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Introduction: 1914-3,3


1. . v ilL ary Decorations Senior Militarv Awards Meritorious .5, -. rvice Decorattons

Camj aign Honours and WOUl].d Badges Arm Shields

Cuff Titl s

Cam pnlgn Medals Wt-llnld Badae s

War Badges

Army anc m·,ge~1.~--SIW:'·r Bal,g- s , iavy War Badges

Luftus gje Qualification and War' Badges Pro] ct d Decorattons

N en-Portable Awards

FlO I"" :~'gn Decorations

Order of Pr '",' edenc of Militarv Awai d'


",8 "1'19 -1


- '8""

"" .

9 51 '2

161 16')

. -

'71 '7'8' 86


._ ..... ,' .

2.. Political aid Civil Awards

PO·;IIt~t~'I·ic-- al Award 'S"

~ ,_. ~ -,.~. '. ( ... ' ,'_

Civil Aware is

Older IDf Precedence . of' Political and Civil Awards


:1 ... - . r

106 1,0

3~ Medal Miscellanea Ribbons and Mini, !tlll~es Cas. ,,~ and. Cita Ions

- -' . , ..... " - .

141 141 .18

Appendix I: Makers,', Dcsigncrsand o th er Marks Manufactr rers - Marks and Code Numbers

Design . e'· "r'~

. ', '@ '1:"'-""' '~'.,'I ~. ~

Other Marks,


l' ,....·(9··· :.., .

1- :""" l.9

)< ..

A' .. :' ': - '.,'_- ~,' dl .... :; II II ·C···,··-·· hr '.' ".Q' in 0': '.'1'1- og ····Y;:,,· of 'T'I11' ,. rd ·R·:" e ,til c h Awar <'I!'c···I·-s·:~~

. p"e!l.· _lX .'.' .. , .. ; , _" .. z . . . " - -, ' .. ' 11 " .'- "'.

] O· o

u ,'ll

Appendi I I: How Awards Were Wall

Appendix IV: Whe_r,e to Obtain Third Reich. Decorations Dealer's

Auction IIIOlJ5'ies:"

Arms Fair Organisers

17'5 17'5 176,


A·-'-'- -'d''', V: p"'~'II!- .... ·G"·:'···!· Id - '.:

.. pp'el1 .' 1x'I" ,t.lCe,Ul .. e

A", " idtx VI""':" .. ~, P'O,: "s' t 1'·9·'·_-···4···· 5···· Re ep .rod . ctions

. ppenutx '.', ii! . --:<;:,''''' '.: .-:~ - ... ' .. > ... \r:1 .~.I.U ~ ~·l·" s!


, ;.1






dolf Hitler' held power in Germany for only twelve' years but during that relatively __ ....... JIo.,[ot't .'. eriod li-· reg 'lUe produced I, he C:Oll '~

try 's firs -, and only comple :'- rang [0" truly national orders "~l11(1 decorations. These were destined to,

,;IV',' a significant effect •• m the design of 'm,i'1itaI'~" and civll awards in other parts of the world Includ ... ing fhe United States [of' America and the Soviet Union: which un ashame .dly based some of their Second World War' combat ,>ad,geA.:'1 on those of the

, : ird Reich,

T lis, is the firs.,. book to cover the subject of, az! awards eomprehensiv ]y and, chronclogioally In a si - '8 e volume, The last s,- rnilar work, Dr' Heinrich

Doehle's ground-breaking Die Ausze',cbnlJ/ft_gen des Grossdei -tsc,he~n Rei,cbs (Berlin 1,94:i) excluded the 19··:'·4~·SI period, wh .. m _a vast number of 'new hon-

O .rrs w ," [-'e·'·' C'-'I' e ~II' .ed .. 0-': bols I ~ t . e' 'I 'a' g··g~'·ll" . , ... , " 11' 0' ral 'e"'" "'. 'f"~

':..'J. r .:1',_ .. ' ,,'.' ;"-".- .. ' .~I,- . <r~:; . ., . "'&~_'-

fig'iting troops and the besk ged civilian population ..

The old adage ~ picture speaks a thou rar Id, words' however cliched, still holds true, A good photograph renders unnecessary the excruciating d·etail,.f verbal des. cription which can so easily soak IIp va 'I' "ab' e space ill a volume . such as tl is.

,"'1," '~'.-. ,~, ihle the refore . ,,.'"', '~'" al ,",' .. ,'·1 ." of ,tt, ", wileJ':"" p'OSsl,.'~e~., .' ,-",.,;1.1 .. '.ll"~., ()t-1gm';~._lexamp .es ,0. [,le

.... lecoratio -;- ~ co·n,.·,'-"i'!!' .', '. '~U-, rarcd G:' e'iiI" tin e

u· ~.:. all· n'l - .. 'LLCetll .. '. at"' 1 L~SI'J.,iQ._~ .• , ,.,': .'':_ A'll .,

pieces were n .~t alway, available for' photography,

I'·' -'j"li-r'liit '~'if~'n' "1"'" f~" .' - ;( -, D:· . '1-: 1·:11 . [£':-"'1' .";~ '1

so SU-J., ~ rvrng P ,:~ e·'s , 0.. I'r ,·:",e 1 es 10,[ lela

wartime archive and rep' -~eS,entatiy,e line drawings

h: ' b _.. , .'. '" ,1"'" ~ ·d· t _. .... fill:"" tl .... ' .. p'" ,p,. rhis ,--" - " " ect

,ave .. ' ,ee:l1 em Pi o'ye _ 01 " l,le ga ~.:,S m,. •. s ,e"pee '"

Th·· ... · S":-= of picture 'S··· 0' I'f 1 ........ : ..... 0'7"("1:1'0'-. 0" - ~'us:'p· e' :C' "t,e'd:'- rc~e" "1" "0·· ...

,'.' , , '.- . . .' ['" ~ '.', , ~'." 'Ylf .. 91.··, . '. ,c .• 11 "'.",' ,

ductions was censciously avoided, as the Wi" .ers

I lr rl b J ii- d far t I b th fr

lave atreany .: seen rrrurmte .. · rar too' mucn ··.·y .- ,e ... t;-

quent depi etlan of IJQst-W3.f' fakes it modern refer-

- 'c'e bo 0" ·,1:;"5

i ...., ~;'" .. :.~ I,~ .• '~!l

Tt .' """d~"-C " nd dec rati ',' " ,'C,':' r"'~ d ":., th ,,~1 . l1e 'Ol",,~ers a II,~, [.~_ec.ol~~ lOl'lS cQ'V·e1,e:: m . ,I:e J_Uit~

Iowing ch ra .nt I'. :'iI!·S, 111."1:"' c. '1'[1Id-: e t'," :I-Ie highe .. ·'t honours

'\:::.il!.~ .. A.-LIL,,-, : .. 1. .. :.,t'I' . .1. I • ". ,.iI,-,. ',.."",'. I\::;., .. I_ . '~'" '. ,i3

which the militaristic and ver .~, uniforn -d om 1 nated

. ~ 1IlrrI1.-.

Third Reich could bee tow, They were intended to

-. --,.~ .' .. ' t . ""d" ," ~, "" .•. ',," tl ,' .. " '.' .. d " '"III th ."-:t- d' lI~ltl' -~

promote an,' rntrror _ J.e granaeur .. ail!. was rn :er S

Germany in its- eyday before the hC)1TOrs. of the

holo caust C'''' 0; :, IS'· e'q'" 'I e" :. tlv "'1' t' 'I"; , perh .... .I,p..... . ,',' Jri:- 'So 'IM .... I"'~·c

;' . '.'~~','" .. , ," .. ' . '.' .' "'.J; -=;' ': J!..i'": '. '~-' 11..(, I L i:'" t._,_,,_y.Ila~

ing that th eir sup 'erb q" ualitv str ikine appe 1·1.n-- cc

. ':' .. ' ,/.. ,,""--'- - - .. ,I...Il. :_, :1.' '.' . _ ' .. ' ~], 1. ,'. "',~ , Y" . "-- "-- ~-c.

and sheer variety have never since ." '.' en surpassed in - th e fie ~'ld,'- of," m "".' d als a': nd awar r'd.-:

~. .. - , _ "'.' t. a, .1. A. VY_··· _,~

Robin Lumsden iC' aJrnl' .. ,

," ., ....... l, ~ .... -


II ustration

'S' ource

L t..1U. '-' ..

'J Hal -. b 1 ():. 0" 19' ' . ..x

.... '. - ," cern, I: -"~ _ .'.:';['1

F... Herrn a ru 11 '" 18··~:. 11

. • . , ,..,.,. . .l...l...Lt ,~ " . l1! ,

I ~ W '

.e ,', ---:-.~.-:- I ,Ii!., Ii'" '. I [" ,', .' 1:'~

mperial .': ar Museum: ~,~

:T- J - 1'1 ,. .....:. -- . ":: :1.·4:' 1- '11 14'~ [9 ) 7· 7'

... ' .' Ol'Ul,SIOln ~ .f}' 1 J ..,;, ,~ " _. _ './ - ' r .

R B d·' 19 3 6'i 6' s: '71 '0'1 0'6' (:1'7' 1106 10tl

. ". i ender: . '~I :~ ,'~. I ,f-J:.,~: }()~ r ,~o '~IO~'c,_, ';i.-_<~. ' _'j,~

1181 117~ 129 131~ 14 ,144, 147~·168,7·~

19' 0" ln2" 1- A3

'." :.,:. I,~ jr _. • ~ .;;'J

R K'''''~'1-''''ii;1''3:'6- A' 'S"() ';/;3:' 7'IU g .... r:) 8':":'4 8';''''5 "G!i7' 00' '113"

...... ,' .'. a .. ilL.. . ·.I._'c 4~,~ .' ,., _. ,- l'), _. ~ ,_ . .(]I_ .' ..•. ~ ~,: ". - _: ,., ~ ("") _, .~ Olt] ,. _ .

, .

11<$" 25~,.1.33· 1,34, 135,,~ 1,4·0, 151, 1160~) 16\, 16,7

V B- owe . ~ 7· ·'7·-'

iii " . \.-..:1 't.Y: " . ~ ill •

B· D' '" 1'1 _ ~ . .iavts: . .

'H, Doehle Archive: 1·4, ,27~ 2'9, '52 S·6. 68" 72, 75,t

9.6'1 1 {)81", 112-1 1:20, 122,- 12',3~ 124- 128;,- 1,;6", I ;8,,- W~lll:ls & WiJ11,is:' 1" 16'7

139',~, 1431,- 145~ 1416~ 148.~. 155,~ 158!; 16',3~. 164.~,. 166



efore am ., duri ng the First WtlrJ,( 'Wat' ~,- ~ penal

........ ' Ge' l--.~'~-'yoast ," '3. " asr array 0,1: OI'a ,;fS.,~,

medals and decorations the maiority of

" zhich were dis I rib", ted ": 11 a -_ i - dividual state or kingdom b,' ·',,:i.s rathe 'r than a national one .. ,: 10 f wer than ene-tl · d of the entir ',TO id ,awarld ,'thl:,' time were German. FrOl]1 Anhalt and Bade 1 to ,3: de ck and Wiirtt1llb,el~'. kl I ,.~IS, dukes. p - inces

and ,veIl city councils .- 'Iesto ved honours on their soldiers and cr ilians. Most we",' divided in o several classes 'with :~,'_. kle ave ~S' swords or Cl;OOI .. .: ns, nne. ould be worn 0', COin.' "at': 11. or '!,I011-CI' unbats -t ribbo rs. A few notably the Bavarian Military Max-

JOS( ph Order, which carrj 'Id a 2,5 Reichs . .marks per r 011.t11 1)' nsion '0. ,." e and wa 'I confe rred 0' Y 1"·'2

times between 191,.4 an,d91,S, we're very highly

nr lze d. M"", ',4' '[1'" ' ,:".,,1 re ,-." 1]·:' rwev e i!i, Iik .. : '" t e:' I:·T. nse ·r:rt'l~C·~

, ' J.A:.4 _ . ' 'l~ . ~.. _ ..' .' " ''Yl'' ~ ,- , -l . - . '. ;.. -:L =-' &it'.. '" _:_

Cros. es of Brerr en Hamburg a 0 ell Liibr ick, with over 100.0,00 "IW._~ro,~<:;" " ~I ,'r, , of little '-: 'aJ vah e,.

As German Emperor Wi''J:l1:e,lm n.~:<'·' -",g of Prussia , was :, .• tsersrer Krieusbet», or Supret e War:-':'fld '" of all 11 at'.. ed force ' of 1-1 German states and he

alone could en \' te military award c, on a n nional basis. Ex" 1]] pl "': included til,' Army Pilot Ba'~g"'" instituted on 2'7', anuary 19113,., the Observer Badge of 1914, i',:' 91 5' Naval Plk Badge a' d the U'Boat War Badge and Wau. rd Badger of 191'8, whi h w ,,' I '""e p res ented '0 'all s itaby ". r a ~ ~".' ed per-

sonnel regardless of their primary s are allegiance. Another result of Will1 .. 1m ~'s ove t all auth .... '''ity '., a· '

that )]1$ hither .. to purely Prussian decorations beaan to b ~ routin .. l" Issued t~ ... oldie .:, of oth .. 'f German

~ - . .

states, The Order Pour le Mep:i.t(3';, for instance, '0011

earru to" 0" rega-rded as the highest b "avery award for at German .. fflce ~:,' witl I ',"IS·71"1"":ipie,n:. S during the Fir,~t'Wo,rld, War.. It is U1.', erest '1g t. tote tt at his decoration owed its title t tl e fact .1 at F '" 111 was the .official 'court 1.: I ngu a ge , ·.f many eight enth-

C: 'llUlIY royal h :1.1s;e,S" Including hat ot Frederick th ,,- G' ... ' T' 1··· .t:£~" rd ;r.' knr " ," , , 'llo····· 'r ~"""ll· b h

. Ie ' ·r" a ~ le a'Vv·aI"_, W~t· ," . own C' ,,' .q,1 Um:. . .', . .

II 111

Bri ish al.'~:' the Blue Max' a term never used by the

'G ~ 'CIDID1S and one which may' have I: ul "d ' om .ontcmporary Allied conft ston berwe ell th blu '~ ... ,

L. The Prussian Drder Po ur 1 cr. M·e '.cit~ c ',' te in V:a:,>j~()~J,S gtf(;J1Cl?~, ineiuding a hig/,lJ 1Jr1jze'd: Oakleaf Cluster t 1 eser ted 0'11)' 1 ~i times betue« /1; 1'914 and

191.1"8 and restti:,ct,,':d to senior office.v$' in recogn. ~tl0'11' (if ba. 'ties U 01"'Z. Criterton for aU/ll,rYi '~'f tole 'l,rl'jir''e~:~S'arJ' C1~O'f;V11 deoia: ~1:10tV'11 ,()1.1 the crQ'SS tu tbe top q,( lth1J:~~

ill: ''itrmto:,' h. ueue: 1;. "Ia~s Z() :b'i,]"" ,.,; -'Jolr tmen .5"1.1." 'Z·' i }i~rV!

fi.ltJ years b~:J){)na t/!Jf:! da·te of r: 'ioiQj~nal bestoural:

.. '


2 :-'4 ~'" ·i,Q·~ l~'~ ~''1j..,.'j / '·-1' r'e.·,' ,' .... M'·,a " .. ".,'fp'j" ~,r.":rf4.\I':t:' -;'~'<M' to .. n val.},;;". ,," f.71y..,~T~m~ liT,,~ rt~"'Jt :,~ ,"~,~,C.~I' u~ ~,r".V"I"'d.

Fir' ,ffl If!_tt to rlght.~ _

Tbe 191'41ro", Cross 2:'11'1' 'Gl~Js.s-·by 'Cl)', t,-feb "rtm t:."

is, : "ll,n -~',ll: .,)-,~Z,~ .tYi..w,. C" r~ 'iJi,' FJ;,.~t '~j", 0'·' "I,j' 'iii'" tntt·:"· ;~' .J7';f._ b" fl.jfjl ~

•.. I U V' .., .1111.. ~ iL . ~ ,~.-. IV ~/-,~ . UI.Uf~ I' . . I f~ .". ~~ 1'!£I ~.:. '1 I~ ~ ~. ," U If,- ~.-

T.' b, ~ I 9'1}, " ,11~o'''" ,'" .'\Ij'o.Ai\:"~ lst '':''tln;r"'e'' PCI.4:fJ~; j·,n?\f"PlthEl JtI~ '~bO" ',,0"," -j

"Il~. . _. ~'~. U.':I·r£i ',' ,. V"Q~'l ~ "J. :p b( -, ~~~~ ~.~/l_j!:iI[I,..!t!_.:<~ .'!JT·IE;"·!t I.!Jlj·1.. 0; _.:_" .

sil t}'e1~'"

- - - -,

~'~o~n"Jri~b'-~j·~~g['l'..n4.~'~~<Ja:~' '~O;C'· C. -;~:t::\It!"~,_ ,r'Iit!"'"Vj'/l'-j!.;or'{~~ ~.J, I l' ,4',"

_'_-Iv~ ~·WF.f"j, _ _:· ,~~r-~ p""W~i":~~~!IG.d ~.'~lli":. ...,.. ~~~~i' ~.1 ~-;:~-J~I~''?f ~..!"J F

-:= -

S:~ill"~·,---l~ .. , -~ l' (l11':5',' h1,~, t~~~ 1~' J-,='t1~,.-, ;~ , C" -~'~:p,j., 'l"'-~/in"f'-' , ',:A' eptemoer , 'y" vy ~t;,l£; ,,~alllilrJIU/fg '~"~'. l)le~I~~e ana

n~ j ,n.qlJ)"I~if;YX' until 23' ,~TLI''''"Je1Jib,e·1j1' l 'Cl_2'2" 1>$11, ·W' 'L.'';_cI9 time [~~"'vl~.r 1~I~l~~ '~. _:& _ I . J. .'..J~ '¥~~VI~ -, L'! .~. '.",' . ~~J', Cl: ,_. t~f·.·_.· '*_. lfi:~-' "IJ~

20"'" i '0' l '8'· .,'1, ," ,~ be niV, ,~f"""7'I';t4''''fb' ,;~'J lI-b;,;l"

': ~.' ,t1t:.lfj,f.' :" '~ 'jIl' ,IL ," :f,.! " 1;,. r, ~;.o.J. ~",~,

77J,e B1~~n'~6."~il~~k l¥f~r i~I.,-'J"'i't C';~Q$~ Ist Cl4ss~ instituted on 2tJ· ,Mtti·'cf.? 191'8 bJi D'Uie'e E, 'i~~~tt~Aug'1lS-t von

B!"lifl<""f.Slcbwie'g~ CJei~Fl(J: m'(J,dellf!A~;' Ql1 tbe I'V11' ICrtas~t; it-

!hb' '. ta cf, J'~ ~rl ~~' . ·'·1~ . ~'( AI :f~ ,Wi)

emp. sastsea toe ~r£Ii..~It>·,~()J1aci:_'Y aose ttes nenoeen

Breen ''iwit;k' tfI:ttelt:l Prussia.

0: J 1.-. t - ••


rNTROTJ.{ CT-rON:: 19] 4~ ·,3

enamelled Pour le iVt$'f!:ite and the unrelated Maxjoseph Order,

Th ~ most importan t effect of these unifving decelepments was' that the Iron Cross. Prussia's general bravery 4,11d merit award for all ranks sino 181~'1 started appearing on uniforms throughout the entire Reich ,and took on a special status as the f , .. st truly national German decorntion. By th I end of

the First World War 163,-0001, awards of the Iron Cl~'OSS, tsr Class and "over 5 rnilltnn of the ,2(-1[1. Class had been made, with '(1'10 -fe:we:r th an, one in every three soldiers ~re~e~y~g the Iatter grade. This liberal distrfbution can 'be accounted for by the fact that, prior' tOI the institution of tbe Woun,d Badge on 3 March 1-91.8', the ron C~fOSS: 2,n,d Class carne to b"conferred almost automarically 0([1 all tr010,P,S seeously maimed ill. battle in 1~eco"gniti'ot1, of their sufferirjg and self-sacrifice,

The list below -_\]10WS the range of.medals and, OO·corations which could be 'W(,l1. by German soldiers ill the ,Eits'! 'World 'Wa'1~~ M'any' orders were subdivided into 5,evet~l' diffel~ent cla:s.s,e:s~ Wller,e' those listed were conferred nationally their dfrect equivalents In later NaJli awards are 'al;'_,s~o show zn fQI~' P-',UI1')Qs·es of

-.:. • _. -. -. _ • .}_.,. _ -;.0 _ L

rvurrtary Medical <J~d,er

Cross '01 h4erit for V@llll]titr}oT~,Medical Persennel PiLot Bi~ld~l!'e

- - ~

Observer Badlg;' ,-

Air G'u:ru-'_el~ Badge

Aircrew Commemorative Badge

Duchy 10" Brunswick Order of,H itlricl1 the Lion Military' Merit Cross

Wtlr Me.tit Cross

War Merit CU~O,S5' for WOrmel1,

German Reicl1t,

Army and r\f9,VY~ Pilot Badges (equated tiP: Nazi Lu:ftltJ'lf/itl Pilot 'Badge)

Miny and Ny."\ll Observer B,a,d,'--'es (equated ['0' N'azI ,It;ljtwajJe: O.'O,servler Badge)

1\.F,my' and Na,v:y Aircrew COD rnemorative Badges' (equated tQ.', N~~:zi l'Z!ltJ.pftlf~ Retired Aircrew Badge)

.AJ.t- Gunner Badge (C"q_u,lled to Nazi L~uft~fJ~f1f! Air'

-.. - - ..

Duchy of Anhalt Order "of Alber ~ '_'11e B~eat Friedrich C'I"OSS

Marien Cro 55

Gunner Ba{igl,eJ

Honour Goblet for Victors in the Mr' War Lreqll;ale~d to .N azi Lu.·I!t~tf)~,~e' HOllOUf' 'G:¢:blet~

J~. ,r:JJ'''' J

'l}-BQatWar Q,a,d,ge (eq:Lla~te'Q, to' ,Nazi U-8Q.at War Badge)

Mn~y 3J1(l _,"'JI:VJ? WQ',\Jmd-B,adges (equa cd . 0~ Nazi WOlln,d Ba,clge)

N·aUGll1al M'o. oj]. iIi and AJt~ Tl~ttvel Decoration

Gl~' ad DUc)J;Y of ~:adejlI Order 'of th _" .Zilrringe,n, Lion.


Order of Berthold I

Karl-Friedrich Milita.ry Merit Order w'ar' Merit Cross

W~r' Auxiliary Volunteer Cross M·~(lal of Mer.it

Pree H ami e atic, Citie,g Bremen Hanseatic C[IOSS;,

- ....: - .. - : - 1''' .. - •

Harnb urg Hans eatic Gl~()~'S

iiib,eek Elansearie Cl~(~lSS

Kin_.gdo,m ,Of' ,B~avaria

MilitarY' M,a,~·:Jio,sep,h" Order (~'CJll:atle(t to til. _' Nazi

Knigh , ~s Cross of the Iron Cross Witll ()'a.,Id,LE'{tY.es and SWo,rds~

s-; • ~j

Grand :Duchy of Hesse

Orde ,-, of M.' erit ofPhilip .. p',:, th e Brave

lu r c, , ~l.l.l r , _ ,--LlL~Y~-

Wa,r Decoration

-, _.::;>'.-

Gel eral Service Decoration

'. _.. - ..'

Mllita.l~- Medical Cross


0, d- f M-ili' ,'~t M "t

!!t'" ~ ._- '.' ~ ,-" - .iii' ~.

_ :1\ ,'eJ. 0, I ,I, : ·1_ ,ary,:" , II

Kin:~ Ludwia C:rIQ'\~:"Sl

". 'YM ' ,a ,"-l

P J~_';- I!I _I.;: , f" U- D' - "t·' ~ Id

ril,.,clpanty" 0,· .: ppe·~ .. ,f: .. Ino' ..

House Order' of Lippe-Detrnold WiJ..r' Decoration for Hero lc Actior 5

- - \0 - _ _.. - • -.. "_ - ..

-·Mil'· ,. t' . ,,', M "- '~ r (...., "

. ,.,'~ . ". . 1_ • .':' j- , I • ,.. ti :l!II!1 ",~. . ~' •

, I l_ary _;_ ... erl".~10\~S

Militarv Merit Me.c:llal

.~;: /J

'War Merit Cr~oJss War Melit ,M,edaI MiJIJfaj1' Merit Medal

1t . .f,: '[~~'''a.ry'': ' ' .... ' B' ,'I,~_~'V)'~"~J' M·' .', ... d' '",ciii~

lv.llll,~ .. , . , . .J. a . "'-.:". .... r I",. t.":U

, .


IL'lEr"A'! ;:-'!IA' ND' .nscc t),~·'T-I IN:'''''''I

1v' 1 .. 1'," .1' l ~ .,' " ·'1.1· c',:.l~ . U li:,

Grar d DtllCby~ of Mecklenblll~g,-·Schw~erin HOltS "O'rder 0'1 the Ce'O'Wi)

Cross 0 I~ Milita 1LJ ' ,M,.': ri


Fri ,,' drich FF~ -12 Cr ·"~S

Gr n,d D ' c'hy of Oldenburg

IQIUS- an ~ :-erit IOr,c_I' -_ 0" Duke Pe ter


~ 1~ i ed f""~ ch "Ug,Ln'" t

War ,NI rit M,I" al

R, d C[O,""~"·' M,,'ldal

Kingdo,m 10 - Prussia Order 'of ., )C HI .ack E.', gle o rder I ~f t- c .e Red Eas 1 '

t1 'I' ..,_,!! Kni 1--' oj

~ lie "" azi '-,', Ig·, 1 ,~,

• :"".1

(""l''''O':S~ of th e Iror C','-' \ SS~ W,'·" ith O· ·,,,!1d':'ea:''Ilf 'Ii,'l""

~ , , ...., ,;,]II "l I . , ' " ", " r, ' . ", -1, . L;LJ, . , ,... . ,IJ!I .

J touse Ore .er of Hohenzollern (lor officers 0 'Iy: its

var: (}LIS grade: equated tQr the Nazi ~:' ',~gllt' I.' Crost ef

the '011 Cross an') G, rrnan Cros .. ,.)

'O-'d:-I (If the FlU, sian C')}· ,:". o 'I,r-er, of tl:" Crown

Order of Louise

Military Meri Cros -' in Gold (fp,r N(:Cls 1011. y: equate . (, rile' azi Knight- I"~.' -0: ~_ 9- '11, IrOD Cross and

Oerman C" ~)

Iron Croi " .~ equa .. ed 'DO the ',,'a,li Iron Cross _Jld is'

and r - ra ] d Cress.c a -, ses) Militar, D corauon

War " ,- rit Medal

,C· .' sf" '" r t fOT War Assistanc '_equa:, d to . .he b z~ War N,{; rit Cross'

R'", ,,- C C"O" ':r""C M",' - dal ' ( Cj' uated ... ··0,· ,','- N' 'i"liZ41 Social w,'r.'n~r

" I, ,', - ". '.::II _ ' ',' _.", I bl, '_\' '., ',: - ,it:Ij.,' ,.J. ~,:,:,,:,- J " '-, I -, U"ll.:

Prtncipa I lty of Reus", Wur Brav '[~ Meda Cross of I "C onou r

.' ,~" I" Merit I: .. [0, S

Duchy 0'- Saxe-Alte iburg Braver 'J' Medal

M ," tal ,of '. :" erit

D ik _ Ernst Medal


Duchy Q_ ::,a:: .e-Coburg-Gotha Carl E d uar d '" :"", r (, rO'S$

Duke; Carl Eduard Silver M, 'dal ,Mc,dal of M,' "1

HOll0U:-' Cross for Hot e Service

W! - -~' . ,utrune'~" 0 r:. .tiv ' Cr" - , ~ 9, ./(- - ,.'1

Wal~ ,~fr''"'"ft :;or' 'S ~/~1Lr 1\11_ ri M,·, lal

M , .. ;1-JI of'M' erit ,

. u,[ . .:l ~-, '" ._

Grand Duchy' of Saxe Wei'ti,ar'- '·:isen~c,h House Order Oft11_ \'(illite Falcon Wilh,eJll1-E--,nst ",.~:1rr Cross

Ge -1: ral n-, co ra ~,;, 11

Wat- M{~rit Decoratton for W()111.en

Cross ofMerir for Horne Service ,9',}14 1~'-"

'~:"~"ngdQ.nl ":'f'I,.:_.~, .ony Order of Albert th e Valiant Mili-t_~:_r,. OId': ef St Her l~y Order , f Me j"

C:r()SL~' of Merit

Albe t Cross

. '

War'M',-fit Cross

~'I'''; ed ''"1': ;l"l-A, -u'-t;IT:nIS"- - I\,jife'd'·' al

. ,- ·L'L..:!_:: :i . ~".~ 1. :.~' ... Ii . . ~ . "L

Carol Mecl!tl

C 1--. $. .of 15-:')0 ur

CrCJSs. of H nour for W~a(' Medical Auxiliaries

Priocipldity of : ichaum "~ .rg-Llppe - ouse O-"ll: r ofSchaum burg-Lip]; .

Military Me i Medal Paithful S _ rvice C-"'O~l

P,rinci' .,a ·t,: of Sch~;arzbl~rg~R,udols, adSchwarzburg Deeoration

Anna ] ouis e Decoration for' Merit Silver Meda for Wat .. r ; ri

.' edal c f Men Coramendation 1\.- xlal

Prfncipaltty of W,aIde,c-_,~Py-~m.Qnt Cr{)'.7~ of M·· rit

Fr edrich and Mtir ilda Mcds '.

Order f t, 1,- WurttelDberg Crowi :F ie~ rtch Order

····.)rdle- of Mili .:3LflT Meri

'1~ Itarv <' erit.Cross

~ .

- ..... I ~ :, . a- 'Ii '0""" M: erit

I~ ~'-.J1-'"., _"-: '

Wilhelm C IOS~':' Clil' rlc tn Cro , .,' ,

formed themselves nto F1if1?lktJ'1JS1 or Volunteer Corps , to defend G, rrnany S easte 1~11 borders smash

r-.1I~ r ts 1·: en ord Ie' "t~j" In t"~h' p str "e~'t' . a' ud p' ev e 'n: rt t h -, :-,

,lUI, I \.",,: p . . 1"", . _ I , "- ~ _ '~' L" ,. , . .JL ,~' .. :",: I . I . ,

C _' untry £1"01]1 b .'·comin:.. 'a BoI511"e',~ik regim . ~. 11;eM,e unii s were unofficial 'a id were obliged to creat their " '.' 11. - er zice a-wards " uch a,-, til . Silesian Eor igle,

th B Itic Cros, and th ~- Iron. Division Medal. M<l "eo'ver~, th President of the 11,e:W Weii'Q]:ar R·· public soon abolished all ofrhe estab i.s·h" 'd imper~··, l military orders a ", - decorations and dccidec not to authorise a general servic .' rru 001 _ I, or acti 'e oar't]Cip.~,'tfo, in the Fir t We,rId W;I!"", although a handful

Ki"OQdOlD of T.i'"fu_rtte·U1be' _'Q.

- - I~;' w-.~ . !iEtl

\Vh_,e,n the imperial go ve rnm en, I collapsed in NOVCl'lb,' ,_ 918 revolution br :Je,e out across r '-.",1'1 any Demobilised right-wing troops hastily

4. Preik ,'. rp'-",a~1~' vj,W,i';:'l;i.,

~ '. I.~., . .:....: " ! lZfj(,;f..Il1lJ, .. ttMit


Pr0f1:1' left to r ghl,-

Tbe 11'~ qq. Dt;I~-slo"~:,le.da(~ .fe··~tu~f·i"'>·i tbe aeatn s bead emblem . iommc 11 to, set ere ,.l Pr rkorp, .formaiions. Q:w(lrd.etl as a commemoratiue piece to. is.ooe men unde the command qf 1-, lenera; Rudii:r:el 'l'(;tn· Itt' r Gotts: a - iii ltd Mg' or fos epb B' iscl·~· (~q u h Q ca r ri ··,?'-t:i our raids

.'''_I tb« [.1'0· t, land reg ·(J11. of L atnia 'll;,~'t~l:'l~g, be first 1!lQ.{{ 0.[ 191_9:'

TfJ, " ; ~l~{''f·l· tn« . Meaa; or Medaille des Soldaten- ~ii dlungsv~. ' ':b,_ tnd Knrts let, for members o../~ G.th' er Germas

Pr eikt rp ; units ry;~',rlJin'g in t; o ur.laJ'lcl'

!TiT", e' ~. ll: ·r{'~· '-S'''I,; - E''iJ' .nl' r1T.J'n. 1 ". ',- ·C·' lass ... oS~ :( '·m., 'e . I. J...v,J.' p. '0' i 1- D. hJt'.

.J I~'r.l f I d~'l~~," . '" .·~~t;ll:- . - I. '4-"'t:.::I-Jq";, 1_- :~_:l~ '~".'" . 1E:J'.J'· , I_ .,1'" . _. ,.~

Tbeodor '_' D n Gosen and institut. 'Jet on J' 6/1..ln,e' 19.19 l~} (;"J nerallet tnant ~ /'J~I'l "_=~' ied. 'b~l~~'~~ . -0 nm« t: d,_. r ,of tbe v~ Armee-Kor ,-,I" in Brestaa .. l~ uias presented for six'

m »ntbs seroia , rfJleJeJ''tclil1.g Germas ~ interests i:n' j..(jilesirl at" , t1l"tl three Polish' 1.J,111i':i'lzg.·s there C ktea. 'es an f

.'. ", ~~ !_,,~ _' - . e I. ._ " .• ' I r. _ '{r '. _',,' .-11:1', ,"' _ . I '_.' ~.ll . ..:... _. _. • I •

Su-ords .. fr~'I;'I et ba O'J' ed seruice '!: ere addea ';1fcfl!J,'I;"7 .i]i 19' tL:

ILl (.71-= 1'1-" "" ~ •. ~~., J l:i!' ~ J ~'I£' E;~r _r 1[-1 !._ ,.,. . .J~ -II", . I., '" _ ,j '. f 1:'I'Ii ,", M'p= ~ r :... - ,

Tldie ,~t'l(J5ta'11' Eagle' ~;11a Class. for tbree m·oI1ltb,s - ser iCf!'~


Tbe B,c:lltic C",()~i.~i -re,{:;t-te(/ ,b,J ' tltJIO Ba,l-tic Natiomu Commiuee

(_)/·· 1 1_ZI./J,} } '919 ,ei,· d Jli.'~,e,· "()'1 three . on tbs ~ seruiee /1 r

~'! ... f - 111,.". •

that 'I'~. 'J!i(Jn~ Tbe (10~·~ toole tbe J()1~/1J of'tho {",(}luge' of tbe

O/~tleJ' If!{ Teue . n tc '"fC1:ligktts, and 2 I. ,83·5) uiere- au , .rrle6l

1.' ,

~ ," E D}\ i -' l. 1\ I ]:\ r) r"1· RATIO" 'N' . 1'""4 1'1" ITLE'r'i """IR_l" \'if :& ,..;. nr ~vt_;. ·1:"L.~b J-\l~ it l},-::'·-·._ ,,_ .. _, _' _,',-" . o 1 ., -.i -, I :,I( b GE ' .. i1"]_l\J~:1

01,[ former 'I.~· ,'--'1 'J' an .. tank CO.' , .. " .. rceiv .d ""ODrucmorative ba,,~g,. s in "9.~O arid 1._9.21 respectr ely, at .he behest of Def .. mce Minister Dr Gessler,

" I ders tanda - ,y, .:. 'L' ordinary 'V t ~ {'-an 0' thlc'

tre n cl ; s felt unre zognise :1· I1d 17[ - tra,~ ed, During 'the I~)20'~, doz. $" " -f Jocal an J 1l:~I.tiCJ11al ex ... servicemen's 01""1' anisations sprang Llp', and some of tht "111 duly

'. mt acted private firms to produce unoffici, I .~. md grandiose war-s ervice Q'-' :_ rations for heir zrowtr g rm rmbe ship. A prime exampl .• · was the' 'G.- rman 19~;'·' --1 ~~/ 'War ~ ,'. IID.1S ~ Ase celation, ~.' i sed

j~, SA.~berfiihler' w'i'lh,ul,11. Kleinma 1(l1Z·. tU,1:1'(J~~e sleeue S".firip,· "ae:· tote '~_I"A ~ .', em 79,cr'~ljlp clatil·1r.g ",ack to 1'·· ,J: toears the Baltic ,CreSS £1,11&.1 th. S~le··,,·6:·1 Eagle b 10' his 19. J .l fl ~ r n C~·:· ss tst Class. Tlfle ott» "1" b .' ····lg!!

COiJ1Jfll, morated tbe NSD.· ~:I 11'~Ll~' beld. at Nuremberg in. ~~eJJ~' mber 19:J .'~ and wt"/,"~ 11. 0 classed I~'~;S' a,' ~ uuiard. No. "); also tb« '1 :l.~fr~ 't:W rtbbo :; s (~r th· E~· 2 (Jntl· Cr. sss "if"'

J101'. ' . ,1 191'4-- J·B .' orn .fi' »m tn. L uttonbole ,of tJ?_' lefi brea: .. t pocket, an tt'1:(Jlfi,(., ·'(;·l but J'.l·~~"'~J i common

practice 6l11:rirlg Ii?¥? 1.93·'J;r.


m Let ,zi,~ which IOVl ~ t saw the' ereatton of the

,." -

Federal Decoration the Germa ". Field De:' 't) 1l-tiou

the Soinme ,C~ ,'SI: and ,St) on .. The grout) known as the Germs n L gion of .onour pro duced tl .,'. G,~- In·311l WOll, Wal" C immemorati Medal whi e

. - - . .:. - ..

the Kyffu·:~'·'llS:·· Jr Assoctation distributed th " ~

gT.~fl· l;l'JlI--]!s"'e'"'r'" "tVJ:r::.''ii!!i' C, ;O'n1II'iIIll" . _ ...... Q' '1"iI~; t"-l" \ . p, M· -Pi·' ,","111' A, tim '.,~

.1~V 1, _ .. -L.·,lI,,:' '. W·~.1:· ... - .L . .J.;uJ. I. -. J; ',1 .1.,. ll.::..' b1·a·, .~ . .1. ., "-

wen Ion S11C].l i( die's becan .. ·~ (j. ertly political in their support of ri,g .t-winj partie Iike 11', a ional Socialists (jV:::D.A_P) and opposition t~) the republic. Ttl: Wehrw.:·?fLeag ie, for Instanc .', operated under

6~ 'TIt!B r{J,~ir" Baldg~1 instituted 9'1 "!'5~ ",l[t~~. 1'.:'21 fD'~

... ' . '".0";1.' b. -. . . fl": . " .;:.o;J,O sJ·!I:- l1,.1Il. n·fa. ~'1~[111 p" ';;;]I .,_ . ~z· p;r' '. .I[ ~n'''iP' .' ~ ,Ii."": Tb', ;J". rt "i'l '~'~~J1"d:· .

I _'. _~)" ~ '", . " .. _ '" f .. '_ I' ~/, . .,' '1.-'G" '~.'I' _ ~.. ~ . I" ~ I:Ir _ ~[. ~. _ lj -' 1 'I{fl~ I[;;(, t~i!-' t

badto bit! appiied fi»; and e,n,!);- 11010 or so 'qJplicattons' tuere re··""eireel (;l· <~l app~'~(t·'d. Tho.;-7J .. , oncern : .. -d .,'1.: re presented unit» autborisation cert .. tt~·~',' iates but t :'~'. ~.

uII:Jl,'~g:' d to' f ,;'~1 j tbe 1'.··· .. ;ge' tf1J,e1'1L"~f1l 'e~'~,: N(J .qftl.c-.f~_l 1~~8·ulatiolt .. S gr:JVBf;11.t.n:g manufacture l;i" vre ·lrjll."~~IJ"

p_~t"ilished~ ri.ln'(j - f)"- seueral n .jak:e:~~s,J ~ sariants in. situer

'~ na plat. "d brass e1.1.(dt"8ri1l1i:trit~~.'.f~b'e··92()s:./J'"'· (jla/r~"I" 1- {,.I: Os. ': a~ . (-, ' ,e" ' .. {. mples ~fie ,.7,-:' . i . ~d' t"f. Pl1Z . -r- sia:n,-jJ,Clt·tl.·l < "'l-

,dl;~ij"h s head alia stnait teaoes to tne tvt-eatIJ .. t "I:J'i.l.· tne .··I·~1lni!_'~il'e' oet '''~ ~IO'l ·rll'f;t .. ~tt!q;tet;l17afl u. more substaruuu

1'~' 1-}'res&!.ntQ,tilJ'#~' of the Brunsiotce-stiue ~fi:'kull a. i;lldt~,~e'1 l~,tl',~~ $1. -Oberst-Gruppenfiihrer ~ .. ~.~p D1.~et:·7.e/:;1 .. ~.~

-1:]'11,(. ion " (:) baue tt'(}f~··r tbe p~ ,C.' ssian . tk:ril11zt until inid=,

I 9.~· '~" t};n"d tbe Brunsu ick' .tJlP12" .tloere(J/teF:

n TR,.~~,.b··: -~~ dN: 'c 1 ,'1 ~3

t11.le·Freik,o ,PS bannc ~ r: 'If the d" a th 5 head and stirred ll.P resistance 1,0 the . 1'"1 11,11 '.,',. ~:t:U'a' i· .• · '. 0'" the Ruhr;

Found ed in N-" ., '. rn b,,"1F' I 9'":,2','3". i 1''''1 the wake of the

UJ., .' _". U. A, ~, . .,., _. " ,Jj,. ~. J. ", ~J., - ~ ¥~ IR .. - ,'. .r·:1 IJ._

'. umich Putsch, Wel,.nt", ,if evi n ually- spread throughout Germany with a membership of over

,~ ,'(0" - '0' ·0' ".

_ .... ""I -, ' .": rI!

Mo,st forrr er soldiers were I. '.' II bers (If several .. Tete ~t1 -, ' organis tions sir. iultaneously a,_. I-IQI were eligfbl: .fo 1"1-'] number 0'· f ... tl l' .,"'."" awards 'an: i . d it 'W"~' "III,S' ~"IO" t

._ C" .', l'1,. illL ,1,=. ,.1,:..1 '., .. '. . ~'. vV,_ ~J. ,.' " .... '" JLJi ~

un ..... - ammon . ,0 see er -serviceru .. n duri ng t11Je 1920s. and ea ")T I: 9:;-'O~ SlJO ting . he ti':: fro of impressivelooking medals and badge s ear .. ed simply by virtur

'.: '_~ having se'iV·· . ' .. _ at the front during the ~ir§1 World

War lor in a Preikorps unit t uring .h '.. 1.9 9'-~ 1 p: rio ,- ~ A consldera' ,; . . 11111nber·:f small badg '_

manufacturing I companies j~, pt themselves busv PfO(11JCltl"', examples .. iot only of these av ards but also 'of replacement Imperial decorations in varying, qualirie .. ~ to ~, pr m rate sale. 'with n·.: 0":, ~ cia] sanction


'. 'l ~' list below indicates tne variety 10:, un-

official awards some With:- ell' grand titles " vt .. ich were created by cx-serviceruen S organisations a_' ' •. , ,Pr(!ikQ'rp~ commanders after the First -Wo.rld War,.,


Argonne Cross

Ar ; .•. ry I,: ~Lr'oss 18'. and 2.11' C' .:'S' "e" Baden F~,.'-: d De,COFd'[i.()I1

B,~ vat ian Wat Comm moratrve C,[OS -, Brunswick ~·'el,d Deeoratlon

Char pagru Cros,

~f,l: .nial W: ".,., "etic ans' Medal ' .. ar zig Shield

East. rn Prout CT!O:SS

Federal D:~' .coratior l .. st at d ~n.J Class e s

F anders ~'.,. aval Co' ps Cornmemora Ive '. .ross 4rankftlft, Medal

George Medal

Gen ,> ., Field Decoration

German F-ront Soldier's Badge

G .. [,3' Wr,ld "",~;U·' C~ m emorattve .'.' ,d~11

(;··11'·0 Wa'l""' Cross of Ionour with Swords

I Ianover Wt,'f' G a, - •• tern rati ze ..... ". ,.lal

Keller Cr,t)L'·',

·1.:···. "','- . allser War C')11Utl'~ norative Me:'d'_ II .' ,. ith ninetv-

seven possible bars)

Knight's Cr(~I: ... , ofthe Ger ian Legion ofHonour

!~ UJI q't!'i (}ial 1.,' 1'" -. l 8 'I.: 'titl~' ue tera "1$ ~ tl eeo ru ti'o ~1. ' ~

Prr. ,t'.'lfJ Z':'ofJ': 1'·." J rt« vbt. ..

.I.-rr;,'! f'" '1~ !.':- flt· I _ 1~/lr_!

! . . .

Tl1.1(d ouai ,~ghi2,U.re Associamon Wtlr Commemoratiue

" . ,~' ,ed'al urtt~ :'£1)' 7' I )l ... ~;# 111 oz~n ted "I'fJ11,gsiap a '.~' 11~(Jn'· : 'ro "s

21-iri ~ c.'.'·Z,'n.C'C"·

'~iI" U _ J tl.i!J~'-,

Tbe C01nrl1t.etl't,(Jrattl (J' Medal. of tbe G'1"11i,"~n Legion of Honour: ,l:,l' ltb ribbon emblem denotingfron t-ime service:

.l e st~J'_~I~611):ed Pietd Dec .1-r~ati'OI7'1'~ ex; Feld-Ehrenz -feh.-I!, ~f 1/.,: , •.. ,. n ~1:.,(i}·' .. 1_91'4-18 Wa_ Thte1~l;'l~r;; .' ~S"(, · .. tatum.

Lan,: e l:arCK Cross

11...- C '1 c· -., .s I an ,J ,2'··~1:,·],d .. C:a', se: .

.. 1r.aC'l\,_etsen '.' '3;\ a . , .' :,' ".f():,' i.") ," lL.l-l! _


Mar ese Cross

Munich F 0111, CrOL'~~'

Prisone r~o~f~W~ - Commemorativ Croi 5,

Moo ayDecoration

_,,':flj. • : ~ ~ ..

'1·. -Saxon 1(11 eht's Cr iss .: _ ono

'l:\ '~ .. ": .. 11 Worlcl Waf Medal of Honour

~Iom[ , e Cros ','

Verdu Cross

'War Cross ()f Honour with and without Swords w: ._" olun .ee s' Commemon tive ,rIOI~,.~·,

'Warl,'] wa,r Comm .. morativr , Cross of .he League of German Railwaymen

W'ilrtt •. 'm, :"'erg W, r Commernorati e Badg ,

,~lisc:: .llar eons Regimen al Medals ' nd Campaign Bar' I.

, . , " ~ ~1k. .' .. , e' ,A,~., 'I

, ' .. ,l, L::.JIJ, .. , Us£U

Northerr Military Hospital Barta .10;0 De" oration Oberland C' nnme .. aora ive D~ "."1 'l~atif~Ll

Pit sch C'iI]' er I C· ""0" "'Ii.

, S,' ,.: J ,_I!!L,... '.", ~,'L:

R, "', bach Cross -".' ilesian Cross

'Silesian E~:gI .. · Sih sian i e da! Silesian SIll .. ld

Sud ten .. ' :-,- d ",.,Jullt ~er RIo, 41 ent D, .. ': ~lJlL~·ltio'n

Teutonic Shld,d

' .. ~O' . Aulock Cornru mqrati re I! iadge

o:~ . EI)'.) Staff Company Commemorative ~ ... dal

• 1 1 ~

von II·" debreck .Merit Badze

, ~

Freik10rps Awards Altenl UT,·· Ic~oiyalty 8adg = Annaberg Cr ... S·.

A 1 ffl' Death ii.'!. Head " ro .. ··S ..

_wa 0., .. ' L" . I I d ..'~.'.: [ ~I. ~ .. "t

'von ,0 ... ' n D·: .'. orati ():o

V'I'-·n Pfeffer M 'j' D,' coranon \\?etckhtnarm . -··Y,der

, '

Wolf' Battalion ." erit ',at!d.ge

~1ile ~'11' .. were i10 doub worn. with, pride, all 0'the abov medals and awards w, [' ' .. in fact, wortht·· . ~ . 5, trinkets.

Wh:en Adolf littler became Reich Chan .el or Oil

- -.. _.. ...

':,0.Jan1latJ!; 19:3."'" hie the I'CU')Te took 0 \e']'" the' running of .. ' 'C,U[try with 10 0 prehensiv centra ised series of decorations to 1 .... ward its citizens This (",:aVie him lea', ' bianc .. ',~;e" tQI cfl'-at·<' atirely new honours in a manner befitting his vanticipated 'Tho: isan Year Reich'. As a former ftI011",~' '-:11'

.soklier one of his first moves In Ills dire tion

-a~ltG t 0· r ·· '';':1' rranze . ';O'-,c" [-1,'" .:"" 1': :tOt tion by ~Ir'·, sid .. 'not.

~V··~IUI .. I,".e;.," , ~L~}Jl.lt~I·· _ 1. .,

von Hindenlmrg of -tlle Cross of 11011>'1:11"" 119l:4,~18' 'a national award tOI reco :,nise service :~ I - tf 'eo First World Wa ,~ Patterned a 'let th/ ,War C:· " ... ann morative Medal of 1'>70-1, and utilising the same ribbon, tl11':' l~OSI" .of HO~10tl r- ., as preseni ed ill bron ze with

.swords for combatan' :S, bronze without swords for non-combatants 'at .'- . ·l"'c', ID'r' .. ridows and parents 0' those kill·. d. i" action. Til. award had to b:· ap ilied 'or, and ov lnid@1937tl. ie following . : ur I bers had been issued ~

Baltic C'~'O"':I"

B .·rg.· rhoff Corm en]" '~~ rive Ba(t.-). I

srcme n Commen o "at~v, ' Mi .. .dal Bug Star

QW1.Zkg Decoration

DI" I,. r'~'t·",.··.. . c: 'I'~' - ".: ~'

ii" ,. I, '_"" I .'. - .' .

Ehrhardt B dgad .. D· coration ...... , rn 'all K1 tght's ",#' ","~S

G rrnan Legion Commemerative B,' d :~ 'G' ""erm:an·· :' elf ... ·D,'~~ .. .nc Df i 1 .. ·11 M,,- da

.. , I' .11;., L C_IJ

.. o dno Decoration

Guard .. Cavalr- 'D:' ceration : , ind :·nbl~g... edt Badge II on D1:\1'is1:0111 Me dal

r t, ,': .Flotilla M, .al

Iron Roland,

i~- euz burg ". ross

, ~. uhrne B.al:dg .. Kurland .'~,1" (l: ,-

L', uten sacl ier M. _1'11' Badg ~ Lowenf 1(" Cross

Lublinitz Cross

utzow 'Cross

C·' , m'" . 'bi~I[' a' l' I~

. ,,;. I I , "'..,..L . ... ',oiJ.

.' , . -. com hatan ts ," OU-=\.:..u' .. ·,,~al,. .. j,j

W"'d'I'o'" ~" ..

" 1.,' tl ... '

P~l- iI""~1J ·,"t ....

It4 lL~. ~l'


nrrao 'n·t)· li-.'~:O···N· ] U 14 "":tI3"

J./~ ~, :~t\i·"· '.rl~ , I ", ~ ... ~- :: .' :7" ~ .j ~

The Cross of Honour 1914-,181 replaced the plethora of unofficial veterans' medals which could

n io Ioneer be -', W~'·' '0-·' rn.All '~~~~J·:t..',o·~t~~' a ~7""T11"'"'(:1,~ I~;X" rcept , the

. . " J. ,'. . o~'- ". -=- ..' I., ~ n.JJ J.7~~ "I;!' II'!'~ ... , If.''~) , ~,l! V ,... '. s= ~. L,- .,-,...,; . ' :"

Silesian Eaale and tl 'rilI;~ B·' alti c Cro iC":£! W" rere also q Ul'~fl')'IY"I1.]

,I;..; _'~...I..ca_··· - .i~O"'. :I~,~' __ ' _; ".J.'\..- ~ru_ _,' oiI'., '~~~' .'~ "'"", ,~~ ."' .', . I, '-'!LJ(\J',1

banned by illt1,er~ anda new decoranon, the s-h011'=

live,d Schlaaeter Memorial Badge 'WaSI Introduced to

1!Ii:I I '

replace them. Jt was superseded ttl 939 b'y a

F1:~tk()rfls Commemorative Certiflcatelssued by the

V.'ljli"f1a"" f'~1 ~'e";Y~~I:J -i1J .,., .1:\, 'J1 I~', . ,~£i,!ol" r U .~"'I.~If,;,'; ,

DI~I'~i11g the vears 19~'r~,-,45' more than 45·0 military; political 'and iClvJI (lec-Qt~~tio~ns were created, in various grades and classes, as a me ans of showing that the Nazi regime recognised achievement In. all fi(;:ld.s 10.f endeavour; ,Many of these awards were firmly based on their imperial 311d. Weunar predecessors, and included everything from orders t01~' arts science and ·dip]o.~1Cy to badges for spcrtlng

P' ,~~W;;p"s~~ an id Iong service on the ... ..."..a"I"·I,;xTa· y,~, F··'IQ.·II' the

.J.. U' , . '-"",,-!.DJ If" _ ,.. . , ... ' l. ..Ii..., ,!!!;...~~ .' ...ll. L. " VY' .: ' . il.. _' _

.- . [-.

first time In German his·tory a series of truly national

de'corati9<nS emerged, open tQI all ranks in. the l1Jilitary and to all.levelsofsociety Inevitably, the majority of these awards featured tile swastika,

-undisputed emblem of the new Reich.

8~ The ,G1·. oss of HQ'~i,fJr'u" 1·91,4=·1'8~ F:rO~~I. lief! to 1'!,rgI1t:"

C~~~~\·1i"'·'!r" !i'o'> '):orr ,rn(~' "~~+-n'r;:., +~ ,1A.~,. ~G: .IG: ~'j1.,

rI: VJ~~ .. ~l: ..", . '11 L~ J I~ ~ ~~.~-" I'/I.~ ~~! I U ..... ," ' i

~c .

CrD$.S· .. £or N().11:~C(jmbat" .. nts Iftl:V r4 R'~~

~ J~ I. ~ ,J

C'rO)£$ [rJr WidtJ~WS (l3fl,(/; Pa1~eftts af'thY!. FGtll'e1tJ.j ~J. iH~,

Holders t!J~ th.es:lf' decorations ,ha·ci fb/e' Q1J'ti'o11 of

l'1lZI_/'I~""'b. h"p·t:1~>(i. d: .. :, ;:if:~hl'~~:1· Ii',#,l;~""~'c- ~f;;Jt!':f:~~;M;"-ll e~~(,ljl'll)i ~~.t'lS'f,t!d 1.J)1t(#>;1 ·hr

IJ., ~- .~: ~'~l(4~ r .... ~· ~o ~ .. I ~ry )~~J .~w~~~ J1V'{I' I-J~~"'lr~ ',ill'.I"l~1f~·~' 2"~~ ',"_ '.' _ ~ .',~_ ~~I ~

-Facs'imtl:e' Di£',z}o'n' Hfnde,fzb·z,f,1:aJ$ sng .. mature a.nd tbe

lJ'~ ':J ij 7 'I

n~JJlt,to· Treue IJm 'Irene '(~Layt;jlry to tbe l~'·i(;tt ):, 5'~Gh

case» ,cot;tld ,be b6ugl9.t Idir.t!lct jiiorn the rnl(,:ker$' or from NiCfrZtl P(I)'" '~I ur~if(J'~11Il: (J·l~,tJI!f.8'l tlfnd tt),c!1;ri. al/liltl a'lfllfl in 1'f!:tltl,eFt"(;iiJe~ud 'iV(.)OQ at ,Q 'Zlnit cost bf.······: 1 ReJ'(1IJS1tnRl~k, or


tn p&;t_per~C'DVtrf'(j"l' ,Cflf'a}}f)4J~a at ,0:, 75 R,e4cl'!"''f.~:ark'' ,(e_:t/Jt;ki.



dolf Hitler unders rood very well the philo-

., . h f decorati b di d ii

'I'P -y Q decoranons, as' em '0,_1>, in

r ", apoleon's famous stater ent: 'cit. e rne

, li1IO''''U''- ., ribbo 1- ,- "0 pla , . O' '1-1 tho -: .. . inics of lU'·-·-·y s· '11

. ,':.1.. ~_.:~, " '~"!..-;,.,',,~ I' ' . .' :,:, "~ ,1,"'. I, ,'.~ II II c ' •• _ "Ull ':"" ,-.., ':~" ": .. ' ..."

dier Ni and ' 1- r''!'il co 'Il=--q" uer 11-'1:' w IAr·l·.r.1t T' 'he .p-: e ,,·me an e 'n', 1;;-

, j ~" -~~(JL ',:- -, .~iR ~.' , ... ". '_ .. .:. ,''l:J.I. ,lUai - _. .~ _" I,. . n "'[' .,,_~,

display of' war bads es campaign 511 ields c uff titles and other award a nractice which reach its

J • • _ ,. • ~ .',' ..' ~ • J:' I I· ... . " ,',' . ". [ '." ,.'. ' :~...., u. I ._. c •

heigh .. dur -11n.rg.:,, th . 9"" 2~, period gave the vete ran

" ~ ',.' -,''':_ _';P :_' ~~ .r .. ,1 .. " "!' _. l' s= ... _ ..... ;-'~' ~ __ ,_. - - .~ ·V~··. _. ..I..,

Wel?.r-m,a'cblt soldier his own distinctive app'ear~,

al ul d t 1 ,I t .,'

ance, 'C:~ c __ atec 1.0 p .. IY an tmpor ant 'p:a" In tne

morale-boo ':'-, :~ g psychology of N azt 'G .. rtnanv ~ Photographs of' hiSJliy~ decorated officers and men were regularly spread aC~~QSs the fronj, page-s : f

9. A selection J('J( ~7~Hi 'il R'I.: ich mif~ta/IJ' aecoration«

sboto ·JfJ :J7 'b" e· de :l'~l;"'~y - {;;, ':.-:rl (,}l ;'1 ' t. 'lif1;" :m·, /1"'1)) ner i« '1' 'l~ til h',·- 'IolAn'-,

~ ... "d. II . t;# ~l ,_:. ,! I lUI" , .. U!~_"I ~j ~""j> IV' I ~ " !_' ',', sj~"'Jllr'\f,~~" .~:. ~·I#·\fj· .. :_. 1~~!';;J:q.'

:. '.'0 'Jet ba',' e bee . uorn. Sucb disl)lity:~ w ere beiooc d OJbe Naei ,prol!)I,(Jgt;tnda; JH6l:. bine.




newspapers throughout occupiedEurope, and their sto -.e'·;:: wert recalled i ' radio broadcasts ~. nd ron the cinema $'C·'. ':i Ther .fs ltttle doubt tha __ ae incenti· ",~ 0-[ tile -".'r011 eros'S' alone was instrumental in,

spurring many troops on to' perform almost superhuman dee. Is during the last few hopeless mo I.' ths

. ttll. ~ vvar~

SeI·O . Milihu:y A. ·farJs

T ,"E IROr ,:'.' CRO·.··S

On Septe nbe 'I'" 19~'9, ·t11~ anniversary of th, .. Battle ,of!'S," dan during . he Frat ico-Prusslan War of 1, ··~~'7"O- l ~ . litler l~ nvaded Poland and. an, 'i. ipating ~l .. , :,11'- ::"[ cen-

flier as a result, reinstitnted the 'l"r0.11 Cross. M:ol"'e' commonly termed . ~ e ~EE (',Eisernes Kteua"), it now officia I.: became " I German rather than a.

- - _:. . - ~ - . -.-.. .

··- .. urely Prussian dec ,I ration and i11ili1aUy ~u least, was

referred to ~lS an order; During the _n:e~t six years the Iron C;'-!WQ,SS was awarded to Germans ~·.111·'~ t; . Ir

a '. s not only for pe sonal bravery bur also fir out,. itanrling military achie .Ielli-::'n.ts, and die _ tiye --war planning. 'Senior officers occasionally received higher grades of the eros S, ir ': cognltion Qlf the success of -.'1'.' 11m" S under their command, The E':':' was open to all ranks ()I,f al branch .. s of the Wel!ttma:cil:ti, and memb .. rs of non-combatant uniformed civil organisations like tile Police, Fire Brieade and Railway Service were al 0 eligrhle. Even .Tew~'t or part-Jews in nlili 'aI1~ service could receive

tJlLl~ award prior to. r8: Oc ober 1944,. All this must 'bl,. borne in mine whet' conside Ing th large numbers of Iron Crosses distributed. Contrary to wartime Am· 'd propaganda, the .EK was nor 'dished 'out with the rations I'~ wasi iuch prized, and tightly \-.1,.,

Th ~ - """ ol . 939 Initialf comprised f .. : .. ur g' ades cr classes. but these ha,(1. Increased to eight by 194:"~~:., It

1 o. Thle= Iron OI'O~'i£,

Prorn ,left ire) right- -tap to bottom:

Stf1£'l·d~-- ~'d 44 rnrJ7l Iron ,CfJJSS' 2',fJQl Ctll&SJ ~,~j -Euge.,~z Gauss:

Ri.tterlkr,t'tlLZgrosle',, or K'il~ig,19t~s:' Crosssiee Wi'7 'I1'l~-YJt l1.,~O'Jl Cross ,2nd t;l'ass~ a; rare 'z'JfZvi'a:'/til.t p1~od//':l'(],f!ilJoy • sbors

p-eJ~io.a [rt1J"~tn;g ,19],9=,40" bere suspended tl~lrflgGnal:~':; from ~ 2:5' mm rf7)lJicJ'Ft "as' fljl"I()'frf:J Ir'01n tbesecond:

b 'tttotl,h()-le~"

'fP·~n-N.1<'~ .@"~:<O'-'71 1; ;I'f,~,<F.l ,0',:- 'ross Z"' st Class 1~"'"<' I S-:'+'n~i1i'1i1"'11,nf"I',{'\!'ir!' ,c--" L- Cf:;,,£,19 '.'

~~llll~~~·'lPl~. ~~ ,.1 ~l~ ", ;_ ~1~:.~11 .!f. L_~;~~~',., ~.~ r' •. ~-i~lJl',~I~i~~~~M!'~1. ~". ~~~"j

. -

Reoerse (Jf'co,J1.rlJt1X Iro:n CrtJs;s' Ist Class '~)! Scbauert« &

Hiil1jTeltt sbow',t,ng scre.w~baolfl deoiee:

Re:vetr~e of c()'f1)e'f.~',p~:n,~,bacck' Iran 'Cross Ist Class; bjl"' Boergo« & ,CDi

,1,1'~ B'e.l(JUJ~'.:· ,F¥onl' I Jzt1;~e' 1940,': ·mf(rn~bt~l,r8' Djti)'e(

ilJln:tjQ'rmed seruiees tuba usere s!e'Fi'D2;JS~)i uioundes: as a t''(3:S,1J;lt ·Of ,e1it~/I1.~Y action. a,tt.to11rtattcally receiued: ;tl!j;e Iros:

Cross 2nd Class. Tbese ,'/W.tl~ll'~'€~jJ~'1ftent ~_ '!bf) , '0''( tl:Jei~ l~gs' 1~:11 ~:AJle.tetl.' ,b:(}t}lbil7« ,tatd~f 10 n German; '. ,'. oe re ,5];0!

~-llecn rated in 1 q,~~4' 2'

'I .. ~- .- _u~, I'i' ~~.~~



was n .. -: '[ ssary that a.recipienthold l~ e lesse. . g ,:ades' before a hiaher class could he awarded, All grs -, :8' I," warded were worn simultaneously

Duri ':c': t] e Second WO\fld War, Iron Crosi ies W' re made by 'well, o· er r I~' 'ty different manufacturers. but ,'JI ofthes ":",.1115 used rnaste dies produced by jI, ... ~ , .'l," company, Steinhauer Li:" ck of Ludensc 'lei. d, I whose s nior eng 'aver; Emil .' scher, d siaued the 19 .. 19 Iro i Cross. This en ured that all ge uine ,pi .ces, trrespectlve Of aker conformed to a single ideal with identical d .. tailing, By Apt-it 14 _.I.? Web,.··rna·~IJt demands fOr Iron Cross es had exceerk 'I, ,'., ocks available and this f,' sultec in a new' fully automs ted manufacturing process, devised . 0 speed 'up pr duction. Even so, a high-qualtn finish w S mamtai .'. ,d,~

The lowest grade was the 'roll ClOSS Znd Class, 0 E «: '~ It measured about 44.1nnl.ill diameterand was susper .ded -1 orn e rib oon beari 'g 'he CQ,l01ltS of the Third Reich > black, w-hite; 'and red. TI1e' cross Was D~ ade i " three parts: a core an ·· .. '[b,ve,:··-:~· rim an •. '- a

"e* en e' rim. In constructs '11, ".: oth rims were $01- der .. ·'d together sandwicl ing th .. .- ·c,o·~ between ,,- em. The core obverse display .:(l 'a mobile .',' .. istika

(Le, rota ed to stand "'10, one Ieg, givi 19 the impres-

. "

'lon of an .dvancing mov ment .. on its centre and

the date'19139" on its lower arm. Th .. · reverse was plain save f .'!. t11-- original institution date 1'.'1 " ·· •. n the lower arm. The core "WCt~ 110l": ally solid east iror .;J1g,ytTl1Jollic" of" the hardness I., ['~' "hi" Biserne Ze,'~_:~ '.' r 'i" 0' tir ... ' o·f war, .. " ove-enamelled tOI give a

rat b.' Ia ',C, k' ,~:~,.t: I'~·- A', [. "m' I ~a' I umbe r 0, ····f C .... I:·;..;OI,',: e' \. ": ·T,X,Te'·· 'I"";~

. . JLU_il~ -_~~ , .; ":_""~ '. " .... ~!i. LJ - .,:- "·l'Y· ~

produced with blackened brs S : or bronze cores and the ~e "CIt- fa., ,ou.r~d .Y 11:'.V3, . ·ler.~lqnn:l~ Wll0·'.,e i '011~C'O .' 'd eros' ,e~'[ teIlded toust after n1ontl~s, at

~ - ... _. .. -

' .. :a~ TIl'·' rn]) (Jf tl]I, ,B'",' " .~: '\Vas po]isllecl an,d 1 :Cqlle:~,[d

ni[ckel~,~lv~-,,' ,,·i 1. . i frlo~te(l 'b~aditlg.[ ,Mo:st sllspe,n~ ;. iOtl rings. W,et~'e,' ta1llped witll :a inanllfactIlrer)s code' . UJnb.' ~r,~ Lfkt~, ,all Nazi ':~\' .. 3.rids~ t L1e EK·? "W~ .. " i.~::. 'd ul11~nned~

The 'all Cro, - 2nd Cl~ s, .. :~. " . .stow.' Ie ill r'e~'o'gnition of C'()llr,lge or e '·:~,mp]ary Jcondllct~ \VI' ,lll'Ie= S.' nte-cL i ·~t~l': ' .. Ilg iT:,:,111 tIle seC,()11,d~:11t· on1101e of tile tll:t i'· a tra(l~tl' n~ll G~t'lnal1 fa[ 'hiotl res[erve[d for WJr I. ·e. fjrdtiotl' . Tlleteafter~ the rec,ipreli'~ 'u~u'ally. .. '-are the ri\lpo' aLarIe, eit11er fl~o.tn '!1: btl to·nhol,~ O:r Q'n a ribbQl1 bar 'abov,e tb,e left b ·ea.st l)ocket. TIle

cross itselfwas worn only durins p:_lrad,.~s or at other ceremonial occasions. Authority to award the BK~ was c I, .Iegated down to divisional c;O:01iU' rider level. An, e nimated I~ million awards were, .-, :ad.

the Seeo - d World War~ and marry of tic: 'rs consid-

ered it a persor al .> isgrace to return homc f om acti ','." s .. ervice without one. l[u;JZ"waffe Uberst r ajo

Herrmann, W" "0 vent 011 to win fat more prestigious decorations, related in 11~,~~ autobi ... ·graplly that th: day he receivedthe simpl .Iron Cross 2nd CIa. 's ait~lay~. remaim d th proudest I_ .. ay 10:' ] "~Si Iif '0' The

your ',~ ·'S.: recipient was l 2~year .. old Hitler Youth Alfre Z' ck of 'Golde, all~.', ho ire scu I ",.,e· P,

wounded German soldiers plnned (J,Q:WJl by enemy fire to his 11QIT .. ' town in March 19' ·;l" ': . . i~B':' ev'e~ll females, mainly front-line nurs, s. received the cross, and b :~es. - . I.] of EK2s wer .. ,' retained a, all field hospitals for distrfbntien to the' 0108t se. ':erleIy WO~'[ ded,

The Iron Cross Lst 'CI~lS~,,: or 13)(1. was trn nex

",' - .

highest grad ',~ .r had the same dim nsions and

obvers 'ct'·. sign ~ I.S the E~:,2 ln thad ,3 plain reverse. asit W'l,S worn on the left breast pocket at all times in the for 1 0'" a badge. TIle EX': -.:' .:·a~· norms 11y attached to the pocket by' means of ,t( wide, ta pering pln bar onth eve 'se ~. thoughthe recipie t coul .. , ifhe desired, purchase an official copy with a screwback de "i:Y;"~·70.·e, .~.~. .ew -back crosses were 1,' S"~ likcl ',' t .'"

