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Quais são Devas?

A palavra vem do sânscrito deva língua, que significa "um ser de luz
brilhante" e é usada para indicar um ser não físico. Estamos usando a
palavra deva aqui, como um nome geral para ambos os espíritos
natureza e seres angelic.

Como é que devas se concretize? Diz-se que no início, quando terra e

solidificou a vida física formulários foram formadas, o devas foram tão
longe para trás na evolução que eles não poderiam formar corpos

Consciência do devas é direcionado para expansão em contraste com a

nossa consciência que é centrada e limitada pela forma do corpo
humano. Devas são sempre consciente de suas cósmica ambiente, e
querem tornar-se cada vez mais conscientes de que o que eles
englobam. Devic seres querem ser, enquanto seres físicos queremos
fazer. Devic seres concentrado criando, enquanto seres físicos deseja

Devas têm um instintivo conhecimento, não têm de adquirir

conhecimentos, como nós fazemos. O instintiva ter conhecimento de
padrões cósmicos, relacionamentos, e harmonias.

Eles não têm forma como entendemos a forma no mundo físico. Na

sua, astrais, domínio são como fluidic aberto vortexes de consciência
cósmica. Quando as pessoas são capazes de perceber-las, elas muitas
vezes terá um formulário extraído da mente humana. Assim, vamos vê-
los em uma forma mais ou menos humana, mas na sua essência são
apenas vortexes de energias.

Eles têm memória e aprender com experiências passadas. Eles estão

conscientes dos arquétipos do campo em que trabalham. Eles reagem
ao seu trabalho e melhorar, de acordo com o físico influências sobre as
formas de vida com as quais trabalham. Eles só estão interessados em
seu próprio campo de trabalho. Por exemplo, o deva dos carvalhos só
está interessado no crescimento dos carvalhos, a paisagem se deva
apenas interessados em que as formas de vida da paisagem, uma
cicatrização deva só funciona com cicatrização energias. É inútil,
portanto, de colocar uma árvore carvalho deva fazer para curar um
corpo humano. Devas são apenas entendido no seu próprio campo

Trabalhando com devas se de um benefício mútuo. Devas adquirir

experiência de consciência e de acção centrado, enquanto os seres
humanos podem aprender a render-se ao silêncio do devic consciência
ea sua sensibilidade para cósmica influências. Devas estão sempre
dispostos a ajudar as pessoas.

Muitas pessoas têm tentado classificar nome e as numerosas natureza

espíritos, mas há que compreender que existem muitos, muitos
formulários espíritos da natureza, e uma forma mais loteamentos em
outra. Na parte superior do que os seus nomes não são coerentes entre
os autores que eles classificados. Mas o que importa é, a coisa mais
importante, é que você tenha uma idéia do que eles são eo que fazem.
Se você está realmente interessado em trabalhar com a natureza
espíritos, recomendo os livros de Marko Poganick (ver fim página).

O menor Elemental Devas

Elemento Terra

Gnomos estão ligados à terra elemento, que inclui os sais minerais.
Eles vivem no interior da terra, embora haja alguns floresta
gnomos, que cuidará da floresta sobre o nível do elemento terra.
Eles variam em tamanho de 2 a 3 pés. Olham um pouco knotty,
gnarled e, em geral, são um pouco gruff, e não confiam facilmente
os seres humanos.

Gnomos cuidar não só da terra e minerais, mas também das raízes

das plantas. Eles têm um forte sentidos e intelecto. Eles
compreendem o que ouvem e veja. Eles não só recebem as
influências cósmicas, mas também idéias. Eles têm uma clara

Uma planta recebe energias do cosmos e permite que eles afundam

no solo, onde os gnomos coletar essas informações e dá-lo à terra, a
todos os minerais. Seu conhecimento é imediata, ou seja, quando
recebem informações através dos seus sentidos imediatamente
"saber". Porque eles têm um intelecto universal elas tendem a olhar
para baixo sobre os seres humanos como seres incompletos. Eles
não têm que pensar coisas sobre o que nós fazemos, o que eles
pensam que são mudos.

Gnomos tem um sentido interior com que aquilo que é na

experiência dos minerais e metais, que são os receptores do que
está acima da terra. Eles também parecem ser sensíveis às
influências da lua. Com a lua cheia, eles formam uma espessa
"pele" para se proteger contra a luz da lua, com a nova lua são
quase transparentes. Eles estão sempre alerta que acontece em
volta e para eles.

Elas dão apoio espiritual aos humildemente desenvolvido animais.

Eles são menores do que gnomos, e são muito mais finas e brincalhão, muito simpática,
eles gostam de ajudar, e ainda ajudar com tarefas na casa, mas, ao mesmo tempo que se
mantêm cautelosos.

Giants pode ser muito grande, uma vez que são frequentemente ligado à montanha. Eles
também podem viver em antigas florestas. Eles não são inteligentes, são muito delicada e
perigosa, embora existam algumas excepções. Eles gostam ruído. Eles têm medo de
mágicos e certos cheiros.

Gigantes são muito densos em ethereal substância, e, portanto, eles são facilmente vistos
por pessoas com visão segundo.
Muito mais
terra devas
estão a
devas, seres
que permeia e
trabalhar com
toda uma
montanha ou
com cadeias
Aqui está o que
uma montanha
deva tinha a
dizer para
Maclean: "A
consciência é
tão profunda na
Terra, de modo
utilizado para
através do
rock, que
estamos quase
tão divorciada
do nosso maior
res como são
os seres
Estamos no
fundo, a
empresa E
ensombrar o
ambiente, a ela
ligada e
pagando pouca
atenção ao
outro. Não
importa se você
tentar traduzir a
consciência em
suas palavras -
o que é uma
humana na
Nós estável e
manter. Nós
somos os
de O mundo, a
força da terra
em si
forças para
cima e para
baixo, os poros
da terra
respirando, e
eu, uma
aqui. Existem
muitos de nós.
Vamos nos
sempre. Eu sei
o homem muda
e altera a
paisagem .
Essa é apenas a
nossos pés e
que ele não
tenha alterado
nós. Nós somos
da terra em si.
Estamos antes
e depois do
homem. " (1)

Elemento da Água

Ninfas são
conectados ao
elemento água,
mas ao mesmo
tempo também
pode ser
conectado a uma
montanha ou
floresta. A sua
acção raio é muito

Há também são
ninfas que
regulam o fluxo
de água na crosta
terrestre. Em
geral ninfas
distribuir o
qualidades de
água na paisagem.
Eles podem dar
específica a um
lugar da água.
Um bem ninfa
pode virar as
águas do bem em
uma cura local.
Não é incomum
para elas
aparecem no
religiosa da deusa
que as pessoas
dessa área culto.
Daí a aparição de
Maria em poços
na Europa.

Eles não têm uma

clara consciência
como fazer
gnomos. Eles
Eles sonham com
a maioria das
estrelas, o sol, luz
e calor.

Eles têm a
tendência de se
em um formulário
de peixe, mas terá
sobre outros
apenas para evitar
a possibilidade de
num peixe forma
permanente. Eles
fazem ajudar os
peixes e anfíbios.

Ninfas e vincular
unbind assunto.
Eles cuidar da
química das

Ninfas pode ter

uma espécie de
mórbida morte

Há também
masculino ninfas,
ou água-homens,
que encarnam o
aspecto masculino
da água. Eles
parecem ser
bastante retiradas.

