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Wal Director

The Wall Director"

is a
I relreshing and innovative new
approach to lightlng ground surfaces,
canopies, ceilings and architectural
teatures lrom a wall mounted luminaire.
Every aspect ol its lorm expresses
the Iunctional qualities engineered
into the design. Yet, the Wall Director
is vigorously non-mechanical in looks.
Its {lowing lines extend from the wall
like a sconce, while simple geometry
complements the architectu ral sudace
as f unctional enrichment.

Combined with performance optics,

total cutoff, adlustabjlity and invedible
mounting, the Wall Director embodies
the ultimate architectural wall luminaire.

DOWN Appl cations 2
UP App icat ons 3
Features 49
Orderlng lfformat on t0 11
Spec i cations 12
Relaled Prodllcls 13

Photametry: S-.e the WD Series

Photometric catalag in the separate
Klm Phatametric binder




Pt.l BOX 1275


PHONE 818 i 968 5666
IAX 8lE r 3L9 2L95


Palenrs Pend.g
Wal Drector s a trade arkoiKmLqhli.q.c.
I lri
DOWNApplications ,%
n the architectura env ronment
wa I rnounted lurar narres serye
the purpose ol lghtlng areas
near the bu ding w thout thc
visua distract on of po es Two
pr mary benefits resu t the e im
natron of pole costs, and the
c eaner appearance of arch
tecture as viewed without pole
clutler These bcnef ts can be
ost when Lrsing common wa i
lixtures w th poor design and
glare producing optics. The
Wal Direclor offers a perfect
solut on because it cornbincs
tola cutoll lghtiog w Lh a form
thaL comp emerts ts related

There arc occas ons when the

appl caton virtua y mandates a
wa mounted um naire. Load ng
arcas, airport ramps and narrow
drives arc typica p aces wherc
po e moLrnted fixtures would
pose an obslruction to trafJ c
act vity The Wa D rector otlcrs
siqn f cant f ex bil ty n I ghllng
these areas with three llght
distrib!t ons, p us a l0" f ne
tun ng adjustrnent For oad ng
arca app ications the typc V
optical system offers Lremen
dous lorward throw to teach
we nto staginq areas Narrow
drives are dea for the type I
optica system wh le the lype I
s,arves as an exce lent I ght pat
tern for parking ots fext to
build nqs. See pages 6 afd 7
tor descr pt ons of ava ablc
I ght dlstr butiors

o UP App lications W
The Wal D rector ls extraord nary
bccausc t is sealed agaifst
water entry when nverled Th s
opens up a vast numb-or ol
poss ble applcat ors ighting
arch tectura leatures whcrc f x
tuTes cannot be protected frorn
the e ements Evenwhen ghtnq
thc unders de ol carop es wal
mounted um nalres must be to
ta ly sea ed because w nl:l driverl
ra n can st I reach the fixtures
All Wall Director mode s are UL
'wet ocation listed and totaly
constructed as ouldooT um -
na res rtended for fu exposure
to the environmcnt

For ighting ceil ngs, carop es

or bu d ng overhanqs thc Wa I
Director ls ideal. Whie rnafy oj
these situations rnay proLecL lhe
I xture frol-n ra n, they can st be
sLbject to outs de a r po ut on.
dust and mo sture lf real ty a
UL wet ocation um na Te is
rcquircd lor these app catiofs
rnaking the UP' vcrsion ot lhe
Wa D rector a seund cho cc
Comp ete versat ity s allorded
wth three ght distr but ofs of
tered ln colllunction w th a 1O'
fine tun ng adlustment

Total Cutoff
The term tota cutoff as applied to a DOWN fixture, means that ro
portion ol lhe urnlnaire s optica system is vis ble above hotizofta.
n addltlon to th s physica requ rement, the fxture must aLso meet
ES photometr c requ rements for c ass ficat on as a cutoff Ltm nalre.
The Wall Director meets lloth requ retnents Whl e sotf e wa I lumi
naires cam to be cutoff, the rvsibe optlca systems create brlght-
ness that overwhelms the surrounding arch tecture The Wall
D rector ut izes a hor zonla amp or entation and a flat c ear g ass
lens to achieve tolal cutoff. The distributon of ight shandleden-
t re y by a precis on refiector systern engineered for maxirnurn f x-
ture spacinq w th oulstafd ng un lormity.

