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International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS) ISSN: 2393-9842

Issue 05, Volume 5 (May 2018) www.irjcs.com


Shivani K. Purohit*, Ashish K. Sharma
Department of Computer Technology, M.I.E.T, Gondia
shivani_purohit@rediffmail.com; ash5000@rediffmail.com;
Manuscript History
Number: IRJCS/RS/Vol.05/Issue05/MYCS10080
Received: 02, May 2018
Final Correction: 07, May 2018
Final Accepted: 09, May 2018
Published: May 2018
Computer Science, Volume V, 207-220. doi://10.26562/IRJCS.2018.MYCS10080
Editor: Dr.A.Arul L.S, Chief Editor, IRJCS, AM Publications, India
Copyright: ©2018 This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License, Which Permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author
and source are credited

Abstract— Nowadays, application of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) has become widespread in the
marketplace for product development. Customer Requirements (CRs) and Design Requirements (DRs) are the two
key components of the QFD process. Nevertheless, variegation of marketplace directly impact on CRs by making
them more changing; which in turn results in dynamic DRs. However, DRs are the solutions for achieving the
customer satisfaction, thus, there is strong need of forecasting these DRs to enhance competitiveness in
marketplace and improve customer satisfaction. The purpose can be served by employing Data Mining techniques
of forecasting in QFD. Due to availability of verity of forecasting techniques, selection of most efficient method to
evaluate out appropriate results is highly desired. To this end, the paper presents a novel software tool to
proficiently forecast DRs in QFD. The tool facilitates forecasting through various data mining based time series
analysis techniques that sturdily lend a hand in doing comparative analysis and estimating out the most pertinent
technique for forecasting of DRs. The tool is developed using VB.Net and MS-Access. Finally, an example is
illustrated to demonstrate the practicability of proposed software tool.
Keywords— Data mining; design requirements (DRs); forecasting; Quality Function Deployment (QFD); time-
series analysis.
In this ever changing world of technology, it has become quite crucial and tedious to keep track of the emerging
technologies and innovations. Owing to this tremendous pace of technology in the marketplace, achieving
customer satisfaction has become critical task for organization. Global competitiveness has recently turned out to
be the prime apprehension of many companies, which consider ‘‘continuous improvement’’ to cope up with the
swift of development throughout the world motivated by technological modernizations and varying requirements
[1]. This issue can be somewhat overcome by implementing Quality Function Deployment (QFD) along with the
data mining in the initial stage of product development life cycle which assist in dealing with the futuristic
requirements effectively. QFD is a customer-oriented design tool enriched with the high customer satisfaction and
based on the concept that deal with the customer requirement more effectively and transfer these requirements
into apt design aims way and boost organizational potentials, while maximizing company goals [2]. Many
organizations have claimed great success with the implementation of QFD. Proponents assert that QFD has helped
them reduce production costs, design time and cost; increase customer satisfaction and product quality [3].
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Issue 05, Volume 5 (May 2018) www.irjcs.com