~ : _"_-' y. ~'I- 'iii ". - '. '. ' .. H .. ,.' ". ' ,.~~ -:~ ",1-. "',~. l'~ ,~1 ~_:·l __ .' ••••••• _.

become detached in acC'~· .11. and were .. om : tittles' bent tOI a slightly convex shape to improx e ftt. ,A, small hook 1011 the reverse 1.11) ~ ,t arm preventec tl1 .. --' screw-b ,.,,' ~ cro, '.5 from ~wivellitlg' around on, th .. · tuni .. ~ pocket, M~.n, officers b. mght hili a dozen dup licat ... crosse s and affix'.· [d tl1.eJn _per'mane'Rtly to, all theil~ '€.{l· :1' .. at ~.,:··d d,'," '."S~S tllni~CS~ Til·. p1i:mar)1 rea:;"o for this was to' av()icl th,e dama,g'e wIllet} "'Wl""'uId 1a:" b·.·.etl 'C3llsed to thO 'u:ttics 1),: _lle cQtl~ St311t atta~ching ao,d ""'e.m10I,raL Q( a sUlgle' pin~paclc 0.1'[c ~r'e"W-1;>;a,cl a' ,ard,~ Con>-tnlcti:'n 0 i '11 EK} w,r", much lik:.~· t]J:at 'uf the' EK2 Ie ·cept that s<:)me /SKIs

a .uredlll1oll,,:w all·'y· (7'01·',_5', m.al<iil'.: the,in liglr [et . g 'wear on sl'il'"ts a l1.d: ,len i'1D tnl1ic':~~, The' lLS'.. D,f le'orrvex i(r!o,~~:se'S .': 'as .. '!'. :'ficiaIly 'forbidlden in ,Fe:brtl~ry' 1 ~4" I aIlel ': 'g:. ill fn Mar. 'I 19 '1 ~ bl~lt tbey COIl' il1ued to 'be W:' 'rlll until th.· elld of t11e W~U"~, T'he ·a}\._,,'f,I':7' code

l1"Um' .[" ,' .• ·1) ed to· b'e' ~··.~'tall ped, .int1o th::··".l,in 01" (J'n t [.'

back ()f rll:e lovrer 'arm ~

Nt r t, r-rAl~'1 DECl_······ltt\ rroxs

Authority tQI bestow the EKI was delegated down to divisional commander Ievel, and around 7'3t)~O.OO awards were made between 1'93,9 .and 19'45,., Unlike the BK2; ·tlle Ist Class could ' rot be' conferred 111 recognition ofserious wcunds ... " Bravery lor repeated meritortous combat service had tic) be demonstrated to qualify for the cross. .A few examples follow to give an idea 'of' the wide criteria Involved. Jj=b':oat commanders were usuallv .nominatcd for the .13I('J


on sinking 501,~OOO tons' of el~emy shipping, while

Lufl.'zva_JJe· pilots unight expect i 0 receive it Ion downing five enemy aircraft or completing eighty operational sorties ~ The Army or WctJ1en-SS soldier could 'be' recommended tot the EKJ on performing three or four' noteworthy acts over '311:d~ above that which gained l1i."ID the EK2~ (Jr' for :011e act o'f exceptional courage or daring. 01'1 'a very few occasions ,.1!1~' E,"- 'K] ""1" 1""1 ~I . t: 7('."') W: ~ rere e o '. t."'!i, ferre d sim 11 ilta .iII·] ~~O:.:U- ~II' Iy'·- as l.1, ~ .A «.LI:..U, n..A.~ ... - .. -. J..llL.L .. .." .cI:Jl..I..J..IL.. ~.J. ,I..,... .. ,:" - ." .l.l,;~

in the case ()f}j~-·Obet:fu.l1're,r' Dr Bduard Delsenhofer,

'h . b 1" " 6' Ci4' i!"

wr 0 received ' ."0' .. 11 classes .OJl, 21.1: JLlue' 15,·. jO~! Two

females were . awarded the JiK.l, namely Austrian Red Cress Sister Elsie Gross.maru1 and fhe test pilot Flzlg1e:apl.tu71 Hanna Rei tsch '"

Immediately above the EX,] was: the prestigious Knight's Cross of tile' Iron Cross, or R.ittfdrkrettz des Eisernen Kreuzes, usually known las the RlC .. It' was

1'2,. T1:J'e Kn¢ght~'s C,YJS& oftbe Iron C~~DSS' tl)Gt8 tJOll J1Jr)$t big,bly uaiued combat decoration of tbe ThZ'rd

Reick: tt '.J' .. "J.n"~ #-L.h ,r.'ifJi'5lll:11! c· r ~fJ,.n fn~[;il ~J'II:O collo auial 'nece !GJ:~: .... l!l .1..,'- l~~~l"n~11 oc,..'iJc· V" ,;,f.r_':_,,'" ." -lIl!",Io''';!l;r' J11V." f.~-;~· ~'(;~',_~ ' .r : .. '.l~_ ~~':rt;J1_' ,I~.'. -1~NJ;

acbe' ,salt:! ta be ~iuFl'e1"e,d '~11 ambitious We trmacht

. J!JJ ~ - .. 'T

officer» uibo uiere d>eSp(flrQ;tte to Wi'n it.

created, 0'[:1. c September 19391 as' an enrirelv new grade olf'" the !r'O'1, Cross-and was rntended to .fill the gap which had been left 'by the abolition after I 51l,8 ofthe Military Max-loseph Order" the military- diviSiQ11 lor the Order Pou~,' le MeritEl', the House Order of Hohenzollern and similar i rnperial decorations TILe Knight's Cross was there ore the hig "est .igal~ lantry award which Germ ally' could 'bestow' at the outbreak ofthe Second Worlcl '17ar~ and, lOt] average only one '_ oldier per regiment mighr e. .pect to' win it. All sentries with. rifles were obliged to, present .arms tel anyone holding tile R'. 'tterereua, regardless ofhis rank, 'The: R,K' retained til e same basic design 'as tl1e:EK2 but was larger, measuring 4JfI mm.across. It. was, worn around tile neck' on all occasion "" The frame. was made from real silver, normally 80 per cent pure to allow sufficient .hardness to withstand dailywear and tear; and the rimand suspension loop were usually stamped with the C'O' responding C'O'l1ltinental hallmark '~800'l I, Aurhority to, COlTIer the RitteJll~k'.t~e'ur· was vested ill Hitler alone, although U1

cases of emergency, fOI" example where' the German troops concerned were: besieged.Le could delegate it to corps CJJl11111and.er' level. About 7· " .·~O'O awards of' 'the Knight's Cross were' made between 19391 and

19'·,2'5," W""··"'<·'l"""II;·iJ,;~e a' "hi- . lah '('.~'. gree of br ... avery or achieve-

. ~. ." " ,llJ.'. I~ .' "e'"" l !. ~ •. " . • .•• ...• •• - iilI'l. 'f I .. "' •.. '\J'!." 'iit ." ill. 1 I V ~


i!ii.! .

M- ED tIt"'Ji :-:"'I iit ~NlJ' - '. [-~\E (i '0]- ~ ~ ~-I O· ~ 1}o--" O· ,r t U'" r' L 6 I_,J J'("""1 o· tLi 11.1f~.j\ ~ N ~~ I _ ,~' "~~~~ ~\.J _ " __ ~_.,;j ~ :>', (].\ L i"J~~.~, 1.- r: ._' -,fl'\. :J' " G,Il.(l'V'1 i1t: r

. .

rnent was al'W~SI a, P' -lr'er"'lq/uisite, cr Ite ria, for award

.~ ~l~~ • -

varied considerablythroughout the W(J,1[JrYmtJl"ebt and

were adjusted upwards as 'the war: progressed, Lufw,~,rff~ Leutnant Ego,n Mayet~: ; nr ex:a'I]1-t1~.I;e'" 'won th 'R'~' '",. '1-' 9"'-"';{ '1 e" -: 1-' ,'~-' ,~*;., rtieth r '-,' - :', -; '~ . ~,~~c· (t-~"O'I ", ,'. 'h lle I 1e"l'\ IJ1. -'~, ror 11$ rwerm etn aeriai victory; Vir: ue

0·, "", l: . ~"""'. -, 't- 0-" v,:-u. 1" 1'-"· :'l 't--· . '}I, -: d--'··,- -' l?Q:

... ' uer:_'eUf~rta1(l·' ..... / _o _0 ,1;"Ul,Le' _ lac ,,0' s 100 _ •. ',101', .. ' ,n, , .d~

'~;nIIPfT"y'" planr S b- iefnre he received the cross in :19··,4··~~

~ I' - A - ,~. ~'., I ~, ." .. . ~ .. -.l. _ '._:_ . ··llJ _: ... _. ,O~ ... -.~ _'I -. !II'

~ ~

Fr.egc.t;tte11'k'api'tt.t,n Heinrich . .ehrnnnn-Willenbrock

the commander of 'U-'96~ lJPQn whose 1~1)lOiit-81 the feature ']:)01"'] D-,/;"',~' Boot 'W'·'::,'~I~, based, was decorated

.lL,ij!j., "ILiJWL_t.,.; .L-l _ LJ.. ~, ~ Loll , ~ _ ,. _ _." . ~ _ _, __ ._ u ,

. ,,', lth t] - ,p ,lJi "·~~_lr ,'L'¥n" -I. ~ ,f;o"'- 'f'" ,~J, ..... kin t g' sixteen - ~ hip in - -,

WI, ,11. '"IL. J'(i:";Li& 'rR;,' -bj",lik. ,11;','~ ~UlllJL .. ';," ~.lA.":' ~." '(JliJ" _" I. . _ ,

three . -- onths, on, Iand, Erwin Rommel earned, the

W~iI1'-:- '~-l'lt· II p, .... '. ~ dt ,~·-"I I tl -- . B" '*'tl·- .' 'f F" - -.,- '.'" ~ .-', 'I' ,,",AO"

.I\oJ.ug.1. s ~,rO,SSllnl:tg .... :le.,alL. . e .01 rrance m ;14"

'I! 1 10' '·}·n DI' ..... ( h 'G" h .,.::t f:;\" '" tl'

whenhis 7t.1 rttJl.n4ertVlS'io'n ,t_e·.,'·· aost ulVlSlo-n·

captured 1 O~OQO prtsoners in two days, for liJ tle XQISS" Gefreuer Wer'nel""' Wtal1g·el~ a gunner with Pi;t"1zefj6tf1er Battallon 18,,3 was presented with t111€

!Ii o~

E'V'il E"'Vl' -', ad R' '~ff-n~ ,19~' - 'Z-'C' simultane ';'O:IUS,l,y" O'--''-'fi' 0

1~· ,I\,,,' an. .' t ~,f~ c,_ ,«;rfJ. ~/( ~ .-'.' "lu, ,aJl. . ,.R,-" fO

F b -~- - -- - 19·1: 211"- .. - ··t· t -~.::,~, .. . Jl' - e , ·--a· -. '1I1·'-~' . .

e' ~lnlal1"; ~J .10[' ou : s.l.anull~g' va ',01.1f' [11 rL'pll~.sln:tt,a

Russian .attack virtually single-handedly thereby saving . .he lives of literally hundreds of' 11i~ C'Ol~' rades. 5~~~O:b;(!,'~t,u'fi~mftthrer M'i'C]12el Wjjt:t!l~Uljln of

'1- . st SS ,D" -,~ - ~,., -'.' R" --- ~', -' " .. - \t ,-,,.. .... ri" .d th ~ .... 0 v--, - 1- 3- .

s -,;~ra'n;t;;er · .. ,egtDl'E 1 .. re~ l'\h- _ ,.e.l1..Jf\\_ o'n "./

J-~n1i '1''OI1f·WO\7 19··· ·.··4;4 to r b ~'T7'Ul~ . jrirf d· .' e .str -- -'0- :y"- ed p to' -:·t·· al of .ill"'iJ!"·.· hl ... ,:It:I~~'

_ u 1 L iC,U J :- ~_ 1m,." I 5.:.-"" 1_ _: . ""t, ~,_ , .. , ._ ' " I, _ ,~rt..J' ~1,J....tX"

'~!, ict tanks 10":",-- th at .... ~ '. d-'" ..... I,'" if -- to .'.~ -1' b "--:' t--~ ,>"

o OVl e_: _,aI1.~S,., im : .:3~. same .' _\a}7; as". 1,0 cc enrare, lie

shot Ill")' another nineteen T:.: .,SI 'and" three heavy

- ,

assault .·gLlfl,5~ All SS holders 10.t the lGtight~:_, Cross

automaticallj qualifie d. for the Death's , .. ead Ring -


the highest 11(),tl.CJ711r which Hlmmler could bestow

upon members 'of Iiis HI-acl Order, Several Ilion, .. , G!e'rm,211,S were decorated With the RKJI but there

. ,.

were nc) female recipients,

It iSI wnrthy of' note 'that the va~' maiortty oi~' Knight SI Cross holders- wore only their original award pieces and never purchased so-ealle ,- 'dupli-

cates for front-line use, Unlike the: EN 1 , the

,B.·~~t;ter'er:eI4Z had to be taken off when changing uni Form 'and l~'O could verv easily be moved fromone ord ~_.. of d· re ss to an Ir):t· .h I er eTI'· .. :1· ., 1'1 rivat p ~"o!fi' le of

u~ " \....JL __ .~ .".:.. . ~ .: . . .' itl...· Y' - ,- ,,"' '. _'.' r JJ. ."1 ,Q'~1Ii;,,;. r~41: ' . I:J

replacements for ItD,St· or dalllage'd. Knighr S~ Crosses 'was expressly forbidden as early 'as ,22 October 19 ~ , 'after which date all duplicates were 'available; onlv up on application, through official channels,

i. I .,...".~ . -e-»-

. However, several photographs testify" to the fact: that

'3 signiflc'atl. ~ number- of soldiers newly awarded the R.i-ttfJ..rkre'uz WO,['e III Iron Cross 2 n d Class, around tile' throar. or even in tare cas'le's an EX'1 pinned

~I '-' '.


- •• r' - _. ~ ._

through the knot of the 11'E'ck tie, pending tile presentatton ceremony when the RIC 'Wi~lS fortually bestowed, This practjc·e' became increasingly common towards the end of the war;

During the ear1r campaigns of 1939-4!, it became apparent th at a still h '~o-h' er decoration 'l"l'M;e,

. , ..... ,4, ',,' " _I~ '--. '~"" _- ~)- 1,'_'[_ ,- ,Ji.a, "'--' < ", J..,' - - " " "', Y'¥,'Q,(;jI

called for, and on 3 J,11ne 19,40 Hitler instituted ·:a11.

_.o;,;-_: .', :,.

oakleaf cluster to be attached above the Knight's

Gt93'S,,, TIlle Oakleaves, 'Of' Bi'cb~e:rtIPl1tI.'Q device was

.renghly circular in. shape and measured 2(l nun ill diameter; It featured three 'vertical silver oakleaves. title middle 011e superimposed upon the other t\V:O~ TIle' reverse was smooth and slightly concave (never hollow or {lilt) and bore a '-~·ll pension loop and hallmark, \1flhlen awarded 'his Oakleaves, the recipient sun.ply removed the oeiginal suspension.loop from his Rfrl and replaced it 'with tile cluster, The original

[,- ho '[-li:ved Intentinn was that the Oakleaves, like

th os te.' to the Order PourIe Me'~lle. during the First World War~ would bepresented 'only to senior officers in recognition of tactical battles WOIl" and the

fu~s"t' awa "1~~"A1 dulv went t 0""1"1 G·······';;tjq?'::ta4f!':~:l··n,b··.··~ ~QI4P:~ E-:-'d' luard D' "l~ etl

.' IGiL, ''Y¥ '_ ll. Ul U .,IL1~. . . '. '\..,;.,1.:.:1::._, .': " __ iI;#, Ilr!&!o,- ,I#,I;~. ~ ~ .. , ~ r ~ J,. .' ':IL., 'all.. ··c. .' c . \i:., ., .

in ltlly 19[410 -. for his direction of ''[11'(: capture of Narvik, During the Second Wo,t'Id Wal~", 882 clusters were presented, ,pi g-1"'1 t':.. [o';,'f'-- the m to 01' O·····.,}' -Gerrn ·nn[i.:,_

W('~, . "JLL.. ',_' . "'"":II "--l~j_-.JI,.. '. . _ ' . , __ " . ..!It,,_ . "-"'.' '. _}=U.1g '.'

~,1diftw'Cl:De M'alQf Waltf;r N()WOt1ty r~c~,ive'd tIle dc'c,or~ti~Jn, ll1 ] [9:43 fOlf d:e'stroyin·g' -, [8~9 ~ir.cr~lft~ NavaJ, /(~l!jpttanle,ut11~~a/f:lt Siegfrie'cl Wll~p,perlT1ann, :earn.e:d it' 'by" sin 'kil1g ,f()l,l:r' d'estt;,oyeE5 - five' tank:ers ~ a sllbolarine' :and:a t.:ol~pedo, b.Ol3l ill a, thre'e:mo,nth pl,eridd~ In tile Aillny,WilJ!iffn.'~SS' an(I o,tIl.er gro'uflq ,for'ces~ per.~o,n,al

br-a-' '1 i'P ry· , o""f' ,th':;,··~ hi·';·'al"'1le~t Q"r"de-I"!' f"\r'·OII't·"~:t-'an-' A:'n'g-leacle"'r-'

, ,c_:' __ VL " ,>,I~ . '~:.OIl. :~."i;j '- j'_' : -~ ~,':, ' .. "rd~ '. ~LU~, c, ,: .. :,.~i, :-,:-'

sh;jp~ hap t[OI be_' em'O"llstrat,ed b_'fore' atIy ,recon1~'

m·e-"'n"·' d-'- ~,t, ;'Q·.·~··n~:· &Dm~'r~' 'th~I-' "e· [ci··:'· l'l~:t-"',;f2i.;t!(i!!' c.··.· ·:o.>·'"'~:'Ir-~ b:.e',·: c.···· t':\'1,].; '~11J r~'P'~~'ld"i -

0·' '-.: ~ll ~ ~ - h' -.-. .1" _..... ~.' ,. ~ ~ ~.~ _.Lr.;l. .'_ UJL~I ": . _' ~i.l."~\;". _ 'lJt~1l:.\L. ',_ •

'n, '-I'"'"trie' 'V' ne-'r'-:-cni"1J~11Ih7~ ~~"If"':lI-·'rf"'.~n·-~C'~~d-',· a"'U- - r: 'e' ""F"'·O:";·1-1-~1l-'-n" en'~'a't=I:"··O·c, Il~

""I '1' ..•. ~, F,'I:~._ ~tU':lJlJ~~'J ~~,Jt. I"'_'IJ~~UIG'~ '". t, ,_i: _.: .. i~t .. ·., . _> ~ ~U":' ,.1 I .. ..!" ... 1!3

3!ld, ill tnost c'~'_s:,es", l),teseltt.e,d tll: '3t~tal~S: llfins: If' :at

F'~"ht- 'H' ,. d- ~ ~ M" -, -" ~'- _ .. t

u' '~'er , .. it3a'- quarters:~ ~_": oreove,r~ re,Clp1en~'S wer[~

g,"_'c-.t:l!'O' ·W,--", II! '-c--,- -, ",,' - "-'lb'-,"]'-"c';;'-'h'T ~,-- t'I' ,', .. ,,', P" . s-"I, ",,' d-' ", -,- 'fur"",

IV~ . ~,~xunum pU, : l"~~1 '111 .. I:1e ',::,'re','s au- '9n " . 'e

r1tld~.,al, 1[1 th:·. upper so,c·ial [cit~clies'), a llil;terlarc~uz ·mit

EflIiP'i1I"r:::N!J!l'rl~ll~ W"" , ,"0"· ·ul' 'd·: o· "p~····e"l~- 'a": 'g'-' \e· ... '}~t ltl'''I-I't.)i,n' 1;\"",lo,"'o'·lr"s"1 n-,';'''\I-'':_

,1!t.;o'Jr~.~,,~_w:~t~ ..... .' ... ." ,1 .: ",~.r n, _ Jin,~Jl_iy ~l..' ,,')c.,lJf

It 01, d f' l' 'b' 1 'b k·' ds

m·l ''"'', "."I''''e'l''""' t"'" :,'"p", "", '_,' ; -,1-,.,' "", '"""'""',,,, ._",' ," ',l,"""·':-,

. . ,- ~ ) ,'. -;-. '. . - L.! _', '; I' , I ;' .:n -:: -. _ • ,',:"",: !. I':

.',: Bl",Y ,-,,()S . _,cO Dl_n Q _=runl .. "e .... acgrol~n._, .. ,

T""'" ~ '. t·r~"";'1'.. 7t1'", -, - r- .. 1 "~l:h··· ,-'- ,--' I'H't~::;, ... , "o]ld' '-'e" ",

1~ 111' l'u'ullC ,o'n, 0" 'a ,ng', 'er=,ralUSllIg ,15'" :,- 11

'\Tersitjl1 ~o[f the Q:akleave's 'w'a.s CO'llsld'o'"ea ,eariv in

- • ,. ~ oj illJ.

10'"&1' :b'-"t -,~'" ""t" '';;'._;'i;.'.' d In' "'-'t,· "d'- ?'1 J'[" .. ,

- .7~ "'1 ,.ll- W"a~ no .. IJIQ"gIe:ss,e, ' __ I ,.' ."~ .e,l.[f, ~ on ~. ,~li.lJ]j .. '

tl t ii ntfi~' "'--, , 1- th- d- be_£' l' .. d" d'

"I' , " ," ".,' .'" -,..' ',,"·1 ' "- ' " . :,,' " ' .. ',-:-~ I"'" -," - ,-::-, '," ,'c, ,-', ' " . ' .. ,'" " , .

-l~l_ ye~r~ 5rc:"g _ :lean" y ,e II, -~y ':" ,o[r,&:! l-e mv~ €;_

8,oviet R'llssia~ I~itler' el~,e~lte,d a'S -a H'f!W ,incentive to Ius tb:r.ces a Sllc~ces,stv~e ,gr~a,d.e. :Q~f t]l,: 'lllf: to b[e kn,OJ~l'1il

:a"':c, t' 11e Oakle 4~T,~.:~ and ·S:···w.·\~·o':- ·r-C,;:fr,S'eI' 'o---'r'w.r~,q~I!I:/fl:u"'"b' ~'NJ,J·t~

~. '--:} . . .' '.~ ~ftl . 4- ¥ ~~ a ·.U ' .. ,- '.'",. .=~. I~ ',', JJlt~L"j;l,"',,- I~-' . "I"[IltfJ-I',

.... - . ... .- ~ - . - -

t'f: ·;r: t . 1~'·' ... d d .. id - ...... 1

~'ICl{J1!1'e:r teen. . rus COlnprlse r a .... evice 1. •. tenncat to

rh e·il'~' '" ",,'~ oakl af' '1'=, ","t, ,-- b , it ·····~·t·-h-, t'·r ~'·d::d~,t-:"" '., of

ae ,S~:I ver 03: . ea C us .er ou wnn tne a ,Ii lJ1.0J1 Q ..

.' ..- ., :' - -. - - - -;- -. - - . "

.~ I" 1 tr.Th ,I, l-

two cresses sworns netow it, 'I-" .. e suspension GlOP'

1 1 1- tl J d" I n

""l#j . v; Ii!" ',. • ." '_ ",.-,. • - . .../'. "",. ~ . ...-.: ,".. . ' :II .... _ J" " _~ ... • ~ - ." • - ~ • ", I , -- -- ,-- ~.

was ',3 S0 rnncn enger; so tnat t ne sworus 11111.g W7e;

'a' b'" ove ... :1; .. ' - =. ,~, "-;:, ,'--::, I' -,,-.' o f t '1,C', -', ':=i. ~·o·' ',-<. ,j!' . -; 'd"'" ' .. ;",,', ";0; ,',,' : e .' '!II

t;,~'1 rne upper arrn o ne C:rI!ISS, 8JI, never o~·-. ,-

l~· ,', '~"" ,,-, , I' tt A tot 11 ' "f' }' 5-(1 61' .', , ... )'f.. 0"«' 't'h' , e .. - ... rds :,' rappen .1. ~ c', ~\J la_ 0.1 -'7' a~·ru:-us [ 1, e ··l1-:WOfl_I_S ~a.~~

made during the war, the first being presented 01') 'the date of Institution to l,£iftuJa[fe. Oh.e''FstJ(tut:n(lnt

". _'.

,Ad .. o,If' Galland f@.'r his sixty.,.,nitlfu air vietorv itt} the

- ~ J

west T' 'here :"W .. '. ':~:~ onl y":" one foreign 'r,~er'["'n~~,p;n;.li

'V'¥''L:01 .I! .. ~. • ~i3'Ji,. ', : ." ._l. .. -~.l, .' .[. ~~, ..I.. L,.~ 'r,~,~r 'It.,

~1:apan,e:s,' Grand Admiral Isoruku Yamamoto. areht-

:t-:<· ··t ' '-f'· tl '-:-'1 iI tt /i';" .A,' .. ' ',-., p" ~, I 'cT· _;o"",: wh "--1""" rth

,e'c 01 __ If arrack on _! ear rtarnor w ,0 was P'QS lU-

-'-,-, .mslvawarded t"1l··,·,,·"E{Y2": E'-':!'Vl~ R:-·-rr [0·-·',1,...'T····",,····,,',···ll mOll- y awar _e:~, )lle ~A .. ~ J:'\._" .'. 1 A,~·,_:a~eave~! all(-

Swords simultaneously in 1[94,_J,~, As with the'

. .

Knight's Cross, the-private sale' by commercial firms r

of" d _',. lieate Q·'···1-.:.:,.I'e:; ,"e- "-'. :" .. -:: id c, .':. r; : •. ··'1il1d-,,' .", ttacl '~~. ,n' rt W', -;', r oupaea ... <:-'.a,AJ,I, aves all" CJW'OI_,g,,;a,I:a, nments was

strictly prohthited In October '192jl,~ :Ftt?l'111 then on 'a·11 0" fficial-issne 'p--' l~e'c·p~· w ere 'p- "'flO, :,d""'iI'IIICC ed bv IG" odet 0'" f

'.' '. '.' .. ,:_J.a . -;lj.~t..~. ,::....' _ L'~J . ., ....... ' ,'= . '.:"_ '&",e1L.,'\",.;:_,;r .. :1'." _' .1

Berlin and were supplied only through government h I,

c ,311D.,e S,"

On 1_5 ,July 1941.~ Hitler upgraded the HK sti]]

.- .

further by instituting the Oakleaves, Swerds and

Diamonds (Ei:ch'en,laubl m·it Scknoertern IlfZil

E' ~l'l:· ,- - ~ _.) -- ~l' 1- . 'l'~l' 'I ' .. ~ -I'-! t' 'b D--''- ~ --' - ,- d-

, ,"j , , 'I: ' - , ',', ,'" " ,,' , , "" "I ' I r' ,'", , "" ,", ' , , , '

, ,rl_-,,~a,n_.(!'~ " l-f~'lla_ y 'Cia._: ,·er(~ ,sllDpJY _ Clam'on_:-~,

Tllll' ~ . ":l:YXTor,lil'.;,d· T(.]'q: iW2 S'i 111 j 1 f:]lf'-' t'--o" t' h' e 0' ""ak1e'~'v'e~! an' 'd- ifJW"-O'1;~~l~,

" G a:v¥a_",i;i~ -~~_~Ai1;.', .' I.'. ....,' ... '. _"·A,"~ ~ --.,.~. "[JLU'~

. ". - .... ~ -.r .' ..... _ .. •. = _. ' . "

[levic'e, but "WaS enc.rlt~ted ~w'ith 45 ..... 5,0 (ll~ln'Qnds of'

T' '~L A C,ih, -::,Ii' .. ' f···~ T-I~¥J .'~';:v)h'.'-, :/"1 Ir'!i) .. A,,-,}i. fY;f-: +b: e J' - -'Ao" .n-.~:-::- ,- ~ ~

.: JfJr;, ,L-',l1tJlJ (') ~Dr:;,. ll:iF"/w;n~b li.,' US':'1j, 'v ,~j, .. ' rL:ftU L:'P.D,S~f;,.

~ . ~

,N1EDj\I~,S, j\J\[D~ Jj·'B():rRJ\ nO,NS, OF IIIT-LE,RtS GER~Y

differ rr : .siz1~~8"" 'O,111":~ twente-seeen awards of the

'Ji ~

1(ru[g11t's Cross wlth Oakleaves, Swords and

Diamonds were made during the W~~~/ the Ilrst b¢tn;g .on 16: J:llly ,'941 to L1Jlttw[qffe~ (j,(9'(4iP$'.t Wern'cr

;M'o',u lde 'f' ,~\ C""O- mmander '0-" f Iaedoescknoaaer < 1- tJO"1l1li hi- 'I ~!~ ,.1' _- .- .:. ~,'c. , .... l,!I,~ ,~U!J.,hb.) •. -!,I.,I;14"e'~o,~dr~,f:iJ,~.".I~~~1 ,...# :_' 'I' 1;~'~_,' _,~,

de'stttlct:itJll. of rwe nty-eight Russian aircraft U1L the first three weeks of the eastern campaign, TIle ever"Cl]al~,gifig nature of' the presentarion criteria is, tndicared b',~ the fact.that Ob"e~rs~t-·· ermann Qr~JLf.'qualifie4 for' tile Diamonds in September 142 L,y.s"hQ'OW18 down 1'7" e"lflny planes, wlli1e 2l,~ye:~r~eJd l'~tajo"-1 Erich :B~rny Hartmann had '=01 de5t,[i[ry :'~~'Ol '~lirc~Jra"rt before he won the award in Atl,~,llS:t 1944-~ Almost half of all Diamonds bestowed went to the L tt/tu161ffi. ',~

)' ri S~~QI_: er.st-(j-E\lpLp~,ofrilire-'~' S"epp tJ,tfl1:r1~cb ,u},ez;t:ri~g tbe 1Jia'nQ!~\~ds to tb;e Kn~gl(Jt~s ,C1t)'S$ W,~'~itl?' J,'(! f~ec_(!it/~a 01'l rl AUg,l{~t j 91,44, :/Qrr" "1Jis c'Q~n?JtQtn,(JJ' 'q(' ,1 '~t SS~P~~nl~;~.t~

I""',o.··:r-]·" .' '-i'f.~ 1\.,r,h;.tit,~VI·"I' "-toil ,J:; I ~ ... ' _' . ~~ [[/ l"it~ l.~,!·J~-'" [,11' 1.>!1~~:I.l-[rll~'~ _' ~

,011 .,29' December .. · 19:4~ Hitler .creared W113t Was to he tile highest g'all~ll1,tJ~y' decoratton of' the T11±1~(1 Rie,iCb~ the '(iQld.¢n Oakleaves, :Swlq'rds: and I'iamo.n,ds tOI the Kj1i;g~bt;:, Cross, This award 'W1I5

ld ~, I' - 1 D' ,~ d b ;:;I, d 'j 1 .. 1'1

t;, ennca , tOI t JC .namonc 5" nut W~ prortuoe m nau-

marked gold and-was to be t'· strlcted to a maxin .nm of rwelvcrccrpienrs. Tlle. sole winner was the extraonliflary L/~ft.iJ),atfe :Ob'eF.st Hans-Ulrich Rudel, COl11~

.mander Of ,$clJJlar;h~ge$chwade!J!i ,2 'Immelmann', W]10 flew' an -astounding ~ 5301 'sorties .:3;.s a Stuka pilo '011.. the .eastern front. j'le personally destroyed 532 S,o'v,ie:,~ tanks ,,(tlloe c'quivJl1e1'lt of ftve armoui ed di171.siOltts) I 15,0 an'ti~airerdft batterles ~ the 'b,attl>' ship

:\1,,1 'i~;fi t. ' a' c- - rui ~ e'~ . ',",' a:-' i.J':'P IQ:t" roy' 'p'r ~ e' ''I:"r.G n" rh7 Ian din '0' C II~~ ft

.I'U6v.I' ~,~ ,~_.".~' 6, ~~I,~ ~.' U~';j!: ,_,'LI~J ~,''''.Ll L,L,] ·,A·, ,~Jt,o' -' .. :d..l

and numerous other vessels. Rudel .alse sccred nine

..-- -. - .. :- _.... - - ~ ~.. -' - - - ~ - - - :.- - -

aerial victories, a, unique achievement while flying'

a .dive-homber. fIe .survivcd being ':5110t down .more

th- ·'1 'tt'ii ,t" .'-1~ ,~:,i'""t.:T,r tim iI;;i;""" In .. ' c- !1--1~~~}.'" f) 'S' ;;~x -0' c·· p~ ~·:1-· 0-"'1'1-" ~ w- . he "'U-- '. he _~,J(.;I -~ .l~u.il:=-'·~f.:· '~_:.:~,~'~~, :.", -illLJ,q~~~~: '.- " -~AJ:; J - ;" ,iii ',' ,.I.J.,-:: 'b

~ .

ctash-landedbehind enemylines, alid once 'es'c;~"~ eo

after' belng captured by Russian 'troops. He was wmmded fiv.e' times. In the last weeks ofthe' wax he

.. .. ~ . - - -_ ... . ~ -= - - _--" --;;; - - . - .. -: - - .

l'0;5.t)3 1~1g ill ,a(::t~on but soon .returned to hls squadmn 3JaCl 'ldes!tFPyed twenty-six 'S~o~let . tanks, wL1il,e 1~lyin,g -wi13'il one f(J;<~Jt, using-a sl)e:ciafiya,dap'te'd rudder pedal] As, the enlv holder 'of Ills connrrv's

. ~

11_ig~1,est b,tave-ty award, Hans-Ulrich Rudel still fea-

tures in the record b·QoJ(~ as the most bi'g:ll1y decorated combat soldier in history,

'The :~fjlti'O'r grade of the £I€ was the Grand Cross 'Sit G1~ag$kTf!tJ/Z.;'. which had existed stnce -1811,_:,.~ Wm,.(11 around the neck, it was i,d~,ntica1 ["0 t11~ RK lzflJ't ~'as much lareer measurtne 6'3·"" D1m across. The

, .. '. .,,' t.~, 'I ' . " t . . 0 . '. . ,-, . ",--" .

(}...J..i!IO··· . ~llil ... ·L'I?"D~v.lZ·'· ""!['I~r--41'S not a b"'iP.~T7'';::'''~ t;lr'W""JI' ''t"' d '-b· 1I1"t ~m "

, ,t:'~'_"i;,~,;~;If;3,:':~~ ··.lfV« . ll-J.; .. _:_ '''=" .);L.:'-i't''L.:'~: 1,.: ';~t-::_ '~;" .. l>'",. _ I", _ C\'\Vd" .'

mtended .solely fc ~ efl_' '. eral officers whose st~4tfZgy 11~l(] ,3: decisive effect DB the C(:)Ul:S:. '. '~f the war, The

,,...,. '- ]"~ '1;1' old P'J?'" 'l-·'f· ' .• t?iIi, P '. ~m ~ii"lti_]~n,,,;1 C' - .. >'''"0·'' I~t~' 'Hl!":a~ 1:TA~'''!l]' 'i""Ii n",.lI:

~' . ~i'- i '~' I ,~'. ~ .,\ ... ' l:J1,~ _ ..... ~~Ji_ '\if:'{~"ciU Ie ~~-'-J"J~ ~~'}j' ~ ,). .. .L_L.. .. ~![j_~fu

G~Otill~ whe r lcei~," d it an, 1,9 July 19,40 in recognl,til . --' f "hi: L- - , £.1- t If""" ji ~ ,- -"'t'~ .~ b'- ~,]. .. t , ~'1.·· B'-l' 't .J·:f'Ii'!iil..t. ,~ ..

non o· ,":8 .·,'I;l;; .• ·Wtif:JJ",(!·~~· contn .. _:ULJlOn o:ulle""',-~'~,1f&,rz~g

'qiC .. I'·· .. ,O····'~,S:": "~e·'·~--+'le-:-·'rI·l,,:· Eurone :-f':l1'O"-"''':'A t ,1I.1·lh ,--, ... anid deteat O· . ,'4?' d,.~! .1 WI ~L .. . .. . .'. ." ~l("" A. U JI. ~ J:,_~~, _c, .~.L\""~I ,- II

France. .Like Brtl,'clle',~ . before' him, lle Immedtately h1c01~gOi17at~-d, the prestigious dCC'011JrO'QO, into, the design ef his personal standard, ,A, single' Stat ... of the

, ~ 1

Grand ~C·rass., '. ~iSt~. ~. taldng: the form of all. EE: l rivet-

ted OIl to an eilglit~po'intea gilded Silve,r st,ar measuritlg" e7 '1]111~ across. It 'Wa,y~ apparently Interrded to be wO'nJ- IQl1~ th'e left b:teast -ill CO[ljllDCtioll with th"c G,rand Cr'QI1ss;:) 'as :& 11"igl'lE_f cl~~i~ 'by tl,e field. ~lnarshaJ

whom Hitler would decide had contr bnted most to '1'1 . 111' imate 'V~'i t.'·. '. [I'~' t I' 'I" Thir.,d Reich. Similar

awards had been made tOI Blucher after Wat.'r]oo ar .~. to'. '·':0.11 Hinde .' bur g f 1 .... wing the Battle of Amieru -Arras In March. 19 I 8~ For obvious reasons, the '·,·azi star was '. ever bestowed, I.. now resid .sin the U.· Military A .. cade Y' Museum at West: Point. In ,'. .simib ... r vein, a planned Grand Ct'QS'S in 'Go' d with a

dlded silv .. r trar .. ,··.·' wa"'1 considered but rej .. cted by the' Fi4/g·re'Y OJl the grounds rhat i~ did not ce: :fi .,Irnl to the .-.' o ': .ross tradttion.

W1.1e.n the Iron !C' 'oss was reinstituted in. 193'9~ a Bar was created fOI'-~" hose who had been awarded tile.' cres "'_' during tile First WI·.·· ld 'Wa ." and who were aeain awarded the same gra : :" . the Second World Wa -~ The 19,~.·9' Bar to the 11914 ,EK2 measured ,~>l mm across c', ndtook the formo ~:a national- ·~·gl. ar d swastika mounts d o,n ~a frame bearing the date -1'9·39~., Silver ill colour it had four prongs all tne reverse ai .d was 'worn with tl}·.·" . 91, EK2' or 0' a niece of its black 'and white ribbon thr ;llg'l "11e second buttor thole of the tunic, The 1'2~3'9 Bar to the

c 1,4EKI was similar m design but hac a wingspan of ·44 mm. It was worn above the 1914 'HI( 1 on the left breast ) 'Ick,e't., Doll' weeks ,tfie;l; the Bar's insti-

.ution. sev ."fa! _:;- erals were presented with both classes simultaneously and in practice many holders of the 1914 IrOl1 CFO',':', Wl10 .... zere s ill actively serving in tile armed '_ orces after 19',3~9'

'~C' ~el~'·\·}':;ed··' th e'" B"a:, I'· ·'al·IID· . ost at It"O" ·ll'"I""ila··'·t· .. ic .... ·SIi·U .. ly .. A·'> rl'I'J'U' iber of

~I.". ~" •••.• ! ..._ " - _." _ ... ,I, • " I.. . .' __ .. j.JlrJ; . 1_ -.:.. _- liItl..-. . iii '.' ." _"-. '. . i ",.~

va ria 11 Bars were ultimau .. ·Iy , .. reduced, including ~: . -=-"..1.1-1 (. ;,' -:: p' rin 'z·-:- '. D' types fo oi'" -«'.c:e·a·"'" Wl"', ," "11" t···1--1-··· E·~:-,:r2·· O '·1"

I,.] ;~'" . £ .' . I Ir}.'" ~!I.. -I., ". -." __ J.., ',',",. - 1 .. _ _ .ftJ.:i - ,,' ,

. h .. ' c'ou .. t-mounted ribbon I and EX'1 Bars soldered directly onto rhe upper ann of the 1914 cross.

On 9 March 1943. Dr Goebb Is re e " ed in Ins diary 0 plans for' a 'ne rt-of- .. :~.-, b· dge for presenta-

tion to the .. ' ives or' mothi rs .of s-o diers killed ilirl action. It was ., ... () take the form.ora black ribbon with a small Iron Cros ~I attached ... : h project n ever progreased how .. ever; although the ITOID C ross regularly .' eatured O_D Nazi rnilitary grave markers and as a can-

cella iOl sm." Pi in idellt~.- '.' 'dO'C'llneI1ts' de.noting '[t.e 1101de:r~·:· Id.', .tIl in b,attle~

Aio:"lg wit11 til, st,~·,.l 11elrrte~' ·a.od J.alckboo·'. the! 1""0'0 ClOSS be'c'am,e ,a (,"Yll1holl of' hi m ~',.ita.ry .fO.f'ces of t.- e T'hird R_eich,. It 'tlpp.eared 0:11 prop:agaltda ")(9" tcards, r;O,~'tru.m.·, .fla"g.s 311d b,ad~g,e,s. R' .···cip-··~: .' ts

1 7~ lSl'~' 9 Btl11 S to fl,,(! 1914 Iror , C?:~(1" s.

~eft.~ 2nd Class. mou. ~ tea on -it, butte ':. 'hfJl.' ribbon ~ Rt{ II ' .. e- Ist Class.

.a"'~. ted it on their ai craft rudders, tanks and

11'11 11~'"' '1 .', I aft ,~ d

artt .. ery . .t!le.ces~ ote.s w 'r' . named .' I,-·er it an:·

$011:S extc TIed its glory; This mys rique continued long after 1914.5" as exemplified by films and novels like CtQ~~~: of Iron and Blaah ClOSS. A .' 'J1 result the ItiO!1 C '"Orssh'as arguably become the best 1~110Wil. military decoration in the '.' orld,

T.! . HIQ:;OI.." Rou CU:,P'

In JUly 19'41., the Army High Command drew up 'a Roll of Honour to record gallant acts by soldiers W.lO had at eadv won the Iron Cl"O'·~S Lst Class but

. .t'.

who se most '-, xent bra, e ale -:ilons di' :.', 110t qualify them for the Ritterhreu» The - ..... vy Inaugurated a

stmllar 50 ... called . tonour Table ~_' 1 February 1943· and tile L~fttv,~ure lid li cewise v Ith its 1~ onour List, It was not until 1944.~ however; that a. decoration

tt7· S··· C~I·~e· ated I '0'· .'. """, . "'IQ.g·.'.··· . lse 1]-110.18.", · ... O 'lc""'e' '[ .... n' 'e' ,d" o~' I ....

VV l_ I'_ "'_:_ _. ".. ~1 ;l~!· _ I' I .' JL.,...:..' ,".. _" ~., -. " '.' . . :. :_.!!!! II. - -,_ "-- .' - ' .

wardty The Honour '. 011 Clasp, or Ebrenhlat, Snen .:ae·· was a·lll~-e·:· d t '0· : tl . '. ' . ". o~in'-' C .• ' . flO" .. :, " .. ",', ··1" ~l~ .. ·s .. · u'" ''111 th ar it

~¥J;IIf .~ .. ,VVL,I-.·· _ ..... I .... ' . '. ~" .' ,..l .... _,~,

"\Va '. always' worn~Ilrough tile selc.Q . d b'llttorul.ole of 'h' tuille attached to a piec:,c_·' of 1'-~9 EK2 ribbo1n ..

Mlflo110 lJr·R.ol1 Cl~'··p ... o,ok "ile fo -m of"a wr".'atb of OR '" ,',ea'l:Te,~,~ ab.ut ... '. Jrulf} .in dialn··.te'~ T.lle .L~v·'·

. . 'f" .1' .. ~

yeIJ·ioll institllteld o·n 30Jltll11.1ary·19 '~4~ fe'a ur·.··da ,::-il'hO'ue~tte'd swastika ill the Icetlt I .. of th-e ~featll, wlill ,-


18~ Tbe Army Honour RtJJll: G"l!lasP., 'atta,()/!Jetil 'J1S'J)'el ' 1f~~g ~~lat"t(JJ.I <5 fJ· .. ' 4 ,len:g,tliJ . ?i'llOl'l Cross rfJjD~(J,~ t:

tl e Nary" clasp dati', .gfro '[ I '. Ma,y~, had ail anchor

and' swastika 'T' 'h e Luttu: jI·.pf;,er" clasp TI'Y.as·,,··· P' 't·" a' bllst ed

, ;, ··I'V,.",,~,l..rt.'-":-1I ,,:~, , ~1'~!f:';V."~:JJ:~~" '1_. l\ ~:' ,,,"v,.," L,.;:' ,~_,:-. _I, .01,',

011 5 ]ul,t; and featured a flying' eagl 'm All of' these clasps were' stamped in high relieffrom 'a ztnc-b rl s;ed alloy an were gold-plat ,·d with polished highlights. Holders of ,.lle Honour Rcl Clast and the 193,9 Bar to the 1914' EK2 were not permitted to

wear both from t ie second '~~·~.IU tonhole, L~O the' EK Bar tended to be "':/' orn on ',;'~ tib'b:' m above the' left ",""'. east pocket Ieaving the butter l'olle fre,e for the Bbrenblatt Spl(t!J18,e ~

TIl' Honour Roll Clasp was a rare' .award, ~:in:"e i . was not zetroactive but was' .given only to, tho ):31e entered on the Roll from the beginning of 1:944,',~; Around '4,500 went to, soldiers 01 the .Arnrs and


W't1:1Je,;I'~-SS~ Far rewer ... 'ere presented tOI l1.tftul~J!e·

personru L and the naeal verslon was, bestowed least ef "all·· ·,it1.1 around forty reciplenrs. Offic 'a~YI uie clasp ran .. red below the German Cross in " ... ~:,old.~ but in fact it was 11e1d ill higher "re'. ard.



. . ....

,19~ Ilo1'J'OU1~"RollIClarps (~f'tlj,e,_Ar~ Ll~affe·(r-~81!}'t).,

I''''en with the VtUi:OlIS· classes of' ~'~h'~ Iron Cross, Hitle: felt 'that there 'was, ,still the need for a. (leciora~· tion to recognise an .accnmula tio , . ,,'f ~'epeat .. d or conruruons m' "1"li·~·t'''·I''''y achlevem -;- "en' t P' articula r ,h7 'at

_I." ' ':l..l,.J, l,;. \.:J '''oil" " il'U " . '''-.-.1, . . v', I. [-', " .' ~ "t I, LJI,,~ 1""'[1-' :', ',.J!.,J '.'.

the ront, On 28< September 1941. during the .. a~rl~·" stages of the assault on MosCQ"W 11' fil ed this perceived gap ·b· cte,ati11g.-~':, (:' e impressiv star-shaped

- _ . ~ J. I .

':V~I'r'" Ord er of the Ge errn ra n C .ro ··S'~S:: O-1f" Krieesorden ':~;~s"~

w:,'4 ". ' v .' _ L ' . , . ' -" ' . _ ..... jIL .l\.'~ ~ c· ~,'!!>l ' I Rv:,t (~ illlr·b.

Deutscben Kre;U£E!:"i, -I: nall , termed the German Cr .~.~ ·o·~'-rD···"'a.7 A'· I" th .... :. 111m" te "U·(1;~.:·e':;"s,_.ts': 1;1 '. '~-~'S' "':'0, beer -

~~L3 ~ .', u I~ E '.':" ~. . _ _ ~ ~' -' ",. • ~~I' • , ~ - - - '. V'V ~, ~IJ) , . -' - r

sen' ::. :d, 0'Jl1,': during wartime. Hitler's: ,o.ri;ginal intention 'had hi' .. en to ~ca·U the-new and o . ertly Nazi award the 'Order 'f the ,I: wasttka' .. but 11,e 'Was pcrs .iaded

~~ h

against this by t .. 't· ~adit~~' . mali 1 Wi'brl1iillciJt Rig J.

Com"lna11,d.,311d $:0 tt e German Cross' of th·, , title, was adop ted instead to refer to the ruassivr black e:O~~lITl-J swastika which formed the centrepiece of

'the star; Slg'tlific·an.tly the swastika was place xl upon it re,( -horder 'I:: silver (lise In tile ' . anner of tl e

'~1i11n'r;-rA-' riv D'T]'C:;O' b ).. ~T-' "TO: '. N"-='"

1,.¥J..L :L..l" . . "'._ ~~,'~ ..' ~:, '> :' ,If, t-t . _. ....: '. . "

NSDAP" membership ,bl,ad'g~,": 'There ls no donbr that the ,(le~Jgn ofthe German C(QSS, was such as to be a .statementofthe gilo-;l{tcariClll of Nazism and 11r' mil-

... "

itaty mlght, at a, time' when the forces of the Third

-, .

Reich were victorious on all fronts.

"'T"h"'~' D"'K:' ... -:-",,---~ .'"-: ;~7\"" dill' .. '~ .. ,~' -. '-"·'11- . id , "'i1;i,_,_~".~- ;'-,

... _ ~ , c.'. IC~a.rn~ HI ~w.o .. ' rvtsions, go. u' ~111_, ve'. 7

'~SJld "W3:.$ to ~ble worn on the right breast pocket at all times ', ~ "Ody those 'W"i~~1 had alr~ady been ~~~~~d,ed the Bitt were e'ngfbl~ to be considered ()t,t the DK ill Gold. However, it was an independe 11 CleCI)mtiO'11

and not ".' "st . .- ,-,- ':. _.. "'.~.r. "'",' , •• ;.. .. ~-:. *'" .. ,,) b-' .- '~"r1e"- '. -"'I'": the E70li1'l -':., d the

,nJ._JLI ... no, a ~1_:ep.pIn,g SLon.·, .eLVV".l_len " e~ ,.A.I a,n . ,.,. e

RK~ Many -feqpJtnts of the Jl{rtjg!it_~,,'-': C3,I:OS~~, were

- -- - - d" d tl - G" - ,- -- c ,- - ,I - 'G':' ). 'd- 'hil" .

• ." J -" •• t . ". .' ",' . .. _. _'_.' .. _. . • ._- •• " .. 11 I!' . '"II.. ~ 'II ~. •... ",

never I awardeo _. 11ft" errnan . ',~ :o,S,S ~n .... IO~ I W. ~ e=

• '..... • j - ~ • ;}

others recetved tile latter months 'Of' eve 1 'yeJ~l:(1S, aft .. er

they had been decorated 'with the R~'tte~kreuz.~ 'This


was. because t1,,1: German ,Cross. W3i'i u1t{:'nclea, to

'- Co ~' • r .. :,~ ... '" '. '--; '~', '-'c , -. t:· " ,r r·df: I'. -" . t" I. - . .'-.~ t . - .. ,,!!'~.' " ,., .' - :.. .. - ...• :-- , . it '.~ t . ' .. _.<:~., ;00" -. ~\ ~.~'

recognise stean las, rnentormus ccnc ... tc , over pro

l()Jlge·O. periods' of time cather' 'than occasional or :s,ingle 'acts of' vaJol\Jr~ The DIC in Silver ''V1Js, awarded

only to those already in possession of tile W~:F" M~.ti.t

CII"'O· ;~~ 1- ,~"·t· C" : la S··!IiZi ~t1I'l' d 'Tow,,"!!'iII C, giv e""n' !~D· 'oM!" 7""'0" f~1 ststen .. ' t 10" 1ft 10 -

. l. ."< e- p;(:J _ I~ _. t • .':_ .'.~ "'~._~"':'.-~ I~-..,;.;I... l'l·.·· a~ . -~J.. " _.", i, , jJ.~. ljt ~I.I~; ~!~i~_q~li~I v- . _ ~ -1~_.l'b-'

term fusthering of t-lle -war effOl1: it a 1)(1 .i-combatant capaci~ Tll)e colour ,of the eentrallaurel wreath alone distihguished the two divtsions of'the decoration,

Constructed from five main separate parts, ~ive"'te~~l and llb1fie~d tQ,gether~tlle earliest German

r~o:" 'l~ct~,iC ti,fn[' .. '~ -"t-T:p.'n~ -"1 PI!';]i:t'-.t'iF ·~::~t,'''"11 ~ roC weiahinz ~~ Or an d r , ~ ',' . ,'Q'.~~·CJ '¥'V '.L; . :~V·''''_.m.:- ,., : ~JLILj,i:Jl; '"' l B-JL:l'~ ~ ~.'( ''I; '~~,!=<--, '1 ",b {J_jJ' 0' lU." I'·. -

c,ou1d no - IC'lon1fot1'ably; .er even .saf~f! be worn en

f~li9ld' tunics e···s'p·:~IQIi,·r'l-:"a·n-··y bv th 'o~!iEe' o"nn'-~Itl"'--=n"'g In t-'n,n""'1;;:. ... " 11 .... ;1.1,. Lu.ill..-'" ~.' '"~<: :.~ '. . < 'J I~ ._',ci," ,,-,_t:f.t::J~;",' 1 T: - . _ ' .. ~ 1 __ AS

and other confined SPaJC(:i_,<. Lighter vet~iIQnL: I di,j;tin,~ euished bv hollow rath ter than solid rivets ~-g'n'd'"

,0-'-' :; ." -'" .. -<'.t~. , __ .J. .. y:·v·· 1_: ~ ,.1:- =,,~ ,.;;)'<,.1. - , ..... ' .. ~I~

WP~t"n:I'l'l~'II"iO' around 5· 0" gi' W· '. ere l"'31,t' ~~:"" produced but

.. '~I,l:i1. . .:_. 1GJi;.~, ~.'V;IL . -.' ';~_' :. '" '~~'-, . ~ <~~ ,I' I_.~) .. IL."~>__:·~ .,;-_"._-

- - --. _...

thesewereIess rnbust and mere easily damaged, !O,t1~

5 Jliile 1942. thcrcferc.an actree-service verston of the .Df(' ift Gold was authortsed. It was the same s:ize' as the heavv "[new award but 'was 'hand-ernbroi-

- - - . - - . ,,' - - -. - - ,- .- '. "" - - , - -,. - .'. . -:

dered in cotton, sflk and uluminium threads, The

W:(~~.t11 ,ge.:tleJ?a,llJl remained metal birt W·91j· .much

- '

lighter, Tile active-service vee -/~~ 011.~ ~]l~ch was sewn

to the tunic, .had a backgroundedging appreprtate


f,o the sertic'e of tile .h()Ide~r i.e, .Mmy ft'elcl~~,e'y~,

L~Jltvq,ffe' blue~:gte'y',<-,aV¥'li ue, or black for Pastze« troops. Unlike the metalversion, the cloth G-- rman Cross could be purchascrl DP,eruy fl~Qm uniform retailers tl,P~O'O l?r'e~~renutioll .IQf'the· relevant PiiO'@I! of entitlement. It was ve:t~y popular with UI0,s,e at the front, and allewed them to keep their presentation pieces 'sately at home, During the: last 'YC2;~' or tl]_f war the cloth badge 'Was often conferred .in Iieu of

1" ~~IC ':(~D ~~. onl leo' 'I. ~ :flltpr1f~ art ~~(~ i:~·. L'~~~'¢u :. -f ~'::,*~JL ,~.- -~'u~:,' !'

The t'itst thiIty;eight awards <of the German (':::ross~ :-"':1: 'Geld. were rnade to' ArnlV ,QffiCers, and N'C,Qs on


1',8 October 19,41. ... Among the rectplents were: '(jl!J,~r§:tleu~t1fLant I-lans; KaIln~.r~ who,-we'nt alp- tp. ~i[t the _LligJJt's Cr()_,~.s wttl1. IO,alG!e'aves: -~l~l Swol>rd5;

O"'Ln~""n'tl'"I_;+O -'n~t ,rl£:!ii.tf"\ ":g' G:-·~;,~;tIP·r:·-· a' -Il·~~ Q-' ,be' 'i1e··- ~'('+..Jj,Q' M't". ~,\~,. ~~.w~nj~·(~':-', ~'(j'~r",I:,._,i ~U:~I0.I,~ ,,"_', U, . ~r-2l}ll~ ·'.tfflfdr,~a"ib

- _. ..

1:[ans-H.elll1ulg,· , .'cre'H·'etr '-Vlc~jtn Wo~lff~ BOt11- (ili-lIler 3J;1.d

¥Oi1. 'Wolff la.tle'r· ·e:atrf'e'd. tille, Ktlig11t'S': crn,ss; Witll IOalde~~tves:~, "Typical.hollde:rs, 'Olf' tIl.le' 'Germa:n ICros.s· ]n S-ilve~" We.re- K~rt p:allJege, l1ea.d Of t_q,e unifotm.;ell

Ii d- 1:1 ut: DO. - v'~"liijo!ll G bh~ -d_t tho C· - h'" f' SS--·'

po ,e,': 3ll1:_ .r:~O~.~;r ~~~'-:,' ;e,-' _-"ar .. -l ._:_-~., .. ,le . _,:>,'

Medic'.al,Offlcel:: A, t~olal ,o.f' 2'4~~12'0Iii G,ert.fii·n Crosse,5" in 'Goid -Wel"e b:erst@wed dttting the war as opposed tOl'olnly I" II t;l (awards: ill Stlve. '":, 'Tll,e e:X:3J:f 11tleakll()w-Il. It]f:~ a'W7arcIs was. as,: .fbllo'ws::

German Cross in Gold Army


L tl,1JW~:fJ,-r:(e:

~ i~ ~. ,J.~~~

,S~~ and Police Foreigne rs




It1 1

'8,7,4 10S1 6:51



L"litfi f.!: -affe.

~,.S 'and Pollee

TJ, ''' .. ]-'d nd sll .< .... , .-,"---, '-, "e ',,' uld 11-,- '," ,-",'~., "I lt:

t1_E go '," anc :~- vel- crosse s couro ne worn srmu 'a·~

neo "-'-'ll-]Y, althoi ieh only ~~O'-" rec ipien rts -0· f both

_JL_:_I!..,.~., --'_X_:"I~,O ,._ 1111, L~I" ""'''-,, lL'- ,;01 " _~' '.Ii..

grades, namely J4"dn'titYJ:l Paul Meixner and ~~S~ Gl·uJjplenfahr~,r Odilo Globocnik, 'ar~ known. AllS--S he ~rdi' ,,-, -, zr , 'f th ' ','G"='- -- ,0", -',~ ,-'---,- r, li' -" -r', ' - ito " ati "EII_i.y" q' ' ~,. 1ifi_'":""" ',' d

oll,,-~er5 '0' - , , e_:_erln~1fi ~fO,-,S, au _'._!:1lla lC,ttll, .. - ua e._

for the ~)~ Death's Head Ring,


Al~IOLU1d the same' time as the active ... service

version 'Was, authorised it special grade known as; the German Cross ill Gold with Diamonds was instituted by.' Iitler.to rank above tll!e~Ri,tte'rkffreluz'. A prototype produced -blY the Munich jeweller Peter Rath

21'i One qJ,onl!J1 tu. :en,t:jJ eXQ~'~,,';Pile:s tJJ!,tbe German Cross in; Gi!JltJ.' wit!?' D'i~tnitotld:,;,pt;rJtI/uc;eifl,but never bestoused.

Z2~ 'SS-'(irllppenfilhr-er Ott'llo IGlab(),(]~!ik~ i'nspt:t.:;'ti'f1g Russian t.J~J,' ~:t:lta~,.J,: anti-partisan tro'op' Qj1 tbe Adriactic coast in ,{fl,Zttttn1r·n 1 !ill1'4;, (;lob()C,nik Ulr3'cjI/J is both' tbe Genlttln Oros« in G:o:ltl al1t:l tbe German C~i'(}SS

';1'. -q' I~:'·J .. U-'o~' (0- : 1M! ';J-J't-,o r.jg~'.· bt ,~~"pn'n st. If,.I ,II- IL~J ~l~,u ~ II· . '. I~ ,!r;J~ I' I~j,·. /1~,1"" Ir~·,; IJ ~!li.i·J III

- .. - -. -- - ~ .', . - --

at a cost of -2,~,.,OO Reiehsmarks was deltvered tothe Reich Chancellery in October 19,42., Qnaliflcation criteria for this decoration, which had the golden wreath studded with .- map diamonds, have never been ascertained but it is believed that " itler intended it as a _per'SOl]:a11-re,w;ard for his most enduring and longest-servtng combat troops, Although an illustration of the special grade appeared in the

19~4 3 edition of' Doehle's book Di'e'.A,u5ze:icb'~l471:gen Ides' Grossdez; tscben Reicbs ~ few German service ..

.' ",;I... •

'Ii'n·· .. ~Il' knew . that it e- x·· .j:~'"t:pd: ;(']'1-1- d -, l"t "'Fi'T~Ji ~ n-:- le'''['':r:e' 'r'

.l .. "-- -- . ~ ,". ~ '. . 'L,Jl,J;,a ~I " _, ... - ···.i:Lr _I~ "';! ~JJ. . _ . '" I!.I~~ '~-L'~ _."y I,'

bestowed, TI1'e' twenty specimens ultimately produced remained locked in safes at the Chancellery and Klessheim Castle. It is en irels possible that Hitler Idecid'ed. to delay 11.(-e5 entation of the special grade until the warhad been won, perhap '" 'with the huentlon of restricting 'its,. bes owal to a select few

who had dernor strate J t111(: highest le·· r, : l~ ~ of conun-

uous chievemen 1.1 •••• O·U~!10Iit the entire co '11 ic '-~


On 18 October 9 ,', 9,. the anniversar ".' t ae

G·. [In an victory over Napoleon at Leit zig j': 1 >'11,-', Hitler instituted the 'War ',:ent Cros '~:I 01- VJI ie '.a,·o.i{"'. ierdie ·~l. sttere .. ·.. t"7'~,Q'" tllv kn '--'0.' . ,W":n"- a·, ' the': ,Vl',7,

:1\:1 till ',O~' . '!e. iI'J 'I ,..;." , .. ,,~ ~ .I,U' ,. i ,'. ,. , _,.L .. ' .l\. If.... ,

Ov ~'11' ".' ei ··:t·· ~:iX' ve ars it W· '.' 'a" s to b eused a' ~', mea ns

.' I .. :' " .:_._, ~~ . 1 s . · f(£.~. , .. ' .1-,'·. t ~ ," ,'. _.~~ -II _ );,""J.!l. ~J:', [ t,'~

if recognislng irtui ,lly every sort of servio . imaginable and was to become tIl,e mo :t widely distributee! a,' - all German decorations. As early as ._~:: May

19Lil Hitler instructed his ser '. ice commanders that tln yshould bestc w far' I,: :, er W~tr Merit Cr'Q.~.·' -. ill future, S'O as ',0 retain the initial prestige of tho

2311 The' 'Wi;-t:y' Yle·ri't Cross

PtYJ" .. l' lelf to .rigcJt, t .' ',' to bettor i:

2nd a ass "[, "ttht ~iVj:~'o;rct·· 1 ,byWilliJ,eln"7~'.< . ,<et.:-'baf~ '5 m. 'lllI01'''' '-,. arded)

2J7;tJl' Class toitbout Suiords '.~, million. auia. dud ,.

. . . - . . - .

Wla~'~ Merit Metl',!l ()' tn·lli:o~,· aurarded):

lst Ciass l itb 5~wo~·r:l1 I }~J' B'. uer '& Sobn ,. ~5"" at){) asoa r;tl"j(l) ~

Ist Class' lv.ith"J~tt L~t')O vds. bj Steinhauer & L.il.~1J (.'2 .. ,0100 ,tlu~.a~~ded) ..

,'4.. Tbe Kn:igl1f.s Cross of tbe wtJ};r Me1'".tt Cross u itlil 'S"-Zl}O' ':~'. s.

award. Howevt 1~" by 19,44 I~ istribution. of th .

. as almost out of C1011tf'Ol, and, counting ,'_ n grades, over lUI ,- .~ Iion were ultimately presented! 'Tile

eros .. W':!' open to 'any' <.n· ~. rna le or female Wl10 contributed -0 tile war effor 0" the Third Reich .. from front-line troops to' .' taff gencrals, from Hitle - Youths to a~:'e,d industrialis :,'. and from facto' y .... c'" ork .. ,~... to

~ .

polish: d academics. Non-Germans were also . ligl-

ble, and .~~,' n Jews working on special c encenr ~a.~:IOJ1-,c:amp project ". .. .. , 'ere numl "'cr: _. d 3.111Q'fl,"·: tlu .. _ r cipier ts. :'~otnbat s ,t, Iers tl •• nded to 1101d the J(1q( in low - egard, r .. efer .ing tel' 'its W ear rs as, being ~. -', . I ",011 Cf10S~~. tralntng ~ ,a..t1ICI IJ1~:· ., '. I~' t,o 2 . :' .. ~I ept., mbe r

19 ,.1 the War Merit ICr: 'S'S could rot be worn wit 1 a corresponding grade of the EK which 'to .-·1< pn .. redence. Like those 01· thr I .. '11 Cross, the regula tions governing 'tile War Merit ·.·.,l~OS.: were alt. red tc suit '- ]·e velatlle wartime '. 'llin~lte I ' . .Id n: _ .. ' grades '"Wi; --C

Introduced periodically

Initialf tile decoration consisted 0 I a l: .. ·t an .. c_'- a 2~d Class, each with lor without Swords, An '3: .... arc]' with f words was LIS·, (1 0 recog -_ is a I types of

zene --~,1 rn Ilitarv Al'~'~ ~'t~ wh ere -,Hh' A re ""'P' ient's dunes ~.~> .Eii1 n ,~~i 1_ :~<Il~ ,j" ,ll" \"'',[1_ ". ": : :_ ... r rr c' re ~~II.:'Jl'_ ui ~iJ: i '- ].' ' IW'~ 1~

b,[' branch of service were: such that he or she could reasonably expect to be exposed to enemy fire (including aerial bombing). QU:llifylng service 'therefbre ranged from the planning of successful

militaey operations to the effteient maintenance of' frcnr-ltne vehicles and equipment and the rneritori'OUS" performance 10, civildefence and ,~se:cl]rity tasks. An award without Swords ~Xgt] ified war service of a political, diplomattc, economic, industrial or generally non-m i11',ta1:f' I nature , where exposure to enemy fire was not routinely antloipated. It. was _l)()'Ssib]e to win, for examnle. the 2·rt"d ~CJa-S:5 with ","word~: and

.It • -

thereafter the Tst Class without ·SWor'ds .. dependent

upon the service performed. Interestingly; during the spnng of 19,4,0 the KYK was known colloquially

. "

as the 'Polish Order since tile' first exam] des were'

distributed to, soldiers and Baustab Speer workers for general merit in the Poltsh campaign of 19131'9,.,

'T'" h-I "l 1 C"" 1- bet 1 ... ,_ -' -h-· lJ"T~O t 1, ....

. ne ~n.cl, I., ass, better ,rulo~n as t .·e' ;f"r·,j~· .-,o~o,j{

the form of a bronze-coloured Maltese cross with, a stippled finish to the- -arms, On the centre obverse

was a mobil 'e swastika '~1 ']J:' roun ided by .gl~, O,::"II,...~1p:."'~£

_ ,011 .. , ,v· . "' ,~ "'IGI:~ '~(; (:lL ... - . , , . "1;;..,.". _' \~ ,~.!L 'I!;:)!' f4l\:J. ~'u

wreath and 100 the reverse the date '193517~, Awards with Swords had two la,t,(i,e :s~o:rd,s set transverselv

. ~~ " ~ . ~;I

between the arms ~ The I(V'R;1J" which measured

4B~ mrn across, was stlspended from a ribbon ill the c-olours of' the EK2k reversed, The maker's code number was usually stamped into the suspension ring. Tile youngest recipient ofthe KVK2 was a I O~ year-old Hitler' ~olitl1 from Dortmund 'who received it for assistance rendered in tile, wake 0£'3:11 'air' raid,

. -, . ~. - . -

The ~1.r Merit Cll),SI,s': 1,(St Class, or Klll\l'.~ was, Iden-

tical ill design and dimensions Inn W'3S .silver ill, eelour, It had a plain reverse and was' WOIl'l perman,en'llt ",::0 the left: breast pocket [ike the EEl' ..

II, A"" ""l st l':9····e~'A tlu \V;a'- 'M'··· -,ii':., M':, edal

l'~·llgU§..·~\J,_ ' le""'_i~_r,1 ertt . '. e,: ttl

(JC1·,i;eg$'1)'e1~d_i~n',st:j!Jvz,erftaille) was instituted for award primarily to civilian Industrial and agricultural workers, ll"artic'Lllar'y those ~11o' exceec cd produetion tar:g' rs H1 rrnrrtitions faatories. ' it was also given,

25~ Reichsministers Albert ;Speer anti Dr Robee: Ley wil!'I!J e~gl9t nes '. recipients of the K / tgh'fs Ci'fYJSs. of tb:€

lV6"~ ··qe"rtf C'i()SS~,. ,Be',rltn 1944:" ,

o ~ ak ;' ~ I ~ arie ~. R ~ _ Cross Pi 'r~:QD11J _1 and ~o on

for two y ars' general ,';1. ' :: . i,~,.' in S"J pport of til e war effort.The medal bore a representadon of th . [Oll(.

vithcu ,S,"vt·~ .. lr( :~.' ",'0 ·the obversr ~" with the legend 'Fu,.= lE.:".ie·:s'-~e~i".~i·enst19-9"' 011 the reverse. 01'lC around 20 p,.,!," cent of the staff of a finn engaged in war' work W' ere in receipt of' the

' ..... a, ~'~e' ' .. rs'~' ~ era ,,",u.s tmedail) e', '111. ' .. Olnp .. any·: . it ~:' ,elf l\T.~,~,}

, . ,

"awarded the fl.: .. ;'., .' and was allowed tOI display a


silv, .. ···<E bullion versf n I~:·:.·· the decoration 01 i S ,OAF'

fl. ctorv flag,

J.I I ..

A' the ",C m 'tinl' t '" the tntr xluction 01 the \Var Merit Medal, 1: itler created h .. · Knight s Cross ar the Wat .. Merit Cross, or RK'ldes',Kl(K, to ~1I.1k higher than the :~. :~, :_1' ~ 1'1 (1: '" ugn of tile- . "nigrt~· ·CtQ.55 ".: zas

similar 10· .' "~<" of th itftK2. but larger 31~d in hallnla[~ke·,d'.·~l;t"'tr~ It was :.' orn 'around the neck, Bv the


end ofth .. 'war', only 178 awards with Swords and 52

... ·,I'th· . ou t', [:'In?;' .··rd·."· l 1- a .d b e '0-' c 0':' ',""'''''' 'f'- ":. red which I Q',t:,.I"'i~e,'

'. " _., "- '_ ,Vl\".. ~ "':',' ~'. .'.' _:;lllt. , j. ~ ". ' . l~l4" '"

the' }"" :.' des ,~, 11K a-n air of' exclusivene ~,~, it did 1'10'-

really deserve, as it J~3.Jl ked below the Knight's Cross 0, ~ the It:,,:. ~.,_ Ct'IQSS~ The vast najority of these awards w __ re made during 19,44., 1- should be noted tha whlle 2~O Knight's Crosses o the 'war Merit Ctoss

. ere bestowed there were only 224, recipients , .. inee six 0'" them (\Valter Brugmann, , __ Iulius Dorpmiiller, Karl-Otto Saur, Albin Sawatzki Wa!'er' Schreiber anc ' WaJ I er Ro - andt) eal: 11 receive two : '._ ~g: 11.,t"",~ C'· ro . "",",'. o n with .nd OJ'~ with .. ···· t

, ... :_. '..1.1., ,': .. ' sse~1 ..... . I, ewl . .'.' , ,'- I.' 1~: .' <1L OU

S . ords,

Award', ofth '. KVK· " Id, d to 'be rnade _"'O'l11'"' tim ',~

- - -

pier year, '0'1 ',"'0 .. anuary (the anniversary of tile- Nazi assumption of pO'~e.l") 20 April (Hitler's blrthday) 1 -May ·(La,-'~:Otl1"" Da~' .•. 'and 1 I ... pre mbe r ,tIle date 0,.

lite" U;' br .···3 i.: · ... f tl .' . Second W(Jri(i Wat) .

'Tile distribution of the Knight's Cross q! the War M,' rtt Cro ss among the various , .erviccs and organ-

~ ;0 g; ;11"

t-;:Jt ons, " .. 'as as i9,"OWS:

5113 - J\rm~l, c,etlts auld Wa,r 'Ptod.Ll:ti 111 hljllstri,,··,· , . 3 ,= Arlllc.T


2: 1 ~ Railwa' S'. fvice

. 3 - A.grb;uJ~~l P'r', :,dt.ct~lol1 ~ 1 _, \l(affen-SS

11 ~ Na'

" ,

- -

9 ~ L,' 'rtu ~'" wf/(e

!l/. I'" tl


7 - .' inistry 0' Tlll1:1SP,O'rt

7 - 1t A'~ . .., istrv ',' : .- o· : c~ cupted . C; st .. [1'.'"' " Te" ',1""" ,]~ tori e ,

.1 V,ILLIJ...I.l._ ... W .1' ....,. ,---.. ~: . ..U . I -_ '. r I .1 i.. L:~ I. .

(1 - ~b?~~'n1a;cht H·i,g.l Comrnand 6 _, 01~g"~': 'isatior " Ddt

6 _, Police rtf. d Securin Services 6 ~ Merchan '···,avy·

5 ~, R··'.ic~:!s.ar.f:J,e,i't~~tl ~e1ist (BAD) .... ,_ :~' cience ;< n J, Edu ~ at i OJ

-- ~ Postal Ser iC~I-'

5 ,"'= iVSDM,: N8"KK and Hitl r : orrth GlQ) ,3 - Ministr of labor r

1 ...... '_. it"tis" ry 01" ' :: .·O'Q iDnL:S

According 'to, Armaments Minister ,Alb'e~i~{ 'Speer Hitler made a Iinal addition to the 'W1,.'r Merit Cross .serles b October 1944 by founding the' Golden

Knight's 'Cross of the War Merit Cross with and without Swords. Very Si,gnificflot1M this grade was never formally publicised in the R!:,icbsg", setzblatt ar any 0:' her official ,Q: d·' ." ~t,'lpeer indies red that ~: ~

-W'3S, to be' idei tical tal the RK Ides KVK but gold ... plated and.' zas to rank immediately above ·'tll· Knight's Cro -. · of'the Iroi Cross. IO·n1L tw9>'er:e' said tOI ha- ·,t been awarded . O~11 paper 011 2,0 April '9·4'",. but thesr J1(;V~r' reached their alleged recipients; Franz _:_~lnle and KarlOtto Saur, Indeed, it is highly unlikely that a;" y' Golden Kni;g}~t·;~. Crosses were

actually placed into productlon.

THE 8"p ,. '11 C" 0 .

.. :.~ '.' ....: I ' . '. . I· :."~

_ '_ ' •. '. Il,_.I • •••. ",.

,0 14 .,plil. 19',9~ tile Spanish :·.r.·.s.~·r " :";pa,nien~'~,~r:e'uz~ W~lS created for awa:t - t~ Ine: ~I bers

.. f tile German Condor Legio [1 which had ser- 'eel with tho. nudonalist forcesi th Spanish Civil Wa between July 19,'1 .:1 and March 1'939,. 'The ..... a ..... i assistance given t01;" eneral Franco 'was tiD some extent onlv seun-olncial. Ion :'';1. voluntarv basis, and, 8,01 the

I&! • ~J

Iron C'Q.·'S hac f ,t aeen ref ,siitutie~ .". -193.:".' "I

rl 'CQIS·'··ruse I:. 'ern~lrul b':rave .'y t()' nl1Ii •. a1~y.' acllile'V~E'Jnent

~ ,


(lu.t-l~1g tll.:~· ICOlulict., As a result af' tIli.·'·' dist:il1ct .sll,o.rt~·

coming I. ('Ver 2:,,~ 000 IGer:m,at1- troop .. ~ .~ ,. '. d it,' .

th L~gio.tl anti many Oi"' tho -OJ 'Jt£oI-ln,ed ~L ··t,: w Incl1. WQluld ·have b' en WQ ~thy 0 ~ at le,l-st ~1.~1 E' '.. . :;; "1 , i ~ wa$ 1- .~. Cl~: e'd tll~at ·mle ,new' S,palush Ct:iOSS W'3;::· t(· bl! 'fiat lon-t;." a cam.paig "~I a .. '3,' (: bu als. ." a, ::-,al1a t'1 de'c.ortltioIl~ ,Sec' (:'ral pl"e~set1:t~iti(ltl cereIl10nies too·. place ,,_tld all tl1~~ fl. ·~ipint .. p,a.raded tl1l9ltgJl B:~ dill


,-OJ •

2·ti Thle"L_:'~6l'ni'sb Cross in B''FiO'llZfJ ,,)itb .S·. ·:(J'rliJ.'m Pirst b stouie i:·, may 1939,· suoards of tbis deeoratior:

Co·' utnuea to be nl'aae us .·[tl~l tbe late summ tr 'oJ' 940.

on. 6 JIU1·e - 9 39 ~ to the rap'. .urous applaus of the

p 0'11"[1.1-: I. I ,~

The Spanish Cross wa .. :' divided .~ 1: '0 six grades:

Bronze with Swords

__ . Bronze without Swords : I~ Silve f' wi _ SWOllU,·,

~ Silver wi' hour Swords ;~ ·G· .·.ld. witl Swords

,)" G'" (' WI '. S .. rord - and


.,462 aw·· ded 7·869 awarded _, -·."l awarded

- - . ..

iJ'27 awarded 1 ~12' J~ ;W.ard:, 'd

,2 'A" Left: ,TPJe L{lCL1,ili.!o Cross in Gold tlNitb ~~~U"tjj{+ds' ana . ':' 'WI- . .'" 7; f.. ."

