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404 PAKT IV. GENERIC MODELING APP works” Jounal ofthe Association for Compuut- Spearman, ML. D. L Woodru x sng Machinery, 2"(2), 313-322 ‘ONWIP: Pull Alternative wo K Schweitzer, Paul J. Abraham Seidman, and Sarit rernational Journal of Production Ri Shalev-Oren (1986), “The Correction Tern 8, 879-804, Research Letter an: A’ Precursor 10 Simulation fo facturing Systems: A Comparative Evaluation stitute of Electrical and Electronic 1985), “Analysis of Flexible Manufacturing Sys- ing Flexible Manufacturing Systems Ui Analysis of Manufacturing Systems,” Mamgac- Whit Ward [1983 veweing Solberg, James J. [1980], “A Users Guide to CAN: 2755-2815, PROBLEMS 11.1. The queueing models in this chapter pro: L144, Orders arrive ata 8 rly at ice rates are constant through 1 t time, and mean an assumptions would not apply: 11.8. An assemb rece the shipment is late and a partal onder be- sk $ exponentially distributed wi ng shipped. Most orders are small, requiring like 1-8 minutes. Find the mean and var CHAPTER 11 GENERAL thus, in the long term the shop schedule averages 44 hours per week. The foreman has proposed siving priority o a key customer who has been ‘complaining about long lead times. This customer accounts for the orders. Estimate the percent effect on throughput time for the key customers and others ifthe ny. stations. Order arrivals are a P A flexible assembly sistem has five work: mean rate of 18 per hour. Service time is expo: ‘ential with a rate of 4 per ‘workstation Workstations place the single mater handler 1 Determine the ting is Fan m, find che interarrival time distribution at b. Suppose the unloader s Jers ti two packing stations. If ach packing station, . Suppose the unloader packing stat every second order goes the same packer). What is the interarrival distribution for packers? 118. Resolve Example 11.6 with py) = 0.25 and an external arival rate of A= 8 (Qt. Three workers “kit” orders by pulling the lied number of parts from a warehouse an icing them in a toe In fact, the computer scheduling sys ‘of kitting orders in queue at the kitters. Time >it an utes Kits then go 10 an assembl area. Four assem available. Assemb spected. Two inspectors are available. Inspection lime is exponer 15 minutes minutes. Assembled kits ate then in ial with mear Find the average number of ord station and the average time for process at exch 11.10. ody Problem 11.9 such that n with probability kit fils nspeet 4. Failed kits are re ANUFACTURING SYSTEMS. ANALYTICAL QUEUEING MODELS 405 turned to assembly: Rework time is als zes and throughput time OTE in tubs and are transported on pallets. Eat pallet holds one batch of parts. all parts are moved between machines by forklift The shop produces four types of pars. Their routings are shown in Table 11.6 Find the effective arrival rates at each workstation and the maz, rile res output from an MAE process, r three part pes are 10, 5, and 20 per day, respec tively Service time par pes are processed. Arrival rates for the days for pant ype 2, and deterministic at 001 days for part type 3. If part type 1 has highest priority and part type 2 has higher priority than part type 3, find the expected number of each part ype and throughput times atthe workstation 11.13. Show that the balance equation 11.34 in Example 11.11 is satisfied bythe state probabilities fined! in equation 11.35, (Hint: Find the v counts and service rates for workstations, Then re place the p 11.14, Reconsider Example 116. that have been returned to assembly bec failed inspection the first time need not be rein After a second visit to assembly, these jobs babi Suppose jobs we system. Find the new transfer pn and resolve 1 examp! 11.15. Discuss the diferent assumptions of open and closed queueing newwork models, Contronted ‘ith a real system, what factors would determine ‘which model 11.16. Three prospective designs are under con sideration for a manufacturing cell The first uses ¢ F ate 4, com: mon queue, and total arrival rate A. The second ‘option uses the same machines but has a sepa rate queue for each machine. Arriving part bate! a ‘Table 11.6 Part Routings and Demand for Problem 11.11 Par Type Opt Op.2 H MB 3 Ms ms Ops Batches/Period Mi 100 406 ART IV. GENERIC MODELING APPROACHES will be randomly assigned to a machine The third 11.20, Resolve Problem 11.198 assuming that am uration consists of one fast machine, which ple material handlers exists so that parts never serves atthe rate 34. Ignoring capital and operat- need to wait for material handling oss, which system has the lowest throughput 43.24, Resolve Problem 11.196 time and WIP levels? You may assume interat 7 ckly ¢ work Arrival rates are given by weekly demand. and service times are exponential and let x = 3 dition to finding average throughput time for and A= 10, an arbitrary job, find the average throughput tin ALA7. A job shop has three types of machines; for product type 1 specifically two mills, one drill press, and one surface grinder: 49,22, Re-solve Problem 11.19% assuming that wo About 60 percent ofthese go to m The 40 hours Use the throughs time eqution 11.25 other 40 percent start at the drill, One half of the ' dein ob go nex vo milling where he oer 23) ourmachine production ser (al sap hig ee routing probabilities are as shown in the follow ers leave the shop Job aeays leave the stem 86 ier grinding Operation times are exponentially IN ‘bles. Seven jobs are Kept in process at all Jistibuted, averaging one day per job for milling, MES Service times are exponentially distribute drilling, and grinding, Find the average num! jobs in the sytem 11.8, Resolve problem 11.17 assuming that op tration times are uniformly distributed between 0 7 Time (br and 2 days per jot 1149. Using the closed network of que ‘model, analyze the following problem. A job shop nas three machines. Four products are made ac . elie oR ig Ge eee ee Intermachine Routing Probabilities lable, and it takes him about 5 minutes t0 a move a load of material berween machines. Yo may assume that the handler is aot needed to posit new parts to the first operation, Machines and 2 run 40 hours per week, and machine 3 runs SD ours. Assume that we try to keep one week's demand worth of work in process at 1. Analyze by explicitly modeling the four sep- a. Find the relative visit counts and utlizations Db. Aggregate nto a generic, Solve this network using MVA Find the pro ‘weighted-verage) product and reanaly duction rate Table 11.7 Product Routings for Problem 11.19 Machine Time in Hi Weekly Demand 1 0 1

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