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Sleep doesn’t come easy for everyone all the time.
Sometimes it is a test of the wills and it takes hours
to arrive and we wake up even more tired instead
of feeling relaxed and rested. Sleep is also as im-
portant to our existence and survival as the food
we eat and the water we drink. Just think of how
you were the last time you didn’t get enough sleep.
You were probably cranky, forgetful and slow.
Sleep goes beyond rest; it is a catalyst in even the
most basic functions of the mind and body. Not
giving our bodies enough sleepy is a display of a
lack of care for our own bodies; even if you exer-
cise for 2 hours a day and eat healthy you, lack of
sleep easily undoes all of these efforts.
Considering that sleep doesn’t come easy all of
the time, this book provides tips that lower the
likelihood of tossing and turning, so that you get
all of the sleep you need to maintain your health.
These tips range from your surroundings to the
things you eat or drink. By changing your habits
and gaining a respect for sleep you can finally get
yourself to fall asleep without hassle.
Sleep avoidance for 10 days can lead to death.
Humans spend a third of their lives sleeping
15% of the world’s population sleepwalks
Infants need 15 hours of sleep a day
Toddlers need 12-14 hours of sleep a day
Children need 10-11 hours of sleep a day
Adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day
Elderly people need 7 to 9 hours of sleep a day
Some people have sleep issues because of their
lifestyle and the choices they make in terms of
time management, caffeine and food but for some
people the problem is a sign of something deeper
affecting how easily they fall asleep. It is import-
ant to become more knowledgeable about the com-
mon sleep disorders in case you notice symptoms
in yourself and start looking for solutions.
Insomnia: this is probably the most well-known
sleep disorder which either stops people from fall-
ing asleep or from sleeping as long they want. An
insomnia sufferer can go for days without getting
enough sleep and this is extremely dangerous to
their health. The condition is usually the sign of
another medical or a psychological problem and
treatment includes medication and therapy.
Narcolepsy: Also known as hynolepsy and it is
characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness
and it happens when the neurons in the body that
produce hypocretin are destroyed. People with
narcolepsy are overcome with the same amount
of sleepiness that non-narcoleptics experience
after 24 or 48 hours without sleep.
Somnambulism: Sleepwalking takes place during
the slow wave sleep stage and it causes the person
to end up doing things that are done while one is
fully awake. The low consciousness of this sleep
stage can lead to sleep eating, sleep driving or
sleep cleaning.
Periodic Limb Movement Disorder: the patient’s
limbs move involuntarily during sleep.
Sleep Apnea: this disorder is characterized by
pauses in breathing or periods of shallow breath-
ing during sleep. These periods can go on for a
few seconds or they can stretch for 3o minutes.
Have you ever noticed how hard it is to concen-
trate when you don’t get enough sleep the night
before? When you’re tired and sleep deprived you
slow your brain down and make it much harder
to keep your focus and concentration. When you
don’t enough sleep it is not only your body that
feel the fatigue, it is also the brain and even the
easiest tasks can become difficult because your
brain is struggling to do its normal function
without enough rest.
At work you might notice that you are forgetting
things you usually never have think twice on and
your reactions are slow or delayed because a lack
of sleep actually slows your brain and body down
so that you struggle to do the things that are basic-
ally second nature to you. Sleep is what allows the
batteries of your whole system to recharge and it is
important in the process of cell regeneration which
in turn affects things like healing.
When we don’t get enough sleep we actually
make it harder for our bodies to heal so when we
get injured it takes longer for bones to remodel or
for our skin to regenerate. Sleep is central to the
existence of living things, it goes beyond the need
for rest. When we’re younger we are told that we
grow in our sleep and this is the logic behind the
reason we need the amount of sleep we need.
Less sleep can increase the risk of developing
cancer by 200%
Risk of heart disease increases by 100% in people
who sleep less than 7 hours daily.
When people sleep the required amount of sleep
they can actually lose 14.3 pounds per year.
A lack of sleep can lead to a 20% increase in the
chance of death in 20 years.
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Caffeine is a no go when it comes to sleeping
smart but herbal tea is your friend when you want
to catch your z’s. What is amazing about tea is that
there is a long list of the types you can drink which
cater to different tastes and palettes. The fact that
herbal tea is an all-natural product means that you
not only usher in sleep but you also give your body
some nutrients. If you struggle with sleep invest in
the best herbal teas for relaxing and winding down
and drink it between 60 and 90 minutes before you
get into bed.
