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Speaker Notes

1st Holy Communion Parent Workshop

Slide One
Firstly, I would like to welcome everyone here this evening. I would like to begin with a
prayer to bless our children as they begin their special preparation for first Holy
Communion. Before we start, I invite you to reflect on one way you see Jesus in your
child, that you hope will be strengthened as they receive their First Holy Communion.
Write your response on a post it note and place it on the candle vase.

Slide Two
We Pray
O Gracious God,
Who so generously lavishes our lives with goodness,
who has given us the children we hold in our hearts tonight,
Create in our hearts a deep centre of real gratitude and thanksgiving.

Let us share our treasures freely.

As the light of Christ given at Baptism, grows stronger and brighter in our little ones,
We remember how you cherish and love each member of our families….
Let us always be thankful and open-hearted
As you reach further into our lives as we continue our journey of faith towards you.

As we bring our children before to meet you in a new and special way,
Fill us with the same joy and unconditional love for them that we sometimes forget Father,
you feel for us.


(Sacred Heart Education, n.d.)

Slide Three - Agenda

Tonight is a chance for us to get together and discuss the steps that the Year 4 children
will be taking in order to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

- What is the First Holy Communion?
- What is our class learning about in order to prepare for this Sacrament?
- Activity
- As a parent how can I help?
- Specifics for the night and important dates (Sacramental Coordinator) - Parents will
receive a handout covering points covered in this meeting.
- Questions
- Closing Prayer

Vanessa Collova 20164233

Slide Four
What is the Sacrament of the First Holy Communion?
- "The Eucharist is such a great gift. That's why going to Mass is so important. Going to
Mass not just to pray, but to receive Communion, the Bread and Body of Christ. It saves
us, forgives us and it makes us one with the Father. How beautiful!” - Pope Francis

(Rome Reports, 2014).

Slide Five
- The sacrament of the First Holy Communion is an important and exciting event for
Catholic families and individuals. Holy Communion is the third of seven sacraments
- Holy Communion and the whole celebration is also known as Eucharist, from a Greek
word meaning thanksgiving.
- The sacrament is the first time that a person receives the Eucharist, which is the
eating of consecrated bread and drinking of consecrated wine.
- The word 'communion' means to be united with. Through Holy Communion, we are
united in a special way with Jesus Christ.

Slide Six
What is our class learning about in order to prepare for this Sacrament?
- The unit of work to prepare our students for their First Holy Communion is outlined by
the Catholic Education Department. The unit of work that we are focusing on is called
“Coming to Your Table.”

- Over the next weeks in Religious Education, the children will be studying Catholic
belief in the Eucharist. This belief will be related to the Commandment of Jesus to love
all, despite differences. The Religious Education unit begins with wondering at our
bodies which are different. This leads people to wonder at the God who created our
bodies different and to celebrate what has been revealed about God, that God loves
each of us personally.
- The unit then explores ways in which Jesus loved everyone regardless of physical
differences. It then focuses upon how Jesus draws all members of God’s family closer
through the Eucharist.
- The second theme of the unit focuses upon how Catholics celebrate the Eucharist
(Mass), which Jesus gave first during the Last Supper. The children examine the various
parts of the Mass (responses, gestures and prayers), paying particular attention to the
words of the priest at the Consecration (bread and wine changed into Christ’s Body and
Blood) and the words spoken when receiving Holy Communion.
- Finally the unit explores ways in which Christians are called to love everyone as they
would love themselves.
- (Catholic Education Office of Western Australia, n.d., p. 5)

Slide Seven - 

What do I consider important assets of Religious Education and specifically for this unit?

Vanessa Collova 20164233

- Students are developing a greater consciousness and awareness about those around
them and they are learning and demonstrating how significant it is for us to treat
everyone around us with love and respect, regardless of their differences.

- I believe it is important for teachings in this unit of work to be integrated into all
learning areas as well as becoming the underlying principles of our classroom ethos.
- The religion program will be integrated with Maths, English, Art, Music, Drama,
- A range of literature: ‘Wonder’ by R.J. Palacio, ’Let’s Eat!’ by Ana Zamorano and
Dancing in the Boom-Cha-Cha Boogie - Written by Narelle Oliver
- A range of Music: Welcome to the Family by Kids Praise, Just Like You by Kids
Praise and One Bread One Body by John Michael Talbot

- I also believe that students should feel deeply connected to their First Holy
Communion Mass. For this reason, many things we are learning in class will be
incorporated into their Mass. In this way, students’ experiences of their First Holy
communion will be enriched through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Some
examples include:
- Students will be making a class banner in the first week about the different
reasons God loves all of us to present during the Mass.
- Students will develop a deeper understanding of the First Reading (Kings 19:4-8)
by acting out tableaus.
- Students will respond to the Gospel story John 6:51-57 through art which will be
presented at the Mass.
- Students will be learning the Hymns sung at the service in their Religious
Education classes.
- Students will write their own Prayers of the Faithful

Slide Eight
Scattered around the room are items/symbols which relate to the First Holy Communion
(Such as wine, bread, white garment, candle, etc.). In front of the each item is a piece of
butchers paper. Parents and students walk around the room and discuss what the item
represents in relation to the First Holy Communion. Parents and students are invited to
write down any ideas, phrases or memories to do with the item on the butchers paper.

Slide Nine - How can Parents Help?

- The parent is the number one influencer of the child. Furthermore, the Bishops
Mandate highlights the importance of parents as being the first educators of the child.
- Pray with and for your children and family. You can use this time to practice prayers
used in Mass. It is helpful for the children to be familiar with frequently used
prayers in Mass such as the Our Father and the Glory Be. A small prayer booklet
will be brought home by the children to assist with this.
- Take your children to Mass and encourage them to participate in various ways
(e.g., joining the children’s choir, carrying up the gifts, altar serving, or as readers).
Vanessa Collova 20164233
- Try to eat one meal a day together as a family. Make the experience one of
dialogue and sharing.
- Be interested in what you child is learning and ask questions to show interest.
Share with your child your memories or memorabilia of receiving your First Holy
- Remember, one way a child learns is through modelling. Our children model
themselves on the example we and others set. Let us try and be aware of this in the
ordinary events of home life.

Pass on to Sacramental Coordinator

Vanessa Collova 20164233

Catholic Education Office of Western Australia (n.d.). Coming to Your Table. Religious
Education, Archdiocese of Perth. Perth:Author.
Rome Reports. (2014). Pope to Parents: It's important for children make their First
Communion. Retrieved from https://www.romereports.com/en/2014/02/05/pope-to-
Sacred Heart Education. ( n.d.). A Reflection to Read Aloud to/with Parents of First
Communion Class at Sacramental Meeting. Retrieved from http://

Vanessa Collova 20164233

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