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The web should be fast.

Executive Summary

Performance Report for:

Report generated: Mon, May 14, 2018, 11:33 PM -0700
Test Server Region: Vancouver, Canada
Using: Chrome (Desktop) 62.0.3202.94, PageSpeed 1.15-
gt1, YSlow 3.1.8

PageSpeed Score YSlow Score Fully Loaded Time Total Page Size Requests

(88%) (69%) 4.5s 425KB 38

Top 5 Priority Issues
Leverage browser caching D (67) AVG SCORE: 59% SERVER HIGH

Defer parsing of JavaScript B (82) AVG SCORE: 70% JS HIGH

Inline small CSS B (83) AVG SCORE: 96% CSS HIGH

Optimize the order of styles and scripts B (83) AVG SCORE: 94% CSS/JS HIGH

M inify JavaScript A (91) AVG SCORE: 88% JS HIGH

How does this affect me?

What do these grades mean?
Studies show that users leave a site if it hasn't loaded in 4 seconds; keep
your users happy and engaged by providing a fast performing website. This report is an analysis of your site with Google and
Yahoo!'s metrics for how to best develop a site for optimized
As if you didn't need more incentive, Google has announced that they speed. The grades you see represent how well the
are using page speed in their ranking algorithm. scanned URL adheres to those rules.

About GTmetrix Lower grades (C or lower) mean that the page can stand to
be faster using better practices and optimizing your settings.

We can help you develop a faster, more efficient, and all-around What's in this report?
improved website experience for your users. We use Google PageSpeed
and Yahoo! YSlow to grade your site's performance and provide This report covers basic to technical analyses on your page. It
actionable recommendations to fix these issues. is categorized under many headings:

About the Developer Executive: Overall score information and Priority Issues
History: Graphed history of past performance
Waterfall: Graph of your site's loading timeline
GTmetrix is developed by the good folks Technical: In-depth PageSpeed & YSlow information
at GT.net, a Vancouver-based
performance hosting company with over These will provide you with a snapshot of your performance.
22 years experience in web technology.


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Waterfall Chart

Waterfall Chart
The waterfall chart displays the loading behaviour of your site in your selected browser. It can be used to discover simple issues such as 404's or
more complex issues such as external resources blocking page rendering.

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Page Load Timings

Page Load Timings

RUM Speed Index: 2,946

Redirect 0ms
Connect 29ms
Backend 1.0s
TTFB 1.1s
DOM int. 1.4s
DOM loaded 1.4s (111ms)
First paint 1.6s
Contentful paint 1.7s
Onload 4.2s (7ms)

Redirect duration
This is the time spent redirecting URLs before the final HTML page is loaded. Common redirects
Redirect from a non-www to www (eg. example.com to www.example.com)
Redirect to a secure URL (eg. http:// to https://)
Redirect to set cookies
Redirect to a mobile version of the site
Some sites may even perform a chain of multiple redirects (eg. non-www to www, then to a secure
URL). This timing is the total of all this time that's spent redirecting, or 0 if no redirects occurred.
In the Waterfall Chart, Redirect duration consists of the time from the beginning of the test until just before we start the request of the final HTML
page (when we receive the first 200 OK response).
During this time, the browser screen is blank! Ensure that this duration is kept to short by minimizing your redirects.

Connection duration
Once any redirects have completed, Connection duration is measured. This is the time spent
connecting to the server to make the request to the page.
Technically speaking, this duration is a combination of the blocked time, DNS time, connect time and
sending time of the request (rather than just connect time). We've combined those components into a
single Connection duration to simplify things (as most of these times are usually small).
In the Waterfall Chart, Connection duration consists of everything up to and including the "Sending"
time in the final HTML page request (the first 200 OK response).
During this time, the browser screen is still blank! Various causes could contribute to this, including a slow/problematic connection between the
test server and site or slow response times from the site.

Backend duration
Once the connection is complete and the request is made, the server needs to generate a response
for the page. The time it takes to generate the response is known as the Backend duration.

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Page Load Timings

In the Waterfall Chart, Backend duration consists of purple waiting time in the page request.
There are a number of reasons why Backend duration could be slow. We cover this is our "Why is my
page slow" article.