QFD workings mainly concentrate on prioritization of two parameters: Customer Requirements (CRs) and Design
Requirements (DRs). QFD intelligently transforms CRs into appropriate design requirements (DRs). Design
Requirements (DRs) are the solutions for technical implementation of CRs in an internal language of designers
and engineers. It can also be understood as the key to achieve customer satisfaction. In this revolutionary era, due
to the tremendous boom in the marketplace, CRs will be dynamic in nature as a result their corresponding design
requirements will also vary. It can be clearly observed that the requirements may be different when the product is
already in the market and may be altered at the time of designing. Owing to this time lag trouble, forecasting of
future values becomes necessity in QFD.Many product designers and engineers may face several suspicions,
inconsistent objectives and expenditure effectives, as varying design procedures are particularly complex [4].
Thus, Forecasting future DRs in QFD would be advantageous in making the future strategies and can lend a hand
in taking the preventive measures for the future circumstances. Predicting the futuristic DR for in QFD can be
beneficial for the company to provide better products, enhance their competitiveness in marketplace and increase
customer satisfaction [3]. Researchers have integrated many techniques with QFD for forecasting the future
values. [5,6,7,8].
Data mining has been verified as renowned and booming mean of forecasting. Data Mining is the approach that
passes all the way through data to realize unrevealed relations among the data that are interesting to the user[9].
Fundamentally, the principle of data mining is based on utilization of historic values for the future value
prediction. With the availability of variety of forecasting techniques such as, decision trees, linkage analysis,
hybrid approaches, time-series analysis, cluster analysis, neural network etc; data mining techniques have been
proven often more significant, versatile, and influential for exploratory analysis in contrast to regular statistical
techniques. Data mining have been applied over many fields for forecasting future values such as finance.[10,11],
stock markets[12,13,14], crime forecasting[15], weather forecasting[16,17], telecommunication[18,19], and etc.
Nevertheless, its application on QFD is very uncommon and has not been sufficiently referred in the literature.
Since last few years, researchers have promoted the application of data mining in QFD for forecasting
purpose.[20,4,21,8,22]. This study spotlights on the application of data-mining based time-series analysis
techniques, such as Simple Moving Average (SMA), Weighted Moving Average (WMA), Single Exponential Smoothing
(SE), Double Exponential Smoothing using Brown’s Method (DEB), Double Exponential Smoothing using Holt’s and
Winter’s method (DEH&W) and Linear Regression (LR); on QFD in order to forecast the futuristic DRs. As the QFD
and Data mining itself are extremely vast procedures and involves complex calculation, thus it becomes quite
cumbersome and tedious to work out it manually. Hence the software automation for the integration of these
procedures can be very beneficial and also save time. The development of forecasting tool will offer the
comparative analysis of various time-series methods of forecasting as well as facilitate in choosing the efficient
one among them. The Mean Squared Error (MSE) is used to evaluate the most accurate forecasting method. VB.net
and MS-Access are used as front-end and back-end support respectively. Thus, through this paper an effort is
made to develop a data mining driven software tool to forecast the DRs for QFD. An empirical example of Entity
Resource Planning (ERP) system is considered for testing the correctness and efficiency of software tool with
imaginary set of data.

Fig. 1: Flowchart for proposed software tool

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Forecasting of design requirements involve use of several processes that must be carried out in an apt manner.
Thus, flow chart is illustrated in Fig.1 to get the clear view of the flow of the processes involved in DR forecasting.
Development of functionally fit and effective software tool is very challenging job for designers and engineers. The
process of software development can be described as a series of activities needed to transform the user
requirements into a software system [23]. The development of software requires the selection of a particular
software development methodology such as Software Engineering; to ease the process of development. The
development of proposed software tool uses the Waterfall Model of software engineering that intelligently
distributes the work into discrete phases enclosing activities for supreme planning and government. It consists of
certain phases such as Requirement Analysis, Designing, Implementation and Testing. Here, the brief discussion of
phases of software engineering in context of the development of proposed forecasting software tool are described
A. Requirement Analysis
Requirement analysis is the primary and decisive phase of software engineering process. In order to understand
user’s viewpoint regarding attributes and functionality of software system over and above to amplify the
precision and consistency of the software system, the distinct, comprehensible and clear-cut specification of
requirements is prerequisite for the developer. For the development of proposed forecasting software tool, the
developer should consider the following objectives:
 Identify design requirements corresponding to customer’s requirements
 Customized and interactive Graphical User Interface with simplicity in operability to meet the requirement.
 Well-established interaction with the database for up-to-date storage and retrieval of the information in an
appropriate way.
 Facilitate the priority score computations for each period specified by user.
 Forecasting DRs through various forecasting techniques.
 Comparative analysis of forecasting techniques.
 Graphical Analysis for better visualization.
B. Software Design
Design is the significant depiction of something that is to be built by concentrating on the problem domain and to
achieve the solution domain. It can be traced to a customer’s requirements and at the same time assessed for
quality against a set of predefined criteria for “good” design. [24]. As a whole, software design can be partitioned
into two major categories: Database Design and User Interface Design. The user interface design and database
design for the proposed software tool is discussed below:
1) User Interface Design for Proposed Software Tool: User Interface is mainly designed to interact with the
computer and often known as the front-end application view. The User Interface (UI) design gives the expected
insight of software and provides the platform for “user-software” interaction.
2) The UI for proposed software tool is designed using VB.net and the main screen is shown in Fig. 2. The home-
screen has menu bar whichincludes5 menus viz., “Create”, “Generate”, “Forecasting”, “View” and “Help”. The UI
designs for important screens of these modules are discussed below:

Fig.2. Main screen

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i.Create Menu: The Create menu is used for the creation of product, customers, customer requirement,
competitors, design requirements and dealers required for the overall QFD process.
ii.Generate Menu: Generate menu primarily spotlights on the overall QFD process. It includes sub-menus like
Raw Weights for CR and Priority score of DR which are used for calculating the weights associated and
prioritization of CR and DR respectively. The first screen that pops on the screen by clicking the submenu
Raw Weights for CR is given below:

Fig.3. FrmPeriods
On selecting the compute manually option in the FrmPeriod, the whole QFD process is carried out. However, this
paper mainly focuses on DR forecasting only, thus UI for only Priority Score for DR is discussed here. In order to
generate the Priority Score for DR, it is very essential to conduct the process of raw weight generation for CR
using the Raw weight for CR submenu, as the final outcome of this process is utilized in this process. After
carrying out the process of raw weight generation, the process of priority score generation can start by selecting
the submenu Priority score for DR. The UI of the screens that appears on the screen on clicking the Priority Score
for DR submenu are described below. The Fig. 4 shown below depicts the UI for creation of design requirements.
These DRs are identified by company’s engineers. Save and Update buttons are used to save and update the DR list
respectively. Correlation button will pop another form FrmCorrelation on the Screen. FrmCorrelation form
facilitates the co-relation of CRs with each of DR by rating them on the rating scale of 1-3-9, where 1, 3and 9
represents weakly, moderately and strongly related respectively. Priority Score button will calculate the priority
score for DR. Save and Exit button will save the result and terminate the form respectively. The FrmCorrlation is
portrayed in Fig. 5 shown below:

Fig. 4. FrmDesign Requirements

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Fig. 5. FrmCorrelation
iii. ForeCasting Menu: The Forecasting menu includes submenus such as Forecasting details, CR Forecasting and
DR forecasting. Before proceeding to the forecasting process the user must have to enter the forecasting
details- such as method for forecasting and the basic information needed by the that forecasting method
described in FrmForecasting Details. The Fig. 6 illustrated below shows the UI for the FrmForecastingDetails.

Fig. 6. Forecasting Details_UI

On clicking the DR forecasting from the Forecasting menu the DR forecast is generated by the methods selected
using the FrmForecastingDetails. The FrmDRForecasting will generate the forecast for the next period of each DR.
Edit FC Details button allows user to edit the forecasting details. The MSE calculations can be seen by clicking the
Show MSE button. Save and Exit button will save and terminate the form respectively. The Fig. 7 describes the UI
for the Frm_DRforecasting:

Fig. 7. DR Forecasting_UI
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iv.View Menu: View menu comprises of submenus such as Raw Weight Table, Priority Score table, Comparative
Analysis and Previous Survey. The Priority score calculated over the number of the periods for each DR can be
viewed from the Priority Score Table. The Priority Score table for each DR over the number of periods is
mentioned in the Fig. 8.

