................................261
CARESTREAM PACS CD Direct Suite Overview ............................................................................................. 261
Components ....................................................................................................................................... 261
Features............................................................................................................................................. 261
Setting CD Direct Configuration Parameters ................................................................................................ 262
Production Parameters ......................................................................................................................... 262
Directories Parameters ......................................................................................................................... 262
Labels Parameters ............................................................................................................................... 262
Application Parameters......................................................................................................................... 262
CARESTREAM PACS, Version 11.1 System Administration Printable Help

System Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 262

Priorities Parameters............................................................................................................................ 262
Supported Configurations ......................................................................................................................... 263
CD-Direct Auto-Delete ............................................................................................................................. 264
Configuration Window Tabs....................................................................................................................... 265

Privacy and Security Management .............................................................267

HIPAA Security Regulations ...................................................................................................................... 267
Authentication......................................................................................................................................... 267
Authorization .......................................................................................................................................... 267
Auditing ................................................................................................................................................. 267
Data Protection ....................................................................................................................................... 267
Disaster Recovery.................................................................................................................................... 267
Security Policy ........................................................................................................................................ 268
Customer Security Obligations .................................................................................................................. 269
Security-Related Roles and Responsibilities................................................................................................. 271
Security Administrator (SA) .................................................................................................................. 271
Other Product Roles ............................................................................................................................. 271
Security Manager .................................................................................................................................... 272
Security Manager Permissions Configuration ........................................................................................... 273
Security Manager Permissions Settings .................................................................................................. 274
Application and Server Security (UNIX) ...................................................................................................... 275
Encryption .......................................................................................................................................... 275
Placing the Certificate and Private Key ................................................................................................... 275
Application and Server Security (WINDOWS OS) ......................................................................................... 276
Encryption .......................................................................................................................................... 276
Placing the Certificate and Private Key ................................................................................................... 276
Installing a Certificate for an APACHE Web Server ....................................................................................... 277
Safe Mode and Unsafe Mode ..................................................................................................................... 279
General Security Practices ........................................................................................................................ 280
Changing Default ORACLE Passwords (UNIX) .......................................................................................... 281
Changing Default ORACLE Passwords (WINDOWS OS) ............................................................................. 282
Privacy Notice ..................................................................................................................................... 283
Configuring Permissions ........................................................................................................................... 283
Applicable Permissions ............................................................................................................................. 284
Security Manager Service Configuration ..................................................................................................... 286
Session Timeout.................................................................................................................................. 286

RIS-PACS Synchronization.........................................................................287
Events in the RIS .................................................................................................................................... 288
Using Manual RIS-Sync ............................................................................................................................ 289
Multiple Studies....................................................................................................................................... 289
RIS-PACS Log ......................................................................................................................................... 289
Pre-Fetch ............................................................................................................................................... 289
JPEG Compression ................................................................................................................................... 291
Study Grouping ....................................................................................................................................... 292
Reverse Study Grouping........................................................................................................................... 292
Icons ..................................................................................................................................................... 292

Maintenance (UNIX) ..................................................................................293

WFM Licensing Status Monitoring for Both Operating Systems................................................................... 294
Database Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 295
Running a System Check (UNIX) ............................................................................................................... 296

Table Of Contents

Running a System Check from the Online Storage Management Server ...................................................... 296
Performing Routine Maintenance ............................................................................................................... 297
Root Account E-mail (UNIX).................................................................................................................. 298
Backup Verification (UNIX) ................................................................................................................... 299
Verifying the Workflow Manager Daily Backup (UNIX) .................................................................................. 300
Central Configuration Backup (UNIX) ......................................................................................................... 300
Preparing Previously Used Tape............................................................................................................. 300
ORACLE Alert File (UNIX) ..................................................................................................................... 301
Database Fitness Verification (UNIX)...................................................................................................... 302
Online Storage Management Storage Volume Check (UNIX)...................................................................... 303
Checking the Online Storage Management Storage Volume....................................................................... 303
Online Storage Management General (UNIX) .......................................................................................... 304
Viewing System Processes (UNIX) ......................................................................................................... 305
Viewing Daemon Processes....................................................................................................................... 305
Viewing Push and Conference Processes ..................................................................................................... 305
Viewing Currently Running Workflow Manager and Oracle Database Processes ................................................ 305
PreStore Backup Verification (UNIX) ...................................................................................................... 306
Long-Term Storage Manager Storage Volume Check (UNIX) ..................................................................... 307
Long-Term Storage Manager General Fitness Check (UNIX) ...................................................................... 308
Library Hardware Fitness Check (UNIX) .................................................................................................. 309
Moving Audit Logs to Offline Storage (UNIX) ........................................................................................... 310
Exporting Audit Log Files .......................................................................................................................... 310
Clearing the Audit Log.............................................................................................................................. 310
Retrieving Audit Logs ............................................................................................................................... 310
System Monitoring on a Cluster System ..................................................................................................... 311
Using the VCS Cluster Manager to Monitor the Cluster (UNIX) ................................................................... 312
Logging on to the Cluster Manager ........................................................................................................ 312
Cluster Monitor Toolbar and Menus ........................................................................................................ 313
Cluster Monitor Panels ......................................................................................................................... 314
Accessing the Cluster Explorer Window (UNIX)........................................................................................ 315
Cluster Explorer Toolbar (UNIX) ............................................................................................................ 316
Cluster Monitoring Procedures................................................................................................................... 317
Monitoring the Cluster Status (UNIX) ..................................................................................................... 318
Monitoring the Cluster Properties (UNIX) ................................................................................................ 319
Monitoring the Cluster Service Groups (UNIX) ......................................................................................... 320
Monitoring the Cluster Resources (UNIX) ................................................................................................ 321
Monitoring the Cluster Heartbeat (UNIX) ................................................................................................ 322
Viewing Messages from the Log Desk (UNIX) .......................................................................................... 322
Creating Filters for the Log Desk (UNIX)................................................................................................. 322
Switching a Service Group (UNIX) ......................................................................................................... 322
Setting up VCS Event Notification (UNIX) ................................................................................................... 322
Monitoring the Cluster from the Command Line ........................................................................................... 323
Reviewing the VERITAS Cluster Server (VCS) Error Message Logs ............................................................. 323
Engine Log ......................................................................................................................................... 323
Agent Log........................................................................................................................................... 324
VCS Monitoring and Status Commands (UNIX) ........................................................................................ 325
VCS Environmental Variables (UNIX) ..................................................................................................... 326
Common VCS Commands (UNIX) .......................................................................................................... 327
Preserving Cartridges............................................................................................................................... 328
Bar Code Scanner.................................................................................................................................... 328
Programming the Bar Code Scanner ...................................................................................................... 328
Scanning Bar Codes ............................................................................................................................. 329

Maintenance (WINDOWS OS) ....................................................................330

WFM Licensing Status Monitoring for Both Operating Systems................................................................... 331

CARESTREAM PACS, Version 11.1 System Administration Printable Help

Running a System Check (WINDOWS OS) .................................................................................................. 332

Running a System Check from the Online Storage Management Server .......................................................... 332
Daily Task: Database Tablespace Free Space (WINDOWS OS)....................................................................... 333
Supported Options................................................................................................................................... 333
Default Directory for Log Files ................................................................................................................... 333
Performing Routine Maintenance ............................................................................................................... 334
Backup Verification (WINDOWS OS) .......................................................................................................... 335
Hot Backup......................................................................................................................................... 335
Cold Backup........................................................................................................................................ 335
Verifying the Workflow Manager Daily Backup (WINDOWS OS) ..................................................................... 336
Changing the Scheduled Time for the Backup (WINDOWS OS) ...................................................................... 336
Central Configuration Backup (WINDOWS OS) ............................................................................................ 336
External Media Backup (WINDOWS OS) ..................................................................................................... 336
New Tape External Media Backup Preparation ......................................................................................... 336
Previously Used Tape Preparation .......................................................................................................... 336
ORACLE Alert File ................................................................................................................................ 336
Database Synchronizer (WINDOWS OS) ..................................................................................................... 337
Online Storage Management Storage Volume Check (WINDOWS OS)............................................................. 337
Checking the Online Storage Management Storage Volume....................................................................... 337
ORACLE Server General Fitness Check (WINDOWS OS) ................................................................................ 337
Moving Audit Logs to Offline Storage (WINDOWS OS) .................................................................................. 338
Exporting Audit Log Files ...................................................................................................................... 338
Clearing the Audit Log.......................................................................................................................... 338
Retrieving Audit Logs ........................................................................................................................... 338
Daily Maintenance Checks ........................................................................................................................ 339
Daily Task: Verify System Check Log (WINDOWS OS).............................................................................. 339
Daily Task: Scheduled Tasks (WINDOWS OS) ......................................................................................... 339
Daily Task: Backup Verification (WINDOWS OS) ...................................................................................... 339
Daily Task: ORACLE Alert Files (WINDOWS OS)....................................................................................... 340
Daily Task: Services Up and Running (WINDOWS OS).............................................................................. 340
Daily Task: Disk Space (WINDOWS OS) ................................................................................................. 341
Weekly Maintenance Checks ..................................................................................................................... 341
Weekly Task: Event Viewer (WINDOWS OS) ........................................................................................... 342
Weekly Task: Database Synchronizer (WINDOWS OS) ............................................................................. 342
Weekly Task: Database Backup to External Media Verification (WINDOWS OS) ........................................... 342
Weekly Task: Image Backup to External Media Verification (WINDOWS OS) ............................................... 342
Bar Code Scanner.................................................................................................................................... 343
Programming the Bar Code Scanner ...................................................................................................... 344
Scanning Bar Codes ............................................................................................................................. 344

Troubleshooting (UNIX) ............................................................................346

Copying Log Files (UNIX)...................................................................................................................... 346
Online Storage Management Storage Failure (UNIX) ................................................................................ 346
Database Access Failure (UNIX) ............................................................................................................ 347
Low Rate of Performance (UNIX) ........................................................................................................... 347
Performance Related to Memory Leak/System Stress (UNIX) .................................................................... 348
Recovery Procedure Related to PHI (UNIX) ............................................................................................. 348
Long-Term Storage Manager General Recovery Problem (UNIX) ................................................................ 348
Long-Term Storage Manager General Backup Failure (UNIX)..................................................................... 350
Suspected Damaged Drive (UNIX) ......................................................................................................... 351
Exported Cartridge Is Lost or Damaged (UNIX) ....................................................................................... 351
ORACLE Error Messages (UNIX) ............................................................................................................ 351
Cannot Access MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER Applications (UNIX) ....................................................... 352
JAVA Security Error in Online and Long-Term Storage Configuration or Clustering Set Up (UNIX) .................. 353
Email Suite Troubleshooting Procedures (UNIX)....................................................................................... 353

Table Of Contents

Troubleshooting (WINDOWS OS)...............................................................354

Copying Log Files (WINDOWS OS) ............................................................................................................. 354
Monitoring the PACS Services for WINDOWS OS.......................................................................................... 354
Checking the Status of a WINDOWS OS Service ...................................................................................... 354
Stopping/Starting a WINDOWS OS Service ............................................................................................. 354
Starting/Stopping All PACS Services ...................................................................................................... 355
Configuring the Log Mechanism (WINDOWS OS) ......................................................................................... 355
Opening the Log Viewer ........................................................................................................................... 355
Viewing Log Messages (WINDOWS OS) ...................................................................................................... 355
Online Storage Management Storage Failure (WINDOWS OS) ....................................................................... 356
Database Access Failure (WINDOWS OS) ................................................................................................... 357
Low Rate of Performance (WINDOWS OS) .................................................................................................. 357
ORACLE Database Listener Check (WINDOWS OS) ...................................................................................... 358
ORACLE Error Messages (WINDOWS OS).................................................................................................... 358
Troubleshooting the Info Router (WINDOWS OS) ........................................................................................ 358
Application Problems............................................................................................................................ 358
Server Problems...................................................................................................................................... 358
Troubleshooting the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software (WINDOWS OS)..................................................... 359
IS Link Software Database Installation Failure......................................................................................... 359
Listener/Converter Failure ........................................................................................................................ 359
Message Processing Failure....................................................................................................................... 359
Email Suite Troubleshooting Procedures (WINDOWS OS).............................................................................. 360

Index .........................................................................................................361

System Administration for
Trademark and Copyright Information
CARESTREAM is a trademark of Carestream Health, Inc.
This document is copyrighted with all rights reserved.
Under the copyright laws, this document may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of
Carestream Health, Inc. Under the law, copying includes translating into another language or format.
All names or identities used in this document are fictitious.
CAUTION: Federal law restricts this device to sale to, by, or on order of a physician.
The information contained herein is based on the experience and knowledge relating to the subject matter gained by
Carestream Health, Inc. prior to publication. No patent license is granted by this information.
Carestream Health, Inc. reserves the right to change this information without notice and makes no warranty, express
or implied, with respect to this information.
Carestream Health, Inc. shall not be liable for any loss or damage, including consequential or special damages,
resulting from the use of this information, even if loss or damage is caused by Carestream Health’s negligence or
other fault.

FCC Compliance
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15
of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is
operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and,
if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case users will be
required to correct the interference at their own expense.
P/N 8J3225 29 June 2010
Carestream Health, Inc.
150 Verona St.
Rochester, NY 14608



The CARESTREAM PACS provides health care facilities with enterprise-wide Web-enabled, advanced solutions for
medical imaging, including:
Image management and distribution
2D- and 3D-image processing
Web-based access engines to clinical images and data
The CARESTREAM PACS fully complies with DICOM-3 and HL-7 standards and is FDA-cleared.

System Components
CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager Overview
CARESTREAM PACS CD Direct Suite Overview
Info Router Overview
CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software Overview

The CARESTREAM PACS Client offers radiologists a one-stop system for all their reading and reporting work. It
integrates image review and analysis with third-party dictation and reporting tools to create a friendly, unified
environment for the radiologist. It seamlessly integrates with other CARESTREAM PACS System components to
provide an efficient, automated radiology workflow.
Automatic worklists and hanging protocols streamline the reading tasks and facilitate sharing the workload.
Easy integration with Radiology Information Systems (RIS) enables the distribution of reports into and out of the
radiology department.
3-D image processing applications provide advanced visualization and diagnostic tools.
The CARESTREAM PACS Client offers the following features:
One to four high-resolution, high-brightness, or color monitors
Extensive image review, analysis, and manipulation tools
Personalized display protocols to streamline the workflow
Easy comparison of old and new studies

New Enhancements and Applications for Version 11

New Viewer PowerViewer

The PowerViewer is the main viewing application for reading image data. You can easily change the rendition type and
image parameters. The PowerViewer enhances the reading capabilities of a study, increases usability, and improves
the quality of interpretation.
PowerViewer provides:
MPR Image Support
Automatic Registration
Advanced Comparison Tools
MPR Image Support
You can examine original slices and MPR volumetric images directly from the PowerViewer.
You can easily switch between:
Viewer—default option for original groups.
MPR, mipPR, and minPR—available for groups with volumetric data, such as CT, MR, and PET.
Automatic Registration
When the studies are registered, you can easily compare prior and current cases. You can register multiple CT and MR
studies with any rendition type, thickness, or orientation.
Automatic registration allows you to:
Match volume from two or more studies.
Map corresponding pixels.
Obtain full three-dimensional matching.
Advanced Comparison Tools
When you register current and prior cases, new tools allow you to correlate the relevant location or pathology across
the studies.
These comparison tools include:
Relate—Make all the registered studies display the same region simultaneously. The reference point shows
on all groups with the same frame of reference (FOR).
Auto-Reference Lines—Automatically set up all the reference lines on all groups with the same FOR and
registration, according to the active group.
Auto-Link—Automatically link registered groups or link groups sharing frame of reference (FOR).

Enhanced Reading Flow

Enhancements to the reading flow include:
the new Key Images Group
an enhanced Save Presentation function
the new Significant Series images
Key Images Group
Display a new Key Images Group in the PowerViewer, and link the images to your study.

The group is available through

Patient Mini-Archive (PMA)
Replace With dialog
The text annotation (KEY) tells you that the image is part of a Key Images Group.
Enhanced Save Presentation
Save all of your unique information, such as vessel segmentations or 3-D manipulations, from any application.
Continue reading the study at a future time from the same display that you saved.
Significant Series Images
Significant Series allow you to ”r;scan thin and read thick.” You can save certain series as Significant (SIG) and later
read, distribute, or store only these series. You can save the whole series as Significant, or save only a sub-volume
out of a series.

SUPERPACS Architecture
Global Worklist in Archive Explorer
From the Archive Explorer, you can create a global worklist folder which:
Shows studies from all your sites.
Supports seamless work planning.
Eliminates the need to log in to different servers.
Saves you valuable time.
All studies are synchronized with the original server and are sent to your computer as quickly as possible.
Push to Client
You can read studies faster with Push. The Push capability allows you to transfer studies to your home PC or another
remote location. Another person can push studies for you as needed, increasing the potential for collaboration
between physicians within the enterprise.
You can transfer, monitor, receive, and clear studies from the Archive Explorer.
You can receive studies from the PowerViewer.

Volume Matching
With this new application, you can accurately compare different volumetric studies from any modality.
The Volume Matching application provides:
A set of predefined Display Options.
Image synchronization and manipulation capabilities.
Image fusion.
You can use Volume Matching to:
Swap between primary and secondary images.
Adjust opacity.
Apply a color map to show potential pathology.

The PET/CT application is an image viewer, a registration tool, and an analysis workstation.
The application supports all features required for PET/CT reading, including the ability to:
Fuse together PET and CT images.
View combined current and prior images to see the progress of an area of pathology.
You can use PET/CT to:
Select a pre-defined Display Option to present PET, CT, and Fusion images.
Apply a color map to show potential pathology.
Apply measurements in Standard Uptake Values (SUV).
Apply layouts to synchronize PET and CT data sets.
Register and compare studies.

Enhanced 3D
The enhanced 3-D functions include:

Volume Rendering Quality applies a special algorithm for high resolution 3-D images.
Object and Anatomy Removal
Automatic Bone Removal creates a boneless VolR (below the shoulders). A menu provides new correction
tools which you can use to automatically remove additional bone fragments or restore vessel segments.
Automatic Scanner Bed Removal removes the scanner bed from 3-D images (VolR or MIP).
MPR Double Oblique allows you to freely swivel the reference images in the MPR and Cardiac applications,
and view the same anatomical region from three perpendicular orientations.
Aneurysm Measurement enables stent planning, such as a stent for an aortic aneurysm.

Additional Capabilities Added After the Initial Release of Version 11

Enhanced Transfer Syntax (TX) Support

Ability to add/remove specific DICOM tags from the association in a simple graphical manner.
See Enhanced Transfer Syntax Configuration for more information.

PIX and Multiple Patient ID Support

Ability to easily maintain multiple IDs for a patient through the database administrator tool.
See Multiple Patient ID Support (PIX) in Database Administrator Tool for more information.

DICOM Tunneling
Ability to query the global worklist through a regular DICOM query. The query is tunneled to the SuperPACS Data
Center. This allows 3rd party PACS easy and standard access to the Global Worklist.
See DICOM Tunneling for more information.

Global Priors
This feature enhances local queries for a study with an additional background query to the Data Center for all patient
This allows you to view the complete patient profile without changing anything in the regular working flow.

See also:
Enhanced Transfer Syntax Configuration
Multiple Patient ID Support (PIX) in Database Administrator Tool
DICOM Tunneling


CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager Overview

Online Storage Management Software for the CARESTREAM PACS System comes equipped with numerous
components that let you properly configure and tune the system for the specific needs and requests of each facility.
Proper configuration can enhance system performance, as well as save time and resources.
To optimize Workflow Manager usage in your organization, you must understand the automatic processes that the
Workflow Manager performs. The Workflow Manager is a multi-tier, multimedia repository for diagnostic images and
related clinical data. It provides short-, mid-, and long-term cost-effective storage solutions through a highly flexible
set of hardware and software configurations, ranging from RAID-based short-term buffers to multilayered,
Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM)-controlled repositories, offering terabytes of storage capacity. Highly
configurable and easy to upgrade, the Workflow Manager offers the best digital archiving solution to any clinic,
hospital, or health care organization. It provides the following features:
Modular system design ensures easy expansion to accommodate growing storage and archiving needs.
Hybrid distributed/centralized system architecture.
Intelligent management software minimizes hardware costs.
Open standards-based system guarantees easy integration and interoperability with other systems.
Supports both Storage Area Network (SAN) and Network Attached Storage (NAS) storage architectures.
Privacy Enabled System (facilitates compliance with HIPAA requirements)
Access Control Management Tool is used to control the access that each user has to the data in the Workflow
Manager. For example, a user might be restricted to viewing images from a specific modality. Access control is
performed by setting different levels of restrictions, based on the user, the group to which the user belongs, or the
node being used to query the server.
Online Storage Management Functionality describes the functions performed automatically by the Online Storage
Management (OLSM), including DICOM Parsing, Online Storage Management Auto Delete, Patient Matching, and RIS-
PACS Synchronization, and Pre-Fetch. See Online Storage Management Tasks.
Long-Term Storage Manager Functionality describes the functions performed automatically by Long-Term Storage
Manager, including Long-Term Storage Manager Auto Delete, Cloning, and Backup to Long-Term Storage. References
to configuration and management procedures are provided for each function. Long-Term Storage Manager and Online
Storage Management communicate with the various modalities, HIS or RIS, as well as with CARESTREAM PACS Client
reading stations.

Workflow Manager Architecture Solutions

Standalone (WINDOWS only)
The CARESTREAM PACS Server and a single workstation are installed on a single PC.
Single Server
The CARESTREAM PACS Server is installed on a single server, based on SUN Solaris or MICROSOFT WINDOWS Server
Cluster Installation (UNIX or WINDOWS)
Clustered configuration provides increased availability by running the application and database on different servers.
In case of a server failure, the remaining server automatically takes over the role of the failed server (and both the
application and the database run on the same server). The servers are used in an Active-Active cluster.
Cold Spare (UNIX or WINDOWS)
The CARESTREAM PACS system is installed on a single server and an additional server is installed, but remains shut
down. In case of server failure the cold spare server is activated manually, allowing business continuity. All studies
are available.
Multi-Tier Archive
The CARESTREAM PACS System enables Image Life Cycle Management. It is possible to have multiple storage tiers
and to configure storage plans for image groups.
EMC Centera Support
EMC Centera storage is supported as an additional tier to the archive and can be used as near-line or online storage
for images. For additional details, contact your support representative.
Long Term Storage Manager for the CARESTREAM PACS System.
It is possible to add an On-Line Storage Manager to an existing Workflow Manager. The OLSM serves as an additional
in-house or remote storage facility.
Synchronized Workflow Managers
The CARESTREAM PACS System allows synchronization of the Worklist between two or more remote PACS sites.
Load Balancing Configuration (Distributed Architecture)
The load balancing configuration allows installation of multiple servers, each running the PACS software. The work is
load-balanced among the servers.
Installation and Upgrades
You can install and upgrade all server architecture components in a single installation. The installation/upgrade
process supports the installation of all server architectures, automatically configuring the server to work in the
desired configuration. The installation/upgrade process installs the components required for each architecture
solution, so there it is not necessary to install each product separately.
When predefined installation and upgrade scenarios are deployed, you still need to configure the system according to
customer-specific requirements.


CARESTREAM PACS CD Direct Suite Overview

The CARESTREAM PACS CD Direct Suite allows you to create media discs (CDs or DVDs) containing image data.
If the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software is installed on your system, you can also burn (copy) radiology reports to
the CD. The CD contains the original uncompressed DICOM image data along with a viewer, which allows anyone with
a PC to view the images.
All CD Direct Suite operations, including configuration of the system and monitoring burn requests, are performed
from the CD Direct Suite Queue Manager window.

The CD Direct Suite comprises the software and hardware, including the CD Manager Server and a CD burner,
necessary to produce CDs that contain image data.
CD Manager Server–the CD Manager Server includes a DICOM server that allows the CD Direct Suite to receive
images through a DICOM copy or move command issued from an external DICOM device. The CD Manager Suite
prepares the content for each media disc (CD or DVD), including reports, DICOM DIR, DICOM Viewer, JPEG Lossy
presentation of the images, and HTML page for quick viewing of the Lossy images.
CD Burner–the CD Direct Suite uses a CD burner (a RIMAGE CD publishing system or another CD burner set up with
your system). If you use a RIMAGE CD publishing system, you can print patient information on the face of the CDs
(see the RIMAGE CD publishing system user guide for information about printing).

Eliminates the need for handling patient films.
Creates CDs without the fear of ruining image data.
Provides hospitals with the option to give CDs to referring physicians.
Provides referring physicians with the option to give patients CDs or the option to keep CDs for their own
Ability to burn reports to a CD.
Burns CDs in DICOM part 10 format (removable media).
NOTE: The CD Direct Viewer is not intended for primary diagnostic viewing. See the user documentation for the
CARESTREAM PACS CD Direct Suite for more information.

For information about defining the CD Direct Suite configuration parameters, see this topic:
Setting CD Direct Configuration Parameters

The Info Router is a CARESTREAM PACS System application that facilitates the flow of data in medical image
management systems. The Info Router enables the remote control of medical data routing through a standard Web
browser. The routing is based on a set of configurable rules defined by the system administrator.

Info Router
The Info Router CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager is a configurable, rules-based automatic router, controlling
image flow in a PACS/DICOM environment.
The Info Router performs all the system’s Pre-Fetch requests from the near-line to the online storage, based on
triggers from the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software (for example, scheduling data for “r;true” Pre-Fetch) or the
Workflow Manager (for example, a new image received for “r;late” Pre-Fetch or Post-Fetch). Pre-loading allows data
to be pushed from the online storage to the local cache of specific reading stations.
The Info Router rules are configurable based on image headers and can also be set according to a calendar schedule.

Intended Users
The Info Router is intended for use by system administrators as an interface for defining rules that determine when
images are redirected and the destinations to which the images are sent. The system administrator needs only a
network connection to control or configure the Info Router. The images and tools provided by the Info Router are
intended as aids for the competent user only.

Info Router Configuration

The Info Router configuration is the interface through which rules are defined and controlled, and through which the
commands derived from the rules are monitored. Rules determine how medical imaging and other data are routed
within the CARESTREAM PACS System.
The Info Router configuration enables you to create, update, and view rules and their related data. The Info Router
Client must reside on a computer configured with a standard Web browser and a network connection.

Info Router Client

The Info Router Client is the interface through which commands derived from the rules are monitored. The Info
Router Client is accessible even in cases where the Info Router Server processes are down.

Info Router Server

The Info Router Server is the engine that identifies events as they occur on the network and then executes
commands and actions according to predefined rules. One or more Info Router Clients can be connected to the server
via a standard Web browser.
The server is designed to operate continuously. All of the data is stored in a database to enable the server to reliably
recover in case of a shutdown or a crash.


CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software Overview

CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software is a configurable HL-7 interface engine that provides seamless integration of
PACS with a Hospital Information System (HIS) and/or a Radiology Information System (RIS).
The IS Link Software functions as an “intelligence agent” for the PACS, collecting relevant information from the
HIS/RIS and passing it on to the PACS. It offers these features:
Tight data synchronization between the HIS/RIS and the PACS.
Full support for IHE Scheduled Workflow and Patient Information Reconciliation integration profiles, including
patient and study-data synchronization with the RIS database.
The IS Link Software provides important features and benefits, including:
Comprehensive integration and connectivity to HIS/RIS.
Notification to CARESTREAM PACS products about events happening on the RIS.
A computerized data repository for textual clinical results, patients, visits, and order information.

IS Link Software Key Concepts

The IS Link Software is the gateway that links the CARESTREAM PACS products with hospital/radiology information
systems (HIS/RIS) through an HL-7 interface. Specifically, the IS Link Software provides the system with patient
demographic, visit, and order information. It also lets the system retrieve clinical reports. The IS Link Software runs
as a software module within the system.
To fully utilize the IS Link Software and its functionality, you must understand its specific terminology, which includes
the following key concepts:

Concept Description
IS Link Software The IS Link Software is comprised of the Listener process and the Converter
IS Link Database The IS Link Software receives and translates HL-7 data from the RIS or HIS.
The translated data is then stored within the IS Link database.
Listener Process The Listener process waits for HL-7 messages from the RIS and places them
in the message queue without interpretation. This lets the system keep
messages intact for later processing if the Converter process is down for any
Converter Process The Converter process takes messages from the queue and parses them to
the database tables. When message processing is complete, the Converter
sends the event notifications to the relevant enabled notification queues.
Pre-Fetch Process The CARESTREAM PACS System uses the IS Link Software as a trigger for the
daily Pre-Fetch processes.
NOTE: See Pre-Fetch for a detailed description of the Pre-Fetch process.

RIS-PACS Synchronization The CARESTREAM PACS System uses the IS Link Software as a trigger for the
Process RIS-PACS synchronization process.
NOTE: For more information, see RIS-PACS Synchronization.

Report Presentation The IS Link Software lets the end user, such as a radiologist, view clinical
reports using the PACS Client. The report information is stored in the IS Link
database, and can be retrieved as required.
NOTE: See the user documentation for the CARESTREAM PACS Client for
more information.

General System Requirements for Admin Tools

Browser Requirements
NETSCAPE Navigator version 7.0, or 7.1 or later, with JAVA 1.4.2_05 or JAVA 1.6_17
GOOGLE Chrome 3.0 or 4.0
APPLE SAFARI 1.0 Beta V51 JRE Build 1.4.1-24, or Beta V60 JRE Build 1.4.1-24
To run the Admin Tools on the APPLE MACINTOSH computer, you must obtain the correct version of the JAVA
Runtime Environment (JRE) listed above from Apple.


JAVA Plug-In
The current JAVA Runtime Environment (JRE), provided by SUN MICROSYSTEMS INC., supports the JAVA plug-in
required by the client. If the JAVA plug-in is not installed, it may be downloaded from the server. MICROSOFT
INTERNET EXPLORER and NETSCAPE Navigator have different methods to download the JAVA plug-in, as described in
the following sections.


When the applet begins to load, INTERNET EXPLORER detects that a plug-in is required. If the plug-in is already
installed, then it is used. If the plug-in is not installed, an installation window appears. If you choose to install the
plug-in, it is downloaded from the server, and the client applet continues to load.

Downloading from NETSCAPE Navigator

When the applet begins to load, NETSCAPE Navigator detects that a plug-in is required. If the plug-in is already
installed, then it is used. If NETSCAPE Navigator detects that a plug-in is not installed, an HTML message appears
that includes a link to the JRE installation file. The plug-in must be downloaded to your computer.
After the download is complete, execute the file to install the plug-in. After the plug-in is installed, you must restart
NETSCAPE Navigator and reload the client.

For initial support, contact your local system administrator.
Go to www.carestreamhealth.com.
In the U.S., call 1-800-328-2910.
In countries outside of the U.S., contact your local representative or your usual product supplier.


Regulatory Information (European Union)

Carestream Health France
40, rue Jean Jaures

Safety Guidelines
This product was designed and manufactured to ensure maximum safety of operation. It must be operated and
maintained in strict compliance with the safety precautions and operating instructions described.
This product must be installed, maintained and serviced according to Carestream Health, Inc.'s maintenance
procedures by Carestream Health, Inc. personnel, or other qualified maintenance personnel approved in writing
by Carestream Health, Inc..
The system, in whole or in any part, may not be modified in any way without prior written approval from
Carestream Health, Inc.
Unauthorized personnel must be prevented from accessing the system.
If the system does not operate properly, or if it fails to respond to the controls described in this manual, contact
the nearest Carestream Health, Inc. field service office to report the incident and await further instructions.
The images and tools provided by this system are intended as tools for the competent user only. They are
explicitly not to be regarded as a sole incontrovertible basis for clinical diagnoses. Operators are encouraged to
study the literature and reach their own professional conclusions regarding the utility of the system.
The operator must be aware of the product specifications and of the system accuracy and limitations. These
limitations must be considered before making a decision based on quantitative values. When in doubt, consult
the nearest Carestream Health, Inc. field service office.


CAUTION: To prevent serious personal injury and damage to the system, strictly follow the instructions
provided in these hazard warnings. Always remain alert when operating this equipment. If a malfunction
occurs, do not use the equipment until qualified personnel correct the problem.


Do not remove or open system panels, covers or plugs. The internal system circuits use high voltages that can cause
serious injury or death from electrical shock.

Do not operate the equipment in the presence of flammable or explosive liquids, vapors or gases. Do not plug in or
turn on the system if hazardous substances are detected in the environment.
If flammable substances are detected after the system has been turned on, do not attempt to turn off the system or
unplug it. Evacuate and ventilate the area before turning off the system.

Do not subject the system to serious mechanical shocks, as the cathode ray tube (CRT) can explode if struck or
jarred. An explosion may result in flying pieces of glass and coating that can cause serious injury.

Do not block the ventilation ports of the electronic equipment. Always maintain at least 6 inches (15 cm) clearance
around the ventilation ports to prevent overheating and damage to the electronic hardware.

Do not use the system if unsafe conditions are known to exist. In the event of hardware failure that could cause
hazardous conditions (smoke, fire, and so on), turn the power OFF and unplug the power cords for both the monitor
and the desktop unit.

Conductive fluids that seep into the active circuit components of the system may cause short circuits that can result
in an electrical fire. Therefore, do not place fluids or food on any part of the system.
To avoid electrical shocks and burns caused by the use of the wrong type of fire extinguisher, ensure that the fire
extinguisher at the site has been approved for use on electrical fires.


Although the possibility of interference with pacemakers is slight, the operator should be alert to such a potential
hazard from any equipment using high-frequency electrical signals.

IEC 60601-1 Classification
The equipment has the following IEC 60601-1 classifications:
Type of protection against electric shock: Class I equipment.
Degree of protection against electric shock: Type B equipment.
Degree of protection against harmful ingress of water: Ordinary equipment.


Owner Responsibilities
It is the owner's responsibility to maintain a list of personnel authorized to operate this equipment. Before authorizing
any person to operate the system, verify that the person has read and understood the operation manual. The owner
should ensure that only properly trained and fully qualified personnel are authorized to operate this equipment.
Carestream Health, Inc. makes no representation to operate, test, or calibrate the system.

User Limitations
The software and documentation described in this manual are furnished under license and nondisclosure agreements.
The software and documentation may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of these agreements.
No modifications, additions or deletions are allowed on the equipment. No operations can be performed other than
those available through the applications that are described in this online Help. Carestream Health, Inc. shall be
neither liable nor obligated in respect to bodily injury and property damage arising from the use of this software, if
such use is not in strict compliance with the instructions contained in this manual and in all other relevant literature
supplied by Carestream Health, Inc. This is in accordance with the terms of warranty and sale of this product.


Safety and Maintenance Rules

The following rules must be adhered to in order to ensure safe maintenance of the system:
Do not use the root account at any time other than during the installation procedure.
NOTE: Only personnel qualified by Carestream Health, Inc. are allowed to use this account.
Do not place the Workflow Manager workstation on a soft surface, which may reduce the airflow through the
bottom of the chassis.
Do not place the workstation in the vicinity of a strong magnetic field.
Do not open up the workstation or disconnect or connect any cables or accessories.
NOTE: Only personnel qualified by Carestream Health, Inc. are authorized to maintain and service the system.
Do not move the Workflow Manager workstation while it is running or within one minute of powering it down.
NOTE: You might damage the hard disk drive if you move the workstation.
Do not use an adapter to plug the Workflow Manager workstation into a two-pronged (ungrounded) outlet.
Do not place liquids or food on the monitor or keyboard.
Do not use direct lighting, which can cause glare on the display screen.

User Management Admin Tool (Group)
Data Import Tool

Installing the Data Import Tool

Installation includes .NET2.0 RT if it has not already been installed. This may take up to 20 minutes depending on the
computer and network connection.
NOTE: Once installed, you can start the Data Import Tool from the Start menu of the client computer or by clicking
Data Import on the web page. You must have user permission set to access this tool.
1. Click Import Data on the CARESTREAM PACS Client home page.

The application installs automatically. When installation is complete, the Browse for Folder window appears.
The main window displays the contents of the DICOMDIR grouped by patients.
2. Select a patient (all studies for the patient are selected by default) or select specific studies (for the same patient),

3. Click Import .

See these topics:

Using the Data Import Tool
Changing Data Import Tool Settings
Importing Studies

User Management Admin Tool (Group)

Using the Data Import Tool

The Data Import Tool is used to import DICOM data from a CD (or any other source of files) into the CARESTREAM
PACS Client. The information is imported from a DICOM file-set (DICOMDIR).
The tool allows you to change attributes of the imported source data:
Associate the source data to an existing target data—merge into an existing patient.
De-identify attributes of the imported source data.
Set new values for specific attributes.

Data Import Toolbar

Icon Shortcut Description
Refresh the content in the Data Import Tool table.

CTRL + O Browse for DICOMDIR on your computer.

CTRL + I Import data.

CTRL + D De-identify and import data.

CTRL + T Access the Data Import Tool settings.

CTRL + X Exit the application.

See these topics:

Installing the Data Import Tool
Changing Data Import Tool Settings
Importing Studies

Changing Data Import Tool Settings

1. From the Data Import Tool toolbar, click Settings .

The Data Import Settings window appears.

This window contains four tabs:

Import Rules: settings for importing a new patient.
NOTE: If Clear Issuer is checked, then the issuer arriving with the study is cleared and the study receives the default
issuer as defined by the CARESTREAM PACS server.
Patient Matching: settings for automatic searching for the patient in the archive.

User Management Admin Tool (Group)

NOTE: While performing Patient Matching, use the issuer tag as defined in the study.
De-Identify: De-Identify settings.


2. Specify the desired settings in each tab.

3. Click .

User Management Admin Tool (Group)

Importing Studies
The Data Import Tool has two import options:
Import Studies
De-Identify and Import

To import studies:

1. From the Data Import Tool toolbar, click Import .

The Search Archive window appears.

2. Search the archive for the selected patient.

Default patient matching rules are used which are defined in the settings.
You can query the archive for any patient by modifying the filter manually (empty filters are not allowed).
3. Select patient details for the selected studies:
Select original patient: Import rules will also apply (patient ID and accession number modifications).
Select a patient from the Archive: Patient details from the archive are applied to all images in the selected

4. Click to review the patient and study details before starting the import operation.

5. Click to import the data.

To de-identify and import a study:

1. From the Data Import Tool toolbar, click De-Identify and Import .
The Hide Details window appears showing default values.

2. Specify new details.
New IUIDs will be generated for all images (study, series, and image). Other identifiers (referring physician,
operator, institution, station name, etc.) are removed from the images.

3. Click to review the patient and study details before starting the import operation.

4. Click to import the data.

A patient and study details check, which includes checking the accession number, is performed before the Import
operation commences.
If the study already exists in the archive, all its details are taken from the archive.
If a new patient was selected but the same patient ID already exists in the archive, a new patient ID is
generated for the new patient.
If one of the above is found, the Preview window will open before the import begins.

User Management Admin Tool (Group)

User Management Admin Tool (Group)

User Management (UM) provides a central login mechanism that serves as an entry point to all CARESTREAM PACS
applications and tools. It also provides centralized management of the system users and groups.
The UM functions either with the Central Configuration for the CARESTREAM PACS System as the users/groups
repository or with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) as the repository.

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an open standard protocol used to access directory servers.
Some sites use a centralized directory service to administer user accounts, groups, and devices. At such sites, the
CARESTREAM PACS System can be configured to rely on the directory service for user identification and authorization.
Although this prevents duplication of effort, the directory service must be highly available; otherwise, users might not
be able to log in.
When a site uses LDAP, the user information stored within LDAP cannot be viewed using the User Management Admin
Tool. In this configuration, the UM controls only parts of the group and system settings.
Allowed applications are also determined only at the group level. In this case, the User Management Admin Tool
functions and the graphical user interface (GUI) appear differently than in systems that are not using LDAP.
For example, in the main User Management Admin window, only groups can be viewed; therefore, only the Groups
tab is displayed.
In systems using LDAP, when adding and editing groups and system settings, the displayed windows are also
condensed versions of the standard windows. The windows are condensed because the user information is defined at
the site within the directory server and only have read access to their information, and can perform any
administrative functions on it. The site controls all the users, and you control only the groups that you define.
NOTE: Contact Customer Service for more information about setting up this optional feature.

Configuring Authentication
When a user logs in to any CARESTREAM PACS product, the login mechanism uses a central user database to perform
authentication of the user.
This authentication is performed using the login name and password assigned to each user by the system
administrator. Users can use this assigned information to log in, change their password, or log in without a password
by answering a question correctly if the password was forgotten. The question and its correct answer must be set up
in advance by an administrator. The user cannot change the question or answer.
The system automatically informs users when their password has expired and prompts them to change it. The length
of time that each password is valid can be configured by the administrator. In addition, the allowed system operations
for each user depend on the configured access rights.
See Access Control Management Tool for more information.

See these topics:

Logging in to the CARESTREAM PACS Admin Home Page
Performing Group Management Configuration
Opening the User Management Admin Tool
Viewing/Editing System Settings
Selecting/Changing the User Management Repository
Defining New Groups

Logging in to the CARESTREAM PACS Admin Home Page
Logging in requires both the assigned login name and password in order for the Workflow Manager to identify and
authenticate the user.
NOTE: You must have permission to access User Management in order to log in.

From a UNIX System

1. In your browser, type the address (URL) of the server and press Enter.
You are connected to the local server. The home page appears.

2. Click Administration.
The CARESTREAM PACS Admin home page appears.

3. Select User Management.

The Login window appears.

User Management Admin Tool (Group)

NOTE: When you log in for the first time, you are prompted to change your password.
4. In the Login field, enter your assigned login name.
5. In the Password field, enter your password.
6. Click OK to log in to the selected product.

1. Select Start --> All Programs --> Carestream Solutions --> Admin.
The Login window appears.

NOTE: When you log in for the first time, you are prompted to change your password.
2. In the Login field, enter your assigned login name.
3. In the Password field, enter your password.
4. Click OK to log in to the selected product.
NOTE: If a license violation error occurs, the error will be displayed on the admin entry screen. See WFM Licensing
Status Monitoring for more information.

Performing User Management Configuration
User Management Admin Overview
The User Management Admin Tool centralizes all the user management functions by providing a central location
where all authorized users of the system are defined. The User Management Admin Tool lets you define permissions
and settings.
The User Management Admin Tool is also integrated with the Access Control Management Tool, which lets you define
each user’s access rights to specific Workflow Manager data at the same time that you initially define them in the

See Access Control Management Tool for more information.

NOTE: Only authorized administrators are allowed access to the User Management Admin Tool.
Performing user management configuration consists of the following:
Opening the User Management Admin Tool
Defining New Users
Viewing/Editing User Settings
Deleting a User

Performing User Management Configuration

Opening the User Management Admin Tool (User)

The User Management Admin window provides access to all the available user management functions. These
functions include adding, editing, and deleting users, as well as defining all their relevant settings. Users defined in
the system appear in the Users tab and can be filtered and sorted in the display.
NOTE: The User Management Admin window appears differently depending on whether your system is using LDAP or
From the CARESTREAM PACS Admin Home Page, select User Management.
The User Management Admin window appears.

Users Tab
The Users tab contains list of predefined users. You can add users to the list, edit a user’s settings, or delete a user,
as well as filter and sort the list of users. The Users tab contains the following information for each user:

Column Description
Login Name The user’s assigned login name.
First Name The user’s first name.
Last Name The user’s last name.
Group Name The group to which the user is assigned by the administrator.
E-mail The user’s e-mail address.
Last Login Date The date that the user last logged in to the system. This is useful for determining if
the user is actively using the system or not.
To insert the current date, click Current Date for the relevant field.
Between/and: a date option that filters users by the Last Login Date. In the
Between/and field, enter the to and from dates in DD/MM/YYYY format.
Previous: Enter or select the number of previous days (for example, enter 7 for the
previous week). All users who have logged in during the previous [x] days appear.
Password Age The age of the user’s password (in days). This lets you know when it is time for users
to change their passwords (and remind them if necessary). It is also useful for
determining if a user’s password is too old and should be changed for security
From/To: This numeric option filters the users by the password age. Enter the
required range of days (for example, from 20 to 50).
Status The user’s current status, as follows:
Active: The user is currently active and has access to the system.
Suspend: The user has attempted to log in several times using incorrect login
information and is currently blocked from accessing the system. The user remains
locked until the administrator unlocks the user account.
Timeout: The user has attempted to log in several times using incorrect login
information and is currently blocked from accessing the system for the preconfigured
timeout period. The user can either wait for the timeout period to pass or request to
be unlocked by the administrator.
Expired: The user can no longer access the system. This often indicates that the user
was assigned a temporary role, which allowed access to the system for only a limited
time. It is recommended to delete any expired user accounts from the system.
NOTE: The Audit Trail uses the user's login ID when recording actions performed by
this user. When a user account is removed from the system, the system administrator
should keep a record (for at least six years) of the personal identity of the user, so
that historical data in the Audit Trail can be related to that individual.
NOTE: A user can also be manually locked out of the system, if required. For more information, see the User Status
option in Adding New Users.

Managing the Display

You can perform standard functions in the User Management Admin window that lets you determine the specific
information you want to view.

Filtering the Display

You can filter the lists appearing in the Users tab according to criteria that you specify.

1. Select the Users tab and click Filter from the User Management toolbar.

The Set filters window appears.
NOTE: To clear the filter criteria, click Clear.
2. Enter the desired filter criteria.
3. Click OK.
The list of users is updated automatically and displays only the users that match the filter criteria that you
specified. In addition, the criteria that the list is currently filtered by appear in gray fields above the relevant
column names.

Sorting the Display

You can sort the displayed information in the Users tab.
Click a column heading in either tab to sort the entire list by that item in ascending order.
Click the same column name again to sort the list in descending order.

Refreshing the Users Display

You can refresh the information displayed in the Users tab. This function also automatically sorts the list.

From the User Management toolbar, click Refresh .

The lists in both the Groups and Users tabs are updated with the latest information.
In addition, the lists are sorted automatically in ascending order by Group Name (Groups tab) and by Login Name
(Users tab).

Performing User Management Configuration

Defining New Users

In the User Management Admin Tool, there is a hierarchical structure of settings on the system, group, and user
levels. Each group automatically inherits the system default settings and each user automatically inherits the relevant
group settings.
When defining new users, you can override the inherited settings by modifying the values. The modified values are
defined for the specific group or user on the group or user level and the unmodified values remain as is, according to
the inherited default system settings. You can also define advanced options and access control settings.
NOTE: During installation, one default administrator user is defined to let the administrator start using the system
with the default settings. Except for the default administrator, account users and groups initially have no privileges.
The system administrator must set these before the system can be used.

See these topics:

Adding New Users
Defining External Applications for Users
Viewing/Editing User Settings
Deleting a User
Adding New Groups

Adding New Users
Adding new users to the system consists of defining the following information for each user:
General details (for example, the name of the group the user is assigned to).
Login details (for example, the user’s login name and password).
Advanced settings (for example, minimum and maximum password length, password expiration criteria, allowed
applications, access control settings).
Profile details are assigned automatically when selecting a group since group selection determines the profile.
External applications, if applicable (for example, access to the voice dictation system and the RIS system).
Edit user permissions (for example, access permissions).
The general and login details are defined for each individual user. The advanced settings are inherited from the group
level unless you modify them on the user level. Any settings modified on the user level override the settings inherited
from the group level.
After a new user has been defined in the system, the user is required to change the temporary password (assigned
initially) at the first login to the system.
1. In the User Management Admin window, select the Users tab.
2. Do one of the following:

From the User Management toolbar, click Add New .

From the Tools menu, select Add New.
Right-click in the list and select Add new user.
The Add User window appears.

NOTE: Field names in red indicate that the information is mandatory.

3. Enter the user’s general details:
Last Name: The user’s last name.
First Name: The user’s first name.
Description: (Optional) A textual description related to the user.
Group: Select a group from the predefined list of the available groups. Each user must be assigned to a
group. See Adding New Groups for more information.
E-mail: The user’s e-mail address.
Role: Each user must be assigned a role in the system. Select a role from the list of default roles:

Performing User Management Configuration

o Group operator: This user has permission only to lock/unlock the users in the group to which the operator
belongs and then to change their passwords. This user can view system, group, and user settings, but
cannot modify them.
NOTE: The Group operator role should not be assigned to users because this role can modify the settings of
the system administrator and group administrator within any group.
o Standard: This user only has permission to use the system to log in to products, and therefore has no
management permissions or administrative role (for example, a radiologist).
o Temporary account: This user only has temporary access to the system and is usually used for an
emergency operator. The allowed time period is configured by the administrator and begins the first time
the temporary user logs in to the system. When the temporary time period passes, the user is assigned an
Expired status.
NOTE: The administrator can modify the validity date of the temporary user’s account.
4. Enter the user’s login details, as follows:
Login Name: The name the user uses to log in to the system.
Password: A temporary password that is valid until the user changes it at the first login.
Confirm Password: Re-enter the user’s temporary password to confirm it.
Recovery Question: (Optional) A question that is asked if the user has forgotten the assigned password. This
information must be obtained from the user.
NOTE: If the user forgets the assigned password and this option has not been defined, the user must request a
new password from the administrator.
Recovery Answer: (Optional) The answer to the recovery question. This information must be obtained from
the user.
User must change password with next login: This option must be selected the first time you enter a user’s
details. This lets you assign a temporary password to the user, and the user must change the password at
the first login.
This option is selected (checked) by default.
5. In the User Status area, select the required status, as follows:
User Active: The user is active (unlocked) and has permission to access and use the system.
User Locked: The user is not active (locked) and does not have permission to access and use the system.
NOTE: This is the manual method for locking or unlocking a user. A locked user is only allowed back into the
system after intervention by a system/group administrator or group operator.
To define advanced options and external applications for this user, see Defining Advanced Settings for Users and
Defining External Applications for Users.
6. Click Add.
The new user is added to the list of users displayed in the User Management Admin Window Users tab.

See this topic:

Security Manager

Defining Advanced Settings for Users
You can define advanced settings when you initially add a user to the system or later by editing the user's settings.
User options are the same as for the group level, and values are inherited automatically from the group level. If you
modify a value at the user level, the value overrides the value inherited from the group level. This lets you customize
specific settings for individual users in a group.
1. In the Add User window or the Edit User Settings window, click Advanced Options.
The User Advanced Settings window appears.
2. Change the settings, as required.
The setting definition is determined by its color:
Blue indicates the setting is inherited from the assigned group level settings.
When you modify a value for the user, the field changes to white, which indicates it is now defined at the
user level.
You can also deny an application for a user that is allowed by the user's group. Click to change the field to white
with a checkmark, which indicates the application is allowed both by the group and by the user. Click again to
remove the checkmark. The blank white field indicates that the application is allowed by the group but is denied
for this user.
See Adding New Users for a description of each option.
3. Click OK.

Performing User Management Configuration

Defining External Applications for Users

External application settings can be defined for a specific user when the user wants to access the report system
and/or the RIS system with a certain user name and password that are different than the information used for the
central login.
This option applies only to CARESTREAM PACS Client users. It lets them access the report system and the RIS system
without logging in again, because the login information is automatically refreshed from the User Management Admin
NOTE: It is not necessary to fill in the RIS field when using the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software as the RIS
1. In the Add User window or the Edit User Settings window, click External Applications.
The External Applications Settings window appears.

2. To let the user access the report system:

Enter the required user name and password in the Report fields.
Re-enter the password to confirm it.
3. To let the user access the RIS system:
Enter the required user name and password in the RIS fields.
Re-enter the password to confirm it.
4. Click OK.

Viewing/Editing User Settings
You can edit user settings to change or update specific settings when specific settings, such as access control
settings, were not defined initially when the user was added to the system.
You can modify the settings for individual users. This can include a user’s general details, login details, and/or
advanced settings that might or might not have been defined previously.
For example, a user might have been added to the system initially without any access control settings being defined.
Editing user settings lets you modify a setting such as this that was not defined previously or to modify a setting that
needs to be changed or updated.
1. In the User Management Admin window, select the Users tab.
2. Do one of the following:

Select the required user in the list and click from the User Management toolbar.
Double-click a user in the list.
From the Tools menu, select Edit Selected.
Right-click a user, then select User Properties.
The Edit User window appears with the same options as the Add User window.
Blue fields indicate that the displayed setting is inherited from the group level settings. When you modify a value
for the specific user, the field changes to white, indicating that it is now defined on the user level for that specific
3. View/edit the user settings, as required.
See Adding New Users for a description of each option.
NOTE: Selecting the applications settings options lets you configure the relevant settings for those applications on the
user level.
4. Click OK.

Performing User Management Configuration

Deleting a User
You can delete users from the system only if your assigned role gives you permission to do so. Deleting users
depends on your requirements. For example, it is recommended to delete users who were assigned a temporary role
and now have an Expired status and no longer need to be in the system.
NOTE: The Audit Trail uses the user's login ID when recording actions performed by this user. When a user account is
removed from the system, the SA should keep a record (for at least 6 years) of the personal identity of the user, so
that historical data in the Audit Trail can be related to that individual.
1. In the User Management Admin window, select the Users tab.
2. Do one of the following:

Select a user name from the relevant list and click from the User Management toolbar.
From the Tools menu, select Delete Selected.
Right-click the required user and select Delete Selected Users.
The Delete Selected User window appears.
3. Click OK.
The user is removed from the system and is no longer displayed.

User Management Admin Tool (Contacts)
The Contacts tab contains a list of contact details stored in the User Management Repository.

Contacts are different from the standard system users since the system does not manage their credentials and
permissions (i.e., they cannot log-in to the system). The Contacts tab is also enabled in the LDAP repository.
The following information is kept for each contact:

Field Name Comment

Contact ID A unique identifier for the contact
Last Name The contact's last name
First Name The contact's first name
Email The contact's e-mail address
SameTime ID An ID used to establish Lotus SameTime communication in the PACS Client
Description Additional information about the contact

Importing a System User to the Contacts Tab

Contacts are kept in a separate repository than that of standard users. You can add a user to the Contacts tab.
Right-click the user you want to include, then select Add User To Contacts.

Performing User Management Configuration

User Management Import Tool

The Import tool lets you import users or contacts from a CSV file format to the system.

Script Location
UNIX: /usr/algotec/um/scripts/importFromCsv.scr
WINDOWS: D:\Program Files\Carestream Solutions\System5\scripts\importFromCsv.bat

Use a single script named importFromCsv with the following flags:
importFromCsv <-addcontacts | -addusers> <-user> <-pass> <-inputfile > [-outputdir] [-header]
addcontacts: The CSV file contains contacts.
addusers: The CSV file contains users.
user: User name to log into the system.
pass: Password to log into the system.
inputfile: CSV file that contains the data.
outputdir: where to place logs of operation. Optional when not used. No logs will be written to the local log.
header: Used when using –addcontacts flag. Indicates that the first line contains a header.

Header Line in the Contacts CSV File

The header may appear in the first line of the CSV file only when the file contains contacts.
The header is comma-separated and has the following structure: Contact, First, Last, SameTime, Email, and

Header Item Field Name in the User Manager

Contact Contact ID
First First Name
Last Last Name
SameTime SameTime ID
Email E-Mail
Description Description
NOTE: The first three fields are mandatory and the order is fixed. If no header is given, then these fields are used.

Access Control

Restrictions to Users and Groups

Users defined for the CARESTREAM PACS Client have full access to all Workflow Manager data, unless they are
assigned configurable restrictions using the Access Control Management Tool.
A restriction is the combination of the following two items:
Tag: The type of DICOM data that is limited, for example, modality type, body part, and so on.
Value: A predefined value for the specific DICOM tag. A list of the predefined values is available from your
system administrators.
These restrictions are assigned according to restriction levels (user, group, or node). Restrictions at the user level are
configured by selecting one user at a time and adding one or multiple restrictions, as required.
Each user must be assigned to a group.

See these topics:

Updating a Restriction
Removing a Restriction

Performing User Management Configuration

Adding Restrictions to Users and Groups

Restrictions at the user level are configured by selecting one user at a time and adding one or multiple restrictions, as
Each user must be assigned to a group. Restrictions at the group level are configured for one group at a time. The
restrictions you configure for a group are applicable to all users in the group.
For example, you can define a CT group and an MRI group and use the procedure below to configure a restriction for
each group. This limits the groups to view only CT images or only MRI images. You can then assign a specific user to
the required group without having to configure specific restrictions for each individual user.
1. Click Access Control on the Edit System Settings window.

2. From the Tools menu, select Edit Selected .

3. Select the required user or group.
4. Click OK.
The Access Control window appears, displaying the selected user in the Access Control pane.
5. Do one of the following:

From the Access Control toolbar, click .

From the Edit menu, select Add Tag Restriction.
Right-click in the Tag/Value pane and select Add Tag Restriction.
The Add Tag Restriction window appears.
6. From the Tag drop-down list, select the DICOM tag of the specific Workflow Manager data that you want to

7. In the Value field, enter the predefined value for the selected tag.
NOTE: You can add more than one restriction by inserting a backslash (\) between each specific value. For example,
1\2 allows the user to access studies from site 1 or 2 only.
8. Click OK.
The new access control settings appear in the Tag/Value pane.
9. If required, repeat steps 5 to 8 to add additional restrictions to the same user.

10. Click Save .

When the user in the group requests Workflow Manager data, access is limited according to the restrictions that
you defined.

