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This course is designed to equip the students with better knowledge in understanding criminal
behavior and give them a strong foundation on Criminological Theories. It also introduces the
students to the concept of white collar crime and other types of crimes done by the upper strata of
the society. It is also aimed to introduce students to theories of punishment and sentencing process
to get a comprehensive overview of the present system and to critically evaluate the present system
in the light of criminological theories. The students will be equipped with the contemporary trends
in criminal justice system and the added advantage granted to victims to have a say in the criminal
justice administration and their due attention to their legitimate claims.

Unit I:

Definition of criminology-Social, psychological and legal approaches- Nature and scope of

criminology - Relation with other social sciences - Relevance of criminology to contemporary
society-Social change, social deviance and social disorganization - Individual disorganization -
Group disorganization - Community disorganization- Criminological Theories-Pre classical-
Classical-Neo-classical Thought - Classical theories-Neo-classical theories- Positive Theories-
Morphological theories- Biological theories:- Constitution, Genetics, Chromosomes-
Anthropological theories-Study of twins and family tree- Psychological Theories- Learning
Behavior theory - Psycho-analytical theory- Evolutionary Reproductive theory- Alternative
Adaptation theory - Conditional Adaptation Theory- Sociological Theories- Ecological theory-
Culture Conflict theory - Differential Association theory- Anomie theory- Multi-factor theory-
Containment theory- Radical Theories -Meaning, scope and relevance- Labeling theory -White
Collar Crime -Nature, meaning and forms – theoretical explanations of white collar crime- study
of Sutherland and Cressay-Differential Association theory-Renaming in Indian Context-the Socio-
Economic offences-the reasons for the same-

Unit II:

Penology And Correctional Administration -Nature of Punishment- Nature, meaning and

importance of punishment - Forms of punishment in ancient, medieval and modern times- Theories
of punishment- New alternative forms of punishment-Prison System-Definition of prison - Prisons
in ancient, medieval and modern times - Types of prisoners- Prison reforms:- Role of inquiry
committees and commissions- Prison administration - Prison Legislations-History and evolution
of prison legislations in India - Prisons Act- Prisoners Act: Transfer of Prisoners Act-Jail Manuals
- Institutionalized Form of Treatment - Meaning and purpose -Types of institutions -Adult
institutions- Parole, meaning scope and legal provisions- After care and rehabilitation services -
Remission, temporary release, pre-mature release and after care services-Role of NGO’s in
supervision and rehabilitation-
Unit III:

Juvenile institutions -Children’s homes- Open institutions -Borstal homes for young offenders -
Correctional programs, counseling and psychological services-Vocational training and work
programme -Classification- Educational and literacy- Religious sessions -Therapeutic treatment-
Games, recreation and other cultural activities-

Unit IV:

Non Institutional Form of Treatment -Meaning, purpose and importance - Types of non-
institutional treatment- Probation, meaning, scope and legal provisions under Probation of
Offenders Act and other laws- Difference between institutional and non-institutional form of

Unit V:

Victimology-Nature and Scope- -Concept of Victimology -History and philosophy - Indian

experience -Legal framework - Role of court - Role of NHRC - Victim and Criminal Justice,
Emerging Trends and Policies.

(The reference herein is suggestive. The Teachers are Free to add More relevant contemporary
materials in the form of text books Academic Articles and case law with due notice to the vice-
Chancellor and the students.)

1. Akers, Ronald L, Criminological Theories, Rawat Publications, Jaipur 2004,

2. Williams Katherine S, Text Book on Criminology, Universal Law Publishing Co. New
Delhi. 2001,
3. Siegel Larry J, Criminology, Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 2000,
4. Schmalleger Frank, 2nd edition, Criminology Today: An Integrative Introduction, Prentice
Hall, New Delhi. 1999,
5. Crutchfield Robert D, Bridges George S and Weis Joseph G, Crime, Pine Forge Press 1996,
6. Tahir, Mary, Crime in Delhi, National Book Organisatiokn, New Delhi 1996,
7. Gottfredson Michael R and Hirchi Travis, A General Theory of Crime, Standford
University Press 1990,
8. Mannle Henry W and Hirschel J David, Fundamentals of Criminology, Prentice Hall, New
Delhi. 1988,
9. Conklin John E, Criminology, Mac Millan Publishing Co. 1981,
10. Paranjape, N V, Criminology & Penology, Central Law Publications 2005,
11. Rani Dhavan Shankardass, Punishment and the Prison – Indian and International
Perspectives, Sage Publications, New Delhi. 2000,
12. Chakrabarti, N K, Institutional Corrections, Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi. 1999,
13. Crime Police and Correction, Vadackumchery, James, APH Publishing Co. New Delhi
14. Deb, R, Criminal Justice, The Law Book Company Pvt Ltd, Allahabad. 1998,
15. Renquld Ville, Ugljesa Zuekic Jon F Klaus, Promoting Probation Internationally, United
Nations Publciations. 1997,
16. George S Bridges, Joseph G Weis, Robert D Crutchfield, Criminal Justice, Pine Forge
Press, New Delhi. 1996,
17. Snarr, Richard W, Introduction to Corrections, 1996, Brown and Benchmark,
18. Harland, Alan J, Choosing Correctional Options that work, Sage Publications, New Delhi
19. Abadinsky Howard, Probation & Parole, Simon & Schuster Company, New Jersey 1994,
20. Williamson, Harold E, The Corrections Profession, Sage Publications, New Delhi. 1990,
21. Crime Redemption of Criminals: Probation of offenders, Singh, Mahendra P, Deep &
Deep Publications, New Delhi 1987,
22. Robert M Carter, Daniel Glaser, Leslie T Wilkins, Correctional Institutions, Harper &
Row Publishers Inc. 1985,
23. Bartollas Clemens, , Correctional Treatment-Theory and Practice, Prentice Hall, New
Jersey. 1985
24. Robert M Carter, Daniel Glaser, Leslie T Wilkins, Probation, Parole and Community
Corrections, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. 1984,
25. Carney, Louis P, Corrections, Treatment & Philosophy, Prentice Hall, New Jersey1980,


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