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Cause and effect teks adalah jenis paragraf yang berisi analisa – analisa penulis
tentang sebab dan akibat. Paragraf ini diawali dengan sebab – sebab yang
dijabarkan di awal kalimat dan kemudian ditarik menjadi satu kesimpulan umum
yang merupakan akibat dari penyebab – peyebab yang telah dijabarkan tersebut.

Model paragraf cause and effect ini biasanya sering digunakan dalam penulisan
essay dan text explanation. Hal ini dikarenakan model ini dianggap memiliki alur
penyampaian gagasan yang jelas dan terstruktur, sehingga para pembaca mudah
mengerti ketika membacanya.


Paragraf cause and effect memiliki susunan atau generic structure sebagai berikut:

1. Memiliki gagasan utama pada topik sentence yang akan di bahas dalam
keseluruhan paragraf.
2. Memiliki supporting detail atau kalimat-kalimat pendukung yang berupa
3. Diakhiri dengan concluding sentence atau kesimpulan yang berupa akibat.


Paragraf cause and effect memiliki gaya bahasa seperti di bawah ini.

1. Menggunakan tenses yang tergatung dengan konteks waktu dalam kalimat,

dengan kata lain, dapat berupa past tense, present tense, atau future tense.
2. Banyak menggunakan kata kerja atau verb dalam kalimat aktif dan pasif.
3. Menggunakan transisi seperti, due to, because, consequently, as a result,
dan causes.
4. Menggunakan third person point of view.


Paragraph Cause and Effect 1

Drought which is happened this year is very long. Even, in the last two month
almost there was no rain. Moreover, with the very hot weather makes surface of
the soil is cracked and dry and causes the dust is flying away. In addition, the
water that is stored in the irrigation couldn’t be found anymore, so that there is no
water which is flowing the farmers’ rice. As a result, they suffered a failure in
harvesting because the rice they planted is failed to grow caused by this drought.

Paragraph Cause and Effect 2

Alcoholic drinking is very dangerous for our health. There are lot of problems
caused by this dangerous fluid. First, it can cause a swell in our liver. This is
because it can trigger the liver to work extra hard filtering the fluid in our body, so
that, the liver becomes swollen because it contains so much fluid. Secondly,
alcoholic drinking damages the human brain. It will decrease the function of
alcohol addict’s brain, thereby increasing the risk of depression and frustration. If
this happens, there will be a change in behavior on the alcoholic, even they can be
mad. Then, alcohol also decreases the functions of our senses. One is our eye is
absolutely can be blind because of alcohol. In addition, this drink can also speed
up menopause in women because it decreases the function of reproductive organs
in women, so that they will get menopause sooner than the period in general. Last,
it is also able to cause defects in the fetus. Alcohol that comes into the body of
pregnant women also has an impact on their baby, so that they will be born with
disabilities. Therefore, the circulation of alcoholic drinking is prohibited in
Indonesia because it causes several dangerous diseases to the body.


1. Many species of wildlife are becoming extinct, __________ the

rainforests are being destroyed.
A. therefore

B. since

C. so

D. Consequently

E. As

2. __________ logging provides jobs and profits, the government is

reluctant to control it.
A. So

B. Consequently
C. Due to

D. Since

E. Thanks to

3. Hemp can be used to make paper, __________ it could reduce the need
for logging.
A. therefore

B. so

C. due to

D. Because

E. Thus

4. Hemp was grown throughout history __________ its versatility; it can

be used to make many different things.
A. due to

B. because

C. since

D. as a result

E. For

5. Hemp is related to the marijuana plant; __________, it is illegal in

many countries.
A. so

B. because

C. due to

D. Owing to

E. as a result
6. Hemp cannot be used to produce marijuana, __________ its low THC
A. because

B. as

C. because of

D. Consequently

E. Since

7. Marijuana is less toxic than alcohol or tobacco. __________, some

people believe it should be legalized.
A. So

B. Therefore

C. Due to

D. Because

E. As

8. __________ Canada has legalized hemp farming, we can expect to see

pulp and paper produced from hemp very soon.
A. Therefore

B. Due to

C. So

D. As

E. Consequently

9. Janice got home late. She missed her TV program.

Use the cause or effect transition to relate those sentence!