Don’t undo the work of the tea by having a cookie
with the tea and limit the amount of sugar you put
in it to make sure it does what it’s supposed to do.
People often rush to buy sleeping pills when they
can in fact solve their sleep problems by simply
looking into the natural world of herbs and plants.
Humans of ancient civilizations relied on plants
and these were able to sustain them and cure their
ailments and illnesses. Sometimes a cup of tea
can go further than a pill.
The best teas to drink before bed.
This is the go to tea for relaxation and calm after
a long day or a stressful event, and it will also be
beneficial for ushering sleep. Aside from calm-
ing nerves, this tea was used as a sedative in an-
cient civilizations. It is still effective now as it
was back then.
Jasmine has a wonderful scent that is often used
to create an aroma that promotes calm. In tea, the
herb is combined with green or white tea to create
a hot beverage that can get rid of headaches and
calm the body down to a perfect relaxing sleep.
I recently bought myself a packet of peppermint
tea and I made the mistake of drinking it during
the day and I ended up falling asleep for four
hours, which obviously disturbed my sleep clock.
My little mistake however proves that this tea is
extremely effective when it comes to trying to fall
asleep and it has a wonderful flavor so you will
actually enjoy your cup. The tea is known to cure
the ailments that common stop people’s sleep.
This includes nervous stomach, nausea, and other
digestive and intestinal problems.
Catnip is a natural muscle relaxer and stress re-
ducer making it the perfect sleep inducing bever-
age. It can also cure the common sleep disturbers
like headaches, cramps and indigestion. This tea
is however better for men because it women it
can worsen menstrual cramps and pregnant wo-
men shouldn’t have it.
Sage isn’t just used for spiritually cleansing
rooms and houses. It is also a tea that aids in
sleeplessness and it relaxes both the stomach and
the mind creating the perfect conditions for sleep.
Sage’s taste is stronger than most teas but this can
easily be rectified by adding a drop of honey to
your cup.
Comfort at bed time is important and a lack of it
can actually be what stops you from falling sleep
at bedtime. Comfort means different things to dif-
ferent people but at bedtime I think it starts with
what you wear. Try to wear fabrics that aren’t
too tight or constricting that they make it harder
for you to sleep and if the clothes are too loose
they might twist around your body as you move
around in your sleep. I personally struggle with
shirts that are too tight under my armpits and if
I wear one I end up spending the night adjusting
them. In winter wear warm clothes and in sum-
mer wear things that keep you cool. Invest in a
good set of pajamas if you have to because what
you wear can quite easily keep you up.
That glass of wine after a long day is wonderful
but not towards bed time because that cabernet
can actually come between you and getting a
good night’s sleep. The alcohol can raise your
adrenaline to the point of interfering at bedtime.
If you want to drink in the evening, limit to the
early evening, between 6pm and 8pm, for ex-
ample. If you really need a night cap opt for a cup
of tea or a glass of milk.
The general rule when it comes to caffeine intake
is to not have any after 5pm because this can
quite easily interfere with your own sleep clock.
If you like hot beverages switch to tea at the end
of the day. You can save the espresso/latte/ Red
Bull for the next day. Remember caffeine keeps
people awake, if you drink it before bedtime you
will end up staying awake when you should be
Napping could be the reason you fail to fall
asleep when bedtime rolls around. We’re not say-
ing napping is a bad thing but there is a right and
a wrong way to approach it and this can influen-
ce how well you sleep at night. If you must nap
learn to limit it to 30 minutes at a time, anything
more than this can lead to a disturbance of your
sleep patterns. Secondly you should only nap be-
fore 3 pm and nothing after this.
When you sleep for a long time after 3 your body
ends up delaying your sleep clock because to the
body the long nap will actually feel like a prop-
er sleep so you probably won’t get sleepy at your
normal sleeping time and then you will probably
only feel like sleeping much later than usual and
then you wake up at your normal time, but your
body wouldn’t have gotten enough sleep and then
you’re ultimately tired throughout the day. Noth-
ing confuses the body clock more than naps and
the result will be your failing to sleep at your nor-
mal time and this will actually mess up your per-
sonal sleep structure and it takes time to correct
If you are going to eat before bed keep it limited
to small, light meals. Anything heavy will inter-
fere with your natural sleep clock and the en-
ergy you get from the meal might affect the ease
with which you fall asleep. Plus late heavy meals
aren’t healthy and they contribute to weight gain.
