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CME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Readers will recognize the symptoms of small fiber neuropathy, list its causes,
CREDIT and formulate a plan for treating it


Neuromuscular Disease Center, Neuro- Director, Cleveland Clinic Cutaneous
logical Institute, Cleveland Clinic Nerve Laboratory, Neuromuscular
Disease Center, Neurological Institute,
Cleveland Clinic

Small fiber neuropathy:

A burning problem
A n estimated 15 to 20 million people in the
United States over age 40 have some type
of peripheral neuropathy. In many, the impair-
Small fiber neuropathy is increasingly being recognized
as a major cause of painful burning sensations in the ment is purely or predominantly in small nerve
feet, especially in the elderly. Although strength remains fibers, and the clinical presentation consists
preserved throughout the course of the disease, the of pain, burning, tingling, and numbness in a
length-dependent or stocking-glove distribu-
pain and paresthesias are often disabling. Diabetes
tion. (“Length” refers to distance from the trunk;
mellitus is the most common identifiable cause of small distal fibers are affected first.) Symptoms typi-
fiber neuropathy, and impaired oral glucose tolerance cally begin in the feet and slowly ascend to the
and individual components of the metabolic syndrome distal legs, at which point the hands may also be
are often associated with it. Some cases, however, are affected (FIGURE 1).
idiopathic. Skin biopsy (with an evaluation of the density In many of these patients, the findings on
of intraepidermal nerve fibers) and tests of autonomic neurologic examination, nerve conduction stud-
nerve function are useful for the diagnosis. Management ies, and electromyography are normal, although
involves controlling pain and identifying and aggres- some may show signs of mild distal sensory loss
sively treating the underlying cause. on physical examination. The lack of objective
findings on routine nerve conduction studies and
■ ■KEY POINTS electromyography may lead many physicians to
attribute the symptoms to other disorders such as
Symptoms of small fiber neuropathy typically start with plantar fasciitis, vascular insufficiency, or degen-
burning feet and numb toes. erative lumbosacral spine disease.
The past 2 decades have seen the devel-
Causes and associated conditions can be found in over opment of specialized tests that have greatly
50% of cases. These include glucose dysmetabolism, facilitated the diagnosis of small fiber neuropa-
connective tissue diseases, sarcoidosis, dysthyroidism, thy; these include skin biopsy to evaluate the
density of nerve fibers in the epidermis and
vitamin B12 deficiency, paraproteinemia, human immuno-
studies of autonomic nerve function. Com-
deficiency virus infection, celiac disease, neurotoxic drug mon etiologies have been identified for small
exposure, and paraneoplastic syndrome. fiber neuropathy and can be specifically treat-
ed, which is critical for controlling progression
Findings on routine nerve conduction studies and of the disease. Pain management is becoming
electro­­myography are typically normal in this disease. easier with more available options but is still
quite challenging.
Management includes aggressively identifying and treat-
ing the underlying cause, advising lifestyle modifications, ■■ WHAT IS Small fiber NEUROPATHY?
and alleviating pain.
Small fiber neuropathy is a disorder of the pe-
doi:10.3949/ccjm.76a.08070 ripheral nerves that primarily or exclusively
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Small fiber neuropathy

tive impairment of small myelinated A-delta

and unmyelinated C fibers.

