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INTRODUCTION Somewhere in Germany, amidst gently sloping mountains and large, densely wooded areas, lies the stronghold of Count von Boden. His castle, well protected by the surrounding terrain and its own sturdy walls, is garrisoned by heavily armed footmen and well trained archers. The peasants in the land, well aware of the safety the castle guarantees, are quite willing to supply the Count and his knights with provisions and arms. To stock up for the coming winter, Count von Boden has just ordered a wagon train to be brought in from Wernigerode, a nearby trade center. The wagons are filled with supplies purchased with tax money just collected after the harvest. A Fahnlein of Lansquenets is hired to accompany the train and guide it safely to its destination. These mercenaries have orders not to leave the wagons at any time because highwaymen of the worst sort are reported to be hiding in the mountains. Once safely at the castle’s gate, and as soon as their Hauptmann has received and distributed the gold, they will go home to send their well earned hire. The wagon train is on the way, but trouble is near! Wild Asiatic hordes of horse and footmen have overrun part of Europe, killing, raping, and looting. Suddenly, without warning, they appear at the gates of the castle. They know this stronghold must be taken before they can advance further into the country. Alas a bitter and merciless siege is in the making! Horror strikes the castle’s defenders! Supplies are low. How long can they hold out? SIEGE*-BODENBURG | by Henry H. Bodenstedt TABLE SETUP TABLE DIWENSTONS € X6 ft, - SECTOR DIMMNSTONS 4 X ¥ inches LEGEND SW - Supply Wagon er Et encis: peter corn) K = Mounted Knights (Tun 3 or later) H_ - ius (any six sectors. AT ~ Attacker"s Footnen & Slege Eyulpment SG - Selly Gite Sector E = Sectors adjacent to Min Gite A 3 Sectors from which walls may be scaled. a SETUP & SCOPE ZQUIPMENTE ‘This gane 1s designed to be played with individus] Hum figures, Horlto-hand con- ‘at is the base component of this gane. Therefore, trays with coveral mon should not be used. Every nan is to be removed aa soon as he has acqulved the allotted aunber of "mite", DERENDERS? 30 Hoavy Footnef: (Knights) 15 Archers : 12 Youted Knighte (Not before 3rd turn) 2 ieascuenets’ (Feeulaza) » Arquetusiers i Supply Wagon (w+ 10 tage of supplies) 1 Gustie (Hlatolin # $733) 1 Sull canon (in castle courtyant) ATTACKERS Wi Heavy Foolpen comet 24 Mounted lune (inel.4 horse archers) 16 Oporstors (f-catapulta,siago tower 1 Getapult, large (Elide} 2 Catapults, onal (Trebuchet) 4 Movable Parapets 4 Sealing ladders 4 Siege Tover SeCTOR CAPACITY 6 Footnen oF 6 Bvestrians (nay be alxed). 1 Siege Texer nith a uax. of 8 Footwen on it and 6 Tooinen at the tase, Only one piece of heavy equipnent (cata pULE, siege tover, supply wagon) is allowed in any one sector. Up to 6 Footman (not mounted nen) may be added to a sector con taining heavy equiprent. Two Farapets and/ or three Scaling ladders nay be added to any sector without heavy equipment. SETUP ‘he deferder's 30 Knights and 15 Archers are considered to be inside the buildings of ‘the Rodentung. The 30 Ianequenets are arranged around the Supply’ Wagon in the sectora marked ‘LY on either corror of tho toard,bohind tho castle The 12 Younted Knights are apt off the ward until tum 3 (or later at tho defen dar's option) whan they my bo placed in the two sectors aarked "K". the attacker selects any six of the twelve sectors narked *H*. At this time, ne may place only four Huns in each one of these six sectors, 421 of the attacker's rehaining foress, including siege equipnent, are placed in’ any of the Fd sectors marked *AT*. MAP Nore ‘The entire castle area (25 sectors) counts as one single sector 2s far as firing range 4s conceraed, While archer fire is restrict- ed (ese castle rules), catapults can hit any part of the castle from any direction, as Jong aa they are within range. (2) VEeroRyY