Fig. 8. Priority Scores for all Periods_UI

Fig. 9. MSE comparison DR

The Comparative Analysis allows user to compare the various forecasting methods by analysing the Mean Square
Error illustrated with the help of FrmMSEComparison_DR (Fig. 9). Show graph button will pop up the
FrmGraph_DR form on the screen which will facilitate the graphical analysis forecasting methods for the better
3) Database Design for Proposed Software Tool: A well-designed database is prerequisite of providing the full
fledged back-end support and functionalities to the software system. The database design for the proposed
software tool is implemented using the MS-Access. For handling the complex data transaction of forecasting tool,
we need to maintain the tables. Here, the database comprises of 8 tables. The schema required for the
development of proposed software tool along with their fields and descriptions are mentioned below. These
schemas can also be transformed graphically to illustrate the relationships among each other, for better
understanding using ER-diagram. The ER- diagram for the proposed forecasting tool is depicted in Fig. 10.
 Tbl_Product (Product_Code, Product_Name): Tbl_Product will store the information regarding the product
whose design requirement are to be forecasted. Here, Product_code act as the primary key of this table.
 Tbl_Period (Period_Code, Period_Name, Product_Code):Tbl_Period will store the information about how much
period we have to store data. Period_Code is primary key of the table.
 Tbl_Customer_Requirements (Product_Code, CR_Code, CustomerRequirement).:Customer requirements of the
product will be gathered from customers which will be stored in Tbl_ Customer_Requirements. CR_code is the
primary key.
 Tbl_Design_Master (Product_Code, DR_Code, DesignRequirement): Desiger will identify the DRs of the product
with respect to the CRs which will be stored in Tbl_ Design_Master. DR_code is the primary key.

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 Tbl_Final_IR (Final_IR_Code, Product_Code, Period_Code, CR_Code, Impr_ratio, sales_pt avg_i/p_rating, Raw_Wt,

Demand_Wt):Tbl_Final_IR stores the prioritized Cutomer requirement i.e. raw weights and demand weight.
F_code acts as a primary key.
 Tbl_Correlation (Product_Code, Period_Code, DR_Code,COR_code, Rating3): Tbl_Correlation stores the
correlation ratings of Crs and DRs. COR_code acts as a primary key.
 Tbl_Final_DR (Final_IR_Code,Final_DR_Code, Product_Code, Period_Code, DR_Code, Priority_Score):Tbl_Final_IR
stores the prioritized Cutomer requirement i.e.raw weights and demand weight. F_code acts as a primary key.
 Tbl_DR_forecast (Final_IR_Code, Product_Code, Period_Code, Cust_Code, DR_Code, DR_MA, DR_WMA, DR_Single,
DR_double, DR_dH&W, DR_LR, COR_code):This table stores the forecasted result of DRs using simple moving
average method, weighted moving average method, single exponential smoothing, double exponential
smoothing using Brown’s method, double exponential smoothing using Holt’s and Winter’s method and linear

Fig. 10. ER –Diagram

C. Implementation of Proposed Forecasting Software Tool:
The implementation is the process of modelling design into the programs that will facilitate the creation of
software. The rationale of implementation is to create a program that demonstrates a certain desired behavior.
Table 1. Algorithm for Simple Moving Average
Algorithm 1: Simple Moving Average
Requirement: Int Tot, MP, I, Ft
[ Tot is total number of periods whose data is entered by user to calculate priority scores]
[MP is number of periods entered by user to calculate weighted moving average]
[arr.ps[] is a fixed size array containing priority scores calculated over number of periods]
[arr.wma[] is a fixed size array containing weights used to calculate forecast using weighted moving average]
[Ft is a forecasted priority scores of design requirements calculated using weighted moving average]
2. For all DR do
3. If (MP ! = 0 and Tot > MP) then
4. Ft = 0.5
5. For ( I = Tot; I > Tot – MP; I --) do
6. Ft = Ft + arr.ps[I]
7. End For
8. Ft = Ft / MP
9. Return Ft
10. End-if
11. End for

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Here, the project mainly divided into four major modules – Create, Generate, Forecasting and View. Out of which,
Forecasting module includes some critical parts which needs to be implemented using appropriate algorithm. This
section includes some important algorithm necessitate implementing this module, which are discussed as under:

1) Forecasting Module: Forecasting Module is mainly used for the forecasting purpose. This Module consists of
two sub menus viz.; CR forecasting and DR forecasting. Here, the algorithms used to implement the DR forecasting
are described below:
i. Simple Moving Average: The simple moving average (SMA) method takes the average of the actual values i.e.
raw weights over specified number of periods. The Table 1 shown below describes the algorithm for predicting
the DRs by using the SMA method of forecasting.
ii. Weighted Moving Average: Weighted moving average (WMA) is calculated by multiplying the weights to the
actual data over the specified number of periods. The sum of these weights must be 1. The algorithm depicted in
Table 2 below describes the WMA method of forecasting
Table 2. Algorithm for Weighted Moving Average
Algorithm 2: Weighted Moving Average
1. Requirement: Int Tot, WMP, I, Ft
[ Tot is total number of periods whose data is entered by user to calculate priority scores]
[WMP is number of periods entered by user to calculate weighted moving average]
[arr.ps[] is a fixed size array containing priority scores calculated over number of periods]
[arr.wma[] is a fixed size array containing weights used to calculate forecast using weighted moving average]
[Ft is a forecasted priority scores of design requirements calculated using weighted moving average]
2. For all DR do
3. Ft = 0.0
4. int ele = 0
5. For ( I = Tot; I > Tot – WMP; I --) do
6. Ft = Ft + (arr.ps[i] * arrwma(ele))
7. ele = ele + 1
8. End For
9. Return Ft
10. End for
iii. Single Exponential Smoothing: Single exponential smoothing (SE) method is one of the methods of time-series
technique of forecasting. The algorithm to implement the SE in context with the proposed software tool is
described in Table 3. The care should be taken for the selection of alpha. The value of alpha giving least MSE must
be chosen. The value of alpha lies in a range between 0 to 1.
Table 3. Algorithm for Single Exponential Smoothing
Algorithm 3: Single Exponential Smoothing
1. Requirement: Int Tot, alpha, I, Ft
[ Tot is total number of periods whose data is entered by user to calculate priority scores]
[alpha is smoothing constant whose range lies between 0 to 1]
[arr.ps[] is a fixed size array containing priority scores calculated over number of periods]
[Ft is a forecasted priority scores of design requirement calculated using single exponential smoothing]
2. For all DR do
3. For ( I = 1; I <= Tot ; I++) do
4. If I = 1 Then
5. Ft = arr.ps[1]
6. Else
7. Ft = Ft + alpha * ( arr.ps[I-1] - Ft)
8. End If
9. End For
10. Return Ft
11. End for

iv. Double Exponential Smoothing using Brown’s Method: The algorithm shown in Table 4 clarifies the
implementation of the double exponential smoothing using Brown’s method (DEB) of forecasting in context with
the proposed software tool. The value of alpha lies in a range between 0 to 1. The value of alpha must be chosen
carefully that optimizes the MSE.
Table 4. Algorithm for Double Exponential Smoothing using Brown’s Method
Algorithm 4: Double Exponential Smoothing using Brown’s Method
1. Requirement: Int Tot, alpha, I, Ft, a, b, S1, S2
[ Tot is total number of periods whose data is entered by user to calculate priority scores]
[alpha is smoothing constant whose range lies between 0 to 1]
[arr.ps[] is a fixed size array containing priority scores calculated over number of periods]

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[Ft is a forecasted priority scores of design requirement calculated using Brown’s double exponential smoothing]
2. For all DR do
3. For ( I = 1; I <= Tot ; I++) do
4. If I = 1 Then
5. Ft = arr.ps[1]
6. S1= arr.ps[1]
7. S2= arr.ps[1]
8. Else
9. S1 = alpha * ( arr.ps[I-1]) + (alpha * S1)
10. S2 = (alpha * S1) + (1 - alpha) * S2
11. a = (2 * S1) - S2
12. b = ((alpha) / (1 - alpha)) * (S1 - S2)
13. Ft = a + b
14. End For
15. Return Ft
16. End for