Sensory symptoms:
Pain, burning, tingling, numbness
Damage to or loss of small somatic nerve fibers
results in pain, burning, tingling, or numbness
that typically affects the limbs in a distal-to-
proximal gradient. In rare cases, small fiber
neuropathy follows a non-length-dependent
distribution in which symptoms may be mani-
fested predominantly in the arms, face, or
Symptoms may be mild initially, with some
patients complaining of vague discomfort in
one or both feet similar to the sensation of a
sock gathering at the end of a shoe. Others
report a wooden quality in their feet, numb-
ness in their toes, or a feeling as if they are
walking on pebbles, sand, or golf balls. The
most bother­some and fairly typical symptom
is burning pain in the feet that extends proxi-
mally in a stocking-glove distribution and
FIGURE 1. Symptoms are pain, burning, is often accompanied by stabbing or aching
numbness, and autonomic dysfunction (lack pains, electric shock-like or pins-and-needles
of sweating) in the hands and feet in a sensations, or cramping of the feet and calves.
stocking-glove distribution. Strength is not Symptoms are usually worse at night and
Small fiber affected. Tendon reflexes are normal, as are often affect sleep. Some patients say that their
nerve conduction studies. feet have become so exquisitely tender that they
neuropathy is
cannot bear having the bed sheets touch them,
often mistaken affects small somatic fibers, autonomic fibers, and so they sleep with their feet uncovered. A
for plantar or both, resulting in sensory changes and au- small number of patients do not have pain but
tonomic dysfunction when both types are in- report a feeling of tightness and swelling in their
fasciitis, volved (FIGURE 2).2 feet (even though the feet appear normal).
vascular Peripheral nerve fibers can be classified ac- Examination often reveals allodynia (per-
insufficiency, or cording to size, which correlates with the de- ception of nonpainful stimuli as being pain-
gree of myelination. ful), hyperalgesia (perception of painful stim-
degenerative • Large nerve fibers are heavily myelinated uli as being more painful than expected), or
lumbosacral and include A-alpha fibers, which mediate reduced pinprick and thermal sensation in
motor strength, and A-beta fibers, which the affected area. Vibratory sensation can be
spine disease mediate vibratory and touch sensation. mildly reduced at the toes. Motor strength,
• Medium-sized fibers, known as A-gamma tendon reflexes, and proprioception, however,
fibers, are also myelinated and carry infor- are preserved because they are functions of
mation to muscle spindles. large nerve fibers.
• Small fibers include myelinated A-delta fi-
bers and unmyelinated C fibers, which in- Autonomic symptoms
nervate skin (somatic fibers) and involun- When autonomic fibers are affected, patients
tary muscles, including cardiac and smooth may experience dry eyes, dry mouth, ortho­
muscles (autonomic fibers). Together, they static dizziness, constipation, bladder incon-
mediate pain, thermal sensation, and auto- tinence, sexual dysfunction, trouble sweating,
nomic function. or red or white skin discoloration.2 Examina-
Small fiber neuropathy results from selec- tion may show orthostatic hypotension and

MM Small fiber neuropathy affects sensory nerves

Small fiber neuropathy is a major cause of pain in the hands and feet, especially in the elderly.
Diabetes mellitus is the most common identifiable cause, but there are many others. The affected
nerve fibers are the small-diameter myelinated A-delta fibers and unmyelinated C fibers, which mediate
pain, thermal sensation, and autonomic function. Large fibers that innervate muscles are not affected.
Skin biopsy may show a paucity of nerve fibers. Quantitative
sudomotor axon reflex testing may show a lack of sweat-
ing in response to acetylcholine. Nerve Epidermis
Spinal cord

Dorsal root ganglion



Small fiber
nerve (sensory)

Medical Illustrator:
Joseph Kanasz


Normal skin biopsy Small fiber neuropathy biopsy

Normal innervation with small nerve fibers seen in A specimen from a patient with small fiber neurop-
the epidermis (arrows). Skin biopsy specimens with athy shows denervation with no small nerve fibers
protein gene product 9.5 immunostaining. seen in the epidermis.