Compi77T0Ns Wte: Tn order to avoid any possible con- fusion, the Huns and Attackers will be iden~ tifled as “INVADERS”, while the castle*s de- fenders, incl, the lansquenets, will te i dentified as "KNIGHTS" In all of the follow ing rules. The INVADERS win if they: {) elininate all of the knights (rot tneluding Lansquenets) oF: 2) capture the castle within the pre~ scribed tine lint. ‘tne KNIGHTS vin if theyr 4) elininato all of the Invaders, ort 2) mange to hold the castle through out the entire gune, ‘Time LIMET: The gane ends upon comple- ‘ion of the fifteenth turn. SEQUENCE of a "COMPIETE” TUR 4. Invaders move nen ant equipment. 2. Knights shoot archers. 3. Tnvadare fire catapults. i, Invaders sheck MORALE where physical contact with eneny has beer made, 5. Trwaders resolve MELRES. ‘This ends the Inveder'e portion of 2 tum, 6. Knights nove. 2. Invaders shoot archers, &. knights fire cannon, 9. Knights check MORALE, 10. Knights resolve MSLEES, ‘Tis enis 4 complete turn. MOVEMENT Non ani oquipnont may be moved, osch turn, up to the miximum nunber of sectors listed on the Yovenont Chart, They nove less than the ful distanes, or not nove at all. wot | oPEn | HEE. | W000 campint, lares | 1 vo | ao camapuLt, enatl [i [no [ao STBGE TOWER z= no | no “ARCHER TAISQUEWET a]2]e ‘cpERATOR voormen, veavy | 2 [ 1 [1 xwrans, mounted | 3 [2 | 79 HUN, nounted #3 [2 SUPPLE WAGON 2,2 [= AUD men must stop in the first WOODS or BILL seater they reach, regardless of how Many sectors of their novenent renain ur used. This applies also to mits with a woods or Ail! spaed of two or three sectars. Yovenent fron Woods or Hila diretly onto Open ‘Terrain is not restricted, MOVEMENT (continued) Yen on a ROAD, or reaching @ road during their move, my add up to TWO SacToRS 42 thelr maximum zoverent, ‘The Supply Wogon may take this Road Bonus alc, tut not the cat apults or the Gloge Tower. The two Road Bonus sectors aust be taken consecutively. Yovewent 1s not restricted by sectors containing friemily forces, even 17 such sectors are filled to capacity. Sectors occupied by hostile forces will restrict novenent ac Follows: 4) Sectors containing at least three of the enany's non are PLCCCED and cannot ‘be passed through. & tlocked sector nay be entered with troops rot to exceed the max. capacity of that sector (ex. cliding the enemy's en), and a MELEE must be declared, 2) Iv is not perelssible to pass ja be- ‘ween tno Alagonally adjacent blocked sectors. 3) A sector containing ino or less of the cneny may bs passed through, providing that at least on equal munbor of ones om mon ronaia in the septor ts engage ‘the enemy in comét. CATAPULTS and STEGE TOWER nay te moved by OPERATORS only, Four Operators are nesded to move the Siege Tower, threc 10 move the large Qatapult,and tye to move the anal] ons, They must be in the sector with the unit to be movad at the beginning of the tum and remain in the sector with the unit a4 the end of the turn, PARAPBIS ani SIBGE TADDERS may be noved by any POOIMAN, Two Tcotnen may tansport a ladder or parapet whithout having to reduce their normal speed, Ore Footman may tranc— port & ladder or parapet one sector per tum. It is not peralssible to tring ladders or parapets into woode or hills, and they nay not ke transported by mounted mon, ARCHER FIRE ARCHERS and akguepusnens may fire once per turn at any target with= in range, imnediately after the opponent nas completed moving his men and equipment. They may shoot from several sectors at one target or from ore sector at different tar- gets. The dice allotted to a single archer way not be divided against seperate sectors, To lump fire, the target sector mst be ine Gtcated before the dice are rolled, it 1s permlasible to add archer shots to 2 sector in which moce casualties are deaired, tut extra pips from previous shots are voided, Archers and Arquebusiers my not shoot fron a sector in which a melee ts in pro- gxess, except when Piet charged, When Firing into a secter containing both eneny