I have always struggled with this one because on
one hand you want to drink a lot of water and
maybe even a cup of tea before you go to sleep
but how do you control it so that you don’t end up
getting up to visit the bathroom in the middle of
night. Nothing distracts your night of sleep like
frequent calls of nature brought on by drinking
too much liquid before bed. If you drink a lot of
water try to take your last drink 2 hours before
bed; but make sure that the bulk of your water is
drank during the day so that it goes through your
body while you’re still awake and active.
We have no control over the time we will wake
up to go to the bathroom but we can control how
many beverages we consume to limit the trips we
take. It’s really hard to maintain a healthy pat-
tern if your sleep constantly gets disturbed. It’s
normal to get up once or twice according to how
many hours of sleep you get but once it stretches
to five or six times you will create sleep diffi-
culties. If you’re going to drink tea before bed,
limit it to a small cup instead of the large mug you
use for your morning coffee.
These might get your adrenaline up and disturb
your sleep patterns or they might also affect your
stomach which can keep you up for half of the
night. Eat your spicy food earlier to avoid sleep
It’s called a sugar rush for a reason; it gives you a
burst of energy and makes you feel like dancing
to your favorite song, and these conditions don’t
walk hand in hand with bedtime. If you eat
something sugary you are more likely to spend
the next two hours tossing and turning failing to
catch a wink instead of getting precious sleep.
Many experts say your last meal of the day
should be before 8pm but this rule should only
work according to the time you go to bed. If you
sleep at 1am, it is highly possible that you will
be hungry by the time bedtime rolls around and
while this might seem bearable, it can actually
be problematic and stop you from falling asleep.
Hunger is one of the most distracting feelings in
human existence, you find yourself failing to fo-
cus on the simplest things and thinking about the
leftovers in the refrigerator. This can end with
you giving into the feeling and making the trek to
your fridge to retrieve that pasta, which would be
unhealthy at this time of day.
The best way to avoid it is to eat something some-
time before bed so that this hunger doesn’t hit
you. Now this isn’t to say that you should eat a
full meal before bed, but there is nothing wrong
with something light (and healthy) 90 minutes
before you hit the sack. For example, you can
have yogurt or some popcorn as a light and easy
meal to keep your stomach lined through the
night. It is basically the same as having to do
a major work task while you’re famished; you
won’t be able to focus or do the task well because
you will be thinking about your next meal. How
do you expect yourself to sleep if your mind is
distracted by thoughts of a chocolate sundae?
Bedtime is all about calm and relaxation and
working out close to it will only lead to sleep
problems. Even if you love your fitness and ex-
ercise, make sure you do it much earlier in your
bed so that it does not encroach upon your very
important sleeping time. When we exercise we
don’t lower the amount of energy we have in our
bodies, we actually increase it instead. Have you
noticed how you feel so energized after that jog?
There is no way you would be able to do that and
still be able to sleep like a baby for the whole
night. Exercise will only disturb your sleeping
patterns and make it that much harder for you to
A lot of people work out at night because it is
genuinely the only time they can do so but this
will give you such a burst of energy that sleep
will be the very last thing you want to do. By the
time you feel sleepy it will be really late (or really
early in the morning) that your body clock starts
the day off all wrong and this can become a dif-
ficult process to break. If the only time available
to you to work out is pretty late in the day make
sure you put at least 3 hours between your sleep-
ing time and your exercise time.
People who struggle with sleep often make things
worse by their own thoughts. People who suffer
from insomnia often fail to fall asleep because
they start dreading bedtime hours before it arrives
or they worry that they won’t be able to fall
asleep and this is what ends up happening as a
result. The mind is powerful enough to influen-
ce how our bodies behave. Start looking forward
to going to going to bed and approach this time
with happiness and excitement and not dread and
loathing. If you start worrying about bedtime all
this will do is cause tension and stress which will
obviously impact the ease with which you will
fall asleep and then you end up tossing and turn-
ing throughout the night.
