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Electrical characteristics of a doubledischarge TEA CO2 laser

P. E. Dyer and D. J. James

Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 46, 1679 (1975); doi: 10.1063/1.321771

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Electrical characteristics of a double-discharge TEA CO2 laser
P. E. Dyer and D. J. James
Department of Applied Physics, University of Hull, Hull, HU6 7RX, England
(Received 24 July 1974)

The volume-discharge and arc-formation characteristics of a double-discharge self-sustaining TEA CO 2

laser have been studied. The results indicate that the discharge is a form of high-pressure glow of
limited stability. An experimental study of arc formation indicates that this may be a result of
ionization and attachment instabilities which are predicted to grow in the transient discharge. A
simple technique based on the experimental steady-state discharge characteristic has been used to
maximize the stable energy density in a 7.5-cm gap system operating at atmospheric pressure.
PACS numbers: 42.60.N, 42.60.C, 52.80.M

I. INTRODUCTION citation circuit (Fig. 1) is formed by an energy storage

capacitor C1 which is either directly charged to the re-
The efficient operation of pulse transversely excited
quired voltage, - V e , or is the equivalent capacitor of
atmospheric-pressure (TEA) CO 2 lasers requires the
a Marx generator and a pulse-shaping network formed
production of high-energy-density volume discharges in
by an inductor L1 and a capacitor C 2 • A small capacitor,
COiN/He gas mixtures. Such discharges have been ob-
C3 (C 3 « C 2 ), is included in the trigger-anode line to pro-
tained using pin-bar1 and double-discharge electrodes/,3
tect the trigger assembly. In our system the earth re-
ultraviolet preionized 4 - 7 and electron-beam-sustained 8
ference resistor RE in Fig. 1 has a value such that the
devices. Except for the electron-beam sustainer laser
time constant R E C1 is much greater than the excitation
and, under certain conditions, 7 the ultraviolet pre-
pulse duration T p' This resistor can, however, be used
ionized device, the discharges produced in this manner
to control the voltage waveform by chOOSing C1R E - T p • 19
are self -sustaining in the sense that ionization is pro-
duced by electron multiplication in the applied electric Prior to breakdown of the anode-cathode gap, the volt-
field. The maximum discharge energy density that can age variation at the laser is (neglecting losses)
be achieved with such devices is, however, generally
limited by the onset of arCing in the interelectrode vol-
V = - [V eC/(C1 + C 2 )](1-coswt),
ume; that is, the formation of a filamentary low-impe- where
dance discharge utilizing only a small fraction of the
electrode area. (1)

Information on the nature and stability of pulsed self- Equation (1) indicates that this circuitry gives a delay
sustaining volume discharges can be obtained by study- between initiating the voltage pulse and the attainment of
ing their dynamiC electrical characteristics. Investiga- the breakdown voltage VB of the anode-cathode gap and
tions of the electrical characteristics of reSistively that this delay can be controlled by the circuit param-
loaded pin-bar discharges, 9,10 double -dischargel l ,12 and eters. Such a delay is necessary to allow the most effec-
ultraviolet preionized systems, 13,14 and the stability of tive use of the preionizing trigger discharge which takes
high-energy-density CO 2-He discharges 15 have been re- place between the cathode blades and the trigger elec-
ported. Theoretical studies of the discharge stability trodes. Delays of -1-3 j.J.S satisfactorily initiate homo-
have also led to an improved understanding of volume- geneous arc-free discharges. The time-delay require-
excited CO2 laser systems. 16,17 The preionization re- ments have been discussed by Pan et al. 19 who assume
quirements for initiating uniform volume discharges that the preionization charges are liberated by a coronal-
have recently been discussed. 18 type discharge. The glass dielectric between the trigger
wires and the cathode blades serves to limit the trigger
We have investigated the volume-discharge and arc-
discharge formation characteristics of a double-dis- -Vc

charge CO 2 laser system 3 ,19, 20 which. is excited using a

simple pulse-shaping network (PSN). Details of laser
systems which utilize this excitation scheme have been
described elsewhere. 20,21 The electrical characteristics
of the transient volume discharge lead to the conclusion
that it is a high -pressure glow of limited stability. A
study of these characteristics has allowed us to improve
the stable discharge energy density of a 7.5 -cm-gap
discharge module.