- -.... I

Rigl',t.~ Tbe sp.a'1i'~J9 (]ryQ$~~ ItJ~' M ixt-o .. f-KfI1 .c~/···tlti'e Et',llle~ "

. "


The decoration . as manufactured prineipally by C~E,~ Iuncker of Berlin and took the fnrm of large Maltese cross, with a mobile swastika superimposed u '0/11 a central disc .. A .l 'tftzlJ:~ffe' eagle flying clockwise was set betwe en each arm 'of the cross and reflect .. d the impo ~atlt ,~~ rt play d hi' the Air '. orce , whose Itt' mbers accounted for ~.-b'011t 7:0 per c .. '111' of .' ';:.- 'L -.gion.'···. manpower; Sword, if appropriat '.1

were also postrioned between the arms, The grade with diamonds had fc urt ,- en bdlllant-cut $'100,. ,'1 set . round the swastika, TIl": Sp",,···t'e-nltre'lli'! was 'worn permanently 0:' the riglr .. 1) f'·. ast ·~'.··c'.'et·:·e]ow the later Gierman era ·s' if that was also held,

The CtO-'~1 without Swords was dven . '0 noncomba a" ,- ilitarv P ersonnel a' id civilian a' .. xiliarv

~ . J.

rtaff for' three rn '",Ot115 service 111 Spain, 'while the

v .. · .. S~.JI . with Swords " :'as presented to combatants,

Wl1.E', her the' award was b·· stowed in bronze, silver o :' olddepenek d upon t ._, rank of th fl cipient, . ilf

tl e .' xtent orhis servic "during the war. In general t.~ rnl, - - the silver w~ _-'s, presen 'e, . 0 tr ose who had

act .ially fought 3U:·l gagement with the e nemy or ~11o l ad won th _ Spanish Red Military Merit Cross while the jsold WI's reserved for s' mior officers, recipients (If the Spanish 'Wal~ 'Gl"lOS-S and . 110S'- who had demoi "S' ~t, d ,~-i '1~li fi an' bravery ill the field No non-comba ant pers onnel were deemed deservfig ".: . I a gold Cl"O'~·'S, so the gold ,gr~ .de was l10'~6 ' .. ' ,t;; rre d'''- without swo rds

I.. :.l..-r.I. .-. . 1,Jl, ~.' ".:ll' .1 .. ' ..... ' . LlI~

T11'_ highr s grade, wtth Dtamonds .. vasviewed as 1,),. 111'_:', akin tlQ the 01[(1. Orde Pour le 11I.ld,·i. e' and was bestowed up 1[1 the Legion ~S . iommanding eenerals . .nd outstanding soldier ', .. Th known recipier ts, most 01 whom were Luftwaffe 'aces (i.e. with fo If 10~' more .a,: 'rial victories" were a ~I fol QW'S:

Db' srietanasat Willlelill Ba thasar

Obe ~ leu '$la'1lt Otto,

Bertram Iieumar t 'Wilhlro Boddet

Obe Ieu: 'nan! Karl Bberhard

Oberie ~ .,."' nant Willlclm

"~ll.ss1· .11

Paul Fehlhaber

Boz.te.ptn 'an n 'Wetltel NI,old,e rs

Hauptn r a1i'~ ~'. Rudolf von Moreau

Ha uptmann. Wolfgang > euderffcr

.OlrJerli-: 'U "ClI . .'t. 'Wa]te-r Oesau

Generaue: tnam Wblfr;o.· rn

von Richthofen

Leu tna ... n'~'- f I~~~Z··: ._-. unz

I __:. ''_~''II),_ f'(li'_. I .L....I.I~ . ", ,.1_' ,

OI,m"'leutna71 t A,d{;),lf Galland Haup,tJ11tz,n,1fl Harre = ~l arder

,11a:~tpt~"1{;tnr.l WOltg'allS Schellrnann HfJI/uJltmanjj );oJa,e'h,im, Schlichting

01;i[1''''Z eu tnan t Reinhasd ·"eiler

General Hl1.g'O Sp@l~:rJ,e'

f:J.rfJe'tie;ut11lCl'fn.t Bernhard


Harl iil ghan s en Leumant Oskar Heinrici IQf:J'€!'1!~lffJ;t,tl,lafq.t Max G'~4f von Hovos

• _"_ oC rIi


Gen," ral Hel mut Volkmann Majf17 J('at:rl W-o'J£f

116f,u.JJ-tII~11~GJJ'zn GTLilltl e r Lii~zow'·

A ,t.. ,j' t t K;'" ~ 'M' '1 '

I ~·iJ(8r.lj,eU~~'ta'1'., ,,", an .::,e mert

It is, believed that the twenty-eighth reeipient was Ohe:r:s.t ~i1h'elltl Ritter von Thoma commai der of "he Legicn's Panzer force.

Dr Oskar Dirlewanger, the notorious counterguerrilla commander; server ill Spain from A.;l::ir.il to October 193'7 and frOID ,Jllly 19138 until 'May 19',3'9~ winning the Spantsh ICl~OSS tn Silver with Swords as a result. He was the only man ~k:t1:0!WIl to have sub ...

.sequently WOI'fl the award with SS' uniform.

Dlrlewanger doubtless spent much of Iris rune ttl Spain Iearning various auti-terrorist and counterinsurgency tactics whicl 11e later perfected in ·R~]s.~ ia and Polaud.

A smaller version of the:Sj)ani.enkreifiz it'! B!r011.Zle without Swords suspend d from a ribbon in rhe German 'all,,l Spanish colours, was presented as a keepsake to the next-of-kin ofthose killed it1 action in the Civil Wa'"" 01' WIlD later died of wounds S1l1!~i-

" d'" h Ill' ~ Tl x of th b

ramec 111 tne C(l'D .nct. ne parents 0, ' .ie anove ...

named Leutnant Wllllelnl Boddem, f-or example, recetved such an award when I h· it son succumbed to his Civil Wilf' wounds ill january 19,4,0. Onlv 315,

1- ~ 'II

next-of ... kin crosses Were' conferred, tile p .escribed

or-tier of precedence ,for relatives' eligibility being:

l , widow

J,,~ ,0 dest son

3 i oldest daughter 4., father

5'" mother

,6" brother

7 . sister


Compulsory national service Wa2": reintroduced iII Germany 0]1 Ie) March 193·5, and exactly lone year later all professional members of the armed forces, i.e, escludlng conscripts, became eli gible fer a new series ,(:)' ~, long-service decorations instituted by

Hitler 3111d desianed bv Professor Richard Klein of

~ ...

Munich. For four years' service a 111,lU silver' medal

'was presented. all the obverse it bore a If/elrJ1'mt]tc/bl:t eagle and 'the, dedication Treue Dienste i11 der We,hflnClcht· (Irt,o'y·a1 .service :in the armed forces'), The reverse featured the fi:Rurl~' .t'4~, surrounded bv

I. l~


all oakleaf'wreath. Por twelve years' service a simtlar

medal. but in matt gold with 'a 1,.21 on the' reverse, was awarded, A silver cross, bearing an eagle on a, central die c ·p11. the obverse and the number t l'l81 on the reverse was presented for' 181 relit .'" service, and a sli,ghtIy larger gold-plated cross with ~2,S" 011 the

reverse was' bestowed fbr serving that number of vears. A special 0trttdle' for fortv vears created in

ri ,CI ;if '"

28~ Tbe Weln:m,acllt 4~· "eat ... long Se")iC~f! 1;1~1f!t.lal, tv_~t/:J ,n~,f;JlitJ'on e."} ~IJ, bller.~fl tll(}f~1f)-t.tltg PI,'~BS:e~I.-· tation. to til 112.· ,t~j~ be I'· '(J~,f the; Luftwaff ~

'2. '. :.J

~Z9i 'Wellt~ma,C:l]t LO'ng~~S'le,'vtte· Ii w'ar:ds }o r 18' JJfi'(f1."ft .. S'

(left) ~1"J't1':.q ,d' ·4, - ()' , vears /.~';;~,U,1,.-j,t,,,.) Ilij ,"~ ~l.J't., "~1 l~ fldl~t':tt~ A~~,;r J r .1'",'1: 00,'" -v.i,L: b"· Iil"'li,n,

~I ~ y- '~~ ~~.fJ '.!E' ~'~I- r. d Il' I~~ l~ ~. It, _ ~, ./;~~.. rtJ1J,. 1:f..1~-.I:;ft,I,· ~L- l~ f ~o;~ IA;.. If lJ/ ifJ. !---' _

tJ(fg les 101 ~ ;1, r,I"~J' 1(;t,1r.ttil Nar~_y p',e1''$o III ~ ei

1'939', was sim P 1: ' the rw nty-five-year .. cross with tile' ad d itio n of oa kleave '.: niru 'l'~C~1 t '0" t he ribbon, ,"" ]I,'~

.a, . '_ ~ I ',".'" " . '~.J I ,_ IlL .. ab a ", - ~" 1:.1...,. ,tL.;<t j • ~ " 1 ~ .' . .,. ~ . I. nJ~~

bb ~ b h Iour= of

rib »ons were cornflower blue, t re co O'lU~' 0' I

G ' ii alfl and . d·· .. '· Ll·· -

,-. ._ • . I -. . ~ ~ . 'I " I : .;.' 'f' I.. ~ -. .' -',_ ", " .' • '. - ..' •..• f' .- .• _ I ..', _.

:re ·maJ.1Y 5 natrona tower anc tra .. monany sym-

b - oll ic of falt ,};,.",&'I'IU· ·:1~ ·e· ss Each ribb ·IC)"J' ha d a . '~n-,=r~ll" ap -,p,-, ro .-

.' ~. 1a...I. _.HL "",'," L1I!~.ii . -iL~1 .~.~ ",_ .,.J... l~, ", n I. '-' ... a·· lU . .s .....

P-,r-,;,n't"e,-'lr"{t C: -0,",1'0.,1'1'1."1 .. d m etal eacle att ach .' ed beinz eith WAr-

,11._ '_:_.}". .. · .. tLi~ .. _ ,I. _.'. 1~'71. ····(~I~I· ~- . ,~-I .. · " - '-. I~J ~ _' "'~-

spr . ..,A win reed (.··A rmv and N1av'y"'" or fl->;'u1t"', 19'

' .. ·o:U""',., .. I., ~" I.. . ,.t'"l.LI... 'd..I...!l.:. - .)., - ,./ ,'--:,

(Llifi"tt ~ff6),~ No more than two ]O'11g .. service awards could be worn .S imu Ira ne ously )Vhell three '0'[ four w ere held, the. prescribed ord , r of pairing was either the' silver Ct'"f}S,S with tile silver medal or the

,', 'I' ',,]-d:- :i" - " ~'c -", , , : lth t' h " ,I", ,1,'"1 ,- .. c, ..... 1or .. :JI -,;'~fI.., - -. t'1,'

go,_:., CI, OScc ~l 1 . c ,e ,go, (. mellii' ~ W' 11: 11 .I1·c

Wle,hT>11tfJ.ch,t l'OI1;g=S,1"'V±Cc ' awards, first began to be distributed, they wen retroactive and it W'~IS possible for a long-serving scldicr to receive all the grades

- ~" 11 ta' -_" ,-, -I }'" E: v ·c- . c 't- '" o· ally 1·,·,···" l· oAr' ,~nlfl,l' b -'Pf!I'y- '0· nd

:,tmll c·. ,neOlllS '.)., .• ~cep lna. ,. o,ng, S~-Vl,-,,=-- ,"'?L,"U·

the '~C~O"'-lJ~',e',' of t",lq~ cro '~~'e··.c_ was rccoenised -b'"y:_ a Cc" er-

. ,L.. ll:!I c . I cc.' 1.,uL. _. c· ~~._ ~, .... t'Ji .' c It. ~_c1l" ILJI . c c .'. '-" c:'_ c

tfflc~tte issued bv the We.l~, imacbt q~·~11 COll1l11311Ii' ~,

~ ~~


011 29, J' l111 e 1,93,6, a series of Marksmansbtp

Lan 'Y' !!"]II""'" 'j- ". or S' ''"C··· ,-I~:.lJ "'f"';i"~,~~ , .. ckm ~ of "'I-~ T.'I:M~. ~~'r- -·pa.· ted fo ·11"" exel-

, a... I. .113', . ,].1.:.. ,'-9 iii. ~ ~ ., IPiilJ' 'fJ... ,I.'J .. h',iL',,' -, 1f'f"':'''' ~ ~ 'lL,. ,_ _ _ ... c: . 1'1. .. ~ 'l,;;.

lence in SIlO' ning with the carbine, rifle Of' n achtnegu ~ T11f' lanyard was conferr .. ' (] in twelve grades, [I. pending (In levels of p-rofi.ciency and was worn with one end attached tal a button under the rtght shoulder strap and the other end draped across th'f' breast andhooked tOI the second buttonhole of the 'h inic Artiller v" personnel were tested in the U',~ ~ of

L LiJl· .. .hIJ.\ ..... n. 1U. " rJ' .'. "]' ~ ~ .' L't,:?f r~. ~ '-. -u l'll~ ." _ . \-. . u1 \J"

cannon, PttlttZIE1'1' cr ws qualitterl by she oting tank

3",.".,(]rl,.,~ ,Fri1r'r'M~;"!'!:' ~i iJW~U..\·]I r.fl~.'1!-~- £II "IJ·:.#'7,1 'ro' ,...!cA~~"li~,p, ~·"1""J .,t'C·;j"f,,4'!Z'1J:': .l,_'K'J~~ tAl. r , ;T

J: .J.." .'~' ~'Ii~! n I ",.,.,. r ~ u;, -'.' ... j- ,~ ~I,lr .J! W~\J' ~~!-J~l I;.. B· l~{'~,"·'" N' l.jliJl· ~~ . (~'l .,,-;&.

I· • . " .

}11la1'~k$n-rzQ.11.sJ;)' fp ljCf/lj:lf;lfYi" r' ~ Ye'ar Seru: ce Med: II 1ft "n,t}.'

,Ge'l;1no/n N"tit)1zal.- ·1)orts Ba~fJe~

~~,1 ~ R,adg,e toorr: u ',it1?} tl~,fi g~l- 'flllie' 5·~,8> i1~tzrks~'J1~~11~l1~P' LctJ~)(a'rd,~ft)!t ta1J'(k e1~eU)S, fJltrod~~£Ir;JJtl on 19 December 19 3(~' tvit/;:} a ji)eP,,~<ir2.se~llt(iJ,ti'(1 ~ t~' o..t1;11~' Panzer i1rlk ./ as its een l1 ~ep ieee;

MILI' .... AR1' ... DEC'OR ~TlnN""""

I !,,: .~,. ." ~ -. . ." .. ,

L .... ' _ . ,; .( . . ~ .. ':c_: .' v,;.; 'L_ .. ;:. !..-.

guns , 'and. sailers had to: demonstrate expertise ill rrrpedo firing, .: deck gunnery and so on, The whole

range of lan V· '~ar' ds ·'F"i''r....-;Ii - vised O' ''''1 1 m, Decem b er

l.tI _ I" 'Il. • '. _~.'..' : _ . '.. . . VV a>' ['.y .1:.:." .,; '.l ' .. "7' ~'L~. ..' '- .....

. ~ ~

1938:'~, but distribution tailed off during the war, 'The

Ianyard was 11'0t a decoration In th tnn sense, but rather a proficiency badge, It. ~:S included here tor

h· k fclarifleatt .. '1. d b d

t 1.:' ,S(,t"C OJ" c artncanon, s .tce ianyarnoacges were

very similar U1 appearance '.0 the Jater War Badg 's~ for' which they are '.' rften mistaken.


On .30 ~lalll1ilry .193,8~ it was announced that full-time rnembers o.f the J;nilila~rise'd formations o. the S5' were to be given their own long-service awards modelled on those of the lV.e11rfrt.a'Glot~ ~gibility was restricted to volunteer soldiers Of' the Ss-

Verff~g'ungst1 -upp«, S·".:. .. To!tenk'opjt e'f'~b,ii:J1de and ~~~

,Ju/I'£ke!r{",cl?'z'l'en~ all of which came under the umbrella of the :W!lf!:befl~S~5 III 19319·=·40.~ Pormer

service iII tile' Wel'.'11:iacl'ot: .Lan,despD.l'~e·i.

Fretko1p.S or' NSDAP p-aramilitary form. i.t~'o,ns

counted towards the rotalyears n cessary to qualify for the new award, but ill. any. ,':' case every", prosp xec ...

I l J j,.

tive recipient.had to' have served .. a minimum of four


~rJe:ar.s in all appropriate armed S<·i 1111i ~ Since mern-

bershi J of the armed .,SS' did DQt count <as national military S- 1""· ice until 193 5 ~ in effect no onecould be' eligible £01~' these decorations until 1'9='91 at . he earliest. M:: oreover m '. ern be .. r .... s :~. 0·" ,f' . tb'-·.' '~e, 'h~U' taem -Ie.·j~m;"")-C;S'; c m rld

~io:Ji . '. '. . ~ I. L,II", I "'""I~ ,1 _ I • ~:1l. " '. _ .' . .' ~J,__ ~ lIP-. ' JI -:-' ,. I';', ~ Jii.. .... . '....... .

not receive th :tl1 'at. all, and rhei "'IDng 5~S~ service was later recognised by bes .: " 10,'" zal of the .NSDAP D'ienstausze,:~i;lr,'1£t.1·r~ge,'iJ ~

Following a. Qt-· sign revision of the lowest grade on '21 October 1.19',8·, which gav-e it .a unique obverse, tile 55 range comprised black- and 'brio nzeto' .ed me dals for four and eight yean ~i" service respectrvely, and Iarge silver and gold swastika shaped 'crosses' for twelve and rwenty-ftve J1e·ars~ The latter two grades were the flrst Nazi decorations to use t]].€ swastika 'a'; tlft€ main part of their designs ·r-UM, d b iIi"~ '~"'!'P s ~ ilver 0" '11"" g' '0' . Id ln .. -It"I'' 0'1" l' ·S·~- ~ 0" rune -e 11''') ,~, d

~- l,Ii;.VJI;. ~ i.,,,_ /"~'.,.II i,.' - ' " .u. '., ··Jlc:tJl. ,_1JL' ~l' _·.~LlLlI~,-

embroiderer into their cornfkrwe r blue rlbbuns. The official orders of.2:1 October 1938 also referred t, t lC 'apl ;>rov1ed incorporation of machtne-embroider d .runes into ,SS rihhons and . shortly thereafter the 01~r;~en~m,(J.n$l· t~ connnissloned a sample length of ~·OIO m ofthis new SS~r:i.ll1l'o:n from tile Munich firm

of Karl Loy. The width of the trial run. 'was ,3'5 ID111 and Its Sig-runes W;f:re rnachinc-cmbroidcrcd in llght ,gIJi" Y cotton thread rather '[hall. being hand-embroidered in. silver 0)" glo,ld bullion. However, none Oil this prototype ribbon ~a-s e':v;er rssned, It ·~,C~ ltkely

that it was intended. for use with tile four- and eight-

Y" ea r m ,e:" dals onl l.T

" __ ' _ ... , .... '" q v·,;", "Iill

Tile' 5~S four-year medal 'waS, 1.1.0'1 open to officers, but the other grades couldbe 'bestowed regardless

32~ S Lonu-Seroice A wa'f~as;


Left: l~:j)'_(JI<J" decoration l;tJi;tI1 b"lrt,lli',(J'i1 S~g~rijj.-'e~~

e'i}~l/bJ'YJ id« 'J:ed t'1:1tO its spe " {till 5' 0 m m J ib bon: 11:,. fi'

us .1~,tl,all;J· u tete' ribbon usis d.e$'~g:rl.t~d to b·tl/blaeiJ' so as to S11QtV th. runes (i/ffjIIQ':e' tbe ,rJlll,'r;l/''tl' tobe» court

n '0'" ;,~,~it"l.'l-.d.o:l 1\"0' te nlso .+:~._.:.o·J'14'1.~-t~in ,o!-fi'l u» n 'l~"'"J'1':rJ,il{'~'fr..I' ~.f;~r.l'''''''

,., . I. 1It1;,fiI""~_t:I fit.. I '" i, '..: f ~ .I"':~~ ~~ .Vl I,:ol!,' (S';.' ~H,!~ :_~ t'· .~,r.,. ~; III,,", ~ I·t:.; .t::~~~mt~H;r(rl~ ,.i ~-~":!,~'I

,e_'I:J~olJ '.su.slJemi,o',11; ri "lg~ 'fi~g~~fj'l i1'lte"f},.de'lil fo» court m (J 'l~ ~1/t'l'11g ;'

Top rtgljl,~ ,8~Vi2tt:r mlJtlal. court 1tlf.tJt'rltea" Bottot n rig ht.~ :- J)eu~' 1JI·et;t'{l.l.


.. Ii r 11k~ 'Ihey clos ely paral . led pres- ~ibed armed S~' I

I service I' ierio ··· .. d ". 'a' [0' ··tl1·1,·" 1-'" r""3: nk " I. s·· 0" ;{'.:'fIlI"" t.:]'-I·V'·· ,," .: 1"'·- te: . for

. ,'II:..- V .L . [ . ~.1. . _ - I. .~_- '.,. I. .. ,- - ... - .' ,J L (;1.' ~ - -' '. . 1 ~ .

four years and NC··.·S' for rwelv I with officers .sig nina 01.. f .' -- twe I: tv- ." .. ' y., ars [ S" . :'V.~ ce ~ Alt erade s

[ _" ~]( I) I -

f atured the I. gend Fiii' Treue Dienste ttl der SS~

Every SS .'. teo . I:c non had ~- n .. ' longa ed 'tear-drop' IISp: nsion. .·~itl.g which was d: signed to fit neatly o:vel~ the 11·· .•. }" , .. , ·U'· . d on C -_:L]rt~ln.-:l] nted ribbon . lars.,

Thi .~ .. ' ~r:;. '1'"": :' f 'C~ '11 sp ··"e:1~1.S··1~· n rir 1"" w .' a :'" II '1'- iq t e to the S":S',:·

[ 'Ii;. 1- [ ., cHJ .. ,Ii.·· . "- .1..... - _ ' .. - . . - _ -J l. '., : . _.... ... ..

Designee ,I"" Karl Dh bi sch t.: SS D ~e" staus .zeicbnunoen '.,: .re lJ.told11ced in S,O'~:I- quantity duriru th spring '. f 19 - .• 19' by Deschler 10.f Munich and et2 '& Lo' ,'nz of nterreichenbach r ... ut t I,' ',. werenot widely distributed th .. reafter since Wal}e,n-

'.' '., " .';("IiI)- d - ie rs b e c .ame -li'" 1·": :1'" .... I'''' -~ C-' ,.j'" ~1'1. " st J!"'1 nc :'J_l -

- ,,: _" _' La,,' . I.~_ . ~ . ~.' - . -.' • " - .' - -"':-1. ' 1· _ _

We'·brma~cl.'t Iong-servt .. ··e awa xls from the [~ .utbreak . ,' the Seco d Wo Id Warm \V1 ile at least one Weh~:1)I[ass survives r .. ecording an award 'onpaper' :·)f

·t·l·]~i S·:":"I '-'-Y···· >f r m edal '0"" a" ·:C·~~L~'II"''''''~·''h-(lpe··'-·r··· I"' the D'n'S"

~ I ',I , '. ,_,I I,_ 1·'!II. ", I I . '~II,;f"'1 J ,~[_ -!!! "'f n ~'. • , , ~J • '.IFL" J

Reich' division ill A· gu t 1942~ Waffe,nl·~SS Qffi· ers and men during the 1939-45 peri od :- .. ' .sistent y spo ted Army eagle '-. not S~S runes 011 their se -- l[C·.· ribbon ban :.,1"-_ . ee(t pici orial s . vidence reveals onh one pro ninent T:rfaj!e.n-S~5' .' [(fi. er Otto l·nml1] regularly we aring the runic ribbon of the twelve-year decoration during the war. No _PI aotog a ·.·llS at all are:

known 'to , ". is. showing the four-s _.' . eight-year S .1

,- edals b . itl)~ w '_ .'~ n on parade and 110 one ever-qualified for a twenty-five-year d .. ecoration. MJ the tndt( a t-l'"··- .: . ire that verv ew S" .' Iom - e· ··-~C:· aw ards 0'" f

"- ' .,,' .... '- _ 1[ .. _. V" "'". _ .,L ,v. _ .. .c_: ," '- ... ,_ II. .. :_

any grade were e'ver ble,':·towed,.,

1 is intere:~ting t· - at I ha _ til. ' _- .:c<lve~)/ear a~aI d '~la 'COI" ~ '''r:~'d 1l1,[Q·fl R'e_·cbs/fill' e,~~r;s' Heitli~i[cl1 1 m - unl, .. r'at~[y tn 1.:1_c-"19 aldlOllgl1 11.e was t.cl~njcally JIJe'a- . ""'lg, llot ell"- ~tll'>""" to I'et. ~ve it l1e"l~el" l~a ing

d -1- . ,i ~ .. l ~ , - "'t'" SS' ttl

,- ·frv-" _ t le reqll1S te p,erl' (Jl m .,a m- ~tary I". Lll11'!

S~51 MA8K~[M,~·N~, . P.1. WAllD'~:

MenllJer~ '0/-' t arrr I.e(] ,j.~5; ~,..- e lt911i -Jire:: fl~'O---

wearin.gi Webrn~.(jlc'1~'t 111arkslnansliiplal1Lyart15~ 0.1126, J~.lll),:; 11'-'< 137:· 'f) Idraft orde: inL--t"tlltil 'g~~ all

- . \

S]10'()tmg B~\'dge (5~S~'_S'cbte$:s,a.bz.e.r~c:ljen) war drawll

'lllJ ,d·.·· I·=·"cribitlg fOtu- cl~l~~.- ' .. ~~ o· .' toth i cc::,~g rtia, featllr:.. Ulg' tat~,get ~- t-· 'be'o "1 'Oll tIle l-wer r~gllt .·le -·ft.A fiu'11I~lr ,d afw ol"[d,er ,dat"_.l_ fr01TI,()iv:e·:mnl),er 1931'"

ref·. 'IS to the cr·.~·atiOl. i ~.f' all Arme·tl S_,· ·SI1[00. iIl~:, B,aclg,:' CSch·u'tz·e.:·-. 'ab;Gelclen d-~? ~~S-lff) il1 metal


form, for 'Wear on the left breast ]JO_:~'k:' t. Tc .. further ;C'~)I .. IS' th issue I ~. blanl ". Irs tion for ar 8S'

Marksmanship Lanyard <~5!.~·S·c/~t.i.. __ ~·'e,.nst~l.-·ntir.) also exists. H()i~V~~V.:, none of these projected prorici '. ncy badg ... .s wa . ever produced 'and then was .0 outward ecoanition of ~).~. marks ~ anship

T' E '~FLQV'" :1 WAR; ME·D:t··'

'0- 1 .May 19.38, instituted the Commern '0' ·1-'"'3r"I·"V· e Medal of I':' M'; arch . 119",3'8' or 714: .daille

. ] I I.. . _ :. I·t. '.' . . _ . . I . ,. ~ _ ~ .:. . , ... .L .l.f.I. .. ". __ ,.'. I

~. I. r' . -. '''1' n ,- f,t'!ll'l . ':J; a .if1 ;'Ij_.-j d .. · 'e';J;'I l' ' :. ".~~! -y 1- :. ,~. . rus·· U3.' ' 'y'-

~ .' I : : . ' .... ;r ""ll'lrO 1IJ~"1 } :_~I, I " ! , ~ .... ~.~.. I, rb..LJ; 1'1 "'_ .

kn -- 'O··,i"~?I-1_ as" the 0:· stmare» teda . -ill·l··e:· .=I'r scblu .. Ie

•• _. i Y ~'f .' . . .' _. rdI' I-.~l· I L1I, Ii; f:r. - 1'>. _ l_ ;J. - - , ' _". r~J. _' ,IX,.. .. ".,

Medal. _Ie-,'·';g:-:d b Professor Puchi: aer 01' Vienna

- I _~

it. was awarded to those who prepared for 0 - tOC) ;'.

part in the .. ' a·zi ann _~· .. ation of Austri: ~ It was : e first in. a series 10' . three medals elebrating i he so ..

'. al 1"· d f::'1. I' 0·: 't ::. • , • - -'S"" whe -1 .'" I',v rdin . 'g.'" 'Ge' r-'-:m' ",. 11'

~, 1 -' I [ • I ~', .. ~- ": . i _.I t, _ .' _; ''-1 .', _, I. '.:"" 1 '. I • 1. _ I '_ I • ,

troops were greeted wirh fk ral tributes rather than gunfire and the Nazi rl': gime scored I.C.,()';-·'._ ~-l)· ctacu-

131'" bloodless vtctorics. The second in the series, the

:l,~ A • ~~ i.TI U· tir ,. "I ,..,.,t::' •• h ,.' '" - ~ ...... ·~i~i·.t. "j ·F.h·· - i\.;m- .. ~'l' '~. '''''

.oJ ']t~ ~ 'f" ~D- . ;n _c er.sc ]:3!.I-1 U. .. rer u~ etJ'T'~ nr; l_;~.' e rulS C. lln~s

,Ued'a;l G1/i tb« occasion of bis ljlJeiFlr:lirfg' itt 19:Jf)~ Of' jJttrtl-"C1JI:Q!Ji interest' ts tbe fact t/~·at tD-'lj a/~J),tl1:~1 IJtil/J7gS frorn its rtbbon of issue r~11, tbft.~· ~ifJil~t;ln mannes; rather tbtJ~n b,f§j:,ng eourt mounted ,t/;'S" !'{)6IS usU,ctl{1 tb« case ~tb·f"

,I.' ,.'lfr'N'~···-A· ~~ ... ' v."',. stio '~", .

u "; fJ' I' ere ea O:1'ga1 't 1;S(4 _ 1," ~. ,1t$.,

Medal of LOctober 19:)8~ was awarded for participation In the oCCt1.1 .• ation ,of tile Czech Sudetenland, and a Ear b '~al~tllg a representationofPrague 'c,a.stle, W~SI authorised 011 1 ,M,ay 193,9 fat' holders of tile medal who 'were further engaged ill the occupation of' 'the rest of Czechoslovakia and the subsequent OJttg,311iSa tion of the Pretectorate of' Bohemia and, Meravia. The last medal ill the .series commernorat .. d the return ,0' ~ the Memel District from Lithuania to Gel~mat1y~ Ea.,ell ofthese medals featured the same obver se design - a tall standing figure carrylng '3 swastika banner (Germany) assisting a sh c «te "", figut lie . ~ t' .1, b 'ro' J~""'~'n"- sh 'a' c 'kl e s (re 'p' . 'fi~~ ~.,. 'tID": g ~ •. 1,1 iL '-,' 'r .ll . ' ... : :,' VV"t .1-.;L ....A.t . . .... .: ' ... ,: ,;. "., . jf.·· '. jl-'~'kll ,J.!.L.,": ," 1

the 'freed' AUStI"i,L11S, Czechs and Memellanders) [0, mount a podium which symbolised the Greater German Reich. The A nscbluss and Sudetenland Medals had on their reverses the dates 1,3' Mdrz

1,93,8 and l' Okt()'ber" 1938 respectively; each surrounded by the legend E,i'n J;O,llt E'in Re'z'cl,. Ei11 Ful()re'J-~ (~'Olle people, lone nation, one leader') 1 a favor rite pre-wa >!' ,810g,l'I'), which promored itler s reunification policy. Th _' Memel Medal had, the reverse Inscriptien ,Ztt.r' Brinnerung a" t/.,1.f2' Hr;irrtM'ebr des :ll:Jewle,llcIlI1aes'_ 2·2 Md:~~z 1'93'9' (~Il] C'OlllOJeQ1,OIll.·· lon of the return of the Memel district, 22 March 1$).3;9';) .. T~lleAn$,chlf;.t:~\s' Medal was silver ill colour 'and tile' others bronze. It is noteworthy that tile Blumenlerieg witness 'd the first us of tile' Nazi field post office system. ,,1 sure 8\g.][1 that Hitler was by then expecting full-scale war,

The original. design for the Anscbius« Medal, :3lS described 'in the foundation decree, had Hitler's profile 011 the obverse 'a nd a large eagle and swastika ",.11 the reverse. However, this pattern W'"".,S, never produced, probably because it would have smacked of occupation' rather than 'Iiberarion ~ i

The numbers of 'flower war' medals distributed were as fOJJOlV1S::


1. 1626,17 Ip34,~,563

. .'. ]" "" 2:' ',1

;J ,~':L '. ~

Sudetenla nd lrledn·I

P·_ 'r'a'01l re C·'· astle Bar . Z] '-'- .~ '~~,-~ ~ ~. "-'- ~Ii~,

Memel Medal

Mil"' it it t k'"" .. t in a f tl,' Il-· .'

ii' . , . Im·j. " rT.' " . , .... - .. 'I-"~'I [!II l .' ,",I '. _., "," I' . .J. "f' ;.-

utary units ra cu g P,II 10 any o _~ .e,se IO'CCl1l>2,-

tions were authorised to carry streamers, ill the colours @f tile appropriate medal ribbons, attached to thelr regimental and battalion xtarrrlards ..

T> 'R- --~. W··· -::'E:):.;",-T· W:. ·.··.'A·I ~. l\~~'lM.'·A 'r

.. ".I:.J .~. ~. . ',._ : • "N i"V~nL

'TIle German Defence Wall Decoration .. , 01~' Deutscbes !;f::h14tzttl6tll m'!rt!nzetch·l!:11. i usually called the We·,-t W~lU Medal, ~c; 8, Instituted on g August 19:39' f( -,f bestov .··~ll upon designers, planners and over 600,OO() workers W 1:0 consmrcted the

Siegfried line and other defensive forriftcations

along tl1e western 11110rder of Germany, Members of' the armed forces who 'were statloned or these defences priorto M'ay 1'9.4,0 .. zere also eligible fair the bronze arwa.rd, which featured at. pillbox' surmounted by a sword and spade .. l~ second striking of the medal, this tiole In zinc, was made Jn October - 94t fo _I distribution as a morale-booster tOI 13.1~g,e forces of" workers and soldiers 'then strengthening the defenc lines along Germany's western 'anti eastern borders Around 200,~.(J()O zinc medals were handed


out en masse 1'0- the entire membership of

Organisation Todt construction units, and the exigencies of duty at that .' ate stage of the 'W~~' fr :.= quently resultex] ill tile' award bj,e' ng presented with a partially blank citatton :S,O hat the recipient could fill in his own detailS! A Bar comprising an eagle over a sword and spade was authorised for those

who had already n ceived 'tile bronze medal in

1'9'3,.9-,41: . but it was never produced.


35~ i-1 tVest 1¥rall kle:clal bj;· ·•· .. ··te'l1tl~1?a;·lihle'1" & Lil,eR', itith


bei'rJ. e tsaner 11~ck'et of issue.

.0 1,' ~J - I:""~j , .. -


On 14 .JlIly 1942~ at the suggestion Reicbsfiibrer- I~~ Hitler created the

O~ fi the

. "

0·· I • l-lrt-' .~


Deocranon 'for bestowal on over I million former

S~O·-,:·~~,· citiz 'n" ~ 11" · ... ,d· ·"1I~]d·" ~:'Ii"'l'a' ""3·: vast array of M·' oslern

' .. 'W' -"-~ . ' ~ .... '~"!i .. . . ..t..- L.II.-.'. -LLl.,t;.. . ~ -ill·_ o~_ _. Jl. ,It: c= "._ ".' ~'.... ... ' .

'tribesmen from the Caucasus who w··· re serving as volunteers 'in the Weh'rnftJl.cJot., Thev were ,at that


time ineligible fer' the Eastern Front Medal and other :._ .. erman combat awards. and so had recently 'taken

. f ... · . Ii, ]. i' M·j, k M dal

' .. '" - .. , jf .,- ,. ':...., I . - ... a _. -. " . !'." .' . ...• ,- . . '.. ..'. .... . . . .... . . ," '.' c". , ....• , - ,"'"". .

to manutacturmg t nen own -.;:_1C,E)7 s iouse mea '~;S'"

most notablythe 2u,cl Siberian and 51th Don Cossack Cavalry Regiment Crosses, The latter had no offlcial standing whatsoever, ·bllt highlighted the' desire 0·-; these people {tor some l1!"IJe of decoration to recogruse 'their efforts,



.36: Unofficio! asoards created ai,,~¥:·tng 19", 1-2 b_'llJt~tJl~ Nazi C(J,:rR.acks·t&I~'l t.ttg /tv~:·th the Weluma. c nt"

(u) TI:J1e 21'ltJ/ Siberian CfJssac:l~' C6lValr.-; Rlegi"1'tel:'lt Gross ,1Jnl!ln'l{if6U··tl~~-:e.:d in b'ru11!Zil"' IU//4iil_:Jlnfl enamels l?YB-1 qgtl Kraus (}/~I Z6lgrft',b t~

(b)' Tbe poorer quttli:J! .5.tl1 D'011 GOSSQ;'ek~ C61Va'l"'~' Regi1fliJfJj~ CI;v:S"S~ be·tirtng tbe ,1~{~lrJ;;~e Qt t/j.',{J U~7Jtt cO ~·1iln'CJ;nde,.~ K(J n,(J .1ifJ'l) trr 'fJJ)~"~llt ilf;:' (;{'N1$l c tere.


TIle 0$",·1 r: lie Auszei: hnung .... ~1111 e in two cla sses

I 1})1'·· ,Ja:··s in Gold : .. ', d 'Iit.~\ rand s ~" d Class in, Gold, Sil-et {~11Id B,· onze. Tl t, e Ist elms! was a ~'.O mm ~r~': .. lle pin-be ck badg ',,: orn '0 a tile left bre .. .st pocl .. et,

whi the znd Cla . c . ": .. ;#' ~'O':'" . ..... 11· .. xlal .. ·Ii.II .. spend ". A, ... ·,.

.. .:. :.' L.. 'I . ..' '. 'f :,.',: J '·1 'i:,. '., j . . __ LJL _ _ lJ

from a ribbon in progressrvely lighter shad 'S, of Turkic greer ~" with whin edge s .ripes for 'tl silver

"~' ·a· '. ~'.; "1["1·['1 i""iqi; ,"U' '-::'.1--' '. fo r:- rl . - 'PiO' "'l'rd" -g:' rade 01 ·,·.e-"··'.~l"ig:·n·' ed

J. ,Ll __ -I· - I~' JL~.... ,', _.1 ' ,- 11 . .-.. ' ~'I -_ [', j fi;!- ~~ _ - .. .:_:_. ,_.'~ __ . " __

bv ~l" ar Lans of rhe Godet fk' " the raricr s div"~sions of "ll:e zinc ... based decoratton lall 'took tIl ... ' form of at} I Jamie star bl' : I ling 1'1. traditional Russian suntlower S. rroi nded 'Y' laurel leaves, and each could

be - .:·ith 0.[' '. it11QI ··Ie ~wIQ1",d -~"; An award with Sword:

lenoted bravery in battle and . ould be bestowed 'by the t oal arm . divisl anal command lot, il '-11< case

3 -; I'f!T1 c '0' . ". """f". !k' n ... 1i: ,,'J. 'II!/_ s«. ~,

l.. iii 1 iJe ·.·,·S ~ . 0 .... ..LJ'tt.· "0 ,·, ... l iF t. 0 11~

. o· l~/) 1··· . '1' ~~ 2.;:]~ f C' 'I' ~·S··'["" rl'Ji~, ·G···, :t:;1/'-..;I "'1' ,1..j.,ll~ .. (.J .:t. it C 'i cord e b .

_ _ rp . l'. II: ,". ,~.. ~J [f.' Ir ... _: ~J -.!~ 'b [,-" . r • 1,'7. _ "~I. iii.. ii;.l.ili1' . ".'ilh, I.._ll.. -,. 'Llr,~r- I '>~ .

l,vachtt r &- Lang«;

" '. .,. ",." tI' o ";'"l i,t~'· 5 'd

··,"P···· ':~.f~,7 ,:l~" -.'.·,.·:t.""('i 'i.':~ ..... ·:···e"lili 'ii," .':\l''I .. out .·:,;r.·n,(JI~;·'·[~· J,I

. I'.J·,_~-. , lr;. rl,_ -I#p ...., '0[. ~ ," ~ 'E1. ik'l" ii' , :' ,. _ . , ~~ ~~~'J~ _,_! ... itt ...... ~.~ 1_,1I~' r r

l .' - S" '

'Wrd,cbtlef' & Lange;

BJ t':"'I'; "J "IIitlJ.'" 1 st C" 'I~;P,']!' 'fo."'!~ 1." '!lI'1' G" '0, 1:i':.1 ",'01',' ~t..ih.·. " 111":7 ;1 j, ':'., /., U ''I}.I.r.:''!fi~ . ~ I, ..I rt~, "I" i'-It ii1! _. 'l~~~~~' _,-'" b.' _ I[#~ ~JiIr _,~ _ .,' ~:-I- ... ;z; It . ~:rL ." ·fEl.·'~~;.

·1 111 ... ;1~ uersion ,1';)1':" +.'1...- .-!'r ,A.t._)<· ratio: .;t;. ,1'-'- ivro ·1' .;~,.1,.1 tt I~,t· ,0 ,1 .,', c .c:lG ~ ~,. " .. 'N'J ·'·,r· 'tJJ ,O.'/..Ji;J ,~till -, I );, :IIi ~'Ul! r ': e;..;;r, J •. ,. ;!I'~O' "iii I,fj/:l'~' !JO,,",.~

'~Qtie,tlike title,lel d ",_, Vo 'I, ~~,:Jr Hero of t; ~IPe:1l:.

uias co ", ~te1·-·Wli.lted. ~fbl'~ all ~a.rtJ tal LP10" -Nc ;:z··~' nati» e genBlt~aJs~ b ut uias never in~titu·tect~

0"- a" ti-parti an units, by the senior SS' ad poli '.' officer in. the ares The award without Swords recognised meritorious se vice and ~1~' eonfer ~e·d: in Hitle 's I ame bv the MiDj~S', er fOI the 'O·CC11 )ie.d


E~ .ste·ID Terr ~ toties ~

The ( ,stt 'olb D!' oratior was like all 0'" h· r . TermaI] military and civil awards rolled i11tO one and could b·. presen .... ·d not o nly for va . 'ur 10'" rn ·.ri '-'"LIt all '0 for beingwi ._ ded, tor taking part In close combat, or for partieipating in '.~ re zognised earnpaign I, Conseuue .' ttv it was y. '} .' widelv di tribu .'. xl,

, '!!ii.i~'~.. I ~

All grades of' the ~nd Class had to be 11_11(1 prio ~ 0

aw-ard of the Ist Cl;" I. [s'~ ljc)':, , e ~ er, to CIOI - teste the issue still further each grade of th . ~'.D(1. CJ~l' '1':. could be conferred thn ... , .. irnes .. :[1 'a singh lndividual

3B! G' , nera '11 m aj ir Br« 11 tsiau .' crt I i1.2SIe·t()~~~ 1 ma» der

of th« RUS'iio/11 Pe op lei s Liberatton A:rt1'lY', tl!etlfing tb« Osrvo .' Deo sraiion 1 st Class in '. ilter i:J..-ithl S' '()1';r;/S belou bisIron Cro ss I(a.''1~;:irJski tOt;JS exe :CU' ed b1 :1'·1 I~ I~"


fc ,yl lQ·,.1;i~ l( committea i11 tbe l." .·t:l_s area ,qf Poland

al',e'ri1~g tbe autumn (ilJm·19·?lii~


.' . ,I

3:.11 ll!4i~1:'· bers of the Osttiir '. J.'1, cne ,*~.' fen-Verband

'8S, t. .I;"chl 'lcornplrislO:fl Mfi/!$lirtls fi~()Jn t;_be Turkestan re~gt.~··.'n" kneelin. .': before prayer :1'12 October 19':,', ." Th ..

: " . an in tbe foreground u. ears tbeIron Cross 211:.t!l Class tSl11Ia,-IJ6 Ostvolk Decoratt« -n .. ' ·'niil Class il' B :"'OllZi!-' .~~ -ttl;)'

S~tVO" ids:

"I,J' ~ t aree Bronze, three Silver and 'th C'L Gold and rnultl I} ", awards were often made and worn simu '_ 'tancously; hanging from~,ep;arately p ~.' . Jed on ribbons in til, - traditional RlL1S; i ·"t· . -'., Fo " ..

- ., ~

'.' "-, ,-", - . ·O·l.,. -"'f -' E . :,:' ... ) .... C'. I " .' , ... ". " - .' .. ,J'." ... , ,'" ~ tl .

exanlp " , .< c·,ufJ.," So'"~ ". ...0 1101 OV~ Clo, lllnan,flel, Ol' ·Ie

.... "th- D"' .',.,,: C" -.~"., -..,_-. "!k·· .... , "'.:' ,~' 'd'- ... 1, " ',' Id- C' '1' 1 " ~n B '. ',r' "

,I ,·O'll_'·-·'OS.S:(;l'C,~·S~ reo t, .-.' me ··,·n"·:;i lass U:.. sronze

twi -r"'"e" t: 'I .. e' ~ ?:r- d· - C' l' a·· c·s' ~ n ·~iI" ver . n c,e' -!' :c, . -. e'" - . ,: n (~ ,el'a' S'''''' .

LW" ~':" ,- 11"., ...... ". '. '.', . ~'.': LL.I. '.' 'V"b _. I. '.' . " I. 1_ ' .:1; ." " '.

;~IG.'''O'·'·'·- once before being .1 ", ded the Ist C'" -I 'a' -5" :"',.-

I.Jd,· " 1...... " . "'lll)r .. .. - 1·. a-vv:ar .. ' .. ' _. ; 1,- ,,:1.;" ,~,,"'_-I!.· m

.SU·e -~ After that hex a. presented with a further 2n(1 Class in Gold! Females could also qualify for the deco arion, th r first ~'lIC ] -' ecipien being 19-y _ ar()t1(1 M'arij Stud eni - ' -:.va~ ;a .' ront-Iine tIll ""~'e' witl ,; i, ' .. [, 1 S .

CI(JSSaCK Division, To facilttatc the "Eastern' manner of their wr arina. which was uniq t1..· . arnon fJ:, Nazi

,I _ lEI

awards all e .. .arnples of .' ',:e 2nd I~la- .. ' ~ere deliv .......

_. _. !e.. _ _ b'__ " " _ ..... . l', : ... _ ~I '_mO. ~' . '. .._.,.J .... -:. .,1'

ered f OI,·'n the fa c:· to rv att ~ ch Po :" to .- 'r '1. 'C':':;:"7Ill" Iv,· >' 'W· .... I""l

- ~ _ ' ., . ..J.." ,., _ eli.· , .. L-, " ,\- . . . .' ~ !;.; . '. '. . , • ..L

• -. • I, ~

ril)l)on~, tllII01'lI.gll 'wl-lid] tll,e SllSlJensiOJl r:ing ~l~as

4 ..

11,O,Q,k '. d. This nece: 'sita lei::. the use of a .elatlvely flimsy and easily bent aluminium ring, left unsoldered an' _ open, rot? ·e . se of pushing through prepunched holesin tile ribbon.

N- - otable recip ue 'II·t'·S·" 0'-'''''' ,tL e Os: "Al··~ Decora 'til io i'. I sr

~ll [, .. __ ~ ~.\w~ ,'uI.- ,.', -,' ,_. L-U' ,_ r: ~ .. ~ .. ~_ fiG' , .. ,.~ .,~~:. ._ - _ . .l. ~. ~

Class mel, td .d til' - infamou $f::~' soe« .. rfu..l- rer Dr' Oskar Dlrlewangct who o unmanded :"1 anti-pattisan brigade freqr e .lt~, used as a terror U11it agains .. ,t IC' 1",",y·;'I: ...... .n ~~ B"I""'O'~~I~I • ..,ll'a- v'" v,"'TJiD1l-', lnsk: le a der 0',- ·,f·'. the ~'O' -ca 11' " d.' "- ''f JJJ.n-J.' q" ... . .Ill.· ~ '. ~,.,., .. J:~'l! - - - - _.-' _ -, ) -.' .' t'-'~'. ~'. " .

Russian People's Libe atio -> Army, and B·. : ~~i:

SlUY'S,(,0V5.fty. commander of the German Army's 1 st

c, ussian Divisien. T11'e Ist Class was .isually a·~cOID1'" panted by a' token ca 11 '. payment which was often far more welcome than, '1~1,-_ ,3:,'. ard itself- given the poor financial circumstances of the ms jority o I··illssian auxiliariee in t.1e'3:Z,] .orces. D: spite this latter' incentive, h~o.~·· ver; the Eastern troops; to whom '1-]1'I"iS"" d C···O· .. ···I;V]ltl'·;,O··Il Q'~j']I~ ini .. t l'~"·all··~,y·:·: exclus ively given so on

t.. -J ._' _ .'. " .. ' .[a. ~ ,", v.v"[au:J, ,JL.l._.1 t r l~ . '.' '~,.' '_ .. )".!l iY.~ . .. : "~: '". ~ .,'.-' '.- -

. -

felt sliahted that no Ge a' ever app, -a, . I'~" with

one. Consequently, in _ November 194,2. autmnatic eliglbilitv ~'I the Lst an d / .... ir "71-111" Cla · .. S·· U~'] 'S;:"' ver ~TCO; "1'

. , ,~' ,'. ~I!: . - . , ' .:.' .L ,Jl.' ' '. _ .!l.).... """. "tv " .

S· wo ...... ds --w' ",·a"·j e', xten ded 'to G'·e· r rn 'r:lI" . 'a , '. p" ,_.., ·r' "S"O' J111~'ei. I

"'"" ','~;Il! ,"'-: ,_. ,. -~~ - ~ -~~~ -', ,~~ -,.' ,c.t. ','.. ,,', .. " "·Il-iLl· ..

W]10: alreai y 11 .. Id the, Iron Cross Lst and/or 2nd Class resp,~.c[ively. 011 1,4 P'lebnlalY _ 94'·1" t11e eqll:iva.

lent Silver grades without Swords were .authorised fOl~ appropriate German holders 0.' the \X!al~ Met-it Cross, It was not until mid- 11944 that Russian, volunteersi ,. the Wehr11~a,cht were given the general right to, wear the' Iron Cr'o'$jS~ WOlJU1d Badges and other German award .;. After that time distribution ofthe O~tvo:lk' Decoratio "1 tailed off-as it had always beon f3~rrly unpopular not Ieast because of Its tawdry appl:cl1RD_ce, and 1),0 0 r-quality flnish. Indeed the OstflfJlk':.De·clo!t:€ltioB '. ".' as seldom worn by its German recipients, WilOI considered it some .thing of a "native "':'~"'.u,!, ~ ke :t' -

U ,ll\.,· '_:_ [!I'

'T te liIJD of Waclltler &: Lange (J.]o11e manufactured hundreds of thousands of l(jstl),fJ'Ik:' awards during 1942-,4 and shipped them east ,Ic.)r local distribi tion, A 11l1111her of .2nd Class decorations were SU.P1J:H, ed with variant ribbons i .. red, yellow, green and blue. Perhaps these were meant to correspond with the various national badges employed by

Armenians, Volga Tartars and the l,:k "but in any event, they do not appear to have been issued, Citatlens accompanying the Osf;v,(JIk Decoration were ftieq·::··~11~11tl~t bilingu ial, ill German and . hi'" first

. _ "rJ o~

langlt~lge nf the recipient.

. r

. . J

. . .. '."

. . . . .,

,,". Iri - . • .'.: - I n - , . . . -; i-;- '. . _ .' I··;r -I .. _.- ", .~ .', I " I' :;- ~ Q

orrorrrs ax d W OL . d Ba..-ie-

A~- -- - (phi 7" -i'-d' -

t- ,j <~ I " .-,.

. m ~" _,' e;'.,'~s

Ie"" .- ... r, .••..... ' "". , .. , ·t"" ... ,._, 'In'- .- p ... "'.,.. shield C:' /"l; - ..... '1, . -- sh '"e· ·'1(· ~Ioi"'i

.... 0l1J111e'IDOra rve ca r _I ..• aign srueius, or arm ,0,_, 1- ""~'"'

were awarded in vario is forms to p .. - rsonnel who took pa rt in specific campaigns ·a111d battles which . were elther p'; articularlv successful or notably 1001"'U-

.' ' I, .•.... ,'~ I,' , ' , '. . 'j( , 1 l- r·. , .. . . ,". ' , I , ~,', '. . _ 'I',!, " :l:il!' "

clllng, They Welle W:OI1~n permanently on ' lie upper left sleeve of the runic and greatcoat, 7 em below the shoulder seam and above 31~y other insignia

.-- --.. .'. ···t ,p."", ,~. . d· .. t: . ·t· --. . . - . ft ... ~ ... ,. - '." - ",.' .. , . . . . Ii". . ..

present. J~ ano ponce .roops 0,' .en wore campaign

hi ld sl d hei 1

I ~ • '_,'. "_ " .• ~. __ I "'. ;-.' "'':_ _ ,": . , <1 ". '. ' ": '". ;'. -'!!!' . . "0 I ,._. ":_- - ~ - I ~ ~ ,. - ~.~ : . - . '. _-. . "',

S ] lie ts erroneou JT nne er t aeir arm eag es, pre-

sumably in ignorance of the . '!,c,gnlatio!ns or because

they were simply adherins to the generally accepted principle thatthe national ernblemshould take precedence lover' aU other uniform badges.


The firs . campaign shield, the .......•.. arvik Shield 'was

ill altuted 01:11 1'9 August 19,40 for award to personnel who, took part in the capture of the pel-t 'of Narvik

between 9 April and (I.llme that year, thus depriving Britain of her last foothold in Norway and, in __ e,ed~ malnland Europe. The battle, which witnessed the evacuation ofthe Norwegian 1011.g,· and his 3'ovcrn:-, ment wasa triurnph 01 We,hr1,.'~aGJjtinter-,ervf.c:le· co ..

. , ~

operation, anrl the design of' the new d ecoratio 11. ,

executed by' Profess or Richard Klein. of Munich, reflected that fact, The shield featured an edelweiss (representing the ,i\Imy's· mountain troops under Generaioberst Eduard Dietl)", all at chor (for Kommodore Bonte's destroyers) and a Lufta 'crffe propeller, It '1~1'~1~·· awarder ill silver to Army and i\i1~'

orce recipients and ill gold to members of the N avy; Like all other shields, the NaTI' :i/k!$c,btld ":·S,SI hollow-backed and stamped fron sheet metal, A few early issues were IJ late" d aluminium or sn el brut

·:c:-ni·O" st lD'·:r:e· ". ·-e-· in -, lac '·"qu··e'- red '7'1~\I']C'" -T·11' ie first ..... ~I'f" .... ...;:'~\"" Shie "ld-

IlJl..i,,;:'_ ''VV,I', .. r-· 1 I"' ':~.'.- I.·' ,E:i,.iL., ,~, _ .l..U~ . " .. U..J..VlJ1, .: - -; - __

wasnresented tOI Diet] 'by, Iitler on 2;1 M·:~~r'c·h, 1941~, In all, 2·;.8.:0,0 were awarded to soldiers, ,31;700 to sailor: (includlng ~~6:7l ·to d· stroyer crews) and 2'",2ClOI to' airmen. These troops had snatched victory from the jaws of defeat in the hardest ... fought battle of the western campaign.



Tile Cholm Shield was founded ~JD 1 July 194~2 fJt)f all military-and police 1]e'rSOJ1J1el 'who held the Russtan

fortress town of ••.... ~' 101m ,· •• or Kholm) against over-

whe lming odds between 2: I ~Jatl'llal~'Y and 51 May

1942,~ The Soviets Im~1111:,~11,ed: over a hundred mass Infantry attacks I and forty tank assaults against the small beleaguered German force but it stood its ground until relieved. Its' 1(}O'ln'11131l(;'e.r~ Generalmaior Theod- 'r' Scherer, received the Oakleaves to the Knight's Cross for his conduct of the town's defence. The 1. st Battalion of 'P(llic€ Regiment ~,5- which took part in the fl rcesr of the fighting, was dlLlly awarded the honour title 'Cholm", and Dr' Goebbels produced a propaganda book ,011 tile' siege, entitled LKamPfg1PupP Q' Sch.ef';(Jl'Y ,~, 105 T~ge' Etnges:ch'loss'£1.'n (~B,attle Group Scherer ..... Cut Offfor

10:5 Days '), Designed ID'y Pblizei Rottt. iacbteneister Schlimmcr, a participant in th battle, the (:11.,19 m Shield W~,S produced from stamped steel lor' zinc, palnted sil1rer' or fjeld-grey~ Q['1:7\ 5~500 were bestowed between 31 October 1,942 and 1 Apcil

, 94'3, and many of the reclpients subsequently died on the Eastern front, As a result, it \VaS one of tile,

_. . _. - - - -:-

rar ~Ie~t C'· )'a', m '. 'p" a 'l'~I'g"':·'n~1 s hield S··· seldom .seen worn

l~, t.~: " J .1." .. ·.·tJ_ ,,:, . i, ~~. .~ ~ , .... _. _ b]l '-.:-'Lr.r. . .. ~ __ . 'Ii!

'T\ "''1'r. F~jj'i'i - "S,-",-

. ,I-:u6 &J:U1\tl .~,HlEL,D

The Krimscb ~'l"~d'· institu ted on ." Jul" 'v 19· ...• 42; was bv

.. __ :" j:''\'ll J"-"'~'~""IL '.' - - 1):1:: ~ .1 .. _:__u··· _. ~. ~ ~ _ ..... _ .. iJ' -: _ _-11 _ ... _.._g .. , -1,

..... - ·-:t~~·· .. '*" the ,~, '. st 'H'f:~d' 1"' .'i~. '. '.A I 'l~i eld .il. 'iI<'i!'·.· .• 1 " d

CD· L·a,SI~ . I e .1nOS-¥vl:~e y lSSlle"ll LS _JLLe 'I:,. ~ ·X,U.!Qun.I:_-,

25,0 OO!O were distributed to the troop's, u tder Ge'l'Jertllfeldm,a.,~st;llJallEi-ich VO~l Manstein. who between 21 September 1'9'41 and 4,Jt11y' 194:2 '(00'quered the Crimea 'and captured Russia's Black S .. 'it ports. During prolonged f"glttulg arouad.Sevastopol the Germans '. rnployed ~,Big Dora'. the laracst

; ~ .

artill -, ,e- :I'~-'!iy" P-"'l'''"e' IC·. e'-' e' '~e~ '~"" built ~ 'f-·a· I~e',- 'n' c'· e'· ~t::'t· .ate the rn-:"a"lI' ·~r

~~"L. ' .' . ".". '.' -. .' 1"."'1. " ~ 1 '. ~"" - ':'_I· .' ~' '~" .' '. ~. '," .,r

_ • 1 "

. ., .... 1, . -,. - d R.f - "'. ~ :I' . ,~-. b , ..... 1 Jr. -",", H· . "'. - "'~" tl" ~ '.' .. - .. ~

Ul])Uer,grolln~ ·1.lSS1an _,lII1A._ .. IS~ " .ovreveI'r .. l,eyeve,n ... ,

t- ,·:·'U·'· had tc resort tc ,.- .. ,~,-. -. ·c~--'--· .. " .•. ~ .. - I' "."1' to '~'''L11-'

113 . Y 1,_,L4.... ..0 Ties" .. Irl~ ,~Q using p ... uson ,~as ro J]11,a y

overcome the f oviet defenders in, these impregnablc subterranean strongholds, This was the only eamp aig n o '. f'~: th . Sec end ---:o-r-'1'll(3~ 'tV1car-- t, '0' T'l"n tn , '~'0S th p,

~rt . I.' ,.' .0., I.';~:!L ~ I,' - _ 'L_. . .. :. .' . ~ • .JIJLI '. ' .. ,_~ _',\;.]W:t; _ ~: '- '. ''tl¥;Ii ,.b ~'i; .. I_c: _ . b

d,'·· .ployment of chemical weapons. The Crimea Shield was stamped U1 sheet steel with 'a, bronze wash In recog nition of the' part p, laved bv

.. . .1 .1. ~ .. . .. _ . ~_/ .. ' -; :' .. " ... ' .. 1 ..... ~.' • • .__ .• - ._ • _ ._ . ~ .t;1~} ... _ .'_ _,' ~, ,~),

R .' "::--'-:-'":#,,- ~--, i·- n' A I •.. ~' , lc -, .. ~ ~ ... -, th . I_--=- .- 'c'" ~", '~'., '"'0'0- , -" .'." . "t"a' '[

omama ulV1S111~: 11 I I e . ":amp~alt:f" ,3,· speIC,.~ ,'.

version in hallmarked gold was presented by von

,4,1,~ Pi~iJ'n _ l:&;ft to 1 ,lgb,t~·'

Tbe Krim. Sh,trpld;~

Tbe De'lfl1t/!;n~£k Shield:


nfJ.!e K:t.tb!61rJ,lll?!,ZfU6l.

... 4"2·

, . .

. , -.

Manstein to .: arshal Antcncs ell in BIICll~' rest 011 ~"I JUl'~ 119'43:~ Tl at .. :' ,<, mber; von M~aD" rein 'had _ similar golel shi .. Id given to Ill-1D, by his staff officers ~",' :1 l,~ rhday prese at. It is worthy of note that at 1 . ,'. '. one enn rprising Russia jeweller cashed in .:~", the Nazi occupatic m by producing silver :3.11d gold finger r ~ ,g:s ~ bearing engraved represen arlons of" the die 'ig11 'I. aturee o: the "-".' -wL$ch,.'ld, which he sold to Get: nan soldiers as sou zenirs 0;"''', ... .i . stay i" tile Soviet UlliIOD,!

T' .j D; r, .' I .'. ',,~ '., K SlllELD


Tln De nja .. u \' Shield 'wau. authorised on 15 April

194r3 for 9'6~OOO member s of the 2nd. Army Corp: under General \Val: '·1- Graf Broc _ dorff-Ahk ,'. 'e1.d "\V 1_, '0

were cut off at Demjansk, 1010 miles nortt .... cas". of Cholm, on 8 . ebrr ary 19· "'2:~ They broke out of the encirclement Oil '2.. April, but fighting in the area continued until -' id-Oc .ober that year; :~ tiff resf ;-'

ane trorn the : .. ' errr an units especially battle 1·:.{IOIlj:JS 'Ei:cke~ and ~,·.'i111.0ni ,o,f th: Sl;-,1otenkop/' Divis 1 011, . cornrnttred three entire Sovi, " armie .~, . ich th ,i Iussians desperately needed elsewhere, ,Aiulo:,_. gist tile many t housands kille d du ~f '1,~ the battle' 'was Hitler's old ',frie,n,d SS~G'ruppe~n:filhlrel' Paul Moder then s .. ervi ig 'as a, r()te1tt,i-rJP/ Haupt-

S--~, ,1 :~J~~u',4~'h":: .'F!) , der R':,e:' '···Il ... ·e" .. r-"lJIj- j, T' 'h" e': G· .... el-'m,·· 0>::1'""8' """"-;",',;:0'.' "'P'lt

: ,*, __ . _ [~':I. 011' ~ 0: ~_ ~. I.' - ' __ ~ '_ l 1(;,. '_' rill . r - ' _' - I.... "" ~:L' v ... ! ,Ia" - ", .

supplied lJ'Y means of a-' airlift, hence the in "'Qrpo~ ration of ', .... 1 aeroplane in the design of the shield. TIlle Demja;nskschi~d was Initialf prod. -C' ed ill

b .'"g'~ 'I" ¥,.- s·'~' re 'e·'d::- stee 0·· ... .zin .c and distr Ibution com =

, - .' '" .. 1. " ,,;.:"-' I ...., ' _." IR ',_ ,I , .. ,., IL. ... I

, .. ,. -:

m need at the' beginning of 1:94", Examples manu-

factnred fron mid~19,4·4 were' .. I~ .: ,i. en a dull field-gn y finish ~o'r ca,m_ollfla~,e' .'"'eas.o~ns,.

TIlE K""'UB' . A' IS' HELD'

- ~I ", " ,,' -- .' • . I

• _ ~ _ ',1" .',. I,; l .~ • ..... .._ •. ~ _ , •

11 . "llb:tUl 5i} ,~ . 1:' W~$I fOLI lId,.· d. on 2'1', S'cpltle'll1.ber

11 19·'· &1' '. '·'1 a"e' ,;a:· m··· . 10' . \-ft\'lI1Ie. ,:,...b····· ... '" . ~ ," 'I' jjD~" f-r't'~/I"hMi '~.1-Fol,~~"n~,er:~· .. a,::~1

j_ "I ..... - !~ I' , . .l,W . .' .'. , ',' '"-.J"tf/,~~ ':;-~":;;':~:iJil'JW..if"1' ~!l..-,. ; I:""

'Ew .. _ld Vl).n 1.:-·le·~:5t 211d hisID!e'n ~110 wel'"le lIen fight~ it g tor tIlt it live:'s ~~J. 'th:' KubaJl blridge'head orl tIle Taman P'enil'tsula benv,.' n til S·"~··a 0" Azov ~ind t -'e RIlS:-"~'an nav,~_', ba~e· at No-woros';ijsk, a battllf POIP·.larised by tllC1' 'n-ove] a ,"d, feiilture fill)) C,~oss o..f'Ir;().n~. The defen" of tIle' bridge·h. a!:'~ blegan on 1 '2 F' .~ 'bl'1-:1ary 19' :'" .~:' i :bllt leo . tinllOl 'S 01"sJallg11~ .'S fr:Ofll thr .. :ovi.:t Nort·, ICallc·a.~,:irul Fr()tlt A· .. t~y reSlutec' ill th, - I' .Ir:der 'be"-:" g' given 1011., SCIJtelnb:er to. eV~lCtlJ:te all

G, rman and ~}otnaruan forces from the ares s Supported 'by the lG .'i'eg~:m'tri'1.,' e, they withdrew a, .. .ross the Straits' of Kercl ~. ll.. th, .. ' I:~.llb'a 1 fell to' the Russia!'}' 0 .' 91 October, TIle names of the most si,g= nificant encounters tough. during t 1··~· C,"'I rnpaign

~L~ 0" . ,., . (th ,'I .' 'L" ," . - B' ttl .... ) ··v .... -, -. sk " , . 1

. ,a~ u·ne"n. .... e ... il:gloon ~Ia·. ,e~s.~ ~}'ms .... ay'a atlrC.

'N oworossijsk', were impress ed on thr . face of th shie Id zhich _' .. zas sta m ped rron . shee ,,'t- st ·e· "e"'" or zir ""C'''''.·

,~ll~ _. "_,' _ ... - _. = _.". 'j •• _ ~l" • "L4;. I, 'I ." ,-, , •.•• ~. U1! "- _J._. " '. D' ~dL,

with a br rnze ~a811~ Tln first awards took PI-, Lee during t 11. e secon d half of l'Sl., ',. A uniqi e example of this shield tn hallmarked gold. ~ s reporn d tQI havt b en p ~e8e'nted tOI von Kleist b~, his s aff . fficer -;

All of til: aboveflve shields, the OJ11y ones v~ rified from wartime photogmphs vas i av ing I~ efinitely been ~, isuec and worn. were S.- pplied with backings of wooll -n or ~ayo" cloth appropriate in colon ~ . 0 the tunics to which they were.attached. The reverse 0·' '. ach shield had prongs or edge t bs.vgenerally four: in .number, which wer .. " pushed through the cloth and were then secur ~'d in place b)l being bent over', sheet steel 0 - ZU1C backplate, Barty slu. 'Ids, espeeialf the NeJ171ltksch1ild usually had, th,i'~l' plate in it turn backed bv cloth, Mld-war p. ece .. tended to! have' cheaper' paper backins S over the plai e, whit'.' later I.' hields ] ike 'ttl, ,: Kubas. scbild were genen lly issued with uncovered backp lates, R·· ·ci-·.: i. nts were issued with three to lye exa mples of eachshield to allow for simultaneous display all dress Ul,niICS field tuni c· ~U1"_: greatece its. This. 1TI~. , .. ' t that ,. .any m .", ~ shk lds were made than we ''',e a ctu ally' awarded For example; given normal wear a 11d tear and replacement 0' n -I. .ics, it is estimate d tl1sat . et""' 3 mOOo11 Ktim '~,h.i:lds w"ull~ haVi.· ,~. ,ell l1ee'ded for' lise 'by' tItle LSO-.OO(} ho](lel'$ of tlle"a, afd~ Pl~otogral)bic eV'iId,el1c'e indica,reSI t11:at,om~e (''l1ieJds~~ p.articlJll:arly the DeWl:jlill.sla'sr;ull'd, were olcc;a!~"~"l'lany ··IDJle'd lor se~Tn, Id_it;e'c ,~-y to the slec .,71 'Without tll"~ ,egulati )f blackitlg'~ Pr~Sll nably this wa.' intend,; d, tlo ,gjv':' a neater appearatliCe'~

T "S" ,

. ,E, ,,,"P'~<,ND (,tJIE1D

T.h. Lapp,lt;C1zlds,cb.ild diffe'rled,·j~g.njfic'alltl¥ .from t.ts prede:cessor'51! Itl F'e'bl~uary 1945. IGene'raJ Fra.D.z

B",r' d:" 2'0' 1 M ,,. AI

. . . -::- .' ' .' ,(... " --:-, '". -'J " :,~ I·· - ...• ". -, • ~ I· " ,l -,,' . ... ,r, I" 'I· ,II

,0IUTI,e CIOD1ID,all": er,' I .. '.' ,.",': ,-L .. , alI .' .. I y,

whicl1L 11,a,d, b,een ,'igl1t~ng a tw"o-fuont w:~."r ag·ainst th)e :B,ritisll :in, n·,orthe>rn NONlay atl'd tIle" RI18Si.W1S in.

NjTI])AJ~ts A-ND :D.E·ccr~\·T]ON~ OF 1'_ TL.ERwS' GEl~MJ\~Tf


Lapla d .since September 1'9"4'4" ~ uggested to the Army High C0111,l1h1.n,d_ that a commemorative shield should be instituted ·tr, recognise tile' efforts of his men. t was , lot until 1 ]\i' ay; however; the 'd'ay after Hith f"S death that ~p' oroval for the award was finally given - and the chaotic situation in Germany at t,,- 'at time meant that normal production was out , .'"f the question, The ilOt 1 Mountain .£\rIny surrendered tOI tile' British In NOl'VIay on 81 M·tIY; and tile Germans ~ '001-' found that their captor, General Thorne, unlike most Allied commanders, allowed hts prisoners to wear their military decorations, 'In view ofthis Bohme's soldiers decided tOI make their shield themselves, Rough sketches were circulated amongst some survivors elf the campaign and the desiga chosen reflected the fac thai the Nazi regime was at all end, A, federal eagle - without a swastika surmounted the word 'Lappland above-a map of the Northern Cap .. ,. A number of awards were duly made ~ On paper' - with appropriate

'em r "'p ~ 1"' D" t' 11'-P """P C ip . ,; ent 'iC j, Sold. 'b u- :C· 1_,;..,iII"" a' nd a '~pf'DiY

•. , c ,'1,,-,,"tJ ,., ,~Jl,~, I'~I·"JL~· ~1'-J1A.._~ ,J·'U'_;'~::' ,',I;;",,f;,1,,' ,:" . . _ l~>tf;

crude shieldsmay conceivably [lave been produced in prisoner-of-war camps. It is noteworthythat citations bestowing the laPJ}'Z:ani6lsch'lld' wet-e- made out ill the name of G· neral Bohrne personally, rather tbal'lU1 the name ,ofth1e Piihrer (by then Grr.Jsslt,dmi'r:e£l Donitz) or the 'WehlrHZa'ch,f Iilg:h Comma nd ,

., • _ .. r


The so-called . 'Sardinia Shield' was not a, campaign award but SI1)]P.ly a cap badge worn, bry selected mcrnbers of the \90tl1 Panxergrenadier Division, which had been 'stationed OIB the island, Theshield was Jegitimised 'by an order of' the divisional CQJn= mander, who issued. certificates permitting the wearing of the badge 'Oil the left side 0,( the field cap, It took: the form of' a sm-all map of Sardinia, sur- 111(llI11te,d by a ··;W'OT(~ with .rhe words JOlhia' and

'Cagliari ~ ~

Cul! Ti"tles

Cuff tttlcs lor a}r~rlelb,61fideJj\l, were distinctive items ofThird Reid] uniform insignia, having their origins iII the nineteenth century. WO'F!1 15 em above the' sleeve edge they-were used to denote members lip '0f certain elite units training establishments and so on, as' well ~[S participation in specific carnpaigns.