Time to First Byte (TTFB)

Time to First Byte (TTFB) is the total amount of time spent to receive the first byte of the response
once it has been requested. It is the sum of "Redirect duration" + "Connection duration" + "Backend
duration". This metric is one of the key indicators of web performance.
In the Waterfall Chart, it is calculated at the start of the test until just before receiving on the page
request and represented by the orange line.
Some ways to improve the TTFB include: optimizing application code, implementing caching, fine-
tuning your web server configuration, or upgrading server hardware.

DOM interactive time

DOM interactive time is the point at which the browser has finished loading and parsing HTML, and
the DOM (Document Object Model) has been built. The DOM is how the browser internally structures
the HTML so that it can render it.
DOM interactive time isn't marked in the Waterfall Chart as it's usually very close in timing to DOM
content loaded.

DOM content loaded time

DOM content loaded time (DOM loaded or DOM ready for short) is the point at which the DOM is
ready (ie. DOM interactive) and there are no stylesheets blocking JavaScript execution.
If there are no stylesheets blocking JavaScript execution and there is no parser blocking JavaScript,
then this will be the same as DOM interactive time.
In the Waterfall Chart, it is represented by the blue line.
The time in brackets is the time spent executing JavaScript triggered by the DOM content loaded
event. Many JavaScript frameworks use this event as a starting point to begin execution of their code.
Since this event is often used by JavaScript as the starting point and delays in this event mean delays in rendering, it's important to make sure
that style and script order is optimized and that parsing of JavaScript is deferred.

First paint time

First paint time is the first point at which the browser does any sort of rendering on the page.
Depending on the structure of the page, this first paint could just be displaying the background colour
(including white), or it could be a majority of the page being rendered.
In the Waterfall Chart, it is represented by the green line.
This timing is of significance because until this point, the browser will have only shown a blank page
and this change gives the user an indication that the page is loading. However, we don't know how
much of the page was rendered with this paint, so having a early first paint doesn't necessarily
indicate a fast loading page.
If the browser does not perform a paint (ie. the html results in an blank page), then the paint timings may be missing.

First contentful paint time

First Contentful Paint is triggered when any content is painted - i.e. something defined in the DOM

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Page Load Timings

(Document Object Model). This could be text, an image or canvas render.

This timing aims to be more representative of your user's experience, as it flags when actual content
has been loaded in the page, and not just any change - but it may often be the same time as First
Because the focus is on content, the idea is that this metric gives you an idea of when your user
receives consumable information (text, visuals, etc) - much more useful for performance assessment
than when a background has changed or a style has been applied.
If the browser does not perform a paint (ie. the html results in an blank page), then the paint timings may be missing.

Onload time
Onload time occurs when the processing of the page is complete and all the resources on the page
(images, CSS, etc.) have finished downloading. This is also the same time that DOM complete occurs
and the JavaScript window.onload event fires.
Note that there may be JavaScript that initiates subsequent requests for more resources, hence the
reason why Fully loaded timing is preferred.
In the Waterfall Chart, it is represented by the red line.
The time in brackets is the time spent executing JavaScript triggered by the Onload event.
Note that Onload time was the previous default for when to stop the test prior to Feburary 8th, 2017.

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PageSpeed Recommendations

PageSpeed Recommendations

Leverage browser caching D (67) AVG SCORE: 59% SERVER HIGH

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

https://menu.bitcoin.com/universal-menu.js (expiration not specified)

https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=GTM-5N6TL56 (15 minutes)
https://cdn.buysellads.com/ac/pro.js (1 hour)
https://secure.oneallcdn.com/css/api/socialize/themes/phpbb/default.css (2 hours)
https://secure.oneallcdn.com/css/api/themes/beveled_w35_h35_wc_v1.css (2 hours)
https://secure.oneallcdn.com/img/api/themes/iconsets/beveled_w35_h35_c_v1.png (2 hours)
https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js (2 hours)
https://btcforum.api.oneall.com/socialize/library.js (4 hours)

Defer parsing of JavaScript B (82) AVG SCORE: 70% JS HIGH

209.2KiB of JavaScript is parsed during initial page load. Defer parsing JavaScript to reduce blocking of page rendering.