The double-discharge electrode configuration, shown FIG. 1. Double-discharge electrode configuration and pulse
schematically in Fig. 1, consists of a plane aluminium circuitry: a is the anode, k is the cathode, and T is the trigger
assembly. C t is a single energy storage capacitOt' charged to
anode and an aluminium cathode blade structure with - Ve or the equivalent capacitor of a Marx generator which
triggering provided by glaSS-insulated wires. 3,21 The ex- erects to produce a voltage - Ve.

1679 Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 46, No.4, April 1975 Copyright © 1975 American Institute of Physics 1679

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C2 discharges; subsequently, the voltage increases as
the energy remaining in C2 is discharged through L 1 ,
For this circuit, with C/C 1 =0.4 and L1 =25 liR, the
current pulses extends for about 4 /lS. In Fig, 3, tran-
sient voltage-current characteristics for volume dis-
charges are shown for circuits having different values of
the ratio C.j C 1 • With C.j C1 = 0, 9, the V-I characteris-
tic is Similar to that obtained with resistively loaded
pin-bar electrodes excited by means of a single capac-
itor discharge. 9 As the ratio C.jC 1 is decreased, how-
ever, the effect of the shaping network becomes appar-
ent and, as illustrated in Fig, 3, with C.jC 1 =0,4 the
characteristic exhibits a negative dynamic resistance
v region towards the end of the current pulse, This is
produced by an upswing in voltage during the decay of
the current pulse [Fig. 2(a)] which results when a sig-
nificant fraction of stored energy is discharged on the
slow time scale [- (L 1C1)1 /2]. Observation of the V-I
characteristics of several systems under different oper-
ating conditions showed that the circuit configuration
and discharge energy loading played a critical role in
determining the form of the characteristic in region BC
(b) [see Fig. 3(b)] while the behavior in region AB was sim-
ilar in each case,
FIG. 2. Voltage (V=20 kV/div) and current ([=1 kA/div)
The loading provided by the discharge was studied by
traces for C0.!/N2 /He discharges at atmospheric pressure.
(a) Uniform volume discharge. (b) Effect of an arc formed in measuring the discharge resistivity p at peak current
the latter stage of the discharge. as a function of the peak curtent density J p • The results
of measurements on several systems are shown in Fig.
4, For a given system, J p was controlled by the charg-
discharge current density and distribute the preionizing ing voltage V c of capacitor C1 ' At first it would appear
discharge uniformly over the cathode, that J p should be independent of V c since the initial dis-
charge is characterized by capacitor C2 charged to the
The main current pulses produced with the circuitry gap breakdown voltage VB' Qualitatively, however, the
shown in Fig, 1 can extend for many microseconds be-
cause, after the initial rapid discharge of capacitor C 2 ,
the energy stored in C1 is supplied to the discharge re-
latively slowly through the inductor Lp At the break- VOLTAGE kV
down voltage VB' capacitor C2 stores energy tc 2 V1 so
that if C1 is initially charged to Va the energy discharge
on the "slow" time scale L- (L1 C1)1 /2] is t( C1 ~ - C2V;),
The duration of the current pulse can be controlled,
within the limits imposed by the voltage rise-time re-
quirements, by L1 and the ratio C/Cl' An increased 1.0
duration is obtained by reducing C.j C1 and, for a con-
stant energy discharge, this is found to give a some-
what more efficient laser pump pulse 21 ; generally we
find C.jC 1 ::::0,4-0,8 gives an efficient pump pulse con-
sistent with reliable arc -free operation,
To obtain information on the temporal development of
the discharge, measurements of the discharge voltage
and current were made using a capacitative voltage di-
vider probe and a current transformer (English Electric
9LC93), respectively. For these experiments the elec- oL--------'---------'
trodes were housed in a Perspex enclosure which was o
provided with a regulated CO.jN.jHe mixture at atmos-
pheric pressure flowing at -10 I min-1 • FIG. 3. Discharge V-I characteristics (C0.!/N2 /He, l:l:S).
0: two-stage Marx-PSN excitation; Ct = O. 05 IJ. F;
Typical voltage-current traces for a volume discharge C2 = O. 045 ).IF; L = 26 ).IH; Vc = 54 kV; and discharge volume,
excited by a two-stage Marx-PSN circuit are shown in 1.8 1. D.: two-stage Marx-PSN excitation; C t = 0.05 IJ.F;
Fig. 2(a). It can be seen that soon after the main gap C2 = O. 02 IJ.F; L = 22 IJ.H; Vc = 54 kV; and discharge volume,
breaks down the voltage falls rapidly as the capacitor 1. 251.

