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Compte rendu de 18 🔞 Avril 2018

Je suis allée voir des chambres subventionnées pour moi, avec mon
intervenante Nathalie. On 🔞 a rencontré Nicole. Je n'ai pas pensé de complot
10 minutes, mais je suis capable de ne pas en penser, alors je suis capable de
me relaxer quand je n'ai rien d'officiel durant la journée. En arrivant là, on 🔞
a 🔞 senti une longue pause 🔞 de silence. J'ai été sûre que Nathalie avait
quelque chose sur la tête. Puisque je me trouve paranoïaque, le rendez-vous
sentait l’incertitude d’une fille mal compris. Il y avait rien á dire, rien à
ajouter. J’ai commencé la conversation puisque je me suis senti coupable à
demander quoi que ce soit d’une petite fille avec tant de gentillesse que je n’ai
pas vu souvent. Dû à 🔞 ma nature, il était difficile de m'encadrer dans la vie.

Ma jeunesse est passée dans les turbulences de guerres et de toute sorte

d’incertitudes. Manque d'argent comme une diagnose chronique m’a appris á
vivre avec peu d'argent, je suis devenue, dire, très économique dans tous les
senses. J'ai dépensé peu et j'ai parlé peu avec du monde. Je vais voir le
moment ou j'aménage pour y penser plus. Si non, je devrais ignorer
l'archevêque de passé de place, des lieux, des combinaisons architecturales,
disposition et de la gravité, de détermination de lieux, ou même de me sentir
mal ou inhabitée. Je laisserais aller toute paperasse car, seule, je construis et

Je me suis senti privilégié pour quelque petites secondes, mais j’avais vite
compris que, du mécompréhension et négligence, j'aurais pu être morte,
remplacée ou oubliée. Il y avait toute un monde en haut qui surveillait sans
dire. Cette fois ci, j'ai eu besoin plus d'encadrement, avec l'âge, bien sur.

Ô my God.

Ma maladie a 🔞 commencé, je ne sais pas quand. Est-elle ma maladie ou à Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Not Bold

quelqu'un d'autre.

Je n'étais pas capable de la conduire comme je voulais, j’ai du me

perfectionner au point, à tous les points. Même si n'était pas mon métier, j'ai
du trouver la source de mécontentement.

Vous avez pris trop de choses pour normal.

7é Coachella Sachekusha. Elle va probablement reçevoir un identité. ILIl me faut une isolation
de leur determination. Qui va être là, probablement elle, I mean, mua. La mua!

C'est le temps de déclarations, comment tu te déclares? Brune. J'ai vu que Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Not Bold

brune dans ma vie, y avais plus d'aise que maintenant ou je me sens plutôt à
l'aise comme une blonde 🔞🔞 bronzée, mais sans les fusils. J'ai peur énorme
d'avoir participé à une action de fusillade volontaire. Tu sais, avec lui, tu dois
faire attention ⚠à chaque mot que tu dit, pis faut que tu remplaces ou arrêtés
à utiliser certaines de ces mots. Le monde peu probable. Tu dois lui plaire en
répétition et faire sembler. C'est de l'enfer. Vivre 10 minutes à la répétition.
Tu sais que je suis propre sans aucun tâche sur moi. J'ai le merci de dieu, je
ne viens pas de détermination.

Formatted: Font: 18 pt
Il y avait M puis Em. Après avoir vécu M j’ai eu une
déclaration d'Em.
Mais ne pas se limiter à celui-là, qui a prêté son nom à autrui pour faire que ce Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Not Bold

qui est nécessaire. DOC204831. DON comme donnée, employé dans le sens
‘’de faire son travail le mieux qu’il peut’’. Il le fait avec légèreté et ils le
mérite bien.

A la date de 02 février 2018 au CLE d’IBERVILLE, une journée où il faisait

-23 degrés Celsius.

Fonctionnement par la langue. Pour ne pas mentionner tout le manque et

toutes les lacunes, je parle de ce qui m’a concerne un but de temps.

