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A1.1 50 Hours
I can understand familiar words & basic sentences about identity & immediate
I can understand basic informative documents (identity, sign posts & tickets) &
very simple messages on familiar subjects (e-mails & postcards).
I am able to introduce myself & construct sentences to describe people & say where
I live.
Writing I am able to fill out forms about my identity & write short postcards.
A1.2 100 Hours
I can understand the topic of very simple conversations & short messages
(classifieds, forecasts & advertisements).
I can understand short messages about practical & predictable information
(calendars, weather reports & tourist documents).
I can speak about familiar subjects (family, hobbies & what I like) & answer
personal questions.
I am able to write notes about my daily activities & short messages such as
A2.1 150 Hours
I can understand isolated sentences & frequent expressions about personal
information, shopping, work etc…
Reading I can read very easy texts about daily matters.
I can interact in a simple way provided that the other person speaks slowly, clearly
& is prepared to help.
I am able to write simple letters to give personal information, express feelings &
describe experiences in a simple way.
A2.2 200 Hours
Listening I might understand short conversations about familiar subjects.
Reading I understand the main information in short texts such as news articles.
I am able to describe experiences, events, dreams, goals & opinions using simple
Writing I am able to write short texts about my work & personal experiences.
A2.3 250 Hours
Listening I might understand short conversations on familiar subjects.
Reading I understand general texts in details with the help of a dictionary.
I understand the main essence of familiar conversations spoken in clear &
Speaking standard French. I am able to express myself on familiar subjects, give my opinion
about daily matters.
Writing I am able to make brief descriptions of events & past activities.
B1.1 300 Hours
Listening I am able to understand reasonably familiar long speeches.
Reading I understand every type of daily writings (notes, leaflets, prospectus, catalogues, etc…
Speaking I am able to describe events & experiences, tell stories & give short explanations.
W riting I might expose a problem & write formal letters.
B1.2 350 Hours
I can understand the main points of a speech about familiar subjects such as work,
hobbies, likings, etc… when a clear & standard language is used.
Reading I can understand the description of events, feelings & wishes in personal letters.
Speaking I am able to give & explain my opinion in a simple & coherent way.
I am able to write personal letters to give news, describe my experiences, feelings &
W riting
events in details.
B1.3 4 00 Hours
I can understand the gist of many radio & TV programs on current affairs; topics of
personal & professional interests when the delivery is relatively slow & clear.
I can read articles & reports about contemporary problems & understand particular
behaviors & viewpoints.
I can participate to conversations on topics that are familiar (family, hobbies, work,
travel & current affairs) even if not prepared.
I am able to write brief reports & summarize information from different issues on
W riting
daily matters.
B2.1 450 Hours
Listening I am able to understand conversations between native speakers.
Reading I can read texts in my fields of interest.
Speaking I might make clear & detailed descriptions.
Writing I can write clear & detailed texts on a variety of subjects about to my interests.
B2.2 500 Hours
Listening I am able to identify the mood & tone of the speaker & also recognize his/her point of view & behavior.
Reading I am able to identify when writers adopt particular behaviors & viewpoints.
I can deliver detailed demonstrations: build & justify my arguments with pertinent examples. I may highlight
important points.
I can summarize information from different sources (interviews, documentaries, etc…) & stories from movies,
books, etc…
B2.3 550 Hours
I can understand most TV news & current affairs programs. I can understand the majority of films in
standard dialect.
Reading I might understand contemporary literary prose.
I can interact with a degree of fluency & spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers
quite possible.
Writing I can write letters highlighting my personal opinion, experiences & events.
B2.4 600 Hours
I can understand extended speeches & lectures & follow lines of arguments provided the topics are
reasonably familiar.
I can read articles & reports about contemporary problems. I can understand specialized articles on
unfamiliar topics.
Speaking I might build lines of arguments, give prominence to an idea & enchain arguments logically.
Writing I can write essays & reports conveying information & explaining why I agree/disagree with certain opinions.
C1 700 - 900 Hours
I can understand long speeches even if they’re not clearly structured & the links are implicit. I
can understand TV shows & movies without efforts.
I can understand long & complex factual & literary texts & notice the different styles. I can
Reading understand specialized articles & long technical instructions even if they are not related to my
I can express myself spontaneously & fluently without hesitations. I can use the language in a
Speaking flexible & efficient way in social & professional interactions. I can express my ideas & opinions
with precision & interact in a relevant way.
I can write clear & well-structured texts & develop my point of view. I can write about complex
W riting topics in letters, essays & reports, underlining the important points. I can use appropriate styles
suited to the recipient.
C2 indefinite
I have no difficulty to understand the speaking language in direct conversations, media & when
people are speaking fast if I have enough time to adapt to specific accents.
I can read any kind of texts without efforts even abstract & complex ones such as manuals,
specialized articles & literary books.
I can interact without efforts in any conversation & discussion & I can easily use idiomatic &
Speaking everyday expressions. I can express myself fluently & express slight nuances. In case of difficulty,
I can find remedies without people really noticing.
I can write clear & fluent texts with a style adapted to the circumstances. I can write letters,
W riting reports & complex articles with a clear structure allowing the reader to understand & remember
the essential points. I can sum up & criticize professional & literary texts.

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