ard friendly nen, casualtics aust alternate, The roll determines who gots the fizet hit. Non charging into a neles my be fred up on by Archers and Arqusbuaiors. Target e00~ tore being the onos the attackers moved fron or thrangh, If the attack vas mide froma Aistance of two sectors or nore, aie-roll determines the range of the archer fire, Also, the defender must indicate whether his accher fire yas alned at the charging gen, or qt other nen who may now be in the seo- tor(s) fron or through which the melee charge vas made, It de pomiscible - if Aniloated beforehand - to shoot certain archers at the ebarging aen, and others at those now ia the sectors charged from or through. he Attacker must follow-through with his charge even 1f camalties froa archer fire have changed the ois in favor of the caren der, ARCHERS aay shoot over sectors occupied by friendiy or hostile nen or equipment, They may shoot into, but not over, a sector contaling FOODS, ELRING CHART: Wen FANGE IN SECTORS 1 2 ANCHEH on foot | 2 dice | 1 die HUN ARCHER ARI CHUSTRE ive | ™ COMPUTING KITS Fell tue total number of dice allotted to all Archers and/or Arquetusiers shooling at one target, (See FIRING CHART), Hite are computed by dividing the tatal roll againat ths target by the.s HI? DivisoR: pen Terraln, see ee ee DOS f Parapet, snail catapult, or Supply Wagon in cector. y 5... D7 2 Parapete, or lazge catapult Gnsector secre tne + 6 MAO KILLS, WOO, se ee ee ss MO Within STIS (even if walls are 1 down ox through open gates). . HD 10 STRCE TOWER: Yon at the base»... . . HAO Bridge olosed: Men at tho warrants. . wae Yen inside tower | 11. | SAFE Erldgo open: Mon inside and on Ep mal chetne 0) wD 2 Mote: Divinton must be even, Henainicrs are ater and cannot be carried over, A mr i considered KILIED, ant mast be re- noved, a8 soon as he hae received the mumber of hits equalling nis GONBAT VALE. Hach nit aust be carried thang marker) untti the end of the game or unis) the aga ts Killed, If a target sector contalns different types of men, hits must be absorbed even ly, ono at a tine, in accordanso with the: HIT PRIORITY LISTING! MOUNTED KNIGHT or HUN ..... 1st KEAVY FOOTMAN 2 2nd ARGHERS, OPER. ,TAWSQ. see. 3rd 6) ARGHER RIR# (continued) [exampus: target Sector has received 5 Hits, (Men in geotors | Hit Metribusion: ft Mounted Knight | iat(wound), Sth(end wads lz Heavy Pectmen att man wounded} Sth(wounded nan killed) 2 Archers 3ea(t Archer killea) ‘Bisuutss 1 Weavy Motean and 1 Archer Wilied, Mounted Knight rec‘d.two wounds, Notes Me additional non of the sane ft Pri- ority may te wounded, until alroady wounded ones in the sane soclor are killed, Bg., a Sectr containing Heavy Footren receives lets: Two of the Tour focten are killed (nog 211 four wounded), Archer ami Arquebusier fize will not dan- age or destroy Siege Ryuipnert, Cannone, or parts of the Castle, -— CATAPULT FIRE——, Targot d4otance in seotora: Dice por Unit Nt] 2,3}4#]s]6 arcs cavaptt | - | - | - | a [2] ama camapurr|- | 3) 2, a4 - | - rors aw [3] 3 [2] a] - | - CATAPULTS and TORTHRIS GIN... tay te Tired once per turn, providing they have not beea noved during Hat tur. Firing and computation of hits ave done in the sane fashion a Listed umler “Archers* except that the AI? DIVISON 4s alvays KD 5, Fegatdless of che target sector's terrein ox Protective devices in 1. Gutapult asd Gun fire ie effective ageinet Parapets, Suyply Vagon, Catapults, Siege Tox- ex, amd certala parse of the CASTES, The following munber of bits are required te destroy the indlested unit Parapet see as Saat Catapult. | | Taxge Catapult... Supply Wagon, «| (each hit on Supply Wagar contents by 20 tttons) Stege Tower... casTig: Walls Bor’ C * | Nain Gate, Keen, ys Wall A (incl. Gun) . . 