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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi strategy ketidaksopanan yang digunakan di film
Carrie. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan metode
deskriptif. Objek penelitian adalah beberapa karakter di film Carrie yang mengabaikan tingkat
kesopanan sehingga ketidaksopanan itu muncul. Penggunaan strategi komukiasi untuk
menjaga keharmonisansosial yang disebut kesopanan tidak selalu berjalan baik dalam setiap
percakapan. Pada kenyataanya strategi ketidaksopanan digunakan untuk mengganggu
keharmonisan sosial. Didalam film Carrie, ditemukan bahwa ketidaksopanan karakter
perempuan lebih mendominasi. Hal itu dapat dilihat dari ketidaksopanan yang dilakukan oleh
siswa yang status sosialn ya lebih rendah daripada guru. Sebagai seorang siswa hendaknya kita
menghormati guru dan status sosialnya. Penelitian ini memberikan kita pemahaman lebih
tentang tata cara kita dalam berinteraksi sehingga ketidaksopanan itu bias dihindarkan dalam
berinteraksi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori Jonathan
Culpeper, terdapat beberapa strategy ketidaksopanan yang ditemukan di dalam film Carrie
seperti : (a) Bald on record impoliteness (b) positive impoliteness (c) negative impoliteness (d)
mock iMpoliteness (e) Withhold impoliteness.

Key words: Impoliteness Theory, Social distance.


Anderson (2002:1) says, language also an essentially ubiquitous activity of human being.
Jonathan (1987: 90) says, without using language, it is hard to imagine how people can
cooperative one another. Furthermore, language also has function to make interaction and
relationship with others. Obviously, language plays an importance role in human life (Susanto,
2007: 2). The definitions give understanding that language is quite significant for people as a
means of communication. Based on these describe, it can be conclude that people use language
as tool of communication, through communication people can interact with each other. People
need language when they are motivated to express their ideas, feeling and thought or when they
interacts one and another. The language there since birth. with the language they can interact
with other people so that the language becomes very important in communicating.
Culpeper studied the anatomy of impoliteness in 1996. Impoliteness is a communicative
strategies with the opposite orientation, that of attacking one's interlocutor and causing
disharmony. In simple definition, impoliteness can be interpreted as rudeness, Culpeper (2008:
31-32). However, Culpeper’s suggestion is that impoliteness is intentional while rudeness is
unintentional negative behavior. Culpeper’s work includes a framework of impoliteness which is
based on the theory of Brown & Levinson (1987). Culpeper (1996: 356) defines five
impoliteness super-strategies which are opposites of Brown & Levinson’s politeness super-
strategies. Culpeper (1996:356 357) describes the five super-strategies as follows:bald-on record,
positive, negative, mock impoliteness, withhold politeness.
However, impoliteness strategy also occurs in daily life conversation. This study is
concerned of Carrie movie character and their utterances. This equally can be seen on the
language they uses.



Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics, which is the study of language. Pragmatics focuses on

conversational implicature, which is a process in which the speaker implies and a listener
infers. Simply put, pragmatics studies language that is not directly spoken. Instead, the speaker
hints at or suggests a meaning, and the listener assumes the correct intention. In a sense,
pragmatics is seen as an understanding between people to obey certain rules of interaction. In
everyday language, the meanings of words and phrases are constantly implied and not explicitly
stated. In certain situations, words can have a certain meaning. You might think that words
always have a specifically defined meaning, but that is not always the case. Pragmatics studies
how words can be interpreted in different ways based on the situation. Pragmatics according to
Levinson (1985:21) is the study of the relation between language and context that are basic to an
account of language understanding.





The type used in this research is descriptive qualitative method because the object of
the research is film. According to (Subroto,1992:7) A descriptive qualitative research is used to
observe condition and situations in which the writer analyzes the data in forms of words,
sentences, discourse, picture or photograph, etc.


The primary data source is the play of Carrie Movies directed by …….. the secondary
data source consist of other data related to the research such as Carrie movie script, internet
data and other relevant information. The data source analyzed in this research consists of the
utterances used by the characters which are categorized as impoliteness strategy based on
Culpeper theory.

Techniques of Collecting Data

Data is descriptive information. In this research, the descriptive data was gotten from
words, sentences (utterances) in every action of Carrie movies.

