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Document Name & Source Improved leukemia-free survival…; American Study of Ofatumumab As Single-Age

Treatment Type Immunotherapy Immunotherapy
Document Type Study Study
Authors/Creators/Publisher ASH NCBI
Document Info (ex. Study Of 320 patients with AML, 261 achieved complete FA- 57%
Results) remission after treatment BF-48%
Possible Faults (ex. Bias) - -
Link/Citation http://www.bloodjournal.org/content/108/1/88.short?sso https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g
-checked=true /

Document Adoptive Immunotherapy of Full Haplotype-Mismatched Hematopoietic SCT; JCO

Name & Leukemia…; Institut de
Source Cancérologie et
Treatment Immunotherapy SCT
Document Study Study
Authors/Crea AACR ASCO
Document Trials were conducted in which AML- of 67 treated patients, 19 achieved CR the first time, 25 re
Info (ex. mice were given different types ALL- of 37 treated patients, 14 achieved CR the first time, 13 rel
Study of leukemia and treated with
Results) immunotherapy. The trials were
not very successful

Possible Study is not clear about starting -

Faults (ex. sample sizes
Link/Citation http://cancerres.aacrjournals.or https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/4503661
g/content/canres/25/9_Part_1/1 KeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires=1525967434&Signat
525.full.pdf bTlKjcE%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filena

Document Name & Allogeneic SCT provides durable disease control in poor-risk CLL:
Source American Study of Hematology
Treatment Type SCT
Document Type Study
Authors/Creators/Publis ASH
Document Info (ex. Event free survival is 52%
Study Results)
Possible Faults (ex. Bias) -
Link/Citation http://www.bloodjournal.org/content/bloodjournal/early/2010/0
The results of the five studies shown above support the hypothesis that claims that

immunotherapy is a better non-conventional leukemia treatment than stem cell transplantations.

With leukemia, as well as most other types of cancer, the goal of the treatment is to achieve

complete remission. This means that there is no evidence of the cancer in scans or any tests. The

first three studies show the results of clinical trials that tested different types of chimeric antigen

receptor therapy as a leukemia treatment. The last two studies show the results of clinical trials

that tested stem cell transplantations as a leukemia treatment.

The first study is published by the American Study of Hematology. In this trial, three

hundred twenty patients made up the original sample size. Out of the original sample, two

hundred sixty-one patients achieved complete remission. This is significant because this amounts

to an 81% success rate within this trial. The second study, another immunotherapy clinical trial,

is published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information. In this study there are two

types of chronic lymphoid leukemia. The complete remission rate of those with fludaribine and

alemetuzumab refractory CLL is 57% while the complete remission rate of those with bulky

lymphadenopathy refractory CLL is 48%. These percentages are not significantly high, but this

immunotherapy, Ofatumumab, is meant to target specific, and thus rarer, types of leukemia

found on the CD20 gene. The last immunotherapy study is published by the American

Association for Cancer Research. In this study, mice were injected with different types of

leukemia and were treated with immunotherapy. The write-up is not very thorough, but the

graphs and charts included reveal that these trials were not very successful. This could be

because the leukemia did not grow naturally.

The first stem cell transplantation results are published by the American Society of

Clinical Oncology. In this study, the patients were stratified by leukemia type. There were 67
with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and 37 with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). Of the 67,

19 patients achieved complete remission after the first transplantation. Of the 37, 13 patients

achieved complete remission after the first transplantation. The success rates are relatively low

because of those with AML, 25 relapsed; of those with ALL, 13 patients relapsed. In the second

stem cell transplantation study, also published by the American Study of Hematology, the write-

up was very vague. Event free survival with the specific stem cell transplantation in this trial

peaked at 52%.

These two studies also vaguely discuss side effects of stem cell transplantations. In both

studies, there were a few patients who died from Graft versus Host Disease, a condition that

occurs after an allogeneic transplant.

The data from these five published studies prove that, while immunotherapy could be

furthered developed, it is a more effective treatment for leukemia.

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