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1. Riska Alfiyatus Kumairoh NISN. 9995490802
2. Hanum Mazidah Ilmi NISN. 9995479061


A. Research Title
Utilization of Kaffir Lime Skin (Citrus Hystrix-D.C.) and Lime Skin (Citrus Aurantifolia-S)
as Material for Producing Relaxation Oil

B. Background
Indonesia there are many kinds of oranges and the price is cheap. However, its
utilization is less well known to the public, especially to the orange it self. Many know that
oranges are rich in vitamin C alone while orange peel has a benefit of less utilization. Citrus
fruits are usually just thrown away as rubbish, which today is one of the problems in big
cities. To overcome the problem of waste, one of the usual efforts is to process or recycle the
waste into useful products or materials, such as organic waste into compost and plastic waste
into household appliances. Orange peel contains essential oil that can be extracted so that it
has high selling value. Essential oil is loved by consumers, especially the upper middle class,
for health and fragrance ingredients according to Mizu (2008) in Hidayati (2012).
With orange peel we can remove dark stains on the skin of the face, whiten teeth and
essential oil content has the benefit of a very active conventional antibiotic against microbes,
such as fungi, bacteria and viruses and can eliminate excessive stress when after daily
activities. Essential oil of kaffir lime contains chemical component with l-sitronelal as main
component (81,49%), sintronelol (8,22%), linalol (3,69%), geraniol (0,31%). This striking
composition distinction is what distinguishes lemon rind oils from other citrus peel oils
(Anonimous, 2009).
Very high synronelal content to be one of the excess lime oil in the field of industry,
especially cosmetic perfume industry (Ketaren, 1985). The chemical composition of essential
oils produced by Citrus Aurantifolia plant from Cameroon are limonene (53.92%), á-pinen
(0.33%), mirsen (1.58%), â-pinen (0.97%), Sabinene (2.06%), and isokamfen (0.56%)
belonging to the monoterpene hydrocarbon group; Geraniol (1.33%), linalol (1.20%), neral
(9.88%), nerol (1.38%), geranial (12.26%), geranil acetate (2.03%), α-terpineol (0.42%),
citronellol (0.67%), and neril acetate (4.56%) belonging to oxygenated monoterpen groups;
And â-kariofilene (0.61%) which belongs to hydrocarbon siskuiterpen group (Astarini et al,
The chemical composition of essential oils produced by Citrus Aurantifolia plant from
Cameroon are limonene (53.92%), á-pinen (0.33%), mirsen (1.58%), â-pinen (0.97%),
Sabinene (2.06%), and isokamfen (0.56%) belonging to the monoterpene hydrocarbon group;
Geraniol (1.33%), linalol (1.20%), neral (9.88%), nerol (1.38%), geranial (12.26%), geranil
acetate (2.03%), -terpineol (0.42%), citronellol (0.67%), and neril acetate (4.56%) belonging
to oxygenated monoterpen groups; And â-kariofilene (0.61%) which belongs to hydrocarbon
siskuiterpen group (Astarini et al, 2009).
The result of analisismen using gas crhomatography mass spectrometer (GC-MS)
showed that limonen extract from orange peel reached about 91.15% Istiano et al (2001) in
Kartika et al. (2004). This d-limonenene compound has been demonstrated in several studies
by effecting insecticides on certain types of ticks (Kartika et al, 2004). With orange peel we
can remove dark stains on the skin of the face, whiten teeth and essential oils have benefits as
a conventional antibiotic that is very active against microbes, such as fungi, bacteria and
viruses and can eliminate excessive stress when after daily activities.
Therefore, in this study, researchers tried to make a new variation of relaxation oil by
utilizing essential oils of lime and lime skin with chemical components contained into
tranquilizers, namely citronellal and limonene. This is because the essential oil of lime and
lime skin has an advantage, among others, the nature that can be renewed, recyclable,
biodegradable in the environment and more economical.

C. Research Objectives

1. Determine how to use orange skin as a relaxation oil ingredient.

2. Determine the combination of lime skin oil and kaffir lime skin.
3. Determine the compounds in lime skin and kaffir lime skin.
4. Determine the population of colonies from the oil of kaffir lime and lime skin.

D. Outcome
1. Getting a relaxed oil ingredient as well as knowing the ratio of the blend.
2. Can know the compound content of lime skin and kaffir lime skin.
3. Can be informed to the public about the skin of lime and lime which can be used as a
relaxation oil ingredient.
4. Can be more developed utilization of lime and lime skin material.
5. Can be the basis for further research.