https://forum.bitcoin.com/assets/javascript/jquery.min.js?assets_version=386 (86.2KiB)
https://btcforum.api.oneall.com/socialize/library.js (35.0KiB)
https://forum.bitcoin.com/styles/hypnotoad/template/chosen.jquery.min.js?assets_version=386 (24.6KiB)
https://forum.bitcoin.com/assets/javascript/core.js?assets_version=386 (21.4KiB)
https://forum.bitcoin.com/styles/hypnotoad/template/forum_fn.js?assets_version=386 (12.4KiB)
https://menu.bitcoin.com/universal-menu.js (10.8KiB)
https://forum.bitcoin.com/ext/vse/abbc3/styles/all/template/js/abbc3.min.js?assets_version=386 (8.7KiB)
https://forum.bitcoin.com/styles/hypnotoad/template/ajax.js?assets_version=386 (6.0KiB)
https://forum.bitcoin.com/ext/phpbbseo/usu/styles/all/template/phpbb_seo.js?assets_version=386 (2.2KiB)
https://forum.bitcoin.com/post177412.html (1.8KiB of inline JavaScript)

Inline small CSS B (83) AVG SCORE: 96% CSS HIGH

The following external resources have small response bodies. Inlining the response in HTML can reduce blocking of page rendering.

https://forum.bitcoin.com/post177412.html should inline the following small resources:


Optimize the order of styles and scripts B (83) AVG SCORE: 94% CSS/JS HIGH

The following inline script blocks were found in https://forum.bitcoin.com/post177412.html between an external CSS file and another
resource. To allow parallel downloading, move the inline script before the external CSS file, or after the next resource.

Inline script block #5

The following external CSS files were included after an external JavaScript file in https://forum.bitcoin.com/post177412.html. To ensure CSS
files are downloaded in parallel, always include external CSS before external JavaScript.


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PageSpeed Recommendations


M inify JavaScript A (91) AVG SCORE: 88% JS HIGH

Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 10.1KiB (9% reduction).

Minifying https://forum.bitcoin.com/assets/javascript/core.js?assets_version=386 could save 5.5KiB (45% reduction) after compression. See optimized versi
Minifying https://forum.bitcoin.com/styles/hypnotoad/template/forum_fn.js?assets_version=386 could save 2.1KiB (32% reduction) after compression. See o
ptimized version.
Minifying https://forum.bitcoin.com/styles/hypnotoad/template/ajax.js?assets_version=386 could save 1.2KiB (33% reduction) after compression. See optimiz
ed version.
Minifying https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=GTM-5N6TL56 could save 427B (2% reduction) after compression. See optimized version.
Minifying https://forum.bitcoin.com/ext/phpbbseo/usu/styles/all/template/phpbb_seo.js?assets_version=386 could save 384B (30% reduction) after
compression. See optimized version.
Minifying https://btcforum.api.oneall.com/socialize/library.js could save 216B (2% reduction) after compression. See optimized version.
Minifying https://forum.bitcoin.com/styles/hypnotoad/template/chosen.jquery.min.js?assets_version=386 could save 100B (2% reduction) after compression.
See optimized version.
Minifying https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js could save 84B (1% reduction) after compression. See optimized version.
Minifying https://forum.bitcoin.com/assets/javascript/jquery.min.js?assets_version=386 could save 63B (1% reduction) after compression. See optimized ver
Minifying https://menu.bitcoin.com/universal-menu.js could save 3B (1% reduction) after compression. See optimized version.
Minifying https://srv.buysellads.com/ads/get/ids/CKYI62QL/?r=1526364000000&segment_CKYI62QL=placement:forum could save 3B (1% reduction) after
compression. See optimized version.

Optimize images A (93) AVG SCORE: 70% IMAGES HIGH

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 7.8KiB (29% reduction).

Losslessly compressing https://assets.servedby-buysellads.com/p/manage/asset/id/62790 could save 7.8KiB (29% reduction). See optimized version.