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Small fiber neuropathy

skin changes. The skin over the affected area termittent hyperglycemia, which can be seen
may appear atrophic, dry, shiny, discolored, or in patients with impaired glucose tolerance,
mildly edematous as the result of sudomotor caused sensory neuron and nerve fiber dam-
and vasomotor abnormalities. age and increased spontaneous C-fiber firing,
resulting in neuropathic pain.8,16,17
Small fiber neuropathy? Metabolic syndrome
Insulin resistance with prediabetes and diabe-
Small fiber neuropathy has been associated with tes is a part of the metabolic syndrome, which
many medical conditions, including glucose also consists of hypertension, hyperlipidemia,
dysmetabolism,3 connective tissue disease,4,5 and obesity. The individual components of
dysthyroidism,6 vitamin B12 deficiency, para- the metabolic syndrome have been implicated
proteinemia, human immunodeficiency virus as risk factors not only for cardiovascular and
(HIV) infection,7 hepatitis C virus infection, cerebrovascular disease but also for small fiber
celiac disease,8 restless legs syndrome,9 neuro- neuropathy.
toxic drug exposure, hereditary diseases, and One study in 548 patients with type 2 dia-
paraneoplastic syndrome. While most of these betes showed that those with the metabolic
conditions cause a length-dependent small fi- syndrome were twice as likely to have neurop-
ber neuropathy, others (Sjögren disease, celiac athy as those without.18 Another study showed
disease, and paraneoplastic syndrome) can that in 1,200 patients with type 1 diabetes
cause a form of small fiber neuropathy that is without neuropathy at baseline, hypertension,
not length-dependent.4,8,10 hyperlipidemia, and increased body mass in-
dex were each independently associated with
Diabetes and prediabetes a higher risk of developing neuropathy.19
Glucose dysmetabolism, including diabetes A recent study of 219 patients with id-
and prediabetes with impaired oral glucose iopathic distal symmetrical peripheral neu-
tolerance (a glucose level 140–199 mg/dL 2 ropathy and 175 diabetic patients without
The most hours after a 75-g oral dextrose load), is the neuropathy found a higher prevalence of met-
bothersome most common identifiable associated condi- abolic syndrome in patients with neuropathy
tion, present in about one-third of patients than in normal populations. The prevalence
symptom is with painful sensory neuropathy11 and in of dyslipidemia (high levels of total and low-
burning pain nearly half of those with otherwise idiopathic density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycer-
small fiber neuropathy.12–14 ides and low levels of high-density lipoprotein
in the feet Research findings strongly suggest that cholesterol), but not hypertension or obesity,
that extends even prediabetes is a risk factor for small fiber was higher in patients with neuropathy than
proximally in a neuropathy, and that so-called “impaired glu- in patients with diabetes but no neuropathy.20
cose tolerance neuropathy” may represent the The findings linked dyslipidemia to neuropa-
stocking-glove earliest stage of diabetic neuropathy. Several thy and showed the need for further studies of
distribution recent studies have found a high prevalence the potential pathogenic role of dyslipidemia
of impaired glucose tolerance in patients with in neuropathy.
sensory peripheral neuropathy,12–14 with a rate
of up to 42% in cases initially thought to be id- Hereditary causes
iopathic14 compared with 14% in the general Hereditary causes of small fiber neuropathy are
population.15 Also, a dose-response relation- rare and include Fabry disease, Tangier disease,
ship between the severity of hyperglycemia hereditary sensory autonomic neuropathy, and
and the degree of neuropathy was demonstrat- hereditary amyloidosis.
ed in one study, in which patients with im-
paired glucose tolerance more often had small ■■ HOW DO you EVALUATE PATIENTS WITH
fiber neuropathy, whereas those with diabetes SUSPECTED small fiber neuropathy?
more often had polyneuropathy involving
both small and large fibers.14 And studies in A thorough history should be taken to obtain
animals and cell cultures have shown that in- details regarding onset and features of neu-