THE I vo 'N: RI- 'C'r4fTH'"'O':-,F~l:["~N"'··' .j~ .. ~.·rD BiQ, ',El"lru'c ·C' ""'UF~~ . T·ITlE··g'

, .. Y' .'. ,..L"'J... I .:.n1.tll 'I '. , - . bL~, '.' . . -. . , '.


On 1, Oct C)l1 er' 119'35".; the ,~'(Jg"lt;.c:e:~h'Zvt;Jdt!r Prbn u. Ri,chtbqje:n Nf~~ 1 191' 7;:ll3.~ and J,,€¢stq#el Boetche Nt: 2 1,91.6/118'" cuff titles were created. for wear on r h .'"" ht - ,- ~l-·- '.' . 1,· _ .. -"", ·,'ilI,··· .,[, f fr-~1 ","'C',' -."" l . I'Ff-noJ"'i 1~ , . " 'e rtgm steeve I'Y personne 0., L,1.4e new ''U;J,lA/{jjj::J,e

who had previously .ser .. ed iiI either 'of these prestiaiOL1S units during t11e First 'Wtu1,d Wat,.~ These cuff

~"I:.IJ "'j _ •

rrI-LE :SPANIEN 193'61~9' CuFF' .. ' ITLE

y:,~ = .... 'to t f'~ -", -,,"",' ,. a . i, thi ,. . 1- ~. - - . 'f:- ~ :- """'1'" ,- ", .. , , W" not "

Luce ne .roregomg, .:-5: JleC.e o. _U1:~.gm,a was no '3-

cam' tpa "~D"jl' decora tl·~'O·11 J];1~r1 "'e again inc luded 0- nI,' -=y &0"" ---~

~ .'-, ,i" ·]l_el I .... a.. .:1~- ",", ..I 4.LL:1i;;;.1 tUi'.'-'. '.',. ; --,Ll I !"!.Jl '.: . ~ .. 1,1.[

the sake of clarification. It was introduced all 21 IUtl'e 19,39' as' a unit 'tradition' or battle 11Ql10UI for wear by personnel of tile 1 st Battalion. PanxerLebrregiment aud 'Ute Heer Nacbricbten-

- ,'- . 1

. ~ -.' ", . .1 ,.~' " ~. . _ ,. l . _ . - I I _ :.. ';", ," . !iiI" '.' lii ... " .' "r" . . ~. ..'. - . ,". I~:"i!!!

L.'8ltJra.·bte:.zhl.ng,. Thes: formatiens traced, t aeir

origin's to 'Grupp« ,lmke,i," .('Beeki€'eper. Gj\1LI~p'), the .Artuy traintng component elf the' Condor Legion 'd ,," ~, -" ,t-~'l ., S ... _ . .'"', ,.,,:1.- C:' ," iI" 'V1.·- T'l·· --, ,-, ,- f""":' t "It-] -, , (JU,r.mg,le uP31115J.1 : 1 .1 .. ,wa_r., .- .1:e ell 1 1,· ... · was

. '., ,}- '!, ' - - , , -, - ,- ~'-, - ,- d- - --"'-tifi'! '-'~:- '''l,;fl1l1 . ill: -, -ith tl l' ,- d

mac arne-woven m ree aJ~-. ! rcrar SI', .{, wi .. , ~e. egenr

1.93,(5 Spa71/ien 193/9 picked out in ,;go~d thread, It ~ t!a' :C': to be ·w' o· ,*",ft'l A':II~ ~·Y , ·rI'·, th'" (."II ~e'~~' '. Int- ": 'c's.' ""!II·n- I d W, ·3' -e-]I Jii";:;" t

'V¥ i, ~~ .1.: ,_ """ ... :'~~ r ~:LU .,' .. ~ .... ~' ·aill l .! .. , ,I'j 'Q:' .':-;< ,-.,C} 1_ v'

4j~ Tbe (Spa'>J1i'e'n 1'9 .. 3'6-1'9391'1 Cuff Tt/tl:e:.

. . - ~

to be used Ion tile field or panz . t uniforms. F ew phor.to.gra:plls· showing the title in wear have ever cia me' . to., 1jg11:t and it is likely that it was withdrawn shortly after tntroduction, pessibly when the Condor Legion Tank Badge was given official status ()IO . !"IO ,Jli-Yi

itler's conquest of south-eastern Burope and gave 'h-iI'ID control of the vital. eastern Mediterrane 'an area, . 'The title' was 'WOI-~i1 1010 the le'ft cuff of t lie runic and greatcoat f. and took the form ol.f a sturdy white er cream-coloured linen cloth band measudng ,3:3 mm in width, wtth 'the word 'Kreta' .and 1'\100 str)ised acanthus leaf" scrolls muchine-embroidered III


, 11~e Kreta Cuff Title' was instituted 011 1'6' October 19,4,2 fru~.'a:wat1~(I, tie all personnel who took _p'at~ in 'the' in~J1,S] ',In of Crete in May,'-19,4·1 ~ The airborne capture

_._ :t~'

af the island cost the Germans dear' but completed


yeJ- ow cotto 1 hread. The borders, a1.10 of yellow cotton, we .-.~ stitched separate y onto the' cloth bas ... The construction of t11.~ , ~ tle was t.I11• same for all ranks, and every recipk nt reeelv d four exam-

. ' E~s .. :' allow for sinnutanoous .display. in a s;:~ I '. ··tio:

. ,·f uniforms. Awards I ~,ega][ durina tile firsth If' of

19,4 '; and (>-'3"; d on ,31 October 1.9 I ~ ~

THE i\.F. '. '. ClJFF Trnz

On '~:, Jattu:ary - :),._ -.';1;1 Hitler foundedthe

'itle as a ca . ipaigu henour 11·1'" servicein the North Afr! .. an th,eatr,€ of operations Recipi nts had tOI

a e -:e:en-.J. tile zone fo . f t least six m. mth ,'- or thr , e tr on -IS' if incapacitat zd through tropical disease. The time requirernerr W3( waived If '11', .~-; .. ldier had been wounded in action or 11a.cL ~Ol the Iron '-, -40S ~- or son e other bra zery-award. It had a, soft

light brown base cloth. almost velvety in texture . ·and silver-grey embroidery and eit -W:~lS ,I, . ad" . In

exactty '1..- S3:In.·-' wa'~ .- :;':, th ,: Kreta title. he 'Afrika

leg nd w: sin cott n thrt ad "0 - all ran ',~ ~ there was 11.() bullion ¥ ersion f ... r 0 ·~'·~~cel""~· .. The ,. itle wa"~ worn

on the left sleeve: above the Kreta band if thataward W,S also, held, Tl e d" sign fea urec two palm trees ·.11.. eith - side of the word 'Afrika ', and th '~. decorstion is OJ . en referred to as the Afrika with palms', to dtstinar ish it from the ArolY 4/r'z:k'!ako'rp's and " tift,c':QUe Afrika C1JfI Titles, whi€ 1 were 'or ::' atien badges ra her .. than campaign awards, Tll,.··· Afrika Cuff Ti'Je saw distribution d. trine '. '~'d~19)4':':j after th -' Germans had b· len defeated '". North Africa, so .i wa··· not u' , .. uallv w _1,1.11 with t:' I' .. tr .·:.,pica! ll,Oli.U ~rrn~, It'· " _ ..... ;a-~d '(:0-' r'-jgl1Icr'.-' (i~e. tIle Itaiiatl·~': ;,~as: ~.' ·'~r, •. sly :lo-'"bicLld,en·,. Pr·.' .,; 11: ·~lti'/. '15 I, IE, ,s'etl on ,_.' 1

0: - t· '0': " b·' el"'" 19= ~44· .

. • I'__ . " :t.;:t il

I t :~, r:", W{_l tl .' ~ .e': ti 0 ~ ~ 11g tIl ~~,t b ·,~:fore th.e .ins; lUlti In .' 'f . ".lle Afrika , .. ,l~.f1T,~. 1·. Ine~.nb -'rs ,of"he ,Af.' tk·':korp'.·. gave th-em',el"es tlleir O'N"fl. c,o.mm,·. ·m.or~ltiv·-· . aW'al~(:l' ill ~h.· .forn, IOlf '3 .ft:oge'l'" ring wrul.'b ~~t:.lainec' wid'·-pr" .. ··:a.d Ij~·o :>.Illarity· ,amo11g·-~t ' . .1: . I learlles, , vetCL"dl1S 'of

t' he~ Id:- ,e"·, :e~ rt·· '. ,c- ami' .. p~' ~1'·' 'on" T"C b' , e· -'. .... ~ii~~; if R·'.···· !l'~. G '"t":'i'~~~S·· Q' :"r"~: g~"""

'.. " C" .•• ~ ... ,_4a ~ • ~ .. _._ . J ,"1-'''' .. tf"~, 'YY~~, 1,_1.1:

nally !et .. · ~ate~d by ,Ill ~ _ . aginatiVie: G- 11l1an ~.' -lpp ie'S 'otHe: r ROII.e' -' 'I' "',efl,- '.' 0 w1' il, w:· .JJdn.g t]rrolllgb

-'h,.,. ·a··,~~~ars '. f~ Tr~polJi in t'le' sprliig ,of 1941 ',_aw ma:n-y tr .·op,s 'viSi ill'" 10e'3. ~ 11: "J.':. ,an.d blJyin,g '-·11 .ge, '\"Vi 11; _r'~:.~'lrs ,Arabic Dl;otif; ,1,8. ,:'·:.UV~~_'· L~ "s., le'>()J 0.. ...

mis' ·ilolne .: _ 'cine f',' Arab sit -e' -8 ni ~l . to I) t'OIdll" " ,e'


rings bearing the 4jr'ltk.'a,k,,·rlJ~· tactical symbol ()f a palm tree surmounted by a swastika and tine legend

VAl( 1941"', for sale it) unit canteer s. The design soo rn be came '. c I'"V' well 'Il~~lO'UTn'=-' at" 1'" d 'a' n umb e _, of

Ii} .. . .'. t.·· .. ,.~.I...lL.1: . .'. j '. \;,.. A.l~.. Yl" .. , ,_, ,., '. . _ LdL.Il.··_ ': A .

Arab jewellers we e subseqi ,-, tly kept b'ISY !ar)" Jy~ ing Nazi. symbolf .-' to existing StOC'i' '.' ' . f rings, for tho if many eager :' ~er- a ,: , stomers. TI e rmgs ·,·:!011-

tinned to be made wr 'll into 942 and some el_ borate exam oles borecole t )O~,"'- elephant or carrn 1. designs a, ,d so on, Mos 113.d Arab silver hallmarks, although a. few were stamp .. ed with German mar .. SJ as w ·n' T'" 1·:·' ./~ f~./'~·A~ Rino « O···Q·' n "':0'" '·0'" k 0" n . t he : ·t .... a' t·- is I if

- ,I. .'f'f . ., " .. rJ.~I I ,,*",fGlf,;f.~ . - ,_," 'f':o ..... _.' .; .. . . LJ. . ,. _ _ iU"

a campaig - commemorative, since 11l'0'St of it.s we rera were the In, '11 wbo first saw action with RiC) ',' ,'C " el in the dese 11. It continued to 'be displaye d

proudly on ful,g':' r" until tne en 'of the ,~-: ar although . of' course . it h a d l10' offlcial standing what"" ex er

!~ ..... :::__ . !i


The last ca npaign a. -melba ·:'d· was insi ituted Oil 1 ~ Ma 'ct .. 1'9.4·5 as Hitler's final award to the German forces in the Sie_ ond Wo'rld 'W~t;, It was a .. .ithoris .. :-d for me In1e'O of Army G .oup Courland, who had been fighting a ferocie IS war 0,'1 encirclement in Latvia for over "'1"V(' ,:' months. The woven <tittle 'was made from a, g1r ": .... white lin .n and bore the word 'Kurland' ill black thread. betwee the staa's head

hield Or" 1Mi' all" Courtand' chief City. and th S]- ield

of" the G', rand Ma ste .. 'I" 0'1'" . re O'7~' .d ~ of Teutonic

. ',' LI_ _ '.' ~." _ - _ . '.. . . - Jl: _.~ UL .1.~ " .. !lA..I~1

Knigln i-, German.colonisers of : he area ~ '-, tile thirt,eeiT .h vcentury It wai' '1-- tarn i~'" ctu ed Inside the Co' 'Icland 'P'oc'ket by' '_111:' tr'oo-pc tl '. 'ffiselve .I~, t :.~ihig a cOitnlnand-'ere: ~e~vi1~g, 1)]i11 .. t . ,:·: ... iIl.diga~ a. "..c! VIas

. 1-t silor. to ,Cl·.'oset'·'e material ,so did not l_i4t .. ';'rrl,d ,af,Ollltld. t11,f_ €tlti ~'e cit~cllmfe.J}en.c.·_1 ,of .. ~he lleft.- lrff.., Thin, G" ill: "'He'd ·W~ll'l.-~-:J.e Get1:et-al Order 0":"1'81 NIQve,mt·er 19 ' .. ; ',:'·.hi.c'··;·;·" laid down tl.,at all ct'Itities tnalTlua.'culred afte'" rh,at da.te· Il.ad to' I'e ';;·1 ort .... ~ ,'_'d t'c' 22 :1 -tU for .. cOl!o·ny tea,S.Oll··~ ~ D~"~itrib~ltiIOll of' t_]1:' Ktlrland 'Clrr' Title b.e·~:a11 o:n 20 AP1~U, . nd,.. Ci)l, titlued ngbt '[ p U11.t~" ,~._ft· 'r the 'C~l)il\~Uat_':Oll,~ On ~_~ M'ay

Hitl' e.. I""'~ [Ci, '. -U-'IC·. : C", . ~ .. J:. -~ ,0' r' G""-:, -r-· iI' :r'C($'. a·' . d'" .. ' .. ' ~ ~'.:n.l· D' ":,. .. , 'I '~tz· - I~I ,d·- -.. t· .. ~; .

. _ .' u . _ ,. ...-:;,.. . . _ " V~~';.· ....:' '." w~ .. . . -. '4 "'';J. . . .\..:. ...

tll l.,ng-a~a ~te·, e·' ac'u;a.ti·,1 .:,'1' f'O(.)l":: '1':'" "om the COlu-lal1lcl pelJ:il1'Stl1a~ 'Tlll.·U::'.! . ·,d. fila· ,~a,ged 10 e.; .. ··~ilJe. ~.1 :tl D'tuikiri<-,lik·.- l11,e'TtltiO'D" btlt ~natIy ,m.o' .Ie wel~'e tr3l1?P.···d an-_. cap·t\Jr,ed- by th:e .'" IOV] '- t.s .. Of th,os", only

4.j~ M·.ajof. ",SGpp~ Brandner: highl'-': (l~IC{)'f'(;tt6(l C()1n.1na/flde1~ of' an assault i;.rtf~f1- ba ~1;a.li(Jl'i- uiearing tbe Kulr:lQntl cuff n:tte. Din bis louer 11211 steeve.

a small number survived tile years of hunger disease and forced labour that were to' b, their l .. ·It 111 Russian

"'.;"1 -""~" ":,-, - ,11, -., " ',- hi, A oiI"'- '~' '". Cir ,1,- T~;- '- K--''· -1 ,-' d ' C"'_', m~ Ct:lpuVlty Close to t, e ,.n.JjCtl'C, -,' ~lIt:, e,. . lle ,[Ir an"~, . .un

Titl ~ ii S b ""Iy· far the ' ra re 4;'('- 0- :f"'" the ~ t hi -~~e:-· C"-"'''l'l1'''''1i'P' : a" tign ban d, '~~,

_ _ L llL ~ _ .1_: ,_ - _:I. -'- llJ _,..,__"'J', _" I", ,I 'L".-.~uu" ,- " _,- ','_~ ,_,':~

which "Were issue -during the Second World '\V:ar~ Most recipients simply never tool the trouble to sew the decorati 11 to: their tunics - they had far more nressina things '0-')1- t1]I(,_-2J;;.t~ mlnds at' the time

._. - '.,< Il:. ~'~-;~'~ . ,bl -., ~ I, - , . :LJI..JL .1..LU.l _ "to, ~- ':. ~I • , ;I, ','~.

Consequently, the majortry of issued titles were di <'1- carded a - the end of the war, It is noteworthy that Hitler had ordered Courland to be held as 101'1g,. as possible for a special .reason: h.e hoped to use the

'--,.- ~-, '~-_ "llilf ',-.'" ". -!O" - " h ,;.: rd &.. ~ .... [-1' ,-""" 'I---,~ - '-:J' ~. tt . '.' 'I

IJeruns .. _ .(1 as :3. Spi1 'l!lg . ·OJ,l[ ~_ .lrQt '3 __ .. alU\ll.l.g ifll ... acJtt

against the Russians U1 'the unlikely event he c'o uld persuade tile' 'We-~tern Allies to change sides at the last mlnute and join 11 is crnsaca against Communism!


Unit cuff titk s were normally worn 'by members of selected formations only for as ]011g as they were assigned to them, However all Army order dated 25, October 1944 permitted by' Hitler's authority, the' aW3I-d by division al and regimenral commander .. s of the cuff titles . Gressdeutscbtana ~, 'Peldberrnballe',

'Inta '-, ,"l-'!J' teri LJ' »le;!.UJ"'M~'~"'1 L':- is' .j~ 'Bran ... -,,(n'~~ burs' ,;1i'['l' d~

"~:ll,lrl~' l:-"''''I~ 1t."el'''';'",f,(.t~'·,if; ,·.·-.'~'I~ ~ _1'ltA'~I~U~b~i~U;w,~ '6' ttI!,:'

'Genet alobers: .Dt1J.tI~ to individual soldiers of' ttl'> '''~e

lI']j'11' trs for V':"':'II)-'O' ill rr or e xt rae xlinar v P···' , ~ICo'",-i"'D' nanee

'b, I, , ,il.""J1 J:v, . ,n.... ,L, " '- - ., .IAc_ ". ' l "1 ' .' ,UI Jl i...I.BU.., - ~

-W1'letl conferred personally in this way such titles were allow •. ' 'd te 'be worn permanently by the r,e'·. ipients - irrespectiveof their subsequent transfer te othe-r fo· ~llla, ~iQl1S i


· ~ ~'

,. ., .. _ 'J • .

'" . mp. ,;'19 1; ]\;{':,",' a ~~

The Third Reich usually r .', . gnised participation m military ca,m, '-,'~1~g11~~, 11Y·' tIl. ' award of arm shf .• Ids anc cuf titles rather lao . iedals, However there were two notable ex. eption " 0 thi~ gener Lrule.

Tur, EA:~·~rEllN FRON'r MEDAL. 1941-·'2

The n st cor "·Ot1.,: . N",·· i c' '~': ,-, .... izn awardswas t re Medal "or the.Winter Bat le ill me East 19 '1~1

M."_' daille '1J7f~ -_ terscblacbt tni Osten J 941,-.21)" cornm [11iy kr , wn as the O,st1nedaill~'·: or ... astern F' orr" :~'e ' .. , \. _1.., Ironically ·t,_, word schlacbt 1 ltilY be translated .110t only 'as battl e' hut also ··.S "slaughter', an approprian double meaning bearing inmind til;'

rug .. Iosses suff red by Ill-equip '~"'I .. d German troops

durina that first Witltr on the Russian rront. Instituted Oil' .16 May 19[: r!2~ the Ostl1(Jedaille as

desigr ed by Untersciu rJul.re:~· Ern .. ,t Krause .of tile Le:i-/,·,t····dQ.,·_'~S,~<: 'Adolf Hltler . 1.', .;'R' pres ...• itcd

to 'all rhos '.' who S- rw· ac ,"",11.. service :,n the eastern front between 15, November 1,9' '. and 151 April

19,~'!.~,.·\'·:Q, weeks ar the front ltne or s'·~~,t.··,~ days tr a

combs .. t zone th, no rmal prerequisi es fO:T

4'7:, Left: 11?e Bastern Pi ont tllet/al I~·~J.· roel s',er" c B artb:

R'lgJ[Jt'~·· Tbe-BlueDiutston Me,dal lJJ' Desceter ~ Sobn.


/ ·8~, This l:Jamw? vred alumsntum. Plt}() ·og,~~CI.:_PJ:J.J1·:amf1

was p·1o'ba.blj: . node bp a rCtase'Ja.1n·~J. rela: i ... ..'.n.. of tbe J'Otl/f1t,g SS- Scharftihrer sboion ,- t, -[10 ;,) as /e'ilred in Russia. Hi e -.;I{.. "J tes l' 9' J',. o., "l 9~·· '. :. a' .. 4;.\f1 cie . /'~l' 'J 61.,. ,J'A:. n t a .'. " ""Itt fi".

"1~ U j<'j .. £~" Ir I - _".";iJ'" I' _.,- ~ i~ _I'" ,t:t h- .. 1;.': "I - ., J c;.. I:~" ~'... 1 . I~ _ I~'·II:.;:J'

t, i'ttal~ (~ll'~ - art su» <~ .:'-:'If.61·e61 by,s ... ~~astikas: I"'i:,_'i~'_: tnes

and otber ,Nor-tile symbols ... Tbe fa" -t tba: the dead r ~-a~': serued w1:th tbe 6;tl0 SS~Toitenl.opf ll,egz)ne1:t,t 11: eans ,it is like{l tbea bep trisbed. .during tbe j:tghrting' .. at Demiansk: A p~ ie '":(!: OF J''1ib,f:)(J1'~~' V''1' tbe.Ea stern Pron:

I~ ~. ~Jll

"" '.' d tl; u'1:.'·'CL1 toould bas e DIf]tJ -1 4'lt~ 'Ie? ed

l)osthumOl4rst..' to his ru x·t-··~·.if:_ki1f" 1~S mo mted I' ·1011gs.id·~ . ,h'~~; picture.

d b 1 ,i lifi III '.' d- if'

~tW.lr I. nrt these tun.!""· 'qll: j t acauo "s Wl(~re wa1":/ .. ' .. _ I"

the S.O die r concer ned W3;S wounded in the ICaJl}p,ai' n ...

Thi -~I typified th _, German multiple award process ill respect ·OfWIOUl1.ds which meant tha 10{,' example, a r an might spend only a fe '.' d~· [}lSI i .-, action in the Crimea durina the winte r of 194 - =2


b ut if' 11:, - :, as . ". erious ly wound .d III the roce ,5' he

would receiv .. ·,· 110t only the WO'[U1d Badgs in Silver

or c 01(1 but also the Ostmedaille. thr , Krimscbild and tl·,: I ~O·1. Cross 211[d Class automatically OlD aCC,OlUl_·. o the severit ~.' of tl~, wounding an .. '. , where '._. ~ d :, --: he 11 i . had tal en place ~

The Eastern Front M[> dal was stam Jed from a, heavy grey zinc-base d alloy and was dr : .. hed in form with a concave [' ,b··· erse and convex I~:V.· rse, The, border and steel helmet were ·,giv:·'n a.frosted silver finishw . ile the ·lem,aU·de':r 0' ' 11·,e' award wasplated

a gun-metal hh ie-grey. T 'j.. orten had a 'bubbled appearance due to. OVt, rheating of th Iacqu r' coating during the manufa turing proc - ss. TIl" me dal was suspended ·'1·1" rm a very distit ctive da 'k red ribbon with narrow VIlli'. 'lba,ck/~llite cent e strip £ II· '.~ fo rundation d'["" cree star ed tha th 'TP,d··· {""'e' ,.J .....

L"l_ ,I t3!1.. , lJ. ... ,.'. '. '.'.' , ._,... .....~ 'r.. ct." .. ':", .. n, ·_:.1J..· 1Ii;.".:..,.' .

re~ ented 'blood" the whi' '- was "or SllOW- and the blacl honoured the mcmc 'ry of tl .... fallen.

Foreign auxiliaries became eligible .~Ol" the Ost1nedaille from 2'01 ,Janllary 19:4,3.,~ TIle' . m eda 1 W-Cl':

.' eld 1"': -Vi···_·:··Y· high regard and Its rib .. ·b;···'I··l was fre-

. !.1., ,.1 '_" "~' I, ,:,,)1. ,b,'. ,c . .1.' ',' ,..:~ 1'.-" ". "'.. ",.,,' ._

qnentlvworn from the second buttonhole, a position no- mall resere 'd for wartime braverv and merit decorations such a~ . re .EX·· 11,1 d KVK2. The ribbon was also V'· ... '11' often placed ill C:I., mme moratlve jshotograph frarn ~_ ': .. by the relattves of men '1~,l1'~ . d 1" .,- a:· ctto .. ]'" , .. , . E:J'U·'!L1'~,~~i!.l Awards ,('li'f' the C' :[C:"'J:tI~e·· da ;ll,e:;"

1~,. '.' ..' ;It., :l.... _ ,i:."'J .liJt.,;o;. ,''':.V·oR·. I ,.1. . . I I;.... .' ~ "1'1"~ .WI!, I; ,

. 4 - b d·

commenced in July , 9,:' 2 and C'·Oi· tinned . o ae made

.. 'til' O· . to b .' 1 '014'- .. . b W;I1' .. ~ h t '.' . . ... ." 4.' mill' .... , .. , . .:.... . un.c[ ··,·c 0 ,el ·,7 - ,- I ~·"·.,1.U. I ,11TI (lVe,r' .. ui, :t',in

h: ',.d been distributed.

Closely related, tOI the Eastern " ont Medal was the ':C!()tntn·cmo:nltive Med,al for tile .·paoisfl Vol1ll1t~er,~:,'. m tIle' ."t[lIggl·~.' A:·"aillt C()nunll;nj~',111, I u"llall),' known ·as til" BIu·,' D'!visiol1 M· .. d:al., 11lstitllC·,,·d (1n ,':~

Ta' ·n'-:u'ary··· "': 19··J,,:!_ l'~'-t·;· W·",=·;I"lIS: a:iW···'iI')l"""d-,"·:lii',~' 'a's: 'a" c· :'E:" p .. ~J:. j" 1:1'1011 o·,··,,~,1}'''~

11;1 < "" ,_ J .' ,.' ~~". '~'. ,. '.' • aJL '_ :. . ,I ':' . ... .~,' .,1..,1.. .l.l.;U ., .... 'ILILJ..

';.0 me·:mbe'r~' of the 2:5'Otl Infant1~fy Division Wllich fO~lg, .' ,'~ '.,Il. _the e.aster·] fro ". t 'petw'e" ~ n . une 19i.41 and Oleto'br .. '!'" 1943, Thl5 llnit W~tS cOlnposed a]JD,o'st e.', :":",ely' ·O!.·~ S~p3l1:iat·:ds :.:: :"any o.·~ .' hem Civil War- vet·.:I~' Ailf!} < u-r-bo- n~er-e·:· p,·e .. rm·'·l'"t··· 'd, rO·-'i[ S·.'-·l-~tr.:e·~' a··s·,: v':"o···llm't·'1 er~'~

~ . _~. -"-V' - I • -, • __ Y¥ I ~ I .• ", .' _. '" I,. -'.' ',' iI lL.r.. . :_ 'f I . .~ . _" .' L' - - _' _ . - ~

with tl~e G,erJ ~'/~' ,i :·ArIl Y' . J_. Rlls.L·.ia .. By allowiI. g' 'l"lICtl1., to d'. s'o~ G·eneral Eta'· .. ~{l W~~tS ab,ie .10 repay, ['_tt·r· or th'· a,ssi-..t'3.nc/ given b, 'oll,e· C ·.,ndor L,:gio.1'1~1 wl,_ne still maintait'~l1.g ~···p,air SI ,n'u.tral.,Stant:-·,. Tl e'llflit llool{, .its semi ... official ·t~/tle Blue Divis.i.oil fr[on} tIle blu,e

,,:htrt;· of FttlIlCO s' F,lo·_l:l·ngist mo~' 'men': A~~: It 1 . ·as

45, [01.010 Spaniards .. aw service in the east before their units were , disbanded b~r F .anco to p~ ilacare the

~ -

Allie ':~'i The medal was til . ely" produced in gild, ·d, Zi11C

by Deschler (If- Munich, with 311 inferior version b,.. ing manufactured in Spain, Each Des chle ': pi. ... c. was coat d with ·mittelgo}d: lacquer made by the _ erbig-Haarhaus firm, of Koln-Bickendorf which soo:n ' .. :!o.t:e off leaving a dull :.~:.r:·y surface' to ' he

'lIE S"P'AI.,~TIS ~ 'Y'o·~ "N'~ 'D'I BAD: a·' .' I

. ' . .l~..r.)J_ ·'1~l· " W, I •• ' 110•• _. •• .~ ~ j

The so-called Spanish WO-~.11d ,'·a~ ge ·W,3'S create d on ·,:.:2 Mav 19'3910': 'award to Germans wounded ill the

J - •

Spanish Civil '\Xlal~:. It was Identical iII de "1011 tOI the

L . ~~

earlie r 1918~p.atterl1 Arm ... · wo:un" _ badae. 'but fea-

tured a swa: ... tika on the :·,i· e of' the imp, rial steel helmet, All three grades 0 the br~ dge werc '.~, .ollowb :a.' c, ce (·1 P' ilated or P ··,"'a· in te d bra Sl: ..... 0"" nl V' 18:)) bla c . ".

.... .' ~_.....'.'.. ..' , J!. ...'.. .' .' .\. .. .,.... J ' l .' ~ .

b: dees and one silver badg were confer red as .~

..... " ~-f ~ _, •• ., ~~·'I.... ,.I ... _._:_._ II,'~~I' . _:....~' _""",.l.JLl: ",' '. :r',' . [

l~I'S' ul of t 'l~'· [C··· lvil '~J';:lrJ!' and there w ·':'e·,·\lI""e' n 0'·, p- 0': ·IS·: th '·['1[ .... ,

"-L.' .. J.. .. :.1..... . '11 Wa;1 a.J.'., . _ ' .. :L ~..:l. . '. II:· .'. .1.

mous besto vals. However the ·:, .. pa ~,·"11, pat ern co -1-

tinned to be i" ssued to' troops tr Poland and -,'], the .. zestern front 'until nid 194,{), .~: .ien . .tocks of the standard 19·~~·.19 typ,e becanu . <_.ner,ally availabh ~n

t]',c. '.' , ...• ' .' -'.'. ,< •. ' t 'II •... _. s··· " d .. ' . iii' a-'····, -',' .d .' d '~'~'" :"1 . d til ' ..

liS ~a,y; rna _1," '_ nousan '.S were s wan ie ._ '. file 1,· mg

hund "r"~ d,e of the . gold '., .rad e,--

, '_:_,_ ~ I ," ~i:1.. -.' , .. ~ :: -:: : ,- " : -:,_-J!'::~. . ~.

T'I .r ,9? 9 W(,:UND' B1illGE

011 1 September 1939 Hitler ins .. itutcd a new Nazip'atte,(11 WOl.ffi[d B·allge ... lo.r 1?e1· .. ··U'.' detenaheeicbc ". for preseoration to military persom .eJ .,'( ·u,nde'._ ill

ac···t-·t"!,O··,fl· -' Itw"" ·a',:fIZ u' tl'"''Ii'n'[ ,··a·te u 10· ',nJ' ,o.-·f:·'tt;'e·, 'mo:·s·····t· ~'o···nu,,, "'n' 'r,'li-t]. IQ·:·f·

,'. _. ' II, , __ ' '_ ~ _, ~ _' -'. " • _1" .,' .I....L:!. . .. ' 1 ~ , I .' . ~ .. . ~ '. :. _ ~ J. ' , '_

iI -

all' '_-'~'. ~d Reich d:~"cora ."~,o!n'~.· Y'··t 'als' , one I:, ~ th·e'Dlolst

11ighl)r IJriz.·., ~'~ ~ sinc'e it 113:C] '0 be ·"b,·. IU.ghi w-i.til 'blorfl.l . T ·~,e 193,9' 'ba,'_gel '~. tum it1 f~,ct wa~s',ot in'a -tJfa.~tL]r[e'd T. 11tll mi[d-1940" w:, s ·li.g.htly ciiffc'Tetlt in Ide;'si:g1l. f. o,tn its First World War and ':~,p;atUSl1 COlln-' tel" .. )arts, .an,cl tOI!olk tll,·.-' fO',rID Q,l' an I' ,v, 'wr'eatb of

1~ '-ll-I-'!lI~ll 1: ~''''I"7~ ::·,'Ut'· o; .... u!~'"',d;': ··ll~'~·~g···· , . "': ,0 C· ""'Q' i!iiil··S·' , ied···' '· .. ··w·· e·,.t· .... ds·"

1. ,t."" ,,,-,J L,..Cl,'.¥ ~ L!. _ ~. .... . 1l..IJ· ~_ ~~.__., '" I' "~\' ~, . - _,' , . I

w'l1i,c'h w,el'"[·· ~·urJnounted bv an M.·',5 SI' ~'el h"e, --,et


b·earitl\.,,~, r·_: rnoibile riilV'a:,.tika,., .[ t Call1_e in tlll~e .' 1.·1. SS, 'S ,_

'·,::l·:cY, ·'~llv r a d ,g()ld - '~llld 'W·a1,S .:IOf11 on t]l,e lef' b1reast ,pocke'~ l)elow a,uy \V'~lr b~ldg,es h.~ ire ,~, 1"hierle

·:······'a',·:·1 ,nlo dj·tillCt -aval vel~sio ':' as, the,f'. 11a"d b,e·en ill 191t!L,

Tl-l -tvtOUl-C~ Badee '" -1 nl'~ck (. -~prAse It-"' -v '" - 0"·'1) .'. wf'",lJ;"f~'~6:L H' ~. a '.:.,<r~·l~· __ L,..' _.r. 1I1bi 1l~1 .. ~~:!

was .a·war-rl,ed to, 't; lose' W' unded once or twic«. .t was initiallv sta U' 'JI ~e·'-"d,- fr om .sh ee ,t'- brass IJ·,;'Ia·'- inted I'TI' att

,'-C!3!I 1, - -. ddLJl.. J _ '. - .. - . J ,. , . - .' .. ~- -. ,- , ".Ji..-a~,LCJ·! , .". .....:ilJl _. _ .

o'r semi-inau black, and had a hollow reverse witha needle pin attachment. 'FrOID 19ii:2',~ steel replaced brass In its .manufacture and as 'tile war dragged on so tile quality of the steel declined. A,s a reeult the later 'bladges were vell! 11ren,e to rust, The W:ollna Badge in Silver was conferred for t 1 ,ee or four wounds, {lit for. only one wound ifIt involved brain damage, facial disflgnrement or the loss ofa hand, a foot, an eye or hearing. This award was produced first from silver-plated brass then, after 19,4'2,1 from lacquered Zil1€! ~ and 11*10, a: solid reverse with either a needle' pin lor a broad flat pin bar, The WO'Lll1 d Badge ttl. Gold. was a gilded version of' the' silver badge.and W'11.r,-~i given for five or more wounds, 0)" for a, single wound If it resulted ill blir dnes '", ~[IO:;S~ of manhood' .or total disability

I· dd iii til t'l~ \:v:t d l[) ~': ~

,1-, aOI ition . 0-1, ew()LI11~ n-aLLge, certain WI.r

badges and campaigr decorations C'Ol~11d be C·Ol1,-' ferred in, recognttlon of wounds sustained while serving Min the relevant 'WeliJ'r1~nctCh,t branches or

whilst engaged in the appropriate campaigns. Moreover; from 1 ]llfi.1e' 9~40 recipients of'~lle' W<JtlU!d Badge in Silver or GOI}-d Welle .also .prcscntcd auto m iatically with the T~·O·':"'t·-mI. C"" '-O,?·ClC: f1,1i"'1ld-" "C" .lass ;'f thev

;,"-,1).'- .., ,iiI.' , = i4i.U _ .. ' ..•. . . L. _.... II .... .lL.1 , . ",~ ~ ,~,J. JJ. '- _,ill . ~.~ I.. . . ' b L"'-]

did not already possess i ~ This. pluralismmeant that, fur example, a sailor -wl1_OI 10'81 :~~ hand or foot in action 'while serving Gin an Bbost at the Kuban bridgehead would receive not 'only' the WOlll1d ..

Badge In ,S11ve.t' but also the E·-l),o:a't War Badge the

Kl;t·b,an~'GI'i.ld and tlleEK~~ purely 01] account ofthe wound sustained. Multill],e; 'WQ:IUlrlS were 'not ·t1l1COmnl011 . amongst German soldiers, particularly on the e astern front, as exemplified by s~s~; O'b:e,s-Cu,!P_iTt!ba"17J!ithm',r Boris Kraas, who was WQILJnd,.e:d; sixteen times Infour ylear:sl Even his luck ran out, and his, final wonnd was fatal, Re,~'ll1~tl,011S dictated that, {Jet ·tl~le many serious and IClng-las~ting

~ -

illnesses commonly co rtracted by troops stationed

1'~ 1"', COl; -']''''1- tr - lii~;c with extreme eli ii m r.·'··1'" C con di 'I~·l'" ons onlv i . .IL· ··.IL, 1\ .. L·.:J_':" " 'AI .Jl ....... ' ........'. J.. ·~'l i ._' L "1: ... • .L·'/·" -1_j - ~I.. 'l

fr(l~tblite counted as, a wourtdfor the purposes ofthe badge,

,~\11 members of the wefiJr,m,a(~ht and their auxiliaries were eligf ~le fer the WO-lmd Badge and, from March 19'4:3, lt was also distrfbuted tOI 11 11 iformed civilinna such as. policemen, firemen railwaymen and Hitler 'YQ~TtP~ seriously injured '4tlf~'m,g air raids, Allt]1.Qrity to award the bad,ge was usually delegated to· senior hospital doctors, who issued the relevant Icit'atiOll~~ and bestowed the EK2 on arnpurees and those 111·0·'St severely main ed~ Militarydoctors could also promote selected weunded.servieerne n In their care, where return t,() active duty was lul1ik.e1y and 'the promotion would serve 'a_$ a morale-booster to other patients. I, is interesting to note that Dr Goebbels rder:f'e~d in his diarv etltrv' Idate,o 26

. . ~ -

,/l'~ Pro 1m lett to 1,·-t,aI1,t4'·

.,~lU ... '~·I'"

Tbe 'Spa'l1is.frl W@Zt1;Za ,B!atlge in BI:a·'~Ie;~

The 19,1.19 If{QU;I~,~' B.tll4_S'c in Gr)ld~ IC?JI tbe 1It~1~~~ ftl tnt:

Tbe 1'939 WQlu·tld,B(;i .. rt' in Sil-·it1'; ,by' tbe l'i'e't'l~a A{tht~~ ~,,(?- 19i .. 15) Wt!l;tnd Battgta in /Jlack by. .Kle.t1tJ 1& !J'ue~~'

Ji"jll"L T·-'.l T)~r D-,'N~'C:--;{]R.·.··;\ T. 0' '.' ~;r,f:: rEYJLl· _ I~ ~L' ··1 ~~ .. ~~ ."A_ .. ".- J..~~

September 194·3 'to plans for a special Totai·B~"}ib'f!!ngf{'fch,ti,l"lgten :t4bz~i, ben, tOI be awarded to those killed, woundedor made homeless as; a .1"1CS~l]t "of Allied bombing. However, 110 such decoration was ever produc - d.~

TIle rarest ofall Nasi W0U11d badges was the WOlm~d Badge of 20 ]lUY' I S~· ,4 ~ I' - was, awarde to 'staff offi-

A 1: IQ ides wherw, d II ... 1,

eers ann .1.-'. aiocs wno 'were present rmrmg til·€:

famous 'bomb plot' attempt on Hitler's life. All grades of th e ba dgp -. "e"~"''':::- -"n'" ad:' e·" I),' ".' th e J' .,-.-: eke r firm "

i ,~Ul~'S :.,~ .. ~~ . '~:_:':_I~_; WI, TIL I . ~.,_ '.y c_ _ ': .. ~D_ r: lll-."

in. solid hallmarked silver; and bore tile date 2'f)'Jul:i 1944 and a facsimile ·of Hitler's signature '1011 the

,. bverse, It is -iml~ol~al1t to note that the Wtrund 'Badge of' 20 .July 1944. was a personal gift frern Hitler

. .

tOI those involved, and was presented in addition to,

raUler than instead at the normal-pattern Wound Badge, .. It was intended to 'I]~: a treasured ~]ne~off:"s{)tll-' venir of a momentous hlstorical event f 'and was never meant to be wern, Signiticantly, the elaborate aware - citation I while signed by' Hitler; :rt-f(errt-,d

,"I'IlT/F t· . ...TI-... ," 1'- e - .- t ... '.' d-e . f- 'the -,;vl ... d "B" do' ~

OI,LUY _.10 rne fl 'I', van', graae 0 "I ae wounu na ge

not 'the 'WQlUJ.t~l B'a)~lge of 201 Jtlly 1'94.4' ,~, Ge·,ne·rt3t?f~il4mar$,r.h,a'.Il.·',e· itel '3, nd Generaloberst

JodI certainly did sport 'the distinetive 20 JtI1y badge on their tunics 'while in -1"_ itler's presence thereafter but photographs Indicate that other recipients like

iS$~'G'·i~tJJpe»!ubre'" Fegelein continued tOI wear their regulation WO' 111d Badges, not the 2,0 July version,

. - .

Of the twenty ... fo1LU~ people in the room whet] the

IJ0111b detonater t l1~e' (Berger B- .andt and

Schmundr) we're killed and Dilly eight

(B'odells,ch'~t.~;, Borgmann, Buhle, Hitler, jodl, Scherff 'VOII Puttkamer and Walrlilnont) injured, HO,weV,eT JlU twenty-four (except Hitler himself) received the Wound Badge of 20 JWy 1944, In ::I grade corresponding tl)i any standard WO"lllnd Badge already held, No duplicates W'- re issued, Presentation to the non-injured l1igl11i,g11Jt,ed the purely .commemo .ative nature of' the badge.

1\ uniquely Germanphenomenon, the war badge, or K1:t'eg$a~bz~,tche11t, had the' effect .of $1110"\Villg at ';;1 glance the degree to which arty given soldier had combat expeeience. W~ar badges of a sort were in existence in Germany prior to' 1'9' 8, hut after 19'39

h - . al exnl ... iI 1- ,Ii '"

t ere was t{ lied! exp osron In tnerr creation. manu-

facture and (~j~l(jb~utj[rtL, :By lSJ'45 there were over ;f0r!11 ,diffe'rent patterns to 1" tile- lV~l,r.rn,(Jcht, and some of these were "d"l' ·"m·····-s··· Jves dtvided into thr .. ee

"::,;~_ ,.' 'v ". ,~, '"~'"- .. ..,L"_' -, '_ . ~"'.'. " ... :,'>" l..U'V . .'~ ... I~ ,I :.- _' ... L···

classes, Bt:ODZ'e S.:Uve',[' .and Gold. Others were 'sub ... , divided into .grades 'by the inclusion of boxed numerals on the iobv.f::'-"',s'e of th ell'"' designs. . hougl

.. '"I ~ . - b d d' ~ ~

S'I"'l-,--,"i' ar--'j "t- n' r:I'p-' p'o" erJ r~ 't., ~~ ~F~Ir-. ," ~l"'- g'" ~Q we -~e' "I "ct~"1i~l' C 'r

\' - - IIY~' TI:_. ,p.: ,.'.: :4lL.~~1~~ ~ .¥\f'D...L~ ."''1. ,-"~~ .:··lLl•• .J.O'IkU.1.: .

. from qualification badges. which were- given auto. mat ical illy· on completion of specialist training, Tile' war badee reflected p'- at ... ticip at ton 11'" 1 .r]1,r,:t'i"~"'I~'I(7P service

ar "-'d,~ ','" '. -~'ll~~~'~"' ~~ "-.-: .. :i,-J.:~~ '.'i.,I_c·.f )" '1,. ~~L"~''--'' ."Jl. '~,.lL'i, ' .. ,;,

rather th'311 showing a particular sterU which the wearer had mastered, Bas Ically, tile war badge con·lsted· oif «'11 oval wreath of oak or laurel leave,

_ __ . - _ . . -_. .. _._ .- - .~:r.. -. -- - • - • - -I- -- -. -. - - _ - -

enclosing '3 symbol representative of the 'branch of se .. rvice ceneerned. The whole 'b,adge w;a.5- normally SI rmouated by' a. 'stylised eagle 31,d swastika, and [lifferefit ranges of badges existed, fa 1"" all three services. the ,Army/'~v'~lfe,~-~S;Sl~ the N.2vy and 'the

L· rJ'J·rJ:..,·,JJ..FJlIHo M··:: '0: st w rll~' b ·.·,...;'II·di·;IO',e· s were worn perm 'H''-

.. Y.:~:J -l-lfy.1:.t'L:tl':JJ'I:;:~ Ii " ~:~ ..... '. . _ ·,rlA. ':.;,. l~"'~_[O'" '¥''V-L~: .... r . ".J.!~. ~",:i.·· _ .. ~:"

nently .Q~'] the lower left breast pocke when ttl uniform, .a!tllIOll,gh t~he COnib'~lt clasp" a selli.ar' forln ·of' wat 'b.adge~ 'W(1,S SlJQ'l'"teci a,b,ol"ve tll.e left pOC]·Fct ..

War 1),3clge.s 1(, ° llld. b,e'- 5lo1iid. ot h.oll.ow, .. :b·s,d(Jeilatlld 'Were l)(lth dle-~,t:ruck ,and ,Cal·,t~ 'The earlic5t aWilrds


!I. A EO' ]!i.. r '~, ""N' 'D DECi1"""'\DA1""'I "N""'iI 'F T~'IITT '"6R' . 'O'-SRN' !fA' NY'

1\11. ,'~d":'~L;" iu·., .s, i l"_{·_' ~ ~'" '~, ,-.j ,1:--:_ .. _ ~., ,"t~ .~ ',' _J I~ .<l"_" ~

'··~~er,e made fr .. ·.·~~- .. oronze, "brass nickel silver o~ Cupal (a hghtweight but )J!t1~()11lg alurnminm nnd cO!lJ1}:),Cl" sheeting); and were heavily plated til the approp riate .colour: ~:j With new metal rest <::, tio 'l;~

1- I-.,-J .~ sa , ., 'z, th 'e' ,. ld espre a .d use of g" revi: 1'1 zin --:- '.' -ba '~' d

.~. I. . ._.. . L· •• I . . I . '.,'. '. .~ _..: - . ~. _ ,-,. !L.~j.. .'~' . :-. " . J ,I - .. . [ ~. _ .' _

allo r . U1~ , . their - IDa .mfacrun 'SUCl-l bs adg . we' .. ~ e

'. I' :'J' ;" ~ ,',' '~'. 1~"'_ :~,.[ ,"- "",." '''-.. ",,~: I ., e,· S .,' ','.:.: . 'P gl" ' .. , ' '.

..' . _ "~" .-, -', ." _ _' , ' '.', I" ,',~ "'"' ~ , _'.. ' ',,' .' _e' .'. :.', ".' """ ,_ ".:..,_

, .

a COlO'1.1re·d lar',,'",q.:- .er or were even painted S'~ lee

platin .. ' " zould not adhere to the acidic ,zinC -. urfac ~ 'The most cornm m coatina __ sed in this connection

~- 'Iie;.l'

"Was known a: .B'ren11Iack_~ a lacquer containing

po . 'd ,fr' 'd ' r etal of all a ?I'ropl"iate, bronze, silv r at gold ~ olour, Whet1 the I .:I~ C'~ ted badge wa ~~ baked 111 at ' ; ven, the lace uer w .s bumed off leaving a t ":, metallic coating, .~ dlrering to the vsurface of the aw: rd. If' the '0:Cl1 heat ha __ been too ir tefl,_·:·e,~ this coating was . eft with a 'b _ b,bl( ~d appearance, Badg: s so - reared ~S(]IOll reverted to their base slateg --e', a _ . he fragile : . ,'.1'1] cured coanng wore ',ofI~ or was, dissol' eo gradually g:y the a'eid in tI1J:, m tal. TIle standard of ,'.' :.j 1'· alloys progrcs Ively decltrn _" cul .. ,

minating In the poor-quality 'and malleable Kriegsmetali, or war metal, (/If'194,4'-''5, which baa, . blue-grey hue. TIle uxus Kriegsmetall was one of the ~. ,.-:::-._ SO."· generic titles which ·sa-w certain

common German wordspre fixed Ji)jf tne Nazis 'with Kriegs during wartime. to reflect the stoical and Sp I tan l:,._tui- nf the times. Others in the series included Kriegsjabr and K1~i~gst)rd~~n.. Kr'i~g,s- 1~t,~tallJ- crcfore b'ecam'e symbolic ,of the adversity le11 - ured -'.:0/ ,h·-' Ger' 'an PII'_ ·;·pl1e d,lliing the IC['()SUlg' stag,e"1 .~. f the .:~'.~,lnt1ict~

'Wat4' badge's we:l'"rf (ll·~lLla·.ly stnlr(tl<. fro:m on·--'l)iecle o,f metal, b'ut whet'. - t" \,0 or Ino'f,f: part' we're in:v6111ed thl_ ':~ were '''j\r:- teci Ol~ ,Soi'-::red ~og·'.' the ='. 89 - ~e exc' l)tio' '. 'ally Jtar·, I~XaIlll'le ~ 'Wi€!ri~ e '.' V:~ ted fOl~' p'a:~~ ticula.rly' Idis,-,tc'-8\:Js.h· ,0. re'cilJ1ieots (tllOrtnall)l h,old,er~

·'f th:, I(ni.,ht:'s ,t:ro&s::,.~;ltll Q,akleav' 'IS) b'1tbe~tlU 'e - cht: .. ~·,d Witll '~,tnali_ cliatll0i1cIs. Tl1tese w·-_.re ct)li}

c ,·trucle'ld frOln 11.a,U tn ark' 'd ,~11vei~ ~tn:'~_' wer,e ,given. i 5 p'et ~·:o.n:~l tokc'n '1 of ~l,ppr,· C;,iati,Ql1, b:y tIle. t),e~ d$ 01 tIle' appjo,rit; te' bl:mI1Cbe-~ of tIle ·arllle·d fo "·C~.,""I~, E=ac11 w'ar b'.a 'g had a :lin - I·J,ge ~111d :c:atrch Ql .. th~ rev~er"Eie' fa~'

. ~'crlI"l"n"'g" 'to" tIl' 'e t'-iLln,~,p. 'Th', e' c-,~, C" O''-I"1li1(: I T:-· .. ,rtf~ 'n,;-:t'A 11',0fI·1Il

~'~I~ ~l '1("" _, ... > •• ' _ .: __ .-.-JL,U'~i!l I ~~. , .. .;d [ ... _[,.1:. 'lU,,_ L:J :.- til L'_WI~,' a.;J.I:'Il.....L.

ty-~"'es: a tlm tleedle l)io tl10st !o.ft,eil efllpl]OY c 'd on

MI""In:·y· 'r-,d' Lu'£;', V,·'FFo b' "a' 'dd .... 'a"=-··· "t' b"· "r' ""'a' d" tc '-'_:jip:--'~e" :r-'~"n'" g"

.I_.I..J..., ' c'_' I_:_~ i _ ' ,c r::.tJ ~ ~". . :6~-' I,J.,_:___. ,t:_ ,c , __ ~. . a. I ,cc-:_ _!_ I .':~.

P-- :·'n ·b·ar w-hicJ,~ ·,~~,.Jany.~ 'ap-~p'--:-eared I()ln .Na·;,_ . :,-·xamp~'.- S

• • - ," -. I' .. -. _:_ • I

and ~a8 alway's 115ed ().1 .cf)lnb:at c]aspls~ Eitll'er

pattcrrr C':. uld be affixed ver ticallyor horizontally to 11' badge. Naval specimens frequently ha' a ~ OIP 11.0 ok iII add ~ tion to' the standard pin asse rnbly, to keep the 1-' l(lg~ completely flu: .11: .: it --, the tunic

pocl ... t wh il working In the close confines of a shi '''p:' Less obtrusive e m breid en .d .. · '0:'['(' flne 'y:- woven

~"']i._ : 1.1 • ~ •. __ .l . ,_ ", JlL~: : -, " ", c .~. ,.L·.:w': ... ~ .. ~ '", ' .. ~_ I r ':_. I'. '-V·"' .1 . ..:." .. --=-J1..

C oth versions of' certain l\lav~:) and L~!twaffi1- badges

"'. -1'''' , _.' '-s.' " p" C'· . Ij!!!' ' ~i~-f-'~, 'd' ,

.. ' , ,~_ . . _:_.~ _ . L:L\..,- _ ..

Condttion ... for the bestowal ofa .K'''i'etI~·IJl,bze~'che-:,


could diffef enormously from badge to badge,

Certain war badges 'were giY~11 4 recognition of' p:po'd conduct which did tot tnerit the 1OlI(2.,. while others eouk be given, 111 additio to the WOiund Badge fer snstainlng a W,OlU1d while inacrion with 'he branch 0 ' s·: ~rVi(~e r epresented 11:Jt the war badge concerned. Authorif to award, was deleaated to

- - ~ ,

regimental and battalion commanders 0'" t ,lie'": '~.

.cquivalents ~

1'-:-' '.::., nt rnb './- 19"'~'-"6'~ Q·~l;"'.,:, st w'" :ilh~" ,---,,~ .. » Ritt, '., ",--=n ,e,pl~et~ ,er .. r:» .'f/ers."-: ' . ,.' uTI . ',ll.et VO 1

ThOIJ_,·a. commander of tile .' .. ,. mdor Legion's

Ranzer:gr:UjJplel 'Drobne', ~l .' raining unit, created "

cadge to be worn on 'he. left bres s-t ,poc'[':- '. by " is

"," . .

t ''''lI·,,,,,,,,'I'rr C", re ". " s'·· r· was aJt"- that st age simply a' forma Io ·11

~IJI.. .l.& '. .... ~ -YV .. .. !... - I, ! - • . : )'. '. • . . F 1~ , . I, - - - ~, _ .. ' ,- -

. . - [

badg .. e with little or no, official standina, ~ nd was

['.. ~,!t

,-.;Oi d ""'," '·1 lc ' ... , .... ,111·-,1. b .t"J~,_. ~,:, 'iC" . ~:.. ·F1rh"~· -' d' '" _.i' -:- -_ .,s:: '

PltO!_ u,ct;( I oc_~_y "Iy .a, lll_-.tTI m.~pam,. _ "e,-:esl~gn le~~·

51 ~ The Co,nilo,~ legi"~ 1YJ rtil11-k! l!JQd>~,. This jine'~:

Q-iV"/JI·C".·} t,e' ~l .f..lIl¥'a·- - \i' '~'hl···o 'J~itn, l....F'IIl·I:l"rlr .1-j"i,rv,7iI' ,...,c,· ,,' ; ~~, .niJfl.1 n . ";d:' "',., '0,)1

~~""1~; ~,~I~ ~ .. " ~ \.~,d'\.;-,~~~, ... ril¥,~~ ~~'["I' 'if~ __ ~~ .. -::' U["Ii!I~_~ rd) !II' ; ... _,;., ~,rl~ v~ '~'~-~::I" .~"'~,~

S~I :r,i ~>;'.J. "" p. , l': 'n' i; - ng" ". i-- iD: t'· t'- '~e' iIL"'.:e. ,. -~.i", 'lI:~,,.,,,1 p': ',.r:, 'U' r-_j~I~''''' ?J"llI-d' " '!I 'I " - -' C-; birl'\'.l·.#' C' '1:..

1[~.~_;l.J; 1t5,J' -, '.~ .. LrJ; ti ~ -~ ~' .' I lf~~ ".': ~ r.;;~' 1.1l'.' -', ~ 1~'fJ11.~ - ~~ . _ ~-I ,I' tI.li 1-" b' :t lUI:. [ _.,,~ ,', rut,' 1rG'

.: ' ,~ .

1/11 B'e 1~t i'1: ~,lfZl'R~t·ng the; .'!;p'ri.l1g· /fJ;f' 1940,

t ired a 'i'- rae Prussian ... style _:.0 _e~nk,opJ, Qr death' -" t ead €>v· J~ '3. Spanish tank surn ninded Dr oa '".' eave - '~ and was in. silver' plate, although V',· ilil Thoma had a J): d,g~e '1 ade r._ .solid ,~_':,::l·l for I1i-- Or \' ~'>---, - use ~ 'The

_I-,.te·,_,kopf' had been adopted by German R€;l--'ZJ'-r :fi If.C'C·,.,- ill the First 'WQrlld W[u,~, nenc it: CI- nrtnner use in Spain. On 10 July tSl31•• after the : nccessful IC011clu,~iQ~n of the Civil War, Ge71erulf),be""~t::'9:

Hi::. 11 'IIC' ~1""i'1t:-"S':~ 1ki IC', 0; ~',~ri"'lI1"Y1a- 1:", '-, . ~ .. - -in - .:.,C'[, '- - "- e- :.' - 10, -," f: th e-' . /~ '''~in'~'f. g:f1"lr:e' ,

UI.!I,., .~Ii<Lll ,,[:;Jl.l~. , .. ,:..LIL.JLJ_~, '. ' •. ' - . . . . .:_ .. ' .'_ _ . ,i1J...Ii;.,JLL:. , . ,~l:"'f'.',,:,

" .

1" is :. erm I ::',iIS:' " ;1'": on f:~' I,'I'~ the h" adae " o ~.. 'WOi,1~11·· a :8'\ ;I,. ":"1'.: rr 1 .. -'

. . ~ ,.I) ~- lo! - - ~ u - .. - -·n'!! .. u .)- -:.:l. ~> .1 Q ~

memorative decnn tion by tl10.-;:'C' 'Wild had s rved

'wtt- the armoured units , ·.f tfu Co dor Legion. An imnrcved x . rsio: '.[-'1:' theaward w' s struck 111·:ie.I~li11"

"and 1~~. .ed with appropriate ce .. tificates until mid-

-' 940,. M'O und 400 or seatatio ' '.1 were made. The Conder Legion Tank Badg continued 0 be worn by its sUl'"vivirl:' r recipi ents thro 19l- 0'11t tIl" > S'." cond Wo' ~-Ild War~l .. ': ornetiine '-" in conjun ction with the later R' ·~,,:'~-r1r4~a'mp.fabzetcJiJtJn. At le tst on ' pho ogra _,h exists showing botf awards beh g' spor. .' d simultant@usly by an &~my Panzer en wma I who had also af "-' ~:ed Iar ze S~S;_pattel~n cap dea h's heads to, ';: oth

,~,ollar p'a ch:s,. the·t~~b,y :._ ]]11)11ajsin,:·;, Sti[] ; .', :.':' 11; .. r th·: r)re"2~tigi()TL1~., to.tenk':~l"" in~J~ :- __ . "~\I~,

l-1IT-1~E" A Til,,. .1Ii'""[ 'F P"..\ 111 A, 'i"JIi'iDQ' "0" t' B+ll- .' "'C

~ ..L1.L~JtiJ. :.t:ut~". o· . 1;' .. I " .' ":J:~

_ ..:.._ - _ _' , _. ~._ -. ." _: • ,,', r· """. 'r.


:" ..

. ~

nletl .. a··f" th _.,ii r: ",,' -, ,'" - , .. ", I···t - ,'" 'tile' ~""e': fo 'r' .... ; 'a'- q: . ~f1.ii.,t:.r

1?1-~, 1, n. _' ,J1 elf r ",l,. ' ~.': .. , . w£- 1_- I. . .LI e, I, 11a,lll.1~

" - ·t1~'O·· 'n--:' b·--:·'a:d'··: . ,'-." t '1- '.' .-.. th '.- : c'·, •. . . ,~-, badee but :"

Ica._ '~ ... :' .: f~. ," -,'~ r.a_ .. 1el '.'_ 311 ,a """,ax '.; ~Lc_;r6e,,~ I. 1_ _ '."

Included here for ~l e- sake of' ,0,1 . rall completenes :C:1,;, T" -,-~: • ~. 'C' the "r.],., at: .... , u . " -P" B',7'"'d- 19"~ II:-l:lA ijjecil'''i'!ii'"''' It h -'. d ii··-

,lll - rL au1. .' ra·. a.i, r· ·.r. :.il·.;. ~~, IL. __ ~ ... 1.1 ~len __ Ia,,:, LO

CJ':m-' iplete . ixjum J")":S> P 'e' '··I~"· 'e·,·-;q"" "11"1' -'s- '., "~"I()'" ·,--'t··· <!oa.'·(un~ ~'g'" 11'1'~"··

J l.___ .' " .'~ _! ~ _ '~. __ ..... ,,.: '_ • : •.• ,-,~_" 1~.I.. _ _j',.1 _ II ',r •. ',J_ ' __ ,_ ... '_,I' _.!. ,".

, " '

contirr nng ". proflciency - W1':':' hen the Army parachu ,~

. '.' .,. ' .. . .... .- .. 1.· . ,. - ,,1. ~ J ,.J.. . . J.. . - . - . '. .. . ~ . '... ... __

" ~ ,~ 1..1':.

batlalions transferred t" '.' the Ltl{tu.'Jaff_e IOt1, 1. january

9 ::,Q 't- his alumlnlu -. awa rd "T.Ji:,to\'!.1l: " . an" '~ ·lle-· ('

L •••• ;jiI:. -. I ~_ '~L ~ •. '. ' ~._:_ _ ." 1"'''"4 ":_!' ~ll, " ' __ ,-

although }·1Io-·-1de'lCS· could com :~' nu to wear it 'The

, . .! I !. '. ~ r..j• " • _ ,:_ ~_.. '_.:' _ , : ~'_ " " '. I '. I". I . " . ' • ..!--' _ .:.. [. ~ ~," _

badge w "a,s:'_" sr 1·1t!"1i "':'. <"f; .... ~ -,d' 1"", a zinc fo rrn in JU11:e' 9·_.,4l"'1

" _":;. ,". i' ... -u . '\,.;. .. - , "Ji, ~A·J. ." '.: ~ ,-' =-'.;: .... " _

fl)t':.~' ae cial fO,t .. :;es' m ,~_11 ef the lS!Ul (Pta .achun ,",

. Company; 'Brander ,,,'bUFg- Reeiment but ·:F.t was

'ld b ' d h-.A- OJ hv nf no

se 9Dl i, estov .. ec t crcanec u 1_;- WO"r ly 0 note

thr t the 1 0'.::·00" '~" - .. -,.' q" "'a1--'"I'fj_:'. d t :~'t- ootx -.,': .~ 'f~ t'] .' . . . ;~t, ,,,-.' e ',- :_;. ;, or ~S9 " 'l1-1 111.'... 'I~,rloper~ O· le

.:·qlfef11~,::S 'were trained by th: , Air' '·-·'Ofce and 'SQ


r -C', i ed the Luftux rJfi~ version of tile ra .atrec ])1

bad O",~, nr ,·t' the At· ~iV' one

I'~" _~ ,- ,..~. ,..:." .J.,:Jl.JL, '" - ~,~

~ i!'


THE lNE-"-'1-1CR"t Assxrt; - BAO(1~-

. 11e Infantry Assault . ",ldg,_c ~ or Infante rie,SrturJl1ab~ei,~1:7ID1." was in·st_~· ut ed 0'" ~QI December

19~: .. '9 b von Brauehitsch to recognise front-line actioi ",t1 ttl. p.·~~af .. I."''''~lltan ,~, '111:~>- '", It w~- :,~. ,:,ardi:'. to

J .

"all rank":·~ ~1'["1 "l· ...... n- ~;']lll-;-' 'i!'~y. ~lld" m' .;It\. 111l·t·bl.~·n ~:~"~a: . -m-ry" .. ' l·'·'f:'(l~,··t,-,··

, . t_ .. I ", . Jra- .-lIt., iR-". - ," u .. J!. .R:.l:.. llll~,.l! ,': __ ,UJ.I',"-I

WllOl ,3.S, ,frQlIl 1 ~Jal]lla,ry~ ISl4(J. to~o,k, pat·t ill threYe, ~salllt·.;~ O~' thre',e O.iff,' .. t<i:'.ltt da:Y.~:r ar'med '.nlY witt., b~nd~ll" ! d )Vi'- al)oJ]S~ It cJ1LIld a15:0. p,,' gi'Ten for' ,C(llIO et~,·, ttacks,., p.atl'"f)l,· w. "~cl resulte_d U1 IC,omba.t 3Jld~ tlle Sitl,gle!=llarld, .. "d d.estfuc:tio'D, of ,In !enenlY "nk~, RleC~'lllffielicla, i),ilS :fOt #-,,-atd- w·.~>· ,m·~!d:.- 'b}7


t:Qni:tl·._llY C9(l.lIDa-,'II-~·t·s- an~_ tIle fiLst tw·1 1),- sto'·:.~-a,l-:

SYln'bQl~ .' .'al]y to Que e'u1i.~~· ,~.'. -. DlalJ &lll.,d. onle oft1c' r,.~ Ctb'ler'te·", tN,a,1;t Willlielm "_{-"~'Tbel, were m,ade by YQ, B -aUC111tscll pers,on'all r 0<,' 2"":. May 1};).4·. Fr;o:m .

jllilcllat }Tle~lt- til,e 'ba{lg~ c,ould b·'~ C.Q'--·,e~red in :_ 'bl~o'nze ,n'fsil()n tlp.Otl melub '. ts' of fliOt01"iSied ~n;' an'~'ry- fo.rmatiOUS,. 1J1J -··_1~:· '-, of' tli .. ll-,an,ds l1ald b.e.-·· dis.trfp~lted by tIle end 6f t .. :,.,,- ... :'ar~

A rifle with r'iJeled b'ayonet -y,{a~ cho?len ·a:s ,·h-· ,·.·~'en·t1-al fe~ltllt'e ,of tins decl~latiotl; 'fOl~ ol,vi().u .. t'-_;~,&'lr1S, a,od tt·~·, silnplicity of' it;. ,d· '[-ig~] lTt'a[_-_e 't: ;':. 1 °Va1iJ.ter~ti' ~S~ ur~' ·;_!--zel~'~~l?.en .so·metil1Jtl;- ()f a ~ Iclas;s':F c ,ami. -:ng T'hirtl R~itll :awaIi(ls~ It ~s n.o;teWi:jf: l1Y tlla.I·' ' -1,10 'ba.··~ ,d~o ... ~ "W'a:5 VenT .~ 1miIIf" UJ :~p' ··'·P'I~. at~anc' t· that "Worn

b. ~ 7 .-. -::...c • - -.

on th: Gra,d.' ;,-·8 M~rk51.·'all~-'lhip Lt\D, -a~rd fQr ta'-.~I-

,~:r.,·.·W::., ~;',U-(}dlr·e·d :on 19 D,·cl-.:-. b·er I ;~':"',8 ~ith Iti,

.l~anzef .Mk I as- tl1e 1,~'lentr:'elI)ic'c: ~ 'lli~ 1 '~l'-., ,given .risle

5.J~, Pr6'fJ~~ left to r'tgbt,~

Tbe l,rifa/JrJt~ii)li Ab:sa'Uit,Bl(tlge"

Tkie Tank B-attll1 Batlg(t~, by -Iermann Az,f/ricb;


i""r~.,,~,~ G~' 'e' jJ)!J1. ,0 von I' ..,.As' ,~;['t:J"l'''i,'I',+ n-'·n,·Ao(";JQ' .",..,-' ,;I.;(~'~~,'ln n~ fYil s: S·~;, ~q -'e'·',

J.'. 1"'11;; "I, " ""i~ I ~ h '''''IL.'b'WI,~ il' ".¢Y,[.~(), ~~., '~J"'" -Wla!O:]i I ~ iI:<~~ ',' IJ I ;1" ,~, "~, u I:J II' , '

·to speculation that the design of the Infantry Assault

-8"" dee - ~, '.', h· .... 'l'-, been ,..il'-'""-·",.,,,·, '-:-'. ! .p' ,~: .j'}I:S,· 'e,,g·,·l-; .. 'a' I 1- '9"'1'3--)'Q~

/,-,". b ]nay ,ave '. :_.~ . , u.ra-wr-n ll\_.' Q .. , .. ia.f~Jr ~_ ' ./ .,CJ_~

~ 1'] ii,~ . 1" ~. tl· ii 1 ld b d o

' .. ...".~ :, .... ,". ... .. , ~--::," ·1.~1. '._"," •. "!!r:'_' ," :~'.; . ~ .• " ".":'~ . l '"1 ~ .. w '", t'·. - "", '", ":~':-'-i'""

Wit, 1 t Ie 10t.l,gnl,3 ~ tnten I.Ql1 , :t3.,:: it ,S 1'011 ,". ,e 11~e,., _ on

the Army 's general Marksmanship Lanyard for non-

t· ank - .' crew ",.'

. '." [',' .-. -.

I • .", ',',,..... '_ .•


he Ts lk Battle Badge 0 'P(jl1Ze.J~le.Q;I1fpfitb'Zei:cb;en~ was Instituted by von Brauchitsch on 20 December

19.3~9,-, 'with, a Parsze» MI, III as its central design. It Was initially in silver OItI~ fo ',,"' award to tank '. 'OIn-' .manders, drivers gunners 311(1 radio operators lVl1.0 took 'part in three armoured assaults on. three Isle,p,a ... ·

rat days" From 1 ,Jllne, 1940~ it was also' .givell ttl a bronze version to Panzergrenadiere ·MId. associa ed medical personnel, and to armoured car crews,

On 2,2 June 194" larger numbered TW1k Battle Badges were introduced, since it had by tile' "'eCOfnie apparent that '11:1e basic badge was Insufflcient to recognise the mountine rnnnber of a.cti· lIS

I· 0, .

that a Pa.nrzer crewman might 113;:"le participated in. TI1,e .. new grades had one of till€:: numerals ~25' ~ ~'5(r'~ ~7'5 or '1_0'0~ in '3. box. 3' the base of the badge, to indicate participation ill that number of assaults,

'Tl. I f-~···ll·' '-'".', ,- :"~:" ,,'C,! ...... ~, ," - . rts 'ii"';l'Ji'i-."', d 11'y ,~, tth ~'~',~ ... d'"

. II ,e. ,.0, :OWUlg ",arIalll, S vvt2re , .. 1:,]., aU,L_ .Q',,L_lse·. _.

in -silver fo r .2' 5 actions in silver for ·~O actions :i'11 silver foer 7.5 actions in silver f.~,.r 100' '3fctions'

in silver for 20.01 actions Conly one :aWa[(l known to have been made ':O'D paper')

in bronze fb:r 2'; .1OCtic)11S in bronze for 50 actions 'in bronze for '7'5 actio .. ns it] bronze for 10'0 actions

M:any Pq/l1£er crews soon qualified fer these nl1111- bcred badge's b,', , virtue' of their tnvolvernen ~ in the decisive Kursk offensive ef Ju]:y~1\:ugust 1,943,~ where 70 per cent of Gerrnanv's tanks on tile

II )

eastern front ·W;·- re' mustered. ar d engaged the

Soviets almost continuously over .31, seven-week period. ndeed he numbered T~tl1J{ Battle and General Assault Badges 'rrt3:)!' have been created : .J;Jec.ifi.cally as, an incentive for' Kursk participants, which would explain the tacit: of a numbered Infantry Assault Badge, as footsoldiers '3, t Kursk were

Qa·~n, .. 7-P?jii('1~~~·,.#l'f!'·l ~~J!-~~,~~~;,-tl- 1! e 1''' - tl· '-1' an 11~ nfan trv 1'" 'Ii~O" ' "():'" 'E'I'-"

PbJr ~l[;.!-,~ -0 ~'<'&.r'lt.il4?,U,~~if !!Co. ..,l a .. __ ,... ... ,fiU . J~I~Ii., ... .I.. l' -..!.cl- . " ... :. .'

Eight out of tell R6r~nze, crews were killed in action during the Second ~W(]tld War SOi these badges were very hard-won.

