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Nama : Muhamad Yuda Prasetiawan

NIM : 155040201111240
Kelas :L

GenStat Release 12.1 ( PC/Windows Vista) 25 April 2018 20:22:54

Copyright 2009, VSN International Ltd.
Registered to: VSNi


GenStat Twelfth Edition

GenStat Procedure Library Release PL20.1

Data imported from Clipboard

on: 25-Apr-2018 20:24:26

Identifier Values Missing Levels

perlakuan 112 0 4

Identifier Values Missing Levels

bulan 112 0 7

Identifier Values Missing Levels

ulangan 112 0 4

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

run_off 1.920 13.06 33.71 112 0

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

erosi 0.03000 0.2313 1.110 112 0 Skew
Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing
cc 6.460 56.51 82.10 112 0

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

kekasaran 0.1100 0.1664 0.2400 112 0

Shapiro-Wilk test for Normality

Data variate: cc
Test statistic W: 0.8240
Probability: <0.001

Shapiro-Wilk test for Normality

Data variate: erosi
Test statistic W: 0.7778
Probability: <0.001
Shapiro-Wilk test for Normality
Data variate: kekasaran
Test statistic W: 0.9684
Probability: 0.009

Shapiro-Wilk test for Normality

Data variate: run_off
Test statistic W: 0.9175
Probability: <0.001

Shapiro-Wilk test for Normality

Data variate: trans_cc
Test statistic W: 0.4984
Probability: <0.001

Shapiro-Wilk test for Normality

Data variate: trans_cc1
Test statistic W: 0.4006
Probability: <0.001

Shapiro-Wilk test for Normality

Data variate: trans_cc2
Test statistic W: 0.9448
Probability: <0.001

Shapiro-Wilk test for Normality

Data variate: trans_eros
Test statistic W: 0.9921
Probability: 0.772

Shapiro-Wilk test for Normality

Data variate: trans_kekasaran
Test statistic W: 0.9730
Probability: 0.023

Shapiro-Wilk test for Normality

Data variate: trans_run_off
Test statistic W: 0.9801
Probability: 0.093
Analysis of variance
Variate: trans_eros

Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr.

ulangan stratum 3 1.16717 0.38906 10.95

ulangan.*Units* stratum
bulan 6 4.64159 0.77360 21.77 <.001
perlakuan 3 0.22750 0.07583 2.13 0.102
bulan.perlakuan 18 0.33241 0.01847 0.52 0.941
Residual 81 2.87769 0.03553

Total 111 9.24635

Message: the following units have large residuals.

ulangan 1 *units* 8 0.458 s.e. 0.160
ulangan 4 *units* 16 -0.564 s.e. 0.160
ulangan 4 *units* 18 0.457 s.e. 0.160

Tables of means
Variate: trans_eros

Grand mean -0.734

bulan Agustus April Juli Juni Maret Mei September

-0.793 -0.749 -0.541 -1.033 -0.829 -0.359 -0.837

perlakuan kopi 10th kopi 13 th kopi 4th Kopi 6th

-0.777 -0.726 -0.770 -0.664

bulan perlakuan kopi 10th kopi 13 th kopi 4th Kopi 6th

Agustus -0.791 -0.871 -0.842 -0.667
April -0.844 -0.799 -0.781 -0.570
Juli -0.628 -0.494 -0.590 -0.451
Juni -1.125 -0.981 -1.041 -0.985
Maret -0.770 -0.761 -0.889 -0.894
Mei -0.343 -0.375 -0.400 -0.320
September -0.939 -0.800 -0.848 -0.761

Standard errors of means

Table bulan perlakuan bulan
rep. 16 28 4
d.f. 81 81 81
e.s.e. 0.0471 0.0356 0.0942
Standard errors of differences of means
Table bulan perlakuan bulan
rep. 16 28 4
d.f. 81 81 81
s.e.d. 0.0666 0.0504 0.1333

Least significant differences of means (5% level)

Table bulan perlakuan bulan
rep. 16 28 4
d.f. 81 81 81
l.s.d. 0.1326 0.1002 0.2652

Duncan's multiple range test


Juni -1.0328 a
September -0.8371 b
Maret -0.8286 b
Agustus -0.7928 b
April -0.7487 b
Juli -0.5409 c
Mei -0.3594 d
Analysis of variance
Variate: trans_run_off

Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr.

ulangan stratum 3 0.49315 0.16438 8.68

ulangan.*Units* stratum
bulan 6 3.78070 0.63012 33.26 <.001
perlakuan 3 0.27576 0.09192 4.85 0.004
bulan.perlakuan 18 0.44011 0.02445 1.29 0.216
Residual 81 1.53469 0.01895

Total 111 6.52442

Message: the following units have large residuals.

ulangan 2 *units* 27 -0.296 s.e. 0.117

Tables of means
Variate: trans_run_off

Grand mean 1.053

bulan Agustus April Juli Juni Maret Mei September

1.034 1.029 1.182 0.726 1.135 1.348 0.919

perlakuan kopi 10th kopi 13 th kopi 4th Kopi 6th

1.013 1.137 1.042 1.021

bulan perlakuan kopi 10th kopi 13 th kopi 4th Kopi 6th

Agustus 1.003 1.097 0.970 1.066
April 0.937 1.063 1.028 1.089
Juli 1.179 1.327 1.029 1.192
Juni 0.594 0.872 0.826 0.612
Maret 1.114 1.260 1.091 1.077
Mei 1.313 1.417 1.353 1.309
September 0.951 0.927 0.997 0.802

Standard errors of means

Table bulan perlakuan bulan
rep. 16 28 4
d.f. 81 81 81
e.s.e. 0.0344 0.0260 0.0688
Standard errors of differences of means
Table bulan perlakuan bulan
rep. 16 28 4
d.f. 81 81 81
s.e.d. 0.0487 0.0368 0.0973

Least significant differences of means (5% level)

Table bulan perlakuan bulan
rep. 16 28 4
d.f. 81 81 81
l.s.d. 0.0968 0.0732 0.1937

Duncan's multiple range test


Juni kopi 10th 0.594 a
Juni Kopi 6th 0.612 ab
September Kopi 6th 0.802 bc
Juni kopi 4th 0.826 c
Juni kopi 13 th 0.872 cd
September kopi 13 th 0.927 cde
April kopi 10th 0.937 cde
September kopi 10th 0.951 cdef
Agustus kopi 4th 0.970 cdefg
September kopi 4th 0.997 cdefg
Agustus kopi 10th 1.003 cdefg
April kopi 4th 1.028 cdefg
Juli kopi 4th 1.029 cdefg
April kopi 13 th 1.063 defgh
Agustus Kopi 6th 1.066 defgh
Maret Kopi 6th 1.077 defgh
April Kopi 6th 1.089 defghi
Maret kopi 4th 1.091 defghi
Agustus kopi 13 th 1.097 defghi
Maret kopi 10th 1.114 efghij
Juli kopi 10th 1.179 fghijk
Juli Kopi 6th 1.192 ghijk
Maret kopi 13 th 1.260 hijkl
Mei Kopi 6th 1.309 ijkl
Mei kopi 10th 1.313 ijkl
Juli kopi 13 th 1.327 jkl
Mei kopi 4th 1.353 kl
Mei kopi 13 th 1.417 l

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