Aqui está uma descrição de undines por Geoffrey
Hodson: "Existem dois tipos de água-espíritos neste
outono (água). Um deles é aparentemente
relacionados com todo o ghyll, e foi pela
primeira vez visto viajar rapidamente até a
montanha em que o fluxo aumenta . Trata-se
definitivamente do undine variedade, mas maior
do que anteriormente observada, embora
semelhante ao tern em outras características.
A cifra, que brilha como se molhado, é do sexo
feminino, nu e sem asas, o requintado membros
brilho através do branco auric fluxo, as armas são
particularmente longo e belo, e ela lhes ondas
graciosamente no seu voo. Ela tem cerca de
quatro metros de altura e sua coloração geral é
prateadas branco, com estrelas douradas ronda a
Ela desloca-se a queda de uma série de moções
de darting superior a celeridade, desaparece de
vista, como se na rocha, reaparece. E pisca para
baixo novamente. Como eu lhe movimentos
rápidos, ela aparece de repente se torne languid;
sua forma lenta e dissipa sua consciência afunda
no solo, como se para descansar. No particular
local onde ela desapareceu de um grande blefe
rochosa coberta de samambaia e urze-me ainda
sentido, gostaria de dizer quase ver, o undine, a
uma distância de seis a dez metros abaixo da
superfície do solo.
Ela tem reaparecido, e obviamente experiências
considerável alegria, tendo grande interesse e
deleite na grande queda, ao longo do qual ela
paira em uma moda que sugere alguma emoção
semelhante ao preocuparem ternura. Ela mostra
uma certa gravidade natural; ela existe em
nenhum dos que descuidados inconsequence que
tantas marcas do menor natureza-espíritos. Em
sua opinião, há um sentido de responsabilidade
em relação a certos aspectos e processos de
evolução, que estão a ter lugar aqui, ligado
principalmente com a água e da vegetação. Ao
longo do rock sob o qual ela aposentado há uma
decidida influência magnética, sem dúvida
devido à sua longa presença continuada ali, o que
deu lugar a uma forte aura definidos e influência
dos seus próprios.
Existem alguns menos evoluiu undines ao real
cai, onde eles parecem estar permanentemente
estacionados. Eles também podem passar dentro
e fora do rock em vão. Eles diferem de um
descritas principalmente no tamanho, que são
menos de um pé alto, e parece estar fazendo sons
vocais. Sua alegria é maior e sem sua
globalidade tendo mais irresponsável do que
dela. São cinco ou seis em número. Sua slim,
graciosa, nu corpos são comple no extremo, e
eles constantemente assumir coloca de grande
beleza como eles flutuam no meio da queda. Ou
pairar apenas na borda do spray. Uma
característica é uma atitude com o corpo ereto e
mais ou menos rígido, membros reta, braços
próximo ao lado, um pouco cabeça atirada para
trás, olhando para cima olhos. Neste pose eles
andam lentamente para cima através das quedas
para o alto, como um balão subindo através da
água, tendo atingido o cume eles flash livre para
a atmosfera, liberando a energia concentrada que
eles parecem ter absorvido, fazendo uma
brilhante exibição de cores e Luz, irradiando
alegria e deleite em todas as direções. (6)
Nixies animação rios, nascentes, lagos e pântanos. Elas mostram-se como belas maidens,
às vezes com um peixe rabo. Eles são amantes música e excelentes bailarinos, e eles têm o
dom da profecia. Embora eles possam dar alguns brindes para humanos, se tem de ser
cauteloso, pois pode ser prejudicial, geralmente por afogamento pessoas.

As Naiads presidiu a rios, córregos,
riachos, nascentes, fontes, lagos,
açudes, poços, e sapais.

Elemento Ar

Elves ou Sylphs
Estes vivem no elemento ar, e são como luz na
atmosfera. Sensíveis ao movimento da atmosfera, eles
têm uma consciência sonolento.

A sua missão é a transferência de luz para as plantas.

A corrente de ar provocada por uma ave voar cria um

som que eles possam ouvir. Eles gostam pássaros
voando através do ar.

Sylphs são conectados a circulação no espaço, como a

modelagem e orientar o vento. Elves (ou fadas) está
mais ligado à expansão da vida na sua área.

A verdadeira fada está relacionada com a duendes, mas ela está mais interessada em seres
humanos e animais, e tem uma forte mágico persona. Fadas pode agir como protetores ou
guias para as pessoas envolvidas na magia.

Storm Devas
Dora van Gelder: "Provavelmente, o mais
característico ar fada é a que está associada a
tempestades. Elas são pequenas, cerca de quatro ou
cinco metros de altitude, mas shapely e bonito. Elas são
bem proporcionais, de acordo com o modelo humano,
com faces que são Weirdly estreito emoldurado por
streaming cabelo. Suas principais coloração é como um
prata vidoeiro, mas com fracas luzes de pálido azul e
violeta. Eles geralmente são alguns destes cerca, porque
é usualmente algum vento sopra, mas a sua relação com
o vento não é tão Íntimo como a nuvem de fada a
nuvem. Elas raramente vêm a terra para baixo nível e
são vistos principalmente nas grandes tropas situada
bem alto no céu. Quando sopra um vento forte, no
entanto, eles descerão à terra ou superfície oceânica.
Têm inteligência de alta Ordem e estão, de facto, perto
da sylphs na natureza. Talvez possa haver um grupo de
sylphs especialmente associadas ao vento mais tarde
descrito em conexão com o furacão. Sylphs, como
todas as outras fadas, trabalhar sob a direção dos anjos.
Seus superiores São um grupo especial de anjos
associados com tempestades, e quando uma grande
tempestade está prestes a quebrar, eles estão
mobilização para ele. Assim como chuva tempestades
são elevados spots na vida da nuvem de fadas, fadas e
outros têm os seus prazeres e eventos especiais , De
modo que o vento tempestade é a grande alegria destes
particular fadas. Elas varrem sobre a parte superior de
uma floresta no vento, ao longo da superfície da terra, e
estão a ser visto normalmente apenas cerca de grandes
picos de altas montanhas. São superiores hierárquicos
Da nuvem fadas e direta-los. " (4)

Elemento fogo
Salamandras, ou Fire Bebidas
As salamandras recolher calor e transferi-lo para as
flores. Eles se sentem muito ligado ao mundo das
borboletas e insetos. Eles são muito difíceis de ver.

O incêndio espíritos são espíritos de transformação

(morrer, decadência e regeneração), que tornam o
composto pilha em solo fértil. O são o fogo que queima
a vela ou a madeira. Tomaram vida processos de
maturidade, e através dos processos de decomposição e
transformação que levá-las para o limiar de um novo
nascimento. Para os espíritos da natureza, entre vida e
renascimento existe um período de regeneração da vida
blazing força do fogo.

Eles também estão irradiando luz e têm a ver com a

iluminação e com o mundo tornados visíveis através da
luz. Elas podem aparecer em função organismos,
irradiando luz brilhante.

Eles também podem ser espíritos de inspiração, angelic

mediadores entre o mundo físico e os mais níveis de
criação. Em tempos antigos eram chamados os muses.

Embora os espíritos de fogo na floresta são pequenas,

em um vulcão que eles são sete até quatorze metros de
altura. Elas podem aparecer em forma humana com uma
espécie de diabólico olhar sobre a sua cara, apesar de que
eles são bastante atraentes. Em um vulcão também são
grandes anjos de fogo.

Há também importantes espíritos incêndio no centro da

terra, ligada ao destino do planeta.

Alguns mais natureza seres

Fauns natureza são espíritos com metade animal,
metade humana aparência. Eles poderão seguir em
torno de seres humanos, mas são inofensivas.

Tradicionalmente elas são representadas como homens

jovens com parte inferior do corpo de uma cabra e
chifres sobre sua cabeça. Fauns árvore são espíritos, no
sentido em que ajudam árvores crescem. Eles direta do
crescimento das árvores em certas direcções úteis. Eles
têm uma relação autónoma inteligência com que eles
possam assistir ao ambiente das árvores ambos abaixo e
acima do solo.

Assim, uma faun oferece sua consciência para ajudar a

árvore crescer harmoniosamente em seu ambiente. No
regresso a árvore fornece a faun a oportunidade de
ganhar experiência no assunto. Através desta acção, a
recíproca faun está amarrado à árvore para toda a sua
vida útil.

Corpo Elemental
Ao falar da natureza espíritos que sempre olhada na natureza. Mas você tem um direito
dentro do seu corpo! É a chamada 'corpo elementar "e é, na verdade, situado dentro do seu
corpo etheric. A função deste organismo é elementar para o primeiro construir a forma do
seu corpo, através do processo de concepção e gestação, ajudá-la a crescer e amadurecer.
Eles ficar com uma pessoa até que a esperança de vida do indivíduo termina. O corpo é um
elemento altamente desenvolvida espírito estar do elemento terra.

O corpo elementar é responsável pelo bem-estar de seu corpo. Ele manipula as energias da
natureza e dos nossos mais altos organismos para torná-los adequados para o etheric, e, por
isso, o corpo físico, desta forma mantendo-se os níveis energéticos para todas as células e
órgãos do corpo. Isso ajuda o seu organismo a funcionar correctamente no domínio físico
na sua vida quotidiana, para que você possa atender um maior efeito na vida do mundo
exterior. Por conseguinte, o corpo elementar é um instrumento importante para ajudar em
qualquer processo de auto-cura. Ele conhece o projecto do seu atómica / estrutura
molecular direita para baixo ao DNA / RNA celular nível porque o Corpo Elemental ajudou
a criar a sua própria casa como um corpo físico para a alma. Ele sabe exatamente onde o
trauma e as memórias foram armazenados e detém o roteiro para identificar os locais que
contêm os problemas. É capaz de recuperar as informações e liberar o "know-how" de
forma a facilitar a auto-cura ou melhor cura para os outros.

