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Post-Production (Editing Week) |MINUTES

Meeting date | time 4/25/2018 12:00 AM | Meeting location Loxton Campus, Weston

Meeting called by Lisa Williamson Attendees

Type of meeting Re-shoots Chloe Bailey
Facilitator Luke Pincombe Lisa Williamson
Note taker Megan Atkinson Megan Atkinson
Timekeeper Chloe Bailey Luke Pincombe


Time allotted | 30-60 Minutes | Agenda topic Re-shoots | Presenter Lisa Williamson

Discussion We need to re-shoot our office scene, because we have lost the footage on the computer.
Conclusion We will re-shoot the office scene within the next coming week.

Action items Person responsible Deadline

Contact Adam (our male actor) and arrange a suitable time to re- Lisa Williamson 4/26/2018 5:00 PM
shoot the office scene
Book out the cameras again, on the day where everyone is Megan Atkinson 4/26/2018 5:00 PM
available to re-shoot, to make sure we can film it. (Camera Operator)

Time allotted | 15-20 Minutes | Agenda topic Costume for office re-shoot | Presenter Chloe

Discussion We need to make sure that the characters are wearing appropriate costumes during this re-shoot.
Conclusion Discuss with both actors before the day, and write on the call-sheets what they should wear, for the re-

Action items Person responsible Deadline

Speak to Adam/Lisa about the costumes they should wear. Everybody 1/5/2018 9:00 AM
Confirm with them the day before, to make sure that they Everybody 6/5/2018 9:00 AM
remember to wear their office attire for the shoot.

Time allotted | 20-30 Minutes | Agenda topic Location for office re-shoot | Presenter
Megan Atkinson

Discussion Finding a suitable office location for our re-shoot.

Conclusion We’ve spoken to the college teachers who let us film in their office for the first shoot. They have kindly
agreed to let us borrow their office again.

Action items Person responsible Deadline

Action items Person responsible Deadline

Brainstorm locations to re-film the office scene. Everybody 4/25/2018 9:00 AM

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