All retLector syster.rs for the

Wa D rector are engineered
to achieve cutoff n the vertica
plane wh le spread ng lght
away from the wa to generate
a type I or V d str bution.
n the vert ca p ane, light s
ref ected at the hlghest
max mlm f xtuTe
Excessive stra ght down
lum natlon s avo ded by the
el m nation of downward ref ect
ng surfaces. n the horizonta
p ane, ight ls precise y d rected
away from the wal A ight
strik ng the wa comes on y
irom the amp. This wa I il umi
nation may be aesthet cal y de-
sirab e whether directed up or
down, and may be substant a y
reduced by us ng the opi ona
houses de shield if desired

Non culofl wall lixtures are de

signed w thout any cons deration
lor arch lectural compat ll llty by
day, or human v sib ity at n ght.
The trerfendous glare from
these fixtures represents wasted
energy. contrlbutes to the env -
ronmenta prob ems associated
w th sky g ow, and causes ight
trespass onto adlacent property


Since the rel ector systems 1or the Wa I D rector thfo\,,/ rght auiay
lrom the \i/a of y a sma amouft oJ adllsr-ab lty is needed fo. fife
tun rg The adlustmeft feature s iniegraled bet\,,"'een tl"re rel ector
and ba ast hous ngs. and can be accofirp shed u,] th the fixtlre of
Tv/o sta n ess stee scTe,,!s aTe oosefed on e ther s de ol the ba ast
hous ng This a lo\,!s the rel ector frouslng to rotate up to I0' ,r,,h e
v sua y observ ng the ght throw Whef the screws are ret ghtened
tfre ref ector hous ng s ocked and resea ed to the ba ast hoLtsi|g
Degree markers are cast nto the reflector hous ng as shown n the
photograph above

The ab ity to 1 ne tune the lorward ght throw ls part cu

ar y useful n ghl ng arge overhafgs I ce I fgs and
cafop es Somet rnes the add t ona forward throw
I be needed simp y becaLrse the cei ng s
clrrved or sloped. Norma V the type lV
d str b!t on \,! I bc !scd lo. this
app L.rtior and Ie,.,r leqrees of
f xture adlustmenL is a ihaL
raray be necessary

Optional 5'Shield
Sornet rnes the advaftages of fixture adlustment may
feed ba afc irg lo reta n tota cltofl An opt ona sh e d
is ava ab e for th s pLrrpose a lo\ / nq 5' ol l xtrre ad
justment wh e keep ng the cutolf edge of the ur.r
fa .e hor zonta Th s sh e d can be Lrsed n afy up or
do[rn app icat oir
lf down ghting app cat ons lxture
adlustment car brdge the dilferences
betweer types I afd V ight d str bLrtofrs
For exarnp e. s!ppose yolr are ght rg a naffolr
area between a bu ld ng and propedy ne us ng a
type I d str bution The lype d str llution covers the
groLrnd area but more clht ls desired on the
per meter wa L A fe\/ deqrces ol Ixture
adlustment wi accornpl sh the
des red increase in forward throw
w th m nrma acr-oase in f xiLrre

Three Distributions
Wa raounted lrf na res may
be ca ed upon to lght a broad
range of ground surfaces ce
ings canop es and overhangs
F xture adlustment alone wi not
accomp ish this because vo ds
lf the llght pattern can develoP
when trying to rnake one d str
Type lV
bution fit a app icatons There
fore the Wal Director is offered
n three I ght d stribut ons frotn
type lthrough type V The re-
l eclor systems are based uPon
Klm s h gh y effic ent and un Type lll
form pole-tfounted Lrm naires
such as The Archetype Al
three rel ector systems are n
terchalgeab e w th n the Wa ]

D rector shou d f e d modifica-

t on become necessary. A
hoL.rses de shield opi on is also
ava ab e 1c' reduce ght of the Type ll


Efficiency / U n iform ity
The examp e al r ght Lrstrates a
typical app cat on for the type I
distribut on. ln th s instance a
seryice area beh nd buid ngs s
located rext to a res denl a area.
To avold ght trespass, the type
ref eclor conflnes luminatlon to
the the serv ce area wth rnin ma
spi lnto neighbor ng propedy 2.2 4.2 2.2 2.3 1.2 2.3 2.2 4.2 2.2