ropathy symptoms, exacerbating factors, and shows abnormal morphologic changes in the
progression. It is also important to ascertain small fibers, especially large swellings,24 and
whether the patient has any associated condi- repeat biopsy in 6 to 12 months may be con-
tions as mentioned above, a family history of sidered.
neuropathy, risk factors for HIV or hepatitis C The diagnostic efficiency of skin biopsy
virus infection, or a history of neurotoxic drug is about 88%.21,23 For diagnosing small fiber
exposure. neuropathy, it is more sensitive than quantita-
Clinical suspicion of small fiber neuropa- tive sensory testing21,25 and more sensitive and
thy should be high if a patient presents with less invasive than sural nerve biopsy.26 Intra-
predominant small fiber symptoms and signs epidermal nerve fiber density also correlates
with preserved large fiber functions. well with a variety of measures of severity of
HIV distal sensory neuropathy and thus may
Nerve conduction studies be used to measure the severity and treatment
and electromyography response of small fiber neuropathy.27
For diagnostic testing, routine nerve conduc-
tion studies and electromyography assess the Quantitative sudomotor axon reflex testing
function of large nerve fibers only and are thus QSART is an autonomic study that measures
normal in small fiber neuropathy. These tests sweat output in response to acetylcholine,
should still be ordered to rule out subclini- which reflects the function of postgangli-
cal involvement of large fibers, which may onic sympathetic unmyelinated sudomotor
affect the diagnostic evaluation, prognosis, nerve fibers. Electrodes are placed on the
and treatment plan. However, if the results of arms and legs to record the volume of sweat
these tests are normal, specialized studies are produced by acetylcholine iontophoresis, in
needed to evaluate small fibers. which a mild electrical stimulation on the
Although several tests are available to skin allows acetylcholine to stimulate the
evaluate somatic and autonomic small fibers, sweat glands. The output is compared with
the two that have the highest diagnostic ef- normative values.
ficiency for small fiber neuropathy and that One prospective study showed that 67 Nerve
are used most often are skin biopsy, to evalu- (72.8%) of 92 patients with painful feet had conduction
ate intra­epidermal nerve fiber density, and abnormal results on QSART, ie, low sweat
quantitative sudomotor axon reflex testing output.28 A retrospective study found that 77 studies assess
(QSART), to assess sudomotor autonomic (62%) of 125 patients with clinical features of large fibers
function.21–23 distal small fiber neuropathy had a length-de-
pendent pattern of QSART abnormalities.22
Skin biopsy QSART abnormalities were detected in some
Skin biopsy is a minimally invasive proce- patients without autonomic symptoms.
dure in which 3-mm-diameter punch biopsy
specimens are taken from the distal leg, distal If these tests are not available
thigh, and proximal thigh of one lower limb. Skin biopsy and QSART are objective, re-
The procedure takes only 10 to 15 minutes. producible, sensitive, and complementary in
Biopsy specimens are immunostained us- diagnosing small fiber neuropathy. One or
ing an antibody against protein gene product both can be ordered, depending on whether
9.5, which is a panaxonal marker. Small nerve the patient has somatic symptoms, autonomic
fibers in the epidermis are counted under a symptoms, or both. However, these two tests
microscope, and intraepithelial nerve fiber are not widely available. Only a few labora-
densities are calculated and compared with tories in the country can process skin biopsy
established normative values. The diagnosis specimens to evaluate intraepidermal nerve
of small fiber neuropathy can be established if fiber density. Nevertheless, it is easy to learn
the intraepidermal nerve fiber density is lower the skin punch biopsy procedure, and primary
than normal (FIGURE 1). Nerve fiber density may care physicians and neurologists can perform
be normal in the early stage of small fiber neu- it after appropriate training. (A concern is
ropathy, but in this setting skin biopsy often avoiding damage to the epidermis.) They can
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Small fiber neuropathy

Drugs for pain control in small fiber neuropathy
drug Dosage (per day) Common side effects

Antidepressants Sedation, weight gain, anticholinergic effects,

sexual dysfunction, arrhythmia
Amitriptyline (Elavil) 20–150 mg
(side effects most prominent with amitriptyline)
Nortriptyline (Aventyl) 20–150 mg
Desipramine (Norpramin) 20–200 mg
Duloxetine (Cymbalta) 60–120 mg

Gabapentin (Neurontin) 600–3,600 mg Sedation, dizziness, peripheral edema, weight gain
Pregabalin (Lyrica) 150–600 mg Similar to gabapentin
Topiramate (Topamax) 25–400 mg Weight loss, sedation, cognitive slowing,
renal stones, paresthesias
Lamotrigine (Lamictal) 25–400 mg Stevens-Johnson syndrome, rash, dizziness, nausea,
Carbamazepine (Tegretol) 200–1,200 mg Dizziness, sedation, ataxia, aplastic anemia,
liver enzyme elevation
Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal) 600–2,400 mg Dizziness, nausea, fatigue, leukopenia

Topical anesthetics
5% Lidocaine patch (Lidoderm) Every 12 hours Local edema, burning, erythema

0.075% Capsaicin patch Three or four times a day Burning

Opioids, opioid agonists

Tramadol (Ultram) 100–400 mg Sedation, dizziness, seizures, nausea, constipation
Oxycodone (Oxycontin) 10–100 mg Sedation, constipation, nausea;
potential for addiction and abuse

then send specimens to one of the cutaneous tidepressants, and such drugs must be discon-
nerve laboratories (but not to a routine refer- tinued 48 hours before the study.
ence laboratory).
A special technique, including unique fixa- Basic laboratory tests to find the cause
tive and cryoprotectant, is used to fix and pro- Once the diagnosis of small fiber neuropathy
cess the biopsy specimens, because routine tech- is established, the next important step is to or-
niques for processing dermatologic punch biopsy der a battery of laboratory tests to search for
specimens often result in lower intraepidermal an underlying cause. The tests should include
nerve fiber densities. Therefore, it is very impor- the following:
tant to contact the laboratory regarding fixative • Complete blood cell count
and processing before performing a biopsy. • Comprehensive metabolic panel
QSART requires specialized equipment • Lipid panel
and must be performed on site. In addition, • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
the test is very sensitive to drugs that can af- • Thyroid-stimulating hormone level
fect sweating, such as antihistamines and an- • Free thyroxine (T4) level