Exercise is a very important part of your life, or
it should be if it isn’t already. It’s not just about
staying thin or losing weight. It is a necessary
part to the health of our hearts and our metabol-
ism. When we don’t exercise we don’t allow our
metabolism to rise and this can in turn make it
harder for us to fall asleep when bedtime rolls
Studying in bed seems so normal sometimes but it
can actually be detrimental to our healthy sleeping
patterns. It is tempting, the bed seems so warm and
so cozy that it seems like the perfect place to hit
the books but it’s not the case. If you bring what
you should be doing on your desk onto your bed
how will you ever be able to turn your brain off
to get some rest? Bringing books into bed means
bringing the stress and worries about exams and
tests and there is no way you can fall asleep if you
do this. Do all your studies away from the bed so
that your body is made aware of the fact that it
is time for it to get some rest and this ups your
chances of you not struggling to get to sleep.
People don’t read enough these days and this
could be what stops us from getting the good
night’s sleep we deserve. Reading doesn’t just
make you smarter but it is the perfect activity to
wind yourself down so that you’re able to go to
sleep. Whether you decide to read your Bible or
your favorite fictional book reading gives slows
you down to the perfect pace to finally fall asleep
and because it isn’t a beeping gadget there won’t
be any disruptions to undo the calm and relaxa-
tion. Reading also gives you a good amount of
time to reflect after the day, which is also neces-
sary for sleeping well. You can set aside your be-
fore bedtime reading time as a moment to enjoy
the calm and silence of the end of the day and
in these moments you are able to go to shake off
any negativity from the day and actually prepare
yourself for the next day correctly.
When I get into bed I often find myself awake
after two hours of tossing and turning because I
failed to turn my mind off long enough for me to
get some sleep. Does this sound familiar? Do you
get into bed and continue to think and make men-
tal lists instead of closing your eyes and submit-
ting yourself to slumber. The precious time you
spend pondering is time you could be putting in-
to getting necessary sleep to make you healthier.
Yes, life is busy and there isn’t enough time to
get things done. You have that report due at work,
you have to plan a dinner party for your friends
and you need to schedule your next visit to the
dentist, but these are not thoughts that should en-
croach on your sleeping time.
If you don’t get enough rest, how will you have
the energy to do all these things? It’s obviously
extremely difficult to just turn the mind off, but
it isn’t impossible. It’s all about targeting your
brain to things that will make you relax. Thinking
about all of the stuff you need to get done will
only make you feel active again and this is the
last thing you need when you want to fall asleep.
It’s impossible to just stop thinking, but you can
control exactly what you think of. Think of an
image of something that makes you feel calm and
happy like your children or your dream vacation.
Thoughts of this nature will make you calm but
also at the same time give you a feeling of joy
that makes you even more relaxed as you start to
fall asleep. Think calm thoughts when you’re go-
ing to bed; chaotic thoughts mean a chaotic mind
and chaotic minds don’t sleep easily.
Carrying frustrations and negative feelings into
bed can have an impact on how well you sleep
or even on whether you fall asleep or not. Keep a
bed side journal where you can write these feel-
ings down as a way to vent and get the negat-
ivity off your chest. If you constantly go to bed
stressed, anxious, sad and angry this will turn into
a pattern which can ultimately affect your phys-
ical health. Sleep is a time of rest and relaxation-
if you don’t give your body the time for this you
will wake up tired; and that’s a waste of though
precious 8 hours.
When we turn off the lights at bedtime it acts as a
signal which tells our bodies that it’s time to wind
down and get some sleep. Studies have actually
shown that people who sleep in the dark get a bet-
ter quality of sleep than those who sleep with the
lights on. If you must have the lights on, use a
dimmer to turn down their intensity or limit the
light to a smaller lamp in your room. There is no
way you can get your body to relax properly if the
lights are on and you will just prolong the amount
of time it will take you to fall asleep.
Trying to get to sleep and failing is one of the
most frustrating thing that happen to most of us.
When we were babies it came so easy but now
it can take hours of tossing and turning to get
a wink. Sometimes we need to trick our bodies
for us to get some sleep and this involves things
like breathing exercises, drinking calming teas
and muscle relaxing techniques. We need to be
able to use our senses to help us sleep and smell
can be used to help you relax to get to sleep. Here
are some scents that help with sleep. These can be
used as essential oils which you can put a drop of
on your pillow or through humidifiers or scented
If you easily get disturbed when you’re sleeping
you might have to limit the disturbances further
by keeping your pets off your bed. Maybe your
dog moves around a lot on the bed. When you’re
awake this is hardly noticeable but the mind of a
person tends to amplify even the smallest sounds
and disturbances. Rather have your bed sleep in
its own bed on the floor next to your own bed.