F xture: WD1BD2/250N4H 2.6 4.2 2.6 2.4 1.3 2.4 2.6 4.2 2.6
lvlount ng Height: 25
I F xture Spacing: 132' 2.O 40' 2.5 2.O 1.9 1.0 1.9 2.O 2.5 2.0
T L TEST NO : 35901
1.0 1.0 n<t 0.7 0.9 '1.0 1.1 1.0
lnla Average: 1.7 1.1
ln t a l',4 n rf um: 0.4
0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 o.4 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6
1\/ax /Min.: 1 1.96

Load ng docks and airport

ramps are comrnon app cat ons
for the type lV distr but on. The
exarnp e at right assumes that
al ght ng s prov ded by Wa I
Directors ln actua ity po e
mounted Lrm na res cou d be
p aced at the propedy ne to
contrlbute ight lrom the oppo-
Fixture WD18D4/400HPS 2.8 4.6 7.'l 4.6 2.7 2.0 2.7 4.6 7.1 4.6 2.4
N/lount ng !e ght 30
Fixture Spac ng 102' 3.1 4.1 6.6 4.1 3.0 2.6 3.0 4.1 6.6 4.'l 3.1
lT L Test No. 35921
nitia Average: 2.0 2.9 3.3 5.3 3.3 2.7 2.9 2.7 3.3 5.3 3.3 2.9
nitia n rf um 0.6
N4ax./N/lin. 11 66 2.5 2.5 3.6 2.4 2.3 2.7 2.3 2.4 3.6 2.5 2.5

2.0 'l.7 2.3 1.7 1.9 2.4 1.9 1.7 2.3 '1.7 2.O
'1.3 1.5 1.3 1.4 .r2€L 1.4 1.5 1.3 '1.5
1.5 1.S

1.2 1.0 'l.2 1.0 1.1 1"f 1.1 1.0 1.2 '1.0 1.2

1.1 0.9 't. t 0.9 1.0 1_0 0.9 1.1 0.9 't.1

0.9 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.9 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.9

Note: For upw,ard alming, the 0-8 0.9 o'8 r,

same bas c geotnetry occurs.
By simply v suallzing these q.6 \
ground sudaces as ce lngs
one can see how the d fferent
ght distr b'ut ons can be cho
sen to eff cient y il urn nate
canopies, ce ings and over
hangs of varying w dths

Qudity Construction
Die Cast Aluminum
For UP models, lens is mounted
Al three r.ralor housing compo- flush with frame for water run-off ,
nents are d e cast a um nutl]
and is silicone sealed.
with integra coo ing r bs and
extra heavy wall th ckness Die
casting gives the lur.r nalre a
c ean and precise look whle
accurate y control ng toler-
ances and repeatabilty

Reflector Module Silicone Gasketing

Each ref ector type s a se f- Wh e esser materlals cou d be
cortained rarodule with corn- used. or y si cofe gasketing is
p ete nterchangeab ity. The lti zed ln the Wa I D rector be
segmented ref ector pane s cause of its superior memory
are prec sion formed specu ar retent on and non-outgassing
a um nurn protected by the propeft es. This assures a c ean
A zak process The modu e opt cal chamber free of res due
h nges oper for balast access bu d up and pos t ve sea ng
and snaps out for ease ol fix after every relarnp ng.
ture mount ng.

Eight Stage Finish

The Wal Director s avaiab e in known pretreatment oJ a Lr-
four standard Km colors p us rninur.r lor corrosion res s
custom color options. A paint tance and pa nt adhes of
s TGIC thermoset po yester 5. CIear water r nse bath.
powder coat appled n the lo 6. Dry off oven
owing stages: 7 Powder coat ng 2 5 rr'r
l. Power wash and degrease nomina th ckness
2. Detergent tank bath. 8 Bake for 20 m nutes at
3. Clear water rifse bath. 414'F
,1. Chromate bath - the best 2500 hour sa t spray test rated.

lnstallation / Mdntenance Ease
{ A \,Vaj D eator mnrT r Noie For url{:vef or tougft \,va ls
I p .,i. a'e z ',. p ;t*i -e expos!-il to rair cau k fll rarust
For ire sma' Wir D recior th s bc app e(l beLv,,een the.noLrnt
plaic s aitaclred d [ect y to thc rlj p aLe afd !1/a to nslre i] dry
J box Large Wa D rcctors have J box. The Wal Dire.ilor f xLLire
l\'vo r'r'roLrnl rll opt of s a SLaf has ts o!a/f dra rage system to
oa d plat-- thilt n-rrst be lastencd prev-o|rl [iater from cntcr rllJ tl]e
to the ',!a sLllace outs tlc the back of the hoLls rq
.l bcx or an opt ona p at,o for
cast f!l rto f-rolr,oal corcrete
!,r'a s and cO lllrfs. See pagc ]2