O corpo elementar pode ser contatada pelo meditação, ou em uma sessão cura, para
contribuir com o processo de cicatrização e em manter o corpo saudável. Como acontece
com todos os elementals, natureza ou espíritos, você tem de se aproximar o seu corpo
elementar com respeito. Não esperem que fazer todo o trabalho, você tem um grande papel
a desempenhar em manter-se saudável por aquilo que comem e bebem, e por seu estilo de

Aparentemente, o corpo elementar reúne-se em um lugar entre o plexo solar eo coração

chakras, conectando o corpo ea alma ao divino espírito elementar, que se sente acima.

Marko Pagonick (ver final da página) descreve o sentimento do corpo elementar como uma
calorosa, peles-como construção, que apoia o corpo do chão para cima, solidamente
aterramento do corpo. Deve ser isso que fez os primitivos retratam Pan com pernas
cabeludas. Depois, há uma ligação do corpo elementar ao longo da coluna até a cabeça.

De mitologia grega, Pan é "o Alimentador de
Rebanhos". Deus dos rebanhos, fertilidade e
sexualidade masculina. Pan tem as pernas e chifres de
um bode e desempenha um siringe, um tubo com sete
palhetas. Um antigo deus, que ele não tem qualquer
aspecto moral ou social, e é simplesmente a
personificação do puro, instinto básico. Alguns
disseram que Pan Apollo ensinou a arte da profecia.
Pan especialmente ama montanhas e selvagem. Pan
tem um aspecto tão bem escuro, causando os homens e
os animais para ir repente loucas com o terror no
distante, solitário lugares. Chamava-se, portanto, a raiz
da palavra "pânico".

Em nossos dias modernos, dotados espiritualmente

pessoas tiveram experiências com Pan, principalmente
na sua forma tradicional. Desde esta é claramente que
Pan é um multi-nível estar. Pan pode dar-lhe uma
experiência completa do mundo da natureza espíritos e
sua conexão com o divino.
Estes são os espíritos que são muito agressivas e perigosas, e têm uma grande quantidade
de energia.

Dragões natureza são espíritos de grande força e poder,
que eles podem transferir para os seres humanos,
incluindo os poderes psíquicos. Eles também têm a
capacidade de curar todos os tipos de doenças. Mas há
uma armadilha: eles dão uma volúpia pelo poder sexual
e paixões.

Dragões pode ser um dos quatro elementos. Um ouro

dragão (incêndio) dá riqueza e ouro. Um dragão preto
(terra) causas guerras e é freqüentemente associada
com o militar. Um dragão branco (água) atrai dinheiro,
mas em menor grau, mas também influencia os
assuntos económicos. Um dragão azul (ar) transporte
almas com predestinado missão do céu a terra.

Existem muitos outros tipos de dragões.

Dragões foram vistos flutuando acima de qualquer

nuvem muito alto nível, em todos os tipos de cores
vivas. Sua inteligência parece ser baixa. Estes dragões
nunca descerão para a atmosfera inferior. Na natureza
eles são usados principalmente como um reservatório a
partir do qual os anjos e fadas chamar energia

House Spirit
Cada estrutura construída e ocupada por pessoas que tem um espírito que se desenvolve de
acordo com as energias de que a estrutura e as pessoas que vivem nele. É uma forma
primitiva de consciência que não tem forma, nem irá tornar-se visível. Quando novas
pessoas se mudam para a casa de seus novos hábitos e rearranjo das diferentes partes da
casa pode causar estresse na casa espírito. Por isso, é bom para a casa imediatamente
sintonizar em espírito, fazer algumas oferendas, e comunicar o que você pretende fazer com
a casa e os quartos. Caso contrário, o espírito displeased poderia causar problemas para os
novos ocupantes.

Astrológico nascimento ou fadas

Com cada nascimento há, pelo menos, um ou mais nascimento fadas presentes no berço do
recém-nascido. Eles dão ao bebé um ou mais dons ou talentos. Estes dons ou talentos são
realmente enforcements de um determinado padrão já inscrita na astronômicos blueprint do
bebé. Esse dom pode ser muito decisivo, porque irá enviar a pessoa sobre um determinado
caminho, em vez de um outro. Por exemplo, a posição do planeta Marte pode fazer uma
pessoa para escolher a profissão de cirurgião, mas também de um soldado. O Faries pode
reforçar, por exemplo, as energias que irão tornar a pessoa optar por cirurgião.

Sabe por que é um hábito de dar doces em torno do nascimento de um recém-nascido? É

uma continuação de um antigo costume de levar oferendas ao nascimento faries e, assim,
solicitar a um futuro positivo para a criança. Embora o nascimento faries raramente são
visíveis, uma vez que não estão interessados em mostrar-se que para a humanidade, que não
querem deixar escapar suas boas energias. Por isso, certifique-se de trazer essas ofertas
para o quarto, o mais rapidamente possível!

Guardian Spirit
Este é um criadas artificialmente elementar espírito que está programado para guarda de
um determinado território ou objeto. Ela precisa ser continuamente cobrado pela pessoa ou
grupo que o criou.

Um djinn natureza é um espírito que está a ser controlado por um ser humano com a
finalidade de realização de certas obras. O Homem tem de estar em total controle da djinn,
caso contrário o djinn poderia ter controle sobre o humano, ou jogar truques, como fazer
objetos aparecer e desaparecer, ou cerca de vaguear.
Som e dança espíritos
Som e dança espíritos são da mesma natureza que
duendes, kobolds, mas aérea espíritos mais
desenvolvidos e mais sutis. Eles atribuem uma grande
importância ao aumento da estética. Eles reagem
positivamente ao belo sons e movimentos de pessoas e,
consequentemente, a fim fortes vibrações que
influenciam o destino do homem de uma forma
positiva. Mas aqueles que criam disharmonious sons e
movimentos jerky perturbe os seus próprios aura, pelas
suas acções que ofendem o som e dança espíritos. Ao
mesmo tempo que elas se tornem abertos para as
energias dos maus espíritos.

Tenho feito um CD especial com os sons da tibetano

Canto Tigelas. Quando falei com o húngaro xamã
Joska Soos, ele confirmou a minha sensação de que a
cantar tigelas estão ligados aos seres som. Jogando
estas tigelas traz estes seres som para a sala onde
exercem a sua influência positiva sobre as pessoas
presentes e para o ambiente. Para mais informações vá
para Soul Sounds!

Grupo Elementals
Esta é uma elementar sendo que entrou em existência quando um grupo de pessoas que se
formaram. A formação contínua ea existência depende fortemente as emoções do grupo. O
grupo elementar também influencia os membros do grupo, fazendo uma ligação estreita
entre todos os membros. Um novo membro do grupo será absorvido se seus sentimentos ou
mental energia corresponder com o grupo elementar, ou ele será rejeitado.

Qualquer grupo que você pode imaginar, tem um grupo elementar, por exemplo, um grupo
religioso, grupo profissional, ativista grupos, também uma cidade ou um país, a cidade tem
uma tribo ou grupo elementar, e assim por diante.
O Tuatha de Danann, ou Sidhe
O Thuata Da Danann é uma raça de seres, uma vez
conhecida principalmente na Irlanda. Diz-se que há
muito tempo o Sidhe eram um povo muito como nós,
vivendo uma vida semelhante ao homem. Sua origem é
desconhecida, mas eles são considerados como uma
não-raça humana dos seres inteligentes com grande
conhecimento, e não muito física, embora muitas
pessoas tenham visto eles. O tamanho da menor classe
Sidhe é um pouco menor do que o tamanho de seres
humanos, essas aulas são das mais elevadas alta.
Ambas as turmas têm, frequentemente, cabelos louros
ou dourado.

O Sidhe reinou durante Irlanda, até que foram

conquistados pelos invasores humanos. Eles fugiram
para as profundezas da terra, em grutas e outros locais
subterrâneos. Seus habitantes locais são também
muitas vezes sob lagos. Eles habitam belos palácios,
desfrutando de festas, o, e música. Eles não são uma
classe trabalhadora, mas sim militar-aristocrático. Seu
domínio é agora chamado Tir-na-nog, um dos muitos
Otherworlds. Seu mundo é geralmente descrito como
um lugar de harmonia e beleza.

