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Reflection : PMC 546


Nur Amali Bt Kamarudin

Master in Educational Technology
Through this course, I learn a lot of new things and learn new technology tools and

Dr. Azidah always infuses her teaching with the latest technology. By enrolling in her
class makes me eager to implement what I have learned.  I learned a lot..not about
technology itself but how to control over technology. We as educators need to think
of ways to train today's generation to be responsible and ethical lifelong learners in a
digital age. Teachers must demonstrate guide and help students practice appropriate
and professional behavior while actively participating in authentic learning
experiences using technology.

Today.... I am aware that choosing an appropriate approach in learning for example

cooperative learning, blended learning,  flip classroom and etc are among the best
approaches to ensure meaningful learning.

One thing that keeps ringing in my mind is what Jack Ma has said...Jack  Ma once said,
"if we want to change the world, we change ourselves first".

So people....let's shift our paradigm and rock the world!

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Jack Ma

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Nur Amali Bt Kamarudin

Master in Educational Technology

I want to be a constructivist teacher like Dr. Azidah and use connectivist theory to
connect with my students. "Don't forget to implement Heutagogy, Peeragogy,
Cybergogy and whatever gogy's that can benefit your student" (Prof Dr.Azidah,2018)
InsyaAllah Dr...😍😍

Online Class PMC 546

Collaborative task...
- WhatsApp
We present our idea in topic
- Zoom.us 
education 4.0 via flipgrid
- Google slide
You and 407 people liked this. PROF DR AZIDAH ABU ZIDEN
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