Code (MIR)O OU code 35 qui a été épuisé dernièrement, fausse de

malformation de compréhension ou de la lecture étroite, a fait que certains
particules se sont aperçues que l’exactitude de la langue ne peut pas être
appliquée si facilement sur les humaines ou surtout sur les relations

Alors, on parle ici d’une notion ou on calcule le temps ou une autre notion ou
on ne parle pas d’employer le temps comme notion. C'est à dire de ne pas
inclure le temps. Avant temps ou après temps. Avant Jésus Christ ou Après
Jésus Christ.

D’une autre côté, parler d’exactitude, être exact...c’est une autre histoire a ne
pas oublier, mais autre fois.

Peau lisse ou peau roche. Formatted: Font: 14 pt

Esprits, oiseaux,vente... Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Not Bold

Elle va me rappeler la veille de lendemain comment sa vie s’est passée dans le Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Not Bold

présent d’autrefois variable.

N'importe quoi. C'est son état d'esprit qui ne lui permet pas d'avoir
remarques, opinions, y a rien a faire là, pourquoi tu te proposes? Je n'ai pas
dis qu'il est laid, il est impossible.



These are 'New things for me:Mind, soul, essence, your bodily treets, celui Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Not Bold

qui portait car il s'imposait, ne sait pas comment se destituer.

Bubble in the ''cul de sac''.

What happened was bubble in the ''cul de sac''. It was not easy because they
are not easy.

I spent bit more than few months there, and I found that there were no place
like home.

Getting used to uber normal, the degree of uber was tripling or quadrupling
right on my way.

Living trilled all the time was like nobody quite understood my optimism
about life. On the other side, world was living in the caves of old ways
guessing the present.

I was pretty much lonely and at the same time, deeply sad.

Just yesterday, waiting for just in, I had to descend: they don't see quiet
person. God knows how, if she survives.

Mon dos. Formatted: Font: 14 pt

At first I could never hear what they were saying because of so much stress Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Not Bold

around their talk. The other vocal was stressing all over, you could have not
missed what she was sorting of her mouth

She used to be them, now she's 'm', it feels kind of collision, in fact, she didn't Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Not Bold

know that it was hard to be 'm'.


1000 years in a frame of our time. Formatted: Font: 14 pt

Moment by moment. Formatted: Font: 14 pt

If I 🔞 I was part of the game 🔞 I wouldn't be overwhelmed. Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Not Bold

Born in my bad 🔞🔞 time, she must have been well trained to survive the
illusion of other peoples optimism. Be my home not my house.

I new once 🔞 what they were About. Something trivial, 🔞 made lots of sense.
I wouldn't think 🔞 about it more than that, commercial they are approaching
something simple, me.

My life IN running, few happy glitches. I hope 🔞I was 30.

His talk is very condensed and fast 🔞 at the same time, like my thoughts.

I am 🔞. Really studying 🔞 them , each of them, equally interesting, but there

are nuances we like. Are you 24 hours aware, are you the most important in
the house 🔞 at the time being, are you decision maker, are you responsive, are
you there, are you in contact, how big your immediate treats are, are they
trivial, fresh, or may suddenly kill you. Those are factors that decide who is
the head of the day 🔞 or of the moment.

France, voyager dans le temps. Formatted: Font: 14 pt

Nous, on ne règne pas dans le conflit, c'est notre campagne, qui Est attirante Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Not Bold

pour le monde à explorer, bien sur, si il y a de place à exploration. Quand les


touristes se presentment, nous, on rentre à l'intérieur et on reste là, la plupart

de temps.

Les gens pensent que personne vit là, mais ce n'est pas vrai.

Nous faire montrez, nous afficher, serait nous condamner à mort, et pourquoi,
sauriez vous pourquoi? La vie est faite de façon que personne, je dit personne
dérange notre existence, notre façon de faire.

Si il y avait une vie de monastère, mais propre a nous, on dirait qu'on

s'habitue à la discipline, qu'elle devienne notre quotidienne, sans dire, c'est

Vivre ou passer une nuit dans nos dortoires exclusivement accessibles à celui
qui est prêt à se transporter dans le temps.