4 Hits are accumulated and carried until the en of the gane or until dectroyed, TY nen are in the sane sector with Siege Byuignent, hits aust alternate, Poll die to see whether men or equlpnent receive the flist Mit, (Gosling Ladders cannot be Ait by cetapults or cannon), When shooting catapult at the CASTES, the section fired at nust bo indloatod be- forehand, If sovoral hits are geared n any one turn, thoy axe alternately applied to the castle section and the nen tehint it as follows: w) teen glilt Inge Sara The fest hit te alwayo applied ageine the castle section, ene e * Dots alned at Wells F.C, or at the Main Gite effect nen in the OUTER CARD, shots ained at Well A effect men in the COURTYARD, shots eined at the KEW effect nen on tho KEEP, ‘Tre Fortress Gun 19 considered perne- rently fixed te Wall A, Tt le destreyed as soon aa Yall 4 falle (40 Tita), It there aren't any men in the desig pated area, the first, thint, and firth hits are applied against the este sec~ ton under fire, the even hits are duds, The atove altermate-Wit rales apply even if the castle section fired at 1e alzeaay destroyed. Catapult tire may be lumped against ono sector, if 60 Initeated berorchard, Te 4s not permitted to split the ciee allotted to any one catapult against several tar- get sectors. Woon firing into sectors in which a ne— lee is in progress or at sections of the castle which is being stormed, hits on men rust be evenly dtetributed between bestile and frlendiy fexces, Die roll decides who getc tho fret hit, Catapult ard Cannon fire Ls indirect. Tt is possible te shoot over eccupied seciors, to be eligible for firing, a smsll cata~ palt must be manned by at least one OPERAK TOR: a large catapult by to OPERATORS, The Cannon nay be fired by any twe men {inel,Arohera) atattonea in the courtyard. tazapulta cannot be fired during the turn they vere narmed, OPERATORS are the only men qualified to move catapults ard the siege tower, ami to fire catapults, They carry no heavy weapons, but defert Like light foctmen, They are only allowed to attack - ex aupport an attack - to re- capture a lost eatapull oz ihe siege tower. Aenea nen (incl Archers) nay abandon thotr weapons, and then are peraanently converted to Gperator, If thia conversion is made at the beginning of tho tun, thoy nay be used in the ane turn te nove oF Tie catapults and move the siege tower. MELEES After completion of noving, and after casualties from Archer, Catapult, and Gannon Fire have boon tenoved, the MORALE of opposing nen within the cane sector Le checked. This is done, ene sector at a tine, according to the following procedures Determine Olds; Ficst, ad the Comat val- aco (CY) of the Attacker's mer, then of the Deferder’s men, (fach hit hung on a pan tedices hia reahining CY by one) Gonpute olde ty dividing the loner total inte the Tanger ons, In esse of an unovon division odds are rounded up tn favor of ‘the Defenier. HELEES (continued) COMBAT VATITESe WOUNTED KNIGHP Se eB ARCHER on foot, TANSQUENET (ARQUEDUSIER) 6... 4 ‘OPERATOR To22 one die for ihe sector, ani follow the Anstructions given in the appropriate odde colum of the -——— MORALE TABLE-——— me [ODDS (Frey digit is the attackerte CV) Rothe | 1-5 | 1-4 | 1-3 | 1-2 | 4-1 | a-t f 1 | et a1) t Le] | 4 |) me] bo] ory ox | x z [av[ x | #| © | av [dm [oa] ox} bx [spae| aap Pe] we oe | os] Oe = 433 | hPa | AW ™ a seis placed on the teble with the = [a pulae—ar, we] # Da | ORE| TiebicaPAN ARROW poLnting toward 6 AX | AX [AH] AZ| AW YM « MN) OW aw 18: Boplanation of Recults: ‘@AX or Ds Attacker or Defender altel tate, ALL of the loser‘s nen Ln the sec tor are Tenoved at mo loss to the winner, who has now undlepubed control of the captured sector, @AW or DW: Attacker or Defender withdrans. The loser ultharave all of his nen into ong or several adjacent sectors, The THVA- TERS nust withdraw tovania thelr starting line, the Knights toward the Castles Tt 1s not peroissible to withtray into sectors occupled ty hostile nen, If his general direction of retreat is blocked, the loser may wilksican inte other ad jacent seatora, Hf the loaer ia conpletely aur rounded ty eneny held sectors, he 1s cap- tured. If he can only sovo inte ccctors filled to capacity by friendly ncn, ho may nove into those