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Biorefining in the UK: Perspectives on

opportunities, challenges, and the future
This Feature provides an insight into the potential of the UK bioeconomy from the Biorenewables
Development Centre (BDC). The BDC is an R&D centre that helps businesses develop ways to convert
plants, microbes, and biowastes into profitable biorenewable products. © 2017 Society of Chemical
Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

View online at Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com); DOI: 10.1002/bbb.1748

Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 11:12–14 (2017)

From oil-refinery to biorefinery • Using biomass or waste as a material for chemicals pro-
duction could bring potential long-term benefits of £8
he first commercial scale oil refinery is said to have billion to the UK.7

T been established in Scotland 165 years ago,1 hot on

the heels of the Industrial Revolution and facilitated
by new technologies, including the internal combus- Waste as a resource
tion engine. Now, we are witnessing a surge in new green
Although the potential economic contribution that waste
chemistry, molecular biology, and industrial biotech-
can make is still unclear, there is a shared consensus that
nologies that are heralding a new type of refinery: the
the opportunity to use waste as a biorefinery feedstock is
enormous.8 Indeed, the UK Waste and Resources Action
Unlike its predecessor, these new refi neries will be reli-
Programme (WRAP) estimates that 10 million tonnes of
ant on renewable raw materials (biorenewables), including
‘post-farm-gate’ food is wasted across the UK every year,
plants, algae, and unavoidable wastes. These refineries will
40% of which is unavoidable.9
combine diverse technologies specific to the feedstocks
Unavoidable food waste is currently, at best, used to
available to make products for use in cosmetics, energy,
produce biogas or animal feed and, at worst, sent to land-
pharmaceuticals, transportation, construction, and tex-
fi ll. Significantly more value could be generated from
tiles as well as flavors and fragrances.
food-processing wastes and by-products and this is one
And it is not just an inkling of what is to come: as of the
of the objectives of WRAP’s new Courtauld 2025 initia-
early 1990s, 10% of chemical products were already being
tive. For instance, GSK, Veolia, and the Biorenewables
made from renewable, bio-based sources.2 The bioeconomy
Development Centre (BDC) have already proven at
is expected to grow substantially over the coming decades,
pilot-scale the potential for converting potato-processing
as evidenced by a growing number of national and interna-
and sandwich-manufacturing by-products into anti-
tional reports,3–5 and represents a huge opportunity for the
biotics, and have now started a new project funded by
UK and its businesses to stimulate sustainable economic
Scottish Enterprise to take the technology closer to
growth and export solutions to the global market:
• Across Europe the bioeconomy has an annual turno- Beyond the generation of manufacturing by-products,
ver of € 2 trillion and employs around 9% of the an estimated 47 million tonnes of municipal solid waste
workforce.6 (MSW) is produced in the UK every year, around 40% of
• It is envisaged that the UK bioeconomy could grow which is sent to landfi ll.10 A significant proportion of this
from £52 billion in 2013 to £58 billion in 20304 waste is organic in nature and, with the right technology,

Correspondence to: Fabien Deswarte

E-mail: fabien.deswarte@york.ac.uk

12 © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Feature: Biorefining in the UK F Deswarte et al.