This way he is both close to you but far enough
not to disrupt your own sleep.
The modern human being is inundated with
laptops, mobile phones, tablets, eBook reader and
home internet connections. As great as all this
is, it has been the undoing of many sleep clocks
and it has created distractions that unfortunately
spill into how well people sleep. There is nothing
wrong with using gadgets in the home but to-
wards bed time it is important to start to wean
yourself off these gadgets. Get off Twitter, Face-
book and stop texting and scrolling through your
Instagram and actually give your body time to
wind down so that you’re able to sleep better.
Remember that you have all day for these gadgets
and that bed time is for sleep. If you keep your
mobile phone on through the night, switch it to
silent mode; if you keep receiving text messages
and notifications you will keep getting tempted
to check it. Say goodnight to everyone you are
texting so that they stop. Allow yourself to get
sleepy without the interruptions of beeping and
buzzing and you will actually create a good
chance for you to fall asleep and get the most of
the night. This also applies to the TV and your
laptop. Switch them off to prevent the inclination
to keep watching shows or browsing websites.


Silence is an important requirement of falling
asleep. There is no way you can fall asleep if
you keep hearing loud noises. Turn off anything
that might make noise when you’re trying to fall
asleep like the television or your mobile phone.
Even leaky faucets can make it extremely hard to
fall asleep. Invest in a pair of earplugs if you have
There are moments you just can’t seem to get
yourself to sleep and no matter how long you try
to keep your eyes closed the sleep just isn’t com-
ing easily. This can be caused by stress or tension
or for by something like what you ate earlier or
maybe you simply aren’t as tired as you should
be. Breathing is used in activities like yoga to
help people relax and calm down and you can use
them to help get to sleep. The power of breathing
is that it allows you to release some of the ten-
sion in your body which helps to calm you down
enough to be able to finally get to sleep. Try out
some of these breathing exercises before bed and
they can ease you into a peaceful sleep.
“Sit comfortably in or next to your bed (cross-
legged, kneeling, propped up on blankets, or any
way that feels the best for you), resting your left
hand on your left thigh. Take your right hand
with the fingers extended like you are waving
at someone and bend your peace fingers (pointer
and middle finger) so they curl into your palm.
Rest your right ring finger and thumb on either
side of your nostrils, lightly touching them but
not constricting. Take a big breath in and a big
breath out, then close off the right nostril with
your thumb and inhale through the left nostril
fully for a count of four. At the top of that breath,
close off the left nostril with your ring finger,
hold and retain the breath for a count of four,
and then release the right nostril and exhale for a
count of four.
Next, inhale deeply for a count of four through
the right nostril, close it off, hold and retain the
breath for a count of four, and then release the left
nostril as you exhale completely through it for a
count of four. Proceed to inhale deeply through
the left, repeating the cycle.”
“Find a comfortable position in bed. Let yourself
relax and start to notice your body and any sensa-
tions you feel. Feel the connection between your
body and the surface you're lying on. Relax any
tension and soften your muscles.
Focus your attention on your body. If your mind
starts to wander to thoughts or worries, gently
bring it back to your body. It's very common
to become preoccupied while you're lying in
bed—it takes time and practice to learn how to
focus your attention on the body only.
Start to notice your breath and where you feel
it in your body. You might feel it in your abdo-
men, your chest, or in your nostrils. Focus your
attention on the full breath, from start to finish.
If your mind is wandering, just notice that it has
wandered and gently redirect it back to your
Take a deep breath into your lower belly (not
your chest) and feel your abdomen expand with
air. Hold this for a few seconds and then release.
Notice your belly rising and falling, and the air
coming in and out a few times. Imagine the air
filling up your abdomen, and then traveling out
your airways, over and over.
Continue to do this for a few minutes, focusing
your mind back to your body and the breath com-
ing in and out. Any time a thought crosses your
mind, release that thought and refocus on the
breath. Feel yourself relaxing even more deeply.
Do a scan of your body while you lay down, no-
ticing anywhere you might feel tension in your
body. Review the areas of your body, starting
from the top of your head to your toes, relaxing
the tension when you encounter it. As you do this,
direct your breath into that area of your body to
help you release that tension.”