See these topics:
Updating a Restriction
Removing a Restriction
Access Control Management Tool

Performing User Management Configuration

Updating a Restriction
You can update existing restrictions. For example, you can change the type of data that is limited or you can add
additional values to an existing restriction tag.
1. Open the Access Control window by selecting the required group to which you want to add a restriction.
The selected group or node is displayed in the Access Control pane.
2. Do one of the following:

From the Access Control toolbar, click Update .

From the Edit menu, select Update Tag Restriction.
Right-click in the Tag/Value pane and select Update Tag Restriction.
The Update Tag Restriction window appears.
3. Do either or both of the following:
From the Tag drop-down list, select the new tag of the specific Workflow Manager data that you want to
In the Value field, enter the predefined value for the new tag or add an additional value for the existing tag.
4. Click OK.
The updated restriction is displayed in the Tag/Value pane.

5. Click Save to save the new access control settings.

When the user in the selected group or node requests the Workflow Manager data, access is limited according to
the restrictions that you defined above.

Removing a Restriction
You can remove a restriction from a group to enable previously limited CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager data to
be accessed.
1. Open the Access Control window by selecting the required group.
The selected group is displayed in the Access Control pane.
2. Do one of the following:

From the Access Control toolbar, click Remove .

From the Edit menu, select Remove Tag Restriction.
Right-click in the Tag/Value pane and select Remove Tag Restriction.
The Remove Tag Confirmation message appears.
3. Click OK.
The selected restriction is removed from the Tag/Value pane and is no longer applicable.

4. Click Save to save the new access control settings.

The previously restricted data is available the next time the user in the relevant group requests it.

Security Manager
The Security Manager is a system-wide application that controls the various permissions, access restrictions, and
other permission-based features of all products in the CARESTREAM PACS System, including configuration and
administration tools. The system is built using the principles described below.

Group A group is an entity containing users and is attached to a specific profile. A group contains a
set of parameters such as Display Protocols in CARESTREAM PACS Client or specific security
settings, etc.
Profile A profile describes the functions a user has after logging in to the CARESTREAM PACS Client.
A profile contains a list of features (similar to licensing). Sites cannot edit the contents of a
profile. One group can only belong to one profile. However, several different groups can
belong to the same profile.
For example: Group A belongs to one specific profile (Profile A). Group B also belongs to one
specific profile (Profile A). Users of both groups have the same set of basic features (and user
interface) when they log on to the system. However, each group has its own set of
A feature is a licensed permission, is not configurable, and represents a function in the
Permissions The permissions to perform certain operations or view certain data are controlled by the
Security Manager and managed by the UM. Permissions are attached by default to a specific
group. Permissions can also be configured on a user level. Each group has a specific set of
permissions with a 1:1 ratio (one set of permissions is available for one group and vice
The same theory applies to users. For example, a user belonging to a group automatically
inherits the group’s permissions. If a specific permission is added or removed from the user,
the user has a specific set of permissions.
You can configure permissions on a system, group, or user level. Each level overrides the
preceding level.
Certain permissions are dependent upon features. If a user does not have the feature in the
profile to which the user is attached, the permission is not available to the user.
The permissions mechanism must read the profile content and allow configuring permissions
for the relevant features in the profile and changing the permissions. Features that are not in
a specific profile do not appear in the User Management at all.
Permissions Certain features of the system are included as part of the profile definition and require
and Profiles permission controls. The permissions mechanism allows configuring or changing permissions
for the relevant features in the profile. Features that are not in a specific profile do not
appear in the Security Manager. Most sites have more than one profile, so the permissions
mechanism must be able to read the profile that is relevant for a specific user or group.

See these topics:

Security Manager Permissions Configuration
Security Manager Permissions Settings
Applicable Permissions
Configuring Permissions

Applicable Permissions
The following permissions are controlled through the Security Manager.

Setting Description
Update Data Permission to edit patient and study details. Should apply to any update of
patient and study details, both in the Archive Explorer (editable fields) and in
the Administrator tool (update, merge/split, RIS Sync, etc.).
Lets the user delete images and reports. Should apply to deletion being
performed from the CARESTREAM PACS Client or from the Administrator tool.

Access to Foreign Permission to access, save, copy, and/or delete images from any of the remote
Archives servers that are configured.
Print Images Permission to print images to a network printer or a DICOM printer.

Burn CDs Permission to send data to the CD Direct Suite.

This permission does not mean that the user necessarily has copy permissions
(even though the Info Router uses the copy function for this specific activity).
Copy Images Permission to copy images from the local archive to a foreign archive.
Save to Local Permission to save data to the local disk.
Save to Server Permission to save data to the local archive.
Folders Permission to create or delete personal and system folders, work lists, and
teaching file folders.
Display Protocols and Permission to create, edit, and delete personal, group, and system display
Presentations protocols (DPs) by using Save As and the DP Editor. Also allows use of the DP
repair tool. Can be applied only to users who have permission to create, edit,
and delete system DPs using the DP Editor.
Also allows permission to save presentations for a certain study. By default, the
permission to create, edit, and delete personal DPs using Save As is applied to
any user defined in the Radiologists group. Similarly, by default, the permission
to create personal, group, and system DPs using Save As or the DP Editor is
applied to any user defined in the System Administrators group.
By default, the permission to Save Presentation is applied to any user defined in
the Radiologists group.

URL and Action Button Permission to change a study after the URL activation was invoked (launch
Permissions Archive Explorer and select a different study).
NOTE: The permission to allow URL activation is included under the Application
Access Permissions.
Permission to activate a specific Action button that is configured on site (for
example, the ORTHOVIEW action button triggering the integration with the
ORTHOVIEW application).

View Reports Permission to view reports. If this permission is not given, the R or O icons in
the Patient Mini-Archive are disabled and the Reports button in the Archive
Explorer or the Viewer is disabled.
By default, this permission is applied to any user defined in the Radiologists
Reading Permissions This permission allows a user/group reading permissions (the ability to move
studies from one status to another within the system when clicking on Done),
together with the ability to lock a study.
If permission is not granted, the user returns to the Archive Explorer when
clicking Done and does not receive the Done dialog box.
By default, this permission is applied to any user defined in the Radiologists
group. If this permission is given, the relevant workflow is configured for the
particular group/user.

Mark Key Images Permission to mark images as key images. Only users with reading permissions
can be assigned with the Mark Key Images permission.
By default, this permission is applied to any user defined in the Radiologists
NOTE: The permission to mark key images does not necessarily mean that the
user has Save As permissions. Users who do not have permission to Save

Security Manager

Images to Server can still mark key images.

Dictate Report Permission to dictate a report. Only users with reading permissions can be
assigned the Dictate Report Permission.
By default, this permission is applied to any user that is defined in the
Radiologists group.
Save Reports Permission to save reports that have been automatically generated in
CARESTREAM PACS applications such as Calcium Scoring and Vessel Analysis.
Only users with reading permissions can be assigned the Save Reports
By default, this permission is applied to any user defined in the Radiologists
Create Sticky Notes Levels of permission for Sticky Notes:
Only view Sticky Notes
View and add Sticky Notes (no editing)
Edit and delete user's own Sticky Notes
Edit and delete other users’ Sticky Notes
Teaching Files Levels of permission for Teaching Files:
View a Teaching File
View and insert a study into the Teaching File
Change the content of a Teaching File (view/add/edit)
View/add/edit/delete a teaching file
Edit the Teaching File form
Access Control Rules Similar to the Access Control rules currently in existence in the CARESTREAM
Query Permissions controls whether a user or group can query certain locations.
This capability is in the general Security Manager application and can be applied
at group level (the permission to add/edit/delete users in your group or at
system level).

Resetting Users' Permission to reset user passwords. This capability is inherent today based on
Permissions the role of the user such as System Operator or Group Operator.
This capability is in the general Security Manager application and can be applied
at group level (the permission to reset users’ passwords in your group or at
system level).

Editing Users' Permission to edit permissions. This capability is inherent based on the role of
Permissions the user (System Operator or Group Operator).
This capability is in the general Security Manager application can be applied at
group level (the permission to grant users’ permission in your group or at
system level).

See these topics:

Security Manager
Security Manager Permissions Configuration
Security Manager Permissions Settings
Configuring Permissions

Security Manager Permissions Settings
The system is installed with several default permission settings.

Setting Description
System These settings are automatically applied to any user defined in the Administrators
Administrator group.
Radiologist These settings are automatically applied to any user defined in the Radiologists group.
Web These settings are automatically applied to any user defined in the MS_Users group.
Mammography If you are defined as a Group Administrator, the user receives the relevant settings for
the group the user belongs to and also receives an additional permission to add, edit,
and delete users from that group.
If a new group is defined in the system, it inherits the System Level Permission
Settings. Alternatively, if a new group is created by copying an existing group, it
inherits the permission settings of the original group.
If a new user is defined in the system, you inherit the permission settings of the group
to which the new user belongs.

Temporary User These settings are automatically applied to any user defined as a temporary user in
the system.
If you are defined as a Group Administrator, the user receives the relevant settings for
the group the user belongs to and also receives an additional permission to add, edit,
and delete users from that group.
If you are defined as a Group Operator, you receive the relevant settings for the group
that the user belongs to and also receive an additional permission to reset the
password of a user.
If you are defined as a Service User, you receive the permission settings of the
administrators group.
If a new group is defined in the system, it inherits the System Level Permission
Settings. Alternatively, if a new group is created by copying an existing group, it
inherits the permission settings of the original group.
If a new user is defined in the system, you inherit the permission settings of the group
to which the new user belongs.

See these topics:

Security Manager
Security Manager Permissions Configuration
Applicable Permissions
Configuring Permissions

Security Manager

Security Manager Permissions Configuration

Permissions are accessed from the User Management application. Permissions are divided into the following
Image Manipulation Permissions
o Export Data
o Update Data
Workflow Permissions
o Reading Flow
o Folder Creation
o DP Creation
o URL and Action Buttons
Access to Foreign Archives
Application Access
Application Settings
CD Monitoring
User Management Settings

See these topics:

Security Manager
Security Manager Permissions Settings
Applicable Permissions
Configuring Permissions

Performing Group Management Configuration
Group Management Overview
The User Management Admin Tool centralizes all the user management functions by providing a central location
where all authorized users of the system are defined. The User Management Admin Tool lets you define permissions
and settings on the user, group, and system levels.
You can define logical groups for the users and define basic group and user details, including their central login
criteria and what products they can access. You can also edit the system default settings (if you have permission to
do so) to change the settings for all groups and users.
The User Management Admin Tool is also integrated with the Access Control Management Tool, which enable you to
define each user’s access rights to specific Workflow Manager data at the same time that you initially define them in
the system.
For information about individual user configuration, view the topics listed under User Administration and Access

See this topic:

Access Control Management Tool

Performing Group Management Configuration

Opening the User Management Admin Tool (Group)

The User Management Admin window provides access to all the available user management functions for the system,
group and user levels. These functions include adding, editing, and deleting groups and users, as well as defining all
their relevant settings.
NOTE: The User Management Admin window appears differently depending on whether or not your system is using
From the PACS Admin Home Page, select User Management.
The User Management Admin window appears. When using a system with LDAP, the User Management Admin
window shows only the Groups tab.

Users Tab
The Users Tab contains a list of users defined in the system. You can add users to the list, edit user details or delete a
user, as well as filter and sort the list of users.

Groups Tab
The Groups tab contains a list of predefined groups. You can add groups to the list, edit a group’s settings, or delete a
group, as well as filter and sort the list of groups.

Profiles Tab
The Profiles Tabs contains a list of profiles configured in the system. By clicking on each profile, the contents of each
profile and the features allowed by that profile are displayed.

Managing the Display

You can perform standard functions in the User Management Admin window that enable you to determine the specific
information you want to view.

Filtering the Display

You can filter the lists displayed in the Users or Groups tab according to criteria that you specify.
NOTE: The procedures below relate to the Groups tab but can also be performed in the Users tab.
1. Select the Groups tab.

2. Click Filter from the User Management toolbar.

The Set Group Name filter window appears.
NOTE: To clear the filter criteria, click Clear.
3. In the Group Name field, enter the required group name or partial group name.
4. Click OK.
The list is filtered and displayed accordingly.

Sorting the Display

You can sort the displayed information in the Groups tab.
Click a column heading in either tab to sort the entire list by that item in ascending order.
Click the same column name again to sort the list in descending order.

Refreshing the Groups Display

You can refresh the information displayed in the Groups tab. This function also automatically sorts the list.

From the User Management toolbar, click Refresh .

The lists in both the Groups and Users tabs are updated with the latest information.
In addition, the lists are sorted automatically in ascending order by Group Name (Groups tab) and by Login Name
(Users tab).

Viewing/Editing System Settings (Group)
The default system settings that were defined during system installation can be modified, depending on your
requirements. The system settings apply initially to all groups and users in the system.
For example, whether you leave the system defaults or modify the settings, the system settings are automatically
inherited from the system level by the groups and users that you add to the system. When adding groups and users,
you have the option of modifying the inherited system level settings at the group level or the user level, which
overrides the inherited system level settings.
NOTE: The Edit System Settings window appears differently depending on whether your system is using LDAP or not.
The options in the Edit System Settings window (with LDAP) are the same as those in the Add Group window except
for the Allowed Applications options, which are not relevant at the system level.

Viewing/Editing System Settings (without LDAP)

1. Do one of the following:

From the User Management toolbar, click Edit System Settings .

From the Tools menu, select Edit System Settings.
The Edit System Settings window appears.
2. Edit the required settings.
See Adding New Groups for a description of each option.
3. Click OK.

Viewing/Editing System Settings (with LDAP)

1. In the User Management Admin window, select the Groups tab.
The condensed version of the Edit System Settings window appears.
2. View/edit the application settings, as required.
See Access Control Management Tool.
3. Click OK.

Performing Group Management Configuration

Selecting/Changing the User Management Repository (Group)

Using the User Management Admin Tool, you can select either the Central Configuration for the CARESTREAM PACS or
LDAP as the User Management repository, depending on your requirements.

See these topics:

Selecting the Central Configuration as the UM Repository
Selecting LDAP as the UM Repository
Testing the LDAP Configuration

Central Configuration Editor
The Central Configuration Editor is a simple repository enabling the user to save permanent application information in
the CARESTREAM product environment. The Central Configuration Editor is structured as a hierarchical tree, with
multiple levels of branches and keys (folders).
The left pane of the screen displays the configuration tree. The tree can be expanded to show all branches, folders,
and subfolders. This pane is used to navigate to the required key.
Keys are managed in this pane using the configuration editor tree. Right-click on the left pane to open a menu with
these options:

Option Description
Add Key Adds a new key to the tree.
Remove Key Removes an existing key.
Cut Cuts a key to somewhere else.
Copy Copies the key to somewhere else.
Paste Pastes the key to somewhere else.
Rename Renames an existing key.
Search Searches for a string under a particular node.
Search Next Searches for the next node.
Import Imports a key from another place.
Export Exports a key to another place.
Dump to XML File Dumps a string in an XML file.
Copy Path to Clipboard Copies a path to the clipboard to paste somewhere else.
The right pane displays the parameters and values for the selected folder in the configuration editor tree. Use this
pane to view specific parameters and values, as well as to modify configurations.
In this pane, parameters can be managed and values assigned to a selected folder. Right-click in this pane to access
these options:

Option Description
Add Value Adds a new value.
Remove Deletes an existing value.
Copy Copies a value to somewhere else.
Cut Cuts the value to somewhere else.
Paste Pastes the key to somewhere else.
Edit Value Lets you edit the value.
Select All Selects all values.
Copy Path to Clipboard Copies a value to the clipboard to paste somewhere else.

IMPORTANT: Select File --> Save to save your changes. Otherwise, changes will be lost.
CAUTION: Exercise caution when changing the Central Configuration. Changing the wrong entries or
making an incorrect entry for a setting can introduce an error that prevents the entire system from
starting or working properly. Contact Systems personnel for assistance before making any changes.

Performing Group Management Configuration

Selecting Central Configuration as the UM Repository

When the Central Configuration for the CARESTREAM PACS is configured as the UM repository, the users’ personal
and security details are written to the repository via the User Management Admin Tool.

1. In the User Management Admin window, click LDAP Configuration .

You can open the LDAP Configuration window from a UNIX server. From the /user/algotec/um/scripts
location, run the following script: run_ldap_settings.scr.
You can open the LDAP Configuration window from a WINDOWS server. From the C:\Program
Files\Carestream Solutions\System 5\um\admin location, run the following script: ldap_settings_ui.bat
2. Select the Central Configuration option.
NOTE: When the LDAP Configuration window is expanded and you select the Central Configuration option, the window
3. Click OK.
The LDAP Settings message appears.
4. Click OK to set the Central Configuration for the CARESTREAM PACS as the UM repository.
5. Return to the CARESTREAM PACS Admin Home Page.
6. Click System Monitoring.
7. Restart the system by stopping and then restarting all daemon processes.

Selecting LDAP as the UM Repository
When LDAP is configured as the UM repository, all user information is stored in the Directory Server. The User
Management application supports two types of commercial LDAP servers: MICROSOFT Active Directory and SUN One
Directory Server 5.2 (iPlanet). These products have different schema and usually support different sets of controls
and attributes.
1. Open the User Management Administration tool and click LDAP settings.
The LDAP Settings window appears.
2. Add the server name to the User Directory Hosts list. You can add several hosts to the list and change the order of
the host names. In case of failure to connect to the first host (On Top), a second attempt is made to the following
hosts in order.
3. Set the Port in the User Directory Port field.
There usually are different ports for secured and non-secured connections.
4. If the LDAP connection is to be secured (SSL), check the Secured LDAP Connection box.
5. Enter the Base DN of the LDAP Server users account.
6. Enter the URLs for changing user password in the Change/Forgot password URL fields.
If the password is forgotten, the User Management application opens these URLs when you click the Login dialog
box button.
7. Click on the Credentials tab.
8. Set the Bind user name and password to be used for the LDAP pre-authentication stage (bind).
This user setting is used for initial authentication to transform the User Login Name into an LDAP Distinguished
Name (DN).
9. If an Anonymous bind is to be performed, check the Anonymous Bind Checkbox
10. Click the Prefixes tab.
11. Attach a Group prefix to the Group name in the Group Prefixes list.
Any group with a group prefix found in the LDAP server should appear without a prefix in the User Management
group list. It should also exist in the User Management application.
12. Attach a Role prefix in the Role Prefixes list.
13. Click the Advanced Settings tab.
14. Set the search method to Whole subtree starting with Base DN.
15. Set the objectclass filter to objectclass=*
16. Set the unique user identifier attribute name, for Active Directory set sAMAccountName.
17. Check the Build user DN dynamically box.
18. Click the Authentication Result tab.
19. Set the page size limit for the LDAP Query.
The paged query divides the result into pages in the specified size.
20. Select Paging Control (LDAP Query-type field).
For Active Directory, select Paged Query or No Paging.
21. Select the Error handling method
For Active Directory, select Active Directory Error Codes only.

See this topic:

Testing the LDAP Configuration

Performing Group Management Configuration

Testing the LDAP Configuration

1. Click the LDAP Test Tab
2. Click the Authenticate to LDAP button.
The login window opens.
3. Enter your user name and password.
4. Make sure that Authentication is successful.
5. Click OK and save the changes.
IMPORTANT: If the Authentication process fails, you must reconfigure the LDAP settings until the authentication
process is successful.

Configuring the Change/Set Forgotten Password URL
There are two configurable elements:
the protocol
the IP
You can set the protocol to either http or https. If the value in the URL is http, the protocol depends on that of the
user. If the user enters using https, it remains secured.
You can configure the IP element to a specific IP value, for example, or $IP$. If the IP is static, the
server name used is irrelevant because the change password URL opens with the predefined IP address. If the value is
$IP$, the IP value is taken from the URL entered by the user.

1. In the Central Configuration, select imaginet --> system --> applications --> securitymanager --> change
2. For value set:, enter http://$IP$/um/ChangePassword.jsp
3. For Protocol (http/https):, enter // [<> | $IP$] /um/changePassword.jsp

Performing Group Management Configuration

Defining New Groups

In the User Management Admin Tool, there is a hierarchical structure of settings on the system, group, and user
levels. Each group automatically inherits the system default settings and each user automatically inherits the relevant
group settings.
When defining new groups and users, you can override the inherited settings by modifying the values. In this case,
the modified values are defined for the specific group or user on the group or user level and the unmodified values
remain as is, according to the inherited default system settings.

The User Management Admin Tool lets you:

add new groups to the system.
add/define advanced options.
NOTE: During installation, one default administrator user is defined to let the administrator start using the system
with the default settings. Except for the default administrator, account users and groups initially have no privileges.
The system administrator must set these before the system can be used.

See these topics:

Adding New Users
Adding New Groups
Viewing/Editing Group Settings
Viewing/Editing Group Settings (without LDAP)
Viewing/Editing Group Settings (with LDAP)
Deleting a Group

Adding New Groups
Adding new groups consists of defining the following information for each group:
The group name
The group profile
Password settings (e.g., minimum and maximum password length)
General settings (e.g., password expiration and temporary account criteria)
Security settings (e.g., allowed number of password failures and whether to lock or suspend users when the
allowed number is exceeded)
Application settings (the access control settings on the group level for users in the specific group)
Group permissions
All group details are automatically inherited from the system settings unless you modify them on the group level
during definition. In this case, any settings modified on the group level override the settings inherited from the
system level.
NOTE: The Add Group window appears differently depending on whether or not your system is using LDAP.

To add a new group:

1. In the User Management Admin window, select the Groups tab.
2. Do one of the following:

From the User Management toolbar, click Add New .

From the Tools menu, select Add New.
Right-click in the list and select Add new group.
The Edit Group Settings (Add Group) window appears.
3. In the Group Name field, enter a logical name for the new group (for example, radiologists).
4. In the Profile drop-down menu choose one of the profiles.
NOTE: If the group has a profile entitled NONE, certain features are not available for use.
5. Enter the group’s password syntax settings:
Minimum password length: The fewest characters required for each user’s password.
Maximum password length: The most characters allowed for each user’s password.
Minimum numeric chars: The fewest numeric characters required for each user’s password.
Maximum consecutive chars: The most consecutive identical characters allowed in each user’s password.
6. Enter the group’s general settings:
Identical password check: This prevents the user from using a password that is identical to the previous [x]
number of passwords used. Enter the required number. For example, if you enter 3, then a user can use a
password only if it was not used as one of the last three passwords.
Temporary account valid (days): The length of time that a defined temporary user is allowed access to the
system (beginning from the first login). This option only appears when one or more temporary users have
been defined in the system.
Expiration options:
o Password never expires: The password never needs to be changed.
o Password expires after (days): Enter the required number of days. When this limit is reached, users
receive a message that their password has expired and must be changed.
7. Enter the group’s password failures settings, as follows:
Allowed number of password failures: The number of times a user can enter an incorrect password before
being locked out of the system (failed attempts).
When number exceeds limit: When a user exceeds the defined number of password failures, one of these
actions happens:
o Lock user: The user is locked and cannot access the system until the administrator unlocks the user.
o Suspend user. Duration in minutes: The user is locked out for the defined “timeout” period. In this case,
the user can wait until the timeout period has passed or request to be unlocked by the administrator.
CAUTION: Unsuccessful attempts to log into the application with a valid user name but an incorrect
password are not recorded in the Audit Trail. In the Edit System Settings window, go to the Password
Failures Settings pane and verify that “Allow number of password failures” is set to 5 and “Suspend user
duration in minutes” is set to 30. A user can be manually locked out of the system.
8. Define the access control settings, as required.
See Access Control Management Tool for more information.
Performing Group Management Configuration

NOTE: Selecting these options lets you configure the relevant settings for those applications on the group level.
9. Edit group permissions.
10. Click Add.
The new group is added to the list of groups displayed in the User Management Admin window Groups tab.

Viewing/Editing Group Settings
Edit group settings when specific settings need to be changed or updated, or when specific settings were not defined
initially when the group was added to the system, such as access control settings.
NOTE: You must have the appropriate permission in order for you to perform editing.
You can modify the settings (permissions) for an entire group of users. Groups automatically inherit the system
default settings when they are defined initially unless you modify them. This let you modify only the settings that you
want to change on the group level and leave the ones inherited from the system level as they are defined.
The Edit Group Settings window also contains links to the Web Client and access control settings. You can select these
options to configure the relevant settings on the group level for all users belonging to the current group. See Access
Control Management Tool for more information.
The Edit Group Settings window appears differently depending on whether or not your system is using LDAP.

See these topics:

Adding New Groups
Viewing/Editing Group Settings (without LDAP)
Viewing/Editing Group Settings (with LDAP)

Performing Group Management Configuration

Viewing/Editing Group Settings (without LDAP)

1. In the User Management Admin window, select the Groups tab.
2. Do one of the following:

Select the required group in the list and click Edit Selected from the User Management toolbar.
Double-click the required group in the list.
From the Tools menu, select Edit Selected.
Right-click, then select Group Properties.
The Edit Group Settings window appears.
NOTE: Yellow fields indicate that the displayed setting is inherited from the system level settings. When you modify a
value for the specific group, the field changes to white, indicating that it is now defined on the group level for that
specific group.

To cancel any changes made to the group level settings, click Restore System Defaults. The system settings are
restored, and all the fields are displayed in blue again.
3. View/edit the group settings, as required.
See Defining New Groups for a description of each option.
4. Click OK.

Viewing/Editing Group Settings (with LDAP)
1. In the User Management Admin window, select the Groups tab.
2. Do one of the following:

Select the required group in the list and click Edit Selected from the User Management toolbar.
Double-click the required group in the list.
From the Tools menu, select Edit Selected.
Right-click, then select Group Properties.
A condensed version of the Edit Group Settings window appears.
3. View/edit the group settings, as required.
See Defining New Groups for a description of each option.
4. Click OK.

Performing Group Management Configuration

Deleting a Group
You can delete groups only if you have permission to do so. Each user is assigned a role in the system: System
Administrator, Group administrator, and Group operator. The System Administrator role has permission for adding,
editing, and deleting groups and users.
1. In the User Management Admin window, select the Groups tab.
2. Do one of the following:

Select a group name from the relevant list and click Delete Selected from the User Management
From the Tools menu, select Delete Selected.
Right-click the required group/user and select Delete Selected Groups.
The Delete Selected Group window appears.
3. Click OK.
The group is removed from the system.

Access Control Management Tool
The Access Control Management Tool lets you set restrictions to control the type of Workflow Manager data that users
can access. When a user logs in and requests data, the system automatically checks for restrictions.
User—according to the user’s personal access level. See Adding Restrictions to Users and Groups.
Group—according to the group to which the user belongs. See Adding Restrictions to Users and Groups.
You configure access control by opening the Access Control Management tool and adding, updating, and removing
restrictions, as required. This lets you determine the exact data that each user can access by setting restrictions that
place limitations on the data that the specific user, group, or node is authorized to access.

No assigned access level means that the user has full access to all Workflow Manager data. All users must be
assigned to a group, so if neither the individual user nor the group has been assigned an access level, all users
in the group have full access.
A group restriction specifying a MODALITY DICOM tag and an MR value means that users in this group can only
view MR images.

See these topics:

Opening the Access Control Management Tool Users Tab
Opening the Access Control Management Tool Groups Tab

Performing Group Management Configuration

Opening the Access Control Management Tool

1. Click Access Control on the Edit System Settings window.
2. Do one of the following:

From the Tools menu, select Edit Selected .

Double-click a user in the Login column.
3. Select the required user/node.
4. Click OK.
The Access Control window appears, displaying the selected user in the Access Control pane.
The Access Control pane on the left displays a view-only hierarchical tree that shows the currently selected user.
The Tag/Value pane on the right lets you add, update, or remove a restriction for the selected user. If the selected
user has existing restrictions, they appear in this pane.
5. Add, update, or remove restrictions for the selected user.
NOTE: All users must be assigned to a group. Users with no configured restrictions on the user or group levels are
allowed full access to all Workflow Manager data.

See these topics:

Adding Restrictions to Users and Groups
Access Control Management Tool

Opening the Access Control Management Tool Users Tab
1. In the User Management Admin window, select the Users tab.
2. Do one of the following:

Select the required user in the list and click Edit Selected .
Double-click the required user in the list.
From the Tools menu, select Edit Selected.
Right-click and select User Properties.
The Edit User Settings window appears.
3. Click Advanced Options.
4. Click Access Control.
The Access Control window appears. The Access Control pane on the left displays a view-only hierarchical tree that
shows the currently selected user, group, or node.
The Tag/Value pane on the right lets you add, update, or remove a restriction for the selected user, group or
node. If the selected user, group, or node has existing restrictions, they are displayed in this pane.
NOTE: When accessing the Access Control window from the User Management Admin Tool, the information displayed
in the Access Control pane on the left depends on the access level from which it was opened (user or group).
5. Add, update, or remove restrictions for the selected user.

Performing Group Management Configuration

Opening the Access Control Management Tool Groups Tab

1. In the User Management Admin window, select the Groups tab.
2. Do one of the following:

Select the required user in the list and click Edit Selected .
Double-click the required user in the list.
From the Tools menu, select Edit Selected.
Right-click and select Group Properties.
The Edit Group Settings window appears.
3. Click Access Control.
The Access Control window appears. The Access Control pane on the left displays a view-only hierarchical tree that
shows the currently selected user, group, or node.
The Tag/Value pane on the right lets you add, update, or remove a restriction for the selected user, group or
node. If the selected user, group, or node has existing restrictions, they are displayed in this pane.
NOTE: When accessing the Access Control window from the User Management Admin Tool, the information displayed
in the Access Control pane on the left depends on the access level from which it was opened (user or group).
4. Add, update, or remove restrictions for the selected group.

NOTE: All users must be assigned to a group. Users with no configured restrictions on the user or group levels are
allowed full access to all Workflow Manager data.

Adding Restrictions to Users and Groups
Restrictions at the user level are configured by selecting one user at a time and adding one or multiple restrictions, as
Each user must be assigned to a group. Restrictions at the group level are configured for one group at a time. The
restrictions you configure for a group are applicable to all users in the group.
For example, you can define a CT group and an MRI group and use the procedure below to configure a restriction for
each group. This limits the groups to view only CT images or only MRI images. You can then assign a specific user to
the required group without having to configure specific restrictions for each individual user.
1. Click Access Control on the Edit System Settings window.

2. From the Tools menu, select Edit Selected .

3. Select the required user or group.
4. Click OK.
The Access Control window appears, displaying the selected user in the Access Control pane.
5. Do one of the following:

From the Access Control toolbar, click .

From the Edit menu, select Add Tag Restriction.
Right-click in the Tag/Value pane and select Add Tag Restriction.
The Add Tag Restriction window appears.
6. From the Tag drop-down list, select the DICOM tag of the specific Workflow Manager data that you want to

7. In the Value field, enter the predefined value for the selected tag.
NOTE: You can add more than one restriction by inserting a backslash (\) between each specific value. For example,
1\2 allows the user to access studies from site 1 or 2 only.
8. Click OK.
The new access control settings appear in the Tag/Value pane.
9. If required, repeat steps 5 to 8 to add additional restrictions to the same user.

10. Click Save .

When the user in the group requests Workflow Manager data, access is limited according to the restrictions that
you defined.

See these topics:

Updating a Restriction
Removing a Restriction
Access Control Management Tool

Performing Group Management Configuration

Updating a Restriction
You can update existing restrictions. For example, you can change the type of data that is limited or you can add
additional values to an existing restriction tag.
1. Open the Access Control window by selecting the required group to which you want to add a restriction.
The selected group or node is displayed in the Access Control pane.
2. Do one of the following:

From the Access Control toolbar, click Update .

From the Edit menu, select Update Tag Restriction.
Right-click in the Tag/Value pane and select Update Tag Restriction.
The Update Tag Restriction window appears.
3. Do either or both of the following:
From the Tag drop-down list, select the new tag of the specific Workflow Manager data that you want to
In the Value field, enter the predefined value for the new tag or add an additional value for the existing tag.
4. Click OK.
The updated restriction is displayed in the Tag/Value pane.

5. Click Save to save the new access control settings.

When the user in the selected group or node requests the Workflow Manager data, access is limited according to
the restrictions that you defined above.

Removing a Restriction
You can remove a restriction from a group to enable previously limited CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager data to
be accessed.
1. Open the Access Control window by selecting the required group.
The selected group is displayed in the Access Control pane.
2. Do one of the following:

From the Access Control toolbar, click Remove .

From the Edit menu, select Remove Tag Restriction.
Right-click in the Tag/Value pane and select Remove Tag Restriction.
The Remove Tag Confirmation message appears.
3. Click OK.
The selected restriction is removed from the Tag/Value pane and is no longer applicable.

4. Click Save to save the new access control settings.

The previously restricted data is available the next time the user in the relevant group requests it.

The Info Router is a CARESTREAM PACS System application that facilitates the flow of data in medical image
management systems. The Info Router enables the remote control of medical data routing through a standard Web
browser. The routing is based on a set of configurable rules defined by the system administrator.

Info Router
The Info Router CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager is a configurable, rules-based automatic router, controlling
image flow in a PACS/DICOM environment.
The Info Router performs all the system’s Pre-Fetch requests from the near-line to the online storage, based on
triggers from the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software (for example, scheduling data for “r;true” Pre-Fetch) or the
Workflow Manager (for example, a new image received for “r;late” Pre-Fetch or Post-Fetch). Pre-loading allows data
to be pushed from the online storage to the local cache of specific reading stations.
The Info Router rules are configurable based on image headers and can also be set according to a calendar schedule.

Intended Users
The Info Router is intended for use by system administrators as an interface for defining rules that determine when
images are redirected and the destinations to which the images are sent. The system administrator needs only a
network connection to control or configure the Info Router. The images and tools provided by the Info Router are
intended as aids for the competent user only.

Info Router Configuration

The Info Router configuration is the interface through which rules are defined and controlled, and through which the
commands derived from the rules are monitored. Rules determine how medical imaging and other data are routed
within the CARESTREAM PACS System.
The Info Router configuration enables you to create, update, and view rules and their related data. The Info Router
Client must reside on a computer configured with a standard Web browser and a network connection.

Info Router Client

The Info Router Client is the interface through which commands derived from the rules are monitored. The Info
Router Client is accessible even in cases where the Info Router Server processes are down.

Info Router Server

The Info Router Server is the engine that identifies events as they occur on the network and then executes
commands and actions according to predefined rules. One or more Info Router Clients can be connected to the server
via a standard Web browser.
The server is designed to operate continuously. All of the data is stored in a database to enable the server to reliably
recover in case of a shutdown or a crash.

Using the Info Router
The Info Router configuration is the interface through which rules are controlled. The Info Router client is the
interface through which commands are monitored and controlled. Rules determine how images and other data are
routed within the CARESTREAM PACS System and under what conditions the images are sent.
The Info Router client automatically synchronizes with the server, enabling you to create and update rules, as well as
view existing rules and their related data. You can also create aliases for items and/or groups of items and apply
conditions to them.
Opening the Info Router
Info Router Client Window
Info Router Toolbar
Info Router Menu Bar
Rules Configuration Window


Opening the CARESTREAM PACS Info Router

The CARESTREAM PACS Info Router can be accessed through the CARESTREAM PACS Admin Home page using a web
browser for UNIX systems and the Start menu for WINDOWS operating systems. This is similar to all other
CARESTREAM PACS products, which are accessed through this central location.

From a UNIX System

1. In your browser, type the address (URL) of the server and press Enter.
You are connected to the local server. The home page appears.

2. Click Administration.
The CARESTREAM PACS Admin home page appears.

3. Select System Monitor --> Processes.

The Enter Network Password window appears.
4. Enter your network User Name and Password.
5. Click OK.


1. Select Start --> All Programs --> Carestream Solutions --> Admin --> System Monitoring.
The Login window appears.

NOTE: When you log in for the first time, you are prompted to change your password.
2. In the Login field, enter your assigned login name.
3. In the Password field, enter your assigned password.
4. Click OK to log in to the selected product.

See these topics:

Rules Configuration Screen
Custom Function


CARESTREAM PACS Info Router Client Window

The CARESTREAM PACS Info Router user interface has two parts:
Monitoring: This tool is accessible through the System Monitor sub-menu option.
Configuration: The Configuration tool is accessible through the System Configuration tool.
In addition, the Configuration tool includes a section of General Parameters to define the Info Router parameters.
The primary configuration windows are Rules and Alias. In addition, dedicated parameters windows provide user
interface screens to configure different Info Router parameters previously accessible through the CFG.

See these topics for information about the Info Router Client window elements:
Info Router Toolbar
Info Router Menu Bar
Rules Configuration Screen
Available Rules
Custom Function
General Parameters

CARESTREAM PACS Info Router Configuration Toolbar
The CARESTREAM PACS Info Router toolbar enables you to perform various common operations such as defining rules
and aliases, filtering commands, and so on.

The Info Router toolbar contains the following options

Button Option Description

Insert Rule Lets you add a new rule.

Edit Rule Lets you edit an existing rule.

Delete Rule Lets you delete a rule.

Refresh Lets you manually refresh the data that appears in the Info Router Client
window tabs.
When you use this option, the currently displayed tab data is refreshed.
When you select another tab, the Info Router also automatically refreshes
the data in that tab.
Save Lets you save changes.

Insert Aliasing Lets you define an alternate name for an item or a group of items.

Delete Item Deletes the selected item(s).

Select All Selects all items in the current tab.

Select None Deselects all currently selected items.

Exit the Application Exits the Info Router application.


CARESTREAM PACS Info Router Client Toolbar

The Info Router toolbar, available through System Monitoring, enables you to perform various common operations
such as deleting and filtering commands.

The Info Router toolbar contains the following options.

Button Option Description

Delete Command(s) Lets you delete selected commands.

Refresh Lets you manually refresh the data that appears in the Info
Router Client window tabs.
Commands Filter Lets you filter the commands that appear in the Monitor tab,
as described in Filtering Commands.
You should filter periodically to avoid displaying an excessive
number of commands.
Select All Selects all items in the current tab.

Select None Deselects all currently selected items.

Exit the Application Exits the Info Router.

CARESTREAM PACS Info Router Client Menu Bar
Menu Option Description
File Exit Exits the Info Router client application.
Edit Retry Retries the execution of the command.
Hold Holds the execution of the command.
Release Releases the Hold option and executes the command.
Priority Changes the priority of the command.
Delete Deletes the selected item(s).
Select All Selects all items in the current tab.
Select None Deselects all currently selected items.
View Refresh Lets you manually refresh the data that appears in the Info Router Client
window tabs.
Auto Refresh Refreshes the displayed data automatically according to the values set in
the AutoRefresh Time Interval Setter window.
A checkmark next to the Auto Refresh option indicates that the option is
Filter See Filtering Commands.
Commands Lets you filter or display commands as follows:
Filter: Lets you filter the commands that appear in the Monitor tab,
as described in Filtering Commands. It is recommended that you
filter periodically to avoid displaying an excessive number of
Last Hour: Shows all commands initiated in the last hour.
Last Day: Shows all commands initiated in the last day.
Last 2 Days: Shows all commands initiated in the last two days.
Last Week: Shows all commands initiated in the last week.
In Progress: Shows all commands that have a Running or Waiting
Failed: Shows all commands that failed.
Succeeded: Shows all commands that succeeded.
Rules Displays the list of rules as they appear in the System Configuration.
Tools Auto Refresh Intervals Auto Refresh Intervals lets you configure the automatic refresh intervals
for the data that appear in each Info Router Client window tab (in
seconds, minutes, or hours).
Help Help Accesses the Info Router online help.
About Info Router Shows information about the current Info Router software version


Monitoring Tab
The Monitoring tab is comprised of the Command List area and the Command Log Information area. In addition, two
panes at the top of the screen display the Commands Execution Status both with and without filters.

These panes display the status as shortcuts. To view information about each status, click the command status
shortcut. The information corresponding to the shortcut appears.
Screen splitter arrows between the areas enable you to resize the Command Log Information area, or to click and
drag it to a new position.
The number of commands displayed in the Monitoring tab can be controlled by applying filters, as described in
Filtering Commands.

Command List Area

The Command List area displays all commands created from all the active rules, together with general information
and the current status of each command.

Option Description
ID The unique identification number for each command, according to the order in
which the commands were created.
When a command is deleted, the remaining commands retain their original
identification numbers.
Type The type of the command.
Patient Name The name of the patient to whom the image or study relates.

Source The name of the source device from which the image or study is being copied.

Destination The name of the destination device to which the image or study is being copied.

Status The current operational status of the command:

Running: the command is being executed. If the command previously
failed, the number in brackets indicates the number of retries.
Waiting: the system is waiting for the next Running session, if the
command previously failed.
Succeeded: the command was successfully executed.
Failed: the command failed.
Date Started The date and time when the command initially started to run.

Date Completed The date and time when the command succeeded or failed.
Percent Completed The percentage of completion of the command currently running.
The display resets to 0% each time there is a retry.

Command Log Information Area

The Command Log Information area is located at the bottom of the Info Router Client window when the Monitor tab is
selected. The Command Log Information area displays a running log of information for the command currently
selected in the Command List area.

Filtering Commands
You can filter the commands that are displayed in the Command List area of the Monitor tab. You can also view the
number of commands that appear in the Command List area when the filters are applied.
You should apply the appropriate command filters to reduce the number of commands that appear in the Command
List area of the Monitor tab. When fewer commands appear, the retrieval time is reduced.
1. Do one of the following:

From the Info Router toolbar, click Filter .

Select View --> Commands --> Filter.
The Commands Filter window appears.
2. Enter the required filter criteria:

Option Description
command ID between The ID of the command from which to start the display. If you leave this field
blank, all commands created up to the selected command in the To ID field are
Command Type The type of command (for example, Send to mail or Copy).
Originator Rule ID The rule that generated the command.

Patient Name The name of the patient you want to display. Enter a partial name to display all
the patient names that begin with that string of letters.

Source The source of the event (for example, Copy from the Online Storage

Destination The destination of the event (for example, Copy to Diagnostic Workstation).

Date Filters the displayed commands by date:

Previous: Shows all commands initiated in a predetermined number of
Between Dates: Shows all commands initiated between the two
predetermined dates.
Status Filters the displayed commands by status:
Not Started: shows commands not yet started.
Waiting: shows commands currently waiting to run.
Running: shows commands currently running.
Succeeded: shows commands that succeeded.
Failed: shows commands that failed.
Ignore group commands Filters the displayed commands by type.
If this box is checked, Group commands are not displayed.

Number of commands The number of commands that are displayed, if the filters are applied. This field
is read-only.
NOTE: Any change to parameters does NOT automatically update the counter.
Click the Refresh Count button to update the number of commands. The button
is disabled if there are no changes.
3. Click OK to apply the selected filters.
4. Close the Commands Filter window.
The information in the Commands List area is updated and displayed according to the criteria that you defined.


Stopping and Starting the CARESTREAM PACS Info Router

To stop or start processes from System Monitoring, perform the appropriate procedure:

UNIX System
1. In your browser, enter the address (URL) of the server and press Enter.
You are connected to the local server. The home page appears.

2. Click Administration.
The PACS Admin home page appears.
3. Select System Monitor --> Processes.
The Enter Network Password window appears.
4. Enter your network User Name and Password, then click OK.
The System Monitoring window appears.
5. Click Info Router Processes.
The Info Router Processes window appears.
6. Click Start or Stop, as required.

1. Select Start --> Programs --> Carestream Solutions--> Admin --> System Monitor --> Processes.
The LOGIN window appears.
NOTE: When you log in for the first time, you are prompted to change your password.
2. Enter your login name and password, then click OK.

IMS Document Agent (XDS/XDS-I Document Source)
IMS Document Agent is a document publisher and store agent. It is responsible for sending documents to a Document
The Document Agent can be used in two environments:
PACS: Stores documents in the PACS. Each document is stored as a new study for a patient (for example, two
documents are stored as two studies).
XDS: (See IHE XDS Profile for more details) Supplies metadata to the Document Repository for subsequent
registration of the documents within the Document Registry.
By default, the IMS Document Agent sends the documents to the IMS Document Repository which stores them in the
IMS Archive. Documents can be retrieved in two ways: through the PACS Client or through XDS Document Retrieve
(XDS Consumer).

IMS Document Agent in XDS Environment

In XDS/-I environment the document source publishes documents of types defined in the IHE XDS Profile, including
DICOM objects.
Note: Publishing a document means that a document is stored on a site document repository so that it can be made
available to the entire enterprise.
Currently, only DICOM studies stored in the CS PACS can be published. When a study is published, a DICOM Key
Object Selection (KOS) is created and it publishes as an imaging document. The KOS contains information about the
study (UIDs and Retrieve AE title). The KOS is used later on when the XDS Consumer wishes to retrieve the study.

Installing the IMS Document Agent

1. Go into the CS web administration page and click Document Agent on the bottom of the page.
2. Follow the installation instructions.
After the IMS Document Agent is installed, it stores the documents to the IMS Document Repository located on
the URL where the installation was executed.

See these topics:

Activating the IMS Document Agent
Configuring the IMS Document Agent


Activating the IMS Document Agent

1. Open the Web Administration page and click on the Document Agent link.
2. Click Start --> Programs --> Carestream Solutions --> Carestream Document Agent --> Document Agent Tool.
3. Right-click the document you want to store.
4. Select Send To Carestream IMS.
The Document Agent Tool opens and add the document you selected onto the document list.
5. If the Document Agent is installed on a client, go to the installation directory: D:\Program Files\Carestream
6. Launch xds_publish.exe.
7. Use the following usage description:
Usage: xdsi_publish -<switch> <param> [-<switch> <param>....]
-t <image | document> this switch must be present. param can be image or document only.
-f <file name> specify full path of input file name
for -t document option - file must be an xml properties.
for -t image option - file is DICOM image (not supported yet)
-p <path> specify path for properties files, file must have .xml extension.
directory <path> will be scanned once and all properties files will be processed and published.
in case of parsing error - file will be moved to <path>/errors directory
in case of success - files will be moved to <path>/success directory
in case of publish errors (not parsing errors) - files will not be moved.
-sid <study uid> xds_publish will query WFM for details by <study uid> before publish
-ae <ae title> must be specified together with -sid option, this is the ae title to query
-d <file name> dump xml property template to <file name>

Configuring the IMS Document Agent
The IMS Document Agent configuration is found in the central configuration under the subtree

Option Description
xds_repository_uri The URI(URL) of the Document Repository, documents is stored to this repository
(Using XDS Provide and Register transaction). To use SSL communication, configure
https protocol, appropriate certificates must be configured to establish HTTPS
xds_disable_pix_query If false, the document agent performs pix query against the pix manager to obtain
affinity domain patient identifier (Enterprise PID) which is used to publish a
xds_pix_manager_ip The PIX Manager IP address.
xds_pix_manager_port The PIX Manager port number.

IMS Document Agent Tool

Patient Details Fields

Source Patient ID

Submission Details
Name: A descriptive name of the submission, when document is stored it will be used as content for DICOM
Reference: By default, the value of this field is mapped to TAMAR_MISC_STRING_2.
Date Time: By default, the value is taken from the document creation date time. You can change it by setting a
new date time.
Documents Location: Click Add Document to add documents to be stored.


IMS Document Repository (XDS Document Repository)

The Document Repository is installed with the system and is responsible for the storage of documents and their
registration with the appropriate Document Registry. It assigns a URI to documents for subsequent retrieval by a
Document Consumer. In the XDS environment, the Document Repository stores incoming documents in the Workflow
Manager by wrapping each document with a new DICOM OT STUDY.

Activating the IMS Document Repository

The Document Repository is a web application executed under APACHE TOMCAT. Restarting APACHE TOMCAT
automatically restarts the Document Repository. The Document Repository URL for the XDS Provide and Register
transaction is: http://server_name/um/webapp_services/xds-rep-store

Configuring the IMS Document Repository

The IMS Document Repository configuration is found in the central configuration under the subtree


This field specifies if to Register the incoming documents in the Document Registry.
------------------------START VALUE-----------------------
PATH: imaginet\system\applications\medilink\xds\repository\settings\disable_register_document
VALUE: false
------------------------END VALUE-----------------------

The URL of the Document Registry
------------------------START VALUE-----------------------
PATH: imaginet\system\applications\medilink\xds\repository\settings\xds_registry_uri
------------------------END VALUE-----------------------

If set with directory location the repository will dump temporary metadata files for diagnostic purpose.
------------------------START VALUE-----------------------
PATH: imaginet\system\applications\medilink\xds\repository\settings\repository_dump_files_location_or_disabled
VALUE: /usr/algotec/medilink/resources/xds/doc_repository/output/
------------------------END VALUE-----------------------

This base uri is used to update the Document Registry about each document retrieve URL.
------------------------START VALUE-----------------------
PATH: imaginet\system\applications\medilink\xds\repository\settings\xds_repository_base_document_uri
------------------------END VALUE-----------------------

Mapping Between XDS Fields and DICOM Tags

Mapping settings are found in this CFG location: imaginet\system\applications\medilink\xds\repository\dicommapping
Each key in this location specifies the XDS field name and DICOM tag name mapped during storage of a document in
WFM (wrapped into DICOM OT Object).

CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software Overview
CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software is a configurable HL-7 interface engine that provides seamless integration of
PACS with a Hospital Information System (HIS) and/or a Radiology Information System (RIS).
The IS Link Software functions as an “intelligence agent” for the PACS, collecting relevant information from the
HIS/RIS and passing it on to the PACS. It offers these features:
Tight data synchronization between the HIS/RIS and the PACS.
Full support for IHE Scheduled Workflow and Patient Information Reconciliation integration profiles, including
patient and study-data synchronization with the RIS database.
The IS Link Software provides important features and benefits, including:
Comprehensive integration and connectivity to HIS/RIS.
Notification to CARESTREAM PACS products about events happening on the RIS.
A computerized data repository for textual clinical results, patients, visits, and order information.

IS Link Software Key Concepts

The IS Link Software is the gateway that links the CARESTREAM PACS products with hospital/radiology information
systems (HIS/RIS) through an HL-7 interface. Specifically, the IS Link Software provides the system with patient
demographic, visit, and order information. It also lets the system retrieve clinical reports. The IS Link Software runs
as a software module within the system.
To fully utilize the IS Link Software and its functionality, you must understand its specific terminology, which includes
the following key concepts:

Concept Description
IS Link Software The IS Link Software is comprised of the Listener process and the Converter
IS Link Database The IS Link Software receives and translates HL-7 data from the RIS or HIS.
The translated data is then stored within the IS Link database.
Listener Process The Listener process waits for HL-7 messages from the RIS and places them
in the message queue without interpretation. This lets the system keep
messages intact for later processing if the Converter process is down for any
Converter Process The Converter process takes messages from the queue and parses them to
the database tables. When message processing is complete, the Converter
sends the event notifications to the relevant enabled notification queues.
Pre-Fetch Process The CARESTREAM PACS System uses the IS Link Software as a trigger for the
daily Pre-Fetch processes.
NOTE: See Pre-Fetch for a detailed description of the Pre-Fetch process.

RIS-PACS Synchronization The CARESTREAM PACS System uses the IS Link Software as a trigger for the
Process RIS-PACS synchronization process.
NOTE: For more information, see RIS-PACS Synchronization.

Report Presentation The IS Link Software lets the end user, such as a radiologist, view clinical
reports using the PACS Client. The report information is stored in the IS Link
database, and can be retrieved as required.
NOTE: See the user documentation for the CARESTREAM PACS Client for
more information.


Using the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software

The IS Link Software processes write debug messages into the TAMAR_LOG standard log file located in the /usr/tmp
directory. To manage the IS Link Software log level, click the System Monitoring link in the PACS Admin Home Page.
Select Logger Configuration, then select the TMR_PKG_JLog package and apply the required log level.

Logging in from a UNIX System

1. In your browser, type the address (URL) of the server and press Enter.
You are connected to the local server.
2. Click Administration.
The PACS Admin home page appears
3. Select System Monitor --> Processes.
The Enter Network Password window appears.
4. Enter your network User Name and Password.
5. Click OK
The System Monitoring window appears.
6. Click Listener Processes.
The Listener Processes window appears.
7. Click start.
8. In the System Monitoring menu in the left pane, click Converter Processes.
The Converter Processes window appears.
9. Click start.

Logging in from a WINDOWS OS

1. Select Start --> Programs --> Carestream Solutions --> Admin --> System Monitor --> Processes.
The LOGIN window appears.
NOTE: When you log in for the first time, you are prompted to change your password.
2. In the Login field, enter your assigned login name.
3. In the Password field, enter your assigned password.
4. Click OK to log in to the selected product.

Verifying the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software Startup
The following procedure verifies that the Listener and Converter processes are running.
1. Log in to the operating system as root.
2. Type cd /usr/algotec/medilink/bin and press Enter.
3. Type ./medilink listener ping and press Enter.
The message "medilink Listener is alive" appears.
4. Type ./medilink converter ping and press Enter.
The message "medilink Converter is alive" appears.
NOTE: If any other messages appear, the Listener and/or Converter startup failed. When a problem occurs, check
that the processes are running by entering the following command: ps –ef | grep medilink

Look for the processes medilink_listener and medilink_converter, and check the TAMAR_LOG file to view the log
messages from the IS Link Software processes to ensure that the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software is running
properly (not terminated).


Shutting Down the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software Processes

This topic describes the procedures for the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software shutdown, including the Kill
command and shutdown verification.
1. Start the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software. (See Using the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software.)
2. In the System menu in the left pane, click Listener Processes.
The Listener Processes Page window appears.
3. Click stop.
4. In the System menu in the left pane, click Converter Processes.
The Converter Processes Page window appears.
5. Click stop.

Using the Kill Command

When the standard CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software shutdown procedure is unsuccessful, the Kill command can
be used to perform the shutdown procedure.
NOTE: The Kill command should only be utilized when the standard IS Link Software shutdown procedure does not
1. Type cd /usr/algotec/medilink/bin and press Enter.
2. Type ./medilink listener kill and press Enter.
3. To verify that the message queue is empty, type ./medilink checkqueue messages and press Enter.
This message appears: Total number of messages in queue: 0
NOTE: When the queue is not empty, let the Converter processes run until all the messages in the queue are
processed. After all the messages are processed, utilize the Kill command to stop the Converter process.
4. To shut down the Converter process, type ./medilink converter kill and press Enter.

Verifying the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software Shutdown

The CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software shutdown verification procedure makes sure the Listener and Converter
processes are terminated.
1. Type ps –ef | grep medilink and press Enter.
The medilink_listener and medilink_converter processes should not appear.
NOTE: If a problem occurs when terminating the IS Link Software processes, use the Kill command as described
above in Using the Kill Command.

Using the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Admin Tool

Opening the IS Link Admin Tool

You can access the IS Link Admin Tool through the PACS Admin Home Page, using any supported Web browser. This
is similar to all other CARESTREAM PACS products, which are accessed through this central location.
1. In your browser, type the address (URL) of the server and press Enter.
You are connected to the local server. The CARESTREAM PACS home page appears.
2. Click Administration.
The PACS Admin home page appears.
3. Select System Administration --> IS Link.
The Enter Network Password window appears.
4. Enter your login name and password, then click OK.
The Enter Filter Values window appears, which lets you filter the studies you want to load.
6. Enter the required filter criteria.
See Filtering the Studies List Storage Management Admin Tool for more information about filtering the list initially,
as well as filtering it further at any time.
NOTE: It is important to apply filters in order to limit the list of studies to a workable size. If you do not want to apply
any filters, click Clear and then OK. Filters can be applied only using the Filter window. Click the filter icon in the
Admin Tool to display the Filter window.
7. Click OK.
The IS Link Admin Tool window appears.

IS Link Admin Tool Window Tabs

The IS Link Admin Tool window consists of four tabs. See the corresponding topic for more information about that
IS Link Admin Tool Patients Tab
IS Link Admin Tool Visits Tab
IS Link Admin Tool Orders Tab
IS Link Admin Tool Reports Tab
Each tab is related to the previous tab. For example, the Reports tab relates to reports that were written based on
Orders, which in turn refer to particular Patient visits. You can search each tab individually using that specific tab, or
using the buttons in the View Patient Data window.

IS Link Admin Tool Window Toolbar

See IS Link Admin Tool Window Toolbar.


CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Admin Tool Patients Tab

The Patients tab displays a list of all patients in the database.
To view patient data:
1. Click the Patients tab.
2. Double-click the patient whose data you want to view, or select the patient and click the View Patient Data icon

The View Patient Data window appears.

The View Patient Data window shows all data relating to the selected patient. The Additional Information section
allows you to choose any information that is not displayed in the fields.
NOTE: Click the appropriate button if you want to view the specific Visits, Orders, or Reports of the selected patient.

CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Admin Tool Visits Tab
The Visits tab displays the visits that are stored in the database.
To view Visit information:
1. Click the Visits tab.
2. Double-click on a visit you want to view, or select Patient Visits from the View Patient Data window in the Patients
The View Visit Data window appears.

CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Admin Tool Orders Tab

The Orders tab displays a list of all orders in the database.

To view orders information

1. Click the Orders tab.
2. Double-click the order you want to view, or select Patient Orders from the View Patient Data window in the
Patients tab.
The View Order Data window appears.
3. Click Show Order to display the order.
4. Click Reports Information to display reports associated with the selected order.

CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Admin Tool Reports Tab

The Reports tab displays a list of all reports stored in the database.
To view reports:
1. Click the Reports tab.
2. Double-click the report you want to view, or select Patient Reports from the View Patient Data window in the
Patients tab.
3. Click Show Report to display the report.
The View Report Data window appears.


IS Link Admin Tool Window Toolbar

The IS Link Admin Tool window toolbar provides these functions:

Button Option Description

View Data

IS Link Queues

Delete Report You can change the configuration to delete reports. The
default is set to enabled. See System Configuration. To
change this configuration go to the Central Configuration and
change the following path:
islink_configurationVALUE: true
IS Link Central


Exit the Application Exits the IS Link Admin Tool.

CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Configuration
IS Link Software is the gateway that links the CARESTREAM PACS System products with hospital/radiology
information systems (HIS/RIS) through an HL-7 interface. Specifically, IS Link Software provides the system with
patient demographic, visit, and order information. It also allows the system to retrieve clinical reports. IS Link
Software runs as a software module within the system.

See these topics:

Configuring a Converter and Listeners
Configuring IS Link Database Values
Configuring Reports and Orders Values
Configuring Report Parser Values
Configuring Queues and Notifications


Mapping Mechanism
In the IS Link Software, the mapping mechanism allows a change of the default HL-7 mapping to a different field. For
example, where the RIS sends the value of the Exam Start Date field, which it expects to receive from the HL-7 field
OBR-27.4.1, but in fact it sends an OBR-36, the mapping mechanism allows you to change the field mapping of the
Exam Start Date field to OBR-27.4.1 to OBR-36.
Furthermore, the mapping mechanism allows you to perform mappings in the same segment as well as mappings in
different segments. Where mapping has occurred in repeatable fields, the lowest number of repetitions are used.

Mapping Mechanism User Interface

The HL-7 PACS Field Mapping is performed in the System Configuration Tool which displays a list of the fields used in
the IS Link Software. The user interface permits each field to define a number of different points, such as:
HL-7 Mapping
Whether the value of the field received the HL-7 message and if it is passed as is or converted through the
simple mapping table (Dictionary Mechanism) when one of the other CARESTREAM PACS applications uses the IS
Link Software API.
The fields that are part of the synchronization process between the IS Link Software and Storage Management
Software (RIS Sync) process—the reason that caused it to be part of the RIS Sync process, either Not Null in the
IS Link Software or Null in Storage Management Software.
Whether or not the value passed through normalization during the RIS Sync process.
There are three exceptions: Body Part, Modality, and Service Area. These exceptions are from the Complex
Procedures Table by default. The user can select whether it is taken from the Complex Table or the HL-7 Mapping
(that is, the message). If it is taken from the RIS, the rules above apply.
Custom Fields
The IS Link Software and WFM support additional custom fields in the Mapping Table so that more HL-7 information
can be mapped. The IS Link Software supports four new custom fields at the Patient level, four additional string
fields, and a new date field at the Study level.
The user interface for the Dictionary functions of the IS Link Software is in the Central Configuration.
Simple Mapping Table – Dictionary
Lets you define simple translation tables of the various codes being used. You enter a value and receive the converted

Complex Mapping Table – Dictionary
Lets you define a dynamic table in which the number of fields is dynamic. Columns can be added and removed by the
click of a button. The sorting of the table is performed by order of the fields in the user interface.

Enhancements to the complex mapping tables include:

Support of sorting and filtering in the tables.
Improved performance for launching the display of complex tables.


Filtering Cancelled Orders

This feature is found in the Central Configuration under the tag imaginet\system\applications\medilink\api\filters.
This feature lets you filter cancelled orders from the CARESTREAM PACS applications. Generally, information for
cancelled orders is in accordance with HL-7 standards and can arrive either together or individually as an HL-7 ORC-1
(Order Control) field or by ORC-5 (Order Status).

Report Display Filters

This feature is found in the Central Configuration under the tag:
The purpose of this feature is for filtering the display of reports. There are four status levels attached to reports:
Addendum, Final, Preliminary, or Cancelled.
When the filter is performed, the report displayed is always of the level filtered and if that does not exist, then the
level above it. It does not display reports below the required filter level.
In the Central Configuration, it is possible to configure the system to display both final and addendum reports. You
can choose to display either all of the reports or just the most recent report. The date of the most recent report is
based on the observation date. If, for example, no date is written, the report is displayed as being the latest one.
Reports with no status are always displayed regardless of the filter requested.
It is possible to separately configure the display of reports from the CARESTREAM PACS Client and CD Direct Suite.
NOTE: For more information about changing the settings in the Central Configuration, contact Customer Service.

Manual RIS Sync

When the automatic RIS Sync fails for some reason, it is possible to perform the RIS Sync manually. This is
performed from the Storage Management Software Administration Tool. For the manual RIS Sync procedure to work
successfully, both the Patient ID number and the Accession number must be the same.
For more information, see Using Manual RIS-Sync.

Handling Patient IDs

In addition to handling the Patient IDs, you can configure the converter to add a prefix or suffix to the Patient ID. The
configuration can be found at:
In cases where the RIS Patient ID information includes more than one Patient ID, CARESTREAM PACS IS Link
Software can configure the converter so only one Patient ID is used and stored in IS Link. When this configuration is
activated, the Patient IDs that are ignored are not stored in IS Link.

Handling Multiple Patient IDs in IS Link

See also:
Handling Multiple Patient IDs in Database Administrator Tool
If there are several patient IDs in the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software, you can choose which ID is used in the
system. The HL-7 field for the Patient ID is generally composed of the Patient ID plus information such as Assign
Authority and Facility, or the location of the ID in the HL-7 message sent by the RIS or broker.
The CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software configures the converter so only one Patient ID is used during the Patient
Matching process. This ID is stored in the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software database while the remaining
information is ignored. The repetitions flag determines how many repetitions can be used separately. The
configuration can be found at:
The CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software has a feature for handling multiple Patient IDs. This is required when
integrating with a RIS that sends multiple patient IDs such as in a Multi-site environment, the CARESTREAM PACS IS
Link Software can either select one ID and map it as the primary ID to the WFM or use several IDs for the purpose of
displaying it in the Archive Explorer of the Viewer.
When this feature is disabled, by default, the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software chooses the first ID in the
sequence as the primary ID for the patient. When this feature is enabled, the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software
stores all the IDs for the same patient.
In the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software there is no special importance for any particular IDs, as opposed to WFM
where there is only one identifier for the patient and all the other IDs are for display purposes only. In order to make
the IDs stored in CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software available for display, it is necessary to map them from IS Link
to WFM. Only mapped IDs are available to be displayed in the Archive Explorer Viewer.
Multiple Patient IDs are sent in PID3.1 as in this example:
where GLOBALPID10099 is the global Patient ID and LOCALPID3008 is the local Patient ID.

Mapping IDs from the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software to WFM can be performed in two different ways:
1. According to assigning authority. For example, a map ID with the assigning authority "ADT1" to WFM Patient ID
field and the ID with the assigning authority "ADT2" to the WFM Patient Custom field.
2. According to the order of the Patient ID. For example, map only the first ID in the sequence to WFM Patient ID
field and the second ID in sequence to the WFM Patient Custom field.
The preferred and correct method to map IDs from the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software to WFM is according to
Assigning Authorities.
To enable this feature, you must follow these rules:
1. Ensure that each ID you want to display by either assigning authority or by sequence is mapped to a field in WFM.

IMPORTANT: At least one of the IDs must be mapped to the WFM Patient ID field.
2. Ensure that the mapped WFM field used for the mapping is re-syncable.
NOTE: To make a field re-syncable, see Mapping Mechanism.
3. Enable the Patient ID feature.
To add patient ID mappings:
1. Go to:
2. Add patient_id_X entry with
select c.val_id from the MDB_Rep_CX_Field c
where c.current_dbid = (select max(c.current_dbid) from MDB_Rep_CX_Field c
where c.column_dbid = 101 and c.dbid = %u and
c.val_assign_auth_name = 'Assigning_Authority')"
where the ''Assigning_Authority' is changed according to the identifier assigning authority.
Add patient_id_X_mst_map entry with the WFM field name to map as a value
NOTE: X is a sequential number and can be used for each required ID (1, 2, 3 etc…).
The following example shows how to map the Global ID shown above to the Patient ID field in WFM and the Local ID
to the WFM Patient Custom field No. 1.
------------------------START VALUE-----------------------
PATH: imaginet\system\applications\medilink\config\api\multiple_pid\patient_id_1
VALUE: select c.val_id from MDB_Rep_CX_Field c where c.current_dbid = (select max(c.current_dbid) from
MDB_Rep_CX_Field c where c.column_dbid = 101 and c.dbid = %u and c.val_assign_auth_name = 'ADT1')
------------------------END VALUE-----------------------
------------------------START VALUE-----------------------
PATH: imaginet\system\applications\medilink\config\api\multiple_pid\patient_id_1_mst_map
VALUE: patient_id
------------------------END VALUE-----------------------
------------------------START VALUE-----------------------
PATH: imaginet\system\applications\medilink\config\api\multiple_pid\patient_id_2
VALUE: select c.val_id from MDB_Rep_CX_Field c where c.current_dbid = (select max(c.current_dbid) from
MDB_Rep_CX_Field c where c.column_dbid = 101 and c.dbid = %u and c.val_assign_auth_name = 'ADT2')
------------------------END VALUE-----------------------
------------------------START VALUE-----------------------
PATH: imaginet\system\applications\medilink\config\api\multiple_pid\patient_id_2_mst_map
VALUE: patient_custom_field_1
------------------------END VALUE-----------------------


New Site ID
The CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software includes a new site ID option when there are sub-sites within a main site.
This ensures that the report headers and footers are identical, irrespective from where they are sent. The
configuration can be found at:
system/applications/medilink/cgi/report header
To operate the Site ID function, add the site ID under the report header sub-tree. The CARESTREAM PACS IS Link
Software searches for a Site ID. If it does not find one, it uses the default. Additional Site IDs should be added to the
report_footer node and the order_template node.

Saving Observation Data

A configuration exists which allows users to save all the observation data or just one. This relates to Multiple HL-7
OBX Segment observations. You can configure whether to save the data from the first or the last OBX Segment.

Accession Number Automatic Update

When a study is entered into the system with an incorrect accession number and it must be updated via the RIS, an
HL-7 ORM message is sent to the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software containing ZDS segment with the Study
Instance UID and the new accession number in the OBR segment. The RIS Sync updates the study with the new
accession number.
The route of updating accession number by the RIS Sync should be enabled to perform the accession number actual
update. This is performed in the following flow:
When a RIS message including information regarding the Study Instance UID is received, the CARESTREAM
PACS IS Link Software issues an Update Accession Number notification to the RIS Sync process.
The RIS Sync process uses the Study Instance UID to locate the study and update the accession number
according to the new accession number received from the RIS.

HL-7 to PACS Field Mapping Set

The user interface permits each field to define a number of different points, such as:
HL-7 Mapping
Whether the value of the field received the HL-7 message and if it is passed as is or is converted through the
simple mapping table (Dictionary Mechanism) when one of the other applications is the IS Link API.
The fields that are part of the synchronization process between the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software and the
Storage Management Software (RIS Sync) process — the reason that caused it to be part of the RIS Sync
process — is either Not Null in IS Link or Null in Storage Management Software.
Whether or not the value passed through normalization during the RIS Sync process.
There are three exceptions:
Body Part
Service Area
By default, these are taken from the Complex Procedures Table and the user can select whether they are taken from
the Complex Table or the HL-7 Mapping (the message). If it is taken from RIS, the rules above apply.

To Configure the HL to PACS Field Mapping Set

1. On the left pane of the window, click HL7-PACS Field Mapping, then select Default Mapping Set.
2. Click the row that you want to update, then click the Update Field Mapping button at the bottom of the window.
NOTE: The RIS-Sync Configuration area does not appear for selected rows that do not have RIS-SYNC marked as

3. Click Choose HL7 Field.
A window containing a table of all the HL-7 fields appears.
4. Select the required HL-7 field and click OK.
You are returned to the first window.
5. To return to the default settings, click the Restore Default button.
6. To replace the HL-7 value using the dictionary table, check the box to enable the Edit Table button.
7. Click the Edit Table button.
The Old Patient ID Table window appears.
8. Click the Add Data button to add new data.
9. Enter the field Value and add the Converted Value.
10. Edit or Delete any existing value, as required.
11. Click OK to return to the Field Configuration Window.
12. If the Enable RIS-Sync box is checked, you can update the field according to the rule appearing in the drop-down
list. If the box is not checked, the options are grayed out.
13. If you want to Normalize the RIS Value, check the box.
It appears under the Normalized column of the System Configuration table.
14. Click OK.


Dictionary Mechanism
The dictionary consists of:
Simple Dictionary (Mapping Table): The Simple Mapping Table lets you define simple translation tables of the
various codes you are using. You enter a value and receive the converted value.
Complex Dictionary (Mapping Table): The Complex Mapping Table is a dynamic table in which the number of
fields is dynamic. You can add or remove columns with the click of a button. The sorting of the table is
determined by the order of the fields in the user interface.

Configuring the Simple Mapping Tables

1. In the left pane, click Dictionary, then click Simple Mapping Tables.

The window specifying the mapping tables appears.

2. Select a table.
3. Click View.

To: Do this:
Add data 1. Click the Add Data button.
2. Add the new value and converted value.
3. Click Save and Clear to continue adding new values,
4. Click OK when you are done.

Delete a value 1. Select the value and click the Delete Data button.
You are asked to confirm the deletion.
2. Select Yes.

Edit a value 1. Select the value and click the Edit Data button.
The Update Table Data dialog box appears.
2. Change the value.
3. Click OK.
4. Click Exit to return to the main window.

Add a new Mapping Table 1. Click the Add button on the right side.
The Add Simple Mapping Table dialog box appears.
2. Enter the name of the New Table.
3. Click OK.
The new table is added to the list.

Update a Simple Mapping 1. Click the Update button.

Table The Update Simple Mapping Table dialog box appears.
2. Update the Table Name.
3. Click OK.

Delete a Simple Mapping 1. Select the table you want to delete and click the Delete button.
Table You are asked to confirm the deletion.
2. Click Yes.

Configuring the Complex Mapping Tables

1. In the left pane, click Dictionary, then click Complex Mapping Tables.

The window specifying the complex mapping tables appears.
2. Select a table.
3. Click View.


IS Link Maintenance

Pushing Scripts
For a RIS system that does not open a connection to the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software and sends the HL-7
messages through the connection, it is possible to save the messages in a file. The RIS puts these files in a specific
directory and the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software knows where to fetch and read these files, to then insert them
into the database.
The script has two parameters:
The files are saved from the RIS.
The CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software saves the directory after handling the data from within it.

For UNIX Systems


C:\Program Files\Carestream Solutions\System5\medilink\admin\

Deleting Redundant Observations

A script enables the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software to delete redundant observations from the CARESTREAM
PACS IS Link Software database. The script is operated manually and should be run regularly to prevent a build-up of
redundant observations. It does not affect the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software workflow when performed. The
data stored in the database is not harmed by running the script since the responsible observer is the same for all
For UNIX Systems: The script name is delete_redundant_obx.csh.
For a WINDOWS OS: Go to C:\Program Files\Carestream Solutions\System5\medilink\admin.
The script name is delete_redundant_obx.pl.

The CARESTREAM PACS System includes a comprehensive auditing function that tracks all PHI-related activities,
warnings, and failures that occur in the system.
Using the Audit Viewer Tool, Security Administrators can exclude events from auditing and define filters to manage
information collected by the system. This information can be used to trace the source of selected changes to
information in the system, as well as to detect unusual system activity.

See these topics:

Pre-Filtering the Audit Viewer Tool Window
Audit Viewer Tool Window
Archiving an Audit
Managing the Display
Viewing Event Details
Defining General Auditing Settings
Defining Audit Event Settings
Updating Screen Settings
Viewing History
Using the Audit Trail to Export Logs to MICROSOFT EXCEL


Pre-Filtering the Audit Viewer Tool Window

The Audit Viewer Tool window displays the events tracked by the auditing function and provides access to all the
auditing management functions in the system. These include selecting which fields to display in each event and
deciding which events to exclude from the audit.
When accessing the window, you must first create a filter that reduces the number of events displayed to a
manageable number and that do not unduly consume system resources.
1. From the CARESTREAM PACS Admin Home Page, select Administration --> System Monitor --> Audit Trail.
The Filter Events window appears.
2. Enter one or more filter criteria, as follows:
Date Filter—filters events according to the date.
o Between—displays only those events that occurred between selected dates. Enter a date in the From Date
and To Date fields (DD/MM/YYYY format). To use today's date as the start or end date, click Current date.
o Previous—displays only the events that occurred during a specified number of previous days. Enter a
number in the field provided.
o Severity Filter—select the check box next to each event type to display, as follows:

Information—events related to PHI accesses, such as a data query or a login.

Warning—events that could affect the system, such as major configuration changes or start/stop operations
(for example, stopping the Info Router). Any changes made to the list of events that are not audited, as
described in Defining Audit Event Settings, are also considered warning events.

Error—events that indicate any type of failure that affects the availability of the system.

Success Audit—events such as successful logins to the system and other security-related matters.

Failure Audit—events that indicate a security violation, such as an authentication failure (bad login) or an
access control restriction violation attempt.
Field Filter area—filters events according to information contained in selected fields, as follows:
o User Name—the name of the user who performed the action recorded by the event.
o Source—the source of the event, such as the Central Configuration.
o Location—the server on which the event occurred.
o Category—the event type, such as System Access or Account Management.
o Sub Category—the event subtype, such as User Authentication or Security Alert.
o Last Name—the patient’s last name.
o First Name—the patient’s first name.
NOTE: Partial entries and wildcards can be used in these fields.
3. Click OK.
The selected filter criteria are applied and the Audit Viewer Tool window appears. See Audit Viewer Tool Window.
NOTE: To erase all currently defined filter criteria, click Clear.

Audit Viewer Tool Window
The Audit Viewer Tool window displays those events that meet the defined filter criteria. The Events List area includes
those fields that were selected for display.

The Audit Viewer Tool window lets you perform the following actions:
Managing the Display
Viewing Event Details
Defining General Auditing Settings
Defining Audit Event Settings
Updating Screen Settings
Viewing History


Archiving an Audit
The Audit Trail allows the user to periodically export and archive data after a specific time (months).
IMPORTANT: It is the responsibility of the site to back up exported data.
For example, if the script runs once a month, the data from the previous month is exported and archived.
An additional script allows the user to import the archived data back to the database so the user can view its

Managing the Display (Audit Viewer Tool)

You can perform various functions in the Audit Viewer Tool window that determine which information is displayed.

Field Chooser
By default, a set of fields in the study, series, and image level are displayed. Users can change the set of displayed
fields, the order in which they are displayed, and the width of each column.
Field Chooser options are available by right clicking the column headings and selecting the required option. These
options are described below:

To: Do this:
Move a column Click the column header and drag the column to the right or left.
Delete a column Right-click the column you want to delete and select Remove Column.
Change the column Click the edge between two adjacent column headings and drag to the position
width you want.
Add a column Right-click the column header, select Field Chooser, and click Add.
Remove a column Select a field in the right pane, select Field Chooser, and click Remove.
Save changes Right-click the column header and select Save Settings.
NOTE: If you do not save the settings, changes apply only to the current session
and are not saved for new sessions.

Reset the filters Right-click any column in the right pane and select Clear All Filters.
Reset the default Right-click anywhere in the column header and select Set Default Settings.

Changing the Fields Appearing in the Audit Trail Viewer

To add a field:
1. Right-click the column header and select Field Chooser.
The Field Chooser window appears. The left pane lists all available fields in alphabetical order.
2. Select the desired field.
3. Click Add.
The selected field is added to the list in the right pane.

To remove a field:
• Select the field in the right pane and click Remove.

To change the order in which the displayed fields appear:

1. Select the field and use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order.
2. Click OK when complete.

Available Fields for Display

Field Description
ACTION The operation that was performed, such as logging out, retrieving stored images,
DESCRIPTION The event description
FIRST NAME The patient’s first name
LOCATION IP The IP address of the source server
ORIG AE The node (including AE title, if any) that originated the request

SOURCE The name of the application that generated the event
STUDY INSTANCE UID The unique ID number for the study instance
ADDITIONAL (For future use)
DEST AE The node (including AE title, if any) to which the accessed data was sent
LAST NAME The patient’s last name
PATIENT ID The patient ID number
SRC AE The node (including AE title, if any) from which the accessed data was taken
SUB CATEGORY The event subtype
CATEGORY The event type, such as PHI Access or System Access
EVENT DATE The event date
LOCATION The server that was the source of the event
LOG NAME (For future use)
SEVERITY The severity of the event
STUDY ACCESSION NO The Study Accession number used by the RIS
USER NAME The name of the user who initiated the event

Filtering the Display

In addition to the filtering that was performed before the Audit Viewer Tool window appeared, you can filter the
events table according to the information contained in one or more columns. When filters are applied, the criteria are
displayed in the white fields above the relevant column names.

Applying Multiple Filters to the Audit Viewer

1. Do one of the following:

From the Audit Viewer toolbar, click .

From the View menu, select Filter Events.
The Filter Events window appears.
2. Enter one or more filter criteria.

Applying an Individual Filter to the Audit Viewer

1. In the Events List area, click in the white filter criteria field above the relevant column heading and the
corresponding filter window appears.
NOTE: This window is a subset of the Filter Events window.
2. Enter the required filter criteria in the appropriate fields.
3. Click OK.
The events list is filtered and appears according to the individual filter you selected.
In addition, the filter type currently in use is displayed in the white field above the column name.
NOTE: To display all events, select All Events from the View menu.

Sorting the Display

You can sort the information displayed in the Audit Viewer Tool window.
Click a column heading to sort the entire list by that item in ascending order.
Click the same column name again to sort the list in descending order.

Refreshing the Display

You can refresh the information displayed in the Audit Viewer Tool window.

From the Audit Viewer toolbar, click .

From the View menu, select Refresh.
The Audit Viewer Tool window is updated with the latest information.


Viewing Event Details

You can view the details of an event in a separate pop-up window, as required.
1. Do one of the following:
From the View menu, select Event Details.
Double-click the required event.
The Event Details window appears.
The Event Details window includes the most important information about the selected event, such as the event
description, the category/subcategory, and the operation.
2. (Optional) Click Prev and Next to view the details of other events in the Events List area.
NOTE: The fields displayed in the Event Details window are fixed and do not reflect the selections made in the
Add/Remove Fields window.

Defining General Auditing Settings

The General Settings tab of the Settings window lets you enable or disable the auditing function. No events that take
place in the system are recorded while the auditing function is disabled.
NOTE: The auditing feature of the CARESTREAM PACS System is a critical last line of defense against misuse of the
information contained in the system. It should never be disabled, except by authorized personnel in consultation with
Carestream Health, Inc.
1. Do one of the following:

From the Audit Viewer toolbar, click Audit Events Settings .

From the Settings menu, select Audit Configuration.
The Settings window appears.
2. In the Audit Status area, select Enable to turn the auditing function on or Disable to turn it off.
3. Click OK.
NOTE: Enabling and disabling the auditing function are considered Warning-level events. If you choose to disable the
auditing function, this operation is recorded as the last event before auditing stops.

See this topic:

Defining Audit Event Settings

Defining Audit Event Settings

The Audit Event Settings tab of the Settings window lets you create discard rules, which define the events that should
be excluded from the auditing process. Each rule includes a field name and one or more specific values. Any events
matching the criteria defined by these rules are not audited by the system.
For example, events related to internal operations performed by automatic processes, such as image transfers by the
CAM, can be excluded to prevent the system from becoming overloaded with audit messages.
1. Do one of the following:

From the Audit Viewer toolbar, click Audit Event Settings .

From the Settings menu, select Audit Configuration.
The Settings window appears.
2. Select the Audit Event Settings tab.

3. To add a field to exclude from auditing, click Add field .

4. Select one of the following field names from the pop-up menu:
5. Click OK.

The selected field name appears in the Field Name list.
6. Select the field name, right-click, then select Add Value from the pop-up menu.
7. In the pop-up window, enter the field value to exclude from auditing.
8. Click OK.
The value appears in the Field Values list.
9. (Optional) Repeat steps 5 and 6 to define additional values for the selected field name.
10. Repeat steps 3 through 8 to define additional discard rules.
11. Click OK to save the settings.
NOTE: To delete a field value, select it from the Field Values list, right-click, and select Remove Value.

To delete a field name, select it from the Field Name list and click .

See this topic:

Defining General Auditing Settings

Updating Screen Settings

The Update Settings window lets you define the automatic refresh interval for the events that display in the Audit
Viewer Tool window.
1. Do one of the following:

From the Audit Viewer toolbar, click .

From the Settings menu, select Display Settings.
The Update Settings window appears.
2. Select the Automatic Refresh check box to have the system automatically update the events displayed in the Audit
Viewer Tool window.
3. In the Refresh Interval field, select the interval for performing automatic refresh (in seconds).
4. Click OK to save the settings.

Viewing History
The History Viewing function allows you to view audits either online or offline. Audits that are kept offline prevent the
list of the Audit Trail Viewer from become overloaded. The time parameters for when events are taken offline is
1. From the View option of the menu bar, choose Select Audit Repository.
2. Choose Audit Offline.
The offline Audit View trail appears.

See this topic:

Using the Audit Trail to Export Logs to MICROSOFT EXCEL

Using the Audit Trail to Export Logs to MICROSOFT EXCEL

You can export logs in the Audit Trail Viewer and store them on your computer in a CSV (comma separated value)

1. Click Export .
2. In the Export Audit to File window, select the location to save the file.
3. Click OK.

Workflow Management

Highly modular system design ensures scalability and easy expansion to accommodate growing and evolving
Open standards-based system guarantees easy integration and connectivity with other imaging and health care
information systems.
Unique hybrid distributed/centralized system architecture assures fault tolerance.
Storage solutions range from magnetic disk/RAID-based short-term buffers to multi-layered DLT libraries, or any
other library compatible with and supported by NetBackup, offering terabytes of capacity.
Multiple backup features provide high redundancy and fault tolerance.
Intelligent management and image compression software minimizes costs.
All functions are Web enabled and Web controlled.
RIS-PACS synchronization ensures that all data and images stored are always up-to-date and are the same as
the hospital records.
The Workflow Manager is a “r;privacy-enabled” system that provides tools that facilitate compliance with HIPAA

Workflow Grid
The Workflow Grid system allows for multi-site configurations to include the following capabilities:
1. Sharing studies throughout an organization.
2. Creation of a Data Center.
3. Cross-reading between hospitals.
4. The ability to perform multiple functions using one system.
These capabilities provide a true "virtualization" of the reading process across various sites, regardless of the physical
architecture and supporting various configurations and relationships between sites. The Workflow Grid technology
supports the following key features:
Global Worklist—users can access a single Worklist representing their "to do" list – studies that need to be read,
even if studies included in the list are stored in different physical locations.
Unified Workflow—users can use the same workflow whey reading studies stored in different locations, including
having all relevant study information together with updated statuses.
Study Tunneling—the system is able to select the fastest and most efficient route in certain scenarios where the
user retrieves studies located on a remote server. This involves the use of streaming technology on a per-study
Data Integrity—a synchronization process between sites with a mechanism to ensure that all relevant data is
synchronized correctly and to be able to recover from scenarios where the synchronization was interrupted.
Since the system is flexible it supports the configuring of different levels of synchronization to balance properly
between the need of updated data and database and network overloads.
Supporting Unlimited Architecture—The "building blocks" composing the technical solution of Super PACS are
designed so that they support a wide variety of configurations and can be tailored for specific use cases when

SUPERPACS Building Blocks
The Super PACS architecture is based on two key elements:
1. Server Metadata Synchronization
2. Protocol Tunneling
Each server in a multi-site environment has its own database and is able to work independently of other servers
belonging to this environment. At the same time, each server is defined as a Server (Target Server) synchronized
against another server (Original Server).

Enhanced Metadata Synchronization Mechanism

The database synchronization mechanism only handles synchronization of metadata (database) between sites.
Where there is a need to also synchronize images between sites, then this synchronization is supported through the
existing Info Router mechanism.
The synchronization mechanism is triggered by the Target Server (DC Server)—the target server should keep an
updated status of the last database synchronization performed and also be responsible for continuous
synchronization. This means, the synchronization is based on a "Pull" mechanism (target server pulls information
from the original server) and not a "Push" mechanism. The target server maintains a "Synchronization Table" against
each original server with regard to both new records and modification of records at original server.
The Synchronization Mechanism also allows the following metadata tags to be updated:
Merge-Split Operations—"Target Server" can synchronize metadata from the original server after a merge-split
Order and Report Metadata Information—The report itself should be treated as any other image.
Any study-relevant Information—such as Teaching File, Sticky Notes, related presentations are available from
the Target Server.
The Synchronization Mechanism supports the following capabilities:
The synchronization mechanism can work in study level or image level according to the site/Data Center
requirements. For example, in a Global WorkList scenario the synchronization can be in study level only (to
reduce load on the system and database) and in a backup Data Center the synchronization can be in image level
The Synchronization mechanism supports bi-directional synchronization where needed.
The Synchronization mechanism replaces the old NPD/Update tags mechanism to sync sites. It can be used to
create mirror sites/sync test environments etc.
The Synchronization is supported between CARESTREAM PACS v11 servers only.
Not all metadata details are equally important and therefore the metadata tags are divided into groups and each
group of metadata tags are handled separately.

All metadata tags related to Study Status (such as "Locked By") these are maintained as one group and are
synchronized between sites every five seconds. Whereas all metadata tags related to Teaching File information (such
as ACR Codes or Pathology) are maintained as one group and synchronized between sites every 60 seconds.
Since the study level details are of most interest, only these details are synchronized between sites. If other Series
Level or Image Level information is required this is performed on an "as required" basis.

Workflow Management

Supporting Multiple Patient Ids (PIX)

As part of the enhanced metadata synchronization mechanism, the Patient ID becomes a special metadata object.
In scenarios where the same Patient ID is associated with 2 different patients, there are 2 levels of sophistication in
multi-site configurations:
1. The basic level for any multi-site configuration to be able to properly identify scenarios where the same patient ID
is issued by different sites and therefore potentially representing different patients.
2. A more complex level for multi-site configurations maintaining a "matching" matrix of multiple-patient Ids (either
by RIS or dedicated PIX Manager software) to be able to inherently support the system.
To support these scenarios, the system is able to manage "Issuer" information for each Patient ID – from which site a
specific Patient ID was retrieved. When such information exists in HL7 or DICOM the system knows how to retrieve
and store it properly. When the information doesn't exist in HL7 or DICOM, sites can configure default values to be
A configuration flag turns off usage of the "Issuer". This is required for single-site scenarios where there is no need
to manage issuer information.
The Patient ID together with the Issuer serves as a unique identifier across the system.
When the Patient Mini Archive queries for additional studies belonging to the same patient, it no longer queries
according to Patient ID only but rather queries according to the combination of both Patient ID and Issuer.

Tunneling Protocol
Tunneling is a new mechanism that enables efficient and intelligent routing of study data between any multiple
The main benefits of the Tunneling Protocol are:
Allows a CONN-based connection between clients and remote servers, i.e. servers at other sites.
Integrated support over GRID: Secured (SSL) / Non Secured and FAST/Streaming loading.
Performance optimization—The new mechanism knows the most optimized way to perform each operation.
It supports the following capabilities:
Querying an operation to a remote server including DICOM tags and proprietary information such as Order and
Report information, Sticky Notes and Teaching Files information.
Images are automatically retrieved from their fastest location. Seamlessly switching between lossless and
streaming technology.
Abstracting the sites infrastructure—the user can easily get data from a distant and unknown PACS, without
having any connection or knowledge of that site.
Enhanced speed—data is streamed through the tunneling mechanism, so there is no need to wait, a complete
study “travels” across all nodes until it is displayed to the user.

Workflow Management

Working with a Global Worklist

The term Global Worklist refers to a worklist composed of information arriving from different sites. It is a folder of a
"Target Server" which synchronizes information from one or more original servers, usually a Data Center server. In
addition, the target server is defined as a server supporting the tunneling protocol.
The Global Worklist can be used in 2 ways:
Login directly to the Data Center Sever and use any folder on that server; or
Login to their local server and from the Archive Explorer focus on the Data Center archive and use any of the
folders under that archive.
Since some of the studies appearing on the list may be stored at different locations, this may affect the workflow as
studies retrieved from remote locations arrive in Progressive Quality Mode (Lossy), so users have an indication of the
location of the study and the potential implications resulting from its location.
The "Study Availability" column indicates the relevant storage tier on which the study is available. When a study is
available from several locations, the value indicated is the value most relevant to the user.
The Expected Rate column indicates how fast and in which quality the requested study will arrive according to the
location of the user. The values are as follows:

Fast, Best Quality For studies available either on local, Online or Online2 tiers and arriving in best
quality mode.
Slow, Best Quality For studies available nearline arriving in best quality mode (the user is physically
connected on a slow network to the server on which the study is stored).
Fast, Progressive Quality For studies available either on Online or Online2 tiers and arriving in progressive
Slow, Progressive Quality For studies available on nearline arriving in progressive quality.
Unavailable For offline studies.

NOTE: The Fast and Slow values indicated in the Expected Rate column refer to the expected rate derived by storage
tier—online / nearline / offline—and not to the traditional internal referral of a fast network versus a slow network.

Loading a Study from a Global Worklist

The system automatically decides whether to stream a study in progressive mode or to load it in regular Best Quality
mode based upon the location of the study compared to the location of where the user is logged in. When the user is
logged in to their local server using a wide network and then decides to work against the Data Center archive—the
global worklist—the studies that are physically available on the local server are loaded in regular best quality mode.
Studies physically available on a remote server are loaded in progressive quality mode.
Where the user is logged in to a remote server, either the Data Center server or any other server, all studies are
loaded using progressive quality mode, since the connection between the user and the server is based on a slow
NOTE: The exception to these rules is where a study is physically pushed to the user's PC.

Priors Policy
The important parameter of the streaming policy is the location of the studies and not the login mode.
The DP Streaming flag should be used as follows:
The flag must always be used and not limited to specific login modes
The flag determines whether to bring priors or not based on the location of the priors
The behavior supported by using this flag is as follows:
When set to True, the DP always retrieves priors as define in the DP rules, regardless of their location.
When set to False the process is to first identify the prior studies that should be loaded based on the DP rules
and then, from those studies only automatically load priors available on a fast network.

Patient Portfolio Information

All relevant patient portfolio information is mainly available through the Patient Mini Archive and reporting dialogs.
Users working against a local server's folder (with no visibility to the Global Worklist) have access only to studies
available on the local server.
Users working against the Global Worklist have access to studies available on the Data Center server.

Export Operations
Export operations, such as Key Images or Saving DICOM images, are performed against the original server from
which the study was retrieved. When the user is working against a Global Worklist and is loading studies from

different locations, then for each study the exported data is saved automat9cally to the server from which the study
was retrieved from.

CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager Overview

Online Storage Management Software for the CARESTREAM PACS System comes equipped with numerous
components that let you properly configure and tune the system for the specific needs and requests of each facility.
Proper configuration can enhance system performance, as well as save time and resources.
To optimize Workflow Manager usage in your organization, you must understand the automatic processes that the
Workflow Manager performs. The Workflow Manager is a multi-tier, multimedia repository for diagnostic images and
related clinical data. It provides short-, mid-, and long-term cost-effective storage solutions through a highly flexible
set of hardware and software configurations, ranging from RAID-based short-term buffers to multilayered,
Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM)-controlled repositories, offering terabytes of storage capacity. Highly
configurable and easy to upgrade, the Workflow Manager offers the best digital archiving solution to any clinic,
hospital, or health care organization. It provides the following features:
Modular system design ensures easy expansion to accommodate growing storage and archiving needs.
Hybrid distributed/centralized system architecture.
Intelligent management software minimizes hardware costs.
Open standards-based system guarantees easy integration and interoperability with other systems.
Supports both Storage Area Network (SAN) and Network Attached Storage (NAS) storage architectures.
Privacy Enabled System (facilitates compliance with HIPAA requirements)
Access Control Management Tool is used to control the access that each user has to the data in the Workflow
Manager. For example, a user might be restricted to viewing images from a specific modality. Access control is
performed by setting different levels of restrictions, based on the user, the group to which the user belongs, or the
node being used to query the server.
Online Storage Management Functionality describes the functions performed automatically by the Online Storage
Management (OLSM), including DICOM Parsing, Online Storage Management Auto Delete, Patient Matching, and RIS-
PACS Synchronization, and Pre-Fetch. See Online Storage Management Tasks.
Long-Term Storage Manager Functionality describes the functions performed automatically by Long-Term Storage
Manager, including Long-Term Storage Manager Auto Delete, Cloning, and Backup to Long-Term Storage. References
to configuration and management procedures are provided for each function. Long-Term Storage Manager and Online
Storage Management communicate with the various modalities, HIS or RIS, as well as with CARESTREAM PACS Client
reading stations.

Workflow Manager Architecture Solutions

Standalone (WINDOWS only)
The CARESTREAM PACS Server and a single workstation are installed on a single PC.
Single Server
The CARESTREAM PACS Server is installed on a single server, based on SUN Solaris or MICROSOFT WINDOWS Server
Cluster Installation (UNIX or WINDOWS)
Clustered configuration provides increased availability by running the application and database on different servers.
In case of a server failure, the remaining server automatically takes over the role of the failed server (and both the
application and the database run on the same server). The servers are used in an Active-Active cluster.
Cold Spare (UNIX or WINDOWS)
The CARESTREAM PACS system is installed on a single server and an additional server is installed, but remains shut
down. In case of server failure the cold spare server is activated manually, allowing business continuity. All studies
are available.
Multi-Tier Archive
The CARESTREAM PACS System enables Image Life Cycle Management. It is possible to have multiple storage tiers
and to configure storage plans for image groups.
EMC Centera Support
EMC Centera storage is supported as an additional tier to the archive and can be used as near-line or online storage
for images. For additional details, contact your support representative.
Long Term Storage Manager for the CARESTREAM PACS System.
It is possible to add an On-Line Storage Manager to an existing Workflow Manager. The OLSM serves as an additional
in-house or remote storage facility.

Workflow Management

Synchronized Workflow Managers

The CARESTREAM PACS System allows synchronization of the Worklist between two or more remote PACS sites.
Load Balancing Configuration (Distributed Architecture)
The load balancing configuration allows installation of multiple servers, each running the PACS software. The work is
load-balanced among the servers.
Installation and Upgrades
You can install and upgrade all server architecture components in a single installation. The installation/upgrade
process supports the installation of all server architectures, automatically configuring the server to work in the
desired configuration. The installation/upgrade process installs the components required for each architecture
solution, so there it is not necessary to install each product separately.
When predefined installation and upgrade scenarios are deployed, you still need to configure the system according to
customer-specific requirements.

Encrypted Workflow Manager

Encrypted Workflow Manager is a UNIX server configuration. The purpose of this configuration is to prevent
unauthorized access to sensitive patient information.
Sensitive patient data is saved and encrypted in two places:
1. Database
2. DICOM Images files
By default, the patient information encrypted is:
Patient ID
Patient Name
Patient Birth Date
The sensitive information is password protected. Each time the PACS server starts, the PACS system administrator
provides a password to enable encryption and decryption of the sensitive patient information in both database
columns and DICOM images files.
If the password is not supplied, all access to encrypted DICOM images tags and encrypted database columns fails.
PACS system processes that access sensitive information cannot function.

See these topics:

Database Encryption
DICOM Image Encryption

DICOM Image Encryption

Encryption of sensitive information in DICOM images files is performed by the PACS application:
The PACS system configuration determines the tags that are encrypted in DICOM images files.
After providing the access-password, encryption and decryption of sensitive DICOM tags is enabled for all PACS
applications until the server is shut down or the administrator provides a lock-password:
o On store—the DICOM server encrypts the specified tags before writing an image to disk.
o On Load—after reading an image from disk, the PACS applications decrypt the specified tags.
To configure DICOM encryption:
1. After you install encrypted Workflow Manager, go to:
2. To enable encryption of DICOM images, set this flag to TRUE:
3. Go to imaginet\system\applications\default\deidentify.
There is a list of tags that can be encrypted.
4. Go to imaginet\system\applications\medistore\fir\encryption\encrypt_pixel_data.
To encrypt the pixel data tag, you can stipulate specific AE Titles for DICOM images coming from specific AE Titles.

Database Encryption
The CARESTREAM PACS system can use the ORACLE 10 Transparent Data Encryption mechanism to encrypt sensitive
database columns. The encryption is almost transparent to PACS applications.
During installation, specific database columns are marked as encrypted.
After providing the access-password, encryption and decryption of sensitive database columns is enabled for all
applications, until the database instance is shut down or the system administrator provides a lock-password:
o On store—each time patient data is saved to the database, ORACLE encrypts the data before writing it to an
encrypted column.
o On query/load—each time a PACS application queries the sensitive data, Oracle decrypts the sensitive
columns before sending data to the application.

Online Storage Management

Online Storage Management is the Workflow Manager DICOM server. Online Storage Management acts as a DICOM-3
Service Provider, supplying store and query-retrieve services, and manages all the online image archiving, such as
image storage and retrieval.
Online Storage Management supports an image protection mechanism, key image marking, and image deletion
capabilities, in conjunction with the viewing stations.
Online Storage Management uses an ORACLE 10 database for storing the image metadata, such as patient data and
study data. This enables Online Storage Management to handle large numbers of studies and to perform quick
queries according to different criteria. The images are organized in Carestream Health, Inc.'s proprietary hierarchical
structure and saved to disk using lossless compression.
Because the type of storage hardware is transparent to the Online Storage Management software, Online Storage
Management can support a virtually unlimited amount of data, stored on disks or RAIDs. Since images can be spread
over multiple storage devices, Online Storage Management can be expanded at any time by adding storage devices
such as disks or RAIDs.
The CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager system is highly modular and can contain several servers, each running
Online Storage Management controlling its own storage devices. Each server can serve different groups of users, thus
making the system scalable.
All Online Storage Management servers share the same central database. Online Storage Management enables the
actual image location to be transparent to the client viewing the images.
For example, images may be near-line, meaning that the images reside on the Long-Term Storage Manager. When
requests for near-line images arrive at the Online Storage Management, Online Storage Management automatically
requests the images from the Long-Term Storage Manager. The client receives the images from the Long-Term
Storage Manager Server, without having explicitly requested them from this repository.

Online Storage Management Functionality

Online Storage Management is the main image repository. It can store, retrieve, and load images as required,
enabling users to access the patient and study data currently held in the system. In addition, the Online Storage
Management server performs a variety of automatic operations to ensure that the system functions optimally,
Database Admin Tool
Field Chooser and User Configurations
Viewing Study and Report Information
Updating Series Information
Merging/Splitting at Image Level
Protecting/Unprotecting Studies
Online Storage Management Tasks
DICOM Parsing
RIS-PACS Synchronization

Workflow Management

Database Admin Tool

See these topics:

Field Chooser and User Configurations
Viewing Study and Report Information
Updating Series Information
Merging/Splitting at Image Level
Protecting/Unprotecting Studies
Multiple Patient ID Support

Storage Management Admin Tool Window Toolbar
The Storage Management Admin Tool window toolbar lets you perform various common operations, such as updating
patient and study details, moving studies, and viewing study location. The Storage Management Admin Tool window
toolbar contains the following options:

Button Option Description

Update Patient Lets you update patient details for one or more patients.
Update Study Details Lets you update study details for one or more patients.

Merge Patient Lets you move one or more studies attached to an incorrect patient to
the correct patient.

Split Patient Lets you move one or more studies attached to an incorrect patient to a
newly created patient.

Refresh Online Lets you manually refresh the data that appears in the Studies List area.

Display Settings Lets you configure the automatic refresh settings and the maximum
rows of data that display in the Studies List area.

View Filter Window Lets you filter the data that appears in the Studies List area using single
or multiple filter criteria.

Study Location Lets you search for and view the location of one or more studies in the

Study Media Lets you search for and view the location of the backup media for one or
more studies in the system.

Manual RIS-Sync Lets you perform a manual synchronization between the RIS and the
Online Storage Manager.

Exit Lets you exit from the Storage Management Admin Tool and return to
the CARESTREAM PACS Admin Home Page.
Explore Study Lets you explore the series in more detail.

Create Structured Lets you create a Structured Report.


Delete Study Lets you delete a study.

Protect Study Lets you protect a study from deletion or changes.

Unprotect Study Lets you remove the protect status.

Workflow Management

Storage Management Admin Tool Window Menu Bar

Menu Option Description
File Refresh Lets you manually refresh the data that appears in the Studies List area.
Exit Lets you exit from the Storage Management Admin Tool and return to the
PACS Admin Home Page.
Edit Update Patient Lets you update patient details for one or more patients.
Update Study Lets you update study details for one or more patients.
Display Settings Lets you configure the automatic refresh settings and the maximum rows of
data that display in the Studies List area.
Edit Modality List Lets you update, add, or remove modalities from the configuration.
View Filter Dialog Lets you filter the data that appears in the Studies List area using single or
multiple filter criteria.
Server Settings Lets you configure server settings, such as Online Storage Management
and Long-Term Storage Manager Auto Delete parameters, DICOM parsing
rules, and so on. For more information, contact Customer Service.
Study Location Lets you search for and view the location of one or more studies in the
Study Media Lets you search for and view the location of the backup media for one or
more studies in the system.
Tools Merge Patient Lets you move one or more studies that are attached to an incorrect patient
to the correct patient.
Manual RIS-Sync Lets you perform a manual synchronization between the RIS and the Online
Storage Manager.
Split Patient Lets you move one or more studies that are attached to an incorrect patient
to a newly created patient.
Help About Displays information about the current Storage Management Admin Tool
software version.

Storage Management Admin Tool Right-Click Menu
The Storage Management Admin Tool right-click menu appears when you right-click on a study in the Studies List
area. This lets you perform frequently used functions.

Workflow Management

Field Chooser and User Configurations

The database admin tool supports the configuration and saves the column settings. By default, a set of fields in the
study, series, and image level are displayed. Users can change the set of displayed fields, the order in which they are
displayed, and the width of each column.
The user interface to perform these changes is similar to that used in the CARESTREAM PACS Client. All changes are
available at the Study, Series, and Image level.

To: Do this:
Move a column Left-click the column header and drag the column to the right or
Delete a column Right-click the column you want to delete and select Remove
Change the column width Left-click the edge between two adjacent column headings and drag
to the position you want.
Add a column Right-click anywhere on the column header, select Field Chooser,
and click Add.
Remove a column Select a field in the right pane, select Field Chooser, and click
Save changes Right-click anywhere in the column header and select Save Settings.
NOTE: If you do not save the settings, changes apply only to the
current session and are not saved for new sessions.

Reset the filters Right-click any column in the right pane and select Clear All Filters.
Reset the default settings Right-click anywhere in the column header and select Set Default

To change the fields appearing in the Database Admin Tool:

1. Right-click anywhere on the column header and select Field Chooser.

The Field Chooser window appears. The left pane lists all available fields in alphabetical order.

2. Click the desired field.
3. Click Add.
The chosen field is added to the list on the right pane, which lists the fields to be displayed.
4. To remove a displayed field, highlight a field in the right pane.
5. Click Remove.
6. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order in which the displayed fields appear.
7. Click OK when complete.

Workflow Management

Viewing Study and Report Information

The Database Admin Tool provides the administrator with the ability to view the study images.

To view a study from the Database Admin Tool:

1. From the Database Admin Tool, choose the study you wish to view.
2. Click View Study icon.
Right-click a study, then select View Study.
3. You can also view any report information related to the study being viewed, if available.
If the decision of which study to be viewed is not unique (for example, where the study does not have an
accession number), a dialog containing all relevant studies appears. Select a study and click Load or Cancel.
NOTE: This operation is limited to a single study. If you do not have URL activation permissions, the View Study icon
is disabled.

Updating Series Information

The Database Admin Tool allows the user to update Series Information, in addition to the patient and study
1. From the Database Admin Tool, double-click the study for the series you want to update.
The Series Details window appears.
2. Click Update Series icon.
Right-click on the study to be viewed and choose Update Series.
3. If you want to update multiple series, select the series to update.
A prompt appears.
4. Click Yes.
The Update Series Data window appears.
5. Update the series as required.
NOTE: Updating the Modality field at Series Level affects the Modality field at Study level. If multiple studies are
updated in the same process, the Series Number field is blocked and changes cannot be made.

Merging/Splitting at Image Level

You can explore the series to view image level information. The Database Admin Tool allows the user to move an
image to a different series to either merge it to an existing series or split it into a new series. The Merge and Split
operation is similar to that performed at both series and study levels.
Merging a Series
1. From the Image Details window of the Database Admin Tool, select an image.
2. Click Merge to Series.
The Select Target Series for Merge window appears.

3. Complete the details in the fields.
4. Click Search Series.
A list of series appears.
5. Select the series.
6. Click OK.
The details are entered automatically into the Select Target Series for Merge window.
7. Click OK.
A prompt appears.
8. Click OK.
Splitting a Series
1. From the Image Details window of the Database Admin Tool, select an image.
2. Click Split from Series.
The Select Target Study window appears.

Workflow Management

3. Click Search Study to find the study.

The Select a Study window appears.
4. Select a study.
5. Click OK.
The details of the study are entered automatically into the fields of the Select Target Study window.
6. Click OK.
The Split Series window appears.
7. Complete the fields.
8. Click OK.
A prompt appears.
9. Click OK.

Protecting and Unprotecting Studies
The Database Admin Tool allows you to mark a study as Protected or to revert a protected study to Unprotected.
Studies that are protected are not influenced by the auto-delete process or from any manual deletion operation.

To protect a study:
1. From the Database Admin Tool, select a study.
2. Click Protect Study.
3. Click Refresh.
The protection status of the study is displayed in the Study Locked column.
NOTE: For details of how to view the Study Locked column, refer to the description for using the Field Chooser.

To unprotect a study:
1. From the Database Admin Tool, select a study.
2. Click Unprotect Study.
3. Click Refresh.
The protection status of the study is displayed in the Study Locked column.

Workflow Management

Multiple Patient ID Support (PIX) in Database Administrator Tool

Within a SuperPACS environment a single patient might have several different PIDs provided by different users.
All IDs can be viewed in the Admin Tool. An ID connected to the default issuer can be viewed in the main study list.
All other IDs are viewed in a separate window.
NOTE: The Issuer column in the Admin Tool is not displayed by default. To view the column you must use the Field
Chooser feature.
The PIDs are issued by an Issuer. An issuer is mandatory and is handled by the Admin Tool in the Workflow Manager.

Once the feature has been activated, a new Manage Patient ID option is added to the right-click menu when you click
on study.

The Manage Patient ID option is not shown by default, you can add it through the system configuration tool:
imaginet\system\applications\medistore\admintool\use_pid_manager = TRUE (default)
Note: The update patient dialog will not allow changing patient ID/issuer anymore
It is now possible to view, add or update a PID.

To delete an existing PID:
All operations are synced except Delete. The Delete button is disabled by default.
To change the default setting, go to:
set imaginet\system\applications\medistore\admintool\allow_pid_delete = TRUE
Once enabled, a Delete key appears:

Workflow Management

Online Storage Management Tasks

The main image repository, Online Storage Management, stores, retrieves, and loads images. It lets you access the
patient and study data currently held in the system. In addition, the Online Storage Management server performs a
variety of automatic operations to ensure that the system functions optimally.

See these topics:

Configuring Patient Matching DICOM Parameters
RIS Patient Matching
Patient ID Uniqueness Validation
Image Resend
Displaying SOP Instance UID Alerts

Online Storage Management Auto Delete
The Online Storage Management system serves as the main image repository in the Web Distribution System. Images
from current studies based on queries received from operators are loaded, stored on, and retrieved from the Online
Storage Management system, as required.
Since there is a finite amount of disk space on the Online Storage Management system, space must be cleared
periodically by removing those studies that are least likely to be required. Removing studies is managed by the Auto
Delete process, which is governed by a set of configurable rules or priorities, customized to meet each site's specific
needs. Once the rules are configured, this process operates automatically, without the need for user intervention.
The Online Storage Management Auto Delete process is triggered by a configurable timing schedule whenever the
available free online disk space falls below a user-defined threshold (low watermark). When this threshold is reached,
the Auto Delete process is invoked each night at a preconfigured time and deletes studies until the free space rises
above a (second) user-defined threshold (high watermark). The default time set during the installation of Online
Storage Management is 3:00 a.m.
The Online Storage Management Auto Delete process also writes a report into the standard log file (usually
/usr/tmp/TAMAR_LOG), logging all of the delete actions.
NOTE: Online Storage Management Auto Delete rules and Auto Delete threshold parameters can be configured. For
more information, contact Customer Service.
The Online Storage Management Auto Delete process consists of two phases:
Studies Removal
Database Analysis

Workflow Management

Patient ID Uniqueness Validation

The Patient ID Uniqueness Validation process handles conflicts resulting from the Patient Matching process. If a
Patient ID has been assigned to multiple patients, the system assigns a new ID number to each repetition. A new
Patient ID is generated when all of the following conditions occur simultaneously:
A study is stored in the Workflow Manager.
The Patient Matching check detects that the study is for a new patient.
A patient with the same Patient ID already exists in the Workflow Manager.
A new Patient ID is generated to preserve Patient ID uniqueness, as defined in the DICOM standard for supporting the
patient root model. The newly generated Patient ID is constructed from the original Patient ID, linked with $$$ to a
serial number.
For example, a patient with Patient ID 1234 exists in the Workflow Manager. Any new patient (according to the
Patient Matching algorithm definition) with the same Patient ID is assigned Patient ID 1234$$$1, or 1234$$$2, and
so on. In this way, the original Patient ID is visible to the user and it is noticeable that it was changed by the system.

Image Resend
The Image Resend process prevents images from being archived multiple times. It protects the database from storing
duplicate images and assures that the stored image represents the latest version received by the database.
Images are usually added to the database as part of a study. Individual images can later be retrieved from online
storage, manipulated, and returned to storage. When the image is returned to storage, it overrides the older image.
Before an individual image is added to the database, a cross-reference check is performed to determine whether an
image with the same SOP instance UID already resides in the Workflow Manager database. If such an image is found,
the Workflow Manager verifies that the incoming image and the stored image have the same series instance UID and
study instance UID. Only after this verification does the incoming image override the older image. If a difference is
found in one of the SOP instances, the image is rejected.

Workflow Management

Displaying SOP Instance UID Alerts

Some modalities assign the same SOP instance UID to images from different studies. When this occurs, these images
are rejected. Therefore, operators of modalities should watch for rejections of images by the server and report such
events to the PACS Administrator.
The system administrator should also regularly review log messages for rejections (for example, at least once a day,
or more frequently when there is a high volume of incoming data). If any such events are found, the system
administrator should notify the PACS Administrator.

Studies Removal
The studies to be removed are selected as follows:
To avoid any possibility of losing image data, only images that are already backed up in the long-term storage
are deleted.
If the system has long-term storage, the studies are removed from the disk, but the database entries remain
untouched. If a removed study is requested in the future, it is retrieved from long-term storage. If the system
does not have long-term storage, the studies are removed from the disk and from the database.
Studies are removed according to their priority group categories, starting from the least important group and
ascending hierarchically until the process is completed. Within each group, studies are sorted according to the
least recently accessed rule, meaning that the least recently accessed studies are deleted first.

Storage Management Admin Tool Overview

The Storage Management Admin Tool is a Web-based utility that lets you monitor and control the system data. Use
the Storage Management Admin Tool to view patient and study data, update and edit information, and perform more
advanced manipulations such as merging or splitting studies.
NOTE: The JAVA plug-in must be installed to use the Storage Management Admin Tool. See System Requirements for
Admin Tools.

See these topics:

Opening the Storage Management Admin Tool
Using the Storage Management Admin Tool Window

Opening the Storage Management Admin Tool

The Storage Management Admin Tool can be accessed through the CARESTREAM PACS Admin Home Page, using any
supported Web browser. This is similar to all other CARESTREAM PACS products, which are accessed through this
central location.
1. In your browser, type the address (URL) of the Online Storage Management server and press Enter.
You are connected to the local server.
2. Click Administration.
The PACS Admin home page appears.
3. Select Workflow Manager --> Database Admin.
The Enter Network Password window appears.
4. In the Login field, enter your assigned login name.
5. In the Password field, enter your assigned password.
6. Click OK.
The Enter Filter Values window appears, letting you filter the studies you want to load.
7. Enter the required filter criteria.
See Filtering the Studies List for more information about filtering the list initially, as well as filtering it further at
any time.
NOTE: It is important to apply filters in order to make the list of studies a workable size.
8. Click OK.
The Storage Management Admin Tool window appears.

Workflow Management

Using the Storage Management Admin Tool Window

The Storage Management Admin Tool window displays a list of the studies currently stored in Storage Management
and provides access to all the Storage Management administration functions. These functions include updating patient
or study details, merging or splitting studies, filtering or sorting the studies list, viewing a study’s location or backup
media, and so on.