It is interesting -tIQ! note that Michael Wittma.Iln ..

who knocked out 13·8 enemy armoured vehicles

, "

and was the' most successful 'tank, commander of'the

war, was never photographed wearing a numbered P(J(/nzerkaml~f4bZ;ffJi(Jbe?tl,j Even the pictures taken shortly h efore his death in AUgl15t 9'4~4 show him sporting tll"e basic, unnumbered award. All photographs (If the numbered versions being wern seem to' date from September 1944 and later, which suggests rhat distribution of' these badges, like their

, -

General Assault counterparts, did not take place

until tha tim ,~ S~lLCh a delay between theinstirution of a decerarien and its actual manufacture and bestowal "",01111d not be Lll1tlSLllal, 'particular .. ]y in wartime. - he' Silver version for ,20;.0 actions, while authortsed very late U1 the "\V3_~~ was; never actually produced.


OIl 1 ,}l111t: 194'o,~ tile S":lJ:I-rtna.bzeiclj1'1e"l:~ or k~:$,ault

Ba-' d at~ u " mal "I "y" ,-, c.. all" .ed t h I - , G" "P"I'n eral A lC'S-·'~ 11 '11- t B:''''<1i'd''' "(J-e:' W,,-:- . '';ljj,,' I

. ',Oi~~,- '-' j__, 1_. ",.I~_l.l.\d,. ,11" Aa~"L-_ "~ _I~_:__'~ '~'I;I

created for award to pio .. -ne~'I:'!!i 't~"'O:p-·· .. ·.I~, t·. ~a'~ later

_ __, _ _ _ 11 . _ _ _ _ _ I, _ \.G.<, .LV . l:J" , VV ,_ u , _, _

extended tOI other support personnel, including arti llery, anti- ank and anti-aircraft crews, Criteria for award were tile same 1lS for th I Infantry Assault Badge, The Sturmabzeichen comprised all eagle and _' wastika over' a cro sed bayonet and grenade, and was in silver only, Dill 22 june 19431, numbered General Assaul t Badges were introduced in the same

manner arul for the same reasons as the numbered

'Tank Battle' Badges, TIl~ higher classes were slig11tly larger in. size with dal1;j···. grey' cent ·,al features and silver' or' gold wreath _-_'m Tll.EY were roadie' r troactive with twenty-five actions belng credited to those

, .' ith ,l":;::C'f.!·-' . '. --. - ., nth 'I. _!I g ....... ,- . t lin ',"'''' ,- ~.' '," A' ,~'." r -c' ... ,t .... ·1

WI. : .. I~~L"e:e.n mOJLj_ . S LLon,l =, ... ~ .. _ servtCle,. \.gaul, a'C.llaJil

manufacture and distribution of the numbered h adgesd -'0' ·.PiS· no ;'t·- a ppear 't:O·'11 1141·V·' e" i-~J~~D p'-;- la ,C,' e until th e"·'

. ' ", .1!I:;..,.,it.1 . _ ,'Ii\;.. .. ' .. ' ,_:_ ._y: . -,Illk , .t')I., IJ~,~ __:_, I, ': -_ '.':_ '!4l.:: _ ,:.,

, . tu -' . . ... ~~:- In~L.~4"'\ G'·' -",' '. '--,.' I'" tl ' tl - , " : '- - ,- ," - ',', ',,- '1d' " ',' , - all II_Inn O~l ,.7~ -~~ ... ,:!C]nSe~ql.lel1y, 1.ey were s:e, r; lOIn

awarded and, were verv highly prized.

,oJ _ ,-

Tile Fje'"res:-~Flakabzeiche:1}1 j O~ Army AJ1t iFAircraft Badae W·····1'~ Instituted 0" "fl' 18':: Iuly 1- '9·-:I:r.:l- f·!i"'O"'·l~ awa rd to

- )'-,~~, ,. 'iil,i'l..0311 Jl; ~ - !!.. ,'L.~ .1" .' ':,' _~u· __ '. '1t ' .L _'_, a .. '.· .:E_ .. ' :'

personnel of flak artillery units. It took 't111e fnrm of a WShrmacht eagle surmounting an 88: mm gunand ~as' conferred btl" crews who had taken part in tile downing of' at least five enemy aircraft. Battery commanders received the badge when half of the men in their unit had been awarded it ~ The vl("111~'/Jlh:~~"'Ci·b:'-'e·.·· 4n could be W"""" 0'1"""11 In coniun ction wtrh

.l--\£~~KtJI;.G~-"'I_ ... _ ,f.~- .. .' .',. '. !IL;.,;., _ )' .. " I, . -.1 ~ .. r I, JJi."

tile General .Assault Badge, which '[look precedence' as it recognised the more dangerous business of atracking Jand targets ..


TIl-' e {?lo·· ".WI ';;;(~Jfj i#;.:~7-n. ichen J;;~';' r '~Ji::~ ,{~ J\. rs :i'!J~,JntPl;"";i:i' 1'J.o14~ nf'lriw~' .., 10· 'M I'. ,L_)'" -I ~u~~, -Ittli U.4i'~; ,,.. v.C:JI' . _ "" _ ~;f.o' u.;,~.1V,' ~ti£G' ,M'~ I' '(~:t-'J If;fJ ,I'.~ IV'! £: ,f.;

PilnzerRa1~npltt1tl;gt?n (flu/rich Et11tZelktlmp/e!f, 'or Special Badge for the' Si11,gl -Handed Destruction 'of a Tank, dated from '9 .March 942' and was made

,:S:4~ T~I}e ntJ/}l/e Battte ,Betdg"e 'i·1Z

, ,

~~illN8.~"~ (()1r" '7' a; ~ti().l" ~S'.

551 1:1,e Genera! AS$titult Badg«

101· 1 Ot) Qctt'011:S~

5~ Tbe A,,'Plrt-' Anti'=·; .ircreft B'tlage~

5- ,


,5'A .The; r:_CI/n~1e Destruction ,BctdigLtOI It 1~~'5 intorest7!~g to note t/,tlt the c.!e'Jt:reptec(f1~ IrJ_J~ It~be auiard. a Panzer 2Wk Itf' is i:11r;:orf'(JctlJP rePI1.~fAs~1lte,d, hij['vi1.1.g thI1~~e lr:J._Pl)lev 'u,J./tiee.lS· instead ef, ftJ:l~l,r/ Tb'(J lut~e"r~ l;j)1{1-l/J.~tfh! uersias: 0/ t./:?:is ,b!CJ.(;i'ge. ,1jtst!d' a R'USsit;fJt f31.Zj ttttnk in fts tile:&ig1.z~ uJ'ljiclo ma3~'

. .

bal)J! been mare ,(iJfJP~ffoprt6tte ..

,!i8~ 1 too h1fg~:, ',h/tll deco rat« ,,I' arm» t~nFp:ntI4) caata ins- t n

... I.r I ," ~ JI':P. J 1i.f'

1"td,la~~ed rtit!J,o~ii 1944~, Title "Jlltc.ef" ,(:i11; tbe lett gpo·p't.s' ftJ,·u¥

!L'-_~ '-'.!!II

Silt: er rtf/uk'D,e.sJtrtlctton Badaes on 19is slee. se.

r' I • • __ 1-:-' rt.~l -

retroactive to 22 JI1Jle 1'51:41.. Wtxtl1 ~011 the upper rtght SII; eve, the b):~i'dg'e comprised a, IJlack Panxer Mk IV 0:0. a silver woven baml with 'black ledge stripes, It "Was. g'~·ve,tl to those 'WlIO knocked out .an enemy taro", or other armoured vehicle using only hand-held weapons, I.e. grenades, satchel charges, mines Rstlz.t!:r/tt{!l)tste 3:11.(1 the like- who had previouslv been recognised 'by"<·~. all award of the Infantrv

_J" . ~ ~

Assault Badge 101'"' General Assault n,a:dg~·. A b (lgc'

was given each time a tank was destroyed, and '0.111. 18· December 1'9431·:a gilt version, Ion a gold woven band, was instituted tOI sig,rrtfy the 'killing' of five tanks. Tl1\J~!r for three tanks 'destroyed, three .. silver emblems 'were worn. One gold. badge meantfive tanks destroyed one go d and three silver Sligtlififld, eight tanks, and SOl on, On 1"5' April ~4·'5, at Stadensen-N ettelka mp in northern Germanv

""t, ~~-li·& - - ',J' I

Oberleutnan: Priedrich ruldillg: of tile"

~ G·fQs$deu·t-$chlana~ anti-tank battalion destroyed

,~~~ Brltish tank l' s and f .... t·"jp arm ronred ,...0111\"",10 U ·'l:·n··,-:,g·

~.LJS. ' . _ ~I. 1L.i'Jl· .' .:, '4· ~ ':_ _ . Iy:~ < -J!, 'I ~ ~ _c ",_l.' L:::_ ~.:;u ,~. _'_ !;,.:-' I.:~->

.P6{nZiirJatesfe, tlleteby q.tl,alifyit1g for two gold :3111d

on e;··· silver b (l··d,'-:I:·().,PI!?I .it 'r1' "]I .• ·'D~ l·~£tl'@ dav H·' e .also won th -'. ·e.~··

.. " ~.'. _ ' . ~~_',OLQ . - ... a, ,'" ,~. L . ~ a.J.~ '.' (f, .!liP . .v¥ \LJ "-

Knight's Cross for this action. The most successful tank stalker Ia tile WfelCJt~macht knocked out twe ':"7~

''f< .1

one tanks, and so wore four gold ba .. -ge.s and one , .: alver.


TIle' Front-Line Driver Badge was-instituted by' Hitler on 2,.3 October 1·94~: to, recognise militarys rivers who maintained the upkeep and care o·f their vehi = cles under combat conditions. Wor:n on the left forearm, the aV{al~d, 'was made like a, campaign.shield and featured a steering w: ~eel surrounded by '3: wreath of laurel leaves. It came in three .grad .. es,,:

Bron ze '1~'(~'V""Pl'" 'an' d G:· .nl/~ wtth each sn C·"l'C· ;P.~llC1'~~"'{:rA c·l·{l·,cc

'J.. U,. ~'_J " i:).ll r '_, " " . _ . - u· ~t.)"'>v .:1 .. ' ': _'.. . - . .::1. \aI!". ..' '~~:h,,:t,I,> ,,-1,,-", .. ' . ~O.'o:Jl!'

beitlg: presented as the ql]alifying~ c(1.nditi€)tll~-c were met M~' "0' t ·O~··I""'"C··y."c·!"I·e· rnes v seneers fo 'r' exam ple r pc' '~I"!""'J?~d";;'

, I .... . ,.,.' .' .'. I., I.;..tl" .... ~O,!;;]I'1!i:;.; .~ r. , . "~ L' .'; .:..:.AI~ __ I I .1-,--,~ ~ ... ~, V'L .. :_

the' b1adg¢ in Bronze t01~' serving ninety combat days in Silver for .·~8,O combat :day.s and in Gold for' 2,7"0 combat days, .S;Uppr]y vehicle drivers had to serve 16,5~1 33,0 and 4·.gS combat d::~ys respectively, since they-were . in Iess d' la n' b"e· .. ·'r:·' ,C: .omb t' davs we ,~p .d' leflned

.' .. ~., '~l' .'. .•. _l .!l.,..~~_, .. ,. c,o.; .1.,. . ,j., .... ,.. 111..:; '0.1 i.;.,.. '¥V 'I.· . .-LL :.' JLliJLL

as those when the driver' came.' under enemy fire, was 011. particularly to.ng.···~.· ~aSSi~11l11el1ts~ encountered

Ii! _ .,0

special road hazards or wa,~ subjected c't) 11IICOlll-

11.10nly difficult weather eondirions. The award

MlLfTAR·· DE·C.-·]~,ATI0NS

defence. Company commanders were made responsibk '0, '~!ec, .. ·r'ding' such actions 11 their laily

_['I"'~'P-' xarts '"1I11"~ lists &i"f participatin 'Ig~" sold' ., S'''' were

, ~.; e- e ,L.' ,I:, lift" ,u. ~I . " ~'. . ,··iliJk L .' . ~,a:._ , !3. .'- ,_ ." : '1 ~" . . .~,-

drawn up with s .. tew to awardi ~"., the' clasp, The fol~ lowing translation of' a soldier's record is typical of those compiled ~Qf'l.e fift,e:e.: ~ .. f"O,tl:-''"e.~- uired before bestowal of th: Bronze decoration:

- .. ' -' . - - -


List of C1Q:s:e Combat Day"

I 4<' ~.' .. 3/~ B 'e-'a_kl - thro u .h ,.. h - h enk "

f.. ~,',-',' _',' r',- '.; . ,,'.'. a.'" <'·C, ,e' ',. '. ~ . I .... ; ·.··"W·,', ,' .... ,

!I _.,.iIi,~.~· ~i. _ ",!-,'.: '._:_ L',_ . . .. '.:_

'2,; 11.JL4,31• Break Irrough at Now, -Wtl·alga Brea rthrough at Paraskowaja

Attack n ar Ber ka

- .. _ .... ,;' ".., . '"" .' ~ .. Ii:;

could be revoked if the recipient wa '" late r (:011- victed of a drivin g offence IQ~ negk ot of 11 ': s ~ chicle.

- .

5.. ,l~, ?-i, .. · . .:l

,),~ 7'.3,;43 '7. 11.3,.4.3

~a 1', ". :!,. ,,-4" "-,

IO~. _ .. ' _ .

Attack ar ':V7_n..,.~

:··CL.~ . t: . ·W·i.'UM

A:r·t'... ,r .11i" at 'C' 11 q,' 0.'

. :,' ,,",:,~. L .'~ '~_" ' '.' .:

~'tt' : ~'i , .. lIF. a· t r-1'1~lI'" , 0','" ". '. "tit, a.., I\,. , bl ,to, " ," ..

9., 20.1.1 ,,4~'

~ - . .

0".,"' 'I 29'" " 1 O'~. ~,

!~".:,!.. !II ,J

11 . ,~ 1 ~ ,1 "

1.2., 27.7,44 13~ 1 St,S .. A - 14~ 1.·· : .. :4

l~ 2"2' tz X:4 , ~' " ". ' ., ~. ~, ,:,~'I

'FiMh"~ing' near Krakowtschina -,:'~~'~ing at Ge, -·ba.ra ':

Defence of Ossykowa Attac >. towarel ~,' ¥i. rri JJ.'~

Securing Aubry

Bn .a etlrrouzh at la Chappelle Defence "w,:st of Stav" Jot

.0.0.2';' November .. 19,4,2,. at rhe heigl .' .o"r"' the Battle of Stalingn d 1 Hitler created a hew incentive for' ]1i~~ footsoldiers in the form ofthe iVal!J"e,am~f~pan~if(e or Clo~~:.:' Combat cl~l rlr'~ This : ecoration comprised ,a small version 'of' ",1 StU1/1"'IItl/bzeiaI3ft11J with a long

S' ,,'!iq;.' of oak l eave 1'11"[1-· . ~v~ . itlu 'I'''' side and 'W' 'aCi'i

. a",." .. '. t<:t. . \;i,c~_,'~; ~ ~~. ' _"" .or ;i;.:Ji \-. r I:' ~ ~ '. lUll-.l.l c- ,'.. ,iJ,

WOiD 1 em above the medal ribbon bar; It. came in three grades Bronze Silver and Gold, for completiorr of fifteen, thirty and fifty ct·, ise- combat days resp ctively Cor - bat d~y~_, were rec .. oned as from 1 December 1'9",-:;" and. had tOI have Invol ed actual han. l-tc-hanel 'C,: :;m:ba,, on, foot , whether in, at aek (J,t

Qualiffeation mlglu the efore be built up ,01 er ,~:any months or even vears Ion' _~. J' srent battle fronts,

. .

taking .n.Jf:!V·O· t n " t·_ of abseuc .e from actio "1 b secause .. 'f~

iit.1.:.&U,Ji' ,I 'R"-''''- ". _ .. ,'~ . iJ " . '~I. _-JiJ., '.' : I. : .. 1!!L." , 1., ' '~, '~-a:<'" :.:

wounds sustained and so 1~i1.~ Div.isio:nal cemmanders could authorise men severely wounded. with

"1';- ,',- ':, - .. ' .-,.,.. tn· , :: 'I -:, ty .. , ,- to 'c- .. - .. i - . - II -r"'-" th '" ,:,~ . ',' ." '. it , .' .- ", . .-. b .... , .'- ,,~ ~ "'. f

no OPIJQ ~1~111,. ~.', .OlUp ~ .. . .. " reqlllsl_e rmm . eI 0,

day.s,_o be 'a\:· arded the CIO,se Combat Clasp '~n . .ronze f..- r tell combat days . ·"'·r· Silver fo'" twenty da1~

~,n,.:,.. 1 r~ . .;~ c· 'F,O""'s', .' . .' 0":'::0' ~1~ b' , -, f:,l· 'L"!j'~,t."

UU ~~'r~ . .£1,."" .. . e- "'1..4 ,1,:.- _- V-, r'f..r4~p-i


and in Gold for forty' ~clay,s'~' Prisoners 0'£' war and those missing in. action f~'rlejte'd. all r:igl tef cla im to t11~e clasp, although '0.0 'at least '. me oceasion all .. ·C~G received the Bronze grade following his escape from American captwfty in Novetnber' 194[4"., It must have been a .sJgnlti cant feat as the reciplent, Hermann Drechsler of the 149 rh Grenadier Reeiment. was a1S,:O,':,1 premoted to Leatna» -- and 1:';' e-

- ,t::la~'U- -.-' . 1.-9 -.- -. :~rV~J!·l,J.·· . '_-, , ' __ ': ''--''''~'.~''_ f~in. _,I~~,J.,- Jr_

. -

sented with the ~. I "0' '1 our Roll C.1~tSIl on ace ount of

.. he iit."a' 'm-" : c:J; e-'Ien'-'!lp' e

_. f~ 1211'." ~ .. _~ _,. ~1L.'d, ~,., '.:.-. Ii

TIle first awards of the Gold Clasp. 'w,ere: made on ~7 A11gt1st 194~4', 'when _ Hitler ,pet.solLaIly tnvested. fourteen Arnly and WQffefo1-$.'S; officers with it. Of .. 1110;" se two 1'1' el d 'tl'l' 't;Ji' Kniehr ~~ i';r=l£'ll2Cs'" ~Cj~4 'a' n w Q""r-'"A ,t·=~p

!Ln-l' .. -, ... ·v,.,·:· ~. I......" .·,e , ',."'-, .l:).-U .. O·c-'.' iI;f\1' ~.:ii. Vr~'J ~,.niL.:l .. ,': '/-;. LI I:JiJL

German Ct'~i.S5' ill Gold. Leon Degrelle, commander ef the: Belgian 55 Brigade was among this group and was given thle t)'a1deave~s at tile same time .as tile Gold Clasp,. B:y virtue of all order fnnn Hitler dated ~,O August I 9q4'~ all holders 0.£ the Close Combat Clasp in Silver were automatically to .b,e awarded tlle Iron Cf'< SS;' 1 st Cla,:ss1 0'11 account ef their eornbat :3. chievernents, while future recipients of the Close ,CORIb,at €,Iaspi in Gold were alsn rn b .. e gtven the

German Cross in, Gold, if 'tl)ey did not :al~'~-~d1 pass ss it. A tota -, of Ci191 Gold Clasps were conferred b')f the end of the ,S.ecoin(l·W~'rllll·War: or these, H,~tl€'r pre' ented fifty-three in ten separate eeremenies,

whil :~'I p H'- irnrnler P'o, resen ted 110'1,6," and G--n1.-;j,n,*"".;.;.,,'

." .• I~ u1·;l <. .~ - d~_ __ _. IU .. .' 1 \.. ..'. i_ 1.1 .. ,~ . r ~~,. t4.;t.

Guderian thirteen. TIle remainder we,re bestowed :at tIle front'by senior div~iqni~l gfficers. Some recipients q u~Jifi ed for the G old grade as early as .mid-


JT:' E G" "~IDI1" 't ..... ''\V7~" DC''C',i.'nn B··: . D,r'

, . _ ~ .. 1,. I •. --"ruu_Lll1i.,W,i~:tU.\.D ... ·.A, ';.~'E

vices and their foreign auxiliaries, tile Guerrilla ,Wa.r.fitre B:a~dg,e W~a5 iofl1(:"1.~lny designatt ' d as a, KampJabze'ic/J1t{n ~ W~ffe,n..sS und P()llzet, or WfCl:ffit!1!lrSS' and Pclice Battle Badge, and was the only

war badg,e 8'0 described ,d.utlll,g the Third Reich. It was without doubt the hardest-won of aD the war

'_ _ - '" :-..' - OJ..:; .' -. _', _ ..-

ba d ,,-I ges

"".\1Kr~~. ~_.'-~Jii

Award of the badge, caine under the 'allspice's of R·e·i····.,bsJ£ib'irefkSS Heinrich Hli1111JI er, who' had been rnade respcrrsible fer at] anti-partisar! operations ill October 11~42,~ Uniquely Guerrilla W~lrf~' 'E Ba~g~ citations were mad e out in Ins name .rather '[hail that

_ _ Io'_ _:..... _ _'..:-:- _" .... -. I, - _. ~ ..";:;-

ofHitler. Anorder i$~tl-ed from .immlcr's field headquarters en Isr Pebruary 1,944 l~tid down the followlng:

1~ TIle Glterr.lll~ W~ar~e Badge i.· .. both ~ bn very tad a merit decoration,

- _. _. Jt.

2.,. I. is awarded in three grades, Bronze, Silve~ ~ and


3. ,. The Guerrilla War~e Badge C,a.ll ])'c 'award'ed to allefficers, NCO$ and men 'engaged' with the German fortes in counter-guerrilla operations. ,4. T he qualiftcaticn for award is:

(a) Bronze - 201 C=;Q[11~·at. days for ground tl~901,PS '3101 combsr ·('~ly~.fj(Jt Lt!1~iI;lt1:.ije erews CIJ)lil~et~ '= ~f)' tg':nt"b,at (Jay's for ground treops

. _ ,

75 combat day,s fc, ~, Lu/tu"I,at{el crew's

(C)I ·Glold. -, l.tlO combat daysfor grot pt.rC1 .. troops

1 ; 0 combat dcl_'Y· .• zs for "llttft;w,ufFe crews

.~ I ... J>~ w·~ _

The Increasing ferocity ofthe behmd-the-llnes war :a,g:ain,st part'"':· ,an-] in Yil,gosla:yia~,. 'R'U5y,' la, Poland northern Italy, Gr!e'ec:e and Alpa:pia necessitated the creation of a 'n'ew decoration to reward those who had been engaged i 1 it fera prelnnged period. On 30 J,anuar. 1944, Hitler instituted the Bll1'l:tien,k&mpla'l~z~i,c.l!Je,~_ ,- which translate= literally ,a~~~

'Bandit Brat.t)lf Badge', but more accurately as Guerrllla ''\l7:ari~ Badge. It is generally known :b y

C- AI'I ~~'II':-·o·· '~~ a s' the "",_·t- ·I~ P-";'l"li·f.~"t' 1~"S··'~!.':iSiI W7~:'r-:_, Be .'cad:' g--P woo, ·:h~·l[i'".,..,)-"-'!I , ~JIJ.l;L--~:1,;. "~~~ __ ~ .. : : I . .c. Ail, _ ' ,.,;_ , ',~ . :.«~ W ~ __ . ~ __ ' __ . -,I!;...--~: '. [ . .I~ :1

w'as tile tranSlatl}o'fl a','o'pte'd in 'early E(1:gliSlh=I-at1= guag'e: 'books {i'n [Third Reicl :~tl.s.ign.ia. WIllIs! it 'w~aS

Cllp·ell to me1moers of: ·aU tIle Gierman fig]ltifig. :S:e::r- 6.1 ~ 'The G'g"errilltit ~'rfa'f~ .B'l4ge~

'"!'4. Ill ]'I""[ ~,'Ow DE'C"OBA'TI~N-'''''''' IVL ,ml~. ftJ.iJ .,' :: .. ' "'" 'l~ ,', \.,:/f 0

5., Fot ground tr:{}OIPS,,- a combat ,(blY is reckoned to be one during which they have taken part in close combat (J:n~11 against marl) with guerrillas, For'L·l:_tj}w.tJfilia crews, a, combat (lay is reckoned ',0 hie one during which they have been exposed -10 anti-aircraft fire from guerrilla forces. BI~iI1g shot ~_'own counts as three combat days,

6,~ Combat day-s may be reckoned as from 1 J·at1.l1ary 1943,~

7 ~ The Guerrilla W,atiare Badge supersedes the CIQ~s,~ Combat Clasp for those engaged i~11 the war against !"lrn rtisans _,

62. 55=0 tu:::r~-tttrm:fil1U',e'f' E1 'it.:;JjI Kithb,(/tnd~1;,e~r.' tXl'~' hI!

appe61.red ,t:n tb'o Vo~IJ{isc'I'lef B(Hol)~rJL:thter clatet! 2,) Feftirua~fJ) Ifi45~ iIi's ~leavly lJ~'V2$'(~nte(;I<,G'uJe1~rtll'a wa~fa;re Bad.ge. ,i'n G~(}ltit ,is elts_pla,.yed ptr:(J1n,trne~n~t~}J'.ftJr tl,is

P'tt~?;11:";1}!:}di t,~;,.~'ture~ It is ''tcJte''A" '~(J11,.thfl,'1 'l(.J't~t 1(~tjhblantfl1,~D7~

~. !I~' ~ _,-~. E ,'J. . .~"j

,a{thiougl:J til' J!01Jltl!)g. m,tJ"t~, ,beld tlje NSDAP' ]"5'-l'Ba,-'

C'L)cfVi!lJ ~,-f ;i!'"·'.iO' D' ':e" rL] j.~.,.r,f't!'~O·· . ~1ii1' /,'1 "£I'r 'I"l t'lJn :qo'- ·\"JI"J'n~J't'·1/'"' Ie· '1;.,.n¥} :,.Ji'.'" "j",} nf<" -I-1J;"n lI.]riR'· tJ"jl,=-,~_ .. ~ , [Lw~1::fl,r It{.ii ~ ~' •.... ,,.r~i '~'''lIl . '_'II[':~ fi· . ", ""lI!;V"·~' " ·.·,U~ v' 1~ I/~ I~.': IJlT.J~

IO.ld G't~ara~ Bo,th O/'.tbeli\.fJ.' '~t,)e1YJ- etltinlerlI7)) V,~'1'1tte of'.Ij.'ts IO~1;g ,~8',oci(Jt,tlort tv'itb tb'f! I:lit4,e1" y(J~littl',~

8" It may be worn en '1:11,- left breast of 'all ~'1.1~'"mBJ'c8t Police I S2) and NtiDAP' uniforms. ,9~ The badge 1<, awarded wit 11, a citation.

10 .. P:OStll1U1l0US presentations ofaward ' ill respect of those w IT] have qualified ,fO'l'"' them prior to being killed in aerion wiU be made to their next-of-kin ..

Qualification for award was therefore very high

~, .. a' ~"",~,~,-., tl: B·n' .. d·· '.' .' ,,L, ~' f'1i'~" 1~ ; 'CJ icb ". f;(j .... ,-;- ',', "'1'--- d ,l,~~~

maxmg .:Ie .··.·"U,rl,·~en~amiJJa~ze",·~··.-n Llcu more llll'"

cult t, 0;'.' ~.t:""I1C· hieve t ~h'-..:',;I'11 similar d ee, "0'*"3,'" tions like the

_ 11.., _ .·,tli -,t, '.' " ' " 'U\ . ,aWJLUtt,. . . ..,.'.L ., JL.,. '. , . . ....c:' ,,-,L

Infantry Assault Badge. Even so, fair numbers o

SCI.... I' "- '.' 'li',~·, . t "",,.', ",,11 '"" " "'1- "g': ilbll - f''''''''IA' - th 'Ie d" :"1i, ~

J ·all_( P.OI 'ce to,OIPS wer,e e' l_,_I .. ,Jl'L ,!,J.,~m _ ,:: '.' -ilk ,~.",

01~ its inception, clue to th e ir lOl'lg involvemeut i11 .antl-partisan operatiens. Por example in late

February 119.'4, " SS~IObg:f~s~tt"r~ml:Ja'1/J1Judl're,~! Dr' Oskar Dirlewanger requests d de: Ivery of 2'00 blank etta-

+-~ '_.' -, f'~ ,- t' -1: " ", b ,': ,...',," f,,' ," "", -', 'B' '''l' ',," .,' tl '" rty " ';;' .. -,' ", n-" ,',' ", ",' d IUlQllS QI ne .. aoge in ,: ronzev rurrn 1U _~' yet an

twenty ill. Gold so that he might prepare them for presentation ttl deserving' soldiers of Ius f50,O-strlong count er-guerrilla battalion,

Hitnml ler qui .kl "1"'> e .rved the right to awa nd" the

,'.. r, L.l C, r·. y re '.~ ,f11 \;; ~ -' "I, - rl::, J, I !I.,j) , W ' 1. ~ , ' ""

Gold badge personally which is hardly surprising

" . . .~ _ . ,r:, _' _ '. " ,'E,- - _" .. '"'I!' ".' . c' ., "'"_ . .~, ,,: " '-.' _. ,_. I '_:'

since it was tile equivalent of winning the Close

C' "'"",,' b t C" '1·e ,,-" :~", G"'''' ild (,'" "-"". '. " ,I ""'d' ' bv I':r'~tl'- ',,'- ~'" 'fl' .',

" .. O'lua" e.'.' .a,spi III ,- a Ie ,\;f,ecognlse:,~ .r 'y . 11- er a:~ I: ,le

1 lgh ,t" "!:-~' , ,t ,-' ". d " " t't"" )'" t ,ii" T' :h - 1"~T.·"'l':L \! -'h':" , 11,':' 1C:S-, mran ,1~" e'CO:Cl .. on. rwice: '" e 1"'0, msener

Beobacbter of~",l Febrnary }'9145 reported that '~Frhe R'ti1-!l(;h~ifUh~e1~SS yestle,rclay presented tile first Guerrilla Wal~fru"'e Badges fn Gold t10 four -- embers of the W~''''en-S'5' engaged in tile' fig""hti'Qe 00'" the

<, I" ";J.l~: .. - ' .. ~,ii:', _' I _ -." ',~,;, ~" .' ....

. - - Q f h ' ,

.' , .. ~',"" ,<'", ",. ',.f' <:\.~' ',' .' ",':;' ",'. ",". "", ii' ,'~ ''''"'I'' '".," ,,",

Adriatic Coast. '.' me 10 t:IeSJ: recipients was SS-

Olr7~~c~h";'~m.":i'-Ii:":~'~'Pn~~ E:'ri:':cl""',r:'fI' Kuh band .. 'fl,' er 'Ii II:):f"" .he ?'.A_.'t"l~, I~S"'I

tic, .;)!~M~" ~, ~;';"f/~/:';:., [~," .", _J!.. ,- .... "_.;. aJ:_' .. " , -~. t. Q-:JI .·iLI!. U:'.

Dlvision which had been raised specittcally to

"'-"'-'1 - ib t p· ... ·">!'-.·*'~'c ... ans tr the 'Car .. -'·IO' andjulk ," AI' lp 'C WI'" ..... ile

COllrIl,aa(IL.l~ ._ .1.1 I I_._,,a_ . - ..... ~Li.t. '. -. uu3l1 .'~" . . ,111

the badge was 'hard-won, .however; Knight's Cross holder Hans Sturm, W]lQ was awarded the Bronze grade' while serving with the army ill Italy, stated after tI-1'" e ·~·T7.iI,:1" tha 't" he neve 1i'" were It -.o:lJ~ he did n 'I~- W:·' ··l~~l-l.':

.!\.. '.-_' vy. ..... R:I. .-, II.-v-'_~'.l a ' .!l.~ .. VI.:_ JL ·vv··\....1.·· ",. ia~ 1. ~ ",,1. ,'_- "~~ '_"'~!.2JI -_.

to be assocla ed with th.e atrocities which it repre .. sent ed Man " "y,.,,' of his c 10·.·· ·1"Y'1.· trade ·Ic;', a P' rpe ;"]I~"; to have be .en

.~~.. ". ..' _ III =tl_ _,' .. ' _" , . ~,L.l..L;aU. -CJ t. I ,... lQ.k!L ,"'." u. . :2'. ..

ljke=·mj'lJLded. for it i llar,d]y le'Vel~' See..11, ,~'" w3.rrim,e

pll.oto'graplls depicting regul~u:- Wel[J'rml€lcIJt p'el~son.~ neI" The waf{el'J-,SL-! aId, Pol:ic'e, Orn tile Qt1l1el~ i),and,

1- ""le",~ld", tl'l' 'e', '. G. I' illC', ·I'~' ~l'~]l"a 'W;' '~arfare B"";"'a'· ,d·· 'Ilfl~ u:·:-ll'i·~g-'h' " f":t:;").g' :a·· '1I;'"d, ,-' 4n" d, '

.111 .". _ '. ." ~~"" ... u :=. ,'~ -, _ ;I . '. ' .• -'D~ ,I _... , . ..Lt. J •• ~",: • _ _It, - - A· -

di:p·~].ay:ed it p-"rou,dly' on ev'erv,' pc'os'Siible 'occa,-i()tt

:::. ',_ "., "'_~." .". ... ., " " . .::_ ~' .,' II;, , .' '., ~" : " " ~

,giving it pr'ecedence' ove,r all o'ther' war b,adg"'s,. Tll.,ey ~,aw- i'· as,' 'ttleir badge',) rec:o~glli,sil1g' t11eir pa,tticu]ar 'ro·l'e .in 'l111,ell h]g r,:b,ellioll behit~d ·th,e .fr:Ql1t lines ..

T"- ln ..... 1·,. 'l'~'g" n" ... ~. '('-'h' "e' Gn '. -;·r·.J T-1a "\Vf,q"j;,et':a- r .... ' B: ~,.: (rp' W="'i"i1I'"

. - _ U~-. ;!',~. \ .. ' , .J, •• ' .' ~ '. UI~'. '.li.l': \iV~au.:.1~"·· . ,:'.'~ ~~ ,',. {:t .. '

basee en t11at:.l:,1 I'" .1.11• ~~.'~:' ,.' igllil1 of the SII:'~',:'~~aJl

Prf:t 1ktJrps or 191'9 and featured a wr cath of oakIeav _ I'~' encto .. in- .a :SVVJ"'Tld with sunwheel, swastika

• ~ - "I __ -... • -.

IC·r,~p. ' rese n" 11-:~lO- th - p, G::-··,e: :-m'" fli't"ll '!!"].'I=}. d, Y.:I111"'V"'ili- '.;~ n!T 'c. J" '"'c·· ... , -'~ S,C .:

:-,~ ~ _ .l--.-,--' .UJ. ,~I ~ " c· • "GI.,l!J1 c¥ 1 _ a.~.. '~ l., JJ. _ '. ~ '.1

FJ' unging into.~ -._.11: dra (the partisans) .. The badge has

- ~ --;;: .

always been d'escrlbefl in previous li .eratun ,00. tile

sub] ect as featuring a II, st of Sl1:a ees, btr 'that is not the case. Cursor '~'" examjnattorr confirms tlt I.~· the CI1.~:a' , re depicted is Infact, a hydra with a sing] tail and ftveheads "T' ie hydra was a fabulous and terrify'~' l:g: multi-heade d $t!·a serpent IIDf 'G ',- eek rrr ., hology, ·.:..,·:t~~. nwas renowned a: 0-.: beina almost im_pe!ss.ible~··() destroy .SiO,C!I~~ its heads, grew qt ick]~i' black again IT they were cut off The parallel with the partisan '1IOfCe~- which sprang up Vi":'f:lt' usly time and tinn lilla-a'''' 1"" O'bLi'lTI~'OII'" Atth e sword's poir wa a death's

['+6. - . _J,; _. I~, :,;,,'. ',' ~:. d ,.' '·11 . " . ~'vy .: ·1 , .1, .!i)1 :~ .. :.' I -, ' "~' '~'. ~. ~L." _ _", ~I

head, which was d0ubly.-'·al)1,:rO:I,pl·~-iat:e stncei symb :' 11· ed berh the 55 involverrn ~ I tan:' - . "1)"'. I deae llv natr re 0 ~ the sn . ;:(Y2:· .•• e whieh was beina carried on.

Il",~: .

Theabser ce oftl e usual armed-forces-parrerr eagle

and rwastika from the desigri again emphasised the ~' .. ~ rath .l~ than We:b,r.m~·b,' ' .. rigins of " e .,~ra~.= '!'

It· h',' s' b p'. "n" - r-lg·· gl,' este d -t~ h, 'a' ' t lL;II'1 mml - ." ,." 0' ., .. [""A~. ". ·d· ,- .

•. ~ ~I··:l .~.~~I. ,I, '_ .-.:I~:I .. _,.~_:__ ... w -,JI,~l-.· JLILJ.£..tJl.· ". -~·iLU'W .. : .,_ ._~ _.-,

man ufacture " 'If ten G-uer' .illa W.H~fat~~ Badges in g .' Idplate'.d . tallmarked silver with diamond-encrusted swastikas for pr sentation-as pe sor al ~~I,~':C~' s 1'.'-1 /_ 11~-~~~¢

soldiers who won the Knight's Ct-q~'SI with Oakleaves 'while. figh tng partisans. However; 11()

proof of (,.)1., ae ial tnfj: .;tlenc'e of' such b~a;'. ges .. has


come to light.

'iE BMLOO';:::- OBS'E_R\lElt. B,ADGE

Large iarrage. ,b'_'lldO.~:, were widely '1.1 e4_'Y the German Army for artill .. ry-sporting 101'. the Eel, tern fro I .. t, where air opposrn . n was: not se e le'ctiVl: .': as it~ ldl~e West~ .A~ the 'war ~p·IQ,gre~sg1.. -(~, l1.orvvev"er; this. fO!ttl :.,.( ,o,b.'Se-,··a:.·~i··.il b,;",cam, evei" In·.rle clan'geIolls a!· tIl ~ Ltiftu,aJJ(j, I'Q,~t its _.,et~al s:t,p,rem.a~y~ 'an~ on 8 I'uly 194·\1 a :new war; b'~ld,[~e,. tbe /iJlall'o,n-, be_f?',b:,a,chte.r(/th:$.(d' ~chen, ~~aSr in~tit'l·t .ed~ to r~eC,~J,g '" .. ,.:e


tl1~L " act:~, h:. d,ee·Q:~1.lti, '8_ ieatllre(j, Ill: ball,I .. <>'1 ~ 1117=

ma't ',,' ed l,y _tt Webr~:~·~·ef'I>,-vagle and Vi'as l:!f~'·-:·:en-e·tl 0,0 'a r~9;i"lts b'a·~is~ itI BT()lnzl,' "for'· twenty IJ_ointS: SihT~r "orl"brty: fiv .. , point anti: '·ld For' ··eve,,1 ., ,._ .';"1'1 -¥ .. ,- p~:)jtit·;;.,

P6m ,. we:r~ b)~l. 'e'd:.:.Il tlJ, djfficulty 'Iof' tbe· 'evet~ t·.'1 in1(Qlved Wi~l ot4 eJl'at~1,ple.,~ a fOt:(~'e;d paracllllte

6(' )



. 68 .. A_f1p,:.'·Q,·:.le€', dfJSI9/J" '.(JJ~ fl e Jjall~·.'·· .... ;-1. Qbs.i! "~'ltr B·~·til·,:ei'

jump ft~Qtn .a balloon earning the' ,ob,se:rVltl~ tel'

P'I'" .,. nt - : ,- 'e'~~ first B'~a' Iloo "'n" 0" 'b ',"S"'e"'" 'J!: '. ~ B:' adge "I "B"'" -" -' ',"' .. ,

JI~l ,C",1b '" ' . , ': ,,' .. [ , '., Ir·. - .. ;1 'l,::\ 11 ,1011Ze

'::', a besto- , ed oli 1,2, Decem '~,er :::", to Ober-

e! 'I ••. /1: .. : ~ .. :/ ",.: ;. W·';,~-,··" "'IIll"'b": al ',d S: el s: - :~<;l ," f" 2, '""'~ P-- I " ' "]" .',-:-

toace imet: ~f!11 :.r ... ij '0.' uner Q~. J'.:U ~9Dlpany,

'1'2tll Motorised Observation Ba talion, However, it

. . rh

\ 110t I, .QWI1 whether . ". ", aadge ttsc _ ".;'~.'~' 1'_".'01'('

presented With the surviving ei atinn, In allY :cve:nt nlG) anthenttcated {'" artime photograph of thls a, .,_>:arcI beine worn is known to e, ist. It may, In ~-~ ct, never ha .. '11;,' been manufacturer I_ b _ fo . -:." the :~. t1Jd of

- - ~ _. • • - I _ -_

11 0';5 til "ties~

DIy- 'nid-I9"; '~:', G~ "F'ffi:a'ny: wa ::'i. -well and tl""1.II,.·' .. ~·I·, - .he dio,D. .nsive. and the time hadco ne to re ,', ard those

. .' - - .

manning static positions which 'were subject t.01

regular a ad in .' nsive attack, The most effective 0.'"

1 ~ . d'tl'

suer personas r were snipers, w io.eeneearer r -'1·"'00=

selves ill tl~: -e :~.·"_S~ ],ay.-·tacL(,s and t:~.·: llke,1llicJdtl_",Off

e" e'~my' ' .. P{'!l·"""··~I·"'.Iiii:' ....,1'iiI~d··· tI'le·n',,· a:··~I't·· w,-;U·;;;··'l ·'In·" "if;'I' ~r"'~;j;tI"'n' d 'a' hi' :g···I-'l·

J. ". ,-'.,l.IJ..;O 'f£iUJ... ... ." . I. .c .. '. . IlL , L . 'l;,,:.:IU - • z:;,., '.' r

d,"'gt,e' ~ of'f'~}I~~~' '=~ ntof~,g~~t ~:~,pps· 1,.-,.frQAt=line tXIOQP'-i.,

<~.~n ,20 AQ~; .'19·~·'~·'r'~ I . $eh:c//lhch, '~~t31_ena',',J~f;Chen

W·"l~" ':m~s(i It.~e,d tlQ re·c,og~se tbe a,clli'e'velne-lts, o.f'

t,., .. C:;' ~in' Ie' :J·TIi'l' ~'S' Ie TI;"',~.· ""'a'" ~Ig.'." TI.1_,;1J ,'~'ll-: I" I' 'p":et~I~' ' ,r:le·· ···c'l. 41ft

1;..1:' ..::tIl!. ~r" I. Jl:LU .... ~. :_J___J.J(I!L.,..: !J"' .. :.I~, .. 1., :"1'" .'. '. ~.'I,..:, -.:Jt. '.<' tL.L ":. ~

- .

e~ru:ller Sruper Comrn-=-'nda: iel.·' ,C~~,·tili:-: ate t·· .', k' tlte

t7"I-"'['ll- o·:":"{:=: ia· . n_-)l :., ·t~h' ~'7f.'F-a,:] b·: . 13- t~'::"'II~'g, ':.·41)'}· '~'a'~ . ·l'e··'~'· :,. h'" e~ ·a:.· d:- ,;jI 'I" lid·!" ',' ',a"~~

1.1 .," .' ._ ~. ~"" __ - ~ ,.:¥ r.. - :. " , .Jt;.l .a.:-.1. . ~ ..' II. '.' - . -. ' . - I I Q...l._ .. _ '_, '_ .r. ~

.. -.. ~~ - J •

to be' ":\Ol~ .. ': 011l the ri: ~,11t C{lf:f~ It c'anll~ iii- tlire"¢',gt~ade~~~

w.!r;h a ··n ,- er b'; rd~er 'or ill'-' 2~nd.',~··,-'"ade ~( ,a gO'l ' bo,~der £0.' . ·h.,.' l.st~~ .. li.,rel~l tb~e'late '~I~(lg~ i.' tl"e· .... ,:af';. :~'~. i~ 11lg111y ,ull1ikely tha,'t tllJ"., . S-lliper B:ad,g~ wa;s dis .,-ri'i)=

uted ill 5.~',:glli.fj;cal"lt numbers, N01~e has been pho-

~:':)·oi'~nlb".e: .. ,d. ", .. ' U;~C~! ~~~r. lL{'\"'ol""'r-"c '-' , "l- '~ ..... Q:I.-,~

TIle following excerpt from 'Wel,tmachr Daily Order N«. 1,1' of' -4 November 19'~4 recommends .appl~~op~iate Ie,. els of recognition to be gjvell, in respect lof confirmed 'kills' by Armv ,al1C2! WalI!~n-S~' snipers, 0'" bv VolksstU'rltJ1 sharpshooters engs :00, in

. ~ ll!!!!··· . . I. _ .

the ':Static defence of the Reich, I:. is, mteresting net

'mnly from the poi n t ()f' 'view of the Sniper Badge but also because it. clearly illustrates the Integration of war badges with the Iron. Cross and lorJ.1cf award .. s:

I),' . '. - ,- '!-.' ',<,' - n/ ,',~ - . -;.::I ..

~ .. COgIl1t1.0, ,:·'h.warLI-8


It' .. I" Ie' '.- ...• -. 7",.·~I' c·'.' '1":' c",~ p:-·'l·· .. ".' .... " . ti ,..,' .

()in .. ·r'O~ti. ,~nl~ '--' a5~'~; .. , .t~f5, Dlen Ion

-~"'Ii'- d-'~ i~ .• ' .... -, ,. ·1 . d '." p"~'1""~: d· ., .. l!

,u] '" JV, S-lona_c 9'f-·, .. Ier£~.~ ... _ · .. bUt$. ., I. ays


Sniper ]3aifg e ,3' rd. Uracl

T,;:;:O'An C' . '-"0' . ~~ 1 st C': '1- 'i~iE! ~ p>l- 'I,}'.i;,"" m . e ntion U".:,i ':.. ,,~;Lj. .~. ". ~,":':J!~" i. ~ '., '_.t,.il.14·~· '

in corps orders - p-llllS 1 ~ ~ ,d'ay,s' leave Sniper l}adge 21'10· G' :ade

Honour Roll ,Cl~t 'PI,- JJl'bts mention iI1

d t ""111' d .. l

,r- . -.~ .- tt-' _", "'_' :J!II! . [-,'.~ '.", .' :.:- ,/: "~. "-_'~ •• .,.. -

~Irrn)f OI, ,Ierf) j~ j} "14~~ ,:",",. ", ~ys tea ve

Sniper fj,ad'r:re_ 1 ··t Grad

~, L

Gem sn Cross ill, G.'l)ld

Kll igllt'~ s C ross 0 f the 1r-O'1:1. Cro ss

,2.0' :l01

.'-0 50


' '.



1 Of]

IJurU1,g~ th " winter of 1'944'~'5,~ the pefiods of leave

'II' - t' d' . -- I' - 'b-)'" - d' . . - . I' _.- .- 'I'" '-

~ l ' ..... !··"IIll.I" I' ",". . '.. '10 -,", .1.· ... ( .. '," ", ' .. I '. ,,' ' I.: '1'1. . _ ... ' ." .J,', .. ,," .:. I' . I'J' 'I "1 . '1'· 'J' ~ ...

a .QC:~ e,_ were l}ro Ja ·,F nlU_ t1 Inore we c.Qrne t],an-

the dec_II]f,ationsl they 'a(~c:om,p,~11ie;d!

T~HE"- . U B'" o "T'I '. 'l;trt:'AR-· B·· ·A·· :D-'" 'GB'"

__ : ,'-._ .' -l~ ... l .. L .. tl.= -W:6,_~~ ... : .. ",' .... 1 .. _ ..

'TIle U~B:r;~IQ~~'$l\ri:eg.s'c~b~i({~?,e·n was institured on 1,3 [0': reteber 19':"- .. "Q andwas therefore the firstwar b .. adae

... ": '-I· , __ J!- '. .,,;1 ~l. " • .' . '. t., ' ,. - ,,' '< ... ," .' - " /-. - . .' ~ .. c' '. ,,-- <0

to be created during the Second World W~ll~., It featured 'a 'TYP:E ",< I submarine a nd was given to U, .. boat crews W'IID' completed Nl"Q, eperartonal trips, 01'"

'were wonnded in battle. Olver 80 per cent of D-boat personnel ultimately dled in action so the padg,e was very highly prlzed. A. version H.i gilded silver with a diamond-encrusted swastika was 'presented 'b11' IG'J,~t)ssadm!~ra.l Donitz las a p'IerSQ1131 ,gif 0 his

"twe.11ty':.=11itllenlo's' successful submarirn commanders, each of whomheld 'at least the KJni,g11t~S C"tos.s '1l"'X·7'1~~~1.], ~ a 1 " eave s· "

,,-y Ul Vt_ ~,1 ~ ~ ~ '. ~


TIJ:e ,Zesto'Felfl' Krl~'ega6lbze,tc'h!e1'1~ was created on. 4

J~111e 1940 ex€lnslvely' for destroyer ct"e~~,ts who had served at the Battle: of Narvik. The following 10 ctober, eligibillty was extel1,d,e:(I- to personnel 011 other de st roverx an "d t ornedo b oats and th e b . ad- ~

I., • W.- .... "~'~,~J':_JL-.~ .·.·~.,~:;i[r:!~ I:'~- ~,~,.,~ ,," ';-.~~_~

lA fl' fter b d d ~' ~ 'I' . ,i, ..

!COIl lit 'r nerearter -lie aware .,f",;. ror parttctpation ttl

three engagements with the 'enemy O~' for twelve operational patrols, It could 'a.lso be given fer be..Ulg wounded. for serving 010 a ISlh~PI sunk in action, lot' for talking part in .special 91~ successful operations. The .eeutral design of the award featured the Z2;1 WilIQ,e.lrn Rt?l!d/k-"(;{rnp'~ a 191~16~lcla,ss vessel commanded by Knight 'So Cross holder Koroetten /ea/J't'ttl1t. Erdmenger and sunk at ";1 arvik. All interesting recipient f)f this award was. Karl Krause, Hitler's personal ~'£S orderly who served with: the' 'Ni1""Y 01'1] {l destroyer in P orway, ~~s " later WCa_ffen-S$ Paneor officer he 'w· .... .::J'~ the 0"01',' 11 man te ·U'Tp·qll'fi:'" the

iM!~' 'IY~\"" , . r.l I' :~,.lL? . 'J!!i;;;". ". 1C(lI,,~. I L ,I... i ' .' '."'-~ ~tIi -=~'¥r '\",;;iB.JL ' . """",,

Nart :".;.Ls·p·,~,,;,rJ ~l"'!l' G"; ""~l-d" and th ~ Destrove s , ... 'v'j'nl:r~i ,;:)Ia'I dge

. ~Jio/. 1/'.lff;·,(:..-r._J~J"If..f.. .Ll,.,l,. U,.· '~J..'" i:_: IJi;;.,. 1 .,.:, i3'll..I'·l·".l W.U. D;I_'_",_i,'

with the black ISS tank uniform.


.. " • _ ,. io" -

TIle' full title of this award was the Wttr Badge for Minesweepers, S.lbID1L3·ri ae- Hunters and, ' ~S,.(:'Ol~t Ves·s.els. das K1-~iegs'abzeicbeJ.' fUr Mtnensucb-, IU- B'(!J()"fs-Jt_I/,d~ Z:ll1el S'r.-,cb·erungs'·',61t"l9',Q/lltIle)~, Autho-

rtsed 011 ,31 August 1940, it 'w;,as a;g'aiIl. giveIl. .(Uf' p;ar ..

ti"C1""P"'Fjl'f-l~'o"'n'-:-1 U"')-' !hr"" '~'e" "ei IO"-I)'e'1"'''a, 't[~IQ.···'n··.t"iI1 ~'o:-rt-I'l~'e"~ 'ani· .. (-,1 c"-'lo"'U""-'-ld,"1 b'e'-

. .•.. !'< ~.~_,'-:- • .:. . '.~ .. , •• 1._ •••... ,.,,: .•• _,.l..l,,;- •. ; . .:.: •. :~~ ~ •• '" '~-"."_.'~" .11 .. 1 ,' ,._. > ._.


MC.:.D,··''l'I· ~ ,.Ji.!{~TT\', D' lO{~O' "'19 ·b"TIO:··,·· N····· ~ "(~'F' I-IITI E~l[l~ .G'IE~g'lt,iI~A ~TIT

J 113 1:"1,·_ ~ Jtl I~ .lJ. " 10 ~ '. .,~i~_. ~ " ':4..- '!..t), ~ _!L .;:. .• No:'~ .... '_.....I j~iL~ .lJt'V~ lc

l6,jt N &flJ~,J " -_: ~~'" b'fi:I(Jl'f!~S.

IJ ,;0:

F;FQf!H l~ft to ~rigl1rt,: tQF to bottom:

T/:Je" -}Ja4Jt wtay B~t4ge, I~'" K4 T1,e'tb &,·~t!{h1fl~; The' D.est~oJfe~r ~l1t., B,atdge: ~JII,/f)s,.~J'Bii:x~

Tbe M'~·'1JJe$,U 'e'f11J,e,~~ ~W~~.~··' B(Jag~l

.T1Q'€l~ Bl(jckad<!@8~recl,ke;y Ba''lig,e, ~jl' ~\(:I~t,),e~lif~1z & ~~D/tjJi;~~

TltJ,eA"6.X1:li_tIlrFjrJ Cf!1J.:fSft/J' WCJ;'~'·B,a~ge. ,,(tljt Fri'ed?rlc/;J Q'~th' Tl~',e H~gl'l ·,Se'6/JS' Fte·et 'lli'€t1~ ,BatJ~ge~ b~J' S(fla,w;et.t1~i & So.l(J'J~

appease d '~"'1 the military publication Rabrten

r'J .' ) ~'""cl m'lJ~ tti;f~ ',fJi:/Ji"a:rj.gR B" ~.fF.;""j n· " " .W' di .,1 ring ,_ ~1'1- -e' iC 'I 1',~ 'ir1i"'!lle' - r ':: Ai'C.' ~":k I,~U .l:-'I;'v~,,;;; ~ ~~, ~l' " ~ . ,: ·,l.e.~ £ll!.tb~; -" " ! LlU. ,. ' _ ,.lUi '. ~~,~:J,.LldL-JI._ . u:.!


had, been 'WOUIJtl¢Q~, the ship sunk or the mission particularly successful. 'The badge could also tl,e awarded for continued "*c'eU,e, ice in perforrr ance

0', .. I! d-- urv 'II?'\'; rer o!'] iC4'V:;__"~",,!,o'I,.,,tl"t P' eriod - for pc' ne ,P'jl'!' ~ 'T'ly" .

. -oJ, .,~,.l v ''If,' 'I!..... _ ~ a~~~.!l':.· .. J: ,'~£~'.,.', .lly~' '-"_~ ~f.:·!!l;,t,..;.i!W.

hazardous tlllltv ir a mined area. or for complet-

~ r

in!g 'wert .' :~fi, ee ,day's of escort duty, Tile central

feature of the award, an ~plijfug water .. column.

", .. _ 1'-' 1"'n'" .:- .. '" -. d b . ',' '_ .... -' ... ,·c,.· ,'.':-. d -- p" h '.' .. t~ .a '., • rapf .. 't,;: ".1;"-1

wa ' u .spirec ~ a propaganaa norogra )], ¥'J-uCl1


- - --.:- - - _" - . . ~ - -

'TIle Abzeicben fur ,Blo·ckai{el).re'tJher dated from 1

Aplril-1941 and was the oniy 'war badgerecognising

--;;;.. ~ " -

the' ef£l),rtlir of primarily civlli~\11 persennel. It was

given to, erews of merchant ttavy vessels who:

'. snccessfullj; broke th ougn an enemy blockade

sank o)j "91 "II~' m-v ~J-·!ll~

• L1',i.~ ~. " an iC;hl:;:~ ~':l ~~ar'

,iii' !itl: p:1i, ,t:(' le d· >i-'1'"",p"'; 11'" shi ~ p' -. .~t"'\ ,<tjiT?"A I'" d ~ 't~~' ~ 'I;~ '''}- 'l~ in ,- - ,''f'o' jjI20 ~ ~ t~"tr-

. l~I~ .. ~ . __ ~" . _",:~ ~ IWI~ lUI! .. ,,' - _,I t.:~~1 A 'rY ~I ;, '_ U .Ldlll11 bl I , . ~ ~.!L. ;.1 1~.~.~1


.1 sureived be in;~r sunk 'b'y theenemy ~ were w ounded I'll acliorl

6Z T:l1Jl A ZrL'Y:t:llia:r'v G~17;l.istM;· l.1Za'Y· Badee with

~ ~.

Diamonds u_Ja"",;~ besteuied 1'10' ntore th'fi!-~,n jf:J't4.;r' tt1'1'/i~6S~

Tbis Z:~ tbe Ot70~:y litl,i'O;W1f~ s'itJi!vitrin~g IGtMan1ple",

6' ,Adn1iraJ ~Oskal' Kl,li11i1in,etz 'U!J3:Gtr,i~g the [fig'l? ,~~t;IS,Flee·t Wol1~ E~d/ge he'lQf<~p lots 191·4 11YJ"I7.· Cross Ist Ciass.

through chains, 8:111(l was presenred .in tile name of the Reich Commissioner for Sea Travel, Karl Kanfmann.rwhn wasalso Ga'1J1>e~ite,"~'(,f,Halnburg'and 'all jS~Ob.,,~g~f"upp~e1'1!ulJ'rer, .. It is interesting to' note that during the - 9i20Is"ll,,~allflnann, V{3LS expelled from til' - Nazi Party for wearing an Iron Cross, to which he was not eutitledl


TIm badge was also given to those serving on merchant vessels, but of ar entirely differen t sort. Auxiliary cruisers were mercharr .ships en wed :3:0d armed by the Navy, which acted LInder the guise of cargo vessels and harassed undefended J\llied.

shipping, The most successful of these were the

A· ·I!'l·~ - - . ~'iI' - v~ ~';:l:J'Int Kor. '""~ n~·':.rl iI,.I'~ ,lrw, '·1' 0'" il ,

'~I;~~n,'1rS; some .. ,. j:\,:I. rmoran eucne« t.mon:

Pil:tgJt.Zfl" Stier, Thor and Wt'd:de~r~ lUI. of 'which IT3,d been sunk: by 1;9',4~,~

'Ihe Kf'tegs'(:Jlazsi't.;blen ~f#r Hilfsl~·re"tZrer was created on 2,4 A}Q-ril1941, 1 and centred 'UpO'Il. a Viking longship the archetypal surface raider, on top of a globe. It wat awa rded for' participation ill. a, single

1.,0.' n g-di listan c 'e voy .. loOi:fr~ or :p(:J-l'l1"" being W":"'"IO' ninde .d - ' A·

, , ." ,. ~'~ . ,"v, ~Il:o:"""" " .JJ::IL .. J. .J;.._" ,_ . __ ~ '.

version in gilded 9()O~ .silver with diamonds in the swastika "W~~" presented at least once, to Bernhard Roggt Captain of the Atiantss, which .sank twentyfive Allied ships, Rogge 'won the ': - ighr's Ct'C)SS with Oakleaves and W~lS the most eel:' bratec of 2~1l the

, .

auxilfary cruiser commanders. It is unclear whether the other three auxiliary cruiser captains Wl1!O, held

the Oakleaves \~'el er, Kruder and VOl]

. ~ -

1:1,,- - .. kte ,.': -'I-I. ., ··n- :···1· ," :'"', ,,~. " , .. '!. .'. ," th .. '.' Id' Ii!, - -<11 ,-~ .,J. lt~' , d·: 'd· r., 'd~

",UCK esc Ie· .. ',I 3r ,Set ,ecer~JeCI, 'll" .Ie , .. lamOtl(t-:S, ll',- <._ e,.~.

ba d ,cr,~,

;A._._. ',::s'""'"

Britain, It was presented 1TCJf' twelve weeks' active

1- .. :Mr~'Cc_1 at sea but could b' gi:'~ en fOT . lesser perkx

if' the man concerned melt be :-]1 wounded or the

hip sunk thror gh ·e ... · ... ', lTlY ",;"'tion,. Ttl' 'badge w:as

a', 1,119Q.~: 1!3: -:\V' .. r ·a· rd '\pd· to: .. 'f lea ad '. "r-I .. :J']1· "~'P-I 0·11'"" '(;'(')1"" .: · .. a .. ·-l ... t:t"l; ........ ·p·: att .. ion m· .. · "

I .~ '.;, I .,," I • L 1_ :~", 1"'.·., 1. ... "_- _' , .1. 't_ ~ 1~· ~ .~ - - _ ~ .,1 .. .. . -_ , ..

. ' 1-'

particularly succes sful naval engageme ].~'.'. ',' . uch as th :,.,~~ - . . > ·-'L:I-M· ·-S·' R···· _,. '1'1 '.~. dt « . d'- HM' S:' R" ,,1 All' .. , . .e ,,,~'lllAJ,ng 0'1 r . ,I J .. ' :;aw.a~~;.)Jn' z ani' . _.:,1,: ri OOt£~, " .'

c n "tiT mem be 'r-"I .. 10: ·f"'" the Scbarn ··h':··:· .. orst 'and G····· n·· eisen ·,.F1~i~

I,.,' .~ Y'r ~ . _ . ".:_. ' ", "_' _.ilL. ,_. ~,.JIVIt.1 ',oil' . [ d· _ '_ ", . .".-- _ . .I-"t~ . ~ 1~.1tI-=

tl. 'C .. WI d the badge, ill view lof th~ operational effec = , ·tive:less of thesevessels. Similarly, every sailor who

was pl~.se ilt :·11 -11'- TtrJ,:itz~w'he'n it was bomhed by' 'the British III Trernso flo:.rd Ion 12' November '194·4 aut nnaticalf - qualifiec :"Olf the award,

During the war: the Allies referred tOI German

torped '.IQ·:': b';:f'" ·a· ts a· ' .. E--:-,=B:'o""'La",1 .. :" ,o,<'r' "e'~ no' ". ·In--y·:- oats '. :(:l111i,,' this

L.,:..I.... . .. '.: -. ~._...:.. [_.] ,.j , .. '.,. _.' " '_]'._ '~~_.' ..... ~ , . '.. ~~_.. . ,.'.

tern"l has 'I['-,W- become the standard .. me used. In fact the correct abbreviation so far as the Germani were co ~ cerned was ~5' Boot (for j:·c:h',_,'ellb,Qiol.r.' 'or"

': peed boat'), Bboat crews originallr received ~-11._ Des royer Wa{ Bac ge but j - 1·9 "1 the ·,,~,bo,at offen-

681 Ti,t} E-Bo,t.t 'Wa·;·· _B!aclge" 1,~,·,t pet .terl~t" TIJ.e',d,,)~'iign (~'f

f~1'~n. Il'Jh''o ..... ,' ~~'''''-'l/J:'t· :lle·~¢t"ln;j'-~,~" .ftt.~o·· .. d'· ·u,'·,l.;s;nd·· l:~~iq rn'~~l'ia" ~':f,'''' ~; ]. (],7A2

, .... fi}v,! _ r·'~j. . '~~~,{'i lUi .. 'If.:.l! b~~' -~ ~I 1.,.,1 ... _. ~~ _ . _fI,1 ~ J t.t"l .. r:i'l}tUf.~ I" . '7~- ,,)

" -

,.' 6i~S l,,~sic'al:ly tl,e '~-ct'n;e,; but dc1;:icted a l'an;gr31-' t·Je~~sl~l,

'U J!J.lch -Cl~l· Q .. :"1i()S$ t,,·· e ()r· .. :,l«leaif·· .. !UPi"'(tQ,'tJ,: ,anti' (1."'1 'leltlar "fR)' i

" 6-

le~gle (J"td jS"U)6~·sti.kfil ·lemble1n.,

~,t'i:7'e wa S·:I considerablvsteppe ,- '11p: and 0:'-;' 3"0': M··· q'y .r of

~j~:IL,;.- _. II .. I.'-:.;.- .. ~.]., £II¥-., .' !.t'1.~'-" '. :_~.1 .. '~Jh" ~.,_: .', :- 4-,: , ~J

i . "


thnt vear the Scb neilboot Krie rsabzeicbe» was

~ . '. .

fnstituted for torp sedo-boat perso nnel A's usual i

" . _ _..:. _:__"..:.... _," _ _ _:!--;,".. . :: ", ~ . " ... , -,. . __ " ... -'.,. _ ...... ,. ,i. " iiIo:...... . "1 '

W-,· . S·· given #0" "f'= rwelv - . "0' rties bei }:g' II .. ounded bern

" .. ~ .·V': ~:I' loW ·t·I;!·. 1- _'::..:0, JU'~.[I i" n ... 'IL. .'. .:___ 1"1.:::... _ ·'1

., . ··,.....,17 .... ". j(Ct~;' ""'''p'at-iOn .". '-. /. .. ;- .. ~ . 'f" ,..,1 t·· -. ~'., r 1"-

· mna lor p4l;~. CI' ,'-' 1" ,g 1, success I,~U. ,.111SS~!Q 1'5. n

Ian - ary'-" ~. 43' ".' the des ian of the badge . .:.:. w as altered tOI

' .. -r •• ' ••• " " • _.. I.' ., _,_,,1,; . ..:. .' ... ::, .r.~ ... ' , .. , .' \ .".' _ :._., .... ,'"_ ". _. ." ~.' , '.

~ h Eb t ] b hr nn

• " ,: ',~-: '- ...... ' •• ']"" r' ',' •... ' .' ", -'_,' _ -I .. "':' "'," ,'1' .... ',', L!.,.' . ··~·'!!IIiI· '. "", . -,

tncorporat l..i .. 11.eW .. ,·oa, f-ce.1 l~. . 10l1g_." mte

I" ervice with the Krteesmarine This design chartae

.'. '.' ".,. . .•.. "-"'1 "~6'<' I' ,._".,' , I. '., , '1_ :.1'" .:. c· .~I .

. [f" .c. .... W· . - b ""Ii d" . 'g' 'e' T"I'''to. [n-i .. ~

o . ~,_ ..... ar ,~17·~.': "- ¥v·as U,.lUclue.

A '- p' .. ' '" .,.ii'.a1 ]'. 'r.."- de . 'f": :. h .... "EI···. b .' .' ·t· ""tV'E~ - B· - ·d·· .", .~ :"1 h ,. II .- ,s.~· ecu "gr.,... e 0 t .... r· ooa war nauge, In na ",""'

'1 d U'" ltl ;..1:'1' d-encrus . d ik

1'13, ri:~{e··· suver W11.l. a cnamcno-encrusre ..•. , swast .• : ·a.

was preser ted J}T Donitz to the following torpedo boat captains, eacl of whom 1'1 .. ld tile Knight 's

C '"'0' . ""', . ttb '0"':- 1,-1 '. '. )"' ..[:·.'8,5, ~(l- u v " IDUeaV:C···I;,

.: .. ' trr:~ett(J'nle.&' Pi-tan' Georg Chri snansen X;o;frv,ettc1~kJat)itdn Klaus Fie' ,dt.

Ko1'~1)e·~ te~·.le(jJpit(;;ln Friedrich K:. mnade

KDr ~:·;e,tten.kap,i', -:4:. t Be nd King K(tpit:a1~lleJutn.at.lt ,G"''jtz Fr. 'il err von Mirb131C]1 Kap-t'a-' su» See RudelfP -tex-:le:.·\ Kal)itli.inle~ttn,ant We'rne~r Toniges O'~b(jrt·:~ut'l.ant Z.U·'fj '. '_e Siegfried Wu ~,p . :on ~_1111

~ ." lntcrestinz to note that ViO 1 Mirbach attainedhis diamond-studded bada .. ~ as commander of the ·-bl.'at flotilla whic 1. er gaged am sank a number of

... ~:S landing craft taking part ill' a practice 'dummy '- n '_ or. .~.··~D::ay off the sontl . coa t 10:' England itl Ar~rn

1944~ O~: '~r ,90": Amer~tian s,oldiers IDost tIl i ~I lives: in tins 'e,pi~"o:cle, the s·o~call.·d 'B:'attle of.- lap' Otl, S' I d .. · _

·w··:.··hi···,}"c·"ll··· ·I·"', m',[ ',3""·"L111'~···"e'·I·· fia ·'Dt~r:ell··-kl-·"e'p,·.t· S,,' ;C:·"C~···,t un·t-I'·'1 ~th"'-e' e,a:;r'-"y-

· . _ .. , __ . - ' .. ;.'. ~""l k .. 1 ' ... ': _- __ • .',,"" I '.:_. . '_.. .'. ] I '. '. " .J:' .'. _ l,___ .:...' __.'._:.~ II J .


= '7'.' , !\;I}~-'. [~


TIle ILloastal artillery W"as COll1PQJ,: 'eli of' _i;at~d-based

;.:ava- pe'--,s',onnel l~e'~j;pD'nsibll~e fror co!astal d." 'fen,ce 'and ant·'~21·,icra ':'1' b,a·-terles at Kri-.·.g,sm,·ri'ne' base.-O:. T'h,ey receivi.·d. '·.h' __ ,ir IOW'O war bad.g,:~- 'tIll.' .K1' ·'le.::;sab.~ e~ch,e1l ft:tr die' Mtfl1~i" ··eat-till-e'r· ~Ie, 011 24 JUlle - 9' -Ll.~ It wa.s ~arde(~ Jon a p.Oillts IJas··sl lil~,e' tl1:e'

OIU1.:. r fl~'," badg.~_s" witll eigl1.t l)o.ints b,ein~. ' t .: i. q'llal~ il'i','g level~ 'Tw'o 1)(Jil1tS ~eltte g,ivenibl'" e:a,ciiL aircraft shef dLO~ by' 13. ba:btel~ ",ith'lor e pault b,eing Ig~~~en. if tIle" 'victo·~\:.'.a;~ g .. 'lai~· c·d in C011.)~'ll11.eti(Jl1. w,~tll

J .

al,()ther battery~ rSe'dt"icl11igllt ,~~:J,d- SOt:l11d locat().·

cteWL' gpt lulf ::a p. jot' f'-r :,e:,~]lfil'-, 't de'ec'~ion~, The b~tdg'e cOLlld ~aIso be ·a:war'ded fO.r a sin.gle a,e' of' lnet~t

~;[II [TA·.R,'·Y····· IJE('C11?! Tl()N"'~ ~

J."i!., ~ .,_..I. ~~, .~., . ~""'- ..1\\".1.'1.. ~ \;;,;,_. [,;.)

"'.~. 's· ",.U,: ".,. ~ ."~, I-t t ' .. r: ~~ ". t· tl· ".. K' 'T?1?"'2 ~.'." ~·,-".t' 'I; .. ". '. '.~~1, ."

fl,[UJllClel1 . ,.0 ~3:rm11 ~ co· Ie. ·.ITn.~:) 011 IJ'tlS : 1'1 lunoU_S.ly

j b '" uu ."~ d iO, iO

Q~ . '·e.m;s , .. ('1'. nl: action ..

TIlE U B·' O·,A"T C' A-MD' 'lI;. 'T' C'·· ·tA~1E~

:-_"" .. ' = _"; ':.:n...: ,..)'V,..~l:t"\,,_ ";11 i _;'~ ... J .'

A. further aw:atd fot U-b-oat crews ''VVIlS, institutr-d 011 151 May 19·4 "i It took the form of a small If-boat Waf'

B', "'d"'-""'" :",·,·t-'l,I ,'" '.: " .. ' 7' '. ·"f'~""· \or kleaves ·o.-,n eithe. ~ slid" e and

ta.l',_,:ge. Wl~ II a ,pm) 0 'O~l __ ~·.·. av~ ·~'.-~1 :. ,1 ~_~: r ~ .. , K' ~' ,uU.,

was worn above the-left breast pocket. The ll-BfJ!.()ts F1,D,fl;tsp,tJ.~lfjge ""Was initially only in Bronze, and was

g-~' en . - ]'0" - and- onti - ~,' 1iC: a;jf"lo:jf~ 'p ervice An s b JV',:c_~ 'or'~ '11g a ' :;.: c:· , muous : ~'il]¥~' 10":-£ Y.I.·· If' I ,.; mn-

marines, Recommendations for award varied according to numbers of sortf s, demonstrate -d p'" r- 5Ql1;a1 bravery, risks taken and so on ~ and each bestows ~ had to be person '~UI ,,.. ap rproved b y'_' D·:'··o~"" nitz

,l". ,"'; Il'-.l ~y.' ,~j. "I~_ . . 'c.,... _. i. • '_.' . .. I~I~ : .la .. __ jll I{~. I ~ j I ..... --: .~. ~.,.. .. -" , ..... I 'I!

I :,10 ,24 November 119,44, a. higher grade ill. silver was

al ~;]"~I ~ ... :. 'd-- to r "'~'"'i',·~ use ·e·:,:::r:e· .' O'I"'e;"····' tc q. 'l"1---.:;r,~, {,-D'm'P· rts ~lll ]'ur.1Jse~,~ ,01 re,coglllJ£J, .' . Y~" tl,~c_ a ". r ~.CIU-'I;,..,~,t; ,_,'bll ,',.