• Antinuclear antibody ropathy (and since individual components

• Extractable nuclear antigens of the metabolic syndrome are potential
• Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) level risk factors for it), tight glycemic control
• Serum and urine immunofixation tests and lifestyle modification with diet control,
• Vitamin B12 level weight control, and regular exercise are of
• 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test. paramount importance in patients with these
Oral glucose tolerance testing is much more conditions.
sensitive than measuring the hemoglobin A1c The Diabetic Prevention Program,29 a
and fasting glucose levels in detecting diabetes study in 3,234 people with prediabetes, found
and prediabetes. These two conditions were that diet and exercise were more effective
detected by oral glucose tolerance testing in than metformin (Glucophage) in prevent-
more than 50% of patients with otherwise ing full-blown diabetes. At an average of 2.8
idiopathic sensory-predominant peripheral years of follow-up, the incidence of diabetes
neuropathy and normal hemoglobin A1c and was 11.0 cases per 100 patient-years in a group
fasting glucose levels.13,14 Therefore, every assigned to receive placebo, compared with
patient with small fiber neuropathy without 7.8 in those assigned to receive metformin
a known history of diabetes or prediabetes (31% lower), and 4.8 (58% lower) in those
should have an oral glucose tolerance test. who were assigned to undergo a lifestyle in-
tervention that included at least 150 minutes
Special laboratory tests in special cases of physical activity per week with a weight-
• If there is a history of gastrointestinal symp- loss goal of 7%. Put another way, to prevent
toms or herpetiform-like rash, then testing for one case of diabetes over 3 years, 6.9 patients
gliadin antibody and tissue transglutaminase would have to undergo the lifestyle interven-
antibodies as well as small-bowel biopsy may tion program, or 13.9 would have to receive
be pursued to evaluate for celiac sprue. metformin. Since impaired glucose tolerance
• Serologic tests for HIV or hepatitis C should neuropathy may represent the earliest stage of
be ordered if the patient has risk factors. diabetic neuropathy, the neuropathy at this
• If there is a significant family history, fur- stage may be reversible with lifestyle interven- Only a few
ther genetic testing should be considered. tion and improvement of impaired glucose tol- cutaneous
• Lip biopsy or bone marrow biopsy should erance.
be considered if clinical suspicion is high for This concept is supported by a 3-year study nerve laborato-
Sjögren disease, seronegative sicca syndrome, in 31 people, which showed that lifestyle in- ries can process
or amyloidosis. tervention significantly improved impaired
• The serum ACE level has a low sensitivity glucose tolerance, reduced the body mass
skin biopsy
and specificity; therefore, if sarcoid is suspected index, and lowered total serum cholesterol specimens to
clinically, additional confirmatory testing, such levels.30 Changes in these metabolic variables evaluate
as computed tomography of the chest, should were accompanied by significant improve-
be ordered despite a normal ACE value. ment of neuropathy as evidenced by signifi- intraepidermal
cantly increased intraepidermal nerve fiber nerve fiber
■■ HOW DO YOU TREAT density, increased foot sweat volume, and de-
Small fiber neuropathy? creased neuropathic pain.30 density

Treatment of small fiber neuropathy should Treatment of other diseases

target the underlying cause and neuropathic It has also been reported that treatment
pain. Cause-specific treatment is a key in pre- of sarcoidosis, autoimmune diseases, and
venting small fiber neuropathy or slowing its celiac disease improved the symptoms of
progression. small fiber neuropathy resulting from these
conditions.8,31 Therefore, it is important to
Glucose control, weight control, identify the cause and treat it to prevent and
and regular exercise slow the progression of small fiber neuropa-
As glucose dysmetabolism is the condition thy, and doing so may improve the disease in
most often associated with small fiber neu- some mild cases.
CL EVE L AND CL I NI C J O URNAL O F M E DI CI NE    V O L UM E 76  •   NUM BE R 5   M AY   2009  303
Small fiber neuropathy