Inhale through the nose for a count of 6

Hold for a count of 3
Exhale through the nose for a count of 6
Hold for a count of 3
Repeat this series 4 more times

Next, inhale through the nose for a count of 6

Exhale through the nose for a count of 6
Repeat this series 4 more times.


In this technique you are required to tense specif-
ic muscle groups and then relaxing them to cre-
ate awareness of tension and relaxation. The ex-
ercise goes through each muscle groups therefore
allowing you to
Sometimes what stops you from getting to sleep
is muscle tension which is caused by the stress
and tension we often carry from work and the
other demands we have in our lives. A massage
is the perfect way to help with muscle attention
but we can’t necessarily get one every night be-
fore bed. Try progressive muscle relaxation in-
stead and this can actually help you relax your
muscles so that you can fall asleep.
“Assume a comfortable position. You may lie
down; loosen any tight clothing, close your eyes
and be quiet.
Assume a passive attitude. Focus on yourself and
on achieving relaxation in specific body muscles.
Tune out all other thoughts.
Tense and relax each muscle group as follows:
Forehead - Wrinkle your forehead, try to make
your eyebrows touch your hairline for five
seconds. Relax.
Eyes and nose - Close your eyes as tightly as you
can for five seconds. Relax.
Lips, cheeks and jaw - Draw the centers of your
mouth back and grimace for five seconds. Relax.
Feel the warmth and calmness in your face.
Hands - Extend your arms in front of you. Clench
your fists tightly for five seconds. Relax. Feel the
warmth and calmness in your hands.
Forearms - Extend your arms out against an in-
visible wall and push forward with your hands for
five seconds. Relax.
Upper arms - Bend your elbows. Tense your bi-
ceps for five seconds. Relax. Feel the tension
leave your arms. Shoulders - Shrug your
shoulders up to your ears for five seconds. Relax.
Back - Arch your back off the floor for five
seconds. Relax. Feel the anxiety and tension dis-
Stomach - Tighten your stomach muscles for five
seconds. Relax. Hips and buttocks - Tighten your
hip and buttock muscles for five seconds. Relax.
Thighs - Tighten your thigh muscles by pressing
your legs together as tightly as you can for five
seconds. Relax.
Feet - Bend your ankles toward your body as far
as you can for five seconds. Relax.
Toes - Curl your toes as tightly as you can for five
seconds. Relax.
Focus on any muscles which may still be tense. If
any muscle remains tense, tighten and relax that
specific muscle three or four times.
Fix the feeling of relaxation in your mind. Re-
solve to repeat the process again.”


The body sometimes needs to wind down before
bed so 90 minutes before your bed down start to
sow down your activity and relax so that your
body slows down, making it easier for you to
sleep. A lot of people struggle with sleep because
they only start to wind down when they are
already in bed. This means you could potentially
fall asleep after 90 minutes of winding down. As
you get closer to bed time start getting rid of dis-
tractions and anything that acts as a source of a
bright light.
Take a bath or a shower to bring your body tem-
perature down, drink a cup of tea and read a
book or write in your journal. Alternatively create
play calming music; it will help relax you and
usher the sleep in. Also turn the lights down in
your home and lower the volume of your televi-
sion and set your air conditioning to 60 degrees
Fahrenheit. It is also important to make yourself
comfortable at this point by changing into the
clothes you’re going to bed in. Don’t get into bed
with your mobile phone and start using it; switch
off your lights and focus instead on breathing and
relaxation so that you don’t end up tossing and
Adults need an average of 8 hours of sleep every
day and it is important that we stick to this rule. I
hear a lot of people say things like “I can get by on
four hours of sleep a day” but this isn’t really true.
The reason they feel that their bodies can do with
less sleep is the fact that they have done this for
so long that their body clocks have become accus-
tomed to this. It doesn’t necessarily mean that they
can actually function with this amount of sleep.
The truth is they are probably not as healthy as
they think they are and they have actually created
a loop of bad health in their bodies and the body
has just gotten so used it, that it has actually be-
come normal to them. The amount of sleep the
body needs never changes even though people’s
busy lifestyles stop them from actually getting
the sleep they need to function. Make sure you
get 7 or 8 hours of sleep as much as you can.