A. Due to
B. Because
C. Therefore
D. Consequently
E. So

10. Alvin missed the bus. He woke up late.

Use the cause or effect transition to relate those sentence!

A. Due to
B. Because
C. Therefore
D. Consequently
E. Since

Pengertian Explanation Text

Explanation Text adalah sebuah teks yang berisi tentang proses-proses yang
berhubungan dengan fenomena-fenomena alam, soisal, ilmu pengetahuan, budaya
dan lainnya. Sebuah Explanation text biasanya berasal dari pertanyaan penulis
terkait ‘why’ dan ‘how’ terhadap suatu fenomena yang ada.

B. Tujuan Kebahasaan Explanation Text

Tujuan kebahasaan dari Explanation text adalah untuk menerangkan proses-proses

yang terjadi dalam pembentukan atau kegiatan yang terkait dengan fenomena-
fenomena alam, sosial, ilmu pengetahuan, budaya, dan lainnya yang bertujuan

C. Struktur Kebahasaan Explanation Text

Terdapat tiga bagian dalam struktur kebahasaan Explanation Text, yaitu:

1. A general statement
Dalam general statement berisi tentang penjelasan umum tentang
fenomena yang akan dibahas, bisa berupa pengenalan fenomena tersebut
atau penjelasannya.

2. A sequenced of explanation
A sequenced of explanation berisi tentang penjelasan proses mengapa
fenomena tersebut bisa terjadi atau tercipta. A squenced of explanation
berupa jawaban dari pertanyaan ‘why’ dan ‘how’ penulis ketika
membuat sebuah Explanation text. Dalam squenced of explanation bisa
terdiri lebih dari satu paragrap.

3. Closing
Sebenarnya closing itu tidak tercantum dalam generic structure dari
Explanation text, tetapi kebanyakan orang beranggapan bahwa paragrap
terakhir dari sebuah Explanation text adalah closing, padahal itu
merupakan bagian dari squenced of explantaion yang berisi tentang
langkah akhir yang dijelaskan pada bagian squenced of explanation.

Contoh Explanation Text

Untuk menambah pemahaman anda mengenai penjelasan Explanation Text di

atas, penulis sertakan juga contoh explanation text dengan terjemahannya berikut

Making Paper from Wood chips

(General statement)
Do you know that paper is made from wood? Ya, paper that we use in our daily
life is made from wood or tree. The process of making paper from wood is quite
long. The process is called wood-chipping. Wood-chipping is a process used to
obtain pulp and paper products from forest trees.
(Sequence of explanation)
The wood-chipping process begins when the trees are cut down in a selected area
of the forest called a coupe. Next the tops and branches of the trees are cut out and
then the logs are taken to the mill. At the mill the bark of the logs is removed and
the logs are taken to a chipper which cuts them into small pieces called wood
chips. The wood chips are then screened to remove dirt and other impurities. At
this stage they are either exported in this form or changed into pulp by chemicals
and heat. The pulp is then bleached and the water content is removed.

Contoh soal

1. The following things can be recycled, EXCEPT....

A. Precious metals
B. Broken glass
C. Old newspapers
D. Plastic spoons
E. Fresh vegetables and fruits

Jaw aban: E

2. Which of the following is NOT the benefit of recycling?

A. It costs much money for the process of recycling

B. It costs less to make new products
C. It requires less energy
D. It can reduce pollution
E. It reduces the demand for high-pollution alternatives
Jaw aban: E

3. What is the third step of recycling paper products?

A. Collect and search for contaminants such as plastic bags and aluminium
B. Mix the paper with hot water in a blender which turns it into pulp
C. Screen and filter the pulp to remove smaller contaminants
D. Put the pulp to a large vat to separate the ink from the paper fibres
E. Mix the pulp with new wood fibres to be made into paper again

Jaw aban: C

4. We can make use of the ink after being separated from the paper fibres by doing the
followings, XCEPT....

A. Skim it off
B. Dry it
C. Reuse as ink
D. Burn as boiler fuel
E. Mix it with the pulp

Jaw aban: E

Read the following text to answer questions number 5 to 10.