Citations for the S'mlver Clast) were normally signed by Admiral von Friedeburg, commander of' the U-boat fleet,

Lui: w.affe QueJ/ica;tion and W~lr BtldglZS

TIle .' ,uJlltVQ;/ftd' utilised a. number of' badges which recognised qualiffcations rather than participatton ill active service. These were worn in rhc same '\Vay as war badges SO~ for the sak .,. of consistency they have been grouped together in tl1i.; -, ;' sectiou.


TIle Fli'~ge,~stJl1J~tk·$abzei:cl,e.n was insti~ lit, '·d- on j 9

Ianuary 19'35,~ and comprised 8.11 oval horizontal oak

I.. ~ ~ ,-

and laurel wreath enclosing a. flying eagle clutching

a swastika ~ It was worn 'by all aircrew which, in effect, meant ptlots and observers only since at that time the Luftuiaffe was ]101t. permitted to have bombers 3,1}(1 the largest aircraft In use were two .. man biplanes. 'TI1le badge was withdrawn early tn 193,6, so was never worn during the Second 'World

""\V1,qr' 'W~EL~ - ..


At the beginning of 193"6, Hi ler announc li the" expansion and re-equlpplng 'Iof die Luftw'&ifJe in direct contravemion of the Tre1ty of Vers:am,es~ With new and larger types of ahUdft~ there was, a requirement for a 11111g,e of quallflcation badges . c properly recognise th . different crew skills involved. The Pilot Badge, Of' FI'btgze.'FlgJlihre,~a,bzeicheJ1J~ was lrl1'!iiti= 'tntcd , ,n 261 March 1'9i,315 'and Was similar it] appearance to tile Aircrew Badge, but with (1 vertical ilver wreath eQ.clo~ing a clark grey eagle 'and. swastika. I~ was presented with '·tlle rnilitary pilot's licence ")11 completion ()1~ f ying training.

71.. Tbe s'!,orfj-li'v2;d_Jt:1lrc11rJw .Badge· uias the rarest Qf ,&lIZ' Luf ... 0 affe q14al'fji en ti'e 111 auiards a;"~ ;&'1 t 'as ,Se.td(JI:'J'I. seen being. zVOJ~'i Its ~/esign clelil'~J) in/l'urmcf2cl that Of .'. hie lateJ~ Pit'ot B'a~;ge~

ME' n·'A· LS' .1\ ~.tD· . D"'9 'i'O' l(J :1i,. "T~I 0" ~:rs'· :-J'p' ~I=I"'l~""LL:tlmQ pj_ UTI 'M'" ." ~Tl";;:7'

.,;!. > .', .' , .. ..f\J.~,:. . L. IV"l.".'. l:'\l'~" L. r:: ,,C_l\=.":U !i.;_) J~ I~ . _ .1.1~1'\1 I


Again. insrituted [011 .2,16 March 1'936., the Beobacbterabeetcben "'WaS, conferred on observers navigators and bomb-ahners after completion of two months,"'e'rvi.ce with at '. non-operational squadron. ()1"" after five combat sorties. 'It could be.

awarded after' only one mission if the man C011 ... · cerned had been wound ed. " I 'he badge featttte·,l a large eagle alighting on a .swastika,


The Gemeinsames Ft14.gze.ug[ti,h'rer~, und Beobacbterab!ze'ic:ben was':' created 'Ion 2'0 March 19,35 and was identicu! to the Pilot Badge, except that the wreath was gold .. and the eagle silver; . To, some

extent, it was a direct replaceruent fot the Ail .. crew Badge I since .it was awarded to those '911)0 had held both a, pilot's and -an observer's certiftcar ~ fa,t~' at least one year; ,A_ vie r sien of this award ill s()lid gpld~ and encrusted with diamonds was' used by 'Golring as a. personal decoration which he bestowed on .l")arti.c~ ularly successful pilots. and alSOI '011 foreign dignitarie 5 and political personalities. A unique dual presentation of diamond-studded badges was made

'72~ Luftwaffe qUlal!ftc6lrfitJ.'n btad_ges.

Fm';l left to" i"(g/,t . t()p tv f}(J~t()m.~ Tbe 'Pz1Q,t Btii.~8e~:'

Tbe Obseroer Baa"e~~

The C:an;z,bi,;,t.e'd ,P'i:tot.d,Qbs'[er.1Jlfr ..Bad;ge' (Gori,~g . uiore a p'f!1':",()I·na~list1,d uers i en qf this .!a1::viat~'t ~wl~.th' the tl/J,~IIV3Sth: 'in t 5·85' ! .gtllct'· ,and the (!>agl"e in j800" ,sti-")e!f)~"

Tbe Retirea ,~irlcretv Radge~~

Tb n '~l:;;'A n~a; Pi 1:.r, It B '. nA';Uo.·

J":;" ~~J !r~l~V'/1 __ ",. !I'~~V~j '~·".~~1~~~~·'~

li 8'TI I<TA' lRily nE' .....,OTII~,T.I·ON"·-,

{V1J -..Ii I ,-' ~~." l~t ~l. '. ';I!\.l"%t ,"'; t, ~

t,G the test pilot H311n:a, Reitsch, WIler} she became th,~, flrst female ""0 win tile Iron Cross 21ld Class in, Mal~C:h 1941.~ G,oring acknowledged her achieve ment hy giV111g her 'a miniature brooch-sized version Oil the Cnmhined Pilot-Observer Badge in Gold with Diamonds, He later awarded her the full-sized badge, ill yellow and white gold with 1 04' '(iia,1.11!Q.l~lfl_s" on the oecasior ofh ~',r winning the' Iron Cross 1 st Class in September 1-9 - :2 ~ It is no .eworthy that ill 19~44.- 5 ~ Cfb:eJ'st Rudel wore the standard Pilot Badge aud the Pilot Ob ' erver Badge witl Diamonds simultaneously, C]f¥lfly~ the latter did not supersede the former;

~....,.,. '[) ;l 'i"""'Ii.[O 0' '. P'I1ETjl .t.·'T· O'R B··'·).I. ~':'~~'E-'

l'l1Jj: IVW~ ::.,' . '.. . :,', ru~\Ji ',. ~. I "" • ·.>iu_j-u -

Tills badge 11JICl as i.ts central !de'sigtl .a flying eagle clutching Iighrning ~boJt5 in its talons, Also instituted OlD 26 March 1'9.36', it ~1_S Intended for ra,(110 operators, 'air gunners a I,d flight engineers, 311(1 had the


same award criteria as tlu Observer Badge,

THE RErmEDl Anl'CREv;r B,t\DG'E

The ,Plifige,r Erinnerungsabxeicben. 'Was authorised ,OIl 2:6 March l'S13:6, for w-ear by personn 1 who had been honourably discharged from 'flying duties, Firs;t W:ai~ld 'War veterans wen requin .. d to have served for at Ieas t four years as aircrew In, order to qualify; while others .llad to have served a minimum of fifteen years, although this could be: reduced if the man, concerned had been 'grounded' du ..• · to' i1~jlrriles, sustained ina fly.U1.g accident. Tills award -;, ecognised flyers w' :1.-0, because of ill 11,. alth, advanc-

illg, age and the like were no Ionger permitted to ,g'o up in all aircraft ,111(1 were transferred to administrarive 01'" other noncombatant duties. The badge 111'ayJ 113ve been cancellett shortly after its Introduction for it was very seldom bestowed .. It featured all eagle perched on a, .rock.


The ft;t:als'chirtfts,c»"t#lrl~Jabzetcl?en der Luftwaffe W3;: institu ed on 5 ,:,ov:e,lnber 1-'93,6 for Air Force (and, Iatcr, W~Uelll-Sj) paratroops W]10 succes I~fiilly completed 'sjx paraclmte training jumps and other required tests. ILl order to retain the badge, the holder usually had to 1'"ett11aJify each year. However, l111,de1'"' tile' terms of an order elated '2,. May 1944, Lu;f1tvaffia admlnlstrators, medical and legal personnel qualified for the award Oil making '~ single combat jU1UP" and could centinue tOI wear' ~t thereafter. TIle badge featured a gold diving' eagle In a [dar]" g~te'y wreath, It 1:- Interesting ~tOI note that the first man to ,q~-,llalifv for ~th·e badae. ·Mal·:jo-,~ Bt1]110

.,;# LO" ".

B-- _r;I~·li'_"6.ll'" -!iii'" ceived h"l~:'S Jii LTI'm-·" ip cert if icate €pr"""=ai'I' n o 1 as

'e, il ec£, I I, - .:. ' "v. ,-,' _ ",C : 1;1k L ,- " ~ ; ! ', .. ' a :~:, a ~ ~. . .'. ro' ",,' _ fY'

early as '4 ]lU1l19·36,., He was subsequently referred to by his men as Paratrooper No, 1",. During the Iast year of' the' war, the badge was distributed only

74~ Luftwaffe q14r;lI~ftc:atton tf//l'ffl _W"l'r b,a4ges,., F1\o~~1t left: to :n8·bti~

Tb« ,Ra,din (jpe.ra, 'cu Bi,udge- by Imme & Sob«; TIJ:el P(/I/f'C/:tj~lJ,(jp Batl,g:e.','

Tbe FliJ~,~ Bettie Btl;6(;ge~ e-" Gustas Brebmer; Tbe G~'~(rl4ttd Assault B!,adge.



in. lrs embroidered cloth form for reas ons of pracricaliry and econo '11~ with accomparrying citations making SPL,. 'Icific reference to the' Rallslch'·irniscl,iltzenabzlB'i'c.ben in S,t(~fI.

Ttn: Gr~rd~E~R Puor Bm:GE

Insrituted on 16' December r9~iO~ the ,~5e,t[Tel"'1!l1l:,6,.~eug"-'

- • • - ~ !~. ~/I(*, -0·' l.

~A·,i brerabs: ' r , ,l, .. , "·1 .' .... ""'p' rise '('1 a b ",1' acl .. S~"O"'a' I~U1;;' Ig" eaele

J' I~~';" I lfi:." 'I!i"V .. e ~C,,: ,e,' l COJ]1 '; .L 1~ ":_" ,1"_ "" ~ i{ ~, ; I". ", t:_ ~ ~b>'

""T'I':7! ithi 1" ·a· ... lj'it"~e" ."-~ 0 #II '~~_'I ~,', I 'f' .., - \' .. - .. ' ',.'} '" t-· d:' .. ' '. ' oil - <e' ,,-: - .. oI4i; ~p, .;- r' :p,' .:[

wn ,JU[ .,. , .suver ·.aAJL..._.3, wreall..]~ ,all_, w,ae"l IJI'~~,"-JI ,~_l

with the' rnilitary glider l)illiat's lie ence IOn completion 'Q1f' flving·" raining ~

~, ' .

~" .

TI1e Flak~Ka'fn;Pf,ibzeicb,en de" L,u~i)~1fe wasinstituted 0111 10 J:a11l1al'"Y 1'9,41 .and comprised 'an ':~:8 rnm zun "~,lU-E110""'''wnJtp(1 by an .A ,~', .. " Fo ··I·~\c··-e··' e aele The b ""'a, dse

"0,11;;0;1, ;(.J .. , ", ,-LI. ,'I.:....: ,I <.r. - . rlJLl ,"" ,-,~:,~,!IL;.,..~ . 1 ". '·'''-'.D "-

was awarded iOD '3 points basts 'with sixteen points being the prerequisite. Four poinu were given to fla ' battery memhers.for each aircraft shot down, or two point if ir was.shot down ill co-operation with other batteries. Searchlight and S': mnd locator ICIlCWS received ,C)",'1'1~ n'IO· ·l~t"'ilt· for eac "'h" first detection A·:,e' the

J. ~'" J"Ll' V ~'t':o 1t" ..• .l~ 1::1. .'& .I~,. ," l~.'· .. _ ,- .11.. . ~I .'. .••.. -, ..•. ~ ~~. '! . ~I ~ .. '--"

wax progressed, the requirements were modifled. S;IQ' that the badg could b conferred after three actions if at least one aircraft was downed .. or after fi,rl.. actions if' 110; aircraft was shot down It could also be' gi'lie:n. for a single act of bravery' or' merit

: . . -,

which did not meet tile: criteria fa.r~b.e ,EK2 or

KVK21~ Battery commanders recelved tIle' b,adg, when at least half of' the personnel under their

, J'

comrnan d .had won it. The Flak- Battle Badge could

also initially be given for participation in three

e··' l~',g··. "''1 ,g"'. 'e'm':' e' '1']-:' t "S··· :'11 ea In s:~ .. t Ia nd O"~ '~T' sea t a- irzets b ut £'"'0" 11- 0" . W" ',',_,

. ,Il:~"'.~_ " .... :!L ',' Mto, U" ',~J,' -- " !;,J'1!Il.,;r~ .'.' ~,~,ri.]'i,. . .'. ". '_:, ""'::'-

ing the institution of the .L·1:l/twa:ffe Ground Assault Badge th,e, ,Flak'~A~tpta'ljzeicbe,n "VVas ,a'w~ar(led (lilly' fOJ:' anti-,air(,rait acti10ns ~


'The' L~ft~wajJe' ,etlColnJ?'a5s: ·'d 'a vel1" b.rge' .l1Wlber' ,()f


,grolllll,d coml)at fotm·atio'ns'~, 'n,otabil,y tIle '~H'ermantl

Goring' P(l'nz&r'Division, twentY-t~wo tl,el{t divisioIlS 'Olf i"n(f;a1ltry ta'od- iet' C,Qlttr-se, paIa.trloQP' batt~I.Ul,onL'~

P···e"f'·~,K~n· '1'1" e. ·:1 'o····IJF·t'i11·"e. ~e···' UI-n,';"t'· w'···',·er·'··:':·:' lo·T'-ilg·c'··m~,,-~·ql"1,;r tnRI 'a;: , d'e.·· e .. ,t~g" '1i_

',-'. ~~" ,J,.. ~ .• 1 . ~.,,, . !LL....I.1 " " , ' '. ' . .l.....i\\ .. . ~{tl1.J J1.Jl:lIl.!i! .' "_;'~):.;II:

bile "',Io~r' the IInantIl' As~sauJt B/adge';1 t1le G'ell.'eJtID As,saulr Badge and\ tlle~ "Tank Battlle Ba,dge' ()if the AIlny b'llt tln 3,1 'Mar'ell 1942 ~,hey recl,··iv'ed their 10m) as.sault 1,.,~ ~.ge,- U~le E'.,dkt~·nrtpf'tib:ze,~~,ch'en de:t,

L,u.~'-I11lta,FI!e,., The' emotive ,tIe.sig' zn featured a, thunder

r;J" ~ ~ l,~1 ~ .. -

cloud with a large lightning D()lt"tli1<:ing the ground ~

TIle badge was awarded for participating ill t aree .ground assaults on different days, and men Wll01 already held d' le-:'" ··~.;i"m~·,'y·'"' badzes 'U'~I']' respect of-sm .. (~,1r1

, . . " '." " .n .' . ...1:"'1.1 ..' ," .. ljI!\.,.;' . _,~:_ LJ!! . . .'. .' ,'. , "" . '1/;.:",[ .I.

. .

. deeds 'were obliged to exchange them for the' . iew

Lu: .' I' Ff-q., '.n' :Fifb: ~"Fp'i~J '[:.[. '

. ~,iJ' llJ ~CI ~1/1~ ~. ·v~y.· .p, ... '~ !l!J

'THE' Ant GlIN'N'£R, BAnGE

011 22 june 1942,~ a badge Identical 'to tile Radio Operator Badge, but without the lightning' 'bolt's" was created ft),fJ air' gunners, flighr engineers ·ann

.aircrew meteorologists who were 110t qualified radio operators. Ithad the same-award criteria as the Observer Badge, 011 2.5 Apri~ 1i944-, a versron of the Ait GrU1neI' 'Badge with ths COI,(}iUfS, reversed, i.e, with. a 'black wreath and silver eagle, ~aS:1 tthorised for air gunners who had taken part in at least ten operations hut who did not have the 'air gunnery

I certificate , This recognised the efforts of q,'~Ol~11d,

,- .-". .- f::il

IC, .r 'e ·W·' ,UJ~"I,(II-' 10' ither 1~ nresse "d: into ~~P''lI~~V,·'''l'"C' .e a'~ ad boc :"1i,j •• .;;,

'.' 1_ '. "~_J. '.'. ,LJ,!!ii..,., .J _t\-J; "","".!.27'CJ!~ . ,.,_, .;, 0'-.1.' . ,I ,:,._, _~'J 1Ut";·. _'. ,I. ,~

gunners during emergency situations.

~Tll,e' F1l0'ltflugsptil/n~ge· recognised service, with front .. , line L=Lt!twq{fe'. squadrons, and was instituted on .~':; Q' ~·'.,al1l191~)1 1'914'1 ~ The clasp comprised 'a ~pray' 10" oakleaves either .side _of a sY11~l101 representative of tile, '~pe of squad ro 11. involved and W~IS worn above the left breast pocket. It. carne ih three grades Bronze for twenty operational flights, Silver f01" si!X:ty and Gold 101'" 110~

Initially, three different clasp's were ai tho ~ise,d:

1I fO'f t~g,~lte:rs~ witll ,a w,ingeld 'arrow .p,olnt.ing- 'upw,~lr'ds II fUif b()ril'bers with ~l wingecd, b,o.DIll pOin.tbl,g· (to'wl),war:ds

[I for riec~O'11rlatissai1c·e :ait=sea ~r,escl~c 3Il{l

. ~ -

n1:,e e(Jrololg;i ~al s.~~, [_;!\,dJ:lo'n:';_. fi:attlrmg an e:a:81e"'~ head

with a larg.,.'- fie

'D-il 1.9 N'o've'mb"1 15l41 . .'a, n~e:w variant was cre,a.ted fot"" tratl'~~pDort atld g~lider 'S'cIU3,dr1]DS'I :an,d fe'at'ltre'd a flyill·g :e1a'gl,e., all 13, May 1 9'4,~, 'a fifth t,yp"e' wa;L~ 'a;\ltll~Q~ t:ised fOI( LOng~t~'1l1l.~ ijglJte ~',~ :(Llld air-t9~gf01Jlnd :supPOlrt sqllad.lions~ and l'la'd til' 'wit" ged arrow POilltllflg. dOWlll;\tard~J"

A', '" f':.eIl: ,~ ~'l d t ~."..::~ -:Ii ... , setles, 0' Pi elluatlts ~ Ic()mlJtl:Sm;g o.(tL.~~~'~~>ars, -Wltu,

,~' --------------~~~--~~~~~------~~~~~~~----~~~------------------~

~,' . -' 1 ~I, -, - ,~, ""h'-"'- ~d-"--" ". _ "',,,' d' , .ed ,- "£ Y"""- ,

raurei reaves ertner $I:~ e: was mtrrx "[ eel" '0,,0 zojune

1'942~ These were suspended beneath the eentra)

·~tJart of the Gold 'clasp I ,'" and s'ig: nifled the followine:

! .' . ,. ,'. - .' "..: - - . . ,"' I . '_ . ) .. :- ," -, I~ . ,I , " . I _.~'. . . . .' .. '.' ". '.. . . '. '_'. . lDl il

" 2:5'0 missions :(01'" .reconnais Sf nee and .night-fighter crews

30(1 missions TIOr bomber; air-sea rescue 311ft meteorolegical crews

I) 400" missions fat divebomber, long-range day~ftgllt r and air: .. to-ground support crews

Ii 500 missions for fighter and ransport crews


On 14 August 194,2, tile central wreaths of fighter' clasps were blacken d, to denote service with night fighters. A sixth form of' the FrO"tl~lflug~pt;~1~ge'~1 with

crossed ~~~O:' rd -~, as 'th e c "e· rn trepiece was aut ~IOI irised

.' O'L.- ,~~¥,<._~ 1(,.;, I .. .-_ ' .. ,., !'o' ,!iL' I",_'!f~ !~ •. ,1, . '(J'\,...I_:

011 12 Ap,ri1 19'44 for air-to-ground $,tLP'P10li: squadrons. 'Tl1i~, came a few (la11S after O/:Je·J~st Rudel. the famed tank-busting Stuka pilot had received tile' Diamonds to the Knight'sCross forcor pleting ov'e '

.= .

1, '0:0"'0'" s ccessful sorties IO":"n' th #81, eastern front His ~O': ', .. ,: ~l'C : :el~_- '.'. > I ~,:_'!.-l t. '. ._-_~ ,·.p;.~'IL\....JL,_, _I . '. ' ... _,~ x_=~

achievement .no doubr prompted tk e institution (,r tile new clasp ~ Atr-to-ground support crews previIG}11sty in ,r, ,- 'Ic'eip,t .e ~ the long-range f~ghter clasp, were

:' " b :"'Ii' '.', . ,'- sd ik.,>··· ,;gJ;,~ :}. ~ , "'-" . -~~,:, -: Po': ,;,-.<0; ,tl'--~ .. . .. ~~~ typ e'

0.. gc' ... ILO ~.'c lange 1.- 1..1,1 ., l.e 11~,¥~ ~J I.·· .. -.~

il lO"L4 1~ d

On 29~ Apr ,bl,fJl Ii s tne star pen , 'ants were'

.. _, , ,]:,., d: '1··, 'F b . ,-, . .,;;;i d' n " ,- --:- ," " ': o'\'iI '[ , ",'~ ';"~" ,", " ,.' :-, ~ ,'~ ,',~ " _":' '. ' ," " ,', ,'" r -- , 'f

' ep ,ace. 'J}' <Q'~~:_IID1er,~-_ ,Ol 111J~~,_m increments 01-

100,. T:11L,e.$-:e' ranged from 2,00 10 2~OOO~ the latter being' a, special diamond-encrusted ~gQ!.td and plat-

~, .. Ii R" 1 I " Ii f"l ..

. - - ,- -',. , , ' ',' ',' ,'. ' , ," "" ' , ' I - ,,', -, " ;;.'",,,, - , . ,', - ., . " ,

,U1lI1TI version given to suo e tIP)! comp etion 0 - _11S,

..,. '0': 0"1'0'-' th ,', ',r,~' ,',~ b·~"",: ,t ' 11:'".,·' '~'I -,. . 'VI· rn '.'," 'M'I,:- ·"'1",1, ",-;0"_,, had - a, :'1"" r: ,

"£'_1;· :., _, 1_ Cl)m .·,a. 11. ,SSlOll., ·'w"eI.1, eI ' .: " ,0 .(,eIsa... .. xSO

75j Operational ,RlJeil1K Gla~pc$:., Pponz top to bottom:

11:'~ G(J:ld ,,/or Shlo1~t&R{Jj'n;:ge' E'tgla1tej = creuis; 11~l StJVf?"t;'jb-r' lO'ttg~R'c\1'11ge' R~ghter lvJ.~EtLtJS:·

- -

1~1. Bronee, for B'D'1n,be1- creus:

In St'zvi-Jt;' !v,'F Reconnaissance A,t:~~Sea Rescue and Me teorotoet cui crrrW$.:

Q .,

1~~1' G···· :n'l'A "I :I.'i,ij"'rF-(y", ¥: O"(J'" t m . 'J'€"'~iO'· "YJI p'e··· ifl..!'l1x<fl'n.iR"t··' tor - ,;!"J1I,...n~C"h'D· -iI'"t~ ·~.I.r;t<j'd'

r .. tJ '. ,-I"VeGlq" f;V1;.~~I' ,J I, ", ::.- . ',' ··)~]j-a iIIJ' ,~b I '~'.' .. '-_ ·,~t.('~I~JJIJ 1- .,'V.' ,.1.. ~i ~;'J'li~ap": ,'"1',-'[ l¥-1II'>"!~ .

~, -

1r;:".jP~:t6'Ji~' if·~'1 ;~;'~';')J~, l:r'1:~~!r~ l~;. tt;.r ~ ItiL: ~I.I

7Q, Tbe Qp,e~r:utl()~~td~l FlJ'i:ng Clasp ~fO'" T',.;anSpt))oot ·an,C?t IGlt:a:ezJd' ·,C1·SZVl~:.

M' lCD' A"· L ~ A:' NlJ" .' ,. I)' r1 C' 0- < T1 ~T 1 0:' N···· ("'i O:'F' ~ -1~UIil~ II ~~, f:) ;,(:"9' G' -I .t),~ ... , ,\ 'I\ .. rv

Jl!:!, • " ~ -,~ ---i .:_ " _ - C' ; ·,I~~ _ .JJ,-- tb.. _ ~ _ 1 ~ d'.l\ u:' jl~tVJl.t-U~~.l

. . . . -." ...

be" en p- -. - resen t ed 'VIJrl~ th 'f]! d I"' q 'IQl' 0- "111- d -stu .. ~ld-- ·e·· '(1 1 f ~-ig-' - -h---: t ~~'"

' .... ~' - ~ '--~J~ i _ ~.' _'" 'V'(.~':_ I _ ~ <-. ~ ,~r"f_ ', _'_··'.l' LI'L!L-~"" __ ' I ~ __ : . Io~.:_-_i"' ,,' ~jL.

]• III t 1: III d.' ~h ill ~ "'d t 1

c 53$1' l'~rl'Orl~_ol ,U.s,: .• aeat n In an air aceic en 0:11 iJ

r ovembe I 1941- although In his cas.-- the b jewelled b ad -'g. e U:r.;!i':lC 'po"~ "lI1"]1I"'e' ']-Y"- a I~;e·i ... son tal t9~·A. frern G" 0.'.'. ['·i'O'j-j'l·tr ..j_~u. ,al<_:~ 'VVi4~ "!J..,J.,',. ," i"' .... .L,~.. . til_ ,OlllL, u1.,7'· ' .. 'ti'"

in, rle'lt·C1~.ni,tldl1 of Molders $; t;._ tatus at that time ,as the


rn .. ~""'jF hi JI:61'~'7 de -a . ~"'-!!I', re d '--I""~'" - ... 1~-·.·"'· "fV~";hf."- .. '.-- ··-'h':', .

. 10 II... - ~ ,.JUl" .... _eC9J~e, man 1ll ule W,~(_r"'tac, __ I,

i\n operational fligl1lt was deemed to' 'be one

.. ' h '"' ...... Ib.,' -,,- "I - ~ r ' I t- ' ',' l .--- -.'. ," -- .. - ' '/' t ' .' ~ t'· .'. - .- .. t - ~"I ,iii': d ~.~ ""t'" - -- .. - .. ~ " " . '·f-',·: t-

w- Jt,Ul ~penel~m el_ ,enem)_errl,ory _0 ~ ... 15', an·ef! .!Q __ a '

- -""

least .... ,.g krn 'el~1 one .dtlfin,g which conrac was made

- . ith t 1, '- .':' . -: - --. .. ' - . - .' , ., :.. '!' - t 1-; . , ::, i '''; }\, -.9;: . -e f '-"Ii'" . 1 ""l- - 't - . 'I-',,~ - '1-: ]:. .~'~'. 'd'

'V1f1. ,11 .ne enemy m . te alt." i"'U.! y - g 1 ~ 'nc 1 , aste: ,

more than four hours counted as, double,

- - -: -

t:Jp'eratlo,rutl, fllzhts witt] different lJp'." . ies tOI.!' sq uadron

-', .-- •• - _. - ••• ..:;. - - 'l~-.- ..... -- _~-~- __ -. _- • ---=:- ".l -._.._. -:- . - - ,_---.-:.,--

-- -

could be added together towards t11~ award of a

ela 'sp···· ·;-~l"n'r- e'T'I''Ji' 1ITe-'--p' , .. n l-'O'-;,-gl~n'Bl~s_- ·w' ht ch W····)A ..... ,P C· ·b·p.~T~~,.~,1 ~Jl,' -! I 1F.,(l.1 l..... .' '(~. 1\.:'" . ':Q.~'~ ~',1\.. " . ,'. _'I~ _ " I~ JI. ~ '. _ u.~ LA ,""",y,

:a;n,(j :certrnec] M1C) wer€t antomattcallv awarded the

, "J

clasp orpendant by'rheirunit commanding officer

when the de$iKTh1te~d number of' operational fli,gllt$ was .reached.

The history pf tlli~~ d coratian.is p,al~tilc~bl1.a:rly inter-

- "-

estin ,or-ftWt ~t~ viewed a· - o'a·1inl's~t·!2.1"l'ill,ca·· ,t, iAf-'" ·tl-· "lile- ~. i"'~1 --:-,-:.piil'] t' r.,:~.",

'.~ -'- ~ '¥,~ _1. ~1...Il ... .(. . \"\\1' '~'- - I eli .. ~.JIY:' L t: )11 '_ I U': I . - _-JL- .lZiU.J--~V - ~l.-o ~1 au

I -

''1'''I',:t''CI'''l;'" ~ ~~ i!"'j: wh ole wn':'i"e .' . '~I ·t·· t'1r~~ cla ~"p' , '-," . I. ", ~ rst _- r. ,- ti ';~'-'

~;vaJIL ,Aa' "'''- "y.- __ ~ .. -~. W ll_ JI,:.;II. [oiL; I~ " Is,r· W~I."l.ll.:~' In [Wi--

IdT1.Ced~, t111e' Battle of'Britain was at Its height '3:1\d, tat:', tically the most irnpottant l~fhl;iQffe .squadron ~

.... : --",':;'j,.' , ,;Vi' rh . ter if' ... '., ·d· -: 1",', - b ''0' ,"' ,.A_ - . ." th . -'" m'll"· . d . ii,

w,ele ~l~y"';Ll,g u.: ,:- I~ s: ,"'j],~ ~otn, . ,erSt,., ~5 _' _~ 11.J e:: a~

offenawc against Germany Intensiffed in, 19·~2~,. :ltli,ght=,~gl1.;teF;a .hecame crucial to the strategic defence m the Jleicll) while alr-to-srcund support

7'h, Th'i}' bigI3e:~,t :(1 'tJti.I~rr1!s -uion .bJ! 'Qberst 1i_Q/ns'-Cil/ri't;liJ R/I~tdi1l'; in .. '~I'IJ;d/J#g no Jirtve.~~~ t/!JOl11l ~fi~ve; a.iQ/JtI1;(J,rtd7iBn;(j~tl$:re" pieces. 'Qt-p'()l/r,t,icl'tII~~! 17.0te~ are: ,tJ,(!' G{;'lde'n Oali,I(l'61~e'$~ ;SWQ'~;~dS fi/;,ll,tl Diamond« to tbe Nn.igl?'tt~s CfifO:S-s' (centre); the· CIp'l1fl,iI1'tf!.il PiIQ,P.Ob'~~I(v:eJ:- B,"_,gfl t£.i'li~h J)la.1fn(J~jdB (1(}'wer leftJi- 4'14, fh'ie Of)eiJ~ti(jn.al Pbi~'l/{ .Gasp in. {;·ol4 '(lit l1.d Di:aii~07lja~ ~uJ.i'.tJo' ,2:~ (J(J()' In ission p'e''jf~,d'ln,t ,[OF ¢li"~tf!~ ICffO~'-t1 z~d St, - sort ,C1i·etvs (b rJ'ttr:J1f1f)~

on the .. -:I~S.siaIlft·O.t)t was vital '~:rmid,-'119, ,3' '~O stern the mass tank and infantry assaults increasingly bei11g launched against Welar:macE:tt positions, By

1·M,lif4'-'5:: t-h-I, ~ fe w" L' uitu) ,-~~],-PFJ9' I--I'il'" lots .... and aircrew l'eft~·-

y'''X' , ~ ',. "I,!I!o.... 1:'1,. > ,- -'I¥J)J' ;J'<, ", !~w 'C " ,:, " ~: ilL'", CI...LiL., ,', ''*''~ '" '

flJrit~ we ~e atrborne'virrually around the clock, typlcally taking part in several combat missions d~~~ ~~, It is therefore evident that the development Of the Operational FlYUlg Clasp clearly retlecred Germany's changing fortunes ill tl e ~ai[' war,

A number of TIIjr(~ Reich military awards were approved and designed but never officially mann-

_ .






factured or distributed. Most of these were created as morale boosters during tlu last months of the' war, and existed 011 p',al)er only since there was In ~l]' fl11' r.o ~ ent fr-'; ·"n ~'t'?\'i'" 0" 'p- 1'"0'1'''''""1 ~ '1'~ ty fo I''''' th e · I'" r p' _, ro - .... 1 ue ~

. ' aJi ., : '\.-:;Ju, ..... ,!l~;l_ 11t.:ll.-,~ 11I(,IIII:lI- '. .•. ~_'.I;~' 1l.1Ull,1' '. . .- .....:" !.IJl.'1 ~ IUJ,,-'~

tion. They have been extensively faked 'since 1945""

T;~, 9;·'~3:~'9-4""o···. A,,','ND······· ':' 19 ... ,)3-19 . .- r., 4,.',1 c··:·'·':i'~JtP·I,~TIG·-··,' ~:6~D: :"At··· ~,

.£1E... _.', I§;',' . '.:__.'.~ ,':' [. '," .: ,. '. ~~Y.iLI· . .l"U .. (I LY:J...JC.r ~'. I. U

C''-'''''''''''':'''' noratf "",,;f']loff,·,,-·,"att, ',",', .d tl for th b ttf , ",l,~' , 0 nme 11011l,· ve eampaig I meaars or n enat .es 10..1

19,-;,9~40 and 1939,--,4:1 were planned, in bronz 'IOf' combatants and iron for n on-combatants, but were never issued .. Trial .strikes of~ the proposed medals were made by tile Frankfurt firm of E,~ Ferdinand

W:'" '1 d I.e.' d '"'" 1"V1.: 10- t: "

, /teumann anr reature ," tne W,I~_':: rmacnt eagle, 'all

Ir - C'''"' dl- ,- d ,- '1 ]- - ' d DC'" ~-, _ '.,'" ~rf'-" }'o;, ... , ..

\ ~ . ",_ -I . . '. . ,'" . ,"" .. -. "!ii I _ .' . ' .' . , ...." _ . . • ~.' .. i' "',, ..: ...: _ I .

on t, 0.-.'$, dates ani, t Ie egen _, ·en "am,_, ern ur

. """ ~I., D··' '" ,"r', h~- . D ....... , .... '1i, ~h' I" '"'to. "r" ~'T ' th , fi'" -" " " " . f'"' _ ,,' G'"'' ' ,,,, ,', ,', €;,ftJe _; ·,fl#·~!C:;;e ,r'JC~" ,(!t. I ~ 0,'. ,e :l,g, -, I, ers ,Q: etm,an




freedom' ,~ The Intei ti011 of these awards ,,:,':S to recoanrse those W ,: o 11;3,ld partietpan d in the conquest or poland, western Europe the Balle ns and Russia. By the I" "lei of 19', 1, however it W",-~, dear that th ,,-~ :,,' ist: ~',' nition 10 .- SeLIC'" 'victorv 111", .dals' would

, " . . . .!

- b d h iii, .. ~ •• , " ,", "

aave oeen p''-'~iem.~t··.ure'l' an .. t 'ell' '0 m na mstttutton

was Pi -S·tp'oI1ed, then she lv, ',d completely

, S

. ,,' - "",",' ,',,', ',-f I ','

'" 1-\llNGBAD "EIIlEED

u_;tl . ,'" ,,,,," ._ "'1-" -""", _. ,."' d ' ed shi ii , 'I-'d- ~-, ,,'- - '"' ,,' +',,, ti n ll.J er seI tOUS y' ons :, ere, a s .neio 10~~ presentat 10. '

as an incentive to those who were er circled at Stalingrad Oil the Volg:tt between Novemb r 1.'42 rule january ":9'43~ Several designs were draw-n up ';II

, & ~ ~ ,

inclu Jin,g one' b.y Ge'1.tte1~a,ffel(ifl/nar~~I'cl[}:all Paulus fea-

turing the cir S famou ' I, ·ranary silo and the Iegr nd St{;'ll{·",g~-':t;lct. _, 't:fl(·.lg ~ ~ ( I owever, th. ultima ' crushing defeat of P'atl111~' s 6th Army was a 'bitter blow Y~:-I' d Germany's first major sethack« ,.f tile war and tll" idea of 'a .. ommerr ,.~ rarive campaign ,sl '. Id was immec i-

iF' t·, 1-'· " h- , ,',1' ,. d '~~"'~ , ".,~ , - ,t tl· . II S"'" 'l~ ~ '" ,"; -,I~1. ,...iI',..;, ,lA, "'I ,A

,3,e ~ , e' el',~ ~ .~! a lie :,1l1, "'. .1e -,,;', 'I>,Zq§, ~,USI~.'JZ~f4

ever progress d beyond the drawing b iard,

It·1~ , I zh , 'all' I .,''':' all d "",' ," 'I':: ... ~, "_-"'O C~-'""'-I"""~ .. ~-',

a_1.1QU,g,]_ a .~'Jll11_',_ so-ca eo staungraa Lross W~l.S

authorised on J~'. : arch 9,d'ur wear on the ,?1110111- der straps as a battle . ' in, ·llr byn ·e'" -J:, _- -, of ' he

G··,' ' "'iI~,fa·'d ,,.,4''; ;fl"1P R' egin - C "i' . t-' ~'H'· '.' ,,1~, ~ ,(~ - A' D' .,~"". '}:ol:': ' L'1I.f_" ""'-I~h .. J_ -,~

.J 't;./:"~Uf;&'·'" I,. ,:".", leJll, .' ~.(J'C,r:J~ U.l1u .. - le,£t'k\c'J.,m~ts~i;/r '"

-:'DiO" ' F< C'" "D,j."

~l" .. J •• , ,'_, JL\J,~.: .

In the },O JtlJl 194'3' edition 0" Das Neueste, the' new ipaper Of '11. '2nd Panzer', Army .ii was a: iounced that Hitler intended to institute a deeoration called the Fro' . k~euz.,.'-" F rent . l'"'OS;S', to rccogr .ise [01' e year 'IS front-line . .ervice. TOI that end i t was- reported a design competition had been organised inviting suggestio s and sketch s from the troo ,S therns elves. lus Information was doubtle,:.~:J recei :". d With S:C)ID,e excitcmer tt, as the 'W'3:I artists Krause a ' __ Id Schllmme ~ w .. · 0 W',"fie' also combat ' old ~ '; S', had .... chies 'eli cb:lls.i(lel~blle pn blicity he previous year bv 'virtue of having dcsig ed tl c: Ostmedailie anc Cholm Shield respecttvely. Var~ou,-' desi . ,ns· we ~,e: I. uly submitted .. but the whole conce pt tell through ' .. r d : .he awt rd was never sanetioru :.d, or produced, It s _ )O,:<~s'ible~ha.~ this entire exercise was nothing mnre than a propaganda stu nt, to k .. ~p 11 ) th. 110nJe of' combat U 001':5 at the

stat, 01 ._' the Kursk offensive,

79. On 1 () .. /u( " 1'9:3 Leutnant Wlll'l:!lrr Dempeuolf; ~h':I'I' $(!r.vi:I..g' (ill tbe .rttoff Qf tbe ~~ .. -11d At,- :Ue':.I; ReJ~";fid11ij.1· t, S·,U·b~I'lZi'tte'd tJ9~!S proposed aes'g.I1, .foj~'·' a 7J.'~Q!nt Cross'. it' "'e, err progressed: b~JJ()/n~'1 the .d''\Q~~fli:ng 1!Jl!l(J':t$:,



HE DE ,0 :···.11· ... N F:OR ETHNl~ . G lUvL,····.':

• • I - • ~ ..

IOn 22 July. 1'9' ·,,···'~··,:_Ober:~.1~u~"~!·D·e.~,-·f-ithrer Wel""11er

~ ~ .1 •

Lorenz st ggested j 1 . ttl report to Hirnmle r "~l at a

V:()I~"deu,t~cl:Je' QPle'r.kr.e.~ IZ ~11J:i:n: ld b:" instituted to ". ~': urd ethnic; G·. rmans 'who ~i adbeen persecuted . under C'~)C' ,1~ P..lli? 1 and other fon ~ g,o nile be f . ,.' '_11e war, 0"1' w. ~'I n had disti gu! ~,ll «l '.l ' mselves in the cause of furth ~rin'g: Germanism : broad. Potential re ,~ .. ' ""~"', ts ~, c I'·· d' d . ,,' . .Is IS' ~ I" I' IT?;;;, u: .... .J ;oj ~, ..... ",.'IJ.i c I ,'Ctp'le rs me. [c.: .I, ,,'. some I'," JI,~"" "t"O esaeutscne

ft" In all 0 er E [,OIP," who had velunteerec for ervi e wit 1. tt - Wa._tfen~·,S'~ Hi9101ler indicated that

'i· Idzl d ":I'. ~ . thl '. . 0 ~',' t"" .s:

ne WQU"I g- ve oue COlIS, deratton t .. ', J,~ ~ sugges "on

when h ·",'tili-''": tes ccas d Conseq ntl . thing

W'I].._ " ". O'S',: ,'.',' "-, I ~ '-:_ (, 1 $e" .,.,( .',:ns.· ", Lt ." :, I~ n'" so_ 1,.JL~-

more was heard ~)" the idl" a.

. 1 HE ,S~~~ A~, ", - ,: RY CIA.O: _:'

On ~,) July 194, . asilver ~1as:p'1n the form 0'£ S5 runes

'-' -, iperimposed over' S~i'"" oakleaves hi" aring 'the word Heljl!n,-,rA.s.si5taJ.l""f.e'i - W~,5 instituted by Hi nmlcr as a prnficienc -y badge for female 5S auxiliartes. WonJ"n "-',- Ifilled various cornmnnicatinns and, '0-1- er roles for the SS,- particularl the WaffiJn~S~:,~ ,_.11tU1g

the ' " 'a'~ ·~t·'~" " ~ - -Ii d":'; "" , _', ,','_ t ~~ ~ 's ,,'1' '1(']" !,-",' ,., t " d

,I.' ,~, ar; ac _ tl~: as ,I' 0 ." Jera, or,", .eiepnorusu anc

typists They also staffed SS' materni' y" homes ran

_ ....:.~' "", k"~ . .: - "_,' .,' ':,' ',_:' '''''.' c' " , "" _ _ "", " .~ " ,I" 'o. '-,'.

courses fOI~ tIl', Bund Deutscher ikltttlel,(BDJll) and

~ I '-=-d-; d _''''''''-',,, 11' , ,,,-,,,, ~""-;"Ii'" I" T' -:1'" , ", d"", ,.~-, ".- .. ,,'- ti',·, , ,

guar - e,'_ Clfi,a e prlS91e_f, ~ ".' tlClV ,,=,~eco~a, _., ~n

"',all' ~'d,· tIl',€: rG:'~~t"~~'''''~~s::,1, anoe, ',,' .1~',;.~~eIFe'r' 'nner. .was 0

iL \.:'. -. ' JI,~" U~,iI" '1~ , .. ':fo,. ~IO), ' ,J ti'l. - -, ~ " .

'be OPI"I-' flinty "0'-" re rntnori ';0/ of female as i,,~tants

whn met the rieorous selection criterra «hid en i-

• :0 "

,t'l d the -, "I 'ro' ,11' '5:·, S:, ,."~ .:__,-.' ib , " ;;;,: ~l" ~ -'';, '-'I rd ",-,], I'" h d'

I eo I.: .em ,Q: ,,1,_, l,· memo els[1JLp anc Wl,Q ' ,,:,

, , , xl ,-, t-" "i~ ,-:, , _ ". t .,'"" "J ,'. ,,' - ._, , .,', '-, ,', :, ,-:-

Set~e'". Ul ' le ~IJI, or 't,_ ,a~'t two year =: '. ' o-weve:r,

pror ucrion llt11' have been pOI~t,P'O" ed pending the

d 'tr'll' h ill"'" '" -1'!'. h 1 1

• 11 0, -, ,~tc . ties, n :'r't ie (>1 asp Vias appa ~lent.J '11e~' ~f

manufactured. No "h,Qtogl~ap'h' of it b' fig WO'f1)

. -

11 ave' e¥, -r" 'come to, light 'and .110 covera ~ ',,~ was given

tc lt "'", th pc, ewspa - e ."~ Das S"'C,I~W'" f~I~.Q. Y";':""'*fl:

o 1: m '_, .]IJI news '3'1,'[ "'~L' »cnwerze £UJI,.,~,S ..

Evidence indicates tIL", t female SS auxiliaries deservjll~O" '0 ~ special r,· I,' ognitio .. invariably t .. ,~C· 'i' I.~ d the "t'V7:; ... - M'" ~ I ierit .. C' .r n,,' .:~ Z,,"n' d C' 1 ~·'S·- ,~:

'w'.' - .. _ ...' . '" . v ,.. __ - I", .' .' ",.La. J ~,.

Ttm ].[eJVIEL Sml~~LD

This shield w:as for some time rumo ured .. e hax , .. ':

. - -. . '.-

been founded by, 'Gen·e,,~a.lle'ttnan;t Dr Karl Maua .. ·.,

- _ ".. .

commander of th 7th Panzer Division, wher

,80~ Designs; l?f P"~QjectfJd·D,e~~ol~.att.ons'.

~'Sti";) n rod» 1-0' bo f "C,"il ·J!n' i ..l.-J,- tJ· ,j t:"V.1J' 'rl -. &I~; ~[" t..'-I'·''''I

n:)le s~; A~::(tl'iary Clasp, ojJicial~y' t:Jl~1J'liovt#d b'ut neuer 6zan/u:factuJreel.'

Tbe Luftwaffe Close C' "1~~1'Qat 9Iaip'·.1PJJ'Y01..-;·:d btlt not lltstrtbtut€id:"

The ~_ IJ£nk'.trk ~~~hi'el(~ neuer off'£' i:a,llj) Clppro':l'ecl' The, Balkan Sbi. .. ',ltl- approt« 'd ~ ·.,~t l;(),.'l:rrod'l~C:·:.;~





- . iJ


Memel was under '1L:';e''Oe bv t 1'1' e' R·:·:'11·S':..$'·1:";·a·111..e at the begin .

.1:1"1..'-,.1- '.' .. >,~, - I.. .' ".iIL ~,l, l:,;;.' ': j' -'.1 :,,-- .: .. 1· •.. :.,' ~ _.il:.~'i0J'~tJ-'- -!·:l·· ,;. ~ .. ' . -

~ 44 ' 1

ning 10 Octo bier 1 ;9" ~ _'.'.~ However, when questioned

about the alleged shield after tile war, Mauss denied

all, kn .. zledze ,'~ it 'TI;.··· ·n:.".. ... ~~ .. G'···~·_ Ai· 1'- B'a .'.,.' ~.- 'a'"

. ,.,', ow eage 01.1 ," ne ,1\:tlSS1~ln .... renera .-._'igralny·:,fl

captured the city ~fif!l" an opera _i.1011 .. lasting only two days (8'-10 October), and the' instftution of a commemorarive shield for so short an action would have been I1dgbly unlikely. Consequently it is extremely ,~ b b ']' h I sl' ~ ld d

'-'r- ,'!!!Ii. ':'Jrf ... ' -I' .Jl":_' --"7 ":"""' ", -,' _, '", - -. Jiiii " il ',·u!iill'· .-, ,.,;!i!I' -, '. ",

unprona .• e that any sue 1 ': 'ue •. : was ever approvec

01'" roadie during the Third Reich,

Tun Mzrz '94·4 ,CtTFf TITLE

A cufftitle was instituted on 24 October 1'944 to recognise the achievements of a 'battle group under Gen1J/r~lmajo'1~!' joachim von .'Si~i; troth which, betwt ell September and November that -ylear~ held the besieged city of M- tz and thus brought to a, halt the .sweepingadvance towards G· erm any· of Patton's 'US 3}rd Army, The band was: tOI take the form of' :~1l black base with silver-grey edging and the legend 'Metz 19144t'~ but it was never officially placed into pr·odILctitln .. A very sm~tll Illlmlle1""' clf' aw,aros ",",e'te m;adle ~Oll·.pa.p,er~ R'nd. 'v'on. Siegrot11·apP,·are.t:ttly h,a.d at le:ct7.t one ex"~,lln'ple' of tile cu.ff-titl:e C1LtstO.ll1~nlad· fOlr' his own l1,nlfol~Dl~ A fe~ 'o(ther s:utvivos may 11\~rve do,ne likewtse, but tIle vaL~lt .IlIaj D.rity of pOltential r·e:cilJient:s· -,;v,ere ,eitller kiljed" iJ'l acti(ln Ol~ captlu~'e'(l b'y the Anl-'ric'ans· The PsyC.hlologi~:a] imp~or.tanc:e (If

thts e 1'1 g" "I'!n1ern' ent wh! . lch ~J;.-;]I~ fouzht on th e 'TITPorv

., ld . ;ll.,"·t:~.~" .. 1 ,~~ . ·IL -,v.v.' ~ . ..... -1. y" ;Iolj~' : " : ~ :e··· . '. '.11\'1. .'....." L~-,i

frontier of' Germans; can be ganged by the fact that. GQt'ule~:'tet~ ,.Josef Btirckel, whc held overall military respcnsibiliry ill the area .. was, selected to. become

1 f f" 1 0 d h

t le· firstliving recipient O-;,~t le' German 'r·. ~er' 'al . t .. ,

height ofthe battle,

T· -. L: , .' .TrY:T.' . ,. .', ': T·I. e '. -. B": '- .iIl ~TI·-" .- ~ B'" A "f"G···· -E'

.IIS ,~UP.jwAFFE .ANI<- .·~· •. A .. ··lE. , .. .tH_)".!~,_,

10' .' ~ 3····· '0··:···· · ·-·e be ',- 1'1 9-:"Z_ h, the U¥:"i}' . ';~J¥.J--'fi'-":;;'~,;h'lr,"Il;"'F7"a· "rh-;D~

.' Jr-J. c: _ '< -·i'\Tenl . ,r .,'~~... ~JlI:_ ~- ~n41Q1'-''''f.t'I1!'f'7r'JilJJu~o~~ ;'il:.t;\"I>I~

der Ll~~ftt,uaffe' 'Was institute-d for .award tel tank

.~li ., .~.

crews and. arenadiers of the ., H.'er.m3:l111. Gorina'

.tj e

,n~M/"~~;Intpt"<"'l;'O-,'''H~ It W'" . a 'iJ in two tvne s • ''''''1~;1: V- 'er an d b"l~ ",......,1100

1-:-tJl,"ilUc.~ l'-K; ",~i:t:'FJ' "'- ". :,','~' J.:" L'W, .. ' !leJj~~~'; - '~I i ....•.•. ,Q;. .. '.... " .ILJi:..;

analogous to the silver and bronze 'Iank Battle Badges of the ,.Army. Criteria for award were irlentical to' those lor the Army badges, and all 10

···_···;·,-,·"······,,b·, .. ···, 1·"9'4·~ 'I "'~b',·:·· red .... ·'-·· .. 1'···'.,.··· " :"' ... C_··.,· ~- tho-

.. ' ()v.e01 er --.' - i .nllm_/ere_" versl:ons Vle:re alJ, ·}o~

~ d .~C!. .~~., . ,tJ· d l' 0" 0- " rtsed 1.0'f twenty-ttve, .1.ll~ILY~ seventy-rive am .: •....... J

actions ~ The L Uftilltf:./Je 'Tanir Battle Badge never saw production durlng the' warTrowever; and lo.ngserving Al1~ Force tank cre-ws were obliged to contintli€ wearing tlteir ArillY war badges ~ Nevertheless, s veral presentations were made ";OJ.l paper' Guly' the foU.a,wing translatton of a surviving typed memorandum testifying tel the fact:

To' ,C[nte;-rojf(z:t;er GU.51a-:v Kretschmer; I1fll: Corn~p,al'lY, 3r-d R{Jfllsch,irmptf.~:zel' Gt'fe.11j;C/itlie:r Regiment "Hermann, Go~png} '" In tJlc name of the' Supreme Commander of ·tll·e; Lf~{twfil/{frl I award -YOtil tile Lt~fttl)~tfe' 'Iank Battle Badge with effect from 17 February I94 ..... , To save 'paper and because .of the

ongoing combat situation, nOI formal cerslflcan 'will beissu . d for the award, However, this dQCUJ11Cllt .a'$ valid ill place of the eertificate, I ~ofIer yQ~l] Bly most sincere congratulations on, tile award,

Tile memorandum was·,"'igtl'ed -by Kr,ets.c·I]111er·~S company commander,

T·· L' ~ C" . C"'" C" .

"~ .', ":'1.'. ' ,'. v ". (I .~ . r= ,", ,;(- . ".' , ',' .- . ".' . :",.' ::'

HE "{:lIt71V1f!FFE, ··LOSE .' O]}4BAT : ·U~p

D:at-tn~' . n ,f;-l--:l.·'f"nI 2: N····· ovemb :~~ 19' h:4':'I' the .!ix.lab· ·l.,amr-·-hF.

·11·,~:g rrum ;:j',.:_.' -" '. ","£.~.~. j_'., ; ""'~ liV'~'._'O'l.A1w,~,·it!J _,

s{Jla1iffe der LuftuJajJe was Instituted to reward air :tot,ce" cC)JlID'3.t troop:', fOI" particlp,atiol1. hI len.,gt11Y

.- . .ii:'~., "d:''''' ·f·" h'-" '. d' ,,,. . h'· .. · 'd'" f';il' .·]te, tj!·,· g:" U· ;-:·""A ·"~·l·t1i·Sp~c:·" F"):li4iD':-:- e

perlo':)S 0 all'_:-,L'O- an.: ~ 1:g11_1n.',~~, _ ,,t\;,;i.. c_ ,~,,:,_:,.I ,"",~l, "'~

~. b' p-'- , . d' lei 'd ~,~ 'I" .!li' d 'ii' ,

·m -trot12'e~ '~Jcver at}':Q'O .-,- :an.,- was 1111]1 'ar'In le;Sl~:n

~ .~ ~. - ~;o. ~ - .l~...aI.;

'WQ! tll.e IQlpel;atilQJW ~.lying Clasp 'witb. an. ·e·agle.1

b "'.'1 yo' . "!li']1 At·:"'".ll,·"'d· ' rs1!e'f']"~id" e'" a'JIi;i!' ,tl~p, c· p.'n-~"r-P'p;';,P-r'P c····· r-l'· t'p'li"'~'a

a1"· · J. ~~ "-I..ll. _ ~-::,-:.:t:~( ' .. ';.~ .\lL~ ·.:~~'.,;L;~I>',.r.,;: ·~I'~I~~!! '~ !.~'IiL--·-'._-

;~. ""'.~ . '.~", ,. ~'d" , ... ' ". '"I''' ""d'- ·f·~~ ·:",'1 t··· '.' th-···· ""'. " I"': f-:'~ rhl~ .;. :':" ~ " ....

j"O£ aW,ilr,_. weI.e I-,en.L1ca, 0 I,ose o. t._.e; army

Na,l?1aa.rnpf'SptlJ.'~gc~, to which LrJ/ttllajJe' ground p1er-

- _. . '1- h 0'" bil ith - -+ b -. - . ntitl - d' "Th"-' -. L",F~t 'iR~

SQ1nne', ',a'-, m ·.)e,I"LO, .~.een ·en'l.e~ __ .Vi . ,,'e '·"·'UJf,'l.IJaJJ~"f/

Close Combat Clasp, although again awarded in

..".;,'U -' b' .. ii I~ - . - ~'. '_(llj'~1 ." - .':0, .' -= '. 'Il- '1- d'~'''' t · .. b

smau nurnr ers O'D. paper ~. never S4W actua I, tstru .,'~

ution and Air Force soldiers continued to receive the Army version until the er d 0 f the war;


0' 110 No' ember 1944i numb red versions' 'of' the It(ft~vc~be' Gt'01111tl Assault BaJd;gle' 'were created, -Hk'e tile numbered General Assault Badges, with the numerals 2;\ ~S(j~. 17';' and, '10'0' to indicate the

actions undertaken, These decorations were not put into production due to the late stage of the war; Numerous former Luftu)affe combat troops, includ-

111g' Generatmaje» Albert Henze, commander of tile'

"fJ d- Er~ 111 Di " '" ,..:-1 fte l }- th

",IlL, i~je':'. -iVlSil)nr stated a er tne war tnat tney

knew ef 11(J occasion when an award of the 11llD]bered badge had been a uthorised, even 'on paper'.

182~ Designs Q1~ Proj'eate:t:/. Decorations. (aJ rIo€! LIU1W';:J'ffe Tan,1t Jj'Qttl~ Ba'{;tge-~~

/~l~,) -T1;.;;;o 1t-r.J j m~ -I ,M~~f;l'"":' L' "i1'~'T_""" e't"'~ G"·" '''F'Ij; rtj'q'Q. ,_,,' .' '~~n '1"l:' t B a , ..... I,{.];£:1 ., IlU .1' t:;/~ j"~If:"::i'.. lS}'II?-"- ~J~' .. ,UJU .. WdU~ " " "",.I'~p:I("~ ,~';;;~l~Jj'_I': 'Wlf~6IUi:j'

(c) 'lJtle Luftwaffe Sea. Battle Ba,dge~~

(d) Tbe Naov Prog1tz'Q"n R'a'dlle'

,'e) T1:1e Na'v)" Pr0ff.Wltil1.fl Clasp,'

(j)1 Tlo,€! iVtl/tl)J ICCJ1f.nb_t Cla~w;

All 'f.f -tt. .h-:"·h '"' l·ff!/' • it ' '",,1' b - ;Y I -'l

~~,'. ~.' tnese ~t~:{f}1.£ ioese D,jj',tC1a· .. 11 appY;1(JI,f},(lUi I 'ltt onty tbe

Nav)1 Combat (rluJJp uient into produc tion. ,II was made em an ad. hoc basisin tbe de'~N,itlzifl.,(~d.IBt"i'l" S,h,(),U)11.l at 0:' (~,n board a .. fe.u.I G'er"maJ1; ships du·rt'~j"tg late

April aft,6l e,a1~{1' M~t~, 1945.









T·· N' F C'

. lIE ,,~vy ';R.O:G:MAN r: U\,,.',p'

A .. le,c ···...-I·e:'~' ~., .. ".~ b " '0- :t· tfrted N';' , b·' .. ,1" ..... '.'- A, ;d · ... 0· .,,:'-:-'~

. C~-aLJPI 1.31· s,lgtl.eCII- Iy ' .. '. . ,]l,ec~. '.' ,e1:1·leICae:r If~[l', CI,.l11-

!ll"""ising a sawfish surrounded by ropes 'was Instituted au 13 Novernb r 19.'4' for presentation to

J::- d th f .' j' l' ~.

rrogmen ann . I. e crews '01' midget subrnannes, one-

. d d-'h .. J ft

I ' ':' -. ' ". • -I' - t. . _. . ." _I, I • I . I . • ," -- "j , " •. !IiI '.' . : 'I . I" . ~ .. '. .,: ", '"._~ (.... . ,[ -

man torpe .. oes ano ot ,e,! Ul1.C,Oll, .entlona era

'11 i h -, 1 1 Vi' ,. ~ lFi' 1~ u d 11'

WllllC', ' :orme(, tle £\A·el.'nJf(;<d.lnpJ~ver,u'a;n.····.e-" or snla ...

battle unrts, commanded by Admiral Hcyc .. T'h~e .~]{Men' saw action at Anzio in April 1·9 .. 4·4,~ and were then after engaged in various dangerous waterb o···"·n·~·~' 'f'-'~"""< .... '·0· -".; on r ['II .G_' 0' n t '" 11"-"'- e cla .... . C "!lI~IP ln

')1,. ~ 1:}]1· sic ns un a rrrn -.c 5", . ae .•.•.. ~. asp I :_~J,'~;.> 1 '.

bronze, silver and g,old for four, seven and tl 1] actions resp. ctively, However; production dild not tak e I' "iiiill'alc" ':e b"A'~O"'I''''P the end of the war

,1M,: '.11, .... '. bi.'i','L,.. Jl.l""-..1.JiJLl ,ci,,' ,'V¥ I m

A cloth .arm badge comprising a yellow sawflsh and rope with. one, two or three swords denoting t J;Rl number of actions was also tnstlruted for K-Men rm 13 < ovcrnber '1944~ ~gain~, it was not manufacrnrcd due to th e late stage " in .' the war;

- .. - !.: ~ --- Ii. ~ . _ t. ) . - \;...- -.'


TIle Ma'r,ine FrtJn,tsp:61:nge' cemprised 311 anchor eagle and; :swa.s:tika, with 'a spray of oakleaves either side, and was Instituted 011 19 November 19144 as a higher award for those who already possessed "a naval war badge and who, fulfilled a further five times tile' conditi on i required for the war badge, -or example in the ease of the E-·Boat Wal;o, Badge." sixty sorties would be needed r '.' qualify for the Combar Clasp .. TIle' Frontspanee W:R'S; never officially manufactured In its Intended form, although a few I'Ollg11 versions, without the eagle and swastika, are reputed to have been produced on b oa rd. tile Re1tb'(J'f :~Illd otlle'r ship'S durin,g learly MaJ? 1945,. S,ev'er~d.l

83~ T19C lotflctal~v ctjJl)'t'o ':el6! desig1~' 10,',1"' the Na~t~ ~Co,lnbat (;laslJ~ with e;a8i~ l:lJ:iJia slt''l2..'if:lka., :wht.'ch 1iC','I)'f!1}; p'1'O~r~es s'ed bejJO.11d tlrlf! ,d~rclt.v..i"1lg btJ,(J:rd~

awar s were ~·e·-[a'l1~· ",'Iy made '0·] paper' bv

'Q,,: a '~', .•... ""1,: re ,c,,~ r :. '<11' . -, '~, Ib"(I' "ay.' ~','i

F1~egatt.e1?J2ap·tttl,11,.' Heydel in' Courland 1011 14 'May and by Adlnir:a[ Kretsch in Copenhagen on 1~5 M!~y:,

'TI-lE L·UP~lPFE SI·:[t.\ B,\T'-rL.': B1\.D'GE

The Lt.~tlw¥~'H..e' Sea Battle Badge was created 011 2'7'

.~11. ~~/"~ .

Novcrnbcr 1944 for award to L'll:ft~wQffe personnel

serving Oil air-sea rescue launches, supply ships and other surface vessels. I was conferred on an. accumulation of days at sea with a 'sea day" equalling ten II ours .. -a 'loat. .: he necessary requisites for award W1B:r.··:.,:

'. sixty days at L-·"f'~L in the North Sea 01 Baltic Sea, • twentv clay' " 'at se,a ill. tile more hazardous


Mediterranean I Aegean or Black Sea

II ten days at sea ifa successful rescueofdewned aircrew was ·'effecte'd ..

Th.e approved design featured a ship with ri~,\, "'ing

oF' d· n" '. st " , ,'... '" -[_. t d b ' .. -- L";/=# - - 'I/I/¥;, ..' e: .. :r·" 1iv.rl· "!ii~1'· ana aas surmounte .' ny a .' uJ~ttJvt:JJe eagie, W.,.LUe

the badge was never pro'dLlced before the end of the

'. ' "". ~. ·t d d' ~ u'l-

0' ' - . I - " • -. ; I J • • • I' .. : - .. - . I'" - -: ' . " - " - -. . -. I~ - - . "i', -:-'.' i.' •

war, It was agam certainty awarueo In .sma I

n "j"_-' b iC"t. "Dr': ,.- ",. --,' ,1 O···.'·r'· .". ',.' ' ~,." -_ .. C "-··'t· ..... ~,'-,... t· ".;.

1.1 De' ers 0'. J)ap'Cr ,,', ae survremg cnanon, <0

Ob.(!/r~stkapitti/n Eberhard Kiinzel of the' Trans-

1])or,t1&011/),$ Speer w-as presented 01'0 " :Mar,c~tl 1945; by the Luft» atfe General Offlcer Commanding ill. Italy, and W3'S _p·r.ofessionany printed ,b'Y 'the Iattet s own headquarters staff Another certificate, to Ob,erteld>tt},~'bel 8':\111,0 Preienstein, is. da ed '9 May

1"· itl'"' '5' '. - d b ., ,- th '-. ' .... '.' '-. t·· -- f G'" . - - .Ii; --Zl" .1:' . ' t

9~~ ana nears tr e signature '0. . »eneraueutnani

Ernsr-August Roth. Commanding General of the

L iff'·', iJjrJi' >' i!'. N'" .

1.it .' , . 'ZlJ;(ft,.~ .l9i HI ,< 017.'Way~


UIe 'Warsaw 'Sl1ield, wa.s create,l all I () .De·c,efll'lJer

1.944· to f'e'.c,o."gtllse· 5:S',~. [nilit~7 ao,d P,olice'lJe'J:so,:n.rlel wil,a cnlshed tll~" Polis.}] Home Army' ill the Icity. 'b.etween, 1 Allgllst an. (1 :4 Octobe.r t]lat ye,ar:, The battle 'was e~,:p.ecia1]y· ,ferociQllS~ taCkin:g the:· form of exten·ded. gllerrill~l figlltin~g Q~l a 11ollse~to,-. "Olls:e 'basis" 'anid no (l~lat1:.e.r ~s ask'ed for' o~r givel1~, Sl[if~tcll~es for' tlle s]u,eld w:ere Idr~~n IIp by SS:O'berftiltJt"e1:~ 'p'r'Qf~ Beml0' von Ar:e'nt, :a creatol" of op erat set.~ "WllO 113C] (leligll t,ed Flit-Ier 'w-ittl lli,s t11eatri.c:al ,d.es.i;gns for the Diplom;atic' ~S:e·rvice Jllnif()tln 'and- wllo slJb1seqtI. ntly~ ~re'velleQ ll1 tIl,', title Reich Stag" MUtlag;le~r! 'TIle ~apl]ro:v,e(l d~esign fo',r tile

tAl II ] fT J'J.. rvv DEC'O': R' J.TI ':W' ,~.

IVl.l. ~~ ._ ~'U'\l :,-'1, ~.~ :\./'\ : ·._-~.b

Wal"S;~ Shield featured . m ,e~_·tl (the GI. rmar forces) choking a :~ -: ake (the rebelsj.The eaale bo 'l:~ ;#'1 s ~:}tl,.: .'iI-:'~.J"';II'1 ar d l·Y./~ti.d~"',c, :'n,nitl . [Q4'4~ [0. '·0' Its che ',- t D"I""-":

. . "1a!~.1·~-- ~l - •• _ 'rT'IWt','I~ IJ~'I~'" z .~. ',_ "WI. ~ . 'II . ",,'

were [dilly l?r·~p .rcd, 'but they were re POI red destro- ed 'i'11 all air · .. aid SOOJl ;_ fterwards 311d .' .()

hie' 1;1 II wer ever pro due ed

~;_ ,IU···, .. '-'[' ,- ~":_'J. l:~' _" -I' .' ~

: he L .' ~i 1 t Shield l - said to 11a' ,:-- been approves as

loca - 1 unofficial . ward '-,'j Cren ,-i~"'l 'W:" ielm Fahrmbacher at the end 9' ~ ":4,:'- ~ . ,0:1'" men of his 2~' ,IOQ, ... strong g~" rriscn encircled sine e 7 ~,.' uigust that vear within 'Cl1- pe irt of Lorient. a,. I~,-' oat base in

oJ. •

frittally~ The ~~}··i ... ld had UIO' I' .ational .' tanding a (1

thereis great doubt as to whethe it ev r existed at all even In the sorv The al ~~~g. ed d esran ,:. .atnring "'1.

d· . l l~ -\!'I·l~. . [J... r ••• ~ ]Om. ~J.. .. ' I'~ JiL;- ... 'I&-.- ," _ L. __ .1., . JJ.:e 1'1: C-l. . ' .. " "~'J:' "

helme ed soldier .standins guard .. ver a berthed submarine is ~ orally inlike anything of Third Reich vintage. ,A I. .o-called ·alt·~ mati- :e shield . comp ~~:·;sltlg':a

.. tan Jard identity 'd~sc sta ped W'~ 11 the . vords R!J·'t'1.1~g Lor'_~e·'."'tf).4'·:>·, has 110t been po ~i-jvely co 'firm," ','._ I. Ither. ll,.~ .. ~·-- I .mhacher 'e :6' 'f'C"S held 0111 against

b imbardment untilthe end 01 "the war, Signiftca tly~

Ad:'n"z~ral H ennecl« ., the 'naval commander a Lorient, said 'i;_ . _'., r the war that 11:. ' neve rIOT. "\V ·a·ny-

thing -about plans to - a Lorient Shield during his 'time in the fO'1~ ress, TI-L lite n is more than l~ ~:eI1 the product of an rver-ac ive postwar imagination, However, there is a possibility tha examples W~', re [Ii nributed as. commemorative unit Chri stt nas presents 1"0 some 'of' he ;'oal-ri,:~o'l personnel, for .1'" tention ~IS ke .. p .• sakes,

. ~ -D

rt e DLlIUdrk S'bield h·as a ',<jnlik'Lc b"".c'k.-- iOt 1l,d- to til

, ,

Lori ~'nt_n_,(l - ";'.' . -'lneI--'11ie:' d,_·,., It is' SUPP(Jse'd "0 113.ve

'"" -

berf~~-~ cr' ated by Aid: 'J1it1Jl.l Frl,ed'~"icl1 - .. risillk-, Cll'anilel

Coa.~:tt· .oltnmand1cE, for t!1.:,. 14 [0010 (lefel1.der.s~ of Dtuikirk wlli.ell,. lik-e Lo·-i·~ nt re·mai11cd tn. I.' :·e.rma·n ,J.a Illds, ~u,[ltil tIl ," annisti, ". Ovcj["' -t11e ye·ars~ a fi w

~' '·on.ze· e '3' Iples.f tllis i' In 11,av' :appI,ear d~

'b,e·Oir- .. l1il'··!e' a ·w"",·alci,-"l-··tloT'('Te'I'- ··'·a·I·:·e'~ IC:'·l~la··'~· 'link""" ~s: '~"'n-:','l t·ll~'~.:-"

'.', ~ . ..u ~ _...: '~. ' . . __ ' ,"'''tI'fV-,l, " .- '''':'_ . ,':_ i:'1- . "_ ;.1._ ". .. .. -, " _1:.....,

blSlcri ..... io . D'· r-l1ftklr,cb~e'1. 1944'~ 'They all tIll-'aslte or -y .. "2 nlID X' 4\)1 lTIfD giving lis, tlo _.'If,ll,gb,estillfl tllt{· 'h. '1t In:- l'a e be 11 ~'[ "-endlecl 0,= we:"', .'0 011: tlle field cap a: ~traditi:,.ll t·, dg,-·:::'. like the L ardil ia Sl·j.eld.~ a L-·'0011]}011 pta)t-ce at .. 0 ··g·t U,~b"o:at crews

and othe r ns val personnel, Alt: rnativ 'ly~: the small -:- hield c ,0111 d. have lx '.''1 us ed on tie '. I' hould -'~' st aps. like the 9-Ct, alinera (,I ,C'·' ross -0' ,··W<,c·.· ver it 1- ilL' aI: ' ·0 P '0- '~- s· "l~:b' ile .

~ . .- _J_:. a!a .iL.-, ~ ._ -=--;:1 '_' , . .1... _ • ..JIll. til ~ 1.\ '/'. _'_ • '--F. .. " ,_lIIJIl ._'. _' .' .' .. '_J .~

thatthis piece Is simply postwar fahri .aticn. I is wo: -' thy of' 110te that, during tile' 1970s, s ... ~'. 1~a1 C01D.~' pletely spurioi _s, campaign shields 'Wee produced in ruste ",1 steel I for the collector market. These include xl Afrika, AtJatltil<,Arl111'ciJ]]- Charkow; I"J Nazaire and .. a Roclu lle slur . .1(ls~·:·()ne of these

00.' ..• ed even as proposals before 194 s.

TI-IE AIRCRAF1 D'~STRU: 1 0' -'. B~IDG:·

Localis .":., pennants :: C)Ul() '. ·led.;-~-in'·:_. anti-aircraft batteries wl ich were particularly successfu i, ·~",1.· ,If otine d0W11 enemy l]latl,es,',.·.~~ .:e distril uted throughout the war 11'_ the Krtegsmartne. and by Ltfrft_galle Vt! and, .K! ofthe Air -orcc, Ol1 12 JWll~lat1·

1945 Hitler instirnted .national badge for shootin . Iown Jew-flying aircraft, tile Tieffl.teg~r vernici» tungs« bz» '. 'chl-. n. It carne ill two grades gold auld Sit,VI: .r and was identical ill appearance to tile Tank Destruction Badge except that rhe c en' repiece was a black aeroplane. Unlike t .ie pennants the ba~g-: was to be given to 11,QSe ,:,11:-: ,do~·· r ·- ned a flying aif-··

craft using .'n1y <a rifle'. sub-machine-gun or r iachinegun under "0'·. mm ~:~ calib re A~~, silve ,--, ." d ge

.1,,-, . _ ," I.,. ,U;:: """'" . _ _. _ . - . .I..I.:.iL _. . . ,~ . . . ...J..,. -


recognised on plane ,;·'_1 I: t .. , ryed and a gold badge

·1·'V·~' planes The award was conre .red a" J'~~S'::" ,Q'··Il'C' e

. ~ _. 1~ . l . iii ,_.,:_ a, ".~ [~ ":'_ W:o.· ~' .. '-. '. '. . ~ _ l ~' .. ~ ~r~ ~ ...... -. ',' "

t 0'11 paper 'b.' way of an entry in rhe ~~old:b'~lc:lj of a member of S-tlJ.r.m-Re.gl/Jnef1lt I, who shot down a. Russian Yak 2 aircraft, flying at a height Of 5'0 metres V\ ith ,"I :.', rifle 11·~ ar ]alikel1do(li" '011 j M:'I}'r

1945i., How 'vel" th .. ~ Ideeora.iOll was ll···v'er actually 11'1anufactllre":- b.e{ol .... the el1d of the war ..


