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1, JANUARY 2018 13

Anti-EMI Noise Digital Filter Design for a 60-kW Five-Level SiC Inverter
Without Fiber Isolation
Lu Wang, Yanjun Shi, and Hui Li

Abstract—Silicon carbide (SiC) power devices are beneficial to not be affected by the EMI noises. However, the optical fiber
the converters in terms of size reduction and efficiency increase. utilization needs extra space, adds additional cost, and consumes
Nevertheless, the fast switching of SiC devices results in more seri- extra power from the auxiliary power supply, especially when
ous electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise issue. Optical fibers the system has multiple gate drives and sampling channels such
based isolation provides a reliable solution to block the EMI noises
as multilevel converters.
from the power circuit to the control circuit but with additional
cost and size penalty, especially for multilevel converters. This let-
In this letter, digital filters are applied to suppress the sam-
ter aims at the digital filters based solution to suppress the sam- pling noise for a 60-kW five-level T-type (5LT2 ) SiC inverter
pling noise caused by EMI without any extra hardware cost. An without fiber isolation. There are two main kinds of digi-
improved median filter and a novel magnitude bandpass filter are tal filters in the time domain and frequency domain, respec-
proposed. The design tradeoffs among noises filter capability, delay tively, based on the application requirements [8]. The frequency
effect and the computation time have been discussed for proposed domain digital filter is not applicable in this research due to that
filters. The anti-EMI noise function of proposed filters has been the noises in the analog-to-digital (AD) sampling results have
experimentally verified in a 60-kW five-level SiC inverter. random frequency ranges. The moving average filter is simple
Index Terms—Anti-electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise, and typically used in the time domain, but the output results
digital filter, silicon carbide (SiC). are skewed around the signal edges [9]. On the other hand, me-
dian filter (MF) has been widely used in the image and speech
I. INTRODUCTION processing field as an effective nonlinear impulse filter with the
capability to preserve signals edges [10]–[12]. The traditional
ILICON carbide (SiC) device can switch fast to reduce
S switching loss. However, high dv/dt and di/dt generated
with fast switching speed will raise the issue of increased elec-
MF is time consuming with O(N2 ) time complexity. Therefore,
an improved median filter (IMF) with O(N) time complexity is
proposed in this letter to reduce the digital filter’s computation
tromagnetic interference (EMI) [1]–[3]. The EMI noises are
time. In addition, a magnitude bandpass filter (MBF) is also
propagated in both the power circuit and the control circuit.
proposed in this letter. The MBF features O(1) time complexity
When the voltage/current sampling signals are mixed with the
and much less fixed computation time without introducing time
EMI noises, the control of the SiC converter will be disturbed
delay in the control loop. The design tradeoffs among noises fil-
or even corrupted.
ter capability, delay effect and the computation time have been
Optical fibers provide a reliable isolation solution to block
discussed for proposed filters. Finally, both proposed digital fil-
the EMI noises transmission [4]. In [5], the industrial gate drive
ters are implemented in a 60-kW five-level T-type (5LT2 ) SiC
for 1.7-kV SiC MOSFET uses optical fibers for the gate signals.
inverter and experimental results demonstrated that the noise
Further, to enhance the gate-drive board power reliability, Zhang
can be suppressed or removed from the AD sampling signals.
et al. [6] proposes a gate drive with power over fiber-based
isolated power supply for 15-kV SiC MOSFET instead of using
the traditional design based on the isolation transformer. In the
100 kW 100 kHz SiC converter from [7], besides the gate drive
signals, the voltage and current sampling signals also use the T-TYPE (5LT2 ) SIC INVERTER
fiber isolation. In this configuration, the control circuit is fully A. System Description
isolated from the power circuit and the digital controller will
Fig. 1(a) is the topology of a 60 − kW 5LT2 SiC inverter
where six SiC T-type modules are applied, two of each are par-
Manuscript received April 10, 2017; revised May 7, 2017; accepted May 23, allel coupled through an intercell transformers (ICT) and then
2017. Date of publication June 1, 2017; date of current version October 6, 2017. connected to the 480 V three-phase three-line grid without any
This work was supported by the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable En-
ergy, U.S. Department of Energy, under Award DE-EE0006521 with North Car- external filters. The switching frequency is selected as 50 kHz
olina State University, PowerAmerica Institute. (Corresponding author: Hui Li.) to achieve both high efficiency (99.2%) and high power density
The authors are with the Center for Advanced Power Systems, Florida State (27 W/in3 and 3 kW/kg). This 5LT2 topology has taken the full
University, Tallahassee, FL 32310 USA (e-mail: lw15r@my.fsu.edu; yshi3@ advantages of SiC device and multilevel waveforms so there is
caps.fsu.edu; hli@caps.fsu.edu).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online
no external filter required since the leakage inductance of ICT
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. and grid impedance is enough to serve as ac filter. In addition,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2017.2710483 it can suppress the ground leakage current with a small size of