A corrida do Sidhe não se limita apenas à Irlanda.

Como os irlandeses psychics-se dizer, também habitam
outros países ao redor do mundo. Eles se deslocam de
um lugar para outro e de ter grande interesse no
homem. Eles viajam em navios mágica. Durante as
noites, são muitas vezes vistos viajando em esferas de

O Sidhe são frequentemente descritos como altos,

belos seres que têm eterna juventude. Mas quando
aparecem para os seres humanos que podem assumir
qualquer forma que quiser.

Entre os humanos há Sidhe e sempre foi uma troca.

Elas podem aparecer no nosso mundo e tomar multa-
procurando homens e mulheres jovens, a fim de casar-
los. Viver no seu domínio destes mortais foram
agraciado com uma fada imortalidade. Quando
regressam ao nosso mundo, são confrontados com a
passagem de uma grande quantidade de tempo no
mundo físico. Algum tempo é vivida de forma
diferente no que Sidhe mundo. Outro aspecto é que a
pessoa tenha permanecido jovens enquanto seus
parentes terrestres têm crescido de idade ou morreram.

Crianças a partir de uniões entre pessoas Sidhe e

acabou por nobre e heróico. Algumas das maiores
figuras da Antiguidade são declarados como tendo sido
estas crianças.

Às vezes as pessoas vão para com os Sidhe em uma

espécie de transe ou sonho estado, que pode durar dias
ou até meses. Mas nem sempre forçada mortais foram
tomadas. Eles poderão ser convidados, ou ir por conta
própria, por exemplo, para o amor de uma fada mulher,
ou para realizar alguma missão. Eles poderiam viver
para sempre na Sidhe mundo se desejassem. Quando a
entrada no mundo do Sidhe, um sofre uma espécie de
transformação física, que muda a própria natureza física
na natureza do Sidhe. Algumas pessoas dizem que os
próprios Sidhe transmutar o corpo físico do homem em
um organismo como a sua própria. As pessoas que
foram no domínio da Sidhe tiveram dificuldade em
conseguir habituar novamente às suas vidas normais. A
maioria deles tem sofrido algumas alterações internas e
começaram já a ver vida de um ângulo diferente.

Sidhe que não são física comprovada por muitas

testemunhas que tenham visto o Sidhe passar por
muralhas, ou em uma colina lado.

O Sidhe possuem poderes mágicos pelos quais eles

podem lançam feitiços sobre as pessoas. Eles podem
colocar um estado de akinesis (a incapacidade de
mover) uma pessoa que entra em seu território, ou em
alguém que está assistindo eles. O Sidhe também têm o
poder de olhar para o futuro com grande precisão.

O Sidhe têm uma reputação de teasing pessoas,

fazendo piadas e ocultar-se.

Um aspecto importante do Sidhe é que são amoral.

Eles não se preocupam com os efeitos da sua teasings.
Estar-se imortais (no sentido de ter uma vida muito
longa) e, ao mesmo tempo, amoral, não parecem ser
incomodado quando a sua interferência com o homem
revelar-se negativos ou mortal para os humanos.

O Sidhe parecem ter uma relação estreita com a

natureza e, principalmente, a fenômenos atmosféricos.
Também é dito que alguns deles directo a correntes
magnético da Terra.

A música é um dos seus passatempos favoritos, e, por

vezes, têm sido observados viaja através do ar, a música
tocando e cantando. A minha própria avó, em seu
jovens dias, viu esferas luz viaja através do campo
acompanhada por música. O país pessoas na sua área,
não sei muito o que pensar dela.

Pensei que talvez fosse bom dar-lhe aqui uma explicação
Seizan Fukami (um conhecido japonês psíquico com grande
insights no mundo espiritual e seus habitantes) fornece
cerca de UFOs. Ele não está satisfeito com o crescente
interesse em UFOs. A partir de sua experiência pessoal
com UFOs, ele descobriu que a maior parte delas são
manifestações em diferentes formas de gangster espírito
bandas. Estes são espíritos, que em faixas juntos, não eram
muito ruins para ir a hells e não é bom o suficiente para ir
para o normal espírito mundos. Eles permaneceram em
algum lugar entre. Elas são semi-espírito e semi-material.
Quando eles tornam-se visíveis no mundo material, têm a
capacidade de iludir os seres humanos. One of the forms
they take is the UFO. (Some of the UFOs are vehicles of
highly developed righteous spirits.) "Nothing gives these
rowdies more pleasure than to see people running around
overreacting to their presence shouting, 'It’sa UFO!'." So
these gangster bands just love to make themselves visible to
people or carry someone off for a while.
Besides manifesting as UFOs they also appear in
poltergeist phenomena. They also appear in many other

Fukami speaks from personal experience: "…during these

encounters I also was subjected to an indescribable electric-
like shock that I guess you would have to classify as a kind
of electromagnetic wave. It felt just like a shock from an
electric range. Such electromagnetic waves feel quite like
the spiritual waves emitted by the divine and spirit worlds,
except that they are rougher and more often than not
spiritually negative. But people who have never
experienced true exalted spiritual waves before are likely to
take them for emanations from the gods. They are far from
that, however."

"I hasten to say that the UFO's sent from the righteous
spirit world are incredibly beautiful. The spiritual waves
they give off are rough like electrical energy, but they
also emit a very refined kind of light. However they do
not cause any sort of vague fear in the human soul, nor
do they delude and disorient people. The reason is that
they operate in the cause of love and righteousness."

If you are interested in reading more about contact with

benevolent extraterrestrials, read "Hidden Truth, Forbidden
Knowledge" by Steven Greer.

The Higher Developed Devas

These beings, usually called angels, archangels and so on, are creative intelligences
building our world. They know how to manipulate ethereal substances into ever more
crystallized forms of which the end result is physical matter. They build vehicles for every
life form.

They do not have free will, but are very powerful in what they do. Their form changes as
they move around, and changes over time. They live in a state of immediate knowledge and
are a source of happiness and exaltation. They live fully in the moment, in full
concentration and in unity with the flowing energy of the field they are working in.

They can create sounds in the ethereal worlds that have a positive effect on humans and
their environment. They work with sounds, mantras, and movements to create energy

There are devas which encompass more abstract ideas or concepts like power, healing,
music, peace, education.

The following, The Deva of Stone, is an example of a cosmic deva at work, a deva where
you would least expect it. (from To Hear the Angels Sing, by Dorothy Maclean)

The Deva of Stone

Nature is full of paradox, in that as you seek contact
with what you consider a lower form of life, you in fact
contact a more universal being. The mind of man
codifies and formulates, which is within its right and
purpose, but forgets that all is one, that God is in all, and
that basic substance, seemingly most void of sensitive
consciousness, is held in its state of existence by its
opposite, a vast consciousness, too vast for you to do
more than sense its fringes and know that it extends
beyond your present imagination. You realize too that
dense matter is influenced in its make-up by stellar

Classification of the Angels

Most people with the second sight have focus on the elemental beings, only a few also
have contact with the angelic realm. They have described angels of sound, color, healing
and so on, angels associated with the Christ energy and creative forces, but for a basic
classification of the higher developed beings we have to turn to the old, but still valid
classification in the Jewish/ Christian tradition. So, here we go:

Besides all the beings and forces we have seen thus far, there are even more, greater beings
that work on the fundaments of the cosmos. Here is an overview of the traditional hierarchy
above the Archangels. The first name is from the Catholic tradition, the second name,
between brackets, is from the Jewish tradition.

The Seraphim (Haioth ha Qodesh) distribute the universal force that allows mankind to
fixate within themselves the divine unity. They determine the four supreme cardinal points,
from which comes those of space. From these beings come the four elements, and all other
group of four that determine existence. They are without any form.

The Cherubim (Ophanim or Galgalim) regulate and equilibrate the primordial chaos.
They provide us the forms by which we are able to visualize the divine things. Their
vibrations are in form of light as well as sounds. Their function is to maintain
manifestation in movement.

The Thrones (Arailim) allow our spirit to fixate the images formed by the Cherubim.
They maintain the primordial ether in the visible form in the subtle substances. They
regulate and stabilize the power of the divine to give it form. They reside in the area of the
cosmos where material form begins to take shape.

The Dominions (Hhashmalim) are like a reservoir of energy that animates nature. They
give to men the necessary force to conquer the inner enemy and to achieve the ends that are
assigned to them. Dominions are Angels of Leadership. They regulate the duties of the
angels, making known the commands of God.

