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Bahria University Islamabad Campus

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Thesis formatting guidelines

All theses submitted to the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences for the degree of
BS and MS should comply with the following specifications.

1 Layout of Thesis
Centralized Roman
numbers should be used
for pages
• A soft copy of the thesis written on a CD

2 Title of thesis

The title of thesis should have a font of size 16 and font style of upper case, Times New Roman,
centralized and bold.

3 Monogram

The monogram of thesis should have square dimensions of 2×2 inches and centralized.
4 Spine of thesis

The spine of thesis should be written in bold uppercase with a font size of 14. The following
pattern may be followed:

BS/MS (Geology/Geophysics) Name Session

For example


5 Thesis Script

A4 size, 80 grams paper should be utilized

(a) Font style

Times New Roman (It is manadatory to use this type script throughout the thesis) and a spacing
of 1.5 for the text only.

(b) Font size

Title/chapter headings centralized, 12, Bold and Upper Case. (CHAPTER 1, CHAPTER 2)

Separators are not allowed.

Headings 12 Bold and Upper Case

All Sub headings 12 Bold

Sub-sub headings 12 Bold

The numbered bullets are allowed after this heading such as a, b, c ….. or I, II,III,IV…….in
parentheses forexample (a), (b)……..(I), (II)…….

General Text 12 Normal

6 Indentation and Spacing

Every paragraph should have a starting tab of 0.5 inches. The general spacing for the whole text
is 1.5. However a new bulleted and numbered topic after a paragraph should have a spacing of 1
enter that is more than the 1.5.


The minerals are having different properties and may be used for different purpose such as
medicines, ornamentation, building stones etc

3.1 Building stones

The building stones consist of ……………………………….

7 Margins

The left margin should be of 1.5” and rest of the margins of 1’ (Right-top-bottom).

8 Page Numbers

The page numbers should be located at the bottom, center of the page of 12 size.

9 Captions (Figures and Tables)

The font size should be 10, Times New Roman, single spaced, left aligned and at the top and
bottom of the table and figure respectively.


Figure 1.1. A conceptual model of the tectonic boundaries of the pacific.

The figure in the text should be mentioned as figure 1.1 and without mentioning in the text

(Fig. 1).
The table in the text should be mentioned as table 1.1 and without mentioning in the text (Table

A new paragraph starting below the figure captions should have double spacing.

Figures should not be stretched in any case.

Photographs should be of uniform dimensions.

All the figures and tables used should be discussed properly in the text.

10 Color of Binding

BS Dark blue with silver writing

MS Black with Golden writing

11 References

A uniform style for the references is adopted as mentioned below:

For journals

Qadir, A., Javed, A., Saqib, M.A. and Khan, T., 1990. The tectonic evolution of the
Islamabad hydrostratigraphy. Journal of Petrology 13, no.1, 23-41.


Leverson, A.I., 1995. Geology of Petroleum, Springer publisher, London. 724p.


Qadir, A., Javed, A., Saqib, M.A. and Khan, T., 1990. The tectonic evolution of the
Islamabad hydrostratigraphy. Journal of Petrology, 13, no.1, 23-41. In: Qadir, A. and
Javed, A. eds. Geology and the tectonics of Pakistan.


For citation of references in the text the format followed should be as follows

(Qadir, 1999) Single author

(Qadir and Javed, 1999) Two authors

(Qadir et al., 1999) More than two authors

Qadir et al. (1999) during discussion in the text


“The Jaglot group occurs as septum within the Kohistan batholith and has been
considered to represent rock assemblages of back-arc basin origin (Fig. 3) (Khan et al.,
1994; Treloar et al., 1996). The group includes Thelichi formation, Gashu-confluence
volcanics (GCV) and the Gilgit formation (Khan et al., 1994). The exact age of the
Jaglot group is not known, however, mid Jurassic to Cretaceous is suggested on the basis
of Rhabdophyllian fauna found in limestone from Kalam area (Bender and Raza, 1995).
The volcanic rocks run from Hunza in the east to Chitral in the west along northern
margin of the arc (Tahirkheli, 1982; Coward et al., 1986; Pudsey, 1986). Treloar et al.
(1996) divided the northern Kohistan paleo- arc volcanic rocks into Cretaceous Chalt
volcanics including the Yasin volcanics and Eocene Shamran volcanics. These volcanic
rocks range from basalt to rhyolite in composition with varying grade of metamorphism.
The Chalt and the Yasin groups are considered to be Albian-Aptian in age (Tahirkheli
1982; Pusey et al., 1985; Petterson et al., 1990; Khan et al., 1996; Treloar et al., 1996).
On the other hand, the Shamran and Teru volcanics yield Ar-Ar hornblende age of 58 ± 1
Ma and 61 Ma U-Pb age respectively (Treloar et al., 1989; Khan et al., 2009).”

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