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Odyssey Extensions 

Greek Gods Note Taking Chart 

Greek  Roman  Background/Story:  Best Known For: 
Name  Name 
Achilles  Achilles  Achilles a hero in the Trojan War. His mother Thetis  His heel. Trojan War.  
(Hero)  dipped him in the river Styx which make him invulnerable 
except for his heel. He was killed at the end of the Trojan 
War by Paris.  
  Venus  Daughter of Zeus and Dione. She was born off the coast of  Goddess of love and 
Aphrodite  Cythera from the phone produces by Uranus’s severed  beauty 
  Apollo  Son of Zeus and Leto with a twin sister Artemis. He was  God of healing, 
Apollo  the patron of Delphi and an oracular god.   music, prophecy, 
  Mars  Son of Zeus and Hera. Embodied the physical and violent  God of war 
Ares  part of war unlike Athena. He was on the losing side of the 
Trojan War and was doubted for his military power.  
  Diana  Daughter of Zeus and Leto with twin brother Apollo. She  Goddess of the hunt, 
Artemis  helped her mother give birth to Apollo. Asked Zeus for six  moon, archery, 
wishes.   childbirth, virginity 
  Minerva  Born out of Zeus head. Patron of many cities including  Goddess of wisdom, 
Athena  Athens. The Parthenon is dedicated to her. Warrior  war strategy, 
goddess. Turned Arachne into the first spider and turned  handicraft 
Medusa into a Gorgon  
Bellerophon  Belleroph Son of the king of Corinth. He rode Pegasus. He killed the  Killing Chimera 
(Hero)  on  Chimera and was one of the greatest heroes. He thought 
he deserved to fly to Mount Olympus but that angered 
Zeus and he killed him.  
Cerberus  Cerberus  Three headed dog with a tail of a snake. He guarded  Hound of Hades, 
(Monster)  Taenarum, the cave opening to the Underworld.   guarding the 
Cronus  Saturn  Son of Uranus and Gaia. He overthrew his father and ruled  King of Titans 
(Titan)  during the Golden Age until Zeus overthrew him and was 
imprisoned in Tartarus.  
  Ceres  Sister of Zeus, Poseidon, etc. Has a daughter Persephone  Goddess of 
Demeter  that was taken by Hades so she creates winter while  agriculture, harvest, 
Persephone is in the Underworld.   fertility, and law 
  Bacchus   Son of Zeus and Semele. God of epiphany. Only god born  God of wine and 
Dionysus  from a mortal mother. Described as womanly.   theatre 
Gorgons:  Medusa  One of the three Gorgon sisters. She was originally  Turning people into 
Medusa  beautiful and was raped in Athena’s temple so Athena  stone 
(Monster)  turned her hair into snakes. Just looking at her would turn 
you into stone.  
Graeae  Graiai  The Grey Sisters shared one and and one tooth among  Grey Sisters 
(Monster)  them. Perseus forced them to tell him about killing 
Medusa by stealing their eye.  
  Pluto  Eldest son of Cronus and Rhea. Brother to Zeus, Poseidon,  God of the dead, 
Hades  etc. Defeated his father alongside his brothers. Received  Underworld, riches 
the Underworld to rule. Kidnapped Persephone to be his  and metals 
wife and live in the Underworld.  
  Harpies  Half maiden half bird personification of storm winds.  Hounds of ZEus 
Harpies  They were very ugly. They abducted and tortured people 
(Monster)  on their was to Tartarus. Vicious, violent, and cruel.  
  Vulcan  Son of Zeus and Hera. He was rejected by his mother  God of blacksmiths, 
Hephaestus  because of his deformity and thrown off Olympus. Served  fire 
as a blacksmith for the gods.  
  Juno  Daughter of Cronus and Rhea. Married to brother Zeus.  Queen of Heaven 
Hera  Queen of Heaven and goddess of marriage, women, and  and Zeus's wife 
family. Known for being jealous and vengeful of Zeus's 
lovers and their offspring.  
  Mercury  Son of Zeus and Maia. He was the emissary and  Messenger of the 
Hermes  messenger of the gods and the divine trickster. Viewed as  gods 
a patron of roads and travellers.  
Heracles  Hercules  Son of Zeus and mortal mother.   Strength and 
(Demigod)  numerous 
Daughter of Cronus and Rhea and sister to Zeus, Poseidon,  Goddess of hearth, 
Hestia  Hades, etc. She received the first offering at every sacrifice  home, family 
in the household.  
Jason   Jason  Son of king of Iolcos. Married to the sorceress Medea. He  Leader of the 
(Hero)  was the leader of the Argonauts and was famous for the  Argonauts, Golden 
quest for the Golden Fleece.   Fleece 
  Minotaur  Monster with the head of a bull and body of a man. He  Living in the center 
Minotaur  lived in the center of the Labyrinth that was made by  of the Labyrinth 
(Monster)  Daedalus. Killed by the hero Theseus.  
  Muses  Goddesses of literature, art, and science. Considered the  Nine Muses 
Muses  source of the knowledge in poetry, songs, and myths.  
  Proserpin Daughter of Zeus and Demeter. She was kidnapped by  Queen of the 
Persephone  a  Hades to be his wife in the Underworld. While she is  Underworld, Hades 
underground it is winter and when she comes back up it  wife 
is spring.  
Perseus  Persaeus   Son of Zeus. One of the greatest heroes. Founder of  Killed Medusa 
(Hero)  Mycenae. Beheaded Medusa and saved Andromeda from 
the sea monster Cetus.  
  Neptune  Son of Cronus and Rhea. Brother of Zeus and Hades.  God of sea, 
Poseidon  Killed his father along with brothers and was given the  earthquakes 
waters to rule over. Known for punishing Odysseus for 
blinding his son Polyphemus.  
  Promethe The titan credited with the creation of man from clay. He  Created humans and 
Prometheus  us   defied the gods by stealing fire and giving it to humanity.  gave them fire.  
Sentenced to eternal torment for his transgression. Freed 
by Heracles.  
Scylla &  Scylla &  Scylla was a monster that lived on one side of a narrow  Odyssey 
Charybdis  Charybdi channel of water opposite Charybdis. THe 2 sides of the 
s  strait were within an arrow’s range of each other. So close 
that the sailors attempting to avoid Charybdis would pass 
too close to Scylla and vice versa.  
Theseus  Theseus  He was the king and founder hero of Athens. He killed the  Slaying Minotaur  
(Hero)  minotaur.  
  Jupiter  Youngest son of Cronus and Rhea. Brother of Poseidon  King of gods, god of 
Zeus  and Hades, etc. Husband of Hera. First to be regurgitated  the sky 
by his father. Killed his father. Father of many of the gods 
due to her escapades.  
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