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Jose Flores

Non-Fiction Response Form

“9/11- An Eyewitness Account”
1. The main point of this article is that it explains why the tragedy of the World Trade
Center terrorist attack is more painful for the author.
2. This text and other sources I have looked at both have the same heartbreaking and tearful
3. The author’s purpose is to inform the reader about why the falling of the World Trade
Center is more devastating to her.
4. The audience are young people and people who also suffered from this tragic event that
happened on September 11, 2001.
5. The most relevant details the author uses is the way she incorporates time and the place in
her story. She goes into detail about what she was doing that day and how she felt when
she saw this.
6. In the article pathos is used the most because she is the one who is affected and now she
is telling her story to other people so that they could also know what happened that day.
“Just as I looked up, a second plane sliced through the upper floors of the south tower”
(McCabe). “They left thousands of children without a dad or a mom” (McCabe).
7. A possible theme for this paper is that even though people try to bring us down with
actions or words, they will always fail because we are stronger than they think and we
could succeed if we put our souls into it. “They broke our hearts but not our
8. The text helped me understand from other points of views. These point of views are very
helpful for me to envision the tragedy of the day this happened.
9. I would not change this heartbreaking story. It was fine the way the author wrote it and
it's very very sad to read this but it is also informatle.
10. In the passage “9/11- An Eyewitness Account” the author uses words like heartbreaking
to depict a picture in our minds about how heartbreaking it was to see all those people
die. With the actions the terrorist took to try and destroy our souls and try and make us
fear them, it did not work because we became stronger as a country. The author explains,
“They broke our hearts but not our spirits”(McCabe). This means that they really hurt
them in a place but they knew that these people would get what was coming for them.

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