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LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

1/1 Physical Science -  Create a Coggle Mind map to Mind map – Coggle Introduction Weebly is used to
Energy appears in brainstorm your understanding – formative prior Watch TWIG video to introduce topic of ‘Energy’. present lesson content
different forms, of energy. Build on the Mind knowledge. Ask can: you think of an example of energy being used? and links to ICT tools
including map as you further research Cover off lesson objectives.
movement the topic and answer the lesson Twig video on energy -
(kinetic energy), objectives. Direct students to Padlet and explain they can be free to write https://www.twig-
heat and  Define energy down any questions, comments or interesting facts related to the world.com/film/forms-
potential energy,  Recall that kinetic energy is topic, throughout the lesson and we’ll go over them at the end of of-energy-1516/
and energy generally observable and the lesson.
transformations potential energy is not Padlet -
and transfers  Recognise and identify the https://Padlet.com/
cause change different types of energy – Body
within systems kinetic, heat, light, sound, Have students form groups of 3, complete a Coggle brainstorming Coggle -
(ACSSU155) electrical, potential. activity to demonstrate their existing level of understanding on the https://coggle.it/
 Recognise that energy is topic of energy. Start with energy in the middle, including a
generally observed when it is definition. YouTube video on
being transferred or energy forms -
transformed Once 10-minute group activity is completed, individually, students https://www.youtube.co
watch the YouTube video and take notes in Videonot on the key m/watch?v=Q4M-q8fiJ2I
points, then pdf their notes.
Videonot -
With the notes they have completed, have students go back to http://www.videonot.es
their group Coggle and add to it – as a minimum include: types of /
energy, definitions and how it is observable.
Pick three groups to present their Coggle and explain their findings
in a 2 – 3-minute presentation to the class.

Cover off any questions or comments that are outstanding on the
Summarised the key information related to the lesson objectives.
Ask: What is energy? The ability or capacity to do work or energy is
what you need in order to make changes happen.
List some forms of energy and examples of it (may already have
been covered sufficiently in Coggle presentations)

1/2 Physical Science -  Working collaboratively in Introduction Weebly is used to

Energy appears in groups of 3 using Google Docs, Twig video – introducing potential energy. present lesson content
different forms, summarise the key information Introduce lesson objectives and links to ICT tools
including (relating to the below Advise that we’ll be using Padlet again for questions, comments.
movement objectives) on page 171 – 173 Twig video on potential
(kinetic energy), in Pearson Year 8 science Have the students interact with the PHET simulation looking at energy
heat and Ebook potential, kinetic and heat energy. https://www.twig-
potential energy,  Define kinetic energy as energy Ask: What happens if there is no friction? (Perpetual motion and world.com/film/potentia
and energy of movement and recognise conservation of energy) l-energy-1518/
transformations that several other energy types What happens if we introduce friction?
and transfers are actually just observable At what point is their maximum potential energy? PHET-
cause change forms of kinetic energy At what point is their maximum kinetic energy? https://phet.colorado.ed
within systems [electrical energy, heat energy, What variable impact on the different forms of energy? u/sims/html/pendulum-
(ACSSU155) light energy, wave energy, lab/latest/pendulum-
sound energy] Body lab_en.html
 Define and give an example of Students to read pages 171-173 of Pearson book and summarise
each of the energy types: key points. Padlet -
Kinetic – energy of movement Students them come into groups of 3 – 4 to complete a Google Doc https://Padlet.com/
(eg. person running) summarising the key findings
Questions to be completed Google Doc – in groups of
Heat – energy within warm/hot
1. What is energy and what does it allow us to do? 3 to summarise
objects (eg. a hot saucepan, the
2. Name and define 5 different types of energy that we individual findings.
gas in a fire)
looked at today
Light – energy emitted from
3. List 5 different types of potential energy and an example
luminous objects (eg. light
of each
Sound – energy caused by Conclusion
oscillating objects that travels
through the air as waves (eg. Class review and discussion of the information in the Google Doc.
music from guitar, beats from a Answer any questions or comments on the Padlet.
drum kit. Examples of oscillating
objects: guitar strings, vocal
cords, drum skins)
Electrical – charged particles
moving – (eg. Current flowing in
circuits, lightning)
Electromagnetic wave energy
(e.g. radio, microwave, infrared,
visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays)
energy emitted (given out) by
high-energy objects like the
Sun, light globes, microwave
ovens, radio transmitters
 Recognise that other types of
energy are less obvious and that
the energy is stored or hidden
 Define potential energy as
hidden or stored energy and the
different forms it takes:
chemical potential,
gravitational potential,
electrical potential, elastic
potential, nuclear potential
 Define each of the potential
energy types:
Chemical potential – energy
stored in substances (eg. food,
batteries, fuel)
Gravitational potential – energy
stored in an object due to its
position within a gravitational
field (eg. standing at the top of
a slide)
Electrical potential – (eg. charge
build-up in clouds)
Elastic potential – energy stored
in a stretched or compressed
spring (eg. trampoline)
Nuclear potential – energy
stored within atoms

1/3 Physical Science -  Define kinetic energy and Quizizz - formative Introduction Weebly is used to
Energy appears in recognise that several other Cover off the activities from yesterday’s lesson. Explain today’s present lesson content
different forms, energy types are actually just lesson will carry on from that work and finish with a Quizizz to test and links to ICT tools
including observable forms of kinetic their knowledge.
movement energy Google Doc
(kinetic energy),  Define and give an example of Body
heat and each of the energy types: Get students to get into their groups from yesterday. Quizizz -
potential energy, Kinetic Have them review the information on their Google Docs for 5 https://quizizz.com/adm
and energy Heat minutes in/quiz/57ce34e13a09b3
transformations Light As a class we’ll then review the Google Docs and come to a dcae595586
and transfers consensus to create a class master Google Doc on energy for
cause change students, consisting of all the key forms of energy, examples and
within systems Electromagnetic wave energy definitions to ensure lesson objectives are fully cover.
(ACSSU155)  Define potential energy and the Give students 10 minutes to review and then complete a Quizizz
different forms it takes. (approx. 20 mins) to assess their learning.
 Define each of the potential Got through answers with students and clarify any glaring issues if
energy types: there are any.
Chemical potential
Gravitational potential Conclusion
Electrical potential Introduce the next topic which is transfer of energy and
Elastic potential conservation.
Nuclear potential
Recognise that other types of
energy are less obvious and
that the energy is stored or

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