Il serait irresponsable à écrire et à s’exposer d’une façon a laisser a l'autre a

prendre des décisions rapides.Notre servitude ne les laisse pas reposer sur nos

Si, par contre, vous êtes intéressés à joindre nos rangs, vous devrez passer
plusieurs traitements sur les acquis comme:

Comment respirer, comment penser, comment lire, comment dire, voir de

l'autre etc.

IT THING Formatted: Font: 14 pt

She doesn't have corps, therefore, she's moving easier.

She liked the time she spent in Alaska with me, rather than opposite. She Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Not Bold

would always find friends immediately, there, like anywhere, she could listen

crazy wind for hours without resistance. She was growing ananas and
bananas there, everybody wanted it.

She could have been New Yorker, like Alabaman or else any time.

She became soon carpenter apprentice, and I slept away with them.

After she finally found peace and steadiness, she wanted more, icy ones,
rocking the racks. How many of us were, in fact, her?

Trainspotting different part of the world into her own, made her surrounding
change, and invest in whatever was to be found there. Feeding everything
down to Amazon, nobody else had culture of giving.

Je me suis réveillée de L'Oz. C'était vraiment bizarre. During the fiesta I

would time travel and visit some of them, although they don’t want, they are
fine. You have to either go with them or stay away.

Formatted: Font: 14 pt

Va et Viens à Marseille.

Dans un cadre de 50 ans ou plus, y avait plusieurs civilisations de passage Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Not Bold

temporaire par ici. 259 changement de populations, populations qui ne

restaient jamais longtemps. Se perdre dans le néant de leur manière de faire
était plus qu'une aventure. Les vents de l'époque anéantissait la ville. Manque
de contact avec le présent, le monde extérieure était retenu de côtés. Chaque
sortie était chère. Dorénavant, notre maison était grande, n'importe ou on
allait, y avait le monde a aider. Nous, on ne comprenait pas Islam, et tout ce
qui est venu avec, d'un autre côté, il voulait s'approprier les places, les
nomes, tout.

Cependant partout il allait était chez nous.

Les filles ont panique de manquer Karine. Un monde de rêve, quoi?

Conflicting reactions Formatted: Font: 14 pt

Conflicting reactions may occur while the side who is attacking is simply Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Not Bold

insinuating a conflict situation to produce some kind of effect.

That effect may turn either way.

Although we are highlighting it as continuation or feeding a conflict situation,

or resolution on which we may expect some kind of law or lawful premises
based on those cases.

We would say that, while one side is concentrating on one thing, the other
one is pointing to something Else. That may produce an unnecessary conflict
on an unknown subject.

If we change the subject, not concentrating on words, would be more than


Stressing words which are in everyday use wouldn't be good nor helpful.
Either way we have 'one' who is used twice in a sentence.

If you have to survive, ya go that way, conflicts are not the answer.

I didn't need all this, ya, taken for granted more than few times, found myself
being lost in a clinch of other people conflicts.

There are people who found themselves in trouble because of their hyper
popular or hyperactive children.

What I learned on psychiatric and psychological findings is that one that is

talking has advantage on the one that is silent. Also, the one that is

screaming 🔞 has advantage on the silent one. Those are kind of fallacies that
tend to become a standard.

Utter insignificance Formatted: Font: 14 pt

Nonexistence, limousine, the sound faded into nothingness, I became Linda Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Not Bold

rapidly. I want them to take over. On Saturn, a whitish storm erupted in late
2010, grew a tail that circled the entire planet, gave hope to guerrillas.
Stanovi su zakljucani za trua, dementia, I told her s'lovely, they say she was

I didn't have time to think about her, so many wishes, so many desires for
nothing in return. It was significant, however, the flood after her, I didn't
want to encourage them with khmer rouge, but she was not to pitty at all.

I te spasilachke rijechi, fijoke, presude, bilmezi, obitelji.