sectars, providing ane qual nunber of nen withdraw fron there towards the starting Line. Captured mon are ronoved from tho board. They may re-enter on tho nox? tun, Tho Invaders must te entered at their original Starzing line(I AK), knights at sector 19R caly, Lansquenets are eliminated when captured and aay not re-enter, Gelapulte and Siege Tyutpnent may be taken slong in a withdxaval, providing the Toquired miniman of Operators are wlth the amit, The Winner has unlisputed control of the capturel sector, @ AR or OR: Attacker, resp, Defenter 1s routel, First, the léser must remove 2% least 25% of his remaining C¥ (loser may chose wiwre hile are to be applied, but all wounded nen must go firat). Next, theses The loser rolls three dice and moves the ronaining men the full dletance (two or three sectors, aa indtoated on the morale table} into the exact direetion rolled, A straight line, dfagonal, vertical, on hor- igental, must 'he followed. If the first sector In the direction of the rout is either (a) occupled by hostile nen, (b) impassable terrain, or (c) off the board, the routing nex are CAPTURED, From the second sector on, routed treoga nay deviate fron the straight Line by one sector, but only if the straight-line route is blocked. Nounted Knights, forced to rout Into ot through wood Sectors, anendon ‘their novses and contirue on foot, ‘The Winner has the option to pursue with sone or all of his men cne sactor distance Jeaa than the rout called for, The first sector they enter mist te the one in the direction of the rout . Tf this sector is, cecupled by hostile farces, the winner nay enter 1t, but must roJl morale against the newly encountered troops, If DR ts rolled, the attacker my puroue again. If "H" nelee ie rolled, both sides xerain in the same sec- tor without combat, The Defender has the op- ton t» withdraw or counter-attack in his turn. He may also bring up reinforcenenta. Tf the defender stays, Morale mazt be check- éd again during the next tum, the original defender now being the attacker. Catapults and Stege equipment mst be abar- doned in a rout, the vinner my capture thon ard has the option to either man or destroy them during the following turn, G) MELEES (contimad) If a ROUT da rolled for nen engaged 4n one of the CASTIR's sactors, routed Knighte are to de moval into the bdldinge (regardless Of the routing distance rolled), Houted Invaders nove back over the nearest wall, or through the Main Cato, te an out side sector; from there they nisi nove in a straight line avay fron the castle. @ i; MEIKE. ALL of the Attackers non in the sector mst engage the eneny In hani-to- hand contat, Procedure: Hach of We attacker's men re- selves one BASIC ROLL for every one of his ronaining Combat: Yalven. BASIC ROLL: The Attacker selects the two men to be engaged in coutat and rolls three dice: one green, one white, and one red. RBBUUIS: Each "ONE" or *IWO' rolled on the green or white dic puts a Ait on the Defen- dor. A "tne or ‘ve! on the red die puta a hit on the Attacker, TRIPIBS... rolled 1411 the Attacker without any barn done to the Defender {rogardle! of the pips rolled or the Attacker's romain- ing ¢¥). DOURLRS, .,0n the green and red dice give the ‘Attacker the option to roll theaa two dice over again, bat only against the sane oppo- nent. This’ may be repeated as often as dou- ‘les are relied or cre of the combatants is killeg. If _an Attacker has ona or more BASIC ROLLS still due him after he has killed bis eneny, he must attack another maa La the sane sector until his cntize Ov ds used up, ur no mre hostile mer remin dn the sector. After Gubaz, if there ara still nestile en in the sand sector, the Deferdar in nis ‘tum: bas the option to wilhdrex or couter= abladky ls may also being In retiforeeuents not. to exceed the capacity of that caster. If the defender decides ta stay, MOALE mist be checked again, the origina? Defender now ‘being the Attacker, Younted Knights nay attack 2 ¥OODS sector fron open terrain ty Wsoumting”. ‘> do 