E. Theory
1. Kaffir Lime
Kaffir Lime (Citrus hystrix-D.C.) is included in the Amantioidae family of
Rutaceae tribe, one of the citrus species that can produce essential oil. The essential oil of
citrus has high citronellal content, citronellol, geraniol, and linalol (Simanihuruk, 2013). ).
Very high citronellal content to be one of the excess lime oil in the field of industry. In the
orange peel there are spots in the freckles contain oils that are often used in making
fragrant soap, fragrances, cakes or ice cream.
Kaffir lime has a rather strong scent. The size of the fruit is smaller than the fist,
rounded shape but many bulges and berbintil. The skin of the fruit is thick and dark green
color is plain or mottled. The skin of the fruit is thick and green, only the true ripe fruit will
be a little yellow. The flesh is yellowish green, it is very sour and sometimes bitter. The
skin of the fruit is grated and mixed with water for the hair washer. Also used cake making
is often also called candied (Yuliani and Satuhu, 2012). In the citrus species can produce
essential oils. Essential oils include volatile secondary metabolites and plant parts such as
tubers, roots, stems, skins, leaves, flowers, and seeds.

2. Volatile Oil of Kaffir Lime Skin

Essential oil of kaffir lime contains chemical component with l-sitronelal as main
component (81,49%), sintronelol (8,22%), linalol (3,69%), geraniol (0,31%). This
distinctive compositional difference is what distinguishes the oil of orange rind from other
orange peel oil (Anonimous, 2009). Very high synronelal content to be one of the excess
lime oil in the field of industry, especially cosmetic perfume industry (Ketaren, 1985).
The essential oil of kaffir lime can be used as natural flavor on food. The use of
lime oil as flavor can be divided into two groups, namely water-soluble flavor and fat
soluble flavor. Benefits of active essential oil components in the food industry as
flavorings and flavor enhancers, in pharmaceuticals as anti-pain and anti-bacterial, in the
preservative industry as an insecticide, in the cosmetics industry and personal care
products as active ingredients of soap, toothpaste, lotion, skin Care, and beauty products
(Widiastuti, 2012).

3. Lime
Citrus aurantifolia-S commonly known by the name of Lime, much grown in
southern Asia, Japan, and Indonesia. This plant grows well in tropical environments. This
plant has white flowers (Astarin et al, 2009). Lime including one type of citrus genuk that
includes the type of herbaceous plants that have many branches and twigs. Height of about
0.5-3.5meter. The tree trunk is woody ductile, prickly and hard, while the outer skin
surface is dark and dull. The leaves are compound, elliptical with rounded base. The
flowers are single-sized or grown in the axillary of leaves or at the end of the stem with a
diameter of 1.5-2.5cm. The fruit is round as big as a ping pong ball with a diameter of 3.5-
5cm, color (outer shell) green or yellowish. The old lemon juice tastes sour (Endah, 2012).
Lime is one of the family's medicinal plants are widely found in the community and
widely used as a traditional herb. The part that is often used is water juice, with one of the
benefits can be used to get rid of acne and wound healing in order to avoid abscess. Acne
and abscess in the wound is one of the infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus
bacteria. Lime Used as an appetite enhancer, fever (anti pireutic), diarrhea, body
straightening, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial (Rajak et al, 2013).
The results showed that lemon juice has a resistance to the growth of
Staphylococcus aureus bacteria with various concentrations of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%
and there is influence of contact duration on bacterial growth where bacteria do not grow
after the first 5 minutes And followed by the next minutes with 100% lime juice. Thus, the
higher the concentration of juice of lime juice and the longer the contact with
Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, the better the inhibitory power (Rajak et al, 2013).

4. Volatile Oil of Lime Skin

Chemical composition of essential oils produced by Citrus aurantifolia plant from
Cameroon are limonene (53.92%), á-pinen (0.33%), mirsen (1.58%), â-pinen (0.97%) ,
Sabinene (2.06%), and isokamfen (0.56%) belonging to the monoterpene hydrocarbon
group; Geraniol (1.33%), linalol (1.20%), neral (9.88%), nerol (1.38%), geranial (12.26%),
geranil acetate (2.03%), -terpineol (0.42%), citronellol (0.67%), and neril acetate (4.56%)
belonging to oxygenated monoterpen groups; And â-kariofilene (0.61%) which belongs to
hydrocarbon siskuiterpen group (Rajak et al, 2013).

The result of analisismen using gas crhomatography mass spectrometer (GC-MS)
showed that limonen extract from orange peel reached about 91.15% Istiano et al (2001) in
Kartika et al. (2004). This d-limonenene compound has been demonstrated in several
studies by effecting insecticides on certain types of ticks (Kartika et al, 2004).