E' 'rl)" in 19'45 ~ fI:,tl.e.r appro~ved .' hl- ~nsti, Ll ~:-In or! 'the B'(iJlka1scI1,~lcJ i a 1'"ew~-I~~'d tl·'·". I-~· fight'i - g '-~,,()t11 tl' e

'Ie'd. Army a .,1(1 Tito .~-. '~,"~l1--tisa 15~ ·'TI1·. s·olnew·-l·at U 11111] a;gin"lti'. 'e- d.e.si'gn, p~1 OC111Ce(. 11Y Benl'lO. V-O: ~ ~lrel1t '~ll Marcil 1945,r. Wd'~ .:akin to' tl1at of t J'e j, .. rimg':cilJild '~[11d ComlJtis·e(· atl SS-p: . tt· .·rn e·~l.gle tile' ]elel Id B'llk' ·;rl 1_944' 1945 .8Jld 'a '- '~lP of tl"l, A'g,e'an arcllip.la.gn., TIlt, e tria _ salnpl~," w'ere rll~ de. 011 ~ tn

br'()I""'ed' ~7~" lC O'l~ u" 1 s"1"'1 -·et·"e' d '~'n"~ ar'ld 0" e' mi.. p .. ]·lam'·'"

, .~~ .. .L,lj ,.'. L' _,I, :'1,'.-.-,1.1.[, :. :'-'.,.' I".i _ /' ; . ....:::. ,~,I, I. _ .'.' - '- '! ,.l-., .

Sll'bdll·l~l zinc~ TIle latt"r sa'.'. pl· wab-! ·,l10.se [ fOf' 'eCOIl'OI ':"" ,at1d c31n,oufia;g' . r .. :a'L-llns.butlu, " tOL tll~


late stage' U1 the 'war the Balkan Shield was: never .. , mao ufactured,

A. significant numbe .~. of N'azi military awards fall ill' -0

tl e b'I-' 1 . T1, 'i, '. 'I'

te non-porta . ". e" category, IJ1~S: generic 'term IS

used to cover i ems which were not designed to be worn ion the uniform ill. the usual way~

'T~'< ,ffLjiV L," .. ' -~;.n;lfI:fA.~{ 'c',."t H"" 'O'''''N' Q' "'DR':, 'G' ~ '0' nUT' ' .

. LIlJI]. , ,1it.iI.: wnffFE ... '. . .<, ... ' .. '. r'..u. :"I ..

- . -_.... - -;; -

On ] 2 ,]:31JUary' I 94() e aviation Industry representatives presented 'Goring, on his fcrtv-seventh bl.irthday with a specimen goblet and citarion 311.d urged him to revive the 'plr,a,lttit~e' 0'[' awarding these to; victori-

ous aircrew, as 'had been done during the First 'Worlld W:~ They also provided a Iund totalhng 5!O~OOO Reichsmarks to cover goblet production

costs, On 2'7' February that ye'ftr~ ;G1oring duly inan-

gurat e .d the E,'I~t'Jltn'n' " Ii poealf: ;';l-l-l!>' B' 'esond ~'6;Ii~J' L· eis tu MO im. .

.I." . "- .. ILl,t, . ,15.11 Ill,;... , r ;t-". '1G~ •...... ,., .. ~;JI't;,!I'I.,...~,' IV ... ~I' '~I ""f~O' ,.. ...

Lujlk,rieg"J- or HOD.OlIT' Goblet for Distinguished Achievements in rhe Air Wax, bearing two figiltitlg' eagles on the obverse and a representatlon ofthe

19.39 Iron C.tlQSS OIl the reverse. The goblet mea.sured 2,0 ICIn in height and wa" constructed ill two, parts from silver 01~~ after 19'4'2~ 'silver plate, TIle' recip j ent' - ' name ~as engraved around the bas .. ' portion by the sole manufacturer of the award, the Berlin firm of Wa,~le,r '& SOJ]Jl~,

Unlike tllie Fir-st World ~n proeedure when a, goblet 01:, later I a. small silver beaker was bestowed for' each enemy aircraft destroyed ill. combat the

, , ,

Luftw'fil:ffe' Honour Goblet recognised various actions which dld [lot merit the German Cross or' Knight's Cross. It was awarded as a personal gift from G@'[~'~ ng, and he oft:el1. handec it over himself It

was given only tc aircrew who already held the E]('l and continued to distinsn rish themselves in battle ~

,~, '~

The first award 'went to ()f!;'er:stleutn,Cl.nt 1'01131111


Schalk shortty after institution. Presentations tailed off afrerjune ,19·'~.,31, and :3, L.t(jl~w(ftJJe High Command memorandum dated 6· .. Fuly 1944.1"efer-re'd to 'a go blet productlon lag due t.IO war conditions and tile '~a.!ct that goblets ~OlJld ill future be sent direct to til," recipienrs' relatives for safekeeping, at: many had been damaged or lost ill transit to front-line


:.: ,. d .-- .... 'c. ~ HI 1"0" D' , .. ,.-c .. h.·,,· 1 C9jf*.A· ., I]" ,. , .... th - l' .'- t

s;qua~rol1~~ ,.~ '. .recemner '-'LJ:'<~~ W aen rne ras .

. presentation was 1113.rCle. around 50 0,00. Honour Goble'ts' had been authorised. However; it.- is:

1-0.:'<11 ~ .. u .. ',d· 'th" . ,." t .. > -'1 '1 JC IO··"O· r ~ .. '0'":" . r':·'.. ,:: .-..:.. "';'1" . 'ill" n-· ,' .. , .. '.

neueve .' at on y . ~:'11:' or 8.0 were ac ua y pro, ... ,

duced .and bestowed.

T· ~~TE· L' tm '1:'VX}' :t;;r~~ ,~.- A. .. 1f,;rE·'R:, 10·' '"I H· 1'0'·· "'1''-'- ·O:,UR'

. ,r:L1 , . ILiF J~fU~~:f:"E uttl .. LV", '., -" ° . - '. 0,' _ "

IOn 15 june 1942" Gr'-ring created a new award, the ,Eh,l-enscb:€?tlefuT Hereorragende Ka'1'n_pfifi.i~~t'£1~g,~ lor Salver of Honour.for Dlstinguished Achieveanents in B,uttlf:., The large silver plate measured 28;' em in diameter and bore as its central motif the Rei'clfls'ln.trl'rsr;Dt[£III's eagle with crossed '113, ens surmounted by tire name of the recipient 'and date of presentation, The' Salver W'~! the ground troops'

~ - f' b I ' .. 11 d ~

eouivalent 0'-:"1 ne Honour Goblet anc ~t.?t]ji~ again

~iIi;;.t.'!Iio ',p.'. - :,'. __ _ .',' -' 1 .. , -,' .~ '._ U .-J. '-. '. '_V-V -~' 1-'. " _.llJL

bestowed by 'G'oring 011 'J. personal b-asis for bravery

ill action which did 110 t merit the German Cross or

"'liT rilr- .~ - 1- t- ',.', c· _. - ""5' A'-' n - - ,- ~ tr . -.- . ~, tn . . be if::! - f;.-

,.I\.J_Jl~g 1. .,S. ' ~ro.s~I'~'" _ p..ru; a roo!]J'S" .: ernerci 101' ,

Lu(t,-l"ztJla,ne: field divisions and Air Perce tank crew'S

I.~· r:tl '!

'. <,- .;-,.,' -, elit Ihle ~." --'.- - td ed t·-}· -'y'" ....... 1'- adv h"'" 'ld- - th -~ e' I' -0"'"--" were engime, provmen . ~e, airea Y aeto '. .ron

C ... ·_. -';; . .-.. 1-' rt C,:, -'1-'·· .. · '(.: ~-'" a ·d·· - the G"'~' .. ] md A-"_ ._.,'. ,,,."" . It B,',£' d, '0: -:, : '-':. its '. ross st r. a IS ·81'1 :1" ne .rroun .i Assaut a ige or 1- s

equivalent. The $,alve ' 01 ~ H"Ol1'Our was a very rare

d d II, ,11' b H dtl &, h 1- 00'

awar _.~ ana it rs _e:cevle:., tnat rewer tnan _1,'1, exam":"

ples were conferred, As with the Goblet; presents"lions ofthe Salver declined sharply with the advent of the Llliftwa:ffe' H~OU'Oltr List in April 1~).43, and

HOI.'-'-- iir'\ I' - RO- 0' 11' - C' """1~s,1'-'-- 'i ~ J -l" 1- 9"A ,~- '. '1- ,. iI' ,.;) -' .- '.

l.lil,l@Ul- - -" , I." £1,;:]:J' In i UlIlY _'-~'"3:", W" ne 1 ~ere,


cheaper means (l,f teoo:g;njs.it':~~, the relevant alcllJe¥ernents,

TT~'TT;" .. ~ ~;J,.r.v' f'liC- ~'Hi" le.'-, ~~","_nlT"'~"lX~ ~'O,:!1\-IfM~'~~~-ND': . 'p""'T, "'I::;O.~~' <, lJ-E _l:1L(J/~.:L.I:;t ~ _ =!-1'. _.. .' ~~J':"'iI.J"V_~~~~· JLj. ~l _ .4;"'1. "_~. \ _ . .(1.. ",'"~ J •

C'ER"I']I'}CA ~-

In M:,~ ;,lI:,~:;r~.~~~~ 'tA :f"1.,...".,p n ,~,~.iio~m" ·,-tal '," :,;,T""i"1"'1tr oql "'!'!Ii, d 1irJrd'~f~~ :~,r "Tl:~.ql'''~'

'_ ,'Rt:.-lI.H~t:L~'~.IU,:W' ILl-.!;\.:;.. '~.l,.l, .. '" r, ..1M .... ~!':~';.l' - ~f::t;./J '~Il~~~~ "'~ c(U

badees a~v-~ ~le':C'_"')': -:ii-·'tl~·'O" -~ Ii.b a sp':__ eclal zertifica <+"(.:i;, 0- f C -J"'" --

.41~'~"']l ,', :ill,J.lli rLJi(:('ll1~ ons ~" ::'1:' .,' u 'J. C~.' .' L~,L.IL~;: ",~( 'In-

rnendarion sJ.g'n,led. P'Y (}M'(l·-~al. ~-.l~a111/aY,sc.lt}lfJ..ll von

',:rallcili'sch CommanderinChief of the Ann« was

- ' - ' ' , ' ' '" =~" - " " --' ". " ' _ _ ''''"- '" -" ",.,., ~' ." . " - - ", -, -' " , '" ~ "--"-

created after t11.Ie; .invasion ,(If Russia in J1IDie I 9'41 }. and could be presented ,1(;)1"" single acts of bt¥lvery,~ W,hetl Hitler assumed personal c,Qlm11.an(1 lef' the ,Al"'lnY at the end ()cf·t.ll.e -yeat~ issue of this certiflcate ceased, It was conferred 1,:,.~1.22 times.

.. <~.

'T:. -"E, 'rl~F': ~'tWREl~" C·IO.· •. · .M'~M·'·', E-' :~+D' ~;f-,I'\~.~,..·<.,' ·~E'.-,-[J:/I"IE:';"'Ir.c··.· ~'·A, .. I·-·Tf

·n· '[;--. _ .. ;l:t: ., c . .... - I-k" TlL~_,lU . '~_:L,,\_.' . '.:..1 . _ 1pL 11:

A1~(),und ',20 December 1941 ~ the FiJZ1re,' C(ltnmenchldonCel1.iftcare was introelueed to repla ce

M6,., ri« FtUtrer' COln.tne:"'~dctrtG"/t ,C~e:tttftt;tae fJttJI R1rafj~t tc .1, '·S~·H'~.n2le f' ~)e:c'o n'1flll;i:ss,6t;11 ce Bettali 0 n 1 (J ,af' th e iFrtt.'1asl}~el~8~ DtviijQ;ti (:;11, 1 A"i:J~g:tt$1i .1944.,


- ,

that fotrnerly awarded b'1vot1 Brauchitseh. The doc

ufnent wa.~ headed by a l~lge' e~g,le and - ~a~r~ika., A_ typical surviving ex~·ml1.le t~,a~~l5':'

J_f!/tJi ~v.Jl1erib:(d' (/em IOJ"'e-l~lf4.t~ttl,61/nt- Li:itl?6fJ~ R'(je~~'ltiY fiJ,~

- -J

.II~;-:~_, ".~'ir~_.' £Q,' .,'tlI.lC< ~1.. I J~,o, :" . '~-P;i~'.n:4lif(fn· , , . ,~'..;d.Tit ,l-?~s'-'" ,t~1;:I"1 ':I<~ ;;~:"7r:I.~,irr~ ~it~~

'!;)I' ~ "',1' ~~ 1.:,(.'. J ' I", ,:' rJlIl.[;'")'~. _ ~i!W' l.~ t";i~_" , ~.t, ~~t;'~r''& 'U(Jj'_~ U'f;;',fll),

SCJ.1lil;t:I:J~feldlei~ f)'fit Mal.~Stt_1!ai:le --: ~!a ~atn :2¥i:, J. 1943' meine ,bes()f1'jJ:er-e' a12l,etlk~nnu'1fgM·1)t$~,.' -{a'u.lltq:uart~(Jj,~ den 18~AfJFiI' 194 .~. Der llUhil~~P'. i~r express my

- ~ ~ ~ - . \ u'"__ -4~

to .·V

Roessler t(yr .his ·ontrSJutp.,din:g 1cJls.tine~j'fl. en . the batt efleld [1_: M~aI~Sapl,aJ'lenka .an 2?4! Ja'-1.l1ary 194:.~.\ ·He'adtltt3.1--ters" 1:8 April, l'~l4:3., lfJ.e1r~ Filljr.e, :.~)

The certificate was, siJa"ned. bv Hitler) or bore" a fac-

~ 'r, - -

'!' ""1 .'&; hi : iO' = , -

5111.1': J e Oll. . ':. .~ signature _.

T11.e FuL'f";ef~ Commendation Certificate was used

• :w- '_ • •• I

to' recognise aets such as the ,.i~~~tl.gle'~ll_~Ulded destrue-

.: -,

till.it ofa tank 011 ~atr,c1d'-~ until separate l):a£1ges ~er€

instituted to acknowledge SllCil feats. It could aI's~o be' conferred on an entlre unit, as- was 'the case 1011 'I

_ • r' _ ._ • _

A~]gl(st IIf;}44 when Sj~~F{an~:J1i! l?{¢cgt~.s6~lnc~e·

Battalion -1 () of the 'Frundsherg' Division received the Certificate in recegniticn of its personnel llQvi1lg sher Id.'own thllEe enemy attctaft b·y. means ofirlfantrywl~apo~~ at -Klltdwan:owk~ on ,~' April thK

ye- c"':l' '1"".



._ -:- - II ','

'This documeni certainly e~i$Jte'd, and is referred to

,,., ' ',' ffl ~ t S' !~. ,', der bt t- ,i, ,t' , "" .' , , " .. -- " -.' ". d " . -;;o.j

U1 I~ J.l(l,~. "::~ a,f' e.,IS·~ '. :~Ill .. 1 S :~ppealJUlce ·an.- a~at-,u,

eritcria are shrouded ia obseurlty. The Certificate

W--~lV' 'R! ~,d ,.,,~-1 p~'·Ip.r·>s·~'--" rra ]1l:T 1~''U;_ 'a- ;,~'1i.; mle '1HA' ;-" ern b ,,' ,:,,',; -, ·f'

,~ 11~;r ~'U, r ~ '~" ;_ i.., ,-11. e} U ~ .. - ·1..,1ll· . .. .,. er ""\'61, ~ "~rs Q

t1'IIC' SS and police ItJt '~clistingnislled personal actionsand special achievements' ~ jU;, the front-line troops

_.. maffi S lhl . - - -

1·;·1··:· .. ·· .. ,~. ': ~.,j,: - _""-':,,::J>< .. ~,-...i.t:~~~'· ... - ..... '., ,.,-.~." ... '_=' !I!",\, 11· "~ I" 1-'" ", " ','':' ··.'1iI··~~· ' ... -.._.j '-'-;-1' _ ~:' ... ' ,riI!.iI:' "'" ·-.'· .. ~~fi

g.t the ,~. - ~,'.~'., en:S. were eUgl.-le to re;cerv,e. the Ff.t.,",B~

Commendation Ce '·tificate and other awards .t.~o~r heroism U1 'bilttLe', it can reas0.1)abl)?' be assumed thar

t -"- R':," .'-;""'J,1'A 'Z",PJ.u'· '~h'~1"n~1~ C':' .,' ertifi .. ,'.'" ca e I' '"'P a'; tc "d'" to I''',' rsonn :-1-

. ' .. 1~~~J ''},"'--'"'.;- .' ~.,,., ~ ' .. ,1.:- ... _. .", .~, ",:_ .,~ .. .t' _, -1i!J .. " J . •

er ;~g .... ed tn non-combat; nt duti .:'1 and securitv t~l-, 'kL '.

la-. -.!

vel sions, beingaws r(l' ·d the Iron plaque 0 . 2; ._'

D,·". ,; mber 19' . 2 and the S: ~ ver .( '. ·n·: ~ .' "il . ~:, . DI - cember


'.'-:._ J •• ~: ~

IGAW' : ITER' C. 'mtENp:!lrIO~-' C, ':~11FIC:ATES ,A number or NSDA·~· Gauleitern . 0,1:'. 1.l1:

selve t· .. · 0 ,ii'" e ':" 11 e s' e:1f"In 1'"" 0: ' ~ ci I':U' - ~.·P" -+ ~ "':::(£'i.. t es of commen-

. ~ II'f- ~ '. - .' _lEI. !a ':~ .:-.. :. . '," - .~J....JLl ,- :_", J., " ~ _ l:ll.I,I~ I. • . ~ ~ 1 .' .- JL~.I..J.....LL "_

dation '[0 citizens who Id ~ stinguis hed themselves in civil-defence duties during ·a.:IT'I'aids. A I~ .If'. Iving'

{I" ' ,

example dared 24 December 1~9'41 ·._.,-~·~·as presented

l·y Hartmann Lauterhacher Gauleit.er of $1011t11 Hanover.Brunswick and bears tJ1.' I ... ' rhnrtation: A.ll-.··:·

l(J:' Bitten - .Einerft·'1 Aile! .... 'Atl.!o'(' one a .. donefin _. .. Ill' ·'1

a~." .. '

.. Plaque for lautsta1r:l..dln·,··~ Me1:tt tn Air District II.

Insti 1 ed ln -c'_"', 1 thi bore ~ sword -and .: IO.a -0:'

I • "i •• -_--

·arms, .

I. Pla.(l_u!e for IOut~standi11:.g _A'chie}I)8fnent Z'1X Air D_··strtt;..1 Xl. h1Sti.~tl1 . ,0.0 at the c'Ild of 193,9 by Glen.eratl~·'·, tn:l?l.nt ll:ldw'j~ WolffM ... ,.Q - .. :i~~I~ !er ·f L·fiftga u .XI (Haln>·ll-g.~·, "" fl "i(. Ln atllC) ::r" ve -", . ,. ·ersiQ' :'8 .. ln, Jalll'nary' 940 ,atl Iro·n )lalql e w.··nt ''[(l 'G,etrefte~I'1 llall. of ,~Ie( rc["c light' fanspo,rt H,·· ttery 11 ~, who

pr v,.··nttd tl ,e ,~,preald ~of.,a fir,' wllicl1 o·ccurre~d

'.; llen a l),.'·OO .Ii-x, '1.:11. IfO, tank rllpturltcL IiI Fc·brua.ry 1:'914~2~ t{j.1;Jerf~'l&t''l/)t!b,el.N ···Ike ~'aveld, tlICle_ air-crl' ,~, .tro·m a (;e jm~ ~l [llan.1 WI'icb era.s}', '~d.· ."1' 'bltrst int,_' f.Ianl -s ,at RJ,c' '. :"C.',' ail fie: d~, 'or wllich he· .rc6c·eiv.td til: _i)iaql1'. in ·-·jIve.lIt. Tllese gi·.·.~e an. id;e;a· ,_f tile Icritleria ficar aware,. Only' fOl1.rf'.~ en Sllv,el"lJ1al(IUes.

13. 'ie' kIIC'W'II tOI h:" '\1"'" 'beell b,esto' ~,-ed d,ttring t_ll"·

p:: ~~Q'd 19 "'2' . ICrl1.:1~z-e'f~al'r.zq1·;··1~ v,on ffiplple .

CO··';I''Tl(1~··Ian-· c' ~e·· 'I~ 0; jy 2'fi"t"l P' 'L' ..... 1 ~7.' D"l"V" ,;:, .. '"'0" n ," I'i"'el' ,". "d" I). l""lli~t;l"·

• _,_.,~~: ••• "f •. !Ii:. 1.· .. ~r.--.;:JJu"" ,_.~ '~I • ..l.,I,. 'J ·b_;.':'- .' __ -.~'~I

.. Plfil/q.'I.;l - fi} r $p(:c,~:a1lJlerit tn tbe Battle oj~ Crete.

Aut11.· irised b·,·. Ge1 .. :. raloberst Kurt Stude ,t

COr;' ''1' . ander of Xl" £11 .. e,ge/ik'o"ps.- tor rhos \VIIO distin guished themse ves in til, conquest lof Cren : during ::.-:;I;r~J'~m.e lSt .l ,

• Bbrenscbtid der Ka·,.nf;fg~f"ujJ<·.el .z.b,. ~~ -[0' ·ii. Fnr merit in the 101• ,th ·S:p· .. cial Bombe G-· iup .. 'I i-c_",'" shield

b 0' . reo -- ·Pi m 1" -n of Enro pe with '·"11' e word JC Na '1" V:. ''',":1~ .;0:) nd

_', ':I'_ ff.~ .. ~ r' ,'." . IbILL - L V~f., ~ _ 'VV' ~ ,'" _.lIil ~_" ~~'1 ~N (f-U,,· '.


II Plaque firr Te:,T1f!ti'allW_e1~it i"~ Russia.

, .

Gen. n :a'!I~ld,11~i a 1'"$1' '"l' ,all Alber 1. .. sselring ,

Con mander of L1lflflj),;tte 2~ in', ,tituted, a plaque in autumn 19~41 '-'in .n ,. cognitlon r, f technical merit in

1 . e camps ign a ... ainst S'tJvi rt R' issia'. A'" Ieas t one plaque was awarded. to all UrJtet~o:.tIz~ie11~ in a motorrepair platoon, F' . 1.rt11: e -.' details afle unknown ..

Plaq " e fo» O:~',tsta.n~l'tng jif;',_ '1~tt l,l(l A ir District l ·,.f:tt··: ~ Instinn led t'OWAJ d the end ~f 194_1; .. this bore an eagle over the city of Kiev '. 'ld was ·a.' arded to L'U:ftt,ci:Ue personnel serving in th ... krah .e~

- Plaq: '. " .. for O't,·tsta·1z,tli-ng ~I.!e, it in Ai/~ District

Kbar) ·'~Il.~ _ 'or l·l'fttll~.fff'8· personnel serving In 'th Kha rk L,~ ,0'· IV '~,'];TP'a," P' U rth er - d IP·t'·,.;".· il ';:. ·oI!'~I'" iI',_ t\,.".· ...... ow 'D

~ ':fI~ I. .,~., 1«" ~. ~ !.,1 • :. ~ ~ll.~'_ I ,A .' W.LI!!iwl1. - 'i

, Plaque {or Spe "tal r: -: bieuemen; 1""'- t '.1 FJi~~'tr'ict XIIlXlll~ Grea:n . ~.' b,T IG,en·i{!1tll.l ai:.J.' Plal/IQ:-' ttllr·Fi'" Heili11;g.bru,nne.r ,~., "_. Untmm~ l::' ,~., FttrJ. ·,-t' ·dOitails ,ar',

lrnkII'OWD .

• Pi'alll' ,te -J(;;:1" O'utsta·n'd'i1r.g A.th·, I, r "emen' 'lfl tl',(1- _ S :

. i,' :ld D_··,~:,i$:ioJr. .. , TIl., 21-t Fi·ltl Dim: ~I. n lof tho L~ftW(i'ilfl1' w-;a;< .. ' .o·l~m.· d. d.uri . g tft e 'Cegl~ IOlt' 'tl1.0.lt~~1: ft1@lU variOI'llS. urc}und "luIits- and\ W'as; 0 lIen .known aSI t-l.· Nl~,ir.dlDilllSio'-. In 1 .. ~ .. 'J G. ne'rzlle,i~it11';rnt Ri(Jlar-d"~chiin.pf lll.·· tituted ·a pJglqUIC, desi;o,fic1d b1'~ r(;:~fre.i.' e,·· Sdl,1 odeI'" of tllC. 1st, Ll,~ftll)t{tJFe Fl,elc[ RegjJIl' n~ ."~ tGI I c·'=· ;.··3. . . lu~-· IUe,n fo _'"'f:'lc.c;ial1ne ~it at

Ch;'JJ~ .a,:n~d ::llbl'~(fUen_ b·attles~· ~oun,d 1(101, . were

mat ufalcnlted,~ al.tll()\.lgh onlJ 400 'w·er:' '. lesto"'~: e'd .

• l~laq·tle ~f(tr Alerit iii .. Air Distl'"i'c't Ijl~n.l~a_;_~!fld·., Creatrftl

ill 1·.4 _I by th·,· Lt.~ftt4 aItel IC', c· . " -Jande. - "if. FinlanH,

~ ,- ··-nl tilut' Fli.e8'f1~ .·-~chultz. ~"(_lund, 1 c.DOO ,. ere ma.~(. e. _Fllrth, rd·, tail, " - e lln~:110wn .

. . ,

THE FLAK ~-~ .. :-- ' '. ,- .. :.- Co N1J\1ENDATcO.N CER~mlc·t\:TE. TI_e A·r~~erken1,,~,.ngs . '''1'!k·~'f.~de .foir Lljf:!'"tlVQ[fen-He/fe·rl dated from 1'944'-5· and '. vas r resented to Hitler Yt)lItI1S and others servin g as .a·ll~lli:·. I1?" anti-aircraft .~ u nners ill rhe defence of ~'.- I.,' R:eich,.··· 01 rther

details are known.


Anumber of unofficial wall plat 'ue .. were created by Ltt:ftwajJe' dlvisional and other cernrnandere to

. "~ '" '., . e ""f-- ,"': 't-'l . ~. ." .. :. . .,. 1 t'"· '"'11" 0) f" s. ·1-"" .... · 'l-'" . '~n' ,

reo ogrnsc merit 1[1 merr IOWll areas I ..• )11. lS( rcuon.

The rlaques generally took the : :Ior : Q'- small metal

11 ate \ rectanaular in shape' bearing a suitable

d '", d ~ iii ti "",, '1 iJ t ddt' b

., '., .... ",- .. ' ' I ..... ,.'. ""'·"r·,· ·1' .. ·· ' ."'. , ... 'Ii ...• , '-"1" '-:-. . .... ' .. ',.

es gn an. mscrtp: Q11:0 : ley ~ e. e Ul enuen to _:t:

h '.: -.-fi·''''···· .. ,. " U' '. - . et .,' .,.,11 ..... . ... d I 'TI .. ~ follo . '"-"--; 0"

_: ,ung .·:Oln ~. ~a, . ;! ,0: ,< . 10.(1 0111 a ,··es,~ le l'rJ QWffibl

. 'I'"C'" k 'I":o~;nll to ha ... ," .. e ,- :~i~ ., i' ~

f -! '.' "''- .. ,I. ' ,J '\(.\f,.lL. '_'.". " ! .. . ,_ ... '. ,0 . ',!!!!I


~ a

- ~

1m" {[' (11"-: ',-

.. ::_: '. : ... -. '_ ':_- ._-

• _ _ .' 1 ..

- .

1!iiiJ4, Ii'1' ~~~UI

lbt IAlt t=l~ltt=lt ltUli~' 1!~~liUl~l!EIl \M:1illlt5li'nl:

.. [hi, t=lti illl~IEt~

\M=llliEll1E,l(j_{ nlb~S:, '~lJln 1l,~tI



"r It:r'b6~\..;~~'""f'~ n'N'" , A

c' ~'E~~~~'~~ 'IS'R:'R:~~$£.'fl· ~

I I i

r :,


I 1

• tBlu" _

lFlW~ UJ~I~.~WJWW'~ 111~Jl~W~_;

1,.~1i' . " 'iil ~ .i '~~,' '~~I'~ ~,', . '. !. - .

~~ ~,~i!U"~1:I_U'U ~I~



-- --

- - lli


lj;7~ L!l~rff~ ''lJfJ'{4.ll ,p{a,q:tf.tfl~'~

(;a) Fo~r O'Utst4ndt1;~g.i1c:/rltel',e.itle:[:1 ,t'ln

, .

AJr t)1~b?IJ~if;;.l}a,'

fb;l FOir ~ip\f!£fi~ttl M~ '7.11 th.:e' ,B~otttl'e' af Crete;

r:t;;' POI?'"' ;'Q'l4·,tJj' t,,,ttt,,t't,, :~ "·~~b·l~1;flrJi~iEJ1;' i~?j ~111(¢ 21$t"Ftt~i.d' Diotsion:

- -

y;J) f!i1.o'rf-l1'~4";MtJ'f/lt- ',":'l'&i A·'- .;;t':~i!' D~' ."J-~'~~,~,~~ J:r.bJ:f.I 'r;t1JiJ\if,,'."

l'~ 1~~'~ ",1 .. ~. l fj I~ I' ~~~ I' ~ iI... ' ~ f : .. ~~ 1iJ' ~ ~ .,~ Ilr.~ I-.II~' ,fij It~~I' '~II!i~;

re): PO"!' A, Cl1r·t:~JV,e',1netfl~t ~ln ,A .I:Jt: District

,_ -:


I. J'lQ'(t"'JU/t~ Pl(lrtjut!!s.r ,,·t1-~~ .D·i~ftl'~ftlt . l'la.rw~l{Jl.

"MalllIfa\tttw~:':o m Oslo fu~r 'Uf" s-t'm~wa~l 'l1J'J~ the ,L"lift.u}oJj~ commander In Norwav eie1lftZi1il WiIJ1,elil,1, Harrnjanz,

, J' ,

Over 6,-,/ '00 are believed to have been made, since

'surviving le"a~]lple.! bear se~:iat n~~lribe_:[s '~aQ:ging from 12'0;81 t,~ I. ·6ti'41., Awards ceased in Deeeraher

_. I r( ~.~) ~-~~.o:- .... ._ .... _ .


III 1:;) laq;u e.~f(!ir 'OlutstiH:J'(lZfti~~fJ Th,rJ/!ini'{}tlJI Ac.1:1l?,i e.m'(1wzt" t"t th« S({Jutbel:P'Jl C(Jnrt.ma!~1;r;l .. A15() created 'by G(Jl1e1~alfe;l;d1}rJ ars c!nlill K~SSl~l ~ing~ for meri t. . in the teehnloa] blli~]1 .. €11 .of the L.lJ!!tU?a[{fe. The f~w' kII,OWll~ (ec~pi~ .n 1-',: included Qb'~·rle:uli.'~Q/n(· D'r "IaJ_1'n~· commander of it traR"'p,o'tt U11it of the Mllital~~'


RailwaY$ :Qire[etiPjta~e in_FIOtelJ:~~e~ wl);Q' te;~ived the plaque .en 1'8, Ma~.l 119 4:

Pl' ~ !~ft ,I I " .t: ~:I''.<i,'- . t ':1 ~ ~'li - ,. if: ~' " 'IS' 'br'J=-

- '},€l, '1,l'B; /ul"''' specuu .acmeueman: tn. toe 1~r;)U;~;.i()~la.(j,~

~{~am,J.-M'Ii ~'ll'!1 0' ··7';f~QtVi!~,~.'~rm) e In stitu tee b }J G< 'nI101'~C!1~ol',) Anl'lr"l

11~!O-I~;'I"',r~ v· ", "~,.J·I~~-,"{~~ldt.J.f. .. J-,fi·~l'~ ,11 ~l .,IJ._~_ ~~ '. .,: ~. ~",rdldt~r"ilc.:ril}_J "I~ I

iii'" --:- .-

Rli~Re.'r Pic b jlg: for merit in the Bal-k8U1. 'The plaique

was manufactured b')~- ~f: e' lrm ~.f'Ple,uge:r' und V(lSS in ludell:,"'ltire:id., No :fu:l,;lleI details are Irofl..wn~,

'.' .PlOLf{iu.~;'JfJir Me1rit tH.' Mt'l~l:tiJ~r:)) Air Di"';rl!1J~i£.t XXX~ Authorised by- ~Gerli6/Fitil d.er Fl:t:ege:r vt:a'b~'r ill, -tIlt aututnn (~f~ 1944 for' front ... line lll1fhL)~ffe trO:OPIS. In ·~11e-11Q!4th~yn Balkans, 'The plaque bore .heraldic shiel ,-" ·~t .i.th name~1 ~gr,"1-1n,! $k.(f}pij'~: fi/I~{fl.'H" an~d_

B hl'-;' d·j"'fl_ A ~ fl· ,t-;, Ij[.;ti' 'II' b"iP' l't' ;iISj;:t, nl ,~,~, .,. . @'II ~~ 'I'Fn' - 0' "£~~ _ "'t;'~,6 ,I" ":i~tf,. L"~'\j' J,:tt..u'l. ( klL .. o'~,rdU~ ~a:I:~ ~~~~_' ;-:v.;\f'a!.L~

IVIILIT~ ~y [) sc ::O'R>;\ TI(") Nr71,

88, uftwaf (. medalt, 01'15.

(a) '17.IJe ~~ed{;tl._for' Meri" ill ·tk),e Te bnical Branca ·,oftb( , uftwaffe:

iT'i -~ T?Ah Jlo.J'nl·;fi~oc":'~1 M'- t. ···1 tt '''m' l:::~ Dis .. ric: B-:,:::~··'I(J''l''-u.- .. r"'JI""lI_"'~'}Q:r.-1:h~·

l V,/" .J. IZIv _:lIL::'~~£~~_ .r= ,"" _ I. ~ f,~_ I!'-i~~ ~ _ I' , ... ·/~J'_',., ';'6~ . ' -'I iIIo fl_·t~I'TIfJ..i f -.- .... ' , ...

p, '6/.nc·e~'"

.. J Tbe 11: edat fo: .. ' ~:·Iert.t inAir District West France.


.. "-

. /


. '._'






.' ·'onQz.-: r Plaque for l I tftflotte 1'. N~' details ar known,

• Honour Plaque fo~tLt~!tfl(Jtte d,., Nt· d,.- tails- an known ..

I. .1_. eda; .j": r M-e1~lt i1.- ili1~ District. B': 19tu~m,·-_lvO'JtI:J E1YZ11,ee', Institu •. _. 'I ,b',"t' I~" 'enera! der FlI;',f!glJJ,: Wimiill£T.,

Purth er ':"'" tails a '. X unknr ,: WI- 1'0

In addi ·0'0 to the above. there were .L;.' ~fttJ}a1fe, edallions which were akin

- I - -

plaque-type awards m These W'" ·r·.' ,1.$ f '.I!.-·1 '. ;:'

TIle In: [ority of these Luftu',(;(tfe plaques and medallion: were onlv very rar - 1'7 besto .. , .•.• d~ Tins

~ ~ J

O th ~.

! '

;:- cas P'~ rtl ~..-. cau ~e I~. me were crea ed to recogni .. se set S", "S'O':"'O' '. n t 0:"· b , co ''I(~Te' or"~ by n'&'; icial d leco .atious T" 'he

.(ill, .. : -....' .'_ . . .' ,I"'_ I '¥ ]_ ~ ". _, \::;,:1.. __' . __ ,_". I.. , ! ~. • Ji..~ ~ "

Crete Plaque, 1011' example 'was rende Ie d IOb501~(,te [;:lY the Im ... xluction '.,\' the Kn ra Cuff 'Title whi e those for technical -.m ii, w ere ove .taken by eve - t when the W~lr Merit CtO:":~,S: began "to be widely disrributed .~Ol~ that purpose.

Medi:.:i:ljat'" iVle:rft in l:iel 1ecI1'1"_~I:~al Brand» ofase

'Luftwaffe ..... is r on-per able medal boreGoring's head on one sid .~ nd the Air Force ' eagle on, t-Ile other and was given fortechnical achieve mer t .

be we ·'··'-'~'n 19-1/10" and I 9,i:!1~ 1- It ?£,(!""1!S'~ .suncrse .. :11 ~ '9' ,,-' the

~ , '" :.: ,_! ~ "_. OLJI J u.. -_, I II!! _,.~ ,p.t ","I.~ i\fr'"-'-" :_ " \:J ·1 ... . I",,'

Ge. 'rnan Ct,-·:'~.S, ill ·~·.ilv'.:t~


II .i1Jie,d:al_JF.r'MtiJ1·· tn A.t 'Dlstri . t West r}·'lEIZCe,., Instln ted i.' the summer of ~91~ by G'enet~tt,l tiel' Naka· ~ti'lleri:· D -;0, W· issmanr . i\t least One' ~s

. ... ' .. . .

recorde - R: I, 113VU1.g hi. "'. -~ p,r.t:.~ ... ntl d too' a ernale

a uxiliar ~

.. '

Many S:~ .. rni-efficial and unofficial 'unit medals ~ were .... eared t1Y battalion and regimental commanders £0' ~ distributicn ~ I' - iong their .1J~ 11 1-0 acknowledg

. . . - .~' - .'

participatior .. , ~ S' 'c"·,<. ' IC'~'_ rnpalgns which had 'not

been recognised "by national decorations. Although

,89i~' Tb'12' , 'f1.1.tt· Me:dallifJj!l o] tl1e ~. 69th Luftwaffe

,Re'~·~'~'l:)'e Flak' .S· ·:a,~cbt:~g~t Balta/lo,i.

often made with suspension hooks air rings, such medals were not authorised for wear and were si'm111y eornmemorative souvenirs. T.111ey usually featured an inscription naming 'the uni concerned and a design representative of that unit Of' IO.f a particular campaign in which the unit had been e' -, gaged ., The fo 110 wing are known to have exl ned:

.' Panzer-Abwehr-Abt .. ·ilwlg: 3~91 ,_ Occupation 'of P1~'R;l{{l41J~ The .3'SJ1tl,1 Anti Titnlc Battalion 'was 'the first German unit to be posted at Prague Castle after the occupation of Czechoslovakia , and later' produced a bro rze medal to celebrate the fa,cr~ Il W~lS

d ,r striln • ted t[)! all perso OJ] e Who' had actually I',: erved during the' OCiCUP«ti()l1.,

II 4fb 'Camft,'l1rt~~ '7tb' Panzer Reconnaissance

u~ :sr~

Baffa iio n. ~ 193.9~,'40,. Two hundred - edals were

manufactured to reward members of this unit na '"t of the ,4t11 Panxex Di . tsion, Wl10: took part in the conquest of .Franee .

• 2t)7tb. Luftwaffe Terr "to'ri(!ll Battaiion ~ btrrist'11?lfl;~,,£ 1~914(). This formation was! disbanded at the end ()~f 1:;1' -~O; and .. produced '''I, medal to commemorate i .'.~' existence, It comprised three anti-aircraft b.'~ tteries ba sed 'at Bad Saarow.

• ~_:: rd Glo1tnp'tli;1~'J&, '7th Panzer ,Ret2Q11/!1Qi:ssu/n;c,e Battalion - J 941. Thts. unit. di rtrihut .. d n~t xlals fer parttdp:ation_ in ' 111 ~, opening of the Russian campaign,

Q' 4th' C(}rrtp:tJ//r1iJ,', 7th Panzer Reconnaissance Battalio» - 19- 1--2'~ Two hundred medals were produced for uni t personnel t~Jbting part in th . opening of th, .. Ru ~ sial ,caU1I)-a'~g11~, and the first W:· nter 011 the eastern front.


• 4,Oth Panze r Reconnaissance Br:ftt.a.li'rJ'I' .= 19',40=,2.

This unit was part of the l·4tl1, Panses: Division, .~lnd the medal commemorated its actions in 'France), Yl~.g:QS '·avi.a. and Russia,

98tb Mtl'li,nt,~i~n. R,ef:_rt.iJIJ1;,efl~t _, Caueasns 194Jl. 1 he

13t 1 COlDIJat1jl' of Ge"bt1~~t~lJer Re'g~4'm'(ilt" t 9B' produced a medal, bearing. all. edelweiss '3: I d mountain, to commemorate its actions ,UI tl1.e Caucasus in .1942' ,.

5'4t13 MQ,'tt1'1..tatn 5Iig~:~~.ls Battaiio« ~ Caucasus 1'$)·42., This was similar to the medal above.

II .MO;'1i 'jlj:(alJl lJ111:tS' ~ A1~(;ti,c PtYJU t 19'421,~._, .. This

an 01 l1Y·· m.QUS medal Silill)nr' bore a mountain troop

, I, I!!

edelweiss badge.and th .' e legend ElS1J1,fJe1:fJrt>11t

19'42'--=43' ~

6 ·tt, Mo'to~ 'c;Jlcl~ B~ttalio'~~ - 19~~,. This formation was part -of the ] 4tl1 Panze»: Divi..siO.II., The battalion '-v\f,as ereated in Nlay' 1~4;?: and within a. 'year its

personnel had W,'IIl ten German Crosses ill Gold, three Knight's Crosses and OI1.e set [If Oakleaves s . The unit W'(LS, annihilated at. Stalingrad ..

'. Lst Volunteer Bersaglieri Battetion: This unit was forraed by leyal Italian Fascists on 8, ~. eptember

19 .'3, "UTILe-cr' the name Prr~1'1. ,() 861ttcfgll}OJlt: Vol()t/~"ttl.ri delle' .55 Benito M,bi .. ~~'(Jlt·rti~ TIlle L1S designation W:l5 Later' dropped, A commemorarrce medal feamring

k.):L.) runes and the legend /SJrn'Hpre Fea;ille al Duce e l~l Fz~f)e~re"- IlAlways loyal tOI Duce andpu'fJvre'.fit') was produced and .dis ributed ' .lfJ' members as ~~

cornn rem ,0: ;' rat 1"' '!f"-ri~' 1'[' hr m'aD: fro .. " m" 'a .. g; reen rib ih 110" 'll, ,

~. ,Il ~~~ .,', Ll·(.IL _ ,V._'~'"!I .. -' __ ~. -] . .l-, .... _ . ,~.,.- . .L.'-'~ ',_"' '. II!

. .~

• . :'69th Luftwaffe Reseroe Flak Stlt.t.r1chlig.f:Jt

Batiaiion: Major Holtfort, co -~ mander (If this 'unit

which was based on the Island of Sylt, used .l lie profit . from his staff canteen to {Jay a- Bremen firm tomake.m dals which he distributed to his men-as Christmas presents ::t:11:' the end of 1943 .. 'They featured the lujt~1.J.l,a:.ffe eagle on rhc o bve rs If:: and unit 'name '011. the r'· .verse, and were produced in' aluminl um,

U'N'" ". <11"'1' C" A fi B" 1\. 'r"iiIC'-:E--'S

..... JII. .. 1U- ,·,v,"UJ.· II ..

A·· .. I -' t .; ~""-~,, ~ 0' 'f' -. .," '": .. ~ ff ~' .. ,Il .. ] - !!·C·- . . .-- b d'···· , l" .. 1, ., 'iD·

. vas arraye ,Sel1U~(Ll .rc ·:a, lU11 cap i aoges, sr en ~t?J1

the 'Grenadier of the 26tll Panzer Division and the well-known ~ Greyhound' of the 116tll Panzer Division, were produced and awarded by' local commanding officers for loyal service in the' forma-

tiOll1~1 concerned, The quallftcation criteria varied f-~IQ111 unit to unit. but the fact that these badees

, :::. _ •• ,' " . " ,.. , ,') • " ~ _ ._ _ _ ,_ _ • _ _ '~I Ii5!!

,;;01Iili1 ,. d'" ~,,' 1" I

were usuany aecompaarec .~'·if etta> ons e' evatec

th .~- -' th- :j:, rr f'" - 'i_ . - • - -d'- .-' ~ thO -.~ II' - '-.

J em '_'0 tne '·_'~L-{ll~US' 0,,,- mmor awar ',,5 111.:: er .' ran

simple formarien insign fa.


nle Valldl 'fV~ Stick was yet auother form QI:f unoffi ... cial campaign commemorative and was given bly enlisted men on, the eastern ftont to' the more popular of' t11eir officers, particularly a fte f' an award of the Knight s Ci~OISS,~~ German Cross 'or' other decoration. 11: took the form of a walking stick carved in

9f.'Tiary--··'··\.:·'~']_g qualities from asserre ..... 1 woo .~,'hI" bv :. ]P' mPD'"

'y,j_ ._;. ' . .lJ" I"~ ''''i 1I,s;1Ii:id.UIL,I:L~ II '<_! .. ".q -'l;.i!l'''r L- _U :. ,1,_" - ~ . ',Ii I 1;.... . .'~

themselves. lor' by lecal nath e' Russian craftsmen


commtssioned for the purpose. The Wo'lcltJow:sto',ck

ilSU.aJIy featured swastikas. Iron. Crosses, divisional .. reg;i 'nl Ie $1 tal or o,the,f'tlitallle emblems; 'B110, sometlmes ea m ipaign nam 'Ip;~ First used 1(·,,\'1 th Pi ,.IO:'·ll1·:F~"'l()IV"':·~

'.!LLJ. .. '~1 I~ ' ..... J' " . I>. L' _ I. I I r .,~!31Ii~l I ",~ .'. I .. l .. :_ ~ . R. ~ v~::... U ... · __ ,._

- - __ -. - • r • - - - .;.-. -.-

fr xrt during the winter of 19,4 '1- ~'2'~i these ,stJc"·· S were

'very higlll~r prized b'y their recipients as they denoted the esteem in whioh they were held hly their own m" -, en-"'

1~.1'._:_·~ U "'J .•.•. ,. J.' .. _ ... '!!!l

. .

9·~., .... 1:,-, A ~1)~h:;"r,r.1;l~1 TiTD··.· .. j'~~l?:n,,; . I S',~t"'itll:ol, 'P~~·1f),{fr! wlf!11 t/; ,t-wn'g,tl'~t:t.

., Q ~ ¥ .. ~I~~.. " 'It;;_!ir- ~ . __ ~. 1 ~~J~- __ .~fiJ~ _~_._ ~~~~ -w- ~ ~~ -;- ~ ~ _._

lrt11il ,Uf1t~' e,lrn·b!l~1nS., Tne ,clfJequ'e:rboaJ~d 'find s',tlllllJ' ae$,~g~I,:t: uier« c1j,(J/p-rader,tst1,,' ,(Jf's~Jt,c:b ,PIt eces.


r.;'iE'E"·D' AI' 'g ~N'" n D" 1-1'(110'" Fj; ~T'l' '~\'1\-:r..-:"'" O;'F'- .... 1I'-I1-.t.LED1;"'"l1 r-"f. 'E'~'?V1 ~l ~·r:1Ii;:T [V J. "'"I, .0'\ .. ~;/. 1\ 1" J,j'u '~. ~ 1:U'i.. ,. L~ f~: ~ < , ~ I ~.4.' D ~} -I ~!!I\d ,_f 1.j.\ i~ ~'

Du '~n I th e "'£T7.1]'I" IO'e'i/IO'm' ,,- a' ny $2I""d'- 1'1~" = allies exeh ",b.'Q·d

,tJ ,g 1-.,. , ,','\''\1',U; ,. u_.I. " ,,' ~.:i ··~.L , . ~r lii:\.,l' ~' ~~ , :tlnbIL::..

de corations a" a matter of diplomatic course, Poreisn soldien fiehtin D" aloneside the Wel~jrma,¥-~llt

:,'. -_.. . .•. _ ~. . ~_j . '1."1",: .. : r, .~. . .•.• ; ~ " leJ;:s. ,,_~.~ ....... 11. _' . _. " .. _ I ',I . _;~" _:. [I . 1_ 1_'.", ~l: 'J_'it

were often presented with the Iron Cress for

-', < .... ~ ~, ... i , ,,~_ ~~j",_-_~,,"_~~,-:II: ,_. __ _ __.I~ ~ "·Wl~,(JI Ib

bravery en the baulefield, and German troops strniIarly received military' awards from Italy, Romania,

F'", 1 ,'" d,I'i ,', \ ,", Q.II" ,'I .... .s,~ :"1'" I' d·- i' ",,' ... -., ·'C> ,,', '.', e"'q 'e' ·,t- J' '

111lall:·., . l.l~g,ary'l 1(J",ova.rua an:;. ,S'Q 0111., ) ·O.n[~~"'c:JI.>n_=\'.',~

a varietv of 1101' -Gennan militarv decorations could

" _. I. ... .' ~-.~ .' . _-: . ,-_. ' '. -. '.. " _. _ j ". j • tJ ~ 1 . -- " ,',,". ,~ .. ,.u.'" '~'. ~"" "'m"'· ~ '_ •

be seen on German unlforms. It j~, net within the ~'C""·'O,·')"p. ofrhis book tIO:':1 d escrlbe the 'rem '~I'~ any detail

"J1I, "~~" :_u,_ I ,"',',' _ _" "".,,v.i,, __ .~ _ _' , , .Ii. .,l "UI.,_' "~' "c~ '~

but a few eXatn.IJ1,_'8 fellowt B aive 3. :~ neral idea of

I - I~ lb

t :<'!!Ii1~' S~~~I p'c' "t':I)I:·O· "II '1'· n :'IJ":O' 'II, '~~~l

,.;a,~ ,!L.:....~I~ _), ,', ,.I. , ,~ . y , "','iI,;."U,.,

92~ A ,tyjJicat selection otJb'i€igfrl dec srations W'Q:r!I: uutb 'G~,'f mas: .l.I/nif_tlr'fliJ:,