See these topics:

Managing the Display
Updating Patient Details
Updating Study Details
Moving Studies to Another Patient
Locating Studies
Viewing Backup Media for Studies
Exiting the Storage Management Admin Tool

Managing the Display (Storage Management Admin Tool)

You can manage the studies displayed in the Studies List area by performing these standard functions:
Filtering the Studies List
Sorting the Studies List
Configuring Display Settings for the Storage Management Admin Tool
Refreshing the Studies List

Filtering the Studies List (Storage Management Admin Tool)
The studies list can be filtered according to the information contained in one or more columns. Different types of
filters are used for different columns.
The studies list can be filtered using multiple filter criteria at one time or by using only one type of filter, as required.
If filters have been applied, the filter criteria are displayed in the relevant filter fields (the white fields above the
column names).
NOTE: The Enter Filter Values window also appears automatically when you open the Storage Management Admin
Tool window. This lets you filter the studies included in the studies list before the list is loaded, reducing the download
time required to display the list.

Applying Multiple Filters to the Studies List

1. Do one of the following:

From the Storage Management Admin Tool toolbar, click Filter .

From the View menu, select Filter Dialog.
The Enter Filter Values window appears.
NOTE: To erase existing filter data, click Clear.
2. Enter the required values in any combination of fields.
3. Click OK.
The studies list is filtered and appears according to the multiple filter criteria that you selected. In addition, the
criteria that the list is currently filtered by appear in the fields above the relevant column names.

Applying an Individual Filter to the Studies List

1. In the Studies List area, click in the filter criteria field above the required column heading.
The corresponding filter window appears.
NOTE: To erase existing filter data, click Clear.
2. Enter the required filter criteria in the appropriate fields.
3. Click OK.
The studies list is filtered and appears according to the individual filter that you selected. In addition, the filter
type that the list is currently filtered by appears in the field above the relevant column name.

See this topic:

Filter Types

Filter Types
The following types of filters can be applied to the studies list in the Storage Management Admin Tool window.

String Filter A string filter is applicable to columns that display data in string format and can
accept any kind of string. Each string in the column that begins with the entered filter
string passes through the filter and appears in the Studies List.
Date Filter A date filter is applicable to columns that display data in date format.
There are two ways to enter this type of filter:
Between: Filters the studies list by the defined date range. Enter the to and from
dates in DD/MM/YYYY format, or to insert the current date, click Current Date for
the relevant field.
Previous: Select/enter the number of previous days (for example, 7 for the
previous week). All studies added to the archive during the previous [x] days
Numeric Filter A numeric filter is applicable to columns that display numbers. This type of filter
enables the entering of a single number or a numeric range.

Workflow Management

Sorting the Studies List (Storage Management Admin Tool)

The studies list displayed in the Storage Management Admin Tool window can be sorted by up to three columns.
1. Click a column name to activate the primary sort.
Click once on a column name to perform an ascending sort and click again on the same column name to perform a
descending sort.
2. Press Shift and click another column name to select a secondary sort.
3. Press Ctrl and click the third column name to perform a tertiary sort.
If a column is used for a sort, a symbol is displayed next to the column name, as follows:

Symbol Description
First Sort Ascending

Second Sort Ascending

Third Sort Ascending

First Sort Descending

Second Sort Descending

Third Sort Descending

Configuring Display Settings for the Storage Management Admin Tool

You can configure the interval at which the data displayed in the Storage Management Admin Tool window is
automatically refreshed, as well as the maximum number of rows of data that are displayed.
1. Do one of the following:

From the Storage Management Admin Tool toolbar, click Display Settings .
From the Edit menu, select Display Settings.
The Display Settings window appears.
2. Select the Automatic Refresh check box to activate the automatic refresh feature.
3. In the Refresh Interval field, select/enter the refresh interval in seconds.
4. In the Limit Fetched Rows to field, enter the required maximum number of rows to appear.
NOTE: You can enter a value of 0 to display all studies, but the list may be so large that it is unworkable.
5. Click OK.

Refreshing the Studies List (Storage Management Admin Tool)

You can manually refresh the list of studies displayed in the Storage Management Admin Tool window.
Do one of the following:

o From the Storage Management Admin Tool toolbar, click Refresh .

o From the File menu, select Refresh.
o Right-click a study in the Studies List area and select Refresh.
The currently displayed studies in the Studies List area are updated and displayed according to the latest
information in the archive.

Updating Patient Details (Storage Management Admin Tool)
You can update patient details, such as the patient’s name, sex or birth date for an individual patient or for multiple
patients at the same time.
1. Select the required study or studies in the Studies List area.
2. Do one of the following:

From the Storage Management Admin Tool toolbar, click Update Patient .
From the Edit menu, select Update Patient.
Right-click the required study in the Studies List area and select Update Patient.

The Update Patient Data window appears.

NOTE: When updating patient details, the Patient ID field is disabled when choosing multiple studies, as the unique
patient ID number for each patient cannot be updated
3. Click on Extended Details to update the phonetic or ideographic patient name details.
These appear in the appropriate column in the Patient Details list.
The Extended Patient Details dialog box opens.
4. Update the patient data, as required, and click OK.
The Confirm Update message appears, prompting you to confirm the update operation.
5. Click Yes.
The relevant patient data is updated in the archive.
NOTE: When patient data is modified, the change is applied to all the studies for the patient stored in the archive.

Workflow Management

Updating Study Details (Storage Management Admin Tool)

You can update study details, such as the study date, modality, body part, or study status for an individual patient or
for multiple patients at the same time.
1. Select the required study or studies from the Studies List area.
2. Do one of the following:

From the Storage Management Admin Tool toolbar, click Update Study .
From the Edit menu, select Update Study.
Right-click the required study in the Studies List area and select Update Study from the Storage Management
Admin Tool right-click menu.
The Update Study Data window appears.
NOTE: When updating study details, the Accession Number field and the Study ID field are disabled, as this unique
data for each study cannot be updated.
The study modality is calculated by adding the modality of the series.
3. To edit the modality of the study, click Edit Modality.
The Update Series Modality window appears:
4. Click on the drop-down menu button to choose the modality or enter a different modality if it does not exist in the
If you have chosen a modality that does not appear in the list, a confirmation message appears. Edit as required,
and click OK.
5. Update the study data, as required.
6. Click OK.
The Confirm Update message appears, prompting you to confirm the update operation.
7. Click Yes.
The relevant study data is updated in the archive.

Moving Studies to Another Patient (Storage Management Admin Tool)

The Merge operation is generally performed when a study is inserted and attached to an incorrect patient. The Merge
operation lets you remedy this problem by moving the incorrectly attached study to the correct patient. You can move
an individual study or multiple studies at the same time (for example, merge two studies with a third study).
NOTE: In order to move a study between patients, the required study needs to be online. A study is indicated as
online in the Study Online column of the Storage Management Admin Tool window.
1. Select the incorrectly attached study or studies in the Studies List area.
2. Do one of the following:

From the Storage Management Admin Tool toolbar, click Merge Patient .
From the Tools menu, select Merge Patient.
Right-click the incorrectly attached study in the Studies List area and select Merge from the Storage
Management Admin Tool right-click menu.
The Select Target Patient For Merge window appears.

3. Enter one or more patient criteria in the fields, as required.
You can also enter a partial string in any of the fields. Start with the initial characters. The subsequent characters
may be omitted.
4. Click Search Patient.
The Select A Patient window appears with a list of patients matching the criteria that you defined in the previous
5. Select the required patient and click OK.
Any missing patient details appear in the Select Target Patient For Merge window.
6. Click OK.
The Merge Patient Confirmation message appears, prompting you to confirm the Merge operation.
7. Click OK.
The Merge Patients Successful message appears.
8. Click OK.
The incorrectly attached study merges with the selected patient information in the archive.
NOTE: The Merge operation may take longer if you are merging multiple studies. In this case, an additional
confirmation message appears, informing you that it will take some time and asking if you want to continue with the
Merge operation.
CAUTION: If the error message “Error Connecting to Admin Server” is received when performing either
the Merge or the Split operations, you must ensure that the Admin Server process is running.

To ensure that the Admin Server process is running:

- In the PACS Admin Home Page, click the System Monitoring link.
- In the displayed System Monitoring window, click the AdminTool Processes link.
- In the displayed Storage Management Admin Tool Processes window, click Stop to stop the server.
- Click Start to restart the server.

Workflow Management

Detaching Studies
Detaching of a study from a patient is done when a study is inserted and attached to the incorrect patient. Sometimes
when you search for a patient to whom you would like to attach a study, you find that the required patient has not
yet been created. The Split operation lets you create a new patient and move an individual incorrectly attached study
or multiple studies to that new patient.

Moving an Incorrectly Attached Study to a Newly Created Patient (Split)

1. Select the incorrectly attached study or studies in the Studies List area.
2. Do one of the following:

From the Storage Management Admin Tool toolbar, click Split .

From the Edit menu, select Split.
Right-click the required study in the Studies List area and select Split.
The Split Patient window appears.

3. Enter the new patient data as required.

NOTE: The Patient ID field is a mandatory field. When entering the birth date in the Birth Date field, it must have a
specific format (for example, 1-Jan-2002).
4. Click OK.
The Split Patient confirmation message appears, prompting you to confirm the Split operation.
5. Click OK.
The study is attached to the newly created patient information in the archive.
NOTE: The Split operation may require a longer time to perform if you are splitting multiple studies or if the selected
study is comprised of numerous images.

Split and Merge Series Pre-Fetched from External Archive(s)
NOTE: After the last study is received, you must wait five minutes before performing a Split or Merge function.

See these topics:

Splitting a Series from One Study to Another
Merging a Series from One Study to Another
Relocating a Series from One Study to Another
Merging a Series from Multiple External Archives (E-SIRs)
Locating Studies (Storage Management Admin Tool)
Viewing Backup Media for Studies (Storage Management Admin Tool)
Exiting the Storage Management Admin Tool
Storage Management Admin Tool Window Toolbar
Storage Management Admin Tool Window Menu Bar
Storage Management Admin Tool Right-Click Menu

Workflow Management

Splitting a Series from One Study to Another

1. Using the Admin Tool, locate the series to split.
2. Note the following:
Patient ID
Patient Name
Study ID
External Archive (E-SIR) where the study is located

3. Click Split from the Storage Management Admin Tool toolbar.

NOTE: You can create a new patient or select an existing patient.
4. Note the following:
Patient ID
Patient Name
5. Enter the Patient ID and Patient Name.
6. Note the following:
Accession Number
Study Name
7. Go to the WebView Contents menu on the system console of the External Archive (E-SIR), and select the DB
Update Tool.
8. When the Database Query page appears, enter the information from step 2.
9. After a patient level, study level, or query is performed, the delete function appears on the resulting Patient List
page, letting you delete the series.
10. Click the appropriate check box(es) in the DB Update Tool to select the item(s) to be deleted.
NOTE: Up to five items can be deleted at one time.
11. Click Delete to delete the selected items.

Merging a Series from One Study to Another
1. Using the Admin Tool, locate the series to merge.
2. Note the following:
Patient ID
Patient Name
Study ID
Series Number
External Archive (E-SIR) where the study is located
3. Click the Storage Management Admin Tool toolbar.
4. Select the patient/study to which series have to be merged.
5. Note the following:
Patient ID
Patient Name
Accession Number
Study ID
6. Note the External Archive (E-SIR) location where the study to merge is located.
NOTE: In the case of multiple External Archives (E-SIRs), note the External Archive (E-SIR) node.

See this topic:

Relocating a Series from One Study to Another

Workflow Management

Relocating a Series from One Study to Another

1. Go to the WebView Contents menu on the system console of the External Archive (E-SIR), and select DB Update
2. Select Relocate --> Relocate Series.
The DB Update Tool - Query For Series To Relocate window appears.
3. Enter the query data from Step 2 in Merging a Series from One Study to Another.
4. Click Query.
When there are matching series, the DB Update Tool - Select One Series to Relocate window appears.
5. To select a series to relocate, click the appropriate button.
The DB Update Tool - Query For Destination Study window appears.
6. To locate the destination study, enter the query data from step 2 in Merging a Series from One Study to Another.
7. Click Query.
The DB Update Tool - Confirm Series Relocation window appears.
8. Click a radio button to select a study destination for the series.
The DB Update Tool - Confirm Series Relocation window appears.
This page displays the series relocation information and the following options:
Click New Source to change the source.
Click New Destination to change the destination.
Click Relocate to confirm the relocation.
9. If the series relocation information is correct, click Relocate.
If the series relocation information is incorrect, click New Source or New Destination, as required.

Merging a Series from Multiple External Archives (E-SIRs)
Use this procedure to merge a series from one study to another and when the “from” and “to” studies are located on
different External Archives (E-SIRs).
1. Using the Admin Tool, locate the series to merge.
2. Note the following:
Patient ID
Patient Name
Study ID
External Archive (E-SIR) where the study is located

3. Click Merge Patient from the Storage Management Admin Tool toolbar.
4. Select the patient/study to which series have to be merged.
5. Note the following:
Patient ID
Patient Name
Accession Number
Study ID
6. Note the External Archive (E-SIR) location where the merge to study is located.
7. On the Merge tab, click OK to save your changes.
8. Go to the WebView Contents menu on the system console of the External Archive, and select the DB Update Tool.
9. When the Database Query page appears, enter the information from step 2.
10. After a patient level, study level, or query is performed, the delete function appears on the resulting Patient List
page, letting you delete the series.
11. Click the appropriate check box(es) to select the item(s) to be deleted.
NOTE: Up to five items can be deleted at one time.
12. Click Delete to delete the entire series from the database.
13. Repeat steps 8 to 12, except that when the Database Query page appears, enter the information from step 5.

Workflow Management

Locating Studies (Storage Management Admin Tool)

You can search for the location of an individual study or multiple studies in the system. Each study can reside in
multiple locations, as there are always at least two copies of a study in the system at all times. These copies can
reside on any combination of the following locations; the Location option lets you determine where they are stored:
Online Storage Management (online)
Long-Term Storage Manager or Long-Term Storage Manager cache (near-line)
Jukebox (offline)
1. Select a study or studies in the Studies List area.
2. Do one of the following:

Click Study Location from the Storage Management Admin Tool toolbar.
From the View menu, select Study Location.
Right-click the required study and select Location.
The Studies Images Locations window appears, listing the exact location of all copies of the study or studies in the
system, as shown in this example:
/fir_fs: The study is online.
/sir_fs: The study is in the Long-Term Storage Manager or the Long-Term Storage Manager cache.
Backed up in Jukebox: The study is offline (in the Jukebox).
Backed up in External Archive: The study is nearline on an E-SIR.

Viewing Backup Media for Studies (Storage Management Admin Tool)
You can view the exact backup media location for near-line studies (in the Long-Term Storage Manager cache) and
offline studies (outside the library).
The Media operation can be performed for an individual study or for multiple studies at the same time. This lets you
quickly locate the relevant tape or tapes and determine if they need to be inserted into the Jukebox before you send
the Fetch command to the system.
1. In the Studies List area, select the required study or studies.
2. Do one of the following:

From the Storage Management Admin Tool toolbar, click Study Media .
From the View menu, select Study Media.
Right-click the required study and select Study Media.
The Media ID List window appears.
NOTE: If a study has not yet been backed up on tape, a message appears informing you that the study does not
reside on any media.

Exiting the Storage Management Admin Tool

After performing the required operations in the Storage Management Admin Tool window, you can close it and return
to the CARESTREAM PACS Admin Home Page.

From the Storage Management Admin Tool toolbar, click Exit .

From the File menu, select Exit.
The Storage Management Admin Tool window closes and the CARESTREAM PACS Admin Home Page reappears.

Single Media Archive (SMA)

Single Media Archive (SMA) Backup Flow
SMA as Backup Device
In this configuration, SMA is installed as the only backup device in the system. An Info Router (IR) backup rule is
defined to back up all studies with study_need_backup=Y to CD Direct. When IR informs CD Direct that a study
should be burned, the study_need_backup flag is changed to B.
The images are copied to CD Direct when the Burn request command (either backup or migrate) is received by CD
Direct from Info Router. If CD Direct is installed on the same workstation as the server (main archive), the images
are copied to a second hard drive on the same computer. If CD Direct is installed on a different computer, the images
are copied to the CD Direct local hard drive.
After a study is burned, CD Direct informs the Workflow Manager of all images that were burned. These images are
marked as image_need_backup=null and the location of the image on the SMA source, a unique media identification,
is added. After all images of the study are burned, the study_need_backup flag is changed to null.
SMA as Migration Device
When SMA is installed together with an additional backup device such as LTSMs and LTSMa, or E-SIR, the SMA is
used as the system upon which the migration procedure is performed.
A configurable free text field is defined as the SMA Migrate Field.
A new Life Cycle group is created called Studies Waiting to be Burned. This group identifies all studies with Migrate
Field = B. A new Migrate Rule is created for all studies, other than those waiting to be burned, to be copied from the
FIR to CD Direct.
When Info Router migrates a study to CD Direct, the SMA Migrate Field of this study is changed to B after the study is
burned, CD Direct informs the Workflow Manager of all images burned and the location of the image on the SMA
source is added. When all images of this study are burned, the SMA Migrate Field of this study is marked as Null.

Workflow Management

Loading from Single Media Archive (SMA)

When a study resides only on the SMA, the study availability is offline. When a user tries to load the study, a message
informs the user that the study is offline and displays information about the media ID where the study is burned.
A pending request to move this study to online is created. The PACS Administrator inserts the requested media in the
CD/DVD drive and uses the SMA Admin tool to move the study to online.
Info Router copies the study from the CD/DVD to the FIR after the study is copied. The study availability changes to
online and the user can load the study from the FIR for viewing.
Single Media Archive (SMA) Configuration
The SMA configuration is located at System --> Applications --> Medistore --> didb - enable_sma_pending_request
This parameter specifies whether to add a pending request when a user loads a study that is offline. The default is
True (when an SMA is installed).
The SMA_migrate_field parameter indicates which column in database table didb_studies is used to mark studies
during the migration process. The default is free_text6
imaginet\system\applications\medistore\admintool\auto_delete\images\exclude_templates\template12 - template 12
defines the new life cycle group template "Studies Waiting to be Burned". Use the selected column in database table
didb_studies to mark studies during the migration process. The default is free_text6.
You can access SMA settings dialog boxes both in the System Configuration and in the CD Direct Suite. In the CD
Direct monitoring page, the SMA settings are displayed in a separate dialog box from the CD Direct settings.
Single Media Archive (SMA) Admin Tool
The SMA Administration Tool enables the System Administrator to respond to pending requests for studies stored on
external media.
The SMA Admin Tool has two tabs:
Pending Requests
The Pending Requests tab provides details to the System Administrator about the requests for studies.

To move a request online:

1. From the Pending Requests tab, mark the study to be moved online.
2. Click the Move Online button.
The Move Pending Requests Online dialog box opens.
3. You can:
Move all pending requests from the chosen Media ID
Move only the selected request
NOTE: If no Pending Request is highlighted, the only option available is to move ALL pending requests. The option to
move a selected request is grayed-out.
4. From the drop-down menu, select the Source AE.
5. From the drop-down menu, select the Destination AE.
6. Click OK.

To remove a Pending Request:

1. From the Pending Requests tab, mark the study to be removed.
2. Click the Remove Request button.
You are prompted to confirm the removal of the selected request.
3. Click OK to confirm the removal.
The Media tab lists the external media and includes details such as the Media ID, creation date, status, and the
number of available copies.
To check a Media:
1. From the Media tab, mark a study you wish to check.
2. Click the Media Studies button.
The Studies on Media: XXX window appears, which provides details about the selected media.
3. Click OK.

To update a Media:
1. From the Media tab, mark a study you want to update.

2. Click the Update Media button.
The Update Media XXX dialog box appears.
3. In the Media Status field, you can change the status from the dropdown list of options.
4. Use the arrows to change how many copies are available.
5. Click OK.
NOTE: The Auto-Refresh option automatically refreshes the data in the tabs, but you can also click on the icon to
refresh the list data.

When there are multiple CD Direct servers installed in a system, only one CD Direct workstation can be used as the
SMA. The CD Direct station used as the SMA is set during CD Direct installation, but can be changed to a different
station at any time later using the SMA Settings dialog boxes.
Using WADO
The WADO Retrieve transaction enables an Imaging Client to access DICOM SOP Instances with a web-based service
through an HTTP/HTTPS protocol.
The Imaging Client issues an HTTP "Get To" request to request a specific DICOM instance from the CARESTREAM
PACS Client. The CARESTREAM PACS Client receives the request and generates the response with the appropriate
content and sends an HTTP response to the Imaging Client.
The message semantics are defined by the DICOM Web Access to DICOM Persistent Objects (WADO), PS 3.18.
The WADO Retrieve transaction is performed by the Imaging Client to send an HTTP Request-URI to the Workflow
Manager. The Imaging Client generates the HTTP Request-URI to retrieve a DICOM instance. The DICOM instance is
specified with its Study Instance UID, Series Instance UID and SOP Instance UID in the HTTP Request-URI. The
Imaging Client must obtain the host information (e.g., web server location and script language) of the web server to
perform this.
The Imaging Client can map the Retrieve AE Title of the SOP Instance to the web server host information based on its
local configuration.
The IMS WADO URL: http://www.carestreamserver/um/webapp_services/wado
The IMS WADO service supports the following fields in the HTTP request:

Parameter Name Parameter Description

requestType Type of the HTTP request performed. It must be “WADO”
studyUID Unique identifier of the study
seriesUID Unique identifier of the series
objectUID Unique identifier of the object
contentType MIME type of the response
annotation Annotation of the object
rows Number of pixel rows
region Region of image
windowCenter Window center of the image
windowWidth Window width of the image
imageQuality Image quality factor
transferSyntax Transfer syntax UID used with DICOM image object returned in the response
Example of an HTTP Request-URI for retrieving a persistent DICOM object using WADO:
This example uses a response MIME type application/DICOM to request the DICOM SOP Instance returned in the
native DICOM Part 10 file format.

System Configuration
The System Configuration tool is divided into two sections: Application Configuration and Workflow Configuration.

Workflow Configuration
The Workflow Configuration provides a flow to define configuration parameters by providing a structured step-by-step
wizard to guide the user in the process of configuring a specific flow. The Workflow Configuration tool is the flow to
configure Image Storage rules.

Store Configuration Usability

The Workflow Configuration provides a wizard to define the parameters involved in an Image Store Flow. The wizard
DICOM Parsing Rules
System Init Values
Node Level Init Values
RIS-Sync Mechanism
RIS-Sync Mechanism - Patient Matching
WFM Patient Matching Mechanism
Study Grouping
Compression Settings Strategy
Icon Creation Policy
Each step displays the relevant configuration window. Each configuration also updates the appropriate window under
the Application Configuration section. You can make additional changes through the wizard under Workflow
Configuration or by accessing the relevant window under the Application Configuration.

Application Configuration
The Application Configuration section includes the various configuration parameters that are defined per

System Configuration Window

The left pane of the window displays the configuration options in tree form with files, nodes, and sub-nodes. The right
pane of the screen displays the configuration values.

System Configuration Toolbar Icons

The System Configuration toolbar is page-sensitive; when toolbar functions are not relevant to a particular page, they
are grayed out.

Restarting Services and Processes
Once changes have been made and saved, the Save Operation window appears. This windows shows the changes
made and restart options. Both services and processes can be restarted.

1. Select Restart Now or Restart On Exit.

2. Click OK.

DICOM Configuration
The DICOM configuration allows you to configure servers and printers using the System Configuration.

See this topic:

Verifying the DICOM Connection

System Configuration

Standard Fields

Transfer Syntax Policy

For each Transfer Syntax Policy in the left column, those in the right column are offered and accepted in DICOM

Transfer Syntax Policy TX Offered/Accepted

Standard DICOM Implicit little, explicit big, explicit little

Implicit Little Implicit Little Endian

Private Private transfer syntax for internal communication between System 5

components, suitable also for communication with LTSMa

JPEG Lossless JPEG Lossless 1st Order predictions, JPEG Lossless PR14

JPEG Lossless 1st Order JPEG Lossless 1st Order predictions

JPEG Lossless PR14 JPEG Lossless PR14

JPEG Lossy JPEG Lossy Baseline, JPEG Lossy Extended

JPEG Lossy Baseline JPEG Lossy Baseline

JPEG Lossy Extended JPEG Lossy Extended

JPEG Lossy/
Lossless 2000
RLE Lossless RLE Lossless, compressed or uncompressed

Custom Can define additional custom TX. See also Enhanced TX support.

Repeated Fields Explanations

Field Name Description
Associations Limit The maximum number of associations created by the Workflow Manager
(WFM) to this node upon move request.

Supports DX Store IS DX allowed to store Presentation State (PR) to this node?

Presentation State
Supports Patient Root Does this node support the DICOM Patient Root query/retrieve model?

Supports Study Root Does this node support the DICOM Study Root query/retrieve model?

Supports Image Query Does this node support queries at the image level? If disabled, the
CARESTREAM PACS Client does not allow exploration to image level in the
Archive Explorer.

Secure Server (TLS) Is DICOM to be used over SSL?

Invoke Filter In CARESTREAM PACS Client the filter is invoked automatically. This
option is used to avoid excessively long queries to this node.

Create Folders in DX Should this server appear in the CARESTREAM PACS Client Archive

Search What is the display name of the Search Folder in CARESTREAM PACS
Client Archive Explorer? This allows non-English users to change the
display name of the folder.

All Studies What is the display name of the All Studies Folder in CARESTREAM PACS
Client Archive Explorer? This allows non-English users to change the
display name of the folder.

All Patients What is the display name of the All Patients Folder in CARESTREAM PACS
Client Archive Explorer? This allows non-English users to change the
display name of the folder.

Presentation State C-Move Determines what to do with Presentation States when they are copied to
Policy this server. See Presentation_State_C_Move_Policy table.

Transfer Syntax Policy See Transfer Syntax Policy table.

Storage Commitment Policy See Storage Commitment Policy table.

Presentation State C-Move Policy

Presentation State C-Move Description
Standard (As is) Presentation States are moved as normal images. (Default—should only
be changed for specific reasons)

Move with Referenced Images Presentation States are moved together with all referenced images, even if
they were not requested.

Apply Presentation State Presentation State is applied to the referenced images and this unified
result is stored to the server.

Ignore Presentation State Presentation States are not moved to this server regardless of any prior

Storage Commitment Policy

Storage Commitment Policy Description
Same Association Storage Commitment response to this server is provided using the same
association created by the request.

New Association Storage Commitment response to this server is provided using a new

Not Allowed Storage Commitment is neither offered nor accepted in DICOM Association
to this server.

Creating a New Printer Device

1. On the left pane, click Configuration Options and then select DICOM Configuration.
2. Click Create Device.
3. Select Printer
4. Click the Create Device button or the Add icon on the toolbar.
A dialog box appears.
5. Select the printer to be added from the menu. Check the box if you want to set this printer as the default printer.
6. If required, change any of the default settings for Color, Magnification Type, Orientation, Film Size, Medium Type,
and Polarity.
7. Select the Transfer Syntax Policy from the menu. See Transfer Syntax Policy.
8. Click Add to add the new device.

Creating a New Modality Device

1. On the left pane, click Configuration Options and then select DICOM Configuration.
2. Click Create Device.
3. Select Modality
4. Click the Create Device button or the Add icon on the toolbar.
A dialog box appears.
5. Click Add at the bottom of the dialog box to add the new modality.
The window expands and all the Modality device information appears.
6. Click the Add button on the right side of the window.
7. Check the boxes as appropriate. See Standard Fields for details.

Creating a New Workstation Device

1. On the left pane, click Configuration Options and then select DICOM Configuration.
2. Click Create Device.
3. Select Workstation.
4. Click the Create Device button or the Add icon on the toolbar.
A dialog box appears.
5. To add another Workstation device, click Add.
6. Complete the fields as appropriate. See Repeated Fields Explanations for details.

System Configuration

Creating a New Archive Device

1. On the left pane, click Configuration Options and then select DICOM Configuration.
2. Click Create Device.
3. Select Archive.
4. Click the Create Device button or the Add icon on the toolbar.
A dialog box appears.
5. Complete the fields as appropriate:
ESIR–this server is used as an ESIR for CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager.
NOTE: Unchecking this box deletes all ESIR locations from the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager database.
Add ESIR Backup Rule—a backup rule is added to or removed from CARESTREAM PACS Info Router.
NOTE: Unchecking this box cancels the backup of the studies by CARESTREAM PACS Info Router.
Alias To—the AE title of the main FIR.
See Repeated Fields Explanations for details.

Creating a New ProVision Device

1. On the left pane, click Configuration Options and then select DICOM Configuration.
2. Click Create Device.
3. Select ProVision.
4. Click the Create Device button or the Add icon on the toolbar.
A dialog box appears.
5. Complete the fields as appropriate.
See Repeated Fields Explanations for details.
NOTE: The administrator can similarly create these devices: LTSM Advanced, Remote FIR, and Remote Cimbox.

Verifying the DICOM Connection

1. Open System Configuration.
2. Select Configuration Options --> Application Configuration --> DICOM Configuration --> Archives --> <Server>.

3. Choose a server name.

4. Click Verify to confirm the connection.
A dialog box appears confirming the connection. If you are made changes to the selected server, you will be
prompted to save your changes before you can continue.

Workflow Manager Configuration (DICOM)
The window contains the following tabs:
Server Options
Node Options
Communication Configuration
Loader Configuration

Server Options Tab

The Server Options tab opens automatically, which displays the list of servers.
To add a new server:
1. Click Add.
2. Complete the fields as appropriate.

Node Options Tab

Under Daemon Configuration, enter the Daemon Port. There are four additional tabs:
Allowed Hosts
Forbidden Hosts
Allowed Net
Forbidden Net
Under the Allowed Hosts tab, add any name in the field at the bottom, and click the + button. The name is added to
the list.

Communication Configuration Tab

Enter the appropriate values, as required.

Loader Configuration Tab

1. Enter the AE to load from the field on the right side. Click the + button to add it to the list.
2. Enter the appropriate values in the DICOM Pool Settings fields.
To remove a name from the list, select the name and click the – button.

System Configuration

Enhanced Transfer Syntax Configuration

To enable the Enhanced TX (Transfer Syntax) Features, configure a custom policy.
In the System Configuration use the ”Selected Transfer Syntaxes” to configure the used TXs for all non-customized
SOP Classes, according to their priorities.

The Transfer Syntaxes are used for all non-customized SOP classes, both as client or server:
When acting as a client, it requests all configured Transfer Syntaxes from the specific Node
When acting as a server, it supports all configured Transfer Syntaxes for the specific Node

The ”Selected Transfer Syntaxes” order sets their priorities:

When acting as a client, when storing an image it prefers using the first configured Transfer Syntax (if the
current compression is not supported in the 3rd party server)
When acting as a server, it prefers supporting the first configured Transfer Syntax matching the client request

Custom SOP Class

Choose the desired SOP class to customize
The Custom SOP Class configuration affects the PACS when it acts as the client side, or as the server side

Selected Transfer Syntaxes

Add the supported or requested Transfer Syntaxes of the specific SOP class. Again, their order affects their priorities.

Inherit from Default Transfer Syntaxes List

Use this option if you do not want to configure a Transfer Syntax list different from the default list (useful if you just
want to configure Multiple Presentation Contexts).

Requested as Multiple Presentation Contexts

Use this option if you want to use Multiple Presentation Contexts when requesting the specific SOP class. This option
is relevant only when acting as the client side.

Adding a New SOP Class to the Association

Click the Advanced SOP Classes Settings button to exclude irrelevant SOP Classes from the Association.
You can add new SOP Classes which are currently not supported:

Excluding an SOP class from Association

The option to exclude SOP Classes is useful to overcome the maximal limit of Multiple Presentation Contexts.

The more you exclude, the more you can multiply.

SOP Classes Excluded from Association

Each marked SOP class is not requested when acting as a client, or supported when acting as a server.
You can use this feature if there are too many Multiple Presentation Contexts. By removing irrelevant SOP
classes, you can save Presentation Contexts.

SOP Classes Added to Association

You can add additional SOP classes to the association, by adding their description and UID (should be used
These SOP classes are requested when acting as a client, or supported when acting as a server.

DICOM Tunneling

Use Cases

1. Transferring messages compressed in private formats (RICE) and from 3rd party archives to 3rd party clients, via
the C-Move protocol, use the SVDDS service as a mediator for format conversion purposes.
Note: The DICOM C-Move command has three roles participating: Move Caller, Move Provider, and Move Destination.
Move Caller - the entity invoking the move command
Move Provider - the entity presumed to have the data
Move Destination - the entity to which the data is sent
The Move Caller and the Move Destination can be different entities.
2. Forwarding stored responses between a client not directly connected to a provider, but via one or more Carestream
3. Updating the DICOM messages retrieved from long term storage, with newer information stored on the servers
before transferring them to the move destination.

Configuring DICOM Tunneling

DICOM Tunneling is enabled by default for a WFM node.
1. To disable it, in system configuration Editor, go to the "req" service under the local node's conn services and set
enable dicom tunneling to false and startup services to 0.
2. You must restart the services (SVDSER, SVDDS, SVREG) manually using the AdminCommand.

System Configuration

3. There is a new device type called DDS, which is the DICOM tunneling entry point.
4. The DDSs AE title of the local server is determined upon installation or upgrade. It can be found in the Work Flow
Manager section of the System Configuration. The port is the same as the port of the FIR.

5. Add the DDS-type AE title of all other Carestream servers in the archive section, and all 3rd party archives as well.
The new AE has the same port as the FIR AE title.
NOTE: This AE title cannot be queried.

System Configuration

HL-7 to PACS Field Mapping Set
The user interface permits each field to define a number of different points, such as:
HL-7 Mapping
Whether the value of the field received the HL-7 message and if it is passed as is or is converted through the
simple mapping table (Dictionary Mechanism) when one of the other applications is the IS Link API.
The fields that are part of the synchronization process between the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software and the
Storage Management Software (RIS Sync) process — the reason that caused it to be part of the RIS Sync
process — is either Not Null in IS Link or Null in Storage Management Software.
Whether or not the value passed through normalization during the RIS Sync process.
There are three exceptions:
Body Part
Service Area
By default, these are taken from the Complex Procedures Table and the user can select whether they are taken from
the Complex Table or the HL-7 Mapping (the message). If it is taken from RIS, the rules above apply.

To Configure the HL to PACS Field Mapping Set

1. On the left pane of the window, click HL7-PACS Field Mapping, then select Default Mapping Set.
2. Click the row that you want to update, then click the Update Field Mapping button at the bottom of the window.
NOTE: The RIS-Sync Configuration area does not appear for selected rows that do not have RIS-SYNC marked as

3. Click Choose HL7 Field.

A window containing a table of all the HL-7 fields appears.
4. Select the required HL-7 field and click OK.
You are returned to the first window.
5. To return to the default settings, click the Restore Default button.
6. To replace the HL-7 value using the dictionary table, check the box to enable the Edit Table button.
7. Click the Edit Table button.

System Configuration

The Old Patient ID Table window appears.

8. Click the Add Data button to add new data.
9. Enter the field Value and add the Converted Value.
10. Edit or Delete any existing value, as required.
11. Click OK to return to the Field Configuration Window.
12. If the Enable RIS-Sync box is checked, you can update the field according to the rule appearing in the drop-down
list. If the box is not checked, the options are grayed out.
13. If you want to Normalize the RIS Value, check the box.
It appears under the Normalized column of the System Configuration table.
14. Click OK.

Dictionary Mechanism
The dictionary consists of:
Simple Dictionary (Mapping Table): The Simple Mapping Table lets you define simple translation tables of the
various codes you are using. You enter a value and receive the converted value.
Complex Dictionary (Mapping Table): The Complex Mapping Table is a dynamic table in which the number of
fields is dynamic. You can add or remove columns with the click of a button. The sorting of the table is
determined by the order of the fields in the user interface.

Configuring the Simple Mapping Tables

1. In the left pane, click Dictionary, then click Simple Mapping Tables.

The window specifying the mapping tables appears.

2. Select a table.
3. Click View.

To: Do this:
Add data 1. Click the Add Data button.
2. Add the new value and converted value.
3. Click Save and Clear to continue adding new values,
4. Click OK when you are done.

Delete a value 1. Select the value and click the Delete Data button.
You are asked to confirm the deletion.
2. Select Yes.

Edit a value 1. Select the value and click the Edit Data button.
The Update Table Data dialog box appears.
2. Change the value.
3. Click OK.
4. Click Exit to return to the main window.

Add a new Mapping Table 1. Click the Add button on the right side.
The Add Simple Mapping Table dialog box appears.
2. Enter the name of the New Table.
3. Click OK.
The new table is added to the list.

Update a Simple Mapping 1. Click the Update button.

Table The Update Simple Mapping Table dialog box appears.
2. Update the Table Name.

3. Click OK.

Delete a Simple Mapping 1. Select the table you want to delete and click the Delete button.
Table You are asked to confirm the deletion.
2. Click Yes.

Configuring the Complex Mapping Tables

1. In the left pane, click Dictionary, then click Complex Mapping Tables.

The window specifying the complex mapping tables appears.

2. Select a table.
3. Click View.

Workflow Manager Configuration

Online Storage Management Software for CARESTREAM PACS System comes equipped with numerous components
that let you properly configure and tune the system needs and requests of each facility. Proper configuration can
enhance your system performance and can save time and resources.

See these topics:

Configuring Database Objects Auto-Delete
Configuring Patient Matching DICOM Parameters
Configuring Study Grouping
Configuring Pre-Fetch
Configuring Icons Settings
Configuring Compression Settings
Configuring Init Values

System Configuration

Tag Morphing (DICOM Parsing)

The CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager relies on comprehensive and accurate data from different Application
Entities (AEs) to properly index and store images. Many AEs have a limited number of data fields on their input
screen. The available fields are often insufficient for users to enter the image data required by the CARESTREAM PACS
Workflow Manager. This can result in operators entering two descriptions/values into one field.
Using a bi-directional DICOM parsing rules The Tag Morphing feature allows the archive to reference an internal
library of PACS-specific tag addresses and attributes. With this capability, modification of a DICOM header may easily
be applied when transmitting DICOM image data acquired on one vendor PACS for widespread access to other users.
For example, a single field might contain both the study description and the patient sex. The DICOM Parsing feature
alleviates this problem by enabling the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager users to utilize existing DICOM fields
that are either empty or partially unused to enter additional data. It can change the data fields as they are pushed
into the Online Storage Management server, as well as move selected data to other fields.

In the case of an empty field, the DICOM Parsing feature enables the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager to
recognize that the data in one field relates to another field, by transforming the field tag without affecting the input
screen. In case of a partially unused field, multiple data is entered in a single field, divided by separators, and then
broken into smaller chunks of information, each forming a distinct DICOM tag. In both cases, once the images are
imported into the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager, they can be indexed and stored accurately and efficiently.
Using the rules in a Tag Morphing scenario can provide any user the ability to replace their existing PACS system, for
example, while maintaining data integrity.
The parsing mechanism supports two main scenarios:
Exporting data from the WFM - Query or Move
Inserting data to the WFM - Store or Update tags
The Rule Filter window allows you to apply the rule on export:

Choose Query to set the value query in DSER_PARSE_RULE_FILTER.FILTER_SCENARIOS.
Choose Move and Query to set the values query and move in this column.

Regular Expressions Usage

The tag filter value can be set to either a tag value or regular expression.
NOTE: A rule is activated only when all filters in the relevant direction are met. If other filters exist for the rule,
when only one filter condition is met, this is insufficient to activate the rule
The Direction column in the Parsing Rules Table indicates whether the rule has incoming, outgoing or 2-way filters.

Concatenation Rule

System Configuration

If it is necessary to concatenate the parsing results to an additional tag, this can be performed in the DICOM Parsing
Rule Editing Panel.
1. Choose the Parsing method.
2. Add basic Parsing tag.
3. Add any prefix or suffix values.
4. Parsing result concatenation.
a. No Concatenation
b. Add before existing value in the To Tag
c. Add after the existing value in the To Tag
d. Add any separation string, if required

NOTE: Tag Morphing/DICOM Parsing is based on a number of predefined, configurable rules. These rules can be
configured using the Admin Tool. Contact Customer Service for more information.

Configuring Database Objects Auto-Delete
Images saved as Icons or Streaming Tags can be deleted after a configurable amount of time or based on storage
availability. It is more likely that storage space is more important than time.
The DB Objects Auto-Delete option under Life Cycle Management of the System Configuration provides two options
for deleting database objects, Icons or Streaming Tags:
Set Icons Storage Limit
No Icons Storage Limit
If the No Icons Storage Limit is selected, the storage information is displayed in linear format of both the Icons
Tablespace Size and the Current Storage used.
If the Set Icons Storage Limit is selected, the screen expands to display Icons Auto-Delete Settings. You can specify
to manually set the storage limit or allow the system to calculate the storage limit by icons sized based on the
number of months entered into the field.
The storage limits are displayed in cylindrical form based on either the automatic calculation or the specified
parameters. The delete mechanism always deletes the oldest information first.

See this topic:

Configuring Icons Settings

System Configuration

Configuring Patient Matching

Use the Settings button in the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager Admin Tool to configure the Patient Matching
1. Select CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager Configuration in the left pane and then select Patient Matching.
The Patient Matching Configuration window appears in the right pane of the window.
2. In the top part of the window, configure the following attributes:
Patient ID
First Name
Last Name
Birth Date
For each attribute, select one of the following matching options in the drop-down window:
Equal—the attributes must be equal to match. If one of the attributes is empty, the match fails.
Equal or Null—the attributes can be in one of two states, Equal or Empty, to match.
No Compare–the attributes do not compare.
3. Click Save to save changes.

Configuring Study Grouping
Study grouping is a method for ensuring that study details are always attached to the correct group, based on their
unique ID. Study grouping can be performed using the data in the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager or using
data stored in the hospital RIS server.

To configure study grouping:

1. Select CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager Configuration in the left pane and then select Study Grouping.
The Study Grouping Rules window, which displays the rules, appears in the right pane of the window.
2. To add a new Study Grouping rule, click the Add button.
The Enter Rule Name dialog box appears.
3. Enter the new rule name and click OK.
The Grouping Rule Details window appears.
4. Click Add.
The Study Grouping Enable Rule Pattern dialog box appears.
5. Select a Rule Pattern.
The Fill In Values dialog box appears.
6. Enter the value and click OK.
The new rule is added to the list of enabled Study Grouping Rules.
7. Complete the fields, as appropriate:

Override Default Compare Rules Check if required

Study Grouping Compare Rules
Accession Number Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Patient ID Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Modality Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Body Part Choose an option from the drop-down list.

8. Click OK to return to the list of Study Grouping Rules.

To remove a rule:
1. Select the rule and then click Remove.
You are asked to confirm the removal.
2. Click OK.

To edit an existing rule:

1. Select the rule and then click Edit.
The Grouping Rules window appears.
2. Edit the rules.

To rename an existing rule:

1. Select the rule and then click Rename.
2. Enter the new Rule Name and click OK.
3. To prioritize the rules, use the arrows on the left side of the window.

System Configuration

Configuring Pre-Fetch
Pre-Fetch is based on a number of predefined, configurable conditions and rules. These can be configured using the
1. Click Workflow Manager Configuration in the left pane and then click Pre-Fetch.
The Pre-fetch Patterns Set in Workflow Manager window appears in the right pane.

2. To add a new Pre-fetch pattern set in Workflow Manager, click Add .

The New Pre-fetch Rule dialog box appears. The Rule ID name can be added in the free text field.
3. Enter the Rule Description in the field and click OK.
The Pre-Fetch Conditions for <rule> dialog box appears.
4. Click inside each condition field.
The Set Filter window appears.
5. Enter the Rule Parameter in the field and click OK.
The Add Condition #1 dialog box appears.
6. Select the Rule Parameter from the menu.
7. Select the Rule Operator from the menu.
8. Enter the Rule Value in the field and click OK.
The new rule is added to the list.
9. Click OK to return to the Pre-Fetch Patterns set list.

To remove a rule:
1. Select the rule and click Remove.
You are asked to confirm the removal of the rule.
2. Click OK.

To edit an existing rule:

1. Select the rule you want to edit and click Edit.
2. Follow steps 4 to 9 in the procedure above to edit rule parameters.

To rename an existing rule:

1. Select the rule that you want to change and click Rename.

The New Rule Name dialog box appears.
2. Enter the new name and click OK.
The new name appears in the list.
3. To prioritize the rules use the arrows on the left side of the window.

For the Pattern Studies Selection Rules:

1. Follow the procedures above for adding, removing, and editing rules.
2. Check these boxes as appropriate:
Enable Late Pre-fetch
Enable Pre-fetch integration with RIS (Daily Pre-fetch)
Enable night Pre-fetch for the following XXX hours

System Configuration

Configuring Icons Settings

Each image received by the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager is saved together with an icon of the image saved.
This allows the user to view several images on screen without having to see the full detailed image. This is also
relevant particularly for the Patient Mini-Archive.

To configure icons settings:

1. Click Workflow Manager Configuration in the left pane, then select Icons Settings.
A window appears in the right pane of the window.
2. Check the appropriate box for the Icons default Creation Strategy:
When Storing New Images
During the Night
Disable Icon Creation

To create a strategy for icon creation:

1. Click Add.
The Icons Specific Settings for Storing AE dialog box appears.
2. Enter the AE title in the field.
3. Check the appropriate box:
When Storing New Images
During the Night
Disable Icon Creation
4. Click OK.
The AE Title and strategy are listed.

To remove a strategy:
1. Select the strategy, then click Remove.
You are asked to confirm the deletion.
2. Click OK.

To edit an existing strategy:

1. Select the strategy, then click Edit.
The Icons Specific Settings for Storing AE dialog box appears.
2. Follow steps 2 to 4 to edit the appropriate settings.
3. For advanced settings, click the Advanced button.
The Icons Advanced Settings window appears.
4. Check the appropriate boxes:
NOTE: If lossless or lossy is selected, create icons during the night.
Lossless Type
Lossy Type
Lossy Factor
5. To save the new data, click Save.
6. To reset the new changes, click Reset Changes.
7. To restore defaults, click Restore Defaults.
8. Click Close.

Icons Advanced Settings

A window allows you to configure advanced settings for the creation of Icons. You can choose when to create the
icon, the compression type of the icon from the dropdown list, and the handling of icons for offline images. If the
Delete Icons for Offline Images is checked, see Database Objects Auto-Delete.

Configuring Compression Settings
Compression of images is the function of the Online Storage Manager. The manner in which images are effectively
stored reduces the use of storage space as well as reducing the traffic on the network.
The compression of the images to be stored can be performed in three ways:
Compressed: Using JPEG / JPEG2000 compression, the user can decide how much loss to introduce and make a
trade-off between file size and image quality.
NOTE: This is only available for use in a state and country that allow picture processing using this method. If you
select this method, a warning appears that asks you to confirm that you understand the implications of using
compressed images.
Lossless Compression: With Lossless Compression it is possible to use JPEG / JPEG2000 / RICE compression. All
image information originally in the file remains after the file is uncompressed.
Lossy Compression Factor: Lossy Compression reduces a file by permanently eliminating certain information,
especially redundant information. When the file is uncompressed, only part of the original information is still
there (although the user may not notice it).
Each Online Storage Manager can be separately defined to store images in a different compression mode. In addition,
it is possible to define more detailed policies to choose a particular compression method according to the source AE or
even modality. The compression is determined at the time that the image is stored.
NOTE: The Lossy Compression Factor controls the amount of compression. When the value is high, the file is more
compressed. When the value is low, the file is less compressed.

To configure Compression Settings:

1. Click Workflow Manager Configuration in the left pane and then select Compression Settings.
2. Click the Default Settings button.
The Compressed Default Settings window appears.
3. Select the desired compression type.
NOTE: If you select Lossy, a warning appears that asks you to confirm that you understand the implications of using
compressed images.
4. Click Save to save the changes to the compression setting.
5. To return to the default settings click Restore Defaults settings.
6. Click Close.
The Compression Rules window appears. The existing rules are listed in the window.
7. Click Add to add a new compression rule.
8. Enter the name of the new Rule and click OK.
The Compression Rules window appears.
9. Click Add to add another rule.
10. Select the rule to be added.
The Fill In Values dialog box appears.
11. Enter the rule and click OK.
12. Select the compression type and click OK.

To remove a compression rule:

1. Select the rule and click on Remove.
You are asked to confirm the deletion of the rule.
2. Click Yes to remove the rule.

To edit an existing rule:

1. Select the rule and then click Edit.
2. Follow steps 3 through 12 to change rule parameters as required.

To change the name of a compression rule,

1. Select the rule and then click Rename.
2. Enter the new name and click OK.
The new name appears in the Compression Rules list.

System Configuration

Configuring Init Values

1. Click Workflow Manager Configuration in the left pane, select Init Values, and then System.
A window appears in the right pane of the window.
2. Complete the fields, as appropriate.
Study Status
Study Locked
Study Priority
Study Assigned to Doctor
Study Protected
3. Click one of the existing AE Titles.
A window appears in the right pane of the window. The fields appear in yellow.
4. To add a new AE, click the Add Storing AE button.
The window expands.
5. Enter the name of the new AE in the field and then click OK.
The new AE title appears in the AE title list on the left pane of the window.

JAVA Configuration
The JAVA Configuration GUI must be standalone (installed locally on the service PC) and not only web-based to
reduce the time during a remote connection.
For example: If version 11 already exists, it automatically runs System Configuration. If version 11 does not exist,
the system searches on the server for the JAR files and downloads the files for System Configuration.
1. Go to Carestream --> syscfgplugin.

2. Enter the Host/IP (the Host Name is optional).

3. Click Run.

System Configuration

IS Link Configuration
IS Link Software is the gateway that links the CARESTREAM PACS System products with hospital/radiology
information systems (HIS/RIS) through an HL-7 interface. Specifically, IS Link Software provides the system with
patient demographic, visit, and order information. It also allows the system to retrieve clinical reports. IS Link
Software runs as a software module within the system.

See these topics:

Configuring a Converter and Listeners
Configuring IS Link Database Values
Configuring Reports and Orders Values
Configuring Report Parser Values
Configuring Queues and Notifications

Configuring a Converter and Listeners

The converter process takes messages from the queue and parses them to the database tables. When message
processing is complete, the converter sends the event notifications to the relevant enabled notification queues.

To configure converter values:

1. Click IS Link Configuration in the left pane, then select Converter.
A window appears in the right pane of the window.
2. Complete the fields as appropriate:
Host IP
Port Number
Control Port Number
Control Interval (Sec)
Step Mode

The listener process waits for HL-7 messages from the RIS and places them in the message queue without
interpretation. This process enables the system to keep messages intact for later processing if the converter process
is down for any reason.

To configure listener values:

Click IS Link Configuration in the left pane, then select Listeners.
A window appears in the right pane of the window.

To add a new listener:

1. Click Add Listener.
The Add Listener window appears.
2. Complete the fields, as appropriate:
Listener Name
Host IP
Port Number
Control Port Number
Control Interval (Sec)
Close Connection Interval (Sec)
Listener Description
3. Click OK.
A dialog box appears reminding you to start the listener.
4. Click OK.

To edit a listener:
1. Click Edit Listener.
The Edit Listener window appears.
2. Edit the fields as required.
3. Click OK.

To delete a listener:
1. Click Delete Listener.
You are prompted to confirm the deletion.
2. Click Yes.

System Configuration

Configuring IS Link Database Values

IS Link Software receives and translates HL-7 data from the RIS or HIS. The translated data is then stored within the
IS Link database.
1. Click IS Link Configuration in the left pane, then select Database.
A window appears in the right pane of the window.
2. Enter data into the fields, as appropriate:
Host IP
Port Number
Enable Trace

Configuring Reports and Orders Values
CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software enables the end user, such as a radiologist, to view clinical reports using the
CARESTREAM PACS Client. The report information is stored in the IS Link database, and can be retrieved as required.
1. Click IS Link Configuration in the left pane, then select Reports & Orders.
A window appears in the right pane of the window.

2. Select the Report Message Format.

3. In the Application Report/Order Templates section, select the application from the menu.
4. In the Templates section of the window, check the box next to the desired option, then click Edit.
The Edit Record window opens for each selected option.
5. Click OK.
6. To preview the report, select the part of the report you want to view.
7. Click Preview.
The Preview window opens.

System Configuration

Configuring Report Parser Values

1. Click IS Link Configuration in the left pane and then select Report Parser.
A window appears in the right pane of the window.
2. If you want to enable the Report Parser, check the box.
3. Check the Enable box in the Search Parameters section, which lists the text that can be searched.

To add a Parser:
1. Click Add Parser.
The Add Parser window appears.
2. Complete the fields as appropriate:
Search Text
Replace Text
Prefix Text
Suffix Text
Case Sensitive
Use Original Text
3. Click OK.

To edit an existing parser:

1. In the Search Text list, select a parameter you want to edit.
2. Click Edit Parser.
The Edit Parser window appears.
3. Edit the fields as required.
4. Click OK.

To delete an existing parser:

1. Select the parameter you want to delete.
2. Click Delete Parser.
You are asked to confirm the deletion of the parser.
3. Click Yes.

Configuring Queues and Notifications
When message processing is complete, the converter sends the event notifications to the relevant enabled notification
1. Click IS Link Configuration in the left pane, then select Queues and Notifications.
A window appears in the right pane of the window.
2. To add notification, select a parameter in the Queue Name list.
The list of Notification Types appears under the Notification Name list. The checkbox shows whether or not the
notification name is enabled.
3. Click the Add Notification button.
The Add Notification window appears.
4. Enter the Name of the notification.
5. Enter the Notification Condition.
6. Check the Enable box.
7. Click OK.

To edit an existing notification:

1. Select the Queue Name to display the list of notifications, then select the notification you want to edit.
The Edit Notification window appears.
2. Edit the notification as desired.
3. Click OK.

To delete a notification:
1. Select the Queue Name to display the list of notifications, then select the notification you want to delete.
2. Click the Delete Notification button.
You are asked to confirm the deletion.
3. Click Yes.

System Configuration

RIS-PACS Sync Configuration

The RIS-PACS synchronization process ensures that patient details and ordering information in the PACS are up-to-
date and synchronized with that in the RIS.

See this topic:

RIS-PACS Synchronization

RIS Patient Matching

When study data is entered, it might be incomplete or inaccurate. When the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager
receives a study, it sends the patient identification number to the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software, and requests
that the hospital RIS server be queried for existing patient data.
If you require additional information stored on the server, or have reason to doubt the accuracy of the patient details
for the incoming study, you can configure the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager to override the study data with
data stored in the RIS server, if the matching criteria are met.
The RIS patient matching feature also ensures that the patient attributes stored in the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow
Manager contain the most up-to-date details from hospital records. If any patient details were changed in the RIS
server, for example the patient name changed, the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software automatically informs the
Workflow Manager and updates the appropriate record.
NOTE: Patient Matching is based on a number of predefined, configurable criteria. These criteria can be configured
using the Admin Tool. For more information, contact Customer Service.

Email Suite Configuration

The Email Suite is a CARESTREAM PACS software product that enables the automatic sending of email messages to
referring physicians. These email messages are generated immediately after a radiology report is completed, and
contain the radiology report, as well key images and 3D processed images.

See these topics:

Configuring General Email Values
Configuring Email Properties
Configuring Email Message Body Options
Configuring Email Error Message Body Options
Configuring Email Report Properties
Configuring the Referring Physicians Email List

Configuring General Email Values
1. Click E-Mail Suite Configuration in the left pane and then select General.
A window appears in the right pane.
2. Complete the fields, as appropriate:
Administrator E-mail
Mail Server IP
Default Web Server Software Device (name from archive list)

3. When complete, click the Save icon .

Configuring Email Properties

1. Click E-Mail Module Configuration in the left pane and then select E-mail Properties.
A window appears in the right pane.
2. Complete the fields, as appropriate:
E-mail Sender
E-mail Subject
Add Web Server Software Link
Web Server Software Link Text
Add Key Images Link
Key Images Link Text

3. When complete, click the Save icon .

Configuring Email Message Body Options

1. Click E-Mail Module Configuration in the left pane and then select Message Body.
A window appears in the right pane. The message body text is displayed.
2. Check the Enable Error Message box to send mail to the system administrator if there are problems.

3. When complete, click the Save icon .

Configuring Email Error Message Body Options

1. Click E-Mail Module Configuration in the left pane and then select Error Message Body.
A window appears in the right pane.
2. Check the box to enable the error message.

3. When complete, click the Save icon .

System Configuration

Configuring Email Report Properties

1. Click E-Mail Module Configuration in the left pane and then select Report Properties.
A window appears in the right pane, displaying the header and footer text.
2. Change the text as required.

3. When complete, click Save .

Configuring the Referring Physicians Email List

1. Click E-Mail Module Configuration in the left pane and then select Referring Physicians List.
A window appears in the right pane. The list displays the names of the referring physicians and their email
2. To add a new name to the list, click Add.
The Add Ref. Physician window appears.
3. Enter the information into the fields.
4. Click OK.

To delete a name from the list:

1. Select the name you want to delete and then click Remove.
You are asked to confirm the removal of the name.
2. Click OK.

To update the details of a referring physician already in the list:

1. Select the name you want to update and click Update.
The Update Ref. Physician window appears.
2. Update the fields as desired.
3. Click OK.

To search for the name of a referring physician from the list:

1. Click Search.
The Search Ref. Physician window appears.
2. Enter the required information.
3. Click OK.

To save any changes to the Referring Physicians List:

Click Save .