Acid rain is rain that is highly acidic because of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides,
and other air pollutants dissolved in it. Normal rain is slightly acidic, with a pH of
6. Acid rain may have a pH value as low as 2.8.

Acid rain can severely damage both plant and animal life. Certain lakes, for
example, have lost all fish and plant life because of acid rain.

Acid rain comes from sulfur in coal and oil. When they burn, they make sulfur
dioxide (SO2 ). Most sulfur leaves factory chimneys as the gaseous sulfur dioxide
(SO2 ) and most nitrogen are also emitted as one of the nitrogen oxides (NO or
NO2 ), both of which are gasses. The gasses may be dry deposited–absorbed
directly by the land, by lakes or by the surface vegetation. If they are in the
atmosphere for anytime, the gasses will oxidize (gain an oxygen atom) and go into
solution as acids. Sulphuric acid (H2 SO4 ) and the nitrogen oxides will become
nitric acid (HNO3 ). The acids usually dissolve in cloud droplets and may travel
great distances before being precipitated as acid rain.

Catalysts such as hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and ammonium help promote the
formation of acids in clouds. More ammonium (NH4 ) can be formed when some
of the acids are partially neutralized by airborne ammonia (NH3 ). Acidification
increases with the number of active hydrogen (H+) ions dissolved in acid.
Hydrocarbons emitted by, for example, car exhausts will react in sunlight with
nitrogen oxides to produce ozone. Although it is invaluable in the atmosphere,
low-level ozone causes respiratory problems and also hastens the formation of
acid rain. When acid rain falls on the ground it dissolves and liberates heavy
metals and aluminum (Al). When it is washed into lakes, aluminum irritates the
outer surfaces of many fish. As acid rain falls or drains into the lake the pH of the
lake falls. Forests suffer the effect of acid rain through damage to leaves, through
the loss of vital nutrients, and through the increased amounts of toxic metals
liberated by acid, which damage roots and soil microorganisms.

5. What is the text mainly about?

A. The definition of acid rain

B. The process of acid rain
C. The effect of acid rain
D. Acid rain
E. Rain

Jaw aban: D
6. The acid of normal rain is .… then the acid rain

A. Higher
B. Lower
C. Denser
D. Severer
E. The same

Jaw aban: B

7. What is the result of the burning of the coal and oil?

A. Ammonium
B. Nitric acid
C. Sulphuric acid
D. Sulfur dioxide
E. Airborne ammonia

Jaw aban: D

8. The sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides will …. in the air.

A. Be absorbed directly by the vegetation

B. Dissolved in the lake water and land
C. Emit another sulfur gas
D. Radiate an oxygen atom
E. Gain an oxygen atom

Jaw aban: E
9. Which of the following is not true about acid rain?

A. It contains lower pH than the normal rain

B. It has higher pH than the normal rain
C. It can damage animal and plant life
D. It contains dangerous gasses
E. It endangers water life

Jaw aban: A

10. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To report the acid rain in general

B. To explain the process of acid rain
C. To persuade the reader to prevent acid rain
D. To discuss the danger of acid rain in the air
E. To present two different opinions on acid rain process

Jaw aban: B

Personal letter adalah sebuah surat yang ditulis untuk urusan pribadi, keluarga,
atau pertemanan. Ciri personal letter, surat tidak resmi adalah tidak memakai kop
surat, menggunakan bahasa yang lebih longgar, lebih pada unkapan harapan.

