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Reading Guide Week 2:The culture of the Catholic School

Flynn, M. (1993). The culture of the Catholic school. NSW: St Pauls. Chapter 2

What is culture:

 Culture reflects the unconscious assumptions of a social groups.

 It is a dialect process.
 A pre-formed set of beliefs, values and understandings which are passed
on from one generation to another.

 Popular Meaning - Improving life through experiences and education.

 Theological Meaning – find fulfilment in Jesus, all the factors that we use to
refine our spiritual and human qualities.
 Sociological – Involves symbolism and communication.
 Educational – the tone, feeling and character of the school.

Describe culture of a Catholic school in your own words:

 The culture of a Catholic School is defined by its rituals, core beliefs, values
and traditions, each of which give the school meaning and help shape the
lives of all members of the school community.
 Provides stability and encourages predictability

What does Flynn say about the core beliefs and values of the school:

 Everyone has to know and support the school’s values.

 Teachers must assist in the development of the whole person.
 Its culture captures the lives of its members.

What are values?

 Values are the primary determinants of its culture and represent the point
at which the culture touches the lives of its members.
 Values based on firm beliefs have a strong motivation towards action and
overflow into everyday life.
 They are ways of striving, believing and doing, whenever purpose and
direction are involved or choice and judgement are exercised.

Give some examples of how a Catholic school that you know show their
core beliefs and values:

St Mary’s Catholic School

 Their motto includes faith and respect
 They have catholic identity
List some of the expressive symbols of a Catholic school:

1. Religious Symbols: Cross, Mary

2. School Community
3. School retreats
4. School badges and mottos

What are some of the rituals you have been involved in within a Catholic
school community? Describe one.

 Actively embrace our school motto of ‘TRUTH, PRAYER and SERVICE’

o Each classroom designs an activity for each word of the school motto
o E.g. Service: The Year 6 Class went to the local Retirement home to perform a talent
show to the residents and made gifts for them.

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