0885-8993 © 2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution
requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 2. Switching waveforms at V d c = 720 V, I = 100 A with R g o n =

6.8 Ω and R g o ff = 4.7 Ω: (a) T-type power module, (b) T4 turn-on, and (c) T4

Fig. 1. 60 − kW 5LT 2 SiC inverter: (a) topology, and (b) control system

common mode choke, therefore it is especially suited for trans-

formerless photovoltaic (PV) string inverter applications. The
detailed operation principles and experimental verifications of
this 5LT2 topology applied as PV converters have been presented
in [13] and [14]. This letter focuses on the digital filters design
to against the noise caused by EMI in the AD sampling signals.
Fig. 1(b) is the control system configuration of this five-level Fig. 3. EMI noises affected AD sampled phase current results from DSP:
inverter that consists of TI DSP TMS320F28335 and Spartan- waveforms and FFT results.
3AN field-programmable gate array (FPGA) XC3S200AN.
DSP is the main controller and the FPGA is to generate 24 module have been analyzed in [15]. Fig. 2 shows T4’s turn-on
channels’ 50 kHz gate drive signals. Lf is the leakage in- and turn-off transient at 720 V dc-link voltage and 100-A load
ductance of the ICT, Lg is the grid impedance, and they current with 6.8 Ω turn-on and 4.7 Ω turn-off gate resistors.
both act as the ac filter. The conventional αβ axis current The dv/dt is 17 V/ns. As a result, the ringing in the voltage
control with grid voltage feedforward is implemented in the and current waveforms generates severe noises in the whole
5LT2 inverter. The grid side voltage and current sampling system.
signals are transmitted to the DSP AD ports through signal Fig. 3 shows four typical phase current AD sampling results
conditioning board. Since there is no optical fiber isolation from the DSP. In (a), the noises start at 6 ms and last for nearly
between the power circuit and the control circuit, the noises one-fifth of the fundamental period, which generates phase cur-
generated by fast switching transient are propagated to the AD rent pulses with magnitude between 0 and –110 A. The current
sampling results. The noises in the voltage sampling signals fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis shows that the noises are
generate false phase-locked loop angle and feedforward volt- fairly even distributed in the frequency domain below 20 kHz.
age magnitude, and the noises in the current sampling signals In (b), there are two sections affected by noises in one period.
produce distorted inputs to the current controller. The first section produces large negative current impulse from
100 to –100 A. The second section is concentrated with smaller
magnitude. The FFT results have a peak magnitude around 1
B. Sampling Noise Phenomena
kHz. In (c), when there are only two small current pulses dur-
The 5LT2 inverter uses Wolfspeed’s 1200 V 100 A full SiC ing one period, the harmonics magnitude below 20 kHz is less
MOSFET T-type modules. The switching characteristics of the than 1.5%. In (d), the noises last around one-fourth of the pe-

Fig. 5 MBF filter algorithm: (a) a unit sinusoidal example signal with 20%
BW, and (b) implementation process.

located in the sorted pointer array. Then, the pointer’s location

needs to be adjusted depending on the new data value through
left side bubble or right side bubble. The output data are always
the median data, which p(N −1)/2 pointed. With the combined
two arrays, the IMF achieves O(N) algorithm complexity.