PtV1f}-'" left to ~ "tght., top to bJ(1tt07'i1;~~

The Cro att~~u 'Qr:d:,~ r Of tI;J:f#' Of'()I~V.n. ef~ i '1t~. ,Zr;,(l11:l,1:~nlrr

~~~ r.l:~:l,'" :.'t utl ,.~ .~1;-11":"":l~n'~I~~ 'r~1oi'" O"~ - tts '-I1~;:J~l-ih_.·~''!J{~I~·~ " .. A·· "~ steo-

:;}" U 61 IL,fn~ra lItiLt.I.:!\ ,'11 Y·!~J1tIii, jl~~.I!~C,~-. ' ,,'lPI_ Itr"ltJ~1 ,';Ii':J.tJ[r."~~t."V~I'l~lt'~r_" tJ.:,~~~lL_'~ U1

H1)f.l'~ g(jfArl'CI.'~ str.le t"r1::tl11;gultl r '~Tf:iblb'() n; 'Th'e J talv-,GlJ17i&tJn GP/;.· mpa igJ'l 114:.~ I{;l{ftl,~

'T11e Rlr;tt1Ia1i,t~'1~ ,CQmm;,e1ftl;(JrQtt"I)iC Medal for .tJ:1f! IC,"us:ade Agtli11S,· C(J"111~,,.nunt.\,,,,r~,~

Tbe F·ln1t·'~:lYJ ATCttC Pront C1;V'SS,~

Thifd'l1urkt'sl1J' WK61:r Decoration. OJ' Bla'e~ge,'" '& C~(fJ'~~~ ,T/Je' ~'PO"1itS Rlallge' ,et the: Volkshund der Deutschen in Ungarn, created in "tJ:Je 'SJ}:rin~g 0..1\ 19 .... ~. 11:J.

h:1~6=Ntif.'!f:i'·H1;l1~r:JQ/JriQ.'n I ,'.~tizr&ns 10£ German descent

!l~ :r.0· ,r;~ .

as the"~r equi: 'Clle'lit ,oj'tbl1 German. LNR·t.Iq.nal

S;P' ~ 'o"''''¢ -:f-,r. B<'nil~: . Jio,)

" ." II M ,1t.\"I~iG;';' , I.u; ,.

", ,j

'he Croatian Order r f the Crown . if King Zvonirnir was created in . cay 1'9141 ill. fi_ "- .. ' classes, It featured a white trefoil upon 'IN'.' ich was superim," C)·'s·· 'd' a c'r-o"w' _(-} T.l,t~' h .. sword . _ fo 'r [-]]1' ulitary "erv' Ice and

, ',.'.' tL_'. --'- .'.:' . J·"J·!JII:.· . .L.L Cl~ '¥v'_ ~ I JJ ._~:'l .;' .' .. _ ' .. :. •. ,a..I... .

eakleav .. -s for bravery, The followtna No- ':~ rnbe r; a s~ ilar decoratic abut blackin cc -. iut the so-called Order of the Iron ". refoil, ~ s ins in, ted 'as ':,' highest award for members of' the C1V.~t,t al .. rned forces. Many Germans, 'and' ever) some of their Cossac] auxiliaries n .. ·cived these Orders for par ti' ipati 011 it') t 1(1 st _"lIggt aeainst Tr '0 '.- partisans,

. '.

~ .. 1 tiel": . incl .ded O,b ··rst KOl~Ol1.0V o ~ the 5tl Don

Cossacks. and staffofficers fthe ~S:,··.,'Div's"~O'11 Prinz Engen ,I

The Italian go'" ernrr .. ent honoured til.' t1.·,: ds of Ro" . 'mel " Afri:le_a~'orl)s~ly ins tituting th talo:. err .an C~·· .paign MI dal early in 9·42 ~ TIle obverse if uhis very well-made bronze 111edaJ~, which 'was S .ruck by Lortoli of Milan depicted the Arc," del Peleni, Or- 'Marble Arch a. massive monument

ere ctcd 010' t1":~1 V' "l"Q Balbia til' c'. coa ' all roz ·c, ~ betv ree "

~J.' .... , ._ .:.._ " . '·R C __ ... __ ',', . "'.-- ,,;w_ 1L'··· .. l.'ILi .. ·., '-

~ .... .

111. '_·0 1 icesofIripolitan a 10_(1 Cyr .naica, Q,eJ'~

brate the early Fascist victories, . t was fl: nked "Y tr " Italian fa ·.CBS and .. azi swastika, above the knot of the" House of Savory. Around the outer im of tl .... met a1 was .11- Ie' end Italo-Gerrnan Campaign to Africa' ~ in roth Italian md German. TIle reverse realured two t:, .mour ~d knights (Italy and Germ: ny

C'IO:S';'" -i . 'I .... e' ia "S (th I~. e ..... C·' ..... ,1; . I of .. v-, Cl'O r- odif (tl e'

.I "..:.·1.-· 1,J.:· ),,~- .. l.e ~IU- Z ·:a.tl3 .' I.'_ ,~,,~_ >' O _~ . . ] 'C

British Empire). The nedal was suspended below 'tile 1'- f. pocket flap from a ribbon 1_I,e~' ring th .. ~ . tali an

and German colours. Following Italy's withdrawal from '(1 e wa and subs equent ~}rr' 'nd~ l' ~'. Gif:rlnal1 Atmy lord: r' of (~' Al)rill c- 44pr{·)rub'it.~ tIle ITrrtllet

, ~

weYdl'"illa of It~lli- :," dec() ['tttions - al1Jd sp!ecificJD'entlIOLl

w~tS In.a(le. \·f 'lle- Erf)n.fzeru.11~gs·:nz.eda>~lle ,tur titl·rl. ltali'e'''illch .Del~t$cl/'e1ll I-te'l~ ZUg _~n 4f''';~:'o"Cl~ 1w is. _. Ite1'"e-·.tin~ tb not' t-.it tIll kll0-'~/n sUr\'-':ivll '-.: a'~: rd do,cum··lII ':'-, for this In.edlal Wl-e i$slle'd to ~ne( b'·"j"s lo-f tIle· L·,~iftw~if.!e, -'·lcltldin.,g par.arroop .~ So~e of'th1e citatiOJ.1S ratll.er CllT101ISly 'bear U'S wat flnal"kI , 11avillg ~IPI,ar·:nt~~r bee- prit'Il,ed ;011 captur'. d leriean p' 'pet sto,cl{s.,

A cOlumn Ro" a .,' ~ .. ~ ,n.~letaratioll was t.·

Clom]neln,o'ra~ive M~~tal for the Cru'~lad,e Agaitrl:~t COlllml]oism, lllStitllted. ,on 1 Ap'i[:9' 2~ ,as tb~ p~red .. cesso'''' ·of' '11 e G" 'lnlan ·.~I,s.tl'te,daille'~ - '11e rib'bon

was dark red with white edges, €:Uld had adistinctive central 'ladder' effect in til' . omarnan national colcurs, red/yellow/blue. No fewer than <·ourte: 11 B,a:I~ . .' W. rl~- _. Ie· -cntually au hortsed including 'Crimet ; ~I d 'Stalingrad' ss TIle medal .. '. a o bestowed liberally up 011. G' rrnan troops fighting alongside ·· .• omanians on til'.' Russian fron .

Tl'1e Arctic Front Cross was given ··~··Y Finland as a campaign honor 'r for service in Lapland between 1".'141 and 191,4-. I Conv .. ·X _~ 1 form, 'with ascrew-back

., ting, it W'~ a smal blue enamel crcsi b aring .a map of the region, national flags and details 'of the principal battles of th campaign. Prior to S'- pn mber 1944, .. wl ell Einland broke off relati .. ns

: zirh Gle': nl~uly, :~. ,'. as distribun 'd '0 men bers of til' .

2 .. th '. ountain Armv a few ef W,hOlTI wore' Ii .. ts a


COIDl11el11011ltlve badge i Us: 0 .he cro '-.8,.' ';1.$ officially lOo:,l)~~dden in November that year 'WIlICll111;ay

have prompt .·d General B61]_me to suggest an ' .. Iternative award, tl (. I apland Shield,

Anethe -_. award often .... ~. 'n on G .. rman uniforms du 'in-~ the Third Reich p . iod was the '._. y' distinctive Turkish "War Decoration W'0I11 011 the right b-reast pocl ... et. It was instttuted on 1. March 1'915 by Sultan Mehrnet Bcsat V for bravery ' .. ,f m rtrorious . ervtce during th . First Wc)rld W::[ and W"_"S in a single c 1. ss tal .. ins tl e fO'TtD. ' ,_. a large 1)· -back red

namelk .. d s ar with, silve r border; The'. cent ~I. featured a. silver crescent beneath the · .. ;.Illitan 's cypher the character .. -·! (If which l~' presented .. El Gbazi or 'the victorious ~ BI" low ~r~l~, th' '. ds te . :' _ . ,,,/ ~1 Tur I .~ SrI figures.xxn responding .: 0.9 51 on th 'Xle, terncal ... endar; The G ermans referr ~-'d ',0 the decor: . wio 1 as tll.' Ei:s"n:e'T' J-I6Llb11tond'~ lOr '~Iron Ct~, 'Cle:tl!'. SUlce i'w;a~- to aU illtents aJ_1Jd pllIplo~e:(, the TUl~ldsIl. elq{li~;.l'etlt olf th~ It.o'n C-'~_ ~ It,·a.s widely a~ .. -arld:d tl)

;:"- . '.'"' . :a' ttoOp-'~! rv~'· in tlll_' -. '·-ar Ea,,·t~ 'atld tIl'

Ttl. "'kish gOi\~eIn]_:le.nt ill '.ac· c_)ottacte·d'ht,ee· ~:,e-rlin fl'·InS, B()etger' God'iet alld Wa~tler tOI Inal111iact'llr: . tll~' ~~rard or! its b·ehalf. A blllttotihOll; r 'bl)otJ in r,. Id! and ·white.~ ·.::,inlila·r in ,c1ntlgtulltit)11 to tl1at ,Of tll.·.~J 191/: IfOtl Ct10s . "W~t:· ,autboris'-"( for ll'e ill tll..:< Ii -1

311'-', '" ·.a·~ ~tlS() fi1ad" in '. ernl_ftny~ "nl' Tllfki.~,hWar D1ec; :·It' .. ti()~ .' 'C'Oll d reguJaci,· be'.1 'ee'n 011 tll.·. unllorm."' of SC:111I01'" Weh'r171l&llctl" offlcers· ctltu1g the .Secol1d Wot~ld War. ll'cing V\ro.rn bt:lloV+,T t11.', G'I.'rl11an Cross or ·.~_·palli- . .11 CtQS5 ·'f tllese w .. II' als~] ,eld~


Oth __ "t f()teign, awards bestowed LIP·On German fbtte~~ during the Second WOrld, War included the Slovakian W~lr ~Vtc~pry Cross, tile; Order 0 ,- the Sta-r.' of Romanla, the 8,.lIlgari:an IVIUitary Order.fo - Brave ry ill Wa:r; tlltf~'pani:s.11 War Cross, the Hungarian

SlBn'-:-1I'illm' .- L- au dis M" e .(]o-;lol 1i'1-'],~ Fuo;_""'l1'-'l'~~l]- 'O''''''-r~A,;ll1I;'--~ of'th e Cross

I.. ~b'"' _11,,;,1l. ;, _'-'lo:, 'u ~ , .. '. ~',' J1fU" '" . '""" . ',. , ' .. 1. ('J" . - . ' i liLl ", ,'" ' '" 'b,;f,. ,~.;::]I:

of Libertv and the AZad: Hind deeoration of" the Free:

,~ - . . - -- _.. -

Ind ~!I'l" ,- , p>"'- . . ~ ... ''':. .. -. . l' G:- _.' ':-, "- "- ... .: ,':-' - c.'. nt Sort -~ of t-'I~ . ~-, ,=- ;.. -

I,ta]}, -1. QV1SllOIla.lL, ' .IQVer.rlDl,en ~ CJ ·.me .. 11 . ileaC we:re

.... . - - - -, ._ - - - - - - _. . ... ~ .. - - ,

"m' : - . 'a' d e II~ ,-", G:"-'- 'e'r-']-](l' ·an-· "l.r an" . d"" A' il' stria '11""'.T I?< stabli sh ed C n,m'- '.,

::;_"~~_ '. )-_ .• ~.( " ': -" ,1_ _ 'J ,_...' - -'r ILJ __ U;t; !JJ ~~~ "..u·~ .: I_ ,w"" =

panics like ,J~ln,cker' and .. Souval, while ethers were produced by authe rised InlllS based in tile countries concerned, for example Kraus of' Zagreb In Croatia. German racial comnnmities outside the Relch, and collaborarforiist p,~:rtJe c_' in OCClJ,p'· ed Europe, also had their own plethora of pseudo Nazi medal '~, and badges, a few ~Qf' which occa,Sl~(lnauy appeared on Rl?b2 trtlrJc12t/t uniferms. -, 05t notable was the Belgian Rexist Decoration, W:Or11. unoffldally by Walloo,-n volunteers .in the German A_j~'my from 1,(l·41 and ap mroved l1Yc,,,, I~ itler 'at the end of

;J!" - ~ "JI:. - _. •


R'"'11I~ka!b.lf; foreign volunteers in the 1;17'0;61'- 11:' ach"t were permrrred to conth Xl.e ·to, sport deeorati 1'0. ·,,·.i'n-;14 th ~'y-.. h- a" ,;;1' "!F.'I"~~O·~-· n rn ,'"S');,I'l"Y" y' " ears befo I""'e- _ I even - if"i:: :['-1.1, e'

, (;:,. ~.' ,U '1'(\1" - . c&.:I. .s '. ~t:1; - .. CI ,- L:]J .,1., . .,. t.:..;:.'V' 'I..;.;. " " ... l.,

regimes which 11~_d bestowed them had been, enemie -~ 10,( Germany .1 t the tirne] For ~~'~l~:q:ple.- a number 0' .Prenchrm .n serving will), the N~zi EOTICe. "

in Russia wore m;,ee{:als the)r had earned lolling-

~ ,

,~ertn~ans IQ11 tbtc Westl"-~11 front ill 19114'~1·S~ This

apparent anomaly was tn fact a deltberate pollcy, mtended to cultivate the lc?y:alty of~ soldiers in the conquered tie' =--ltlo rles,

~fb,e Q,ffi.ci,al. lorcl.e:r of' p.recled'e,nce of staD, d" a rid, 'Tlilild Reietl ritilita,ry d"e,oot.atiQ~s :is givell belQ'w., In, :reaIity;, ce'rtain aw,ards w'el~e 11::31~'le_r ilpo Will t]liO :O.ttlel~S'

technically senior to them. For ~alnpJe,~ numbered

b id - . - - t d 1- - d acr:

war .~ Jt:~ge;s represen e,'~ . ong an~._ active service .ar

the &"0'11t 'wl1'icll had usually " xsultcd ill, all earlier award (l~ a.t Ieast the Iron 'C.fOS'S Ist Class, JT".lle

S-'" . - .. ~ '1. 'C-:'; Iii .• , . h,..,· _. _" ~ .". 1";:k d"l-' , "':-1' .. ed - -" 'b"

;~·l~·am~SJ;l· .ross atb~t)· "ll11J:IJ;OULit'C-=·. V aeservec ,'lo->e

~. .

:1-' ." h -. <!!l '.' - th ""'" ,.:", ._.- 1-"· "'I'W:"i·~''!l· .. - d .. ,~, ., ,'.. ti - -.- . , J -" ,.--,

.l.l.,g, _ -ell: l111: " re sea .e, "V'(:iiRlL tune '- ieeora .. ions, Or

[(T'i~g~'f()'~file~1.~, :alway:"-; took precedence over peace-

.. d'

time awarns,

- ~ - ~..,...

1. G--r~~nd! C'r' lS.~ of the IrPu, t,tQ.$:~

2',. ~]ight~5~ 'CI~O',S:~' of the Iro'11 Cross with O'aJc1lea~l!S

and Iu~lle' additions

3,~ i3Dlden Ki:li,ghr,s Cross nf-tille,'War M'e:rii Cross 4~ Kn ight's Cross of the Iron Cross

i~ Knight s Cress of.the W~r Merjt t;~Q~

,.£..,. G-' ~- -:-m-:" '"'],0 c· ···'r"",A~'£: u .. ~ ; iZUL ' ' .. ~~~t:J.

. __ . ... -......... . .....

7'~ a ',:-nO'll[' ,a:',ll Clasps

$~ Fulqrer ~'oimn~ I1dmt.1l,(n'11' 'C-ertilllcat_

9,., l~\~ftwa1!fJJ' Hn,nOUI Goblet and Salver

'~ .j ~~~;/l ,

1 b .' I ron Cross st Class

. - ~

n. Wal~ Me~ri:t Cross Lst C' ~s


12'" 1[011 CC~~:fi' -2nd, Class

l,j) ;, Combat clasps

l4~ Numbered war 11!adges 15~ Wotl11d D.:atlg,es,

G,. Tan ..... Destruction Badge 1 7 ~, . :D1l1]- lb,e~,d. war badges

1 ,8". Ctlml~jaign ~111,eld'~ ,1U1~d cuff ti·t]les. 19~ war MeritCross 2n!:_ Class.

Z'Q rJ~ .. tv,(jr/k' Decors 'tiD!],


Bastern Pront ,Me'da] War M,e~it. Medal

C-" .. ''''~' " .. e 'H-" . '" - ]- fl'l i_ 1--0 _ D.@SS QL .. Q,oiOut). c '2' :zt ...... , '~'

-","1 -, -_"'&'" S"'" -'1''''lI 'n ish C ross

~ ~ ~ ~;sI~~, ~- ,~ ,~ 01",' J. W~~Jh~

~ [) . Q1Ltali.tlc~ti@n- batt~ge'$e 2~6iLrnng=s;el-vice awards

27" (}rJm:m,e,_Ilora.ti'~e medals 28. West Wal- ~tBa,,~)_

29 ~ FO're:'~gn Id,e,c~,)'rIJti€ln5





. .

1 • .- •

. . " ! .:

" . ," 1." .'

.... " .... I. _. _-

I .. .' _ _ _

1 '1

- _ .. r. v···· .. ···.·,'._. ~.

•. , I • ,





, , . .______...,-'-""

, hile the P fl __ nnial interest 111 ~": azi in'. dals and ct .. corarions undoubtedly focuses on C:' ,-- bat honours, . he Thtrd R Ich also

boasted exrensiv ~-I, ction of non-mtlitary awards which can be clearly divi ded into two] dis

, ~] act ero mpi ags p~" ditica a" n d civ Il Po .'il_!;·] '!IIh' Co. -'I~I' '·-e:-[ of

,,'!o.;,.1 __ ~~""" t ',",.' ,,1. .. :,",;", .. _,' .. ' .. ' ~.' '"'. ". \.....} '-: '" '~;, Ul - _ - ,'. ,~ ... : 1 •• ·._

consis :·nc'~·~fcc~lese I. roup's 1:- a ,aill.e~5t

r. . I

, ove. ""t'e1 ~ cparately · ... 11, .1, chronologically. I ewever, it

should be borne in mind that as Nazi Germarrv


developed 'J:. Par' and the St __ t~' became inextrl-

cably enrar gled, amply d,. m.O·1 strated by tile adoption of ·'-1' 'N.···.VAP swastika 1)1 3J:1ll I" r as the c .ountry's national ,£1: ',~~: In So,-, '1)'-> . aoer 9.3,5 ~ 8y" tile time t1l.-. Seco .. ~ World, War broke .. .ut the distmct ton

be' ~'t'·W.··-'··e·jg;"'lll Pa r . and ::ta.· t e'-' II:}': a d. a '1[1 b:'-' '1" '. ~l'" sa .p:. pear -' rec · ... -H'1· 'd'"

" .. ' .. \...0.1 .. IjI, .. IILl.c U·. _~ . .:_. __ .__ .,_1 .. 11;", "j "L~. . .. , ...• l€i . ".

- ~ ,

tile design and bestowal of natio - at decorations

reflec eLI th: I. ituation.

11.1 , 1.9 '-,9 .: JRH~~Ri "',ARTY D':' , B,.',G

TIJ': firs political decoration tOI e create Id by Hitler w'~ .~S itl' titured on 15 A igust ,92'9" to corm ae 111 0 rate'

the For rth Party Rallv 11,-_1(1~,,t Nurembe _lg ·Ql1 1-'

All~llst hat re·at"~ this ally' w~ s '. '_.' far t- i:. .largest .a III 111.08t sp. ctacular to tate, wnhover eo.ooo par ict .. pants. and ~_S well . S taking place on the tenth anniversary of the found .. arion of tile NSDAP' it wa I the occasion of strec b: nlcs with Communists, th,e'

consecration of nty-four new · .. :,_urn1.~1:J·eiljl ,f.g·

(SA)-:.·a .' ',i .ards, a nd a, patriot! .. - c ... remOllY ill re'rrlierubrancc of the G··- rman dead of the First Worl.d W:a.[~ More Imp- rtantly. it marked It t '_I ning point in the f9'1'tUl1Ie:_' 0- he Nazi party; which hat _ be'~: n smashed at tile IJ'IO.U.s th, pn viou , year rut now began to ..p,l7"'II']-P t1;e·· backing of big business The 10'1"0

[ ~~lL! ~ ,1" _. I~'. '_:__' - -I" ~.: • "~,. • ••.• " " ~"I·. !I! .~. ;;t'~7'

Nurember Party ; '.-~Y7~·;(.,._"·'ewal. rnanufactu ed by : e ··di - and EIoffs: - ~' .. .er ofBonn and c:oul: h,e WOO1l)},

'all those who had attended the even ~ Its central

I -. -

93~ Naz« pa-nty ,a·~ cards:

Prom left -0 1r1gh,:tm·'

- 'be 1.92fJ' Nuremi» l'g P:t:trty' Day B'ad~ .',~ Tb, - Brunst 'ie·.· Rall» H,·age·-: a-~'r "'.' t11ra p-"


-·,:11' red iron ~

'The Bt,'tt,nstrick .R;allj - .Ba(tg~., tater ,.I~ :0.1 pette: Jl in

"f4'·i' .... L sl situen "'-;f.r .. C""f' .' ,..:,-t ~ _ . ,Vi~.1 ~


1_ ,.

Ml~D': '~, r« ls·A.1 D r~IE·l·O·,T)·~ ,Y-·I· ~TQ,. r ....... 1'1-1'] .'.Jl- _)~', . f .... ,E·-; Til \11 ":. xrv

..I j-"'l L.~ LL.o-l.l'1. LV -. '." {LV""\. 'I. [~" . 11. _.U '-.- ....... ' ~J ---!iU~ .Jl 1'\1 1

94~ ~A~ Sturmfiihrer Borst lVe~~sel t ~ "eQ/I~tnig tbe IJj)~'J) Nu» .e111"'b'er;·9 Pl4 ~~M) _Da'1~ B'adg'lQ ." Sh'OT tJ_' aft ter -'I(J'e rall~"~1

10- ~J :.T-. . ! I."

TUx.·'J'Zt11'-il.t/O-'I)'o·a~, ,'). . ,':~ essel uras: shot tl',1'O~I:r;;b tbe

~. J!.. 0

lfJl~(}~u-tI,' b'JI. Commsaust» :a. teu montbslater: a}zd li"i,fJCl of

~ J~' -

his' .U_ '0 unds on . :"/'4°:'~1" t/f;tt!r'V I:' ·~·!O·· .. e. . inst. ntlv

. __ '" _ I .. ~_ .. -III' #'_J'i~D. ~;F ....... _._~ _ - .. ~ ~~.

became IG·'V:t/;zi mart. : 1:,~' lelfJUl: a mas cb i1.1/b,' slol~g l· ',e /{J6t61'

. ! . ,- '1 -1';)...., ~" ·,·t, .. A vn A· "'" ·t,1. ,', ~ n 't. . '. ,~."'-¥ . i" /-'1:nlgi N"'·, '0" .A l~

'C 0 m!V O~f)e,el;' l".lras ,r;£W·oj_.;· .e'I, tl5., . i1.~e I .' n~,· !'J. .. '~'1' iO,]' 11,1,1:,1[. ~ ,

d -i> .• ' 'hi' d N··!Ii ~ f " ,., lal G"'l I.r'

csian ~ eatureu a.rxaziw rsion 0 .tneampenar o. wae

clZ·. Korp« helmet, which had belen sket .. ~ ned by - - .itl· r . :,'_,ven yea.rs earlier in .! ,.··e M1Jn~c'. 1 W·:.· rkshon

~ ~

····t'- 'O'i:--* . GC-', ]. ',n. n·:'I. ,1, .. ' 'to I" ,I "~L ,., plan .-- ; ·1 .~ .'. . ..

f) ·._·~L:l:'O:., anr; 1· ne me nan neen " anneo .1,O,r lise'

b'· i\TS··-Ifl,A, D·,t· .. rda rd 1...... . '-'1' b t ,. " .. :.,., -I' , : d-

. 1 ~·"f~ .. 1L.J1:tr S :an'l .:. -l) .- a ers tIl was never p. a~ ;:

,~" .J t . .... p -;- d , ",t··~ .. -. n' W··: -'hil"" -. H'" tle '-' .. o· .. 'e' th . ,. r- I gl ..... ""if!:·" d

lll1.[O .,r,o- U( _1[0 . ,... ..... .1. e Jll:_J1'-b an a. 01_. t. C

'day badge this award was late' viewed wit -111~,oh

t,c'gar,d ~····d '. ~·lIS a favOl' "'it:· ·~~'·th lna11Y tYSDAP Ie-d.d. rs~ A lat'g[er versi;-ll in the' Ie:rm ,··.·f~ a. p]aqlle' w··,·s,

P· I' '-e' s~ni . -t-e' a- ~ "'31 ~P(·c·1·"a·'·[ "~ n'Fli:re:' ['IIi'''''' '0': t· '-l,'Ase ... ··1-1'0, . .': hi "'''1- ("'i

.. "'-..,.'._'l..i.:... _ iI-'_D ,,1t;.:J . c· . ~J\l.'!r:_,..I. .. ..... .U~·, . ,"._~._


be,en g1.1es1tS o,f IlortC)Ul"" at the l~a]ly,!.



The .secone - -old ~ st plal~ _~. award was .. ~inlilaI~ ttl nature

and commemorated participation in the SL4 rally a:

B unswick on 17-},> October, 1:E>31,~ This event to .l~ plac .. Int ae wake of a failed anti-Hitler revolt by the [10_ t 1 G . rrnanSd and, being held sig iflcantly in the

n'o· ,'. 1··1""':1 heart and I In-;- ' .. 1'iI"I!I,,,,,,p,d" the .. rational uniftc .. "a· tion

_ I,' '~ . -1. _ .. [ I L.da.,L . I • ~. ," - ".I.A,~, .... - \t.',J....[c ' ... ' 1,ll1.l - ~. _' . -

of the . arious brownshi .. ~ organisations W lOS:E' poverty-st icken fa ak 'and file members w-ere' at Iast persuaded to give their . support to the bourgeoi: I party lea. ershi .... e., Mt ' .. lch. Th loyalty ofthe Nazi

paramilitary forces 'tOI Hitler alone, rather tr '11] to

. .

10. :··1.L5A CO"IJ1D],Jlde('::~ was " .. ~ .... lly.' s· ahlished TI' r the

.first time across the entire C'Olllltry" Another twentyfOUJ"" new SA r·· giments Were' sworn in at tbe 11l.l1,)~! and the' 21foto,~SA 'and NSKK were ·aI~Q set IIp,. 'Two, Na.zis were killed and fifty wounded in fighting with

~tJollti'~aJ opponents during the e vent, Th ~ Brunswick Rally Badge was, manufactured in two distinct versions .oundand oval -and was normally hollow-backed. Its main prodr cer was F:.'W. Assmann & S611fle of Ludenscheid;

T', " C,lO.BrlT~G BAl)(~~

On lk) October 1932 Hitler rath .. r belatedly msti~ tuted the' Cob Jl~g Bac ~e' fit .. · wes r byvetie·rfl.US of "he

.so .. called 'Battle o,f Cobun .. c. ten years earlie ~~_ when 80: .... I' -; xis almo sr the entire pat1:y .3.. that time had

defeated the- local Communists in street : 19l1ting which carne to be recognised aSI tne firs decisive

vic ory of the J,VSVAE TIll. badge '\VaS ~ 9:ait1.·· lesig rec

--=t._.._,_ _CIII:..:a:'w· ....... ' red

on the off cial parry award list as recipients ~ ,Am OlD 'th es _ were the' most senior of tile Old G aard, tnclud

ing M:' ax :A '~l~m, "1 lLiIre,:I ..... ' ~ = :~.I ._ 'I" ·sc.,,~.· ;r-:' "'a···· 1"1.[(:1 .,t lfred

~J1.. . . _.; - ~'"LL.lJLd_;.. , JLJl!I. _, ~"-".' .~, ._.L, c ~ , ,['Ull . .:.._

Rosenberg. Until 193-8, the- si DIJle .bronze C:!Obtlf:':,

.·,a~g~ r rani ked as the lug aest ,N.D:tlP' d .. coration, slnce 'the holders were regarded as having been largely r . sponsibf for the i rirth < •... fthe 'N'~'_~: .:~ i no . '. ~

rnent ..

T· '1" -. ::P-:Q '. . -t» A'N-" -N' B' ~ .. 'A. Inl(;;;-"'E'

, ,J '..1... ... : U.(:1... ... . .'~_". L

Tf .. ·, year :9·':"·2 also saw he institution by Karl Brnst

C- ornm .. 7 a: 'n;II" e' "r'-' :. "",,"' t~.A;r-.4NI1 1) tie B·' _:" 'e-r~~l'- ,··:!i~~-.B· .' . J~n' · .. ·~e'''tJ :"~IIf;iiU ·f

u.J ... · ... ~ < • .:.;_ .• . J.. Lli""L UI' IIftl~J'IY . .: _, Iif;. ~. U . '·I!,r:.; l-:.-:vl 0 ;-

a b,a,( .. 8.e: tot .. ·ear ... y fOI"tner melTI,b·. l~~; of tIl.:.'. F'I~O'_' ',,_ b(;l'tJ1,,_ 1()r,ganiS'~ltiOl1..", .. ::.·i1icl·. h"_;_d e'· ,i'·ted dltr'·~I' -"g.

,~924 ,abo a. ,~llbstitllt. for the tlJen 'ball1.:d S_ll. Th_

9[/' 1 .~ ·aq(l:Jtf/:,rt]· auiards.

l:'~,,'J . -" t· - rh T' ,- bott: ,,-- lnfl" . - ~W.Lt.i

J i;," '0 m . "(~jr;. ,,0, t!J.·· . It, M.', . 'fI1- f,it.::·".· I' ~ it} r~·5':::J·.' ~

11;)6 ,C()Q"'t'rg ,B[,((l4ge;~

Tbe Standard J [·23 GaLL Ba"tlge':'

-rtu ~r,t.·n., ., ( u - ~1'

,1' I~ e i i:J:U'Y:lng-z:a '· .. ·1au ",(>l£~g,-'J:'

r-r,l" .' - .. ' ',.~rI-n: . IG"'~"'a' B~'~ ,~li_tJie" J' '!I" ."'_' nte ~ i.,. f .1A '-.~ r"l~ .. ,; .. ' ~b'" ~'i.

I. L'.~ .. ' a,fdt~: 1, .•. ' l], ., ~jtuo' ,'1, -' en,· e[~J 'l''l ~JQI,t;f> '_ 0 'rJ,Q,re: tIJ.· v:·

bad joined tb' :' 'NSD1\P ,belore' 9i Nouember 19 < . a>Jil in,

, "1- :1;' :l. J.' -A' b ",I

[ Z . 'e, .' to t/~ 'olSle :Vil10' ' .. saa ,eCOI~ne memoers bettueen.

Pebruari: 19:.~5 tiJ1d Dctol» '1' 192'.-'·

Tbe Ostban touer Gall J1[~'4bre, far tbos [local N,~~ ... :j

Pn~~'i" ~ statu 'fl,''js.r.l-t:''" J',.J '1:~7'f'L: mem ~;"[,i9'Ni~'.f~ f.fi .. 'JII"lVMIb',L'J1'!"" betou.

loi!r,IJ, ~J'r .i.:'J'f!~"'&~~. ·WJ,. ~,~')I. [41 L~I'll'3 T."". ~ ,. .@~·t, ~jh' Y '" W~Jt~fJ ' ~, ",.I -. _- I .tJL


F11- . tb, ~n Badge cc mprising a swastika a s '[cel helmet the Opfer-Rune of self-sacrtfic and r ae motto Wtr wolle11 ,~/trel 'tl)!erd:e·, t. (We' want ·to be

ree'), ;··as rnanufactured inlimi .. : d number. ·ljy'~ILd Meybau .. r ofBerlin.Howeve -, it was ne . '. T' offlcia y approved 'b'~r Hitler' an- "~ it·~ use was sitb:·~ equently prohibite d. Ernst alone issued citations for tile ba .-.~~ wine} he called the' l~r(~ti·fl·i:".',.s"aftel':'·lte'

- .

,Kit·1npje,- :r 'Old Ca npaigners' Commemorative


GI4TJ BAr)J~:_': _" 9,-':J

Ir - '9 ~I,3,~ the uniform of the AlSDAP political leadership was - adon fed, with ,Pll~ol'er rank il si,gr ~"I, '. or the first time and with thls, developnrent came a flurry of accompanytng decorations to- eward cttve P ;:[a! .. :.

-[ .;I' .' •

veterans whose effc [1"" - ~ during the Ka1nl)J~e:Jt; .or

tune' :of struggle, had culminated in the Nazi assurnpt'~· . -', o ~ 1='·)W~l~~ The basic political leader' - uniform dated from 11:. Battle I. ' '-' C,:: ,Dur _c: a 1" had be ... ' n in ~ti-'

gated S'O as to' t~·. inforce the nilitary ~-:, ature of th .. -NSDAP 31t(] draw a clear disrlnction between -'1Js. hierarchy and th .. '~iv:__ 'ooltttctans of tne p eriod No (; tl 11 .. , 0 N·· k Ill I ' '1 dO'; 000'

tewer= t laD g.'.' 'r'.. _ .....••.. ilZ.L·· were' i. ,1 ec atl( ·i·.',.' - .'.[:.:,' .:_c'.

e .' • _. .

wounded during st "eet flg1~~ill.g between 192[-,3 .and

1933~ and so Hitler; the ex-soldier, considered it OD--Y natural '[ ,j: . t 1]1.' old, c~ .. rnpaign _f'·', should have their many :. 'ear' .. :..'.- loy ilty acknowledged through rhe creation and .. dtstribution of military- styl '. awards' .. . "hese CaII1C, to be "::-. 1,:>'. - [: -.' 11 o'~ I ~ ally a!_... the civil

war ·badg'e,-,,:'f the N:: V:JP' ~

The first batch ID1~ GaUrEbr~e'tlze'i-l,[en '.1:' R:_.· gional Party Decorations, .appearedln .Iune 1933, and the righr . '0 be stow then W3-' -. est . d in 10';:"'31

Gauteuern. They . ere presented in recognition of outsta :JCIU1g service. normally to the 000 senior M[Y..i::t4P V'- t '1'1,5 in eac 1 <. au. A singh , standardised badge, comprising a wreath of oakleaves enclosina a large bla '.: .. ~ enamel S:W", stik ~- bearir :~~ the date ~ 1923' Or' ~ 1_92:'5'~, depending on WIll eth er tI1e holder

- ad joint J the Nazi ~atty· before "r after it , tern, orarv prohibitiou 1n- S)"2 "" was .awarded by the

.J . . ,

Gauiettern. ,.:' f Bayreuth, Halle-Merseburg, Hessen-


I.,. assau, Magdeburg-An aalt, I.~ Iecklenbura and

Sachsen. It was struck it- ~8'OO;' sil .. er by- the Miuwet ',~ nrm of Rudolf W~icllt - cr & Iangi "1 and W3,S particularly well e, secured. Fritz Sauckel of tho


·T·]]· iu ,",,~ :.-~. ap,o G'" T;. : ,.',1.' eh "-'"'$': ": to .~~, .. : .. ~ -.' 1·· ''', :-. , .. ,", a .. -" " .. ' _··t'. - '. -",. -.,.-:~

.. ·1' 11Jh;~ · .. ·a~ ~.··o·.e . 0 u.eStg~l .11S O·W11. vel.le.tans

1· a.A.-, " ",.1 ,.... .~" ~'8'-' '0'0; '''''''~~l:'~ .. ' -::." ~ l-~'~' :'].- tr ." '"k- . tl . ',. f"':'" '. "11 '.', f

)",~'u,ge~ agarn m : ,,_.',. Sl, ver w arc I.flO,. ". re Il(lTID 0

'a stylised eagle and swastika and the legend Fur

-~--= ~···s.·DAL··· P'Th:"···· 'iTr· .. ,~ The G'''"- '["·"to' . afB d

f1lt";j"j)},"I,1 ,('j, ~, '-' .. ", I,' .,"" . ~ ~.1": -'I' n .. a ~'e' ." /"'f_'J" n·., n.ill~' n " · .... 11 .. - e'" f.·1

_ -f' &~~'I;r .': _." I ~ .•••. l .• • ..... " ~tI~. I~'" [' ~~ ~l _.", ~Ji.. .. " <. :. I;f~~~" ~~" I.).:' 6-,' I~, I '_", ra;. L I.. .1 mj

Robert Wagl1er~ followed suit and distributed Gold and Silver badges bearing a wreathed eagle and swastika over' the words .G,a'L1iI Baden, with.the Silver versicn 'also being produced ill a, smaller brooch form for female recipienu r, Meanwhile. Adolf Wlg;n,er~s, G'(1/14 Mtmchen-Oberbayern was awarding a special badge to survivors of the 192,,3 Munich Putscb. Made Iocally by Deschler, it comprised a

9'Z D« Otto Hr!llt"ftu;tb;; Gauleiter (}J·'Mni,~~Fra~,If;,c:o.fJl'"iCl.'1 :ll1le,Q/I''i'1t~rg tfat3' Co fJ 1.4 ";g ,Bactge (tlncl' St(;J.1rzdtaJ~~t Ga t· Badge· ttl: 1'933 .. l1 dJentisl hj! prqfe'S~-:iiOn I l-Ietl7Tlt"itb·"/i(}'i17.f!!t./ tbe NS,D1\P in 19125: {lInd ~UJQS ~tpP,Oi1tl.t(!(;l Gat -] eiter tbree

J.IB'6l1 s latet: lie lJe'l'tl. that post t;t·ntil' .tbe e"'~d/'f?J~ the Scc'o"la ~V~ortd' "Waf:

b~rOI1Z'e' swastika enclosed by a wreath with, tile motto Und itJr habt dod» ge~si.,~g.t"? meaning I~Tl1e victory' is yours' ,I,

"Yet another variant Gau Badge, approved by Otto Telschow of 0 sthannover . appeared in Jllly .} ,9~,3 ", It


was struck I~ 1 'CTOld,~ Silver and Bronze and featured

a prancing horse over a swastika. Thus within six months of 'the N'3Zis, corning to power, no fewer t11~Ul ten different IGt;fru'~Ebrenze'i>ch'fi!n '13,d been created, raking the various grades into, 'account. M.lreo.~Ter; Ga't'lm~te'r Karl Roever of We·s,er ... Bms awarded a .Shield of' Honour U1 plaque fornt to his veteran ~NSD;AP comrades, 'while in other regions those who had been wounded in 'e~arly street flghtlng received an elaborate certificate, the so-called l1tlren'u~rkl""nde de« NSDM fl;it,~ VentlJun:d,u11;~f!en tn

J~ ~

Kampf. Itt W·· ,-"'31 C'. ~]'P~·'·I"'a,; rent tha t "a'! m n~~.t?r· eas Il J"'li" ¥e,"·"Y-';'Q" ~g .. nis-

J~-~"-t.-.J!.~ _., ", .~" .. !I; . ', .. ~Ul A -.' J "... ",.. '.' ' _.' f.': 'LJ~ ~ . .'. t' ' •. ' I~ • ,f/ .1 .... _. ~ " ~ ~~~

d ~. •

able ferrn of 111S,ilg11:i1l was urgently t'c!q_ uired to dis-

tinguish the Old Guard on a, nationalbasis.


Ot1 13 Octo ber 19'33:, the ad boc 'nature of rewarding the Old· Guard ~S; at least partially resolved when Hitler Introduced the Golder Party


Dec .oration 0:' [ .. ,r~'o··" 'l'A4_'1n fJ .v'~M.O:1.'l~OJ'CJA1Qo1!'''J' de« }\'·7:cn~tip.1

' .. ". .., '__ ~, _,:,~ '" " t:r . ' <f't!:l?'~ ~,~ _c.1~.' .~.)f l=:4 ~.'~. "~"!lJI/r:li "'(;; .1 V\.l'Llh "J

usually referred +o -as the Golden Party Badge, TIle first examples were bestowed on 9N(Jvember 1933. and badges duly went to all these Wll;O·· had given uniuterrupn -(1 service )t;OI the Nazi party since its! reformation ill February 19:25 and who held. member ship numbers "below .100~IOQO,. The very early'


7-, ,~----~~~~~~------------~--------------------------------~~~~------~--~.

NSV'l4_P'" " f Ilocati d rob

• • J • ,.' j!( -, -.' ~ I· '!II " -J ..... I . -. ...... , . I' - i- - - . . -_'. '. I •.... . '_ .• . _'

. . plfactl,ce 0 attocatmg : '. _OJ _01TI IlL], .. ·e 5 to

new recruits .:-01 a~ to make 1.'- party appear larger

d· "" -. -:- '!·t· .'. .n lan'y'" .-- C""Q'" .... , 'b"I:- -=- ed . "'t' I' thr -, ·t' ictions ];311. 1.._ aC"I~ .. : wa: '~, :.' In nnec WI 1 ne restricn .:.1,1. S

0,- active and unbroken member: hip, limited the

I·· .. ecipi .. ents ... toa -0" unl 'd'" '-)1':' 0"0"0- .. il of 'whom -,' ."''; d joined

~\"'rL~' ". J. ..:.'. ~;JI'.' .1., =e-r I. .. , .-.,'- "'U '':'..' l..IJ '. .. ,_ '._ ' ,. , . .:::__ __

I he 'l\l('i:n~A ri befo -r'''' , 'S··· .otern be r 19,+,,0', If a holder sub-

", l"l.J·.L.I~ ·~l" .. -· . '_m " _-~ .... t •• "',' ~,:J. • ~!JJ..- ',' - .:~ ',_.

SI'e qucntly re ~'igtle" from the . ,,··'azipcartY:. he forfeited the right to wear the badge.

Designed by Munich jeweller J(l.~':,ef Fuess. the G', Idene Ebrenxeicben took the form ---f ' .. basic N azi

•• .. L k _ _ •

partymember .• badge 'With, the addition of a white surround solders d . nto a gilded brass backplate w-ith oakleaf border. "he re 1':" se us ually ber the holder's NSDAP' membership number, ~ ie rna, er's

.mark (Deschler or Fuess) and 't11'" Ges.Gescb. patent .P di l,g, (1.' -: ;" gnation ~ A small 11' Ie hrough the bra :"5 backplate Iacilitated the e .. scape of trapped gasses when the two main parts, of the badge were being

sold red 'rq'g': ther, The award .~ am" .. I l~!:~"~",ize"s,

2.5 mm I :_ .. iarneter for wear with :.' ivilian clot aes and

. ' rnm for the Left brca st pocket of military or politleal uniform. '11" ~:i(.) mm badge ~~'I~~ :,U-IPO'-. d tn 11e placed abov .. all other' breast (:1' corations, fJ11t it was 110' always worr as perregulations. Forexample; ·S ... , 01getrg .' 'uppe',ifub;rer' S,epI···· Di· rtricl _ usua 1'1), sported his Goldene Bbrenaetcben on the flap 0" the l'eft pocket ratnei than o: the pocket itself whil .... , :,.' oring often worehis ,11t1. r ttl:. .lron C "0'.'" IS. Class and- NS.·'.-lG,·'rp'ifi'~~·hrer ····.tl(),1f I-lil]nlein sometimes displayed the oadge 01' the right pocket flap", abov 111"'; Blood Order ribbon '.'

For.so: -Ie reason Hitler initially eh .. 'se' not tOI W'" ar the Golden Party Badge himself Tt ~'L~ (lIar simply have b · .. en. due to his inherent dts Iik ' for tile overtly

heatric '-., demonstrated by the .fact that 11e used only very DW of th ~' "a!IY' Ide '.' 'rati01n_, tf) w,'·m c: '- he_ ml.: U,"· do,ub1Je'dly'·'ntitle,d llsuaIly"" .. stric..:~:,! '.): hitntelftq·lli··"§ 19'14 Ir()D, Cro~"'s l'~lt'C-.a,.···-: and WOt:~tl(1 Ba'('-"i in Bi'ack~, Man'. of hi. '0 tIle r' Fir~I[. W;rld Wa~r 'awar:ds, alld NSDAP and 'oreign <!ecOllItion::. "\V". 'r:·· 11'eV1er . '" 0, :,. -d a a:. " ~'7[ start contrast t·: th~, ' 1 e:37\'il·· ,-~ leme,daIle,) ,c'he·st.' '"of IGI5r.rr-g~ MllSS ,lm:~ atld (h'-it like. In anr- e'e'n . lIttler 'at lifi 8t ,d, . ,c~,,(led :-"0 wear the Qa.ldenle Jjh'rei11ZlJ:ch .. J ~lbove' Ius Ir,OI1 CI0S'~,' .: .... 19,:'6, al1.:lilcon.tilll]'ed.·o (t()~O tt--ereafter~

From .ll·I e 19.~···7 tl~e Golde!l Partv Bad'~· e was,

~ J

l.l'E:':e'.\'·I(I.' nt'fl.'1 t-"-· " ::""e·· 11" :t-c·o~ d·', ··~·l··'· '11' o·,rf" ""J! ('lalC) ·:"10. >yx,rn' ',1 j. t'h' c .. '

~ - -~~ • - ',I ~~ .1.:.," .--' .,~ I" " I ~~ _ '. db L.L·. 1'1f~'. . ~li.. ~ ,I.

Pabne tier A.It,· <'11 Garde, which preceded tile 5100 senior party vet .ans on their anmu 1 to .ir of G r .nar y. It . .herebv became t· .. /tallY "e~,re, .... en ." ~tlv:' ', .. f the Old Guard na .;'-.oltl,ally:, a .d superseded the

IG' '~;"I E' 'i"'''1lV04lJ I"jj'~ ic · I:f'i; ., ·"U1' W··- -11"' ch w·· ere , no" 1- "'.:"IIi n 'ueF p" er I-l1~ t~

. ,·If,JI,,iJl.J.--· Ij,' CI' I;;4.lc.. "..: I:"'_ - I';S, :,', ~Jl,. ~. L ". .1.. I - : 'V'c 1- to' L:' ' ;t.. 1

tied 0 be worn with it.

In, ]19'·,8" .. 'a sliaht variatlo '. ot the Goidene

"b1~e.1ff,.2e,i'chlen was Instituted I: 11,'; subsequently

awarde d in small numbers &'0·,-"- 0, 'U' tstanding service

r_ .,', l. ~"" _ . • •. ~~" ~~.- j ~~!. _[_:' ~ . .It . ._ "... . .. _ ,~ __ . _ " '" .. -.', .. ~_ ..

to the Party or State .. regardless . ··.f ·en·. th of N.5DAP mernbershi ,". TIl' ',': -. ':1- rse was identical 110 th~. t at the-veteran 's :b·'ad,.:_'lef but the '~"" verse ':. earured a wider pill and had the mernbe " ship number '1:'<.- laced .'b,y all engraved ve rsion of' Hitler's signat re '0 ' initials and the date of pre'. .entation ~ It was best owed thro lll·~(·ut the war and deserving holden of the. earlier veteran's badge we Ie: ,I Iso e igtble to receive it, For example, SS-·()'be~.r.st~1tulJPe:,r,iful- rer ,"urt Dahn ,ge, head of'the U niformedPolice. r .. eived t111e " ~ andard .... ·:·(Jld:enPa,rty Badge' for .NSn~' p"\ .. ' .. ' ,I'-ra-··, in

l,9~1':, and was awar "_e-l1 th 1- Igher-ranke l· .. ersion . :0 -·-.".'IU·. nanding service cn rvears later Other notable reci oients of- t' 1,,' Gpld( .J1 Party 13a1d>_._ for out stand. in; . service were Generalfe·l'. ··:'n·'~ rscbau

(eitel (15)'·,\9" and, G.,' ossadmira; Donitz :' 194'3)., Th .. ·

lin 1 'h'l !f-, 1 f thi .. J '" - • d ....I

a .' .·CS'IUQWa, 10_';' IS prestigtous a r ar was maae

on 27 April 1945 when Hitler removed his OlWl1

Golden Party Badge, serial no, 1, from his miform

99., . .' .l~e Cioltlle:n ,.~rt) B"'-(l~- - . ..J 0 :r~Jl,l~.~' ,I ~ '·rsl(j,~rg ~.,

De.,scbl'~~r &- ,s(rhlll~ '11Ji~~ e!X:'tt.·;'''jJ,le biea1~S ~,"Jo'.'" 12(),14Ie'r'~'",

NSD···I .~ .~o (I~'j e· (,,.l' M ."OIif;..,.l'i'""fj]" ':. 'n'lll'J' <1'.:1'fl' .f~':~r' - 8: _J' }C'3': .1'5.)~-'~ s··· '#:..-""i'-li't 'P', .. ~·,~t·· ~t'lM'l't';-~1 -I-.·-;i·.o

~ .- .' .~'"'=' ,1 I _. I' r~ l1I'",.. '" ~,f;fI[f;i r . iLlJ ["i' ia'J,V _ .. . - " I!J '. lJ ". j lralII;rJh,ll,' .. ,. ~ 1;">1 ';II I-"'~' t::.I bit ,,' ~I:;.

• I.' • - _

,,~e,t)e~' ~·e'., A, ou.nel ~2, OO._(J G(~,ltl:efl Pa/r'~)J Badges ft' 1i~

Ir,~e 1.~f!1·.· 'In HI" 'e' . 7. .er''ih'fp ~Ll}:e1'e! be:~' tau ",ed u htl,e' the l. '·e" 'i,io n 101' t· .... -tJ. .. ta'#: d=i1' ~ stl!~~'. "ce tVelS' cr.., (.e'1Tl!'d 0 'A/''- 6-, Q: ti", Ie's.


and ga _- e it to Er61/l?t Magda Goebbeh ill '-' he B .. ' rlin bunker .as "a IJf;r'solla] tribute to her Ie yalty, It was by' rhen crumoured that Hitler lad fathered Frau GQ~, 'bbels' s son Helmuth during a Baltic holidav ill 1'93·4, and r luay the. efore be particu arly , '~gnifl: ant

that Magda poisoned herself and her six children

hours after Hitler' suicide on ,'~[O April,

10:': '0':' TVA'l'l. [:' r: ,. tbe Bi d (\.,t ".L

',. W l,_I~IIJ/"1.; i,7_·C,· l/ -,/ar1/J1:'g ,: itj,e n;~.I(_IO~·JJ w.: r in ~tkl.f!.

.pr, - scribe« ~fasl)Yo,t 19:3~~e Note c ls. .. · ,the' ~~5 1(;1.':. Golden

Partv Badg« (J,1 bis .l,~ft'I;a_I)e.l~ P".teTe' ser ved os Hitler $

M'" f- 1., 1 .. 7~' '9-JiZ"J! d 9 " a" _ ntster f . tile ~'_',ti: ~. ~o", netui C"Z 1 I ..• _.:_~',.,. ' -~:~--. £J/l <


tben as Reict» Protector ofBobemia u..,;,t/. A, 'orauia.

FQ~'II/nd gl~,tl.t,· . ~r'll)'j/l· ::-~i1. '<S' ltill _Nzi.jf·f3ftlbe1'''li: hie u PIQ~} /j,Q/f1ged on 16 Oc sober 1914(j~


,A so-called Special Golden p~, 'tty Badge for Foreigners exis S, without the usual inscriptiens : ·l~ oakleaf'bord .. :r' and b ea ring' a facsimile of.Hitler's Ijg'_ nature 10 . the rev rrse. Made in gilded 3110 cnarru lled silver it s r' .puu d '·0 have been pres: .. nted .as a

1 ill· "~I :',1' 0',' in' r'lai ti c· uift - ft·· -=0: 1I~"1' [ ,t: 1 • • '--. p- iibre -- to .'4 ~'~~. d'- 1~ g .. '·'111' ~ tan 1"1'" e' £

. I .... ',., ,~L'~ .. : ~!ll -" .1:. ,. "_ ~ c ' . ~~: I~ r • A;AIC'- .' . -(! . _ ,I -.C' r

Including the Hungarian le,a(t:' r Adtniral . [ .'(j(·tIll)': befc [.~e the advent olf he Order ofthe German Eag e~ However .. hi- seems unlikelv N'O refei .. nee, to such

ill' • -

_. badge has b ',', n found in contemporary literature.

and .110 pr - - '9~'{' .' photog ~'aI) .• S of it .beinz worn have

, .,.:. fl; ,... ' "'--"

ever come to li gh t, It -i probab te that '. hIs insignia is

a postwar I.' I reation, manufactun d during t 1, ." early l,~)6bs when a ,gI'"'eat many 'rare prototype" medals dagge ~, and bad ... ::J~~~1 , wer· . being drea - .. ' 'd 11,1' for the co lleo OT~·',·· mark et. ',. I~ similar vein, ··,'Xi5ti1l~~' solid gold versions of the Gold 11 Party B,ad,~~ - and another variant encrustei with diamonr s and rubi . ··S cannot be . uthentlca ed

On 9 N ov I. rnber '9_.·! - when', yvr;' IS presentir g the first Golden Party Badges Hitlet a'lD'OLU1 ed hts in t·· -Pc' rr I" ,Q··n·· . - 0" , C'· " re at .. ~. ~ n· - E·:- IX, ~~~n '~O;'I --.f.. .. ~ .;;.q~ BT,n:. :'JI"d' ~,II' '.0' . ~vp

. ~ or I . _ -.' .' --J" - "-' ~ l::J,f~" [_("~~I), I~. _l'~~ QI~II[';~ . _ V~ .Ilr.- W· .. Irlril

.9~ Nouember 1923 later known :.8 the' Btutorden. or Blood Order to r -w ard participation tn the a so rive B-'l<O: Hall Putsch ' xactly ten yea r ", eatlter; when he and a', group 'of·· lmost 2,:Q,O':{ followe -:__.; had attempted 'to sJe"Z¢ powe -' from t J:; Bavarian . '0~Vernment in Munich, The ,n .s published refer .. _." -·,to the new .. ' ecoration ,·1···.: -earcd 1[0" l~: March 19,4, and indicatedthai to qualify for a vard a person .. lad, ., 0, have:

• taken part in the i v·_. prof ·'-.~9 NOV~ll b rr 1.'9~.'; I: n the Nazi side; and

, .

• joined t 1~. NIi.Wp1P~, or ~_]1 affllla e." or.t:/ = . !s~·tllo]l,bl)~' 1

Jalllta11t 15'1:.32.,

T:1·e Order took the farm. of ;,1 bask silver meds 1 ch .. emically treate d. ':q < is to produce a tarnished effect. with a).l eagle and 9~·NQ'~·~ ~ . llu~~chen. 19,23 ~,j~J 1011 the :0 b '. ~r ~se'. 'The reverse featu ree : '._

'swastika ,0:. e ' the' Feldbe::'~r11~I"a.lll:?" monument. '1_-'. '.- ,

le -enid Uruiibr habt doci» ,gf}sie',t adopt ,,- d. fr m the earlier MU11ich Gau Badge) 'the i5-~U~ number of the 'award, '3, 99t·~· silver ,:- tamp' 31}[d the designer'. .name ~JIl ~tleSs." Miinche -. _- ~ If, was 'Yt~C)1'11 uniquely

1 01,~ T136' .B.lo"od Orcl.e,; tl-ith its distill ctiue case

'L. .0' -,,' J ~' l1'~iQ .I'll N'- t; 1 c 23 I ,;t'1(

fJA'ea11ng tne 16,(Jgen'r;:r; 'O~fJ' .. ,'0' r emoe« - ,9~; -':., (,(,

. p61/rti:c·2~l.IQ;r· note is tb"O' butto: ~'h- "lrJ' ~rl;ltcl,~d' J1f1;tO tbe ri b bo ,rz.

I (J2~ Tbe r{lve1'~S e '(1J~ a second-pattern Blc) oa 0., ril!f:

Sli)I(Jll~l')i~flg the FleJ,dlh.crrrllballe ~~1:1()n.tfl1q,'8n.t (8"00;r silver 'ttatnp aJfli~ , 162' 7' ~~sstte ntl.1tl.b'e'li~ tl:J'is l~xa:1;11ple uias atlJlil:,.r;/e,1 to .f(trb1~1111laC!s of Itxeboe O?1~ ;": MC/1, , 193"9,

from the button of' the right breast pocket, hanging under the pocket flap on '9. very distinctive red . ribbon with narrow black and 'white borders. The ribbon was stitched clos d and had a buttonhole sewn into the centre at the factory; Conseque ntly, the award's silver susp ensi so. ring head to' be left unsoldered and open so that tile medal could readily be moved l)y the recipient from. one piece of ribbon to .another; in, the event ,gf ribbon damage,

The 11 umbering sequence of earl)' Blood Orders depended InOTe upon !tIle date ofapplic,atioll fOT' the

. '

award than the seniority or actions of tt e recipient.

Wl'lile Himmler . Dierrich .. Graf and Hess ,11Qt surpris ... lllgly received medals with Iow serial numbers ·t5~

1101" 21 and 2:9 respectively), other' nou ble 'frontline" participants ill tile Putsci: were allocated much higher .numbers. Schaub, Schreck and Maurice, th.r example, held Blood Order 'numbers "'916:, 3· 9 and 495, whilejakoh Grimrnlnger successor to 'Ieinric11 Trarnbauer as traditional bearer of' tile Blood' Flag: itself had l~OI be content with serialno. '714.~

ILl November '9~:'1Ii3:"·'7', a special formalised wind-

- ... I , , • _ • •

jacket uniform. based on the hotch-potch of garb V10'l"'11 '})Y the 'Na~rj:- during the 119,20~,~-.! period, was

authorised '[0' be worn, by all holders of the Blood Order when taking part in tile annual Putsch celebrations in MI]11iiCll~ This . ,b. ort-Iived 'uniform fell OU.t of use af er the' outbreak of the Second -'World War.

On. 3dMa·~y 19,:),8 the cenditions for' award of the Blu/;trrd;e·11 were widened, much t() the chagrin ,of Putsch veterans. at the instigation of Retcnsiette« Martin Bormann, WIlO had long coveted the Order; It IC'IQuld, hencefo .th be given also to N$D~P members "Tho hadrendered outstanding services to the party during the'Kan!Wfze'it· notably those who Ita d:

• servedat least a one-year Jail sentence tor political activity

.• beer severely WG'lltlCled in street figllting,

M- ~,-.. 'C_, ' '. --ll ~1iI" rt _.: - .- "" ',' I~ '-.' '-;', ; ···':·h-' ' ", 1'- .st ,t'h' ,~' .. Ii- ", " ',; , .~:--

'uIJeO'17er-: a .. _ ,i"w y mem.L,e·r.s w,·o .,os_ I: ... err .,ves In

the service of the NSTJAP- were' 11()W to be automatIeally awarded tile' BlOOd. Order] retroactive to

1'Sl2~3~ It was therefore posthumously bestowed 1.1.PQll1 :'. orst We,s;Srel~ Hans' Malkowski and other

Nazi 'martyrs'. TIle expanded award criteria fl· ces-

, !Ii - .. ' - d tf , .. ·t rik ;.. . '-f-'"' , ,-' , .-, -, .. "1 I .... 0" 0"" - -- - ... ---~, ~ , ·d· - 1"""

.sitat .~ .. me strucmg 0." arounu ~" ... , new' mer .. .a ~~



f ().~ E ., ~fJ" -·eQ,:t>·' on 9,····A_r,,~'I'-'Je}rl/·~n,. 'the·- boider« .' .. ;~ thl€!.

. ~iil . . ;.Z • • I. , ••.. t. ",I" "". J. .,.. w ~ _ .. ,,!~'. ....,. . . _ k! -e: . iii

Bloot:!'- ,_u-eIF pa4ra/d~~'t1 th1¥~()~gl' Al,u'lttirJh in. soteenn

. on ~ n em I'·" ra: ,iti~' of tbe , 9'- ~3 Putseh, Tbis·lJt,Crt,ute-. 'cla",- 'J trom. 1'~" . ,'1\' 'SkJiQ' :-. S" H" 'l·"'<J' a .. ·Ffi'1·6Ji;: bis do isest

_ _;JI_ r~ __ J',. J,'I, .. _ t -f1 ~"-=' ~" 'iii' ,"",' .~~ ~ , _I' I f '''I': _. ". ~ ',' ," ~.:_

'associates abo ~/,t to Ilead' .tb"'·' pr -·;'Ges,sto.n.


'disringuislu "d bythe absence of tho, Fuess n ,; rk and

; rnoditlcation in silver content to the more durable ~6 ·,10' standard, 'Severalsenior ~al~1' figures, includmg Bormam hims elf q"LJ~ lifled for tt .'. :' .. ,:,·d· Order a, :'1 re sult ofth 19.0::,8 . diet, Bormann _lOW received i ]1- BZ' utorden bee ause he had be en imprisc ':ne"d, durin .. , 19_24F=;lor complicity in tIl" murder IO!' Walth, er Kai low .hts 0 wn l)r - ter schoolteacher, ~1101 had a 11 ,', g,c -dl~,. betrays ,d Albert ,L"' --'0 ',':,'- t;lllag!c'-' er; tne

Na, :z~ I"' 'Jll' -,' a: irtvr' in the -O('llht- -~ il~, '~1I notl .... , ,- ~ "'li mn 'II: 1- ,

(; ,'" .. " ,.II..,) . " . -,-.-1' _ .. t".\;~:t "lLI_",Ul,,· ~At!~ ~~.,- ,

iecurit- Police I_-[ lef D~ trrrst Kaltenbrunner was presen ed with be award 1011·- May 9'2 ,011

- .

.a: count ,of IIi' having b- en .jaille. in 119,3 '1-1 ~·5 .. for

on .anising '111 .. ' then illegal N 321 party itt Atl stria "

Distrihution of the Blutorden W'3:- carefully cout olled J» . tlu 'Office of 19~tll November', a

body : et up under th dir ction of Chru uian, W . ,;el~ helde I lof- D;]oo·- Order No. ,84, to 1-:01]after the '-~'~"" lfar .. o: the' Old Guard and to '.r'r,' ruse .and () ~er_·'ee their anniven ary gatherings at the MllIDCh j3ii.rgrJrb,i.,o.ukelZ,er. Felil/fJI~1~rrzlpra,ll~ "and

Vht -, ~;.,·;e:,hl,ri"'~ 10'. \] .. #ZI< O"I~" t h-: e'··· most ho 11-'~lUl -~e'- d g' u ; etc a,I't

_-'-'J~~I I~L' ,._~.~. ,~.J~.iIi ," _' - 1 • -~ ~., .' _. ~ i'~ '" 6 _ .' _ "".:, -,', . _ . ..--; u .' '_Ii..-:;J.!:D ... -

, '

these functien was Elenore Baur alS10 known a"

Sf, - er Pia a, Nazi ~11U:-~S'-" ~110 had t· mded tne

wounded d_, ring the Puts ch and 'who was one of only a handful of fe nale recipien S' 0" the :6100(1, -. ':rl - er; It is. not: worthy and, 'perhaps Ironrc tha

.~ .. ~ ·'''ell ordinary Pltf.' members, Including' '3Jrl :wer {I' ,'ln~'~ "::',). Maria Hinle, 'WJ1.,:,···· were kill- ,f) by the: \LOStl'·-

ce: ISful. bomb att mpt or Hitler's life during the bee, ~ c It -: reunto ~ qD;~ November ! 9: 9.~ each received '-1 Biutorden p'J'~I~JlIJ1I)~:lu~,1y.~ ~·all.,. 6 posthu-

mous awards were made, the Jasr being to ~_-,$.~ ,(J"9re:~gruppl ··T1:fi~i.liJfie,~ Refnhard H ,"ydridl ia june

l-l) ,~

7) I ...... ii

TIle Bluto ~d.en·til;~' Nj7JM was steeped in a deliberately cultivated my~~ 'ique wl1t .h.msdc it the .111()~:t t -v' red d ... coration ofthe Nazi party.It was proudh borne on every PQSI~"bl. .occasionby its, '·,;,.O',·'.I:or ._-101 "-~ .cipie ats ,~' 'hi" ,:CU""·O~'· [tt' ler rypieall ... .restrici d - ,- ·e_;.

.... ·-~"'.';.EI,"!3' " 1·,1,_,., ,.:.1 .. 1Jr,~_~ ,', "']II'.~lau., 1, .. ,-." _' '_' '_ '-,'"

u se .(}Jf' hts own award serial 11'0. 1 '·'i.,. tile annual

Putsch celebn rions. Tlu - if' -. ~a' rlv recogr isable Blood Order ribbon a Iength lof".t_"ch was always worn doubly furled around tile' '.~lap 0: the righ __ pc eket Instead of on tbf - usual ribbon bar,

aec me a stat .IS '.yr ·!~JJ,o·1 i1_1- the Third R . lch ar d. gu' 1~-' ant ed tile' w earer special privileges, 'when ver h'"



· ~

t '~b rr :

CDenlll !l ,0 ~nL n1 -It If : ~ n rr, ~u r~ b~ a f[:r~('i u n~' ,~ I~ C! U 'Ulnm _f .

'ill:tl,gehih:i ,~r ri nrr ~.' . t t~i~11i b~ .1J1l~~ f I?i I : (eJL .=::, ~U~. ,i ~t :Sl~~lln U~! f nt, ~:Ul unu.

I 11 - bh;) .

Ze. ·1~1:f111.e;)~"~' ;:1'111"1 >: .. I.S:l!I~ .. J '1"J u i/~liL.l,t('!IU- ",p;t'Zi'l-1e- do, "fl" or tne 8'" lute rde n

I ... ~' ,J;" kll;. .... r. lip i' ~. J~;~. f~ r!f I. j' .' .!l ''_., . I- I;';''t_~ Lrl~ '. . U-.r "lj IIj I , "~,' .,.,.. tJl¥J'·· I' '~. ~ ...,'. ', __

ql uirtu« of l":JtA"" .ICJC'l i1flg been lr.rtp~ is med bet. ~leFJ7 Nouember 19"·· .. 1 e: ,'(./ D,e,' t21X ·l',el 19i3 ·.,fb,r Pt;ll.it'·'ca.l actu nties.

,10411 P,plTowil1g tbepubiieatun« of reuised .. ' ': ·,t,:, ehra tor all a,ttl·o..t:tl,e Blood Orde« on ~)O' 1l1~ l' ,,~'. ::-'.,, neu',{J1

p1~o$p!ecti:rl~ hCJldi' :'·S uiere 1.·eqtti-t~e6'1 tc comptet« a

r.1>1 e -,,~t;1 H"¥i9 aire r.'II"J'rl-1-i.·Jir1il1j g tbeir l"a"'J~4J!Vi' Icr 'J.h.o n"l1.nrJo~"":'" ~~r.:t..tS !..\, bL . ~~ ~ ". . ,1'lr. ,;!I' ,,!C#f,."" i ' I~_.l ,~"";.,f.,I; ;.:;" '" rr..t, . c" -.. '~I:~I .. ~" . ' ; ~ ,1>/,', r l:t 1)1\') l-I:J/~ ,t;-b ~.(: ~,.,.~~ .1... l'o! !(,.!.~i

e ._ ample relates to :$'S- Unter turmfilh rer ,D,· Karl-Hem: __


T,m. H~O,I,,~fIEVR,O'N (JF ~r IE: Orn GIL\RD

10,11:'! F' <, K' 9-""" til HI 110llr Chevron of til' Old I' \.1,3~r(I or B19~.·nwt,~jk'el Jily' Atte f(i"impJer w~ ',~' a tIt 71 ',rll ,:' I lO, ' ,,' ear on I' he upper right arm by a1J members of uniforrned NSDAP I)~I, 'amilltary organisations whoha signed ll-~ prior tOI ,.\,0 ~Janllal1" I Q:'.,."! \Xf1ill 'tJl. 'Cil~V1·ID:J1 was a xi ',!- 'Ie niece i '~it signla

comt risin ': a dow . ward- ~acln,~ silv. r or ~~.~o:l,ld: st !lip" ~,

it w,~" cla: - ed a '""I'n -w3r~ ... ~11 '3'I'n--:' """1('" _ r~: . nte -, ,- I'~'l

. ' .. ,- . a .\~. '.' "iLLl " ,'" , U .. ', " ,.iillL.'-' I '_; ~"';~I, ',!.._, I,. I ~.', I

__ cer ttficare. TIle onour Chevron came te be --egar.:t'd as an ther ~.al.i-·:_' ot '[he die-'"a,-d.· 'azj~ '._ '. en '·1.0l1g h, for example, an l8-year~ol(l SS-I~ crui U1 19-'9' " ould ave - ee ,··11 rt 1.1 to wear it P·'·. urelv

. ~

'011 account of his having i ieen a l'O-,_-e·~-.r-old,

, ':ll h tn

,: , IOli This « 'ttiJlti'( 'jtl e~1 tuied 1101.1- ,'I 'b, _,i'" :. ~ r to toear

l~l.', e ,:','~(J,~YlIO'Ul;o Cbeoron of tbe : _ltl ·G1J.I(;l,?tl z'l'titb bis Watle.11-SS lliJtt~'(J' nz. Scbneider ,?~~'t .,' ,tl'ied:' FOi~ I.h .1/)(. tfl!€,

~1' ~ ~l .I~~ iii/I I~

on acco. ~ s n t ,pllii~' ,00/ :'~'~ .;g be '1t 6fJ. ~ IfJ''&.ltl·lj) l1i!JtJf!Jt be",' (JI~ the

littler Yu usn.


T . ~:-[,' D'El\> ~lr.s HlEA ••. RIx",

Ott I'OA]Jr~' 1:9'3&, Htmmler msrit red the x Death's Head I,,;mg'l:r Tote:n,kopfrtn:g der liS- fa presenta

'- ,

.L····I_·· ... " .I~ I ...

"I ". ·r··.~·· ,- L " · . ,',: I

U - 1· _. _ - ,,1- - '. /"


. ~.


, ,

."_ •• ' - - 1 __ - I ...

.... liii0'... til. :3, I)f, 6. Desember 198. 9- ~) r~~' rr~b'lg fD r 0' i r .. 1' aIr' ftru,f ~ ,S·." 1, Si'


E., Komp&ni,e:


e n - gun g •

B -

.' "I '.'

·9: 9, c

u •.

t.,. U ;fro

naming the recipienr. Qualtflcations for award of file T()t(!;'n:kopiYtng were' gradually extended unril, by' 19:4'3'~ virtually all lofficer~ with over thre years' ce··",rv·: ice and , S:~ S·>·· holders of t:'}'l' ,P, G:: o' sld ~'I:~ Pa(' 'tty' , .. " -,j;~a' Jf:1g" ·e· "

I~.· '.~ ,~l' 'ol, ;~'l_' ",'[, ... ·I··.~,·_ .~ . '~ _'_ .~ ·._···.···~·.:__~AA I, _ ,-,',' U ·.Ul~.·,·····-

~ "

. ;

Coburg Badge 311,d senior military decorarlens were

eliaible tOI fie c eivc it" Award off tile ring I could be

~ I __ '

withdrawn if the' holder was- punished for' contra-

, ~ ~

vention of the es discip line co d·~ p .~ ro ' !11Il' d 14~':: ~O"··,O,

>' '," .. 1.. _ .. _.,. . x- r. . _ ~. '. Is:?"_" .. 1_ •.. : ~ .. ", _' ,ill_l._ . ~ Y" •• lL~ll J"'IJL. _' __ .. ~ _' _ ,-.d:' '_,'

1'"'-1 g .. c, T;'I:Te· .. ·!r" .. ,lf~ Ie: ven ru i!':1111' 'l1J!' awar rd e d with approxirr "}"'2[. rrely

. . tl :,wV'¥ . , .......,.... . .' "i!I, . . J ",'+tv", . -" .'-'~ . . J. In, ... I . . . .'. ~ ... ~, '- E:l _:

'9'7' per cent of them gOiEtg, tOI effieers. Ot11y :)50 or so went 11;0 .... r':, .. ···c·,····· 'O .• s '3' nd around fifty te e nli" i'"'~t'e':d''' men .

1C!'t .v,y '\-..l.IL Ii..:~" ..... , . iii j$. '" __ !R.J... v~, ': ... - ," , - . Q'.. , ."'... .1 ... ~, ~

, ',"

the majority of whom qualifi' ~d as! hnlders lof the

Golden Party Bad 01P

.. .:_. ',-:' ,et._ ,,~ , 11 J;,'- 'o'\".."

107~ The ss Deatb's He'Qtt. RtlJg!, Thi~ ,ei~-a~plte r~OQ*~ p.,liesel{l.ted to SS-H~~,l~.ptstll.rD]~ful·trer Kurt T61:s'cl?,rj'eY 'on' 9 : ~l()vetrJ bee 1 9 4-2,~

tion tOI his own QIId Guard wtth bSS membership numbers below 3~OOO,~ The ring .. which had been distributed by the ,Re,tuitfSif:u'hrer as '3. personal g:'. ift

ii.:";. __ --=- ..... ;.- I .

- _." . ,-",

since 5) November 1,9-3j~ now took on the-status of

3J1 official 55 honour and was presented with la citation. It: comprised 'a massive band of silver oakleaves deeply i rnbossed with :a dearh's head and symbolic runes, and engraved Inside with an inscription

~rHE 'G()LD~EN HtTLEE Yb':. r' 'Fl BAnO-B

TIl-e next political deeoration to' be created was tile Golden Hitler YOllth Badge instituted 0'11 25 june 19?14 'b'y Rel:i:rjh,sifzlfgend!ill!J1liefi, Baldur von S,c 1 irach. o nc e again, it was an award for th,€! Old 'Guard, It took the form of' the normal Hl membership 111sigrlia 'with tile addirion of a wid, gold, border, and W'a5 In .ended to 'be a junior version of tile' Golden Party Badge, Generally known ~l'S tile Hf-

10&, 1\/6I'zt'lla'rtJ! auiards.

From left to ;right. wj} .to: l1_ot;tr)m:

'Fj"'i'-I~",,(}, p1~.A, -, i!"f:1,a~'J rr'}~ f..;} ..... }~ ~1i..j .,'oJ:'-';" D;;('"1 ,,} a!lf'l '. l~ ~y.:;I~: ll.A2.1'l~ti'tt..~· " r;.. ,.1..7; Ii" ilI;£"lO r l; ~-14J;'_I~lr.l D .. :~~~ ,~~ 1

Th'B IG~lilen Ht:tllh-~ ··roUlb Ba'la~,e tl)jtb ()L~l,klealJeS;' Tbe B'ertt,n Gau Ba'd;gt!" p,i·eSt!!l!tl!I(}/ in ,G' · .. l'r2i to tf;l! 30

,/Oif>t.-i1fii/if,/g -members Qf~ tbe capital': branch ~f the" ~~."' .•.• ' ,))J\P' lJ/ucl' t11' Sjlue-1'" tQ- tbe riGS' J3'e~r11n Naeis;

in Cllrl'dt ng 41 ~fe,mtJ les. U "Jjl) ,kJ,cttJl.'j:a l tfUid' the /iai't;)ljJ ri'rir' "1,01 1 ~11AtJrl 192Z~

The East .PrpU'S~if1:a' Gau B(f1afJJtJ,:'

"~ ~

The ,D'f.:",1j~ig~·We,s,tl~'f!li'~~-it1; Gar B'iQt!lge:


... :9

'!\'~iED bt' I n lA" ND' ',' DEC'C""[' lA" TIQD"N' S O"'F' T-IITI E'R~'S'""i' r ('''If X~"h1fV

f\f 4 .. i\' .. ~I . ,'1 \... • '4 ._ l'".;z,~J ;L-:.",'", " .I'_ 'I',' 1.- .... ---1, - ...-i ' ... )._ :;-. I" r ~ .' ~\l"'~:\ i...~.,_·I_.

.J.. -.I.! _ I!"!" ~_I' • -.l'i'l k- .. ~ I.' ".. I .• ~ - '. ~ ':!) 11 __ !!:!I (; - ._. • ._.I. •••• ~. ~ • .: b .~Bi:\ -. ~"1.' ",.~

.. had joined rhe organisation, 01" tts prede Ce'SS(]T the ',.IU/Jll~g~t'tl_'~7}.'t Hitlet~ prior to its first national rally at Potsdam on 2: Q'cic;)ipl_ r 19~,2:,; and

Ii l"a;d: i ": their credit at Ieast fIve ll'e.;ar,5!' se~ic,e wtth J e 11J',',»"~, if r:Jtel' had outgrown ttl1.', wltb, ~ orne other IV:_j)DAP organisation like the £4 or j~~'~

It coulc also be, presentedfor R,O act of special merit within the Hitler YOll,tl1~ It:r¢_~'l)e~t;f.ive of length of

S,PC'·"!T'l'!!' C' ~'p M""· 10\' 'lI""C' 11' 1 "]I'll']' l~' 0- ~'O'~ 0:' HJ' " " ~i V7-~~V"J'"y~ Of'o_';'r =-'~'n'''I(J W' ~ , '~-r'e~' "

,~.l 'tI, , ~,~ ,-". 'dl,' .' , ,"-I.[;J., -'_; " , •. ," ~I:J. J '~f;;f/~ ~ 'f;J ~"t.J r;;;. ,,'C)' r : ~ , '~

issued "311 d they W';ef'e permitted to be worn on ,0)11= it1117 as 'well as pelirical uniforrns. In 193,5" a fa-r hizher arade of the badzc with a border ()fg.-,,'OI_I(1 oak-

1l::J ~ l~.~ -:.

leaves I W'3:S Instituted as a national decoration for

, ,," .ce ,""t~' ,'" ,.,. ,,-,1 -'~" ." 'e t, I the r';;"TJ'tl', ';0 """'t7:':"1 "~'~'" ", '0" """"'--;-e- """'1"

~~' ep lo',na ,S~.~l\TlC~,~' ,,0 -,' ~~ LlL, e-r I.OU"u1 ,fil v~n]" n~ ~

l' --'0 f d t' ,

No more t aan 2;50. 'were ever 'conrerrea. with .recip-

ielj,rs· including such lli;gbJ,y' ,ptalc"e,d mtllvtduals as

1- ,~""" ~ '_, I,.. ' " , LevR - ." - . ".--;- be r"~ "n"~' ITo-: d ''t= T' - >1:~ - l,p ,- , . ard ~,' ~

11ll1lle.c, ,~I\.;;,-J;,'~ J.xos.en,e, g a" U J.I.,. _, (:.::., "l,l;:;, ,av7~,; __ - -


prestige is +ndicated by the fact that it was often

worn above 'the Golden, Parry .' . Badge if that was also

I • . .. - _ ., - ;oi~ - _. ..-

held, A unique version of the Golden Hitler' Youth

B,actg'e ~ltb Oa]d" aves, manufactured hOITI, solid

gold and set with .(liam'Qtl'd:~ and rubtes. was g:"'jfte't!

"'_ ,, __ , '" _ _ _ _ _ ,,_ _', ._" _ s _ '_ _ " r ' ~ ~ , : '. __ ,'

'by tile H] leadership "0_ von Schirach to mark the oc C" P'l sion , of b'::~ 't1;11' ":''T1:~ f"-if~ 'th h rir thday 0"'''1 9" M"J'~i'y' In, "2·

,." : iwll,,~ 1 " , " . JL.l.Jlij JL .I L] ~ , . ,,]L, ,'_ .. ,LIt - . If'L < 7~' ~" ~

b,- " 'h tch ,t-'"~'" '-'":,, ~ '11 . "~, '1 b A .... ,~-" ;;&, '~G- , To" 't .. -', "f:-V"::-'" ,;', ',',

; .... 'W ic n ume ae nac ;"l.;'COIU,,:- \IaN,el~,el1 0, tenna.

GAll BADi(-iES:, 1;93"5-(11

N ,,~rWjtJ1stan,cli'ng t111f: introduetion ()f the 'Golden ,P,at~':y Badge and the Blood Order, 3- .nurnber of IGa,tlleite~'t~n still, felt It necessary '~t() create further Ga/tl.-Jib',yj-rnkeicI18,Jq. to reward their own Old Guard

.. . .. -..-

on a local basis, josef Terboven pr sented decoratioru,: to the N.SDM veterans of Essen duringthe second half of 19,3511t lO commemorate the tenth anniversary ef the founding of the Gau~ Manufactured IJ:y {"QI.ffiitattc'r 'of' Borm, the Gau E'~s- Bcad,g,:, , too:' tIl, form of a sword and '-, o crossed hammers bearing -' ae dates b t912,'5 ~ and

19j5'~ ~,'and it wasbestowed it b,;aJ).'fn~~l<bd"SilVler and Silver-gilt grades depending U,P011 extent of service. Three badges in 9,~ carat gold were given to Hitler; IGl)rlll~g and Dr Robert Ley; It i~, worrhy (If note that larg , quantiti S ofa gjld- d aluminium "Vi-l~~sion 'o.f th," G"llzf. ~'sse'tl Baog,e '~"ere p'rl('J4.:u,~e.;d a11d 's!oJd ,as ~iml)le

commer oratives ar the tenth anniversary rally~, These are often ccnfused Wit]· the-awards pro'VI'er., WL O ctob let 19316 the GtJtlll!:ite'r' of Berlin, ~Josef Goebbels, . ollowed suit 'ijy coiitractlng Lauer Q,f Nuremberg to produce the GaU)--Eh:1*eJ1-:JeiciiJen

B P,' (""11:' n 1i n :S,~',' l"'JV" 'e, . .,~ ~1I '~""I d G'''''' 0' ,1,d: Th ,~' G; i It:"" ld '. : cla ss 'YS:T"J_

IL..!.... ··1 I I..t I .• " •. " . ~ la,.1--'. .' '.' 1, -. . l:IL~;. ". -," ~.-J~".. ~, ~L. ..,,~ ~Il; I

. _. - - - -. .....

l"\ se rved tb' the foundmg members ef the capital ':5;

1,09~ lfjh,Clll~ft.les' fi~f~FJ~e,l'Cf', n.:(/.~,' ,nf" tbe N~, ",-F_~~t;tor1l

Jl. 0 J~' lllj' IJ1,.t

zl)f}irke,fS i, f)~ga,ni:sa tio,n' -, tn btJs J,tlj~forJ" ,~-, Q/£ 19'Q,f"1-()}! 'ti'1~J" 'ss=,

B,[4,~(Ie111ihr'er~ _,--9Ij4~ Tbe Berlin Ga\l, B'61J,d:ge t'n ~',~i.l:velJ is ioorn '·N1~D"'IJ~lne','1 tIt, Q,toll1:.,(isii.te" th "'! Gold€~1r Party Baai:te:.

!:._,~ ~~ -:a ~ Iii;- • 10

Ali j:" # '" ""'~ 'r ;O;".J +L ,I' V','" "l;:;J~ M' "oJ' C l' oJ

f;l'$.rJ' IQj note is toe J:&I,;'f, (;..I::I~a;i~~ nt;~l~'e', s rt,ar' ,~er:r,~~ t.ross , 'S,~~

CliftKS is' Wt:tl3out S'Zl ords- w:hile ,hi's- .K1'1~gbt~ le1~'O:SS ()/~ th,?'

'~~1~ M~f(fit Cj"~9,~fS batS th,(lJn~

branch of the b azi party; and' only thirty were ever awarded ..

The pI,eStig:e of the A.lter' ](ii1l1'.zp/er 'was enhanced still further on 6, November 19np, when Deputy

- - - -_ - - 'II _ '-,

Pubrer Rudolf Hess issued 'a decree on behalf of

Hitler elevating' the earliest of me' so-called Civil War Badges of the NSDJ4P~ tile: Coburg Badge tile 1929 Nuremberg Partv Dav Badge and the BrU11! 'wick

_ > .1..- J ~iJ' IE!I~

Rally Badge to' the .status of' natioual decorations,

which .meant that they could henceforth 'be' ~ITQrn on all i,llii1 itary and civil uniforms as 'well as on those of the NSDAP~ Authority to 'verify' entitlement '-,0 the Coburs and Nuremberg awards was vested in local N:DA.P Kreisleitern, while S)4-:Sta/ncl6tfiteYl:_fu,hrer were ernpowe red to certify possession of the Brunswick badge.


During 193'6~,'7 the RZM or Ri}ichsze1'1tgfnet$'fit~e'i".-a body which had been set Up'·~LS early as 1 April ]19129 to supervise the production and pricing of all Nazi party uniform.items. was effectively reorganised b'y Richard Buchner and began "tOI extend its influence into tile realm of polirical awards, The basic ,TIlli1C~ tions of the' ,jiZM were to see that ,NSDtJP contracts went to Aryan firms 2l11d. to ensure that the final products were ofa high .standard, yet 'prlced [0 suit

tile' poeke of tile average party member; I'. also 'acted as' a clearing 110l1s,e 'between manufacturers 01'l the one hand and wholesalers and retailers 011 the other, On ItS Ma _,rh 19,31,5 contract numbers

_ .

were Introduced and awarded to every RZMapproved company, and after that date RZlvl numbers were supposed to replace makers' marks on all NSD.,llpi accoutrerru nts al hough this clirective took some time '10 work its way through the system. TI1'e Lndenscbeid firrn of E,W: Assmann 1& Sohne, for example which jtlitli:llly received the

-.ZM .contract number 17'1 regularly used its COIn )·3.11Y logo alone or in conjunction '- ith tile

RZM 1 ,7~ designation wid! into 19:1,6~, By the fullcwing year, the list of firms approved 'b,y the RZM had ,grown ,S'_) COllst(te:rably~ fltat it had 'to be divided Into the following groups, depending upon function:

A. ,~ ,A r uSt~stunig,: Equipment maker

B ~ B,611l~,'rz.w'rJlle':: Corron fabric manufacturer

D _ Dte·1l,,-,tfJJ.,lei.d,uflg:: S' ervtc e' clothing producer G ~. Grossbandei: W1lo1esale'r

H ~. Hendelsuert: eter: Maker's agent

_K ,~. l(lel.4.er-eiJvzelba1~ll:l.I2i': Clothing retailer L. ~ L:;.(J"i1 er: Le~t'11 e r 8':-0" ' .. {"I\d~ make r

. _ .c ~ ~ u. _ _ . ._ ~ ~~ ~ " r . V" ~ ,~aA

M, ,_ Met"tll~ Metalware manufacturer W = Woll'e,:, 'Wooil fabric produ ~er

Each group was: in. turn subdivided into product cat'e;glories~ 'with those tor' metalware manufacturers

bein '![lJi •

. ~ DllI

Ml _ Insignia (EKcept daybadges) M,2' ~ Subcontractors

1'il31 = EinlJle111S (standard t()PS, etc., M4. ,_ Beh buck -'LS

M,j ,~ "J u 'i form fitting's.

M5a - Buttons

M5b "'"!' Side hooks

_M OR'.(_: =0 Strap hooks.

JVr;,d _' Other metal fittings

'U6/ A.. lumtnium '0iAlt""i;rl,!:" .iTJ: ",' ,_, DJlI ,:.I;' ",' Ii. ',b~I!I,J'UC'

-M.7 ,=. Daggers

M8 '~ Metal accessories (tent p,egs, etc.)

M.9 - Day badges

'M 1. 10 ~ - Musical instruments

N e .' code s were then i ssucd, prefi ·:-'E. by tho , rele·va·.·,t category d ~signa Ion. So far ~ ... : the makers of NjTDAP badges and political d .. xorations were concerned I'h·. des gnation W~-.:· always ~". 1 ~ ~ . hus the

··~·,~m;a.m1 logo anc R·:··<.:.· ~,. code 7 . ,'., reo replaced ... y ~RI .. >.:.M MI / '7' on all ' :f tile firm's Nazi party insignia

1 bad ]'''1~ ", h ~

except nay nang .. s, wmcn carrie r r rr €om oany s

M ,.1'1 categorv code o ~ ~R:M M9/1 . ~


At the end, of the d:ay only the more common ~ I1d

widely issued ;\~~Tli'~H decorations carne to' b ,~''''111i!!

',y...l. .. _' I' ..Lq~ . ,. -. ' 1" ~LJ.rll_'--- _:.._~.. . 1_,.'-' • .11... ,,Jl . - . 'm-·:. _ ·.I~~

RZM" marks,.rllL.~S' W<, 'F' primai ily Hitler Youth

.. ward ,:" whic h " p. e." mad .. 1 b' 'al '71'1 . mber O ···f· dif fe "'~li9it

11.2.. ~!a - !.!J = ~ . ··~~16.. ' .. ~ .11._ ""·o"·~ , '."_ i·~··· . l..I_

firms tor 101'" al p "I, . sentation and sale via au horis ed dealers holding th ... · ,R,ZM~, ~ElI6' licence .. Higher honours such as the Coburg Badge, Blood Order and Gokh Party: Badge W ·re .P'!"" du eel on ' lingle contract from the Party Chancellery, under .strieth controlled conditions for c. .nrrallse d d ~'5 ribution anti IC-' mld ~n· '.', 'I) " obta · , .. ed Joe 'l11: ~ S":. far ~,.~, the y

were concerned that proced re nes ated the need for the more general quality contrnl measures which tht , r :Z/If applied to the production 'f cap

badge :, belt ~ ue " s 'and .. ~ 0 on ···etJior political dec-

orations therefore oontlnued to' eature rnanufacturer .. s' or designers' 11 am e8 , or no makers rnar cs a' ,,111 since they 'were not pr ,c' ssed through the RZi)1

. ¥ stern,

THE E~ST PRlT~":~IIA G..A· B_' TIl,'~ sole new N5.IVAP award of 19,.··,.:···· Was "1..' ituted by. Brich Koch G(jf;,ule:'~te~(O of East Prussia "'.11:0'that year distributed .', silver Gau Badge to reward the . 10001 senior Alter Kti.:; l~fi-'~r in Ius area, Manutactur .d b ..•. Wa.clltl_ . & Lange, the d, ··CI .. ' 'a' Io featur d an eagle 'and swasti ca lover 'tbe East Prus . i311 coat of arms.

J.l1~, N.~'DAP to ~g~,·e1"r-,·,~mc'e Decarations fi 'I~" 1-:5' ¥e,at"s (left)' and 101 j 'ears' ···1-~tgl!r.: ....

egend 11 euefur Ft~h'~r~ und lklk ( Loyal to Ieader -', nd p., 'e· 0; 'p:)- e' . 11 t'l'le'" r'e'1Uie"I"'":S'e T" i'~ .. 11 tal ." ',"a" I' io " . co' r

r; .• '. : .: • . • .' '. .' ~ • . • • ',.. . ,1. To L -_ .' • Ii _.. ~ r~ _ " I . .'.. I .. ,l . "

..-:lfini: F~' r' ""d' . '·L·.~, t . 1"1'"··· V·· ' c:··, . d th :e" --:e' fl1 ,-:"! sri' t' e'" n:' rl'1I"' ,"b' " ... ,:...,'"

,a\ll" a , ~. wa·s 0 1.. a,e ~,erve",_ I}, .. ',' r· ''""-l.bll·".,·, . ~111 .. er 10.

years in ~ ':'1 active capacity in any ()f the N:'ID~P uni-

d . ,ii 1 dO' tl C' - ....

.orrne oreamsanon me ll- me+ tne ... --·'·L:. l','~

( .. rl," •

I 'I ii' t-~ . ...".. l' L' ., d' ' .' ,['" ,-:',' ~ 1\.TC'" T?V AT-I: V V Jl\ is-i' DO'"

_ • L. ' ' luea .' ·a.: _f'S ,Jt", ':J, J- \I·-~1.I\...J.'\_o .1l'J . .l"i'....n., 1 'Y.l_.LJ\· , .. ,.

J\'T£I'U;O' '1''iJ.T n·:~,A· "C)' H7: D' ., , . .J "" ·_cl,..;·:·, """}' . I" . '1:7..,., D)1\ ,.D n(;;tlf

i v J 1', I ~ .. y" " ¥"lJ'.. .'. ,~. . .~_e u .,'5 Cr.,iel!J ,., U11gV0" Ii'{;: I. :I ';1; D'.JJ J. ,_,;

and Tune ',' 'ii'lIp,!' 'tlj:t11f\ '~,e) far a" membership .... ofa

F~ , ," - ~/: I. To •.. ~_..-. VJ.r,' ~[. v~t;f':.I._)I~ "_._,'. [. I _ 1-' ... r I • _" '. " • .:.'.

youth organisa Io "':~1:':' concerned eligi i:.ilit~ " ..... 3.:

re tric ted tn ar lult officers -resei rations were

~ t :.-;_ _ .' ._ .._ _ .~ .. _ LI __ •• • • • .' • I , .. _ . _ .. ' j, .ll.. I,. _ "

- . d· t "I, .' '.,',-. '. Ily - " ""C 3"0" 11'" "''-1 ,. ,"'''l'' .. ' .... ""0 A' P" . ,"'J

lua,. _.. :v;r. ce a1111Ua, r .. ~ OIl, ' 'i,.allllar-y ani.. . ' .. ··r~ .

itl ". db" b ... - "4-

wn 1 the .'~ s a'\\Tar:"'L.:remg-'esto,we'd, 111. 19" ,0"

Service prior to 30 .Iannar ". 193~> •. ountec as double.

NAZI .HARTY L(),' (~ ... SERVlC.~ D' ~CO':' ',-"1, •. ' 101' '?'; /., pril 19' .. "9 Hitler created .a series of awards known 'as the Dienstausxeicbnungen tier N5DA1:J.·} or I azi Partv I, . {]g'" .... ~r' v:t. '" D' ' r . ~ 'C" ):0' "~l 1~····1 s· 'T' 1', B·.' e c" 'Illl'--: """=

'\ • [~, I!!! !~!IlPJ _"," ' :---:-' ,I ~ ,_,.IL _' . ,.,,1 J~_ -, '.'.' ' !'JJ -, . -~. ,"',.

prise ·d. a bronz. cross 'for ten years' service 'a silver and bIllie ,el~amr.1 cross fiot', fiftee:rJ ye~lrs, 'all·.j a.g old ~ttld ~11i'e ·en·anlel cross fO'T' t\ltc.lty .. fiv,e yea[.,~s:~

Unusu#llly. '-1i'1 t)lree' g" r'~' ('["e's c"ou':ld' ~ b~"'e" . or'n 5"1[" nUII·ta·

.' _'" ,_1._ 'I' it. .' __ ~ .. '_ ~ I .. t '<.~'Ii.' ." Jl.'. ,I j .' : -lJ.J.-

nieOll:' ')l~ Each / "~cora ·,on wa .. , m.arde in thrlee IJatt~, ~

'with, r}11 e~:gle: atld :"Wrastik,a 0:0 t-],. ob1ve·rs. 'and' the 11.2~ The' NSDAP 25'-¥ea·,' Lr)11;g' S',el~'~'I,icf! Dt!e'o,~a,tloln~,


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