Techniques of Analyzing Data

This research was focused on impoliteness strategy by Culpeper theory used at Carrie movies.
The procedure of analyzing were :
a. Watching Carrie movies.
b. Transcribing the utterances of Carrie movies that are only described the impoliteness
c. Analyzing the impoliteness strategy in ways of identifying and classifying impoliteness
strategy used express in the movies.
d. Concluding the analyze of impoliteness strategy based on Culpeper strategy in Carrie movies.

A. Watching the movies : Carrie (2013)

a. Synopsis of Carrie Movies
mb cm jcvxgksdngmd xvjxvhsdkfhskgskjgbvkjsdbvmzx zxbvkjasfbvzjxbvzxn

B. Transcribing the utterance was from the movies that described the
impoliteness strategy used Culpeper theory and made analysis of impoliteness

a. Data 1

transcript comment Impoliteness strategy

[ At min 05:54 – 06:29 ] Sue kaget dengan smash yang Negative impoliteness
1. ms. Desjardin : Alright Carrie tidak sengaja dilakukan carrie
White. Let’s get Carrie into the dan semua orang tertawa karena
game. You cn’t stand on the side melihat Sue tertawa, termasuk
lines all the time, come on. Carrie. Namun merendahkan
All : Whoooo Carrie dengan memberikan
Ms. Desjardin : Carrie’s serve Carrie bola sambil menyebut
All : Yeah Carrie white. Do it Carrie payah. Hal ini membuat
Carrie, yeah yeah. Carrie yang awalnya ikut tertawa
Chris : Throw it, Do it, Serve it. menjadi diam karena dikatakan
Sue : Oh Oww.what the hell ? Payah.
All : [Laughing}
Sue : Hahaha, so funny Chris.
Chris : Are you Ok ?
Sue : Yeah.
Chris : Oh my God. You eat shit.

[ At min 08:10 – 08: 26 ] Sue marah dan menyebut Carrie positive impoliteness
2. Carrie : help, help, help me ! aneh karena Carrie tiba-tiba
help me. mengotori bajunya ketika Carrie
Sue : Get of me, you freak. Oh meminta bantuan dikarenakan
my god, look what you did to my carrie got her first period.
Carrie : please.
Chris : Stop,stop settle down.
Carrie : I think im bleeding to
death, please.
Chris : Oh My God. It’s period

[ At min 16:42 – 16:57 ] Carrie membantah ucapan Bald on record impoliteness

3. Mrs. Margaret : We’ll pray, ibunya karena dia merasa dia
we’ll pray together. To save our tidak melakukan dosa. Dia
women weak, wicked, sinning memanggil ibunya dengan
soul. sebutan kau.
Carrie : you didn’t tell me and
they laughed. I didn’t sin, you
Mrs. margaret : I did not. I did
not sin.

[ At min 17:44 – 17:58 ] Carrie yang memohon kepada Positive impoliteness

4. Mrs. margaret : you pray little ibunya untuk tidak menyuruhnya
girl. Pray forgiveness. berdoa karena dia tidak merasa
Carrie : mommy let me go . Let telah melakukan dosa. Dia
me out [Banging on menyebut ibunya payah
door][Screaming] .Mom, mom.
Mom, got you suck.

[ At min 23:32 – 23:55 ] Chris mengekspresikan rasa Positive impoliteness

5. Miss. Desjardin : you probably ketidaktarikannya dengan
all have your dresses.you have perkataan Ms. Desjardin tentang
your dates by now. What about pacarnya, berniat pergi
you Chris ? who’s the lucky guy ? meninggalkan lapangan tetapi
Chris : Billy Nolan, you don’t dicegah oleh Ms. Desjardin.
know him. He doesn’t go to this
Miss. Desjardin : Are you going
to get him a Boutonniere ? Or
you just going to pin a bloody
tampon to his lapel ?
Chris : I so don’t need to hear
Miss. Desjardin: you’re not going

[ At min 24:15 – 24:48 ] Chris menggunakan kata-kata Positive impoliteness

6. Miss. Desjardin: And one of kasar terhadap perkataan Ms.
you had the audacity to post a Desjardin karena merasa apa
video. Somebode made a video yang telah mereka lakukan
of it ? kepada Carrie White adalah hal
Chris : This is Bullshit yang biasa. Dan juga Chris
Miss. Desjardin : that’s it. membantah perintah yang
Thanks to Miss Hargensen. diberikan oleh Ms. Desjardin.
You’re all running suicides.
Chris : I’m not doing it.
Miss. Desjardin : That’s up to