B. Magnitude Bandpass Filter

Fig. 4. IMF algorithm: (a) storage arrays, and (b) implementation process. An MBF filter is proposed in this letter as another method to
suppress the sample noises. As shown in Fig. 5, the principle is
riod generating both small and large pulses. It can be noticed to remove all the noises points beyond the magnitude bandwidth
that when large current pulse happened, the noises cause the (BW) of the baseline signal. When the input signal’s magnitude
malfunction of the current controller and produce low frequency is in the effective data band, the signal will be passed through
oscillations. The corresponding FFT results show the most the MBF without any attenuation and all the frequency domain
serious harmonics among these four cases, whereby the magni- information will be preserved. When the input signal’s magni-
tude peak is around 2 and 7 kHz. tude is beyond the effective data band, the signal will be blocked
From above sampling current waveforms and FFT results, from output. The signal baseline can be generated by the ref-
the sampling noises show random characteristics as nonperiodic erence or the averaged value. In this letter, the signal baseline
pulses without any predictable frequency domain pattern. With is generated by N points moving average xavg , as shown in (2).
these sampling noises, the current controller in the DSP will be If the sampled new data is beyond the effective data band, it
disturbed and/or overcurrent protection will be triggered. The will be abandoned and replaced by the data from last sampling
conventional low-pass, bandpass, or high-pass filters cannot re- period; otherwise the sampled data will be outputted without
move the random noises since they only affect specific frequency any modification
range. The sampling noises discussed in this letter require that xavg = Mean (xn + xn −1 + . . . + xn −N +1 ) . (2)
the desired filter should meet the following requirement: ran-
dom pulses suppression with low computation time cost, small
time delay, and no magnitude attenuation to original signals. The MBF has O(1) algorithm complexity and is able to re-
move unlimited points of EMI noises in the signals without any
III. PROPOSED ANTI-EMI NOISE DIGITAL FILTERS magnitude attenuation nor phase delay. The noises points with
magnitude inside the BW cannot be removed.
A. Improved Median Filter
MF is a conventional nonlinear filter used for removing noises C. Anti-EMI Noise Filters Design
without magnitude attenuation. N points MF algorithm is shown In order to test the proposed algorithms in a controlled en-
in (1), where xn , . . . , xn −N −1 are the latest N points input sig- vironment, an M points signal with 0.1M random noise points
nals and xm dn is the output signal of the MF. For convenience, is generated by MATLAB as the input of the digital filters.
N is considered as odd number in this letter. N points MF is able Both the noise magnitude and noise location of the sampler
to remove (N–1)/2 points noises among the continues N points is random. The original signal has the constant value of one,
signal with (N–1)/2 of control periods delay {x1 , x2 , . . . , xM }. The function randperm(M) generates a ran-
dom permutation of the integers from 1 to M inclusive, whereby
xm dn = Median (xn + xn −1 + . . . + xn −N +1 ) . (1)
the first 0.1M points are used as the random location of the
The algorithm complexity of the conventional MF is O(N2 ), noises, {l1 , l2 , . . . , l0.1M }. The noise magnitude is normally dis-
which is too time-consuming to be used in the microcontroller. tributed random numbers generated by function randn(0.1M),
An IMF is proposed in this letter to reduce the computation time, {n1 , n2 , . . . , n0.1M }. The following equation shows how the
which keeps the same filter performance of the conventional MF. signal with random noises is generated:
As shown Fig. 4(a), there are two storage arrays for the IMF xl i = 1 + ni (i = 1, 2, . . . , 0.1M ) . (3)
algorithm: moving data array stores the latest N points sampling
results as the input of IMF, whereas pointer array stores the Both the number and magnitude of the noises have the impact
pointers that keep N points data sorted from small to large. The on the digital control, so the sum of the noises magnitude is used
IMF implementation process is shown in Fig. 4(b). When there to represent the noise and evaluate the digital filter capability,
is a new data sampled, first the pointer of the old data needs to be which is named noise energy in this letter, as shown in (4). In

Fig. 8. Experiment set up of a grid-tied 60-kW SiC inverter prototype.