Pain management Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Pain management is crucial in the treatment and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
of small fiber neuropathy, as neuropathic pain are typically less effective than the other drugs
can be debilitating and can cause depression. mentioned.
Pain management often requires a multidisci- Opioids should be reserved for refractory
plinary team, including a primary care physi- cases, given the potential for addiction, but
cian, a neurologist, a pain specialist, and a psy- they are sometimes necessary in patients with
chiatrist. Medications include antidepressants, disabling pain that does not respond to other
anticonvulsants, and topical anesthetics (TABLE drugs.
1) as well as narcotic and non-narcotic analge- TENS may be of benefit. The patient con-
sics and antiarrhythmics. Nonpharmacologic trols a pocket-size device that sends electrical
management includes transcutaneous electri- signals to leads placed on affected areas.
cal nerve stimulation (TENS), heat, ice, and Alternative therapies for small fiber neu-
massage of painful areas (reviewed by Chen et ropathy, such as meditation, yoga, and acu-
al32 and Galluzzi33). puncture, have yet to be studied.
First-line choices of pain medications are It is also important to explain to patients
the anticonvulsants gabapentin (Neurontin) that the typical course of small fiber neurop-
and pregabalin (Lyrica), the tricyclic antide- athy is relatively benign, as many patients
pressants amitriptyline (Elavil) and nortrip- worry about developing weakness and eventu-
tyline (Aventyl), a 5% lidocaine patch (Lido- ally not being able to walk. These concerns
derm), and the semisynthetic opioid analgesic and fears can aggravate pain and depression,
tramadol (Ultram). These can be used alone which can make treatment difficult.
or in combination.
Gabapentin is relatively well tolerated, ■■ WHAT IS THE PROGNOSIS
but drowsiness can occur, especially with high OF small fiber neuropathy?
starting doses. We usually start with 300 mg
daily and increase it by 300 mg every week Most patients with small fiber neuropathy
All patients up to 1,200 mg three times a day as tolerated. experience a slowly progressive course, with
with small fiber Most patients need 600 to 900 mg three times symptoms and signs spreading proximally over
a day. time.
neuropathy Pregabalin is a newer antiepileptic drug, In one study, only 13% of 124 patients
without known similar to gabapentin but less sedating. It can with small fiber neuropathy showed evidence
diabetes or pre- be started at 75 mg twice a day and gradually
increased to 300 mg twice a day as needed.
of large-fiber involvement over a 2-year peri-
od.21 None went on to develop Charcot joints,
diabetes need Weight gain and, rarely, swelling of the lower foot ulcers, weakness, or sensory ataxia, as is
an oral glucose extremities may limit the use of both of these often seen in patients with long-standing or
drugs. severe large fiber neuropathy. Neuropathic
tolerance test Tricyclic antidepressants, such as amitrip- pain worsened in 30% and resolved spontane-
tyline, nortriptyline, and desipramine (Nor- ously in 11%.21
pramin), are proven effective in controlling Most patients with small fiber neuropathy
neuropathic pain, although no response with require chronic pain management. Again,
amitriptyline was seen in patients with painful treatment of the underlying cause is important
HIV distal sensory neuropathy.34 and can improve the prognosis.
Lidocaine patch is preferred if the pain- We believe that the overall progression of
ful area is small. Patients should be instructed small fiber neuropathy is slow. A longitudinal
to use the patch to cover the painful area 12 study with a follow-up longer than 2 years
hours on and 12 hours off. If it does not pro- would be useful to confirm this.
vide relief within 1 week, it should be discon-
tinued. ■■ take-home points
Tramadol is also helpful in treating neuro-
pathic pain. It can be started at 50 mg two to As the population continues to age and as
four times a day as needed. more patients develop diabetes and the meta-

bolic syndrome, the prevalence of small fiber specialized neurodiagnostic testing. Aggres-
neuropathy will rise. Patients who present to sive cause-specific treatment, lifestyle modi-
their primary care physicians with painful, fication, and pain control are key elements
burning feet require a thorough diagnostic of a team approach to managing small fiber
evaluation, which may include referral for neuropathy. ■

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18. Costa LA, Canani LH, Lisboa HR, Tres GS, Gross JL. Aggregation of 44195; e-mail zhoul2@ccf.org.

Answers to the credit test on page 319 of this issue
1D 2B 3A 4C 5D 6C 7B 8D

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