v. Double Exponential Smoothing using Holt’s and Winter’s method: The algorithm Double exponential
smoothing using Holt’s and Winter’s method (DEH&W) of forecasting with respect to proposed software tool is
furnished in Table 5. DEH&W smoothing technique uses the two smoothing factors i.e. alpha and beta, both lies
between the range of 0 to 1. The value of alpha and beta must be chosen carefully that optimizes the MSE.
Table 5. Algorithm for Double Exponential Smoothing using Holt’s and Winter’s method
Algorithm 5: Double Exponential Smoothing Using Holt’s & Winter’s Method
1. Requirement: Int Tot, alpha, I, Ft, Ct, Tt, Ct1
[Tot is total number of periods whose data is entered by user to calculate priority scores]
[alpha is smoothing constant whose range lies between 0 to 1]
[beta is smoothing constant whose range lies between 0 to 1]
[arr.ps[] is a fixed size array containing priority scores calculated over number of periods]
[Ft is a forecasted priority scores of design requirement calculated using double exponential smoothing using Holt’s &
Winter’s method]
2. For all DR do
3. For ( I = 1; I <= Tot ; I++) do
4. If I = 1 Then
5. Ct = arr.ps[I+1]
6. Tt = arr.ps[I+1] - arr.ps[I]
7. Ft = Ct + Tt
8. Else
9. Ct1 = Ct
10. Ct = ((alpha) * arr.ps[I-1]) + ((1 – alpha) * (Ct + Tt))
11. Tt = (beta * (Ct - Ct1)) + (1 - beta) *Tt
12. Ft = Ct + Tt
13. End For
14. Return Ft
15. End for
vi. Linear Regression: The procedure to generate forecast of DRs for proposed software tool using the Linear
Regression(LR) method of forecasting is portrayed in Table 6. The LR method makes use of actual data as well the
number of periods for which the actual data is given for forecasting.
Table 6. Algorithm for Linear Regression
Algorithm 6: Linear Regression
1. Requirement: Int Tot, I, Ft, a, b, rs, x1, y1, xy, sq
[ Tot is total number of periods whose data is entered by user to calculate priority scores]
[arr.ps[] is a fixed size array containing priority scores calculated over number of periods]
[Ft is a forecasted priority scores of design requirement calculated using moving average]
2. For all DR do
3. S1 = (Tot * (Tot – 1) / 2)
4. For ( I = 1; I < =Tot ; I++) do
5. rs = rs + arr.ps[I]
6. xy = xy + ( arr.ps[I] * I)
7. sq = sq + (I ^ 2)
8. End for
9. x1 = s1 / Tot
10. y1 = rs / Tot
11. b = (xy - ( Tot * x1 * y1)) / (sq - ( Tot * (x1 * x1)))
12. a = y1 - (b * x1)
13. Ft = a + b * (np + 1)
14. Return Ft
15. End for

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D. Testing and Result analysis:

In this study, the result has been tested and analysed with the help of empirical example shown below:
1) An empirical example:
This study exploits data mining cycle in QFD with the objective of determining futuristic CRs for Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) software. The data mining cycle includes sequence of QFD process of estimating priority
scores for DR over the number of periods in order to generate the forecast for next period. The time-series
analysis techniques mainly, SMA, WMA, SE, DEB, DEH&W and LR; are applied over the data of QFD for identifying
the results for next period. For conducting the forecasting of DRs for ERP software, the sample set of data has been
taken and tested. The data utilized in order to progress the process of QFD are furnished in the tables given below.
Table 7 describes the number of customer requirements involved in the QFD process. Table 8 depicts the number
of design requirements identified by the designers in order to fulfill the DRs.
Table 7. Customer Requirements
ID Customer Requirements
CR1 Absolute Expenditure of Ownership
CR2 Functional Fit of ERP system
CR3 User Friendliness
CR4 Flexibility implies
CR5 Vendor’s Reputation
CR6 Service and Support Quality
Table 8. Design Requirements
ID Design Requirements
DR1 Percentage of Aided Requirements
DR2 Percentage of Aided Requirements Via Personaliation
DR3 Customer Count
DR4 No. of Design Engineers
DR5 General Time Span of Operators’ Training
DR6 Vendor’s Operating Country
DR7 Vendor’s Total Revenue
After the declaration and analysis of the data being used, it is necessary to embark on the QFD process in order to
generate priority scores for each of periods. In this study we are generating the priority scores over the 5 periods
and the weights for the next period will be forecasted using time-series based forecasting techniques. Here, we
have illustrated the priority scores generation for first period only. The priority scores for the remaining periods
will be generated accordingly by following the same procedure. The process for priority scores generation for
period 1 is illustrated with the help of screens shown below(Fig. 11):