Semantara offical letter adalah bentuk surat resmi yang biasanya ditulis berfungsi
untuk hubungan yang lebih formal seperti bisnis, pekerjaan, dan pemerintahan
Ciri-ciri officila / formal letter adalah:

Using the letterhead

Using the number of letter
Using the opening greeting & closing
Using formal language

Letter bisa juga dalam bentuk e-mail (electronic mail = surat elektronik)
Tujuan komunikatif teks letter tergantung isinya. Biasanya lebih panjang dari
short message.
Penutup surat berbahasa Inggris, biasanya tertulis:
resmi (formal)
Yours faithfully,
Sincerely Yours,
With warm regards,

Formal Letter

Contoh soal
Read the letter below to answer questions 1 to 7.

Dear Nan,

We are having a great holiday here on the Gold Coast. Yesterday we went to the Mo
vie World.When we got up in the morning, it looked like rain. After a while the cloud di
sappeared. And it became a sunny day. We then decided to go to the Movie World.

The first ride I went on was Lethal Weapon. Next I saw the Police Academy show. Aft
er that I had lunch as I was really hungry. Meanwhile, Mum and Kelly queued for the
Batman ride.

About one o’clock we got a light shower of rain but it cleared up soon after. We then
went on all the other rides.

It was a top day. See you when you get back.


1. What is the letter about?

A. Sam’s holiday.
B. The Gold Coast.
C. The Movie World.
D. The Shower of Rain.

3. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. The weather in Gold Coast.
B. Police Academy Show.
C. Sam’s activities in the Movie World.
D. A great holiday in the Movie World.

4. Where did Sam spend his holiday with his family?

A. On the Gold Coast.
B. In the Movie World.
C. In Lethal Weapon.
D. At the Police Academy.

5. What did they get at one o’clock?

A. Lunch.
B. Shower.
C. A little rain.
D. Batman ride.

6. The word ‘we’ in the text refers to… (Paaragraph 1)

A. Sam and Nan
B. Sam and Mum
C. Mum and Kelly
D. Sam, Mum, and Kelly

7. The word queued in paragraph 3 means ……

A. went on
B. lined up
C. sat down
D. waited for


Song is a composition of tone or voice in sequence, combination and

temporal relation to produse a musical compositian that has unity and

Jadi, Lagu adalah gubahan seni nada atau suara dalam suatu urutan,
kombinasi, dan hubungan temporal (biasanya diiringi dengan alat musik)
untuk menghasilkan gubahan musik yang mengandung kesatuan dan


Songs are used to express feeling and idea in an entertaining world. Songs
can be used to deliver social criticism. The moral values are hidden in the

Lagu merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengekspresikan emosi dan

perasaan dengan cara yang menyenangkan. Lagu juga dapat menjadi media
untuk menyampaikan kritikan tentang situasi yang ada di masyarakat. Moral
valueatau amanat biasanya tersirat dalam lirik yang dibuat penulis lagu.

Ciri kebahasaan

Song atau lagu juga punya ciri kebahasaan, lho! Nah, berikut ciri
kebahasaan dari song.
 Imagery. Imagery describes about feelings and emotions. Sebuah lagu
biasanya berusaha menggambarkan perasaan yang dirasakan si penulis.
 Rhythm. Ritme disini digunakan untuk menciptakan mood. Misalnya,
apabila kita sedang bersedih dan mendengarkan lagu dengan ritme slow, maka
kita akan terbawa suasana dengan lagu tersebut. So, rhythm creates mood!

 Figures of speech
1. Metaphor, comparing two things that are not alike to suggest
that they actually have something in common. Sekilas memang kedua
hal yang dibandingkan tidak berkaitan, tetapi sebenarnya ada kesamaan
antara dua hal tersebut.e.g. “Time is a thief” or “Her haisr was silk”
2. Simile, compares two things using “like” or “as’’. Suatu hal
digambarkan dengan hal yang mirip dengan menggunakan kata ‘like’
atau ‘as’ e.g. “My love is like a red rose”.