C Slu!-poT 'lntlr tl -
Z_ ,|o ill rq p r e .j ur. lhe
U,/aL D rector lo be hu-g by
keyho e s ots locatcd on tfr--
back oi the oa ast lro,rs fg.
Th s lrecs both lrafals Lo s-ocure
the lLrn .ril re afal make 1e d
\,! re coffect o|rs \\,thoLrt l]o d N!J
the I rtLrre S ncc tlre r--i eclor
r.oclLr c s snapp,od out pr cr to
1rt!r-- ntoLlti fg annp c spilce
s flruv ded rs dc thc : xi!re lot
cLr ck itnd ca:ry l'vork F xiLrr'e
a nnrng {rif b-o alofe f o\,^,/ f t -e
t t allq e has beef predeter
rrted I tot 1 xtLr'e a m nq !ril|
o be acconrp slrrd \,,/irie qlried
afd obscrv.l!t tlre v slra eifect

r) I e f ra n5l.r rtiof t'

'-) rol " nrpn rL crF
f ecio. modu .-. f io 1fr-o hoirs |rg
\'v tf qu l]k d scti |rect p ugs
conrp ,-t fg llre v', r fg ro 1-c
hr irsl The ref ector nroll! --
h rges c oscd tlr-- ef s Irane
h rgcs sl.!i afaJ quader tufir
atclres ock afd sea thc !nr
na re for,,!eathc t ght t]fleril
i on Tlr,ose same f--illures make
bit itsl rtccess a
te anrp llal itr
q! ck af (l slmp e proceoLrrc
llre Wa D rector rray bc n
sta ed on cr st nil !\/a s hav ng
f o b! t rl e -oartr ca ouL eLs. Ar
opt Ofil Slrlface Co]du i [,4ount
(SCt\,4) lufctions as both J box
ard f xtlre moLrnt Th s moufliflj
dev cc s lastefed to ih-o \'\,a
a ow fg exl,oflla cofdLrit ertry.
llL I sled afcl CSA cert fled tor
LhroLrq r wlr fq Scc paqe I l

Ordering lnformation
l Fixture
Fixture cata og number
sp-.c I es I xturc s ze (l,1 or
18") Up (U) or Down (D)
configuration. and ight
distr blrt on (2, 3 or4)

Type ll d str bLrt on Type lll distribuLion Type lV d slributon

-N- I
UP 14'
70 t75W WD14U2 WD14U3 wD14U4

,I4' WD14D2 WD'I4D4
/,--'--\ DOWN
70 l75W

wD18U2 WD18U3 wD18U4

WD18D2 WD18D3 WD18D4

2 Electrical Mode Ciltaloll nun ber speciles amp wittts arnp type ard ine voltage

r--\==l za\ \

L amp 1by oth.js)

E ectr
L.lc [.4ax
1s' \-\

Larnp (by othcrs)

Eleclric;r [,{od-.
Cata o! No
ne L rc N4ax

70 Waft 70HPS120 121) ELj 250 Watt 250HPS120 1?D 295 27D
H qh Pressur-. SodiLrnr 70HP5208 2ta 91 447 Hirtlr Pres:xre Sod !m 250HPS208 204 295 I 5r:)
O ear LDlT Med !m Bas,. 70HPS240 240 91 040 L, rar tl8 l,4o.lul Bas-. 250HPS240 241) 295 13u
70HPs277 211 9l 035 250t1P5277 277 295 r l5
70HPS347 3t1f 0:l(l 250HPS347 34f 295 093
250HPS4a0 ,180 295 0u5
100 Watt 100HPS120 121) I15 150
Hrrlh Press!re Soal rrni 100HPS208 t3o 076 400 Watt 400HPS120 124 451 3 B0
C car ELI l7 N4-.d rm Llase 100HPS240 24t) t3(l t) titi H gh F'rcssurc Sod !rI 400HPS208 20t1, 451 2 2t)
100HPS277 277 130 060 Clleilr El8 l\4oLtu Base 400HPS240 21D r',51 1 90
100HPS347 :347 ]l]tl 444 400HPS277 277 457 r 70
150 Watt 150HPS120
400HPS347 317 457 132
I gh Pressure Sod uJn 150HP5208
I l5
40OHPS4BO 480 457 1(X)