0, thelr OV 1s reduced ty one ant ley must re= turn to tho secter they atarted feom after the maloo ie ever. AIQUSH: Yoon atiacking oat of KIZIS ox WOODS rectly inte an adjacent OPEN TERIAIN aec- tor, the naxt higher attacking odde oolann, on the MORALE table, mint be used. DEFAEE FOMUS) When attacking from an OP Train scovor Ghroctly inte HITS or WOODS, When storming tall Coon Sealing Laddere (not Stoge Tower), when attacking man on the KEEP, of nen on toe SIGE TOM from the taney the lexi lower olds eolunn en the B= Tale’ table is wets ‘Amlash and Deferse Bosues do not apply to a melee carried over fou ie provicas fan, ovon if it in rolntoreody Tf in an An- Duth'o Defence Honus yitwiton, the eecack Bs made fron sectors of different taxraia, (6) the majority of the Atacker's Combat Yaluee mast charge fron sector(s) subject to these rulings Giamples If & C¥s scale ell "5" and 6 Cis charge through Lhe Min Gele to melee the Outer Yard, no Defense Bemus 1a élven to tho mon ia the Outer Yard, Loaistics 250 Supply Pations axe stored tn the CAS- TLY st the toginning of the gone. Bich ma within the walls of the castle consumes 0: Hation per complete tum. These zations are decueted from the initial supply at the end. of each Knights turn, (Invader's nen on the castle grounds do not use up rations) Any nan for whon there are no tations a- vatlable at Une beginning of the Kright's turn, must be out of the castle by the end of that tim ("Live off the countzy") leat he succumte ts starvation and is tenoved fron the gama. Mounted Knights inelée the castle consume two Patios por turn, They may donste their horses toward tho food supply which will ade 5 Rations par horse to the castle's supply. Te ao so, they are pernarently converted to lieavy Foctmen, A mounted Knights with one ALL becomes a Footuai with one Alt and rew eeives zation allowance for his horse, A mounted tight carrying two hits has tho op- ‘tion to become a Fooinen with one hit Hith— out teing entitled to 2 ration alloxance, or ha nay get the 5 Tattons for the horse, but 1s then removed fron the mame alltogether. The SUPEIY WAGON contains 200 supply ra~ tone (use tags oF toxes of 20 vetions eazh). On its way 4a the castle it is guarded by tansquerets, ho mist always renain within tvo sectors’ of the Supply Wagon, However, ATTAGES by Tansquenets may only te nade ine te sectors adjacent, te the Wagon, The Wagon may alse to brough into melove, but doce not ada to the OV of tho attackore, Ianogus- nets nay only purse routers, 17 thts dacs ‘gt venove then more than two sectors Tron the Wagons SNLOAPINGs The entire 200 rations must be wnloséed the turn after the Wagon arxives in one of the threa sscters marked "E", This takes place at the end of the Knight's turn, after all battles have teen resolved, ‘The Wagon cammot ba unloaded 1f the Outer Yard or the sector with the Wagon has been cap- tured, or a nelee 4s in progress within then, Presence of Invadero in aectors adjacent to tha Yagon,or in other vections of the castle, will nok effect the unloading at the gate. Tt is mantatory that tho dravtridge ts low ered before uloating say begin, lnless the Main Gate has been destroyed previously. Supplies my aleo be brought in through the SALLY GATS, 2% the rate of 20 Rattons per turn, Unloading may begin one turn after She Wagon arrives at the SO secier at the end of that turn, providing no nelee is in progress in that sector, EOGISTIGS (contimued) CAPTURE: The Supply Wagon is captured i no Tansquenets (or Knights} are in the samo sector lth 11, ard the Invaders have at east on arned man (not an Operator) dn the Wagon sector. ‘the Invaders have now con trol over the Wagon ant tay nove tt in the following turns, (but not destroy it) until it 1s off the tard or re-captured, Actor capture, surviving Tansquerets aust follow the Wagon and make an ali-ett effort, to retake it. They my aot be used 4n com Yat elsewhere (except 49 Hresk through to the captured Wagon). Ones the Znveders have managed to nove the