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conduct of public
esident of the Philippines
funct ions 0 f hi s 0 ffic~,,;as ehjo
in the same mariner as when

.Vice-Pr(!s~dent sllJ11· exercise superv1s1onover

nduct, of affairs in th~ e.xecutive. ~e16~r~l'II~nts,\exc7pta~to
strati ve functtons. . Heshal.l uiel'8ab1net meetlngs<and
cpresent the,:f:reside.ntin.sociul fUnctions requiring the
e of the latter.. He shaiL also de over of:ficial> cere­
,receive and return the of,ficial calls.offoreigndigni-"
'''''',' ," - - 1_ , "

in behalf and in rellreseritation of Presid~rnt;~. and (In

ccnsions the Vice-President shall be entitled tothehdnors
ourtasies due the President of the Philippines. The Vic
. dent, if he so desires, can meet his visitor~ in the
study Room.

3.'1'he Ex.ecuti ve Secretary sball exercise general superVision

he administrative functions in the executive departrnents •
.a11, as heretofore, sign all papers that are ordinarily csigned
by ur under the authority of the President aita shall decide·

• Each Secretary of Department shall attend to and decide

which pertain to his aepartroentand l..fhich under/.the.
may decide. . On thos'~ matters Which reqtdre alrproval o:fthe
, 'in case urgent action is needed, stIch approval shall.tJe
by radio through the Executi. va Secretary" On other depart-
business which, although \1Tl.thin the jurisdiction of aSecre­
of Department, is of such i~portance as tDatfect the
of the ltov{"rnuen t and, therefore, sh.ould he the subje'ct
onsul tation with the }'resident, the Secretary cone may
.communicate for such purpose with the President througb EXe­
cutive Secretary by radio or other convenient means of cODuoqniea­
~rovided, That where there is no Secretary of
-; the U;;'dersecrgtary of Department designated by
- 2 ...

P r o v i d e d , a c t i o n o n important
involvirl.g he"vi , ines on economic
ent, investments, loans, disposal o.f valuab~e goverI1Jnent
operties, eto.,shall be held incf:l.b?ya.n..ce until the sident t s
turn, unless the same areof"urgent'na:.t1;lre in which case prior
clearance with the President should;be obtained ..
_ ,;_ 2'~'\:~{,_J;j( _,>r

5f' All official commti.nicationsto the PreSident,

by letter- arby radio, shaJI be transmitted thro'!lgh or
. Exequ ti ve Secretar..x..

Done in the City of Manila., this 5th day of

of Our Lord, nine hu..YJ.dred and

the President;

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