C ear FDlT l4e.liLrm Basrl '150HPS240 244 100 250 Watt 250MH120 12t) 2fi1
'150HPS277 277 M-.tal Ha de 250MH208 2U8 295 150
'150HPS347 347 188 U l)ti C -.ar BT28 or ED28 250MH240 24t) 295 130
70 Watt 70MH120 124 89 085
N'Iog! Bas-. 250MH277 277 295 I t0
250MH347 294 090
70MH277 277 E9 040 250MH480 48{)
(I e:r Flll7 MFd Lrnr B:sF, 70MH347 ?41 030
100 Watt 100MH120 124 400 Watt 400sMH120 121\ 458 4 00

(l5ll [4ctai Ha de 400sMH208 2( )ta 458 23A
l\4cL.il Ha rdc 100MH277 129 C .rarl ED28* 400sMH240 21t .158 2 Ol)
C c.rr FDlT ['1e.]lLrrr llns-. 100MH347 :141 129 0,10 Srna I Ouler .lacket 400sMl-1277 211

158 175
175 Watt 175MH120 12t) 215 180 N4o!,lLr Ease 400st\4H347 4b8 I 4rl
[4eta Hi]ldc '175MH208 208 215 105 P I Orief ied 400st\4H480 ,158 1 00
C ear EDl / l\4cd unr Easc 175t\,tH240 244 215 090 *Lauirp avaiab e lrorn K
175MH277 277 215 U8U r. lvlS400/HOR/ED28 Ve|lur-. I !h OutpJt
175MH347 :)4/ 21!. hor roft.i b!rnrq rn-ola lraide 400W: .lU.1i00 Lr|eIs.1000''K 20000hr

10 K r tM
Ordering Examp e:


wD14D3 1175MH277 I BL-P / A-33/ HS/ sDS
5 6. .. etc.

$ rinistr { Photocell -/a:) 5 Houseside Shield

TG C powder ooat f nish Fa.tory ,ta .O ,/
r \l - Combinat on ouver sh c d and b ack en.l
app ed to releclor hols ng, rt,].- hoLrs fo f I pane for reflector Factory instalcd to
ba last hous ng and lens lrarre wlth fLr ly gasketcd sensoT on rel -octor mod! e Reduces iqhl krwarrd wa l
sdewa. by the lolow rlq amountsl
Cat No. Co or
BL-P B ack. Cat N.r Line Vo ts
DB-P Dark Brorze A-30 120V RFI]L]CT ON IOWAtsi) WA]

LG-P L ght Gray. A-3'1 2A8V

Type Type I Type lV
WH-P Wh te A-32 24AV
A-33 277V wDt4 43% -74% 77%
Custorarcoors subletl to add tofal
A-34 4B0V wDtB 727. 73% 847"
charges minimum q!antities and
of qer ead times. C()lrs! t factory A-35 347V CET No HS

6 s'strieto / Polycarbonate Shield $ Fusing

A LrminLrm sh e al For DOWN fixture models only. A I fusing is tactory nsta led
fedeTTa(.lie.llo Vacuum Iormed clear polycarbofate ins d-^ lh-. f xturc hous ng.
cns frame [4a nlains a sh cld rep aces slandard tempcred
horiTontal cutoll f xture edge q ass cns 250W maximunr I WDlS Cat No. SF
wlrell the unninaire s tited 5" (see specs lor h gher wallage) CAUTION: Use on y when S ngle lusifg Iat 1zAV.277V
F rished lo |ratch thc I xture. vandal sm iS antic patcd to be hlgh. Us-^fr] ife is imited by af d 3,17V prlmary.
UV disco oraLion frcrn sunl ght afd meta ha de amps Cat No. DF
Cai No 5DS
Cat No PS Dolb e fus ng for 208V, 240V
and 480V prir.ary