could be converted into a range of useful products. For chemicals and materials, which still require further
example, Wilson Bio-Chemical has developed a process exploration. Th is leads to a potential risk of technology
using steam and high pressure to convert the biologi- lock-in: a waste processor has the choice of a lower cost,
cal portion (mainly food waste, garden waste, paper, and faster profit from a lower tier biorefi nery option using
cardboard) into a sterile fiber (Wilson Fibre®). As part of established or even off-the-shelf technologies; or they
an EU-funded project, Wilson Bio-Chemical, the BDC, could take a medium-to-long term, higher-risk approach
and several European partners are currently designing by bringing a more complex concept from an earlier tech-
a demonstration plant, located at the BDC, to assess the nology readiness level to market.
potential of biorefining this fibre – turning it into biofuel Building on lessons learned from the petrochemical
as well as high-value chemicals (e.g. butanol, hydrogen, industry, it may be possible to maximize the opportunity
acetone, and ethanol). that waste represents. By developing a biorefinery in such
a way that revenue could be generated early, future refine-
ments and modules could be added in a step-wise fashion.
Combining disruptive and off-the-
One example would be AD whereby phase one would gen-
shelf technologies erate energy from waste in a conventional AD and engine
arrangement. This could then be modified to produce
Driven by both the volume and financial opportunity of
grid gas by adding clean-up technologies already available
converting by-products and wastes into products, there is
today. Later, the unproven state-of-the-art technologies
growing activity in this area. This ranges from commercial
could be added. Examples include extraction of high-value
operators, such as AquaEnviro, Clearfleau, and Cambi,
products prior to AD such as oils or protein; removing
providing off-the-shelf systems available for immediate
volatile fatty acids from mid-cycle for conversion to chem-
use (e.g. in anaerobic digestion (AD)), through to start-up
ical products such as plastics; and processing the residue
companies investigating novel technologies protected by
(digestate), either into a fertilizer product using known
patents and academic research. The full spectrum of dif-
technology or investigating novel ideas, such as extracting
ferent technologies is being explored, including specific
products from the digestate.
hardware and processes as well as combinations in ‘zero
The governmental renewable heat incentive12 for anaero-
waste biorefinery’ concepts, and some will seek to prove
bic digestion has supported the growth of the industry,
their technology is the solution. In reality, there is no one
but now we have the opportunity to build on this estab-
right option – there are many ways to add value to waste;
lished biorefining foundation to generate the industry of
however, they are all at different stages of development.
Biorefining builds on existing knowledge and concepts.
In the waste industry, the waste hierarchy is well estab-
lished and applied; more recently, the charity Feeding the UK growth potential
5000 reapplied this to food waste.11 However, there is a
gap between waste avoidance and waste management, that Although the UK bioeconomy’s potential is vast, several
biorefining could address: waste recovery or ‘upcycling’. studies have identified key barriers to growth, including:
The top tier of waste management in Feeding the 5000’s
work immediately starts with composting and energy • A lack of translation (i.e., translating meaningful
recovery (i.e., anaerobic digestion or direct combustion). research findings into real-life products or processes)
However, with today’s technologies, it is possible to aim for and scale-up (i.e., moving from small-scale or labora-
higher value products than energy or compost and more tory-based processes to full-scale production).
importantly, there is also market demand for bio-based • A lack of awareness of the future potential of the bio-
products. economy to produce chemicals, materials, and fuels
Similar to the petrochemical industry model, biore- amongst businesses, investors, and, more generally, the
fi ning aims to use all parts of a given feedstock by public.
converting it into a range of products including high- • A lack of connectivity, communication, and collabora-
volume but low-value; and low-volume but high-value tion between biomass/waste-providing upstream and
products. Currently, the technologies to produce lower biomass/waste-using downstream supply chains in the
value fuels and energy from biomass and biowastes are UK, in particular, between the food sector (upstream)
more advanced than those to manufacture higher-value and the chemicals sector (downstream).

© 2017 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 11:12–14 (2017); DOI: 10.1002/bbb 13
F Deswarte et al. Feature: Biorefining in the UK

Due to the huge variety of feedstocks and technologies, Acknowledgment:

businesses seeking support must identify the ‘best-fit’ With thanks to the BDC’s current funders and supporters:
center/s within the UK while also supplementing gaps the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the
through consultancies or developing in-house capability.
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)
Finding the right partners takes considerable time and
resource (e.g. relationship building, confidentiality agree- and the University of York.
ments, commercial contracts), committing several weeks
or months to engaging each separate organization before References
work can progress. 1. Museum of the Scottish Shale Oil industry, A brief history of
Scotland’s shale oil. [Online]. Available at: http://www.scot-
Over the past 12 years, through a variety of national and
European mechanisms, several investments have been [November 2, 2016].
made throughout the UK to establish open-access scale- 2. Heaton CA, An Introduction to Industrial Chemistry. Springer
up biorefinery centers to tackle these challenges. Notably, Netherlands (1996).
this includes BEACON (Wales), the Biorenewables 3. Chambers G, Evans A, Phelan J and Pragnell M, Biotech
Britain; An assessment of the impact of industrial biotech-
Development Centre (BDC – York), the Centre for Process nology and bioenergy on the United Kingdom economy.
Innovation (CPI – Redcar), IBioIC (Scotland), and The [Online]. Capital Economics (2015). Available at: http://www.
Biorefinery Centre (Norwich). bbsrc.ac.uk/documents/capital-economics-biotech-britain-
july-2015/ [November 2, 2016].
Recognizing the importance of collaboration in this emerg-
4. Bauen A, Chambers G, Hougthon M, Mirmolavi B, Nair S,
ing industry, these five leading centers across the UK have Natress L et al., Evidencing the Bioeconomy. [Online]. BBSRC
now joined forces by forming a new alliance, BioPilotsUK. (2016). Available at: http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/documents/1607-
One of the main drivers of this venture is to help businesses evidencing-the-bioeconomy-report/ [November 2, 2016].
quickly and easily access the right combination of expertise 5. Clark P, From shale gas to biomass: the future of chemicals
feedstocks. [Online]. KTN UK (2016). Available at: https://con-
and facilities for their projects, avoiding delays in finding the nect.innovateuk.org/documents/15494238/0/Shale+Gas+to+
right partners – and, ultimately, helping commercialize biore- Biomass+2016+Web+020816.pdf/e4211721-5da2-4743-ae28-
fining technologies more quickly. 666409706c40 [November 2, 2016].
Beyond the technology support, the UK government is 6. European Commission, Communication from the
Commission to the European Parliament. [Online].
also aligning the policy landscape to support the bioec- Available at: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/
onomy, which it sees as a key source of growth and new TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A52012DC0060 [November 2, 2016].
jobs. A national strategy is currently being developed by 7. Chemistry Growth Strategy Group, Strategy for deliver-
the newly created Department for Business, Energy, and ing chemistry-fuelled growth of the UK economy. [Online].
Chemical Industries Association (2013). Available at:
Industrial Strategy (BEIS) for publication in 2017. In paral- http://www.cia.org.uk/Portals/0/Documents/Growth%20
lel, the Industrial Biotechnology Leadership Forum (IBLF), Strategy%20FINAL.PDF [November 2, 2016].
bringing together industry, government, and other critical 8. HM Government, Building a high-value bioeconomy –
stakeholders, is refreshing the UK IB vision (to be published opportunities from waste. [Online]. UK government (2015).
Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/
in January 2017). The hope is that these strategies will pro- system/uploads/attachment_data/file/408940/BIS-15-
vide a long-term framework for the rapid development of 146_Bioeconomy_report_-_opportunities_from_waste.pdf
the emerging bioeconomy sector in the UK. [November 2, 2016].
9. WRAP, Food waste recycling. [Online]. Available at: http://www.
wrap.org.uk/food-waste-recycling-pr [November 2, 2016].
Looking to the future 10. IEA, The Municipal Solid Waste Resource in England. [Online].
International Energy Agency (2013). Available at: http://
Between novel technologies, innovative ideas, changing task36.ieabioenergy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/The_
attitudes to “wastes”, new collaborations, and a supportive V3-2013-03-07.pdf [November 2, 2016].
policy landscape, the opportunities for the future of biore- 11. Feeding the 5000, Food waste pyramid. [Online]. Available
fining and the broader bioeconomy have never been better at: http://www.feeding5k.org/businesses+casestudies.php
in the UK. Although the time has passed to be able to lay [November 2, 2016].
claim to the first industrial biorefinery, like we did for its 12. UK government, The Renewable Heat Incentive – a Reformed
Scheme. [Online]. UK government (2016). Available at: https://
predecessor the oil refinery, the UK has the opportunity to www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attach-
establish itself as a global leader in biorefi ning technology ment_data/file/505972/The_Renewable_Heat_Incentive_-_A_
development and bio-based product manufacture. reformed_and_refocussed_scheme.pdf [November 2, 2016].

14 © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 11:12–14 (2017); DOI: 10.1002/bbb

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