I went from normal straight to TAO . Formatted: Font: 14 pt

Budizam was something that can bring me home.If you don’t have your
own tree, you may belong to an older one.

You just have to find it. When you find that first one then you try to go
from there. Is there any other? Othervise you go after your leading path or
the most influential one. Then, often, they lose themselves in desert.

I didn't understand a word till they started to read me. I had quick
introduction to such a language and I believe that these souls are left 👈 to
their own direction. Nobody was initiating anything except searching,
asking, demanding in old 👈 garbage bags. Once they establish themselves,
they’ll have their own immigration, places to go, work to do, what else.

Natives weren't to be found either preserving their own stiff way. Nothing
to be found there. So what we are looking for, why can't we do it in our

What really happened, I still don't know.

Who would ever believe that the story begins from the end. Some are born at Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Not Bold

the end 🔞 of the story, and the end 🔞 was not 🔞 funny.

You have people taken by mistake; every day, black and white, we haven't
existed for some mad 🔞 people, too exalted, a la fois, a la fois, was as mad 🔞 as
me, but I kept it in myself, so many things I wouldn't believe, I wouldn't
even wake up for.

She had many issues, the baby 🔞 could go any way, she was a real kid.

You know when you go above and beyond to keep the rhythm, whatever it is,
you lose contact with reality, you are no longer yourself, because it's not 🔞
your natural rhythm, it's no longer you, but you have to follow.

Be my eyes, be my soul when I am not here.

Once when I am gone, you won't even realize, I was there. Find the soul you
have eyes for, find the mind you have feelings for, to remind you how it
should be. Find the comfort in solid things, feel alive in your dreams. Be
home not a tree, be blessed by your needs.

She has no reason to be like that. That's a different state of mind, why she
was like that.

Teacher was there for all our questions, she looked like someone who new
answers to any question possible in this world. Children were shy to ask, not

all of them, some of them were really independent, non settled in their way of
doing, never settled, that was their thing.

Life was breathing somewhere else, shiny, breazy, didn't have to dream
there.When you do something every day, they expect something everyday.

If I knew where was my beginning and where was my end, I would know
how to deal with myself only. Guy doesn't' exist.

Conmariage, confu, contribute, contour,consiste, conbook, convesel, contruth,

concon, confident, con parlor.

Waking up 🔞 from the unknown, my feets felt decomposing. It's 7 15. It's
late, it's too late for some. I told the guy if He stays in my mind, They
probably won't let me go home. I also told him, he can begin a new life and
never know for the existence of the story, It was too long, and too easy for
them to manipulate me. Their game could have been seen from far, and it
remained far, on the other side. Although, there are no familiar faces far,
even for them, they know they are intruding balanced lives, but whatever we
think of them, they are established, more balanced than us.

Formatted: Font: 14 pt

You’re week, like me, you are 👈 me.

If I wake up and forget, I would lose the story, the flood, the wind and the Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Not Bold

ground. Ground, you remember ground, that clean steady quiet pure ground
we tend to fear. Ground give us and ground take us, there is no safer place
than the ground, cold, clean, safe.

My four boys and the girl 🔞, either better or worse, were not prepared to
listen whatsoever, I knew 🔞 life was torturous every day, here in the past,
there in the future, 🔞 was possible only in the present.

Let's talk about desert. He new 🔞 I was his self.

Trained in military, not even knowing, I felt having motherly feelings for

themselves, thus even my own children 🔞 would look for something steadier
than me, exhilarated, lively, crossing 🔞 and battling gravitation, they all have
been long gone.

There were few children 🔞 left, nobody came for, they had house for
themselves, everybody else has already gone.

Government waited for few days there, mingling around, and after a while,
sent a list reasonable person also frightened, to try to establish something like
we have all seen before.

We knew that was a passage, and if we survive this place I’ll be remembered,
taken by custos for a 🔞museum 🔞 story of few different events and time

It would be more than sad 🔞 someone to lose life in the passage after all.

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