Specify a cache validator A (96) AVG SCORE: 94% SERVER HIGH

The following resources are missing a cache validator. Resources that do not specify a cache validator cannot be refreshed efficiently.
Specify a Last-Modified or ETag header to enable cache validation for the following resources:


M inify CSS A (97) AVG SCORE: 95% CSS HIGH

Minify CSS for the following resources to reduce their size by 3.9KiB (7% reduction).

Minifying https://forum.bitcoin.com/styles/hypnotoad/theme/stylesheet.css?assets_version=386 could save 2.7KiB (18% reduction) after compression. See o
ptimized version.
Minifying https://forum.bitcoin.com/styles/hypnotoad/theme/colours_bitcoin.css?assets_version=386 could save 838B (18% reduction) after compression.
See optimized version.
Minifying https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.4.0/css/font-awesome.min.css could save 103B (2% reduction) after compression. See optimize
d version.
Minifying https://secure.oneallcdn.com/css/api/themes/beveled_w35_h35_wc_v1.css could save 94B (7% reduction) after compression. See optimized versi
Minifying https://forum.bitcoin.com/styles/hypnotoad/theme/hypnotoad.css?assets_version=386 could save 91B (12% reduction) after compression. See opti
mized version.
Minifying https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300,400,600,700&subset=latin,cyrillic-ext,latin-ext,cyrillic,greek-ext,greek,vietnamese could
save 61B (9% reduction) after compression. See optimized version.
Minifying https://menu.bitcoin.com/universal-menu.css?124 could save 48B (1% reduction) after compression. See optimized version.

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PageSpeed Recommendations

Minifying https://forum.bitcoin.com/ext/vse/scrolltotop/styles/all/theme/scrolltotop.css?assets_version=386 could save 22B (7% reduction) after compression.

See optimized version.
Minifying https://secure.oneallcdn.com/css/api/socialize/themes/phpbb/default.css could save 13B (13% reduction) after compression. See optimized versio
Minifying https://forum.bitcoin.com/ext/tierra/topicsolved/styles/all/template/buttons.css?assets_version=386 could save 8B (7% reduction) after
compression. See optimized version.


Minify HTML for the following resources to reduce their size by 1.0KiB (16% reduction).

Minifying https://forum.bitcoin.com/post177412.html could save 990B (18% reduction) after compression. See optimized version.
Minifying https://btcforum.api.oneall.com/socialize/login/frame/?oakk=23338&oakv=e49389c2f49eb012b0fb55503ac393b058675ba728bf17f0ecf4f9507e186
dbc8e8a289817793aebb882a66428659820a53f015b3d8d038c8a369e09d6454cfd5ec4b0ca75e83b708bd6b8d4af46b5f1f&lang=en could save 49B (6%
reduction) after compression. See optimized version.

Specify image dimensions A (99) AVG SCORE: 98% IMAGES MEDIUM

The following image(s) are missing width and/or height attributes.

https://assets.servedby-buysellads.com/p/manage/asset/id/62790 (Dimensions: 970 x 90)

M inimize request size A (99) AVG SCORE: 96% CONTENT HIGH

The requests for the following URLs don't fit in a single packet. Reducing the size of these requests could reduce latency.

289817793aebb882a66428659820a53f015b3d8d038c8a369e09d6454cfd5ec4b0ca75e83b708bd6b8d4af46b5f1f&lang=en has a request size of 1.5KiB
Request URL: 1.1KiB
Cookies: 0B
Referer Url: 41B
Other: 356B

Remove query strings from static resources B (87) AVG SCORE: 88% CONTENT LOW

Resources with a "?" in the URL are not cached by some proxy caching servers. Remove the query string and encode the parameters into
the URL for the following resources:


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PageSpeed Recommendations


Specify a Vary: Accept-Encoding header A (96) AVG SCORE: 96% SERVER LOW

The following publicly cacheable, compressible resources should have a "Vary: Accept-Encoding" header:


Avoid bad requests A (100) AVG SCORE: 98% CONTENT HIGH

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

Avoid landing page redirects A (100) AVG SCORE: 98% SERVER HIGH

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

Enable gzip compression A (100) AVG SCORE: 84% SERVER HIGH

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

Enable Keep-Alive A (100) AVG SCORE: 96% SERVER HIGH

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

Inline small JavaScript A (100) AVG SCORE: 94% JS HIGH

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

M inimize redirects A (100) AVG SCORE: 88% CONTENT HIGH

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

Put CSS in the document head A (100) AVG SCORE: 100% CSS HIGH

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

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PageSpeed Recommendations

Serve resources from a consistent URL A (100) AVG SCORE: 88% CONTENT HIGH

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

Serve scaled images A (100) AVG SCORE: 74% IMAGES HIGH

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

Combine images using CSS sprites A (100) AVG SCORE: 89% IMAGES HIGH

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

Avoid CSS @import A (100) AVG SCORE: 98% CSS MEDIUM

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

Prefer asynchronous resources A (100) AVG SCORE: 100% JS MEDIUM

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

Specify a character set early A (100) AVG SCORE: 100% CONTENT MEDIUM

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

Avoid a character set in the meta tag A (100) AVG SCORE: 100% CONTENT LOW

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

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YSlow Recommendations

YSlow Recommendations

Add Expires headers F (0) AVG SCORE: 25% SERVER HIGH

There are 13 static components without a far-future expiration date.


M ake fewer HTTP requests F (16) AVG SCORE: 32% CONTENT HIGH

This page has 15 external Javascript scripts. Try combining them into one.

This page has 11 external stylesheets. Try combining them into one.

Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) F (40) AVG SCORE: 21% SERVER MEDIUM

Using a CDN YSlow doesn't recognize? Specify your CDNs in your User Settings.

There are 6 static components that are not on CDN.


Use cookie-free domains F (20) AVG SCORE: 49% COOKIE LOW

There are 16 components that are not cookie-free


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YSlow Recommendations


Reduce DNS lookups E (55) AVG SCORE: 69% CONTENT LOW

The components are split over more than 4 domains

forum.bitcoin.com: 15 components, 368.4K (98.8K GZip)

menu.bitcoin.com: 2 components, 86.4K (39.2K GZip)
fonts.googleapis.com: 1 component, 9.5K (0.6K GZip)
maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com: 1 component, 26.7K (6.0K GZip)
m.servedby-buysellads.com: 1 component, 39.6K (10.9K GZip)
cdn.buysellads.com: 1 component, 8.5K (2.9K GZip)
www.googletagmanager.com: 1 component, 56.9K (22.2K GZip)
btcforum.api.oneall.com: 2 components, 47.3K (13.0K GZip)
www.google-analytics.com: 1 component, 35.1K (14.3K GZip)
trackcmp.net: 1 component, 0.0K
secure.oneallcdn.com: 3 components, 69.4K (1.6K GZip)
srv.buysellads.com: 1 component, 0.8K (0.4K GZip)
assets.servedby-buysellads.com: 1 component, 27.6K

Compress components with gzip A (100) AVG SCORE: 85% SERVER HIGH

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

M inify JavaScript and CSS A (100) AVG SCORE: 71% CSS/JS MEDIUM

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

Avoid URL redirects A (100) AVG SCORE: 88% CONTENT MEDIUM

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

M ake AJAX cacheable A (100) AVG SCORE: 100% JS MEDIUM

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

Remove duplicate JavaScript and CSS A (100) AVG SCORE: 100% CSS/JS MEDIUM

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

Avoid AlphaImageLoader filter A (100) AVG SCORE: 99% CSS MEDIUM

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

Avoid HTTP 404 (Not Found) error A (100) AVG SCORE: 98% CONTENT MEDIUM

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

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YSlow Recommendations

Reduce the number of DOM elements A (100) AVG SCORE: 92% CONTENT LOW

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

Use GET for AJAX requests A (100) AVG SCORE: 100% JS LOW

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

Avoid CSS expressions A (100) AVG SCORE: 99% CSS LOW

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

Reduce cookie size A (100) AVG SCORE: 100% COOKIE LOW

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

M ake favicon small and cacheable A (100) AVG SCORE: 100% IMAGES LOW

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

Configure entity tags (ETags) A (100) AVG SCORE: 91% SERVER LOW

You scored 100% on this recommendation - nothing to do here!

M ake JavaScript and CSS external (n/a) CSS/JS MEDIUM

Only consider this if your property is a common user home page.

There is a total of 11 inline scripts

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