Info Router Configuration
The System Configuration tool includes the configuration parameters of the Info Router component. The configuration
parameters include the definition of Rules and Aliases, as well as the ability to define general configuration
parameters and rule-specific configuration parameters.

See these topics:

Configuring Info Router Rules
Configuring Info Router Aliases

Configuring Info Router Rules

Configuration of rules is handled in the System Configuration application.

Screen splitter arrows between the areas enable you to either resize the Rule Information area, or click and drag it to
a new position. The Rule tab right-click menu also provides access to frequently used functions.

Rule List Area

The Rule List area displays a list of the rules that are defined for the system, together with general information and
the current status of each rule.
The Rule List area contains this information for each rule:

Option Description
Status The operational status of the rule.

Rule ID The unique identification number for each rule that is assigned in the order in which the
rules are created.
If a rule is deleted, the remaining rules retain their original identification numbers.

Description The description of the rule.

Function The description of the function of the rule.

Event The name of the event for which the rule is defined.

Command The command generated automatically as a result of the rule.

System Configuration

Filter The names of predefined filters applied to generate the list.

Date The date the rule was created.

Source The name of the source to which the event applies.

Comment The automatic information message.

Rule Information Area

The Rule Information area is located at the bottom of the Info Router window. The Rule Information area provides
detailed information about the rule selected in the Rule List. The fields that are displayed in the Rule Information area
depend on the rule that has been selected in the Rule List area.

Rule Tab Right-Click Menu

The Rule Tab right-click menu appears when you right-click a rule in the Rule tab. This lets you perform frequently
used functions, which are the same as the options on the Info Router Edit menu.

See this topic:

Rules Configuration Window
Defining New Info Router Rules

Configuring Info Router Aliases
An alias is a defined alternate name for an item or a group of items that might include users or devices. An alias can
have conditions applied to it, for example, a range of dates within which the alias applies, or a group of different
locations to which information is to be sent.
The Alias tab displays a list of aliases, together with information about each alias.

Option Description
Alias Name The name of the alias.

Destinations The user or device to which the information is being copied.

Conditions The conditions defined for the alias:

Always–information is sent to all the items included in the alias.
Date–the alias is applied during a defined date range.
Default–default conditions that apply during dates outside of the specified date range.

See these topics:

Defining/Modifying Aliases
Creating Recurring Aliases

Defining/Modifying Aliases
An alias is a name defined for an item or a group of items, including devices, users, and/or other aliases. An alias can
have conditions applied to it, for example, a range of dates within which the alias applies or a group of different
locations to which information is to be sent. These defined conditions are required to activate the alias.
For example, you can create an alias called On-Call that consists of the user, Dr. Jones. The conditions for this alias
may be a range of dates: January 1, 2003 16:00 to January 2, 2003 23:00. The system recognizes Dr. Jones as the
on-call physician and routes information and/or images to Dr. Jones during the specified time frame (as defined by
the rules).
All defined aliases, together with information about each alias, appear in a list in the Alias tab of the Info Router
Client window.
NOTE: See Alias Tab (Info Router) for a detailed description of the Alias tab and the information it displays for each
1. Do one of the following:

From the Info Router toolbar, click Insert Aliasing .

From the Insert menu, select Insert Aliasing.
The New Alias Creation window appears.
NOTE: To modify an existing alias, double-click the alias name in the Alias tab to display the Edit Alias window. Follow
the remaining steps in this procedure.
2. In the Alias Name field, enter a name for the new alias, or select an existing alias from the drop-down list.
3. In the Archives area, select the archive(s) to include in the alias.
4. In the Users area, select the users to include in the alias.
5. In the Aliases area, select the existing aliases to include in the alias, if any.
NOTE: Click Clear Selection at any time to clear all selected items.
6. From the Condition drop-down list, select the condition to apply to the alias.
7. From the From and To drop-down lists, select the range of dates and times for which the alias is active.
NOTE: For details about creating a recurring alias, see Creating Recurring Aliases.
8. Click OK.
The alias appears in the Alias tab of the Info Router Client window and begins immediate operation.

System Configuration

Creating Recurring Aliases

You can define an alias to recur according to a predefined schedule. For example, you can define an alias to be active
only on Saturdays and Sundays during a particular period.
1. Do one of the following:

From the Info Router toolbar, click Insert Aliasing .

From the Insert menu, select Insert Aliasing.
The New Alias Creation window appears.
NOTE: To modify an existing alias, double-click the required alias in the Alias tab to display the Edit Alias window.
Follow the remaining steps in this procedure.
2. In the Alias Name field, enter a name for the new alias, or select an existing alias from the drop-down list.
3. In the Archives area, select the archive(s) to include in the alias.
4. In the Users area, select the users to include in the alias.
5. In the Aliases area, select the existing aliases to include in the alias, if any.
NOTE: Click Clear Selection at any time to clear all selected items.
6. From the Condition drop-down list, select the type of condition that you want to apply to the alias.
7. From the From and To drop-down lists, select the range of dates and times for which the alias is active.
8. In the New Alias Creation window, click Recurrence.
The Alias Recurrence window appears.
9. Check the boxes next for the days you want the alias to be active.
10. Click OK.
The New Alias Creation window appears again, detailing the recurrence schedule.
11. Click OK.
The alias appears in the Alias tab of the Info Router Client window and begins immediate operation.

Rules Configuration Window

The Rules Configuration window shows the current list of rules being configured on the system. Selecting a rule
displays its details in the bottom pane of the window. The list of configured rules displays both the description and
function of each rule, as well as the event and action of each rule.
Info Router rules define how medical imaging and related data are routed within the CARESTREAM PACS product
suite. Each rule is comprised of these three components:
Event—an action in the system that Info Router can detect.
Command—specifies the action to take place when the event occurs.
Scheduling information—;specifies how often the system retries if execution of the command fails.
All defined rules, together with related data and current status, appear in the Rule tab of the Info Router Client

See these topics:

Available Rules
Editing an Info Router Rule
Defining a New Info Router Rule

Available Rules
Automatic Printing Sends each new image to be printed by the CARESTREAM PACS Client.
Backup Studies Backs up images according to the defined parameters and filters.
Compress Incoming Each new study that arrives is sent by Info Router to the compression server.
Copy Incoming Images New images that meet the defined parameters and filters have arrived at the
To selected source device. Each image is copied one by one.
In addition, each line in the Monitor tab data list represents an individual image;
only complete studies are pushed to copy.
Copy Incoming Studies New studies that meet the defined parameters and filters have arrived at the
To selected source device. When a study storing process is completed is defined in
System Configuration --> Info Router --> General Parameters --> Timeout.
Create Structured New reports from the CARESTREAM PACS Client that meet the defined
Report parameters and filters have arrived at the selected source device. Multiple
structure reports are consolidated into one. An SR that includes the information
from the RIS and CARESTREAM PACS Client is created. The consolidated SR is
stored in the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager. If a consolidated SR is
created, the unused SR from the CARESTREAM PACS Client is deleted.
Create Structured New reports that meet the defined parameters and filters have arrived at the
Report When RIS Msg selected source device. A Structured Report (SR) is generated immediately after
Arrives the radiology report is completed. It contains the radiology report, as well key
images and 3D processed images. The SR is stored in the Workflow Manager. If
no study yet exists, an SR is not created.
Create Structured The study has arrived to a report which already exists in the CARESTREAM PACS
Report When Study IS Link Software. An SR is created from both the study and the report.
Custom Function The user can define both the Event Type and the Command Type that specifies
the action that is to take place when the event occurs.
When you select Custom Function, the Additional Events available are:
First/Additional Image Arrived and Generic Probe.
The First/Additional Image Arrived event enables you to execute the command as
soon as the first image arrives.
The Generic Probe Event applies only to advanced and internal use only.
E-Mail Report Sends an SR by email to the referring physician.
Enable Copy Copies images manually, according to the defined parameters and filters, and
copies accordingly.
Enable Push Pushes images from CARESTREAM PACS Client to the client local disk, according
to the defined parameters and filters, and copies accordingly.
Enable Storage A new study has arrived and the Study Status is set to Storing. When the storing
Completion Notification is complete, the Study Status changes to Unread.
Migrate Copies the studies to a different tier according to rules defined in the Life Cycle
Management. If the tier is local, the study is copied locally. If not, it is copied
using DICOM.
Migrate to CD If the CD Direct Suite is used as the secondary backup device, CARESTREAM
PACS Info Router uses this rule to migrate all studies to CD.
Pre-fetch from Near- Retrieves patient studies from offline storage, according to the defined
line Archive parameters and filters. Click Advanced to open the Advanced Options window.
Pre-load History Retrieves patient studies from offline storage, according to the defined
parameters and filters, and forwards them to the CARESTREAM PACS PACS
Client. Click Advanced to open the Advanced Options window.
SMA (Single Media If SMA is used as the primary backup, Info Router burns all the studies to SMA.
Synchronize Study Tags Synchronizes the studies between the two computers.
Update DICOM tag New images that meet the defined parameters and filters have arrived at the
upon Image Arrival selected source device. The Info Router modifies the DICOM tags in the images
according to the configured request.
Update DICOM tag A new study that meets the defined parameters and filters has arrived at the
selected source device. The Info Router modifies the DICOM tags in the study

System Configuration

upon Study Arrival according to the configured request.

Run a Script Command Lets you run any existing script, executable, and batch file according to the
configured request.

Editing an Info Router Rule

1. Double-click a rule.
The Edit Rule dialog box appears.
2. Change the rule parameters, as required.
3. Click OK.
Defining a New Info Router Rule
The function is a combination of an event and command to be selected from a list of combinations between events
and commands. See Available Rules.
For example, for the event New Image Arrived, the user was able to “r;match” two possible commands, Copy and Set
Storing Completed. You can select Copy Incoming Images to or Update DICOM tag upon Image Arrival. Once a
function is configured, you can see the Event and the Action from which the Function is composed.
The Parameters pane of the New Creation Rule window varies to reflect the function that is selected and presents the
applicable parameters for each selected function.

1. Click Add .
Right-click on the list of rules and select Insert Rule.
The New Rule Creation window appears.

2. In the Description field, enter a descriptive name to provide a clear description of the rule.
The filter applied to the rule appears in the Filter field at the bottom of the window.
3. Click Edit to create or modify the rule filter.
The Edit Filter window appears.

You can compose different filtering by matching particular criteria with an applicable condition and criteria details.
4. Click Edit.
The Filter Fields Editor appears.
5. Use the Add and Remove buttons to change the filters from the general list of available tags.
6. Click OK.
The Edit Filter window appears.
The Scheduling field displays the scheduling defined to the particular rule, including default scheduling parameters
defined during installation. Different functions have different scheduling parameters.
7. Click Edit to adjust the scheduling.
The Rule Scheduling Dialog window appears.

8. Use the drop-down menus to set the times as required.

9. Click OK.
The New Rule Creation window appears.

System Configuration

10. Change any additional parameters, as necessary.

11. Click OK.

Custom Function
The Custom function enables the user either to compose a new combination of Event and Acton not available under
the predefined list of functions or to create a group command to allow the execution of sequential commands.

To create a custom function:

1. From the Edit Rule window, choose Custom Function from the drop-down menu in the Function field.
2. In the Parameters pane, select the appropriate event and the action to be executed for that event.
3. To configure a Group command, select Group Command from the Command Type drop-down menu.
The Parameters pane enables the user to add actions to the Group.
4. You can define another set of Group commands and specify whether these commands should be executed
sequentially or in parallel.
5. You can use Custom Function to configure an event that triggers an executable by selecting the action Run an

System Configuration

General Parameters
Parameters that are general for all rules appear under General Parameters. Parameters that are specific to certain
rules appear as a separate sub-entrance. General parameters include:
For each action type, it is possible to configure the maximum number of actions of this type that can run
simultaneously. In addition, there are a total (configurable) number of actions. This number sets the upper limit for
the number of actions that can run simultaneously regardless of the specific action type. For each action type, it is
possible to set its priority compared with other action types. The lower the number, the higher the priority.
For example, if Dynamic Copy has a priority of 30 and Manual Push has a priority of 60, then Dynamic Copy has a
higher priority than Manual Push and is executed first.
Actions not defined with an explicit priority have the priority that is defined in the configurable parameter of the
Default Command Priority. Priority between actions of the same name, such as several Dynamic Copy requests, is
assigned according to a first-in-first-executed order. It is possible to configure whether a specific action type should
be included in the Rules Configuration windows or not. The default should be set to false (the action is included).
Rules-Specific Windows
In addition to the General Parameters window, there are additional rules-specific windows.
Backup Parameters: lets you modify the default backup configuration parameters.
Pre-fetch Parameters: lets you modify the default pre-fetch configuration parameters.
Push to Users Parameters: lets you modify the default push to user configuration parameters.
Timeout Parameters: lets you modify the default timeout parameters.

Defining New Info Router Rules

See these topics:

Defining the Rule Function
Defining the Rule Parameters
Defining the Rule Filters
Defining the Rule Schedule
Defining the Rule Function
You can select the function that the rule shall perform.

1. From the System Configuration --> Info Router toolbar, click Add .
From the right-click drop-down menu, choose Add.
The New Rule Creation window appears.

2. Choose a function from the drop-down list.

3. Type a description of the function in the Description field.
4. Click OK.

System Configuration

Defining the Rule Parameters

You can select the parameters that determine the information for the rule that has been chosen.
1. Depending upon the function chosen, complete the fields in the middle pane of the New Rule Creation window.
2. In the Filter field, click Edit.
The Edit Filter window appears.

3. Make any necessary changes to the filter.

4. Click OK.

See this topic:

Defining the Rule Filters

Defining the Rule Filters
You can filter the instances of events that trigger a rule. For example, you can specify that only new images arriving
from a particular modality trigger that rule, or that only copy requests from a defined CARESTREAM PACS Client
trigger the rule.
1. Perform steps 1 through 3 of the procedure for defining the rule event.
2. From the list in the Criteria area, select the criterion by which you want to filter the event.
The possible values for the selected criterion appear in the Criterion Details area.
3. Select the filter condition from the Condition drop-down list (for example, is or is not).
4. From the list in the Criterion Details area, select the filter condition.
For example, if you select Head for the Body Part criterion, then only events involving head studies trigger the
5. Click Apply.
The filter criterion is applied and displayed in the Filter Expression area.
NOTE: The Apply button is only displayed in the Event tab. You must click Apply before you click OK to ensure that
the data entered in the Event tab is saved.
6. (Optional) Click And to define another criterion that must be met in order for the rule to be triggered,
Click Or to define an alternative criterion that must be met in order for the rule to be triggered.
The order of the calculation of the filter is always carried out from left to right.
7. If required, repeat steps 2 through 6 to define additional filter criteria.
8. If you wish to edit the list of Criteria in the middle pane of the screen, click Edit.
The Filter Fields Editor window appears. The list on the left side represents the full list of DICOM tags and/or HL-7
fields that can be added as criteria to filter the rule.

See this topic:

Defining the Rule Parameters
Defining the Rule Schedule

System Configuration

Defining the Rule Schedule

You can define scheduling for commands. For example, if the execution of a command fails, you can select the
frequency and/or number of retries to be performed. The scheduling information for a rule enables you to define the
number of attempts that are made to execute the command if there is a failure, as well as define the period in which
the command is retried.
1. From the Scheduling field of the New Rule Creation window, click Edit.
The Rule Scheduling Dialog box appears.

NOTE: The scheduling options are identical for all types of events.
2. From the On failure, retry every drop-down lists, define when the command is rerun in the event of a failure (any
combination of the options).
3. From the Continue retry within drop-down lists, define the period within which the command is retried in the event
of failure (any combination of the options).
4. The Delay option postpones the execution of a command. Click Delay and a further field opens to enter the time of
the delay.
5. Click OK.
The new rule is displayed in the Rule tab of the Info Router Client window and immediately begins operation.

Dynamic Filters
All the events in the CARESTREAM PACS Info Router may be filtered to satisfy special conditions. Each rule has its
own fixed list of filters, from which the user can choose.
There is a utility to use more filters, to actually filter by any DICOM tag existing in the study. To add a filter to the
CARESTREAM PACS Info Router, the user must add it directly to the Central Configuration to enable the CARESTREAM
PACS Info Router to obtain the required DICOM tag information. The filter is then added to the rule via the User
Interface. The probes that support the tag filters are:
New Study
New Image
The Info Router supports both standard and private tags.
Adding Filters to CARESTREAM PACS Info Router Rules
In the New Image or New Study Rule Creation window, click Edit in the Filter panel to display the list of DICOM
Rules with events related to RIS can also be dynamically filtered, similar to filtering the DICOM tags.

System Configuration

Updating CARESTREAM PACS Info Router Rules

The CARESTREAM PACS Info Router rules can be updated at any time. When you update a rule, the modified rule is
effective immediately.
1. To update an Info Router Rule, do one of the following:
Double-click the required rule in Rule Configuration in the Info Router Client window.
Select the required rule in the Rules List and click Edit on the toolbar.
Right-click the required rule and select Update.
2. Update the rule event, action, or scheduling, as described in Defining New Info Router Rules.

Life Cycle Management Configuration
Life Cycle Management allows the configuration for the automatic transfer of images from one storage tier to another
according to certain rules, including the time they are transferred and whether they are deleted.

Life Cycle Configuration

Life Cycle Configuration lets you configure the rules for the time interval to move images and where to move them.

To add a new group to the image life cycle:

1. At the top of the screen choose the group you want to configure.
2. To add a new group, click Add Group.
The Add Life Cycle Group window appears.
3. Choose a new group to add.
4. Click OK.
If there is a parameter to add, the appropriate Fill In dialog appears.
5. Enter the appropriate parameter.
6. Click OK.

To edit an existing group in the life cycle:

1. At the top of the window, select the group to edit.
2. To edit an existing group, click Edit Group.
The Fill In values window for the selected group appears.
3. Make the required change to the group.
4. Click OK.

To remove a group from the life cycle:

1. At the top of the window, select the group to edit.
A confirmation box appears.
2. Click Yes.
The bottom pane displays the life cycle of the chosen group.

To configure the image life cycle:

1. Double-click the name of the server.
The Settings window for the server appears.
Click Edit Life Cycle at the bottom of the window.
The entire Life Cycle window appears.
2. Click the required checkbox:
Copy From
Delete From
Keep Always
3. Use the drop-down menus to specify the configurations for keeping or removing studies from the chosen server.
4. Click OK.

System Configuration

Archive Configuration
The Archive Configuration window displays the storage available together with other statistics for each server. The
information is displayed in cylindrical format and shows both the High Water mark and Low Water mark levels of
storage space. You can configure the availability of servers and the percentages of storage space available for each
server. Clicking each server name displays details and statistics for that server.

See these topics:

Configuring Auto Delete
Configuring SIR Restore Settings

Configuring Auto Delete
Since there is a finite amount of disk space on the servers, space must be cleared periodically by removing those
studies that are least likely to be required. The Auto Delete operates when the high watermark is reached. Images
are deleted until the percentage in the low watermark field is reached.
The watermark percentages are configurable and can be changed by clicking on the amount in the field and entering
a new number. If the watermarks are not defined in the Archive Configuration window, the default watermark
amounts are taken from the figures configured in the Auto Delete window.
Removing studies is managed by the Auto Delete process, which is governed by a set of configurable rules or
priorities, customized to meet each site's specific needs.
Using the arrows on the left side of the window allow you to set the priority of each object according to its order and
appearance on the list. Objects can be added, edited, or removed by clicking on the buttons on the right side of the

See this topic:

Configuring Database Objects Auto-Delete

System Configuration

Configuring SIR Restore Settings

Under the Archive Configuration of the System Configuration, the SIR settings can be configured. The format is
similar to that of the FIR displaying the storage availability and other statistics of the SIR. The LTSMs fields are
configurable, as are the Low and High Water marks and the minimum restore space for the SIR.

Multi-tier Archiving
Multi-tier archiving has a user interface to allow easier configuration of life-cycle management rules. The user
interface lets you define which objects should be included in archiving rules, such as the entire study or specific
elements such as Key Images or SR, and the archiving policy for each object. This can also include how long the
object is stored in each tier, and to which tier it should be moved.

Long-Term Storage Manager (LTSM)
LTSM Overview
The Long-Term Storage Manager is the DICOM server that automatically and transparently manages the repository of
near-line and offline images, providing cost-effective storage management and archival and retrieval services. It
copies images from online disks (Online Storage Management storage) to automated storage media, and restores the
images back online as needed.
The Long-Term Storage Manager:
extends data protection by writing multiple copies to multiple removable media.
supports DICOM-3, supplying storage and retrieval services.
backs up and restores a nearly unlimited amount of data, with a lossless compression ratio of approximately 2:1.
can archive images from several Online Storage Management devices simultaneously and can manage several
storage devices (tape libraries).
uses a small online disk cache for holding studies that are to be stored on libraries compatible with and
supported by NetBackup software, as well as recently fetched studies.
manages the library cartridges in the system by automatically exporting cartridges to the mail slot (for example,
when the library is full).
imports requested cartridges from the mail slot.
The Long-Term Storage Manager can be installed either in a local configuration (on the same server on which the
Online Storage Management is running) or in a remote configuration (on a separate server).
NOTE: For a WINDOWS OS, the Long-Term Storage Manager can only be installed on a separate server.

Long-Term Storage Manager Functionality

The Long-Term Storage Manager server performs a number of operations to ensure that the system functions
optimally, including:
Info Router Backup Rule
Backup to Long-Term Storage (PreStore)
LTSM Auto Delete
Fetch from Offline
Shelf Management

Long-Term Storage Manager (LTSM)
Info Router Backup Rule
The diagram below illustrates the location of the CARESTREAM PACS Info Router backup rule in the flow of
information through the Workflow Manager:

The Info Router backup rule controls the migration of images from the online repositories to the RIS. When there are
images that must be backed up, the Info Router backup rule initiates a request to move DICOM data (image/study)
from the Online Storage Manager (WFM) location to the compatible RIS location.
When a new study is stored in one of the WFMs, the Info Router backup rule initiates a checking process to detect if
the study should be moved to the RIS. If the study is new, then the complete study is moved into the RIS that was
preconfigured to back up that specific WFM.
NOTE: The CARESTREAM PACS System can contain multiple RIS and WFM.
The migration process is triggered by a prescheduled, configurable timing schedule. The Info Router backup rule can
handle image migration from multiple WFM to multiple LTSMs.
NOTE: The Info Router backup rule process runs at prescheduled, configurable times.

See these topics:

Backup to Long-Term Storage (PreStore)
LTSM Auto Delete
Fetch from Offline
Shelf Management

Backup to Long-Term Storage (PreStore)
Backup to long-term storage is called the PreStore process. The PreStore process initiates prescheduled study
backups to DLT removable media (or any other media supported by NetBackup). The Long-Term Storage Manager
saves new images in a temporary online buffer (LTSMs cache) until the PreStore process copies the images to
permanent media. For every study, there are at least two copies in existence at all times.
Before the storage process begins, the system determines which of the studies need to be backed up, according to
the following criteria:
The arrival time of a study at the LTSMs. This parameter is used to prevent incomplete studies from being
Whether all of the study images reside in the LTSMs cache. If all of the images reside in the cache, the study is
listed for immediate backup. A second list is then created that includes all of the incomplete studies that must be
bound with new images before they can be stored. To minimize backup time, both lists are executed
simultaneously, so that every fetched study is immediately stored on removable media.
The PreStore operation automatically copies the images ready for long-term storage to a media volume from the
unused media pool in the library archive. If there is no new media available, the PreStore process halts and requests
a new media volume through the LTSMs Web interface.
After the PreStore process is completed, and if the system is configured to work without the mirroring feature, the
LTSMs cache is cleaned automatically.

Long-Term Storage Manager (LTSM)
After the PreStore process is completed, and if the system is configured to work with the mirroring feature, the Clone
process creates a second copy of the stored images on a different media volume.
NOTE: The Clone process is automatically generated after the PreStore process has been terminated.
When the Clone process takes place, both drives are used for duplicating the images. When only two drives exist in
the library, Fetch requests generated during the Clone process remain pending until the mirror process is complete.
For this reason, it is recommended to have more than two drives, to enable other operations to be executed in
parallel to the Clone process.
The Clone process can be performed either automatically by the system or manually by the system administrator. The
manual Clone option should be used when a Clone has not been created automatically. Refer to the NetBackup
Administrator Guide for information about performing a manual Clone.
NOTE: When the cartridge is full, it is recommended to switch it to the write protected state.

LTSM Auto Delete

The LTSM Auto Delete process cleans the LTSM cache either periodically or on demand. It removes all the fetched
studies from the RIS file system that have resided in the cache longer than the preconfigured time.
The LTSM Auto Delete process is triggered by a prescheduled timing schedule when the available free online space
reaches a user-defined red zone threshold. The LTSM Auto Delete process cleans the RIS cache until its free space
reaches a user-defined green zone threshold. Studies can only be deleted after they are backed up onto tape.

Fetch from Offline

When a DICOM client requests an image from a specific WFM, the image is searched for according to criteria defined
in a preconfigured rules table. If the image is online, it is sent immediately to the client. If the image is stored offline,
the WFM passes the request to the LTSMs.
When the LTSMs receives a Fetch request for an image or a study, it first looks for the image/study in the LTSMs
cache. If it is not found there, the Fetch request is forwarded to the NetBackup server. The NetBackup server locates
the image and moves it from the long term storage media to the LTSMs cache. If the requested media does not reside
in the library, a request to insert the media into the library is displayed.
When the request is fulfilled, the DICOM engine in the LTSMs is notified, and the image is moved directly to the
original DICOM user and to the WFM. The images fetched to the LTSMs buffer are cleaned automatically by the LTSMs
Auto Delete process at the scheduled time interval.

Shelf Management
The CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager assigns a Study Availability status to each study in the CARESTREAM
PACS System. This status is saved in the Workflow Manager database. This enables users to know at all times where
a particular study is located.
Online indicates that the study is located on the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager where it can be accessed
quickly when needed. If the status is near-line or offline, the user knows the study must first be retrieved from
the tape library managed by the RIS.
Near-line indicates that the tape for the requested study is currently in the tape library.
Offline indicates that the tape is not in the library and manual intervention is required.
If studies are located offline, the user can cancel the request to retrieve the study if no one is available to load the
required tape in the library.
The Study Availability status of each study can be viewed in the Admin Tool as well as in the CARESTREAM PACS
The RIS Synchronizer is the automated process responsible for tracking the status of each study in the system. For
example, when a tape is taken from the library, the statuses of all the studies contained on the tape are changed to
online. If an offline tape is placed in the library, all the studies contained on the tape have their availability status
changed to near-line and so on. The RIS Synchronizer runs once a day, at 3:00 am.

The Versatile Intelligent Patient Archive (VIParchive) can be used as a Long-Term Storage Manager. When using the
VIParchive as the Long-Term Storage Manager, the Fetch from Offline and the Backup Rule work in the same way.
However, the implementation of the VIParchive is different since it is an external archive. Therefore, the procedures
detailed above regarding Pre-Store and Cloning are irrelevant when using the VIParchive.
When dealing with Shelf Management in the VIParchive, the status of a study is always displayed as near line.

Long-Term Failover Agent
The Failover Agent detects the failure or abnormal termination of the previously active Data Center and enables an
automatic switch over to a second Data Center. The Failover Agent is also be used where one Data Center may have
been taken down manually due to maintenance or service.
NOTE: At initial operation it is recommended to consult with a Carestream Health Service Representative.

Action UNIX Command and Result
Identify if the Failover Agent has # /usr/tamar.root/scripts/failover_role – list
been installed on the system. Yes:
Role expected by for node <role name>: <server

Roles provided by
Identify if the Failover Agent is # /usr/tamar.root/scripts/failover – status
running on a satellite.
failover service running: pid 5141

failover service not running
Start the Failover. /usr/tamar.root/scripts/failover
Stop the Failover. /usr/tamar.root/scripts/failover – stop
View the Failover Log. /usr/tmp/failover.pl.log

Action MICROSOFT WINDOWS Command and Result
Identify if the Failover Agent has perl D:\Program Files\Kodak\System5\scripts\failover_role.pl -list
been installed on the system.
Identify if the Failover Agent is perl D:\Program Files\Kodak\System5\scripts\failover – status
running on a satellite.
Start the Failover. Start a WINDOWS service named "Imaginet Failover Service"
Stop the Failover. Stop the WINDOWS service "Imaginet Failover Service"
View the Failover Log. D:\Program Files\Kodak\System5\log\failover.pl.log

Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool
The Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool lets you monitor the Long-Term Storage Manager processes and
manage the Jukeboxes. The Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool also identifies and reports any malfunction in
the Long-Term Storage Manager processes and provides a variety of recovery tools.

See these topics:

Opening the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool
Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool Toolbar
Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool Menu Bar
Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool Window
Recovered Studies List Area (LTSM)

Opening the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool
The Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool can be accessed through the CARESTREAM PACS Admin Home Page
using a Web browser. This is similar to all other CARESTREAM PACS products, which are accessed through this central

From a UNIX System

1. In your browser, type the address (URL) of the Online Storage Management server and press Enter.
You are connected to the local server.
NOTE: The Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool must be accessed from the Online Storage Management. If you
try to access this tool from the Long-Term Storage Manager server, loading errors occur.
2. Click Administration.
The PACS Admin home page appears.
3. Select Workflow Manager --> Jukebox Admin.
The LOGIN window appears.
NOTE: When you log in for the first time, you are prompted to change your password.
4. In the Login field, enter your assigned login name.
5. In the Password field, enter your assigned password.
6. Click OK to log in to the selected product.
The Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool window appears.

1. Select Start --> Programs --> Carestream Solutions --> Admin --> Workflow Manager --> Jukebox Admin.
The LOGIN window appears.
NOTE: When you log in for the first time, you are prompted to change your password.
2. In the Login field, enter your assigned login name.
3. In the Password field, enter your assigned password.
4. Click OK to log in to the selected product.

See these topics:

Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool Window
Using the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool

Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool

Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool Toolbar

Button Option Description
Media Management Lets you access the Media Management window, where you can
perform functions such as generating reports, importing and exporting
media to and from the Jukebox, and so on.
Run Long-Term Storage Lets you run the Long-Term Storage Manager Backup process
Manager Backup (PreStore). A confirmation message appears when the backup process
is completed. See Backup to Long-Term Storage.
Run Long-Term Storage Lets you run the Long-Term Storage Manager Auto Delete process. A
Manager Auto Delete confirmation message appears when the Long-Term Storage Manager
Auto Delete process is complete.
Refresh Recovered Lets you manually refresh the data that appears in the Recovered
Studies Studies List area. This option does not affect the Pending Requests
area and the Event Log area.
Update Settings Lets you configure the automatic refresh settings for the data that
appears in the Recovered Studies List area. This option does not affect
the Pending Requests area and the Event Log area.
Run Net Backup Lets you run the Net Backup Synchronizer.

Exit Lets you exit from the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool and
return to the CARESTREAM PACS System Administration Home page.

Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool Menu Bar
Menu Option Description

File Refresh Lets you manually refresh the data that appears in the Recovered
Studies List area.
This option does not affect the Pending Requests area and the Event Log
Exit Lets you exit from the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool and
return to the CARESTREAM PACS Admin Home page.
Edit Settings Lets you configure the automatic refresh settings for the data that
appears in the Recovered Studies List area.
This option does not affect the Pending Requests area and the Event Log
Tool Media Management Lets you access the Media Management window, where you can perform
functions such as generating reports, importing and exporting media to
and from the Jukebox, and so on.
Long-Term Storage Lets you run the Long-Term Storage Manager Backup process. A
Manager Backup confirmation message appears when the backup process is complete.
See Backup to Long-Term Storage.
Long-Term Storage Lets you run the Long-Term Storage Manager Auto Delete process. A
Manager Auto Delete confirmation message appears when the Long-Term Storage Manager
Auto Delete process is complete.

Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool

Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool Window

The Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool lets you monitor the Long-Term Storage Manager processes and
manage the Jukeboxes. The Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool also identifies and reports any malfunction in
the Long-Term Storage Manager processes and provides a variety of recovery tools.
The Media Management options can be accessed from the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool window, as
well as options to resubmit or delete pending requests.
The Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool is also used for running Auto Delete and Long-Term Storage
Manager Backup processes in the Workflow Manager.
The Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool window displays a list of studies from the recently performed Fetch
requests, as well as any currently pending requests and any Long-Term Storage Manager progress and/or error
The Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool window provides access to all Long-Term Storage Manager
administration functions, including generating reports, importing and exporting media to and from the Jukebox,
and so on.
See Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool Toolbar and Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool Menu Bar for
descriptions of each Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool window element.

See these topics:

Opening the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool
Using the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool

Recovered Studies List Area (LTSM)
The Recovered Studies List area displays the following data about each recently performed Fetch request.

Column/Field Description
Last Name The last name of the patient for whom the Fetch request was made.
First Name The first name of the patient for whom the Fetch request was made.
Fetch Status The status of the Fetch request, as follows:
IN_PROGRESS: The Fetch request was executed but not yet completed.
DONE: The Fetch request was completed successfully.
FAILED: The Fetch request failed.
Fetch Source The name of the computer from which the Fetch request was initiated.
Fetch Time The Fetch time, according to the Fetch status, as follows:
If the Fetch status is IN_PROGRESS, Fetch time displays the time when the
Fetch request was executed.
If the Fetch status is DONE or FAILED, Fetch time displays the time when the
execution of the Fetch request was completed.
NOTE: The data in the Pending Requests area can be filtered, sorted, and refreshed, as described in Managing the
Display (LTSM Admin Tool).

Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool

Pending Requests Area (LTSM)

The Pending Requests area displays information about media that is required to complete a Fetch request, but is not
presently found in the Jukebox. You can either insert the media and resubmit the Fetch request, or choose to delete
the request from the system.
See Resubmitting Pending Requests and Deleting Pending Requests for more information.
The information in the Pending Requests area does not indicate the Fetch request for which the media is required. A
single media listed in the Pending Requests area may be required for multiple studies in the Recovered Studies List
The following information appears for each required media:

Column/Field Description
ReqID The NetBackup ID number for the request.
Barcode The bar code of the required media.
Operation The operation that is to be performed on the media. In most cases, the operation is
Time The time that the initial Fetch request was received.
Density The type of the media.
VolGroup The volume to which the media belongs, if applicable.
NOTE: The data in the Pending Requests area can be filtered, sorted, and refreshed, as described in Managing the
Display (LTSM Admin Tool).

Resubmitting Pending Requests
1. Import the appropriate media into the Jukebox, as described in Importing Media into the Jukebox.
2. In the Pending Requests area, select the request that you want to resubmit, right-click, and select Resubmit
If the correct media is found, the request is removed from the Pending Requests area, and the study status in the
Recovered Studies List area is changed to DONE.
If the correct media is not found, the request remains in the Pending Requests area and the study status remains

Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool

Deleting Pending Requests

Pending requests can be removed from the Pending Requests area and deleted from the system without importing the
media into the Jukebox. When a request is deleted in this way, the study status in the Recovered Studies List area is
changed to FAILED.
1. In the Pending Requests area, select the request that you want to delete.
2. Right-click and select Deny Request.
The request is removed from the Pending Requests area and the study status is changed to FAILED.

Event Log Area (LTSM)
The Event Log area displays progress and error messages for Long-Term Storage Manager processes, including
PreStore, Clone, and Auto Delete. The following information appears for each message

Column Description
Event The type of message (General or Error).
Message The content of the message (for example, Long-Term Storage Manager Clone on
Server PHIONA Started).
Date The date and time of the message.
The Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool window must be open while performing operations; otherwise, the event
log cannot receive the messages. Messages appear in the event log for a limited time. When the event log is full and
new messages must be displayed, old messages are deleted automatically. The data in the Event Log area can be
sorted, as described in Managing the Display (LTSM Admin Tool).

Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool

Media Management Options (LTSM)

The Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool lets you manage the Jukeboxes using the options available in the Media
Management window. From this window, you can generate detailed reports about the contents of each Jukebox, as
well as manage the Jukebox contents. See Using the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool for detailed procedures
for each option.
The Media Management window provides these options:

Option Description
Inventory Lets you generate an Inventory report.
Media List Lets you generate a Media List report.
Drive State Lets you generate a Drive State report.
Import Lets you import a cartridge into the Jukebox.
Export Lets you export a cartridge from the Jukebox.
Switch Lets you switch between the primary and secondary copy of a cartridge.
Clone This option is not functional in this version.
Clear Log Lets you clear the Results area of the Media Management window.
Close Lets you close the Media Management window and return to the Long-Term Storage
Manager Admin Tool window.

Using the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool
This section contains detailed procedures for the available Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool operations, which
Managing the Display
Running NetBackup Synchronizer
Generating an Inventory Report
Generating a Media List Report
Generating a Drive State Report
Importing Media into the Jukebox
Exporting Media from the Jukebox
Switching Media Cartridges
Clearing the Results Area of the Media Management Window
Exiting the Media Management Window
Clearing the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool Event Log
Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool Toolbar
Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool Menu Bar

Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool

Managing the Display (LTSM Admin Tool)

You can manage the studies that appear in the Recovered Studies List area and the requests that appear in the
Pending Requests area by performing the following standard functions:
Filtering the Data in the Recovered Studies List
Sorting the Lists
Configuring Display Settings for Recovered Studies List
Refreshing the Recovered Studies List

Filtering the Data in the Recovered Studies List

You can filter the data in the Recovered Studies List area and the Pending Requests area by one or more columns.
Each area is filtered separately. When filters are applied, the filter criteria appear in the relevant filter fields (the
white fields above the column names).
1. In either the Recovered Studies List area or the Pending Requests area, click in the filter criteria field above the
required column heading. The corresponding filter window appears.
NOTE: To erase existing filter data, click Clear.
2. Enter the required filter criteria.
3. Click OK.
The relevant list filters and appears according to the filter criterion that you selected. In addition, the criterion that
the list is filtered by appears in the white field above the relevant column name.

Sorting the Lists

The data in the Recovered Studies List area, the Pending Requests area, and the Event Log area can be sorted
separately by up to three columns.
1. In the Recovered Studies List area, the Pending Requests area, or the Event Log area, click a column name to
activate the primary sort. (Click once on a column name to perform an ascending sort and click again on the same
column name to perform a descending sort.)
2. Press Shift and click another column name to select a secondary sort.
3. Press Ctrl and click a third column name to perform a tertiary sort.
If a column is used for a sort, a symbol appears next to the column name.

Symbol Description
First Sort Ascending

Second Sort Ascending

Third Sort Ascending

First Sort Descending

Second Sort Descending

Third Sort Descending

Configuring Display Settings for the Recovered Studies List

You can configure the interval at which the data displayed in the Recovered Studies List area of the Long-Term
Storage Manager Admin Tool window is refreshed automatically.
1. Do one of the following:

From the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool toolbar, click Display Settings .
From the Edit menu, select Settings.
The Update Settings window appears.
2. Select the Automatic Refresh check box to activate the automatic refresh feature.
3. In the Refresh Interval field, select/enter the refresh interval in seconds.

4. Click OK to apply the settings.

Refreshing the Recovered Studies List

You can manually refresh the data displayed in the Recovered Studies List area of the Long-Term Storage Manager
Admin Tool window.

From the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool toolbar, click Refresh .
From the File menu, select Refresh.
The currently displayed data in the Recovered Studies List area is updated and displayed according to the latest
information in the archive.

Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool

Running NetBackup Synchronizer (LTSM Admin Tool)

You can execute a command on the server to synchronize the study availability status with the media status.
Whenever a media is exported or imported into the library, this button can be used to manually run the
synchronization process.

From the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool, click Synchronize .

NOTE: The synchronization process is also scheduled to run automatically every day at 3:00 am. This can be changed
using the crontab command.

Generating an Inventory Report (LTSM Admin Tool)
An Inventory report lets you view the current contents of the Jukebox, and indicates if there is a lack of
synchronization between the physical contents of the Jukebox and the recorded contents of the Jukebox.
For example, if there is a problem with a cartridge not being read by the Jukebox, you can re-run the Inventory
report so that the cartridge can be recognized by the Jukebox.
If a lack of synchronization is detected, import the appropriate cartridge into the Jukebox, as described in Importing
Media into the Jukebox, then regenerate the Inventory report to ensure that the mismatch has been corrected.
1. Do one of the following:

From the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool toolbar, click Media Management .
From the Tool menu, select Media Management.
The Media Management window appears.
2. In the Reports pane, click Inventory.
The Inventory report appears in the Results area. The Inventory report includes the following information for each
slot in the Jukebox.

Column Description
Slot The number of the slot in the Jukebox.
Robot Tape Indicates whether a cartridge is physically in the slot in the Jukebox or if it was removed.
Contents The bar code of the cartridge in the slot, if any.
Volume Media ID The NetBackup ID for the cartridge in the slot, if any.
Configuration A configurable bar code for the cartridge found in the slot, if any. This bar code can
Barcode include additional prefixes or suffixes that are not included in the actual bar code on the
Mismatch Indicates if a synchronization problem was detected for the slot.

Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool

Generating a Media List Report (LTSM Admin Tool)

A Media List report lets you view a detailed list of the Jukebox contents. This report lists the media cartridges by pool
and indicates the current status of each of the cartridges in each pool.
1. Do one of the following:

From the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool toolbar, click Media Management .
From the Tool menu, select Media Management.
The Media Management window appears.
2. In the Reports pane, click Media List.
The Media List report appears in the Results area. The Media List report includes the following information for each
media volume.

Column Description
Media Pool The name of the media pool to which the volume belongs.
This information appears in the body of the report rather than as a separate column.
Each volume is then listed under the appropriate Media Pool name.
Media ID The media identification number that was assigned to the volume when it was added to
the system.
Media Type The type of the media volume.
Robot # The identification number of the Jukebox in which the volume is stored.
Robot Slot The slot in the Jukebox in which the volume is stored.
Side/Face The side of the media on which the volume is stored (for example 1/2).
Ret Level The retention for the backups on this volume.
The retention level is an integer between 0 (one week) and 9 (infinity).
Size KBytes The total number of kilobytes stored on this volume.
Status The volume status:
Active: The volume is currently in use.
Available: The volume is available for use.
Suspended: The volume is not used for backups until the retention periods for all
backups on it have expired.
Frozen: The volume is no longer in use for backups.
Full: The volume is full and cannot store additional backups.
Expired: All backups on the volume are expired.
Imported: The backups on the volume were imported.

Generating a Drive State Report (LTSM Admin Tool)
A Drive State report lets you view all pending requests, as well as monitor the status of each of the drives. Additional
drive information, such as the type of the drive and the drive name, also appears.
1. Do one of the following:

From the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool toolbar, click Media Management .
From the Tool menu, select Media Management.
The Media Management window appears.
2. In the Reports pane, click Drive State.
The Drive State report appears in the Results area. The Drive Status portion of the Drive State report includes the
following information:

Column Description
Drv The drive number
Type The drive type
Control The type of control used for the drive
User The user running the drive report
Label The current machine label
RVSN Not relevant
EVSN Not relevant
Ready The current drive status (ready or is busy)
Wr. Enbl. Indicates whether the drive is write-enabled or not
ReqID The NetBackup ID number

Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool

Importing Media into the Jukebox (LTSM Admin Tool)

New media cartridges must be inserted into the Jukebox from time to time, for example, when existing media are full
or when a study must be restored. In order for the system to be able to recognize and work with a media cartridge,
the cartridge must be properly imported into the Jukebox. You can resubmit a pending request, if required.
NOTE: Detailed information about the Jukebox hardware is not displayed in the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin
Tool window, although it may be possible to identify such information indirectly. Other tools or data providers must be
used to identify exact physical problems.
1. Insert a cartridge into the appropriate mail slot in the Jukebox.
2. Do one of the following:

From the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool toolbar, click Media Management .
From the Tool menu, select Media Management.
The Media Management window appears.
3. In the Operations pane, click Import.
The Import Media window appears.
4. Click OK.
The cartridge is taken into the Jukebox and stored in a system-assigned slot.
NOTE: To ensure that the cartridge was successfully imported into the Jukebox, generate an inventory report.

Exporting Media from the Jukebox (LTSM Admin Tool)
You can remove a cartridge from the Jukebox when the Jukebox is full.
1. Do one of the following:

From the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool toolbar, click Media Management .
From the Tool menu, select Media Management.
The Media Management window appears.
2. In the Operations pane, click Export.
The Export Message window appears.
3. Enter the identification number of the cartridge you want to remove from the Jukebox.
4. Click OK.
The cartridge is placed in the mail slot and can be removed. If the requested cartridge cannot be found, an error
message appears.

Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool

Switching Media Cartridges (LTSM Admin Tool)

You can substitute the primary media copy and the secondary (cloned) copy of two tape cartridges. When you switch
between copies, the primary copy is reassigned the status of the secondary copy, and the secondary copy is
reassigned the status of the primary copy. This procedure is useful if one of the copies becomes corrupted.
1. Do one of the following:

From the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool toolbar, click Media Management .
From the Tool menu, select Media Management.
The Media Management window appears.
2. In the Operations pane, click Switch.
The Switch Message window appears.
3. Enter the identification number of the corrupted cartridge and click OK.
The system retrieves the secondary copy of the cartridge and uses it to replace the corrupted primary copy.

Clearing the Results Area of the Media Management Window (LTSM)
You can manually clear the data displayed in the Results area of the Media Management window.
In the Operations pane of the Media Management window, click Clear Log.
The Results area of the Media Management window appears blank.

Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool

Exiting the Media Management Window (LTSM Admin Tool)

After performing the required functions in the Media Management window, you can close it and return to the Long-
Term Storage Manager Admin Tool window.
In the Operations pane of the Media Management window, click Close.
The Media Management window is closed and the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool window re-appears.

Clearing the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool Event Log

You can clear the data displayed in the Event Log area of the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool window.

From the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool toolbar, click Clear Admin Reports .
The data in the Event Log area of the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool window is cleared. See Event Log
Area for more information.

Exiting the Storage Management Admin Tool

After performing the required operations in the Storage Management Admin Tool window, you can close it and return
to the CARESTREAM PACS Admin Home Page.

From the Storage Management Admin Tool toolbar, click Exit .

From the File menu, select Exit.
The Storage Management Admin Tool window closes and the CARESTREAM PACS Admin Home Page reappears.

Email Suite
CARESTREAM PACS Email Suite Overview
The CARESTREAM PACS Email Suite offers automatic e-mail distribution to referring physicians. These e-mail
messages are generated immediately after the radiology report is completed, and contain the radiology report, as
well key images and 3D processed images.
All confidential information is encrypted and can only be accessed by the referring physician by providing a password.
When opened, the e-mail attachment appears.
The Email Suite offers automatic e-mail distribution by combining the power of IS Link and Info Router to create an e-
mail message that contains key images marked on the PACS Client and the report received from the RIS. The Email
Suite sends encrypted e-mails to selected referring physicians, with a link back to the complete study, if required.
NOTE: The images and tools provided by the Email Suite are intended as aids for the competent user only.

Email Suite Lifecycle

When reading a study in Workflow Manager, the radiologist can use the PACS Client to mark key images in the study
that are most relevant and should be included in the report to the referring physician.
When the report is complete and signed by the radiologist, the IS Link Software triggers an Info Router probe, in
which IS Link informs the Info Router Software that there is a new report, and a new Email Suite group command is
The Email Suite receives the key images that were initially marked in the PACS Client (converted to JPEG format),
adds them to the study data received from IS Link, and creates the formatted MHTML report. Once the report is
complete, the Email Suite sends it to the referring physician.

Email Suite System Components

E-mail is implemented as an Info Router command. Each time a Structured Report (SR) is generated, the Email Suite
receives notification and as a result, sends the content of the SR by mail in MHTML format.
MHTML Report Generator
Mail Component

Features and Benefits

The Email Suite provides important features and benefits, including:
A Web-based, platform-independent product that enables remote installation, configuration, and maintenance.
Enables automatic e-mail reporting to referring physicians.
E-mails include the report and key images and 3D processed images.
Saves time by allowing instant access to results.
Reduces the cost of sending films to referring physicians.
Ensures secure transfer of sensitive patient data by encrypting all outgoing message attachments.
Provides centralized user management and an audit trail.

Email Suite Lifecycle

When reading a study in the Workflow Manager, the radiologist can use the PACS Client to mark key images in the
study that are most relevant and should be included in the report to the referring physician.
When the report is complete and signed by the radiologist, the IS Link Software triggers an Info Router probe. This
means that the IS Link Software informs the Info Router that there is a new report, and a new Email Suite group
command is issued.
The Email Suite receives the key images that were initially marked in PACS Client (converted to JPEG format), adds
them to the study data received from the IS Link Software, and creates the formatted MHTML report. Once the report
is complete, the Email Suite sends it to the referring physician.

See these topics:

Opening the Email Suite Configuration Tool
Email Suite Configuration General Tab
Email Suite Configuration Message Body Tab
Email Suite Configuration E-mail Properties Tab
Email Suite Configuration Error Message Body Tab
Email Suite Configuration Report Properties Tab
Email Suite Configuration Referring Physicians List Tab
Restarting the Server

Email Suite

MHTML Report Generator

The MHTML Report Generator is comprised of these components:
Image Retriever: the Email Suite's interface with the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager. The Image
Retriever has DICOM store capabilities.
It receives the DICOM images and places them in a local directory. A new root directory is created for every study.
The Image Retriever receives only the key images of a study.
MHTML Report Converter: activated after the image retrieving stage is completed.
It performs the following steps:
o Receives the report and the remainder of the patient clinical data required to create the report.
o Receives the format rules.
o Activates the DICOM-JPEG Converter.
o Builds the HTML page according to the format rules using the report text and the JPEG images.
o DICOM-JPEG Converter: uses a rendition system on the images to create a raster and then to convert them to
JPEG images.
The JPEG image size is determined in the MHTML Report Converter.

Mail Component
The mail component takes from the SR the MHTML page containing the report and sends the email to the relevant
referring physician. The email address of the referring physician is retrieved from the Central Configuration.
The mail encryption (DES-128 standard) and signing are performed using ALIROO PRIVAWALL, a third-party software

Configuring Email Suite Properties

The Email Suite configuration is performed remotely using the CARESTREAM PACS Web Client. You define the
information necessary for the Email Suite to generate and distribute e-mail messages to referring physicians
automatically. After configuring the Email Suite parameters, you must restart the server and configure the Info
Router. See Opening the Email Suite Configuration Tool.
The Email Suite Configuration Tool is accessed from the Web Client and is comprised of six tabs that enable you to
perform all required Email Suite configurations.

See these topics:

General Tab
E-mail Properties Tab
Message Body Tab
Error Message Body Tab
Report Properties Tab
Referring Physicians List Tab

Opening the Email Suite Configuration Tool
1. In your browser, type the address (URL) of the server and press Enter.
You are connected to the local server.
2. Click Administration.
The CARESTREAM PACS Admin home page appears.
3. Click Email Suite.
The Enter Network Password window appears.
4. In the Login field, enter your login name.
5. In the Password field, enter your password.
6. Click OK.
The Email Suite Configuration Tool window appears.
7. Configure the Email Suite parameters in each tab.
8. After configuring the Email Suite parameters, click OK to save the configuration and exit from the Email Suite
Configuration Tool window.

See these topics:

General Tab
E-mail Properties Tab
Message Body Tab
Error Message Body Tab
Report Properties Tab
Referring Physicians List Tab

Email Suite

Email Suite Configuration General Tab

The General tab lets you configure system-level Email Suite information, such as the system administrator’s email
address (to which error messages are sent), as well as the name of the mail server.
1. In the Email Suite Configuration Tool window, select the General tab.
2. In the Administrator E-mail field, enter the system administrator’s email address.
3. In the Mail Server field, enter the IP address of the email server or the encryption server.
4. In the server field, enter the IP address of the server to be used when there are links to the entire case and/or key
5. In the Default Device field, enter the default device to be used when there are links to the entire case and/or key
6. In the Web Directory field, enter the path to the directory.
7. In the DICOM Directory field, enter the path to the directory where the images are stored.
8. In the Images Directory field, enter the path to the images that appear inside the report header and footer.

Email Suite Configuration Message Body Tab
The Message Body tab lets you set the text that is included in the body of the email along with the radiologist’s
1. In the Email Suite Configuration Tool window, select the Message Body tab.
2. In the Message Body Text area, type the text you want to appear in the body of the emails.
NOTE: The text can include a field, indicated by a hash mark (#) before and after the field name. When generating an
email, the Email Suite automatically retrieves the relevant value from the report.

Email Suite Configuration E-mail Properties Tab

The E-mail Properties tab lets you set the text that appears in the email subject line and the links that are included in
the body of the email.
1. In the Email Suite Configuration Tool window, select the E-mail Properties tab.
2. In the E-mail Sender field, enter the address from which the email message is sent.
3. Enter the text that appears in the subject line of each email in the E-mail Subject field.
NOTE: The subject line can include a field, indicated by a hash mark (#) before and after the field name. When
generating an email, the Email Suite retrieves the relevant value from the report.
4. Select the Add Key Images Link check box if you want a link to the case’s key images to appear in the email and
enter the link text in the Key Images Link Text field.

Email Suite Configuration Error Message Body Tab

The Error Message Body tab lets you set the text of the error message sent to the system administrator if the Email
Suite cannot send an email.
1. In the Email Suite Configuration Tool window, select the Error Message Body tab.
2. In the Error Message Body Text area, enter the text you want to appear in the error message emails.
3. Select the Enable Error Message check box if you want each of the error messages to be sent to the system
If this check box is not selected, the error messages are written in the Info Router log but are not sent to the
system administrator.
NOTE: The text can include a field, indicated by a hash mark (#) before and after the field name. When generating an
email, the Email Suite automatically retrieves the relevant value from the report.

Email Suite

Email Suite Configuration Report Properties Tab

The Report Properties tab lets you configure the HTML report properties of the automatically generated email
messages, which include the header and the footer text.
1. In the Email Suite Configuration Tool window, select the Report Properties tab.
2. In the Header Text and/or Footer Text areas, enter the necessary HTML information.

Email Suite Configuration Referring Physicians List Tab

The Referring Physicians List tab lets you add, remove, or update the list of physicians to which the Email Suite can
automatically send emails. In this tab, you can also search for a listed physician.

Adding a New Referring Physician

You must add all new referring physicians to the list in order for them to receive emails.
1. In the Email Suite Configuration Tool window, select the Referring Physicians List tab.
2. Click Add.
The Add Ref. Physician window appears.
3. Enter the referring physician’s data in the appropriate fields.
NOTE: Multiple email addresses separated by semicolons (;) can be entered for the referring physician in the E-Mail
Address field.
4. Click OK to add the new physician to the list.

Removing a Referring Physician from the List

You can remove a referring physician from the list if the physician’s information is no longer required.
1. In the Ref. Physician List area of the Referring Physicians List tab, select the required physician.
2. Click Remove.
The Ref. Physician List window appears.
3. Click OK to confirm the removal.

Updating a Referring Physician Details

You can update a referring physician’s details if the current information has changed.
1. In the Referring Physicians List tab, select the required physician.
2. Click Update.
The Update Ref. Physician window appears.
3. Make the necessary changes to the physician’s details.
4. Click OK.
NOTE: Multiple email addresses separated by semicolons (;) can be entered for the referring physician in the E-Mail
Address field.

Searching for a Referring Physician

When the list of referring physicians is long, you can do a quick search for the required physician.
1. In the Referring Physicians List tab, click Search.
The Search Ref. Physician window appears.
2. Enter a partial or full name of the required physician.
3. Click OK.
The physician appears as highlighted in the list.

Restarting the Server
Once the Email Suite parameters are all configured, the server must be stopped and restarted. This is performed

CD Direct
CARESTREAM PACS CD Direct Suite Overview
The CARESTREAM PACS CD Direct Suite allows you to create media discs (CDs or DVDs) containing image data.
If the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software is installed on your system, you can also burn (copy) radiology reports to
the CD. The CD contains the original uncompressed DICOM image data along with a viewer, which allows anyone with
a PC to view the images.
All CD Direct Suite operations, including configuration of the system and monitoring burn requests, are performed
from the CD Direct Suite Queue Manager window.

The CD Direct Suite comprises the software and hardware, including the CD Manager Server and a CD burner,
necessary to produce CDs that contain image data.
CD Manager Server–the CD Manager Server includes a DICOM server that allows the CD Direct Suite to receive
images through a DICOM copy or move command issued from an external DICOM device. The CD Manager Suite
prepares the content for each media disc (CD or DVD), including reports, DICOM DIR, DICOM Viewer, JPEG Lossy
presentation of the images, and HTML page for quick viewing of the Lossy images.
CD Burner–the CD Direct Suite uses a CD burner (a RIMAGE CD publishing system or another CD burner set up with
your system). If you use a RIMAGE CD publishing system, you can print patient information on the face of the CDs
(see the RIMAGE CD publishing system user guide for information about printing).

Eliminates the need for handling patient films.
Creates CDs without the fear of ruining image data.
Provides hospitals with the option to give CDs to referring physicians.
Provides referring physicians with the option to give patients CDs or the option to keep CDs for their own
Ability to burn reports to a CD.
Burns CDs in DICOM part 10 format (removable media).
NOTE: The CD Direct Viewer is not intended for primary diagnostic viewing. See the user documentation for the
CARESTREAM PACS CD Direct Suite for more information.