Fagen off the tom, all Fezalning Janequensts desert ami ars ro- moved also. THE CASTLE consists of four baste parts: 5) Bullatngs The Keep @) Outer Yard 6) court Yart Tt takes one turn for anyone to mows fron one of these sections to another one. ‘This holis true even ir part of the tastle 1s oc- cupled by the Invaders. (Unter¢roun passages). Hounted Knights are not atloved on the Keep. They must be pormanontly exchanged! for Footnen ta go there. SALLYING: Beginning with the second tum, Knighta stationed in the Outer Yard may sal- Ty out through the open Main Cate. In any one turn the Knights may either lover tho dracectige (vhich must te done at the begin- ning of the turn) or raise it (done at tne end of the turn), tut of both, he of the three “EY sectors 1s the first, one men Leaving through the Main date must enter or - if cecupied by the Invaders - me- Jee. Tt is not possible to aally out over a. stanling wall, Walls destroyed by catapult action may be moved across Pron either di— Yaction by footnen. NOUNIED HUNS nay never enter the castle, SALLY GATES ‘Two footmen per turn my leave or enter the castle through the Silly Gate, behind the castle. It takes one turn for a nan to pass through the Sally Cate fron inside the Tuildings to sector "SO", and vice versa. Younted Knights must be permanently convert- ed to Foot Knights (see LOGISTICS rule) to pass through, It Le not possible te move men through the Selly Gete in elther direction while supplies are being unloated there. INVADERS cannot use the Sally Gate, ARCHERS, positioned at ¢ wall, may only shoot in the direction the wall 4s facing and dlago- rally out - na 48 degree angle - counting from the corners of the castle, Archers on the Keep may shoot all around the castle; thoy may also choot inte efthor yard, Azchora aay ales shect from tha Outer to the Gout Yard - and vice versa - and fron edther Yard up to the Keep, Any chooting within the castle's confines is coneiderad as range "1" Hit Divisor "10", ‘The sane Qirectional restrictions apply to Archers shooting into the castle. T.e., men stationed In the Outer Yard can only te bit by Archers facing walls "BY and "C", ete. If the drawbriige is lewezed, or if the Mein Gate is deatroyed, up to tuo Archers station ed in the Oster Maxed may shoot through the Mein Cate at nen facing Wall "A", By the sane token, Archers peeitionad in any of the "B" sectors (no nore than two per sector) nay Shoat through the open or destroyed tain Gate into the outer Yard. YELEES IN THE CASTIR: ‘A charge through the open (or destroyed) Mein Gate ov through the always open Inner Gate my be nade dy ro nore than four Foot ner or two Mounted Knights per turn, ‘The Do- fender also nay only une the sane nunter of ner to defend the passageway. uring the next turn, both sides nay replenish theix casualties with nex men, Morale ids are compute! according to the GV of the nen fighting ab the gate, not counting other men in the sector, and only the wea sctuslly dn- volved in comin’ must abide by the inetruc~ Hons givon in the Horale Table, SAPTURE: The Castle is captured if both Yares and the Keep are completely cleared zron knights, ard at least one of the Invaler's nen is ccoupying any one of these sections, Any Knights, stil iaside the Bubldings, must pucrenler. Nelees, held over from the Livaier's turn, nay be reinforced by sen froa insiée the Dubldings daring the Kalghtts next ture, Neloes still in progress on the CASTLE grounds AT THE BND OF THE 15th TURY, must be Continued UNTIL RESOLVED. (See Muth rules cn page 6), However, they may NOT be rein foxcel. suman: “The Outer Yard ney Ye attacked fron the outside, serose wells "D", °C and/or through’ the Main’ Gate, It’ nay also be attack od from the Gourt Yard through the nner fate. “Tha Onuet Yard may be attacked fron the outside across wall "A" only, oF fron the Onter Yard thretgh the Inne Gate, oF fron the KEEP, The KFAP can only te attacked fron the Court Yard, nee the Keep 1s deszroyed, At carnot be used to