1680 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 46, No.4, April 1975 P.E. Dyer and D.J. James 1680

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the negative ion density n_ by

1000 tit = W(3ne - Kn.n_ , (3)

and the electron current density by

Here O! is the ionization coefficient, (3 is the attachment
coefficient, W is the electron drift velocity, 'Y is the
electron-ion recombination coefficient, K is the ion-ion
recombination coefficient, and n. is the positive ion
to 20
-, density. fu Eqs. (2) and (3) the effect of detachment has
AJ04P CJ04
been neglected.
FIG. 4. Discharge resistivity at peak current as a function of
peak current density (C0 2 : N2 : He, 1: 1 : 8). 0: electrode Denes and Lowke 12 have shown by comparing their re-
spacing, 2.5 cm: discharge volume, 0.2 1. ... : electrode sults for CO 2 laser gas mixtures with theoretical calcu-
spacing, 3.5 cm: discharge volume, 0.2 1. ~: electrode lations that, in the steady state, electron loss through
spacing, 5.0 cm: discharge volume 1. 25 1.
electron-ion recombination is small compared with that
due to dissociative attachment to CO 2 over a wide range
of current densities. In this case (dJ/ dt = dn.! dt = 0) the
discharge electric field assumes a value which is very
dependence arises because of the small but increasing near to, but slightly in excess of, the value E' which
overvoltage maintained on the gap during the current satisfies O! (E'/N) = (3(E'/N). With E/N> E'/N, O! >(3
growth phase when the leading edge of the voltage pulse and ionization dominates attachment; conversely, if E/ N
rises more steeply, Consideration of Eq. (1) indicates < E' / N, O! < t3 and attachment dominates ionization. 12
that this rate increases when V c is increased. The over- The form of the transient V-I characteristics in Fig. 3
voltage controls the ionization rate and hence the peak can be qualitatively understood by conSidering these two
current discharged by C 2 • regimes and the characteristics of the excitation circuit
which controls the time-varying discharge voltage.
The results in Fig. 4 show that the discharge resis-
tivity falls with increasing current density, from
-1400 51 cm -2 at 5 A cm -2 to less than 500 51 cm at
20 A cm- 2. The resistivity was found to be relatively in- The formation of a highly conducting filamentary dis-
sensitive to changes in the CO/N 2 ratio but varied rap- charge (arc) generally limits the maximum useful dis-
idly with helium concentration in the mixture; for ex- charge energy density that can be achieved with the
ample, a 10% change in the helium concentration of a double-discharge electrode system. As shown in Fig.
1: 1: 8 COiN/He mixture produced -80% change in 2(b) the onset of arCing is marked by a large amplitude
resistivity. oscillation in the current and voltage waveforms which
results from the rapid change in loading provided by the
The transient electrical characteristics of the diffuse discharge, Studies have shown that arc formation at high
volume discharge are consistent with the discharge being energy densities generally occurs in one of two fairly
a form of high-pressure glow; it is well known that distinct regions in the discharge cycle. One of these re-
pulsed discharges in high -pressure gases pass through
gions is located near to the peak of the current pulse on
glow phases prior to the formation of a constricted high- the falling edge and the other in the "tail" of the current
ly conducting channel. 22,23 From Fig, 4 the product Jpp,
pulse as shown in Fig. 2(b). Arc formation in this latter
which defines the average discharge electric field at region has been found to be strongly dependent on the
peak current, is found within the experimental error circuit parameters and, at high energy denSity, appears
to be independent of the current density and the elec- to occur when the discharge field attains a value near to
trode spacing, Since the cathode fall is typically no more
the steady-state operating value E'. Control of the form
than a few hundred volts, 24 the steady-state ratio of the
of the V-I characteristic in this region appears to be
electric field strength to gas particle density E/ N in
critical to the maintenance of a diffuse volume
the positive column is found to be 2,8 x 10-16 V cm 2 for a
1: 1 : 8 COiN/He mixture at atmospheric pressure.
This result is in good agreement with measurements It has been shown in studies relating to low-pressure
reported by Denes and Lowke, 12 For comparison, E/ N self-sustaining CO 2 laser discharges 26 and high-pres-
values in the positive columns of transient high-pres- sure electron-beam-sustained CO 2 discharges 27 ,28 that
sure glows in pure N2 and CO 2 are considerably higher ionization and attachment instabilities play an important
and have been measured to be 1, 03 x 10-15 and 1. 07 role in determining the stability of volume discharges.
x 10-15 V cm 2, respectively. 23
A stability criterion for the transient volume dis-
When diffusion can be neglected the time-varying charge can be obtained by lineariZing the coupled elec-
electron density ne in the positive column can be de- tron and negative ion equations [Eqs. (2) and (3)] and
scribed by2S finding conditions when perturbations in the electron den-