9 Quartz Standby 10 watt Embedment 11 Surface Conduit Mount

fteqra c cctron c dev ce Plate Cast a t]m num J box afd lixture rnoufi for
encrgizesaT4mn caf For WD18 only. attachmeft (by others) to exlst ng wa ls
sockct during arfp \rlarm rp Ifc pat-^d:itec beams or co Lrrf ns SUN/I l8 has one ,/ NPT
and alter a power nte[L]pliarr mouft ng plat-a cofdu t tap n each s de, top and bottofir.
De ellerg zes prior to H D arnp for casting nto SCM I4 has one ,"conduit tap I each s de
reach rg fu brighlress T 4 poLlrcd concrete wa ls bearrs ard botlorar on y F n shcd to tatatch the IrlLrre
haloger amp by olhers l00W afd rio umns Fep aces
max for WD l4, 250W rnax lor Cat No
standard lllor]ntlllo p ate SCMI4U FOr WD 14 f xtures, UP only
WD] 8 See page 12 ft)r d rrens ons SCM14D For al WD 14 I xtures, DOWN of iy.
Cal No QS (lal No WEP SCMl8 For a WDl8 f xtures UP or DOWN.

K r [4 11
Warning: F xtures rnLrsl be grounded n accoldance oca codes
or the Nationa E ectr ca Code Fa ure to do so ralay resLl i n sellous
Specifications persona injury

l 6t.

:[o: @
13"WDl4 B.t.l
17'WD] B

Mounting Plate-wD14 5 rrr'

Attaches d rect y to ally
standard,l'J box Standard Mounting Plate-wD1 I
l!4ust b-o secure y atiached to wal
oLrts de the J box per meter
J box ll !r/a by others
See note be ow collcernifg
7ll. "wD14 rnoLrtt ng to uneven surlaces
l/, wD r8 ' /

8,,;'WD I4 t.
6 )'l' 'WD 1,1 ll:r'1'WD18
8I.' WDl B

141, WDl4 To J box cenler ReceptacelorfxtLre

]8'WD1B ,1 ,1, WD l4 molrnt ng scre"v (2)
6. WDl I
Maximum Fixture Weight. Optional Wall Embedment
WD14 (150!PS) 26 bs Plate-WD18 only.
WD18 (400HPS)-4s bs See spec t cat orts be o\,1/