For information about defining the CD Direct Suite configuration parameters, see this topic:
Setting CD Direct Configuration Parameters

Setting CD Direct Configuration Parameters
To access the CD Direct Suite configuration options:
Click the Options icon of the CD Direct Queue Manager toolbar or select the Tools --> Options and select the desired

Production Parameters
Parameter Description
Summary CD When there are multiple CDs in a single task, check this box to create a JPEG
representation of the contents of the CDs as a complementary summary CD.
Auto Burn Check to burn a disc automatically after all images are received.
Burn Viewer Check to burn a DICOM Viewer Application with the DICOM images. Uncheck to
burn only the DICOM images.
Local Burner Check to burn to a local CD burner instead of the RIMAGE CD burner.
Media Selects CD-R or DVD-R media.
Printing Prints the labels on the disc in relation to the angle of the marker. Aligned
printing is available only with the RIMAGE printer.
Smart Burning Mode Check Smart Burning Mode to force the system to wait for the entire study before
beginning the burn process. Selecting this option avoids splitting studies and
series over multiple CDs.

Directories Parameters
These parameters specify the destination directories for the stages of the burning process.

Labels Parameters
These parameters define the data that appears on the CD label if you are using a RIMAGE CD burner and printer. The
order of the fields in the dialog box determines the order in which the labels are printed on the disc. Number of
Studies, Study Date, and Study Modality are printed by default for each study.

Application Parameters
Parameter Description
Institution Name Specifies the name of the institution.
Timeout Specifies the time that the CD Direct Suite waits from receipt of the last image by
the server until the server recognizes that the copying process is complete.
Wait for Report(s) If Wait For Report is checked, a burn task without a report is not started until CD
Direct receives the report is received or until the report timeout elapses. CD
Direct checks for reports at the Report Refresh Interval.
Burn With History Check Burn With History to burn the patient’s history. Specify the number of
studies to retrieve from the Patient History.

System Parameters
Parameter Description
Auto Delete Specifies if burned studies are automatically deleted from the hard disk.
Media Specifies the size of the media on which information is burned.

Priorities Parameters
You can set different priorities for tasks from specific users or referring physicians. Use Add, Edit, Delete, or change
the position of an entry.

CD Direct

Supported Configurations
1. CD Direct remote mode: Install CD Direct on a dedicated workstation in a WFM environment.
2. Windows WFM with CD Direct:
CD Direct installation is part of the windows WDM installation procedures. The product is always installed, A
service is added and is running (Imaginet CDDirect service).
When a license is not present for CD Direct, the CD Direct Windows service is still started but non-functional. CD
Direct logs indicate that there is no license to run CD Direct.

CD-Direct Auto-Delete
A scheduled task, cd_direct_auto_delete, runs nightly on the CD Direct workstation to clear CD Direct temporary
CD Direct Auto-Delete deletes all data of completed or cancelled tasks that passed the delete criteria:

Option 1—Delete According to Task Date

Delete tasks that are older than a specified number of days.

Option 2—Delete According to Free Space

Delete tasks until the cdsurf directory free-space is over a configurable limit.

Option 3—A Combination of the Above

Delete all tasks according to date and then according to the free space.
The Auto-Delete method is configured by the cfg parameter:
0—delete by date
1—delete by space
The free-space and days limit criteria are configured in System Configuration --> CD-Direct, under the System tab.

CD Direct

Configuration Window Tabs

Tab Description
Server Name Select the server you want to configure. The settings
in all of the configuration tabs are applied to the
selected server.
Options -->Production Tab Burn Advanced Viewer: Check to burn the advanced
DICOM Viewer Application.
Burn Light Viewer: Check to burn the light DICOM
Viewer Application.
Burn HTML: Check to burn the web-enabled viewer
(JPG images).
Summary CD: When there are multiple CDs in a
single task, check this box to create a JPEG
presentation only of the contents of the CDs as a
complementary CD.
Auto Burn: Check to burn a disc automatically when
all images are received.
Keep Image File: Saves the media image file for
future burning.
Local Burner: Check to burn to a local CD burner
instead of the RIMAGE CD burner.
Auto Media Selection: Check to use automatic
media selection (CD or DVD only), according to the
task size.
Media: Select CD-R/DVD-R/BD-R media.
Number of Burners: Applies only to the RIMAGE CD
Printing: Aligned printing is available only with a
RIMAGE printer. Prints the labels on the disc in
relation to the angle of the marker.
Burning Mode: Check Smart Burning Mode to have
the system wait for the entire study before beginning
the burn process. This avoids splitting studies and
series over multiple CDs.
Options -->Directories Tab Lets you specify the destination directories for various
stages of the burn process.
BTW File: Specifies the printed label template file for
the RIMAGE CD burner.
Options -->Labels Tab Lets you define the data that appears on the CD label
if you are using a RIMAGE CD burner and printer. The
fields in the dialog box are in the order that they are
printed on the disc.
The labels are divided into general labels and study
details labels. General labels include institute and
patient details. The number of studies is printed by
Options -->Application Tab Institution Name: The name of the institution.
Timeout: Lets you specify the time interval that CD
Direct waits from receipt of the last image by the
server until the server recognizes that the copying
process is complete.
History: Check Burn With History to burn the
patient’s history and specify how many studies to
retrieve from the patient's history.
Options -->Reports Tab Reports: If Wait For Report is checked, a burn task
received without a report is not burned until the report
is received or until the report timeout. CD Direct
checks for reports at the Report Refresh Interval.
Lets you specify settings for external reports. The top
pane contains information from the reports section in
the Application Tab. The bottom pane lets you
configure an external report for each study on the CD,

with a link to the external report on the CD's main
HTML page.
Options -->System Tab Auto Delete: Lets you specify when burned studies
are automatically deleted from the hard disk.
CD/DVD/BD-R Capacity: The size of the media upon
which information is burned.
Media ID Prefix (optional): Enter any alphanumeric
Number of Copies: Lets you specify the number of
copies of each media to burn.
Options -->Priority Tab Lets you set higher priorities for tasks received by
specific users or referring physicians. You can add,
edit, delete or change the position of each entry.
Options -->Archive Tab Lets you configure the options for Archive Mode.

Privacy and Security Management
HIPAA Security Regulations
CARESTREAM PACS provides health care organizations with the infrastructure and tools necessary to facilitate full
compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996. Towards that end, the
system provides these organizations with a suite of security mechanisms to ensure the highest standards of patient
confidentiality, in accordance with HIPAA regulations. These mechanisms work together to make the system a
“privacy-enabled” system. A subset of HIPAA security regulations defines five areas where measures must be taken to
ensure patient confidentiality, as follows:

HIPAA requires health care organizations to have strict controls on which users can access confidential patient
information. CARESTREAM PACS features the User Management Admin Tool, which manages the login mechanism
that serves as the entry point to all system applications and tools. It centralizes all user management functions,
enabling you to define permissions and settings at the user, group, and system levels.

Maintaining strict control over the type of access these authenticated users have is just as important as regulating
who has access to confidential PHI (protected health information).
CARESTREAM PACS features the Access Control Management Tool, which ensures that users can view only the
Workflow Manager data that they are authorized to view. Access control is performed by setting restrictions at the
user, group, or node level, providing both role-based and context-based protection. Restrictions can be configured for
different data types, according to any DICOM criteria.
The Access Control Management Tool works in conjunction with the User Management Admin Tool to provide
comprehensive protection of patient confidentiality.

HIPAA regulations require an auditing system against unauthorized users that penetrate the first two levels of access
control: authentication and authorization.
The auditing function in the Workflow Manager logs every PHI task or operation stored in the system, such as
accessing information, editing, and deleting. Each logged event can include: the operation performed, the user who
performed it, the location from which it occurred, and the information affected.
The auditing function permits security administrators to monitor system activity for suspicious behavior including
authorized users accessing patient data for which they have no need to know and to trace the origins of any action
that occurred in the system.
NOTE: For more information, see Auditing.

Data Protection
HIPAA regulations apply to data that is transmitted within health care organizations within a secure domain (using
firewalls), as well as over the Internet.
The system supports encryption of all data passing through the system using a variety of common protocols (for
example, SSL) and includes an integrity mechanism to ensure that data was not tampered with during transit.
Different encryption mechanisms can be configured for different clients to allow maximum flexibility.
In addition, the CARESTREAM PACS System uses the ALIROO PRIVAWALL Server, a secure email server that
automatically applies end-to-end, rule-based encryption to any email and attached files routed through the email.
Several different protection schemes, such as certificate-based S/MIME encryption/decryption and self-decrypting
symmetric messages, are supported.

Disaster Recovery
HIPAA regulations require that health care organizations have the ability to recover confidential patient data from any
situation caused by hardware or software failures.
The Workflow Manager implements a multi-layered solution that includes full and incremental data backups to offline
storage as well as hot/cold server backups in cases of hardware failures. All image data is automatically cloned to
secondary media, which can be removed from the system library and stored in a secure location.
NOTE: Contact Customer Service for more information about the Workflow Manager’s backup features.

Security Policy
Carestream Health, Inc. has established and complies with an internal security policy that applies to its Health Group
products, imaging services, and repair services that are privacy-enabled. “Privacy-enabled” is Carestream Health
Inc.'s term to identify products and services that enforce its security policy via design features or specific procedures
to be followed during development, operation, or maintenance of Carestream Health products.
Under this policy, Carestream Health, Inc. has undertaken to do the following:
Provide privacy-enabled products with the following privacy and security features:
o User identification and authentication of the claimed identity
o Controlled access to product functions, including those that allow access to patient-identifiable information
o Security audit logging to enforce individual accountability of access to sensitive data and system resources
o System integrity mechanisms to guard against unauthorized changes to data or software applications
o Identify a set of Customer Security Obligations that describe the duties and responsibilities of users in order to
gain maximum benefit from the privacy-enabled features built-into Carestream Health products.
These Customer Security Obligations are listed in Customer Security Obligations. Carestream Health, Inc. will
verify and document the understanding and acceptance of these obligations via a contractual agreement.
Ensure that Carestream Health, Inc. service personnel understand and commit to their security-related
responsibilities when providing service for privacy-enabled Carestream Health, Inc. products. This is
accomplished via service training, and a signed acknowledgment by service personnel.
Provide service user identification and authentication prior to allowing access to privacy-enabled Carestream
Health, Inc. products.
Provide proper and secure product installation. This is accomplished by the service technician following standard
Carestream Health, Inc. approved procedures for installation.

Privacy and Security Management

Customer Security Obligations

Carestream Health, Inc. recognizes that its privacy-enabled products, when operated in accordance with proper
procedures, can provide its customers a large measure of privacy and security protection.
Carestream Health, Inc. also knows that its customers must supply a proper environment within which privacy-
enabled Carestream Health, Inc. products can operate, so that these products can deliver their built-in privacy and
security features.
In this light, the Customer Security Obligations that follow are security rules that must be enforced by those that
come into contact with Carestream Health, Inc. equipment including members of the customer’s workforce and its
business associates, including IT managers and staff members, Security Administrators (SAs), and other users.

Hazard Caution
Operational Privacy-enabled Carestream Health, Inc. products must be operated and maintained
Environment within a controlled customer environment.

Software Changes Because customers are not authorized to add to or modify software supplied by
Carestream Health, Inc. without written permission of Carestream Health, Inc.
Carestream Health, Inc. is not responsible for security lapses or violations due to the
introduction of unauthorized software.
Privacy and Security The enterprise in which privacy-enabled Carestream Health, Inc. products are
Policy of the User's installed has developed approved policies and procedures for protecting the privacy of
Enterprise any Protected Health Information (PHI) it may collect or generate, for obtaining
proper authorization and consent for its collection and use, and for patient access to
its PHI for appropriate review and revision.
The enterprise is responsible for overall conformance to its privacy and security
policies and procedures.
Clearance Individuals, including members of the Carestream Health, Inc. workforce such as
maintainers, to whom the Security Administrator (SA) grants unescorted or electronic
access to privacy-enabled Carestream Health, Inc. products that may contain PHI,
have completed any required training on the privacy and security policies and
procedures of the enterprise in which the products are installed.
Use Training Individuals granted unescorted access to privacy-enabled Carestream Health, Inc.
Agreement products that may contain PHI have acknowledged their responsibilities for protecting
the privacy of any PHI to which they may gain access in accordance with the privacy
and security policies and procedures of the institution in which the products are
Permission to User accounts for privacy-enabled Carestream Health, Inc. products are only granted
Operate Products by the SA to individuals who are cleared and who have completed their user training
Operation of Privacy-enabled Carestream Health, Inc. products must be operated in accordance
Products with operating instructions and user manuals provided by Carestream Health.
Need-to-Know The identity of individuals with clearance to PHI, but who do not have need-to-know
for all PHI a privacy-enabled Carestream Health, Inc. product may contain, is known
by the SA so that the SA can properly set access authorizations.
Protection of PHI The customer must protect PHI released in hardcopy form, which includes hardcopy
Released as images, and human-readable reports from privacy-enabled Carestream Health, Inc.
Hardcopy products from compromise of its confidentiality in accordance with the approved
privacy protection policies and procedures of the enterprise in which the hardcopy is
Security of Networks provided by a customer to interconnect its privacy-enabled Carestream
Customer Networks Health, Inc. products contain the necessary features to protect any PHI carried
therein in accordance with the privacy protection policies and procedures of the
SA Reaction to The SA has the responsibility to be aware of the security status of its network and of
Security-Relevant the devices the network interconnects, and if the SA becomes aware of a problem,
Events has an obligation to react. Failure to react may result in improper behavior of
Carestream Health equipment.
Input from Other Data transmitted on an approved data interface that is not authorized to contain PHI,
Systems from any source to a privacy-enabled Carestream Health, Inc. product, must never
contain PHI.
NOTE: The Carestream Health, Inc. product does not treat data received on these
interfaces as if the data contained PHI.

Configuration Customers must maintain control over the topology of the privacy-enabled
Control During Carestream Health, Inc. products installed within their enterprise, including data
Operation and interfaces and software versions. Customers must use the interfaces and our
Maintenance products for the purpose for which they were designed and in a configuration that has
been approved by Carestream Health, Inc.

Privacy and Security Management

Security-Related Roles and Responsibilities

Security Administrator (SA)

The Security Administrator (SA), or individual who fulfills this role, is responsible for planning, implementing, and
enforcing the privacy and security policy of the institution in which the privacy-enabled Carestream Health, Inc.
products are installed.
The SA system role has the privileges to administer and manage the privacy and security-related components of
privacy-enabled Carestream Health, Inc. products using the controls and displays provided by Carestream Health,
Inc. used as described in the product’s operating instructions, and in accordance with the institution's privacy and
security policies and procedures.
The SA roles and responsibilities include the following:
Creating user accounts
Assigning user accounts to role-based user groups
Controlling access to sensitive system resources
Enabling or disabling privacy and security features
Managing the properties of the local security audit log cache

Other Product Roles

Users associated with other product roles perform clinical and administrative tasks not related to privacy and security.
Other User privacy and security-related responsibilities are limited to the following:
Operating the device according to the instructions provided by Carestream Health, Inc. and according to the
policies and procedures of the institution in which the product is installed.
Ensuring the confidentiality of his or her login account information (user name and password) by refraining from
sharing with others or writing this information down where it could be discovered by others.
Users associated with any of these roles are granted the privilege to change their own passwords at will.

Security Manager
The Security Manager is a system-wide application that controls the various permissions, access restrictions, and
other permission-based features of all products in the CARESTREAM PACS System, including configuration and
administration tools. The system is built using the principles described below.

Group A group is an entity containing users and is attached to a specific profile. A group contains a
set of parameters such as Display Protocols in CARESTREAM PACS Client or specific security
settings, etc.
Profile A profile describes the functions a user has after logging in to the CARESTREAM PACS Client.
A profile contains a list of features (similar to licensing). Sites cannot edit the contents of a
profile. One group can only belong to one profile. However, several different groups can
belong to the same profile.
For example: Group A belongs to one specific profile (Profile A). Group B also belongs to one
specific profile (Profile A). Users of both groups have the same set of basic features (and user
interface) when they log on to the system. However, each group has its own set of
A feature is a licensed permission, is not configurable, and represents a function in the
Permissions The permissions to perform certain operations or view certain data are controlled by the
Security Manager and managed by the UM. Permissions are attached by default to a specific
group. Permissions can also be configured on a user level. Each group has a specific set of
permissions with a 1:1 ratio (one set of permissions is available for one group and vice
The same theory applies to users. For example, a user belonging to a group automatically
inherits the group’s permissions. If a specific permission is added or removed from the user,
the user has a specific set of permissions.
You can configure permissions on a system, group, or user level. Each level overrides the
preceding level.
Certain permissions are dependent upon features. If a user does not have the feature in the
profile to which the user is attached, the permission is not available to the user.
The permissions mechanism must read the profile content and allow configuring permissions
for the relevant features in the profile and changing the permissions. Features that are not in
a specific profile do not appear in the User Management at all.
Permissions Certain features of the system are included as part of the profile definition and require
and Profiles permission controls. The permissions mechanism allows configuring or changing permissions
for the relevant features in the profile. Features that are not in a specific profile do not
appear in the Security Manager. Most sites have more than one profile, so the permissions
mechanism must be able to read the profile that is relevant for a specific user or group.

See these topics:

Security Manager Permissions Configuration
Security Manager Permissions Settings
Applicable Permissions
Configuring Permissions

Privacy and Security Management

Security Manager Permissions Configuration

Permissions are accessed from the User Management application. Permissions are divided into the following
Image Manipulation Permissions
o Export Data
o Update Data
Workflow Permissions
o Reading Flow
o Folder Creation
o DP Creation
o URL and Action Buttons
Access to Foreign Archives
Application Access
Application Settings
CD Monitoring
User Management Settings

See these topics:

Security Manager
Security Manager Permissions Settings
Applicable Permissions
Configuring Permissions

Security Manager Permissions Settings
The system is installed with several default permission settings.

Setting Description
System These settings are automatically applied to any user defined in the Administrators
Administrator group.
Radiologist These settings are automatically applied to any user defined in the Radiologists group.
Web These settings are automatically applied to any user defined in the MS_Users group.
Mammography If you are defined as a Group Administrator, the user receives the relevant settings for
the group the user belongs to and also receives an additional permission to add, edit,
and delete users from that group.
If a new group is defined in the system, it inherits the System Level Permission
Settings. Alternatively, if a new group is created by copying an existing group, it
inherits the permission settings of the original group.
If a new user is defined in the system, you inherit the permission settings of the group
to which the new user belongs.

Temporary User These settings are automatically applied to any user defined as a temporary user in
the system.
If you are defined as a Group Administrator, the user receives the relevant settings for
the group the user belongs to and also receives an additional permission to add, edit,
and delete users from that group.
If you are defined as a Group Operator, you receive the relevant settings for the group
that the user belongs to and also receive an additional permission to reset the
password of a user.
If you are defined as a Service User, you receive the permission settings of the
administrators group.
If a new group is defined in the system, it inherits the System Level Permission
Settings. Alternatively, if a new group is created by copying an existing group, it
inherits the permission settings of the original group.
If a new user is defined in the system, you inherit the permission settings of the group
to which the new user belongs.

See these topics:

Security Manager
Security Manager Permissions Configuration
Applicable Permissions
Configuring Permissions

Privacy and Security Management

Application and Server Security (UNIX)

NOTE: This section is not used for the CARESTREAM PACS Standalone Workstation.
Encryption is the process of transforming information so it is unintelligible to anyone but the intended recipient. This
is done by using encryption mechanisms, editing configuration files, and good security practices.
The CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager can be configured to use encryption and to support the Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL) protocol for encrypted communication. Using SSL, the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager uses the
following ports for communication. These ports must be open at the firewall to let CARESTREAM PACS Workflow
Manager clients use the application.
24466: CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager client-server connection
24444: Push client-server connection
25511: Push Sender Server (Workflow Manager client connection)
24477: Conference Server (Workflow Manager client connection)
443: Web server port for https
NOTE: Port 80 is still used when the applet is downloaded via SSL (port 443). It must also be open on the firewall,
even when using SSL.
All connections via ports in the 2xxxx range are over SSL and are encrypted. Demographic and image data is always
transferred using port 24466 while administrative information is transferred using the other ports.
NOTE: View the topics listed under User Management Admin Tool (Group) and under User Management Admin Tool
(User) for information about configuring the use of SSL.
The CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager installation includes the APACHE Web server (version 1.3.22/6) with SSL
support using the modSSL package. To activate https, a valid certificate should be purchased from a Certified
Authority (CA) company such as VeriSign or Thawte.

Placing the Certificate and Private Key

1. Place the certificate in this location:
2. Place the private key in this location:
If a user logs in to the web server via https, a secure lock appears at the right bottom of the browser. The lock
indicates that the page and applet were downloaded via SSL and that login takes place over SSL. The lock only
applies to the download of the initial Web page and applet. If the user is not set up to use SSL, patient data is not
encrypted even if the applet is accessed via https.
If a user is configured to use SSL and accesses the server via http (that is, not using SSL for the page and applet
download), the user is prompted with an alert indicating an insecure connection. If the user continues, the user login
ID and password is not encrypted, but patient data is encrypted via SSL, since a separate connection is used for that
port, such as 24466, etc.
After successful login by the user, the applet establishes SSL connections back to the server if it is configured via the
User Management Administration Tool to use SSL, based on the user's identity and/or network address. Independent
of SSL settings, encryption can be applied separately to patient demographic data and image (pixel) data. The
algorithm used is proprietary and performs only a weak level of protection (less than single DES) and should not be
used over public networks, such as the Internet, where SSL provides a higher degree of protection.
However, the encryption device may be used internally to protect against unsophisticated forms of eavesdropping.
When encrypting image data, the encryption can be used per modality (for example, CT images are sent without
encryption, while US images are sent with encryption). Encryption can also be applied differently inside and outside
the Workflow Manager server subnet. Encryption may be turned off for internal network subnets.
NOTE: Encryption can cause considerable performance degradation.
At the User Administration Home Page, do the following:
1. Click Administration, then click User Management.
2. Select a user group.
3. Go to Tools --> Edit Selected --> Web Server Software.
The Configuration for: administrator window appears.
All subnets listed in this window are considered to be internal subnets and receive the internal encryption
configuration. For any subnet not listed, the external encryption configuration is used.
4. To add a subnet to the list, enter the subnet address under Subnets and click Add.
5. Click OK.

NOTE: By default, all networks are considered external, so SSL is enabled for every user, which affects performance.
It is recommended that internal networks that are sufficiently secure be configured not to use SSL. The “xx.xx.xx”
and “yy.yy” entries are examples of subnet address formats. They are ignored by the system and may be removed.

Application and Server Security (WINDOWS OS)

NOTE: This section is not used for the CARESTREAM PACS Standalone Workstation.
Encryption is the process of transforming information so it is unintelligible to anyone but the intended recipient. This
is done by using encryption mechanisms, editing configuration files, and good security practices.
The CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager can be configured to use encryption and to support the Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL) protocol for encrypted communication. Using SSL, the Workflow Manager uses the following ports for
communication. These ports need to be open at the firewall to let Workflow Manager clients use the application.
24466: CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager client-server connection
24444: Push client-server connection
25511: Push Sender Server (Workflow Manager client connection)
24477: Conference Server (Workflow Manager client connection)
443: Web server port for https
NOTE: Port 80 is still used when the applet is downloaded via SSL (port 443). It must also be open on the firewall,
even when using SSL.
All connections via ports in the 2xxxx range are over SSL and are encrypted. Demographic and image data is always
transferred using port 24466 while administrative information is transferred using the other ports.
NOTE: View the topics listed under User Management Admin Tool (Group) and under User Management Admin Tool
(User) for information about configuring the use of SSL.
The Workflow Manager installation includes the APACHE Web server (version 1.3.22/6) with SSL support using the
modSSL package. To activate https, a valid certificate should be purchased from a Certified Authority (CA) company
such as VeriSign or Thawte.

Placing the Certificate and Private Key

Place the certificate and private key in the following location:
C:\Program Files\Carestream Solutions\System5\cfg\SSL\
If a user logs in to the Web server via https, a secure lock appears at the bottom right of the browser. The lock
indicates that the page and applet were downloaded via SSL and that login takes place over SSL. The lock only
applies to the download of the initial Web page and applet. If the user has not been set up to use SSL, patient data is
not encrypted even if the applet is accessed via https.
If a user is configured to use SSL and accesses the server via http (that is, not using SSL for the page and applet
download), the user is prompted with an alert indicating an insecure connection. If the user continues, the user login
ID and password is not encrypted, but patient data is encrypted via SSL, since a separate connection is used for that
port, such as 24466, etc.
After successful login by the user, the applet establishes SSL connections back to the server if it has been configured
via the User Management Administration Tool to use SSL, based on the user's identity and/or network address.
Independent of SSL settings, encryption can be applied separately to patient demographic data and image (pixel)
data. The algorithm used is proprietary and performs only a weak level of protection (less than single DES) and
should not be used over public networks, such as the Internet, where SSL provides a higher degree of protection.
However, the encryption device may be used internally to protect against unsophisticated forms of eavesdropping.
When encrypting image data, the encryption can be used per modality (for example, CT images are sent without
encryption, while US images are sent with encryption). Encryption can also be applied differently inside and outside
the Workflow Manager server subnet. Encryption may be turned off for internal network subnets.
NOTE: Encryption can cause considerable performance degradation.
At the User Administration Home Page, do the following:
1. Click Administration, then click User Management.
2. Select a user group.
3. Go to Tools --> Edit Selected --> Web Server Software.
The Configuration for: administrator window appears.
All subnets listed in this window are considered to be internal subnets and receive the internal encryption
configuration. For any subnet not listed, the external encryption configuration is used.
4. To add a subnet to the list, enter the subnet address under Subnets and click Add.
5. Click OK.

Privacy and Security Management

NOTE: By default, all networks are considered external, so SSL is enabled for every user, which affects performance.
It is recommended that internal networks that are sufficiently secure be configured not to use SSL. The “xx.xx.xx”
and “yy.yy” entries are examples of subnet address formats. They are ignored by the system and may be removed.

Installing a Certificate for an APACHE Web Server

NOTE: This section is not used for the CARESTREAM PACS Standalone Workstation.
A certificate for the APACHE SSL module can be bought from Thawte, VeriSign, or any other CA (certificate authority)
company. From Thawte, for instance, you can buy a regular certificate or 128-bit SuperCert certificate. A SuperCert
from Thawte lets you extend 128-bit encryption to all clients, even if they use browsers limited to 40-bit or 56-bit
encryption capabilities.
1. Choose a Certificate Authority company and go to its Web site for the purchase procedure.
2. Choose your desired period of certificate (one or two years).
You are asked for a CSR (Certificate Signing Request).
3. Go to the server and run the following script.


cd /usr/tamar.root/bin C:\Program Files\Carestream
4. While running the script, you are asked a series of questions.
Make sure that this information is correct for the organization to be reflected by the certificate. Also, make sure
that you type in the full state, not the abbreviation.
The following table shows the information that is needed for your CSR.

Field Description
Country Name Enter a two-letter code.
Example: US
State or Province Name Enter the full name of the state or province.
Example: California
Locality Name Enter the name of your locale, such as a city.
Example: Los Angeles
Organization Name Enter the name of your company.
Example: Carestream Health, Inc.
Organizational Unit Name Enter the name of a specific group.
Example: Information Technology
Common Name Enter the domain name of your server.
When running the create_key_csr_for_apache.scr script, use the fully qualified
host name (i.e., hostname.domainname. This entry must be identical to the
name used in the URL.
For example, if the host name is medi172 and the domain is
us.carestreamhealth.com, then the Common Name should be
medi172.us.carestreamhealth.com and the URL to the Web Client is
CAUTION: If the Common Name in the certificate differs from the fully
qualified server name in the URL, the browser displays a warning.
Moreover, service user access (which is exclusively via SSL) may be
If the domain name is not entered here, an error message appears
saying that the name on the security certificate does not match the
name of the site.

E-mail Address Enter an email address.

Example: support@carestreamhealth.com
Challenge Password Press Enter.
Optional Company Name Enter an optional name for the company.
This script creates a new private key, a new CSR, and a temporary certificate that is used until the real one is
returned from the CA.
The locations of the new files are:

The new key and temporary certificate are used as soon as the server is restarted. The temporary certificate is self-
signed and valid for 10 years. As soon as the real certificate from the CA is received, copy this certificate to overwrite
the temporary certificate /usr/tamar.root/server_root/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt.
The private key should be placed in crt/usr/tamar.root/server_root/conf/ssl.key/server.key.
To restart the server, make sure that no users, including diagnostic users, are using the system (their sessions will be
aborted without warning). Also, modalities should not send images to the system during a restart (any DICOM
associations will fail).
Restart the server by rebooting the entire server (cannot be done using the administration tool). Login as root and
type the following:
/etc/rc2.d /S99MediSurf stop
/etc/rc2.d /S99MediSurf start
NOTE: The new key and certificate should be tested to ensure that the parameters, such as Common Name, are
correct before submitting the Certificate Signing Request to the CA.
CAUTION: The Security Administrator should make a secure off-line backup copy of the private key file
and keep this copy in a physically safe place. A service user should never be allowed to make copies of
this key, since this key is private to the customer and any unauthorized copying would compromise the
key (and require revocation of the certificate and going through the process of generating a new key and
buying a new certificate).

Privacy and Security Management

Safe Mode and Unsafe Mode

During installation of the system, a number of potential security risks are eliminated by disabling services that are not
needed for the operation of the system. This is mainly achieved by:
Changing all system passwords from their default values (on operating system, database, and Web server
Verifying that no passwords are stored in clear text.
Turning off services provided via the Internet daemon (inetd), such as telnet, ftp, rlogin, rsh, rcp, finger, etc.
Preventing startup of other services that normally launch after a system boot, such as CDE (includes X11
server), uucp, NFS, sendmail, etc.
Restricting root account login to the console. To allow system maintenance and service, these utilities are
installed and configured:
o Secure Shell (OpenSSH) as replacement for telnet, ftp, and rlogin
o rcp sudo, a utility that enables named users or users belonging to certain groups to execute a configurable
and limited subset of commands that require root privilege (e.g., mounting/unmounting, reboot,
addition/removal of packages, etc.)
This places the system in Safe Mode.
NOTE: A system operating in Safe Mode still might have vulnerabilities. The purpose of this mode is to balance a
reasonable balance of security, functionality, and serviceability. If stricter security is needed, contact Customer
If any of the disabled services are re-enabled, the system is considered to be operating in Unsafe Mode. Examples:
If a software upgrade is installed locally, an X11 server, such as openwin or CDE, might need to run (since some
installers use a GUI).
When service must remotely access the system, but cannot use SSH, telnet and ftp must be re-enabled.
If a system has seriously malfunctioned and must be brought into Unsafe Mode, the details should be recorded
(time, reason, by whom, and which services were re-enabled). When operation in Unsafe Mode is no longer
valid, the system should be returned to Safe Mode (this action should also be recorded).

See these topics:

Securing Unattended Computers
General Security Practices
Privacy Notice

General Security Practices
Some good practices include:
Limiting physical access to the Workflow Manager application server.
Setting up firewalls.
Limiting access to administration capabilities.
Managing passwords.
Limiting the presence of other applications on the server.
Configuring for protected and unprotected servers.
Only specifically identified and controlled administrative and service users should be given a login account email
that allows direct UNIX access to the server and then only with the minimum privileges necessary to perform the
required tasks.

See these topics:

Changing Default ORACLE Passwords (UNIX)
Changing Default ORACLE Passwords (WINDOWS OS)

Privacy and Security Management

Changing Default ORACLE Passwords (UNIX)

The system contains two database instances: mst1 for all clinical data and rc01 for backup and recovery. Each
database has built-in accounts, sys and system. You can change the passwords for these accounts.
1. For the mst1 instance, enter:
/usr/tamar.root/scripts/DB_Change_queue_pass.scr mstore.
For the rc01 instance, enter:
/usr/tamar.root/scripts/DB_Change_repository_pass.scr rcat
2. Enter Y to verify that you want to change the administration password.
3. Enter the old password.
4. Enter the new password.
5. Enter the new password again.
6. Click session_timouts in the Central Configuration Editor left pane.
NOTE: You can override this parameter for each application by moving the session_timeouts sub-tree under each
application separately.
7. Configure the following parameters:
minutes_to_lock_application: Sets time in minutes to blank screen.
minutes_to_logout_application: Sets time in minutes to log out of the Workflow Manager.
session_timeout_enabled: Set to True to enable session timeout parameters.
NOTE: Be sure to set the minutes_to_lock_application threshold time to a shorter value than the
minutes_to_logout_application threshold time, so that the application screen blanks before logging out the user.
Carestream Health, Inc. recommends setting the log out time to 30 minutes or less.

Changing Default ORACLE Passwords (WINDOWS OS)
The system contains two database instances: mst1 for all clinical data and rc01 for backup and recovery. Each
database has built-in accounts, sys and system. You can change the passwords for these accounts.
1. Type:
C:\Program Files\Carestream Solutions\System5\scripts\
2. Enter Y to verify that you want to change the administration password.
3. Enter the old password.
4. Enter the new password.
5. Enter the new password again.
6. Click session_timeouts in the Central Configuration Editor left pane.
NOTE: You can override this parameter for each application by moving the session_timeouts sub-tree under each
application separately.
7. Configure the following parameters.
minutes_to_lock_application: Sets time in minutes to blank screen.
minutes_to_logout_application: Sets time in minutes to log out of the Workflow Manager.
session_timeout_enabled: Set to True to enable session timeout parameters.
NOTE: Be sure to set the minutes_to_lock_application threshold time to a shorter value than the
minutes_to_logout_application threshold time, so that the application screen blanks before logging out the user.
Carestream Health, Inc. recommends setting the log out time to 30 minutes or less.

Privacy and Security Management

Privacy Notice
Users can click the Privacy Notice link on the Login window to view a privacy notice. The notice can be edited to
conform to the privacy policy for your specific organization by editing the privacy_notice parameter via the Central
Configuration utility.
Right-click the privacy text in the Central Configuration Editor right pane to display the text for editing.

Configuring Permissions
The permissions settings are accessed from the System/Group/User window in the User Management application.
1. From the User Admin Management window, choose the User or Group tab.
2. From the displayed list, double-click the name of the User or Group to be edited or configured.
Depending on the group chosen, the group name appears at the top of the screen.
3. Click Group Permissions.
The Group --> Group Name --> Permissions Settings window appears. The categories are listed in the left pane.
Export Data Permissions
Update Data Permissions
Reading Flow Permissions
Folder Creation / Deletion Permissions
DP Creation Permissions
URL & Action Buttons
Access Permissions to Foreign Archives
Application Access Permissions
Application Settings Permissions
CD Monitoring Permissions
User Management Permissions
NOTE: The CARESTREAM PACS CD Direct Suite permissions allow you to access the CD-Direct Web Monitoring
interface, view users’ burn requests in queue, and update the user’s burn requests.

System Configuration includes the System Configuration entry on the admin page and all the tools that are available
through it.

System Administration includes all the tools under the System Administration entry on the admin page, excluding
Central Configuration.

System Monitoring includes all the tools under the System Monitoring entry on the admin page.
4. Click OK when all configurations are done.
5. If you want to restore defaults, click Restore to Defaults.

See these topics:

Security Manager
Security Manager Permissions Configuration
Security Manager Permissions Settings
Applicable Permissions

Applicable Permissions
The following permissions are controlled through the Security Manager.

Setting Description
Update Data Permission to edit patient and study details. Should apply to any update of
patient and study details, both in the Archive Explorer (editable fields) and in
the Administrator tool (update, merge/split, RIS Sync, etc.).
Lets the user delete images and reports. Should apply to deletion being
performed from the CARESTREAM PACS Client or from the Administrator tool.

Access to Foreign Permission to access, save, copy, and/or delete images from any of the remote
Archives servers that are configured.
Print Images Permission to print images to a network printer or a DICOM printer.

Burn CDs Permission to send data to the CD Direct Suite.

This permission does not mean that the user necessarily has copy permissions
(even though the Info Router uses the copy function for this specific activity).
Copy Images Permission to copy images from the local archive to a foreign archive.
Save to Local Permission to save data to the local disk.
Save to Server Permission to save data to the local archive.
Folders Permission to create or delete personal and system folders, work lists, and
teaching file folders.
Display Protocols and Permission to create, edit, and delete personal, group, and system display
Presentations protocols (DPs) by using Save As and the DP Editor. Also allows use of the DP
repair tool. Can be applied only to users who have permission to create, edit,
and delete system DPs using the DP Editor.
Also allows permission to save presentations for a certain study. By default, the
permission to create, edit, and delete personal DPs using Save As is applied to
any user defined in the Radiologists group. Similarly, by default, the permission
to create personal, group, and system DPs using Save As or the DP Editor is
applied to any user defined in the System Administrators group.
By default, the permission to Save Presentation is applied to any user defined in
the Radiologists group.

URL and Action Button Permission to change a study after the URL activation was invoked (launch
Permissions Archive Explorer and select a different study).
NOTE: The permission to allow URL activation is included under the Application
Access Permissions.
Permission to activate a specific Action button that is configured on site (for
example, the ORTHOVIEW action button triggering the integration with the
ORTHOVIEW application).

View Reports Permission to view reports. If this permission is not given, the R or O icons in
the Patient Mini-Archive are disabled and the Reports button in the Archive
Explorer or the Viewer is disabled.
By default, this permission is applied to any user defined in the Radiologists
Reading Permissions This permission allows a user/group reading permissions (the ability to move
studies from one status to another within the system when clicking on Done),
together with the ability to lock a study.
If permission is not granted, the user returns to the Archive Explorer when
clicking Done and does not receive the Done dialog box.
By default, this permission is applied to any user defined in the Radiologists
group. If this permission is given, the relevant workflow is configured for the
particular group/user.

Mark Key Images Permission to mark images as key images. Only users with reading permissions
can be assigned with the Mark Key Images permission.
By default, this permission is applied to any user defined in the Radiologists
NOTE: The permission to mark key images does not necessarily mean that the

Privacy and Security Management

user has Save As permissions. Users who do not have permission to Save
Images to Server can still mark key images.

Dictate Report Permission to dictate a report. Only users with reading permissions can be
assigned the Dictate Report Permission.
By default, this permission is applied to any user that is defined in the
Radiologists group.
Save Reports Permission to save reports that have been automatically generated in
CARESTREAM PACS applications such as Calcium Scoring and Vessel Analysis.
Only users with reading permissions can be assigned the Save Reports
By default, this permission is applied to any user defined in the Radiologists
Create Sticky Notes Levels of permission for Sticky Notes:
Only view Sticky Notes
View and add Sticky Notes (no editing)
Edit and delete user's own Sticky Notes
Edit and delete other users’ Sticky Notes
Teaching Files Levels of permission for Teaching Files:
View a Teaching File
View and insert a study into the Teaching File
Change the content of a Teaching File (view/add/edit)
View/add/edit/delete a teaching file
Edit the Teaching File form
Access Control Rules Similar to the Access Control rules currently in existence in the CARESTREAM
Query Permissions controls whether a user or group can query certain locations.
This capability is in the general Security Manager application and can be applied
at group level (the permission to add/edit/delete users in your group or at
system level).

Resetting Users' Permission to reset user passwords. This capability is inherent today based on
Permissions the role of the user such as System Operator or Group Operator.
This capability is in the general Security Manager application and can be applied
at group level (the permission to reset users’ passwords in your group or at
system level).

Editing Users' Permission to edit permissions. This capability is inherent based on the role of
Permissions the user (System Operator or Group Operator).
This capability is in the general Security Manager application can be applied at
group level (the permission to grant users’ permission in your group or at
system level).

See these topics:

Security Manager
Security Manager Permissions Configuration
Security Manager Permissions Settings
Configuring Permissions

Security Manager Service Configuration

Session Timeout
If the server receives no communication from the client within a configurable amount of time, the session is closed
and all resources, such as licenses, are released.
To configure the Session Timeout:
1. In the Central Configuration select imagint --> system --> applications --> securitymanager --> preferences>
2. Change the value to the desired time in minutes (default 60).

RIS-PACS Synchronization
The RIS-PACS synchronization process ensures that the patient details and ordering information in the PACS are up to
date and synchronized with that in the RIS.
When a patient registers at the RIS or HIS, the patient’s details are entered into the database and an order is issued
with the relevant procedure to perform. These details are then sent to the PACS via an HL-7 interface and stored in
the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software.
After the scan is performed at the modality, the technician reenters the patient details and the body part(s)
examined. As these details are manually entered, there is the risk that a typographical error or a missing field may
cause this data to be different from that sent by the RIS. These details are saved in the imaging study created by the
modality and stored in the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager.
The RIS-PACS synchronization process ensures that the details are the same in the RIS and in the PACS, and that the
patient attributes stored in the Workflow Manager contain the most up-to-date details from the hospital records. If
there are differences, the information in the RIS is used to update the information stored in the PACS, such as in the
Workflow Manager.
RIS-PACS synchronization occurs whenever a study is stored in the Workflow Manager or an event takes place in the

See these topics:

Using Manual RIS-Sync
RIS-PACS Sync Configuration

Events in the RIS
The RIS notifies the CARESTREAM PACS System about relevant events via an HL-7 interface with the CARESTREAM
PACS IS Link Software, which forwards the notification to the Workflow Manager.
NOTE: The RIS-PACS synchronization triggered by RIS events can be enabled or disabled according to the
configuration. For more information, contact Customer Service.
The CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager is notified whenever:
Patient details are updated
Whenever a patient is added to the RIS or the patient’s details are updated, the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow
Manager is notified. The CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager searches its database for details on that patient
according to the Patient ID. If the patient is found, the attributes are overridden by the updated attributes in the
The attributes that can be overridden are:
o Patient Name
o Birth Date
o Sex
Patient details are merged
Whenever two sets of details for one patient are merged in the RIS, the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager is
notified. The patient details are then merged in the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager as well.
NOTE: For more information about merging patient data, see Patient Matching.
A new report is created
Whenever a report is created in the RIS, the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager is notified. The Has report
column is updated to Yes.
If the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager has a related study, it updates the study status to READ. This
removes studies from the UNREAD worklist that were not read using CARESTREAM PACS Client.
Order details are changed
Whenever the details of an order, such as the date of a scan, are changed, the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow
Manager is notified.
A patient is admitted to the hospital
Whenever a patient registers at the hospital, the Workflow Manager is notified.

RIS-PACS Synchronization

Using Manual RIS-Sync

When the automatic RIS-Sync fails for some reason, you can perform a manual RIS Sync.
1. Choose the study on which to perform the manual RIS-Sync.

2. From the Admin toolbar, click Manual RIS-Sync .

The Manual RIS-Sync window opens.

3. To filter the data, click Filter .

The CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software filter window opens.
4. Choose the fields you wish to filter.
5. Click Set Default Filter.
6. Click OK.

7. Click Manual RIS-Sync .

The details of the manual RIS-Sync are displayed.

Multiple Studies
You can perform a manual RIS-Sync for multiple studies.
1. Choose the studies on which you will perform the manual RIS-Sync.

2. From the Admin toolbar, click Manual RIS-Sync .

The Manual RIS-Sync window opens.
A message appears prompting you to confirm the action.
3. Click Yes.
NOTE: If the accession number is not found, the RIS-Sync is carried out only at the patient level according to the
Patient ID.

Whenever there is a change in one or more attributes due to the RIS-PACS synchronization process, the old values
and the updated values are logged in the Audit Trail log. The log can be viewed using the Audit Trail Viewer, as
described in Defining Audit Event Settings.

The Pre-Fetch process ensures smart retrieval of studies from the Long-Term Storage Manager server to the Online
Storage Management server.
The Pre-Fetch uses preconfigured rules to automatically decide which studies must be brought online and when,
based on data received from the HIS. The list of studies is then sent to the Info Router, which issues the request to
move the studies from the Long-Term Storage Manager server to the Online Storage Management server, thereby
enabling fast image retrieval. For example, the RIS notifies the Workflow Manager when a patient enters the system.
Pre-Fetch can then retrieve any images related to the patient that are stored on tape and bring them back online for
easy access. Pre-Fetch works in two stages:
Decides when the data should be brought online
Decides which data should be brought online
Both stages are controlled by a configurable list of patterns and rules.
Pre-Fetch streamlines the lengthy process of study retrieval from the Long-Term Storage Manager server by
retrieving the studies in advance, when possible, at times when there is less demand on server resources.
The diagram below illustrates the stages of the Pre-Fetch process

Three different types of Pre-Fetch can be performed:
Daily Pre-Fetch: In this instance, the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software informs the Workflow Manager when
there is an order for a scan to be performed or when a patient is admitted to the facility.
The details of the scan (for example, the body part to be scanned) are supplied to the Workflow Manager, if
available. Based on this information, the appropriate studies are brought online before the new scan is performed.
In order for Daily Pre-Fetch to work effectively:
o The CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software must be installed at the facility.
o The CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software must be able to communicate with the facility’s RIS server.
o The Info Router must be installed at the facility.
o A computerized, online scan scheduling system must be used diligently.
o Late Pre-Fetch: In this instance, the Workflow Manager receives images from an AE and queries the server for
the patient’s history.
This type of Pre-Fetch process is useful when there is no internal information system at the facility, or in case of
an emergency when there is no opportunity to retrieve the patient’s history in advance.
Night Pre-Fetch: In this instance, the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software informs the Workflow Manager that a
patient is scheduled to come in for a specific scan.
The details of the scan (for example, the body part to be scanned) are supplied to the CARESTREAM PACS
Workflow Manager, if available. Based on this information, the appropriate studies are brought online the night
before the patient arrives at the facility.
In order for Night Pre-Fetch to work effectively:
o The CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software must be installed at the facility.
o The CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software must be able to communicate with the facility’s RIS and HIS
o The Info Router must be installed at the facility.
o A computerized, online scan scheduling system must be used diligently.

See this topic:

Configuring Pre-Fetch

RIS-PACS Synchronization

JPEG Compression
Compression of the images is the function of the Online Storage Manager. The manner in which images are effectively
stored reduces storage space and traffic on the network.
The compression of the images to be stored can be performed in three different ways.
Compressed: Using JPEG / JPEG2000 compression, the user can decide how much loss to introduce and balance
file size and image quality.
NOTE: This is only available for use in states that allow picture processing using this method.
Lossless Compression: With Lossless Compression it is possible to use JPEG / JPEG2000 / RICE compression.
Every piece of data that was originally in the file remains after the file is uncompressed. All of the information is
completely restored.
Lossy Compression Factor: Lossy Compression reduces a file by permanently eliminating certain information,
especially redundant information. When the file is uncompressed, only part of the original information is still
there (although the user may not notice it).
Each Online Storage Manager can be separately defined to store images in a different compression mode. In addition,
it is possible to define more detailed policies to choose a particular compression method according to the source AE or
even modality. The compression is determined at the time that the image is stored.
NOTE: The Lossy Compression Factor controls the amount of compression. When the value is high, the file is more
compressed. When the value is low, the file is less compressed.

Study Grouping
Study grouping is a method for ensuring that study details are always attached to the correct group, based on their
unique ID. Study grouping can be performed using the data in the Workflow Manager or using data stored in the
hospital RIS server.

Reverse Study Grouping

Reverse Study Grouping is an enhancement to regular study grouping. With Reverse Study Grouping, the second
study determines the Study Instance UID, rather than the first study in regular study grouping (for example, when
the SR arrives before the actual study). You configure Reverse Study Grouping the same way as regular study
1. From the Central Configuration, find the rule under imaginet\system\applications\medistore\didb\study_matching.
2. Under the Name field, add the reverse_policy parameter:
rule0 refers to the specific rule. There are three options:
NO_REVERSE: regular study grouping (default)
REVERSE_ONLY: reverse study grouping only
REVERSE_AND_REGULAR: the system tries reverse study grouping first. If reverse study grouping is not
performed because of reverse_query (see step 3), then regular study grouping is done.
3. If desired, add the reverse_query parameter:
4. Under reverse_query, you can add an optional additional query to the existing study.
This can include any SQL condition clause in the didb_studies table. If a study is found according to the Study
Grouping rule, it is also checked according to the additional query.

Each image received by the CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager is saved together with an icon of the image saved.
This allows the user to view several images on screen without having to see the full detailed image. This is also
relevant particularly for the Patient Mini-Archive.

Maintenance (UNIX)

See these topics:

WFM Licensing Status Monitoring
Database Analysis
Running a System Check
Performing Routine Maintenance
Root Account E-mail
Backup Verification
Verifying the Workflow Manager Daily Backup
Central Configuration Backup
Preparing Previously Used Tape
Database Fitness Verification
Online Storage Management Storage Volume Check
Online Storage Management General
Viewing System Processes
PreStore Backup Verification
Long-Term Storage Manager Storage Volume Check
Long-Term Storage Manager General Fitness Check
Library Hardware Fitness Check
Moving Audit Logs to Offline Storage

WFM Licensing Status Monitoring for Both Operating Systems
The new monitoring tools track the license status in terms of volumes and counters of total exams in the systems.
The tool adds a simple notification to help you ensure that the license terms are adhered to. The data collection is
carried out in a non-disruptive manner to the system stability and performance.
You are notified when a license violation has occurred.
A warning notification appears on the Admin Tool home page, in either the logs or in the Dashboard.

Important: The warning does not interfere with system operation. You must contact a Carestream Health
representative to check or renew the license.
The red warning message is a link. Click on the link to display the Licenses Log which details the license errors:

Each line states whether that type of license has a violation (or an error in the check). The percentage values
quantify the amount of violation from the licensed amount.
The most common license type for Archive (IMS) or a PACS is the EXAMS_YR counter, which measures the amount of
studies that enter the system annually.

Maintenance (UNIX)

Database Analysis
This phase rearranges the database statistics after the Online Storage Management Auto Delete process has deleted a
large amount of data from the database to optimize performance.
1. Log in as root.
2. Ensure that the Editor environment variable is set appropriately (for example: vi).
3. Type:
crontab –e
4. Press Enter.
The crontab schedule file appears in the default editor.
5. Locate the line that contains db_worker.pl.
This is the script that runs DB Worker, which resides under /usr/tamar.root/scripts.
The first two numbers on the line indicate the time in minutes and hours (24-hour clock), respectively, when the
daily Online Storage Management Auto Delete process is performed.
For example: 0 4 * * * perl /usr/tamar.root/scripts/mst_db_worker.pl
The above line represents an Online Storage Management Auto Delete process scheduled for 4:00 am every day.
6. Edit the timing parameters according to the required scheduling.
7. Save the file.
NOTE: Refer to crontab documentation for information about crontab scheduling options. Crontab documentation can
be found online using the man crontab command.

Running a System Check (UNIX)
You can run a script on the Online Storage Management server that causes the system to perform a complete system
check. This system check performs all the routine maintenance checks to ensure that there are no problems with any
of the Workflow Manager components. The script should be run every day and must be run from the root user. If
there are any problems, a report is generated listing the problems.
The system check indicates errors, but does not fix them. In case a problem is found during the system check, you
must perform the relevant manual procedure to correct it. See Performing Routine Maintenance for more information.

Running a System Check from the Online Storage Management Server

With root privileges, open a terminal and enter: /usr/tamar.root/scripts/run_system_check.scr
If no problem report appears in the terminal window, the system is free from problems.
Below is a list of the maintenance checks that the system runs and the possible reasons for receiving a warning

Maintenance Check A Message Appears When…

File System Utilization A file system utilizes more than 85% of the space
NOTE: If the system check shows that the disk space
usage exceeds 85% and fails to clear the watermark,
follow the guidelines developed by the system
administrator or contact Customer Service.

System Uptime The system has been up for less than three days. This
check is performed in order to check for unexpected
system reboots.
Database Utilization A tablespace is more than 85% full.
Database Extents A table or index contains more than 450 extents.
Database Connections There are more than 200 open connections to the
Database Analyze More than 48 hours have elapsed since the last
database analysis.
Database Log Errors in the ORACLE ALERT log.
Number of Running DICOM There are more than 25 DICOM servers running at a
Servers time.
Jukebox Backups There are studies older than 48 hours that have not yet
been backed up.
Long-Term Storage Manager The Long-Term Storage Manager cache exceeds a
Cache Utilization certain limit.
Pre-Fetch Contact Customer Service for further instructions.
Application Check There is an application problem with the Info Router
Software, CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software, or RIS
Application Log There are SQL and image storing errors in the
application log.
All the fields are configurable, and can be changed by editing using the following command:

Maintenance (UNIX)

Performing Routine Maintenance

The following table describes a list of checks that are additional to the system check or must be performed manually
in cases where there is an error reported by the system check.

Procedure Description Schedule

Backup Verification Verifying the daily database backup Daily
Root Account E-mail Reading the e-mail messages sent to Daily
the root account
ORACLE Alert File Checking the Alert log file (ORACLE Daily
Database fitness log)
Database Fitness Verification Checking database fitness (Workflow Weekly
Manager log file)
Online Storage Management Checking storage volume usage As needed
Storage Volume Check
Online Storage Management Verifying Online Storage Management After boot
General Fitness Check fitness following boot
PreStore Backup Verification Verifying successful performance of the As needed
daily PreStore procedure
Long-Term Storage Manager Checking storage volume usage As needed
Storage Volume Check
Long-Term Storage Manager Verifying system fitness following boot After boot
General Fitness Check
Library Hardware Fitness Check Verifying DLT library operates correctly Weekly
Moving Audit Trail Data Moving audit trail data to offline Contact Customer Service
NOTE: The system check covers most of the routine maintenance system schedule. Carestream Health recommends
running the routine maintenance procedures regularly.

Root Account E-mail (UNIX)
Each time a scheduled job is executed, a message is delivered to the inbox of the root mail account. These messages
provide a summary of what the process did, and the status (successfully completed or failed).
These messages should be checked on a daily basis.
1. Log in as root.
2. Type:
3. Press Enter.
NOTE: For more information about the mailx program, type man mailx.

Maintenance (UNIX)

Backup Verification (UNIX)

The CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager is configured to perform a backup of the entire database every day.
Backups are usually scheduled to be performed at night. You should always verify that the previous backup was
successfully completed.
NOTE: These backups use the ORACLE database Recovery Manager (RMAN) and their schedules and scripts are
contained within the database. Changes to the default schedule can only be made by Customer Service.
The backup verification procedure should be performed manually when there is a related problem reported by the
system check. The default method is a full backup, which runs every night in two phases:
Full backup: a scheduled task which runs each night at 2 am
Archive log backup: a scheduled task which runs each night at 5 am
The backup procedure creates a log file located under
where dbname is either mst1 or rc01.
The name of the backup log file is back_<type>.<result>.<date-time>. where
type = inc_0 for the full backup and al for an archive log
result = ok for a successful backup and err for a failed backup
date-time = the date and hour
The log file name identifies which backup was made, whether it was successful, and when it was performed. The
actual backup files are stored under /backup/oradata/mst1/backup and /backup/oradata/rc01/backup. Only the last
successful backup is saved.

See these topics:

Verifying the Workflow Manager Daily Backup
Central Configuration Backup

Verifying the Workflow Manager Daily Backup (UNIX)
1. Type: ls -ltr ~oracle/admin/mst1/cdump/
2. Press Enter.
3. Type: ls -ltr ~oracle/admin/rc01/cdump/
4. Press Enter.
You should locate the log files created during the previous backup and verify that the procedure was successful.
If OK appears in the backup filename, the backup was successful.
If ERR appears in the backup filename, an error occurred. Contact Customer Service.

Central Configuration Backup (UNIX)

In addition to the full database backup, Central Configuration is backed up each night (11 pm). This is done via a cron
job that exports the table.
Both ORACLE export files and XML copies are created. Copies are kept for seven days and can be found in
These convenience backups can be used, for example, in case there is a need to restore the system configuration to
an earlier state without restoring the entire database (which is more complicated and takes a lot longer).

Preparing Previously Used Tape

This procedure deletes all data on the tape. Verify that the tape is empty or the data on the tape is not needed.
1. Select Start --> Run.
2. Type ntbackup and click OK.
3. In the Restore and Manage Media tab, right-click the desired media and select Mark as free.
It might take a couple of minutes before the command is completed.

Maintenance (UNIX)

ORACLE Alert File (UNIX)

The ORACLE Database has a built-in Alert file, in which system alerts and important messages are registered. You
should read this file at frequent intervals, to identify potential problem situations at an early stage.
It is recommended to read the ORACLE Database alert file daily, along with the backup verification.
1. Look at the last section of the alert_mst1.log file.
2. Enter the following command:
tail -<n> ~oracle/admin/mst1/bdump/alert_mst1.log
Where n is the last n lines of the file, make sure n is large enough to show all entries since last time.
NOTE: As an alternate method, after having checked an alert log, make a note of the number of lines it has for mst1.
This number can be determined by typing wc -l <filename>.

Next time you inspect the alert log, type tail +<n> <filename>. This shows all lines starting with line number n.
When everything is OK, count and record the number of lines again.
3. Locate the past week’s dates and review the messages.
Only informative messages are acceptable. For example: startup, shutdown, and changing log files.
(Thread 1 advanced to log sequence)
If an error exists, contact Customer Service.