1681 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 46, No.4, April 1975 P.E. Dyer and D.J. James 1681

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(ii) For (} = 0, for molecular gas laser mixtures, Eq.
(6) gives F"" _1,26 and evaluation of Eq. (4) using com-
puted data Z9 for a, /3, and Was a function of electron
temperature allows regions of instability (y > 0) to be
located. The results of such calculations for a 1 : 1 : 8
COiN/He mixture at atmospheric pressure are shown
in Fig. 5 where the region of instability for F = - 1 is
indicated on an E/ N-~ diagram (also shown in the region
of instability for F = 0).
It is evident from Fig. 5 that the transient discharge
will enter unstable regions during the ionizing phase of
the discharge (E> E') and during the voltage decay phase
(E < E'). The growth rates of the ionization instabilities
at atmospheric pressure are typically in the range 106 _
107 S-l, and hence sufficiently large for them to be Sig-
nificant during the discharge lifetime. It is predicted
that the low field instability (F = - 1) is stabilized by re-
combination if ~:;:: 6 X 106 S-l (Fig. 5); if we assume K» y
and njne ""0, this requires, from Eq, (5), Kne '6xI06
S-l. Taking K-3x10- 7 s- l cm 3 27 requires ne>2x1013 cm- 3
and a corresponding current denSity J> 20 A cm- z at
fields below the self-sustaining value. This is consider-
FIG. 5. Stability diagram for a discharge in a 1:1:8 ably higher than generally achieved with self-sustained
C~/N2/He mixture at atmospheric pressure. E/N is the dis-
CO z double-discharge lasers.
charge electric field normalized to the gas particle density and
~ is a parameter defined in the text. This preliminary study of arc formation in the double-
discharge laser indicates that, at least qualitatively,
there is some agreement between the predicted instabil-
sity grow in time, In this way, neglecting the electron ity regions and the observed arCing regions. A full treat-
temperature dependence of 'Y, it can be shown that in- ment of the discharge stability must, however, take into
stabilities will grow if account variations in the instability growth rate through
the discharge cycle, the stabilizing influence of detach-
(4) ment which has been neglected in Eq, (4), and, on rela-
tively long time scales, gas heating effects. 16,17 Finally,
where it is noted that the mere formation of an ionization in-
stability does not necessarily lead to arcing; it is likely,
(5 ) however, that such instabilities lead to localized regions
of high current density which produce a change in the
Here fluctuations in the discharge electron temperature cathode emission process. A result of this may be the
Te and density ne have been related using the equation formation of an anode-directed streamer 15 and, if gas
derived by Nighan et al, 26: heating is sufficiently rapid, 30 the formation of an arc
aT/Te = Fan/ne'
iil and 2 are logarithmic derivatives with respect to The resistive load RL provided by the discharge at
electron temperature of the electron energy exchange peak current is RL=E'd/l p , where E' is the steady-state
and momentum trasfer collision frequencies, respec- operating field, d is the electrode separation, and Ip is
tively, and (} is the angle between the perturbing wave the peak discharge current which is determined by the
and the discharge current flow. 26 We note that Eq. (4) is circuit parameters, For a uniform discharge the rate of
essentially similar to that derived by Haas 16 for ioniza- energy deposition per unit volume at peak current den-
tion instabilities in cw molecular gas laser discharges sity is given by E'I/S, where S is the electrode area,
but retains terms appropriate to the nonsteady Since RL is independent of S it becomes possible to in-
discharge, crease the discharge energy density by decreaSing S
while maintaining the circuit parameters, and hence the
Two simple cases of Eq. (4) can be considered ac- V -I characteristic of the discharge, unaltered, Use was
cording to the value of (} in Eq, (6): made of this fact to increase the stable discharge energy
(i) For (} = h, F = and Eq. (4) reduces to W(a - (3) > density in a discharge module having Bruce profile31
electrOdes with an anode-cathode separation of 7.5 cm.
~ for unstable waves, This result essentially says that
initial perturbations in. the electron density are main- This module was initially tested with a 360-cm z elec-
tained through the ionizing phase of the discharge (a > trode (anode) area and was excited using a two-stage
/3); such perturbations may lead to filamentation of the Marx-PSNwith C1=0.05IJ.F, C 2 =0,04IJ. F , L 1 "'20 IJ.H,
discharge. and V c SSO kV. With this configuration, arc formation

1682 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 46, No.4, April 1975 P.E. Dyer and D.J. James 1682

