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Atividade Avaliativa de Língua Estrangeira Moderna

a) ( ONE – Inglês.
) obtain nitrates from wells. TURMA:__________
b) ( ) have purified well water.
NOME:____________________________________________________________ Nº: water.
c) ( ) also have problems with their _______________
d) ( ) obtain agricultural fertilizers from nitrates.

B. Write T for True and F for False:

1. Nitrates pollute the water. ( V )
The water we drink usually comes from reservoirs, lakes,
2. People dump purified water into the river. ( F )
or rivers. A large number of cities uses river water and dumps it
3. We drink water from reservoirs. ( V )
back into the river. Sometimes another city downstream uses the
4. Fertilizers purify the water. ( F )
same water. This water may be badly polluted with chemicals and
5. Chemical reactions carry bacteria into a settling basing. ( V )
pathogenic bacteria. Many different chemical treatments are
6. Fluoride doesn't reduce tooth decay. ( F )
necessary to make it safe and palatable.
7. The smaller communities obtain water from lakes. ( F )
Chemical engineers usually place the water into a settling
8. Many cities use river water. ( V )
basin to purify it. Then, they treat it with slaked lime and
9. Chemical treatments are necessary to make water palatable.
aluminum sulfate. The chemical reaction of these elements forms
(V )
a gelatinous mass. This mass carries down dirt particles and
10. The maximum safe level of nitrate in water is 1.0 ppm. ( V )
Many communities add some form of fluoride to their
C. Answer the questions in portuguese.
water. Fluoride in concentrations of 0.7 to 1.0 ppm (parts per
1. Where does the water we drink come from?
million) can significantly reduce tooth decay in children.
A água que bebemos geralmente vem de reservatórios, lagos ou
Some communities, usually the smaller ones, obtain water
from wells. Even they have problems because sometimes the
2. Where do many cities dump their water?
ground water is contaminated. In some parts of the country the
Elas despejam de volta no rio.
contamination of nitrates in well water is above the maximum safe
3. What do chemicals and pathogenic bacteria cause to water?
level of 1.0 ppm. These nitrates come from agricultural fertilizers
Esta água pode ficar muito poluída.
and from the decomposition of organic wastes.
4. What is necessary to make water safe and palatable?
What can we do? We can fight for clear water and
Muitos tratamentos químicos diferentes são necessários para
convince our neighbors to do the same. We can demand an end to
torná-la segura e saborosa.
water pollution by industries and cities. And finally, we must
5. Why do chemical engineers use a settling basing?
know how to use the water of the earth because that is all we have.
Para purificá-la
6. What chemical elements do they use to purify the water?
dumps: despeja dowstream: rio abaixo , corrente abaixo
Cal apagada (Hidróxido de cálcio) e sulfato de alumínio
badly: mal; muito (sentido negativo, de coisa ruim) fluorine: flúor
7. What does the gelatinous mass do?
nitrate; nitrato
Essa massa carrega partículas de sujeira e bactérias.
smaller: menores wells; poços
8. How do many communities reduce tooth decay in children?
demand: exigência tooth decay; carie nos dentes
Muitas comunidades adicionam alguma forma de flúor à sua
place the water into a settling basin: colocar a água em uma
bacia de decantação
9. What's the problem with well water?
Mesmo eles têm problemas porque às vezes a água do solo está
A. Choose the correct alternative. 10. What do nitrates cause?
1. Aluminum sulfate reacts with: A contaminação em água de poço.
a) ( ) a gelatinous mass.
b) ( ) bacteria.
c) ( ) slaked lime.
d) ( ) nitrates. D. Find the synonyms
(1) add ( 7) clean
2. A gelatinous mass: (2) polluted (5 ) consume
a) ( ) reduces tooth decay. (3) usually (9 ) secure
b) ( ) purifies the settling basing. (4) dump ( 2) contaminated
c) ( ) contaminates ground water. (5) use ( 1) put
d) ( ) carries down dirt particles and bacteria. (6) earth ( 10 ) get
(7) purified ( 4 ) throw
3. We obtain safe and palatable water: (8) dump back ( 3 ) generally
a) ( ) from wells. (9) safe ( 6 ) ground
b) ( ) after chemical treatments. (10) obtain ( 8 ) return
c) ( ) from lakes.
d) ( ) from agricultural fertilizers.

4. We can:
a) ( ) demand an end to water pollution.
b) ( ) stop the decomposition of organic wasters.
c) ( ) use river water.
d) ( ) convince our neighbors to use fluoride.

5. Some small communities:


A. Choose the correct alternative.
1. C
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. C

B. Write T for True and F for False:


C. Answer the questions in portuguese.

1. A água que bebemos geralmente vem de reservatórios, lagos ou rios.
2. Elas despejam de volta no rio.
3. Esta água pode ficar muito poluída.
4. Muitos tratamentos químicos diferentes são necessários para torná-la segura e saborosa.
5. Para purificá-la.
6. Cal apagada (Hidróxido de cálcio) e sulfato de alumínio
7. Essa massa carrega partículas de sujeira e bactérias.
8. Muitas comunidades adicionam alguma forma de flúor à sua água.
9. Mesmo eles têm problemas porque às vezes a água do solo está contaminada.
10. A contaminação em água de poço.

D. Find the synonyms

(1) add ( 7) clean
(2) polluted (5 ) consume
(3) usually (9 ) secure
(4) dump ( 2) contaminated
(5) use ( 1) put
(6) earth ( 10 ) get
(7) purified ( 4 ) throw
(8) dump back ( 3 ) generally
(9) safe ( 6 ) ground
(10) obtain ( 8 ) return

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