There is no such thing as getting 5 hours and
catching up on the weekends. If you have a hard
time sleeping early you will have to train yourself
to do so until it becomes normal to sleep earlier
so that you get the amount of sleep required to be
a healthy person.
Everyone’s body has its natural clock, and while
they all work the same they are determined by the
time zone one lives in and their sleep schedule. If
you go to bed at 11pm and wake up at 7am for
long enough, this becomes the default sleep cycle
of your own body and you will notice that you
are still able to wake up at the same time without
the aid of an alarm clock. Your body clock is
also what determines when you get sleepy and it
also becomes a default according to your regular
habits. If you don’t sleep until three in the morn-
ing for long enough you will find that you actu-
ally fail to sleep at any other time but this.
You have to watch your body clock and keep it
in check by keeping a good sleep routine and this
includes making sure you get the same hours of
sleep daily and making sure you sleep at roughly
the same times every day. We often confuse our
own bodies by being too erratic with our body
clock and this can ultimately create a loop of ex-
haustion because your body is confused by the
differing sleeping and waking up times. The easi-
est way to correct your body clock is to do it over
a weekend where you compensate for the some
of the sleep you missed out on and then when the
week starts again you set yourself on your correct
body clock.
These are very popular with students who need to
finish of assignments but they have a terrible ef-
fect on sleeping patterns. Making these a habit is
a terrible idea and a bad way to treat your body.
Some people pull all-nighters to study and some
to party the night away but the effect is the same.
Fatigue and exhaustion caused by the fact that the
body hasn’t gotten something so necessary to its
survival. The body actually needs all of the sleep
it can get so failing to give it even a couple of
hours will have a bad effect on you. The body
will take longer to set itself right if you go for a
full 24 hours without a wink of sleep.
Even if you get a lot of sleep the next day, it
will probably take 3 days for the fatigue of the
all-nighter to leave your system. There is nothing
wrong with getting a few winks of sleep to keep
the fatigue at bay and you will do your body
so many favors by resting. Staying up all night
might be exciting and fun but it makes for really
strange next days and no amount of espresso can
make you your normal energetic self. All that the
coffee will do for you is stop you from falling
asleep at the office meeting but it won’t take
away the fact that you are one tired person in
need to a night of decent sleep. Even if you de-
cide to have a fun night out don’t skip out on your
sleep; you will need the energy for the next day.
Sleep is important and it is central to our health
and central to how well our bodies function and
perform daily duties. Going without sleep can ac-
tually impair things like driving and affect our
speech and hand eye coordination and these are
all things that matter in everything we do on a
daily basis. It is important that you get 8 hours of
sleep every day to get the rest that your body needs
and deserves. This book will hopefully help you to
achieve the right amount of sleep every single day.
Body builders apply a range of tactics including
tanning, dehydration and fat loss in order to make
their physique more distinct and defined.

Thanks to science, there are now suggestions as

to how you can get buff faster in a clean way;
that is without the use of steroids. Getting buff
also involves losing fats. Losing fats means losing
weight too. You should also note that the process
of weight loss and weight gain must be gradual.
Yet the average weight loss aspirant wishes to have
their flabby body gone by yesterday.
Although it is a natural tendency for all humans to
perform tasks they are not forced to do at a slow
pace, it is essential that if you wish to work out and
get really that buff look, you should get down to
business and perform the following.
- Treat the 21 days as if you are going for an im-
portant competition in which winning is a must.
- Go for weight measurement and body fat testing
- Keep a log of all meals and all workout sessions
- Take snapshots of yourself in the process of
- Keep a diary, and make sure you attend all your
planned workout sessions.
The secret to becoming ripped is no different from
what the sprinter on the pitch does in a hundred
meter race. There is a lot of muscle power required
in sprinting, that athletes train to build their
muscles. Muscular training is a pertinent ingredi-
ent in bodybuilding without the use of anabolic
steroids. The body responds by developing bigger
and stronger muscles on the basis of natural ad-
It is good practice to start your work out sessions
with light jogging followed by muscle stretching.
Learn to start your workouts on an empty stom-
ach, so as to kick start the fat burning process.
Although it is true that in order to lose fat, you
need to eat fewer calories, you should learn not to
starve because, soon your body responds by stor-
ing up fat for future use.
One of the big lies from some quarters in advice
to get ripped is that you should cut down your fat
and calories consumption without any disclaimers
as to the levels recommended. Generally, you need
quite a lot of protein to realize about one gram for
every pound of body weight.