[ At min 25:18 – 25:44 ] Chris menggunakan sumpah Positive impoliteness

7. Chris : She can’t do this to me. serapah kepada Ms.Desjadin ,
Sue : Just let it go. We’re almost mengekspresikan kemarahannya
done. karena Ms. Desjardin
Chris : Then every day this week menghukum mereka untuk
? All because Carry White ? Like berlari . Chris merasa
Hell I will. Ms.Desjardin melakukan
Miss. Desjardin : Keep moving pelecehan kepada mereka.
Hargensen. Keep running or
you’re not going to prom.
Chris : Fuck you. This is child
Miss. Desjardin : What did you
say to me ?
Chris : I’m not going run another
goddamn inch because Carrie
White got her period. And was
too stupid to know what it was.

[ At min 30:14 – 30:38 ] Tommy menggunakan umpatan Positive impoliteness

8. Mr.Ulmann : Ok,uh. That was, Asshole didalam kelas ketika
uh..That is the most you’ve said Mr.Ulmann sedang berbicara.
in class all year. Is there anything
you’d like to share or are you
done scaring us for the day ?
Tommy : Asshole.
Mr. Ulmann : Excuse me Mr.
Ross. Did you say something ?
Tommy : I said ‘Awesome’. I just
thought what Carrie read was
Awesome. Didn’t you Mr.
Ulmann ?
[ At min 32:45 – 32:58] Mr.John memotong penbicaraan Positive impoliteness
9. Mr. Morton : But you know Mr.Morton karena menurutnya
we’ve had a lot of problems with Anaknya,Chris tidak bersalah.
your daughter in the past. And
now,with what she did to her
classmate Carrie white. The girl
was having her… what your
daughter and her…
Mr. John : Posse,, I’m not sit here
and listen to half truths. I know
my daughter. She said she didin’t
do it.

[ At min 33:34 – 34:11 ] Chris menolak untuk Positive impoliteness

10. Miss. Desjardin : I think we memberikan ponselnya kepada
should just look at her phone Mr.Morton dan meninggalkan
and if it’s not there, I owe you a ruangan konseling tanpa pamit.
hug apology and she should be
allowed to go to prom.
Mr. John : Chris,
Mr. Morton : Chirs,
Chris : Daddy im not going to
give them my phone. I have
personal things on here. Isn’t
that invasion of privacy or
something ?
Mr. John : Chrissie, if want to go
to prom, you just give them the
damn phone and we can be
done with this. I have to get back
to work
Chris : Dad,
Mr.John : God damn it. Just give
them your phone,Chris.
Chris : No.

[ At min 34:34 – 34:48 ] Sue memanggil Ms.Desjerdan Positive impoliteness

12. Chris : Jesus, Sue why didn’t dengan sebutan nama. Itu tidak
you stand up for me ? we could sopan karena kedudukannya
had have them by the balls. adalah Ms. Desjerdan adalah
Sue : We deserved it for what we seorang guru dan Sue adalah
did to Carrie White. I thought I seorang murid.
deserved it. Desjardin was right.
We did a shitty thing for no
[ At min 35:13 – 35:40 ] Chris memanggil Sue dengan Negative impoliteness.
13. Sue : I stoped. sebutan Sue kecil. Dan mengejek
Chris : Oh you stopped ? Sue dengan membicarakan hal
Sue : Yeah. pribadi Sue didepan semua
Chris : Why did you keep running orang.
? hmmm ? Why did you keep
running Sue ?
Sue : Stop it Chris.
Chris : You kept running
Sue,Little Suze. Because you’ve
been dreaming about senior
year,and the perfect boyfriend,
and the perfect prom, you
gaddamned life. You already
booked the hotel, already
practiced the sounds, you’re
going to make when you and
Tommy make Love.

Bunakan bahasa yang tidak sopan seringkali digunakan oleh tokoh-tokoh didalam film.
Ketidaksantunan terjadi tidak hanya dikarenaka oleh status sosial yang lebih tinggi. Terkadang orang
yang status sosialnya lebih rendah juga mengabaikan tingkat kesopanan ketika melakukan komunikasi
dengan lawan bicara yang status sosialnya lebih tinggi daripada mereka. Ketidaksantunan juga terjadi
antara pembicara dan lawan bicara yang mempunyai tingkat status sosial yang sama.

Chomsky,Syntatic Structur.1957. Chomsky Definition


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