Database Fitness Verification (UNIX)
The CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager has a built-in log file that lists messages concerning database fitness. A
checkup process scans the databases and verifies that each metadata set (header) in the mst1 database corresponds
to an existing image in the Image File System. The checkup process results are written into the Workflow Manager
When the process is done, review the log file in order to identify potential problems.
You should invoke periodic database fitness verification processes at least once a week.
1. Log in as ms user.
2. Type:
source ~oracle/.oracleenv /export/home/tamar.root/db_admin
3. Press Enter.
4. Type:
/usr/tamar.root/bin/db_sync [ delete or log_only]
5. Press Enter.
In case any image files are missing from the Image File System, the db_sync program updates the database to
reflect that those images are no longer present.
If there are no other copies of those images (such as in Long-Term Storage Manager), the database no longer has
any knowledge of them. If still possible, the images must be re-sent by the original source.
NOTE: Under normal circumstances, this situation should never arise (the Auto Delete process updates the database
in a consistent way). If any database updates are reported in the TAMAR_LOG file, save a copy of the TAMAR_LOG file
and contact Customer Service.
The process may take several minutes, depending on the size of the database. When the process is complete,
review the Workflow Manager’s general log. For example: type vi /usr/tmp/TAMAR_LOG.
6. Locate the relevant date.
A problem is indicated in a format similar to the following example.
May 6 18:15:24 phiona FIR [21260]: 4 FIR_DbSync.C (967):
FIR_DbSync: Image /fir_fs_01/000/000/000/002/2/2/17.img does not reside on fir1 and should be deleted.

Maintenance (UNIX)

Online Storage Management Storage Volume Check (UNIX)

In order to verify that your storage media is used properly, you should frequently check the utilization of your mount
points. The Online Storage Management storage volume check procedure should be performed manually when there
is a related problem reported by the system check.

Checking the Online Storage Management Storage Volume

The Image File System has an automatic Auto Delete mechanism. If an Image File System mount point reaches its
limit, you can run the Auto Delete process manually. For more information, contact Customer Service.
If one of the mount points reaches 90% usage, contact Customer Service. The relevant mount points can be / or
/export/home or any of the images and database mounts (for example, /disk01).
The df command displays the volume of disk space occupied by either mounted or unmounted file systems, the
volume of used and available space, and how much of the file system’s total capacity has been used. The df command
does not require root privilege. It can be run by any user.
1. Type:
df -k
2. Press Enter.
You should see the following type of display.

Filesystem KBytes Used Available Capacity Mounted on

/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 3009594 1032993 1916410 36% /
/proc 0 0 0 0% /proc
fd 0 0 0 0% /dev/fd
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7 4166854 414225 3710961 11%
swap 1721200 624 1720576 1% /tmp
3. Verify that all your system’s mount points have sufficient available volume.
4. Verify that the mount points where the operating system is stored do not exceed 90% of usage.
5. Verify that the mount points where the Oracle user home directory is stored do not exceed 90% of usage. These
include /export/home and the images and database mount points (for example, /disk01).
If you cannot resolve storage usage problems, contact Customer Service.

Online Storage Management General (UNIX)
When the system is restarted, following either a failure or an invoked operation, such as installation, upgrade, or
restructuring, you must ensure that all of its components are functioning properly. The Online Storage Management
general fitness check should be performed manually after every boot.
When the system is up, the following processes should be running:
CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager database processes (mst1)
CARESTREAM PACS Workflow Manager backup management database processes (rc01)
ORACLE Listener process (tnslsnr)
On an idle system, there are a small number of oraclemst1 (LOCAL=NO) processes even if no users are logged
in. For users of diagnostic clients, there may be up to 12 of these processes running.

Maintenance (UNIX)

Viewing System Processes (UNIX)

The daemon processes are the processes running on the server. You can view the log by clicking log. You can
stop/start the Workflow Manager application by clicking the stop/start buttons

Viewing Daemon Processes

1. From the Admin Home Page, click System Monitor --> Processes to display the System Monitoring window.
2. Click Server Processes.
A list of daemon processes appears.
NOTE: The daemon processes must be stopped and started for every DICOM change you make.

Viewing Push and Conference Processes

To view these processes, click Push & Conference Processes.
A list of daemon processes appears.
NOTE: For more information on viewing the IS Link Software process, see Using the IS Link Software.

Viewing Currently Running Workflow Manager and Oracle Database Processes

1. Type:
ps -ef | grep ora_
2. Press Enter.
Information similar to the following example should appear (not necessarily in this order):
oracle 303 1 0 Jun 17 ? 0:03 ora_pmon_mst1
oracle 305 1 0 Jun 17 ? 0:01 ora_dbw0_mst1
oracle 307 1 0 Jun 17 ? 0:01 ora_dbw1_mst1
oracle 311 1 0 Jun 17 ? 0:04 ora_ckpt_mst1
oracle 313 1 0 Jun 17 ? 0:01 ora_smon_mst1
oracle 315 1 0 Jun 17 ? 0:00 ora_reco_mst1
oracle 317 1 0 Jun 17 ? 0:01 ora_snp0_mst1
oracle 319 1 0 Jun 17 ? 0:01 ora_snp1_mst1
oracle 321 1 0 Jun 17 ? 0:03 ora_arc0_mst1
oracle 337 1 0 Jun 17 ? 0:01 ora_pmon_rc01
oracle 339 1 0 Jun 17 ? 0:01 ora_dbw0_rc01
oracle 341 1 0 Jun 17 ? 0:01 ora_lgwr_rc01
oracle 343 1 0 Jun 17 ? 0:03 ora_ckpt_rc01
oracle 345 1 0 Jun 17 ? 0:02 ora_smon_rc01
oracle 347 1 0 Jun 17 ? 0:00 ora_reco_rc01
oracle 349 1 0 Jun 17 ? 0:00 ora_arc0_rc01
NOTE: The list above represents an idle state—no user is communicating with the Workflow Manager.
In addition, there are a number of Oracle processes relating to database connections. When the system is idle, there
might be up to 35 connections already. For each user that is logged in, additional connections are created.
Oracle Database processes that have server connections can be found via the following command:
ps -ef | grep oraclemst1:
oracle 15474 1 8 07:58:20 ?
0:17 oraclemst1 (LOCAL=NO)

PreStore Backup Verification (UNIX)
The Workflow Manager PreStore process is scheduled to back up the daily new studies to Long-Term Storage
Manager. This procedure is performed automatically according to a preconfigured schedule, usually at 12:00 am.
You should verify that the PreStore backup operation was successfully completed.
The Workflow Manager PreStore process should be performed manually when there is a related problem reported by
the system check.
1. Type:
cat /usr/tmp/TAMAR_LOG | grep -i prestore
2. Press Enter.
3. Locate the log messages created by the PreStore process during the previous backup and verify a successful
4. Check the following NetBackup log files for errors.
5. Check these files using NetBackup's Administrator tool. To start the tool, type:
# cd /disk02/openv/netbackup/bin ./jnbSA
6. When the VERITAS NetBackup login window appears, type the root password.
7. From the VERITAS NetBackup DataCenter, select Activity Monitor.
For more information about using NetBackup, see the VERITAS NetBackup documentation.
If an error exists, contact Customer Service.

Maintenance (UNIX)

Long-Term Storage Manager Storage Volume Check (UNIX)

To verify that your Long-Term Storage Manager storage media is used properly, you should frequently check the
utilization of your mount points. If one of the mount points reaches 90% usage, contact Customer Service.
These mount points can be / or /export/home, the Long-Term Storage Manager cache mount (usually /sir_fs), or the
NetBackup catalog mount (usually /disk02).
The Long-Term Storage Manager storage volume check should be performed manually when there is a related
problem reported by the system check.
The df command displays the volume of disk space occupied by the mounted file systems, the volume of used and
available space, and how much of the file system’s total capacity is used.
1. Type:
df -k
2. Press Enter.
Information similar to the example below appears.

Filesystem KBytes Used Available Capacity Mounted on

/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 3009594 1032993 1916410 36% /
/proc 0 0 0 0% /proc
fd 0 0 0 0% /dev/fd
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7 4166854 414225 3710961 11% /export/home
/dev/dsk/c2t0d0s0 32356792 5207571 23913542 18% /sir_fs
3. Verify that all your system’s mount points have sufficient available volume.
4. Verify that the system mount points (where the operating system is stored) and /sir_fs (which is used as a Long-
Term Storage Manager cache) do not exceed 90% of usage.
If you cannot resolve storage usage problems, contact Customer Service.

Long-Term Storage Manager General Fitness Check (UNIX)
When the Long-Term Storage Manager server is restarted, following either a failure or an invoked operation such as
installation, upgrade, or restructuring, you must ensure that all its components are functioning properly.
The Long-Term Storage Manager general fitness check should be performed manually after every Long-Term Storage
Manager server boot.
NOTE: Whenever there is a reboot of the Online Storage Management, also perform a reboot for the Long-Term
Storage Manager.
When the Long-Term Storage Manager server is up, these processes should be running:
MVSMain process
SVSIR processes
Router process
Monitor router (connecting the Jukebox monitor router to the database)

Verify the MVS DICOM Listener process, as follows:

1. Type:
ps -ef | grep mvs
2. Press Enter.
3. Ensure that there are no errors.

Verify the Router process and the Monitor router, as follows:

1. Type:
ps -ef | grep router
2. Press Enter.
3. Ensure that these two lines are displayed:
/usr/tamar.root/bin/router …sir_monitor_router

Maintenance (UNIX)

Library Hardware Fitness Check (UNIX)

The long-term library contains a robotic arm and drives, which are active mechanical components. Drives might
occasionally need cleaning to prevent read/write errors.
The Long-Term Storage Manager periodically performs drive cleaning. Nevertheless, there may be cases in which
immediate cleaning should be performed. A visual check on the library front panel should be performed in order to
check when immediate cleaning is required, in addition to verify that the drives are operating correctly.
Perform the library hardware fitness check weekly.
1. Check the lights on the front panel of the drive.
The cleaning indicator must be off, and all other indicators must be yellow or off.
NOTE: For specific details about tape status indicators, refer to the relevant manufacturer’s manual.
2. View the library front panel to verify that the ON LINE message appears and no error messages are displayed.

Moving Audit Logs to Offline Storage (UNIX)
NOTE: The user names and passwords referred to in this topic are ORACLE Database user names and passwords.
Before performing this procedure, contact Customer Service to obtain this information.

Exporting Audit Log Files

1. Stop all daemon processes.
2. Log in as oracle.
3. When prompted, enter the ORACLE password that was set during the Workflow Manager installation.
4. Export the audit log files.
For example, to export the audit log files to audit.032303.dmp, type:
exp system owner=auditing file=/var/tmp/audit.032303.dmp log=/var/tmp/audit.032303.log compress=n
buffer=20000000 feedback=10000
Enter system password when prompted.
5. Copy the exported audit log to a secure location and create a backup copy.
NOTE: After the audit_log table is truncated, you cannot retrieve the former contents after the next scheduled
database backup runs.

Clearing the Audit Log

1. Type: sqlplus system
2. Press Enter.
3. Enter the password when prompted.
4. Delete the current audit log entries from Online Storage Management.
5. At the SQL> prompt, type: truncate table audit_log;
6. Press Enter.
NOTE: A truncate cannot be rolled back.
7. Exit sqlplus. Type: quit
8. Press Enter.
9. Start the daemon processes.

Retrieving Audit Logs

NOTE: An exported audit log can be imported into another instance of an ORACLE database, separate from the
CARESTREAM PACS system. You can do this both for off-site backup and for off-line analysis by someone experienced
in the use of applicable ORACLE Database tools and utilities. The Audit Viewer tool works only with the online Audit
Log in the CARESTREAM PACS system.
1. Type: sqlplus
2. Press Enter.
3. Enter the user name and password when prompted.
4. To import the audit log files you must first drop the table.
CAUTION: Dropping the audit_log table deletes all data in the table. There is no undo. Perform this step
only if the entire table must be cleared.
To drop the table, at the SQL prompt, type: drop table audit_log;
5. Exit sqlplus. Type: quit
6. Press Enter.
7. Import the audit log files. Type: imp file=audit.032303.dmp full=yes
8. Press Enter.
9. Enter the user name and password when prompted.
NOTE: Be sure to take proper care to ensure confidentiality and integrity on the exported data. If you clear the Audit
Log after an export, the exported file is the only copy. It is important to exercise due diligence and ensure compliance
with your organization's privacy and security policies.

Maintenance (UNIX)

System Monitoring on a Cluster System

Monitoring functions can be performed using the VCS Manager user interface or from the command line.

See these topics:

Using the VCS Cluster Manager to Monitor the Cluster
Cluster Monitor Toolbar and Menus
Cluster Monitor Panels
Accessing the Cluster Explorer Screen
Cluster Explorer Toolbar

Using the VCS Cluster Manager to Monitor the Cluster (UNIX)
From the Cluster Manager windows, you can determine the status and health of the cluster, bring clusters online and
offline, perform failovers, and add or delete cluster resources.
The first window that appears after you log on to Cluster Manager is the Cluster Monitor window. Use Cluster Monitor
to log on and off the cluster, view summary information about the cluster, and exit Cluster Manager.

Logging on to the Cluster Manager

1. Double-click Cluster Manager on the desktop.

The Cluster Monitor window appears.
2. From the menu bar, select View --> Login.
The Cluster login window appears.
3. In the User name field, enter the user name (root).
4. In the Password field, enter your password.
5. Click OK.
The Cluster Monitor screen appears, indicating that you are logged on to cluster1. It includes status and
connection information about the cluster.
6. To log on to cluster2:
a. Right-click in the cluster2 panel and select Login.
b. Enter the correct login name and password.
c. Click OK to display connection and status information for cluster2.

Maintenance (UNIX)

Cluster Monitor Toolbar and Menus

From the Cluster Monitor window, use the toolbar and menus to access Cluster Manager functionality. The buttons
and menu commands in the Cluster Monitor window perform these operations.

Button Function Menu Command Description

New Cluster File --> New Cluster Adds a new cluster panel to the Cluster

Delete Cluster File --> Delete Cluster Removes a cluster panel from the
Cluster Monitor.

Expand View --> Expand Expands the Cluster Monitor view.

Collapse View --> Collapse Collapses the Cluster monitor view.

Stop View --> Stop Pauses the cluster panel scrolling.

Start View --> Start Resumes the cluster panel scrolling.

Login View --> Login Logs on to the cluster shown in the

cluster panel.
Show Explorer View --> Explorer Launches the Explorer view for the
cluster shown in the panel.

Help Help --> Contents Accesses online help.

See these topics:

Cluster Monitor Panels
Cluster Monitoring Procedures

Cluster Monitor Panels
The Cluster Monitor contains two panels, each of which provides information about one of the clusters.
The left pane of each panel contains three buttons representing the status of:

Service Groups


The right pane of the cluster panel provides summary status information about the cluster.

Colors indicate the status of the cluster:

A flashing red slash in the panel indicates that the Cluster Manager failed to connect to the cluster.
A flashing yellow slash indicates that there are problems with the cluster connection.
A gray object is offline.

See these topics:

Cluster Monitor Toolbar and Menus
Cluster Monitoring Procedures

Maintenance (UNIX)

Accessing the Cluster Explorer Window (UNIX)

The Cluster Explorer is the main Cluster Manager window, from which detailed cluster status information can be
obtained. There are several ways to access the Cluster Explorer screen:
Click anywhere in an active Cluster Monitor panel.
Right-click in the active Cluster Monitor panel and select Explorer View.
Click the Show Explorer button in the Cluster Monitor toolbar.
From the View menu, select Explorer.
The Cluster Explorer window is divided into three panes:
The top pane includes the menu and tool bars, from which the Cluster Manager operations can be initiated.
The Cluster Explorer configuration tree in the left pane shows the objects within each cluster, as defined by the
configuration tree tabs:

Service Groups: Shows the service groups in the cluster. When expanded, the service groups show the
group’s resource types and resources.

Systems: Shows the systems in the cluster.

Resource Types: Shows the resource types in the cluster.

The right pane contains a view panel with four tabs that display details for the object selected in the
configuration tree. By highlighting a cluster or cluster object in the configuration tree and then selecting one of
the four view tabs in the view panel, you can obtain detailed status information about the cluster or cluster

The following colors and symbols indicate the status of the cluster:
A red slash in the panel indicates at least one object is faulted and no objects are online.
A yellow slash indicates at least one object is faulted and one object is online.
A gray object is offline.
A locked icon indicates the object is frozen.

See this topic:

Cluster Explorer Toolbar

Cluster Explorer Toolbar (UNIX)
The Cluster Explorer toolbar provides access to cluster operations, which are described in the following table.
NOTE: Depending upon your logon privileges, some of the buttons may be grayed out and, therefore, inaccessible.

Button Function Description

Open Configuration Modifies a read-only configuration to a read-write
file, which lets you modify the configuration.

Save Configuration Writes the configuration to disk.

Close Configuration Writes the configuration to disk as a read-only

Add Service Group Displays the Add Service Group dialog box.

Add Resource Displays the Add Resource dialog box.

Add System Displays the Add System dialog box.

Manage Systems for a Service Group Displays the System Manager dialog box.

Online Service Group Displays the Online Service Group dialog box.

Offline Service Group Displays the Offline Service Group dialog box.

Show Command Center Builds and executes VCS commands.

Show Shell Command Window Launches a non-interactive shell command on

cluster systems so you can view the results on a
per-system basis.
Show the Log Desk Displays messages received from VCS engine,
HAD, and the commands issued from the console.

Launch Configuration Wizard Creates VCS service groups.

Launch Notifier Resource Configuration Creates or edits a Notifier resource.


Query Queries the cluster configuration.

Show Cluster Explorer Help Launches online help.

Maintenance (UNIX)

Cluster Monitoring Procedures

Use the following procedures to monitor the cluster:
Monitoring the Cluster Status
Monitoring the Cluster Properties
Monitoring the Cluster Service Groups
Monitoring the Cluster Resources
Monitoring the Cluster Heartbeat
Viewing Messages from the Log Desk
Creating Filters for the Log Desk
Switching a Service Group
Cluster Monitor Panels
Cluster Monitor Toolbar and Menus

Monitoring the Cluster Status (UNIX)
1. From the Cluster Explorer, click a cluster in the configuration tree.
2. In the View Panel, select the Status tab to open the Cluster Explorer - Status view.
3. Use the Status View to monitor the status of a cluster, system, service group, resource type, and resource.

Maintenance (UNIX)

Monitoring the Cluster Properties (UNIX)

1. From the Cluster Explorer, click a cluster in the configuration tree.
2. In the View panel, select the Properties tab to open the Cluster Explorer - Properties view.
3. Use the Properties view to monitor key attributes of the object selected in the configuration tree.
4. To show all attributes associated with the selected cluster object, click Show all attributes.
5. For more information about an attribute, click the attribute name or the icon in the Help column.

Monitoring the Cluster Service Groups (UNIX)
1. From the Cluster Explorer, click a cluster in the configuration tree.
2. In the View panel, select the Service Groups tab to open the Cluster Explorer - Service Groups view.
3. Use the graph in this view to monitor the dependencies between service groups.
The line between grp_ora and grp_imaginet represents a dependency. Because it is a red line, it is a firm
dependency. This means that grp_ora must be online before grp_imaginet is brought online and that grp_imaginet
is automatically taken offline if grp_ora faults.

Maintenance (UNIX)

Monitoring the Cluster Resources (UNIX)

1. From the Cluster Explorer, select the Service Groups tab in the configuration tree.
2. Click a service group in the configuration tree.
3. In the View panel, select the Resources tab to open the Cluster Explorer - Resources view (grp_imaginet on
4. Use the graph in the window to monitor the dependencies between resources and the status of the service group
on systems in the cluster. As in the Service Group view, a line between two resources indicates a dependency and
specifies the order in which resources can be brought online or taken offline.
5. Move the cursor over a resource icon to display pop-up windows with information about the type, state, and key
attributes of the resource.
6. To view the state of the resource in cluster2, click the cluster2 icon at the bottom of the screen.
grp_imaginet is grayed out (offline) in cluster2.

Monitoring the Cluster Heartbeat (UNIX)
1. From Cluster Explorer, click a cluster in the configuration tree.
2. In the View panel, select the Heartbeat tab to open the Cluster Explorer - Heartbeat view.
3. Use the Heartbeat view to monitor the system links and disk group heartbeats.
4. Move the cursor over the system icons to display pop-up windows with information about the links and disk group

Viewing Messages from the Log Desk (UNIX)

The Log Desk in the Cluster Manager displays the log messages generated by the VCS engine. It also displays
commands issued from Cluster Manager to the cluster.
1. To view the Log Desk, do one of the following:
Select Log Desk from the Cluster Explorer View menu.
Click the Show the Log Desk button on the Cluster Explorer toolbar.
Right-click an active panel in the Cluster Monitor and select Log Desk.
2. Click the Event Log tab to view the type, time, and details of an event. The icon in the far left column indicates the
type of message.
3. Click the Command Log tab to view the status (success or failure), time, command ID, and details of a command.
NOTE: The Command Log displays commands issued in the current session only.
See Creating Filters for the Log Desk for information about how to create filters for viewing log messages.
To clear a filter and restore the defaults, click Reset Filters on the Log Desk.

Creating Filters for the Log Desk (UNIX)

You can set filter criteria to search and view messages. Messages are then displayed according to the filter you select.
1. On the Log Desk, click Edit Filters to open the Edit Log Filters dialog box.
The Edit Log Filters dialog box appears.
2. Click the appropriate Event types boxes to customize the display.
3. In the Logs of drop-down list, click the category of messages to display.
4. In the Named drop-down list, click the name of the cluster object whose log messages you want to display.
NOTE: To view all messages, select All.
5. In the Logs from last text box, enter a number and then select the time unit (hours, days, etc.) for that number.
6. In the Search String field, enter the appropriate string to search for in the log messages.
7. When you are finished entering filter information, click OK.

Switching a Service Group (UNIX)

You can use the Cluster Manager to switch a service group. This is the process of taking it offline on its current
system and bringing it online on another system.
1. Do one of the following:
In the Service Groups tab of the configuration tree, right-click the service group.
Click the cluster you want to switch in the configuration tree, then click the Service Groups tab and right-click
the Service Group icon in the View panel.
2. Select Switch to from the menu and click the system you want to switch the service group to.

Setting up VCS Event Notification (UNIX)

You can set the Cluster Manager to send notifications whenever certain events occur.
1. Do one of the following:
On the Cluster Explorer Tools menu, click Notifier Wizard.
In the Cluster Explorer toolbar, click Launch Notifier Resource Configuration Wizard.
2. Click Next.
3. On the Service Group Configuration dialog box:
a. Enter the name of the resource.
b. Click the target systems in the Available Systems box.
c. Click the right arrow to move the systems to the Systems for Service Group table. To remove a system from
the table, select the system and click the left arrow.
d. In the Systems for Service Group table, click the Startup check box to start the service group automatically
on a system.
Maintenance (UNIX)

The priority number indicates the failover sequence, with 1 denoting the first system to start after a failover.
4. Click Next.
5. On the Notifier Options dialog box:
a. Specify the path for the Notifier resource. Click ... to view the default pathname and to edit the attribute at a
local or global system level.
b. Choose the mode of notification that must be configured. Click the check boxes to configure SNMP and/or
SMTP (if applicable).
6. On the SNMP Configuration dialog box (if applicable):
a. Click + to create the appropriate number of fields for the SNMP consoles and severity levels. Click - to
remove a field.
b. Enter the console and click the severity level in the drop-down list box. For example, “snmpserv” and
c. Enter the SNMP trap port. 162 is the default value.
7. Click Next.
8. On the SMTP Configuration dialog box (if applicable):
a. Enter the name of the SMTP server.
b. Click + to create the appropriate number of fields for recipients of the notification and severity levels. Click -
to remove a field.
c. Enter the recipient and click the severity level in the drop-down list box.
9. Click Next.
10. On the NIC Resource Configuration dialog box:
a. Click Do not configure NIC Resource (if applicable), click Next, and proceed to the next step.
If you configure the NIC resource (as recommended by VCS), proceed to substep b.
b. Enter the name of the resource.
c. Click the ... in the Discover column of the table to find the MAC Address for each system.
d. Click OK in the Discover dialog box.
11. Click Next.
12. Click Bring the Notifier Resource Online if desired.
13. Click Next.
14. Click Finish.

Monitoring the Cluster from the Command Line

Reviewing the VERITAS Cluster Server (VCS) Error Message Logs

VCS has two error message logs that can be viewed to monitor system performance: the engine log and the agent
log. Log file names are appended by letters. Letter ”r;A” indicates the first log file, ”r;B” the second, ”r;C” the third,
and so on.
Both logs use the following tags to indicate the seriousness of errors:
TAG_A indicates a critical error within a VCS process. Contact VCS Technical Support immediately if you see this
TAG_B indicates failure of a cluster component, unanticipated state change, or termination or unsuccessful
completion of a VCS action.
TAG_C indicates a warning or error, but not an actual fault.
TAG_D informs the user that VCS has initiated an action.
TAG_E informs the user of various state messages or comments.
The logs can be viewed using any text editor.

Engine Log
The engine log is located at /var/VRTSvcs/log/engine_A.log.
The format of an engine log messages is:
TAG | Date (yy/mm/dd) | Time | Product | Message ID | Message
The following is a typical engine log entry:
TAG_C 2001/12/03 18:54:58 VCS:10075:building from remote system.

Agent Log
The agent log is located at $VCS_HOME/log/agent_A.log. The format of agent log messages is:
TAG | Date (yy/mm/dd) | Time | Product | Message ID | Agent Type |Resource Name | Entry Point | Message
The following is a typical agent log entry:
TAG_C 2001/12/03 19:40:01 VCS:254001:Oracle:oracle1:online:One or more attributes contain invalid values.
All tag entries are written to the engine and agent logs. Tag A and B entries are also written to the system log, which
can be viewed at _____________.

See these topics:

VCS Monitoring and Status Commands
Common VCS Commands
VCS Environmental Variables
Preserving Cartridges

Maintenance (UNIX)

VCS Monitoring and Status Commands (UNIX)

The following table describes the basic UNIX commands used to monitor the cluster.

Command Variation Description

haclus -display Displays information about the cluster.
-modify Requires root permission to use.
hagrp -add <system group> Adds a system group to the cluster.
-clear <system group> Clears the system group of faults.
-state <service_group> -sys Displays state of service group on system.
-switch <system> to Initiates the failover of one system to the other.
-display Displays service groups.
-dep <service_group> Lists dependencies of a service group.
-resources <service_group> Lists the resources in a service group.
hasys -add Adds a new system to the cluster.
-display <system> Displays information about the system specified or about all
systems if none are specified.
-state <system> Displays the state of the system specified, or of all systems if none
are specified.
-list Displays a list of systems in the cluster.
hares -add <service_group> Adds a resource to the service group specified.
-clear Clears resource faults.
NOTE: When a resource faults, it stops the onlining of all
dependencies. To attempt a new onlining, you must clear the
faults on the resource first.
-state <service_group> Displays the state of the resource specified, or of all resources if
none are specified
-display Displays information on the resources of the service group.
-display -group
-dep Lists the resources dependencies.
-list Displays a list of all resources.
hastatus Displays the status of all service groups in the cluster, including
-summary Displays the status of cluster faults, including faults of service
groups, resources, systems, links, and agents.
-group Displays the status of the service group.
hamsg -help Displays a usage list for Log Data Files (LDFs).
-list Displays a list of available LDFs.
-info LDF Displays general LDF data.

VCS Environmental Variables (UNIX)
The following variables are used to configure common VCS processes.

Variable Definition Default

VCS_CONF Root directory for VCS /etc/VRTSvcs
configuration files. NOTE: If this variable is
added or modified, you
must reboot the system
to apply the changes.

VCS_ENABLE_LDF Designates whether or not 1

log data files (LDFs) are
generated. If set to 1,
LDFs are generated. If set
to 0, they are not.
VCS_HOME Root directory for VCS /opt/VRTSvcs
VCS_GAB_PORT GAB port to which VCS h
VCS_GAB_TIMEOUT Timeout in milliseconds 15000
for HAD to send NOTE: If the specified
heartbeats to GAB. timeout is exceeded,
GAB kills HAD, and all
active service groups on
the system are

VCS_HAD_RESTART_TIMEOUT User must set this 0

variable to designate the
amount of time the
hashadow process waits
(“sleep time”) before
restarting HAD.
VCS_LOG Root directory for log files /var/VRTSvcs
and temporary files. NOTE: If this variable is
added or modified, you
must reboot the system
to apply the changes.

VCS_SERVICE Name of configured VCS vcs

service. NOTE: The specified
service should be
configured before
starting the VCS engine
(HAD). If a service is
not specified, the VCS
engine starts with port

VCS_TEMP_DIR Directory in which /var/VRTSvcs

temporary information NOTE: This directory is
required by or generated created in /tmp under
by hacf is stored. the following
- The variable is not
- The variable is set but
the directory to which it
is set does not exist.
- The utility hacf cannot
find the default

Maintenance (UNIX)

Common VCS Commands (UNIX)

The following commands are used to perform common VCS processes.

Task Command
Start VCS cold (on each node). /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hastart
Start VCS cold and accept system as valid (on /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hastart -force
each node).
Stop VCS gracefully (on each node). /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hastop -local
Stop VCS and leave resources online. /opt/VRTSvcs/hastop -local -force
Stop VCS on all systems and leave groups online. /opt/VRTSvcs/hastop -all -force
Watch VCS logs. tail -f /var/VRTSvcs/log/engine.log_A
Force a halt/reboot to perform a failover. /sbin/gabsync;sync;halt
Locate Configuration File. /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config
Locate Main config. /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/main.cf
Included files. types.cf
Modify resource while VCS is running (CLI). Open configuration:
/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/haconf -makerw
Modify Resource:
/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hares -modify <resource> <attribute>
Close Configuration:
/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/haconf -dump -makero
Modify resource while VCS is running (GUI). In the Cluster Explorer, select Open Config from the Cluster
Select the resource to modify and look at the attributes view.
Push the little e button in the upper right corner of the
attributes view.
Select the attribute to change.
Enter the new value in the small box.
From the edit menu, select Set. The change should be
reflected in the attribute view.
In the Cluster Explorer, select Close Config from the Cluster
Directing SNMP Traps. Open configuration:
/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/haconf -makerw
Change the SNMP IP to <IP Address>
/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hasnmp -modify IPAddr <IP Address>
Dump the configuration and make read only:
/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/haconf -dump -makero
Clearing resource failure. /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hares -clear <resource> -sys <system>
NOTE: You should clear faults because when a resource faults, it stops the onlining of all dependencies (e.g., Oracle
does not online if a diskgroup faults). To attempt a new onlining, you must clear the faults on the resource first.
Online a group. /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hagrp -online <group> -sys <sys>
View summary status. /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hastatus -summary
View tailing status. /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hastatus
View system’s node name. uname -n
Confirm that the configuration is closed. # /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/haconf -dump -makero
Look for the FAULTED status of a service group. # /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hasys -display
Look for the FAULTED status of a system. # /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hasys -display
Review logs. /var/adm/messages

Preserving Cartridges
To ensure a longer life for full or new cartridges, store cartridges in a clean environment and follow these
Do not drop or bang the cartridge. This can displace the tape leader, making the cartridge unusable and possibly
damaging the drive.
Store the data cartridge in the plastic shipping enclosure.
Do not expose tape cartridges to direct sunlight and other heat sources.
If the cartridge has been exposed to extreme heat or cold, stabilize the cartridge at room temperature for the
same amount of time it was exposed (up to 24 hours).
Place the identification label in the slide-in slot on the front of the cartridge only.
Do not attach labels anywhere on the cartridge except in the slide-in slot.

Bar Code Scanner

The Bar Code Scanner is used to input patient information into the CARESTREAM PACS Client. The LED scanner is a
Class 1 laser device, but emits less light and a wider spectrum of wavelengths than a laser scanner.
CAUTION: Do not look directly at the LEDs.
The scanner is programmed to start a search for the study associated with the bar code, then load it into the system.
NOTE: Only users with administrative rights can use the Bar Code Scanner program. The administrator must
determine the type of search the radiologist needs to do.

See these topics:

Programming the Bar Code Scanner
Scanning Bar Codes
Clearing the Bar Code Programming

Programming the Bar Code Scanner

NOTE: You must use the correct symbol (s) to program the scanner.
1. Select FCN 3 in the Control column of the B-Coder Professional Screen.
The system generates the correct code to program the scanner. For example, 128.
2. You can enter information in the comment field that can be used for future reference.
3. Enter 1.0 in. in the Bar Height field.
4. Enter 13.0 mils in the Narrow Bar Width field.
5. In the Preferences menu, disable the Include Text option.
6. Press F2 to create the Bar Code.
NOTE: A message instructs you how to use the new Bar Code.
7. Copy the Bar Code.
8. Use the Paste Special option to paste the Bar Code to a new page.
NOTE: Do not use the Enhanced Metafile option because it distorts the Bar Code and the scanner might not be able to
read it.

Maintenance (UNIX)

Scanning Bar Codes

The LED scanner is a Class 1 laser device, but emits less light and a wider spectrum of wavelengths than a laser
CAUTION: Do not look directly at the LEDs.

See these topics:

Scanning Patient IDs
Scanning Bar Code Accession Numbers
Clearing the Bar Code Programming
Scanning Patient IDs
The LED scanner is a Class 1 laser device, but emits less light and a wider spectrum of wavelengths than a laser
CAUTION: Do not look directly at the LEDs.
1. Log onto the Workstation and start the CARESTREAM PACS Client Suite.
2. Program the scanner to scan Patient IDs.
3. Double-click the server that has the studies to be tested.
4. Place each bar code on the table in front of the scanner.
5. Position the bar code parallel to the line of light from the scanner.
6. Push the bar code through the line of light with a constant rate of speed.
The scanner produces an audible beep as the bar code passes under the line of light.
7. If the scanner does not beep, repeat steps 3 to 6.
Scanning Bar Code Accession Numbers
The LED scanner is a Class 1 laser device, but emits less light and a wider spectrum of wavelengths than a laser
CAUTION: Do not look directly at the LEDs.
1. Program the scanner to scan Accession Numbers.
2. Double-click the server that has the studies to be tested.
3. Place each bar code on the table in front of the scanner.
4. Position the bar code parallel to the line of light from the scanner.
5. Push the bar code through the line of light with a constant rate of speed.
The scanner produces an audible beep as the bar code passes under the line of light.
6. If the scanner does not beep, repeat steps 3 to 5.
Clearing the Bar Code Programming
The LED scanner is a Class 1 laser device, but emits less light and a wider spectrum of wavelengths than a laser
CAUTION: Do not look directly at the LEDs.
1. Place each bar code on the table in front of the scanner.
2. Position the bar code parallel to the line of light from the scanner.
3. Push the bar code through the line of light with a constant rate of speed.
The scanner produces an audible beep as the bar code passes under the line of light.
4. If the scanner does not beep, repeat steps 1 to 3.

Maintenance (WINDOWS OS)

See these topics:

WFM Licensing Status Monitoring
Running a System Check
Performing Routine Maintenance
Backup Verification
Verifying the Workflow Manager Daily Backup
Amending the Scheduled Time for the Backup
Central Configuration Backup
External Media Backup
Database Synchronizer
Online Storage Management Storage Volume Check
ORACLE Server General Fitness Check
Moving Audit Logs to Offline Storage
Daily Maintenance Checks
Weekly Maintenance Checks

Maintenance (WINDOWS OS)

WFM Licensing Status Monitoring for Both Operating Systems

The new monitoring tools track the license status in terms of volumes and counters of total exams in the systems.
The tool adds a simple notification to help you ensure that the license terms are adhered to. The data collection is
carried out in a non-disruptive manner to the system stability and performance.
You are notified when a license violation has occurred.
A warning notification appears on the Admin Tool home page, in either the logs or in the Dashboard.

Important: The warning does not interfere with system operation. You must contact a Carestream Health
representative to check or renew the license.
The red warning message is a link. Click on the link to display the Licenses Log which details the license errors:

Each line states whether that type of license has a violation (or an error in the check). The percentage values
quantify the amount of violation from the licensed amount.
The most common license type for Archive (IMS) or a PACS is the EXAMS_YR counter, which measures the amount of
studies that enter the system annually.

Running a System Check (WINDOWS OS)
You can run a script on the Online Storage Management server that causes the system to perform a complete system
check. This system check performs all the routine maintenance checks to ensure that there are no problems with any
of the Workflow Manager components. The script should be run every day and must be run from the root user. When
there are any problems, a report is generated listing the problems.
The system check script runs as a scheduled task every day at 0600. It creates the following log:
IMAGINET_ROOT\log\system_checks\system_check_<current date>.log
The system check indicates errors, but does not fix them. In case a problem is found during the system check, you
must perform the appropriate manual procedure to correct it. See Performing Routine Maintenance for more

Running a System Check from the Online Storage Management Server

1. Open a command prompt window and type:
C:\Program Files\Carestream Solutions\System5\scripts\system_check.pl
Select Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Scheduled Tasks.
Right-click on system_check and select Run Now.
The Status Column indicates that the task is “Running”.
2. Use Notepad or WordPad to open the log file:
IMAGINET_ROOT\log\system_checks\system_check_<current date>.log
If an error exists, contact Customer Service.
Below is a list of the maintenance checks that the system runs and the possible reasons for receiving a warning

Maintenance Check A Message Appears When…

File System Utilization A file system uses more than 85% of the allocated
NOTE: If the system check shows that the disk space
usage exceeds 85% and fails to clear the watermark,
follow the guidelines developed by the system
administrator or contact Customer Service.

System Uptime The system has been up for less than three days. This
check is performed in order to check for unexpected
system reboots.
Database Utilization A tablespace is more than 85% full.
Database Extents A table or index contains more than 450 extents.
Database Connections There are more than 200 open connections to the
Database Analyze More than 48 hours have elapsed since the last
database analysis.
Number of Running DICOM There are more than 25 DICOM servers running at a
Servers time.
Jukebox Backups There are studies older than 48 hours that have not yet
been backed up.
Long-Term Storage Manager The Long-Term Storage Manager cache exceeds a
Cache Utilization certain limit.
Pre-Fetch Contact Customer Service for further instructions.
All the fields are configurable, and can be accessed for editing using the following command:
C:\Program Files\Carestream Solutions\System5\scripts\system_check_params

Maintenance (WINDOWS OS)

Daily Task: Database Tablespace Free Space (WINDOWS OS)

This script is used for automatically handling tablespace free space. By default (without any parameters), the script
finds all the tablespaces with less than 15% of free space and enlarges them by 20%. The script is executed daily (via
the OS scheduler) at 22:00.

Supported Options
Option Use to:
log_file specify a log filename (instead of the default)
db_name specify another database name (instead of the default mstore)
min_percent specify the minimum free space to cause enlargement (instead of the default
of 15)
add_percent specify the enlargement percentage (instead of the default of 20)
tablespace_name specify one or more tablespaces separated by a comma (the default is all
enlarge_to_min_free_mb allow enlargement to a minimum of free MB in the tablespace(s)
enlarge_to_min_free_percent allow enlargement to a minimum of free MB in the tablespace(s)

Default Directory for Log Files

UNIX: /usr/tmp/DB_LOGS/DB_Tablespace

Performing Routine Maintenance
The following table describes a list of checks that are additional to the system check or must be performed manually
in cases where there is an error reported by the system check

Procedure Description Schedule

Backup Verification Verifying the daily database backup Daily
ORACLE Alert File Checking the Alert log file (ORACLE Daily
Database fitness log)
Database Fitness Verification Checking database fitness (Workflow Weekly
Manager log file)
Online Storage Management Checking storage volume usage As needed
Storage Volume Check
Online Storage Management Verifying Online Storage Management After boot
General Fitness Check fitness following boot
PreStore Backup Verification Verifying successful performance of the As needed
daily PreStore procedure
Long-Term Storage Manager Checking storage volume usage As needed
Storage Volume Check
Long-Term Storage Manager Verifying system fitness following boot After boot
General Fitness Check
Library Hardware Fitness Check Verifying DLT library operates correctly Weekly
Moving Audit Trail Data Moving audit trail data to offline Contact Customer Service
NOTE: The system check covers most of the routine maintenance system schedule. Carestream Health recommends
running the routine maintenance procedures regularly.

Maintenance (WINDOWS OS)

Backup Verification (WINDOWS OS)

The Workflow Manager is configured to perform a backup of the entire database every day. Backups are usually
scheduled to be performed at night. You should always verify that the previous backup was successfully completed.
NOTE: These backups use the ORACLE database Recovery Manager (RMAN), and their schedules and scripts are
contained within the database. Only Customer Service can change the default schedule.
Perform the backup verification procedure manually when there is a related problem reported by the system check.
During installation, you must choose a database backup method, either hot or cold.

Hot Backup
During a hot backup, the database is not down and users can continue to work without interruption. The hot backup
procedure creates log files under the log directory: IMAGINET_ROOT\log.
The backup log files are named backup_<type>.<dbname>.log where
type = inc for the full backup and al for an archive log
dbname = the name of the database instance: mst1 or rc01
The actual backup files and the last backup log files are stored under the IMAGINET_BACKUP_ROOT directory. Only
the last successful backup is kept.

Cold Backup
During a cold backup, the database is shut down and users are unable to work until the backup is complete. The
default method is a full backup, which runs every night in two phases:
Full backup: the scheduled task db_backup_inc runs at 2 am.
Archive log backup: the scheduled task db_backup_al runs each night at 5 am.
A log file is created under the ImagiNet log directory IMAGINET_ROOT\log\backup.log. The actual backup files are
stored in the IMAGINET_BACKUP_ROOT directory. Depending on the amount of available disk space, either the last
one or two successful backups are saved.
NOTE: You should copy the database backups to separate media, so they can be recovered in case of a disk failure.

Full or partial restoration of a database from backup can only be done by Customer Service. Any attempt by
unqualified personnel may result in permanent loss of patient data and/or general system malfunction.

See these topics:

Verifying the Workflow Manager Daily Backup
Amending the Scheduled Time for the Backup
Central Configuration Backup

Verifying the Workflow Manager Daily Backup (WINDOWS OS)
The system check script runs as a scheduled task everyday at 6 am.
1. Select Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Scheduled Tasks.
2. Right-click Open.
3. For the desired scheduled task db_backup, db_backup_inc, or db_backup_al, check that the time in the Last Run
Time column is compatible with today’s date.
4. Use Notepad or WordPad to open the log file in IMAGINET_ROOT\log.
If an error exists, contact Customer Service.

Changing the Scheduled Time for the Backup (WINDOWS OS)

1. In the Scheduled Tasks window, right-click the desired scheduled task:
and select Properties.
2. Select the Schedule tab.
3. Change the time as required.

Central Configuration Backup (WINDOWS OS)

In addition to the full database backup, Central Configuration is backed up each night (11 pm). This is done via a
scheduled task that exports the table.
Both ORACLE export files and XML copies are created. Copies are kept for seven days and can be found in
These convenience backups can be used, for example, in case there is a need to restore the system configuration to
an earlier state without restoring the entire database (which is more complicated and takes a lot longer).

External Media Backup (WINDOWS OS)

New Tape External Media Backup Preparation

1. Open a CMD window: select Start --> Run --> cmd.
2. Navigate to IMAGINET_ROOT\scripts by typing: cd C:\Program Files\Carestream Solutions\system5\scripts
3. Type ExtMedia_prepare_new_tape.pl to run the script.
What will be backed up on the current Tape? [DB/IMG/BOTH] >
4. Type BOTH to use the new tape for both images and database backups.
5. Type Y to start the process.
It might take several minutes for the process to finish.
6. Select Start --> Run.
7. Type: ntbackup
8. Click OK.
9. In the Restore and Manage Media tab, verify that the new tape appears under Free Media.

Previously Used Tape Preparation

This procedure deletes all data on the tape. Verify that the tape is empty or the data on the tape is not required.
1. Select Start --> Run
2. Type: ntbackup
3. Click OK.
4. In the Restore and Manage Media tab, right-click the desired media and select “mark as free.”
It might take several minutes for the process to finish.

ORACLE Alert File

The ORACLE database has a built-in Alert file, in which system alerts and important messages are registered. You
should read this file daily, along with the backup verification, to identify potential problems early.
1. Using Notepad or WordPad, open the ORACLE Software Alert File imaginet_db\admin\mst1\bdump\alert_mst1.log.
2. Scroll down to the last section of the file.
3. Locate the past week’s dates and review the messages.

Maintenance (WINDOWS OS)

Only informative messages are acceptable. For example: startup, shutdown, and changing log files.
(Thread 1 advanced to log sequence)
If an error exists, contact Customer Service.

Database Synchronizer (WINDOWS OS)

You should invoke periodic database checkup processes. The database synchronizer process scans the database and
verifies that each metadata set (header) in the mst1 database corresponds to an existing image in the Image File
Perform database synchronization weekly.
1. Generate a Database Synchronizer log:
Select Start --> Programs --> Carestream Solutions --> Admin --> Storage Management Software --> db_sync -
log only.
This option only reports which records in the database do not have corresponding images in the Image File
Wait for the process to finish. The process may take several minutes, depending on the size of the database.
2. Using Notepad or WordPad, open and review the log file IMAGINET_ROOT\log\db_sync.
3. Locate the relevant date.
An error is indicated in a format similar to the following example.
FIR_DbSync.cpp (1239): FIR_DbSync :
Image E:\/000/000/000/002/2/2/2.img does not reside on fir 1 and should be deleted
If an error exists, contact Customer Service.

Online Storage Management Storage Volume Check (WINDOWS OS)

In order to verify that your storage media is used properly, you should frequently check the utilization of your mount
points. The Online Storage Management storage volume check procedure should be performed manually when there
is a related problem reported by the system check.

Checking the Online Storage Management Storage Volume

The Image File System has an automatic Auto Delete mechanism. If the Image File System disk reaches its limit, you
can run the Auto Delete process manually. (Right-click the fir_autodelete Scheduled Task and click Run.) For more
information, contact Customer Service.
If one of the disks reaches 90% usage, contact Customer Service. The relevant disk can be the disk upon which the
operating system, CARESTREAM PACS software, ORACLE Server Software, database, or images are installed.
1. Use WINDOWS Explorer to check the amount of used and available space on your disks.
2. Verify that the disk where the operating system is stored does not exceed 90% of usage.
3. Verify that the disks where CARESTREAM PACS software and ORACLE Server Software are stored
(IMAGINET_ROOT directory) do not exceed 90% of usage.
4. Verify that the disk where the images (FIR_ROOT - 000 directory) are stored do not exceed 90% of usage.
5. Verify that the disk where the database (DB_ROOT - imaginet_db directory) is stored does not exceed 90% of
If you cannot resolve storage usage problems, contact Customer Service.

ORACLE Server General Fitness Check (WINDOWS OS)

When the system is restarted, or after either a failure or an invoked operation, such as installation, upgrade or
restructuring, you must ensure that all of its components are functioning properly. Perform the ORACLE Server
general fitness check manually after every bootup.
When the system is up, these services should be running:
Workflow Manager database service (OracleServicemst1)
Workflow Manager backup management database service (OracleServicerc01)
ORACLE Listener service (Oracleorant92TNSListener)

Moving Audit Logs to Offline Storage (WINDOWS OS)
NOTE: The user names and passwords referred to in this topic are ORACLE Database user names and passwords.
Before performing this procedure, contact Customer Service to obtain this information.

Exporting Audit Log Files

1. Stop all PACS MICROSOFT WINDOWS services.
2. Click Start --> Run --> cmd to open the Command window.
3. Export the audit log files.
For example, to export the audit log files to d:\audit.032303.dmp, type:
exp system owner=auditing file=d:\audit.032303.dmp log=d:\audit.032303.log compress=n buffer=20000000
NOTE: Enter the system password when prompted.
4. Copy the exported audit log to a secure location and make a backup copy.

Clearing the Audit Log

NOTE: Once the audit_log table is truncated, you cannot retrieve the former contents after the next scheduled
database backup has run.
1. Invoke sqlplus. From the command window, type:
sqlplus system
2. Enter the password when prompted.
3. Delete the current audit log entries from Online Storage Management. At the SQL> prompt, type:
truncate table audit_log;
NOTE: A truncate is quick, because it cannot be rolled back.
4. Exit sqlplus by typing:
5. Start the PACS MICROSOFT WINDOWS Services.

Retrieving Audit Logs

NOTE: An exported audit log can be imported into another instance of an ORACLE Database, separate from the
CARESTREAM PACS. You can do this both for off-site backup and for off-line analysis. The Audit Viewer tool works
only with the online Audit Log in the CARESTREAM PACS system.
1. Invoke sqlplus. From the command window type:
sqlplus system
2. Enter the user name and password when prompted.
3. To import the audit log files, drop the table first .
CAUTION: Dropping the audit_log table deletes all data in the table. There is no undo. Perform this step
only if the entire table must be cleared.
At the “SQL>” prompt, type:
drop table audit_log;
4. Exit sqlplus by typing:
5. Import the audit log files by typing:
imp file=d:\audit.032303.dmp full=yes
6. Enter the user name and password when prompted.
NOTE: Be sure to take proper care to ensure confidentiality and integrity of the exported data. If you clear the Audit
Log after an export, the exported file is the only copy. It is important to exercise due diligence and ensure compliance
with your organization's privacy and security policies.

Maintenance (WINDOWS OS)

Daily Maintenance Checks

See these topics:

Verify System Check Log
Scheduled Tasks
Backup Verification
ORACLE Alert Files
Services Up and Running
Disk Space

Daily Task: Verify System Check Log (WINDOWS OS)

Check Description 1. Connect to the servers and view the system check log file.
2. Using Notepad or WordPad, open the log file:
C:\Program File\Carestream Solutions\System
5\log\system_checks\system_check_<current date>.log
Pass/Fail Criteria Verify that there are no errors in the system log file.
Error Handling Contact Customer Service.

Daily Task: Scheduled Tasks (WINDOWS OS)

Check Description Open the task schedule
1. Select Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Scheduled Tasks.
2. Right-click Open.
3. Verify that there are no errors/problems in the Scheduled Tasks.

Pass/Fail Criteria From the Scheduled Tasks window, verify the following:
Last Results (for all tasks) must be 0X0.
Any other result is an error.
Last Run Time to verify the last time that the check was run.
Verify that there are no errors in the log files.
The log files are in C:\Program File\Carestream Solutions\System

Error Handling Check log file for errors.

If the error cannot be fixed, contact Customer Service.

Daily Task: Backup Verification (WINDOWS OS)

Check Description Verifying the daily database backup.
Pass/Fail Criteria The cold backup procedure creates a log file under the log directory:
C:\Program File\Carestream Solutions\System 5\log\backup.log
The hot backup procedure creates log files in the log directory:
C:\Program File\Carestream Solutions\System 5\log
The backup log files are named backup_<type>.<dbname>.log
type = inc for the full backup and al for an archive log
dbname = the name of the database instance: mst1 or rc01

Error Handling Contact Customer Service.

Daily Task: ORACLE Alert Files (WINDOWS OS)
Check Description Checking the ORACLE Software Alert File.
1. Using Notepad or WordPad, open the ORACLE Software Alert File
iC:\Program File\Carestream Solutions\System
2. Scroll down to the last section of the file.
3. Locate the past week’s dates and review the messages.
Only informative messages are acceptable, for example, startup,
shutdown, and changing log files.
(Thread 1 advanced to log sequence)

Pass/Fail Criteria Verify there are no errors in the log file.

Error messages start with ORA-XXX (where XXX is a number).
Error Handling Contact Customer Service.

Daily Task: Services Up and Running (WINDOWS OS)

Check Description Check that these services are running:
Admin Server
Auto-Router Server
MVSMain Server
Push Server
Loader Server
Jakarta Tomcat 4
LatePrefetch Server
MediLink Converter
MediLink Listener
LTSMsSync Server

Check that this service is disabled:

DailyPrefetch Server
Pass/Fail Criteria Check services are started as shown in the above list.
Error Handling If the service is not started, start it. If any errors occur during start,
check the WINDOWS Event Viewer and log files that are located in
C:\Program File\Carestream Solutions\System 5\log.
Contact Customer Service.

Maintenance (WINDOWS OS)

Daily Task: Disk Space (WINDOWS OS)

Check Description Verify disk space on system drive.
Pass/Fail Criteria It should be more than 20% free.
Error Handling Contact Customer Service.

Weekly Maintenance Checks

See these topics:

Event Viewer
Database Synchronizer
Database Backup to External Media Verification
Image Backup to External Media Verification

Weekly Task: Event Viewer (WINDOWS OS)
Check Description Check the WINDOWS System Event Viewer for any RAID messages.
Pass/Fail Criteria Make sure that no errors exist in the System Event Viewer regarding the RAID.
Error Handling Contact vendor support.
Contact Customer Service.

Weekly Task: Database Synchronizer (WINDOWS OS)

Check Description You should invoke periodic database checkup processes. The database
synchronizer process scans the database and verifies that each metadata set
(header) in the mst1 database corresponds to an existing image in the Image
File System
1. Select Start --> Programs --> Carestream Solutions --> Admin --> Storage
Management Software --> db_sync - log only.
This option only reports which records in the database do not have
corresponding images in the Image File System.
Wait for the process to finish. The process might take several minutes,
depending on the size of the database.
2. Using Notepad or WordPad, open and review the log file C:\Program
File\Carestream Solutions\System 5\log\db_sync.

Pass/Fail Criteria Locate the relevant date.

An error is indicated in the format:
FIR_DbSync.cpp (1239): FIR_DbSync :
Image E:\/000/000/000/002/2/2/2.img does not reside on fir 1 and should be
Error Handling Contact Customer Service.

Weekly Task: Database Backup to External Media Verification (WINDOWS OS)

Check Description 1. Select Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Scheduled Tasks.
2. Right-click Open.
3. Verify the “Last Result” return code for scheduled task EMBackup DB
Normal to TAPE.
4. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Carestream Solutions\System 5\log.
5. Open the EMBackup_DB.log file.
6. Verify that the backup completed without any errors.
7. Select Start --> Run.
8. Type ntbackup and click OK.

Pass/Fail Criteria From the Scheduled Tasks window, verify the following:
Last Results for EMBackup DB Normal to TAPE must be 0X0. Any
other result is an error.
Verify that the backup completed without any errors.
Error Handling Contact Customer Service.

Weekly Task: Image Backup to External Media Verification (WINDOWS OS)

Check Description 1. Select Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Scheduled Tasks.
2. Right-click Open.
3. Verify the “Last Result” return code for scheduled task EMBackup
Images INC to TAPE.
4. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Carestream Solutions\System 5\log.
5. Open the EMBackup_IMG.log file.
6. Verify that the backup completed without any errors.
7. Select Start --> Run.
8. Type ntbackup and click OK.

Maintenance (WINDOWS OS)

Pass/Fail Criteria From the Scheduled Tasks window, verify the following:
Last Results for EMBackup Images INC to TAPE must be 0X0. Any
other result is an error.
Verify that the backup completed without any errors.
Error Handling Contact Customer Service.

Bar Code Scanner

The Bar Code Scanner is used to input patient information into the CARESTREAM PACS Client. The LED scanner is a
Class 1 laser device, but emits less light and a wider spectrum of wavelengths than a laser scanner.
CAUTION: Do not look directly at the LEDs.
The scanner is programmed to start a search for the study associated with the bar code, then load it into the system.
NOTE: Only users with administrative rights can use the Bar Code Scanner program. The administrator must
determine the type of search the radiologist needs to do.

See these topics:

Programming the Bar Code Scanner
Scanning Bar Codes
Clearing the Bar Code Programming

Programming the Bar Code Scanner
NOTE: You must use the correct symbol (s) to program the scanner.
1. Select FCN 3 in the Control column of the B-Coder Professional Screen.
The system generates the correct code to program the scanner. For example, 128.
2. You can enter information in the comment field that can be used for future reference.
3. Enter 1.0 in. in the Bar Height field.
4. Enter 13.0 mils in the Narrow Bar Width field.
5. In the Preferences menu, disable the Include Text option.
6. Press F2 to create the Bar Code.
NOTE: A message instructs you how to use the new Bar Code.
7. Copy the Bar Code.
8. Use the Paste Special option to paste the Bar Code to a new page.
NOTE: Do not use the Enhanced Metafile option because it distorts the Bar Code and the scanner might not be able to
read it.

Scanning Bar Codes

The LED scanner is a Class 1 laser device, but emits less light and a wider spectrum of wavelengths than a laser
CAUTION: Do not look directly at the LEDs.

See these topics:

Scanning Patient IDs
Scanning Bar Code Accession Numbers
Clearing the Bar Code Programming
Scanning Patient IDs
The LED scanner is a Class 1 laser device, but emits less light and a wider spectrum of wavelengths than a laser
CAUTION: Do not look directly at the LEDs.
1. Log onto the Workstation and start the CARESTREAM PACS Client Suite.
2. Program the scanner to scan Patient IDs.
3. Double-click the server that has the studies to be tested.
4. Place each bar code on the table in front of the scanner.
5. Position the bar code parallel to the line of light from the scanner.
6. Push the bar code through the line of light with a constant rate of speed.
The scanner produces an audible beep as the bar code passes under the line of light.
7. If the scanner does not beep, repeat steps 3 to 6.
Scanning Bar Code Accession Numbers
The LED scanner is a Class 1 laser device, but emits less light and a wider spectrum of wavelengths than a laser
CAUTION: Do not look directly at the LEDs.
1. Program the scanner to scan Accession Numbers.
2. Double-click the server that has the studies to be tested.
3. Place each bar code on the table in front of the scanner.
4. Position the bar code parallel to the line of light from the scanner.
5. Push the bar code through the line of light with a constant rate of speed.
The scanner produces an audible beep as the bar code passes under the line of light.
6. If the scanner does not beep, repeat steps 3 to 5.