The Powers (Seraphin) have to do with divine sanctity and purification. Powers are
Warrior Angels against evil defending the cosmos and humans. They are known as
potentates. They fight against evil spirits who attempt to wreak chaos through human

The Virtues (Malakim) work primordially on the mineral kingdom, the environment in
which the beings of creation evolve. They produce the mineral realm, the metal, the gems
and are the soul of all mineral medicine. Virtues are known as the Spirits of Motion and
control the elements. They are sometimes referred to as "the shining ones." They govern all

The Principalities (Tarshishim) give us the submission of all things, they embrace of all

The Archangels (Beni-Elohim) rule over the animal kingdom and give man domination
over it.

The Angels (Keroubim) are the guardians of the threshold, the defenders of the holiness
of God against fallen man who would otherwise take the Tree of life. They deliver the
prayers to God and God's answers and other messages to humans. Angels have the capacity
to access any and all other Angels at any time. They are the most caring and to assist those
who ask for help.
Evil Devas
Good devas keep themselves to the realm they are working in. Evil devas will approach
animals and humans with their bad intentions. It is said that strong plant poisons are caused
by bad elves, and gnomes and nymphs can become parasitic.

Benevolent and Malevolent Beings

More evolved does not automatically mean that they are benevolent to humans. Superior
spirits, however, have made a vow that they will never introduce themselves with a
personal name as a means to make people believe in them. They decline any personal
recognition. Their messages are always refined and, if high in vibrancy, short with a
profound meaning, and they are not compulsive. True spiritual beings of high development
have a full aura. They are filled with a particular quality of white clear light.

If you want to know with what kind of spirit you are dealing with, ask to show them their
inner, divine light. True spiritual beings will respond, while spirits with bad intentions will
not. Or ask them their name, a good spirit will not give one.

Malevolent spirits interfere with life on the physical level, and cause trouble when they
give psychic powers to people. They often give prophecies of disasters. They have no sense
of the beautiful or the artistic. They cannot fake beauty or artistry, or sincerity, as all this
comes from the heart, and from the divine. They might have a great amount of intelligence,
but it is not rooted in truth. They like to talk about and fake the truth, wisdom,
righteousness and love, but it is all distorted.

Malevolent spirits feed on fear. To avoid them learn to keep your fear under control, or
learn to eliminate it. The opposite of fear is trust, trust in the divine. Don’t pay attention to
them. Don’t hate them either, or be angry. They are also children of the divine, who went
the wrong path. Respect them for who they are, and make a clear choice not to get involved
with them. Know you are rooted in the divine, and bring out that divine light, which we all
have in ourselves.

I have a couple of good books for sale by Marko Pogacnik about the
earth energies, devas and the present energy changes. Click here .
Some good books about Devas, or nature
1. To Hear the Angels Sing, by Dorothy Maclean

2. Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings, by Marko Pogacnik (Findhorn


3. Healing the Heart of the Earth , by Marko Pogacnik (Findhorn Press)

4. The Real World of Fairies, by Dora Van Gelder

5. Devas, Fairies and Angels, by William Bloom (Gothic Image

Publications, Glastonbury, England)

6. The Brotherhood of Angels and Man, by Geoffrey Hodson

7. Man as Symphony of the Creative Word, Rudolf Steiner

The information here is from different sources, but has been limited to
people who had direct knowledge of, or direct contact with, devas.
Information from folklore has been omitted as, although originally based
on reality, it is almost always altered and romanticized. In my many
years of study, I have found descriptions of so many kinds of beings
that it would take several volumes to bring all this information together.
Therefore, the purpose of this article is only to give you an idea and an
overview of the kinds of spiritual beings that are around us.

With the industrial revolution, and now in the computer age, the
existence of nature spirits has been pushed aside in a little corner
together with children's tales, fantasy land, and wishful thinking. The
devas much regret this, partly because man has abused nature to a
great extent in the last two hundred years. Some people have picked up
the subject again and written books based on their own experience.
Mankind needs to connect again with the nature forces of which he
himself is vital part. The purpose of this article is to give you an
introduction into the world of the devas. If you want to widen your
interest, go to the end of the page to discover some good books.

What are Devas?
The Lower
Elemental Devas The word deva comes from the Sanskrit
language, meaning "a being of brilliant light" and
Earth Element is used to indicate a non-physical being. We are
using the word deva here as a general name for
both nature spirits and angelic beings.
How did devas come into being? It is said that
Giants in the beginning, when earth solidified and the
physical life forms were formed, the devas were so
Mountain Devas far behind in evolution that they could not form
physical bodies.
Element Water
Consciousness of the devas is directed to
expansion in contrast to our consciousness that is
focused and limited by the form of the human
body. Devas are always conscious of their cosmic
Nixies environment, and want to become ever more
conscious of that what they encompass. Devic
Naiads beings want to be, while physical beings want to
do. Devic beings concentrate creating, while
Element Air physical beings want to develop.
Elves or Sylphs
Devas have an instinctive knowledge, they do
not have to acquire knowledge like we do. The
have instinctive knowledge of cosmic patterns,
Storm Devas relationships, and harmonies.

Element Fire They do not have form as we understand form

in the physical world. In their, astral, realm they
Salamanders, or Fire are like fluidic open vortexes of cosmic
Spirits consciousness. When people are able to perceive
them, they often will take a form extracted from
Some More Nature
Beings the human mind. Thus we will see them in a more
or less human form, but in essence they are only
Fauns vortexes of energies.

Body Elemental They have memory and learn from past

experiences. They are conscious of the archetypes
of the field in which they work. They react to and
Werewolves improve their work according to the physical
influences on the life forms with which they work.
Dragons They are only interested in their own field of work.
For example, the deva of the oak trees is only
House Spirit interested in the growth of oak trees, a landscape
deva is only interested in the life forms of that
Astrological or Birth
landscape, a healing deva only works with healing
energies. It is therefore useless to ask a oak tree
Guardian Spirit deva how to heal a human body. Devas are only
knowledgeable in their own particular field.
Working with devas is of a mutual benefit.
Sound and Dance Devas acquire experience of focused
Spirits consciousness and action, while humans can learn
to surrender to the silence of the devic
Group Elementals
consciousness and its sensitivity to cosmic
The Tuatha De influences. Devas are always willing to help
Danann, or Sidhe people.

UFOs Many people have tried to classify and name

the numerous nature spirits, but one has to
The Higher understand that there are many, many forms of
Developed Devas
nature spirits, and one form blends over into
another. On top of that their names are not
consistent among the authors who classified them.
The Deva of Stone But what does it matter, the most important thing,
is that you have an idea of what they are and
Classification of what they do. If you are really interested in
the Angels working with nature spirits, I recommend the
books of Marko Poganick (see end page).
Evil Devas

Benevolent and
Malevolent Beings
The Lower Elemental Devas
Element Earth

Gnomes are connected to the earth element,
which includes the minerals. They live inside the
earth, although there are some forest gnomes, who
take care of the forest on the level of the earth
element. They vary in size from 2 to 3 feet. They look
a bit knotty, gnarled, and in general they are a bit
gruff, and do not trust easily humans.

Gnomes take care not only of the earth and

minerals, but also of the roots of plants. They have
strong senses and intellect. They understand what
they hear and see. They not only receive the cosmic
influences, but also ideas. They have a clear

A plant receives energies from the cosmos and

lets them sink into the soil, where the gnomes collect
this information and pass it on to the earth, to all the
minerals. Their knowledge is immediate, that is,
when they receive information through their senses
they immediately ‘know’. Because they have a
universal intellect they tend to look down on humans
as incomplete beings. They don’t have to think things
over as we do, thus they think that we are dumb.

Gnomes have an inner sense with which they

experience what is in the minerals and metals, these
being receivers of what is above the earth. They also
seem to be sensitive to influences of the moon. With
full moon, they form a thick ‘skin’ to protect
themselves against the moon light, with new moon
they are almost transparent. They are always alert
what happens around and to them.
They give spiritual support to lowly developed

They are smaller than gnomes, and are much finer and playful, very
friendly, They like to help, and even help with tasks in the house, but at
the same time they remain cautious.

Giants can be really big, as they are often connected to mountains.
They can also live in ancient forests. They are not clever, are very
touchy and dangerous, although there are some exceptions. They like
noise. They are afraid of magicians and certain smells.

