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Gel-cell Battery Monitor

Computer Services of Winona

Assembly Instructions
Use Fig.1 below to determine proper placement of the parts.

1. The IC socket has already been inserted properly for you. All you need to do is solder it in place. DO NOT insert
the IC at this time. It will be inserted after the first tests below.

2. Insert C1, R1, R2, R4, & R5. Then solder and trim the leads.

3. Insert D1 & Z1 as shown in fig.1. Please pay attention to the direction of the band. Then solder and trim the

4. Insert R3 as shown. Then solder and trim the leads.

5. Insert Q1 so the flat side is facing toward R3. You will need to bend the leads for it to fit. Then solder and trim the

6. Insert the LED so that the long lead is in the hole with the square pad. Then solder and trim the leads.

7. For the connection wire, 22 gauge stranded is suggested, for mechanical reasons. Thread each wire up thru the
larger holes in the board to the component side. Strip 1/4” of insulation from the wire and insert it in the appropriate
hole then solder (W2 is pos. and W1 is neg..).

Figure 1.

Parts List
C1 .047 uf
D1 1N4003
Q1 2N2222A
R1 20k
R2 20k
R3 20k Pot.
R4 10k
R5 330
U1 LM339
Z1 1N4733 5.1v

Theory of Operation
R1 and Z1 form a regulated voltage reference, approx 4.3 volts, that does not vary with the battery voltage.
This is connected to the + input of comparitor U1. The voltage divider R3, R4 puts a fraction of the battery voltage
at the - input of the comparitor. This voltage varies with the battery voltage. When the battery is charged, the -
input is above the reference at the + input, and the output of U1 goes low. As the battery discharges, the - input of
U1 drops, while the + input stays constant. Eventually, the - input falls below the + input and the output of the
comparitor goes high. This is the trip point.
When the output of the comparitor is low, it pulls the base of Q1 low, turning it off. When the output of the
comparitor is not low, it is actually open (its an N channel FET inside the chip). R2 is then allowed to supply the
bias current to the base of Q1. Collector current flows through the LED and R5, turning the LED on. When U1 is
out of the circuit, R2 always supplies bias to Q1, turning the LED on.
The purpose of C1 is to reduce the magnitude of static discharges to a point that they will not damage the rest
of the circuit. D1 is to prototect the circuit if it is connected to the battery backwards.

Test Procedure
1. With the IC removed from its socket, apply power to the board (13.0v). The LED should be on. If not, remove
power and check all connections and component orientation.
2. Using the following chart check for the voltages at the listed junctions with IC U1 removed. Then remove power,
insert IC U1 (pin 1 towards the LED). Then apply power and check for the voltages.

IC U1 Removed IC U1 Inserted
Q1 (base) to NEG .71v .077v
Q1 (collector) to NEG .12v 11.46v
Q1 (emitter) to POS 13.00v 13.00v
Z1 - R1 to NEG 4.30v 4.30v
Z1 - R1 to POS 8.70v 8.70v
R5 - LED to NEG 10.61v 11.40v
R3 - R4 to NEG 4.80v 4.80v
R3 - R4 to POS 8.20v 8.20v

3. Adjust POT R3 so the voltage reading at R3 - R4 to POS is close to 8.20v. With a 13v source, this will give you a
trip point of about 11.6v. If you need it to be exact, contact either KB0NKX, WB0NIU or N0JP.

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