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limited the maximum discharge energy density to S 60 gram obtained from Dr. A. V. Phelps and R. Bosom-
J r1. At just below the arc threshold voltage the effec- worth for technical assistance. One of the authors
tive electrode area was systematically reduced using P. E.D. acknowledges the receipt of a SRC Research
Mylar sheets to partially mask the cathode; observation Fellowship during the course of this work.
of the discharge voltage and current waveforms con-
firmed that the initial arc -free V -I characteristic was
maintained. It was found that the effective cathode area
could be reduced to -110 cm 2 and uniform discharges lA.J. Beaulieu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 16, 504 (1970).
maintained at energy densities of 166 J 1-1 ; a further de- 2A. K. Laflamme, Rev. Sci. lnstrum. 41, 1578 (1970).
crease in the electrode area, however, resulted in a re- 3R. Dumanchin, J.C. Farcy, M. Michon, and J. Rocca-
Serra, International Quantum Electronics Conference, Kyoto,
duction in the maximum stable discharge energy density Japan, 1970 (unpublished).
due to the onset of arcing. The maximum stable anode 4H. Seguin and J. Tulip, Appl. Phys. Lett. 21, 414 (1972).
current density was 30 A cm -2 which, with the cathode 5M.C. Richardson, A.J. Alcock, K. Leopold, and P. Burtyn,
blade structure, corresponded to - 300 A cm- 2 at the IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-9, 236 (1973).
cathode. sH. M. Lamberton and P.R. Pearson, Electron. Lett. 7, 141
7J.S. Levine and A. Javan, Appl, Phys. Lett. 22, 55 (1973).
VI. CONCLUSIONS 8C.A. Fenstermacher, M.J. Nutter, W.T. Leland, and K.
Boyer, Appl. Phys. Lett. 20, 56 (1972).
The volume and arc-discharge formation characteric-
9B. Adam and E. W. Aslaksen, Phys. Lett. A 36, 147 (1971).
tics of an atmospheric-pressure double-discharge TEA 1~. W. Aslaksen, Z. Agnew Math. Phys. 22, 1135 (L971).
CO 2 laser system have been studied. It has been ob- l1R. T. Schriever, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 18, 807 (1973).
served that the form of the V -I characteristic of the 12L.J. Denes and J.J. Lowke, Appl, Phys. Lett. 23, 130
transient glow discharge, which is determined primarily (1973) .
13 0. P. Judd and J. Y. Wada, IEEE J. Quantum Electron.
by the excitation circuit, plays an important role in de-
QE-10, 12 (1974).