Giants are very dense in ethereal substance, and thus they are easily
seen by people with second sight.

Far more
earth devas are
the mountain
devas, beings
that permeates
and work with
a whole
mountain or
with mountain
ranges. Here is
what a
mountain deva
had to say to
Maclean: "Our
is so deep in
the Earth, so
used to
through rock,
that we are
almost as
divorced from
our higher
selves as are
humans. We
are deep down,
firm and
attached to it
and paying
heed to little
else. We do not
mind if you try
to translate our
in your words -
what is one
passing human
in eternity? We
steady and
maintain. We
are the great
maintainers of
the world, the
strength of the
earth itself
forces up and
down, the
pores of the
earth breathing,
and I, one
here. There are
many of us. We
go on forever. I
know man
changes and
alters the
That is only at
our feet and he
has not altered
us. We are of
the Earth itself.
We are before
and after man."

Element Water

Nymphs are
connected to
the element
water, but at
the same time
can also be
connected to a
mountain or
forest. Their
action radius is
very localized.

There also
are nymphs
that regulate
the flow of
water in the
earth's crust. In
distribute the
qualities of
water into the
They can give a
individuality to
a water place.
A well nymph
can turn the
waters of the
well into a
healing place.
It is not
uncommon for
them to appear
in the religious
form of the
goddess that
people of that
area worship.
Hence the
appearance of
Maria at wells
in Europe.

They do not
have a clear
as do gnomes.
They dream
They mostly
dream of the
stars, the sun,
light and

They have a
tendency to
temporarily into
a fish form, but
will take on
just to avoid to
possibility of
turning into a
fish form
They do help
the fishes and

bind and
unbind matter.
They take care
of the
chemistry of

Nymphs can
have a kind of
morbid death

There also
male nymphs,
or water-men,
who embody
the male aspect
of water. They
seem to be
Here is a description of undines by
Geoffrey Hodson : "There are two
different grades of water-spirits at this
(water) fall. One is apparently
connected with the whole ghyll, and
was first seen traveling swiftly up the
mountain on which the stream rises. It
is definitely of the undine variety, but
rather larger than those previously
seen, though similar to tern in other
The figure, which shines as if wet, is
female, nude and without wings, the
exquisite limbs gleam through the
white auric flow, the arms are
particularly long and beautiful, and she
waves them gracefully in her flight.
She is about four feet in height and her
general coloring is silvery white, with
gold stars round the head.
She moves up the fall by a series of
darting motions of exceeding
swiftness, disappears from view as if
into the rock, reappears. and flashes
down again. As I watch her rapid
movements she appears suddenly to
become languid; her form slowly
dissipates and her consciousness sinks
into the ground, as if to rest. At the
particular place where she
disappeared-a large rocky bluff
covered with bracken and heather-I
can still sense, I would almost say see,
the undine, at a distance of six to ten
feet below the surface of the ground.
She has reappeared, and obviously
experiences considerable joy, taking
great interest and delight in the large
fall, over which she hovers in a fashion
that suggests some emotion akin to
brooding tenderness. She shows a
certain natural seriousness; in her
there is none of that careless
inconsequence which marks so many
of the lesser nature-spirits. In her
mind there is a sense of responsibility
for certain aspects and processes of
evolution which are taking place here,
connected chiefly with the water and
the vegetation. Over the rock under
which she retired there is a decided
magnetic influence, due no doubt to
her long-continued presence there,
which has given the place a strongly
defined aura and influence of its own.
There are some less evolved undines
at the actual falls, where they appear
to be permanently stationed. They too,
can pass in and out of the rock at will.
They differ from the one described
chiefly in size; they are less than a foot
high, and appear to be making vocal
sounds. Their joy is more unrestrained
and their whole bearing more
irresponsible than hers. They are five
or six in number. Their slim, graceful,
nude bodies are supple in the extreme,
and they constantly assume poses of
great beauty as they float in the midst
of the fall. or hover just in the edge of
the spray. A characteristic attitude is
one with the body upright and more or
less stiff, limbs straight, arms close to
the side, head thrown slightly back,
eyes looking upward. In this pose they
ride slowly upwards through the falls
to the top, like a bubble rising through
water; having reached the summit
they flash free into the air, releasing
the concentrated energy which they
appear to have absorbed, making a
brilliant display of color and light,
radiating joy and delight in all
directions. (6)

Nixies enliven rivers, springs, lakes and marshes. They show
themselves as beautiful maidens, sometimes with a fish tail. They are
music lovers and excellent dancers, and they have the gift of prophecy.
Although they can give certain gifts to human, one has to be cautious as
they can be harmful, usually by drowning people.

The Naiads
presided over
rivers, streams,
brooks, springs,
fountains, lakes,
ponds, wells, and

Element Air
Elves or Sylphs
These live in the element air, and are like light in
the atmosphere. Sensitive to the movement of the
atmosphere, they have a sleepy consciousness.

Their task is to transfer light to the plants.

The stream of air caused by a flying bird creates a

sound they can hear. They like birds flying through the

Sylphs are connected to movement in space, like

modeling and directing the wind. Elves (or fairies) are
more connected to the expansion of life in their area.

The real fairy is related to the elves, but she is more interested in
humans and animals, and has a strong magical persona. Fairies can act
as protectors or guides for people involved in magic.

Storm Devas
Dora van Gelder: "Probably the most characteristic air
fairy is the one that is associated with storms. They are
small, some four or five feet high, but shapely and
beautiful. They are well proportioned according to the
human model, with faces that are weirdly narrow
framed by streaming hair. Their principal coloring is
like a silver birch, but with faint lights of pale blue and
violet. They are generally some of these about, because
they is usually some wind blowing, but their relation to
wind is not as intimate as that of cloud fairy to cloud.
They seldom come down to earth level and are seen
mainly in great troops high up in the sky. When a
strong wind blows, however, they descend to earth or
ocean surface. They have intelligence of high order and
are, in fact, close to the sylphs in nature. Perhaps there
may be a group of sylphs especially attached to wind
later described in connection with the hurricane.
Sylphs, like all other fairies, work under the direction
of angels. Their superiors are a special group of angels
associated with storms, and when a great storm is about
to break, they are rallied for it. Just as rain storms are
high spots in the life of of cloud fairies, and other
fairies have their special pleasures and events, so the
wind storm is the great joy of these particular fairies.
They sweep over the top of a forest in the wind, over
the surface of the earth, and are to be seen normally
only about great peaks in high mountains. They are
superiors of the cloud fairies and direct them." (4)

Element Fire

Salamanders, or Fire Spirits

The salamanders collect warmth and
transfer it into the flowers. They feel very
connected to the world of butterflies and
insects. They are very difficult to see.

The fire spirits are spirits of

transformation (dying, decay and
regeneration), they make the compost pile
into fertile soil. The are the fire that burns
the candle or the wood. They take life
processes to maturity, and through the
processes of decomposition and
transformation they take them to the
threshold of a new birth. For the nature
spirits in between life and rebirth there is a
period of regeneration in the blazing life
force of fire.

They are also radiating light and have to

do with enlightenment and with the world
made visible through light. They can appear
in light bodies, radiating brilliant light.

They also can be spirits of inspiration,

mediators between the angelic world and the
more physical levels of creation. In ancient
times they were called the muses.

While the fire-spirits in the forest are

small, in a volcano they are seven up to
fourteen feet tall. They can appear in human
form with a kind of devilish look on their
face, although they are quite attractive. In a
volcano are also great angels of fire.

There are also important fire spirits in the

center of the earth, connected to the destiny
of the planet.

Some More Nature Beings

Fauns are nature spirits with half
animal, half human appearance. They might
follow humans around but are harmless.

Traditionally they are depicted as young

men with the lower body of a goat and
horns on their head. Fauns are tree spirits,
in the sense that they help trees grow. They
direct the growth of trees in certain useful
directions. They have a relative
autonomous intelligence with which they
can watch the environment of the trees
both below and above the ground.

Thus a faun offers his consciousness to

help the tree grow harmoniously into its
environment. In return the tree provides
the faun the opportunity to gain
experiences in matter. Through this
reciprocal action the faun is tied to the tree
for its entire lifetime.

Body Elemental
When talking about nature spirits we always look around in nature.
But you have one right inside your body! It is call the 'body elemental'
and is actually situated within your etheric body. The function of this
body elemental is to first build the form of your body, through the
process of conception and gestation, help it grow and mature. They stay
with a person until the life expectancy of the individual terminates. The
body elemental is a highly developed spirit being of the earth element.