3. Hyperbole, a dramatic language. Big exaggeration, usually

with humor. Suatu hal digambarkan secara berlebihan, terkadang
menggelitik karena terlalu berlebihan.
e.g. “That math homework took me 8 million years to finish”.
4. Personification, an object appear like a person. Objek (bukan
manusia) memiliki kemampuan seperti manusia. e.g. “The wind
whisper” or “The snowflakes danced in the wind”.
5. Allititration, the repetation of the same beginning sound in a
series of words. Perulangan bunyi suara yang terdapat di awal setiap
kata. e.g. “Peter Parker pick a pack of pants punctually”

 Intro, yaitu bagian awal lagu, biasanya belum terdengar suara

penyanyi (hanya instrumennya saja)
 Verse,atau bait adalah bagian pengantar ke chorus.
 Refrain, peralihan dari verse ke chorus
 Chorus, bagian inti, biasanya yang paling mudah diingat.
 Bridge, penghubung chorus ke chorus selanjutnya ataupun ke coda.
 Coda, penutup lagu.
Struktur tersebut tidak bersifat kaku, jadi tidak semua lagu memiliki
struktur yang tersusun seperti itu. Tapi setiap lagu secara umum pasti
memiliki verse, chorus, dan bridge.


Here some songs for you (:

Everyone can see

There's a change in me
They all say
I'm not the same kid I used to be
Don't go out and play
I just dream all day
They don't know what's wrong with me
And I'm too shy to say
It's my first love
What I'm dreaming of
When I go to bed
When I lay my head upon my pillow
Don't know what to do
My first love
Thinks that I'm too young
He doesn't even know
Wish that I could show him what I'm feeling
Cause I'm feeling my first love
Mirror on the wall
Does he care at all?
Will he ever notice me
Could he ever fall?
Tell me, teddy bear
Why love is so unfair
Will I ever find a way
And answer to my pray
It's my first love
What I dreaming of
When I go to bed
When I lay my head upon my pillow
Don't know what to do
My first love
Thinks that I'm too young
He doesn't even know
Wish that I could show him what I'm feeling
Cause I'm feeling my first love
My first love

Simple Plan - Welcome to My Life

Contoh soal
We Are The Champion
By : Queen

I’ve paid my dues, time after …..

I’ve done my ….., but committed no crime
And ….. mistakes, I’ve made a few
I’ve had my share of sand, kicked in my …..
But I’ve come through
Reff :
And I need to ….on and on and on and on
We are the champions, and we’ll keep on …..till the end
We are the ……, we’re the champions
No time for losers cause we are the champions of the …..

I’ve taken my bows …..my curtain calls

I’ve bought me fame and fortune and everything
That goes ….it ….I thank you all
But it’s been no bed …..roses no pleasure cruise
I consider it a challenge …..the whole human race
And I ain’t gone a lose
Back to reff :
We are the champions, ….friends
And will ….on fighting till the end
We are the champions, we are the champions
No time ….losers, cause we are the champions

1. ……
A. Time
B. Day
C. Week
D. Month
E. Year

2. ……
A. Word
B. Sentence
C. Alphabet
D. Voice
E. Sound

3. ……
A. Good
B. Bad
C. Sour
D. Sweet
E. Bitter

4. ……
A. Hair
B. Head
C. Nose
D. Face
E. Ear

5. ……
A. Come
B. Arrive
C. Take
D. Keep
E. Go

6. ……
A. Yelling
B. Fighting
C. Wrestling
D. Jamming
E. Picking

7. ……
A. Leaders
B. Champions
C. Losers
D. Winners
E. Jumpers

8. ……
A. Earth
B. Country
C. Continent
D. Island
E. World

9. ……
A. And
B. Of
C. With
D. Before
E. For

10. ……
A. And
B. Of
C. With
D. Before
E. For

11. ……
A. And
B. Of
C. With
D. Before
E. For

12. ……
A. And
B. Or
C. With
D. Before
E. For

13. ……
A. My
B. Your
C. Our
D. Their
E. Her

14. ……
A. Come
B. Arrive
C. Take
D. Keep
E. Go

15. ……
A. And
B. Of
C. With
D. Before
E. For

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