Fig. 11. Priority Scores for DR

Similarly, the priority scores for remaining 4 periods are generated by following the same QFD process. The Fig.
12 shows the priority scores for all 5 periods and these data is used as an input to the next stage

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Fig. 12. Priority Scores for DR for all periods

Afterwards, the data mining based time-series techniques such as SMA, WMA, SE, DEB, DEH&W, and LR; are
subsequently applied to the periodical data in order to generate the forecast of DRs for next period. These
forecasting techniques require some details to be specified earlier in order to generate the forecast. Here, details
required to accomplish the forecasting process for ERP system are furnished in Fig. 13. These details are further
utilized to obtain the forecasts of DRs. The forecasting through various forecasting techniques can be obtained and
are illustrated in Fig. 14.

Fig. 13 Forecasting details

Fig. 14 DR forecast
This study employs DR forecasting in QFD through various time-series based forecasting techniques, such as SMA,
WMA, SE, DEB, DEH&W, and LR. Thus, there is immense need of identifying the most fitting and effective
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procedure of identifying future DRs. Since, all forecasting techniques incorporate with the forecasting error, thus
Mean Squared Error (MSE) is utilized here to determine the forecast accuracy. Technique containing smallest MSE
is suspected as the most proficient one. The MSE can be calculated by subtracting of actual value and forecasted
∑ ( − )
The MSE of each forecasting technique for each DR is computed by using above formula and shown in the Fig. 15.

Fig. 15. FrmMSE Comparison_DR

Besides this, Fig. 16 and Fig.17 demonstrate the graph of the MSE results. This graph can aid in gaining the clear
visualization of the MSE results which can be helpful in estimating the proficient method of forecasting. The mean
of MSE for each method is plotted and the line chart and bar chart are drawn out.

Fig. 16.MSE_Result_DR: Bar Chart

Taking DR1 as an example, MSE for SMA, WMA, SE, DEB, DEH&W and LR are 3301.5734, 3263.1284, 1684.271,
1852.829, 3518.971 and 634.5138 respectively, as can be viewed from Fig. 15. It shows that the MSE for LR is
least than other methods. The forecast errors for other DRs also have same results almost for all cases. Likewise,
from the graphical study of the forecasting errors (Fig. 16 and Fig.17) it can be evidently noticed that the forecast
error for LR is least. The results are plotted by taking the mean of MSE of all DRs for each forecasting method.
The order of forecasting method according to their accuracy can be described as:
Hence, it can be recognized that LR is the best suited method for generating future DRs in ERP.

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Issue 05, Volume 5 (May 2018) www.irjcs.com

Fig. 17.MSE_Result_DR: Line Chart

In consequence of variegation and competitiveness in marketplace, it has become critical tasks for designer and
engineers to deal with continual diversification in the design requirements. In this study, a modernistic
forecasting software tool is introduced that facilitate the forecasting of DRs through various data mining based
time series methods to generate the outcomes in a timely manner and improve the customer satisfaction. The
proposed forecasting tool operates in three sector: at the start, it estimates priority scores over the number of
periods using QFD process; secondarily, future DRs are evaluated using various time-series techniques such
as,SMA, WMA, SE, DEB, DEH&W, and LR; after that the forecasts are lastly explored comparatively in accordance
with the forecast accuracy to realize most efficient technique of forecasting.
The forecasts are estimated and tested by considering sample set of data. The forecast accuracy is measured using
Mean Squared Error (MSE). The results revealed that the MSE for LR is least followed by SE, DEB, WMA, SMA and
DEH&W on taking all DRs into consideration. Lastly, we concluded that the Linear Regression (LR) outsteps the
remaining forecasting techniques and validated to be most proficient technique for identifying the futuristic DRs
in QFD. VB.net and MS-ACCESS are utilized as front-end and back-end respectively and it has been recognized that
the opting of these tools for the development of proposed tool are attested to be effective. The result of this study
can be beneficial for the designers and engineers in coping up with the futuristic DRs and improving the
competitiveness in the global marketplace with enhanced customer satisfaction.
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