The body elemental is responsible for the well-being of your body. It

manipulates the energies from nature and from our higher bodies to
make them suitable for the etheric, and therefore the physical body, in
this way keeping the energy levels up for every cell and organ in the
body. This helps your body to function properly in the physical realm in
your everyday life so that you may fulfill a greater life purpose in the
outer world. Therefore the body elemental is instrumental in aiding in
any self-healing process. It knows the blueprint of your
atomic/molecular structure right down to the DNA/RNA cellular level
because the Body Elemental helped create your very physical body as a
house for the soul. It knows exactly where the trauma and the
memories have been stored and holds the roadmap to pinpoint the
locations that contain the problems. It is able to retrieve the information
and release the 'know-how' of how to best facilitate self healing or
healing for others.

The body elemental can be contacted by meditation, or in a healing

session, to help with the healing process and in keeping the body
healthy. As with all elementals, or nature spirits, you have to approach
your body elemental with respect. Do not expect it to do all the work,
you have a big part to play in keeping yourself healthy by what you eat
and drink, and by your life style.
Apparently, the body elemental sits in a place between the solar
plexus and heart chakras, connecting the soul and body to the divine
mind elemental which sits above.

Marko Pagonick (see end of page) describes the feeling of the body
elemental as a warm, fur-like construction which supports the body
from the ground upwards, solidly grounding the body. It must be this
that made the ancients depict Pan with hairy legs. Then there is a
connection of the body elemental along the spine up to the head.

From Greek mythology, Pan is "the
Feeder of Flocks." God of herds, fertility and
male sexuality. Pan has the horns and legs
of a goat and plays a syrinx, a pipe with
seven reeds. An ancient god, he has no
moral or social aspect whatsoever, and is
simply the embodiment of pure, basic
instinct. Some said that Pan taught Apollo
the art of prophecy. Pan especially loves
mountains and wild country. Pan has a dark
aspect as well, causing men and animals to
go suddenly mad with terror in distant,
lonely places. His name is therefore the root
word of "panic."

In our modern days, spiritually gifted

people have had experiences with Pan,
mostly in his traditional form. From this it is
clearly that Pan is a multi-level being. Pan
can give you a full experience of the world
of nature spirits and its connection to the

These are spirits that are very aggressive and dangerous, and have a lot
of power.

Dragons are nature spirits of great
strength and power which they can transfer
to humans, including psychic powers. They
also have the ability to cure all kinds of
diseases. But there is a pitfall: they give a
lust for power and sexual passions.

Dragons can be from the four elements.

A gold dragon (fire) gives wealth and gold.
A black dragon (earth) causes wars and is
often associated with the military. A white
dragon (water) attracts money, but in a
lesser degree; it also influences economic
affairs. A blue dragon (air) transport souls
with preordained mission from heaven to

There are many more kinds of dragons.

Dragons have been seen floating very

high above any cloud level, in all kinds of
vivid colors. Their intelligence seems to be
low. These dragons never descend into the
lower atmosphere. In nature they are
mainly used as a reservoir from which the
angels and fairies draw energy

House Spirit
Each structure built and occupied by people has a spirit that
develops according to the energies of that structure and the people
living in it. It is a primitive form of consciousness that has no form nor
will it become visible. When new people move into the house, their new
habits and rearrangement of the different parts of the house can cause
stress on the house spirit. Therefore it is good to immediately tune into
the house spirit, make some offerings, and communicate what you plan
to do with the house and the rooms. Otherwise the displeased spirit
could cause trouble for the new occupants.

Astrological or Birth Fairies

With every birth there are at least one or more birth fairies present
at the crib of the newly born. They give the baby one or more gifts or
talents. These gifts or talents are actually enforcements of a certain
pattern already inscribed in the astrological blueprint of the baby. Such
a gift can be very decisive, because it will send the person on a certain
path rather than an other. For example, the position of the planet Mars
can make a person choose for the profession of surgeon but also of a
soldier. The Faries can reinforce, for example, the energies that will
make that person choose for surgeon.

Do you know why it is a custom to give candies around at the birth

of a newborn? It is a continuation of an old custom to bring offerings to
the birth faries and thus ask for a positive future for the child. Although
the birth faries are rarely visible, as they are not that interested in
showing themselves to mortals, you don't want to miss out on their
good energies. So make sure you bring those offerings into the room as
soon as possible!

Guardian Spirit
This is an artificially created elemental spirit that is programmed to
guard a certain territory or object. It needs to be continuously charged
by the person or group who created it.

A djinn is a nature spirit that is being controlled by a human for the
purpose of carrying out certain works. The human has to be in total
control of the djinn, otherwise the djinn might take control over the
human, or play tricks, like making objects disappear and appear, or
wander around.

Sound and Dance Spirits

Sound and dance spirits are of the same
nature as elves, kobolds, aerial spirits but
more developed and more subtle. They
attach a lot of importance to higher
aesthetics. They react positively to beautiful
sounds and movements of people, and thus
end out strong vibrations that influence the
fate of man in a positive way. But those
who create disharmonious sounds and jerky
movements disturb their own aura, by their
actions they offend the sound and dance
spirits. At the same time they become open
to the energies of bad spirits.

I have made a special CD with the

sounds of the Tibetan Singing Bowls. When
I spoke to the Hungarian shaman Joska
Soos, he confirmed my feeling that the
singing bowls are connected to sound
beings. Playing these bowls brings these
sound beings into the room where they
exert their positive influence on the people
present and the environment. For more
information go to Soul Sounds!

Group Elementals
This is an elemental being that came into existence when a group of
people was formed. Its formation and continuous existence depends
strongly on the emotions in the group. The group elemental also
influences the members of the group, making a close connection
between all the members. A new member of the group will be absorbed
if his emotions or mental energy correspond with the group elemental,
or he will be rejected.

Any group you can imagine, has a group elemental, for example, a
religious group, professional group, activist groups, also a town or a
country, city or tribe has a group elemental, and so on.

The Tuatha De Danann, or Sidhe

The Thuata Da Danann is a race of beings, once
primarily known in Ireland. It is said that long ago the
Sidhe were a people very much like ourselves, living a
life similar to humans. Their origin is unknown, but
they are considered to be a non-human race of
intelligent beings with great knowledge, and not quite
physical, although many people have seen them. The
size of the lower class Sidhe is a little smaller than the
size of humans, those of the higher classes are taller.
Both classes often have blond or golden hair.

The Sidhe reigned over Ireland until they were

conquered by human invaders. They fled to the depths
of the earth, into caves and other underground places.
Their dwelling places are also often under lakes. They
inhabit beautiful palaces, enjoying feasts, lovemaking,
and music. They are not a working class but rather
military-aristocratic. Their realm is now called Tir-na-
nog, one of the many Otherworlds. Their world is
generally described as a place of harmony and beauty.

The race of the Sidhe is not confined solely to

Ireland. As the Irish psychics themselves say, they also
inhabit other countries around the world. They move
from one place to another and take great interest in
man. They travel in magical ships. During the nights
they are often seen traveling in spheres of light.

The Sidhe are often described as tall, beautiful

beings who have eternal youth. But when they appear
to humans they can take any shape they want.

Between the Sidhe and humans there has always

been an exchange. They can appear in our world and
take fine-looking young men and women in order to
marry them. Living in their realm these mortals were
bestowed with a fairy immortality. When returning to
our world, they are confronted with the passing of a lot
of time in the physical world. Somehow time is
experienced differently in the Sidhe world. Another
aspect is that the person has remained young while his
earthly relatives have grown old or died.

Children from unions between Sidhe and humans

turned out noble and heroic. Some of the greatest
figures of antiquity are declared to have been such

Sometimes people go off with the Sidhe in a kind of

trance or dream state, which can last days or even
months. But mortals were not always forcibly taken.
They could be invited, or go on their own account, for
example for the love of a fairy woman, or to perform
some mission. They could live forever in the Sidhe
world if they wished. When entering the world of
Sidhe, one undergoes a kind of bodily transformation
that changes one's physical nature into the nature of the
Sidhe. Some people say that the Sidhe themselves
transmute the physical body of humans into a body like
their own. People who have been in the realm of the
Sidhe have had difficulty in getting accustomed again
to their ordinary lives. Most of them have undergone
some inner changes and have begun to see life from a
different angle.

That Sidhe are not physical is proved by many

witnesses who have seen the Sidhe going through stone
walls, or into a hill side.