Reflector Housing: One pece diecastaumfur.l wth nlegra d sconnect p Lrg lor rfat fg to the socket Startlfg tempelatures are
coo ing fins Rotates against ba ast horsi|rg lo provlde l0" ol ad- ,10'F lor FIPS amp modes and 20'F lor [ilH Lamp modes
lusLrfentwth degree markers cast rlto hoLlsing At0'adlustment Mounting Plate: For WDl4 nrode s mount ng p ate attaches d
ens s total y corcea ed lrot.l v cw above horizorlta w th f xtLlre recl y to any standard 4 J-box ForWDlSrnodes standard
airared downward. nrourt ng p aLe s attached Lo wa (by others) outside the J box
Ballast housing: One p ece d e cast a um num w th lftegra coo |rg perlmeter Optioral Wa Embedment P ate (WEP) s ava ab e 10.
fifs. Fastens to mountlng p ate with keyho e s ots lree fg both hands WDlSmodestoe mnatemechaf cal altachment by castng di
lor secur ng ard wit ng Onc slaln ess stec socket head scre\'v on rect y rto poured concrete wa ls ol co Llrlils A I tno!nt ng p ates
each s cle oi hous fg frees the lef eclor houslng lo rotate lol a tr'lirlg are zlrc p ated 14 ga stee \'v th re rrlorc f g ribs TwoslLldsale
T ghtenlng lhe screws locks the two hous ngs together wlth seal rrg provided n each p ate \'v th f ange flts to a lo!! lixtLlre moulrt ng by
prov ded by a s
cofe gasket For visua a rning, adlusiment r.ray be keyho e s ots For rough or uncverl sLtrlaces sea ant must be ap
accomp shed w Lh the I xtLtre on p cd (by others) bet\,"/een molrnting p ate and mount ng surlace Lo
Lens Frame: Of e picce dle cast a Llrn num w th ntegra hnges nsureadryJDox
aird sta n ess steel pins Two sta n ess stee quarier tLlrf lasteners Optional Polycarbonate Shield: (Fo. DOWN mode s on y) FLr y
secure erls frame to rel ectot hols ng w th sea ng prov ded by a
llasketed one p ece vacuum iormed c ear UV stab zedpoycar
one plece exLrLrded afd vulcan zcd si cofe gasket Lefs s cleal bonaLe sh e d rep aces standard tempcred g ass ens For WDlS
f at r,':" th ck tempered q ass seaLed 10 ers frame \'! th a s llcof e
rnocle s 250W max [4ay be used v']th r100W HPS orr y rr outdoor
gasket afd retaifer cJ ps. For UP rarode s, ens s mounted I usfl
ocat ons wheie a nb ent a I tempelatLlre dLlr rg f xtLlre operat of \\'
with frame for water rLrn olf, and is s lcofe sea ed
not exceed 85'F CAUTION Use oryt"rhen vardalsr'r s aitc
Reflector Module: Specu ar Azak optica segmef ts are I g dly pated to be hiqr, Uscful lle s m ted by UV d sco orat on f rorn
mounted to an a uminLrrf modu e \/h ch aitaches to the hols ng by
sunlght and lVll amps
a no-loo quick d scofnectino hifqe and lasLefer ForWDl4t.lodes
Finish: B ack Dark Brofze L ght Gray or Wh te TGIC thermoset
a sockets are porce a n med um base rated 4KV For WD l S mode s po yester po\^/der coat pa ft app ed ovel a chrorfate corvers on
a I sockets are mogu base,oith HPS rated 4KV and NilH vers ons
have p I or efted sockets w lh molded s icofe arnp stabi zers A coat ng on froLrsinlls and ens lrarate 2500 ho!r sa I spray test e|l
sockets are iactory pre!\, red ',1, th a qL]ick d sconnect p ug lor rnating durance rat ng
to the ba ast Ava ab e n three ight d stribLlt ons a ! ifterchanqe Certification: (UP or DOIVN nro,:le s) UL sled (12A 2Ag 244.277
ab e w thin lhe same hous fg and 480 vo t on y) ard CSA cert I ed (l20 and 3.17 vo i onLy) for wet
Electrical Components: High power facto ba lasts are rlg d y ocai ofs. A I photonetr cs based on ndependent Test rlg Labora
mounted fs de the houslng arrd ale factory pre\,v led with a qLl ck tory (TL) reports
ll-. Wall Director s i're i]test Tlrr Archetype bcoar thr
K 1r prcalL,c: ccl]-b ir r!J bals a t,.!o !lort airr'a:r'!r '.arnr l]Lrttlal--d
!lconirtrl.i r -d fL nct ona er shoelr!){ tt/pe Lrm fa Tes As
pr0:rt r,cfar!i:t tat crL.Stat ! !T I tc.a aLtofl Dor r!Lnted L,
f a i-. o[ ale:i ':]f d :tl f cl a r As -! lle A ahi:lyfxr fr rl
llr r]it
a tltii cu:oli 1;tL[e I re Wa1 serisadesgrtha:
D tctor s ar craar .Jft cc r_ cornp r-'ents the ec ecl a rll
flilr or: lt] ll-- lltj !- rrt)rIteil iL,rc oltcC.,r!: arih icatLr.c
Ar.rheiype bolir aleslli-.i.a y b?tle' tl i]f iifV .tlr cl .,r ic
ard fLrtc: o tai \,1


\r/lr--f larilil !llrt fil

s --rlrr r--d trl Tlre trilr':r i alr '.ollr pi]rk rq
!lh t arch :eoLLr"e aral s !l|r:l!j-o ol to friLllr\r,,ay slrol] al se,. a
'ro |the' !m ra res c,fler the co't ftLrat of of th-. Lrm fa re
c can dcs gr al]C tlia '.ir sat ajcs tl r .l-c ric on :t sn-a cr
t_v rr's Architectural
(]l K frcii.r K nr:l Site Lighfforms
Floodlights. Cr)rrb I r!l llre or Vandal Resistant Bollards
\'!:t D re.Lcr Lhe Archett,pe are lr !th Li,.r lor r]i:rrc-. al-.:r gr'
.r rd ArcfriectLr.a Fcoal grts coord r.1ted l xtu es that bi rg
!f th! samc s .t. a co r_D ttc lrL maf sca €r tc !a.h!,,ray anLl
!lf-coorC f:lt--rl ao( carl
r-les rt]!rtyard qlrt l]q
be ach e\,,ed I oLr:door ghtirq

K I t\4 l3

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