Fig. 6. Delay periods, DSP implementation time, and residue noise energy
percentage with different IMF points.

Fig. 7. DSP implementation time, and residue noise energy percentage with
different BW in the MBF.
Fig. 9. Anti-EMI noise capability: (a) phase A current noise, (b) W/ five points
IMF, (c) W/ 30% BW MBF, and (d) W/ fourth Butterworth LPF.
the signal sampler, M is 106 and the total noise energy is 7.98e4.
The ratio of the residue noise energy after the digital filter to the
total input noise energy is defined as εnoise in (5) to show the IV. EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATIONS
capability of the digital filters The 60 − kW 5LT2 transformerless SiC inverter prototype
is shown in Fig. 8. A 1000 V 150 A dc power supply is used
 as the dc source in the experiments. The three-phase output is
Enoise = |xi − 1| (4)
connected to the grid through a 480 V three-phase 1.5 MW
transformer. The wireless communication between DSP and PC
Enoise residue is able to show the real-time voltage/current sampling signals
εnoise = . (5) in the computer. The control period is 20 μs. The IMF is imple-
Enoise total
mented with five points considering the tradeoff between time
Fig. 6 shows the IMF characteristic with different filter points. delay and the noise suppression. The MBF has 30% BW with
The delay time and DSP implementation time increase nearly eight points moving average baseline.
linearly with the IMF points. The IMF does not change the Fig. 9 compares the noise suppression capability of the two
system magnitude characteristics, while increased IMF points proposed filters and a conventional low-pass filter (LPF). The
may decrease the phase margin and reduce the system’s control LPF is designed as a fourth Butterworth LPF with 9.2 kHz
BW. Considering the noises removing capability and the impact cutoff frequency, which has a same phase delay at 1 kHz with
to the system control, the IMF points can be selected between the IMF filter. (a) is a 3000-points data extracted from the phase
3, 5, and 7. current AD sampling results, the fundamental component has
In the MBF, the computation time is fixed as 0.55 μs with been removed for better observation. (b)–(d) show the capability
different moving average points and different data BWs in the of IMF, MBF, and LPF, respectively. In zone I, IMF is more
DSP, which is much smaller than that of IMF. There is no time effective since MBF cannot remove the noises within its BW.
delay introduced into control loop by the MBF. From Fig. 7, In zone II, MBF is more effective since IMF have the points
MBF shows similar noise removing capability as IMF, smaller limitation while removing the continues noises. In zone III,
BW can remove more noises. However, if the BW is too small, both IMF and MBF can remove all the noises effectively. Since
the ripple in the original signals may be falsely removed. It LPF is not able to remove the noises under its cutoff frequency,
can be observed from Fig. 7, if the BW in the MBF is selected the noise energy is still large after the LPF in zone I–III.
between 10% and 40%, the same attenuation from MBF can be In the 60 − kW 5LT2 SiC inverter, the grid-tie start-up oper-
achieved as that from IMF. Considering there can be up to 30% ation cannot be realized without digital filters due to the EMI
high frequency ripple in the sampled data, a 30% BW is chosen noises, as shown in Fig. 10(a). With five points IMF, the inverter
in this research. With 30% BW, a transient 5 V/μs and 1 A/μs is able to operate smoothly from start-up to 60-kW steady state,
can pass the MBF without being distorted. as shown in Fig. 10(b). In Fig. 11, with the 30% BW MBF,

The information, data, or work presented herein was funded
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completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, prod-
uct, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not
infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific
Fig. 10. EMI noise impact on the 60-kW inverter grid-tie start-up operation: commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trade-
(a) W/O digital filters, and (b) W/ five points IMF.
mark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute
or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the
United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and
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reflect those of the United States Government or any agency

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DE-EE0006521 with North Carolina State University, Power-
America Institute.

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