Maintenance (WINDOWS OS)

Clearing the Bar Code Programming

The LED scanner is a Class 1 laser device, but emits less light and a wider spectrum of wavelengths than a laser
CAUTION: Do not look directly at the LEDs.
1. Place each bar code on the table in front of the scanner.
2. Position the bar code parallel to the line of light from the scanner.
3. Push the bar code through the line of light with a constant rate of speed.
The scanner produces an audible beep as the bar code passes under the line of light.
4. If the scanner does not beep, repeat steps 1 to 3.

Troubleshooting (UNIX)
Online Storage Management Software for the CARESTREAM PACS System is equipped with automatic backup and
cleanup procedures. However, you might encounter problems due to very high load levels, configurations that were
not adapted to changing needs, negligence in performing maintenance procedures, or hardware and software
Below are some known problems. Click the link for information about possible causes and recommended solutions.
Copying Log Files
Online Storage Management Storage Failure
Database Access Failure
Low Rate of Performance
Performance Related to Memory Leak/System Stress
Recovery Procedure Related to PHI
Long-Term Storage Manager General Recovery Problem
Long-Term Storage Manager General Backup Failure
Suspected Damaged Drive
Exported Cartridge is Lost or Damaged
ORACLE Error Messages
Archive Explorer and Viewer Icons Appear as Blue Squares
JAVA Security Error
Checking the Logs
E-Mail Message Details
NOTE: If these procedures are not sufficient, contact Customer Service.

Copying Log Files (UNIX)

Make a copy of the log file to facilitate troubleshooting in case of a system malfunction. The TAMAR_LOG file is
automatically recycled up to two times a day, and during a system reboot. It is important to save a copy of the log
that contains messages that might be important.
For example, type cp /usr/tmp/TAMAR_LOG /usr/tmp/TAMAR_LOG.file where "file" can be anything descriptive of the
NOTE: The old TAMAR_LOGs are stored in the same directory as the live log -/usr/tmp files and are named
oTAMAR_LOG_[Date].gz. There is a log for each of the previous seven days. The logs are deleted after seven days. If
you want to save them, you must move them out of the /usr/tmp/directory.

The logs are compressed by the gzip command. To uncompress the files for viewing, type gunzip -c [Logname] more.
This is a plain text file that can be viewed, moved, printed, etc. If you move the files onto a system with a WINDOWS
OS, you can use WinZip to uncompress the files.

Online Storage Management Storage Failure (UNIX)

Problem A storage attempt to the Workflow Manager failed. The log file displays the message Store
Failed – All file systems are full.
Cause Online Storage is full. There are no free volumes.
Solution Manually run the Auto Delete process: /usr/tamar.root/bin/mst_auto_delete.scr
To prevent a recurrence of the problem, increase the free space limitation in the Auto
Delete configuration.
For more information, contact Customer Service.

Problem An image sent by a modality is rejected by the server.

Cause The SOP Instance UID of the image is identical to one of an image already on the server.
Solution 1. Go to Administration --> System Monitoring & Control.
2. Click SOP Instance UID Alerts and View TAMAR_LOG.
If instances of "_instance_uid" appear, notify the PACS administrator of the problem so
that the modality creating the duplicate SOP instance UID can be identified.

Troubleshooting (UNIX)

Database Access Failure (UNIX)

Problem Problems occur when connecting to the DICOM server. The log file displays the message
DB_Connection: Failed to connect to database.
Cause The database is not running.
Solution NOTE: Contact Customer Service before applying the solution.
1. Verify that the database is running, as described in Running a System Check.
2. If the database is not running, use the database system script to reactivate the database.
3. From the oracle user, type:
setenv TAMAR_ROOT /usr/tamar.root
and press Enter.
4. Type:
/DB_startup.scr dbname
where dbname is either mst1 or rc01, then press Enter.
Messages in green indicate a successful operation.
Messages in red indicate problems that must be resolved.

Low Rate of Performance (UNIX)

Problem Slow performance
Cause 1 The database needs to be analyzed. This situation may occur after a large amount of data
was inserted in one day.
Solution 1 Run the Auto Delete process.
The third phase of the Auto Delete process performs the database analysis.
Cause 2 The file system is full.
Solution 2 1. Use the UNIX command df -k (described in Online Storage Management Storage
Volume Check) to verify that this is the cause.
2. Delete core files.
3. Manually run the Auto Delete process: /usr/tamar.root/bin/mst_auto_delete.scr
4. To prevent the problem from recurring, increase the free space limitation in the Auto
Delete configuration.
For more information, contact Customer Service.

Solution 3 1. Go to the User Administration Home page.

2. Click Administration and then User Management.
3. For each user or group, click Advanced Settings and then Web Server Software.
4. Go to Server Settings tab and add any internal network subnets to the window.

Performance Related to Memory Leak/System Stress (UNIX)
If users remain logged into the system for an extended period of time, a memory leak can occur. The memory leak
might decrease system performance (such as increased time to load studies, or the inability to load studies). Users
should manually log out after they complete their work, or when they do not need to use the application, rather than
waiting for the system’s automatic log out. This practice conserves system resources, and frees up user licenses. If
necessary, enforce the policy by reducing the automatic logout time. You should also regularly monitor the system

To check the page scan rate:

1. Log in to the server via any account (root access is not needed).
2. Type:
Below is an example of the return message:
procs memory page disk faults cpu
rbw swap free re mf pi po fr dr sr dd f0 s0 - - in sy cs us sy id
000 2 140632 111008 38 14 6 25 21 0 0 25 0 0 0 378 385 287 31 3 66
The sr counter indicates the scan rate and should normally be 0. If this counter is high (for example, greater than
200) for an extended period of time, the system may not have enough RAM, which might be due to a memory leak.
NOTE: There are other possible causes, such as system stress.
To return a line of values every number of seconds, use the command with a number. For example, to return values
every five seconds, type vmstat 5.
For more information about the vmstat command, type man vmstat.
System stress can also cause performance issues. The system is stressed if one or more of the following symptoms
are observed for more than 30 seconds:
Total CPU load exceeds 90%
Memory page scan rate is greater than 200 pages per second
Run queue or load average is greater than 4 times the number of CPUs
Network input or output is close to 90% of adapter bandwidth
When performance is degraded, look at the various system performance indicators to determine what is causing the
slow performance. If your system becomes stressed regularly, contact Customer Service for assistance.
If the system does not appear to be stressed, identify the user(s) experiencing performance issues. If only one user is
affected, the cause could be insufficient RAM on the client workstation, or insufficient end-to-end bandwidth. Also
check for error and warning messages in the TAMAR_LOG.

Recovery Procedure Related to PHI (UNIX)

If you determine that a system failure has caused an unsafe condition where PHI (Protected Health Information)
might be exposed to unauthorized users, shut down and restart the system to alleviate the unsafe condition. If
necessary, contact Customer Service for assistance.

Long-Term Storage Manager General Recovery Problem (UNIX)

Problem Offline requests from the Long-Term Storage Manager fail.

Cause 1 The Long-Term Storage Manager cache is full. No free space is available.

Solution 1 1. Delete core files.

2. Manually run the Auto Delete process from the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin, as
described in Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool Window.
3. To prevent the problem from recurring:
Increase the free space limitation in the Long-Term Storage Manager Auto Delete
Consult with contact Customer Service about tuning the storage procedures.
Cause 2 Dicomtcpd is not running on the Long-Term Storage Manager.
The client request is rejected because of incorrect DICOM configuration.
Cause 3 The NetBackup recover request failed for one of the following reasons:
Drive failure—one or more of the drives are down.
Cartridge failure—data cannot be recovered from the cartridge.

Troubleshooting (UNIX)

The cartridge is out of the Jukebox.

Storage unit unavailable—there is a SCSI disconnection between the server and the
Solution 3 1. Raise the HSM package to Log Level 7 and ensure that the NetBackup recover request
is issued.
For example:
DSER[1293]: ==== user root (1293) start session =====
DSER[1293]: 4 SIR_Access.C (291): OpenSend: Issue recover for Patient:
DSER[1293]: 7 HSM_Cmd_Line_Executer.C (33): executing “r;bprestore -C phiona -S
phiona -c algotec_class -L /tmp/algotec_class_restore_log -w 0 -f
DSER[1293]: 7 HSM_Cmd_Line_Executer.C (49): The return termination status is 0.
phiona sir_server[1293]: ===== user root (1293) end session =====
If the Return Termination Status is not 0, the problem is with NetBackup.
2. Click Reports in the NetBackup Administration window.
The Log window appears.
3. Click All Entries.
All of the log entries for the server appear.
4. Look for entries whose status is not 0.
5. Right-click Status to access the NetBackup Troubleshooting Wizard and correct the
For details, see the NetBackup Troubleshooting Manual.

Long-Term Storage Manager General Backup Failure (UNIX)
Problem Studies with an insert time of greater than one day were not backed up.
Cause 1 Hardware failure; for example, one of the drives failed during the backup procedure.
Solution 1 1. Click Device Monitor in the NetBackup Administration window.
The Device Monitor window appears.
2. In the Device Monitor window, check the drive status:
If the drive status is DOWN, manually change the state to UP and restart the
backup process.
If NetBackup changes the drive status to DOWN again, consult contact Customer
Service or the storage vendor support.
Cause 2 There are no SCRATCH POOL media available for backup.
Solution 2 1. In the Long-Term Storage Manager Media Management window, click Media List. A list
of all the available media appears.
2. Verify that there are volumes available for use in the SCRATCH POOL.
3. If the SCRATCH POOL is empty, insert new media into the library, as described in Using
the Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool.

Cause 3 Database error. For example, a database connection error due to the Online Storage
Management being rebooted.
Solution 3 1. On the Long-Term Storage Manager server, look for sir_prestore log error messages,
such as database connection failure.
2. If entries are found, run the PreStore process again.
3. If no such entries are found, contact Customer Service.

Troubleshooting (UNIX)

Suspected Damaged Drive (UNIX)

Problem Storage or retrieval procedures on a specific drive fail repeatedly.
Cause 1 Defective media—data cannot be recovered from the cartridge.
Solution 1 See Exported Cartridge is Lost or Damaged.
Cause 2 The media is write-protected, or the wrong media type is being used.
Solution 2 Verify that the media matches the drive type that you are activating.
Cause 3 Drive failure—one or more of the drives are down, or a storage unit is unavailable due to a
SCSI disconnection between the server and the Jukebox.
Solution 3 1. Stop the NetBackup processes by running: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/bp.kill_all
2. Open the Jukebox door and make sure all drives are empty. If not, unload the
3. Make sure the SCSI cables are properly connected.
4. Reboot: -- -r.
5. Check the drives status in the Device Manager window in the NetBackup Administration
6. In the Media Management window, run Inventory Robot.
7. If drives are still DOWN or AVR, contact Customer Service or the storage vendor

Exported Cartridge Is Lost or Damaged (UNIX)

Problem Exported Master or Mirror cartridge is lost or damaged.
Cause 1 The Master cartridge has been lost or physically damaged, outside of the library.
Solution 1 Insert the Mirror Copy into the library and perform a manual Switch Operation on the Master
copy through the Jukebox Monitor.
NOTE: Operations in the Jukebox Monitor are always on the Master copy.

Cause 2 The Mirror cartridge has been lost or physically damaged, outside of the library.
Solution 2 Insert the Master Cartridge into the library and perform a manual Mirror Operation on the
Master copy through the Jukebox Monitor.
NOTE: Operations in the Jukebox Monitor are always on the Master copy.

ORACLE Error Messages (UNIX)

An ORACLE Software error message can be received at any time during installation, during backup, or when an
ORACLE Alert file is being examined.
To receive more information, type:
oerr <facility number>
A facility error is identified by the three-letter prefix in the error string.
For example, if a message is ORA 7300, ORA is the facility and 7300 is the error.
In this example, type the following ORACLE error command:
oerr ORA 7300
A reply similar to the following appears:
07300, 00000, “r;smscre: translation error while expanding?/dbs/sgadef@.dbf”
//* Cause: Failure of sltln(?/dbs/sgadef@.dbf) in smscre.
//* Action: Check additional return error for more information.

Problem Users are not able to access other MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER applications that use
JAVA applets.
Cause The JRE (JAVA Runtime Engine) 1.4.2_05 that is installed on the client computer adversely
affects other applications that utilize JAVA applets.
2. Go to Tools --> Internet Options --> Advanced.
3. Scroll down to the JAVA (Sun) option.
4. Uncheck Use JAVA 2 v1.4.2_05 for <applet> (requires restart).
5. Click OK.

Troubleshooting (UNIX)

JAVA Security Error in Online and Long-Term Storage Configuration or Clustering Set Up
Problem The JAVA applet does not load, the Administration window does not open, and “r;Applet
Loading…notinitiated” appears.
In the JAVA console, the following error message appears:
java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.net.SocketPermission connect,resolve)
Cause A JAVA security error occurred. A JAVA security error can occur when you are using Long-Term
Storage Manager from a Web Server client and then attempt to access the Online Storage
Management server, for example, to do system administration tasks. This JAVA security error
occurs because Online Storage Management and Long-Term Storage Manager have different IP
The JAVA security error can also occur if clustering is used. In the JAVA .policy file, use the
ORACLE IP address instead of the Online Storage Management IP address.
Solution 1. Go to the directory, C:\program files\java\ j2re1.x.x\lib\security.
2. Open the Java.policy file and add this line:
permission java.net.SocketPermission “r;ip-address:1521-”, “r;resolve,connect”;
where ip-address is the Online Storage Management IP address. A sample modified file
excerpt is shown below where is the Online Storage Management IP
grant {
permission java.util.PropertyPermission “r;java.vm.vendor”, “r;read”;
permission java.util.PropertyPermission “r;java.vm.name”, “r;read”;
permission java.net.SocketPermission “r;”, “r;resolve,connect”;

Email Suite Troubleshooting Procedures (UNIX)

Although the Email Suite is configured to operate automatically, problems can occur if one of the servers fails, if an e-
mail must be sent to a referring physician not registered in the system, or if an e-mail cannot be delivered. In these
cases, user intervention might be required.

See these topics:

Error Messages provides instructions for handling e-mail error messages.
Checking the Logs provides instructions for accessing the Email Suite logs.
NOTE: For assistance in solving system errors, contact Customer Service.

Troubleshooting (WINDOWS OS)
Online Storage Management Software for the CARESTREAM PACS is equipped with automatic backup and cleanup
procedures. However, you might encounter problems due to very high load levels, configurations that were not
adapted to changing needs, negligence in performing maintenance procedures, or hardware and software
Below are some known problems. Click the link for information about possible causes and recommended solutions.
Copying Log Files
Monitoring the PACS WINDOWS Operating System Services
Configuring the Log Mechanism
Viewing Log Messages
Online Storage Management Storage Failure
Database Access Failure
Low Rate of Performance
ORACLE Database Listener Check
Troubleshooting the Info Router
Troubleshooting the IS Link Software
ORACLE Error Messages
NOTE: If these procedures are not sufficient, contact Customer Service.

Copying Log Files (WINDOWS OS)

In the case of a system malfunction, make a copy of the log file to facilitate troubleshooting.
1. Select Start --> Administrative Tools --> Event Viewer.
2. Select Application.
3. Select Action --> Save Log file As.
The Save Application As window appears.
4. Specify the location where you want to save the file.
5. Enter a file name in the format application_with_today’s_date.
6. Click Save.

Monitoring the PACS Services for WINDOWS OS

The CARESTREAM PACS System provides the following WINDOWS OS services:
Imaginet Startup/Shutdown: Manage PACS Services
Imaginet Admin Server: Workflow Manager Admin Tool server
Imaginet Auto-Router Server: Info Router server
Imaginet MVSMain Server: DICOM Server
Imaginet Medilink Converter: IS Link Software Converter
Imaginet Medilink Listener: IS Link Software Listener
Imaginet LTMSsSync Server: RIS-Synchronization server
Imaginet DailyPrefetch Server: Workflow Manager Daily Pre-fetch
Imaginet LatePrefetch Server: Workflow Manager Late Pre-fetch

Checking the Status of a WINDOWS OS Service

1. Select Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Administrative Tools -->-Services.
The MICROSOFT Management Console window appears.
2. View the Status column of the service you want to check.

Stopping/Starting a WINDOWS OS Service

In the MICROSOFT Management Console window, do one of the following:
Right-click the service you wish to stop or start, and select Start Service, Stop Service, or Restart Service.
Select the service you wish to stop or start, and, from the toolbar, select the appropriate button:
o Click Start Service, Stop Service, or Restart Service from the toolbar.
o Select Actions --> Start, Stop, or Restart.

Troubleshooting (WINDOWS OS)
Starting/Stopping All PACS Services
To shut down all PACS System Processes including the database, run the script
To start all PACS System Processes including the database, run the script
To shut down or restart all PACS processes not including the database, stop or restart the Imaginet
Startup/Shutdown WINDOWS Service.
NOTE: You cannot use the Imaginet Startup/Shutdown WINDOWS Service to start all CARESTREAM PACS processes
after they were stopped. Use the startup.bat script for that purpose.

Configuring the Log Mechanism (WINDOWS OS)

The Log Mechanism is configured using the Log Viewer application.

Opening the Log Viewer

1. Start --> Programs --> Carestream Solutions --> Admin --> System Monitoring>Log Viewer.
2. Click Logger.
The Log To drop-down menu lets you set the output of the messages. The logger mechanism output options are:
0=stderr: Prints the messages to the screen.
1=sys-log file: Prints the messages to the WINDOWS Event Viewer. This is the system default configuration.
2=Private-file: Prints the messages to a log file in IMAGINET_ROOT\log.
The main section of the window let you set the error level of each package. The error message levels are:
0: Unspecified
1: Severe
2: Critical
3: Error
4: Warning
5: Notice
6: Information
7: Debug
The Log Mechanism reads the error level and displays all messages with the specified error level or above.

To change the error level of a particular package:

1. Select the package that you wish to change.
2. Enter a new error level number.
3. Click the Dump Logger button to save changes.
The log settings are saved in IMAGINET_ROOT\log\logger.

Viewing Log Messages (WINDOWS OS)

If the Log Mechanism writes messages to a file, view the log using one of these methods:
Select Start --> Programs --> Carestream Solutions --> Admin --> System Monitoring --> Log Viewer and select
the desired log file from the list.
Select the required file from IMAGINET_ROOT\log and open it using a text editor.
To view the end of the file, select Start --> Run --> cmd and typetail -f IMAGINET_ROOT\log
If the Log Mechanism writes messages to the Event Viewer:
1. Select Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> Event Viewer.
The Event Viewer window appears.
2. In the left pane, select Application Log.
The messages are displayed in the right pane. The Source column is the title of the CARESTREAM PACS

Online Storage Management Storage Failure (WINDOWS OS)
Problem A storage attempt to the Workflow Manager failed. The log file displays the message
Store Failed – All file systems are full.
Cause Online Storage is full. There are no free volumes.
Solution Manually run the Auto Delete process: C:\Program Files\Carestream
1. From the Scheduled Tasks window, right-click FIR_AutoDelete.
2. Click Run.
To prevent a recurrence of the problem, increase the free space limitation in the Auto
Delete configuration.
For more information, contact Customer Service.

Problem An image sent by a modality is rejected by the server.

Cause 1 The SOP Instance UID of the image is identical to one of an image already on the server.
Solution 1 1. Check the log file IMAGINET_ROOT\log.
2. If instances of _instance_uid appear, notify the PACS administrator of the problem so
that the modality creating the duplicate SOP instance UID can be identified.

Cause 2 A storage attempt to the Workflow Manager has failed or the system check reports
tablespace free space is below limit.
Solution 2 Run the script IMAGINET_ROOT\scripts\db_ts_fix.pl to enlarge the tablespace.
Cause 3 The existing FIR mounts are full.
Solution 3 Run the script: IMAGINET_ROOT\mst\admin\
AddFirMount.exe to add a new FIR mount.

Troubleshooting (WINDOWS OS)
Database Access Failure (WINDOWS OS)
Problem Problems occur when connecting to the DICOM server (Dser process). The log file displays the
message DB_Connection: Failed to connect to database.
Cause The database is not running.
Solution NOTE: Contact Customer Service before applying the solution.
1. Verify that the database is running, as described in Running a System Check.
2. If the database is not running, use the database system script to reactivate the database
(C:\Program Files\Carestream Solutions\System5\scripts\DB_startup.scr).
3. Check the ORACLE Database Listener alert log
4. Look for the database startup message and watch for errors (ORA-xxx messages).
Refer to ORACLE Error Messages.
5. If errors are found, contact Customer Service. If no errors are found, try to restart the
If the problem continues, contact Customer Service.

Low Rate of Performance (WINDOWS OS)

Problem Slow performance
Cause 1 The database needs to be analyzed. This situation might occur after a large amount of
data was inserted in one day.
Solution 1 Manually run the database analysis process.
1. From the Scheduled Tasks window, right-click db_worker.
2. Click Run.

Cause 2 The file system is full.

Solution 2 Use the WINDOWS OS Utilities to verify that this is the problem.
Delete unnecessary files from the full drives.
Manually run the Auto Delete process.
1. From the Scheduled Tasks window, right-click fir_autodelete.
2. Click Run.
3. To prevent a recurrence of the problem, increase the free space limitation in the
Auto Delete configuration.
For more information, contact Customer Service.

ORACLE Database Listener Check (WINDOWS OS)
1. To open a command window, select Start --> Run --> cmd.
2. To check the ORACLE Database Listener, type:
>tnsping mstore
For example:
Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias.
Attempting to contact (description= (address= (protocol=ipc) (key=mst1))
OK (10 msec)
3. If OK does not appear, try to restart the Listener. Type:
>lsnrctl stop
>lsnrctl start
4. Repeat the test.
If the test still fails, contact Customer Service.

ORACLE Error Messages (WINDOWS OS)

An ORACLE Software error message can be received at any time during installation, during backup, or when an
ORACLE Alert file is being examined. A typical ORACLE Software error message contains a facility and a number.
To receive more information, type:
oerr <facility number>
A facility error is identified by the three-letter prefix in the error string.
For example, if a message is ORA 7300, ORA is the facility and 7300 is the error.
For more information, refer to the ORACLE documentation.

Troubleshooting the Info Router (WINDOWS OS)

This section covers Info Router troubleshooting procedures for the following issues:

Application Problems
Problem The connection to the Info Router Server failed.
Cause The Info Router Server is down.
Check When starting the Info Router Admin Tool, check the message that appears.
Solution Restart the Info Router WINDOWS OS service.

Problem A destination device does not appear in the "copy" screen.

Solution Add the "storable" parameter in the central configuration.

Server Problems
Problem No routing of images occurs.
Cause Copy command Server crashed Probe failed Images do not
failed satisfy filter criteria
Check Check the Info Check the status of the Check the Info Check the relevant
Router monitor. Info Router WINDOWS Router logs for rules filters.
OS service. errors.
Solution Depends on the Restart the Info Router Restart the Info Fix rule as necessary.
problem found. WINDOWS OS service. Router WINDOWS
OS service.

Problem As soon as the Info Router starts, there are many commands in the queue.
Cause The Info Router Server was down for a long time and many commands are waiting to be executed.
Check Check the queue’s size and the waiting commands’ sizes.
Invoke sqlplus and run the following command:
sqlplus> select count(*) from autorouter. ar_image_queue_ table;

Troubleshooting (WINDOWS OS)
Solution To clean the AR commands, run the following script:
To clean the AR queue, invoke sqlplus and run the following command:
sqlplus> truncate table
autorouter. ar_image_queue_ table;
Restart the Info Router WINDOWS OS service.

Problem The copy to CARESTREAM PACS Client station fails.

Cause The CARESTREAM PACS Client DSER service is down
Check Check the DSER service status.
Solution Restart the Imaginet DICOM Server WINDOWS OS service.

Troubleshooting the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software (WINDOWS OS)

This section contains troubleshooting procedures for problems that might occur during the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link
Software installation and integration processes. Use these procedures to analyze and to solve the problems that are
listed. If the procedures are insufficient, contact Customer Service.

IS Link Software Database Installation Failure

A failure can occur during the CARESTREAM PACS IS Link Software database installation process.

Problem An error message appears in either the Installing IS Link Database window or the Upgrading IS
Link Database window, and the installation aborts.
An example of an error message is: number of errors is 4>0m
Cause One of the IS Link Software services is running and blocking the database.
The database is down.
Solution Solve the problem that is causing the installation to abort, according to the error message.
Stop the IS Link Software services.

Listener/Converter Failure
A failure can occur during the Listener/Converter services startup procedure or while the Listener/Converter is
Problem The IS Link Software log displays the description of an occurred exception
Cause The incorrect configuration parameters were entered during the IS Link Software
installation process.
The database is down.
Solution Restart the IS Link Software installation process from the beginning, enter the correct
parameters, and verify that the installation completes successfully.
Contact Customer Service to report the database failure.

Message Processing Failure

A failure can occur during the processing of messages by the Converter.

Problem The Converter log file displays this message:

JLog_JNIInterface.C (75): Message buffer inserted into erroneous messages log
The erroneous messages log file displays the error message and the wrong message buffer.
Cause The message has an invalid format.
Solution Ensure that all messages are constructed according to rules defined by the IS Link Software
HL-7 specifications.
Contact Customer Service to obtain more details about the error that occurred.

Email Suite Troubleshooting Procedures (WINDOWS OS)
Although the Email Suite is configured to operate automatically, problems can occur if one of the servers fails, if an e-
mail must be sent to a referring physician not registered in the system, or if an e-mail cannot be delivered. In these
cases, user intervention might be required.

See these topics:

Error Messages provides instructions for handling error message e-mails.
Checking the Logs provides instructions for accessing the Email Suite logs.
NOTE: For assistance in solving system errors, contact Customer Service.

Access Control Management tool .......................... 70 Cancelled orders, filtering.................................. 103
Groups tab, opening ........................................ 73
opening.......................................................... 71 applications (UNIX) ...................................... 340
Users tab, opening .......................................... 72 CARESTREAM PACS overview.................................3
Accessing, Cluster Explorer screen ..................... 303 Cartridges, preserving ...................................... 316
Accession number CD Direct Suite
automatic update .......................................... 105 overview .................................................. 9, 249
bar code, scanning .................................317, 332 Setting Configuration Parameters .................... 250
Activating Central configuration
IMS Document Agent ....................................... 89 backup
Adding UNIX........................................................ 288
groups ........................................................... 64 WINDOWS OS........................................... 324
prefix Patient ID ............................................ 103 selecting as UM repository ................................ 59
referring physician......................................... 247 Central configuration editor ................................. 58
restrictions ..................................................... 44 Certificate, installing for APACHE web server ....... 265
to users and groups ............................... 45, 74 Change/set forgotten password URL, configuring.... 62
suffix Patient ID ............................................ 103 Changed ......................................................... 227
users ............................................................. 36 FAILED......................................................... 227
Adding contacts ................................................. 42 Changing
Admin Tools, system requirements for .................. 12 Data Import tool settings ................................. 24
Advanced settings for users, defining.................... 38 default ORACLE passwords
Aliases, configuring Info Router ......................... 196 UNIX........................................................ 269
APACHE web server, installing certificate for ........ 265 WINDOWS OS........................................... 270
Applicable permissions .................................50, 272 scheduled time for performing backup (WINDOWS
Application security OS) ......................................................... 324
UNIX............................................................ 263 User Management repository (group) ................. 57
WINDOWS OS............................................... 264 Checking
Archive configuration ........................................ 211 Online Storage Management storage volume
Assigning permissions....................................... 271 UNIX........................................................ 291
Audit archiving................................................. 113 WINDOWS OS........................................... 325
Audit event settings, defining ............................ 115 Clearing
Audit logs, moving to offline storage bar code programming ............................317, 333
UNIX............................................................ 298 Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool event log
WINDOWS OS............................................... 326 ............................................................... 241
Audit Trail ......................................................... 41 Results Area of Media Management Window (LTSM)
............................................................... 240
Audit Viewer Tool window.................................. 112
filtering ........................................................ 111 Client window, Info Router .................................. 81
Clone.............................................................. 217
Auditing .......................................................... 110
Auto Delete ...................................... 138, 212, 217
Auto-Delete, configuring database objects........... 176 heartbeat, monitoring .................................... 310
monitoring from command line, UNIX .............. 311
B monitoring procedures ................................... 305
Backup properties, monitoring.................................... 307
external media, WINDOWS OS ........................ 324 resources, monitoring .................................... 309
media for studies, viewing .............................. 156 service groups, monitoring ............................. 308
rule, Info Router............................................ 215 status, monitoring ......................................... 306
to long-term storage (PreStore) ...................... 216 system, system monitoring on ........................ 299
verification Cluster Explorer
UNIX........................................................ 287 screen, accessing .......................................... 303
WINDOWS OS....................................323, 327 toolbar ......................................................... 304
Backup flow, single media archive (SMA) ............ 156 Cluster Manager
Bar code Log Desk ...................................................... 310
accession numbers, scanning ...................317, 332 logging on to ................................................ 300
programming, clearing ............................317, 333 Cluster Monitor
scanner .................................................316, 331 menus ......................................................... 301
programming .....................................316, 332 panels.......................................................... 302
scanning ...............................................317, 332
toolbar ......................................................... 301 Custom function............................................... 202
Common VCS commands (UNIX)........................ 315 Customer obligations, security ........................... 257
Complex mapping table, configuring ............107, 171
Compression settings, configuring Online Storage
Manager ..................................................... 182 Daemon processes, viewing............................... 293
Compression, JPEG........................................... 279 Daily maintenance checks WINDOWS OS) ........... 327
Conference processes, viewing........................... 293 Daily tasks, WINDOWS OS
Configuration................................................... 159 backup verification ........................................ 327
Field chooser ................................................ 129 disk space .................................................... 329
user............................................................. 129 ORACLE Alert files ......................................... 328
Configuration Window ....................................... 159 scheduled tasks............................................. 327
Configuring services up and running ................................. 328
change/set forgotten password URL ................... 62 verify system check log .................................. 327
complex mapping table ...........................107, 171 Damaged drive
database objects auto-delete .......................... 176 suspected, UNIX............................................ 339
display settings for Storage Management Admin Damaged exported cartridge ............................. 339
tool ......................................................... 145 Dashboard ...............................................282, 319
email Data Import tool
error message options ............................... 192 installing ........................................................ 22
message body options................................ 192 settings, changing ........................................... 24
properties................................................. 192 using ............................................................. 23
report properties ....................................... 193 Data observation, saving................................... 105
Email Suite ............................................191, 246 Database
parameters, restarting server ..................... 248 access failure
properties................................................. 243 UNIX........................................................ 335
general email values ...................................... 192 WINDOWS OS........................................... 345
HL-7 to PACS field mapping set ................105, 170 Admin tool.................................................... 125
IMS Document Agent ....................................... 90 analysis........................................................ 283
Info Router ................................................... 194 backup to external media verification (WINDOWS
aliases ..................................................... 196 OS) ......................................................... 330
rules ........................................................ 194 encryption .................................................... 124
IS Link ..................................................100, 185 fitness verification (UNIX)............................... 290
converter and listeners............................... 186 objects auto-delete, configuring ...................... 176
database values ........................................ 187 synchronizer (WINDOWS OS) ..................325, 330
queues and nofications............................... 190 tablespace free space..................................... 321
log mechanism,WINDOWS OS......................... 343 values, configuring IS Link.............................. 187
Online Storage Manager compression settings... 182 Default ORACLE passwords, changing
patient matching, DICOM parameters .............. 177 UNIX............................................................ 269
permissions .................................................. 271 WINDOWS OS............................................... 270
Pre-fetch ...................................................... 179 Defining
referring physicians email list.......................... 193 advanced settings for users .............................. 38
report parser values ...................................... 189 aliases, Info Router ....................................... 196
reports and order values ................................ 188 audit event settings ....................................... 115
RIS-PACS synchronization .............................. 191 external applications for users........................... 39
simple mapping table..............................107, 171 general auditing settings ................................ 115
Single Media Archive (SMA) ............................ 157 Info Router rule, new ..................................... 199
SIR restore settings ....................................... 213 new groups..................................................... 63
Workflow Manager ......................................... 172 new Info Router rule ...................................... 199
DICOM ..................................................... 164 new Info Router rules .................................... 204
init values ................................................ 183 new users....................................................... 35
Contact information ............................................ 14 rule filters, Info Router................................... 206
Contacts, adding ................................................ 42 rule function, Info Router ............................... 204
Converter and listeners, configuring IS Link......... 186 rule parameters, Info Router........................... 205
Copying log files rule schedule, Info Router .............................. 207
UNIX............................................................ 334 Delete Selected.................................................. 41
WINDOWS OS............................................... 342 Delete Selected User window ............................... 41
Creating Delete Selected Users ......................................... 41
filters for log desk ......................................... 310 Deleting
recurring aliases, Info Router .......................... 197 group............................................................. 69


pending requests........................................... 227 Events in RIS................................................... 276

redundant observations.................................. 109 Exiting
user............................................................... 41 Media Management Window............................ 241
Deny Request .................................................. 227 Storage Management Admin Tool .............156, 241
Detaching studies............................................. 149 Expired ............................................................. 41
Details Exported cartridge, lost or damaged ................... 339
event, viewing .............................................. 115 Exporting logs to MICROSOFT EXCEL .................. 116
patient, updating ........................................... 146 Exporting media from Jukebox ........................... 238
study, updating ............................................. 147 External applications for users, defining ................ 39
DICOM............................................................ 160 External media backup, WINDOWS OS................ 324
configuration ................................................ 160
Workflow Manager ..................................... 164
FAILED ........................................................... 227
connection, verifying...................................... 163
changed ....................................................... 227
data, importing ............................................... 23
Failover........................................................... 218
image encryption........................................... 123
Start ............................................................ 218
Stop ............................................................ 218
patient matching, configuring...................... 177
View ............................................................ 218
parsing ........................................................ 173
Fetch from Offline ............................................ 217
Dictionary mechanism ...............................107, 171
Field chooser configurations .............................. 129
Disk space, WINDOWS OS................................. 329
Display ............................................................. 41
creating for log desk ...................................... 310
managing ..................................................... 113
dynamic ....................................................... 208
LTSM Admin Tool....................................... 231
report display................................................ 103
Storage Management Admin Tool ................ 143
types ........................................................... 144
SOP instance UID alerts ................................. 141
Drive state report, generating............................ 236
Audit Viewer Tool window ............................... 111
Dynamic filters................................................. 208
cancelled orders ............................................ 103
E studies list .................................................... 144
Editing Filtering commands, Info Router .......................... 86
Data Import tool settings ................................. 24 Functionality.................................................... 124
group settings................................................. 66
with LDAP................................................... 68
without LDAP .............................................. 67
auditing settings, defining .............................. 115
Info Router rule............................................. 199
parameters................................................... 203
system settings, group..................................... 56
UNIX............................................................ 292
user settings................................................... 40
E-mail............................................................. 242
drive state report .......................................... 236
error message options, configuring .................. 192
inventory report ............................................ 234
message body options, configuring .................. 192
media list report............................................ 235
properties, configuring ................................... 192
report properties, configuring.......................... 193
adding ........................................................... 64
Email Suite...................................................... 244
defining.......................................................... 63
Email Suite Configuration Tool window................ 246
deleting.......................................................... 69
Email Values.................................................... 192
management configuration ............................... 54
Encrypted Workflow Manager............................. 123
Encryption, database ........................................ 124
editing ....................................................... 66
Encryption, DICOM image ................................. 123
viewing ...................................................... 66
Error Message Body tab, Email Suite configuration246
with LDAP................................................... 68
Error messages
without LDAP .............................................. 67
Grouping, studies ............................................. 178
UNIX........................................................ 339
WINDOWS OS........................................... 346 H
E-SIRs, merging series from .............................. 154 Handling patient IDs ......................................... 103
Event details, viewing ....................................... 115 Hazards ............................................................ 17
Event log area, LTSM ........................................ 228 HIPAA security regulations ................................ 255
Event Viewer ................................................... 330 History, viewing ............................................... 116
viewing log messages in ................................. 343 HL-7 to PACS field mapping set, configuring .105, 170

I Admin Tool Patients tab ................................... 97
Icons .............................................................. 181 Admin tool Reports tab..................................... 98
Icons, Workflow Manager .................................. 280 Admin tool Visits tab ........................................ 98
ID 41 Admin tool window toolbar ............................... 99
IEC-601 classification ......................................... 18 configuration .........................................100, 185
Image backup to external media verification configuring converter and listeners .................. 186
(WINDOWS OS)........................................... 330 configuring database values............................ 187
Image encryption, DICOM ................................. 123 configuring queues and notifications ................ 190
Image level configuring report parser values ...................... 189
merging at ................................................... 131 configuring reports and orders values .............. 188
splitting at .................................................... 131 converter failure............................................ 347
Image resend .................................................. 140 database installation failure ............................ 347
Importing DICOM data ........................................ 23 message processing failure ............................. 347
Importing media into Jukebox............................ 237 overview .................................................. 11, 92
Importing studies ............................................... 27 processes, shutting down ................................. 95
IMS Document Agent shutdown, verifying ......................................... 95
activating ....................................................... 89 startup, verifying............................................. 94
configuring ..................................................... 90 troubleshooting in ......................................... 347
IMS Document Agent (XDS/XDS-I Document Source) using ............................................................. 93
................................................................... 88 using Admin tool ............................................. 96
IMS Document Repository (XDS Document
Repository) ................................................... 91 J
Info Router........................................................ 84 JAVA
application problems ...................................... 346 configuration ................................................ 184
backup rule .................................................. 215 plug-in, downloading ....................................... 13
Client window ................................................. 81 security error, UNIX
configuration ................................................ 194 clustering set up........................................ 341
configuration toolbar........................................ 82 online and long-term storage configuration... 341
configuring aliases ......................................... 196 JPEG compression ............................................ 279
configuring rules ........................................... 194 Jukebox .......................................................... 227
creating recurring aliases ............................... 197 exporting media from..................................... 238
defining/modifying aliases .............................. 196 importing media ............................................ 237
filtering commands .......................................... 86
menu bar ....................................................... 84
Kill command, using ........................................... 95
Monitoring tab................................................. 85
opening.......................................................... 79 L
overview .................................................. 10, 77 LDAP ................................................................ 68
rule filters, defining ....................................... 206 configuration, testing ....................................... 61
rule function, defining .................................... 204 selecting as UM repository ................................ 60
rule parameters, defining ............................... 205 Library hardware fitness check........................... 297
rule schedule, defining ................................... 207 Licenses Log .............................................282, 319
rules Life Cycle
defining new ............................................. 204 configuration ................................................ 210
updating................................................... 209 management ................................................ 210
server problems ............................................ 346 Limitations, user ................................................ 20
starting and stopping ....................................... 87 Listeners and converter, configuring IS Link ........ 186
toolbar ........................................................... 83 Loading from Single Media Archive (SMA) ........... 157
troubleshooting ............................................. 346 Locating studies ............................................... 155
using ............................................................. 78 Log..........................................................282, 319
Info Router rule desk
editing ......................................................... 199 Cluster Manager ........................................ 310
new, defining ................................................ 199 creating filters for...................................... 310
Init values, configuring Workflow Manager .......... 183 exporting to MICROSOFT EXCEL ...................... 116
Installing files, copying
certificate for APACHE web server.................... 265 UNIX........................................................ 334
Data Import tool ............................................. 22 WINDOWS OS........................................... 342
Inventory report, generating ............................. 234 mechanism, configuring
IS Link WINDOWS OS........................................... 343
Admin tool Orders tab ...................................... 98 messages, viewing ........................................ 310


WINDOWS OS........................................... 343 list report, generating .................................... 235

Logging in to PACS Admin home page................... 30 management options, LTSM............................ 229
Logging on to Cluster Manager........................... 300 Media Management Window, exiting ................... 241
Login ................................................................ 30 Memory leak, UNIX .......................................... 336
Long-term storage (PreStore), backing up to ....... 216 Menu bar, Info Router......................................... 84
Long-Term Storage Manager (LTSM) .................. 214 Menus, Cluster Monitor ..................................... 301
functionality.................................................. 214 Merging
general backup failure (UNIX) ......................... 338 at Image Level .............................................. 131
general fitness check (UNIX)........................... 296 series from multiple external archives (E-SIRs) . 154
general recovery problem (UNIX) .................... 336 series from one study to another ..................... 152
storage volume check (UNIX) ......................... 295 Message Body tab, Email Suite configuration ....... 246
Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool............. 219 Messages, viewing log ...................................... 310
display, managing ......................................... 231 WINDOWS OS............................................... 343
event log, clearing ......................................... 241 MHTML report generator ................................... 243
menu bar ..................................................... 222 MICROSOFT EXCEL, exporting logs to ................. 116
opening........................................................ 220 MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER applications
toolbar ......................................................... 221 cannot access, UNIX ...................................... 340
using ........................................................... 230 Migration device, single media archive (SMA) ...... 156
window ........................................................ 223 Modifying
Lost exported cartridge ..................................... 339 aliases, Info Router ....................................... 196
Low performance Monitoring cluster ............................................ 305
UNIX............................................................ 335 heartbeat ..................................................... 310
WINDOWS OS............................................... 345 properties..................................................... 307
LTSM (Long-Term Storage Manager) .................. 214 resources ..................................................... 309
Auto Delete .................................................. 217 service groups .............................................. 308
event log area............................................... 228 status .......................................................... 306
functionality.................................................. 214 UNIX
general backup failure (UNIX) ......................... 338 from command line.................................... 311
general fitness check (UNIX)........................... 296 PACS WINDOWS operating system services .. 342
general recovery problem (UNIX) .................... 336 Monitoring tab, Info Router ................................. 85
media management options............................ 229 Moving
Pending Requests area ................................... 225 audit logs to offline storage
storage volume check (UNIX) ......................... 295 UNIX........................................................ 298
WINDOWS OS........................................... 326
studies to another patient............................... 147
Mail component ............................................... 243
Multiple external archives (E-SIRs), merging series
Maintenance from........................................................... 154
checks (WINDOWS OS) Multiple patient IDs .......................................... 103
daily ........................................................ 327 Multi-tier archiving ........................................... 213
database backup to external media verification
........................................................... 330 N
database synchronizer ............................... 330 NetBackup synchronizer
Event Viewer ............................................ 330 LTSM Admin Tool, running .............................. 233
image backup to external media verification . 330 New
weekly ..................................................... 329 Info Router rules, defining .............................. 204
performing routine (WINDOWS OS) ................. 322 Site ID ......................................................... 105
rules .............................................................. 21 tape, external media backup preparation
UNIX............................................................ 281 WINDOWS OS........................................... 324
WINDOWS OS............................................... 318 New Info Router rule
Managing display ............................................. 113 defining........................................................ 199
LTSM Admin Tool........................................... 231 NOTE ................................................................ 41
Storage Management Admin Tool .................... 143
Manual RIS-Sync.............................................. 103
Observation data, saving................................... 105
using ........................................................... 277
Observations, deleting redundant ....................... 109
Mapping mechanism ......................................... 101
Offline, fetch from ............................................ 217
Media ............................................................. 227
OK 41
cartridges, switching ...................................... 239
Online Storage Management.............................. 124
exporting from Jukebox.................................. 238
Auto Delete .................................................. 138
importing into Jukebox................................... 237
Functionality ................................................. 124 matching
storage failure DICOM parameters, configuring .................. 177
UNIX........................................................ 334 RIS.......................................................... 191
WINDOWS OS........................................... 344 Patients tab, IS Link Admin Tool........................... 97
Storage Volume Check Pending requests
UNIX........................................................ 291 deleting........................................................ 227
WINDOWS OS........................................... 325 resubmitting ................................................. 226
tasks ........................................................... 137 Pending Requests area, LTSM ............................ 225
Online Storage Manager, configuring compression Performance
settings ...................................................... 182 low
Opening UNIX........................................................ 335
Access Control management tool....................... 71 WINDOWS OS........................................... 345
Access Control Management Tool Groups tab ...... 73 related to memory leak/system stress (UNIX) ... 336
Access Control Management Tool Users tab ........ 72 Performing
Info Router ..................................................... 79 group management configuration ...................... 54
Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool .......... 220 routine maintenance ...............................285, 322
Storage Management Admin Tool .................... 142 user management configuration ........................ 32
User Management Admin Tool Permissions ....................................................... 41
group......................................................... 55 applicable ................................................50, 272
user........................................................... 33 assigning...................................................... 271
ORACLE configuring ................................................... 271
Alert file Security Manager .................................53, 261
UNIX........................................................ 289 settings, Security Manager ........................52, 262
WINDOWS OS....................................324, 328 PHI, recovery procedure related to (UNIX) .......... 336
Database Listener check, WINDOWS OS........... 346 Pre-Fetch ........................................................ 277
Database processes, viewing currently running . 293 configuration ................................................ 179
error messages Preparing previously used tape .......................... 288
UNIX........................................................ 339 Preserving cartridges ........................................ 316
WINDOWS OS........................................... 346 PreStore ......................................................... 216
passwords, changing default backup verification ........................................ 294
UNIX........................................................ 269 Previously used tape preparation, WINDOWS OS . 324
WINDOWS OS........................................... 270 Privacy notice .................................................. 271
server general fitness check (WINDOWS OS) .... 325 Processes, restarting ........................................ 160
Overview Programming bar code scanner...................316, 332
CARESTREAM PACS ...........................................3 Protecting studies............................................. 134
CARESTREAM PACS Client ..................................4 Push processes, viewing.................................... 293
CD Direct Suite ......................................... 9, 249 Pushing scripts................................................. 109
Email Suite ................................................... 242
Info Router ............................................... 10, 77 Q
IS Link Software........................................ 11, 92 Questions.......................................................... 14
Storage Management Admin Tool .................... 142 Queues and notifications, configuring IS Link....... 190
Workflow Manager ..................................... 7, 122 R
Owner responsibilities ......................................... 19 Recovered Studies List ...................................... 227
P Recovered studies list area (LTSM) ..................... 224
PACS Admin home page, logging in to .................. 30 Recovery procedure related to PHI (UNIX)........... 336
PACS WINDOWS operating system services, Recurring aliases, creating Info Router................ 197
monitoring .................................................. 342 Redundant observations, deleting....................... 109
Panels, Cluster Monitor ..................................... 302 Referring physician
Parameters, general ......................................... 203 adding ......................................................... 247
Parsing, DICOM................................................ 173 removing...................................................... 247
Patient searching for................................................. 247
details, updating ........................................... 146 updating....................................................... 247
ID Referring Physicians email list, configuring .......... 193
adding prefix to......................................... 103 Referring Physicians List tab, Email Suite
adding suffix to ......................................... 103 configuration ............................................... 247
multiple.................................................... 103 Refreshing
scanning ...........................................317, 332 studies list, Storage Management Admin Tool ... 145
uniqueness validation................................. 139 Regulatory information ....................................... 15
Relocating series from one study to another ........ 153


Removing SA (Security Administrator) ............................... 259

referring physician......................................... 247 Safe mode....................................................... 267
restriction................................................. 48, 76 Safety............................................................... 17
studies ......................................................... 142 guidelines....................................................... 16
Report rules .............................................................. 21
display filters ................................................ 103 Saving observation data.................................... 105
generator, MHTML ......................................... 243 Scanning
information, viewing ...................................... 131 bar code accession numbers ....................317, 332
parser values, configuring .............................. 189 bar codes ..............................................317, 332
Report Properties tab, Email Suite configuration... 247 patient IDs ............................................317, 332
Reports and orders values, configuring ............... 188 Scheduled tasks, WINDOWS OS ......................... 327
Requests Scheduled time for performing backup (WINDOWS
deleting pending............................................ 227 OS), amending ............................................ 324
pending, resubmitting .................................... 226 Screen settings, updating.................................. 116
Responsibilities, owner........................................ 19 Scripts, pushing ............................................... 109
Restarting Searching for referring physician ........................ 247
processes ..................................................... 160 Security
services........................................................ 160 customer obligations...................................... 257
Restarting server after configuring Email Suite general practices ........................................... 268
parameters ................................................. 248 policy........................................................... 256
Restriction regulations, HIPAA......................................... 255
adding ........................................................... 44 responsibilities .............................................. 259
to users and groups ............................... 45, 74 Security Administrator (SA) ............................... 259
removing.................................................. 48, 76 Security Manager ........................................49, 260
updating................................................... 47, 75 permissions configuration ..........................53, 261
Resubmitting pending requests .......................... 226 permissions settings .................................52, 262
Results Area of Media Management Window (LTSM), Service Configuration..................................... 274
clearing ...................................................... 240 user interface................................................ 271
Reverse study grouping .................................... 280 Selecting
RIS central configuration as UM repository ............... 59
events in ...................................................... 276 LDAP as UM repository ..................................... 60
patient matching ........................................... 191 User Management repository (group) ................. 57
log 277 information, updating .................................... 131
sync configuration ......................................... 191 splitting from one study to another .................. 151
synchronization ............................................. 275 Server, restarting after configuring Email Suite
RIS-Sync, manual ............................................ 103 parameters ................................................. 248
using ........................................................... 277 Service Configuration, Security Manager ............. 274
Root account e-mail.......................................... 286 Service group, switching ................................... 310
Routine maintenance .................................285, 322 Services
Rule ............................................................... 198 restarting ..................................................... 160
configuration screen ...................................... 197 up and running, WINDOWS OS ....................... 328
configuring Info Router .................................. 194 Setting CD Direct configuration parameters ......... 250
Rule filters Setting up VCS event notification, UNIX .............. 310
Info Router, defining...................................... 206 Settings, screen
Rule function updating....................................................... 116
Info Router, defining...................................... 204 Shelf management ........................................... 217
Rule parameters Shutting down IS Link Software processes ............ 95
Info Router, defining...................................... 205 Simple mapping table, configuring...............107, 171
Rule schedule Single Media Archive (SMA)
Info Router, defining...................................... 207 Admin tool.................................................... 157
Running backup flow .................................................. 156
NetBackup synchronizer, LTSM Admin Tool ....... 233 configuration ................................................ 157
system check loading from ................................................. 157
UNIX........................................................ 284 SIR restore settings, configuring ........................ 213
WINDOWS OS........................................... 320 SOP
instance UID alerts, displaying ........................ 141
Sorting studies list ........................................... 145
SA 41
Split and merge series pre-fetched from external viewing ...................................................... 56
archives) .................................................... 150 stress, UNIX ................................................. 336
Splitting at Image Level .................................... 131 System Configuration tool ................................. 159
Splitting series from one study to another ........... 151
Starting Info Router ........................................... 87 T
Stopping Info Router .......................................... 87 Tablespace free space....................................... 321
Storage failure, Online Storage Management Tape............................................................... 288
UNIX............................................................ 334 new, external media backup preparation
WINDOWS OS............................................... 344 WINDOWS OS........................................... 324
Storage Management Admin tool previously used preparation
configuring display settings for........................ 145 WINDOWS OS........................................... 324
display, managing ......................................... 143 Testing LDAP configuration .................................. 61
exiting ..................................................156, 241 Time for performing backup (WINDOWS OS),
amending ................................................... 324
menu bar ..................................................... 127
Toolbar ............................................................. 41
opening........................................................ 142
Cluster Explorer ............................................ 304
overview ...................................................... 142
Cluster Monitor ............................................. 301
right-click menu ............................................ 128
Info Router ............................................... 82, 83
toolbar ......................................................... 126
IS Link Admin tool window................................ 99
window, using ............................................... 143
Tools menu ....................................................... 41
Storage volume check, Online Storage Management
Troubleshooting ................................................. 14
UNIX............................................................ 291
Info Router ................................................... 346
WINDOWS OS............................................... 325
IS Link Software............................................ 347
Studies ........................................................... 227
UNIX............................................................ 334
detaching ..................................................... 149
WINDOWS OS............................................... 342
details, updating ........................................... 147
Tunneling Protocol............................................ 120
grouping ...................................................... 178
importing ....................................................... 27 U
information, viewing ...................................... 131 UM repository
list selecting central configuration as....................... 59
filtering .................................................... 144 selecting LDAP as ............................................ 60
refreshing, Storage Management Admin Tool 145 Uniqueness validation, patient ID ....................... 139
sorting ..................................................... 145 UNIX application security .................................. 263
locating ........................................................ 155 UNIX maintenance ........................................... 281
moving to another patient .............................. 147 Unprotecting studies......................................... 134
protecting..................................................... 134 Unsafe mode ................................................... 267
removing...................................................... 142 Updating
unprotecting ................................................. 134 Info Router rules ........................................... 209
Study grouping patient details ............................................... 146
reverse ........................................................ 280 referring physician......................................... 247
Workflow Manager ......................................... 280 restriction................................................. 47, 75
Super PACS ..................................................... 118 screen settings.............................................. 116
SUPERPACS Building Blocks ............................... 118 series information.......................................... 131
Support ............................................................ 14 study details ................................................. 147
Suspected damaged drive, UNIX ........................ 339 User
Switching adding ........................................................... 36
media cartridges ........................................... 239 configurations ............................................... 129
service group ................................................ 310 defining.......................................................... 35
Synchronization, RIS-PACS................................ 275 external applications for ............................... 39
System ......................................................41, 227 deleting.......................................................... 41
check, running interface, Security Manager ............................ 271
UNIX........................................................ 284 limitations ...................................................... 20
WINDOWS OS........................................... 320 management configuration ............................... 32
monitoring on cluster system .......................... 299 settings
processes, viewing editing ....................................................... 40
UNIX........................................................ 293 viewing ...................................................... 40
requirements User Management Admin Tool
for Admin Tools ........................................... 12 group............................................................. 29
settings, group opening
editing ....................................................... 56 group......................................................... 55


user........................................................... 33 without LDAP .............................................. 67

User Management Admin tool (Contacts)............... 42 history ......................................................... 116
User Management Admin window ......................... 41 log messages ................................................ 310
User Management Import tool ............................. 43 WINDOWS OS........................................... 343
User Management repository log messages in Event Viewer ......................... 343
changing (group)............................................. 57 push processes ............................................. 293
selecting (group) ............................................. 57 report information ......................................... 131
User Management toolbar ................................... 41 study information .......................................... 131
User settings ..................................................... 40 system
View/edit........................................................ 40 processes (UNIX) ...................................... 293
Using settings, group............................................ 56
Audit Trail to export logs to MICROSOFT EXCEL. 116 user settings................................................... 40
Data Import tool ............................................. 23 Workflow Manager backup server process......... 293
Info Router ..................................................... 78 Viewing/Editing User Settings .............................. 40
IS Link Admin tool ........................................... 96 VIParchive....................................................... 217
IS Link Software.............................................. 93
kill command .................................................. 95
WADO, using ................................................... 158
Long-Term Storage Manager Admin Tool .......... 230
Weekly maintenance checks, WINDOWS OS ........ 329
manual RIS-Sync .......................................... 277
database backup to external media verification . 330
Storage Management Admin Tool window......... 143
database synchronizer ................................... 330
VCS Cluster Manager to monitor cluster ........... 300
Event Viewer ................................................ 330
WADO .......................................................... 158
image backup to external media verification ..... 330
V Weekly tasks, WINDOWS OS
Validation uniqueness, patient ID ....................... 139 database backup to external media verification . 330
VCS database synchronizer ................................... 330
Cluster Manager, using to monitor cluster......... 300 Event Viewer ................................................ 330
common commands, UNIX ............................. 315 image backup to external media verification ..... 330
environmental variables ................................. 314 WFM Licensing Status Monitoring ................282, 319
monitoring commands.................................... 313 WINDOWS OS
status commands .......................................... 313 application security........................................ 264
VCS event notification backup verification ........................................ 327
setting up, UNIX........................................ 310 daily maintenance checks ............................... 327
Verify system check log, WINDOWS OS .............. 327 disk space .................................................... 329
Verifying maintenance ................................................. 318
backup ORACLE Alert files ......................................... 328
UNIX........................................................ 287 scheduled tasks............................................. 327
WINDOWS OS........................................... 323 services
DICOM Connection ........................................ 163 PACS, monitoring ...................................... 342
IS Link Software up and running ......................................... 328
shutdown ................................................... 95 verify system check log .................................. 327
startup ....................................................... 94 Workflow management ..................................... 117
Workflow Manager daily backup Workflow Manager
UNIX........................................................ 288 backup server process, viewing ....................... 293
WINDOWS OS........................................... 324 configuration ................................................ 172
View/edit .......................................................... 40 configuring init values .................................... 183
user settings................................................... 40 daily backup, verifying
Viewing UNIX........................................................ 288
backup media for studies................................ 156 WINDOWS OS........................................... 324
conference processes ..................................... 293 DICOM configuration...................................... 164
currently running ORACLE Database processes.. 293 encrypted ..................................................... 123
currently running Workflow Manager processes . 293 icons............................................................ 280
daemon processes ......................................... 293 overview .................................................. 7, 122
event details ................................................. 115 processes, viewing currently running ............... 293
group settings................................................. 66 study grouping.............................................. 280
with LDAP................................................... 68

CARESTREAM is a trademark of Carestream Health, Inc.
The Kodak trademark and trade dress are used under license from Kodak.

© Carestream Health, Inc.

150 Verona Street
Rochester, NY 14608


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