termining the stability of the discharge to arc formation. 14J. C. Martin (private communication).
A simple stability analysis based on the ionization-at- 15T. W. Johns and J.A. Nation, Appl. Phys. Lett. 20, 495
tachment rate equations indicates that the discharge will (1972) •
be unstable to attachment and ionization instabilities and IsR.A. Haas, Phys. Rev. A 8,1017 (1973).
that these can grow suffiCiently rapidly to be important 17G. J. Pert (private communication).
18A. Jay Palmer, Appl. Phys. Lett. 25, 138 (L974).
during the discharge lifetime. 19y -L. Pan, A. F. Bernhardt, and J. R. Simpson, Rev. Sci.
A simple technique, based on the derived steady-state Instrum. 43, 662 (1972).
20P . E . Dyer, D.J. James, and S.A. Ramdsen, Opt. Commun.
V -I characteristic of the discharge, has been used to 5, 236 (1972).
increase the stable discharge energy density. This tech- 21p.E. Dyer, D.J. James, and S.A. Ramsden, J. Phys. E 5,
nique' which involves varying the electrode area, allows 1162 (1972).
an initially arc -free V -1 characteristic to be maintained 22M.M. Kekez, M.R. Barrault, and J. D. Craggs, J. Phys. D
as the discharge energy density is increased and has en- 3, 1886 (1970).
23J. Meyer and C. S. Lee, J. Phys. D 4, 168 (1971).
abled an approximately threefold improvement in the
24J. D. Cobine, Gaseous QJnductors (Dover, New York, 1958).
stable operating energy density of a 7. 5 -cm -gap system 25J.J. Lowke, A. V. Phelps, and B. W. Irwin, J. Appl. Phys.
to be made. 44, 4664 (1973).
2sW.L. Nighan, W.J. Wiegand, and R.A. Haas, Appl, Phys.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Lett. 22, 579 (1973).
27D.H. DouglaS-Hamilton and S,A. Mani, Appl, Phys. Lett.
The authors would like to thank Professor S.A. 23, 508 (1973).
Ramsden for his support and interest in this work, Dr. 28R.M. Patrick, D.H. Douglas-Hamilton, and S.A. Mani,
G.J. Pert for many stimulating discussions, and B. L. Avco Everett Research Laboratory Report No. AFOSR-TR-
74-0194, 1974 (unpublished).
Tait for his experimental assistance. They are also 29K. J. Andrews (private communication).
grateful to K.J. Andrews for providing them with ioni- 30G. L. Rogoff, Phys. Fluids 15, 1931 (1972).
zation and attachment data derived from a computer pro- 31F .M. Bruce, J. lnst. Electr. Eng. 94, 139 (1947).

1683 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 46, No.4, April 1975 P.E. Dyer and D.J. James 1683

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