The Sidhe have magical powers by which they can

cast spells upon people. They can put a state of akinesis
(the inability to move) on a person who enters their
territory, or on someone who is watching them. The
Sidhe also have to power to look into the future with
great accuracy.

The Sidhe have a reputation for teasing people,

making jokes and disguising themselves.

An important aspect of the Sidhe is that they are

amoral. They do not care about the effects of their
teasings. Being themselves immortal (in the sense of
having a very long life) and at the same time amoral,
they do not seem to be bothered when their interference
with humans turn out negative or deadly for the human.

The Sidhe seem to have a close relationship with

nature and especially the atmospheric phenomena. It is
also said that some of them direct the magnetic currents
of the Earth.

Music is one of their favorite pastimes, and at times

they have been seen traveling through the air, playing
music and singing. My own grandmother, in her young
days, has seen light spheres traveling through the
countryside accompanied by music. The country people
in her area didn't quite know what to think of it.

I thought it might be good to give you here
an explanation Seizan Fukami (a well known
Japanese psychic with great insights in the
spiritual world and their inhabitants) gives
about UFOs. He is not happy about the
increased interest in UFOs. From his personal
experience with UFOs, he found that most of
them are manifestations in different forms of
gangster spirit bands. Those are spirits, who
banded together, were not too bad to go the
hells and not good enough to go to the normal
spirit worlds. They remained somewhere in
between. They are half-spirit and half-material.
When they make themselves visible in the
material world they have the ability to delude
human beings. One of the forms they take is
the UFO. (Some of the UFOs are vehicles of
highly developed righteous spirits.) "Nothing
gives these rowdies more pleasure than to see
people running around overreacting to their
presence shouting, 'It’s a UFO!'." So these
gangster bands just love to make themselves
visible to people or carry someone off for a

Besides manifesting as UFOs they also

appear in poltergeist phenomena. They also
appear in many other forms.

Fukami speaks from personal experience:

"…during these encounters I also was subjected
to an indescribable electric-like shock that I
guess you would have to classify as a kind of
electromagnetic wave. It felt just like a shock
from an electric range. Such electromagnetic
waves feel quite like the spiritual waves
emitted by the divine and spirit worlds, except
that they are rougher and more often than not
spiritually negative. But people who have never
experienced true exalted spiritual waves before
are likely to take them for emanations from the
gods. They are far from that, however."

"I hasten to say that the UFO's sent

from the righteous spirit world are
incredibly beautiful. The spiritual waves
they give off are rough like electrical
energy, but they also emit a very refined
kind of light. However they do not cause
any sort of vague fear in the human soul,
nor do they delude and disorient people.
The reason is that they operate in the
cause of love and righteousness."

If you are interested in reading more about

contact with benevolent extraterrestrials, read
"Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge" by
Steven Greer.
The Higher Developed Devas
These beings, usually called angels, archangels and so on, are
creative intelligences building our world. They know how to manipulate
ethereal substances into ever more crystallized forms of which the end
result is physical matter. They build vehicles for every life form.

They do not have free will, but are very powerful in what they do.
Their form changes as they move around, and changes over time. They
live in a state of immediate knowledge and are a source of happiness
and exaltation. They live fully in the moment, in full concentration and in
unity with the flowing energy of the field they are working in.

They can create sounds in the ethereal worlds that have a positive
effect on humans and their environment. They work with sounds,
mantras, and movements to create energy patterns.

There are devas which encompass more abstract ideas or concepts

like power, healing, music, peace, education.

The following, The Deva of Stone, is an example of a cosmic deva at

work, a deva where you would least expect it. (from To Hear the Angels
Sing, by Dorothy Maclean)
The Deva of Stone
Nature is full of paradox, in that as you seek contact
with what you consider a lower form of life, you in fact
contact a more universal being. The mind of man
codifies and formulates, which is within its right and
purpose, but forgets that all is one, that God is in all, and
that basic substance, seemingly most void of sensitive
consciousness, is held in its state of existence by its
opposite, a vast consciousness, too vast for you to do
more than sense its fringes and know that it extends
beyond your present imagination. You realize too that
dense matter is influenced in its make-up by stellar

Classification of the Angels

Most people with the second sight have focus on the elemental
beings, only a few also have contact with the angelic realm. They have
described angels of sound, color, healing and so on, angels associated
with the Christ energy and creative forces, but for a basic classification
of the higher developed beings we have to turn to the old, but still valid
classification in the Jewish/Christian tradition. So, here we go:

Besides all the beings and forces we have seen thus far, there are
even more, greater beings that work on the fundaments of the cosmos.
Here is an overview of the traditional hierarchy above the Archangels.
The first name is from the Catholic tradition, the second name, between
brackets, is from the Jewish tradition.

The Seraphim (Haioth ha Qodesh) distribute the universal force

that allows mankind to fixate within themselves the divine unity. They
determine the four supreme cardinal points, from which comes those of
space. From these beings come the four elements, and all other group
of four that determine existence. They are without any form.

The Cherubim (Ophanim or Galgalim) regulate and equilibrate

the primordial chaos. They provide us the forms by which we are able to
visualize the divine things. Their vibrations are in form of light as well as
sounds. Their function is to maintain manifestation in movement.
The Thrones (Arailim) allow our spirit to fixate the images formed
by the Cherubim. They maintain the primordial ether in the visible form
in the subtle substances. They regulate and stabilize the power of the
divine to give it form. They reside in the area of the cosmos where
material form begins to take shape.

The Dominions (Hhashmalim) are like a reservoir of energy that

animates nature. They give to men the necessary force to conquer the
inner enemy and to achieve the ends that are assigned to them.
Dominions are Angels of Leadership. They regulate the duties of the
angels, making known the commands of God.

The Powers (Seraphin) have to do with divine sanctity and

purification. Powers are Warrior Angels against evil defending the
cosmos and humans. They are known as potentates. They fight against
evil spirits who attempt to wreak chaos through human beings.

The Virtues (Malakim) work primordially on the mineral kingdom,

the environment in which the beings of creation evolve. They produce
the mineral realm, the metal, the gems and are the soul of all mineral
medicine. Virtues are known as the Spirits of Motion and control the
elements. They are sometimes referred to as "the shining ones." They
govern all nature.

The Principalities (Tarshishim) give us the submission of all

things, they embrace of all forces.

The Archangels (Beni-Elohim) rule over the animal kingdom and

give man domination over it.

The Angels (Keroubim) are the guardians of the threshold, the

defenders of the holiness of God against fallen man who would
otherwise take the Tree of life. They deliver the prayers to God and
God's answers and other messages to humans. Angels have the capacity
to access any and all other Angels at any time. They are the most caring
and to assist those who ask for help.

Evil Devas
Good devas keep themselves to the realm they are working in. Evil
devas will approach animals and humans with their bad intentions. It is
said that strong plant poisons are caused by bad elves, and gnomes and
nymphs can become parasitic.

Benevolent and Malevolent Beings

More evolved does not automatically mean that they are benevolent
to humans. Superior spirits, however, have made a vow that they will
never introduce themselves with a personal name as a means to make
people believe in them. They decline any personal recognition. Their
messages are always refined and, if high in vibrancy, short with a
profound meaning, and they are not compulsive. True spiritual beings of
high development have a full aura. They are filled with a particular
quality of white clear light.

If you want to know with what kind of spirit you are dealing with, ask
to show them their inner, divine light. True spiritual beings will respond,
while spirits with bad intentions will not. Or ask them their name, a
good spirit will not give one.

Malevolent spirits interfere with life on the physical level, and cause
trouble when they give psychic powers to people. They often give
prophecies of disasters. They have no sense of the beautiful or the
artistic. They cannot fake beauty or artistry, or sincerity, as all this
comes from the heart, and from the divine. They might have a great
amount of intelligence, but it is not rooted in truth. They like to talk
about and fake the truth, wisdom, righteousness and love, but it is all

Malevolent spirits feed on fear. To avoid them learn to keep your

fear under control, or learn to eliminate it. The opposite of fear is trust,
trust in the divine. Don’t pay attention to them. Don’t hate them either,
or be angry. They are also children of the divine, who went the wrong
path. Respect them for who they are, and make a clear choice not to get
involved with them. Know you are rooted in the divine, and bring out
that divine light, which we all have in ourselves.

I have a couple of good books for sale by Marko Pogacnik about the
earth energies, devas and the present energy changes. Click here.

Fonte: http://www.soul-guidance.com/houseofthesun/devas.htm

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