5. The Right Raw Material Ratio to Get Orange Oil with Optimum Quality and
The ratio of 0.4 is the optimum point of the extraction process with the raw material
of orange peel. The application of this optimum point is used to determine the amount of
raw material to be inserted. For example if the volume of the distiller used is enlarged to
100 liters then it can be estimated that the inserted material is about 40 kg. The ratio of 0.4
is the optimum point with the raw material of orange peel and orange peel sauce.
(Muhtadin et al, 2013). Overall it can be seen that the 12 hour drying preatment method is
more optimum compared to 24 hour drying or non-drying. This is supported by SEM
(Scaningg Electron Microscope) test result with 85X magnification from the surface of
orange peel (Muhtadin et al, 2013).

F. Research Methodology
1. Tools and Materials
The ingredients used (1) kaffir lime skin (Citrus hystrix-D.C.); (2) lime skin (Citrus
aurantifolia-S); (3) aquades; (4) PA ethanol; (5) KOH solution of 0.1016. While the tools
used (1) indicators PP; (2) steam generator in the form of two-neck flask; (3) scot size
duran 1000 mL; (4) extractor gourd in the form of a three-mole flask scot duran 1000 mL
size; (5) Pyrex erlenmeyer size 250 mL; (6) Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
(GC-MS) Shimadzu QP2010S.

2. Research Variables
Control variables : the type of kaffir lime skin and the type of lime skin
Variable manipulation : the ratio of essential oil of lime skin and lime skin
Response variable : organoleptic and relaxed oil compounds

3. Experimental Procedure
a. Determination of Formulation
The formulation was performed by using the extraction of oil of kaffir lime
skin and lime skin.
Table 1. Reason Formulation Volatile Oil
Number Treatment Lime Skin (ml) Kaffir Lime Skin (ml)
1. A 10 0,0
2. B 7,5 2,5
3. C 5,0 5,0
4. D 2,5 7,5
5. E 0,0 10

b. Organoleptic Test
Tests on organoleptic properties were performed with 40 respondents with age
range 16-19 years. There are three determinant parameters that are the level of
fragrance, favorite and odor type. For the level of fragrance there are 4 choices (very
fragrant, fragrant, not fragrant, not very fragrant). For this type of odor there are 4
choices (sweet, fresh, soft, sharp). Then for the level of preferences there are 4 choices
(very like, like, do not like, really do not like).

c. Irritation Test (Adliani et al, 2012)

The technique used in this irritation test is an open patch test (Patch Tast) on the
forearm on the inside of a 15-person penetaker. The open tempe test is applied by
applying the dosage prepared at the site of the attachment to a certain area of 2.5 x 2.5
cm. Observed by the reaction, a positive irritant reaction is indicated by redness, itching,
or swelling of the treated inner forearm. The redness is marked (1), the itching is
marked (2), the swelling is marked (3), and which does not indicate any reaction is
marked (0). The criteria of the irritant test panel are women, aged between 20-30 years,
physically and mentally healthy, have no history of allergic diseases, stated their
willingness to be irritated test panel.

d. Aroma Resistance Test

Aromatherapy test is performed to test the aroma intensity. This test is done by
applying the product on the peel and recorded the time until the fragrance of the
perfume is lost entirely.

e. Determination of Chemical Components of Kaffir Lime Skin Oil Component
and Lime Skin
Determination of constituent components of lime peel oil and lime peel using
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Shimadzu QP2010S at Integrated
Laboratory, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. The type of column used is
AGILENT HP 5MS, column length 30 meters and ID of 0.25 mm. The operating
conditions of the apparatus use column heating temperature: 60oC for 5 minutes,
injection temperature: 310oC for 17 minutes, injection mode with a split ratio of 142.4
and a carrier gas of helium at a pressure of 15.0 kPa, total flow: 80.0 mL / Min, column
flow: 0.54 mL / min and linear speed: 26.7 cm / sec.
While for SM with the following conditions: start time 3 minutes later lasts up to
70 minutes (end time), interval 0.50 seconds with 1250 speed scan, initial m / v of 28
and ending m / v 600. Determination of type Compounds dilakuakan with the help of
data base device Willey 7, Willey 229, and NIST 12 NIST 62 Library.

4. Data Analysis Procedure

The research data were analyzed using the basic design of RAK (Group Random
Design) with 5 treatments and 2 replications. As the treatment is the number of oil
formulations (1: 1), (3: 1), (1: 1), (1: 3), and (0: 1) (as control), while as a group is the
time of analysis. The test between the average of treatment was done by using the test of
honest difference (BNJ) with the level of 5% behavior.

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