It helps to choose the source of your nutrition care-
fully. Get your carbohydrates from whole grains,
fruits, lentils, vegetables and pasta. Remember to
consume your carbohydrates along with some pro-
teins in order to cut down on the release of insulin.
Insulin naturally facilitates the storage of fats in
cells. Choose proteins of high quality including
lean beef, chicken, egg white, fish and turkey.
Avoid fast food if you wish to attain your goals
Make sure that you eat your breakfast. Eat at least
five times a day. The rationale is that your body
adopts a more efficient metabolism mechanism.
Eat most of your carbohydrates in your morning
meals so that your body can store enough energy
for use during the evening workouts.
Use milk isolate proteins with glutamine at least
2 hours before you go to sleep. Your insulin re-
sponse can be controlled and reduced. Eating fatty
food is not an option at this point in your day. Keep
off any fatty consumables.
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As described above, detoxification and body
cleanse is a medical procedure and lifestyle ad-
justment that focuses on getting your blood clean
and free of toxins and body wastes. A good detox
procedure also enhances/improves and triggers the
body’s own cleansing procedures in the liver, kid-
neys, skin and gut.
Naturally, the detoxification process should be an
activity of several body organs, the main one being
the liver. The liver is taxed with breaking down
toxins such as alcohol and poisons to less harmful
products that can be safely expelled from the body.
The skin is an excretory organ that through sweat,
aids in getting rid of some wastes and toxins. The
kidneys have the same task of getting rid of ex-
cessive wastes in blood through urine. Toxins in
the process of expulsion can also sit in the colon
for too long and are reabsorbed, forcing the liver
do detoxify again.
The toxins present in the body could be from a
variety of sources including:
- Ingestion through food
- Alcohol, cigarettes and other drugs
- Stress and depression which could affect the
body’s own detoxification process. Stress triggers
production of excess hormones and chemicals in
the body such as adrenaline and cortisol which in
their excesses, are toxins.
- Infections and diseases are also sources of tox-
ins in our systems.
- Foreign organisms in the body such as worms in
the gut, jiggers etc.
- Environmental conditions. Some toxins are
present in where we stay and/or live. Those who
work in toxic environments, for example, are ex-
posed to more toxins.
- Lifestyle. Other than alcohol and other drugs,
some toxins come from the products we use daily
such as beauty products (make-up, lotions and
perfumes), household products (shampoos, clean-
ing products etc.) and the food additives we use
However, for a variety of reasons, these organs do
not normally work or perform optimally in their
duties. The reasons could be:
- Presence of an infection that affects one or more
of these organs
- Excessive toxins present in the body such as ex-
cessive alcohol intake
- Worse, failure of the liver or the kidney
Everyone, health experts say. It is a com-
mon thought that detox is only for those
who aim to lose weight and/or have ex-
perienced conditions that demand a detox
procedure, such as food poisoning. This is
not the case. Health experts say that you
should detox at least once every year.
However, there are special cases such as
nursing mothers and pregnant women
who are cautioned against detoxification
procedures. Patients with chronic ill-
nesses, tuberculosis and those with med-
ically advised special diets should also be
careful about detoxification and cleansing
procedures. For such cases, you should
consult your doctor for advice and al-
ternatives to detoxification procedures
that are at times very intense.
Much as it is important for everyone to
detox once in a while, at times the need
to detox is manifested in more ways than
expected. At times, symptoms of excess-
ive wastes and toxins in the body will
show. It should be noted, however that as
is the case for any symptom or discom-
fort, a medical examination is usually the
best and recommended way to deal with
these symptoms.
What are these symptoms?
Some of these symptoms include:
- Skin irritation and defects such as rashes
and itching
- Diarrhea, bloating and frequent constip-
- Unexplained and frequent fatigue and
low energy
- For ladies, problems with their menstru-
al cycles
- Stomach pains and aches
- Uneasiness and trouble sleeping
- Other mild infections such as headaches
and mild flu
However, as cited before, it is important
to get a proper doctor’s diagnosis on your
symptoms. It could be signs of other un-
derlying infections. Do not rush to a detox
program if you notice any or all of the
above symptoms.
If your doctor advises you to begin a
detox procedure/program, then you will
have to choose one of the many ways to
do that.
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